Fwd: Why does lyx add: '\noindent' when generating my .tex file

2019-11-16 Thread Ralph Boland
-- Forwarded message -
From: Jürgen Spitzmüller 
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2019 at 00:15
Subject: Re: Why does lyx add: '\noindent' when generating my .tex file

> Am Freitag, den 15.11.2019, 17:09 -0700 schrieb Ralph Boland:
> > Alas, I do not know why Lyx added the  '\noindent' code.  I did not
> > tell it to do so and so
> > now I (foolishly?) assume I have found a Lyx bug!

> I don't know how it cae there, but the solution is: go to the two
> respective lines ((a) if c = d then \,\,return B), open the paragraph
> settings dialog, and check "Indent Paragraph".

> Jürgen

Thanks Jurgen,  your help has added to my insight into the problem.
Unfortunately it hasn't solved the problem.

The lines (paragraphs) in question,
in fact I think every line in the document of my Lyx file,
have the "Indent Paragraph"  box checked.

So I repeat:  is this a Lyx bug?   Is there anything I can do so that
the "\noindent"
code is not added by Lyx to the .tex file?

Thanks for any help received.

Ralph Boland
lyx-users mailing list

Why does lyx add: '\noindent' when generating my .tex file

2019-11-15 Thread Ralph Boland
I am using Debian 10  and Lyx  2.3.2.
In my thesis (2002) I used the algolyx package and it worked fine in 2002.
But I have been updating my thesis to fix a few things (a bad idea i
know) and in the updated
version most of my algorithms printed properly but a few failed for
reasons I do not
understand.  I seems like a Lyx or Latex error due to using upgraded
Lyx/Latex software
since I haven't changed the lyx code or latex code (not necessarily
true of course but not the issue here anyway).

Rather than track this issue down I decided to use the enumitem
package and rewrite the
algorithms that  Lyx/Latex could no longer handle.

Unfortunately, this also failed because of what appeared to be a bug
in the enumitem package.
So I emailed the enumitem package maintainer with a sample piece of
latex code generated by Lyx demonstrating the bug.  (Lesson learned:
Do not use Lyx to generate latex code demonstrating a bug in Latex.)

Anyway the maintainer determined that there was a '\noindent'  in the
latex code that
shouldn't be there and removing it solved the problem.  So the problem is not a
enumitem package bug!

Alas, I do not know why Lyx added the  '\noindent' code.  I did not
tell it to do so and so
now I (foolishly?) assume I have found a Lyx bug!

Can anyone tell me if this is a Lyx bug and if not then how do I get
Lyx to not add the
'offending \noindent' code?
I have attached the problematic Lyx file and the pdflatex tex file
generated from it containing
the 'noindent' code.

While I'm here i'd like to point out that when I run Lyx on this file
(and most other Lyx files)
I get the message:
   'step: Counter does not exist: enum'  many times.
If anyone can shed light on why I get this message that would me most helpful.

Thanks for any help received.

Ralph Boland  rpbol...@gmail.com

Description: application/lyx
%% LyX 2.3.2 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.


%% User specified LaTeX commands.


\title{Enumitem Package itemindent Bug}

First the algnum list:
\item If a then b
\item \textbf{\emph{do~}}
\item \noindent \textbf{if} \emph{c = d }\textbf{then} $\,\,$return B.
\item does this line also add a \textbackslash noindent? 
\item \textbf{\emph{done}}
\item junk
\item deeper junk
\item crazy deep
\item junk
End of algnum list.


Second the algnum2 list:
\item If a then b
\item \textbf{\emph{do}}
\item \noindent \textbf{if} \emph{c = d }\textbf{then} $\,\,$return B
\item \textbf{\emph{done}}
\item junk
\item deeper junk
\item crazy deep
\item junk
End of algnum2 list
\item [{~}]~
\item [{~}]~
\item [{~}]~
\item [{Bug~1}] indentation level 3 ignores the setting on how much to
indent. Note that the algnum list and algnum2 list are the same except
for differing in the amount of level 3 indentation. Yet the pdf shows
the same amount of indentation. In my document where I discovered
this bug I need level 3 indentation (and also 1 and 2) to work.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: mapping function key to second index entry function

2019-09-11 Thread Ralph Boland
"index-insert not".  worked.
I set the function key to F10.
Now when I type  F10 key I get an entry for the Notation-Index.



On Tue, 10 Sep 2019 at 21:08, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 9/10/19 2:29 PM, Ralph Boland wrote:
> > Wish List Note: while I want my  F12  key mapping to apply to all my Lyx
> > documents (which is what happens), I wanted  F10  to be specific to
> > this document.
> > It would be nice if I could create my own .bind file and in my document 
> > settings
> > (or somewhere) be able to select for my own .bind file to be used.
> > If this functionality exists somewhere in Lyx I couldn't find it.
> Paul's comments on this are all correct. I'll just add that there's no
> possibility of per-document bind files.
> Riki

-- After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science
and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity, and form. The
greatest scientists are artists as well. - Albert Einstein, 1923

mapping function key to second index entry function

2019-09-10 Thread Ralph Boland
I am using Lyx 2.3.2  on Debian 10.
Apologies if my difficulties do  not occur on Lyx 2.3.3.

In my Lyx document I have two Indexes.
For each I want a short-cut key for adding entries to each Index.
For the standard Index I successfully mapped F12 to insert-index.

However, Haven't been able to map  F10 to my "Notation" index.

The LFuns file entry for index-insert is:

Action  Inserts Index entry.
Notion  It automatically takes the word on the cursor position.
Syntax index-insert []
Params: name of the index,  if multiple indices are defined.
   With an empty argument, the default index is selected.
Origin   leeming, 3 Aug 2000

Reading the documentation I could not figure out what  [] meant.
I tried:
index-insert  Notation
index-insert  Notation:Notation "this is
the attempt I expected to work"

All three were accepted but when I type  F10  I get:
 Idx (unknown type!)

What have I done wrong?

Wish List Note: while I want my  F12  key mapping to apply to all my Lyx
documents (which is what happens), I wanted  F10  to be specific to
this document.
It would be nice if I could create my own .bind file and in my document settings
(or somewhere) be able to select for my own .bind file to be used.
If this functionality exists somewhere
in Lyx I couldn't find it.

Thanks for you interest in my post.

Ralph Boland

\usepackage{makeidx} run twice for amsbook. Generates Error.

2019-09-02 Thread Ralph Boland
I get an error when I try to create a Lyx document with an index
using amsbook document class.  Searching the problem on the internet
I found out that for  amsbook and other ams document classes the
\usepackage(makeidx) line is unnecessary and generates an error
if added to your tex document.

I tested this by generating the .tex file from my .lyx file (using
Latex (pdflatex))
and then commenting out the line in the .tex file:


With this line commented out the problem goes away.

The problem is of course that Lyx adds this line to the .tex file
if I create an index.  So I cannot prevent this from occurring.

I am using Lyx 2.3.2  and Debian 10 OS.

Is this fixed in Lyx 2.3.3?

Ralph Boland

Re: Offer... for technical writing

2010-04-04 Thread Ralph Boland
>   Dear all: I am a journalist and writer, and a heavy user of Lyx.
>   Please let me know if you need any help (volunteering, without fee) to
>   help write or edit Lyx help files for users. I am not a techie, but
>   understand the software ... with guidance I could do it. My English
>   skills are near-native speaker level. FN

I don't know what your first language is but if there is not already
a version of the Lyx documentation in your language then translating
the documentation into that language would be a great help both to
Lyx and to those who speak your language.

You could also work on translating the English phrases of Lyx itself
into your language.  Perhaps some Lyx developer would help you
with this remotely.

If that is not enough work for you, your help with the English Lyx
documentation is of course welcome.

Ralph Boland

Had a wife and kids in Florida, Jack (Nicklaus)
Went out for a "ride" but I couldn't get back
As a ten timer being hunted down
When the wife found out who I was knowing (biblically speaking)
I hit a hydrant and I just kept going (till I hit a tree).

Re: How many use Linux:

2009-09-11 Thread Ralph Boland
> I've always assumed that fraction was about 4/5 but never examined that
> assumption. Does anyone know the percentages of LyX users on:
> Linux
> Windows
> Mac
> Other
> Just to start the ball rolling, I've always used LyX on Linux (since 2001) and
> am currently using it on Ubuntu 9.0.4.

I've used Lyx on Linux since 1999.  Wrote a thesis, a few papers, and numerous
resumes and cover letters.

Ralph Boland

When a woman becomes sexually aroused the necessary blood flows from her heart.
When a man becomes sexually aroused, the necessary blood is removed
from his brain.

problem recognizing floats

2009-07-28 Thread Ralph Boland
I am using Linux (Ubuntu 9.02) and the version of Lyx that comes with it, namely
Lyx 1.6.2.
Except for resumes and letters I haven't used Lyx much since about 2003.
I am now trying to revive a couple of papers I wrote in Lyx  in 2002.
I have not modified the Lyx files from 2002.
But I am having problems with floats.  I assume the  problem is something
trivial that I have missed relating to a change to Lyx (or Linux or Latex)
since 2002.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Ralph Boland

Appended  is the first few lines of the Tex file generated by Lyx.

The problem is with the lines:


Each of these lines generates an error when I do a  ctrl-T in Lyx
to view the document in pdf or run  latex on the .tex file
the command line.  (I generated the .tex file by  doing a export
to pdflatex.)

For example  the first line generates the error in Lyx:

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Similarly the second line generates the error in Lyx:

The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

I tried adding the line:
in the Lyx preamble but it didn't help.

I tried directly inserting it into the .tex file above the offending lines
but that didn't help either.

The output from the " latex file.tex"  command is as follows:

latex srch55.tex
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
 %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel  and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, arabic, farsi, croatian, ukrainian, russian, bulgarian, czech, slov
ak, danish, dutch, finnish, basque, french, german, ngerman, ibycus, greek, mon
ogreek, ancientgreek, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, norsk, icelandic, i
nterlingua, turkish, coptic, romanian, welsh, serbian, slovenian, estonian, esp
eranto, uppersorbian, indonesian, polish, portuguese, spanish, catalan, galicia
n, swedish, ukenglish, loaded.
Document Class: thesisChapter 2000/05/15 Ralph Boland thesis class
Document Class: amsbook 2004/08/06 v2.20
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
Package: `setspace' 6.7 <2000/12/01>
! Undefined control sequence.
l.19 \floatstyle

Here is the start of the file.tex file generated by Lyx:

%% LyX 1.6.2 created this file.  For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.
%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.

%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% A simple dot to overcome graphicx limitations


%% Textclass specific LaTe

Re: discussion in lyx, or lyx for wikis

2009-02-14 Thread Ralph Boland
> > I'm teaching a math class where the students use lyx to write down their
> ideas and proofs, and it would be nice to > have a way to use lyx to post to
> a discussion or write in a wiki.

> This will be hard, because every Wiki has its own syntax. But for
MediaWiki, the engine that is used by the Wikipedia > and other Wikis, you
can highlight formula part in LyX and copy/paste them to the Wiki. This is
possible, because
> MediaWiki uses LaTeX for typesetting formulas.
> For more special applications, I would have a look of you find some
solution where you can use LaTeX. Then you
> can simply copy/paste things from LyX's LateX output.

> regards Uwe

I would like to see a wiki that uses Lyx as its editor.
Editing in Lyx is afterall, pretty simple for the most part.
Of course such a wiki would be limited to those who have Lyx
unless the wiki also supports simple text editing of simple text
submissions. I have not thought through what changes to Lyx
would be needed to support this.
Perhaps we could have a wiki for Lyx that works this way!?
I'd be willing to make a wiki for my open source project
that works this way, once it  is ready for release, but alas,
at the current rate of progress, that will be years from now.

Ralph Boland

problems converting from eps to pdf

2008-10-06 Thread Ralph Boland
I am running lyx 1.5.3 on ubuntu 08 10  (hardy).
I just added a eps file to a lyx document.
Now I cannot generate a pdf file.
I am told by lyx that I need to add a converter for this in the preferences
I found out that if I install livetex-extra-utils I will get a command:

I did this and the command was installed.
I then added converters
epstopdf $$i  (EPS -->PDF (dvipdfm)
epstopdf $$i  (EPS -> PDF (pdflatex)
epstopdf $$i  (EPS -> PDF (ps2pdf)

(I didn't know which of these I needed).

This didn't work however because the command

 "convert"was not found.

I could not find any references to this command on ubuntu.

Can anyone tell me how to install the "convert" command on ubuntu?

 If I am doing anything else wrong fell free to point that out as well.


Ralph Boland

description in curriculum vitae

2007-11-22 Thread Ralph Boland
Is there a way to add the description paragraph style to the curriculum
document class?
Alternatively is there an alternative to this class that I can use that
contain the description paragraph style.

I am using lyx 1.4.2  on a ubuntu system.
Will upgrading my version of lyx help?


Ralph Boland

change tracking feature extension request.

2004-04-20 Thread Ralph Boland
As a lyx user I am forever thankful (and forever expecting more)
for the work of lyx developers.
I read on the internet that  lyx 1.4 supports change tracking.
I will be glad to use this feature once lyx 1.4 is released
but I already want more.
I am developing a parser generator tool and when I release it the
documentation will be in Lyx.
I would like for users who find errors in the documentation
to be able to send me files pointing out these errors. 
Change tracking will allow a way of doing this. 
Users   can simply send me a copy of the documentation  containing
the proposed changes that they added using the change tracking facility.

But a number of problems immediately come to mind.

1)  I don't want users to send me a complete file   
(say the size of the lyx user's guide)
   just to point out a few minor mistakes.
   They could instead send me a diff file
   of the two verions of the documentations and I could then
   reconstruct their verion of the documentation from from
   my copy of the original lyx document and the diff file.

  This all sounds quite complicated.
   Instead, lyx could have a command 
  which creates this diff file (say doc.lyx.diff) or (preferably)
  some other file containing the necessary information.
  The user then sends me the file doc.lyx.diff. I then run lyx
  on my copy of the docuumentation and from lyx run the command
   "installDiffFile:  doc.lyx.diff"
  which morphs my copy of the documention to
   the users version  containing his/her comments.
   I then run the change tracking facility features to update  the 
   I think that this would be nice feature but it has problems of  its 

2)If the above feature is implemented then there is a problem.  
  If two users send me change files to
 update my documentation then once I update the documentation
 based on one of the files, the other file will not match
 correctly with the updated version of the document since
 it was created based on the older original version of
 the documentation.
 Thus the  "installDiffFile:"  command needs
 to be able to load multiple (possibly a large number) of
 doc.lyx.diff.num  files at one time and
 the change tracking facility of  lyx needs to support processing
 them all at one time.

With this feature when the document is released
it would have embedded in it a date stamp.
Once that date is reached copies of the document would not
allow change tracking to be used (with some kind of
override facility of course).
Also, once that date is reached I would run
lyx on the document and all the doc.lyx.diff.num files I have
 received and update the documentation accordingly.
 I would then release the new version of the documentation
 with a new embedded date stamp.
Note that this implies documentation releases,
much more often then say the sofware releases.
I believe this mechanism will result in much more rapid 
development of user documentation.
It should result in documentation that is very clean in terms 
of typos (but of course doesn't guaranttee quality documention).
Since the documentation for Lyx is in Lyx, the first
benifitiary of this feature could be Lyx itself.

Comments welcome.

Ralph Boland

lyx and fig2eps

2004-04-07 Thread Ralph Boland
I frequently use figures with mathematics and use  xfig for this using
the combined ps/latex  format in  xfig.
This works well, but I would like the capability of using macros within 

I recently discoverd  fig2eps  (a script on top of fig2dev) which allows 
me to use macros in
an xfig file.  This program has the added advantage of outputting an 
.eps file which can then
(as far as I know) be used like any other .eps file loaded into  a lyx file.
In order to use a macro it must be defined in a file called 
macros.tex.   On my system this
file behaves oddly but I won't go into that here.

While I like the fig2eps script I would prefer that I not need a 
macros.tex file but that
instead Lyx somehow made all latex macros defined in a given  .lyx file 
as if they were defined in the macros.tex file.

 The simple way to do this would be some kind of script that a lyx user 
can use
that extracts all the macros in the lyx file and placed them in the 
macros.tex file. 
This is a crude and problematic solution for sure but it's a start.
Preferable would be some method that was invisible or nearly invisible 
to the user.

By the way,  is there any kind of mailing list or user group for  xfig?
I have not found one.
Ralph Boland

trouble finding xforms/ build lyx on slackware 9.0

2004-01-02 Thread Ralph Boland
I have abandoned trying to get Lyx to run with qt on Slackware 9.0
(after much fustration)
and am now trying to get Lyx to run under Slackware 9.0 with xForms 
However I cannot find a copy of xforms 1.0 source anywhere.
The following three locations


(the ftp.lyx.org/pub directory does not seem so have an xforms 

listed in the Lyx source INSTALL  file are all dead ends as
are all the links I could find using google.
Most of the links to xforms that I found end up saying to go to:

which leads to an URL not found message.

Please do not hesitate to point that I am being really dumb
here, but please point me to an  Xforms 1.0 source that
I can download.
If anyone has gotten lyx to run on slackware 9.0 feel free to put salt 
on my wounds by pointing out your
success; and while your at it tell me how you did it.


Ralph Boland

problems buillding lyx on slackware 9.0

2003-12-30 Thread Ralph Boland
I am attempting to install lyx on a IBM thinkpad running
slackware 9.0 linux.  (This is the computer given to my to use by Acadia 
I don't think I am allowed to install say redhat (I was able to install 
lyx on
my home computer which runs redhat.  Also a few things on slactware 9.0 were
removed to make space to be able to also boot windows :-( ).

I was able to configure sucessfully using the --with-frontend=qt 
setting.   (as root)
(I am building lyx from  ~rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3.)
I as able to do a make (compile)  sucessfully. (as root)

I then ran src/lyx as rboland sucessfully except that  in math mode 
symbols are not displayed properly.  They do print properly though.
In redhat I had to install a fonts file which was a .rpm file to get 
this to work.

How do I get this file and install it using slackware 9.0?

Note that when I ran the command:

 ldd `which lyx` | grep fontconfig

I get the message:
   libfontconfig.so.1 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.so.1 (0x40b05000)

Upon exiting lyx I get the message:

  "Mutex destroy failure:  Device or resource busy."

I am at a loss as to what this message means.

I then attempted a make install. 
Mostly it seems to work but at the end I get


test -f xfonts/fonts.dir || exit 0 ; \
/bin/sh ../config/mkinstalldirs /usr/local/share/lyx/xfonts ; \
files=`sed -e 's/^[0-9]*$//' -e 's/^\([^ ]*\) .*$/\1/' xfonts/fonts.dir` ; \
for i in ${files} ; do \
 ln -f -s `kpsewhich $i` /usr/local/share/lyx/xfonts/$i ; \
done ; \
/usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 xfonts/fonts.dir 
/usr/local/share/lyx/xfonts/fonts.dir ; \
/usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 xfonts/fonts.scale 
test -f xfonts/PSres.upr && /usr/bin/ginstall -c -m 644 xfonts/PSres.upr 
make[3]: *** [install-xfonts] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3/lib'
make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3/lib'
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3/lib'

Obviously, part of the problem here relates to my need to install some 
font, presumedly
the same font I installed on redhat.  I am assuming (with some lack of 
that installing this font will remove all these problems.

I then attempted to run lyx (as rboland). 
I get the following messages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3$ LyX Warning! Couldn't determine s
ystem directory. Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or set the e
nvironment variable LYX_DIR_13x to the LyX system directory containing
the file `chkconfig.ltx'.
Using built-in default /usr/local/share/lyx but expect problems.
LyX: reconfiguring user directory
configure: error: cannot find chkconfig.ltx script
LyX: Done!
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to find icon `'
Unable to open character set file
Error: Textclass 'article' is missing a defaultstyle.
Error reading `'
(Check `article')
Check your installation and try Options/Reconfigure...
Operator[] called with empty n
We failed to find the layout '' in the layout list. You MUST 
investiga  te!

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting 
inst  ructions in Help->Introduction and send us 
a bug report, if necessary.   Thanks !

I then ran locate chkconfig.ltx from / .   (after rebuilding the locate 
It was found only in ~rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3/lib/chkconfig.ltx.
This suggests to me that  chkconfig.ltx was supposed to be installed 
but wasn't.

I next ran:

lyx  -sysdir=/home/rboland/Lyx/lyx-1.3.3/lib

This ran sucessfully except for the problems I had before.
That is:
1)  mathematical symbols such as \alpha, \gamma fail to display and 
instead  alpha and gamma are
displayed on the screen.  The proper symbols are displayed when printing.
2)  on exit I get the message:
  "Mutex destroy failure:  Device or resource busy."

I would appreciate any help in getting this install to work
as I will be using Lyx to create all my course materials
and papers this semester.
I am particularly interested in having the installation of Lyx
on the laptop  be as simple as possible so that the students
in the courses that I am teaching are able to install lyx on their
laptops (which are mostly running the exact same software).
If I could build an automatically installing package
that I could give them to run that would be great
but I am not sure what is involved with doing this.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ralph Boland


Re: lyx compatibility

2002-05-31 Thread Ralph Boland

Yvonne Becherini wrote:

> Hallo,
> I have written a very large book with lyx and wanted now to upgrade to
> the new version of the program.
> Can you ensure me that my document will not have any problem with the new
> version of lyx?
> Many times, when I did the upgrade, I got a lot of errors which I didn't
> have w1ith the old version, and (strange thing) I got some pieces of text
> and pieces of math equations disappeared.
> Thanks,
> Yvonne

Why don't you generate the latex files corresponding to your lyx document
for both versions of  lyx and then do a diff on the latex files.
Even though the lyx files may be different the latex files should not be.
You should then be able to track down any difficulties and fix them
in the new document.

Note I only think this will work;  I haven't actually tried it.

Also, there could be some minor changes in the preamble
including a comment on the version of lyx being used.

Hope this helps.

Ralph Boland

Re: scaling EPS how?

2001-11-06 Thread Ralph Boland

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Nov 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >the LyX pages and I need to somehow scale
> >them into the pages properly. (I have heard
> Can't you just double-click an image in LyX and tell
> LyX how to scale it? There are many options for scaling.
> --
> | Tuukka Toivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   [PGP public key
> | Homepage: http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/   available]
> | Try also finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> | Studying information engineering at the University of Oulu
> +---

You can scale an eps figure in  Lyx as described above.

Unfortunately you cannot scale relative to the size of the original figure
but must scale relative to page size.  Thus you must use your judgement
if relative dimensions are to be maintained.

Ralph Boland

flexible color change

2001-09-12 Thread Ralph Boland

  I am using foiltex to create some slides.

  I want to create two versions of my slides.  I want to create a fake color,
  say  pink,  that is not a foiltex color.
  In one version of my slides the pink text  is white.  (the slide version)
  In the other version the pink text is another color (say green).
  (the paper version).  This would allow me to print out a paper
  version of my slides containing information that I can see but
  is not on the slides without having to maintain two documents.

  I want to define a macro or something like that so
  that by modifying the macro I can set whether or not
  the "pink" text is green or white.

  Note: I have tried using prosper but have had numberous problems.
  Is there documenation on proper installation of prosper;
  what software and versions of software are needed etc?


  Ralph Boland

Bold Cell Entries in Tables/Very Simple Document Styles?

2001-09-05 Thread Ralph Boland

> ...

Opps.  OK.

> choose standard as paragraph layout for the table! if you
> want the table printed in bold characters write in ert:
> \textbf{ .. your table here ... }
> Herbert
> --
> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/

Actually I only want certain entries in the table to be bold.

However, if I try setting the characters in a table cell to bold using:



ert:  \textbf{entry}

I  do not get the affects I expect.

Is there a way to make a single cell entry of a table bold?


Ralph Boland

Note that I need this for creating a single page document
which has no standard format.  Thus I really want lyx/latex
to do a lot less formatting than usual and allow me to place
things pretty much where I want.  (Easy to do in MS Word)

Is there a latex or lyx document style that allows me to do this
and yet provides features such as math mode and tables?

Thanks again

Ralph Boland

using if/then/else with sections of text (was Re: bilingual documents ?)

2001-06-28 Thread Ralph Boland

Herbert Voss wrote:

> Olivier Tubach wrote:
> >
> > is it possible to have in a lyx document :
> >
> > some english text
> > the french translation
> >
> > other chapter
> >
> > some english text
> > the french translation
> >
> > and export only the english version (or the french version) ?
> have a look at
> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/IfThen/ifthen.html#ifthen
> it's a similiar situation
> Herbert
> --
> http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/

It is great that latex has support for this capability.
However I consider this capability sufficiently useful
that it would be good if lyx were to support  it in a nice
GUI kind of way.

In my case I have to deal with proceeding and electronic versions
of papers or paper vs chapters of my thesis etc.  Rather than
have multiple copies of these documents and then
have to update them all when I make a change I would like
to store them all into one lyx document.  Herbert's solution
allows me to do this but requires that I use a lot of ERT
(evil red text) and abandon much of the advantage of
using lyx over latex.

Of interest, I also have to send versions of my papers to
my supervisor or to co-authors.

It would be very useful to be able to insert comments in the
middle of a paragraph.  e.g.  (break sentence in two)
   (give reference)

I guess margin comments are supposed to provide this
facility.  However I would like:
  1)  The comment marker to be more visible.
 Like the bright yellow and large box of the Note marker.
  2)  The ability to have the comment appear in
the text rather than have to open up the marker
(like math equations).
This ability needs to controllable on an individual
 comment basis and on a global basis.
  3)  The ability to "go to prev/next comment".  Thus if someone
has marked up my paper with comments I would like to
be able to go through them one at a time.  I would want
to be able to program a key to do this.
  4)   I personally wouldn't want them printed as happens with
margin comments.  Personal tastes may vary here.
I suppose this could be controllable too.
   5)  Note that a Note comment cannot be used here because
 it doesn't allow math equations etc. to be placed in them.

When I teach (my first) university course this fall I may
get my students to do their assignments in lyx.
Then I or my teaching assistants could place our comments directly
into the assignment and send the marked versions back.

It would also be a great tool if conferences/journals would accept lyx files and
have referees return commented lyx files to the authors.  Don't hold your
breath on this one though.

Sorry that I can't volunteer to actually implement any of these features.


Ralph Boland

Bold math problems / slide headaches

2001-06-10 Thread Ralph Boland

Dekel Tsur wrote:

> On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:36:12AM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 22 May 2001, Ulrich [iso-8859-1] Günther wrote:
> >
> > > How do I get mathbf in lyx?
> >
> > http://www.educat.hu-berlin.de/~voss/lyx/mathmode.html#boldmath
> LyX has build-in support for \mathbf:
> Just press M-c b (or Ctrl+b) and type your text.
> Press M-c b (or Ctrl+b) again to return to normal mode.
> If you need bold greek letlets, use the bm package
> (\usepackage{bm} in the preamble, and \bm{...} in the formula).

I am creating a presentation using lyx/foiltex and to make my text
clearer I like to put the text in bold.  However, putting the math
in bold as proposed above leads to a number of problems.

1)  Ctrl-bXCtrl-b  is not the same as  \bm{X}
  In general I want the latter since it looks like a bold math X while
  the former looks like a bold X but the latter  is more diffficlt to type.

2)  I cannot select a math equation and type  Ctrl-b  to make it bold.
 This works or course for most things such as  delete or color red.


Tex and thus lyx are designed to handle the formatting for you which
for the most part is great.
However for slides you need a lot of control over formatting.
In particular you need to know if some text will require an extra
line or an extra slide.  If an extra slide is needed I may
rewrite my text or shrink a figure to make it fit.

This is probably a situation that lyx simply cannot handle well
since it is based on tex which is not designed for slide presentations
Nevertheless a few things might help.

If I could automatically (by say a flag) open my lyx window at the
size indicated by my page size parameters I would have a better
idea what fits on a page.  Admittedly this would be unreliable but
it would nevertheless help.

Some kind of control so that each slide could have its own page
size parameters.  For pages with less data it would be convienient
to shrink the page size.  Alternatively there would need to be some
kind of center page command that worked like center paragraph.

These sound more like latex/foiltex issues than lyx issues and I don't
expect solutions anytime soon.  But I thought I'd let you
know of some of the problems.


Ralph Boland

subscripted text in math equations.

2001-05-31 Thread Ralph Boland

In my thesis I sometimes write things such as  y

ajour.cls / ajour.layout files

2001-05-27 Thread Ralph Boland

I am looking into submitting an article to the "Journal of Algorithms  which prefers 
its submissions use  the class file  "ajour.cls" which can be downloaded from
"Academic Press" and which is used  by  dozens of journals.

Is there a  "ajour.layout" file to use with this class?

If not then I will probably create one.  If I do I would like to release it to
the lyx community. Since I have only created one .layout file before
(cccg.layout for the Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry 2000)
I expect that my  ajour.layout file would probably not be as clean as it should

Could anyone volunteer to clean up my file before I release it?

If there are reasons why I should not try to create
such a file I would like to hear them.
I don't want to spend time on this unless it is
a good idea.

Hope you can help me and if not I hope I can help you.

Ralph Boland

Bug. How to report a bug

2001-03-19 Thread Ralph Boland

I thought there was a mechanism for reporting bugs but I couldn't find
it  at   www.lyx.org.

Perhaps a description of how to report a bug should be easier to find
(or perhaps I am just to dumb to find it).

Anyway, here is my bug.
In lyx 1.1.5 I used a mapped  a key so that when I typed it
the next chacter was a greek math symbol.   For example I could  type
"if 'greek-alpha'  then
as  "if 'special-key'a  then".  This doesn't work as well anymore now
that I am using 1.1.6-fix1.
If  I try the same expression now then after I type  "'special-key'a"
the cursor is placed before (not after where I think it should be) the
'greek-alpha' symbol.  Thus before I can continue typing I must advance
cursor from before the 'alpha-symbol' to after the 'alpha-symbol'.  I do
this kind of typing often.

Thanks,  especially if this bug has already been reported.

Ralph Boland

problems with algoithm floats.

2000-08-04 Thread Ralph Boland

I used to have algorithm floats working
but not anymore.

I recently upgraded to lyx-1.1.5fix1 
from lyx 1.0.4 but since lyx 1.0.4 no
longer works with algorithm floats either
I assume the problem is not related
to the upgrade.

One possible difficulty is that I may have changed
some of the latex files in my ~src/texinputs file
and alas I cannot backup to the original state.
In particular the file floatflt.sty may have 
changed though I don't see why that would matter.

I have tried many combinations of having floatflt.sty
and algorithm.sty in and out of ~/src/texinputs  and
included and not included in the latex preamble.

As I understand things these changes wouldn't make a difference
and my experiments seem to indicate that they don't.

But what does matter?  What have I changed to break
algorithm floats.

Included is a directory of files showing a simple example.
It was run using lyx-1.1.5fix1.  The same thing happens 
if I use 1.0.4  even though lyx-1.0.4 used to work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Ralph Boland


pdf output

2000-08-03 Thread Ralph Boland

I need to generate some pdf files
from the lyx documents I created using
foilTex.  (lots of eps files)
I noticed several pdf-ish things
settable in the lyxrc file so I thought I
could get lyx to generate pdf output, both to
the screen and to files.

These settings include:
  \pdf_mode true
  \custom_export_format pdf 
  \pdflatex_command "pdflatex"
  \view_pdf_command  "acroread"

However, setting these values in my lyxrc file
didn't seem to have any affect. 
(I quit and reentered lyx.)
I perused the lyx documentation and then
checked the lyx commands listed in the bindings
files looking for commands related to this but
found little.

So I perused the archives and found
more than enough information to confuse me.
Yet none of the posting I checked in the
archives referenced these settings.
They do imply that I cannot convert lyx documents
to pdf files directly from lyx except perhaps 
through a custom export command.


The archives have several useful comments on how
to convert my foilTex lyx documents to pdf files
which I will now try. Any final advice welcome.

I am using lyx-1.1.5fix1


Ralph Boland

Re: foilTex and figure floats

2000-08-01 Thread Ralph Boland

Herbert Voss wrote:
> Ralph Boland wrote:
> >
> > I am using foilTex to create a slide presentation.
> > Some of my figures contain latex code so I want to
> > My problem is that I don't want the word
> > "Figure" to show up and sometimes
> >  not the caption either.
> i never used foiltex, so i'm not sure if i understand
> all well:
> do you mean the same caption like the one in
> book or article class?
> if yes, you can define \renewcommand\figurename{}
This works in that "Figure" disappears.  However I also 
wanted to get rid of the numbering.  Sorry I should have
said that the first time.  Note that sometimes I do this
within a figure float (when I use PS/LaTex combined format)
> > 1)  I would like to color my page numbers (a light color)
> > so I can
> > make them less obvious but I don't know how.
> use package color and define your own color:
> \definecolor{myColor}{rgb}{0.9,0.9,0.9}%   rgb color model
> \textcolor{myColor}{...the text ...}

I think this would work if I could set \pagestyle{myheadings}
but the foiltex document class doesn't seem to allow it.
> > Also, Is there a way to tuck
> > the page numbers into a corner?
> with fancyhdr
> \fancyfoot[RE,LO]{\thepage}
> RE: right-even pages
> LO: left-odd pages
> and in lyx layout->document->pageformat->fancy
> Herbert

The foilTex document class lets me set pageformat to fancy
in the layout document menu.  Alas it still prints the
page in the center of the footer after I try the command
you suggest.  In fact it then prints the page number two
or three times.

For now I think I will just have to live 
with the page number printed
in the center of the footer in black.

Perhaps there's a way to change the size of the page number?

thanks for you help.  

When I have time I'll figure out a way to do this and let
you know hows it can be done.

foilTex and figure floats

2000-07-28 Thread Ralph Boland

I am using foilTex to create a slide presentation.
Some of my figures contain latex code so I want to
use the combined PS/LaTex method of creating the
figure.  (for this I do not use foilTex but
create a different document for these figures.

My problem is that I don't want the word  
"Figure" to show up and sometimes 
 not the caption either.

One possibility would be to make it white but I 
don't know how to do this for the word "Figure"
and in any case it
would take up space that I might want for my

Any suggestions?

Other problems with foilTex.

1)  I would like to color my page numbers (a light color)
so I can 
make them less obvious but I don't know how.
Also, Is there a way to tuck
the page numbers into a corner?
I tried using fancyheaders but I guess I didn't do
it right because I couldn't get page numbers to go
to the corner.

2)  I get crashes galore when I use foilTex, often
with orphan windows.  Part of the problem is a 
lack of resources on the machine I am using but
lyx handles the difficulties ungracefully.
Note that in article or book classes I can create
30 page documents but in foilTex 6 pages appears
to be about it so I have to split my file. 
I assume this is because there are
so many figures.

lyx buggy when resouces scarce

2000-07-26 Thread Ralph Boland

I searched the lyx home page but couldn't find
any information on how to report errors so I
 am reporting my bugs here.
advice on where/how to report errors appreciated.

I am running lyx on solaris and unfortunately
I have limited resources available.
Thus crashes are fairly common because I 
run out of memory.
This often happens when I run lyx and xfig concurrently.

This now happens more often since I upgraded
from 1.0.4 to 1.1.5.  

This occurs especially often when I work with foilTex
documents.  Actually I switched to working on
foilTex documents at the same time I switched to lyx-1.1.5
so possibly the problem is mainly with foilTex documents.

If this were not bad enough.  Lyx now crashes
in ugly ways.  

Often it will crash and leave the lyx window open.
I then cannot remove the window.
Often when this happens I cannot restart lyx without
crashing immediately.  I then have to logout and
then login again.

I may have to go back to using lyx version 1.0.4.

Note that lyx 1.0.4 often dropped cores and occasionally
kicked me off the system.  But lyx 1.1.5 is becoming 
difficult to use at all.

Note that I run  lyx on one sun machine remotely from another.
This is because the machine I am on has limited resources.
The remote machine has plenty of resources so it suprizes 
me that I have so much difficulty.


Ralph Boland

p.s.  I can send you core dumps (lots) if you want.

latex,math set_color

2000-07-26 Thread Ralph Boland

I am running lyx-1.1.5 on solaris.

I get the following error messages:

  LyX: Unknown X11 color DarkRed for latex
   Using black instead, sorry!.
  LyX: Unknown X11 color DarkBlue for math
   Using black instead, sorry!.

I tried'set_color "latex" "red"'
and'set_color "math"  "blue"'

and got the following error messages:

 LyX: Unknown tah `\set_color' [around line 39 of file
 LyX: Unknown tag `\set_color' [around line 40 of file

I also tried setting footnote red and got the same error.

Any suggestioons as to how I can fix this.


Ralph Boland

Re: math-delimiters

2000-07-13 Thread Ralph Boland

Martijn Brouwer wrote:
> Is there an easy way to insert math-delimiters with the keyboard?
> __
> Martijn Brouwer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try putting the following in your lyxrc file.

# These do pairs of: () {} [] <> ||

\bind "M-9" "math-delim ( )"
\bind "M-bracketright"  "math-delim [ ]"
\bind "M-bracketleft"   "math-delim { }"
\bind "C-period""math-insert dots"
\bind "C-comma" "math-delim langle rangle"
\bind "M-slash" "math-delim | |"

I give you the following word of warning.  These are very 
convienient to use.  However math-delim tends to use
sizes of delimiters that are too large when used in text mode.
Thus you should use these keyboard shortcuts wisely.

I wish latex or lyx had a "small-math-delim" capability but
none exists as far as I know.

Ralph Boland

printing two sided.

2000-06-16 Thread Ralph Boland

I am using lyx 1.0.4

I am having trouble printing an article 
(with ams things loaded into it) two sided.

I found the some advice from a couple of old postings (below):

However these suggestions don't seem to work for me.

1) exporting, making the modification, and then importing
makes too many undesireable affects on my document.

2)  doing a  \usepackage[twoside]{graphics} in the 
preamble gives me a latex
error message:

 "Latex Error:  Option clash for package graphics"

3)  The following advice was unclear to me:
 "forcing by editing in text mode seems to work too"

I tried editing anything in my lyxfile that I could find
that might set this value correctly but nothing I tried

Is there a way for me to set two sided printing correctly.

>>  \documentclass{article}
>> but if I select 'two side' I get
>>  \documentclass[oneside]{article}
>> Has anyone else seen this behavior?
>yes it's the same with the book class... so i export in latex replace
>the oneside with twoside and commpile it
I also had the same problem with book class.

To solve it, use graphics package with option 'twoside' in your
preamble and everything should be OK.

Janiska wrote:

forcing by editing in text mode seems to work too


when you open your document under lyx this configuration is kept
> To solve it, use graphics package with option 'twoside' in your
> preamble and everything should be OK.
> Sincerely,
> Sasa

1) wide figures/amsart 2) adding commands to lyxrc

2000-06-06 Thread Ralph Boland

I am submitting a paper to the C.C.C.G. conference.
I am satisfying the conferences document format requirements
but using  amsart document layout with some modifications.
I need to use the amsart document layout because I need
some of the amsfonts and things like theorems.

Unfortunately I must submit my document with two columbs but
amsart layout refuses to allow me use wide figures which I
need for my paper.  
This is a difficulty with the latex class amsart and
not with lyx.

First question:

1) What is the simplest way to use wide figures in 
combination with amsart.layout?  Should I instead
try to build a new document class with all the
features I need from the amsart document class.

The conference requests that I use the command

"dvips -m -D 1200 -o file.ps file.dvi " 

to build my postscript file. 

Of course I can do this by first exporting my lyx file
to a latex file.  This works but it clumsy.

There must be command that I can add to the lyxrc file
that will have this be done automatically.

Second question:

What command do I add to the lyxrc file to do this?

I am using lyx 1.0.4 and have read the documentation.
Should I pick up a a version of the documentation for
a newer version of lyx or is the lyx 1.0.4 documentation
 the best for using lyx 1.0.4?

I assume the next stable version of lyx will be 1.2.
When it is released I hope to convince our sysadmin
guy to install a new version of lyx.
Any idea when lyx 1.2 might be released?


Ralph Boland

math delimiters too big

2000-05-26 Thread Ralph Boland

I have added the following text to my lyxrc file.


# These do pairs of: () {} [] <> ||

\bind "M-9" "math-delim ( )"
\bind "M-bracketright"  "math-delim [ ]"
\bind "M-bracketleft"   "math-delim { }"
\bind "C-period""math-insert dots"
\bind "C-comma" "math-delim langle rangle"
\bind "M-slash" "math-delim | |"
\bind "C-slash" "math-delim Vert Vert"
\bind "C-bracketleft"   "math-delim lfloor rfloor"
\bind "C-bracketright"  "math-delim lceil rceil"


This allows me use use math delimiters very convieniently.
Unfortunately I find the delimiters to be too large.
Is there a way to force them to be slightly smaller?

Preferably I would do this in the preamble so that
the work I have done so far would not need to be modified.

Alternatively I could modify the text above so the delimiters
would be smaller in future.

As a last resort I could uses lyx macros instead of the mappings
above.  This would be less convienient but preferable to the
current state of affairs.

Perhaps I should ask this question to a tex user group but I
thought I would ask here first.


Ralph Boland

P.S.  Does anybody besides me find the math delimiters to be
too large?

Re: word count

2000-05-08 Thread Ralph Boland

Shawn Koons wrote:
> Hello:
> Forgive this possible faq, but is there a way to do a word count in lyx
> (I have checked the documentation and found nothing) - or - should I
> convert to ascii and check it that way?
> Shawn
> --
> Mitakuye Oyasin

If you run the spell checker it will tell you how many words 
were checked.  

Alternatively export the file to a latex file.
There is supposed to be a program to strip out all the
latex commands.  Then you can use wc.

I don't know what the program to strip out latex
commands is called but perhaps
you can use that.
If I find out the name I'll let you know.
Hope this helps 

Ralph boland

Lyx-Code style problems.

2000-04-18 Thread Ralph Boland

I need to use Lyx-Code style in a layout that doesn't 
have it.  So I copied the Lyx-Code style into my layout.
It works except that multiple spaces are compressed into
a single space.

I experimented and determined that if I modified 
article.layout and amsart.layout to be the same except that
one has the line  

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (AMS)}

and the other has the line

#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{article}

then the article.layout version has multiple spaces in style Lyx-Code
but the amsart.layout version does not.

Could someone explain this?
And explain how I can modify my document class to use
Lyx-Code with multiple spaces?

Note:  I do not have sysadmin privalages so cannot modify
the standard layouts and apparently cannot create a new
one in my .lyx/layouts directory.  I run config and then
check the list of classes in the popup  Layout/document.../class
but the new layout is not listed.  (Yes, I exit lyx and then restart

What I do is modify the standard layouts in my .lyx/layouts directory
to get the layout that I want.  This is crude but gives
me what I need until this can be sorted out.

Hopefully I can create my own layouts when I upgrade.
I  don't see why any of this relates to the problem
I have with Lyx-Code but I thought I should let you


Ralph Boland

Currently I am using  lyx 1.0.4 and will upgrade when 
the next stable version is released in  ???.

Problems with lists of figures

2000-04-08 Thread Ralph Boland

Currently I have all my captions of figures above the
figures and when I build a list of figures it works fine.

However I prefer to have my captions below the figures.
This also works for list of figures when the figures
are .eps files (from xfig).
But if I use combined latex/postscript format 
then I get several errors with each figure.

Is there a way around this problem.  (I assume not)
Is this problem fixed or going to be fixed in a later
version of lyx.  I am using lyx 1.0.4.

While I'm here let me make two further points.

1) I sometimes put multiple lines of data with a figure.
To do this I put the first line in a caption paragraph (to be
put in the list of figures) and the remaining lines in a  second
paragraph in a standard paragraph.  When I do this I want the lines 
to be in block format.  Unfortunately they are always centered
even though the layout of the paragraph is "block".
Can this be fixed?

2) I notice that sometimes that when I make a change and then
build a postscript file that the change is not put into the
file.  This occurs when building the postscript file is generating
For example.  Assume that I have a figure and with a long caption.
I decide to break the caption into two lines by a CTRL-RETURN.
The build of the postscript file generates errors.  So I undo the
change and build again.  Alas the errors are still there!  Now I
add a RETURN instead of a CTRL-RETURN and the error goes away.
(Actually of course it was alread gone.  I see the problem in
various ways when there are errors.  It is of course quite confusing
when you are trying to figure out what the source of the errors is.

3)  I put my captions in italics.  I do this manually.  It there 
a simple way to make this automatic?

4)  I can't count.

Thanks in advance for your help 
and thanks for the great product.  

P.S.  If you need files with these errors in them let me know.
I don't think they will be necessary.

Ralph Boland

Heavy hands on keyboard

2000-03-30 Thread Ralph Boland

I touch type (not overly well) and tend to hold my fingers
on the keys which sometimes results in a typed character
being repeated multiple times as a result of the autorepeat
feature of the keyboard.

For example I might accidentally mispell the word 
"form" as "fom".

I would like to invoke the  XAutoRepeatOff(display) function to turn
off the autorepeat feature.

Is there a way of doing this in lyx?  I don't know how I can
access the display structure that lyx uses when I envoke lyx.

I am running lyx 1.0.4 from a Sun workstation.


Ralph Boland

Re: LyX newsgroup: It's about time

2000-03-13 Thread Ralph Boland

Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > I am not an "expert" either, but I strongly support the idea of forming
> > a newsgroup.
> So there are at least three of us ;-)
> I just had a look at news.admin.misc and found a message under
> ("How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup")
> that explains the process of creating a newsgroup quite nicely.
> But it looks like there was a bit of work involved so I guess
> someone has to do it...
> I'd vote for an unmoderated group 'comp.text.lyx'.
> Andre'

Personally I would much prefer that the newsgroup be moderated.
Of the newsgroups that I subscribe to  comp.compilers is the only
one that is moderated.  As a result I can process it daily
without reading a lot of material that I tend to think should not
have been posted in the first place.  In that newsgroup the moderator
will often answer questions directly if he knows the answer
right away and avoid having them being posted.  
As a result of this experience I MUCH prefer moderated usergroups.

Of course this would require a fair amount of work by the moderator.

Unfortunately I lack both the experience with Lyx and the necessary
time to be the moderator.  Perhaps the position of moderator 
can be rotated amoung a number of "experts".

Ralph Boland

Problems with lyx math macros.

2000-01-17 Thread Ralph Boland

I have two problems with math macros.

1)  I would like to put all my lyx math macros into one
lyx file and then include them into each chapter of
my thesis.  However there doesn't seem to be a way
to do this.  Each document inclusion method I tried
doesn't work.  Most fustrating is that if I use an
include (input) file command to do this it appears
to work until I attemp to print it.
The problem appears to be all the other format
information that the document (containing the macros)
I thought of constructing a document class with a minimal 
amount of formatting information but unfortunately 
when I create a new document class it doesn't become
available to me even after reconfiguring lyx.

I think that the problem is that 
I have to install new document classes in the user 
directory and they dont appear to show up.  I assume
that if I had system privilages that I could install
such a document.


2)  I currently put my math macros in each chapter of my thesis.
 This works as long as I am working on a single chapter.

However when I try to combine my chapters using a master file.
the fact that the macros are repeated causes errors and thus
preventing me from printing until I remove the duplicated

   Is there a way to get around this?

I am using Lyx 1.0.4


Ralph Boland

Problems with list of algorithms

2000-01-17 Thread Ralph Boland

I attempted to put a list of algorithms in my document
but I get a list of errors (seems to be two per algorithm).

Most say 

"undefined control sequence.  
\@dottedtocline ...sep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
mu$}\hfill \nobreak. \[EMAIL PROTECTED]
l.1 ...e{1}{\ignorespaces \nonbreakingspace}}{4}"

One of them is gives a slightly different message.

I have attached a  document with the problem.
I suspect that I am missing some style format
or package.  (I have had this problem before.
Unfortunately we don't have the lattest and greatest
version of latex and its packages.)

Can someone tell me what style that I am missing or
what else the problem is.

I am using lyx 1.0.4


Ralph Boland

#This file was created by  Mon Jan 17 19:32:21 2000
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass amsbook
\language default
\inputencoding default
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing onehalf 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 1
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 1.6in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1.4in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 5
\tocdepth 5
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Chapter

A Problem with Lists of Algorithms.
\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listofalgorithms{}


\layout Section

\layout Standard

I can't seem to get the list of algorithms feature to work.
\layout Standard

Here is a sample algorithm.
\layout Standard

\begin_float alg 
\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{BuildMMSP1}



\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
Input: a simple 2-wind polygon 
\begin_inset Formula \( P \)

 along with 
\begin_inset Formula \( \pi \left( P\right)  \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
Output: A MSVP 
\begin_inset Formula \( M \)

\begin_inset Formula \( P \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( M:=\emptyset  \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
 Do a blocking monotone sweep of 
\begin_inset Formula \( \pi \left( P\right)  \)

: For each 
\begin_inset Formula \( Q\in \pi \left( P\right)  \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( \textrm{ windows}\left( Q\right) =\emptyset  \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( w\left( \textrm{door}\left( Q\right) \right) :=1 \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
2.1 Else
\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( \left( M\right)  \)

\layout Standard

Many of the results in this sections are from 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{CircRayLog4}


 We have however made modifications to these results where necessary and
 added some results of our own.
\layout Subsection

Circular Arc - Chain Intersection Detection
\layout Standard

Here is another algorithm.
\layout Standard

\begin_float alg 
\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{IntDetect}



\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
input: a chain 
\begin_inset Formula \( C \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( \textrm{Vor}_{\textrm{near}}\left( C\right)  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \textrm{Vor}_{\textrm{farNormal}}\left( C\right)  \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( \textrm{Vor}_{\textrm{near}}\left( C\right)  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( \textrm{Vor}_{\textrm{farNormal}}\left( C\right)  \)

 for efficient point location.
\layout Standard

One last algorithms for good luck.
\layout Standard

\begin_float alg 
\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{AlgorithmIntDetect2}



\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
Input: a polygon 
\begin_inset Formula \( P \)

\layout Standard
\noindent \align left 
\begin_inset Formula \( C_{l}\, :=\, \textrm{chn}^{-}\left( \psi _{x}(P)\right)  \)

\begin_inset Formula \( C_{r

Using figures in Multipart Documents

2000-01-17 Thread Ralph Boland

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I am having proplems using figures (.eps files) in multipart documents.

In my thesis, which I am writing using Lyx (version 1.04), I have
a master document and a number of Chapters.
In a directory called Thesis I have a subdirectory Master
(comtaining the master file) and a directory for each 

I have created figures for my thesis using XFig.  Some are
.eps files and some are .pstex_t.tex files (combined postscript/latex
files).  Each figure is stored in the Chapter where it is used.
I include the eps files in a chapter using "include figure"
and the .pstex_t.tex files using "include file setting: input".

In order that the figures can be found both when I am working
only on a chapter and also when I am working with the master
file I give the pathname for each figure as follows (for ChapterK)




Now the .pstex_t.tex files are found correctly both through the chapter
file and through the master file.  However the .eps files can
be found by the chapter file but not by the master file.

I discovered that the problem is that someone is too smart and
shortens  "../ChapterK/figurename.eps" to just  "figurename.eps".
(Try setting the path and then return to check what the actual path
name used is later.)
This is of course a correct (but unnecessary) shortcut for the
Chapter file but an incorrect shortcut for the master file.
As a result the master file cannot find the .eps figure files
but can find the pstex_tex files.

There are two crude solutions:

1)  Use absolute path names for .eps files.
This is ugly and a problem because I have to deal with porting
my thesis to other machines. I haven't tested this yet.

2)  Only use pstex_tex files.  This is also ugly but it is the
prefered solution and the one I will implement if no one 
can suggest a better solution.  Most of my files are
pstex_tex_t.tex files anyway so I can live with this but
for some people this would be a real pain if not impossible.

Can anyone suggest alternative solutions?

Is this problem fixed in  Lyx 1.1.4?

Thanks in advance for you help.

Ralph Boland

Caption problms.

1999-12-19 Thread Ralph Boland

I sorted out the problems with captions.
I mentioned in my previous posting.
I missed a reference to documentation on

Sorry for the unnecessary clutter in everyones

If any one can answer my questions in the previous
posting on using XFix with the combined  postscript/latex
optioned it would still be much appreciated.

Ralph Boland

Problems with Captions/figures.

1999-12-19 Thread Ralph Boland

After I create a figure (fig.eps) using  xfig and then adding it to
my document using  "insert figure:  type: Encapsulated Postscript"
I tried to create a caption by setting the paragraph style 
containing the figure to Caption.

What I get instead is


Not matter which way I create a Caption paragraph syle I get 
the same thing.

 If I build a postscript file I get nine errors.
Most of them are control sequence problems.  One says no counter

It sounds like I am doing something really stupid but I don't
know what. Any suggestions?


I have kept track of posts involving creating of figures 
particularly figures of the combined postscript/latex kind.

In the documentation is says that these documents cannot
be scaled.  I assume that I must get them right in XFix
because they cannot be adjusted in anyway afterwards.
This should like it might be a bit awkward but to serious
of a problem.  Am I correct or does it mean something 
more severe.


One of the people posting about using  XFix/lyx pointed out
that the combined postscript/latex figures should only be
used when the figure goes on a separate page.
Why is this the case.

I am writing a thesis in Computational Geometry and I need many
figures and many of them need to have latex commands in them.
And I don't want to put all my figures on a single page.  
I need floats to work with these figures and also wrapping 
around figures.

Am I going to be able to do all these things using the
combined postscript/latex XFig figures.

What options do I have?


Ralph Boland

key map for math-like delimiters

1999-12-03 Thread Ralph Boland

In lyx I have mapped the key  Meta-/  to "math delim | |"
This maps to  "|?|".
I have also mapped the math delimiter pairs [?] and {?}.

I would like to map other delimiter pairs such

|_ ? _|,   (floor)
|^ ? ^|(ceiling)
 || ? ||

Is there a way to to this.

(I am currently using Lyx 1.0.4)


Ralph Boland

While I am here, I posted another problem a short while ago but I
 didn't get an answer.
Perhaps its simple to solve but unfortunately I am unfamiliar
with latex.  Hopefully people don't think I am just too stupid to be
worth helping so I post it here for a second time.

In my thesis at one point I write something like:

  "We refer to the version of Algorithm  A  in which we replace
routine x  with routine y  as Alborithm  B."

Now I use labels for Algorithms  A  and  B.  Whenever I reference
Algorithms  A or  B  I use cross-references.  
Thus Algorithm  A is known as Algorithm 2.2.3 when printed
and I want Algorithm  B  to be known as Algorithm  2.2.6 when printed.

Unfortunately Lyx doesn't handle this the way I want.

1)  Lyx doesn't print the value of the label where it is declared.
That is it prints:   "routine x  with routine y  by Algorithm .".
(The correct label is used on the screen.)

2)  When I cross reference Algorithm  B  a different number is used
than  2.2.4 such as 2.2.1.  (Since I am doing something strange here I
assume that this is simply a bug in lyx.  I would have expected lxy
to print the empty string.)

3)  The next paragraph to be labeled  (Style Problem) is given the
number  2.2.6.  This number should be given to Algorithm  B.

It seems to me that the best fix is to have a paragraph using
style  "Algorithm" which does not show up when printed. But to which
I can apply the label I use for Algorithm  B.  Then all references 
to Algorithm B can use the reference to the phony algorithm.

Is this possible?  How do I do it?  If not, how else can I achieve
the effect that I want?


Ralph Boland

p.s.  I realize this is not a Lyx problem but a problem with the
way I am attempting to use it.  But I still need to do what I am
trying to do.

Re: Algorithm label without Algorithm Paragraph style

1999-12-01 Thread Ralph Boland

In my thesis at one point I write something like:

  We refer to the version of Algorithm  A  in which we replace
routine x  with routine y  by Alborithm  B.

Now I use labels for Algorithms  A  and  B.  Whenever I reference
Algorithms  A or  B  I use cross-references.  
Thus Algorithm  A is known as Algorithm 2.2.3 when printed
and Algorithm  B  should be known as Algorithm  2.2.6 when printed.

Unfortunately Lyx doesn't handle this the way I want.

1)  Lyx fails to print the value of the label where it is declared.
That is it prints:   "routine x  with routine y  by Algorithm .".
(The correct label is used on the screen.)

2)  When I cross reference Algorithm  B  a different number is used
than  2.2.4 such as 2.2.1.

3)  The next paragraph to be labeled  (Style Problem) is given the
number  2.2.6.  This number should be given to Algorithm  B.

It seems to me that the best fix is to have a paragraph using
style  "Algorithm" which does not show up when printed.

Is this possible?  How do I do it?  If not, how else can I achieve
the effect that I want?

Ralph Boland

p.s.  I realize this is not a Lyx problem but a problem with the
way I am attempting to use it.  But I still need to do what I am
trying to do.

Turning off label conversion

1999-11-16 Thread Ralph Boland

I am often printing my documents and then reading
them for editing purposes.

When I do this I have the fustration of finding that
all my lemmas, theorems, equations, etc have their
labels replaced by numbers.  While of course this
is exactly the way I want my final output to look
it is very inconvenient when editing because I know
all my lemmas etc by label and not by number so they
are hard to recognize when referenced.

Also, the numbers keep changing anyway so it is 
pointless to memorize them.

It there a way to turn off the conversion of these
labels to their numeric counterparts?

This would be a great help. 
Perhaps other would like this capability as well. 


Ralph Boland

remapping arrow keys

1999-11-02 Thread Ralph Boland

I find the arrow keys difficult to type on my keyboard
so I tried to map the arrow keys to keys  F5,F6,F7, and F8.
I can remap the "up" and "down" arrow keys to keys F6 and F7
using the functions "up" and "down" in the bind file.  
However there doesn't appear to be any corresponding functions
for "left" and "right".

Any suggestions?

Also, I noticed that there is a special character for 
end-of sentence.

Currently I just use the '.' character.  I assume that there
is a good reason why I should use the special character instead.
What is the reason?

Ralph Boland

Master files

1999-10-06 Thread Ralph Boland

I am writing a thesis in lyx and am trying to use the multipart
document feature.

I have set my master file and each chapter to be  book (AMS).
Now if I try to print my master file I get the entire thesis. Good.

But if I try to print any indivual chapter I get an error because lyx
expects there to be a title.  (Lyx also fails to know the correct
number for the chapter but that's not so important).

It seems to me that I need to create a private version of  
the book (AMS) layout that doesn't have a title so that I 
can print individual chapters.

Am I right?  Is there a better way to do this?
One that keeps the chapter/section/theorem etc numbers
correct would be nice but not crucial.

One possibility would be to insert some latex code somewhere.
Alas I am not a latex user although I have a friend who knows
it well and is willing to help me if this is what I should do.


Ralph Boland

Numbering equations in a proof

1999-10-06 Thread Ralph Boland

I have to write a number of equations in a single
proof.  I want to number them  1, 2, 3, etc since
the equation are local to the proof and do not
need to be referenced outside the proof.

I need to do this in several proof.  Each time I need
to start from 1 again.

How do I do this while still maintaining the normal 
rules for numbering equations outside a proof
for the rest of my thesis?

Of course I could number them by hand but lyx doesn't
let you do this easily and in any case that would be
against the lyx philosophy.

Ralph Boland

Consecutive facts mess up

1999-10-06 Thread Ralph Boland

At several points in my thesis (I am using book(AMS) layout)
I have two facts (or similar theorem related styles) in
a row without any other style in between.  Lyx then
combines these two facts into a single fact.  We tried and this
is not a latex problem.

A friend suggested that I create a style fact2 identical to
style fact so that I can switch them. This seems like a crude
approach and would also clutter up by style box which is
already too long.

Any other suggestions?

Ralph Boland

Running ispell problems.

1999-10-02 Thread Ralph Boland

I tried to run the spell checker.
I complained that it couldn't find ispell
until I gave it the correct path in my lyxrc file.

It then ran but immediately crashed with the

"illegal option -- B"

Since I didn't pass this flag I assume that
lyx  inserts it somehow.

I found no references to this parameter in the 
ispell documentation.

I assume that the problem is that I am running 
an old version of  ispell  (time stamp is Nov 1993)

Is this the problem and will it be fixed if I 
update the version of  ispell that I am using?

Note that it is a pain for me to get the sysadmin
people to update tools so I'd rather be sure 
before I bug them.  


Ralph Boland

Printing Users Manual

1999-09-03 Thread Ralph Boland

I am a new lyx user and have been trying to print the
users manual.

In a previous post I pointed out a failure because latex
could not find file 'rotating.sty'.  I have now
installed this file and also file  'url.sty'  and now complaints
about missing files have gone away.  Thanks for the
help  Kayvan A. Sylvan.

Now instead of getting 1 error I get  208 errors.

All the errors appear to be of the form:

  ! Undefined control sequence. 

l.#   message
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never  \def'ed.  If ...

Most of these messages occur immediately preceding
Emphasized text such as:

using the [Error]Insert->Table Float menu item.

Most others appear immediately preceding a `\` character

A few appear after footnotes.

There are errors in the table immediately predceing section  4.4.2.

There could be a few errors not in any of the above categories.

Any ideas as to why I am getting these errors?

Thanks in advance for you time.

Ralph Boland

Mac Word 98 to Lyx

1999-09-02 Thread Ralph Boland

First what I am doing.  
Then a minor complaint.  
Then I'll ask for advice.

1)  What I am doing.

So far I have been writing my  Ph.D. thesis (in computer science
actually much more like a math thesis) in  Microsoft word 98.
However for various reasons I want my final product to be a tex
document so I am converting my word documents to lyx.

I am not overly concerned about preserving my document format
information in this conversion except for my equations.

I average 3-4 equations per line.  

So I 
i)  marked all my word equations and converted them into
an entirely textual form.  I used macros for much of this.
ii) Saved my word doc in text format.
iii) Read the text file into  Lyx.
iv) saved the result as tex document.
v)  am about to convert all my equation data to tex data by means
of sed or pearl scripts
vi) Then I will read the updated tex file and get all my equations
in my lyx document.
vii) Then I will restore all my other document format information

2) A minor complaint.

When I filed out a tex document and just filed it back in again
I did not get the exactly the same document.  Lyx gave no 
complaints when I used a (") character.  But when I saved it to
tex and read it back in each (") char was preceded by a (\char)
string in red.  This is not a serious problem for me but violates
the principle that lyx should be able to read in any tex document
that it creates and get back the original lyx docuement.
I don't need this problem fixed but others might.

3) A minor problem

I tried to print the users manual.  However the construction
of the tex file from the lyx file failed because the file
'rotating.sty' was not found.  Lyx was installed by the computer
administrators for the computer science department but they
did not have time to track down this problem.  I am not a unix
expert so I have not attempted to track it down either.  Any 
suggestions as to what the problem might be?

4) Do you have any advice?

a)  Is the approach I am taking the best one?  I am unaware of
any other options or useful tools.

b)  It would be very useful for me if there exists templates 
for the kind of document I am creating.  I need templates for
creating theorems, Lemmas, proofs etc.  I also need templates for

c)  It would be great to get a template for the creation of
an entire thesis espcially one designed for mathematics or computer
science.  Where can I find such templates if they exist?  I am
prepared to share any templates or documents that I create.
I will also put my final thesis on the net either in tex format
or lyx format  (after my thesis has been copywrited of course).
  That way any templates I create will be accessable
by others.

I did look at  Scientific word before choosing  Lyx.
Shientific word did have a number of templates for various
things like the ones I mentioned above.  They also had 
templates for various scientific and mathematical journals.
Could such templates be used with Lyx?

Thanks in advance for your time.

Ralph Boland
University of Ottawa.  Ont.  Canada