Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-29 Thread Glen Mazza
I would judge the notion that FOP and RenderX share 
common goals to be somewhat sentimental; perhaps we
should wait until Coke and Pepsi form such warm
collaborative bonds first!

At any rate, instead of "FOPResult", since we already
have an InputHandler class (and subclasses where
needed), perhaps we should call it OutputHandler?


--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Victor Mote wrote:
> > BTW, we'd better change the name of FOPResult if
> we're going to try to sell
> > this to a wider audience :-)
>   abbr for FormattingObjectsProcessingResult. No
> need to change :-)
> J.Pietschmann
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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-28 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > BTW, we'd better change the name of FOPResult if we're going to
> try to sell
> > this to a wider audience :-)
>   abbr for FormattingObjectsProcessingResult. No need to change :-)

Just don't be surprised to see a counter-proposal RenderXResult, an abbr
Really Exciting Newly Designed Eclectic Renderer for XML Result :-)

Victor Mote

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-28 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
BTW, we'd better change the name of FOPResult if we're going to try to sell
this to a wider audience :-)
 abbr for FormattingObjectsProcessingResult. No need to change :-)


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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-28 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> > Except for Avalonization (which I admit I don't understand, but which I
> > understood not to be a factor here), I don't see what functionality your
> > model provides over mine. On the Avalonization issue, I guess
> the easy way
> > to get to the heart of the matter is to simply ask whether
> Avalonization can
> > be implemented with the model I have proposed or not.
> I can't answer that because I have the impression that your proposal is
> incomplete. What I'm missing:
> - How to specify output properties like encryption parameters
> - How to handle Java2D?
> - How to handle SAX input?
> - How to handle FOP configuration?

My proposal was not contemplating any significant changes to any of these.
Encryption parameters would be stored/set in the FOPResult object (I've
adopted your terms here even though the concepts might be a bit off -- I
don't know whether that is more or less confusing). Java2D would be a
FOPResult option, which would drive the creation of a RenderContext object
to handle the AreaTree creation for that scheme. SAX input would be handled
as it is now. FOP configuration would be handled as it is now, except for
the changes to the object model. Perhaps I am not catching the intent of
your questions?

> > This implies (and makes sense when you
> > think about interfaces) that it is a lowest-common-denominator.
> Yes, but holding that open for extensions:
> - Ability to add new subclasses of FOPResult which only certain
>   implementations support.
> - Ability to pass in special output property objects to control special
>   features.

OK. One that is on the top of my mind is pluggable layout aka
LayoutStrategy. Please walk me briefly through how that might work at the
API level, considering that other implementations might not want/need such a
thing, and how to handle defaults. What I am really grappling with here is
whether you build such a concept into a shared, industry-wide API, or treat
it as an extension, and if it is an extension, what the ramifications are,
especially to those using the API. Specifically, if the outer shell of the
API doesn't handle the extension, don't you end up kind of building (via
subclassing or whatever) a separate API underneath the outer shell that is

(BTW, the above paragraph is not asking anyone to endorse the idea of
pluggable layout, but simply using the concept as a specific example of the
type of thing that we might want to have the flexibility to handle).

> > There may be
> > times when, to get the full richness of an implementation, you
> have to use
> > things that are specific to it because the higher-level
> interface couldn't
> > and shouldn't force all implementations to implement that
> feature. FOP and
> > RenderX might (and probably already have) evolve(d) to meet different
> > use-cases. So it makes sense to me to use a simple lightweight
> API for FOP
> > (if possible), and if we want to build an industry-standard API
> like that
> > which you have proposed, that it be done in a separate project
> or at least
> > package, and probably be done in concurrence with the other
> implementors.
> You're right again. But then it happens that a good API gets adopted by
> other parties. At any rate I'll gladly participate in formulating a
> standard API as a separate project as my time allows it.

If there are any changes to the one that we propose, then we *must* change
our API in order to meet it (one of the things we have specifically said we
don't want to do), or not be compliant. And I don't think we want to wait
for such a process anyway.

> RenderX guys: If you're listening in, I'd like to hear your thoughts
> about having/creating a common client API for XSL-FO processing in Java.

BTW, we'd better change the name of FOPResult if we're going to try to sell
this to a wider audience :-)

> The biggest difference probably arises from your focus on the inner glue
> and my focus on the client API. Your thoughts are very valuable but they
> should evolve in the context of the inner glue because that's where you
> invested most of your brain time, I guess.

That's fair. I see the API as a function of the object model, and think the
best way to assure a stable API is to get the object model to better match
our processing needs. To the extent that the layer of API objects that you
have designed meets that end, I think we'll be OK.

If you and Joerg are satisfied that there are no major gotchas lurking, I am
quite happy to follow along.

Victor Mote

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-28 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 26.06.2003 21:48:10 Victor Mote wrote:
> > Then you mean reuse in the context of producing multiple output formats
> > in one renderung run?
> Yes. Even if we think we don't want that now, we should have the flexibility
> to add it later.

Granted. I thought about that myself. I don't see why my API proposal
couldn't be enhanced (later), for example, with a MultipleFOPResult that
contains/holds a list of FOPResults. That would be a
backwards-compatible and even quite intuitive (See GoF Composite) way to
handle the case.

> Except for Avalonization (which I admit I don't understand, but which I
> understood not to be a factor here), I don't see what functionality your
> model provides over mine. On the Avalonization issue, I guess the easy way
> to get to the heart of the matter is to simply ask whether Avalonization can
> be implemented with the model I have proposed or not.

I can't answer that because I have the impression that your proposal is
incomplete. What I'm missing:
- How to specify output properties like encryption parameters
- How to handle Java2D?
- How to handle SAX input?
- How to handle FOP configuration?

On the other side, it doesn't matter so much. I think it is important to
separate the inner glue from the client interface, so to isolate FOP's
Avalon container (or whatever we will use/do) from its environment so
FOP provides a blackbox interface to the outside. Only in the
Cocoon-context should there be a possibility to pass in a parent
ServiceManager so FOP can use Cocoon's SourceResolver, parser factories
etc. Your proposal can probably be made to handle that.

> I did have one afterthought that I think I should mention. The JAXP thing
> caught me a bit off-guard, and I only just now sorted out in my mind why. I
> don't use these tools often enough or in enough detail to keep this fresh in
> my mind (but I think I have the concepts straight), so please correct me if
> I am wrong. If I want to use Xalan, for example, I could use a Xalan
> interface, or I could use a Xalan implementation of the JAXP interface.

The problem with this example is that I can't think of any reason why I
would need a Xalan-specific API (if there is still one). Xalan-1 had a
proprietary one. That got deprecated with the arrival of TraX/JAXP. But
my statement is not really based on extensive research. Maybe there ARE
use cases.

> You
> mentioned in an earlier posting that the functionality between the two
> didn't necessarily need to match up.

Right, but it should be avoided to have two different client APIs
because you will have to maintain and more importantly support them.

> This implies (and makes sense when you
> think about interfaces) that it is a lowest-common-denominator.

Yes, but holding that open for extensions:
- Ability to add new subclasses of FOPResult which only certain
  implementations support.
- Ability to pass in special output property objects to control special

> There may be
> times when, to get the full richness of an implementation, you have to use
> things that are specific to it because the higher-level interface couldn't
> and shouldn't force all implementations to implement that feature. FOP and
> RenderX might (and probably already have) evolve(d) to meet different
> use-cases. So it makes sense to me to use a simple lightweight API for FOP
> (if possible), and if we want to build an industry-standard API like that
> which you have proposed, that it be done in a separate project or at least
> package, and probably be done in concurrence with the other implementors.

You're right again. But then it happens that a good API gets adopted by
other parties. At any rate I'll gladly participate in formulating a
standard API as a separate project as my time allows it.

RenderX guys: If you're listening in, I'd like to hear your thoughts
about having/creating a common client API for XSL-FO processing in Java.

> That would be my preference, but I do not feel strongly enough about it to
> do much more than mention it. I think this distinction probably also
> explains the different wavelengths that we seem to be on.

The biggest difference probably arises from your focus on the inner glue
and my focus on the client API. Your thoughts are very valuable but they
should evolve in the context of the inner glue because that's where you
invested most of your brain time, I guess.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > I don't see why you
> > would suggest that my proposal would use more memory. I am quite sure it
> > would use less, but not enough to even mention.
> Well, your approach to "decoupling layout and rendering" seems
> to include building a full area tree, or something equivalent.
> FOP was implemented this way before 0.20.1. What you might see
> as "tight coupling" is the result of improving the situation.

I have been misunderstood somewhere. There may be times when building a full
area tree (and writing to disk if necessary) is appropriate, esp. if it were
going to be reused. That is a dead issue. If the area tree is only used
once, then PageSequence is the largest chunk that might need to be built,
and then only if patient processing is used. I do not intend to force anyone
to do anything different than is now done in terms of how memory is managed,
or even the general flow of the processing. What I am asking for is that
control of those decisions be made at a higher level, which keeps the code
modular and gives us more options. I don't want layout starting the process
of rendering a page, but rather to notify the control mechanism that a page
is ready, and letting the control mechanism decide whether to cache it,
render it, whether that should be done in a separate thread, etc. IOW the
performance "smarts" are in the high-level control objects.

I'm sorry if that was not clear before.

Victor Mote

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AW: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread J.U. Anderegg
> J.Pietschmann wrote
> I think we have a few slightly more pressing problems:
> - improving the API to ease embedding (including Java2D embedding)

What has to be embedded?

> Adding multiple output streams is certainly fun but I suspect the
> bulk of the current users would be more interested in one of the
> points above. And somehow I have the feeling that your approach could
> easily get in the way, in particular I wouldn't like if it would
> *increase* memory usage in general.

Multiple output streams are here with FOP 0.x.x
The AWT viewer uses the area tree as page cache and it's print function

I'm experimenting with a new Graphics2D renderer. The attached description
gives some hints to configuration/parametrization requirements. Directions,
orientations, i18n will be the next topics. All I know at the time is that
present renderers need heavy upgrades.

Hansuli Anderegg
Title: JPS Renderer/Viewer

FOP Renderer/Viewer based on Java Printing System, Graphics2D

Project: JPS Renderer/Viewer
Author: J.U. Anderegg

The Java Printing System enables applications to:

Print Java 2D™ graphics, text and images.
Control document-composition functions such as soft collating, reverse
order printing, and booklet printing.
Invoke printer-specific functions such as duplex (two-sided) printing and
Print on all platforms, including Windows and Solaris.
Data stream generation by platform printer drivers.


Silent/interactive operation (page/printer/file dialogs)
Output to printer or file
Supported printers, data streams: PCL, AFP, Postscript, Text, PDF
(PDFWriter required)
Accurate output control by setting page/printer properties of drivers
Several renderings per run
Image Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF (with JAI Image I/O Tools 1.0-rc also BMP,
SVG Support
Embed HTML, RTF and TXT documents
Orientation switch portrait/landscape within document
Controls per print job

Destination file
Media sizes, bins, trays
Page orientation
Sides: simplex/duplex handling
Print quality
Chromaticity: color/monochrom
NumberUp, Imposition


Tested with
Win2K, FOP 0.20.5rc2, Java 1.4.2, JAI Image I/O Tools 1.0-rc, Batik-1.5

Images are handled by Image I/O, FOP's image handling is overridden.


install FOP, Java 1.4, Batik-1.5 and optionally JAI Image I/O Tools

copy file to disk

install printers

select national language versions so that font names match
set properties according to your needs

edit renderer configuration file

see description below
sample: rendercfg00.txt

edit printer configuration files

copy the printer names correctly from your list of printers
lookup attribute codes in Java source
see description below
samples: prtcfgxx.txt

platform fonts other than "Helvetica", "Times",  "Courier", "serif", "sans-serif", "monospace":

generate font metrics
modify the FOP user configuration

run procedure

replace path names with your path names
set the national language option for your JVM so that font names match
sample: execSingle.bat, execMulti.bat

program: org.apache.fop.render.jps.Run2D

Use URL's: e.g. file:///C:...


argument 0: user configuration file
'single file formatting' or 'batch formatting'

single file formatting

preview: interactive mode

argument 1: xsl-fo input file
argument 2: renderer configuration file
argument 3: 'view' - viewer is launched

silent mode

arguments 3, 4, ...: An arguments for each output.
Tokens are separated by commas.

token 0: printer configuration file
optional token 1: [,destination = print file]

multiple FO files formatting

argument 1: 'controlfile', URL

URL: file containing lines same as 'formatting a single FO file' above

Renderer Configuration Files

// in colunm 1-2 comment
debugdisplay platform printer and font info, trace processing
SVGimageResolution=resolutionresolution: requested image resolution
adjustPrinterResolutionIf specified, the lowest resolution from (1200, 600, 300, 150, 72) fitting into the area is selected.
Otherwise the image is scaled to fit the area.

TimesMap=Times New Roman
CourierMap=Courier New
Font maps, substitution for standard fonts. This applies also to
sans-serif --> Helvetica
serif --> Times
monospace --> Courier

Printer Configuration Files

// in colunm 1-2comment
copies=nn: numbers of copies
printer=printerNameprinterName: printer name, your platform knows
attributes=n1 n2 n3 n.: attribute code as specified in Java source

Embedding RTF, HTML and TXT Documents

HTML 3.2 is supported. RTF about at the level of WordPad.
Additional pages are inserted: specify block break-before="page"
Document specification: external-graphic src=""SVGimageResolution".
The viewbox is scaled proportionally.
SVG instream-foreign-objects need the width and height attributes.


Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
I don't see why you
would suggest that my proposal would use more memory. I am quite sure it
would use less, but not enough to even mention.
Well, your approach to "decoupling layout and rendering" seems
to include building a full area tree, or something equivalent.
FOP was implemented this way before 0.20.1. What you might see
as "tight coupling" is the result of improving the situation.

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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > I guess I don't
> > understand the need for FOProcessorFactory, which seems to be
> an unnecessary
> > complication for the user.
> It has something to do with the GoF Factory pattern. This means you can
> choose the implementation of the FOProcessorAPI by setting a Java
> property,
> or some similar mechanism at run time instead of choosing it at compile
> time. Granted, this seems of not much use given that FOP will be the only

Hmmm. I missed that in the "goals" section.

> implementation at least for some time. There is another aspect: the
> FOProcessorFactory holds a default configuration and is a mechanism to
> quickly create preconfigured FOProcessor objects. You just can't use
> a single FOProcessor, because it holds a state while rendering and is
> therefore not MT safe in itself. Unless you can live with blocked threads
> this means you have to create a FOProcessor for every thread. Furthermore

This aspect of it could/should be entirely hidden from the user. IOW, I
wouldn't make the API more complex just to achieve this. Also, the
alternative to sharing shareable data and blocking thread access it to
duplicate the data and the processing of it. I'll certainly leave that issue
to you performance gurus.

> you might want to keep FOProcessor objects some time around after
> rendering
> has finished in order to inquire the number of rendered pages or whatever
> useful data the processor can supply then.
> > RenderContext is only useful if you are trying to reuse an AreaTree for
> > multiple output options. I am frankly confused right now about
> whether the
> > dev team even wants to try to do that.
> I think we have a few slightly more pressing problems:
> - getting layout up to conformance
> - make FOP MT safe
> - improving the API to ease embedding (including Java2D embedding)
> - improve performance and reduce memory consumption

I am not trying to implement multiple output options, but merely to make
sure we have the flexibility to do so. And frankly, I don't care if it ever
gets implemented. What *is* important, but on which I seem not to be making
any progress in explaining, is that each of the major processing tasks in
FOP should have a high-level controlling class that is responsible for it. I
see all four of the items you mention as being dependent on that.

> Adding multiple output streams is certainly fun but I suspect the
> bulk of the current users would be more interested in one of the
> points above. And somehow I have the feeling that your approach could
> easily get in the way, in particular I wouldn't like if it would
> *increase* memory usage in general.

I agree with your first statement. On the second, I wouldn't like Jeremias's
proposal either if it caused a nuclear holocaust :-). I don't see why you
would suggest that my proposal would use more memory. I am quite sure it
would use less, but not enough to even mention.

> > It looks like you are pushing the data that I envisioned in Document
> > and RenderContext down to RenderType/FOPResult. The net effect
> is that it
> > can't be reused.
> Why can't it be reused?

See answer in my response to Jeremias (which crossed your inquiry in the

> > 1. complexity. In addition to the Factory issue already
> mentioned, I think
> > there is some benefit to arranging the data more intuitively
> for the user.
> Users should be able to recognize certain patterns, like the ones
> used in JAXP.

Well, I don't think anyone is ever going to want to put a GUI on top of
Xalan, but I'll bet it will happen with FOP. The use case for FOP as it is
right now is fairly analagous to JAXP, i.e. a non-interactive process, but I
don't expect that to stay the same. Also, see my response to Jeremias about
the JAXP issue (also crossed in the mail). I'm not opposed to that pattern,
I'm just not sure it makes sense as our API.

Victor Mote

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Glen Mazza
OK, thanks for the enlightenment.

--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen Mazza wrote:
> > Shouldn't we be leery of "render options" where
> one
> > specifies properties of how the output should look
> > outside of what is specified by the XSL-FO file?
> PDF encryption? Printer options? Text encoding? MIF
> version?
> >  (If
> > there are output properties that cannot be
> specified
> > sufficiently by XSL-FO 1.0, well, that's what FOP
> > extensions or XSL-FO 2.0 would be for, correct?)
> I don't think the WG will accept output format
> specific stuff in
> the FO source. I personally don't think this is a
> good idea either.
> J.Pietschmann

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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> > That is not reuse. The metadata example is a trivial one. A
> Collection of
> > Fonts used and Fonts to be embedded would be a more important
> one. However,
> > I don't care. You are correct that we aren't talking about the
> same thing.
> Then you mean reuse in the context of producing multiple output formats
> in one renderung run?

Yes. Even if we think we don't want that now, we should have the flexibility
to add it later.

> > Hmmm. The whole thing seems pretty heavyweight to me (at least
> compared to
> > my proposal). Since my real interest is Control and not API, I think the
> > most productive thing for me to do is to simply defer on the
> API issues to
> > those of you who care more about them. As long as we can build whatever
> > Control infrastructure under that API that we want to (and it
> looks like we
> > can), and if you guys are happy with the API, we can defer that
> part of the
> > discussion until another day. It may very well be that when I
> see how your
> > vision is implemented, I will find the Control structures that
> (I think) I
> > need and that we are done anyway.
> I think we're getting in the right direction. I think, my API proposal
> would enable a stable API and you can concentrate on what's necessary to
> do inside FOP to handle the whole processing. You can even experiment
> over time, changing the inner glue without changing the API. And a
> stable and flexible API is one of the most important things to me. We
> changed the Driver class too many times. Hopefully, my proposal could
> improve this. Just trying to decouple...

I suspect that the reason the Driver class had to change so often is that it
was doing duty for three different hierarchical concepts by my count. As
long as we have all three of them accounted for with your proposal, I'm OK
with it (although see one afterthought see below).

> But I disagree with the heavyweight thing. It's only the most necessary
> things well separated by topic. Expand on your proposal to enable all
> the functionality my proposal covers. I wonder how lightweight yours
> stays.

Except for Avalonization (which I admit I don't understand, but which I
understood not to be a factor here), I don't see what functionality your
model provides over mine. On the Avalonization issue, I guess the easy way
to get to the heart of the matter is to simply ask whether Avalonization can
be implemented with the model I have proposed or not.

I did have one afterthought that I think I should mention. The JAXP thing
caught me a bit off-guard, and I only just now sorted out in my mind why. I
don't use these tools often enough or in enough detail to keep this fresh in
my mind (but I think I have the concepts straight), so please correct me if
I am wrong. If I want to use Xalan, for example, I could use a Xalan
interface, or I could use a Xalan implementation of the JAXP interface. You
mentioned in an earlier posting that the functionality between the two
didn't necessarily need to match up. This implies (and makes sense when you
think about interfaces) that it is a lowest-common-denominator. There may be
times when, to get the full richness of an implementation, you have to use
things that are specific to it because the higher-level interface couldn't
and shouldn't force all implementations to implement that feature. FOP and
RenderX might (and probably already have) evolve(d) to meet different
use-cases. So it makes sense to me to use a simple lightweight API for FOP
(if possible), and if we want to build an industry-standard API like that
which you have proposed, that it be done in a separate project or at least
package, and probably be done in concurrence with the other implementors.
That would be my preference, but I do not feel strongly enough about it to
do much more than mention it. I think this distinction probably also
explains the different wavelengths that we seem to be on.

Victor Mote

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote:
Shouldn't we be leery of "render options" where one
specifies properties of how the output should look
outside of what is specified by the XSL-FO file?
PDF encryption? Printer options? Text encoding? MIF version?

there are output properties that cannot be specified
sufficiently by XSL-FO 1.0, well, that's what FOP
extensions or XSL-FO 2.0 would be for, correct?)
I don't think the WG will accept output format specific stuff in
the FO source. I personally don't think this is a good idea either.

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
I guess I don't
understand the need for FOProcessorFactory, which seems to be an unnecessary
complication for the user.
It has something to do with the GoF Factory pattern. This means you can
choose the implementation of the FOProcessorAPI by setting a Java property,
or some similar mechanism at run time instead of choosing it at compile
time. Granted, this seems of not much use given that FOP will be the only
implementation at least for some time. There is another aspect: the
FOProcessorFactory holds a default configuration and is a mechanism to
quickly create preconfigured FOProcessor objects. You just can't use
a single FOProcessor, because it holds a state while rendering and is
therefore not MT safe in itself. Unless you can live with blocked threads
this means you have to create a FOProcessor for every thread. Furthermore
you might want to keep FOProcessor objects some time around after rendering
has finished in order to inquire the number of rendered pages or whatever
useful data the processor can supply then.
RenderContext is only useful if you are trying to reuse an AreaTree for
multiple output options. I am frankly confused right now about whether the
dev team even wants to try to do that.
I think we have a few slightly more pressing problems:
- getting layout up to conformance
- make FOP MT safe
- improving the API to ease embedding (including Java2D embedding)
- improve performance and reduce memory consumption
Adding multiple output streams is certainly fun but I suspect the
bulk of the current users would be more interested in one of the
points above. And somehow I have the feeling that your approach could
easily get in the way, in particular I wouldn't like if it would
*increase* memory usage in general.
It looks like you are pushing the data that I envisioned in Document
and RenderContext down to RenderType/FOPResult. The net effect is that it
can't be reused.
Why can't it be reused?

1. complexity. In addition to the Factory issue already mentioned, I think
there is some benefit to arranging the data more intuitively for the user.
Users should be able to recognize certain patterns, like the ones
used in JAXP.

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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > I don't understand your last statement, but I
> agree that FOPResult is a
> > better name than RenderType.
> Let's try different wording: The name "RenderType"
> suggests that it is a
> enumeration or a parameter, but it's more than that.

Errr...I may not understand everything here, but
aren't our inputs *just*:

1) xsl-fo stream (file, DOM Document, or inputStream)
2) render type (*is* either an enumeration directly,
or could be represented as such--PDF, PS, etc.)

Shouldn't we be leery of "render options" where one
specifies properties of how the output should look
outside of what is specified by the XSL-FO file?  (If
there are output properties that cannot be specified
sufficiently by XSL-FO 1.0, well, that's what FOP
extensions or XSL-FO 2.0 would be for, correct?)

Just curious what others are thinking here.


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Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 26.06.2003 20:13:06 Victor Mote wrote:
> Well, its a whole lot more than an API and there are some implementing
> classes in your spec. However, thanks for clarifying.

Only two classes (DefaultFOProcessorFactory and AvalonFOProcessorFactory)
to show how the two world can be made more or less compatible.

> OK, so FOProcessorFactory is roughly equivalent to Session and FOProcessor
> is roughly equivalent to Document (I don't care about the terminology, I'm
> just trying to find where we thinking the same and where we are not).

I guess so.

> > Of course, it can be reused. Nothing prevents you from passing in the
> > same DocumentMetadata into the FOPResult. But nobody will want to do
> > that anyway because metadata like "title" will probably change with each
> > document being processed. I think we don't talk about the same thing.
> That is not reuse. The metadata example is a trivial one. A Collection of
> Fonts used and Fonts to be embedded would be a more important one. However,
> I don't care. You are correct that we aren't talking about the same thing.

Then you mean reuse in the context of producing multiple output formats
in one renderung run?

> > Right. but I think RenderType is not the right name for this because it
> > only suggests to be information about which renderer is to be used. It
> > omits all the nice parameters you want to pass over.
> I don't understand your last statement, but I agree that FOPResult is a
> better name than RenderType.

Let's try different wording: The name "RenderType" suggests that it is a
enumeration or a parameter, but it's more than that.

> Hmmm. The whole thing seems pretty heavyweight to me (at least compared to
> my proposal). Since my real interest is Control and not API, I think the
> most productive thing for me to do is to simply defer on the API issues to
> those of you who care more about them. As long as we can build whatever
> Control infrastructure under that API that we want to (and it looks like we
> can), and if you guys are happy with the API, we can defer that part of the
> discussion until another day. It may very well be that when I see how your
> vision is implemented, I will find the Control structures that (I think) I
> need and that we are done anyway.

I think we're getting in the right direction. I think, my API proposal
would enable a stable API and you can concentrate on what's necessary to
do inside FOP to handle the whole processing. You can even experiment
over time, changing the inner glue without changing the API. And a
stable and flexible API is one of the most important things to me. We
changed the Driver class too many times. Hopefully, my proposal could
improve this. Just trying to decouple...

But I disagree with the heavyweight thing. It's only the most necessary
things well separated by topic. Expand on your proposal to enable all
the functionality my proposal covers. I wonder how lightweight yours

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> > I think your name is fine. I am confused about whether it is an
> interface
> > (as written) or a class (I don't see any implementations).
> It's an API. You don't necessarily see implementing classes in the
> specification. Compare to JAXP. Theoretically, RenderX could implement
> the same API and we would have a common API for XSL-FO processing. It
> would even be interesting to do an implementation of that API based on
> the maintenance branch. It would probably not support all the features
> but JAXP implementations also don't do that always.

Well, its a whole lot more than an API and there are some implementing
classes in your spec. However, thanks for clarifying.

> > I guess I don't
> > understand the need for FOProcessorFactory, which seems to be
> an unnecessary
> > complication for the user. Since I don't understand Avalon, I
> am not sure
> > how factoring it into/out of this affects the API, but if that
> is needed, it
> > seems like it should be done in an implementation of
> FOProcessor instead of
> > creating separate Factories.
> It's not an Avalon-specific reason why I specified the factory. For one,
> it's almost the same as in JAXP (The whole API is, BTW). The distinction
> between FOProcessorFactory and FOProcessor is the following:
> FOProcessorFactory has a configuration (where do the fonts come from,
> what's the caching strategy etc.etc.). You will want to have one such
> object per environment where FOP is used.
> FOProcessor could be argued to be superfluous if it weren't for the
> add/removeEventListener methods which allow you to register a listener
> to get events on a particular processing run (start page-sequence, new
> page, content clipped, end page-sequence, this kind of things). I
> haven't come up with more, yet, but I can imagine that this class could
> get additional methods later.
> Basically you distiguish the basic environment from the processor run.
> You wouldn't want to reload all the configuration stuff each time you
> want to run FOP.

OK, so FOProcessorFactory is roughly equivalent to Session and FOProcessor
is roughly equivalent to Document (I don't care about the terminology, I'm
just trying to find where we thinking the same and where we are not).

> > RenderContext is only useful if you are trying to reuse an AreaTree for
> > multiple output options. I am frankly confused right now about
> whether the
> > dev team even wants to try to do that.
> From the first discussion we had I got the impression that it's not
> worth the pains right now. In the worst case you simply hold the stuff
> from RenderContext in the ProcessorContext.

OK. Since it doesn't affect the API, we can always add it back later if

> > I think it is a good idea, and
> > suspect that whatever difficulties have existed in implementing
> this in the
> > past are probably a result of our current tight coupling between FOTree,
> > layout, AreaTree, and Rendering, which is of course what I am trying to
> > unravel.
> >
> > Your DocumentMetadata class holds information in it that would
> live in my
> > Document concept. That is information that is common to (but
> not necessarily
> > used by) by all output media, and does not need to be set for
> each output
> > media. It looks like you are pushing the data that I envisioned
> in Document
> > and RenderContext down to RenderType/FOPResult. The net effect
> is that it
> > can't be reused.
> Of course, it can be reused. Nothing prevents you from passing in the
> same DocumentMetadata into the FOPResult. But nobody will want to do
> that anyway because metadata like "title" will probably change with each
> document being processed. I think we don't talk about the same thing.

That is not reuse. The metadata example is a trivial one. A Collection of
Fonts used and Fonts to be embedded would be a more important one. However,
I don't care. You are correct that we aren't talking about the same thing.

> As I said before, what I'm trying to do is separate the inner workings
> from the API as well as possible. Things from FOPResult (including the
> metadata) will probably be placed in the RenderContext so you'll have
> access to it if necessary. I see DocumentMetadata only as a pass-through
> thing to the Renderer.
> > > - Renderer: You guys hate me for that, I know, but I still refuse to
> > >   give it so much visibility in these discussions. In my proposal I've
> > >   separated the logic from the data again (with JAXP as
> role-model) and
> > >   made the Renderer a totally normal Avalon service that is
> being looked
> > >   up by MIME type in the background. The FOPResult classes account for
> > >   the differences of output types. The FOProcessor impl is responsible
> > >   to establish the link between FOPResults and Renderer. For AWT (I'd
> > >   like to call it Java2D from now on if you guys agree. That's the
> > >   official name of the API after all.) I've tried to introduce an
> > >   in

Re: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 26.06.2003 18:40:58 Victor Mote wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > I have done so now. I've added a new (sub)page to the Wiki to avoid
> > making the FOPAvalonization page even longer.
> >
> >
> PIProposalJM
> >
> > While writing down my thought about the API I have come to the
> > realization that I cannot make up my mind about the inner context
> > classes Victor has come up with. But I think he's quite close:
> >
> > - Session: Looks like my and Jörg's FOProcessor to me. The user
> >   interacts with this class to configure FOP and do processing runs.
> I think your name is fine. I am confused about whether it is an interface
> (as written) or a class (I don't see any implementations).

It's an API. You don't necessarily see implementing classes in the
specification. Compare to JAXP. Theoretically, RenderX could implement
the same API and we would have a common API for XSL-FO processing. It
would even be interesting to do an implementation of that API based on
the maintenance branch. It would probably not support all the features
but JAXP implementations also don't do that always.

> I guess I don't
> understand the need for FOProcessorFactory, which seems to be an unnecessary
> complication for the user. Since I don't understand Avalon, I am not sure
> how factoring it into/out of this affects the API, but if that is needed, it
> seems like it should be done in an implementation of FOProcessor instead of
> creating separate Factories.

It's not an Avalon-specific reason why I specified the factory. For one,
it's almost the same as in JAXP (The whole API is, BTW). The distinction
between FOProcessorFactory and FOProcessor is the following:

FOProcessorFactory has a configuration (where do the fonts come from,
what's the caching strategy etc.etc.). You will want to have one such
object per environment where FOP is used.

FOProcessor could be argued to be superfluous if it weren't for the
add/removeEventListener methods which allow you to register a listener
to get events on a particular processing run (start page-sequence, new
page, content clipped, end page-sequence, this kind of things). I
haven't come up with more, yet, but I can imagine that this class could
get additional methods later.

Basically you distiguish the basic environment from the processor run.
You wouldn't want to reload all the configuration stuff each time you
want to run FOP.

A nice side-effect is the AvalonFOProcessorFactory that should fit nicely
as an component for use in Avalon-enabled system (mainly Cocoon).

> > - Document and RenderContext: I'm not sure but I think these two should
> >   be merged. I've called it ProcessorContext in my proposal at first,
> >   but then chose not to include them in the proposal right now because
> >   I didn't quite know what to put in there. The thing I know is that we
> >   need a central data object that keeps references while the FOProcessor
> >   implementation coordinates the processing (data separated from logic).
> RenderContext is only useful if you are trying to reuse an AreaTree for
> multiple output options. I am frankly confused right now about whether the
> dev team even wants to try to do that.

From the first discussion we had I got the impression that it's not
worth the pains right now. In the worst case you simply hold the stuff
from RenderContext in the ProcessorContext.

> I think it is a good idea, and
> suspect that whatever difficulties have existed in implementing this in the
> past are probably a result of our current tight coupling between FOTree,
> layout, AreaTree, and Rendering, which is of course what I am trying to
> unravel.
> Your DocumentMetadata class holds information in it that would live in my
> Document concept. That is information that is common to (but not necessarily
> used by) by all output media, and does not need to be set for each output
> media. It looks like you are pushing the data that I envisioned in Document
> and RenderContext down to RenderType/FOPResult. The net effect is that it
> can't be reused.

Of course, it can be reused. Nothing prevents you from passing in the
same DocumentMetadata into the FOPResult. But nobody will want to do
that anyway because metadata like "title" will probably change with each
document being processed. I think we don't talk about the same thing.

As I said before, what I'm trying to do is separate the inner workings
from the API as well as possible. Things from FOPResult (including the
metadata) will probably be placed in the RenderContext so you'll have
access to it if necessary. I see DocumentMetadata only as a pass-through
thing to the Renderer.

> > - Renderer: You guys hate me for that, I know, but I still refuse to
> >   give it so much visibility in these discussions. In my proposal I've
> >   separated the logic from the data again (with JAXP as role-model) and
> >   made the Renderer a totally normal Avalon service t

RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
Victor Mote wrote:

> J.Pietschmann wrote:
> > Could you outline your API ideas on the Wiki?
> Sure (give me a couple of days). Again, my point is not to push for a
> particular API or framework, but only to show that the control
> concepts (PDF
> encryption was the example given IIRC) can be added to the appropriate
> classes as needed.

OK, I have clarified some items and added some (informal) API information to
the main API wiki, toward the bottom of the "Startup Concepts Proposal"

Victor Mote

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RE: Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-26 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> I have done so now. I've added a new (sub)page to the Wiki to avoid
> making the FOPAvalonization page even longer.
> While writing down my thought about the API I have come to the
> realization that I cannot make up my mind about the inner context
> classes Victor has come up with. But I think he's quite close:
> - Session: Looks like my and Jörg's FOProcessor to me. The user
>   interacts with this class to configure FOP and do processing runs.

I think your name is fine. I am confused about whether it is an interface
(as written) or a class (I don't see any implementations). I guess I don't
understand the need for FOProcessorFactory, which seems to be an unnecessary
complication for the user. Since I don't understand Avalon, I am not sure
how factoring it into/out of this affects the API, but if that is needed, it
seems like it should be done in an implementation of FOProcessor instead of
creating separate Factories.

> - Document and RenderContext: I'm not sure but I think these two should
>   be merged. I've called it ProcessorContext in my proposal at first,
>   but then chose not to include them in the proposal right now because
>   I didn't quite know what to put in there. The thing I know is that we
>   need a central data object that keeps references while the FOProcessor
>   implementation coordinates the processing (data separated from logic).

RenderContext is only useful if you are trying to reuse an AreaTree for
multiple output options. I am frankly confused right now about whether the
dev team even wants to try to do that. I think it is a good idea, and
suspect that whatever difficulties have existed in implementing this in the
past are probably a result of our current tight coupling between FOTree,
layout, AreaTree, and Rendering, which is of course what I am trying to

Your DocumentMetadata class holds information in it that would live in my
Document concept. That is information that is common to (but not necessarily
used by) by all output media, and does not need to be set for each output
media. It looks like you are pushing the data that I envisioned in Document
and RenderContext down to RenderType/FOPResult. The net effect is that it
can't be reused.

> - Renderer: You guys hate me for that, I know, but I still refuse to
>   give it so much visibility in these discussions. In my proposal I've
>   separated the logic from the data again (with JAXP as role-model) and
>   made the Renderer a totally normal Avalon service that is being looked
>   up by MIME type in the background. The FOPResult classes account for
>   the differences of output types. The FOProcessor impl is responsible
>   to establish the link between FOPResults and Renderer. For AWT (I'd
>   like to call it Java2D from now on if you guys agree. That's the
>   official name of the API after all.) I've tried to introduce an
>   interface that clients can use to interact with the Java2D renderer.

Your FOPResult is I think roughly equivalent to what I am calling RenderType
or Renderer (somewhere along the way, I started calling mine RenderType to
make a more clear distinction between it and the workhorse Renderers), and
if I understand what you are doing, I think our goals are the same.
FOPResult is more of a control class, and the Renderer is a workhorse class.

> So, I don't have anything more concrete on the inner "glue" that keeps
> the whole process together but maybe my proposal brings some new ideas.
> I'd like to hear your thoughts about my proposal (flaws, nodding,
> missing things etc.).
> I hope that we can find a common path for the whole thing. Important to
> me is to have a good terminology and an API that conforms to the
> requirements I've written down on the FOPAvalonization page.

Here are the issues that I am still uncomfortable with:
1. complexity. In addition to the Factory issue already mentioned, I think
there is some benefit to arranging the data more intuitively for the user.
>From the user's standpoint, there is input and output (ie. 2 classes). It
makes sense to have a third (Session/FOProcessor) primarily to facilitate
reuse. IMO, if the user has to interact with more than 3 classes to get the
work done, we are unnecessarily complex. (My 4th class, RenderContext, is
not exposed to the user).
2. reuse. I see no downside to arranging our objects to allow reuse, even if
we decide we don't want to facilitate it. This doesn't directly affect the
API (we can have 15 or 50 classes supporting those exposed to the user).

Sorry to be so slow responding.

Victor Mote

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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Speaking of which, how does the file created by '-at' differ from the 
file generated by running xalan.bat?

That's the Area Tree XML: The layouted pages serialized to a proprietary
XML format. It's only interesting for debugging purposes (in layout
engine development).
And people who want to feed back results from the rendering process
into a second XSLT pass...

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Alternative API proposal (was: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Jeremias Maerki
I have done so now. I've added a new (sub)page to the Wiki to avoid
making the FOPAvalonization page even longer.

While writing down my thought about the API I have come to the
realization that I cannot make up my mind about the inner context
classes Victor has come up with. But I think he's quite close:

- Session: Looks like my and Jörg's FOProcessor to me. The user
  interacts with this class to configure FOP and do processing runs.
- Document and RenderContext: I'm not sure but I think these two should
  be merged. I've called it ProcessorContext in my proposal at first,
  but then chose not to include them in the proposal right now because
  I didn't quite know what to put in there. The thing I know is that we
  need a central data object that keeps references while the FOProcessor
  implementation coordinates the processing (data separated from logic).
- Renderer: You guys hate me for that, I know, but I still refuse to
  give it so much visibility in these discussions. In my proposal I've
  separated the logic from the data again (with JAXP as role-model) and
  made the Renderer a totally normal Avalon service that is being looked
  up by MIME type in the background. The FOPResult classes account for
  the differences of output types. The FOProcessor impl is responsible
  to establish the link between FOPResults and Renderer. For AWT (I'd
  like to call it Java2D from now on if you guys agree. That's the
  official name of the API after all.) I've tried to introduce an
  interface that clients can use to interact with the Java2D renderer.

So, I don't have anything more concrete on the inner "glue" that keeps
the whole process together but maybe my proposal brings some new ideas.
I'd like to hear your thoughts about my proposal (flaws, nodding,
missing things etc.).

I hope that we can find a common path for the whole thing. Important to
me is to have a good terminology and an API that conforms to the
requirements I've written down on the FOPAvalonization page.

Side note WRT resolvers: I've only placed the SourceResolver in the API
because I think that the other resolvers are not necessary. I'm not
certain about that but this can be easily added later.

On 20.06.2003 21:40:09 Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 20.06.2003 21:34:28 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> > Could you outline your API ideas on the Wiki?
> Yes, please. I'm also in the process of writing down my ideas. That way
> it will be much easier to relate everyone's ideas to each other. At the
> moment I wish we could all sit together and figure it out by talking
> together and painting on a whiteboard. The Wiki will have to suffice I
> guess.

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 23.06.2003 19:33:23 Clay Leeds wrote:
> On 6/23/2003 10:19 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Nice idea, but there's a problem. The xsl namespace gets filtered out by
> > the XSLT engine, or IOW expanded to the FO attributes before they reach
> > FOP. FOP never sees anything with the xsl: prefix.
> Does this mean that just about every fo:block in the intermediary FO 
> file (the one you can only see if you run xalan.bat instead) has a 
> cagillion font-weight="bold" and font-face="courier new, courier, 
> monospace"? Wow! Sounds inefficient, and tedious but I guess that's how 
> it goes...


> Speaking of which, how does the file created by '-at' differ from the 
> file generated by running xalan.bat?

That's the Area Tree XML: The layouted pages serialized to a proprietary
XML format. It's only interesting for debugging purposes (in layout
engine development).

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Clay Leeds
On 6/23/2003 10:19 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Nice idea, but there's a problem. The xsl namespace gets filtered out by
the XSLT engine, or IOW expanded to the FO attributes before they reach
FOP. FOP never sees anything with the xsl: prefix.
Does this mean that just about every fo:block in the intermediary FO 
file (the one you can only see if you run xalan.bat instead) has a 
cagillion font-weight="bold" and font-face="courier new, courier, 
monospace"? Wow! Sounds inefficient, and tedious but I guess that's how 
it goes...

Speaking of which, how does the file created by '-at' differ from the 
file generated by running xalan.bat?
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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Jeremias Maerki
Nice idea, but there's a problem. The xsl namespace gets filtered out by
the XSLT engine, or IOW expanded to the FO attributes before they reach
FOP. FOP never sees anything with the xsl: prefix.

On 23.06.2003 18:51:45 Clay Leeds wrote:
> Forgive my intrusion, and perhaps this is not related, or just using a 
> different namespace, but why not define a xsl:attribute-set for each 
> "style" and then use the xsl:use-attributes to help with the definition 
> of the RTF/MIF style? Consider this this example (the comments are meant 
> for people who want to modify 'my' template to change their output):

> Is this related to the discussion? I see that I'm using xsl: namespaces, 
> but I'm curious to learn how this relates...

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Clay Leeds
On 6/23/2003 3:08 AM, J.U. Anderegg wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
How do you plan to handle RTF styles?
In jfor we defined an extension to XSL-FO (the "jfor-style" attribute)
to control RTF styles.
I think some form of extension is needed as (AFAIK) the concept of
styles does not exist in XSL-FO, as it is meant for printed output.
(1) This is not a FOP extension, but rather a fundamental change of the
XSL-FO language, which does not know stlye sheets.
Forgive my intrusion, and perhaps this is not related, or just using a 
different namespace, but why not define a xsl:attribute-set for each 
"style" and then use the xsl:use-attributes to help with the definition 
of the RTF/MIF style? Consider this this example (the comments are meant 
for people who want to modify 'my' template to change their output):

  courier new, courier, 

Then couple this with these fo:page-sequence calls:









Is this related to the discussion? I see that I'm using xsl: namespaces, 
but I'm curious to learn how this relates...
Web Developer - Medata, Inc. -
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Re: AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le Lundi, 23 juin 2003, à 12:08 Europe/Zurich, J.U. Anderegg a écrit :

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
...In jfor we defined an extension to XSL-FO (the "jfor-style" 
to control RTF styles
(1) This is not a FOP extension, but rather a fundamental change of the
XSL-FO language, which does not know stlye sheets.
What I called "extension" applies to XSL-FO, or rather to the input 
documents handled by jfor, which use the "jfor-style" attribute in 
addition to standard XSL-FO. You're right that this is not a FOP 

This can be implemented cleanly with namespaces, so as not to pollute 
the XSL-FO input, something like

Meaning that the style names are "decorations" to the input document.

...(2) I wrote a few weeks ago this and it is still my idea, how FOP 
store properties:

"Apply the principles of relational databases to eliminate 
redundancies: set
up tables of unique/used fonts, strokes, colors, ...  and have the 
reference table entries
Sounds reasonable, but I don't know enough about the current properties 
code to comment on this.


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AW: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread J.U. Anderegg
> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> ...
> > How do you plan to handle RTF styles?
> In jfor we defined an extension to XSL-FO (the "jfor-style" attribute)
> to control RTF styles.
> I think some form of extension is needed as (AFAIK) the concept of
> styles does not exist in XSL-FO, as it is meant for printed output.

(1) This is not a FOP extension, but rather a fundamental change of the
XSL-FO language, which does not know stlye sheets.

> Another way would be to recognize sets of attribute values in the input
> XSL-FO and map them to RTF styles.

(2) I wrote a few weeks ago this and it is still my idea, how FOP should
store properties:

"Apply the principles of relational databases to eliminate redundancies: set
up tables of unique/used fonts, strokes, colors, ...  and have the objects
reference table entries. This will cost table lookups, CPU. However, it will
also ease state processing. The program does not have to keep track of
inherited properties set 300 FO elements earlier. The nuisance is that style
sheets have acceptable redundancy (see DocBook), XSLT replicates properties
innumerable times and FOP has to recollect and normalize all this stuff."

My opinion:

(1) is off FOP territory
(2) to be considered, if FOP is implemented on this way

Hansuli Anderegg

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Re: AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le Lundi, 23 juin 2003, à 10:35 Europe/Zurich, J.U. Anderegg a écrit :
How do you plan to handle RTF styles?
In jfor we defined an extension to XSL-FO (the "jfor-style" attribute) 
to control RTF styles.

Another way would be to recognize sets of attribute values in the input 
XSL-FO and map them to RTF styles.

I think some form of extension is needed as (AFAIK) the concept of 
styles does not exist in XSL-FO, as it is meant for printed output.

If you import XML in the newest versions of FrameMaker for example, you 
have to define a kind of "style map" which recognizes specific 
constructions in the XML and assigns styles to them. This might also be 
an option, use a second input file that tells FOP which (MIF or RTF) 
styles to assign when certain patterns are recognized in the input.

...Is it difficult to transform tables and lists?
Not too much, but when we developed jfor we targeted it at RTF 1.5 
which as no support for nested tables, so we had to fake them using 
joined cells (as older versions of Word did).

Other than that, the tables and lists structures of XSL-FO map nicely 
to RTF. Possible problems are relative dimensions, for example it might 
be hard in RTF to say that a table must take 60% of the page height.


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AW: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-23 Thread J.U. Anderegg
> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote
> The whole point of the StructureHandler interface is to be able to 
> reuse FOP's "frontend" for structure-based renderers.
> The impact of StructureHandler on the "standard" FOP output formats 
> (PDF mostly) is minor, but it allows the FOP "pipeline" to branch 
> cleanly, after the parsing and attributes resolution, to generate 
> either structure-based or page-based formats.

How do you plan to handle RTF styles?

Is it difficult to transform tables and lists?

Hansuli Anderegg

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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Le Dimanche, 22 juin 2003, à 21:15 Europe/Zurich, Arnd Beißner a écrit :
...Before we're getting too philosophical, let me say
that we're now talking two different issues:
1. Is it possible to develop a conforming XSL:FO
implementation that produces RTF or MIF or similar
Probably not, XSL-FO is clearly meant for page output and RTF and MIF 
(unless abused in strange ways) are document formats, not page formats.

2. Are there really two different groups of output
formats and does it really make sense to support
both in one tool (FOP)
There are definitely two groups, and I agree with you that

All of the stuff needed for FO->RTF or FO->MIF
conversion is pretty straightforward stuff
The whole point of the StructureHandler interface is to be able to 
reuse FOP's "frontend" for structure-based renderers.
The impact of StructureHandler on the "standard" FOP output formats 
(PDF mostly) is minor, but it allows the FOP "pipeline" to branch 
cleanly, after the parsing and attributes resolution, to generate 
either structure-based or page-based formats.

Besides sharing code, the advantage in RTF and similar output formats 
being developed as part of FOP is the community: one project with more 
audience instead of several, each with a smaller audience.


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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-22 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> --- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (At the risk of getting esoteric, if the
> > Document object knows that none of the output
> > options requested support SVG, it
> > could tell the FOTree builder to ignore that
> > namespace and save the memory.
> That's one helluva smart document you're planning
> there...  ;)

Just to clarify -- I don't intend to write such logic, or even suggest that
it would be a good thing. The only point that I am trying to make is that if
you get the control objects lined up right you can make the whole thing
pretty sophisticated & flexible, and still maintain Separation of Concerns.

Victor Mote

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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Arnd Beißner
Arnd Beissner wrote:
> determined a formatting-time if you can't hand over the

Correction, this typo can be misleading:

> determined at formatting-time if you can't hand over the

Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner
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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Arnd Beißner
Glen Mazza wrote:
> We don't do HTML at all (Xalan's department)-- HTML is
> browser dependent.  HTML is not an output format. 

I know, the purpose was to illustrate my point, since
everyone is familiar with HTML, but perhaps not with
MIF or RTF. If you think it makes sense for FOP to
output RTF, then it also makes sense for FOP to support
HTML (at least in combination with CSS2).

> w/RTF, "as for reaching even basic conformance"--my
> impression on XSL-FO was that we must render up to the
> maximum capabilities of the output format. 
> So where there is an FO object or property that RTF
> simply can't support, this would *not* mean (1) we're
> incompliant with the XSL-FO spec w.r.t. the RTF
> rendering, or (2) that RTF cannot done via an XSL-FO
> input.

Well, formatting objects are mandatory for a specific
conformance level regardless of the output medium
(sometimes different for visual and aural output media
of course). As for properties, the specification already
defines behaviour if certain rendering properties can
not be represented. This is true for color and fonts,
for example. The specification, however, seems to always
assume that you (the implementation) have precise
control over the formatting and pagination process,
which you don't have with RTF.

Example: expressions including functions seem to be basic
conformance level to me. RTF doesn't support expressions.
How will you resolve an expression that can only be
determined a formatting-time if you can't hand over the
expression to RTF? You cannot anticipate the actual
formatting an RTF renderer (like Word) will do, if only
because a different hyphenation library is used.

> I think the "binary" of PDF is also human-readable,
> just like RTF is, albeit it's more complex and has
> much more functionality. It appears that the main
> difference between the two groups is back to some
> needing page numbering and others not.

With this I don't agree at all. First, PDF is only
human-readable in a way that PostScript is, too - and
only if you totally leave out encoded objects. You
could even say that PDF is something like annotated
and restricted PostScript. Nitpicking aside - this is
basically true.

Second, it's not really about page numbering. The
difference is formatting. By formatting I mean deciding
were lines and pages are broken and where glyphs and
other graphical elements are put exactly. If you don't
know where exactly a glyph will end up, it's not
formatting. 8-) Extreme example: XSL:FO to formatted
ASCII. There are lots of constraints that you now
have, but the formatter will still know where each
glyph will display.

Before we're getting too philosophical, let me say
that we're now talking two different issues:

1. Is it possible to develop a conforming XSL:FO
implementation that produces RTF or MIF or similar

2. Are there really two different groups of output
formats and does it really make sense to support
both in one tool (FOP).

My answers:

1. Probably no. Only if all XSL:FO specification
constraints are either directly supported by the
destination language (RTF, MIF, whatever) or can
be transformed into supported destination language
elements without anticipating concrete formatting
steps (like line-breaking). Anyway, this probably
cannot be definitely resolved without contacting
the W3C. Also, it's a rather academical (or
worse, legal) issue unless/until you want to
claim conformance for these output types for FOP. 8-)

2. Yes, there are, and no, it doesn't really.
That's a bit like taking a C compiler that
produces machine code, and then add the capability
to produce Java source code output to that C compiler.
Yes, you can do it, but no, it doesn't make too
much sense, since the only code you share is the
parsing stuff and abstract syntax tree building.

Of course, the few parts that *can* be shared
*should* be shared. Maybe it's even worth to
bundle both things into one "tool" or library
- if only for the user's convenience. I just think
it's absolutely not worth the bother to clutter
major parts of FOP (old or new) with stuff needed
by converter-type output renderers, when these
don't even profit from these same major parts of FOP.

All of the stuff needed for FO->RTF or FO->MIF
conversion is pretty straightforward stuff.
IMO not at all comparable with the complexities
lurking in actually *formatting* according to
the XSL:FO specification.

Sermon ends. 8-)
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner

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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Arnd Beißner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Glen Mazza wrote:
> > So the XSL-FO spec--which FOP is trying to
> implement
> > for as many output types as possible--is not
> relevant
> > for those output types which don't need to know
> glyph
> > size?  By putting it into a separate tool, that is
> > what you may be implying.
> In a way, that's true. You need control over glyph
> placement (and, of 
> course, lines, area, etc.) if you want to do a
> conforming implementation. 
> I don't think you will be able to reach even basic
> conformance with output 
> types HTML,  RTF and MIF - 

We don't do HTML at all (Xalan's department)-- HTML is
browser dependent.  HTML is not an output format.  

I don't know MIF, so can't comment on it.

w/RTF, "as for reaching even basic conformance"--my
impression on XSL-FO was that we must render up to the
maximum capabilities of the output format.  

So where there is an FO object or property that RTF
simply can't support, this would *not* mean (1) we're
incompliant with the XSL-FO spec w.r.t. the RTF
rendering, or (2) that RTF cannot done via an XSL-FO

> To summarize my view on this: FO->RTF, FO->MIF,
> FO->HTML is a conversion 
> between similar high-level-languages where each
> language element has a 
> similar corresponding language element in the
> destination language. 

> FO->PDF, FO->PostScript, FO->PCL, FO->AWT are
> formatting processes. 

I think the "binary" of PDF is also human-readable,
just like RTF is, albeit it's more complex and has
much more functionality.  It appears that the main
difference between the two groups is back to some
needing page numbering and others not.

> How about seeing things from this perspective:
> transformation of XSL:FO to 
> RTF, MIF and HTML could be done using an XSLT
> stylesheet (provided that 
> you create a trivial XML representation of RTF and
> MIF first, of course). 

Certainly with HTML, it's done all the time; I suspect
you're also correct with RTF.  

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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Arnd Beißner
Glen Mazza wrote:

> So the XSL-FO spec--which FOP is trying to implement
> for as many output types as possible--is not relevant
> for those output types which don't need to know glyph
> size?  By putting it into a separate tool, that is
> what you may be implying.

In a way, that's true. You need control over glyph placement (and, of 
course, lines, area, etc.) if you want to do a conforming implementation. 
I don't think you will be able to reach even basic conformance with output 
types HTML,  RTF and MIF - expect perhaps in a very degenerate way (like 
creating an image for each page). With RTF (but only with a very recent 
version of it), you might stand a chance to reach at least roughly basic 

Conceptually, XSL:FO, RTF, MIF and HTML are the same thing (no nitpicking 
please 8-)). A renderer implementation of each of these standards produces 
glyphs, lines, and other low-level graphical objects that have definitive 
place on a medium. This is structurally some very different from 
converting between these language conversion.

To summarize my view on this: FO->RTF, FO->MIF, FO->HTML is a conversion 
between similar high-level-languages where each language element has a 
similar corresponding language element in the destination language. 
FO->PDF, FO->PostScript, FO->PCL, FO->AWT are formatting processes. The 
formatting part is what makes up the primary goal and especially most of 
the complexity of FOP. 

How about seeing things from this perspective: transformation of XSL:FO to 
RTF, MIF and HTML could be done using an XSLT stylesheet (provided that 
you create a trivial XML representation of RTF and MIF first, of course). 
That stylesheet would be complex, of course, but on the 'possible side', 
because these transformations fundamentally are tree transformations of 
the same kinds of things.

What can be shared between conversion and formatting beside the things I 
already mentioned? I think you can forget almost everything about fonts, 
the layouters, the area tree.

How does this sound to you?
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-22 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (At the risk of getting esoteric, if the
> Document object knows that none of the output
> options requested support SVG, it
> could tell the FOTree builder to ignore that 
> namespace and save the memory. 

That's one helluva smart document you're planning
there...  ;)


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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Arnd Beißner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you need a clear differentiation between the
renderer types, you might take this one: do I need to
know the size of a glyph in a certain font/size to
produce the output? If yes, the appropriate renderer
goes into FOP, if not, it goes into a separate tool.

So the XSL-FO spec--which FOP is trying to implement
for as many output types as possible--is not relevant
for those output types which don't need to know glyph
size?  By putting it into a separate tool, that is
what you may be implying.


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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-22 Thread Victor Mote
Peter B. West wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > J.Pietschmann wrote
> ...
> > If you can convince me that it is not possible for layout and
> rendering to
> > be refactored into distinct tasks or "services", then my interest in FOP
> > diminishes to zero, and I'll stop making so much noise. I don't
> see why that
> > should be true.
> Victor,
> Without presuming the result of this discussion, it wouldn't be the end
> of the world if it were true.  It just means that certain views of the
> process are precluded.

You are right of course in a general way. However, for my purposes, I don't
think FOP will ever be a suitable solution without pluggable layout. The
existing user base is servlet- and performance-oriented, and my application
is much more beautiful-output-oriented, with almost no need for speed. I
think FOP can be made to accommodate both, and variety on some other axes as
well, through the pluggable layout or LayoutStrategy scheme. I don't have a
clear idea whether everyone thinks this is the right way to go, but I
*think* I am hearing that it is (at least in theory) feasible to do so.

Victor Mote

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-22 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > If you can convince me that it is not possible for layout and
> rendering to
> > be refactored into distinct tasks or "services", then my interest in FOP
> > diminishes to zero, and I'll stop making so much noise. I don't
> see why that
> > should be true.
> Layout and rendering can be factored into different packages
> of services, actually this is already done to a large extent.
> However, the interface is quite complex, and I don't think you
> can plug in the old layout engine without rewriting significant
> parts of it into the framework provided by HEAD.


> > I don't follow your point about SVG. From a big-picture, abstract
> > standpoint, why do we need to think of SVG any differently than
> any other
> > graphic type?
> Inlined SVG code is parsed by the FOTreeBuilder. In any case,
> the FOTreeBuilder must have at least some knowledge about anything
> wich can appear in instream-foreign-object.

OK, now I follow. Yes, the difference between SVG & other graphics packages
would be the namespace issue. The FOTree builder needs to know what to do
with the namespace. So, for a renderer-agnostic FOTree builder to work
properly, it should parse the SVG & create the necessary objects in the
FOTree. The Renderer (this would be the workhorse object that actually
renders, not the somewhat-related RenderType control object that controls)
then should be responsible to either ignore it or place it into the output,
depending on its capabilities. But the FOTree builder doesn't need to know
or care. (At the risk of getting esoteric, if the Document object knows that
none of the output options requested support SVG, it could tell the FOTree
builder to ignore that namespace and save the memory. FOTree builder still
doesn't need to know or care about why, it simply "serves" Document).

Victor Mote

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-22 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
If you can convince me that it is not possible for layout and rendering to
be refactored into distinct tasks or "services", then my interest in FOP
diminishes to zero, and I'll stop making so much noise. I don't see why that
should be true.
Layout and rendering can be factored into different packages
of services, actually this is already done to a large extent.
However, the interface is quite complex, and I don't think you
can plug in the old layout engine without rewriting significant
parts of it into the framework provided by HEAD.
I don't follow your point about SVG. From a big-picture, abstract
standpoint, why do we need to think of SVG any differently than any other
graphic type?
Inlined SVG code is parsed by the FOTreeBuilder. In any case,
the FOTreeBuilder must have at least some knowledge about anything
wich can appear in instream-foreign-object.

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Re: Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-22 Thread Arnd Beißner
Peter B. West wrote:
> Bertrand is probably in the best position to comment wrt RTF.  Is anyone 

> familiar with MIF.  Does it simply define page structures and flows?

I'm roughly familiar with MIF - did some rough HTML to MIF conversion 
years ago.

Basically MIF is structured text that is annotated with stylenames, which 
needn't even by defined in the MIF (but can, if I remember correctly).

As for the general discussion on renderer types: IMO, it's a mistake to 
mangle "renderers" that produce formatted page-level output like PDF or 
PostScript with "renderers" that produce flow output in other formatting 
languages, like HTML, RTF or MIF. The latter is rather a conversion step, 
and you would need not the area tree but rather the FO element tree to do 
a good conversion.

Fundamentally, I think these two different kinds of "renderer tasks" just 
have two things in common: a parser and an FO element tree, and that's it.

So my suggestion would be to implement only formatted output in FOP and 
refactor the other outputs into a separate tool. If you need a clear 
differentiation between the renderer types, you might take this one: do I 
need to know the size of a glyph in a certain font/size to produce the 
output? If yes, the appropriate renderer goes into FOP, if not, it goes 
into a separate tool.

Just my 2 cents, of course.
Cappelino Informationstechnologie GmbH
Arnd Beißner

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Structure renderers & area trees (Re: startup refactoring)

2003-06-21 Thread Peter B. West
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
On 20.06.2003 21:23:50 Glen Mazza wrote:

If it does, it determines *which* type
of area tree to create (Structure or MIF or the other
one)--based again on the render_type.  The business
logic for this would be in FOTreeBuilder.

But no area tree is generated when a StructureHandler (RTF/MIF) is
To take this off on a bit of a tangent, I have always been a little 
sceptical about the possiblility of realising the "structure renderers" 
without the area tree.  It seems to me to depend on whether the renderer 
in question follows a page definitions/flows model.  I don't know 
anything about the structure of either RTF or MIF, but, for example, if 
one of these formats defined page formats (size, orientation, margins) 
at the beginning of each section, but then had structures corresponding 
to the data on individual pages, then pagination, i.e. layout, would 
have to be performed before the structure could be rendered.

Can percentages be resolved without at least some degree of area tree 

Bertrand is probably in the best position to comment wrt RTF.  Is anyone 
familiar with MIF.  Does it simply define page structures and flows?

Peter B. West
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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-21 Thread Peter B. West
Victor Mote wrote:
J.Pietschmann wrote
If you can convince me that it is not possible for layout and rendering to
be refactored into distinct tasks or "services", then my interest in FOP
diminishes to zero, and I'll stop making so much noise. I don't see why that
should be true.

Without presuming the result of this discussion, it wouldn't be the end 
of the world if it were true.  It just means that certain views of the 
process are precluded.

Peter B. West
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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-21 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> I don't think that is the link you wanted -- it
> doesn't seem to be relevant
> here. 

That was the link--Keiron's writing appeared to
indicate that the area tree needs to be
created/processed *while* the FO Tree is being built,
and not *after* it is done. 


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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-21 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Could you outline your API ideas on the Wiki?

Sure (give me a couple of days). Again, my point is not to push for a
particular API or framework, but only to show that the control concepts (PDF
encryption was the example given IIRC) can be added to the appropriate
classes as needed.

> > I think we are in agreement here, except that it looks like you
> are thinking
> > single Document, and I have added a mechanism (the Document
> class) that will
> > allow multiple Documents to be queued up and/or multithreaded.
> I think processing multiple documents is a layer above processing
> a single source document.

Right. So, if you are only processing one document in a Session, you don't
need a Document class to keep track of and control the differences between
documents. The information can be static-ish or singleton-ish.
> > I assume you are talking about trunk here. If so, my reasoning
> for trying to
> > get API resolved (or really Control, from my perspective) is so
> that I can
> > continue with getting the layout cleanly separated and pluggable,
> Not a chance, pal. The interface between layout and rendering is
> much too complex, for example it includes the whole area tree mess.

If we are talking about redesign/trunk here, that is precisely what we are
trying to fix. Layout shouldn't need to know anything about rendering
*directly*. The concept of RenderContext is built around knowing what the
RenderType *capabilities* are, and managing layout accordingly, so there is
indirect (abstract is probably the better term) knowledge.

If you can convince me that it is not possible for layout and rendering to
be refactored into distinct tasks or "services", then my interest in FOP
diminishes to zero, and I'll stop making so much noise. I don't see why that
should be true.

> If it would be possible to plug the old layout into it, I would have
> done this a long time ago (rather: backporting the renderers to the
> maintenance branch). Don't forget that SVG plays a role too, and you
> can't have this feature broken because it's almost the only advantage
> we have over other FO processors now.

I agree that "would be possible" isn't there in the current design, but
again, I see no inherent reason why it can't be added. I would agree with
you if layout could not be cleanly separated from both FOTree building and
Rendering. I don't follow your point about SVG. From a big-picture, abstract
standpoint, why do we need to think of SVG any differently than any other
graphic type? We need to lay it out with the proper dimensions, and we need
to render it properly. Can't those be distinct?

Victor Mote

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-21 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> Are you sure?  Please read
> (Peter, Jeremias' writing)--they appear to indicate
> that the area tree is dependent upon the specific
> renderer being used, because of the fonts.

Answer 1: I interpreted these comments to relate to the differences between
PostScript/PDF and AWT/Print layout.

Answer 2: If we do have layout/AreaTree/rendering differences between
PostScript and PDF, then it seems (??!!) to me to be an anomaly that should
be fixed. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a good reason for it.
Same with differences between AWT and Print.

Answer 3: If the differences do exist & need to exist, then the fix to the
Section/Document, etc. approach is to remove the concept of RenderContext,
and place all of that data/logic into RenderType instead.

> one)--based again on the render_type.  The business
> logic for this would be in FOTreeBuilder.

Sorry, man, but I cringe every time you say this.

> Your idea is (non-graphical, I'm getting tired ;):
> foTree = foTreeBuilder.createFOTree();
> areaTree = areaTree.createAreaTree(foTree);

Close. The AreaTree creation would be done from the RenderContext. Document
controls FOTree creation (if any), RenderContext controls AreaTree creation
(if any), and RenderType controls rendering.

> You are correct--this is *very* elegant--problem is,
> from Keiron's writing, we just can't separate the
> FOTree from the area tree because of an unacceptable
> performance hit.
> See:

I don't think that is the link you wanted -- it doesn't seem to be relevant
here. Nevertheless, Keiron and others are concerned about performance. That
is why I factored out the idea of eager vs. patient processing. One of the
benefits to getting all of the control logic up to these higher-level
classes is that we can achieve Separation of Concerns (at least my
conception of that term) without sacrificing the performance benefits of
eager processing when it is appropriate. The lower-level workhorse classes
don't have to know anything about what is going on "over the wall" or
whether eager or patient processing is occurring. All they know is that when
they are done with their task, they return control back to the higher-level
objects. Right now, for example, when a page is completely laid out, the
layout tells rendering to render it. What I am trying to achieve is that
control would come back to RenderContext instead, which decides whether to
fire up rendering logic to render (perhaps in a separate thread), or perhaps
to fire up two rendering tasks (because there are two output media sharing
the same AreaTree), or perhaps (down the road), it doesn't render yet at all
because it knows it eventually wants to create an optimized PDF instead of
the non-sequential page building we use now.

>From that standpoint, I like the term "service" that Jeremias uses. FOTree
building is a service that is consumed by Document. AreaTree building is a
service that is consumed by RenderContext. Rendering is a service that is
consumed by RenderType.

I would love to have Keiron involved with this conversation. The last time
we discussed this, I asked him whether he liked the idea of moving these
control mechanisms into these higher-level objects, and he has so far not

> Here's food for thought--if we rename FOTreeBuilder to
> XSLFOProcessor, perhaps you would have less concerns
> about feeding it the render type.  We can make this

No. The only place where it even remotely makes sense (IMO) for FOTree
building to know anything about the RenderType is in the StructureRenderers,
and the correct way to factor the functionality there is that the parsing is
tied to the rendering process (no FOTree built, no layout, go straight to
rendering). So, to the extent that the pure SAX parsing is tied to FOTree
building, it should be decoupled and made available to the
StructureRenderers (I think this may already be in place). So, with
StructureRenderers handled correctly, I don't see why FOTree building knows
anything at all except to build an FOTree.

> centrally-located class the "octopus" of the
> application, rather than the left-side
> Document/API/APPs class.

I'm not terribly hung up on what the API looks like. However, once the
control is properly factored out, it seems like the API naturally follows.
After all, what we are really trying to accomplish here is to give the user
/ servlet programmer the maximum amount of flexibility (control!) that we

Victor Mote

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AW: startup refactoring

2003-06-21 Thread J.U. Anderegg
A FOP renderer cannot support fonts. Physical devices, output systems do
this. But a FOP renderer may allow to map fonts and translate Unicode
characters to bytes using codepages. The user has to take care that font
metrics and it's character sets are accurate enough for all target devices
and better does not try to print Helvetica on a matrix printer or paint
color on a black/white laser printer.

Current FOP uses a mix of Adobe and Java font systems: less would be more.

Hansuli Anderegg

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even with AWT/Print an Area Tree is generated.
> But no area tree is generated when a
> StructureHandler (RTF/MIF) is
> active.

Yes, I got confused between the two sets of "weird"
render types:  those that handle their processing with
their own starters (which I would like to push past
FOTreeBuilder/XSLFOProcessor, and have the latter
class handle as well) and those that don't need an
area tree because of no page numbering, etc.


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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 20.06.2003 21:38:02 Glen Mazza wrote:
> This seems to be another layer of indirection--quite
> useful still--but might the area tree *still* be
> renderer-dependent?  ("The involved renderers can be
> asked"--It still has to know which renderers to ask,
> right?  It may very well get different answers and
> work differently per renderer then.)  If the Area Tree
> wants to know if Tribune New Roman is supported and
> PDF renderer says yes while PS says no, the area tree
> generated would be different for both, I think.  

Right in general. I think this cannot be as detailed as individual fonts.
It should be like that: Renderer, do you support font sources X and Y?
Font Source X could be a service providing PostScript Type1 fonts, Font
Source Y could be a service providing fonts available to AWT. The whole
thing will have to happen before processing starts because different
Area Trees have to be generated if the requested set of renderers don't
support the same font sources (AWT against PDF, for example). The
problem is, as we already gathered in the earlier discussion, that I
guess you wouldn't want to simply let FOP generate two different 
(!!!pagination!!!) ATs. You will get two different documents. But the
main use case for multiple renderers is to have one doc for printing and
one for the archive. And in this aspect, different output is not
acceptable. Therefore and IMO, multiple output formats in the same
processor run is not worth the pain. But the above concept is still

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 20.06.2003 21:34:28 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Could you outline your API ideas on the Wiki?

Yes, please. I'm also in the process of writing down my ideas. That way
it will be much easier to relate everyone's ideas to each other. At the
moment I wish we could all sit together and figure it out by talking
together and painting on a whiteboard. The Wiki will have to suffice I

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
Glen Mazza wrote:
foTree = foTreeBuilder.createFOTree();
areaTree = areaTree.createAreaTree(foTree);
Check old FOP versions, like 0.19 or so...

You are correct--this is *very* elegant--problem is,
from Keiron's writing, we just can't separate the
FOTree from the area tree because of an unacceptable
performance hit.
Memory problems, not performance in general. The area
tree is usually *huge*.

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > (Peter, Jeremias' writing)--they appear to
> indicate
> > that the area tree is dependent upon the specific
> > renderer being used, because of the fonts.
> Today, that is so. My idea is to move the font
> registry out of the
> renderers in to a font subsystem with multiple font
> sources. The
> involved renderers can be asked what font sources
> they support and so
> the available set of fonts will be restricted. 

This seems to be another layer of indirection--quite
useful still--but might the area tree *still* be
renderer-dependent?  ("The involved renderers can be
asked"--It still has to know which renderers to ask,
right?  It may very well get different answers and
work differently per renderer then.)  If the Area Tree
wants to know if Tribune New Roman is supported and
PDF renderer says yes while PS says no, the area tree
generated would be different for both, I think.  


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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
I don't understand. The setOutputType() would be in the RenderType class,
which is one of the four classes that Driver would be split into. So there
might also be, for example, a setEncryptionKey() method to handle this. The
whole point of creating the three extra classes is to make the granularity
fine enough to properly control this kind of stuff. I'm sorry if I have
missed your point.
Could you outline your API ideas on the Wiki?

I think we are in agreement here, except that it looks like you are thinking
single Document, and I have added a mechanism (the Document class) that will
allow multiple Documents to be queued up and/or multithreaded.
I think processing multiple documents is a layer above processing
a single source document.
I assume you are talking about trunk here. If so, my reasoning for trying to
get API resolved (or really Control, from my perspective) is so that I can
continue with getting the layout cleanly separated and pluggable,
Not a chance, pal. The interface between layout and rendering is
much too complex, for example it includes the whole area tree mess.
If it would be possible to plug the old layout into it, I would have
done this a long time ago (rather: backporting the renderers to the
maintenance branch). Don't forget that SVG plays a role too, and you
can't have this feature broken because it's almost the only advantage
we have over other FO processors now.

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 20.06.2003 21:23:50 Glen Mazza wrote:
> (1) Doc/Dri/whatever feed the FOTreeBuilder the xslfo
> and the render_type, calls Run()
> (2) Based on the render_type FOTreeBuilder either
> creates an area tree of its choosing, or doesn't
> (AWT/Print).

Even with AWT/Print an Area Tree is generated.

> If it does, it determines *which* type
> of area tree to create (Structure or MIF or the other
> one)--based again on the render_type.  The business
> logic for this would be in FOTreeBuilder.

But no area tree is generated when a StructureHandler (RTF/MIF) is

> Regardless of area tree decision, it is responsible
> for generating the report via its Run() function. 
> I.e., the area tree may just be a local variable of
> its run() rather than its current status as a member
> variable.
> Your idea is (non-graphical, I'm getting tired ;):
> foTree = foTreeBuilder.createFOTree();
> areaTree = areaTree.createAreaTree(foTree);
> You are correct--this is *very* elegant--problem is,
> from Keiron's writing, we just can't separate the
> FOTree from the area tree because of an unacceptable
> performance hit.

It doesn't need to be separated. But the building (!) of the FO tree is
separated from other code like layout or RTF generation.

> See: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] FOTree needs to encapsulate the
> AreaTree, I thought the next best solution would be to
> divorce your document from knowledge of the AreaTree,
> rather than have both classes point to it.
> Here's food for thought--if we rename FOTreeBuilder to
> XSLFOProcessor, perhaps you would have less concerns
> about feeding it the render type.  We can make this
> centrally-located class the "octopus" of the
> application, rather than the left-side
> Document/API/APPs class.


Jeremias Maerki

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Glen Mazza
Previous email was sent before I was done ,
please ignore for this one:

--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AreaTree
> is not
> renderer-specific, but RenderContext specific. So,
> for example, the same
> AreaTree can be used to generate PostScript and PDF
> output. 

Are you sure?  Please read
(Peter, Jeremias' writing)--they appear to indicate
that the area tree is dependent upon the specific
renderer being used, because of the fonts.

> Also, while currently it is true that the AreaTree
> creation is somewhat
> bound to the FOTree creation, that is one of the
> things that I think we are
> trying to change (I am anyway). 

currently it's:

FOP ->   Driver ---> FOTreeBuilder
 |   |  |
 |   |  |
 |   |  |
\/   |  |
AWT/Print\/ |
Starter   Structure Handler <

As in 
(1) FOP class determines if the render_type requires
an area tree, if so goes to App.Driver, else
App.AWT/Print Starter.
(2) Driver activates the FOTreeBuilder.
(3) Based on the render_type, Driver determines the
type of StructureHandler (AreaTree) that FOTreeBuilder
should send SAXEvents to, and gives it to
(4) FOTreeBuilder sends SAX events to the
StructureHandler that was given to it by Driver.

I wanted to move to:

API/Apps >  FOTreeBuilder --> its Area

(1) Doc/Dri/whatever feed the FOTreeBuilder the xslfo
and the render_type, calls Run()

(2) Based on the render_type FOTreeBuilder either
creates an area tree of its choosing, or doesn't
(AWT/Print).  If it does, it determines *which* type
of area tree to create (Structure or MIF or the other
one)--based again on the render_type.  The business
logic for this would be in FOTreeBuilder.

Regardless of area tree decision, it is responsible
for generating the report via its Run() function. 
I.e., the area tree may just be a local variable of
its run() rather than its current status as a member

Your idea is (non-graphical, I'm getting tired ;):

foTree = foTreeBuilder.createFOTree();
areaTree = areaTree.createAreaTree(foTree);

You are correct--this is *very* elegant--problem is,
from Keiron's writing, we just can't separate the
FOTree from the area tree because of an unacceptable
performance hit.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] FOTree needs to encapsulate the
AreaTree, I thought the next best solution would be to
divorce your document from knowledge of the AreaTree,
rather than have both classes point to it.

Here's food for thought--if we rename FOTreeBuilder to
XSLFOProcessor, perhaps you would have less concerns
about feeding it the render type.  We can make this
centrally-located class the "octopus" of the
application, rather than the left-side
Document/API/APPs class.

> If we
> return control of that up to these Control/API
> classes, we get a clean
> separation of these tasks, add the option for
> patient processing as well,
> and add the possibility of pluggable layout.

I agree--splitting the business logic between multiple
classes tends to create spaghetti code. 


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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 20.06.2003 20:58:58 Glen Mazza wrote:
> --- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > AreaTree
> > is not
> > renderer-specific, but RenderContext specific. So,
> > for example, the same
> > AreaTree can be used to generate PostScript and PDF
> > output. 
> Are you sure?  Please read 
> (Peter, Jeremias' writing)--they appear to indicate
> that the area tree is dependent upon the specific
> renderer being used, because of the fonts.

Today, that is so. My idea is to move the font registry out of the
renderers in to a font subsystem with multiple font sources. The
involved renderers can be asked what font sources they support and so
the available set of fonts will be restricted. We've talked about the
difficulties of supporting multiple renderers in one processor run
before (see archives). Making the font subsystem standalone would make
it possible to use the same area tree for the PDF and PS renderers and
also make the AT independant of the renderer (I think).

> > Also, while currently it is true that the AreaTree
> > creation is somewhat
> > bound to the FOTree creation, that is one of the
> > things that I think we are
> > trying to change (I am anyway). 
> currently it's:
> FOP ->   Driver ---> FOTreeBuilder
>   |  |
>   |  |
>   |  |
>  \/  |
> Structure Handler <---

I think now it's:
> As in 
> (1) FOP class determines if the render_type requires
> an area tree.
> (2) Driver activates the FOTreeBuilder.
> (3) Based on the render_type, Driver determines the
> type of StructureHandler (AreaTree) that FOTreeBuilder
> should send SAXEvents to, and gives it to
> FOTreeBuilder.
> (4) FOTreeBuilder sends SAX events to the
> StructureHandler that was given to it by Driver.

It's not directly SAX events but something similar.

> I wanted to move to:
> (1) 
> Doc/Dri
> API/Apps >  FOTreeBuilder --> its Area
> Tree

But then, where's the StructureHandler (output to MIF and RTF)?

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 18.06.2003 22:36:12 Glen Mazza wrote:
> > The FO
> > tree
> > builder is (to me) a service that simply accepts a
> > SAX stream and builds
> > the FO tree. 
> IMHO FOTreeBuilder is an object (C++/Java), not a
> service (C).

I'm talking about Avalon-style services. These are components that
implement a certain work interface. In the background there's a main
implementation class (either alone or representing a whole subsystem).
The interface helps to decouple the whole system (FOP). Loose coupling
is the keyword here. The interface also makes it easy to switch
implementations (for example: font sources, layout engines, whatever).

FOTreeBuilder, in my view of things, will change to be an interface, not
a Java object. You'll then have an implementation of the FOTreeBuilder 
(ex. DefaultFOTreeBuilder) which provides the service of building an FO

> > The layout engine, another (coarse
> > grained) service, will
> > then access the FO tree to do the layout. This is
> > all kept together by a
> > "supervising" class. 
> If we were doing C programming

We don't.

>--my fear is that the
> supervising class is going to end up eating FOP's
> object-oriented design and splitting the business
> logic too much in multiple places (just like apps
> currently does).  (I guess I'll just have to trust the
> team to be disciplined in this regard!  ;)
> > 
> > The FOTreeBuilder should remain an inner service to
> > FOP, not exposed in
> > the public API, if you ask me. 
> OK, a *very* thin wrapper (for those not needing any
> of the threading/logging goodies in apps/api):
> public class Fop extends FOTreeBuilder { } 
> user's embedded code:
> Fop.setXSLFOStream(blah);
> Fop.setRenderType(RENDER_PS);
> myDoc = Fop.Run();

Please not. This encourages tight coupling between the main classes of
FOP IMHO. Avalon encourages the assembly of a system (several
services/subsystems bound together to build a bigger system, association
instead of subclassing). The subsystems get separated by well-designed
interfaces that encourage SoC (separation of concerns). That's why I'd
like to see FOTreeBuilder as a service:

FOTreeBuilder could look like this:
public interface FOTreeBuilder {
void setStructureHandler(StructureHandler handler);
ContentHandler getContentHandler();
FONode getRootNode();
boolean isEmpty();
void reset();
public interface FOTreeBuilder {
/** Build an FO tree and store it in the process controller class.*/
ContentHandler buildFOTree(ProcessorRun/Document/, StructureHandler 

That's all it does. Already today, it's quite a light-weight thing. It's
Victor's new classes (Document, for example) that will keep the whole
thing together, in as little number of places as possible. This improves
decoupling and centralizes control which in the end should make the
whole thing easier to understand.

I really don't know if this concrete example will work out exactly like this.
I didn't even investigate how this will fit with Peter's work. I'm just
getting the impression that you're going into a problematic direction by
off-loading too much on something like the TreeBuilder.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> AreaTree
> is not
> renderer-specific, but RenderContext specific. So,
> for example, the same
> AreaTree can be used to generate PostScript and PDF
> output. 

Are you sure?  Please read
(Peter, Jeremias' writing)--they appear to indicate
that the area tree is dependent upon the specific
renderer being used, because of the fonts.

> Also, while currently it is true that the AreaTree
> creation is somewhat
> bound to the FOTree creation, that is one of the
> things that I think we are
> trying to change (I am anyway). 

currently it's:

FOP ->   Driver ---> FOTreeBuilder
  |  |
  |  |
  |  |
 \/  |
Structure Handler <---

As in 
(1) FOP class determines if the render_type requires
an area tree.
(2) Driver activates the FOTreeBuilder.
(3) Based on the render_type, Driver determines the
type of StructureHandler (AreaTree) that FOTreeBuilder
should send SAXEvents to, and gives it to
(4) FOTreeBuilder sends SAX events to the
StructureHandler that was given to it by Driver.

I wanted to move to:

API/Apps >  FOTreeBuilder --> its Area

> The only reason that
> I know of for the
> processing to be the way it is now is to facilitate
> eager processing. 
> If we
> return control of that up to these Control/API
> classes, we get a clean
> separation of these tasks, add the option for
> patient processing as well,
> and add the possibility of pluggable layout.
> Victor Mote
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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> Given that our Area tree is renderer-specific, and
> since the area tree creation is tightly bound to fo
> tree creation--I think any internal implementation we
> would have of multiple rendering types would just
> involve running FOP once for each rendering type.  If
> so, perhaps this is best left with Cocoon.

I saw your later posting amending the conclusion, but I want to make sure
that the underlying logic is clear as well. AreaTree is not
renderer-specific, but RenderContext specific. So, for example, the same
AreaTree can be used to generate PostScript and PDF output. PostScript and
PDF are part of the same RenderContext, whereas AWT would use a different
one. (The user doesn't really have to know anything about RenderContexts
because the RenderTypes can be hard-wired to them).

Also, while currently it is true that the AreaTree creation is somewhat
bound to the FOTree creation, that is one of the things that I think we are
trying to change (I am anyway). The only reason that I know of for the
processing to be the way it is now is to facilitate eager processing. If we
return control of that up to these Control/API classes, we get a clean
separation of these tasks, add the option for patient processing as well,
and add the possibility of pluggable layout.

Victor Mote

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Victor Mote wrote:
> > In my vision of the API, the
> > servlet programmer would not need useThisRenderer(), but would need
> > something like setOutputType(OUTPUT_PDF), which would
> ultimately cause the
> > correct renderer to be selected.
> This has already been discussed up and down. There is still the
> problem that renderers may need a lot of renderer specific
> confiuguration data. Take for example PDF encryption. I don't
> think it is a good idea to always pass this in some generic
> way through the Driver (or whatever the replacement) to the
> renderer.

I don't understand. The setOutputType() would be in the RenderType class,
which is one of the four classes that Driver would be split into. So there
might also be, for example, a setEncryptionKey() method to handle this. The
whole point of creating the three extra classes is to make the granularity
fine enough to properly control this kind of stuff. I'm sorry if I have
missed your point.

> The other problem is the output. There are renderers writing to
> a byte stream, there is the AWT and the print renderer which don't
> write to a stream like object at all, there may be renderers like
> an SVG renderer which write a SAX event stream. Again, I don't
> think the output should always be passed through the driver.
> It seems quite natural to solve these problems by using separate
> renderer objects
>processor = new FOProcessor()
>// configure processor
>renderer = new PDFRenderer(output);
>// configure renderer
> If there is no complicated configuration (use all defaults)
> you can still write with another constructor
>processor = new FOProcessor();
>processor.format(input,new PDFRenderer(output));
> which should be easy enough to servlet programmers.

I think we are in agreement here, except that it looks like you are thinking
single Document, and I have added a mechanism (the Document class) that will
allow multiple Documents to be queued up and/or multithreaded.

> Note that TrAX uses a similar pattern, with Source and Result
> abstracting a variety of input and output mechanisms to the
> XSLT processor.
> [big snip]
> Discussing the API may be fun, but IMO fixing bugs like the
> broken text justification should get some attention too. The
> best API is useless if the code inside doesn't work.

I assume you are talking about trunk here. If so, my reasoning for trying to
get API resolved (or really Control, from my perspective) is so that I can
continue with getting the layout cleanly separated and pluggable, which I
view as being the critical path toward project sanity. I have been trying
for a year now to work on fonts, and I can't get there from here.

Victor Mote

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AW: startup refactoring

2003-06-20 Thread J.U. Anderegg
The current FOP is not fit for i18n, directions, area orientations and does
not even support a dotted line. Renderes too. Design correct data objects in
the first place instead of fancy control mechanisms.
- what do pipelines look like?
- are there really pipelines or are partial document fragments passed on?
What's in memory at any time?

o initialize
o parse XSL
o layout pages
o render x times

o process config
output: global config objects
o get platform info
output: global platform objects

parse XSL
o process layout-master-sets, page-sequences
output: internal page description objects

o process flows
- standardize properties (measurements, property synonyms)
- resolve XSL inheritance to avoid tricky states, switches
- calculate FO dimensions as far as possible and transform
output content: to a suitable representation (my favorite: Graphics2D)
  output document stucture, areas: into FOTree with pointers to content
output unique property/attribute maps: memory savers

layout pages
o apply page descriptions to flows
o paginate: fill pages sequentially, split content objects
o resolve references
output: content objects supplemented with page coordinates on a
device-independent way
o baptize the result "Area Tree"

o process renderer configuration
o output content objects in a device-dependent format

Hansuli Anderegg

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-19 Thread Glen Mazza
Errr...this came across as harsher-sounding than I
would have liked.

If the API has some convenient ways for the user to
specify multiple output types for a single xsl-fo
stream, that should be fine.


--- Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Responding to Jeremias here] Or, better yet IMO,
> into
> a RenderType 
> object
> that is a child or grandchild of the Document, so
> that
> there can be 
> multiple
> RenderTypes for the same Document.
> I can understand enhancements for logging and
> threading, but multiple RenderTypes for the same
> Document appears to be Cocoon's department, not
> ours. 
> We're at a level below that, very similar to Xalan:
> Xalan input: xml document, xslt stylesheet
> Xalan output: document
> FOP input:  xml (xsl-fo namespace) document, render
> type
> FOP output: document
> Given that our Area tree is renderer-specific, and
> since the area tree creation is tightly bound to fo
> tree creation--I think any internal implementation
> we
> would have of multiple rendering types would just
> involve running FOP once for each rendering type. 
> If
> so, perhaps this is best left with Cocoon.
> Glen
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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-19 Thread Glen Mazza

[Responding to Jeremias here] Or, better yet IMO, into
a RenderType 
that is a child or grandchild of the Document, so that
there can be 
RenderTypes for the same Document.

I can understand enhancements for logging and
threading, but multiple RenderTypes for the same
Document appears to be Cocoon's department, not ours. 

We're at a level below that, very similar to Xalan:

Xalan input: xml document, xslt stylesheet
Xalan output: document

FOP input:  xml (xsl-fo namespace) document, render
FOP output: document

Given that our Area tree is renderer-specific, and
since the area tree creation is tightly bound to fo
tree creation--I think any internal implementation we
would have of multiple rendering types would just
involve running FOP once for each rendering type.  If
so, perhaps this is best left with Cocoon.


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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-19 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
In my vision of the API, the
servlet programmer would not need useThisRenderer(), but would need
something like setOutputType(OUTPUT_PDF), which would ultimately cause the
correct renderer to be selected.
This has already been discussed up and down. There is still the
problem that renderers may need a lot of renderer specific
confiuguration data. Take for example PDF encryption. I don't
think it is a good idea to always pass this in some generic
way through the Driver (or whatever the replacement) to the
The other problem is the output. There are renderers writing to
a byte stream, there is the AWT and the print renderer which don't
write to a stream like object at all, there may be renderers like
an SVG renderer which write a SAX event stream. Again, I don't
think the output should always be passed through the driver.
It seems quite natural to solve these problems by using separate
renderer objects
  processor = new FOProcessor()
  // configure processor
  renderer = new PDFRenderer(output);
  // configure renderer
If there is no complicated configuration (use all defaults)
you can still write with another constructor
  processor = new FOProcessor();
  processor.format(input,new PDFRenderer(output));
which should be easy enough to servlet programmers.
Note that TrAX uses a similar pattern, with Source and Result
abstracting a variety of input and output mechanisms to the
XSLT processor.
[big snip]
Discussing the API may be fun, but IMO fixing bugs like the
broken text justification should get some attention too. The
best API is useless if the code inside doesn't work.

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-19 Thread Victor Mote
Glen Mazza wrote:

> > Well, the public API has to have
> > some way to control
> > the whole show.
> You don't mean that literally--e.g.., a servlet
> programmer does not need useThisRenderer() and
> attachAreaTree() functions in a public API.  (i.e.,
> the public (embedded) API would be a strict subset of
> the functions available to the supervising octopus
> running the show)

I am not sure what Jeremias meant, but yes, the API needs to at least
indirectly control all of the major decisions. In my vision of the API, the
servlet programmer would not need useThisRenderer(), but would need
something like setOutputType(OUTPUT_PDF), which would ultimately cause the
correct renderer to be selected. More likely, it would be set in a
constructor. Here is  some simplified sample startup code:

session = new Session;
document = session.addDocument(inputFile);
document.addRenderType(RENDER_PDF, LAYOUT_SIMPLE, outputFile1);
  document.addRenderType(RENDER_POSTSCRIPT, LAYOUT_SIMPLE, outputFile2);
document.addRenderType(RENDER_PDF, LAYOUT_CLASSIC, outputFile3);
session.process()  // if you want session to manage a queue of documents

>From a big-picture control standpoint:
Document = FOTree
RenderContext = AreaTree
RenderType = Renderer

The document.addRenderType() also builds any RenderContext objects that are
needed, three in this example (the first two can share the same AreaTree,
each of the others requires a different one). When document.process() is
run, it looks at the RenderContext objects to determine whether an FO Tree
needs to be built In this case it does (and yes, it should be in a different
package). It can then loop through the RenderContext objects to see what if
any layout work needs to be done, and build an Area Tree based on the output
type and the selected LayoutStrategy. Each RenderContext object will then
loop through the RenderTypes which are attached to it to fire up Renderers.
So in the example above, the same AreaTree will be used to spit out the
first two RenderTypes before trying to build the AreaTree needed for the
"CLASSIC" layout.

Of course, there are a number of configuration options available as well,
all of which can be attached to the appopriate object by a servlet
programmer. The actual using of those options is in other objects (and
indeed, should be in other packages), but the /control/ mechanism can live
in these four classes.

(I have left eager/patient processing out of this example, but control
should be returned to the Document object at the end of each PageSequence to
see if eager processing needs to fire off some layout and rendering work
before continuing with parsing. I am not entirely sure whether eager/patient
processing is totally a function of the LayoutStrategy, or whether some
LayoutStrategies can tolerate either, which would make it need to be

> > This will automatically lead to a
> > little octopus if the
> > code is in ...fop or ...fop.api. But no problem with
> > another package.
> >
> For my discussion, apps=api (they're both supervising
> octopi).  (Although I'm sure your package would be
> orders-of-magnitude cleaner and simpler!)
> > > FOP is more a pipeline to me:
> > >
> > > APPs package (CLI, TRAX/XSLTInputHandler,
> > Avalonized
> > > API, Victor's ideas) -->
> > FOTreeBuilder/Layout/Area
> > > Tree creation --> Rendering.
> >
> > Uh, thanks for that one. It's a very nice show why
> > the current apps
> > package is a mess.
> I agree with you that the apps package is hideous--but
> a pipeline may cleanup nearly all of it, providing it
> enforces the rules I mentioned earlier:
> a.) The only access between apps/api and the rest of
> the packages is via FOTreeBuilder and its "three"
> functions.
> b.) FOP is designed such that FOTreeBuilder *can* be
> directly instantiated via a servlet (even if we don't
> allow it).
> c.) Once so instantiated, no code within apps/api
> packages can be referenced.
> Via these rules, look at what gets removed from apps:
> (a) structure and layout handler are gone (those are
> past the FOTreeBuilder)
> (b) AWTStarter and PrintStarter are gone (those
> processing decisions are either handled by
> FOTreeBuilder or something that it delegates to.)
> (c) App class has *no* knowledge of renderers, element
> mappings, area trees, structure handlers.
> (d) Business logic is kept with each object, and not
> shared in multiple places.
> > > IMO FOTreeBuilder should just expose three
> > functions
> > > (perhaps another one for logging):
> >
> > It's best to talk about
> > lifestyle primarily and
> > leave the lifecycle (instantiation, logging,
> > configuration,
> > initialization) to a different discussion. Helps
> > keeping the focus, I
> > believe.
> Excellent!  We can leave that distraction out of the
> discussion.  (Although they, in additi

Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-18 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 17.06.2003 21:28:29 Glen Mazza wrote:
> > Instinctively, I wouldn't trust any code in the
> > package root of org.apache.fop -- we wouldn't have
> a
> > very modularized design that way (knowing FOP's
> > current coding style, the main FOP API would then
> be
> > accessing objects all through the packages,
> Well, the public API has to have
> some way to control
> the whole show. 

You don't mean that literally--e.g.., a servlet
programmer does not need useThisRenderer() and
attachAreaTree() functions in a public API.  (i.e.,
the public (embedded) API would be a strict subset of
the functions available to the supervising octopus
running the show)

> This will automatically lead to a
> little octopus if the
> code is in ...fop or ...fop.api. But no problem with
> another package.

For my discussion, apps=api (they're both supervising
octopi).  (Although I'm sure your package would be
orders-of-magnitude cleaner and simpler!)

> > FOP is more a pipeline to me:
> > 
> > APPs package (CLI, TRAX/XSLTInputHandler,
> Avalonized
> > API, Victor's ideas) --> 
> FOTreeBuilder/Layout/Area
> > Tree creation --> Rendering.
> Uh, thanks for that one. It's a very nice show why
> the current apps
> package is a mess. 

I agree with you that the apps package is hideous--but
a pipeline may cleanup nearly all of it, providing it
enforces the rules I mentioned earlier:  

a.) The only access between apps/api and the rest of
the packages is via FOTreeBuilder and its "three"
b.) FOP is designed such that FOTreeBuilder *can* be
directly instantiated via a servlet (even if we don't
allow it).
c.) Once so instantiated, no code within apps/api
packages can be referenced.

Via these rules, look at what gets removed from apps:
(a) structure and layout handler are gone (those are
past the FOTreeBuilder)
(b) AWTStarter and PrintStarter are gone (those
processing decisions are either handled by
FOTreeBuilder or something that it delegates to.)
(c) App class has *no* knowledge of renderers, element
mappings, area trees, structure handlers.
(d) Business logic is kept with each object, and not
shared in multiple places.

> > IMO FOTreeBuilder should just expose three
> functions
> > (perhaps another one for logging):
> It's best to talk about
> lifestyle primarily and
> leave the lifecycle (instantiation, logging,
> configuration,
> initialization) to a different discussion. Helps
> keeping the focus, I
> believe.

Excellent!  We can leave that distraction out of the
discussion.  (Although they, in addition to threading
issues, *do* appear to strengthen your argument on the
need for a supervising class.)

> > 1.) SetXSLFOStream() (file or stream)
> > 2.) SetRenderType()  (those constants currently in
> > Driver or CommandLineStarter)
> > 3.) Run(). (returns a stream or file)
> This mixes concerns. A render type does not belong
> in a class called
> FOTreeBuilder. 

I think it does, because it needs to know whether or
not to generate an Area Tree, *which type* of
structure handler, etc., also, since the Area Tree
needs to know the render type, FOTreeBuilder will need
to pass that information on to it via the pipeline. 
(Peter had said and you confirmed that the Area Tree
still needs to know the rendering type for font sizes,

Furthermore a different implementation of
FOTreeBuilder may make different Area Tree decisions
based on its render_type.

> It should have nothing to
> do with the
> rendering aspect, especially since FO tree building
> is independant of
> the output format (wrt Renderers). 

Indeed, nothing to do with *rendering* but it does
need to know the render_type as mentioned above.
APPS/API knows nothing but FOTreeBuilder, which knows
nothing but AreaTree, which knows nothing but the

So I also agree with you that FOTreeBuilder doesn't
need to know about the Renderers.  (but it could be so
redesigned in the future, depending on the pluggable
implementation of FOTreeBuilder, and this design more
easily allows for that type of change.)

> The render type
> is better placed in a
> class such as a
> RenderingRun/Document/.

Sure, providing they pass that information on to
FOTreeBuilder.  ;)

> The FO
> tree
> builder is (to me) a service that simply accepts a
> SAX stream and builds
> the FO tree. 

IMHO FOTreeBuilder is an object (C++/Java), not a
service (C).

> The layout engine, another (coarse
> grained) service, will
> then access the FO tree to do the layout. This is
> all kept together by a
> "supervising" class. 

If we were doing C programming--my fear is that the
supervising class is going to end up eating FOP's
object-oriented design and splitting the business
logic too much in multiple places (just like apps
currently does).  (I guess I'll just have to trust the
team to be disciplined in this regard!  ;)

> The FOTreeBuilder should remain an inner service to
> FOP, not exposed in
> the public API, if you ask me. 


Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 17.06.2003 21:28:29 Glen Mazza wrote:
> Instinctively, I wouldn't trust any code in the
> package root of org.apache.fop -- we wouldn't have a
> very modularized design that way (knowing FOP's
> current coding style, the main FOP API would then be
> accessing objects all through the packages,
> octopus-like, splitting of the business logic with the
> actual objects doing the work, inextricable from the
> XSL FO process.)  

Not necessarily. Well, the public API has to have some way to control
the whole show. This will automatically lead to a little octopus if the
code is in ...fop or ...fop.api. But no problem with another package.

> FOP is more a pipeline to me:
> APPs package (CLI, TRAX/XSLTInputHandler, Avalonized
> API, Victor's ideas) -->  FOTreeBuilder/Layout/Area
> Tree creation --> Rendering.

Uh, thanks for that one. It's a very nice show why the current apps
package is a mess. SoC (Separation of Concerns) would suggest not to mix
thing like CLI, public API and inner communication classes.

> IMO FOTreeBuilder should just expose three functions
> (perhaps another one for logging):

Logging, at least in Avalon-land, is a lifecycle aspect (through
the LogEnabled interface). The methods below are lifestyle methods.
Lifecycle != lifestyle. It's best to talk about lifestyle primarily and
leave the lifecycle (instantiation, logging, configuration,
initialization) to a different discussion. Helps keeping the focus, I
believe. The lifecycle can eventually be handled automatically by a
container (such as Fortress or Merlin). Leaves you to care about the
lifestyle (=functionality).

> 1.) SetXSLFOStream() (file or stream)
> 2.) SetRenderType()  (those constants currently in
> Driver or CommandLineStarter)
> 3.) Run(). (returns a stream or file)

This mixes concerns. A render type does not belong in a class called
FOTreeBuilder. The name already implies that the class is responsible
for building the FO tree. It should have nothing to do with the
rendering aspect, especially since FO tree building is independant of
the output format (wrt Renderers). The render type is better placed in a
class such as a RenderingRun/Document/. The FO tree
builder is (to me) a service that simply accepts a SAX stream and builds
the FO tree. The layout engine, another (coarse grained) service, will
then access the FO tree to do the layout. This is all kept together by a
"supervising" class. At least, that's my personal high-level view of it.

> You can have 500 methods of calling these functions
> within the apps package--it's all fine/OK, because
> they will only be able to work with FOTreeBuilder
> (apps will have no access to Renderers or Layout,
> etc.) and its three functions. 
> Such an FOTreeBuilder may be getting to the heart of
> the XSLFO Spec:
> Input:  XSLFO Stream, RenderType
> Output: Document
> and may be close to Xalan's approach, a team which has
> similar input/output requirements.
> Also, embedded Java code should be able to run without
> accessing the Apps class at all by directly calling
> those three functions in FOTreeBuilder.

The FOTreeBuilder should remain an inner service to FOP, not exposed in
the public API, if you ask me. The public API, IMHO, should be an easily
understandable construct that masks the internal complexity from the
user. Driver already does that today, it's just a bit too tightly packed
and not focused on as little as possible. We need to disentangle that
class to make it more like the JAXP API.

> (Although we
> can certainly provide additional options in apps--but
> FOTreeBuilder should be all that is strictly needed.) 
> Said another way, the processing paths of
> FOTreeBuilder, once instantiated in embedded code,
> should not access *any* functionality in the apps
> package, because apps is to the left of the pipeline.

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Jeremias Maerki
No problem with that.

On 17.06.2003 23:03:22 J.Pietschmann wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > main FOP api in the org.apache.fop package.
> org.apache.fop.api package?

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Victor Mote
J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Well, static data often interferes badly with multithreading.
> We can use it in the CLI, but in the core which is intended to be
> possibly embedded in multithreaded long running server environments
> should it is best to avoid them. Even if you can arrange to
> synchronize properly (not as easy as many people think), blocked
> threads on shared ressources will almost certainly generate angry
> comments.

The only static data would be a pointer to the singleton object, which
contains the real data. However, it seems that your point would still be
valid with regard to that data.

The choices for data to be shared amongst threads are:
1. Allow concurrent access.
2. Allow synchronized access.
3. Allow no access (can't share data between threads).

We all agree that #1 is bad. Implementing #3 because #2 might be slow seems
counterproductive. If a person in line at the store complains that the line
is moving slowly, I don't see how it helps them to say that they can't shop
here any more (but it will shut them up). Or am I missing some fourth option

Victor Mote

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
Jeremias Maerki wrote:
main FOP api in the org.apache.fop package.
org.apache.fop.api package?


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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread J.Pietschmann
Victor Mote wrote:
I'm not opposed to Avalon, but I might be if I understood it.
Well, the good message about Avalon is that it can make
development for much easier.
The bad news is that if too much of Avalon is exposed in the
APIs intended for common usage, it will drive many potential
embedders away.
I think if we want to use Avalon internally (and there are
interesting use cases, for example the Hyphenator), it would
make most sense to provide an Avalon component shell which can
be also used with a simple factory pattern similat to TrAX.
Have a look at the Avalonization Wiki.
It probably
seems lazy that I am not up to speed on it yet -- I have tried a couple of
times to get the big picture from the doc, but concluded that I won't get my
arms around it until I use it (IOW, the doc wasn't very helpful).
Amen, brother.

If the static construct and Avalan are mutually exclusive, the former seems
far less invasive, and easier both to implement and un-implement.
Well, static data often interferes badly with multithreading.
We can use it in the CLI, but in the core which is intended to be
possibly embedded in multithreaded long running server environments
should it is best to avoid them. Even if you can arrange to
synchronize properly (not as easy as many people think), blocked
threads on shared ressources will almost certainly generate angry

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> > > I'm a bit unhappy that you placed/left Session in the apps package. I
> > > would like to see the apps package deprecated as a whole over time. I
> > > would like a cli package that only contains the stuff needed for the
> > > command line and I'd like to have (wish, not a demand) the
> main FOP api
> > > in the org.apache.fop package.
> >
> > My humble apologies. What is the easiest way to roll it back?
> Is there an
> > automated way?
> I wasn't vetoing your changes, merely pointing out possible differences.
> You didn't need to revert. But do you agree with what I wrote?

Reversion is already completed -- if other changes start getting checked in,
then it becomes a much more difficult task. WRT to the location of the
"Session" concept, I don't have strong feelings about it the way some others
do, and I viewed that as an issue that could be resolved later by simply
moving it wherever you guys decided it should go.

> > OK. In my terminology, Session is a long-lived object that
> lives, well, for
> > the Session. Document are children of Session. The only part of
> Session that
> > you have seen is a renaming of Driver to Session. That is all
> that has been
> > committed so far. But eventually nearly all of existing Driver
> gets pushed
> > down to Document, RenderContext, and RenderTask. The only thing
> that really
> > still lives in Session is the logging stuff, and it might belong with
> > Document (under my scheme).
> That's not what I'm talking about. Do we all agree on this
> terminology? Can
> we find better classnames for what they are? These are key elements in
> FOP's architecture. I'd like to have good names for them so they are
> easily understandable even by outsiders. If you use Session you'll get
> all sorts of strange questions. I'm pretty sure about that.

I am not committed to the name "Session", but can't think of a better name,
even with the help of my trusty thesaurus. I think FrameMaker uses that name
in its FDK API. Microsoft uses "Application" for the equivalent concept in
its Office 2000 object model. I didn't like "Driver" much or I would have
left it alone (that implies a different concept to me). I suppose
FOPInstance, or RuntimeInstance might work. I didn't realize that there
would be misunderstandings of "Session".

> > Yes, I am talking about GoF Singleton. I understand the
> reluctance to use
> > static variables, but I haven't adopted the no-tolerance
> approach that you
> > have. The alternative is to either carry the static information
> around with
> > you in every method that might need it, or to actually store
> the information
> > in every object that might need it. I already see that with the
> logging. If
> > it is needed, then OK, but I don't see it yet.
> So I guess it's a matter of community decision what is preferred. Going
> for statics and singleton is certainly easier but it'll carry you away
> from the Avalon style of life. I have no problem if the majority of
> committers think that Avalon should be thrown out. I didn't manage to
> introduce the Avalon-patterns, yet, and it looks like I'm the only one
> really pushing it so far but without enough power.

I'm not opposed to Avalon, but I might be if I understood it. It probably
seems lazy that I am not up to speed on it yet -- I have tried a couple of
times to get the big picture from the doc, but concluded that I won't get my
arms around it until I use it (IOW, the doc wasn't very helpful).

If the static construct and Avalan are mutually exclusive, the former seems
far less invasive, and easier both to implement and un-implement. However, I
realize that there are more things that you want to do with Avalon that
might require that invasiveness anyway. Sorry I am not more help here.

Victor Mote

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a bit unhappy that you placed/left Session in
> the apps package. I
> would like to see the apps package deprecated as a
> whole over time. I
> would like a cli package that only contains the
> stuff needed for the
> command line and I'd like to have (wish, not a
> demand) the main FOP api
> in the org.apache.fop package.

Instinctively, I wouldn't trust any code in the
package root of org.apache.fop -- we wouldn't have a
very modularized design that way (knowing FOP's
current coding style, the main FOP API would then be
accessing objects all through the packages,
octopus-like, splitting of the business logic with the
actual objects doing the work, inextricable from the
XSL FO process.)  

FOP is more a pipeline to me:

APPs package (CLI, TRAX/XSLTInputHandler, Avalonized
API, Victor's ideas) -->  FOTreeBuilder/Layout/Area
Tree creation --> Rendering.

IMO FOTreeBuilder should just expose three functions
(perhaps another one for logging):

1.) SetXSLFOStream() (file or stream)
2.) SetRenderType()  (those constants currently in
Driver or CommandLineStarter)
3.) Run(). (returns a stream or file)

You can have 500 methods of calling these functions
within the apps package--it's all fine/OK, because
they will only be able to work with FOTreeBuilder
(apps will have no access to Renderers or Layout,
etc.) and its three functions. 

Such an FOTreeBuilder may be getting to the heart of
the XSLFO Spec:

Input:  XSLFO Stream, RenderType
Output: Document

and may be close to Xalan's approach, a team which has
similar input/output requirements.

Also, embedded Java code should be able to run without
accessing the Apps class at all by directly calling
those three functions in FOTreeBuilder.  (Although we
can certainly provide additional options in apps--but
FOTreeBuilder should be all that is strictly needed.) 
Said another way, the processing paths of
FOTreeBuilder, once instantiated in embedded code,
should not access *any* functionality in the apps
package, because apps is to the left of the pipeline.

> And then I'm a bit unhappy about your terminology:
> Session, Document,
> RenderContext... Session and Document seem like
> "rubber terms" to me.
> Your Session looks very much like a
> FOProcessorFactory (analog to
> TransformerFactory). A session to me is a
> short-lived object used during
> one transaction. I think we should get consensus on
> the terminology
> first.

Again, I don't care much about what's in the app
package, but I think the idea of a one-way
FOTreeBuilder with just those three/four functions
exposed should be explored.

In general, too much business logic is in the apps
package, it evens knows about ElementMappings and
Renderers -- it shouldn't have to work with anything
that implementation-specific.  Also, AWTStarter and
PrintStarter appear to be in the wrong places, those
should somehow be moved out of apps and be *past*
FOTreeBuilder.  Let FOTreeBuilder decide to activate
those objects should it get an appropriate 

But my "mental model" in incomplete here...comments
most welcome!


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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Victor Mote
Victor Mote wrote:

> My humble apologies. What is the easiest way to roll it back? Is there an
> automated way?

I rolled them back manually, and have committed the change. All should be
back as it was before, except the affected files are two revisions higher.

Victor Mote

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 17.06.2003 17:10:19 Victor Mote wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > I'm a bit concerned that you call this "startup refactoring" where it's
> > really API redesign in the end, I think. And that's an important topic
> > where I would have expected you to ask for a "go for it" before starting
> > on this. Generally, JustDoIt (tm) is a good thing but this is about the
> > API and I'd like use to reach consensus on the direction. From the Wiki
> > page I read that there are substantial differences in our (you, Jörg, me)
> > ideas.
> I certainly thought I had tacit consent.

Well, I'm certainly guilty of letting trail off that discussion. I'm
sorry if I missed anything.

> > I'm a bit unhappy that you placed/left Session in the apps package. I
> > would like to see the apps package deprecated as a whole over time. I
> > would like a cli package that only contains the stuff needed for the
> > command line and I'd like to have (wish, not a demand) the main FOP api
> > in the org.apache.fop package.
> My humble apologies. What is the easiest way to roll it back? Is there an
> automated way?

I wasn't vetoing your changes, merely pointing out possible differences.
You didn't need to revert. But do you agree with what I wrote?

> OK. In my terminology, Session is a long-lived object that lives, well, for
> the Session. Document are children of Session. The only part of Session that
> you have seen is a renaming of Driver to Session. That is all that has been
> committed so far. But eventually nearly all of existing Driver gets pushed
> down to Document, RenderContext, and RenderTask. The only thing that really
> still lives in Session is the logging stuff, and it might belong with
> Document (under my scheme).

That's not what I'm talking about. Do we all agree on this terminology? Can
we find better classnames for what they are? These are key elements in
FOP's architecture. I'd like to have good names for them so they are
easily understandable even by outsiders. If you use Session you'll get
all sorts of strange questions. I'm pretty sure about that.

> Yes, I am talking about GoF Singleton. I understand the reluctance to use
> static variables, but I haven't adopted the no-tolerance approach that you
> have. The alternative is to either carry the static information around with
> you in every method that might need it, or to actually store the information
> in every object that might need it. I already see that with the logging. If
> it is needed, then OK, but I don't see it yet.

So I guess it's a matter of community decision what is preferred. Going
for statics and singleton is certainly easier but it'll carry you away
from the Avalon style of life. I have no problem if the majority of
committers think that Avalon should be thrown out. I didn't manage to
introduce the Avalon-patterns, yet, and it looks like I'm the only one
really pushing it so far but without enough power.

Jeremias Maerki

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RE: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Victor Mote
Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> I'm a bit concerned that you call this "startup refactoring" where it's
> really API redesign in the end, I think. And that's an important topic
> where I would have expected you to ask for a "go for it" before starting
> on this. Generally, JustDoIt (tm) is a good thing but this is about the
> API and I'd like use to reach consensus on the direction. From the Wiki
> page I read that there are substantial differences in our (you, Jörg, me)
> ideas.

I certainly thought I had tacit consent.

> I'm a bit unhappy that you placed/left Session in the apps package. I
> would like to see the apps package deprecated as a whole over time. I
> would like a cli package that only contains the stuff needed for the
> command line and I'd like to have (wish, not a demand) the main FOP api
> in the org.apache.fop package.

My humble apologies. What is the easiest way to roll it back? Is there an
automated way?

> And then I'm a bit unhappy about your terminology: Session, Document,
> RenderContext... Session and Document seem like "rubber terms" to me.
> Your Session looks very much like a FOProcessorFactory (analog to
> TransformerFactory). A session to me is a short-lived object used during
> one transaction. I think we should get consensus on the terminology
> first.

OK. In my terminology, Session is a long-lived object that lives, well, for
the Session. Document are children of Session. The only part of Session that
you have seen is a renaming of Driver to Session. That is all that has been
committed so far. But eventually nearly all of existing Driver gets pushed
down to Document, RenderContext, and RenderTask. The only thing that really
still lives in Session is the logging stuff, and it might belong with
Document (under my scheme).

> Sorry if I'm a bit negative here. I certainly don't want to kill any
> enthusiasm. FOP needs this more than ever.
> > 2. Logging. During the dry run, I realized that I don't know
> whether we want
> > to have logging for a Session, or for each Document, or even at
> some finer
> > level of granularity. Session will be implemented as a
> singleton, so if we
> > only need logging at that level, then a static construct can be
> used to get
> > logging from /anywhere/ without adding anything. Otherwise,
> I'll add logic
> > that allows the Document object to either be directly accessed
> or computed
> > (by going up the object hierarchy) to get the logger. That seems more
> > desirable to me than implementing logging in all of the
> classes, but perhaps
> > I am missing something there.
> You're talking about a singleton. I hope you don't mean a GoF Singleton.
> A GoF Singleton in Java usually involves a static variable which I would
> like to avoid in our new API.

Yes, I am talking about GoF Singleton. I understand the reluctance to use
static variables, but I haven't adopted the no-tolerance approach that you
have. The alternative is to either carry the static information around with
you in every method that might need it, or to actually store the information
in every object that might need it. I already see that with the logging. If
it is needed, then OK, but I don't see it yet.

> Static logging à la Commons-Logging is the easiest thing, sometimes even
> necessary if you ask people like Nicola Ken Barozzi. Even in
> Avalon-enabled software. The normal Avalon style of logging means a
> container is giving a logger instance to a service (see LogEnabled).
> As long as we're talking about services (Renderer, FOTreeBuilder,
> org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceResolver,
> org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.SAXParser etc.), Avalon-style logging is
> superior (but more difficult to do right), because you can have multiple
> instances of the same service in a VM but logging to separate log files,
> for example, if you run two different applications in the same VM (in
> Avalon Phoenix, for example). You could have an invoicing system and a
> CRM system both running FOP for document production but logging to
> different log files. Ok, they could be separated by different
> classloaders but I still think not having statics in a server
> environment is better.

That sounds possibly useful for what we are doing.

Victor Mote

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-17 Thread Jeremias Maerki

On 17.06.2003 01:38:14 Victor Mote wrote:
> I did a dry run of the startup refactoring (Session, Document, etc.) work
> yesterday & this morning, and am satisfied that the concepts work.
> Here are some comments:
> 1. I am going to start committing changes, hopefully this evening. Much of
> the work is refactoring, but there are some substance changes as well,
> specifically to allow multiple output options, multiple documents, etc. I
> have therefore decided to implement it as a series of self-contained
> changes, rather than dropping the entire change in at once. This will make a
> better doc trail. Let me know if you object.

I'm a bit concerned that you call this "startup refactoring" where it's
really API redesign in the end, I think. And that's an important topic
where I would have expected you to ask for a "go for it" before starting
on this. Generally, JustDoIt (tm) is a good thing but this is about the
API and I'd like use to reach consensus on the direction. From the Wiki
page I read that there are substantial differences in our (you, Jörg, me)

I'm a bit unhappy that you placed/left Session in the apps package. I
would like to see the apps package deprecated as a whole over time. I
would like a cli package that only contains the stuff needed for the
command line and I'd like to have (wish, not a demand) the main FOP api
in the org.apache.fop package.

And then I'm a bit unhappy about your terminology: Session, Document,
RenderContext... Session and Document seem like "rubber terms" to me.
Your Session looks very much like a FOProcessorFactory (analog to
TransformerFactory). A session to me is a short-lived object used during
one transaction. I think we should get consensus on the terminology

Sorry if I'm a bit negative here. I certainly don't want to kill any
enthusiasm. FOP needs this more than ever.

> 2. Logging. During the dry run, I realized that I don't know whether we want
> to have logging for a Session, or for each Document, or even at some finer
> level of granularity. Session will be implemented as a singleton, so if we
> only need logging at that level, then a static construct can be used to get
> logging from /anywhere/ without adding anything. Otherwise, I'll add logic
> that allows the Document object to either be directly accessed or computed
> (by going up the object hierarchy) to get the logger. That seems more
> desirable to me than implementing logging in all of the classes, but perhaps
> I am missing something there.

You're talking about a singleton. I hope you don't mean a GoF Singleton.
A GoF Singleton in Java usually involves a static variable which I would
like to avoid in our new API.

Static logging à la Commons-Logging is the easiest thing, sometimes even
necessary if you ask people like Nicola Ken Barozzi. Even in
Avalon-enabled software. The normal Avalon style of logging means a
container is giving a logger instance to a service (see LogEnabled).

As long as we're talking about services (Renderer, FOTreeBuilder,
org.apache.excalibur.xml.sax.SAXParser etc.), Avalon-style logging is
superior (but more difficult to do right), because you can have multiple
instances of the same service in a VM but logging to separate log files,
for example, if you run two different applications in the same VM (in
Avalon Phoenix, for example). You could have an invoicing system and a
CRM system both running FOP for document production but logging to
different log files. Ok, they could be separated by different
classloaders but I still think not having statics in a server
environment is better.

Jeremias Maerki

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Re: startup refactoring

2003-06-16 Thread Glen Mazza
--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. I am going to start committing changes, hopefully
> this evening. Much of
> the work is refactoring, but there are some
> substance changes as well,
> specifically to allow multiple output options,
> multiple documents, etc. I
> have therefore decided to implement it as a series
> of self-contained
> changes, rather than dropping the entire change in
> at once. This will make a
> better doc trail. Let me know if you object.

Shouldn't be a problem (we can always go back to the
old code if it's a disaster!)  When you're done, I
still would like to get the LayoutHandler and
StructureHandler classes out of the apps package
though (Bug 20397, although on these new classes)--any
objections from anyone on this part?


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startup refactoring

2003-06-16 Thread Victor Mote
FOP Developers:

I did a dry run of the startup refactoring (Session, Document, etc.) work
yesterday & this morning, and am satisfied that the concepts work. Here are
some comments:

1. I am going to start committing changes, hopefully this evening. Much of
the work is refactoring, but there are some substance changes as well,
specifically to allow multiple output options, multiple documents, etc. I
have therefore decided to implement it as a series of self-contained
changes, rather than dropping the entire change in at once. This will make a
better doc trail. Let me know if you object.

2. Logging. During the dry run, I realized that I don't know whether we want
to have logging for a Session, or for each Document, or even at some finer
level of granularity. Session will be implemented as a singleton, so if we
only need logging at that level, then a static construct can be used to get
logging from /anywhere/ without adding anything. Otherwise, I'll add logic
that allows the Document object to either be directly accessed or computed
(by going up the object hierarchy) to get the logger. That seems more
desirable to me than implementing logging in all of the classes, but perhaps
I am missing something there.

Victor Mote (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
2025 Eddington Way
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80916
Voice +1 (719) 622-0650
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