Re: [ilugd] Mailing list stats

2005-09-28 Thread hassath
On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 11:25, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Few queries and observations
> 1. What is noise

Pankaj has already given the answer to that in his posting. Look at the
first few lines in his mail, they say:

"Total Lines" does not count attachments, only the main body of the
message.  Messages which contain only attachments count as 0 lines.

"Original lines" are the subset of "Total Lines" that are not
preceeded by ">".

"Noise" is the other part -- the quoted material.

The stats willbe off for HTML messages 

- Hassath

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Re: [ilugd] Planning a maiden Linux setup

2005-09-28 Thread hassath

Sorry, forgot to mention:

We run LTSP 3.X series on Red Hat 9. The norm is that disk-less
workstations boot off the network server.
We have a separate machine which acts as our internet gateway and mail

It might help to understand our setup better..


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Re: [ilugd] Planning a maiden Linux setup

2005-09-28 Thread hassath
Hi Anand,

Don't have any technical suggestions, but there seem to be some
similarities in the situation that you describe, and what we have in our

We are an NGO. When we first started almost three years ago, it was
decided to have a FLOSS network- and no proprietary software.

On Thu, 2005-09-29 at 08:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I am planning to setup a large, maiden linux desktop installation in a
> Windows Centric Environment. Hard realities at ground (1) 99% users
> will be first timers, many may not have heard of it before!! 

When we started, 100% users were first timers. And to this day, most new
people who join haven't heard about Linux- the poor souls at recruitment
don't know what they are in for! But at the end of the day- they all
work with Linux- and do not hanker for Windows.
> (2) Lack of trained support staff, learn by burning your hands, looks
> like to be the fact of day.

Yes, indeed, that's what happened with us also, though we do have a
great consultant. Today, we have 13 terminals runnings. We never had any
trained support staff- whatever daily support that is currently needed
is given by me- and I have learnt everything from scratch- with a lot of
heartache and pain, but only sometimes ;-). And I have NO technical
background at all. And yet, my office functions fine.Our systems are
NEVER down, and I yet have to come across any major problem thrown up by
my users which I have not been able to solve- with a little guidance
over the phone, and google, and man pages...

Hence, my experience:

- you don't have to be a geek to administer a linux network. All you
need is a willingness to learn- and hard work.

- equally important: you need a lot of patience and a rather thick skin:
one is bound to come across people who want "mera windows wala
icon"! One has to survive them- and believe me, I have managed.
one should have one's arguments and explanations in place before you

- in one sense, it is easier for people to migrate if they are given no
choice (i know it sounds autocratic, but that's what worked for us. We
did not want pirated software for legal reasons, and we couldn't afford
licensed copies. now, the general users don't even ask for windows)

- an encouraging consultant- whom you can call up and who will walk you
through your initial baby steps: that is an indispensable factor!

Hope this helps.



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[ilugd] need 64-bit distro

2005-09-26 Thread hassath

I need to know if anyone has any Linux distros for EM64T/AMD64? I
already have Ubuntu, looking specifically for FC4, and also interested
in anything else available.

Also, does anyone have K12 LTSP 4.4.1.?

Location not a consideration, I can have it picked up from anywhere in

Thought of posting to the cd mailing list, but it seems pretty inactive.



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Event: Freedel 2005, 17th & 18th September, 2005 -

Re: [ilugd] Women in Free Software, by Fernanda G. Weiden

2005-09-26 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 10:11, Raj Shekhar wrote:

Thanks, good reading.


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Re: [ilugd] Women in Free Software, by Fernanda G. Weiden

2005-09-26 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 10:11, Raj Shekhar wrote:

Thanks, good reading.


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Event: Freedel 2005, 17th & 18th September, 2005 -

Re: [ilugd] (fwd) [] Get involved *now*!

2005-09-21 Thread hassath
On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 22:58, Raj Mathur wrote:

> >>>>> "Atul" == Atul Chitnis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

[Not quoting any of the mail, because it's not necessary]

Hi, I am relatively new to the community, and not yet a year old to the
ILUGD mailing list.

I don't know who Atul Chitnis is, but I gather he is from the FOSS
community/LUG/whatever in  Bangalore.

I have not gone into finding out in great detail about FOSS.IN, though I
am very much aware of the debate between proprietary/non-proprietary,
FOSS, commercial, free software.

My post is not about any of these things. My post is to object to the
tone in which Atul presumes to address the community. As a member of the
community, I have this opinion to offer (which of course may be
completely wrong according to some people):

If this is the manner in which you talk to the rest of/part of the
community, then your event might still be a success, but the amount of
goodwill and cooperation you are able to generate will be miniscule.
Apart from the debate over issues, if you insist on showing off in such
a distasteful and condescending manner, it will not help. (On the other
hand, if this is not important to you, I apologise for the presumption).

And I resent your assumption that members of  ILUGD are so much sheep
waiting to follow whatever Raju (or any of the powers-that-be) says. I
have had great differences with all of them, am still on the mailing
list, and would like to be credited with the intellectual capacity and
objectivity of making up my own mind on whether to participate in
something or not.

The debate on FOSS.IN is quite possibly relevant. The tone in which it
is being conducted most definitely is not.


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Event: Freedel 2005, 17th & 18th September, 2005 -

Re: [ilugd] eye for photography

2005-08-24 Thread hassath

On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 12:36, Nitin Chandra wrote:
> Saurabh
> u do have an eye for photography. some really cool
> shots of ur Korean trip, and the moments are also
> caught well.
> above the regular stuff. great work. hope to get to
> see more.
> Nitin


i thought there was enough said about hijacking threads?


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d - Solution suggestions

2005-08-23 Thread hassath
On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 11:33, Saurabh Nanda wrote:

> Rant stops here... go back to work and be more productive.
> Nandz.

Just proves people aren't actually reading the HOW TO. This mail, and
the one it is responding to (Manpreet's) would be enough to keep women
off the list- now I fully understand why no woman has responded to this
thread. Evolution, education, civilisation- have got us nowhere...

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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d - Solution suggestions

2005-08-23 Thread hassath
On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 10:58, Raj Mathur wrote:

> Hassath> Also, how about adding a link to the HOW TO ENCOURAGE
> Hassath> WOMEN IN LINUX which I sent in my earlier posting? At
> Hassath> least that might indicate to members that the list has at
> Hassath> least thought about making things woman-friendly.
> Can do.

Thanks, much appreciated.

> There isn't much there that applies to a group as a whole -- it's
> mostly what individuals can do to encourage women to feel comfortable
> and participate.  Apart from the ``Keep meeting is an accessible
> location'', there's nothing there that the LUG as a whole can do.

The attitude of the individual members of the group will make a
difference. Anyway, whether as individuals, or as a group- if those
suggestions were followed- they would go a long way. And to begin with,
if more people would read the HOW TO, it would help.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d - Solution suggestions

2005-08-23 Thread hassath
On Wed, 2005-08-24 at 09:47, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:

> > Suggestions about what to do next:

> No, I think it's imperative that people stop associating the idea of
> encouraging women to participate with yet-another-talk about "how to
> encourage women to participate".
> I think we should try instead to figure out whom we can invite to talk
> about something that doesn't just become a freak sideshow attraction.

> What are women using Linux for? What interests them? If we talk about
> those things, then they might be encouraged to participate.

Indeed, if I felt that I would be treated as just another human being
with an interest in FLOSS, I would feel encouraged- I (or any other
woman) would dislike being looked at as the 'freak' who decided to be

> > c) Changing, or rather adding to the guidelines of the LUG posting
> > methods/rules.
> Heh. I just noticed that the guidelines say:
> "Be polite [...] No one minds a little sense of humour though."

Also, how about adding a link to the HOW TO ENCOURAGE WOMEN IN LINUX
which I sent in my earlier posting? At least that might indicate to
members that the list has at least thought about making things

I find it very interesting and telling that when the thread was being
general, there were many posts to and fro- defensive and offensive. But
after I have requested people to go through the HOW TO- nobody, nobody
has responded to that (is it useful? Can they think of applying any of
those to the delhi LUG?.)
 Does it say something about the seriousness of those who said that they
want feedback from a woman? That HOW TO is written by a whole lot of


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-23 Thread hassath
On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 14:13, Prashant Verma wrote:
> Dear Abhijit and Hassath,
> I wanted to say that Nitin may have a point there.
> Nitin has mentioned that what he intended to say is
> not what you understood from his email. 

Hi Prashant, 
I am actually quite tired of all this- like i mentioned in my previous
posting- it's not my style at all. But since you have brought it up, let
me say- I have responded to Nitin's posting in a certain manner because
there is enough of a background to leave no reasonable doubt as to what
his attitude is. I really dislike going into finger-pointing like this,
but I am left with no option but to paste below  a couple of clips from
nitin's earlier mails- hopefully, they will illustrate why i have got
angry. I repeat, I generally don't like having to stoop to this, but you
leave me no option, hopefully this will put an end to this.

"Well if the context of my statment is not understood
by some people who are challanged..."

"Been there experienced that.
UNKNOWN TO ME , SO let not make those kind of
statments again. As from your statment i undestand
that women are so dammingly oppressed.THAT IS your

The term "women are so dammingly oppressed"- is enough! And then, who
can say, looking around himself, that women have an equal right to work
and party? It has to be someone who does not want to see the reality of
one-half of the world's population.

The remark being discussed as being 'misrepresented' is this one: 

"where by women can accept men as they are and STILL
come forward and make a difference rather than "be in
the stand and comment". So women can crib OR make a
difference to LUG as a whole group + Linux.
My request and invitation is for women to accept men
as they are and step forward and play in then LUG
field and make an enormous difference."

whether in the context of this mailing list, or anything larger, I think
it is NOT ok to tell women to accept men as they are. I will NOT accept
any of the men on this mailing list- I will NOT accept sexist jokes or
remarks, and I will NOT accept it when anyone tries to dilute the issue
at hand. If this makes someone uncomfortable, then I can't help it.

Now- I have indeed moved on by giving suggestions- asking people to look
at a specific link, at the very least. I am NOT interested in these kind
of postings anymore, and will not respond to them. Prashant, if you are
indeed interested (and anybody else on the list who is listening)-
please read up the HOW TO, and then come back- maybe we could have a
more useful discussion then.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-23 Thread hassath
On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 11:50, Nitin Chandra wrote:

> I cant begin to comprehend the limited vision with
> which the context of my statment is understood. :)
> Well if this is the way individuals have an
> understanding, so be it...I Accept their level of
> understanding.
> No more "social cause" statments from me. :)
> Nitin
Since I was requested to point out every objectionable
I find it objectionable- the implication that I have understood
something larger is because of my "limited vision" and "level of
Thanks Nitin, for cooperating by offering to withhold such statements.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:55, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> On Monday, 22 Aug 2005 2:32 pm, Raj Mathur wrote:

> Actually Raj, now that I have re-read it, I agree with Hassath that it is 
> *potentially* offensive to women. While it might be perceived as humorous to 
> men, it appears condescending to women, and hence seems insulting.
> Since the blog is the official face of Freedel till the main site comes up, I 
> am making some changes as Hassath has pointed out, *with* an appropriate 
> notice that this is not the original post.
Thanks Sandip, for making the correction on Freedel.
And I would like to say that it was not potentially, but very
emphatically in-the-face offensive to women, and anybody else with the
And I am not labouring a point. If men can see and accept an objection
for what it is, without attempting to dilute it, it would help things
change for the better.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 16:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> But it always helps to have the "other" around. In fact the more others 
> the better it will get I hope
> ram

Thanks Ram. At any rate, I am not interested in exchanging insults and
accusations.(It's not a woman's way, honestly ;-)) Those who are capable
of seeing the point, would have seen it already.So here's at least a
couple of points- as to what can be done:

1. I am pasting below a link- though not Indian in context, still
helpful. Even those of you who have seen it earlier, please try to go
through it again, especially in the context of the postings on this

2. Secondly, if there is ever a discussion like this, all the men could
help by refraining from pointing out to the (lone) woman what is wrong
with her attitude / nature of her postings. Instead, it would help if
you pointed out to the people who are being obviously offensive that it
is not ok. I acknowledge and appreciate that a few of you have indeed
done that in this case, and I would like to thank them. And hope that
more of you do that. You see, help, appreciation, support- articulated
and expressed, would make the whole space more comfortable.

3. Perhaps I don't need to respond to the remark about women having to
accept men as they are- it has been responded to. But I just want to
make the point that it is the kind of remark that is enough to make a
woman want to withdraw from the list. No woman is obliged to accept any
man for what he is. (And vice versa). That remark illustrates the
attitude that men are god's gift to womankind. I am very sorry to
disillusion you, but they are most certainly NOT

4. Whenever the next meeting is scheduled, I will try to make it- if I
can arrange my schedule accordingly. Please do try and see if you know
any other women who would also come (I don't know of any at the moment).

I repeat, I did not enter this discussion in an accusatory tone. Nor am
I naive enough to believe that changes happen overnight, or that they
are complete when they do happen. But I am willing to try. All help from
anyone who thinks it's worthwhile- is welcome.

PS: I have had a mail addressed to me off-list, which is the kind of
thing I would say would put off less determined (stubborn?) women. But
here I am, nevertheless

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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:33, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> On Monday, 22 Aug 2005 1:19 pm, hassath wrote:

> Hassath, let us discuss this without getting bitter. I understand the 
> frustation, and I do agree with AMS that atmosphere in the LUG meets is 
> something that will make women (or children or any elderly people) 
> uncomfortable.
> Like someone recently said - nobody tries to make the environment 
> women-unfriendly.  However, while I agree that the atmosphere is not right, I 
> also have to bring it to your attention that this is a chicken and egg 
> situation too. Because there are no girls or women or children generally at 
> these meets, people have conversation in a manner which would otherwise not 
> be acceptable in front of other sections of the population.
> We have had this discussion before, yes, but the reasons why they were 
> inconclusive was because it was discussed primarily between us males only.
> Hassath, there are certain aspects of male conversation which we know are not 
> appropriate if women are around (jokes about pr0n, for example). However, 
> there are many other aspects which only a woman can sensitize us about. As 
> you pointed out, you found an official announcement in bad taste. There would 
> be some parts of that which are immediately understandable as being 
> inappropriate. However, there might be other parts of the conversation which 
> might not be so clear to others. We need help on this from women like you. 
> Please help us "clean" out all our official announcements on Freedel, for 
> instance.
> Just as we need people with experience in dealing with physically challenged 
> persons, to sensitize us about building accessible technology, we need help 
> from women professionals like you who deal with such issues everyday, to help 
> make ILUGD more "friendly" to all sections of the population. (Uh. huh. Bad 
> analogy -> might be taken otherwise by certain people. I am not trying to 
> make any insinuation about women being challenged in anyway. ... Sigh. See 
> how difficult being politically correct all the time is?)
> - Sandip

Yeah, if being gender sensitive is so difficult, and being patriarchal
is so easy, maybe I made a mistake in raising the issue. 
And Sandip, my bitterness is not the bitterness of this thread on this
mailing list- it is the bitterness of countless women being marginalised
and being subjected to patriarchy by the dominant sex over centuries in
various fields of life. 
Why can't you all help with empowerment- so that women don't feel
bitter? I repeat- I am not bitter against the few males who have helped
me learn what I do know, as far as FLOSS is concerned. If you can't take
a certain amount of bitterness from the marginalised, then maybe you
shouldn't be interacting with them. Have you noticed what has made me
bitter- even limiting it to the list? Please try to understand.

If bitterness becomes more of the issue,than the issue- then i really
don't know. Like i said, I brought up the issue cos i thought the list
was actually interested in changes. If it isn't, then sorry- I take my
hands off.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 15:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >

> >
> Well thats the standard arguement " accept us as we are ".
> So one is not expected to change for the better.
> men are abusive so let them be - accept them as they are
> men can harass women - accept that
> men can use crude and filthy language - accept that.
> Men are wife / women beaters - so let them be - accept them as that
> I wonder if you will take any form of filthy language thats aimed at 
> your being, your sex, your caste your height or whatever. Esp if it 
> comes from someone more powerful that you. Or if its been systemaic over 
> the ages - centuries.
> So patriarchy is okay - just as much as facism is okay. - **Really*
> ***Come on** - just go through the entire discussion and try and see 
> whats been said.
> Make an attempt to understand, to see the issues involved.

Thanks a lot, ram- i don't think i could have said it better. It just
proves- you don't have to be a woman to understand these issues.

> I thought it was some of the men who were asking why aren't there more 
> women on this list. Maybe women don't need this list at all or they 
> don't need to interact with the men that this list is showing up ???
I think this thread has just proved the point- perhaps I don't need to
spend my energy interacting with such men...

On the other hand, perhaps they need to hear more of the "other"


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath

On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 12:07, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> At 2005-08-19 13:32:33 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > the prevailing atmosphere???
> Right. I can answer that question better now, mostly by having studied
> the responses in this thread. Let's have a look, shall we?
> 1. Denial. "What's wrong with the atmosphere, dammit?"
> 2. Proof-by-anecdote that everything is just fine.
> 3. Cheap digs disguised as humour. You know, the kind where, if anyone
>objects, one can look injured and say, "But it was a joke! Don't
>women have a sense of humour?"
> 4. "If only women bothered to show up more often, they'd see that
>everything is really all right."
> 5. "We've done all we can. It's up to someone else now."
> Oh, and when the subject of encouraging women to participate *does* come
> up, there's usually this undercurrent of "Yeah, we need more hot chicks
> in this group, man!"
> The consequent feeling: Ugh. Better not get involved.
> -- ams

Thanks ams- i agree with all your points. I want to add another one,
which i have mentioned in my response to Pankaj- the freedel blog has a
posting (the top one) by raju which has an offensive "attempt at
humour". I would like to emphasise yet again- these "jokes" are not a
reflection of a good sense of humour. And when a woman like me raises an
objection, it is NOT a case of being oversensitive- if you can't see
that and continue to behave like that- yes, women will be put off. I
will be much obliged if i don't have to see "jokes" like that again on
this list or on the blog.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-22 Thread hassath
On Mon, 2005-08-22 at 12:25, Pankaj kaushal wrote:

> I am neither discomforted by the discussion nor am I complacent, merely
> un-interested in discussions without a result.

If there is a result-less discussion, maybe you could take more
responsibility for it- you too are part of this list. What a typically
privileged attitude -" Oh, nothing comes out of these discussions!" If
you saw it as being in your interest, if you took ownership, you would
try and get things to change.

> This was exactly my point, males *do* dominate various fields, similarly
>  there are many fields that are dominated by women, teaching for
> example. All I wanted to say was that we have a bigger issue at hand.
> Its not just that it is *linux* and the language of linux that is
> intimidating to women thus they stay away.
> This group is a open community, anyone can raise her voice, if there are
> women on this list and meetings who feel that the *prevailing
> atmosphere* is unfriendly and discouraging then this issue must be
> raised by pointing out what exactly makes one un-welcome and it must be
> addressed.

"And we men shall sit back till such time as this happens, and will not
be discomforted by the fact that there is no fair representation. It is
not our responsibility as the privileged gender to make any initiatives-
let the marginalised look after themselves. Amen."

> This subject does come up every now and then, people wonder why more
> women don't participate, they raise the issue and say, we should do
> something about it. The thread reaches 50 and everyone forgets about it
> because nobody knows what to do.
> You have made a start by raising the issue once again. Lets not dwell
> into the the nature of society at large 

As for "not dwelling into the nature of society at large"- i am sorry, i
am incapable of seeing things in isolation and closing my eyes to larger
connections- and i do not see it as a failing.

> but make this group, which you
> made yourself a part of by subscribing to the mailing-list a little more
> comfortable for women.

Well, it will help if you refrain from referring to it (ever again) as
"ugly head".

And, if you haven't heard any bad jokes, then it just means that you
don't see- that you don't see what is offensive to women. If you check
the freedel blog right away- the topmost post by raju- if you don't find
something objectionable in it- i have only this to say: there are none
as blind as those who will not see.

And yes, specifically, if you want to make the list comfortable for
women, DO NOT put the onus entirely on them- that is guaranteed to
offend women.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-21 Thread hassath
On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 22:45, Abhijit Menon-Sen wrote:
> At 2005-08-19 17:17:31 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > In all my experiences, I haven't encountered any sexism towards
> > females in areas related to computing. Not even bad jokes.
> I wonder if that's because you (and other people) misjudge what might
> actually make women uncomfortable. I'm sure nobody at the ilugd meets
> would claim to be anti-women, but I've often felt that the prevailing
> atmosphere is likely to discourage women from ever visiting more than
> once.
> -- ams
Hi all,

I was not accessing mail over the weekend- hence the delay. Since there
are so many responses to respond to, I think I will just address each
one briefly. I haven't seen anything on the list guidelines to say this
is not appropriate, but if someone does feel so, they are welcome to
make the point.

Thanks Kishore, for the invitation to talk. I would have loved to take
it up, if i felt there was something concrete for me to talk about- but
like I said, I myself am exploring. But I do plan to be there at the
event- so hope to put faces to all these names then :-)

As for LL's nail-polish mail, I will not comment on-it's part of the
problem and an illustration of some men's unwillingness to take the
issue seriously...

AMS and Raj- point taken. I also agree that the list is not being
actively 'woman unfriendly'. Maybe women do need to show up at the
ILUG-D meetings and articulate specifically what attitudes/actions they
would like to see changes in. (Which means I myself will have to try and
make it- as far as my tight schedule allows it! :-))
Thank you AMS for mentioning that the "prevailing
atmosphere is likely to discourage women from ever visiting more than
once." As far as I can see, if there are some people willing to
acknowledge and address the problem, there is hope for discussion and
introspection on it- hopefully leading to some attempts at resolution.

And Pankaj, this thread repeatedly will raise "its ugly head" because
this issue has not been resolved. I am not sorry that it causes
discomfort in your complacent world. 
"that more women aren't using Linux because there is a gender issue
relating with technology as a whole. In my experiences males dominate
most computer related areas."
Welcome to the world- it's not just technology that there is a gender
issue to- it is indeed present in every aspect of our lives, and in
every corner of the world. A techie will say it's true for technology, a
businessman will say it's true for, politics,
engineering, medicine- the "gender issue" is ever present. Please look
around and notice this.
Yes, "males do dominate most computer related areas". And not just
computer related areas.It is a fact- but not one to be plainly accepted.
The question arises- why is it so? And to take it further, in any field,
why is it that the marginalised continue to stay marginalised? Is it
because they are genetically predisposed to being marginalised? Or
should one ask- What opportunities do they have- are they in any way
equal to the opportunities of the more privileged? At this moment, I am
talking only about gender, but my concerns extend to all marginalised
people, in all areas. It is convenient to say that this is how things
are- and be complacent about it. 
Like you yourself have said- there are men who don't care about
alternatives, and similarly, there are women like that. But it DOES NOT
mean that its a fact of nature that women are predominantly like that. A
baby girl is not born genetically un-inclined towards technology. A baby
boy is not born wanting to open up his toy car to see how it works.

Socialisation sees to it that women feel underconfident about
technology- except when they have gone ahead to specialise in it, and in
a few cases, when they have fought against such socialisation. Which is
all the more reason for human beings (I am not distinguishing between
men and women) who are more priviliged to try to empower those women.
And it is possible- I have mentioned my case in brief. The people who
have helped me learn what I know, and to do the tasks that I do- are all
male. It's just that they were actually interested in my learning. And
yet, in the process of my learning, and in my daily work, I continue to
face male chauvinism.

And this is not a male vs. female debate- I sincerely believe that a
healthy balance is good for all human beings- men or women. Whether it's
in the world, in the field of technology, or on a mailing list.


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-19 Thread hassath
On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:54, Raj Mathur wrote:

> OK, so in your opinion why are there so few women?  Is it an innate
> issue with perceived geekiness?  Or something specific to this list
> (or User Group) that keeps them distant?  Or do we need to perform
> some specific tasks or activities that would get more women
> interested?

Well, I can't claim to have the answers myself- I too am exploring, and
not "accusing"...And though I can't describe myself as a geek by any
stretch, but yes, I do think it is larger than being limited to this
specific list. (Lists like linuxchix and grlls-only also mention these
things- almost the reason for their existence...) But yes, I have been
on this list for a few months, and have not heard anyone actually
mention it as a loss- the fact that there are no 'active' women on the
list. So I want to know if you guys have ever at any point felt the need
for a gender equitable representation on the list? If yes, what steps
have you taken to find out the reasons- and try to make it convenient
and comfortable for women? 
I can say what makes me uncomfortable about posting on this list- 
(i) nobody seems to find anything wrong in a list like this (and is it
true for the LUG also? I have not been around long enough) running
without active women participants. Just the all-male comfort makes women

(ii) frankly, very often the language is initmidating and 'male'. Like i
said, I am not a geek, but yes, I am interested in GNU/Linux. 

I have no technical background, but I happen to be doing the System
Administration for my workplace- works entirely off GNU/Linux- small
network of 13 terminals- LTSP, Red Hat. We don't have a "techie" in
house- I have been doing the troubleshooting for sometime now, with
off-site help from our consultant. I have found no problems with his
language (and couple of other people I know who are into GNU/Linux).
Obviously, someone in my situation could use all the help and support
from a list like this, if only they felt comfortable posting...
With the ILUG-D list, it makes me feel like I have wandered into an old
boys' gang...

What is 'male' about the language and atmosphere?- I think you will have
to find out for yourselves- perhaps talking to 'geeky' women you know
who have been/are on the list?

On the other hand, if you all think its fine as it has been, it can
continue as it is


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Re: [ilugd] D00d3tt3z on ILUG-d?

2005-08-18 Thread hassath

On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 08:16, Viksit Gaur wrote:
> Hullo,
> I was wondering, in reference to Raj's commment..
> > 
> > Hi D00dz and D00d3tt3z,
> > 
> How many dood3tt3z are actually on this list? :)
> Cheers,
> Viksit
> --
> Viksit Gaur   

Take it further and ask- if there are few women, why is it so? And if
there are a substantial number, why they don't post. And the answer is
NOT that there are not enough bright women  interested in GNU/Linux.
This is too serious a question to be mentioned as an aside...

And yes, in case you are 'wondering', I am a woman, and obviously, I am
on this list :-)...


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