Re: [DX-CHAT] Best Practices for DXpedition Operating

2012-12-21 Thread Tom Wylie

Sorry - maybe am missing the point - but what does the subject have to 
do with QRZ.COM?


On 21/12/2012 13:00, WX5L wrote:





*I just did a callsign look-up on and the format is totally 
different.  It’s cluttered and frankly a mess.*

*Anyone elese?*




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Re: [DX-CHAT] call signs

2012-06-20 Thread Tom Wylie

I ALWAYS use my full call and phoenetically.In Scotland we have


so it not uncommon for a wrong callsign to be logged if WE dont give our 
callsigns phoenteically.Basically its a no brainer..

If you want to be in the log,  make sure the DX heard your call loud and 

GM4FDM (Fox Delta Mike)

On 19/06/2012 16:52, JIM Abercrombie wrote:

When calling a station I always give my whole call in phonetics and in the 
report exchange I always use phonetics for my call, I
have worked them all and have them all confirmed as a result of being a ham for 
over 50 years. This problem doesn't exist for CW or
Digital.I have heard nets asking for the last two many times and I have 
listened as they were finally called upon and it was over 10
minutes later and it is illegal to make a transmission and let more than 10 
minutes lapse before giving your ID. You may know who is
talking and they may know you. But the OO's and the FCC may not know who you 
are. Bob Furzur, who wrote Logger 32, would run pileups
from 9K2ZZ and if you gave only your last two he would only acknowledge the 
last two and he would never QSL or log that station.
Because I give my whole call twice during an exchange with the DX, I have gotten 
"not in the log" only once or twice in my 50 plus
years. I was assuming I was working the DX and it turned out to be someone else.
Also, what is this lid remark of "Contact" doing in ham radio? A friend of mine 
was chastized by a couple of lids on 40M ssb for not
calling in the right way by saying "Contact". I cannot find anything in the ARRL's 
operating manual about "Contact". Excuse me for
my attitude this day. I probably will get an adjustment when the XYL comes home.
Jim N4JA

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Is This Old News????? DJ6SI arrested in Greece

2012-06-09 Thread Tom Wylie



On 12/06/2012 15:49, Crownhaven wrote:

Steve, N4JQQ

In what has to be one of the strangest international legal
issues involving a ham radio operator, famed German
DXpedition leader Baldur Drobnica, DJ6SI, has been arrested
in Greece. But in a strange turn of events he was permitted
to return to Germany if he promised that he would come back
to Greece for trial. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom trying to sort it all
Let me start by saying that it is very hard to know what has
really taken place because most of the news sources are
foreign language ham radio blogs and other news reports that
have been electronically translated into English. Also, as
we go to air there comes a purported statement in German
from the person in the center of the controversy, DXer
Baldur Drobnika, DJ6SI. It was posted to by YO4PX
after being translated by DK5KF. As that is the latest
information, lets start there and then take a look at the
rest of the story as it seemed to unfold.
The statement credited to DJ6SI reads as follows:
"June 3rd, 2012, 20:46 (UTC 2)
Dear Michael,
I wasn't charged with espionage. As a reason of my arrest it
was stated that:
1. I performed radio traffic without the approval of the
Greek authorities;
2. I owned transmitting equipment which enabled the
reception of other frequencies;
To the accusation was later added an other point:
I hindered the visualization of the content of my notebook.
I would like to ask you to eliminate the information that I
was arrested for espionage, or to replace it with my
Vy 73 Baldur DJ6SI"
Now, the back story:
According to news reports, 75 year old Baldur Drobnica,
DJ6SI was on holiday on the Greek island of Kos. That's
where he was reportedly taken into custody for the crime of
espionage which was quickly reduced to operating amateur
radio equipment. This, even though both Greece and
Drobnika's home country of Germany are both signatories to
the CEPT pan-European Amateur Radio licensing agreement.
Even so, Greek news reports appear to indicate DJ6SI was
actually arrested under a 1929 Greek law covering illegal
operation of radio telegraph equipment even though the CEPT
agreement would likely superscede the older law.
According to Greek ham radio blogs the accusation of
espionage was based on a complaint that he was "producing
strange noises" with his computer. Those strange noises
turned out to be CW and RTTY. This was corroborated by many
who notice reports of his operation on Internet-based DX
spotting clusters.
Quite quickly the espionage charge appeared to disappear and
the reduced charge under the 1929 law implemented. And in a
strange turn of events, DJ6SI was permitted to return to
Germany but he was told that he must return to Greece to
stand trial on June 7th. That hearing is likely taking
place as this newscast goes to air. But as several Greek
hams have pointed out, DJ6SI would have not been permitted
to leave the country if there were any real case or even a
suspicion that he was engaged in spying activities.
And one Greek ham radio blog took the matter a lot further.
The Radio Amateur Association of Greece issued an angry
statement defending DJ6SI. It claims that the
responsibility for the entire matter should be placed on the
to the shoulders of the officer that ignored laws and
regulations, arrested DJ6SI and led him to court. They also
place blame on the prosecutor who they say was quick to
suggest his conviction based on a law passed in 1927, in
the year 2012.
The hams also point out that radio amateurs have been
complaining for years to the responsible Ministry that
public services and institutions and particularly police
have not been informed properly about ham radio. The
association says that it's the governments duty to inform
all relevant authorities about amateur radio and its
Obviously. This story is far from over.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Spotting Etiquette

2012-06-08 Thread Tom Wylie

I hate it when you get 6 sequential spots saying something like "P5AAA 
tnks QSO 9 bands"

It contains no usefult information to the reader apart from
"My dog's bigger than your dog"!


On 08/06/2012 01:49, Gary K9GS wrote:

Yes Barry!

Kinda along the same lines are people that use the comments field to 
"talk" to the DX station.

On 6/7/2012 7:01 PM, Barry wrote:


Even better is a spot asking a DXped to QSY to another band/mode.  We 
all know they monitor the Cluster and respond immediately to such 
requests, NOT.

Barry W2UP

On 6/7/2012 10:35 AM, GERRY wrote:

Spotting etiquette has bugged me for a long time so I thought I'd vent.
I really don't understand why some folks want to tell us that they 
can't hear the DX where they are. I thought the purpose of DX 
SPOTTING was to tell us where (and by whom) the DX IS being heard. 
Imagine the traffic if everyone who didn't hear the DX reported it.
I have my program set to tell me when the DX is being heard in NA 
and it's darn annoying to get an alarm and highlight from someone in 
BC (I use BC as an example not to offend other NA non-spotters) 
telling us he also can't hear the DX.

73, Gerry VE6LB/VA6XDX
VE6 QSL Bureau Team
DXCC Field Checker 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards and Tom's yardstick

2012-06-06 Thread Tom Wylie

Well precisely Dave - I mean if you have sufficient operators, with 
sufficient kit and they stay there a long time, it stands to reason they 
are going to
break records - my dog';s bigger than your dog! etc. But, it depends 
upon the obectives of the expedition.If like T32C you want to get 
through the layers
of big guns, down to the QRP and dipoles and G5RVs, then you have to be 
operating 24/7 with a lot of stations and stay for a good while.   There 
are too many
variables.In the Carribean you are close to the USA and can keep the 
number up on any band,  likewith I guess 7O6T was close to Europe, with 
a big
catchment area. Some of the Pacific Islands are great for Japan and 
the West Coast USA, but perhaps less so for Europe..

But, to me, actual numbers are pretty meaningless.  I mean, if I go 
to Banaba on my own for 5 days and make 1,000 Qs per day = 5,000 QSOs,   
would that
in the greater scheme of things be a good efort  1,000 Qs per 
operator per day   or would it be lost in the annals of time as a small 
insignificant operation.

I would expect to make that number of QSOs per day (at least) during CQWW.

By the way,  its time Banaba was done again.

:-) Tom

On 06/06/2012 09:40, DAVE WHITE wrote:

Hi think that's a great way of looking at things, Tom
I thought that the 7O6T guys did an amazing job before I saw your 
analysis, but I guess that figure really hammers home quite how 
incredible their QSO rate was.  I bet they slept for a week when they 
got home.
I suppose the counter argument to judging a DXpedition simply by 
number of QSOs is - as others have suggested - where those QSOs came 
from, hence the point from our friends across the Atlantic that the 
7O6T team apparently didn't look to maximise band openings to North 
America (and elsewhere) - whereas Neville G3NUG told me that working 
the hard-to-work paths was specifically a goal of T32C, possibly 
partly (along with other factors) explaining the lower QSO rate
As you say, it all depends on the objectives of the Dxpedition and as 
Benjamin Disraeli alluded, interpretation of statistics can be dangerous

Dave G0OIL

- Original Message -----
    *From:* Tom Wylie <>
*To:* <>
*Cc:* NJDXA DX Chat <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, June 05, 2012 8:17 PM
*Subject:* Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?

One of my personal yardstick of the "goodness" of an expedition is
NOT the total number of QSOs made
as that depends entirely on the number of operators, stations and
the duration
but I like to look at the TOTAL QSOs made by the NUMBER of
OPERATORS and the NUMBER of DAYS taken into account


CallTotal QSOs  No of Operators No of Days  No
of QSOs made per operator per day

HK0NA   1952922727   

7O6T1620291715 *635*

I guess it all depends on the objectives of the expedition

work uniques??
work down to the third and fourth tier?
max out the QSOs?

etc etc.

Its just my way of looking and comparing things


On 05/06/2012 19:54, Paul M Dunphy wrote:

G7VJR's point of view (ClubLog creator and T32C participant):

73, Paul VE1DX

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?

2012-06-05 Thread Tom Wylie

One of my personal yardstick of the "goodness" of an expedition is NOT 
the total number of QSOs made
as that depends entirely on the number of operators, stations and the 
but I like to look at the TOTAL QSOs made by the NUMBER of OPERATORS and 
the NUMBER of DAYS taken into account


CallTotal QSOs  No of Operators No of Days  No of 
QSOs made per operator per day

HK0NA   1952922727267
7O6T1620291715 *635*

I guess it all depends on the objectives of the expedition

work uniques??
work down to the third and fourth tier?
max out the QSOs?

etc etc.

Its just my way of looking and comparing things


On 05/06/2012 19:54, Paul M Dunphy wrote:

G7VJR's point of view (ClubLog creator and T32C participant):

73, Paul VE1DX

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2012-05-21 Thread Tom Wylie

Isn't the sea full of red herrings just now.   Its you're choice whether 
or not you buy a book.If I want to keep my
No 1 Honor Roll, then I need confirmation of a QSO.I have two 
choices - wait for 1 year on an LOTW upload, or send OQRS $5
for a card I dont want and then have to find a field checker and send a 
paper claim to ARRL.   I thought this was

supposed to be the electronic age.


On 21/05/2012 13:18, Don Greenbaum wrote:


Does that include writing books about your dxpeditions and then 
selling those books?  I wonder where the profits of my purchase of "up 
2" went?   Maybe I should have demanded my copy for free.


At 01:17 PM 5/20/2012, ragnar otterstad wrote:

Hello Don

I dont know more than what I read, but I am sure you will put 
everything in perspective.   We are an who look forward to that.

Perhaps it yet again all boils down to the old  trans-atlantic 
cultural divide. QSLing habits, charitable donations, 
commercialisation are all different in USA than anywhere else in the 

73  Rag   LA5HE

Well do you know the context of the sentence being quoted?

Or the fact that I was referring to a study of over 20 dxpeditions 
including one that uploaded within a week of the end of operations?

You will note the phrase uploading early is not in the sentence you 
quoted me as saying.  I was asked about a six month upload timeframe.

I think you might ask someone for some Clarification of his remarks 
before publicly questioning what he does or does not know.

Don N1DG

On May 20, 2012, at 7:37 AM, ragnar otterstad <>> wrote:

How would N1DG know that income immediately dries up when uploading 
early to LoTW? He has never tried it!
Tom is right: it makes no difference to anything, in my experience 

73 de Roger/G3SXW.

From: Tom Wylie
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 12:06 PM
To: Trevor Dunne
Cc: Roger Western ; <>
Subject: Re: [CDXC] 3C6A and 3C0E

Doesn't sound exactly right to me, becuase according to the ARRL there
are only 50,000 users of LOTW many of whom are unactive or historical
logs. Sounds like a lot of hoo hah to me to try to justify their
position, and can be considered a red herring.

In my experience of meing a QSL Manager and on going on expeditions
myself, those who want a paper card, will STILL want a paper card no
matter the state of LOTW. I have no noticed any visible change in the
number of direct requests 1 year after my last trip to Senegal, when I
uploaded the logs to LOTW each day. I am still receiving
hundreds via the buro in addition.


On 20/05/2012 12:01, Trevor Dunne wrote:
> Seen this intresting tweet from one of the DX dinners at Dayton last
> night it was a talk on DXpedition funding,
> 19/05/2012 20:10
> Great discussion about #DXpedition funding! N1DG: âEUR?The minute 
the LOTW

> upload happens, you might as well close the bank account.âEUR?
> Goes against the general feeling posted here,
> Trevor

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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In the

[DX-CHAT] Expedition Funding

2012-05-21 Thread Tom Wylie

I think some of us are getting confused over the topic of Expedition 
Funding.   I'm sure

there is much data out there concerning it.

I can remember years ago when the major expeditions were expected to 
provide accounts to show
how the money raised was spent and we (the punters) could clearly see 
the costs involved in
running such an expedition, clearly see if a loss was made, how much the 
operators would have to contribute
to square the books (so we could put our hands in our pockets and to 
offer to help out), or if a profit

was made, how the excess funds were distributed.

Applications for funding arrived, with some form of budget in mind and 
some idea of the overall costs of the expedition.

Now it seems that we get a small paragraph telling us that a group of 
people are forming an expedition to go to a
particular place and more or less it is our duty to provide the funds to 
enable them to go there.More often than
not there is no financial plan nor any even rough approximation of how 
much the expedition is likely to cost.
This leaves groups in the position of having to decide on funding based 
on the rarity of the country (and that is arguable
depending upon which Country you actually live in) viz:  what is rare to 
us in Scotland may note be rare in California
nor Japan, and vice versa,  and in the list op operators if provided, so 
that we may also take operator experience into
account.   I am not particularly happy with this as rookie operators 
have to learn,  and the larger expeditions should be
taking rookie operators so that they may gain experience of th sharp end 
and thus provide a constant source of experienced

new operators.

Being a member of the GMDX Group Committee I know the volume of requests 
for funding we receive and more particularly
those we DO NOT receive.It's even been suggested to me that it is 
our responsibility to approach expeditions and offer
them funding.I just wish that we had the money to do that, but in 
Scotland in particular we are a small Group and our
funds are limited.   Therefore we have to make a judgement in which 
groups we support and which groups we cannot.
Personally, when you look at our logo on some of the QSL cards, I think 
we punch well above our weight.

However, to get back to the point.There are different types of 
expeditions.   (1) We have the tents and generator expeditions
where additional arrangements must be made for travel especially if it's 
also an Island.

(2) We have the fly in - fly out expeditions, where the operators live 
in a hotel or other permanent building complete
with 24 hour electricity supply and finally we have  (3) the 
"holiday" type expeditions, when someone announces they are going to
Bora Bora for 2 weeks, and they are taking a rig with them and expect to 
be on the air for a few hours each day.

(3) Is outwith the bounds of my discussion as personally I dont think I 
want to pay for someone's holidays no matter the rarity
of the location.   Most people go on holiday in the summer when 
propagation on 160/80 and 40 meters is low or non existant.

Option No 2 is interesting.If someone can afford to go to a DXy 
location and pay their air fares and hotel accomodation,
then what exactly is the funding for? Maybe its to ship a large 
antenna for the low bands or to ship a big amplifier which
cannot be accomodated on an aircraft.   Then that may be a credible 
reason to seek funding for a particular aspect of the
expedition.   I appreciate we are not all millionaires.   Therefore if a 
group were to apply for funding in circumstances
like Number 2, then in my humble opinion, they should clearly state what 
the funding is actually for and the plan of action
to justify such a request.More often than not, we get a simple 
request, "we are going to ** please send us money"!

Scenario Number 1 is where we shopuld concentrate our refforts and 
provide the major funding as these expeditions by their nature
require the largest amount of funds.   However, I feel that it is 
incumbant upon the expedition leaders to provide a financial
plan to prospective sponsors, much as they provide us with a frequency 
plan, propagation plan etc etc.   It seems that some
expedition surround their financial plan with much secrecy to the extent 
of (on occasion) telling me that its none of my business
but on the other hand expecting me to send them dollars.   Having been 
part of a major expedition (tents and generator) I know that
often its difficult to assess actual expenditure but my point is that 
there should be a financial plan in place.


_What happens if the boat sinks and most of the equipment is 
destroyed?What happens if there is a lightning stike and equipment is
taken out,   what happens if there is a major fire, flood, earthquake, 
tsunami?? you get the picture.   You can plan
to make 200,000 

Re: [DX-CHAT] FW: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

2011-07-27 Thread tom wylie

I dont count myself as a top notch DXer, but I have been on a few 
expeditions including the last major trip to Banaba T33C in 2004.
I have never resorted to calling by numbers as I feel that this is the 
least fair way of doing things.When doing the numbers, WHY do we 
always start at ONE?   Then we argue how many ONEs before going on to 
TWOs.Maybe in the USA where all the numbers are represented is is 
OK, but for example here in Scotland / UK, we dont have any G or GM9s, 
very few G/GM2s (very old timers) the 1s and the 5s are generally lower 
class licenses or people who have chosen not to upgrade (not all 
incidentally) so when they run the numbers in Europe, we are at a strong 
disadvantage and when for example they call for the 4s, they may only 
take 10 or 15, and there are a lot of EA4s, F4, I4s, DL4s, etc in 
addition to the UK.   By the time we get a go, propagation has gone.

If you really have to thin out the pile, then working by continents is 
best - you guys must know the propagation difference between W1 (a real 
one) and a W6 (again a real one).  Its the same in Europe where the SVs, 
9As, IK)s, have much different propagation from us up here in the frozen 
north.   It is every bit as frustrating for us up here when the DX 
operator is not in charge of the pile up but the pile up is in charge of 
the DX operator.

Really its an experience thing, and whilst we all have to learn, a major 
expedition is, in my humble opinion, not the correct time for a novice 
operator to learn the ropes.

T33C, T33TW, 3D2DM, V8FDM, TY9TW, VP8SDX et all.

On 26/07/2011 23:03, Dave Gomberg wrote:

At 14:20 7/26/2011, john wrote: the numbers is great, if you take 5 min of 1's , 5, of 
2's , etc.

That rarely happens, and indeed it sucks if you're not in 1 or 2 land.

To make numbers work, use a random starting number, 0-9

That however is what makes the hunt so interesting...and frustrating 

John K5MO

At 04:00 PM 7/26/2011, Gary Wilburn wrote:

Forwarded from Wayne's post in dx-news

Great words of wisdom Wayne that I wish more Dx Pedition operators 
would follow.  By the numbers is great if your in 1 land ­ not so 
great for the guy in 0 (zero) land. Many times by the time the DX 
gets to zero land band conditions have changed. Sometimes you hear 
them begin with zero but not very often. Continents and parts of 
continents (west, east, central regions or coasts would make better 
QSO rates especially if timed with peaked propagation openings.  73, 
Gary W8VI


A DXpedition operator who says "JA Only" and complains about calls 
by others in Asia is an inexperienced DXpedition operator. 
Generally, "JA" means "Asia." Further, working strictly by counties 
is simply not acceptable. Most of us who have tried it won't ever do 
it again. Numbers don't work, either. Working continents (with 
flexibility) is the most effective, if you HAVE to subdivide the 
pileup. There are a number of other equitable ways, as well.

73, Wayne, N7NG
Jackson, Wyoming

From: [] On Behalf Of BILL KIRK
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

I agree with Michail. Seldom, if ever, does the DXpedition call for 
RA's, UA's, etc. Maybe the DXpeditions want to take notice.

73, Bill   NJ1X

From: M.Vasiliev 
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-NEWS] DXpedition calling practices

Hello Charles,
Here, in UA9, from every DX-pedition we always can hear
"onlly EU" and "only JA" and sometimes we even have no chance to 
work this

DX in time of good propagation
"UA9 -You are not EU!". "UA9 -You are not JA!"
Something like this :(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011, 9:28:48 AM, you wrote:
CH> When a DXpedition chooses to call BY COUNTRY, such as "only
CH> JA," it is no surprise that they never call "only HS,"  but by
CH> calling "only EU" etc, little old me in Thailand gets left
CH> out--like VU, SEAsia, and China as well as CENTRAL America.  There
CH> are hams in these ignored areas of the world who do not like to
CH> try to break the "JA only" announcement, but have no choice.  But
CH> it is no fun to call, as I just did, for 4 hours (ST0R) while the
CH> op ran "JA only" and twice made the mistake of sending "HS" and
CH> then correcting himself--he heard me, hi hi.
CH> Note, my K4VUD email has been hacked.  73, Charly HS0ZCW

Best regards,
M.Vasiliev  - R9AB  -  ICQ 8636160

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Re: [DX-CHAT] If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it still a country?

2010-12-08 Thread Tom Wylie

Cor,  if its still a country can we ressurrect Atlantis??


On 08/12/2010 13:18, Don Berger wrote:

There isn't one factual statement in the message below nor has it 
anything to do with DX, ham radio, electronics, etc. Does anyone 
filter this crap?

- Original Message - From: "Doug" 
To: ; "'DX CHAT'" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 1:32 AM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it still 
a country?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion.  In my opinion the
United States of America can do essentially nothing to effect
climate change/global warming.  Haven't you heard ... this
supposed global warming caused my man made CO2 emissions is a
scam.  I repeat ... scam, fraud.  Man made emissions effect on
climate change is a paltry 0.25%.  Besides, India and China
are the big polluters.  Ignorance can be fixed, but you can't
fix stupid.


"Those Island days are always on my mind,
Someday soon I leave it all behind"

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Jim Reisert AD1C
Sent: December 7, 2010 6:26 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it
still a country?

Editorial (New York Times)
The Urgent Islands
Published: August 29, 2010

If a country sinks beneath the sea, is it still a country?
That is a
question about which the Republic of the Marshall Islands - a
Micronesian nation of 29 low-lying coral atolls - is now
expert legal advice. It is also a question the United States
might ask itself the next time it refuses to deal with climate

According to the world's leading scientists, sea-level rise is
one of
the greatest dangers of global warming, threatening not only
but coastal cities like New Orleans and even entire countries

In 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
predicted a 20-inch sea-level rise by the end of this century
current trends were not reversed. Because of various
its calculations excluded the melting of the Greenland and
Antarctica ice sheets. Some academic studies have suggested
that rises
of four to seven feet are not out of the question.

Officials in the Marshall Islands - where a 20-inch rise would
at least one atoll - are not only thinking about the
possibility of
having to move entire populations but are entertaining even
existential questions: If its people have to abandon the
islands, what
citizenship can they claim? Will the country still have a seat
at the
United Nations? Who owns its fishing rights and offshore

Jim Reisert AD1C, ,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Warning-Get Ready

2010-06-16 Thread tom wylie

What - only Britain?  Thats not fair..


Bill Hawkins wrote:


  Nasa warns solar flares from 'huge space storm' will cause devastation

Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without
critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the
earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”, Nasa has warned.

*Senior space agency scientists believe the Earth will be hit with 
unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun 
wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013. *
Read the whole story here 

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I am fully aware that my youth has been spent
That my get up and go - has got up and went
But I really dont mind when I think with a grin
of all the great places my "get up" has been!

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Most memorable QSO

2009-02-12 Thread Tom Wylie
Yea - memorable can mean a lot of things to different people.   I never 
did manage to work JY1 but I did have a QSO with EA0JC...

However, my most memorable QSO which in the greater scheme of things is 
pretty insignificant was a QSO with a VK8 station and a P29 station way 
back about 2 sunspot maximums ago.   They were chatting to each other on 
10m and as they were closing I chucked my call in and they came back to 
me.The VK8 was running a converted CB set running 4 watts to a 
mobile whip antenna and the P29 was running a similar TXR (a Midland 
from memory) into a Partridge Joystick Antenna.

Some of us Brits might remember the Joystick - for those who dont it was 
like a broom handle wire wire coiled around it and tapped.

The Antenna was on the ground leaning against the wall of his hut!   
Like me, both guys were astounded at the length and quality of out QSO.

That to me is what makes the hobby worthwhile.   That is DX, not just 
the rubber stamp 5NN with K5D (I hope) hihi.

de Tom

Kelly Jones wrote:

Hi Guys -

I was thumbing through an old box of QSL cards the other day and
reminiscing about some of the QSOs that where in there.  It's pretty
amazing how we can look at a QSL card and it brings back the memories of
working that station.

I thought it might be interesting to wrap this into a future column of
WorldRadio.  If you have a memorable DX QSO, I'd like to hear about it.
What made it memorable for you?  Did you sit in the pileups for hours?
Did you happen to catch a rare DX station CQing before he was spotted?
Did you work somebody famous (JY1 comes to mind).  Anything that sets
the QSO apart from others is what I'd like to hear about.  And if you
happen to have a QSL card for the contact, it would be icing on the cake
if you could forward that as well.

For those that are not aware, WorldRadio magazine was sold to CQ this
past November.  With the sale, WR was transformed into an online
magazine and is now free to anyone.  The first online issue was
"published" about a week ago and can be found here:

See you in the pileups!
Kelly - N0VD
WorldRadio DX Columnist

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So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his
name, it's P something T something R.

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

2009-01-29 Thread Tom Wylie
Thats why God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth - so we can listen twice as 
much as we talk...


Larry Van Horn wrote:
As a little pistol, who works some good DX from time to time, I find 
the biggest problem is that those who appear to act like idiots when 
DX appears, simply aren't "listening." They have a microphone in their 
hands that they paid for and they plan on using it by God, and the 
rest of us be damned. It is their goal to be one of the early ones to 
claim victory over the rest of us.

My motto has always been listen-listen-listen and it gives me a major 
edge over the mob. And I have no fear giving out my secret because 
most don't care. They want the hammer down regardless.

I find it pretty sick to hear someone say thanks for the second or 
third contact with this mode and band, and I am still trying to work 
them the first time ever. Funny thing is it seems to be the same 
pinheads over and over. And no one nationality has a monopoly on this 
bad behavior. Their is just a group who are lewd, crude and socially 
unacceptable. It is a fact of life we have to deal with. I have 
learned where the tuning knob is and when it gets to bad, the on/off 
button is.

The best part of it all, I hear their callsigns and I can determine 
first hand who the DX idiot are. They are the ones I won't have a qso 
with or hand out a contest contact. I just love it all when a plan 
comes together.

At birth, you were given two ears and one mouth. What does that say 
you should do more of. I am looking foward to Descheo and I am sure 
more calls will make my personal hall of shame.


Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
Brasstown, NC USA
Monitoring Times magazine
Assistant/Review Editor

- Original Message - From: 
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

I am not sure the lack of enough understanding of English is the main 
factor. It is a logical fact to DO NOT shout your callsign (or even 
just your suffix) when a QSO is already in progress or when another 
suffix is asked. It is a nonsense and an egocentric behavior. I think 
the international alphabet is clear enough to avoid these kind of 
confusions by anyone from any country. I would not call if I hear from 
the DX "Alpha Sierra, go ahead", even if my name is ending by "AS"... 
Another part of the problem could be a culture difference (and the 
latin culture might have these significative differences: << me and 
what peoples would think about me and about my "power", first... >> 
(...let's worry about the others later).

And to reply to another comment, this "problem" has nothing to do with 
this particular coming KP5 operation but is simply redundant with most 
of the rare DXpeditions.

73 de Nicolas F5FRM (a french/spanish latin one :-)

- Mail Original -
De: "ragnar otterstad" 
Envoyé: Lundi 26 Janvier 2009 18:57:41 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / 
Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne

Objet: [DX-CHAT] Descheo Island

I can see right now what's going to happen when they
work Europe:

When the operator says quite clearly for the fifth time
"Golf Nine Alpha Alpha Alpha five and nine", all
the Italians will keep shouting their last two for ten
minutes solid on the G9's frequency, overmodulating
their 3kW amplifiers and without pausing for
breath..even if they are in the log twelve times

Unfortunately, I think you are right.  Part of the problem is lack of 
proper understanding of English, which applies to all the latin 
countries, where films are dubbed. Up here, we have subtitles, so 
people get language lessons without even knowing it !!

These guys are all pretty good operators and you'll
have propagation akin to a telephone line on most bands
nearly 24 hours per day from where you live. Don't
bother takin the time off work during the first week when
the big guns will slug it out toe to toe, but you'll
make it in the log easily enough during the second week.
If you wait till the band's closed to Italy,
anyway."Whiskey eight Tango Alpha Hotel five and

If you're like me you concentrate on CW where there are
fewer muppets

There are some rotten apples even on CW these days , I am sorry to say 
!This applies in particular to some Eastern -Europeans countries and 

If they work split, which I am sure they will, things get easier when 
you have experienced operators at the DX-end.  F ex I rarely have to 
make more that 2-3 calls to get a qso when f ex DL3DXX, G3SXW and 
others like them
are at the DX-end-  Even when the signals are marginal, which they 
often are up here in the North !

73  rag  LA5HE

Alt i ett. Få Yahoo! Mail med adressekartotek, kalender og



2008-08-15 Thread Tom Wylie
Thanks to all who responded - I now have the info I require - its just 
an age thing!!!

73 to all


Gerry Hohn wrote:



DXCC Field Checker-Southern Alberta
VE/VA6 QSL Bureau Team
(403) 251-0384

- Original Message - From: "Tom Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "DX-CHAT" 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 1:22 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] LOTW

Sometime back somebody posted a message about how to retrieve logs 
from LOTW by sending them

some form of request - I cant remember...

Anybody here have any info?


So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his
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So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his
name, it's P something T something R.

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2008-08-14 Thread Tom Wylie
Sometime back somebody posted a message about how to retrieve logs from 
LOTW by sending them

some form of request - I cant remember...

Anybody here have any info?


So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his
name, it's P something T something R.

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[DX-CHAT] PSK is a terrible mode

2008-04-05 Thread Tom Wylie
or perhaps I should say that some of the people 
who operate it are very poor operators.

It does not happen to the same extent on ssb or 
CW, but on PSK i find that even simple manners 
seem to have gone out of the window.

I call CQ DX outside of Europe yet get bombarded 
with European Calls, drowning out the DX.   This 
morning I managed to work several JAs and a ZL, 
but on each occasion half way through my QSO 
several European stations butted in and began to 
call the DX station oblivious of the fact that

(a)  My QSO was not complete and
(b)  If they listened they would find out it was
 ME calling the DX and not the other way

At the conclusion of each QSO several stations 
continued to call the DX station even after he had 
obviously QSYd on completion.

Is this normal behaviour on PSK?   I hope not as 
it will be the end for me - back to RTTY. 
Instead of having a nice morning working some DX, 
I found my blood pressure rising.

de Tom

So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. 
I can't remember his

name, it's P something T something R.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 080404-0, 04/04/2008
Tested on: 05/04/2008 11:48:11
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Re: [DX-CHAT] "Country" definition ...

2008-04-01 Thread Tom Wylie
Whilst not wanting get embroiled in a is it or isn't it situation - I'd 
venture to suggest it does need a look at. 
In NO way, shape or form is Scarborough Reef an entity.   It is a rock, 
or to be more specific a collection of rocks.

There are many others out there too that need some closer scrutiny.

Mount Athos - what happens when Monk Appollo has gone?   Is it erased or 
do we hope (forever) another Monk takes up the hobby?   Why is a closed 
entity still on the list???

We could go on and on.


David Rollitt wrote:

Hey Joe,

Nope, don't like it, I've been chasing DXCC since 1969, almost 40 years and
I vote with ARRL and the way they do things.
I know strictly I don't get to vote, being a G but they make it interesting.
I love the DXCC and thanks to the  ARRL for giving me something
to chase.
David G3XYP (worked em all one mode or another - but not em all on all

You can please some of the dx-ers all of the time, and all of the dx-ers
some of the time, but you cannot please  all of the dx-ers all of the time.
Abe Lincoln said that, or was it Bob Dylan, I'm getting too old!

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:37 PM
Subject: *** SPAM *** [DX-CHAT] "Country" definition ...


Does anyone else think it is time to update the DXCC criteria to
specify a combination of the US Department of State "Independent
States in the World" list
plus the list of "Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty"

The two lists plus the minimum separation standards are a rather
clear and objective criteria for "political entities."


   ... Joe, W4TV

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So I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his
name, it's P something T something R.

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2008-02-11 Thread Tom Wylie
You can find a picture of the operators including the YL who 
has been on 20mssb  at:

73 de Tom

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[DX-CHAT] Re: Ungrateful

2008-02-11 Thread Tom Wylie

This is one of my pet subjects.   How I hate it when all you 
ARMCHAIR DXERS criticise others who are out there busting a 
gut so that YOU can tick a box on 80m or RTTY or whatever. 
 Why don't you put you're destructive thoughts to better 
use.   The next time they are looking for volunteers for an 
expedition to a remote, stinking, hot-as-hell, flea ridden, 
un-populated with no drinking water - Island, WHY DON'T YOU 
VOLUNTEER TO GO and demonstrate to us that you are such an 
expert in all things pertaining to an expedition.

Its not uncommon in the first two or three days of an 
expedition for everybody to be exhausted by the heat, 
antenna erection, lack of proper food and water (due to the 
effort and time required to construct antennas), yet, there 
are people who love radio and expeditioning so much that 
even at the end of the working day, will spend a couple of 
hours on the radio just to give the deserving (AND THAT'S 
YOU BY THE WAY) the opportunity to have a QSO, even though 
they should actually be in bed, preparing the the next day's 
work.   They may not be at their best as they become 
acclimatised to the heat and humidity, unlike YOU who sits 
in their air conditioned shack, sipping an ice cold beer and 
grumbling, about the state of the dollar, your sore back, 
the fact that you have to get up at 4am to make a contact on 
160m, the fact that the operator at the other end is a 
little unskilled etc etc.   How easy it is for you to sit 
anonymously behind a keyboard and spill your stupid thoughts 
to anybody who will listen.

Everybody has to go on an expedition at some point FOR THE 
FIRST TIME.Being at the DX end it a totally different 
experience from sittin at home.   I know lots of good CW 
operators, who will never run a pileup nor be a good contest 
operator but can sit and rag chew at 35wpm, read the 
newspaper, talk to their wife and watch TV at the same time. 
  Its a different skillset and one that can only be learned 
by doing and listening to the other operators in the 

There may too, be a language difficulty.   Many people who 
go on expeditions, may not have English as their first 
language.   It seems to me that sometimes even Americans 
don't have English as their first language.

Yes there are a lot of problems planning, organizing and 
carrying out an expedition.   We don't get it right first 
time, all of the time.   Sometimes it takes just a small 
thing to go wrong for the wheel to come off the cart.   I 
remember as a school kid being told a Moral of the battle 
that was lost because a horse lost a nail out of its shoe.
Some operators will always be more skilled than others, as 
are football and baseball stars, but according to MY ham 
radio licence, I am taking part in a learning process where 
I am self taught.

Someone in an earlier message suggested that you should have 
a "banned" list.   I can tell you now, that there are 
several callsigns IN MY HEAD which I will never work when 
taking part in an expedition.   They can call me till they 
are blue in the face but will never get a QSO from me.

I suspect that many of the contributers to this list are 
also the "policemen" of the bands,  the guys who sit and 
shout, UP UP UP, split, split, split, and other equally 
un-required and unhelpful remarks, and who cause more QRM 
than the guy who has simply pressed the wrong button or 
forgotten to press the right button, but will eventually fix 
his problem.

So gentlemen if you have nothing sensible to say then better 
you say nothing.   Better to be thought a fool than open 
your mouth and confirm it.

Just a final comment.   When I was on T33C, we had TWO 
operators who were 70 years of age.   One has since been to 
BS7H and he is currently on Cocos.

73 de Tom
GM4FDM  (T33C, VP8SDX, OY7TW, TY4TW, V8FDM, GJ4FDM) to name 
but a few.

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[DX-CHAT] DXCC et all

2008-01-12 Thread Tom Wylie

I note all the whining over the FJ expedition and QSL cards.

I hope that all those submitting their FJ card(s) to keep 
them on Honor Roll No 1 or whatever, will NOT be processed 
before MY application which has been outstanding since 4 

Applications should be dealt with in strict rotation without 
favor shown to those and such as those!

ARRL - please assure me that this will be so, and I will not 
have to wait another month till all the egos have been filled.


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2008-01-07 Thread Tom Wylie
On returning from my expedition to Jersey I found that a 
Hungarian amateur has "updated"  QRZ.COM with GJ4FDM 

As he has done so I cannot now edit the information as it 
will not permit me.

Why can a station upload information for a station he has 
nothing to do with?   He was not authorised to make such an 
upload nor did he ask permission to do so?


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Re: [DX-CHAT] DXpedition radios

2007-09-24 Thread Tom Wylie
When we went to T33C (Banaba) we use exclusively the Elecraft K2.The 
resuklts speak for themselves.I believe the Voodoo Contest Group now 
use the Elecraft K2.

Its light and portable.  Has nice filters and does everything that you 
would want an expedition radio to do.   Last year we used three from TY 
(Benin) and made some 30,000 QSOs including RTTY.

Borrow one try it and see for yourself.   Now the K3 is coming out the 
K2 will be a very cheap expedition radio/


Duane, WV2B wrote:

Hi Folks,

Seems the 706 gets the worst reviews, and the data on the elecraft web 
page concurs. This is valuable info as we were considering a 706 as 
the 6 meter/beacon rig, but sounds like it is not a very good choice.

The K3 was recommended often, but no one mentioned any actual 
experience, but the data looks the best. We will likely have at least 
one K3, as one op mentioned possibly purchasing one for the trip, but 
yes, they are expensive, especially if you get into the ATU and other 

The other choice seems to be the IC-7000. I know this has been used by 
several major expeditions. Cheaper than the K3, and hopefully not with 
the same troubles as the 706.

No mention of any Kenwoods, other than a big negative on the TS-50. So 
not sure how the 570/480 class rank, but certainly not as good as the K3.

There are probably other larger radios better suited, but weight 
limitations make the 8 lb class radios the ones of choice.

Thanks for the input.

Duane, WV2B 

"The reward of a thing well done is to have done it."- 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2007-09-01 Thread Tom Wylie

Anybody know if this was accepted for DXCC   September 87??


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[Fwd: Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O]

2007-08-11 Thread Tom Wylie

Forwarded at the request of John  N7TK...

The thrust of my message was that who are we to prejudge anyone BEFORE 
and operation takes place?   We cannot and should not compare this 
operation to any previous ones.   Let us wait till the operation takes 
place, and await the decision of ARRL as to whether the documentation 
submitted is sufficient for their requirements.   No body is forced to 
approach the ARRL BEFORE an operation to seek accrediation.If I were 
lucky enough to get the opportunity to go to Yemen,  I would tell NOBODY 
and just start operating.   Then worry about the accreditation when I 
got home.We are fortunate to live in countires which give out nice 
printed documents with the name LICENSE at the top.   There are a lot of 
countries out there which don't, so we have to live with that and 
examine any written documentation upon return.   Some places, you just 
go to the local post office, pay your money and select your own 
call-signthey give you a piece of paper which says at the top - License.


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O
Date:   Sat, 11 Aug 2007 16:42:43 +

I will answer this and hope to answer other comments and questions, as I 
am the one who started this thread. The pursuit of the "Top of the DXCC 
List" involves 1/2  or better of one's life, many thousands of hours, 
and many thousands of $. When you see 2 recent operations in 7O fail to 
get DXCC certification, I think we all have a right to know why that 
happened. I started all of this with an open letter on DXCAT to Bill 
Moore because I assumed I was not the only one wondering why so many 7O 
operations fail to get DXCC acceptance. I was hoping that the 7O/G4HCL 
operation would not just end up being another one of these.

I have no issues with Bill and he has always answered every question I 
have ever asked him in a courteous and thorough manner. Bill answered 
my email in the same manner and allowed me to publish it to the DXCHAT 
list as long as it wasn't edited which is what I did. I also have no 
issues with G4HCL and applaud his willingness to haul gear with him and 
activate a station during a business trip. 

A 7O operation of any kind is going to get a lot of attention as most of 
us need it. Bill told me (and the rest of us) that the DXCC requirements 
for accreditation of operating at any entity are published for everyone 
to read. That being the case, one has to assume that G4HCL has read this 
and knows what is required. He says he has permission to operate in a 
"supervised" manner, whatever that means. Whether he is able to get the 
paperwork required to get DXCC certification remains to be seen. I would 
bet that he also knows why the 7O1YGF and 7O1A operations failed to get 
certified and will try to not repeat those mistakes.

There is no requirement for G4HCL to contact DXCC prior to an operation, 
and apparently he did not.  Bill said he tried to contact him via email 
and failed to get an answer back. Nothing should be read into that 
either. It tells me that Bill is trying to help the operation be a 
success. I wish G4HCL luck in his travels and radio operations, and hope 
that it ends up getting DXCC certification (assuming he will apply for 
it). Sounds like he intends to do so.

Considering the sacrifices and time we put into this pursuit, I think we 
all have a right to want to know why the previous operations did not get 
certified,  want to know why that happened, and  want to understand the 
DXCC system well enough to know how the rules are established and what 
is required to get certifed. That is all I was trying to do, and made it 
an open request to benefit others who might have the same questions. 
There are many of us, and I have no regrets for having done this. For 
anything like this, there will be many pro and con positions and we have 
seen a few of these posted. That is what is healthy about open 
discussions like this as we all learn something from it.

I am a little unhappy that I have cards from both 7O1A and 7O1YGF that I 
expected to get DXCC credit for, and that didn't happen. I don't know 
who to blame that on. It is probably not DXCC's fault, but then you can 
get into the argument about how flexible the system should be in these 
situations. In a country like Yemen, I am sure you don't just get 
through customs and set up an operate a radio station without some kind 
of permission. Let's hope this one ends up getting DXCC certification. 
Whether I cancel my vacation plans or not has nothing to do with this. 
That is my personal choice, and I likely will be there with the rest of 
you chasing a contact with G4HCL in the log.


John Owens  -  N7TK

   -- Original message --
   From: Tom Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Why don't you a

Re: [DX-CHAT] 7O

2007-08-10 Thread Tom Wylie
Why don't you all just get off the guy's case.   Yemen is a difficult 
place well know that.   We also know you can't just step off a plane 
with ham radio gear and start transmitting or you land in jail or worse.

Why don't you just work the guy or don't work the guy - your choice, 
then wait and see what happens.   Who can tell what document(s) he might 
or might not have.   Primarily he is a businessman going there on 
business, and will try to get some ham radio in when he has the time.   
If you are so convinced without even knowing the guy,  or the facts, 
that the operation won't count - then - just go on vacation!   What 
business is it of yours to be writing to ARRL  BEFORE an 



Dave AA6YQ wrote:
Unless Bill has reviewed and pre-approved the documentation for this 
operation, his only reasonable response is "I don't know; you decide."
If he says "I doubt it will count", and you go on vacation, and G4HCL 
later sends documentation that Bill approves, then his face is on your 
If he says "It might count", and you cancel your vacation, and you 
spend hours in your shack to work G4HCL/7O, and G4HCL later sends 
documentation that Bill rejects, then his face is on your dartboard.
7O is the last one I need. There's no question about where I'll be 
come Monday UTC...
 Dave, AA6YQ
- Original Message -

*To:* Bill (ARRL DXCC) Moore 
*Cc:* DX Chat 
*Sent:* Friday, August 10, 2007 6:48 PM
*Subject:* [DX-CHAT] 7O

I am writing this as an open email to you in hopes that you will

respond to my questions for my benefit, and also for others that
partake in DXCC. The following article appeared in the DXis website:

Chris Lorek, G4HCL, has authorized me to inform everyone that he
plans to be active from Sana, Yemen, once again as 7O/G4HCL from
Monday 13 August until early on Wednesday 15 August. Chris has
written permission and official authority to operate on all HF
amateur bands under supervised conditions, but warns that it may
or may not be possible to obtain the specific documentation that
satisfies DXCC requirements. WFWL!
This is NOT A DXpedition but a business trip, and operation will
therefore only be when possible and is only likely to be for short
periods at a time. Chris will be using 1kW to a professional
biconical monopole communications antenna. Activity will be SSB
only, and probably only on 20m (look between 14170 and 14260kHz).
QSL information for this operation is direct only to G4HCL,PO Box
400, Eastleigh SO53 4ZF, UK.
This begs the obvious questions given the recent 7O operations

(7O1YGF AND 7O1A) that have happened and not approved by DXCC:
1. Have you had any contact with Chris regarding who the proper

authority is and what paperwork is necessary for it to get DXCC
approval? Would you let us know who the recognized authority is
there and what paperwork is required from them. I ask this
question because it keeps coming up in discussions about past and
future operation from 7O. If he hasn't contacted you, are you
going to try and contact him to advise him on what is required to
get approval of his op from DXCC.
2. Do you feel there is a possibility of this becoming a DXCC

approved operation? Is it worth canceling my current vacation
plans to try and make a contact and get a card confirming it?
3. Since it is not a Dxpedition and since he will only be

operating during his available time, it means extensive time
commitment on our parts to try and be there when he activates.
That pretty much ties up 3 days to do that. When he is on, there
will be huge pileups with the slimmer chances of getting through
.Is it worth going through all of that if it is unlikely to ever
get DXCC approval? Sharing you opinion on this will hopefully
gives us a better feel for whether it is worth the effort and
sacrifices to get in the log.  I don't need any more wallpaper of
worthless QSL cards from 7O.

John Owens - N7TK

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Fw: cqsong

2007-05-06 Thread Tom Wylie

Oh- God! have we come to this???bring back BS7

Tom - GM4FDM

nick cominos wrote:
*Subject:* cq song

A good Ham friend sent this along to me.quite amusing but
really fun to listen to..enjoy.
GL/DX vy 73, Nick W9UM..CQ CQ CQ

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2007-04-15 Thread Tom Wylie

When does this start?

tom gm4fdm

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Re: N8S Online Logs

2007-04-06 Thread Tom Wylie
It always amazes me how the armchair dxer who has bought every gadget on 
the planet can never quite understand why every desert island in the 
world doesn't have broadband.

Come on guys - get a life.Some of you should get off your butt and 
trying DXing for yourself and you will find that on line logs are not 
the most important thing to worry about in mid expedition.


GM4FDM - T33TW - VP8SDX - TY4TW - OY7TW  et all

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

Any word about N8S and their online logs?

Could someone explain what this question accomplishes?

- they have a web site, and a NEWS page
- they have a placeholder for the on-line log

So there are no QSOs uploaded yet - so what?  Either they can't send the data,
or the person who received it hasn't uploaded anything yet.

I don't see how the 1000+ subscribers on this reflector can make the on-line
logs suddenly appear.

Props to the MicroLite Penguins who don't have on-line logs.  Just work the DX,
and send a QSL when it's all over.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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2007-03-01 Thread Tom Wylie
How does a European donate via Paypal.   It wont let me past as it does 
not recognise my telephone number

not post code (we dont do zip codes)..Nor do I have a State?


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2006-12-27 Thread Tom Wylie
Am I reading the QSL info wrong?   There is no mention of Buro cards and 
there only appears to be 3 QSOs per card?

"Kindly include a robust self addresssed envelope and enclose a MINIMUM 
of 2 IRCs (NEW BLUE ONES ONLY) or 1 "green stamp" (U$D) per card and 
help support the DXpedition. 3 QSO's can be confirmed per card. 
Donations may be sent to Joe W3HNK and he will pass it on to us. Please 
include your emails so we can thank you.

So if you work 9 band / mode slots you need 6 IRCs?I know you can 
get QSL software with more than 3 QSOs per label

Seems to me it smacks a wee bit of buying your QSL card.


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[DX-CHAT] [Fwd: Expeditions and Japanese Sponsorship]

2006-12-27 Thread Tom Wylie

 Original Message 
Subject:Expeditions and Japanese Sponsorship
Date:   Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:18:15 +
From:   Tom Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was just looking at the list of sponsors of the forthcoming VU7RG 
expedition.   I can remember back to my trip to T33C and again there 
were very few Japanese expedition sponsors.   I dont know why this sould 
be as there must be more japanese ham radio operators than any country 
in the world except perhaps USA and yet look at the generosity of the 
American Hams and Clubs.

Perhaps we do not know enough about Japanese Clubs and DX Associations 
or do they just ignore the please for sponsorship.?   Yet there is 
always a never ending stream of JAs wanting to work your expedition.  I 
have found that from every corner of the world even down in VP8.

I see a few personal contributions from JA hams on the VU7RG web page 
but only one readily identifiable sponsorship from a Japanese foundation.

It makes me think!

73 de tom
(My last controversial post for the year)

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2006-12-09 Thread Tom Wylie
The QSL softaware BV7   makes a special label for SWL cards so its very 
easy to print them.  Its by DF3CB and is easily available on the net.   
You can have as many as 20 logs open at the same time and is VERY user 
firendly uses ADIF for import.

No fiddling about  with text or formats



Peter Dougherty wrote:

At 04:02 PM 12/08/2006, Dan Violette wrote:

Just put:

TO: ONL8XYZ at the top, remove the QSO and 2X type items (cross-out) 
and replace with HRD WORKING, MODE, etc.

example:  HRD WORKING  DateTime  Mode  RST (QSO with, 2X 
crossed out)

  PT4XX2006/12/07  1715Z   SSB59

I use DX Base for logging, which has a very complex label generator, 
and I have special labels for SWLs (which frankly look better than my 
standard 2X labels!). I'm usually nice and give the SWL a 4-colour 
card, not a cheap B&W "buro" card. I actually had one guy send me a 
SWL request from Wales with an SAE and $1 in US coins.

Many countries require some SWL QSL card replies to get a license 

Is this still the case in 2006? I know Belgium, France and Germany 
still have SWL "licenses," but is being a verified SWL still required 
there (or anywhere, for that matter) in order to become a licensed ham?



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Re: [DX-CHAT] 5A7A

2006-11-18 Thread Tom Wylie
Thwey are there for 2 weeks, once all the big guns have gone and the 
qrmers get fed up they will be  begging for QSOs.  Its not all that rare 
actually.   You will however have a problem with VU7 its almost your 


lmecseri -KE1F wrote:

In NE FL 5A7A is loud on 40 meter CW. 20:00 Z

Looks like the Europeans are having fun just like we did with XF4DL.

I hope they will have more cw operation.

They do have a WEB site and log search.

73s see u in the pileup.


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Re: [DX-CHAT] EU RF mass

2006-10-30 Thread Tom Wylie
I absolutely agree.   I spent some time trying to call XX9 and DU 
amongst others on 40m ssb at the weekend to no avail.   A couple of time 
I thought the XX9 had come back to me but a German station just kept 
calling and calling timing his calls to prevent me from making the QSO 
which was possible even in the QRM.   I asked the german why he was 
calling but he said he couldn't hear the XX9 for the QRM - D'oh.But 
I did work HS0 and a solitary JA.


Ragnar Otterstad wrote:

Once again -- in this CQ WW SSB test -- I see the way Europe has painted
itself into a corner  Over the last few years, EU has built many HUGE
contest stations super power and antennas.  However, now the mass of RF
in that relatively small space means they can only hear one another.  For me
in HS to call EU successfully takes more effort than it is worth and of
course, a run freq from here is difficult due to the huge EU
stations.. that never point their beams to S E Asia, anyway.

Oh well, there is always the great polite JAs.   73

Charles HarpoleHS0ZCW


You are absultely right - particularly on phone and on the lower bands.
On CW it is easier to get by by using narrow filters.

40 usually yields excellent openings to Asia in the afternoon during
But during CQ WW phone-contest - forget it. Too many overmodulated Italians
and eastern Europeans

" RAG "  Ragnar Otterstad   LA5HE JW5HE OZ8RO

Located in Telemark - Home of skiing.

For more information about Telemark take a look at :

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Re: [DX-CHAT] will this help?

2006-10-09 Thread Tom Wylie

How much did that cost on K7C  Bob?

(part of the VU7 team)

Robert Schmieder wrote:

Pirating is not very extensive, but it is a problem for DXpeditions, because
those unfortunate DXers who work a pirate often blame the DXpedition for
sloppy work. The K7C DXpedition is a good case in point: Quite a few DXers
told stories that we believe...they truly made a good QSO with "K7C" but the
QSO does not appear in the K7C radio log. The log is not at
fault--apparently the DXers worked pirates. 

One answer to pirates is real-time online log display, of the kind we did
with DXA on K7C. Very soon after you worked the real K7C (5 minutes or so),
you saw confirmation on the DXA window (the "greenies"). If you worked a
pirate, that confirmation would not come, since the pirate cannot give the
confirming greenies. Properly used, a real-time log display would almost
totally eliminate pirates as a source of lost QSOs. 



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peter Dougherty

Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2006 12:46 PM
To: Charles Harpole; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] will this help?

At 05:25 AM 10/07/2006, Charles Harpole wrote:

Will this help?
If a DXpedition station gave out serial numbers, 
incrementing for each 

QSO (like some contests ), would that retard pirates?  A 
pirate could 

give out serial numbers, too, but could he ever get so close in 
sequence to the real DX to make confusion?  Also, would 
serial numbers 

on the incoming QSL card requests make hand log searching easier?
I could see that slowing a pileup down to a crawl, to be 
perfectly honest -- and to what end? Is call pirating really 
a major problem for DXpeditions? It might make QSLing a tad 
easier, but I think trying to get everyone to understand 
what's being done might be an exercise in futility, and if 
you think pileups are bad NOW, I'd hate to see what would 
happen with serial numbers.

In this age of online logs for major DXpeditions, if I don't 
see my call show up within 2 or 3 days of a QSO on a needed 
band I just make another Q.



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Re: [DX-CHAT] Ukraine tops Saudis 4-0 in World Cup

2006-06-20 Thread Tom Wylie
He used to have his old football picture on it when he played in England 
- Spurs I think

Tom - GM4FDM


Interesting ! By accident I saw his shot and it was a nice goal indeed. Did not
know he was a ham. Worked him as M0SDX in the OK-DX-RTTY contest 21 Dec 2002 on
20m. Should get a qsl of him hi.

73 Wim PA0WRS

Citeren Jim Reisert AD1C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Article mentions Serge, UT5UDX/M0SDX:

"Serhiy Rebrov scored one of the best goals of the tournament with a
35-yard shot in the 36th minute. Zayed might have reached it on time
but slipped on the wet grass, letting the ball go into the top corner."

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-16 Thread Tom Wylie
So just delete them from the list and we dont have to worry or argue 
about them anymore

:-)  Tom


To answer your question, the 4 rocks (part of a 16 kms long atoll) of
Scarborough Reef (which you can find back on all important maps) qualified to
the DXCC rules at that time (beginning nineties). Since then the rules have
been changed. See DXCC-rules under 'Definitions': Island.
At this time Scarborough would not qualify anymore, nor Ducie and Chesterfield
(also because of a change of rules since they became separate entities).
As said before, from the beginning of DXCC there were not only 'normal'
countries on the list, it has always contained (remote) Reefs, Islands etc.

Wim pa0wrs

Citeren Tom Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


Oh, I care passionately about working them all, especially as I have
only TWO to get.   My initial point, appears to have been missed, that "
how can a rock sticking out of the Ocean a few feet ever be classified
as a Country or Entity?"   It just makes the whole thing stupid, like
working light houses or castles,   why not a "worked all phone booth's"
award,  or worked 100 Rocks?

The DX Century Club was founded so that people who worked 100 COUNTRIES
coald achieve an award.


Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:

At 09:23 PM 6/15/2006 -0700, Richard Diddams wrote:

Sooo, who really cares about working them all?

ME.  Yes, all of the things you mention can be accomplished in a short
time, but others in the pursuit of DXCC can not, and that is still
what makes it worth the effort to try.  Yes, the new NOW generation of
DX'ers can work and confirm 325, 330, or so fairly quickly, but then
they join the rest of us who have been at this for most of our lives,
and they have then have to learn something they have not yet learned
in their NOW generation lives; Patience.  It will make them better people.

Mike, W5UC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-16 Thread Tom Wylie
Why dont they move it to a rock - like Alcatraz - would that make it a 

Groan   :-[Tom / GM4FDM

Ron Notarius WN3VAW wrote:

All kidding aside, if I lived out in that part of the West, I would be very 
tempted to visit the former site.  I don't know how rare that county is, but 
you could still have a lot of fun with the concept.

The sad, and strange, thing is that the claim is made that the reason that the 
National Park Service had PacBell remove the world's loneliest phone booth was 
that due to publicity, it was attracting too much attention and people were 
starting to visit it.  Imagine that... people visiting a nattional park to view 
an unusual site.  Go figure.

And we wonder why they won't let us on Desecheo or Navassa...


Date: Fri Jun 16 14:41:59 CDT 2006
To: Dan Zimmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

This is great.  Any idea when it will be activated ?

Rod WC7N

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??


The rarest entity in the worked all phone booths:

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-16 Thread Tom Wylie
Oh, I care passionately about working them all, especially as I have 
only TWO to get.   My initial point, appears to have been missed, that " 
how can a rock sticking out of the Ocean a few feet ever be classified 
as a Country or Entity?"   It just makes the whole thing stupid, like 
working light houses or castles,   why not a "worked all phone booth's" 
award,  or worked 100 Rocks?

The DX Century Club was founded so that people who worked 100 COUNTRIES 
coald achieve an award.


Mike(W5UC) & Kathy(K5MWH) wrote:

At 09:23 PM 6/15/2006 -0700, Richard Diddams wrote:
Sooo, who really cares about working them all?  

ME.  Yes, all of the things you mention can be accomplished in a short 
time, but others in the pursuit of DXCC can not, and that is still 
what makes it worth the effort to try.  Yes, the new NOW generation of 
DX'ers can work and confirm 325, 330, or so fairly quickly, but then 
they join the rest of us who have been at this for most of our lives, 
and they have then have to learn something they have not yet learned 
in their NOW generation lives; Patience.  It will make them better people.

Mike, W5UC

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-15 Thread Tom Wylie
Here we go again.All the American big guns have worked everything - 
so now we have to invent more entities.
Why dont we go back to the good old days when we worked Countries?  D X 
C C  Remind me what it stands for.
If we want to call them entities   ARRL should start a new award for 
WAEn  Worked all Entities   we could have a WAEn1

for political entities and a WAEn2 for the geographical ones.

There are loads of places which hardly reflect the status of countries 
like Peter 1, Scarborough Reef to name but two.

Now we will have another big guns race to work them all again!

Tom Wylie  GM4FDM

Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
Although I'm quite good at Geography, I don't have the foggiest 
what will become a candidate, however. Any guesses out there? 
One other reflector I'm a member of suggested Swain's Reef 
(supposedly out near Saipan). 

Looking over the Department of State list, it appears that American 
Samoa and the Northern Marianas would move from "point 2" entities 
(geographic separation) to "point 1" entities (political entities). 
As such, the distance requirement for "separation by water" drops 
from 800 km to 350 km.  

This change may qualify Swain's Island (attached to American Samoa)
but one source gives a separation for 320 km from Tutuila (location 
of the capital, Pago Pago).  I have not looked closely enough at 
Northern Marianas to see if there are any outlying islands that 
might qualify there. 

As far as I can tell, all of the other entities on the Department 
of State list either already qualify as "Political entities" ... 
or fail to meet the "local administration" test. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-15 Thread Tom Wylie

Bah - humbug - I only need Scarborough Reef!

:-)   Tom

Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

--- Tom Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Does this mean we loose [sic] Scarborough Reef and other stupid rocks


Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
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Re: [DX-CHAT] new rule??

2006-06-15 Thread Tom Wylie

Does this mean we loose Scarborough Reef and other stupid rocks


Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:

Quoting from ARRL:

-- quote --
The new text at Section II, Paragraph 1(c) shall read: "The Entity contains a
permanent population, is administered by a local government and is located at
least 800 km from its parent. To satisfy the 'permanent population' and
'administered by a local government' criteria of this subsection, an Entity
must be listed on either (a) the US Department of State's list of 'Dependencies
and Areas of Special Sovereignty' as having a local 'Administrative Center,' or
(b) the United Nations' list of 'Non-Self-Governing Territories.'"
-- endquote --

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see 3B8/Mauritius on either of these two
lists.  What status change makes you think that 3B7/St. Brandon could become a
new entity?

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Mail

2006-05-20 Thread Tom Wylie
Well when I way building my K2 I got a guy in the states to get some 
bits for me and send them over.   I sent him a dollar check which 
disappeared in the mail system and has never been cashed.   Then I sent 
him another dollar check registered delivery which was tracked as far as 
New York but has never been delivered or cashed,

Nobody's system is perfect, I think some are just more honest than 
others.   A couple of years ago I remember my postman knocking on my 
door with some mail which looked as though it had been through a 
shredder.   He apologised for it and handed me $5 which he had found 
lying loose .   I dont think all postmen would have done that but then 
again my postie knows me as I qsl manage some 30 station and after a 
major contest or expedition he knows there will be a big volume of mail.

A little xmas box goes a long way!!

73 de tom

nick cominos wrote:
I've been the subject of green stamp mail theft on a number of 
occasions. All from the European market.

To say that the US Postal system is to blame for whatever misfortune 
you befall in the QSL game is the same as me saying the entire world 
outside the US is a thief.

You can always bypass the US Postal system by using FedEx, or Airborne 
Express or UPS and/or a few others.

But if you are a DX station and you receive your mail tampered with, 
chances are that it was your own postal system.

vy 73,
Nick W9UM
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Permanent VU4's

2006-05-07 Thread Tom Wylie
Very true Rag great Ham Spirit at its best.When Frank contacted me I 
had no hesitation
in commedning his effort to the GM DX Group as we had previously 
sponsored Frank's expedition
and the original one by  VU2RBII had been hoping to make this 
trip also but family commitment got in the way.

I will send Frank a small personal donation also.

cu at FHN

Tom - GM4FDM

LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad wrote:

Therefore Doug, N6TQS, immediately decided to donate his SIGMA5 antenna and
I dropped of my own
Elecraft K2/100 with seperate KAT100 antennatuner, a power supply and a Heil
The station has been set up by me on april 04 and they are now qrv from
10-20 m (SIGMA5) and on 40 m
with a dipole.
(Unfortunately the noise level at the College is extremely high and I
recommended to look for a better place/building
and two other, male, lecturers has been trained for this).

I am very thankful that at least the EUDXF and GM DX Group reacted within
hours on my urgent request
(other big foundations obviously has been not interested in the support of
permanent VU4 Hams) to help in this matter
so that I can hope for some refund in this case (because I already donated
another K2, small amplifier and ps during the
hamfest to a mainland VU ham who will now have the chance to go ahead with
Indian IOTA AS-New).


This is hamspirit at it's best !

Very commendable, Frank.


Rag LA5HE( member of EUDXF)

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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX chat] VU4AN/

2006-04-19 Thread Tom Wylie
Well, now you know what its like for us guys to work Kure or Kermadec or 

Nobody likes in the perfect QTH for the whole world.  I guess thats what 
makes it interesting..

Try living at 56 degrees north!   - now thats a challenge!   Like half 
way up Hudson's bay or south Alaska!



Peter W2IRT wrote:

At 16:36 04/19/06, WC7N wrote:

Was just looking at the great circle for Andaman Island and it really 
looks tough from anywhere in the U.S.

I guess my QTH is just about as good as it can get from the US but 
even then the path cuts across Alaska, North of the Kamchatka Pen. 
down through China etc.  That sure isn't an easy path.

Well, I was playing with W6EL Prop the last few days, and it looks 
like the area with the worst openings of any place I plugged in is the 
midwest. 8s 9s and 0s have the fewest usable slots, with everything 
else being equal, and using today's solar numbers. East coast is also 
very rough.

At my QTH (about 25 miles west of NYC) they're audible only from about 
1300 to 1900 (short path) at anything above noise/ESP level. Sigs 
peak, just as W6EL predicts, 1630-1730ish (UTC). I got them on 17 
CW/SSB and 20 SSB all between 1600 and 1645 UTC. The 20m CW station 
the last two mornings were good from 1400 or so but not listening for 
any NA that early.

There's also another smaller window here around  to 0100 UTC, but 
I didn't hear them last night at any usable signal level when they 
were on -- though the midwest seemed to be doing OK then.

Before you ask yes I have worked them, 20 CW/30 CW and could hear 
them on 80 this morning but couldn't bust the JA wall.

Congrats! Just played with numbers from VE7 (I guess somewhat closer 
to you than Salt Lake, where W6EL was using for W7). Looks like you 
have a lot better openings that we right-coasters have. 2 hours on 80, 
5.5 hours on 40, 8 on 30, about 14 hours on 20,  a bunch on 17 and a 
little on 15. Some pretty significant signal levels for 30, 20 and 17 
too. You've also got a few hours from the west coast via long path, 
too, from about  to 0630 UTC, on 14, 18 and 21 MHz, believe it or 

0's and 9s have much lower signal levels and for far fewer hours and 
only a faint chance long path for about 90 minutes early in the morning.

For hoots and giggles, I plugged in Spain and Italy just for 
funman, must be nice to live in southern Europe, that's all I can 
say! Nice long loud openings from 80 to 12! Even northern Europe (I 
used Norway) has some great openings all day/night long.  JA's of 
course, have the best, open around the clock, including 8 hours on 
10m! ZS and PY are both pretty hot too, both long and short paths.

Would be nice if certain operators over there understood how short our 
openings are, though, and would get the EU wall to sit tight (if 
that's possible). I'm extremely happy I got in, believe me! -- but for 
the sake of guys with smaller stations, I sure hope they have a shot 
at this operation.

Now, here's hoping we don't see another few days with an A of 50

- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] PSK-31 on DXPeditions

2006-03-04 Thread Tom Wylie
I will second that, third it and even fourth it.   I lovbe RTTY  but 
hate PSK with a vengance
for the reasons Bill says. I will be TY4TW  from 15 - 30 March but 
dont look for me on PSK



Bill wrote:
PSK-31 takes up too much time.  I am sure most people on DXPeditions 
want to
make as many contacts as they can.  Isn't  that the reason they go?   
I know
this is true for me.  I go on 2-3 DXPeditions a year.  I just got back 

Ascension Island as ZD8WX and I tried few times to do some PSK-31.

It seems that the majority of PSK-31 operators think it is necessary 
to send
the DX station their "brag" micros..  It should be know by now that we 
not interested in the type of computer, MB of RAM, your radio set up, 
of your printer stand, XYL's time of the month, etc.  This takes up 
lots of

time and I am sure that most DXPeditioners are not interested in this
information.  All I want to see is a report and maybe your name.

I recommended everyone that does PSK-31 make up some extra short 

type micros.  One that says:

DX Station de your call 599 BILL K (ZD8WX DE W4WX 599 BILL K)

Not:  DX Station de your call YOUR REPORT TODAY IS 599-599-599-599. MY 


Keep it short!  I have had replies, even before the station knew I was
coping him at all, come back with a micro with over 20 lines  
Leave out
all the fancy stuff like, >>>, **, (((, "end of 

time, date, Hell, we know the time and date..

I even sent a CQ like this and still get the "brag" stuff in a reply:


I will try PSK-31 again on the 21st thru 31st from Haiti.  Keep it short.
If not I will QSY to another mode.

I have my ZD8WX cards so send your QSWL request direct to W4WX.

Bill W4WX

- Original Message -
From: "John P Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >

Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 11:12 PM
Subject: [dx-list] PSK??

> Why do a lot of DXpeditions have RTTY capability but never seem to
> have PSK along?  It would seem a good idea since one of PSK's claims
> to fame is its ability to "get through" under less than ideal
> conditions.
> Just Curious,
> John KI4RO

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Re: [DX-CHAT] C6 - suffix or prefix?

2006-02-24 Thread Tom Wylie
ITU Regs say (I believe) that it sould be a PREFIX -   C6/W2IRT, but 
personally, I'd go with what it written on the licence...

73 de tom

Peter Dougherty (W2IRT) wrote:
Hi, just wondering. When I operate from C6 in just over a week, I'll 
be doing so with a reciprocal Bahamian license based on my US call; 
should I be signing C6/W2IRT or W2IRT/C6?


- Peter


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Future DXpeditions

2006-02-21 Thread Tom Wylie
I am just about to go on an expedition to Benin TY with three friends - 
15 - 31 March.

I have previously been to VP8, V2, OY, 3D2, T30, T33, W7, VE7, VK6, 9V1, 
HL and a few others.

I go on these trips because I want to.I really dont care what other 
people think.When out there, I will do my best to make as many QSOs 
as possible on as  many bands as possible using as many modes as I am 
competent on, and take special delight on giving the little guy a new one.

If anybody does not like my operating skills, techniques, preferences or 
anything connected with my expedition, then TOUGH - thats their 
problem.   It wont be a problem for me.

I have no time for arm chair Dxers, who do little more than bitch about 
everything.   Some of them should get off their butt now and again and 
try it out.   I am open to constructive criticism as I try to do better 
on each expedition, but I hate time wasters, and all the other moaners.

Sorry if I am a little blunt - but if you cant stand the heat - get out 
of the kitchen.



Russell Kellam Jr wrote:
Well said Ken. Many of the criticisms can be taken as "sour grapes" as 
we move on to more & better DX. 73 Russ W4UBC

- Original Message -
*From:* Ken Holdom 
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:40 AM
*Subject:* [DX-CHAT] Future DXpeditions

Hi All
To save any problems with the moderator of the reflector please

address any personal issues direct to me.  Email address at the
bottom of the message 
Having undertaken three (3) yes three successfull DXpeditions to

ZL8, Zl9 and ZL7   I am beginning to wonder if it will be
politically correct from a ham radio perspective to undertake
another DXpedition
My XYL has asked me to do ZL8 again and I have recently costed

this exercise with a stunning result.
Following all the negative criticism and negative comments about

the recent 3YOX fantastic performance I am beggining to wonder if
it is at all worthwhile considering this venture.
I firmly believe that there is far to much criticism of the events

when thay have been put on at extraordinarary costs to the
operators involved.  The people involved have gone out of their
way to provide something rare for the amateur fraternity and all
they end up getting is one hell of a lot of criticism.
The individual operators involved in any major DXpedition

sacrifice huge amounts of ther own personal time for the benefit
of others internationally.  Whilst appreciating that these fellow
amateurs do this for the benifit to others, yes there is the
element of getting some satisfaction of having been to these
remote places. This is never seen to be a benefit of top priority
for the operators.
I trust that we will all get on now and enjoy our hobby to the

fullest and work what we personally can, forget about those who
have done better than ourselves and after all it is a personal
Kind Regards and Best Wishes
Ken Holdom  ZL4HU


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Re: [DX-CHAT] Logs Closing

2006-01-27 Thread Tom Wylie

Just have to ask


Bernie McClenny wrote:

Ref - 7Q7RM logs

G0IAS does not want to forward them on to someone else.  A real shame indeed
as there is the QSL Manager Society who will
gladly find someone to take over.


Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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-Original Message-
Charles Harpole
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 07:13
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Logs Closing

re Logs closing Could some DX club or individual take on old logs as a 
cenral clearing house?

Nice service, eh?

Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] KC6DY Location?

2005-12-05 Thread Tom Wylie

Anybody ever get a card from ZK2QQ???


Mike Kroh wrote:

Trying to clean up my log and wonder where KC6DY was in Feb, 1981?
Thanks for any info.
Mike  NW7E

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2005-11-30 Thread Tom Wylie

I ahve about 8 cards from Mongolia - all sent and received via the buro.


Bernie McClenny wrote:


The thinking is those from the US mailing to just “Mongolia” get 
routed through Russia and many don’t make it to their intended 
recipient. Sending it to “Mongolia via Japan” seems to be a safer 
route. I personally have had success via Japan!


Bernie McClenny, W3UR

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-Original Message-
Behalf Of *Edward Gable

*Sent:* Wednesday, November 30, 2005 07:23
*Subject:* [Norton AntiSpam] [DX-CHAT] QSL'ing JT1CO

Two major QSL lookup sights, one sez "...Mongolia..." other sez "... 
Mongolia via Japan" Any experience on what works ? Tnx /Ed k2mp

Edward M. Gable K2MP/W2AN
Curator, AWA Museum 

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2005-10-05 Thread Tom Wylie

Now that the expedition is drawing to a close I'd 
like to express my appreciation to the K7C crew and support team.   

During the expedition I went from an all time ham 
radio low to an extraordinary feeling of joy in seeing my call pop up in 
For days and nights I was burning the candle at 
both ends up at 5am, staying up till 1am, listening, listening, listening, 
watching the cluster spots in Europe - Loud! Easy! etc etc.   Here at 
56 north I could hear nothing for days.   I even contemplated 
throwing a "sickie" from work.
On 3 October just after 1820 I couldnt believe my 
ears when they came up on 20m RTTY and were 5/9+.   I was sure they 
were a pirate, and was all fingers and thumbs, but after my BS7H debachle, when 
I waited in vain for the second day (hihi), I have adopted the motto work first 
worry later.
After my QSO i stuck the rx on 14190 and the TX on 
14200.   After 4 minutes they opened up and were 10db over S9 in 
Scotland - First call they were in the log - twice on 4 minutes.   
Then i even snagged them on 30m - all in the one evening.
Now I have only 2 countries to 
go.    BS7H and 7O...
Thank you again guys for all the work and effort - 
you do not know how much it is appreciated.
73 de tom
P.S.  now, for the last few hours just come up 
on 20 CW (hihi)


2005-10-02 Thread Tom Wylie

What do the coloured rings mean on the propagation 


2005-09-28 Thread Tom Wylie

Jeez I knew it would be hard to work K7C, but I 
didnt know it would be THIS hard just to hear them.
In comparison the microlight group were easy to 
Still time - here's hoping for my all time 

Re: [DX-CHAT] Ref: K7C

2005-09-27 Thread Tom Wylie
Rag and I are singing off the same hymn book on this one.   There is a vast 
difference of maybe 2 hours between best propagation in SOUTHERN EUROPE and 
NORTHERN.When the southern EU pileup starts to wane, the DXpeditions 
goes QSY or looks to another continent, oblivious to the fact that its only 
THEN can we in the north stand a chance.

K7C is expected to be very strong on the west coast,   yesterday i pointed a 
2 ele yagi at them on 40m at 80 feet and they were just 
please - guys if you have worked them and dont need them, but just feel the 
urge, wait until the last day for a fun QSO.   There are a lot of guys over 
here still need them for an all time new, any band any mode.

Is it any wonder frustrations show up when you are trying very hard to break 
a pileup of stations who dont actually need them

de tom
- Original Message - 
From: "LA5HE Ragnar Otterstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] Ref: K7C

Thanks for the much needed encouragement ! hi

When you say Europe, I believe you mean the  Med- countries ,  I , F, EA
It is a different world down there !!

Personally. I am oK from previous expeditions and Loran crews back in the
I just hate seeing opportunities lost when we, after a long periode of
closed bands,
finally get some good days - but no attention from the K7C gang.

Today the polar path is completely dead here ! Heaven knows for how long -
if you follow me.

Let us keep our fingers crossed for some great openings before they leave
the island.

73  Rag LA5HE


These guys know what they are doing. They know that Kure is highly
needed in Eu:

#1  They have sarted off the right way by hacking down a lot of the
 USA and JA QRM which would be really loud when they do call
 Eu. They know about prop, and that only a few Eu stns were being
 heard and worked this AM ~ 0600 UTC. So with prop so bad to
 Eu, why not hack down a little more of the potential JA/USA QRM.

#2  They have been controlling the pile-up very well so far, and I 

 you when they do call Eu, they will be emphatic and put out the word
 "no JA or NA". When this happens there should very little harping
 (QRM/jamming) from the USA or JA crowd since they got the first

#3  It's not over until the . lady sings !!!

73/GL/hang in there, Larry  K4WLS

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2005-07-22 Thread Tom Wylie

I think we have a little american paranoia here!


- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 3:41 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] EMP

Salve ur EMP fears:  save ur tube radios!   Use them when EMP wipes out 


Charles Harpole

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Re: [DX-CHAT] one more no buro manager

2005-07-18 Thread Tom Wylie

If you read the back side of an IRC it clearly states:


Therefore 1 IRC should suffice for an air mail envelope and a QSL card. 
Any more is robbery without violence!!

(QSL Manager)
- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 3:02 PM
Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] one more no buro manager


> I  have no access to a buro so you will need to send direct.. as
> postage  costs are getting worse you will require 2 ircs or $4usd or
> $4euro for postage for the package. Address is below.

 That's  what I have lately got in reply to my e-mail request for buro
 QSL.  Since  there is 2 USD step, as I see, who will be the first one
 requesting 6 dollars or 6 Euros for a confirmation? Is the postage in
 Australia THAT expensive? And does VK-buro work THAT bad?

Whoever sent you this should be reported to ARRL as being "unsportsman-
like."  Looking at the Australian Post Office web site reveals that the
tariff for international air mail (letter to 50 g) to most of the world
is 1.80$ (AUD).  Looking at, the current conversion rate
between the USD and AUD is 1.336 ... thus the cost is about $1.35 US to
mail three or four cards from Australia to anyplace in the world (one
IRC or two GS should be sufficient).

As to the bureau ... in much of the world, those who are not members of
the national society do not have access to the bureau.  Quite frankly,
as slow as it may be, every QSL manager should still be required to be
a member of his/her national society and respond to bureau cards (even
if it takes a couple years) ... particularly with demands like this!

 Conclusion: LoTW rules.

Absolutely!  Of course, there are the managers/expeditions that are not
putting QSOs on LotW until they receive the card (even though their logs

have been available for the on-line searches since day one!  That also
runs counter to the spirit of LotW.


  ... Joe, W4TV (ex K4IK)

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2005-07-17 Thread Tom Wylie

I dont understand the problem 
here.    Almost all Contest CW is Computer Sent.
On the receiving end how do you know what/who is 
sending the code?
Do we care?
Hey, if you disapprove - then dont work the 
I already have his card on CW.
73 de tom
gm4fdm / T33C

[DX-CHAT] Rockall EU-189

2005-06-16 Thread Tom Wylie

If this indeed an activation of Rockall I take my 
hat off and salute the team involved.   Over the past 20 years I have 
activated almost all of the Scottish Offshore Islands and have gone to great 
lengths to study Rockall including maps and photographs and I know just how 
difficult this operation will be.
I discussed possible landings with The Scottish 
Coastguard Service when the Chief Officer was a licensed Amateur and we looked 
at going with the Coastguard S61 Rescue Chopper.   You can see a 
picture of this chopper on my old web site at:
The site is no longer active but still 
The S61 on a full fuel load and otherwise empty 
could only hover at Rockall for 10 minutes.   Unfortunately I am too 
old and too fat to dangle from the rope of a helicopter.
Rockall has been activated once before, but by a 
non licensed CBer who made a few QSOs and even sent out some "QSL" 
The WX on the west coast of Scotland today was 
pretty foul I can only guess what it would be like at RockallIn the winter 
the sea breaks right over the rock.   As the activation took place 
when I was at work today and is likely to take place whan I am at work tomorrow, 
never the less I am excited by the thought that somebody has actually made it at 
Saturday is supposed to be hot and sunny in 
Scotland so maybe we might be successful then if they are still 
de Tom


2005-05-24 Thread Tom Wylie

The log for GM4FDM on LOTW was updated as from 
today's date.
73 de tom

Re: [DX-CHAT] Hamvention: Death By Paper Cuts?

2005-05-23 Thread Tom Wylie
Gas is over $6 a gallon in Scotland - you guys dont know when your well 


- Original Message - 
From: "Fred Stevens K2FRD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Hamvention: Death By Paper Cuts?

Ron, I can't speak for Hamvention problems, but I certainly can speculate 
that attendance might be down due to the high cost of travel which is, of 
course, due to the high price of gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuel. I'm 
now a fulltime RVer and it cost me $1000 to cross the country last month 
whereas less than two years ago, it was only about $600. My travels have 
been greatly curtailed as a result and I suspect others are experiencing 
the same thing. I've even put off my next mini-DXpedition to VO2 which I 
had planned for 2006, now postponed indefinitely or until gas prices come 
back down; I just can't afford it.

73 de Fred K2FRD

At 11:32 -0400 23/05/2005, Ron Notarius wrote:
First, it was good to see so many of you (even if I didn't always get a 
chance to say "hi!") at Hamvention this last weekend.  It's one of the few 
events I really look forward to all year.  (It was especially nice to 
finally meet Urb and all three Steve's... Pete W2IRT and many others up at 
the NJDXA Hospitality Suite... Jim AD1C who was too busy, good for him, at 
his booth to look up... and on and on...)

Having said that, I'm concerned about Hamvention, and those of you who 
were there should know what I'm talking about.  To be brief:

Attendance was noticeably down.  I can not ever remember seeing the 
building(s) or the flea market so empty -- on a Friday afternoon or 
Saturday, not even in all those times of bad weather.  Not only did I see 
many empty booths inside -- but there were many areas formerly occupied by 
booths that were just plain not there, and by that I mean no curtains or 
tables or anything set up.  The flea market was easily half empty.  I 
don't ever recall seeing so many empty rows.Many vendors that I've 
come to count on as regulars, just to say "hi!" were conspicuous by their 
absence (especially many of the smaller ham vendors and many computer 
software/parts vendors).  And the forums I went to or stuck my head in on, 
with the exception of the DX forum at first, were no were near filled (and 
I'm curious as to how the contesting & antenna forums that were moved to 
the Crowne Plaza did)

I think I saw less DX calls than ever.  A lot of big guns I'd expected to 
run into were never seen, but more so, some of the delegations seemed to 
be down.  I can't remember the last time I saw so few JA or OH or DL calls 
around; never ran into any PA's or Eastern EU calls, only a handful of F's 
and LX's and EA's and ON's.  And so on, and so on, but you get the idea.

ARRL had printed & was giving out 5000 "Passports."  All you had to do was 
walk around the building for about 15 minutes, look for 15 numbers, write 
them down and turn the form in for a chance at some nice prizes.  You'd 
figure that sometime Saturday morning they'd all be gone.  But the League 
had piles of them still sitting around at 10 AM on Sunday.  Granted, they 
could have tried a little harder to give them out (I only remember seeing 
people in League shirts doing so on Friday, I saw none on Saturday) but 


I have my own ideas, but I'm curious as to others.  K3AIR & I talked about 
it at length on the drive home, but I know we don't know everything.  It 
just strikes me that Hamvention is (and probably has been for a few years 
now) slowly disintegrating, bit by bit.  I don't think it's really one or 
two major factors, but a lot of little things that add up -- in other 
words, not a major blow, but death by a thousand paper cuts.


73, ron wn3vaw

73 de Fred K2FRD, VO2FS
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Re: [DX-CHAT] undocumented operations

2005-03-06 Thread Tom Wylie
I cant for the life of me imagine anybody importing fradio equipment into 
either Yemen or North Korea, and operating without the knowledge or consent 
of somebody in authority.   Otherwise, they still be languishing in jail..

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles Harpole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] undocumented operations

Let us speculate about an alternative situation to today's:
Anyone enters any country and operates ham radio without any permission. 
They make up a call sign. They depart without being observed by the 
authorities of the country.  They can prove they were in-country.

Is this what we want for ham radio?
The alterntive to this is more or less what we have now...
Charles Harpole
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[DX-CHAT] What price a piece of paper??

2004-12-26 Thread Tom Wylie
At least 20 persons were killed and over 100 injured after a powerful 
earthquake hit the Andaman and Nicobar Islands on Sunday morning. The quake 
was followed by tidal waves.

"There is a possibility of the figure going up. Rescue operations are on," 
Inspector General of Police S B Deol told PTI.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, he said, were jolted by the earthquake 
between 6:30 and 6:35 am. Tidal waves followed the tremor.

Deol said the possibility of the casualty figure going up existed as a large 
number of people, mainly fishermen, were missing. They had gone out in the 
sea, as there was no prior warning.

The extent of damage and casualty in a number of small islands in the 
Andamans group in the Indian Ocean is yet to be known, as rescue teams had 
not reached all the places.

Panic-stricken citizens of Port Blair ran out of their houses on Sunday 
morning as an earthquake of moderate intensity jolted the Andaman and 
Nicobar Islands.


de Tom

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2004-12-20 Thread Tom Wylie
Title: Message

Well I can assure you thats its just as difficult 
to hear them in northern europe also.   I understand they have been 
loud on 40m but i do not work that band.   I dont think they have been 
on 30m nor RTTY yet but I am always hopeful.
73 de tom

  - Original Message - 
  To: 'Russell Kellam Jr' ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 10:58 
  Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] VU4
  Here in New 
  England, VU4NRO came up out of the noise on 14025 yesterday around 2015Z; his 
  signal became progressively stronger until he QSY'd around 2030Z. The 
  propagation was short-path; I heard nothing on the 
   he was an honest 559 at 1945Z, and I was 
  able to work him on the second call -- right after 
  W1ZK, but before the pileup apppeared. Again, the propagation was 
  short-path. My antenna is a 4-element F12 at 80 feet. I listened for 
  awhile, and heard many US stations make QSOs.
  From this 
  QTH, changes in VU4 signal strength are often abrupt; that 
  could be the ionosphere, or it could be the VU4 ops rotating their 
  Now for 

-Original Message-From: 
Russell Kellam JrSent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 5:33 
Man I hope they get that 8 element tri-bander 
at 70 ft up
and working!! Maybe I'll hear them in SE 
Virginia and I've
been listening with a 6 bay Sterba Curtain. 
Have never heard
them above the noise. 73 Russ 


2003-12-30 Thread Tom Wylie

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Wylie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 8:58 PM
Subject: CQ WPX RTTY

> What is date of the 2004 contest - is it   14/15 Feby or 
> 7/8 Feby  i have seen both posted??
> 73 de tom
> gm4fdm
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2003-12-26 Thread Tom Wylie
Yea - right!

73 de tom gm4fdm

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Manthe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 4:35 AM

> I'm sure the U.S. contesters who worked TO4WW above 21.100 never exceeded
> the allowable power limit. As we all know, no serious contester or DXer
> would ever exceed the legal power limit under any circumstances. Doing so
> would not only be illegal, but it would give them an unfair advantage over
> others and I KNOW no DXer or contester would ever try to gain an unfair
> advantage to work a new one or come out on top in a contest.
> Since this is a gentleman's hobby, I'm sure we can assume that the U.S.
> operators who worked TO4WW in the Novice band abided by the rules and used
> the appropriate power level. That their signal strength didn't change can
> surely be attributed to propagation or operating skill.
> 73,
> Scott, W9AL
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Steve-KF2TI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 9:25 AM
> > Prior to the " intervention of a member of the ARRL desk the
> > consultation of
> > on-line logs is temporarily suspended", I noticed several CQWWCW,
> > High
> > Power, stations with confirmations on 15 meters. I find this
> > interesting, as
> > all of TO4WW operation, on 15 meters, in CQWW, was above 21.100? At
> > least
> > that's what the DX Summit spot database indicates? Above 21.100,  US
> > stations are restricted to 200 watts, PEP. I listened, briefly, to
> > the
> > pileup, and the signal strength of those stations was no different,
> > than
> > when I heard them working below 21.100?
> > "turn off amplifier, work TO4WW on 15 meters, turn amplifier back on"
> >  :>)
> >
> > Happy Holidays to all
> >
> > C'Ya, Shelby
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2003-10-18 Thread Tom Wylie
About 2 weeks ago I sent to ARRL using their procedure to get a certificate
for my submissions to LOTW.   I have had no response to my initial

Should I re-submit or wait longer.

I have had no e-mail in response.

73 de tom

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[DX-CHAT] E-mail addresses wanted

2003-09-14 Thread Tom Wylie
for 9A2YC 

73 de tom

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Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal Need

2003-09-10 Thread Tom Wylie
I think we have enough jargon already - too many codes!!



- Original Message - 
To: "Tony Martin W4FOA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "[DX-Chat]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Zack Widup"
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal Need

> I always use   " QRL ?? " for what it's worth.
> 73,DX, Ross K5RH
>   "Tony Martin
>   W4FOA"   To:  "Zack Widup"
>   et>  cc:
>   Sent by: Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] New
"Q" Signal Need
>   09/09/2003 10:26
>   AM
> Yes indeed Zack!  I still use the  .. .  and hear it quite often.  Due to
> it's brevity, it is still the best but lacking much international support,
> it doesn't appear to be used much outside the USA.  QRL?  frequently
> a lot of intelligence whereas the .. .  hardly affects anything.
> I say let's encourage .. .
> 73
> Tony, W4FOA
> - Original Message -
> From: "Zack Widup" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "[DX-Chat]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] New "Q" Signal Need
> > On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Larry,  K4WLS wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > We CW Ops have needed an appropriate "Q" Signal for
> > > years for "Is the frequency in use ?"
> > >
> >
> > Once upon a time someone tried to popularize the use of "I E" (didit
> > as an inquiry for "Is the frequency in use?"  Somehow it never caught on
> > like it was intended.  I still use it now and then and I still hear
> others
> > use it occasionally.  It does have the advantage of occupying very
> > time and causing very little QRM if the frewuency is in use.
> >
> > 73, Zack W9SZ
> >
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> >
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> >
> >
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Re: [DX-CHAT] Need 40M Info

2003-07-11 Thread Tom Wylie
I dont think its a cse of what the American's do, but what use will the
European make of this extended part of the band.  The USA already HAS use of
this part of the band.   I guess us Europeans will populate it with SSB and
let the CW end of 40 creep up to maybe 7.050 with Digi modes  between 7.050
and 7.070 - but who knows, the Germans or the Italians may have other

73 de tom
GM4FDM  :-)

- Original Message - 
From: "John Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 6:58 PM
Subject: [DX-CHAT] Need 40M Info

> I'm trying to better understand the current amateur uses of the
> 7100-7150 range.
> I know it's Novice/Tech-Plus CW territory. But presumably that's
> declining, as the Novice license falls into disuse, and those folks
> can now easily upgrade to General, and get on 7025+. I think it has
> (or had?) another CW use too: transcontinental traffic handling. How
> active is that? Any specific frequencies favored?
> Then there are the digital modes. There are two RTTY windows down
> below 7100, but I think ARRL tried to initiate a third one above
> 7100. Where does that stand? How heavily used are are the digital
> modes above 7100? Any particular frequency preference?
> All relevant info welcomed!
> TIA, John, NT5C.
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Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] difficult to work AH3D?

2003-02-03 Thread Tom Wylie
Difficult - I found it impossible.Due to work committments during the
I was only able to listen on Saturday and Sunday.   All of the cluster spots
showed them to be
on either 160m or 80m working the USA.   The only time I heard them was on
Sunday around 1730z for about 30 minutes they
were S3 on 14195 then faded into the noise.   Fortunately I didnt need it on
SSB but
it would have been an all time new on CW.   I never heard them on
RTTY - Oh well - back to the drawing board.   Maybe a bird watcher will
make another trip..

Tom - GM4FDM

Eagles may soar but weasles dont get sucked into jet engines!

- Original Message -
From: Allan & Bridget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] [DX-NEWS] difficult to work AH3D?

> I also found them to be more difficult to work than I would have expected.
> Like others have said, when they were loudest here on 160m and 40m, they
> were calling "CQ JA" ...very frustrating.  I understood the emphasis on
> Europe.
> Although I am definitely no expert on how things should work on the "low
> bands" I have to to along with what Zach had said about gray line
> strategies.  I realize however, that they did have problems with their
> receive.  Perhaps, too, expectations were high because we all know that
> operators there are of a very high caliber, and I would agree, too, that
> they overextended themselves.  I did manage to work them on 80m, 20m and
> 15m, so I can't really complain, and hope that there were several people
> got a new one out of this expedition.  Perhaps we got spoiled after the
> Kingman Reef operation.  =)
> 73,
> Bridget, KS4YT
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Re: [DX-CHAT] DX cluster spots - some questions

2002-11-09 Thread Tom Wylie
But what is rare DX.   What is NOT DX to you - might be DX to somebody else.
Not the first time I have worked a new one, from a spot issued by a
stateside station for somebody who was NOT dx to them, but one that I

Spot the lot  is my motto

73 de tom

(("I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one!"))

GM DX GROUP - Scotland's DX Association

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2002-09-24 Thread Tom Wylie

I was surprised today to find my latest submuission to DXCC - that K1B has
not been credited - shiown on the applications as Documents pending.

Does this mean that I will be automatically credited or do I have to reclaim
it next submissions.

I assume there is no problem in K1B being accepeted?

73 de tom

(("I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one!"))

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[DX-CHAT] Oslo - Norway

2002-09-12 Thread Tom Wylie

Any clubs meeting in Oslo on Friday 20th September?

73 de tom

(("I love children - but I couldn't eat a whole one!"))

GM DX GROUP - Scotland's DX Association

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