Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-21 Thread Lernermichelle
I really do not see what you can do at this point other than try the I-R. Nothing else seems to be working well for him, and I-R has helped all the other cats on this list who have had similar symptoms. I know I am at risk of sounding like a broken record at this point, and I am feeling

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list) all that sent cards

2006-12-21 Thread Lernermichelle
Patti, I am behind on emails, and just read about Cornelius. I am so sorry. I lost my dog Chip in the same way-- we were on a walk and she fell over, cried out once, and was gone. They said it must have been a heart problem. It is such a shock, I know. I have not seen any update on

Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-22 Thread Lernermichelle
the diarrhea might be from all the antibiotics. That happened to Lucy. Metronidazole helped, but she had to come off the abx. Michelle

Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusual post-neuter complications

2006-12-22 Thread Lernermichelle
The fact that he wants to eat means that his pain is not that bad. When they are in a lot of pain they do not want to eat. So I think you are right to hold off on the pain meds, and just see how he does. People, cats included, can have strange reactions to anesthesia. My mom has had a lot

Re: Bandy is an angel now

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
Kerry, I'm sorry. Michelle

Re: Tiny passed

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
Sally, I am so sorry. Perhaps he had mediastinal lymphoma. Michelle In a message dated 12/25/2006 6:40:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I am so sorry to tell everyone that Tiny just passed over. He had a seemingly benign URI. Not really showing symptoms of being

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
I've heard of 2 who lived to 14, and two who lived to 10, and one to 9. I lost one at 7, one at 5, and two younger, but have two who are over 5 years old right now (knock on wood-- I get scared even writing it). It really varies. Michelle In a message dated 12/25/2006 11:52:07 P.M.

Re: Constipated Kitty

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
Slippery elm works really well, especially when it's boiled with a little water into a syrup and syringed. Michelle

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
I'm sure we all stress and cry a lot. some of us have medical problems of our own that are probably caused or exacerbated by stress. And if you lose enough animals, there is some sense of resignation that comes too, I think. It is not any less sad or upsetting, but the amount of crying

Re: loose stools (Ember)

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
a lot of things can cause loose stool, but hair balls are probably not one of them. they tend to cause constipation. are you sure she has hair balls? cats with ibd (inflammatory bowel disease), which my Lucy has, can vomit in a way that looks like they are hacking up hair balls, and can

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
The way I have dealt with the fear of loss thing, in the past, is to tell myself that when they are gone, all I will want is the chance to hold them and pet them and smell them and talk to them again, and will feel like I would give anything for 5 minutes of it. And look! they are still

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
actually, I think someone on this list had one who was vaccinated but turned positive. And I am pretty sure that the shelter where my cats came from, at which some of the positives live with negative ferals who are vaccinated, a few of the ferals have turned positive over the years.

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
ok, so it may be hard to definitively prove that a negative cat, after being vaccinated, became positive. But it can't be proved they haven't, either, so if someone wants to be safe and not mix I would not discourage that. I don't criticize anyone for mixing who does, but I also don't

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
There are meds for cats with heart conditions. My Snowball was on them. They do not necessarily save them, but I think they can extend life in some cases, and certain drugs like lasix can make them more comfortable if they get fluid build-up. Michelle In a message dated 12/26/2006 2:45:05

Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
oh, i did not catch the problem. I have never heard of that problem. It sounds like you are doing everything you can. michelle In a message dated 12/26/2006 2:53:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Yes, the internist didn't feel it was bad enough for meds, or that

Re: How do yall do it?-- Asia

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
Dianne, How is Asia doing? Michelle In a message dated 12/26/2006 3:00:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thank you for this. It reminded me of the day Asia was diagnosed with FELV, even before the Lymphoma I was down in the dumps and wondering why this

Re: How do yall do it?-- Asia

2006-12-26 Thread Lernermichelle
CCNU is another rescue drug like elspar that can help cats who have come out of remission. I think that it puts smething like 50% of cats with lymphoma back into remission after they have come out of it. Also, I don't remember, but I don't think your vet's protocol includes adriamycin,

Re: Constipated Kitty

2006-12-27 Thread Lernermichelle
You can actually just add bone meal powder, or use a pre-mixed supplement like feline futures ( i have used this and the cats like it). bone meal powder does not really add fiber, though. If anything, it constipates if you give too much. Michelle In a message dated 12/26/2006 9:18:25

Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-27 Thread Lernermichelle
I don't know. all mine were a year or two old when tested. I have lost them at all different ages. I think it just depends on the cats. It might be true that it makes a difference if they are born with it versus contracting it after the first weeks, though, since they have at least

Re: loose stools (Ember)

2006-12-27 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy responded to prednisone, and gets worse with processed foods, so we concluded ibd without further testing, which I did not want to put her through. I would actually try flagyl (metronidazole) before centrine. Lucy has been on a low dose of it for almost 2 months now and has been way

Re: Long post..Tiny and Junior's stories

2006-12-27 Thread Lernermichelle
Sally, you and yours have been through a lot. I am sorry for it. But glad you are blessed with all of them, and them with you. Michelle

Re: Asia update

2006-12-30 Thread Lernermichelle
I think fish oil, coq10, and essiac tea would probably be the best in terms of fighting cancer. These can all e expensive, but there are sources to get them pretty cheaply as well. For dogs, they think that arginine, an amino acid, helps fight the lymphoma and make them feel better, and

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-30 Thread Lernermichelle
If you are able to touch her ears, I would ask the vet to prescribe benadryl to be compounded at a compounding pharmacy into transdermal cream to rub inside her ear. My Patches has been on this for years for anxiety. She was prescribed it because she was pulling her fur out of her belly

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-31 Thread Lernermichelle
The Benadryl really works for Patches. But I think (dont remember for sure) the dose is about 1/6 of a pill at a time, or 1/3 of a pill. I don't think it is half a pill, but not sure. I get it compounded for her ears because she is hard to pill and I was having to chase her around and

Re: Marley

2006-12-31 Thread Lernermichelle
That's great to hear! Michelle In a message dated 12/30/2006 10:19:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thank you so much Nina and all who had sweet Marley,he is back at the sanctuary and feeling much like himself.He looks up with me with those beautiful yellow eyes

Re: OT: food allergic cat

2006-12-31 Thread Lernermichelle
There is some condition called militis, or something, that can cause itchy scabs around the head. Robert McDowell, a really good herbalist in Australia, had something about a treatment for it in his last newsletter. Here is his website: _

Re: the more I learn

2006-12-31 Thread Lernermichelle
Sally, It is impossible to know. My friend Yuki called me yesterday to tell me that her cat Tiko, age 13 and negative, died while she was away for 3 days. Her mom had been feeding him and said he was fine, then could not find him the last day. Yuki came home and found him dead. She has

Re: kittens have diarrhea

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
I would try just evo, and if it continues, I would ask the vet to try a week course of metronidazole (flagyl) to clear up whatever is causing it. Michelle

Re: kittens have diarrhea

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
oops-- sorry, I had not read the original post. I see they are already on metronidazole. Yes, then I would focus on diet. Michelle

Re: kittens have diarrhea

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
if diet does not fix it, I would get a fecal test sent out. Some parasites and other things need specific treatment. Michelle

Re: URI all over my house

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
Lysine and/or amoxicillin should get rid of it. If not, try Immuno-regulin as well with the immune-compromised kitty. Sometimes lysine alone will get rid of uri's. Michelle In a message dated 1/1/2007 7:06:30 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ugh. I come home

Re: please add my Lizzie to CLS and prayer list

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
Hideyo, I just read this and am so, so sorry. I can not believe all your losses. Please call if you ever need to talk. Michelle

Re: question about lucy and ibd symptom

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
I did put a hot water bottle under a cushion, and she is laying on it. She definitely has not had this symptoms before-- I can tell it is not something she has had and hidden. She looks terrible. I don't have to wonder about someone sneaking her anything-- I myself gave her dry evo for a few

Re: lucy and ibd - colitis/depo medrol

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
Were Maris's symptoms constant, or only at a particular time of day? Lucy has had colitis symptoms before, treated with pred and flagyl, just has never had these episodes of a few hours a day of visible dicomfort. other times of day she eats, etc., but this is the second time in 3 nights she

Re: lucy and ibd - colitis/depo medrol

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
She was down to every other day at 1.25 mg, in the morning. I started giving it to her twice a day, same dose, starting last night. My guess is that it has to do with her digestion cycle. She has only been moving her bowels at night, and maybe the food hits her colon around this time and she

Re: lucy and ibd - colitis/depo medrol

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
She still looks out of it, but I offered her the water bowl and she seemed interested but then saw it was just water and looked at me. So I offered her her raw food, and she started eating. While laying down. I can't figure out what she is feeling. Michelle

Re: lucy and ibd - colitis/depo medrol

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
The reglan actually seemed to make her feel worse-- very restless in addition to discomfort. That can be a side effect of it. She will not eat the mush anymore, no matter what. She does want her raw food again, with the feline futures, and so she is eating that. She ate quite a bit of it

Re: lucy and ibd - colitis/depo medrol

2007-01-01 Thread Lernermichelle
Nina, Has Gypsy ever had this thing of only feeling sick at a certain time of day? Michelle In a message dated 1/1/2007 11:05:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi Sweetie, I'm sorry to hear Lucy is so uncomfortable. Gypsy has been acting a little off the last few days

fip question

2007-01-02 Thread Lernermichelle
I spoke to my vet about lucy, and he did not see a reason to bring her in. He agreed that her discomfort for a few hours in the evening is probably related to her ibd and to up her flagyl and pred a little. I have, though, probably irrationally, started worrying about wet FIP. Her sides

thanks for the fip info

2007-01-03 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks to everyone who wrote to me. It has made me calmer. Lucy is eating better and better, and gaining weight, and not feverish or acting sick in any way other than seeming to feel some abdominal discomfort in the evenings. Her belly is getting bigger, but she is also gaining weight back

Re: O/T

2007-01-05 Thread Lernermichelle
Some cats get almost comatose from it. Two of mine have. Others are fine with it, though. Two of mine just had stimulated appetites with no side effects. In a message dated 1/5/2007 8:23:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: .I am concerned that the periactin might

Re: Please add to CLS -- Alberta

2007-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle
Oh my god, Kerry, I can't believe you have another loss so soon. I am so terribly sorry. Michelle

Re: Junior

2007-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle
keep making sure that he pees and is not blocked. Michelle

Re: Bandit

2007-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle
It sounds like the symptoms Kerry's Bandy was showing sometimes for months, though it was attributed to him being positive. Fever and problems with one back leg and lethargy. Michelle In a message dated 1/8/2007 10:21:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Bandit is

Re: Ember's troubles - your thoughts?

2007-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle
I would do a course of flagyl at this point. I have never had a cat react badly to it. For regular diarrhea, it always has cleared it up. For IBD, which Lucy has and Ember might have, it works really well as an anti-inflammatory. Michelle In a message dated 1/9/2007 6:05:30 P.M.

Re: Transfusions as a systematic treatment

2007-01-09 Thread Lernermichelle
My Simon was helped by repeat transfusions, but he had lymphoma in his bone marrow and just needed to buy time for the chemo to kick in, which it did. What is the situation? If I were going to do transfusions, I would also do steroids (pred or dex) and either epogen or acemannan, both of


2007-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle
suggest that she contact best friends. they do a lot in CA and can probably direct her to someone helpful. Also emphasize that they probably do not have fip. Michelle

Re: Transfusions as a systematic treatment

2007-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle
If you bring him to an internist, you might have an easier time convincing them to try Epogen. You can also suggest to the vet that they try it as a last attempt, with pred, since it has helped several cats on this list. Michelle In a message dated 1/10/2007 6:15:24 A.M. Eastern

Re: Transfusions as a systematic treatment

2007-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle
how long is he going between transfusions, and how low has his pcv gone? michelle In a message dated 1/10/2007 6:15:24 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Thanks for all of your replies, I'd love to hear about successes in treating FELVs where the cat's bone marrow is

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 24, Issue 22

2007-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle
7 weeks, or even 4, is pretty good. I agree that there seems to be quality life and that you are doing the right thing. I think you should try epogen, though, and see if it helps. It really seemed to cure Belinda's Bailey's anemia, which was not producing red cells, at least combined

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 24, Issue 22

2007-01-10 Thread Lernermichelle
Also, Dr. Mike Lees in Ohio, who wrote an article on Immuno-Regulin posted on this group's website, claims that he has reversed FeLV-related anemia by giving a high dose of I-R (1 ml) three times a week for two weeks. I and others on this list have seen I-R work wonders for cats with

Re: Ember's troubles - your thoughts?

2007-01-12 Thread Lernermichelle
Lance, What you are describing sounds like what Lucy has sometimes. It usually means there is a problem in the colon or lower intestines, like colitis. Bowels start normal and end loose. If there is every any red blood on the outside, that is another sign. I would not worry

Re: question

2007-01-12 Thread Lernermichelle
Do you know for sure he has a fever-- are you taking his temp? If so, what does it run? If you are going by how warm he feels, they can feel pretty warm when they have been curled up sleeping. Their normal temp is so much higher than ours that they usually feel warmer than us. Michelle

Re: question

2007-01-12 Thread Lernermichelle
You probably know by feel then. But you might want to take his temp once while he is like that so you have a number to go with the way he feels to you. for fevers I would suggest Immuno-regulin, but I think he is already on that, right? Michelle In a message dated 1/12/2007 8:39:02 P.M.

Re: question

2007-01-13 Thread Lernermichelle
Since the dose is so small, you probably want 1 ml syringes, which are small. That is what I use. I have them left over from giving shots to one of our dogs who died a few years ago. I know that you can order needles without prescription from some vet supply companies, like Revival. I am

Re: Marley,Ambrose and Yule

2007-01-14 Thread Lernermichelle
Sherry, how are Ambrose and Yule doing? I think I remember you saying Marley is better? Michelle In a message dated 1/7/2007 7:29:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi all just wanted to ask for healing prayers for these wonderful boys.Marley my beautiful fuzzy

Re: Angel Morgana

2007-01-15 Thread Lernermichelle
oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Neither amoxicillin nor periactin should do anything like that. Michelle In a message dated 1/15/2007 1:40:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I'm so sad. My little Morgana died less than an hour ago. I noticed something was not right

URI question

2007-01-15 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy and Patches both have URI's. I am giving them both Lysine, I-R shots sub-q (which does not seem to be as effective as IV but I have not wanted to take them to the vet, and Patches passed out last time someone tried to do something IV to her), and have Lucy on amoxicillin (only abx she

Re: felv cat.........

2007-01-15 Thread Lernermichelle
It is possible that it could be intestinal lymphoma, a kind of cancer that FeLV+ cats are vulnerable to. If you can, you should take him to an oncologist right away. Chemotherapy in cats is very effective with lymphoma and not hard on the cats the way chemo is for humans. Some cats can

Re: URI question

2007-01-15 Thread Lernermichelle
the dox is a bit over one year expired and is pills. The zithromax is a liquid and I have had it for 1.5 years but it does not have an expiration date on it. Michelle In a message dated 1/15/2007 9:43:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: At 05:32 PM 1/15/2007, you

Re: URI question

2007-01-15 Thread Lernermichelle
Does anyone know the dosing for clavamox? I had it left over from it being prescribed for Lucy a couple of months ago (had to stop it because of her ibd) so am giving it to Patches. But Lucy is 8 pounds and Patches is over 11 pounds. I sort of remember Patches being prescribed more than one

urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
I got home and Lucy felt warm. I took her temp about 20 minutes ago and it was 105.7. I gave her doxicycline (she has been on amoxi) and fluids (150 ml) and put some ice under her paws. I took her temp again and it was 105.6. I am trying to figure out whether to take her to the ER or not.

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
I just took her temp again and it is down from 105.7 to 105.3 in about half an hour. I also just gave her 1/4 baby aspirin. I have been prepared to take her to the ER, waiting for Gray to get home from work to go with me (he is on way). Now that it is going down some on its own and fluids

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
I took her temp again and it is down to 105.0 (was 105.7, then 105.3) and she fought me this time, then ate some of her raw food afterwards (I brought it to her, she still is just laying curled up). At this point I am going to wait a half hour and take it again and see if it is down

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
I gave her fluids about an hour ago and assume that is part of what is bringing it down. I also have had an ice pack under her (she is on a sleeping bag and I have it under the sleeping bag under her) for the last hour or so. I have not tried the alcohol yet. How is calici treated?

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Her fever is now down to 104.5, and I realized that the ice was not cold through the sleeping bag so moved it above the sleeping bag next to her wrapped in a t-shirt. She ate more and seems more alert. I am actually surprised how alert she is given that her temp is still so high, though

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks. I don't want to stress her by looking in her mouth right now (am already taking temps hourly, has been half hourly), but she has not had any discomfort eating so I don't think she has oral ulcers. I hope not, anyway! She is having a slightly odd other symptom, though, and I can't

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Well, her temp just read 102.5, and she ate more and is rubbing her head against me and purring, got up and used the litter box. her nose is cold an wet, and one ear has cooled down to normal, but the other ear, oddly enough, is still very hot. not sure what is going on, but am relieved

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks, Phaerwyn. That sounds scary. I am not sure what to think. It is not very exaggerated, but it does seem to happen with her pulse. In a message dated 1/16/2007 10:34:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Rhythmic pupil dilation is called hippus, and everyone

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Phaerwyn, given what you found about rhythmic pupil dilation, do you think I should be worried about that? If her fever is down in the morning do you think I should take her in to the vet to check that out?

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks everyone. I think I did not have the thermometer in far enough the last time, because her temp is now 103.6, and she seems better not worse, so I think the lower reading was wrong. But she is acting almost normal now. ate a lot, came to lay with me, purring etc. Sorry for all the

Re: felv cat.........

2007-01-16 Thread Lernermichelle
I am the one who posted it, if there are any questions. I would try chemo first and only do this if the cat comes out of remission (after trying rescue chemo drugs that can spur second remissions, like ccnu) or if the cat does not go into remission. But if chemo is not an option for one

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy's temp was normal this morning (101.6) but is now back up to 104.2 and climbing, even though I gave her fluids over an hour ago when it was 103.6. I am bringing her to the vet at 5 for an IV I-R shot. she is eating and grooming, but lethargic. I asked the vet about using dex and he

Re: urgent-- fever advice needed

2007-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle
I was taking them so frequently last night because it was so high and the ER told me that if it stopped going down at any point I needed to bring her in. I've taken it a total of 3 times since last night, once this am and twice this afternoon. I will not take it again for a few hours.

Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-17 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy's temp spiked to 106.7 tonight so I took her to the ER. They did blood work and her HCt is at 18 and her bun and liver enzymes are low. They took xrays and it looked to them (ER doctors, who I don't really trust to read xrays totally correctly) like she has fluid in her abdomen and an

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
The oncologist and internist can not figure out what is wrong with her. The things that can cause abdominal fluids are lymphoma, FIP, a ruptured intestine, pancreatitis, and other infection. She has some symptoms of each, but not enough of any of them to make it seem like the diagnosis.

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I think they did not want to give her dex because there is the possibility that she is fighting some kind of bad infection, and dex is contraindicated for that. Or that she has some kind of ulceration in her intestines, which dex is also contraindicated for. I asked for it, believe me. I

Re: Prayers needed for Lucy-- very serious

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I want to also. She is curled up sleeping now, but her back legs seemed very unsteady when she stood up to change position, and it seemed like she kind of collapsed back onto the towel. Apparently paresis, or rear leg paralysis, can be a neurological sign of FIP, so this is scaring me. Of

urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
Lucy may have FIP, in which case her only hope, small in that, is feline interferon. From my past experience, it can take a few months to get via FDA dispensation. Does anyone have some I could buy and then try to replace?? When I had it, I send some to someone else on this list...

Re: urgent-- anyone have feline interferon (omega)??

2007-01-18 Thread Lernermichelle
I don't actually have all the numbers. According to the oncologist, her liver enzymes were actually not that low-- he does not think she has a liver problem. The fluid is clear and thin, not yellow or tacky like most FIP fluid. This is why everyone is so confused. She may have something

Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Red Bank called to say that now I do not have a return appointment for tomorrow, that the cytology reports won't be back until tomorrow, and that I will get a call tomorrow morning after the oncologist and internist look at the reports, with a plan. Meanwhile, this morning Lucy is not

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
How soon did the cat feel better from epogen? In a message dated 1/19/2007 11:07:32 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Wow Michelle - that is a hard one. My gut feeling is that there is no reason not to start the interferon, for sure. I don't know anything about the

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks. I gave her the feline interferon about an hour ago. She seemed feverish, so a while later I gave her some fluids. She then ate a small handful of dry EVO on her own. She is just laying there now. She is not grooming. She is definitely worse day by day. That said, she looked

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Thanks, Hideyo. Yes, if anyone has any acemannan-- can I please buy some from you?? If we use it, I don't think we can wait until February. I kind of doubt Lucy will last that long without something to turn her around. her gums are mostly gray, with only a few pink spots, so it is hard to

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
I don't know if she is comfortable. When she is feverish, she definitely isn't. At other times it is hard to tell if she is just weak or also nauseous or painful somewhere. The oncologist said he does not think she has any pain. Maybe it is just fatigue from the anemia and the fevers. She

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Her HCT was 18 when last tested night before last. They generally only transfuse cats if it gets down to 13 or below. I think part of the reason is the potential reaction to the transfusion (they can have an allergic reaction) and part of the reason is a general shortage of cat blood so

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
What is it that you think you did in panic and regret? Knowing this may help me with the decisions I am making. In a message dated 1/19/2007 2:51:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Hi Michelle, I have to agree that Nina said it all...and she is right...Your gut will

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
they don't have a sample anymore. I asked them to run the reticulites from any blood they have, this morning, and they said they don't have any. In a message dated 1/19/2007 3:19:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Can you have the run the blood type with the

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
She just ate a bunch of little pieces of turkey deli slice, then ate a few more pieces of dry EVO. Her nose was stuffy and now is runny (am using vicks vaporizer and neosenephrine) so that may have made the difference. I think that she does have a URI on top of whatever else she has, and I

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
She's on I-R. I was giving it to her sub-q for her URI, which I thought was helping, but then she spiked a fever anyway. So I brought her in to the local vet on Wed and got her .25 ml IV. Her fever spiked highest later that night. If I kept her on it she would not be due for another shot

Re: Lucy--what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
No. Those fever spikes, if they happen, happen immediately after getting it, last about a half hour, and then go away and don't come back. She has gotten I-R in the past for URI's without getting any fever at all from it. And now she gets fevers on and off all day whether or not it is a

Cindy-- what dose IR?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Cindy, what dose IV I-R did you give smoky? The vet in Ohio gives a whole ml at a time, which is what I gave to Patches when she had pneumonia and to Ginger. It helped them a lot, but Ginger had a very high fever spike right afterwards. The company recommends .25 ml, which is what I gave

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Craig Clifford. In a message dated 1/19/2007 5:30:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Michelle, which oncologist are you dealing with over at Redbank? Hope it's not the one I'm using as he has been very patient with me. Lucy continues to be in my thoughts and

Re: Lucy-- what to do?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
I do have a/d and appetite stims, but she can't handle the appetite stims (periactin makes her a zomby and does not make her eat). Good news though-- Gray bought her some dry i/d and she got all excited and has eaten a bunch of it several times. At this point I think she has had at least

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Well, there are two possibilities as to why he is more patient with you: 1) you are less annoying than I am (extremely possible), or 2) Emily actually has cancer and he doesn't think Lucy does (though I am wondering if the pred she has been on is masking it, as no other diagnosis fully

Re: Cindy-- what dose IR?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
That is what is listed in the medications books, but the company material says .25 cc. Maybe I should try a higher dose? In a message dated 1/19/2007 7:40:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The recommended doses I see is 1/2 to 1 cc IV is the very best route I

Re: Cindy-- what dose IR?

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
actually, I don't have the book I saw that in, and all I can show the vet is the company info which says .25 so he did not want to do more. Can you send me info or a link or a citation to where it says 1/2 to 1? In a message dated 1/19/2007 7:40:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL

question about IBD and anemia

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
So I have this new theory that maybe Lucy's symptoms result from IBD and a URI. I read in Merck vet manual (I think-- it is written for vets so technical and hard to understand) that IBD can cause anemia and fluid distension in the stomach. Anemia can cause heart murmer and enlargement

Re: Lucy--what to do?-- anyone have acemannan??

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
Oh, I have read most of the posts about Emily. I forgot-- sorry. I am glad she is doing well. Michelle In a message dated 1/19/2007 9:00:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: As for Emily, she has mammary gland cancer. She had two surgeries and she is getting

Re: question about IBD and anemia

2007-01-19 Thread Lernermichelle
How would you have treated the pancreatitis had you known? In a message dated 1/19/2007 11:13:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Remember too Bailey was anemic, no fluid in the belly but his anemia was symptomatic of his undiagnosed pancreatitis which ended up being

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