Re: Passwords

2008-05-15 Thread lomaxturtle
Hi do we need to subscribe again - I couldn't see anything about getting new 
passwords for already subscribed - but that might be just me.


Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble

-Original Message-
From: James G Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 15 May 2008 19:48
Subject: Passwords

Hey all, sorry I forgot to mention that everyone has a new 
password now that we're on a new server. Just go to the 
link at the very end of this message and follow the 
instructions on how to retrieve your passwords. Again, I 
apologize for all of the confusion. Hopefully, things will be 
back to normal soon. Best regards.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED] (FeLV Research & Support) (3PartHarmony Productions) (My Space Page) (Weather for Edwardsville, IL)

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Mysterio Please add to the CLS

2008-02-13 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear of Mysterio going to the bridge - Mysterio will a  fluffy 
cushion and be happy and healthy - I'll ask my angel Buddy and Angel  Bramble 
give Mysterio an angel kiss xxx


Boo Boo

2008-02-08 Thread Lomaxturtle
Good job Boo Boo came to you when he did. There's so much good information  
and experience from people here and I can't add to it cos I tend to ask  
questions when needed co sof the experience of people here. At least he is safe 
and free from those dreadful ignorant previous owners who sound like are not  
worth dealing with. Although I'm here no with Minstrel's good news I've not 
been  so lucky in the past and lost 3 cats who didn't make it despite my 
efforts.  They too had a rough start in life but the one thing I am sure of is 
every  second of love and care they got from me made their lives a lot better 
and  helped give them the comfort and safety they needed to cope with arising  
sickness issues. Giving them tlc and safety along with whatever medical care 
is  appropriate is the biggest gift they can have. As someone said it maybe 
flea  anaemia and nutrition etc could make a huge difference. Previous owners 
hadn't  got a clue about the cats health needs so I doubt they cared about 
nutrition  needs. He will know he is loved and safe and that will make a huge 
difference to  how he feels in himself xxx 
Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble
PS - sending prayers and strength to those who have recently lost a furbaby  
as I noticed a couple of posts about angel furbabies - they will be restored 
to  health and snuggling up keeping our soft fluffy cushions warm until we get 
there  xxx



2008-02-08 Thread lomaxturtle

Minstrel was in sanctuary with now Angel Buddy (FIV+) when they were first 
tested and from what i gather they were both tested around 6 months of age - 
obviously Buddy was FIV and Minstrel tested positive for FeLV - I assume they 
used the in house SNAP test at that point. From what I gather though FeLV+ 
results are more reliable than  FIV results on the in house test. 

To be honest I didn't ask what test it was this time but I know they sent it 
away and didn't test in house. The test cost me close to £50 in UK and Minstrel 
is now 4 years old. 

Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble xxx 

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2008-02-08 Thread lomaxturtle
Just wanted to bring a positive note to you all.

I took my FeLV girl Minstrel to the vet last week to check her mouth cos she 
was showing dental signs. I'd had her checked at New Year just before Buddy 
(FIV+) passed away and her gums were a little inflammed but not severe.?Last 
Friday she had 3 wobbly teeth and red gums so she'd had root infection travel 
down. The vet said the pathology looked like what any cat can get and not 
specifically just related to FeLV. She had 5 teeth out on Tuesday and came home 
trying to get in the bag of cat biscuits bless her - but she is eating well 
soft food complete with antibiotics sprinkled over and some painkiller for 
couple of days. Anyway, whilst she was having pre-op bloods taken I asked them 
to re-check her FeLV status as I know occassionally cats can rid themselves of 
the virus and I just wanted to know either way. The vet phoned this morning 
whenthe blood results came back from the lab and?Minstral?is now FeLV negative 
:-) I didn't know whether to laugh or cry but I think I'll be opening the 
champagne tonight. I could now even consider introducing a new cat into the 
house (would obviously have to be FeLV - though but would mean?Minstrel has 
company when I'm at work - and helping any cat is better than helping none. 
Need to book leave from work and consider carefully before that though - but 
what a nice surprise.

hugs and good wishes to all your kitties xxx 

Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble 

AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour at 

Miller Please add to the CLS

2008-01-21 Thread Lomaxturtle
Sorry to hear about Miller - so many new angels flying above us playing  
together at the bridge. Miller will be back to full health now and keeping your 
cushion warm until the day you're reunited.
Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel  Bramble



2008-01-18 Thread lomaxturtle
Sorry to hear of Rudy's passing - I'll ask Buddy to chase Rudy around too now 
that they are at the bridge playing with full health restored xxx

Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble

AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour at 


2008-01-16 Thread Lomaxturtle
Sorry to hear about Teddy Laurie - it's the hardest decision to make you do  
know when it's right xx He'll be playing with his friends and Buddy is 
probably  chasing him around to - she liked chasing xxx
Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel  Bramble


Please Add Buddy to Candlelight Service

2008-01-14 Thread Lomaxturtle
Buddy has gone to rainbow bridge to collect her angel wings tonight. She is  
on her bed at the moment looking peaceful and I will take her to the pet  
crematorium tomorrow then bring her ashes home. Infection overwhelmed her  and 
wouldn't respond to antibiotics and she got to be in too much pain and  started 
to give up - the weekend was a really bad one for her, she collapsed in  pain 
when the vet felt her kidneys and stomach today so it's nice to see her  
looking peaceful now - nothing was helping her anymore. I'll miss her pawing my 
face and sticking her face out for kisses - she was such a lovely affectionate  
girl until this got hold of her. Minstrel has had a look at her and gone off  
upset but at least she knows. 
Michelle, Minstrel, Angel Buddy & Angel Bramble xxx 



2008-01-04 Thread Lomaxturtle
Has anyone used interferon omega recently in UK - if so how much does is  
cost you per box of 5 vials. Vet quoted me £1500 for a course - one week on -  
one off and one week after and then a week 2 months later. Seems a lot more 
 what I paid last time. I can't afford £1500 and the sanctuary will be 
reluctant  to pay but this seems her only chance now.
Buddy is currently hospitalised having fluids today - her temperature won't  
come down she won't respond to the synulox antibiotics so it's seeming to lead 
 us to thinking it's viral. Her bloods came back and her liver adn kidneys  
are currently fine but she is slightly anaemic, nothing else showed  up. Vet 
had a good feel and feels it is not wet form FIP, and although  lymphoma can't 
be ruled out he's never seen symptoms like this happen  overnight.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel  Bramble



2008-01-01 Thread Lomaxturtle
I have been pushing sanctuary to help fund interferon but they try to hold  
off it cos of the cost as the omega in UK is expensive. That's why I went  to 
stamp my feet and demand they help cos they tell you to act fast and say they  
help with vets and then don't allow you to look after the animal properly by  
with holding drugs. Annoying but I understand the cost issue when they have so 
 many animals to share it around.
She does lick her lips sometimes so will mention that tomorrow - probably  
worth getting her kidney function tested  anyway. Need her temperature down  
fast cos that would put anyone off food.
I'll keep trying and update after vets tomorrow xxx
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble  xxx


Prayers Please

2008-01-01 Thread Lomaxturtle
Hi everybody 
Unfortunately I've returned fo rno so good reasons. Xmas day my Buddy  
(4.5years) cams down sick. She would hardly eat and was hiding most of day. she 
seemed to want to lick food but was too sore to swallow so she couldn't bear it 
- and she was gulping like when we have a sore throat. The first day she 
hadn't  hit me round the face and nuzzled up to me in the morning for breakfast 
Got her to the vet on Thursday as soon as they reopened after xmas and  
boxing day. Her temperature was 105 and vet thought it was a throat  infection 
gave her the antibiotic injection - I'd prefer that if possible to  avoid her 
being stressed about getting tablets in her.  By  saturaday she was no better 
and still not eaten and hardly drank much so panic  set in. Took her back and 
saw a different vet who thought it was a calicibirus  flare up cos her gums 
had inflammed - so we syringe fed her 15ml of Hills AD  with some metacam for 
cats. I syringe fed her a bit more at home and repeated  this again Sunday. 
Meanwhile I'd been to the sanctuary where I got her from and  said I need help 
with the vet so their vet saw her yesterday - her temp was  still 105 and still 
not eating. Syringe feeding is stressful for her but she  just about tolerates 
20ml feed. He gave her synolux antibiotic so now on tablets  anyway so am 
doing that when I feed her. SHe switched into an unhappy poorly  girl and now 
up being messed about feeding and going to vets. If no better  tomorrow then 
she'll have bloods done to see if her FIV has progressed. She  seems to have 
lost interest in food completely now and I don't know what else to  do. I'm 
tried so many different foods to stimulate her with smell and although  syringe 
feeding her AD is necessary at the moment it's stressing her more and I  don't 
want to her to get scared of food. She will come of hiding now and stay  out 
for a while but often I have to coax her out - she looks so tiny and  lethargic 
- desperately nedd her temperture to come back down.
She's is only 4 and this was so rapid I didn't it coming - poor girl  is 
depressed. My FeLV girl Minstrel knows too and is obviously concerned about  
Any suggestions and prayers welcome cos I'm in bits at moment. Fortunately  
I've been off work this last week but supposed to be back in tomorrow and don't 
 want to go at all.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble  xxx


Re: Toby's death

2007-09-18 Thread lomaxturtle

I feel physically sick having just read of poor Toby's plight - I hadn't seen 
that and not sure if I am pleased I read it or not (only good thing 
is I will be signing the petition). The poor baby, how anyone can can hit
an animal to hurt it is beyond me but what they did is just pure evil. I 
work in psychology and have some experience of forensic psychiatry and it
scares me that people so young can be so evil - without doubt it is not 
therapy they need as they are nothing but development psychopaths / sociopaths.
Psychopathic behaviour often starts as torture to animals unfortunately 
and progresses to humans. They have no remorse at all and can't have a 
as they wouldn't have done something that severe. I wish we could do exactly 
same to them and would happily volunteer to join the queue of people willing to 
get justice for poor Toby. I really do feel sick at the thought of what 
to that poor little dog. I can't find the words to say how I feel about it cos 
it's one of those heart sink moments. I see death penalty or life long secure
psychiatry unit as the only way to go with these guys cos I'm sure they won't 
stop at animals and it's a shame that animals life's don't get taken as 
as humans half the time in terms of dishing out punishment. Part of me thinks 
penalty is too much of a quick way out for people like that then the other part 
of me 
thinks why should genuine people pay the state for evil people like that to be 
fed and dry in a locked up environment although they'd pay the price of losing 
Difficult one to call and I don't care how young at the age they are they know 
right from wrong and that behaviour is a dangerous predictor of adult 
I don't think human rights should apply to people who are too evil to be part 
of the 
planet and violating innocent creatures.
Sorry I know my mail is strong but this is so horrible as I am sure you all 

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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Mama Kitty

2007-03-28 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear mama kitty has passed - my heart goes out to you and no  
it's not crazy to hear her purrs - you always do what is best for them and feel 
the bond with them and she is still with you. I haven't heard my angel kitties 
 purr but I sure did see Bramble move past me from the corner of my eye a few 
 months after he died. Maybe it's their way of letting us know they found the 
 bridge ok and are running around playing whilst they wait for us xxx 
Michelle, Buddy, Minsterl & Angel Bramble


Slinky - sad news

2007-03-28 Thread Lomaxturtle
Awww your story of telling slinky about friends at the bridge has just  
raised a few memories of my previous kitties. It is heartbreaking to go through 
this and my heart goes out to you and Slinky. Slinky will know you have done  
everything possible and are still helping him to feel better by helping him  
cross to the pain free bridge. So hard to let them go but Slinky is far better  
off with you helping him to cross over and having so much love and comfort  
throughout his journey xxx enjoy your time with him - quality time is priceless 
no matter how short that time maybe xxx
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble  xxx


Mignight and CRF

2007-03-27 Thread Lomaxturtle
I can't add anymor ethna what has already been said. Cats can life a good  
few years with chronic renal failure and can be comfortable if they receive the 
correct treatment. Some cats tolerate fluids well but a few don't - you have 
to  be patient and appear confident and explain everything to your cat. I too 
would  strongly suggest joining the feline CRF yahoo group as they will have 
much  experience of renal failure in cats. Even though you trust your vet (and 
it is  good to have a have you trust and who has a connection with your 
animals) it  doesn't mean he knows everything or even what is best for your cat 
because as we  all know too well that isn't always the case and no-one knows 
cat better  than you.
Let us know how you go 
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


OT - Help cat crying at night

2007-03-19 Thread lomaxturtle
Unfortunately your crowded little house probably made him feel more secure. He 
will have been aware of the other cats and could even be crying to try and 
communicate with the other cats and be distressed because they are not there. 
He is obviously distressed and I feel like everyone else needs time to adapt - 
any animal needs time to settle in a new home and it's only fair we let them do 
that. I think Feliway and rescue remedy are a good place to start. The space of 
his new home and like of crowdedness is possibly freaking him out.
Poor little guy - hope he settles down xxx and although having disturbed sleep 
isn't good I think any adopter should be prepared to have disturbed sleep 
whilst the new furbaby settles - you wouldn't get people taking adopted human 
babies back to where they got them from because they cry in the night - they 
would be up comforting them - animals deserve the same compasion in my eyes.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Whitey close to the bridge

2007-03-17 Thread Lomaxturtle
Kelly my thoughts and prayers go out to and your dear animals. It is  
unbearable to watch them slipping away and so so hard to have to make the  
to help them pass. Whitey will now you are there and will be happy to  have you 
there knowing how much you love him. Sometimes the hardest things are  the 
kindest things. His spirit will carry on living with you in your heart  
Healing thoughts going out to your dog too.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble  xxx


14 cats to be tested

2007-03-07 Thread lomaxturtle
Here's hoping that no other cats have FeLV. But if any do then it's good they 
have the best chance and best care because they have you xxx A kitties life is 
better full of love and tlc no matter how short or long that may be xxx
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Tig is Back

2007-03-05 Thread lomaxturtle
Thanks all for your help. I again asked my angels to help guide Tig home last 
night as I still talk to my angel animals who have passed. We also have had a 
little glass guardian angel that my friend bought me next to a wooden cat that 
I got her as it looked like Tig. I did the meditation of lassooing Tig back to 
her mum and sister and my friend had been imagining her walking to the door. 
Last night I had a dream about 4-5am and in the dream we found Tig lying next 
to a bush - she was weak - but we coaxed her to move and then Missy (her 
sister) came over meowing and running back and forward to get her to follow 
her. Tig gathered her energy and followed missy home.
Then in reality when I woke up:
I got a text from my friend to say Tig turned up at 5am this morning crying to 
get in. She had muddy paws, smelled musty, scared and was very hungry - other 
than that she seems unharmed. It sounds as though she has been in feral mode 
and as people here said after the panic when all went calm she has come home. 3 
days is so long when you don't know what's happened to them. My friend and the 
other cat are so happy.
I don't know how I'd have coped if it had been my cat missing.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, Angel Bramble

Tig is missing

2007-03-04 Thread Lomaxturtle
Thanks all for responses in relation to Tig. She is still missing but your  
advice has been good and I will print things out and give it to my friend. We  
went out sticking posters up around the area and posting leaflets. It was more 
 heartbreaking seeing Tig's Sister Missy - she was so confused and is just 
going  around the house crying and looking for Tig. I've told my friend to put 
food out  and some things that smells familiar so fingers crossed - will keep 
you  updated.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Tig is Missing

2007-03-03 Thread lomaxturtle
I'd just like to ask people to add Tig to their prayers. My best friend has too 
sweet little kitties - Tig & Missy they are not FeLV but are still very much 
loved and cared. " days ago Tig went missing from her back garden - she never 
usually goes away from the garden and doesn't care to be out much. She has not 
come home and is a timid cat who doesn't approach or get coaxed by strangers so 
something has happened but we don't know what. Maybe she got chased by another 
cat or even tried to venture off a little too far and got lost. One thing is 
for sure she loves her home and my friend has always been their mummy since 
they were 8 weeks old. Both cats snuggle into her like they would their real 
mum - Tig wouldn't just leave home. I known cats to get trapped somewhere or 
lost then reappear 4-6 weeks later so there is hope. But this cat is such a shy 
little cat she would quite easily have a nervous breakdown being away from home 
too long.
Please add her safe return to your prayers and mental energy to guide her home 
(Bolton, UK)
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Lucy CLS

2007-03-03 Thread lomaxturtle
SO sorry to hear of Lucy's passing but it sounds as peaceful and quick a 
passing as possible which is what we all wish for our fur babies in the end. 
The angels will guide her and she will always be with you in your heart.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Quality of Life

2007-02-21 Thread lomaxturtle
I too have talked to my cats on more than one occassion to ask how they feel so 
I don't think your mad Nina. But I agree with letting them explore a little at 
a time and if you can put up a screen that they can see each other through 
before introducing them that sometimes can help as Nina said. They had that at 
the sanctuary - Unfortunately Blackie isn't alive now but he kept seeing the 
sanctuary cat behind the glass door in the office. Gradually the two cats 
started to try and play through the glass and when they let Blackie in both 
cats were happy together and Tom ventured out of the office for a stroll around 
Takes time but I think it's much better done behaviourally. They other thing 
that might help relax the cat in anxiety provoking situations is using the plug 
in pherimones. It maybe that you let the kittie out the bathroom for 5 mins and 
gradually progress the time. Patience and perserverence is often the only 
answer to modifying anxiety related behaviour. It's like humans - exposure is 
done gradually and built upon.
When I first brought my cats home from the sanctuary Buddy was terrified of the 
television - she would not come out at all if the tv was on - but with gradual 
exposure she started to venture out and as she learned it was not a threat she 
improved and it took time but now she doesn't care at all.
Hope you have success
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Minstral (Nina)

2007-02-21 Thread lomaxturtle
Hi Nina
Minstral hasn't gone on antibiotics at the moment. I will watch her closely for 
a couple of days and try to look at her mouth again after that period - if she 
has worsened then I will take her to the boss vet cos he is great - but he only 
works 2 days a week. She is a very difficult cat to medicate anyway - although 
very affectionate with me she is semi ferral and is also very defensive and 
doesn't take kindly to being restrained by any means bless her - unless of 
course she is on the vets table then she is good as gold and makes me look a 
As was the case with Bramble - Minstral and Buddy both carry calicivirus but 
are at the moment able to fight it. I wondered if she was fighting a 
reoccurence of calici as she sounds a little nasaly at times but hasn't got the 
runny nose or sneezes. Calici can also explain gingivitis - Her little ears 
were getting a bit hot at times so I suspect she was getting a temperature and 
looked a bit confused at times but it wasn't severe. I think that if she is 
fighting off calici herself at the moment the antibiotics are of limited use 
and I don't want to build her tolerance to them unneccesarily. FIO is the  gold 
standard drug for calici anyway in the uk. 
Another thing I wondered about was that I changed their biscuits and they were 
a little harder (they have some biscuits and some wet food) but that was a 
couple months ago - the last couple of days I changed back to slightly softer 
dry food and I think this has helped her - she loves her biscuits. I'm going to 
put cod liver oil and multi vits in her food and see if she will eat it. She is 
fussy like most cats - if she smells anything medicine like in her food she 
won't eat it. At least she is a fat cat and loves eating which is one less 
worry at the moment. She is eating drinking and toileting fine - in fact she 
still looks at me and waits for me to give her clean litter before she gets in 
to soil it again LOL.
The behavioural changes were so subtle that most people would have not noticed 
but as you will all know you become so fined tuned to your furbabies that you 
sense it instantly. Was cute really it's as if she was coming to me to tell me 
she wasn't well. Then when we got home after she'd been to the vet today, and 
although she battles against being picked up and put in the carrier, she lifted 
her head up and butted my chin as she was saying thanks for listening mummy - 
was so sweet.
Don't know if this is any clearer Nina 
Michelle, Minstral, Buddy & Angel Bramble

I'm back

2007-02-21 Thread Lomaxturtle
Hello All
Sorry I've been a silent member for a while due to work etc... but I  am 
unfortunately back now and will be for a while. 
Just had Minstral to the vets cos I noticed a very subtle behaviour change  - 
she became more affectionate to me and scratched her jaw a bit more than 
usual  - I suspected gingivitis again but Minstral being Minstral is not a 
handleable  cat at the best of times. However at vets we found only very mild 
Gingivitis but  her lymph nodes are a bit swollen. I think we are going to 
interferon  omega now whilst we have caught the changes early. I have chosen 
to do  bloods at the moment due to not wanted to stress her out to much.
PS - she isn't being affectionate now after I grabbed her from behind and  
bundled her into the cat carrier to go off to the vets bless her.
I hadn't seen this vet in consultation before but knew he would be good  from 
a brief encounter with him when we were going through the emergencies  with 
Bramble in the past. I instantly went in with a somewhat knowledgeable  
attitude and told him I had gone to him as I felt he would work with me to do  
everything possible for Minstral to help her have a quality of life and not  
her off. After dropping in some technical terms he said I was well  informed so 
I think he will work with me. Unfortunately our last vet has left so  had to 
select another one so have to picky and find the right one.
Any tips very welcome?
Michelle, Buddy, Minstral & Angel  Bramble


Sign from Allie and 5 day old kitten

2006-05-19 Thread Lomaxturtle

Sign from Allie
I do think you are right to believe that this was a sign from Allie. I had 
signs from Tidge and Bramble when I needed to be comforted and also one of my 
dear departed dogs. She is at peace is wants you to be at ease.
5 day old kitten
Another rescue Hideyo - you are wonderful so prayers coming your way.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Virus Warning

2006-05-16 Thread Lomaxturtle

Just thought I'd better spread this warning around as you are all in my 
address book.
If you should receive an email that appears to be from my email address 
that says I have set up my own website and asks you to check if it works and if 
you can see the video PLEASE DO NOT OPEN IT !!!
My friend had her email and addresses stolen and a virus was sent round in 
this manner. I did open it as it didn't seem abnormal with my friends email 
address on - setting a website up is something that she might do. It comes up as 
unable to view and downloads some trash onto your machine - The PC went into 
hyper alert for Trojan Virus and uncontrolable pop ups appear including those of 
pornographic nature.
Please be alert

Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

From what you say it sounds as though this baby was in trouble and on her 
way to dying anyway. When they fail to gain weight and temperature is abnormal 
it is not a good sign. I saw a day old baby being warmed and fed and everything 
possible was done but she died because she is sick and weak. 
I know you blame yourself for her death but maybe there is another 
explanation. Maybe the baby passed as she did because she knew it was safe to do 
so. Knowing it was safe to let go and not passing with her feline mother 
beside her.
Sounds like everything was done right and that she would probably not have 
survived no matter what you did or didn't do.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Re: My Bella's baby died

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

So sorry to hear of your despair but you are a great Kittie mom. I don't 
know what happened but I know you would never intend to hurt a kittie. You did 
what you thought right at the time. Sometimes we need to intervene and something 
must have been wrong for you to interveme to try and help - but our best efforts 
are not always enough. The kittie may have died without your efforts so you 
can't know for sure it was your fault. The baby may have been weak and ready to 
go. Everything you do is for kindness towards your kitties and I hope you manage 
to see that soon sweetie.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Bella had babies

2006-04-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

Congrats - Bella must be so proud and you too of course. The kittiens sound 
so sweet - long and happy life prayes to you all.
Michelle, Minstrel, buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-04-07 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear of what happened to stray. Such a sad but beautifully written account that was filled with emotion. I believe euthanasia was right for stray - I have heard of Saddle Thrombosis before and yes it is exceptionally painful for the kittie - too painful for them to keep on enduring indefinitely. Thank goodness Stray had to you to talk him through it he will always be with you.

Sleep in Peace Stray - no more pain.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-04-06 Thread Lomaxturtle

I'd just like to share the loss of a friend. My cousin's Bulldog Bruce died 
yesterday. He was a beautiful boy with such a cheeky character. He 
was just 2 years old - he got sick and after tests at the vets they found 
he had developed acute leukemia - he died within days of that result. I never 
realised how agressively and rapidly it progresses in dogs as it's the first 
time I've experienced it in a dog. 
R.I.P Bruce
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble


2006-04-05 Thread Lomaxturtle

I am so shocked to hear this Kerry.
I would probably have agreed to euthanase in that situation by choice to 
help my kittie to stop suffering if they were not breathing properly due to 
tumors and lung fluid at age 16 but I can't imagine that choice being taken away 
from me. I would be the one helping them in their time of need and certainly 
there to help comfort them as they pass to the bridge. 
It actually sickens me to think a vet considered he had the right to 
euthanase without discussing this with you and giving you the option 
of being with Pookie at this crucial time. I would certainly complain about 
the vet as Pookie was your baby even though he only had you 5 months he 
obviously loved you and trusted you. I hope you find justice and I'm sure Pookie 
knew you loved him.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Miss Priss & Kerry

2006-04-05 Thread Lomaxturtle

Janine so so sorry to hear about your mom and your dear little miss priss. 
My prayers are with you. They will be helping each other in their new life 
Kerry - I had'nt realised your father was terminally ill too as I am 
catching up with mail - Positive thoughts coming your way too.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

lil rascal & humiliating experience & Minstrel

2006-03-30 Thread Lomaxturtle

Lil Rascal
Kerry I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You too have had so many losses in 
such a short space of time. Everyone experiences it differently to our kitties 
are unique to us but I certainly can empathise with the loss of you r dear 
departed kitties. I hope you can take comfort in knowing you were the best mom 
possible and that all your kitties know that and love you for it. Angel Rascal 
will be with you in spirit. xx
Humiliating Experience
I have to say although you were angry I giggled at the message as I could 
visualise your kittie backing up to pee. If you had said that you'd adopted a 
new kittie in your initial message then instantly I would have said as other 
messages have that you are being marked. It doesn't matter how much attention 
your kittie is getting she will feel threatening and insecure about the new 
addition stepping on her patch. It is natural to pay lots of attention to the 
new addition to help them settle in but the kittie who is already there should 
be treated as the top boss. You can maybe try the plug in pherimones or bachs 
rescue remedy to help her through this stressful time. Cats can start marking 
everywhere of importance to them when they feel insecure. Don't ever be 
angry at her - she is showing symptoms of stress. If cats start peeing in 
abnormal places then there is something wrong - they may appear to do it on 
purpose but they are doing it for a reason be that stress, dirty litter, medical 
problems etc When it is stress due to new addition then she may need an area 
that is just hers - where the new kittie doesn't go - somewhere she has privacy 
and is safe in her mind.
I just realised that my FeLV+ Minstrel was actually taken in the sanctuary 
as a kitten (as I knew) but she is technically a ferral. She lives with 
Buddy as a domestic she is more touchy. She would never let me catch her so 
I can't get her to the vet yet - but she comes to me and kisses my mouth when I 
bend down to her - she will not eat her food unless I've stroked her and is 
getting more demanding of cuddles. She is my first ferral.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, & Angel Bramble

Jake has gone

2006-03-05 Thread Lomaxturtle

Sorry sorry to hear of Jake's passing but I believe you did all you could 
and yes the wishing you could have found him earlier is normal. I only had 
Bramble 6 months and tried so hard for him but alas I too only found him when he 
was already sick. It makes you angry that other people didn't care enough about 
them and also frustrated because you didn't have them in time to help more. You 
still love them as if you've had them forever though and it never hurts any 
less. My thoughts are with you.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-02-28 Thread Lomaxturtle
Yes Wendy Football/Soccer - I'm in the UK

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, Angel Bramble

Michelle L

2006-02-28 Thread Lomaxturtle
I have misread the Michelle L messages - sorry. I am Michelle L too Michelle 
Lomax and Michelle L is Michelle Lerner. I sign things at work Michelle L so 
apologies for the mix up. Yes agree it's hard losing your furbabies and 
especially so close together - I lost 3 animals last year so I can relate so I 
too hope you finding your strength again Michelle.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

Michelle L

2006-02-26 Thread Lomaxturtle
Thanks Wendy I'm fine

I'm currently busy job  hunting as my contract expires next month. I'd give up and go into animal rescue if I could afford to but alas I can't. My two kitties at the moment have a mild dose of the sneezes but they carry calici. 

Must share this story - My friend has 2 x 8 month old kitties and the other night one was sat in front of the tv with her nose on the tv following the football and trying to catch it with her paw every time the football was kicked on screen in her direction - so sweet.

I hope everyone else is well too - I haven't been very active but I do keep reading your posts and chirp in now and then.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Ginger is Gone

2006-02-22 Thread Lomaxturtle

Michelle I'm so sorry to hear that Ginger did not recover. Everything was 
done for her and she stayed so long because she was loved and cared for by you. 
What a lovely place to bury her too. My eyes filled up readig about her as they 
often do when the kitties here cross to the bridge. SHe is no longer suffering 
and knows she was loved.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

losses and Ginger

2006-02-21 Thread Lomaxturtle

My thoughts to keep the souls rested of Mr Kitty, Red Man and Buffy go out 
as do my condolences to the kitty parents.
Also healing thoughts going to Ginger
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, & Angel Bramble


2006-02-16 Thread Lomaxturtle

Rudy sounds such a special litlle furbaby - sorry she has gone but glad she 
found you when she did. I do believe that cats sometimes choose us to be their 
parents and it's a huge compliment when they choose to stay.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble


2006-02-11 Thread Lomaxturtle
Yes I got it thanks Wendy. Haven't read it yet though.


Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-02-09 Thread Lomaxturtle

I haven't got it yet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

OJ and Scotch

2006-02-07 Thread Lomaxturtle

Tad and Amy I'm so sorry to hear of your losses - Tad you of OJ and Amy you 
of Scotch - it's heartbreaking but I'm pleased they had you as parents until the 
end - they had all the love and best care possible.
God bless their souls 
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Heart Murmer

2006-02-04 Thread Lomaxturtle
Bramble had a heart Murmer and he was treated in the sanctuary for 2 years before I got him - he was medication called Fortekor (brand name) he was on 5mg per day and the heart murmer was barely noticeable to vets when they listened once his medication was working. Bramble is no longer with us as most here know but his passing was related to secondary probs with last stages of FIV and nothing to do with his heart murmer.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

Another disaster

2006-02-02 Thread Lomaxturtle

Hideyo - I am glad you found out who it is. Is there anyway you could put 
some sort of roofing over your back you - some form of strong opaque plastic or 
the stuff they use on shed roofs. So long as it is on an angle the rain will 
drain off. 
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-01-31 Thread Lomaxturtle
Oh that is so awful Hideyo. Sounds like this woman who keeps complaining needs to get a life of her own and leave you alone. You are doing a wonderful job for these kitties and this woman is just plain ignorant. I agree that a letter fromn your lawyer would carry more weight but that may also fuel her into complaining more for revenge. Hope everything works out well for you and your kitties.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Kitty with sudden back leg problem

2006-01-31 Thread Lomaxturtle
Sounds like Ataxia. Tidge had it towards the end of her FIV. There are different causes of it including tumor or disk problems. Sometimes with FIV the infection spreads to the CNS which can cause it but not sure if thisw is the same for FeLV. 

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Sick Kitties

2006-01-26 Thread Lomaxturtle
So many kitties sick again - my thoughts are going out to you all.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

Pray for Black Cat

2006-01-19 Thread Lomaxturtle

I don't know this Black Cat personally but I'd like it if people could pray 
to keep it's soul rested. On my way to work this morning and was driving along 
the motorway when I saw a black furball rolling - then it moved. It was a black 
kittie just been hit and it was trying to run off but it's back end was badly 
injured so it was dragging itself - I slammed my breaks on to avoid hitting it a 
second or third time and it managed to get across to go and die. I didn't care 
who was behind me on motorway but I was not going to hit the poor kittie - I was 
absolutely distraught - I was shaking and having tearful outbursts all the way 
to work. It's the 2nd time I've seen that happen around that spot on the 
I just pray that this poor kittie died quickly before the shock wore off, I 
pray his/her soul finds it's way to peace.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Starman and Cricket

2006-01-17 Thread Lomaxturtle

Positive thoughts going out to Starman - I will say a prayer.
Waiting for Cricket to visit
I agree when you are waiting and trying to see (in this case Cricket) you 
close yourself off because the spirit cannot access your soul as it is too 
occupied (well that's my theory).
When Tidge passed I tried desperately to talk to her and see her but it 
never happened. When Bramble was sick and I was in a dilema of if it was the 
right time to put to sleep I prayed for a sign to help me make the right choice. 
That night Tidge appeared in my dream with a voice saying don't give up. 
Along with the chat I had with Bramble I believe Tidge appeared and 
was guiding me - I got 2 months with Bramble after that. When Bramble 
passed as you may recall - again I looked for him and never saw him and then the 
one time that my mind was completely empty because I had just half woken up and 
was sat in the bathroom I saw him appear. My mind was empty and open at this 
point in time and I believe that spirits more commonly appear when you 
are in this state. Talk to him and tell him you'd love to see him and to come 
home when he wants as you would like to know he's ok. Once you have done that 
then try your best not to search for him too much. Still say prayers 
and talk to your angels but let your mind be free. I don't think he'll 
appear whilst you are desperately searching - he may be afraid it would be too 
upsetting for you, also he may sense the anxiety and desperation and as we know 
our kitties would do anything to avoid anxiety and desperation.
Hope he appears soon but you probably need to give him space to appear 
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, & Angel Bramble


2006-01-17 Thread Lomaxturtle

Glad you liked the poem and sorry for making you cry but I guess when 
something comes deep from the heart then it is inevitable that others 
experiencing the same will cry - I still do.
It's nice to be able to share it here because general public would think it 
was over the top for losing a cat but as we all feel here they are so so 
precious to us and it is soul destroying when they do cross to the bridge.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Virtual friend

2006-01-16 Thread Lomaxturtle

Someone put this on the FIV group - he is cute - he purrs when you pet his 
chest with the cursor and chases it when it's above his head
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel 


2006-01-15 Thread Lomaxturtle

So sorry to hear Tiggie passed over - she is at peace now.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Here's the Poem I wrote after losing Tidge for those who wanted to see it.

2006-01-15 Thread Lomaxturtle

Poem for Little 
We found 
each other wandering - I gave you shelter from the storm
misfortunes life had dealt you left you frightened and 
Our lives combined, our love grew strong, and you knew 
that you were saved
From past neglect and heartache when love was all you 
ever craved
Now I’m left in turmoil, trying hard to 
The reasons why god took away my very special 
I know you had to leave me and that was meant to 
And I hope that in the place you are, from pain you will 
stay free
I look around each day for you in hope that you’ll 
It hurts so much to face the truth that you’re no 
longer here
Your unexpected passing left me broken and 
When your cruel unfair departure left an overwhelming 
Not a day goes by when I don’t pray to keep you safe from 
Then I pray your spirit finds me to help me calm my inner 
My late departed friend, I don’t think I’ll ever 
Why you, still young and innocent, were taken from this 
I know that you would not desire me harbour such 
So forgive my times of weakness but you are in my heart 
to stay
My life must now continue much in the way it did 
Though without you here beside me, for a while I will 
feel poor
Despite these dismal feelings I can recall how rich I’ve 
Because the day I found you wandering was when my heart 
began to beam
Please know how much I love you, and I’m glad our paths 
did cross
The short time that we shared will never be a 
And friend I ask please wait for me for one day I’ll 
To comfort and protect thee - but for now our hearts must 
Heaven and earth may hinder until my time is 
But with togetherness our future, our souls are destined 
to be one
Lomax (April 2005)
amazing how creativity comes out with emotion but writing the poem whilst 
painful was also cathartic. I guess much of the poem applies to all of us 
at some point.
you enjoy it xx Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel 

Ducky & Sweet Angel Sam & Ewok

2006-01-13 Thread Lomaxturtle

Oh I'm so sorry to hear of Sweet Angel Sam and Ducky crossing to Rainbow 
Bridge - so many losses lately yet again - this blasted disease is so 
heartbreaking but on the other if our kitties had been in the hands of others 
their short lives may have been much worse so I'm sure they would rather have 
the life they had full of love and care with FeLV than an alternative minus 
FeLV. I know given the chance I choose the former. God bless you and everyone 
else for giving these kitties the life they deserve. The important thing is 
their life was full of love and care and it certainly was.
I have just been crying reading Jen's latest message - you will seek 
reminders for a while. When Tidge passed I found sanity in creative arts after a 
couple of weeks if anyone wants to see the poem I wrote then let me know and 
I'll post it. It helped me at the time to get it out on paper. 
Jen I do believe Ewok was letting you know he's ok by being in your dreams 
I have had sightings of bramble since he died and also when I was in Crisis with 
Bramble I saw Tidge in my dream ssaying don't give up yet - and Bramble had 
another 2 months with me after that. 
Michelle, Buddy, minstrel, & Angel Bramble

Feeling of family ongroup

2006-01-13 Thread Lomaxturtle
I know that my kitties are not symptomatic at the moment so I am not very 
active on group but I do always read the posts and 
I just wanted to pick up on something Kerry wrote to Jen when she said "I'm 
crying with you". 

It's true that everytime one of our fur babies is ill or crosses to the bridge 
it hurts us all but none more than the parent of the furbaby. The support here 
is magnificent each and every furbaby here puts it's footprints in your heart 
despite the fact we may never have met them. So when one is sick or has to 
cross over it's like losing one of our family and you do get the physical and 
emotional symptoms of shock and feeling loss. We all know the pain of our own 
furbabies being sick or crossing over and that is always personal and very 
intense but we genuinely also feel worry and loss of all the furbabies in the 
group and it is lovely to be a part of a group of such wonderful genuinely 
caring people.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble


2006-01-12 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear of you having to say goodbye to Ewok but I'm pleased he is no 
longer in pain. It is so difficult and I understand that the pain will be fresh 
for a while and you will tell us about it when you are ready. Thoughts are with 
you to help ease yur pain and with Ewok that is soul is at peace now he has 
joined his Mom and brothers and free from pain. We love them and do our best to 
help them and it's so difficult to let them cross to the bridge but it's the 
only true gift we can give our fur babies when they are in irreversable 
terminal pain - this is the test of true love.  Hope you feel stronger soon Jen 
- Ewok knew how much you loved him and will always be with you watching over 
you until you get to the bridge.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2006-01-10 Thread Lomaxturtle
Jenn I'm sorry to hear the news of Ewok's decline. I know how hard you have 
both fought together. He had every chance and the best care from you and I'm 
sure he knows it. I'm also sure you will know when he is too tired and wishes 
to cross and can be there with him. As I went through with Bramble - he told me 
he'd had enough and knowing that I had done everything and could still be there 
for him when he wanted to go to the bridge left me with no guilt - just sadness 
of the loss. Our time together at the end was priceless and a comfort in some 
ways - enjoy whatever time you have and I pray you gain comfort from knowing 
how much you both cared about each other and that you tried everything for him 
- and he trusted you enough to carry on so long. It will hurt when the time 
comes as we all know but he will no longer be in pain. I hope the next few days 
and steroids will give him some relief and that you have special times together.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Great News

2006-01-08 Thread Lomaxturtle

Hideyo - that is wonderful news - thank godness this year is starting off 
well for you and I hope it continues. I hope everyone else here has a good year 
too with positive thoughts going out to all the poorly kitties and restful vibes 
going to the souls of those we've lost.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Bailey and OT

2006-01-06 Thread Lomaxturtle
Prayers that Bailey improves fast for you Belinda - so difficult when they are 
not wanting to eat - your heart just sinks.

My friend has a 9 month old persian (blue) kitten. For the last 2 months he has 
let it out in to his back garden and watched it wandering around but a few days 
ago it jumped a 6 foot fence and wandered off and didn't come back so all were 
in deep worry as he was nowhere to be seen. I told him to try and keep calm as 
people here had got cats backs after 10-14 days. I said it sounds strange but 
that I and others here believe cats and some other animals have a sixth sense 
and that he should keep sending his thoughts out to guide his kitten home - 
piture him coming home form places around the area. I thought he may laugh at 
that idea but he said he did do it and then after 3 days he had a dream of his 
kitten walkin gin through the door - that day an elderly lady found him and 
took him home. So all relieved the kitten is back home - I told him to keep 
kittie indoors in my overprotective cat mommy manner. Aside form FeLV and FIV 
risks - there is also risk of traffic accident and also being stolen - Persians 
don't come cheap.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble 

Patches & Lucy

2006-01-05 Thread Lomaxturtle

I send positive thoughts to you and your dear kitties.

I dispute the people who said you are the wrong sort of person to take in 
6FeLV+ cats. You are exactly the right kind of person because you care and will 
make sure the kitties get eternal love and the proper care they deserve. I am 
the same with my cats as everyone here - get so attached and so distressed when 
they are not well and people ask why I put myself through it. The answer is I 
can't imagine my life not helping FIV & FeLV cats and when they come to pass 
then more will be welcomed in. Once they have put their paw prints on your 
heart they are there forever. Too many people don't care so it would be a crime 
for people like you and others here who do care to not adopt these cats.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Mixed topics

2005-12-31 Thread Lomaxturtle

Here is one of usual mixed topic messages.
Yes male calico cats are rare as they only occur due to genetic 
So good to hear Ewok is doing well Jenn - hope he continues to be better 
for some time yet although I understand how it feels to be thinking of what time 
you have left together.
He sounds lovely Tad and so glad he has settled in well - I'm sure he will 
continue to be a happy boy with you.
So sorry to hear of Pansy going to the bridge Gloria - I hope you can gain 
comfort knowing that Pansy is no longer in pain and was lucky to have you 
as mommy.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-12-30 Thread Lomaxturtle

Tad that is wonderful of you to take in Frederico - so pleased he will 
have a happy loving home.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

FIV and calico

2005-12-30 Thread Lomaxturtle

Both female cats that I have had with FIV (still have Buddy) were and are 

Merry Xmas

2005-12-24 Thread Lomaxturtle

Merry Christmas everybody. Here's a wish that all our members and furbabies 
stay healthy and have a great xmas. Hideyo - I hope that you too manage to have 
a good xmas without too many worries about your current ongoin legal battle and 
hope that everything turns out well for you and you kitties. I think a paypal 
account would be good - they are easy to do. Thanks Jenn, Nina, Michelle and 
Kerry for your massive contributions to group to everyone else who 
contributes to giving our kitties the best care possible.
Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Hallmark Xmas Card & Josie

2005-12-13 Thread Lomaxturtle
Sandy this cheered my day at work - it made me laugh so much I've sent it 
around to others here too.


Did I mention here that we were getting a dog called Josie at the weekend - 
well we did and I was hearbroken as we had to return her to the sanctuary the 
following day - it was awful. I criticise anybody for not allowing the dog to 
settle and never thought I'd do it myself. She was an absolutely adorable dog 
who settled so well - she played with toys and was very relaxed with us. Only 
problem is she started to viciously attack our other dog Candy. They got along 
when we introduced them at the sanctuary and on their walks together - but when 
Josie came home she instantly went into alpha role and was attacking candy for 
walking into the same room as her. I was trying to restructure her attitude and 
pack positioning but there wasn't time. Poor Candy was shaking and getting too 
fearful to even walk around the house. So sad face because I hated taking her 
back. She would be such a loyal and loving dog with no other dogs in the house 
- but we have had candy 12 years and we need to keep her safe in her own home. 
I really thought they would get along well - didn't expect Josie turning so 
territorial so quickly.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

1) Callie and 2) FIV/FeLV

2005-12-07 Thread Lomaxturtle

1) I'm so sorry to hear of Callie passing to the bridge Tad. It's a 
heartwrenching experience to have to send them there but Callie was a lucky girl 
to have a family who fought with her and loved her until the end and who eased 
her pain when she so needed to let go. She will always be a part of you.
2) In realtion the the FIV/FeLV mixing - Buddy and Minstrel were mixed in 
the sanctuary and have been together for 2.5 years. Minstrel is FeLV+ and Buddy 
who is FIV+ recently tested FeLV-
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Eating disorder

2005-12-06 Thread Lomaxturtle

I have also used periactin with good results but have used it with not much 
effect to - it depends on the cat and can be very good in many cases. 
I am wondering about the amitryptilline though. I maybe thinking completely 
wrong here because I am going off how antidepressents work in humans - so 
correct me if this is completely off track. If the problem is more anxiety based 
minus the depression then antidepressents can actually make symptoms worse 
unless it is a depressive induced anxiety then it could help. That is what 
can happen in humans but not sure about cats. And likewise if depressive induced 
anxiety is treated with anxiolitics then it can make it worse but anxiolitics 
would help anxiety alone when depression is not present. However, I've known 
amitryptilline medication to help cats with skin conditions as it fools them 
into thinking they don't care about the itchyness etc... I've know cats to be 
put on fluoxetine too but I personally don't think I'd risk that one.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Eating disorder

2005-12-06 Thread Lomaxturtle

Will she eat baby food with a vitamin supplement added and a taurine 
supplement - at least that way she is getting some of what she needs.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Eating disorder

2005-12-06 Thread Lomaxturtle

Poor kittie - how awful to see all your buddies and owners shot and for 
those who got shot and killed or paralysed too - people are so cruel. 
Usually I'd suggest assist feeding but the kittie is obviously traumatised and 
so forcing food would probably just induce more stress. Have you tried feeding 
the higher calorie prescription foods - they would be different from usual cat 
food? - maybe mix with baby food.
Hope this kittie recovers from the trauma ok
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-12-06 Thread Lomaxturtle
Tad I'm adding my healing thoughts to help Callie. I'm so please as you must be 
that you found her and was able to help and comfort her when she needed it 

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

euthanizing kitties for bathroom habits

2005-11-30 Thread Lomaxturtle
This makes me very sick too. I had no idea how common this was - humans are the 
cruelest beings to ever walk the planet. Is it any wonder we prefer the company 
of our animals.

Bad toilet habits can be due to many things as we know - people should be 
required to take a basic animal healthcare exam before being allowed to keep 
animals in my eyes. I hate it when people get animals just to entertain their 
kids too - this happened to a donkey at the sanctuary and when the kids grew up 
and he was old the owners didn't want him anymore so he went to sanctuary. He 
was at deaths door and despite treatment he was so depressed that he gave up 
and died. He was a lovely boy too. I hate stories like this about all animals. 
When Buddy first came home she pooped behind the sofa because she was too 
scared of her new environment to go to the litter box - so I put a box behind 
the sofa for her. She used that for a day before she came out of hiding. 
Minstrel and Buddy are both fussy as was Bramble - none like their feet dirty 
and try and stand on the sides of tray - so cute. I have to scoop and clean 
every day or scoop out twice a day and clean every other day if I'm lucky. In 
the last few years before we lost my dog Gemma - she became very incontinent - 
partly due to being overweight at one point and then she lost weight but her 
age meant her bladder was weaker. We tried medications but she was still 
incontinent and even more so after her CVA (lot of urine too as she was a big 
dog). We would never have dreamed about euthanasing her because of that. We put 
up with a smelly carpet and lots of cleaning and deodorising. Bad toileting is 
not the animals fault and to kill them because of it is sickening. People who 
can do that should not be allowed to own an animal as they don't deserve them.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Toilet training

2005-11-29 Thread Lomaxturtle
There are a few things that I'd like to ask if you've tried.

1) plug in pherimones - sometimes relaxes the animal so they don't get so 

Are there any other animals sharing the house (their patch)? if so put them in 
one room so that they develop a sense of security and keep that room free from 
other animals. When they are let out supervised after a while to explore then 
make sure that room is still kept free from other animals as it will be their 
little secure haven.

2) Have you tried putting newspaper or a rubber backed rug with plastic sheet 
under it on there toilet hotspot - you may need to gradually build up to litter 
- sometimes shreaded paper or old piece of carpet in a litter box may do, or 
material that you can wash.

3) Sometimes putting bits of food in there toilet hotspots helps as they won't 
toilet where they eat so sometimes keep putting food down until they learn 
where food doesn't go and they can safely toilet helps.

All this came from a tv program about unruly pets. Cats were toileting on 
carpets etc - the trainer did all of the above and it cured itself rapidly. I'm 
not saying this will work in your case but always worth a try

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Toilet training

2005-11-29 Thread Lomaxturtle
I'm not sure Kerry but I'll have a search around and report back.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-29 Thread Lomaxturtle
Hi Rebecca

Injecting at home is good if you can manage - much less stress. I can't 
remember if your kitties are vegan or not. Alternatively if you cat will eat 
chicken or anything that is manageable if your cat is vegan - (I have to do 
this to when I give mine tablets now). I put minute amounts into pieces of 
chicken (ready cooked and sliced - can't handle any other) - I usually spend 
ages just doing this and then they eat the whole pills in tiny crushed amounts. 
I poke a hole in the food (with plastic gloves on) and put a minute amount in 
and then squash the food back together. You could try that with any food your 
cat loves.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

M.G. passing

2005-11-26 Thread Lomaxturtle
I am so sorry that your M.G. passed so soon. However, I'm sure given the option she wouldn't change a thing. She had the best care and love possible in her short time.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble

Test Results

2005-11-25 Thread Lomaxturtle
I have never gone into blood test results too much before but am intrgued from 
the ones recently put up by Carrie (if I remember correctly). Please could 
someone be so kind as to educate me as to what they all mean and what is normal 
and abnormal - send privately if it is too long for group mail but it would be 
better on group as I'm sure other people here would benefit too. I've listed 
Carries results below


Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

> ALT 50
> AST 42
> BUN18
> B/C RATIO20 0
> WBC15.6
> RBC6.51
> HGB   10.2
> HCT31.7
> MCV49
> MCH15.7
> MCHC32.2

Evil Vegan

2005-11-24 Thread Lomaxturtle
Yes good post Rebecca. I agree it is about respecting each others choices and 
not pushing our beliefs onto other people. I have been lucky this time around. 
I have been vegetarian for 22 years and in that time been vegan twice - once at 
15 until I was 18 and then again for the last year and this time I have 
researched and planned it for life. A friend of mine criticised me for being 
vegetarian - he is a full blown carnivore but said to me he thought I was 
hypocritical fighting for animal welfare if I was not a vegan. I actually 
disagree with that and think any compassion helps more none but it triggered me 
into more research and I have to say that it was the best comment he ever made 
because I remembered why I turned vegan at 15 and realised I would personally 
be happier as a vegan. This time friends and family had a few concerns but on 
the whole have been really supportive and accepting. And even people I didn't 
expect would be supportive have been intrigued, asked serious questions and 
said good luck as they wish they were able to do it themselves in some ways. In 
restauraunts I don't mind being fussy I don't mind saying it's because I'm 
vegan. One restauraunt even put toghether a fine roasted veg platter because 
the chef wanted to make sure my meal looked good and filling. But unless anyone 
asks anymore I don't say any more about my beliefs. Some people have wanted to 
know more and have been educated to some degree but others just prefer to not 
know which is their choice. 

The only thing that really drives me mad now (and I'm pleased to say it doesn't 
happen much anymore) is when people know you are vegetarian or vegan and stick 
meat under your nose saying "here do you want some of this" - just to annoy me 
- I think that is just the worst. Other than that I don't have too many 
problems - I accept people who eat meat around me (although I do get silently 
squemish if someone has a raw or medium raw steak - would never say anything to 
the person who is eating it though) and they accept that I will never handle or 
cook it for them. Maybe it is more acceptable here in UK than in parts of USA I 
don't know how well people accept it there as I've never been - would love to 
venture over there someday though. We even have quite a large vegan grocery 
store not to far from where I work which is very handy as they sell lots of 
goodies. I've just had a houmous, rocket, beetroot and sunflower seed sandwich 
and then an orange and carrot muffin. Our local Tesco and Sainsbury 
supermarkets also stock a good range of supplies and we have quite a few 
vegetarian cafes around the region that cater for vegan too so it makes life 
easier. And my Buddy loves licking the soya magarine from my fingers bless her, 
although she and Minstrel cry more for their own food. 
I am diagnosed as having SAD so I have a dawn simulating body clock to wake me 
up in the morning. The light gradually comes on about 6.30 to wake me up at 
7am. Buddy was up at 6.30am this morning, as soon as she saw a little bit of 
light she was jumping on me licking my face and head butting me because she 
thinks it is breakfast time. Although it's slightly earlier than planned there 
is no better way to wake up than with the fur kids butting you. If my partner 
woke me up I'd be grumpy but when the fur kids wake me up all I can do is smile 
and relish in the moment.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble


2005-11-23 Thread Lomaxturtle
If it was just the revolution it should have at least calmed calmed dow after 
one month but as I discovered the revolution exacerbated what were mild ataxia 
and seizures in Bramble into full blown seizure with involuntary motor 
movements - he muscles were rigid and he was terrified. Luckily after standing 
my ground with vets he improved for a while. The most severe time time is 14 
hours after revolution is put on the skin - that is when it is most potent, And 
then it is in th esystem for upto 4 weeks. Bramble too had an FIP looking 
belly. Do your acts pupils dilate during this - test if they repond to light. 
Does you r cat ever appear blind or partially blind at any time and how often 
is this seizure activity happening. Have you been on the epi-felines groups to 
ask them about seizures - if not get on there. The more input you get the 

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble 

Mix of subjects

2005-11-22 Thread Lomaxturtle

Firstly - Yes when people were kindly offering advice about nutrition and 
recipees for liver shakes etc - I was struggling with cans of fish - at arms 
length wrapping kitchen roll around it so I didn't get fish oil on me. My cats 
had to take medication in ready cooked sliced chicken because I can't handle it. 
I'd be in tears if I had to cook it. If it's sliced and diced I can just 
tolerate at arms length. If it looks like a bird or animal still or has blood 
then I can't touch it and can't cook it.
I am ok emptying a pouch of cat food but not much more - 
hopeless LOL.
Secondly - Thanks Jenn for mentioning again the dangers of revolution. If 
it hadn't been for all the help with Bramble over the revolution case then I 
wouldn't have got the last two months of his life with him. It certainly did 
nearly end his life earlier than need be.
Thirdly - Thanks all for stories of cat poo and dogs pinching bananas - i 
have been giggling away at these creatures looking so innocent but doing what 
they want. Animals are so amazing. 
Finally - has anyone ever used the Dog Appeasing Ferimones. We just got one 
for our dog Candy. Since we lost Gemma she has been showing signs of anxiety and 
just started urinating at night in the kitchen which is not like her at 
all. She is constantly attention seeking too - gemma was the boss so I think 
Candy is now a little confused as her place in the pack has been shaken up. It's 
about 4 weeks since Gemma died and Candy still has the odd look around for her. 
just wondered if anyoe had used with their dogs and how long they took to 
Michelle, Minstrel, buddy & Angel Bramble

Welcome Rebecca

2005-11-22 Thread Lomaxturtle
Hi Rebecca Welcome to group.

I too am 30 and vegan although I work in Psychology not audiology. My animals 
are not vegan although my dog goes mad for carrots. All 3 of my dogs went mad 
for carrots but I only have 1 left now - the others had to be put to sleep due 
to old age related ailments. In fact when my boy Deano was here he had about 6 
teeth out so we had to cook his carrots so they were soft following the 
operation. Then about 2 weeks later I caught him pinching a big raw carrot out 
of the bag and he lay for about 20 mins patiently grinding the carrot down with 
his front teeth - bless him. The vet prescribed carrots for Gemma who needed to 
lose weight at the time and all 3 got hooked. Now I only have Candy left of my 
dogs but she is still as hooked - we just give her a carrot to keep her quiet 

Your comment about your ex boyfriend made me laugh too. My boyfriend would not 
have another pet when our recue Cat tidge died (unexpected FIV related 
illnesses) so I moved back home with my parents and took in 3 immune 
compromised cats from the sanctuary. We are still together but just don't see 
each other much nor live together which I prefer. I too wish I could afford to 
just cuddle up with the fur babies full time and dedicate my whole time to 
being a full time animal mother.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-20 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear of Lancelot passing to the bridge Gloria. It is so heartwrenching but he knew he was loved and he had the best time possible with you.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel, & Angel Bramble

bloody nose

2005-11-18 Thread Lomaxturtle
It feels like I keep going on about Calicivirus but it's not my intention - 

When I had Bramble he used to sneeze blood with calici virus. He didn't get the 
typical blisters in mouth etc... he got an ulcer on his nose and sneezed blood 
about 2 weeks before nasal discharge appeared and then got the respiratory 
signs. I kept pushing in the end to get swabs done and they were positive for 
calicivirus. Your kittie my have ulceration inside nose if not outside. Woth 
checking for calici and herpes. Scared me so much when he first sneezed blood 
as it splatters everywhere.

Unfortunatley my boy succomed to it again and again because he was at the end 
of FIV and he many other probs other than calici but the drug of choice is 
interferon and he improved for a while with that. Buddy and Minstrel carry it 
but if they show symptoms they fight it off as they are still young - both will 
need interferon at a later date though.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble


2005-11-18 Thread Lomaxturtle
That is such good news about Garfunkle - I'm so pleased he decided he didn't 
want to go to the bridge just yet. Keep it up Garfunkle xx

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy, & Angel Bramble


2005-11-15 Thread Lomaxturtle
What great news - hope Garfunkle goes from strength to strength and that you 
are also managing to get the research together that you wanted Hideyo. Hope you 
got my mails ok.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-11 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear of Annie passing Tad. The group has had so many losses 
recently. I know it is never easy and always heartwrentching when your babies 
pass but I'm pleased it was quick and that she was with you when it happened. 
She will now be meeting all our angels at the bridge.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble

Dr Dianne Addie

2005-11-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

I forgot to say that if you do contact Dianne Addie then state your history and 
involvement in feline rescue as I am sure you would anyway. But as a rule 
Glasgow University are not at liberty to provide information to anyone other 
that vets. When I contacted her I said I was involved in animal rescue and 
asked if she had any reference to research that I was interested in at the time 
and stated in my mail that if she was unable to give that information to me 
directly could she please pass it to my vet (who would then give it to me). She 
actually contacted me but alas no info available on paediatric FIV which is 
what I wanted. I'm sure she must have some references that would be appropriate 
for you though. She has researched FIP for nearly 20 years and been involved in 
FIV research as I'm sure you know already.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-11 Thread Lomaxturtle
Hi if you need info on Corona not causing FIP in most cases then I suggest you 
contact Dianne Addie at Glasgow University in UK. She has a website on FIP and 
corona viruses as she has been researching it for many years and is teh leading 
expert here in UK.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-10 Thread Lomaxturtle

So sorry to hear of Cricket's passing after his and your brave fight. I am 
however [leased that he woke you up and that you got to be with him at that 
crucial time. He trusted you enough and wanted to be with you when he knew he 
had to go - that is so special.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Cricket's feeding Tube

2005-11-10 Thread Lomaxturtle
Fingers crossed for Cricket - I hope this works out

Will be waiting with anticipation to hear how he goes on

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Euthasol in vein

2005-11-10 Thread Lomaxturtle
I'm glad you mentioned that Jenn - I wasn't sure how much info to leave or not 
but it is an important one. When I had to have Tidge put to sleep the sedatiev 
worked quickly but her veins collapsed as teh sedative causes a drop in blood 
pressure so the vet had to go through her stomache. I can't remember if it was 
blue or pink - my dogs always had blue but for some reason pink stands out in 
my mind for tidge. It took her about 5 mins to pass which seemed like forever. 
She ended up needing another dose which the vet said she couldn't believe it - 
she had teh dose for a dog. She was just about to have her 3rd dose when she 
passed. ALthough sedated and peaceful - it was not pleasant and I pray that all 
future cats manange to have it in their leg. Bramble actually fough the 
sedation and vomited a couple of times with it and then we decided to do the 
euthasol before he got too sleepy as the sedation was interfering with his 
breathing. He was a little sedated and he had the injection in his leg and 
passed very quickly. My dogs Gemma and Deano both had sedation which worked and 
then passed quickly wit hthe injection in their leg. I still wouldn't do a pts 
without sedation despite the negative side affect possibilities.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-09 Thread Lomaxturtle
So sorry to hear Cricket is crossing to the bridge. I had both Tidge and 
Bramble PTS with a sedative first. I have had good and bad experiences with 
sedatives before the pts injection but even so I would never pts without giving 
a sedative first. What I've found is that even if they have a reaction to the 
sedative they are less likely to be aware than they would be without the 

Prayers for Cricket that he will have a peaceful and quick passing. It's never 
easy but at times like this when you know in your heart they are suffering with 
no hope of improvement then I feel it is the kindest thing to do. Cricket knows 
he was loved and cared for and you gave him every chance in life. Having 
someone to drive you home afterwards is always a good thing.

Michelle, Buddy, Minstrel & Angel Bramble


2005-11-08 Thread Lomaxturtle
I too feel anger at owner who owned Bramble and Tidge before I had them for a 
short time - both FIV+. However the fact that they trusted me and loved me for 
that short time as Max did with you is an honour and they let us know we at 
least made them happy and gave them a sense of safety. I think you know Max got 
that from you and I'm sure Max was very grateful and would never have changed 
that time no matter how short.
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble 

Prayers for Hideyo

2005-11-08 Thread Lomaxturtle
Prayers coming your way for you and your babies Hideyo - hope all works out 

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Animal communication

2005-11-03 Thread Lomaxturtle

Our animals certainly know when we are unhappy and worried which we generally 
are when they are sick. I think the most important thing is that you are just 
honest with them and relaxed - tell cricket how you are feeling and that you 
may cry because you care etc... I'm sure one day you will experience 
communication. I think it depends on the animal too but don't give up. Thanks 
for the wensite link - I'll have a look at that.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel

Animal communication

2005-11-02 Thread Lomaxturtle

I don't know if you were a member when I had Bramble so apologies if you 
heard this already and to those who have already heard this story as many of you 
I had never really attempted animal communication before either but decided 
to try following advice from people here when I hit a dilema with Bramble. I 
only had him 6 months in total from the sanctuary - he was FIV and already sick 
when I took him in.
He had many problems including calicivirus, dental probs, skin probs, 
keratitis etc... I gave all 3 of my cats revolution for flea prevention - here 
in UK there was no warning on packaging against giving it to cats with 
diseases or underweight cats. Bramble went into quite nasty seizures for a 
couple of days after I put the revolution on him and at first I was assured it 
was FIV in his CNS and to put him to sleep. Something was telling me this was 
wrong and people here gave me info and experiences in relation 
to reactions from flea meds - so I held out and his seizures got less 
severe. There's no doubt he had CNS probs from FIV related illness but 
the revolution just massively exacerbated it and then he returned 
to his normal levels of seizure activity afterwards. He did well for 
another couple of months. 
During this time I was told by people here about communicating with animals 
and decided to try. I explained to Bramble how much I loved him and wanted to 
help him and that I'd miss him if he wasn't here. But I told him that I didn't 
want him to be in pain and if he had had enough and wanted to let go then it was 
ok for him to do that and I'd be here with him. I told him that he could leave 
his body and his spirit could stay here and that he could be here 
or come to me whenever he wanted. I also told him to let me know 
in some way if he felt he needed help and explained to him what would happen 
with euthanasia. Bramble got very restless and upset and walked away from me in 
a sulk and giving me definite unhappy signals. I took this to mean he 
wasn't ready and he calmed down when I acknowledged this and told him it was ok 
and I was happy to keep fighting with him. At this point I was so confused and 
prayed each night for a sign that I was doing the right thing. One night the 
face of my angel tidge (last FIV cat) appeared in a dream and a voice 
saying keep going. Bramble improved with good vet and my care for another 2 
Unfortunately he ended up getting another bout of calici which he didn't 
shake off with Virbagen Omega and he entered into acute kidney failure. He 
stopped eating and I was having to assist feed hoping it would make him eat 
again but it didn't - he just got stressed and was trying to hide. I knew in my 
heart he was giving up so I brought him out from hiding and did the whole talk 
with him again as I did before. This time he just lay on me purring as I 
talked to him and when I told him I'd help him if he needed me to he 
moved his paw up and gave me a gentle squeeze and it was as if he was saying 
"yes I've had enough now" and he was the most comfortable he'd been all week. I 
made the appointment and he was put to sleep that day.That last hour 
of having him content with his paw on my shoulder was 
priceless. Although it hurts so much anytime you have to lose your babies 
it was probably the only one true time that I didn't feel guilty about putting 
to sleep. I never pts unless I know it's the right thing to do but there is 
still usually some feeling of guilt and the what if's in me. This was 
certainly the right time and I was happy that everything had been done for him 
in the time I had him. Whereas if I'd put to sleep the 2 months prior to 
that it would have left me riddled with guilt because Bramble wasn't 
ready to go.
I would not have believed the power of that communication had I not been 
through it with Bramble. Still hurts and I still cry as I write about it even 
now because I can still feel his little squeeze but I can honestly say I had 
never experienced communication with an animal like I did with Bramble - I got 
that because I opened my mind to it - now I'm converted - and it got me 2 more 
precious months with my angel boy..
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


2005-11-01 Thread Lomaxturtle
Iodiene just helps to stop the fungal spores from spreading. 

It doesn't have any therapeutic effect but I think just the fact it is cold 
from the fridge that gives a little soothing effect for them. It is also good 
for preventing secondary bacterial infection (like bacterial folliculitis) 
setting in over the top of ringworm. Bramble had both, bless him.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

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