Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Marylyn
He is giving you cat kisses.  Wait till he starts licking you.  By the way, 
don't let him lick in one place too much.  I let Dixie and. very 
unintentionally, she took off a lot of skin.  It took several weeks for the 
places to heal.  Because I was enjoying the bath and her attention and 
because of the rough little tongue, I did not notice the problem until much 
later when they finally became very uncomfortable.  Now I just move my hand 
every so often.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jennifer Madon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie question

lol  that is funny.  forgive the poor typing.  i am one handed now, cuddle 
time.  he loves to bite me and chew my fingers, is this like teething?

Pizza crust wont hurt him if there's no garlic or onion on it. That's one 
of my cat's
favorite treats! You can even leave a little sauce and cheese on it for 

A little belly wont hurt anything, morbid obesity can though. You just 
have to find a
balance. A good rule is, if he starts to have trouble licking his own bum 

he's too fat to reach, it's time to diet!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Marylyn
Just a word of warning:  Do not let your vet do lots of vaccinations, 
worming etc at one time.  This will put a lot of stress on Midnight's body 
and is not necessary.  There are various opinions on vaccinations. 
Personally I believe, like my alterative vets, that we over vaccinate.  This 
is particularly hard on a cat that has been on the streets and may be a 
throw away, is adjusting to a new life, is getting neutered, being handled 
by vets and their techs ...put yourself in Midnight's place and 
take these things very slowly.  Consider what you do in light of where 
Midnight is going to live (entirely indoors I assume) and the chances of 
exposure.  Please consider worming him long before you have him neutered 
too.  Worms can cause all sorts of problems, many of which are hard to 

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie question

Pink tinged watery stuff is USUALLY vomit, and it turns pink when they 
roundworms. I'd have him dewormed, if you haven't already (and don't freak 
out too
much if you see spaghetti-like worms in the pink stuff somewhere down the 
road). It
COULD be urine, but that would indicate an infection... the only thing 
that turns
urine pink is blood, and the only way you get blood in urine is infection 
he's been recently cathetered, in which case it could be trauma to the 
urethra). You
can try to see if it's pee... wait for him to go to the litterbox, and as 
soon as he
comes out, wipe his privates with a piece of white toilet paper, if he's 
just peed,
you should get a little drop, and if it's pink, you know that's the 
orifice it's

coming from.

I think the house retest would be OK, if ALL you are hoping to do is check 
to see if
it was a bad result (like due to human error). If you're retesting to see 
if he's
throw the virus off, that's too son, and as others stated, you should use 
an IFA

test, not the in house ELISA SNAP test.

The very most important thing to do to care for FELV+ cats is to feed the 
very BEST
food you can afford. Either homemade, or premium brands like Wellness, 
Innova, or
Chicken Soup for the Cat brands. A lot of people supplement with Lysine 
and vitamin
C. Plus lots give low dose oral interferon alpha. here's more info on 

And here's my page with more links about FELV:

Here is the webpage for all of the popular treatments for FELV:

Like I said, DIET should come first though!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Marylyn
Re couch protection:  Get some lacy knit throws and cover the areas that he 
is likely to scratch--arms and exposed back.  My cats don't like getting 
their claws hung in the throws.

Trim the nails.  If you never have, it is easy, especially since he is 
young.  Get the vet to show you.

Spray the couch with Feliway.  It should help.

You really can teach a cat where to scratch and where not to.  You just have 
to watch and stop it now.

Get a scratching post made of a material you do not have in the house.  If 
you have carpet and get a post made with carpet you are telling him he can 
scratch anything that has carpet.  I have a log home so Dixie gets cardboard 
(Wal-Mart/Target/Meijer) to scratch on and I will make her a post of burlap 
and jute.  Obviously I don't want her scratching wood.

Do not consider Midnight sick.  If you do you will lose the pleasure of 
having him there.  Dixie Louise tested positive almost 2 years ago and has 
no problems other than some with her teeth.  Those may or may not be related 
to FeLV.  There are some gels you can use on the teeth that my alternative 
vets swear by.  If you start him on them now and maybe get him used to 
having his teeth brushed, you can head off some problems.  Relish the love 
you are sharing.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jennifer Madon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie question

You are correct about the antibiotics were for the abscess, and the vet 
seemed sure they were cat bites.  I never heard about a faint pos., just 
pos.  The vet guessed he is about 8 months.  He has no symptoms at all. 
The vet said that he was shocked when the test came back pos.  They didn't 
do any other tests or shots that day because he had a fever (due to the 
abscess ). As far as the puddles, they don't smell at all!  He has gotten 
SOOO far since he has been here.  He eats great.  He also drinks water a 
lot, well a lot to me but I am new to cats.  He does use his litter box, 
he doesn't appear to strain and he doesn't cry.  Some times he walks 
around me and just meows for no apparent reason.  I think he just wants to 
be held.  What a lap cat!  He is sleeping on the desk beside me now.  He 
is very spunky.  At night he is calm and loving, but at 5 AM, any things 
that moves is fair game for a pouncing! LOL.  Any tips for getting him to 
use a scratching board instead of my couch and office chair.  I am firmly 
against declawing him but my husband is threating it.  I told him I would 
definger him if he did!  Can you recommend a food, I am sure you would 
scold me over his current food.  But take it easy on me, I am new to this! 
LOL Midnight will be neutered somewhere around the end of Jan. and 
beginning of Feb.  I will make the appointment of Tues.  Oh and stress 
free may be hard.  We have 3 kids, but he seems to love them.  They are 
crazy amongst themselves but the all calm down and get very gentle when 
dealing with him.  All they know is that he is sick and very special.

Thanks again

Nina wrote:

Hi Jennifer,
I'm glad you found us and so very glad Midnight found you.  I take it the 
antibiotics were for the abscess on his tail and not because he is 
displaying any other symptoms of illness?  Did the infection clear up 
okay?  How old does the vet think Midnight is?  Adult, healthy cats have 
a much better chance of clearing the virus than an older, sickly, or 
young kitten.  Because he was a stray, there's no way for you to know 
when he contracted the disease.  It may have happened when he got the 
abscess on his tail.  I'm not sure why your vet is having you retest in 
only 3 weeks.   If Midnight is in the process of clearing felv, a three 
week interval between testing is probably too soon to be reliable. 
Usually it is recommended to wait 3 to 6 months.  Did the vet tell you it 
was a faint pos?  If the vet suspects the test was a false pos, then a 
retest in 3 weeks makes more sense.  It is also usually recommended to 
retest using an IFA, (not the in house ELISA).
When you are ready to have him neutered, please ask us about protocols 
and procedures to help reduce the stress on his body during surgery. 
Felv cats need to be kept as stress free as possible and fed as high a 
quality diet as you can.
I'm not sure what these "puddles" on the floor might be.  Do they smell 
like urine?  Has he been using his litter box?  Have you noticed any 
straining, or does he cry when he urinates?  It sounds more like it might 
be vomit to me.  Have you mentioned the slight blood tinge to the vet? 
It d

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Gina WN
Poor baby, she might just be exhausted.  I hope it isn't FIP and I have been 
praying for her.

I want to also. She is curled up sleeping now, but her back legs seemed 
very unsteady when she stood up to change position, and it seemed like she kind 
of collapsed back onto the towel. Apparently paresis, or rear leg paralysis, 
can be a neurological sign of FIP, so this is scaring me. Of course, she is 
also anemic and was through something very rough today, so maybe she is just 
  In a message dated 1/18/2007 2:37:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  That is my first impulse too.  Give her time to recover from her ordeal, 
the car ride, the fevers, the testing, all of those things by themselves 
are enough to exhaust her.  You are there, you know best, but my first 
thought is to give her time to regain her strength.

Visit my Tigger Tales site!

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

Re: felv cat.........

2007-01-18 Thread Belinda

  How is Toby doing today?


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

ot: transdermal benedryl gel for allergies

2007-01-18 Thread elizabeth trent

I have searched all my email archives and I can't for the life of me find
who recommended going to a compounding pharmacy to get compounded
transdermal benedryl gel for my Phelix's allergies (my brain is like a
sieve)...but Phelix and I just wanted to say thanks!  (and please tell me
who you are - !)

Phelix is my 8 yr. old, one-eyed from birth, 18lb tuxedo baby...and absolute
soul mate.  (here is his picture:

He sleeps on my arm every night and has to be on the side I am facing.  If I
turn over in the middle of the night -- he lets out this audible sigh...and
moves to the other side of the bed so he can be where I am facing.  The poor
baby has a bright pink tummy and his back legs look like little granny legs
because he's itching so much he's just chewed off all the hair.  I had every
test done on the's not ringworm...nothing that can be
identified.  The vet thinks it's allergies...I've wondered if it isn't OCD.
We've tried immuno-regulin...steroid shots (which only last about two
weeks)...but it looks like we're going to finally get some real allergy
relief from the compounded benedryl...and Phelix would never have had this
kind of relief if it weren't for the smart people here!  He'll even let me
touch his bright pink tummy tonight.

I called my vet yesterday and told him about what I read he called
the compounding pharmacy.  Turns out my vet uses them a good bit.

I had never been to a compounding pharmacy.  I was very impressed when I
went during lunch today because the both pharmacists are multiple cat owners
and they have experience with cat allergies.

The pharmacist said that most cases of feline allergies are diet
based...that cats are mainly carnivores and diets that have a lot of other
'stuff' in them tend to cause allergies.  They use muscle testing with cats
to see what types of cat food to use (I had no idea what he was talkng about
- but he demonstrated...and that blew my mind).  Both pharmacists say that
they have individual diets for each cat based on their individual responses.

The pharmacist took a lot of time with me when I asked about how it is
applied, etc.   Phelix didn't mind in the slightest when I applied it just
inside his ear.

I also got some homeopathic stuff to add to Phelix's water to help him with
his allergies.  We haven't started that yet - but will before we all turn

You are the best -- Phelix and I thank you.


Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Belinda

Got Fred's last labs right here:

Normal Phosphorus at Anetech lab is

*2.4-8.2*  Fred's is 3.7, he was at 8 way too high
(CRF cats should be right around 4 and treat at 6)

Normal Potassium is

*3.4-5.6*  Fred's is 3.7 so low normal
I think CRF cats want to stay between 4 and 5.

you don't happen to know the normal rage for both of those (phosphorus 
and potassium), do you Belinda?


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Belinda
 Wow those scare me the bases look way too small, those look 
dangerous to me, they look like they would tip too easily.  I say this 
because I know someone whose cat ran up one of those with the small base 
and it tipped over and broke the cats neck, I would be afraid use 
anything like that.  The ones I use have bases that look much bigger and 
my guys still make them move when they run up them.  I have them up 
against the wall and every time KC runs up it it bangs against the 
wall.  We made one for my sister and the base is 38 inches wide.  On the 
ones I have the bases are 34" and I still think those are too small 
that's why I have them against the wall.  Next one I have I'll make too 
so I know the base will be big enough.

Pussicat Cat Trees


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Bpinesbksa
In a message dated 1/18/2007 8:54:25 PM Pacific Standard Time,  

Hideyo  is right. Your vet can get it right away now,,She has all the  

Neither my vet nor the Senior vet at the clinic my cat goes to could,  please 
post further info.

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread elizabeth trent

Hiya Jennifer -- and welcome!

Sounds like you've got a real snugglemuffin there :0)  I bet he pulls
through this.  Five of my eight cats were strays...varying degrees of
'feral'...some are still very feral to anyone but me.  A couple were very
sick and beat up when they came to me and informed me that they would live

Some of the best investments I ever made for the kids were those
multi-leveled 'kitty condos' (you can find them on sale sometimes - also on
ebay).  provides kitty a great place to climb...great exercise for
them...and it gives them a great place to do their clawing (which is also a
scent-marking thing with them).  The ones with Sisal rope are especially

If you have places you don't want them to claw or leave their
scent...Feliway spray works very well for us.  It's expensive - but '' has the best price i've seen.  It's a cat pheromone spray
(we can't smell it - also comes in a diffuser)...but it signals kitty to
be peaceful and calm and they won't feel they need to do any scent-type

Sounds like he has a wonderful personality.

Oh - another tip...I found these flat scratching board things at
PetSmart...about 2ft long and maybe 6 inches wide covered in that sisal
rope.  They go nuts over thosebut what really makes them go crazy is if
I give them a spritz with this concentrated cat nip spray that you can find
there too.  Not all cats respond to catnip -- it's a gene...kinda like
tongue rolling in people...some got it - some don'tbut - if you're
snugglemuffin has it - he'll go nuts.

Some may disagree with me -- but if you really must discipline kitty...a
spritz of water from a spray bottle will usually do the trick.  after one or
two spritzes...all you have to do is pick up the bottle and shake it.  If
you are doesn't take long to learn what 'no' means.  I
usually lower my voice when I use that word but I don't have to say it very

Kiss midnight for me and please keep us posted on how he's doing.  Thank you
for caring enough to realize that FeVL+ doesn't diminish the value of his
dear life.  Even if he doesn't throw the virus, he could still have a good
quality of life for a long time.


On 1/18/07, Jennifer Madon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You are correct about the antibiotics were for the abscess, and the vet
seemed sure they were cat bites.  I never heard about a faint pos., just
pos.  The vet guessed he is about 8 months.  He has no symptoms at all.
The vet said that he was shocked when the test came back pos.  They
didn't do any other tests or shots that day because he had a fever (due
to the abscess ).
As far as the puddles, they don't smell at all!  He has gotten SOOO far
since he has been here.  He eats great.  He also drinks water a lot,
well a lot to me but I am new to cats.  He does use his litter box, he
doesn't appear to strain and he doesn't cry.  Some times he walks around
me and just meows for no apparent reason.  I think he just wants to be
held.  What a lap cat!  He is sleeping on the desk beside me now.  He is
very spunky.  At night he is calm and loving, but at 5 AM, any things
that moves is fair game for a pouncing! LOL.  Any tips for getting him
to use a scratching board instead of my couch and office chair.  I am
firmly against declawing him but my husband is threating it.  I told him
I would definger him if he did!  Can you recommend a food, I am sure you
would scold me over his current food.  But take it easy on me, I am new
to this! LOL
Midnight will be neutered somewhere around the end of Jan. and beginning
of Feb.  I will make the appointment of Tues.  Oh and stress free may be
hard.  We have 3 kids, but he seems to love them.  They are crazy
amongst themselves but the all calm down and get very gentle when
dealing with him.  All they know is that he is sick and very special.
Thanks again

Nina wrote:
> Hi Jennifer,
> I'm glad you found us and so very glad Midnight found you.  I take it
> the antibiotics were for the abscess on his tail and not because he is
> displaying any other symptoms of illness?  Did the infection clear up
> okay?  How old does the vet think Midnight is?  Adult, healthy cats
> have a much better chance of clearing the virus than an older, sickly,
> or young kitten.  Because he was a stray, there's no way for you to
> know when he contracted the disease.  It may have happened when he got
> the abscess on his tail.  I'm not sure why your vet is having you
> retest in only 3 weeks.   If Midnight is in the process of clearing
> felv, a three week interval between testing is probably too soon to be
> reliable.  Usually it is recommended to wait 3 to 6 months.  Did the
> vet tell you it was a faint pos?  If the vet suspects the test was a
> false pos, then a retest in 3 weeks makes more sense.  It is also
> usually recommended to retest using an IFA, (not the in house ELISA).
> When you are ready to have him neutered, please ask us about protocols
> and pro

Re: Newbie question (running cats)

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon

LOL  Midnight personally claims you as his best internet friend!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: this one? If he likes it, you can use it to 
entertain him
anytime you want! I have a cheetah too:

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):


Re: Newbie question (running cats)

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED] this one? If he likes it, you can use it to 
entertain him
anytime you want! I have a cheetah too:

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, I will be sending Fred positive energy for his vet trip! Feeding tubes
are really scary, but can really help a lot too! Thanks for helping me out
on that one! I thought it was one of those two, glad it was both, now I was
right either way, LOL! I need to note that in a file and add it to my site,
you don't happen to know the normal rage for both of those (phosphorus and
potassium), do you Belinda?

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yeah, it's pretty scary to see too, a big pile of worms in a pool of pink tinged
vomit, seen it a few times... and makes me gag every time... I can assist in 
but roundworms make me sick! One site sums it up when it says "nothing seems to
inspire as much dread and loathing as a pile of roundworms left by the infected 
another site says "roundworms usually result in a panicked call to the 
LOL! I have a lump in my throat just talking about it now! GAK, blah, GAG!
My own horrifying experience tells me the pink tinged vomit thing... the sites 
mention it, but EVERY time I've had roundworms in a cat, the vomit has been pink
tinged. (and yes, they ARE
zoonotic, GAK, GAG!)

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon
I have to tell you that one of your links puts a little running cat in 
the top right corner... I have to wait till later to check that site out 
because every time I pull it up, Midnight sticks his nose to the 
screen.  It must be a girl cat! LOL


Put his scratching posts close to the places he is currently scratching, and 
get some
double sided tape to stick on the places you don't want him to scratch, cats 
tape and sticky stuff. They make a product specifically for this if you can't 
any good double sided tape locally:

If the tape doesn't work, there's ALWAYS Soft Paws, which are little claw caps 
you glue on their claws: (a good site that shows nail trimming 
soft paws application)

a GOOD cat tree with sisal rope sections will encourage her to scratch on HER 
place, I highly recommend Pussicat Cat Trees:
This is the model I have, and my cats LOVE it, I change the shape of it every 
months, as they are completely modular:

And here, please make SURE your husband sees these sites:

Good cat foods:
(I can tell you, my cats like the Wellness canned the best, and the California
Natural Dry and Innova Evo Dry the best)

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):


Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Belinda
It usually is that, can also be very high phosphorus, Fred has CRF 
and is getting both binders for high phosphorus, now normal after 
binders for 2 months, and potassium supplements for low potassium 3.7 4 
is low normal.  He doesn't wobble anymore.  Still a little weak though 
and has trouble jumping up on things.

He gets blood work tomorrow and maybe a feeding tube (slowly but steadly 
losing weight), we'll see how his potassium and phosphorus and HCT are now.

I can look up the exact imbalance... but I want to say it's a 
potassium deficiency


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon
lol  that is funny.  forgive the poor typing.  i am one handed now, 
cuddle time.  he loves to bite me and chew my fingers, is this like 


Pizza crust wont hurt him if there's no garlic or onion on it. That's one of my 
favorite treats! You can even leave a little sauce and cheese on it for him.

A little belly wont hurt anything, morbid obesity can though. You just have to 
find a
balance. A good rule is, if he starts to have trouble licking his own bum 
he's too fat to reach, it's time to diet!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):


Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pizza crust wont hurt him if there's no garlic or onion on it. That's one of my 
favorite treats! You can even leave a little sauce and cheese on it for him.

A little belly wont hurt anything, morbid obesity can though. You just have to 
find a
balance. A good rule is, if he starts to have trouble licking his own bum 
he's too fat to reach, it's time to diet!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Put his scratching posts close to the places he is currently scratching, and 
get some
double sided tape to stick on the places you don't want him to scratch, cats 
tape and sticky stuff. They make a product specifically for this if you can't 
any good double sided tape locally:

If the tape doesn't work, there's ALWAYS Soft Paws, which are little claw caps 
you glue on their claws: (a good site that shows nail trimming 
soft paws application)

a GOOD cat tree with sisal rope sections will encourage her to scratch on HER 
place, I highly recommend Pussicat Cat Trees:
This is the model I have, and my cats LOVE it, I change the shape of it every 
months, as they are completely modular:

And here, please make SURE your husband sees these sites:

Good cat foods:
(I can tell you, my cats like the Wellness canned the best, and the California
Natural Dry and Innova Evo Dry the best)

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Nina

Thanks Phaewryn,
I'd never noticed tinged vomit with roundworms, good to know. 


Pink tinged watery stuff is USUALLY vomit, and it turns pink when they have

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon
Thank you for all the great information.  I guess the first thing I need 
to do is get some different food.  I think you guys would kill me if you 
could because he is not getting the best food.  Only because I didn't 
know.  This is  the second vet he has been to.  The first tested him and 
called us immediately.  They said he is positive and you should have him 
put to sleep, he is a stray.  We picked him up and called for the county 
shelter to come get him.  They never came.  I started looking at what 
being felv pos meant and said there is no reason to kill him!  That is 
when we found the new vet.  He found the abscess and said bring him back 
in 3 weeks.  He may have called the other vet and found it was faint or 
whatever, I will ask.  No one ever told me any special care for him, 
only that he needs to be taken to the vet for things that other cats 
don't, such as a cough.  Is it bad that he has gotten a belly since 
coming inside?  I am sure it is because he was not eating while on his 
own.  I just don't want to cause more damage to him.  He has only been 
here a short while but he is my heart and joy.  My fourth child!.. Hey, 
he is trying to eat pizza crust, yep, he is one of my kids.  Don't 
worry, I took it from him LOL

Thanks for the info again.  I plan to start looking at it right now.


Pink tinged watery stuff is USUALLY vomit, and it turns pink when they have
roundworms. I'd have him dewormed, if you haven't already (and don't freak out 
much if you see spaghetti-like worms in the pink stuff somewhere down the 
road). It
COULD be urine, but that would indicate an infection... the only thing that 
urine pink is blood, and the only way you get blood in urine is infection 
he's been recently cathetered, in which case it could be trauma to the 
urethra). You
can try to see if it's pee... wait for him to go to the litterbox, and as soon 
as he
comes out, wipe his privates with a piece of white toilet paper, if he's just 
you should get a little drop, and if it's pink, you know that's the orifice it's
coming from.

I think the house retest would be OK, if ALL you are hoping to do is check to 
see if
it was a bad result (like due to human error). If you're retesting to see if 
throw the virus off, that's too son, and as others stated, you should use an IFA
test, not the in house ELISA SNAP test.

The very most important thing to do to care for FELV+ cats is to feed the very 
food you can afford. Either homemade, or premium brands like Wellness, Innova, 
Chicken Soup for the Cat brands. A lot of people supplement with Lysine and 
C. Plus lots give low dose oral interferon alpha. here's more info on that:

And here's my page with more links about FELV:

Here is the webpage for all of the popular treatments for FELV:

Like I said, DIET should come first though!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):


Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pink tinged watery stuff is USUALLY vomit, and it turns pink when they have
roundworms. I'd have him dewormed, if you haven't already (and don't freak out 
much if you see spaghetti-like worms in the pink stuff somewhere down the 
road). It
COULD be urine, but that would indicate an infection... the only thing that 
urine pink is blood, and the only way you get blood in urine is infection 
he's been recently cathetered, in which case it could be trauma to the 
urethra). You
can try to see if it's pee... wait for him to go to the litterbox, and as soon 
as he
comes out, wipe his privates with a piece of white toilet paper, if he's just 
you should get a little drop, and if it's pink, you know that's the orifice it's
coming from.

I think the house retest would be OK, if ALL you are hoping to do is check to 
see if
it was a bad result (like due to human error). If you're retesting to see if 
throw the virus off, that's too son, and as others stated, you should use an IFA
test, not the in house ELISA SNAP test.

The very most important thing to do to care for FELV+ cats is to feed the very 
food you can afford. Either homemade, or premium brands like Wellness, Innova, 
Chicken Soup for the Cat brands. A lot of people supplement with Lysine and 
C. Plus lots give low dose oral interferon alpha. here's more info on that:

And here's my page with more links about FELV:

Here is the webpage for all of the popular treatments for FELV:

Like I said, DIET should come first though!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon
You are correct about the antibiotics were for the abscess, and the vet 
seemed sure they were cat bites.  I never heard about a faint pos., just 
pos.  The vet guessed he is about 8 months.  He has no symptoms at all.  
The vet said that he was shocked when the test came back pos.  They 
didn't do any other tests or shots that day because he had a fever (due 
to the abscess ). 
As far as the puddles, they don't smell at all!  He has gotten SOOO far 
since he has been here.  He eats great.  He also drinks water a lot, 
well a lot to me but I am new to cats.  He does use his litter box, he 
doesn't appear to strain and he doesn't cry.  Some times he walks around 
me and just meows for no apparent reason.  I think he just wants to be 
held.  What a lap cat!  He is sleeping on the desk beside me now.  He is 
very spunky.  At night he is calm and loving, but at 5 AM, any things 
that moves is fair game for a pouncing! LOL.  Any tips for getting him 
to use a scratching board instead of my couch and office chair.  I am 
firmly against declawing him but my husband is threating it.  I told him 
I would definger him if he did!  Can you recommend a food, I am sure you 
would scold me over his current food.  But take it easy on me, I am new 
to this! LOL 
Midnight will be neutered somewhere around the end of Jan. and beginning 
of Feb.  I will make the appointment of Tues.  Oh and stress free may be 
hard.  We have 3 kids, but he seems to love them.  They are crazy 
amongst themselves but the all calm down and get very gentle when 
dealing with him.  All they know is that he is sick and very special.

Thanks again

Nina wrote:

Hi Jennifer,
I'm glad you found us and so very glad Midnight found you.  I take it 
the antibiotics were for the abscess on his tail and not because he is 
displaying any other symptoms of illness?  Did the infection clear up 
okay?  How old does the vet think Midnight is?  Adult, healthy cats 
have a much better chance of clearing the virus than an older, sickly, 
or young kitten.  Because he was a stray, there's no way for you to 
know when he contracted the disease.  It may have happened when he got 
the abscess on his tail.  I'm not sure why your vet is having you 
retest in only 3 weeks.   If Midnight is in the process of clearing 
felv, a three week interval between testing is probably too soon to be 
reliable.  Usually it is recommended to wait 3 to 6 months.  Did the 
vet tell you it was a faint pos?  If the vet suspects the test was a 
false pos, then a retest in 3 weeks makes more sense.  It is also 
usually recommended to retest using an IFA, (not the in house ELISA).
When you are ready to have him neutered, please ask us about protocols 
and procedures to help reduce the stress on his body during surgery.  
Felv cats need to be kept as stress free as possible and fed as high a 
quality diet as you can.
I'm not sure what these "puddles" on the floor might be.  Do they 
smell like urine?  Has he been using his litter box?  Have you noticed 
any straining, or does he cry when he urinates?  It sounds more like 
it might be vomit to me.  Have you mentioned the slight blood tinge to 
the vet?  It doesn't sound "right", but I'm hoping it's nothing 
serious.  Has he been showing any other symptoms?  Any coughing or 
upper respiratory congestion?  Is he eating normally?  Keep a close 
eye on him and see if you catch him in the act of excreting these 

I'm sure others will be posting soon with suggestions.  Ask as many 
questions as you like.  The people on this list are wonderfully 
supportive and we all know how scary this diagnosis is.


Jennifer Madon wrote:
Hi everyone!  Let me start by saying that my name is Jennifer.  I am 
new to the whole feline leukemia situation.  We had a stray cat adopt 
us right after Christmas.  When he wouldn't go away, we decided to 
adopt him.  He is so sweet and loving, I am so glad my husband said 
yes!!  We took him to the vet and he tested positive.  He also had an 
abscess on the base of his tail.  We are done with the antibiotics 
but I still put to ointment on him.  We go back next Tuesday (3 weeks 
after original test) for a retest.  After that, we are having him 
fixed.  My question is that I have found (about 3 times) some puddles 
of water on the kitchen floor.  I thought maybe he was peeing on the 
floor but the liquid is clear with a pink tint to it.  Does this 
sound right?  Any ideas?  I am very new to this so any info or tips 
on this or anything else is appreciated!! Thanks!

Jennifer and Midnight

Re: Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Nina

Hi Jennifer,
I'm glad you found us and so very glad Midnight found you.  I take it 
the antibiotics were for the abscess on his tail and not because he is 
displaying any other symptoms of illness?  Did the infection clear up 
okay?  How old does the vet think Midnight is?  Adult, healthy cats have 
a much better chance of clearing the virus than an older, sickly, or 
young kitten.  Because he was a stray, there's no way for you to know 
when he contracted the disease.  It may have happened when he got the 
abscess on his tail.  I'm not sure why your vet is having you retest in 
only 3 weeks.   If Midnight is in the process of clearing felv, a three 
week interval between testing is probably too soon to be reliable.  
Usually it is recommended to wait 3 to 6 months.  Did the vet tell you 
it was a faint pos?  If the vet suspects the test was a false pos, then 
a retest in 3 weeks makes more sense.  It is also usually recommended to 
retest using an IFA, (not the in house ELISA). 

When you are ready to have him neutered, please ask us about protocols 
and procedures to help reduce the stress on his body during surgery.  
Felv cats need to be kept as stress free as possible and fed as high a 
quality diet as you can. 

I'm not sure what these "puddles" on the floor might be.  Do they smell 
like urine?  Has he been using his litter box?  Have you noticed any 
straining, or does he cry when he urinates?  It sounds more like it 
might be vomit to me.  Have you mentioned the slight blood tinge to the 
vet?  It doesn't sound "right", but I'm hoping it's nothing serious.  
Has he been showing any other symptoms?  Any coughing or upper 
respiratory congestion?  Is he eating normally?  Keep a close eye on him 
and see if you catch him in the act of excreting these puddles.

I'm sure others will be posting soon with suggestions.  Ask as many 
questions as you like.  The people on this list are wonderfully 
supportive and we all know how scary this diagnosis is.


Jennifer Madon wrote:
Hi everyone!  Let me start by saying that my name is Jennifer.  I am 
new to the whole feline leukemia situation.  We had a stray cat adopt 
us right after Christmas.  When he wouldn't go away, we decided to 
adopt him.  He is so sweet and loving, I am so glad my husband said 
yes!!  We took him to the vet and he tested positive.  He also had an 
abscess on the base of his tail.  We are done with the antibiotics but 
I still put to ointment on him.  We go back next Tuesday (3 weeks 
after original test) for a retest.  After that, we are having him 
fixed.  My question is that I have found (about 3 times) some puddles 
of water on the kitchen floor.  I thought maybe he was peeing on the 
floor but the liquid is clear with a pink tint to it.  Does this sound 
right?  Any ideas?  I am very new to this so any info or tips on this 
or anything else is appreciated!! Thanks!

Jennifer and Midnight

Re: Angel Morgana

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
Aw Kelley, I'm so sorry about Morgana.  I always feel like there might 
have been /something/ else I could have done to save them.  I think it's 
part of the grief process.  Even though I believe that their spirits 
live on and we are always connected, death still feels so damn final!  
It takes a good long while for me to switch gears and stop beating 
myself up with 'what else' or 'what if'.   With some of my kids, I'm 
still waiting for it to stop.  We become so immersed in their care; we 
are fortunate enough to have some success; we start to believe that 
these things are in our power to change.  The only real thing in our 
control is how we respond to what happens.  Please try to be kind to 
yourself.  You're such a good human with such a big heart.  Your babies 
want you to be happy and at peace. 

Such a tiny little girl, I bet she was sooo pretty and only 3 years 
old.  I still think of my bottle baby Timmy as a kitten and he's just 
over 3.  I'm sure your worry over sweet Missy is not helped by so recent 
a loss.

Hugs, blessings and condolences to you and your family,

Kelley Saveika wrote:
I'm so sad.  My little Morgana died less than an hour ago.  I noticed 
something was not right about the way she was lying and picked her up 
and she was doing that awful head lolling thing and panting.  I stuck 
her in a crate and drove as fast as I could to the emergency hospital 
but she passed before I could get there.  I gaev her her meds earlier 
and I wonder if she had a bad reaction...just 1/2 droppeful of 
amoxycillin and 1/2 periactin.  I feel like there was something I 
could have done to stop it.  My poor little girl was only 3.  She is a 
white persian with big beautiful eyes.  She is a tiny girl, just 5.25 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Newbie question

2007-01-18 Thread Jennifer Madon
Hi everyone!  Let me start by saying that my name is Jennifer.  I am new 
to the whole feline leukemia situation.  We had a stray cat adopt us 
right after Christmas.  When he wouldn't go away, we decided to adopt 
him.  He is so sweet and loving, I am so glad my husband said yes!!  We 
took him to the vet and he tested positive.  He also had an abscess on 
the base of his tail.  We are done with the antibiotics but I still put 
to ointment on him.  We go back next Tuesday (3 weeks after original 
test) for a retest.  After that, we are having him fixed.  My question 
is that I have found (about 3 times) some puddles of water on the 
kitchen floor.  I thought maybe he was peeing on the floor but the 
liquid is clear with a pink tint to it.  Does this sound right?  Any 
ideas?  I am very new to this so any info or tips on this or anything 
else is appreciated!! Thanks!

Jennifer and Midnight

Re: Junior

2007-01-18 Thread Sally Davis

Thanks for the information. At times I think Junior has done well and at
times I am not so sure. Seeing how fast Pumpkin and Tiny died I treasure the
moments I have with Junior.

Oh Yes and with all this going on with my cats. I did not get Daisy fixed in
November like I had planned to do. I use a low cost spay neuter clinic here
in Richmond, Va. I called last week for an appt, but missed the call as I
was away when They returned my call. I called again this week. Well they are
extremely busy so her appt is not until Feb 27. She is coming in heat. And
will probably come in heat again b4 2/27/07.  Is there anything out there
that will calm her down?


On 1/18/07, Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 05:38 PM 1/18/2007, you wrote:

Just have her call the Pharmacy and ask for the ALFERON. They all know
what is needed. I would ask for at least 2 bottles to start, That is about 4
months worth,

The phone number is 559  439 1190
or she can write a script for 2 bottles of Alferon,,anyway the pharmacist
know how to take care of it,,,Tell 'em it is the Cat Alferon,,,They know

 I am taking Junior to the Vet tomorrow. His right eye still has glaucoma,
you can see it bulge and the cataract that is forming. He did not eat well
today. Just in case the vet is agreeable how do I get her to write the
prescription for alferon(Kelly)? Also I looked in the Archives and I am not
sure it answered my question, but for any of you who have used Transfer
Factor, do you think it helps?
He still has the thick ears which are very red. I will ask about that as

Thanks for you help.

Sally Davis
Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.410 / Virus Database: 268.16.14/637 - Release Date: 1/18/2007

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
Thanks for letting us know. I sure hope it helps Lucy. I also hope it 
helps Michelle to know that some is coming. I hate being at that point 
where you don't know what to do next. Did Michelle tell you if Lucy's 
temp is down? Blessings to all,


Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I just shipped some to Michelle – she is very exhausted right now – so 
I am responding on her behalf.

Re: Junior

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
I've used TF in the past.  I'm not sure if it helps, some folks swear by 
it.  From the research I did on it, it can't hurt to try it.  My 
thoughts and prayers are with you guys.  What's this about his ears?  
Are they irritated from transdermal meds?  I've used a tiny touch of 
antibiotic ointment on red and inflamed ears, (not in the ear canal), 
before with good success.  Please keep us informed, I hope he regains 
his appetite soon,


Sally Davis wrote:
I am taking Junior to the Vet tomorrow. His right eye still has 
glaucoma, you can see it bulge and the cataract that is forming. He 
did not eat well today. Just in case the vet is agreeable how do I get 
her to write the prescription for alferon(Kelly)? Also I looked in the 
Archives and I am not sure it answered my question, but for any of you 
who have used Transfer Factor, do you think it helps? 
He still has the thick ears which are very red. I will ask about that 
as well.
Thanks for you help.
Sally Davis 
Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our 

please help us if you can 

Re: Junior

2007-01-18 Thread Kelly L

At 05:38 PM 1/18/2007, you wrote:

Just have her call the Pharmacy and ask for the ALFERON. They all 
know what is needed. I would ask for at least 2 bottles to start, 
That is about 4 months worth,

The phone number is 559  439 1190
or she can write a script for 2 bottles of Alferon,,anyway the 
pharmacist know how to take care of it,,,Tell 'em it is the Cat 
Alferon,,,They know


I am taking Junior to the Vet tomorrow. His right eye still has 
glaucoma, you can see it bulge and the cataract that is forming. He 
did not eat well today. Just in case the vet is agreeable how do I 
get her to write the prescription for alferon(Kelly)? Also I looked 
in the Archives and I am not sure it answered my question, but for 
any of you who have used Transfer Factor, do you think it helps?

He still has the thick ears which are very red. I will ask about that as well.

Thanks for you help.

Sally Davis
Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our 

please help us if you can 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.410 / Virus Database: 268.16.14/637 - Release Date: 1/18/2007


2007-01-18 Thread Sally Davis

I am taking Junior to the Vet tomorrow. His right eye still has glaucoma,
you can see it bulge and the cataract that is forming. He did not eat well
today. Just in case the vet is agreeable how do I get her to write the
prescription for alferon(Kelly)? Also I looked in the Archives and I am not
sure it answered my question, but for any of you who have used Transfer
Factor, do you think it helps?
He still has the thick ears which are very red. I will ask about that as

Thanks for you help.

Sally Davis
Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Kelly L

At 12:05 PM 1/18/2007, you wrote:

Hideyo is right. Your vet can get it right away now,,She has all the 


Lucy may have FIP, in which case her only hope, small in that, is 
feline interferon. From my past experience, it can take a few months 
to get via FDA dispensation. Does anyone have some I could buy and 
then try to replace?? When I had it, I send some to someone else on 
this list...

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.410 / Virus Database: 268.16.14/637 - Release Date: 1/18/2007

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Michelle,
  Believe me I know exactly how you are feeling right now.. What sort of 
infection does she have? Or do they know?  URI?  I guess I don't understand why 
they won't give at least one initial dose of dex to bring the temp down and 
help increase her appetite.  
  Have you tried any fancy feast?  Inky can tolerate small amounts of the 
salmon and shrimp..I put his pills in that, but only about a tsp..cause he 
could eat the whole can..It doesn't cause loose stool or anything as long as I 
keep it to that amount.  Sometimes, I mix a little with his turkey just to give 
the added flavor they crave..
  I'm just searching for some things that I have tried that might work for 
her..also, karo syrup mixed with some warm water might give her a little boost, 
  I hope she will rest so she will feel better soon..
  You are in our thoughts and prayers,
  Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels 
in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

RE: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
You can ask your vet to get directly from AbbeyVet in UK - they will
ship without FDA letter and 90% of the time, you will get it.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:22 PM
Subject: RE: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)?? 


I'm working hard on getting some, a friend is in Mexico for (supposedly)
safe surgery, she's a nurse, she should know, and she's making
inquiries- I will post or email when I have access to it (hopefully not

RE: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Bpinesbksa
I'm working hard on getting some, a friend is in Mexico for (supposedly)  
safe surgery, she's a nurse, she should know, and she's making inquiries- I 
post or email when I have access to it (hopefully not  "if")

RE: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I just shipped some to Michelle - she is very exhausted right now - so I
am responding on her behalf.



Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??


I just unsubbed from the list...(irreconcilable differences) but it was
being discussed that people were hiding it in frozen brownies to get it
into the USA to people. You may be desperate enough to sign up and ask
them... the list is:


If I were you, I wouldn't mention my name, LOL! I'm in a foul mood and
just got done reaming them out. Seems that if you want to say anything
there, you must preface it with "This is only my opinion", as if
anything we ever say ISN'T our own personal opinion!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat: 
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Angel Morgana

2007-01-18 Thread Sally Davis


I am so very sorry. It is always so hard but when it happens so
suddenly.Allwe can do is wonder. It sounds like you loved her very
much and took great
care of her.


On 1/15/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sad.  My little Morgana died less than an hour ago.  I noticed
something was not right about the way she was lying and picked her up and
she was doing that awful head lolling thing and panting.  I stuck her in a
crate and drove as fast as I could to the emergency hospital but she passed
before I could get there.  I gaev her her meds earlier and I wonder if she
had a bad reaction...just 1/2 droppeful of amoxycillin and 1/2 periactin.  I
feel like there was something I could have done to stop it.  My poor little
girl was only 3.  She is a white persian with big beautiful eyes.  She is a
tiny girl, just 5.25 pounds.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Junior needs your help with his care fighting Feline Leukemia. Our story
please help us if you can

Re: Angel Morgana

2007-01-18 Thread catatonya
  I'm so sorry for your loss of Morgana.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I'm so sad.  My little Morgana died less than an hour ago.  I noticed 
something was not right about the way she was lying and picked her up and she 
was doing that awful head lolling thing and panting.  I stuck her in a crate 
and drove as fast as I could to the emergency hospital but she passed before I 
could get there.  I gaev her her meds earlier and I wonder if she had a bad 
reaction...just 1/2 droppeful of amoxycillin and 1/2 periactin.  I feel like 
there was something I could have done to stop it.  My poor little girl was only 
3.  She is a white persian with big beautiful eyes.  She is a tiny girl, just 
5.25 pounds.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I just unsubbed from the list...(irreconcilable differences) but it was
being discussed that people were hiding it in frozen brownies to get it into
the USA to people. You may be desperate enough to sign up and ask them...
the list is:

If I were you, I wouldn't mention my name, LOL! I'm in a foul mood and just
got done reaming them out. Seems that if you want to say anything there, you
must preface it with "This is only my opinion", as if anything we ever say
ISN'T our own personal opinion!

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I hope it's nothing too! I hate to even mention it, but that was one of the
very last signs right before my Moogie died, her nose began to bleed. It's
the reason I rushed her to the vet... but it was too late, they said she was
already dying, and probably wouldn't make it another hour on her own.

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oh, man! I wish you lived anywhere except the USA! Feline Interferon Omega
has even cured FIP in some cases! I've been reading lots of studies about
it, and I really believe it can do miracles... but it's not LEGAL here yet!
How is she breathing?

Rear leg weakness can also be an electrolyte imbalance, and is often a
symptom of badly controlled CRF. I can look up the exact imbalance... but I
want to say it's a potassium deficiency...

Adopt a New England FIV+ cat:
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread elizabeth trent

I can't even imagine what you must be going through.  I hope so much that
Lucy will feel better and that you can get some useful information to help
her.  You've both had a very difficult day.  My heart and prayers are with
you both.



 I think they did not want to give her dex because there is the
possibility that she is fighting some kind of bad infection, and dex is
contraindicated for that. Or that she has some kind of ulceration in her
intestines, which dex is also contraindicated for. I asked for it, believe
me.  I am a huge proponent of using it.


In a message dated 1/18/2007 10:16:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

I am sorry to hear Lucy isn't doing so well yet..I don't know why they
won't give you some dex or give her a dex injection..I know it works the
fastest to reduce the temp..It is almost standard procedure from any vet I
have used for dogs or cats here..It also hits any inflammation that might be
going on more rapidly, least until you can get a firm diagnosis, it
always helps. Bandy's temp never would go down much with an incease in
pred. Anyway,  I hope you get the answers at the specialist.. We will pray
than it isn't wet fip or lymphoma.
You two are in our thoughts and prayers,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I don't actually have all the numbers. According to the oncologist, her  
liver enzymes were actually not that low-- he does not think she has a liver  
problem.  The fluid is clear and thin, not yellow or tacky like most FIP  
This is why everyone is so confused.  She may have something else,  but 
whatever it is is not good. I figure the VO can't hurt and could help some  of 
problems it could be.
In a message dated 1/18/2007 4:47:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Michelle – please do  me a favor and send me her blood work result right way –
 I want to take a look  at it – kitty with liver problem could have fluid in 
abdomen ( my Gurfunkle  did) – I just don’t thinks she has FIP for some 
reason – was fluid in straw  color – I could get additional FOI for you as I 
ordered it today – let me  know ASAP!


Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread G. Lane
I know not everyone uses homeopathy, and it's not used like regular 
allopathic medicine -- but I use either Arnica or Phosphorus for 
unusual bleeding - usually Arnica.  It works really well, I take it 
myself for nosebleed, especially get it during the dry winter.

I gave it to my dear departed Nicky who had a mouth cancer that kept 
bleeding, and it worked well.


At 09:20 AM 1/18/2007, you wrote:
My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am 
so worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no 
one else has a bloody nose.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
I'd go ahead and up that to 500mg a day and see if it helps.  I don't 
blame her for not wanting you to mess with her sore little nose.  Pure 
Aloe gel or a touch of vasiline might help though.  I'd love to see her 
new pictures.


Kelley Saveika wrote:

She gets 250 mg of lysine a day.
She does NOT want her nose messed with.  I have a new picture of her 
with 2 of her kitty friends I need to put on my website:).

RE: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Michelle - please do me a favor and send me her blood work result right
way - I want to take a look at it - kitty with liver problem could have
fluid in abdomen ( my Gurfunkle did) - I just don't thinks she has FIP
for some reason - was fluid in straw color - I could get additional FOI
for you as I just ordered it today - let me know ASAP!



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:06 PM
Subject: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??


Lucy may have FIP, in which case her only hope, small in that, is feline
interferon. From my past experience, it can take a few months to get via
FDA dispensation. Does anyone have some I could buy and then try to
replace?? When I had it, I send some to someone else on this list...



Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread cindy reasoner
Kelley, I hope that Missy's nose is due to dry air and
not anything more serious.  Both of you are in my

Cindy Reasoner

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Kelley,
> I remembered other list members posting about bloody
> noses and did a 
> quick search.  Humidifiers seemed to help and
> someone posted about 
> possible ulcerations inside/outside the nose.  They
> said to check for 
> calicivirus or herpes.  How much lysine do you have
> her on?  I'd try 
> either saline drops on a qtip or maybe even a little
> vasiline to soften 
> up her nose.  I'm praying right along side you that
> it's nothing more 
> than the dry air irritating her.  I love your little
> Missy, please let 
> us know how she's doing.
> Nina
> Kelley Saveika wrote:
> > My vet is closed and has been for days due to the
> ice stormI am so 
> > worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the
> dry air, but no one 
> > else has a bloody nose.
> >
> > -- 
> > Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> >
> >
> >
> > Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> >
> > 


TV dinner still cooling? 
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread cindy reasoner
Michelle, I am sorry that Lucy isn't doing well.  I
hope she starts feeling better.  I am sending prayers
to the two of you.

Cindy Reasoner
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The oncologist and internist can not figure out what
> is wrong with her. The  
> things that can cause abdominal fluids are lymphoma,
> FIP, a ruptured 
> intestine,  pancreatitis, and other infection.  She
> has some symptoms of each, but not  
> enough of any of them to make it seem like the
> diagnosis. They did ultrasound 
>  and biopsy, looked at the fluid again, and could
> not come up with anything. 
> They  sent out cytology of fluid and biopsy of lymph
> nodes and sent us home 
> with  her.  Upon getting home, she looks much worse.
> She does not want to eat  
> except for a few pieces of EVo dry food, and I am
> afraid to give her more of it 
>  due to her IBD.  She is kind of hunched up and
> looks nauseous and out of  
> it. She lets me pet her and purrs, but really looks
> awful. She did not look this 
>  way before I took her to the hospital, or even
> while so feverish last  
> night.  The oncologist had said that if her clinical
> signs get worse, e.g.  she 
> stops eating, to bring her back and admit her for
> more tests. I am so loathe  to 
> do that, especially today right from getting home. 
> I am going to give  her a 
> few hours and see if she gets any better. I would
> feel better if she would  
> just curl up and sleep, but she doesn't.  I offered
> her her turkey and she  
> looked like she was going to be sick from smelling
> it. She was also a little  
> wobbly coming up the stairs.  We thought maybe they
> had tranquilized her to  get 
> the biopsy but they said no. She has not really
> eaten now since last night  (I 
> withheld food this morning so don't know if she
> would have eaten or  not).
> Any thoughts appreciated, and prayers definitely
> appreciated.  Very  
> exhausted and worried and sad here.
> Michelle


Yahoo! Music Unlimited
Access over 1 million songs.

Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

She gets 250 mg of lysine a day.

She does NOT want her nose messed with.  I have a new picture of her with 2
of her kitty friends I need to put on my website:).

On 1/18/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Kelley,
I remembered other list members posting about bloody noses and did a
quick search.  Humidifiers seemed to help and someone posted about
possible ulcerations inside/outside the nose.  They said to check for
calicivirus or herpes.  How much lysine do you have her on?  I'd try
either saline drops on a qtip or maybe even a little vasiline to soften
up her nose.  I'm praying right along side you that it's nothing more
than the dry air irritating her.  I love your little Missy, please let
us know how she's doing.

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am so
> worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no one
> else has a bloody nose.
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Nina

I'm sure you're both exhausted.  I'm glad she seems to be resting more 
comfortably right now.  Do your best to be vigilant, not scared.  Have 
faith not fear.  If not faith in a higher power, or a higher good, at 
least faith that you and she know what's best, faith in your own 
judgement and instinct.  I ALWAYS weigh the benefit against the stress 
of any vet visit.  You've already been to the best vet you know, they've 
done testing, as is so very often the case, they still don't have a 
definitive diagnosis.  What more could they do for her at this point?  I 
think she would be better off regaining some of her strength before you 
put her through more testing.  If the worst happens and she begins to 
fail, at least, (not so very "least" imho), she'll be in the loving 
comfort of her home with you by her side.  I know how hard it is to wait 
and see when someone's sick, I'm always afraid that I'm wasting time 
that could be used to find THE answer.  How did Leslie put it?  
Something about a dance, not knowing where to place your foot.  I found 
the quote:

"Take a breath.  Look out the window.  Just pause.  The next step is 
right there, your foot is raised to take it, and you're doing amazing 
ballet in pivoting to all angles before deciding where to put it and 
that's okay."

We're all here with you and Lucy, sending you love and strength,

I want to also. She is curled up sleeping now, but her back legs 
seemed very unsteady when she stood up to change position, and it 
seemed like she kind of collapsed back onto the towel. Apparently 
paresis, or rear leg paralysis, can be a neurological sign of FIP, so 
this is scaring me. Of course, she is also anemic and was through 
something very rough today, so maybe she is just super-exhausted.


urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy may have FIP, in which case her only hope, small in that, is feline  
interferon. From my past experience, it can take a few months to get via FDA  
dispensation. Does anyone have some I could buy and then try to replace?? When 
had it, I send some to someone else on this list...

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I want to also. She is curled up sleeping now, but her back legs seemed  very 
unsteady when she stood up to change position, and it seemed like she kind  
of collapsed back onto the towel. Apparently paresis, or rear leg paralysis, 
can  be a neurological sign of FIP, so this is scaring me. Of course, she is 
also  anemic and was through something very rough today, so maybe she is just  
In a message dated 1/18/2007 2:37:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

That is  my first impulse too.  Give her time to recover from her ordeal, 
the  car ride, the fevers, the testing, all of those things by themselves 
are  enough to exhaust her.  You are there, you know best, but my first  
thought is to give her time to regain her  strength.


Re: OT Anyone care to take a shot at this question?

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
If something happens to both Bruce and I, my sister is our beneficiary.  
We've made it clear, and she's agreed, that she will be responsible for 
our animal's care and safety when we're gone.  Having a plan would 
certainly help, it's such a daunting task to even think about!  I know 
it's possible to include a caveat in one's will about the money left 
being used to insure your animal's well being.  I recently went away for 
a long weekend, the first time I've left my babies overnight in years.  
My nephew came to stay with my fur kids and it really hit home just how 
much time and energy I dedicate to them all.  Very scary stuff.


Marylyn wrote:
Maybe she needs a firm plan of action in case she becomes sick or 
disabled.  Who will care for the cat and where will the money come 
from?  Who will care for my critters is always a concern because I 
have no great safety net in the area I live in.

RE: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
I'm so sorry they couldn't give you any better info, and more
importantly, something to *treat,* after all that.  I tend to agree that
you should wait at least a few hours to let her recover a little from
the trauma.  Is there something you can tempt her with without bothering
the IBD?  If she wants to eat even a little bit that's encouraging.
Here's vibes that she perks up at least a little and that you can get a
little rest.  Very gentle hugs to poor Lucy.
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

The oncologist and internist can not figure out what is wrong with her.
The things that can cause abdominal fluids are lymphoma, FIP, a ruptured
intestine, pancreatitis, and other infection.  She has some symptoms of
each, but not enough of any of them to make it seem like the diagnosis.
They did ultrasound and biopsy, looked at the fluid again, and could not
come up with anything. They sent out cytology of fluid and biopsy of
lymph nodes and sent us home with her.  Upon getting home, she looks
much worse. She does not want to eat except for a few pieces of EVo dry
food, and I am afraid to give her more of it due to her IBD.  She is
kind of hunched up and looks nauseous and out of it. She lets me pet her
and purrs, but really looks awful. She did not look this way before I
took her to the hospital, or even while so feverish last night.  The
oncologist had said that if her clinical signs get worse, e.g. she stops
eating, to bring her back and admit her for more tests. I am so loathe
to do that, especially today right from getting home.  I am going to
give her a few hours and see if she gets any better. I would feel better
if she would just curl up and sleep, but she doesn't.  I offered her her
turkey and she looked like she was going to be sick from smelling it.
She was also a little wobbly coming up the stairs.  We thought maybe
they had tranquilized her to get the biopsy but they said no. She has
not really eaten now since last night (I withheld food this morning so
don't know if she would have eaten or not).
Any thoughts appreciated, and prayers definitely appreciated.  Very
exhausted and worried and sad here.

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
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Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Nina
That is my first impulse too.  Give her time to recover from her ordeal, 
the car ride, the fevers, the testing, all of those things by themselves 
are enough to exhaust her.  You are there, you know best, but my first 
thought is to give her time to regain her strength.


Susan Loesch wrote:
Michelle, do give her a little while to recover from this morning.  
She has been through a lot, being poked and prodded and tested.  
Unless you get a "gut feeling" that she's definitely going downhill 
think about giving her 24 hours.  I think that is what I would do if 
she were mine -- but being there with her of course that might not 
feel right.  Don't panic - take a deep breath and relax so that she 
will not feel your stress.   Praying for you both.

*/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

The oncologist and internist can not figure out what is wrong with
her. The things that can cause abdominal fluids are lymphoma, FIP,
a ruptured intestine, pancreatitis, and other infection.  She has
some symptoms of each, but not enough of any of them to make it
seem like the diagnosis. They did ultrasound and biopsy, looked at
the fluid again, and could not come up with anything. They sent
out cytology of fluid and biopsy of lymph nodes and sent us home
with her.  Upon getting home, she looks much worse. She does not
want to eat except for a few pieces of EVo dry food, and I am
afraid to give her more of it due to her IBD.  She is kind of
hunched up and looks nauseous and out of it. She lets me pet her
and purrs, but really looks awful. She did not look this way
before I took her to the hospital, or even while so feverish last
night.  The oncologist had said that if her clinical signs get
worse, e.g. she stops eating, to bring her back and admit her for
more tests. I am so loathe to do that, especially today right from
getting home.  I am going to give her a few hours and see if she
gets any better. I would feel better if she would just curl up and
sleep, but she doesn't.  I offered her her turkey and she looked
like she was going to be sick from smelling it. She was also a
little wobbly coming up the stairs.  We thought maybe they had
tranquilized her to get the biopsy but they said no. She has not
really eaten now since last night (I withheld food this morning so
don't know if she would have eaten or not).
Any thoughts appreciated, and prayers definitely appreciated. 
Very exhausted and worried and sad here.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Susan Loesch
Michelle, do give her a little while to recover from this morning.  She has 
been through a lot, being poked and prodded and tested.  Unless you get a "gut 
feeling" that she's definitely going downhill think about giving her 24 hours.  
I think that is what I would do if she were mine -- but being there with her of 
course that might not feel right.  Don't panic - take a deep breath and relax 
so that she will not feel your stress.   Praying for you both.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  The oncologist and internist can not figure out 
what is wrong with her. The things that can cause abdominal fluids are 
lymphoma, FIP, a ruptured intestine, pancreatitis, and other infection.  She 
has some symptoms of each, but not enough of any of them to make it seem like 
the diagnosis. They did ultrasound and biopsy, looked at the fluid again, and 
could not come up with anything. They sent out cytology of fluid and biopsy of 
lymph nodes and sent us home with her.  Upon getting home, she looks much 
worse. She does not want to eat except for a few pieces of EVo dry food, and I 
am afraid to give her more of it due to her IBD.  She is kind of hunched up and 
looks nauseous and out of it. She lets me pet her and purrs, but really looks 
awful. She did not look this way before I took her to the hospital, or even 
while so feverish last night.  The oncologist had said that if her clinical 
signs get worse, e.g. she stops eating, to bring her back
 and admit her for more tests. I am so loathe to do that, especially today 
right from getting home.  I am going to give her a few hours and see if she 
gets any better. I would feel better if she would just curl up and sleep, but 
she doesn't.  I offered her her turkey and she looked like she was going to be 
sick from smelling it. She was also a little wobbly coming up the stairs.  We 
thought maybe they had tranquilized her to get the biopsy but they said no. She 
has not really eaten now since last night (I withheld food this morning so 
don't know if she would have eaten or not).
  Any thoughts appreciated, and prayers definitely appreciated.  Very exhausted 
and worried and sad here.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I think they did not want to give her dex because there is the possibility  
that she is fighting some kind of bad infection, and dex is contraindicated for 
 that. Or that she has some kind of ulceration in her intestines, which dex 
is  also contraindicated for. I asked for it, believe me.  I am a huge  
proponent of using it.
In a message dated 1/18/2007 10:16:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I am sorry to hear Lucy isn't doing so well yet..I don't know why they  won't 
give you some dex or give her a dex injection..I know it works the  fastest 
to reduce the temp..It is almost standard procedure from any vet I  have used 
for dogs or cats here..It also hits any inflammation that might be  going on 
more rapidly, least until you can get a firm diagnosis, it  always 
helps. Bandy's temp never would go down much with an incease in  pred. Anyway,  
hope you get the answers at the specialist.. We  will pray than it isn't wet 
fip or lymphoma.  
You two are in our thoughts and prayers,
Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky


Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
The oncologist and internist can not figure out what is wrong with her. The  
things that can cause abdominal fluids are lymphoma, FIP, a ruptured 
intestine,  pancreatitis, and other infection.  She has some symptoms of each, 
but not  
enough of any of them to make it seem like the diagnosis. They did ultrasound 
 and biopsy, looked at the fluid again, and could not come up with anything. 
They  sent out cytology of fluid and biopsy of lymph nodes and sent us home 
with  her.  Upon getting home, she looks much worse. She does not want to eat  
except for a few pieces of EVo dry food, and I am afraid to give her more of it 
 due to her IBD.  She is kind of hunched up and looks nauseous and out of  
it. She lets me pet her and purrs, but really looks awful. She did not look 
 way before I took her to the hospital, or even while so feverish last  
night.  The oncologist had said that if her clinical signs get worse, e.g.  she 
stops eating, to bring her back and admit her for more tests. I am so loathe  
do that, especially today right from getting home.  I am going to give  her a 
few hours and see if she gets any better. I would feel better if she would  
just curl up and sleep, but she doesn't.  I offered her her turkey and she  
looked like she was going to be sick from smelling it. She was also a little  
wobbly coming up the stairs.  We thought maybe they had tranquilized her to  
the biopsy but they said no. She has not really eaten now since last night  (I 
withheld food this morning so don't know if she would have eaten or  not).
Any thoughts appreciated, and prayers definitely appreciated.  Very  
exhausted and worried and sad here.

Re: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread Nina

Hi Kelley,
I remembered other list members posting about bloody noses and did a 
quick search.  Humidifiers seemed to help and someone posted about 
possible ulcerations inside/outside the nose.  They said to check for 
calicivirus or herpes.  How much lysine do you have her on?  I'd try 
either saline drops on a qtip or maybe even a little vasiline to soften 
up her nose.  I'm praying right along side you that it's nothing more 
than the dry air irritating her.  I love your little Missy, please let 
us know how she's doing.


Kelley Saveika wrote:
My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am so 
worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no one 
else has a bloody nose.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Nina

Oh Michelle,
Did you have the ER vets save the fluid for your oncologist to test?  
Thank goodness you have educated yourself and know that the diagnosis of 
an ER vet is not always reliable.  I'm so blessed to not have anyone in 
crisis right now, but reading your post sent all those fears and dreads 
of the past flooding to my heart.  We do all understand what you are 
going through, all the uncertainty, all the hope, all the prayers for 
guidance and most of all the prayer for more quality time.  As Hideyo 
said, Lucy is a fighter, and we know that you are too.  Think about 
Kerry's Bandy and how he continued to rally. 

It doesn't matter how long they are with us, it's never long enough.  Do 
your very best to concentrate on the Now, take things one step at a 
time, try not to jump ahead to all the worst case scenarios, your love 
for each other is what is most important.  Your special bond with Lucy 
tells me she has much to teach you.  Do your best to let go of anxiety, 
purposely make moments of quiet in her company so she can continue to 
impart her wisdom and settle your heart.  My thoughts and prayers are 
with you.

Love and strength to you both,

Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did 
blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low. 
They took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really 
trust to read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her 
abdomen and an enlarged heart. They tapped the fluid and could not 
tell what it is. With IV fluids and some torbutrol her temp came down 
to 100.6 in two hours. I then took her home, against their advice, 
because they did not seem to think they could do anything and she was 
miserable there. I have an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank, the 
best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours 
away, so we need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want 
a better diagnosis, and I want it from the best people.  Except for 
the fact that she is still eating (probably not normally, but not 
completely terribly either) and alert, and her protein ratio which 
does not point to FIP, her clinical signs and blood work otherwise 
could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's lymphoma.  She was trying 
to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to chemo, even though I 
told her I had one who did and know others with cats who have.  It is 
possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is lymphoma so bad that 
nothing can be done or that she has heart problems that will 
complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I want to try, at least, to 
get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  She is happy to 
be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey, probably 10 
or 15 little pieces.
Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at 
least have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the 
others, though I love them too. she is my love.

RE: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I will be sending tons of prayers for Lucy - she is a fighter and she
always has overcome all the things.. and I just have a feeling that she
is going to get rid of whatever she is fighting against and will get
better very very soon.


Hugs to you and Lucy.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
Kerry N.
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:46 AM
Subject: RE: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious


Sending prayers for your darling Lucy, Michelle. By now you will
hopefully have a better idea what's going on. It's wonderful that you
got an immediate appointment with the best hospital. It's also wonderful
that she's still enjoying her food and eating well. Kerry M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did
blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low.
They took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really
trust to read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen
and an enlarged heart. They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it
is. With IV fluids and some torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two
hours. I then took her home, against their advice, because they did not
seem to think they could do anything and she was miserable there. I have
an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank, the best vet hospital in the
state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so we need to leave at
5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want a better diagnosis, and I want
it from the best people.  Except for the fact that she is still eating
(probably not normally, but not completely terribly either) and alert,
and her protein ratio which does not point to FIP, her clinical signs
and blood work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's
lymphoma.  She was trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to
chemo, even though I told her I had one who did and know others with
cats who have.  It is possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is
lymphoma so bad that nothing can be done or that she has heart problems
that will complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I want to try, at
least, to get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  She is
happy to be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey,
probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 


Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at
least have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the
others, though I love them too. she is my love.




IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters
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Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Kelley Saveika


I will be praying for yall to have more good time together.  I have one I
love more too.


 Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did
blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low. They
took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really trust to
read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen and an
enlarged heart. They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it is. With IV
fluids and some torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours. I then
took her home, against their advice, because they did not seem to think they
could do anything and she was miserable there. I have an appointment for
7:30 am at Red Bank, the best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist.
It is 2 hours away, so we need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides,
but I want a better diagnosis, and I want it from the best people.  Except
for the fact that she is still eating (probably not normally, but not
completely terribly either) and alert, and her protein ratio which does not
point to FIP, her clinical signs and blood work otherwise could mean wet
FIP. The ER vet thinks it's lymphoma.  She was trying to convince me that
FeLV+ cats dont respond to chemo, even though I told her I had one who did
and know others with cats who have.  It is possible it is FIP, it is
possible that it is lymphoma so bad that nothing can be done or that she has
heart problems that will complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I want to
try, at least, to get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  She
is happy to be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey,
probably 10 or 15 little pieces.

Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at least
have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the others,
though I love them too. she is my love.


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread cindy reasoner
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about Lucy.  I hope
you get better news at the vet office. I know what you
mean about loving all of your babies but there is one
that just captures your heart and soul. It sounds like
you are doing everything for your sweet baby. I will
be praying for both of you.

Cindy Reasoner 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to
> the ER. They did blood  
> work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver
> enzymes are low. They took 
> xrays  and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I
> don't really trust to read xrays  
> totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen
> and an enlarged heart. 
> They  tapped the fluid and could not tell what it
> is. With IV fluids and some  
> torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours.
> I then took her home,  
> against their advice, because they did not seem to
> think they could do anything  
> and she was miserable there. I have an appointment
> for 7:30 am at Red Bank, 
> the  best vet hospital in the state, with an
> oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so 
> we  need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides,
> but I want a better 
> diagnosis,  and I want it from the best people. 
> Except for the fact that she is 
> still  eating (probably not normally, but not
> completely terribly either) and 
> alert,  and her protein ratio which does not point
> to FIP, her clinical signs and 
> blood  work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet
> thinks it's lymphoma.  
> She  was trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont
> respond to chemo, even 
> though I  told her I had one who did and know others
> with cats who have.  It is  
> possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is
> lymphoma so bad that nothing can  
> be done or that she has heart problems that will
> complicate chemo and I can't 
> do  it.  But I want to try, at least, to get a
> better diagnosis before 
> deciding  all of this.  She is happy to be home for
> now.  She ate a little bit  of 
> cooked turkey, probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 
> Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I
> hope she can at  least 
> have some good time left. she is my baby, more than
> any of the others,  though I 
> love them too. she is my love.
> Michelle


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RE: Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Poor girlie.  Hope it's just the dry air; are you boiling water or
anything to moisten it?
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kelley Saveika
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:20 AM
To: felvtalk
Subject: Missy has a bloody nose:(

My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am so
worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no one
else has a bloody nose. 

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life! 

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Missy has a bloody nose:(

2007-01-18 Thread Kelley Saveika

My vet is closed and has been for days due to the ice stormI am so
worried about her.  I am hoping it is due to the dry air, but no one else
has a bloody nose.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Kerry Roach
  I am sorry to hear Lucy isn't doing so well yet..I don't know why they won't 
give you some dex or give her a dex injection..I know it works the fastest to 
reduce the temp..It is almost standard procedure from any vet I have used for 
dogs or cats here..It also hits any inflammation that might be going on more 
rapidly, least until you can get a firm diagnosis, it always helps. 
Bandy's temp never would go down much with an incease in pred. Anyway,  I hope 
you get the answers at the specialist.. We will pray than it isn't wet fip or 
  You two are in our thoughts and prayers,
  Kerry, Angel Bandy and Inky

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

RE: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Sending prayers for your darling Lucy, Michelle. By now you will
hopefully have a better idea what's going on. It's wonderful that you
got an immediate appointment with the best hospital. It's also wonderful
that she's still enjoying her food and eating well. Kerry M.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:37 PM
Subject: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did
blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low.
They took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really
trust to read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen
and an enlarged heart. They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it
is. With IV fluids and some torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two
hours. I then took her home, against their advice, because they did not
seem to think they could do anything and she was miserable there. I have
an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank, the best vet hospital in the
state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so we need to leave at
5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want a better diagnosis, and I want
it from the best people.  Except for the fact that she is still eating
(probably not normally, but not completely terribly either) and alert,
and her protein ratio which does not point to FIP, her clinical signs
and blood work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's
lymphoma.  She was trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to
chemo, even though I told her I had one who did and know others with
cats who have.  It is possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is
lymphoma so bad that nothing can be done or that she has heart problems
that will complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I want to try, at
least, to get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  She is
happy to be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey,
probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 
Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at
least have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the
others, though I love them too. she is my love.
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Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Gary Murphy
Oh Michelle, prayers going out for you and Lucy.  You're such a
good mom to her.  Hope the ride went ok and that we hear some
good news this afternoon.


Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Susan Loesch
Good luck, Michelle, with Lucy's visit to the other vet.  Many many prayers 
coming your way from my house.  I know what you mean about loving her more -- 
that is the way I felt about my Daisy who died in Oct.  Sometimes one kitty 
will just be -- for lack of better terms, a soulmate.  Give her a hug from me 
and my feleuk gang.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her 
to the ER. They did blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver 
enzymes are low. They took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't 
really trust to read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen 
and an enlarged heart. They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it is. 
With IV fluids and some torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours. I 
then took her home, against their advice, because they did not seem to think 
they could do anything and she was miserable there. I have an appointment for 
7:30 am at Red Bank, the best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist. It 
is 2 hours away, so we need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I 
want a better diagnosis, and I want it from the best people.  Except for the 
fact that she is still eating (probably not normally, but not completely 
terribly either) and alert, and her protein ratio
 which does not point to FIP, her clinical signs and blood work otherwise could 
mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's lymphoma.  She was trying to convince me 
that FeLV+ cats dont respond to chemo, even though I told her I had one who did 
and know others with cats who have.  It is possible it is FIP, it is possible 
that it is lymphoma so bad that nothing can be done or that she has heart 
problems that will complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I want to try, at 
least, to get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  She is happy to 
be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey, probably 10 or 15 
little pieces. 
  Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at least 
have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the others, though I 
love them too. she is my love.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Belinda

   If at all possible try and get an appointment with Dr Rogers Fred, 
he is a leading oncologist and one that is used by and consulted with by 
many members of the Feline Lymphoma group members.  He is one of the 
best!!!  Prayers for Lucy, I hope it isn't lymphoma or anything else, 
but if it is she will be in the best hands.  If is cancer, maybe he can 
consult with your vet about the protocol and your vet can do the chemo 
if you do chemo, that way Lucy wouldn't have to deal with the stressful 
car ride.


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Re: OT Anyone care to take a shot at this question?

2007-01-18 Thread Marylyn
Maybe she needs a firm plan of action in case she becomes sick or disabled.  
Who will care for the cat and where will the money come from?  Who will care 
for my critters is always a concern because I have no great safety net in the 
area I live in.   

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Gina WN 
  Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:12 AM
  Subject: Re: OT Anyone care to take a shot at this question?

  I also like Leslie's suggestions about asking how they would have handled the 
situation again, etc.  I think that having an animal companion can help people 
who suffer from loneliness and depression; it gives people a sense of purpose 
and someone else to focus their love and attention on.  And, haven't all of us 
experienced the love we get from our babies? :)  I don't think her having given 
up a pet precludes her from ever adopting again.  Perhaps she can learn from 
her mistake.

  Just my feelings :)


  Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I like Tamara's suggestion of fostering, that seems nice and probationary.  
Don't fault the person for seeking companionship out of loneliness, even 
depression, he/she seems to have hit on a solution that has the potential to be 
mutually beneficial to them and the animal. 

It seems that he/she has given themselves a lot of self-punishment - there 
is nothing off-hand about the admission, there is remorse and it seems to be 
genuine, and after all, they didn't have to admit it at all.  Suggesting 
volunteering is always a great one, but I feel as though a response that 
acknowledges the person's concern over the issue, and that it mirrors yours, 
would be appropriate.  Ask him/her how things have changed if faced with the 
same situation now.  Ask him/her how they would have handled that situation 
again if given the opportunity.  Then make your determination of whether to 


  Visit my Tigger Tales site!

  Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast 
  with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Marylyn
May all the angels watch over you and Lucy.  She will be frightened but she 
will be with you and know your love.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:36 PM
  Subject: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

  Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did blood 
work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low. They took 
xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really trust to read xrays 
totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen and an enlarged heart. 
They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it is. With IV fluids and some 
torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours. I then took her home, 
against their advice, because they did not seem to think they could do anything 
and she was miserable there. I have an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank, the 
best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so we 
need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want a better diagnosis, 
and I want it from the best people.  Except for the fact that she is still 
eating (probably not normally, but not completely terribly either) and alert, 
and her protein ratio which does not point to FIP, her clinical signs and blood 
work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's lymphoma.  She was 
trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to chemo, even though I told 
her I had one who did and know others with cats who have.  It is possible it is 
FIP, it is possible that it is lymphoma so bad that nothing can be done or that 
she has heart problems that will complicate chemo and I can't do it.  But I 
want to try, at least, to get a better diagnosis before deciding all of this.  
She is happy to be home for now.  She ate a little bit of cooked turkey, 
probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 

  Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at least 
have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the others, though I 
love them too. she is my love.


Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 24, Issue 35

2007-01-18 Thread BoardMailbox
Lucy is in my thoughts and prayers.  If you are taking  her to Red Bank 
Veterinary Hospital in NJ(?) then she is in very good  hands.   
>>Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 23:36:55 EST
Subject: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="us-ascii"

Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to  the ER. They did blood  
work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver  enzymes are low. They took 
xrays  and it looked to them (ER doctors,  who I don't really trust to read 
totally correctly) like she has  fluid in her abdomen and an enlarged heart. 
They  tapped the fluid and  could not tell what it is. With IV fluids and 
torbutrol her temp  came down to 100.6 in two hours. I then took her home,  
against their  advice, because they did not seem to think they could do 
and  she was miserable there. I have an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank,  
the  best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours  away, 
we  need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want  a better 
diagnosis,  and I want it from the best people.  Except  for the fact that 
she is 
still  eating (probably not normally, but not  completely terribly either) 
alert,  and her protein ratio which  does not point to FIP, her clinical 
signs and 
blood  work otherwise  could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks it's lymphoma.  
She  was  trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to chemo, even 
though  I  told her I had one who did and know others with cats who have.  It 
possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is lymphoma so bad that  nothing 
be done or that she has heart problems that will  complicate chemo and I 
do  it.  But I want to try, at least,  to get a better diagnosis before 
deciding  all of this.  She is  happy to be home for now.  She ate a little 
bit  of 
cooked turkey,  probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 

Please pray hard for her.  It does  not look good. I hope she can at  least 
have some good time left. she  is my baby, more than any of the others,  
though I 
love them too. she  is my love.


Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-18 Thread Gina WN
I'm happy to hear this :)  Please keep us updated with any more news.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I guess there are some benefits of not being able to stay as in touch with the 
list as much as I'd like.  It's nice to tune in just in time to have things 
getting better with our little Lucy out of danger.  Someone mentioned how her 
recovery points to the fact that she's able to fend off infections, (or 
whatever the heck is going on).  I always took heart when my guys where able to 
prove that their immune systems were still working.  I'm sorry for your stress, 
and very glad to hear Lucy is feeling better.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thanks everyone.  I think I did not have the 
thermometer in far enough the last time, because her temp is now 103.6, and she 
seems better not worse, so I think the lower reading was wrong. But she is 
acting almost normal now. ate a lot, came to lay with me, purring etc.  Sorry 
for all the emails. I appreciate the support and advice.
  In a message dated 1/16/2007 11:53:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
  eyelid (she should close her eye as your thumb approaches. If light pressure 
gets a pain response 

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Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Gina WN
Sending healing energy Lucy's way and praying for more time for you and she.  I 
am so sorry about this Michelle.  I know how you feel; while I love all my 
babies, my Tigger and I have a special bond that just seems to grow over the 

  Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did 
blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low. They 
took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really trust to read 
xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen and an enlarged 
heart. They tapped the fluid and could not tell what it is. With IV fluids and 
some torbutrol her temp came down to 100.6 in two hours. I then took her home, 
against their advice, because they did not seem to think they could do anything 
and she was miserable there. I have an appointment for 7:30 am at Red Bank, the 
best vet hospital in the state, with an oncologist. It is 2 hours away, so we 
need to leave at 5:30 am. Lucy hates car rides, but I want a better diagnosis, 
and I want it from the best people.  Except for the fact that she is still 
eating (probably not normally, but not completely terribly either) and alert, 
and her protein ratio which does not point to FIP, her
 clinical signs and blood work otherwise could mean wet FIP. The ER vet thinks 
it's lymphoma.  She was trying to convince me that FeLV+ cats dont respond to 
chemo, even though I told her I had one who did and know others with cats who 
have.  It is possible it is FIP, it is possible that it is lymphoma so bad that 
nothing can be done or that she has heart problems that will complicate chemo 
and I can't do it.  But I want to try, at least, to get a better diagnosis 
before deciding all of this.  She is happy to be home for now.  She ate a 
little bit of cooked turkey, probably 10 or 15 little pieces. 
  Please pray hard for her.  It does not look good. I hope she can at least 
have some good time left. she is my baby, more than any of the others, though I 
love them too. she is my love.

Visit my Tigger Tales site!

Check out the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get 
things done faster.

Re: OT: Updated my website links page, opinions?

2007-01-18 Thread Gina WN
I think it's easier to find the information that I might need.  Good job!  I 
don't know if I have any links you can use on my site, but feel free to look.

  Ok, so it was getting out of hand... I have separated several conditions I 
had a lot of links for to different pages. Please tell me if you see any 
errors, or if you have any good links not on the site!
Adopt a New England FIV+ cat: 
Special Needs Cat Links (and feline info library):
FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:Little Cheetah Cat Rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and 
out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer 
O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
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ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA

Visit my Tigger Tales site!

Don't pick lemons.
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Re: OT Anyone care to take a shot at this question?

2007-01-18 Thread Gina WN
I also like Leslie's suggestions about asking how they would have handled the 
situation again, etc.  I think that having an animal companion can help people 
who suffer from loneliness and depression; it gives people a sense of purpose 
and someone else to focus their love and attention on.  And, haven't all of us 
experienced the love we get from our babies? :)  I don't think her having given 
up a pet precludes her from ever adopting again.  Perhaps she can learn from 
her mistake.
  Just my feelings :)

Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I like Tamara's suggestion of fostering, that seems nice and probationary.  
Don't fault the person for seeking companionship out of loneliness, even 
depression, he/she seems to have hit on a solution that has the potential to be 
mutually beneficial to them and the animal. 

It seems that he/she has given themselves a lot of self-punishment - there is 
nothing off-hand about the admission, there is remorse and it seems to be 
genuine, and after all, they didn't have to admit it at all.  Suggesting 
volunteering is always a great one, but I feel as though a response that 
acknowledges the person's concern over the issue, and that it mirrors yours, 
would be appropriate.  Ask him/her how things have changed if faced with the 
same situation now.  Ask him/her how they would have handled that situation 
again if given the opportunity.  Then make your determination of whether to 


Visit my Tigger Tales site!

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 with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut.