[Proto-Scripty] Re: Is someone working on Scripty2?

2011-11-30 Thread joe t.
i created a live bookmark in Firefox well over a year  a half ago
that was supposed to provide news updates for Scriptaculous/Scripty2
(http://feeds.feedburner.com/scriptaculous)  in that time, the only
news items were 1 post about a maintenance release to fix a Prototype
1.7 compatibility issue, and 3 posts about online Javascript Master

Personally, i think it's time to call the patient's Time Of Death.
Javascript engines have been advancing, new functionality being added
to the core language, new devices  platforms for JS to adapt to...
Most libraries are keeping up while Proto  Scripty 1  2 have barely
shown signs of a heartbeat.

It used to matter to me, but i haven't even used Prototype in over a
-joe t.

On Nov 30, 1:41 am, Victor vkhomyac...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is Scripty2 still developed? Or it is as alive (half-dead, actually) as
 Prototype? I've posted tickets on both projects in Lighthouseapp but no

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Adding CSS-Rules to a styletag in Prototype

2011-10-17 Thread joe t.
i don't think Prototype has a method for directly editing a STYLE tag
(only for modifying styles on element[s].

seems to offer a couple cross-browser approaches by examining feature
support to determine which way to append style rules to the interior
of a STYLE tag.

i haven't tested, but as they say, seems legit.
-joe t.

On Oct 17, 11:55 am, Luke lukas.bomb...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 I wanna add CSS-Definitions to a style-tag using Prototype. In all good
 browsers (ALL^IE) this works by simplay appending a CSS-String to the
 desired style-tag. IE doesn't like this though. I found [1] that in IE you
 can update the entire contents of the style-tag using an attribute named *
 cssText* but that doesn't append but replace the all definitions.

 So I was wondering, does Prototype JS already have a method to append
 style-definitions to a styletags for all browsers?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: future of script.aculo.us

2011-03-24 Thread joe t.
The biggest difference between the two at their core is that Prototype
directly modifies javascript's native objects (Array, Object, String,
etc.) while jQuery does not. A more subtle difference is how the use
of the $() function to address DOM objects. Prototype's $() receives a
simple string (or list of strings) which match DOM element ID names,
while jQuery's $() receives a valid CSS selector and creates a
collection of matching elements (even if it's only 1 element in the
case of $(#elementID) ). Prototype separates that approach into the $
$() function to create an Enumerable instance.

There are plenty of other differences, in varying degrees of subtlety.
But more important, i think, is what the libraries have in common: a
very easy to learn way to perform several tasks on the same starting
point target by chaining methods together.But since almost all
libraries of this style provide that, i agree with other posts that
it's probably more important to impress the fundamentals of Javascript
so students know how/why the libraries work the way they do, and why
these different approaches are both valid, and can, with care, co-
-joe t.

On Mar 24, 6:09 am, Ali.MD alimihando...@gmail.com wrote:
 thank you very much
 my question about future
 jQuery and prototype and some other javascript library is similar to
 each other
 I can not find a significant difference between them. is that right ?
 a agree jquery is better to teach. and we must to teach other
 javascript library with jQuery
 I'm worried about the future
 What the future will be Prototype and script.aculo.us
 if my future developers want to choose only one library.
 Which should we choose for future ? and why ?
 i dont worry about plugins and extensions because we can use all of
 them together  ;)

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Why is there a $super-Parameter?

2011-03-24 Thread joe t.
i'd been kicking the sand wondering if i should go ahead and ask you
to re-post that link, because i'd seen it months ago and then lost it.

Glad this came up again (as i'm sure it will in the future) so i could
just jump at the link and say thank you.

And you're exactly right about the complexity trade-off. Had your
approach been implemented in Prototype to save on performance, i never
would have understood it when i first started learning Prototype. Now
that i know it really well, and understand the fundamentals of this
much better, i'm going to adopt your method.
-joe t.

On Mar 18, 12:13 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi again,

 Sorry for the double-post, somehow I managed to forget to say: My
 mechanism isn't just (slightly) more long-winded, it's also more
 complex to understand -- it demands more of the programmer. That's its
 real downside, not the trivial difference in the length of

     method.$super.call(this, arg);



 To use my mechanism, you have to understand how JavaScript functions
 and the `this` keyword work, and it's very easy to make mistakes like


 ...which fails when the parent class's code tries to use `this`.

 So it's about trade-offs. Prototype's mechanism is more newbie-
 friendly, and there's real strength in that. My mechanism is
 dramatically more efficient, and quite easy to use once you understand
 the language a bit better, but not for newbies.

 -- T.J. :-)

 On Mar 18, 4:01 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Ryan,

   Just want to point out that the marked runtime cost is only at class
   definition time, not instance creation nor method call time.

  Actually, it's every single time anything calls a method that has the `
  $super` argument (whether the `$super` argument gets used or not).
  Every single call, there are multiple overhead function calls and a
  function *creation*. Here's what happens:

  1. The call to your method is actually to a Prototype wrapper for your
  2. The wrapper calls `Function#bind` (yes, every time)
  3. `bind` calls `Array#slice`, because `bind` handles arguments
  (although it doesn't in this case)
  4. `bind` creates and returns a new function
  5. The wrapper calls its internal `update` function to update the
  6. The wrapper calls your actual method via `apply`

  If you actually *use* `$super`, then there are about five extra
  function calls involved before the parent method actually gets called
  (but no new functions get created).

  So the runtime costs are significant, not just at `Class.create` time
  (decompiling every public function in your class to find out whether
  it has a `$super` argument), but also on each and every call to a
  method with a `$super` argument (several additional function calls,
  including creating new function objects).

  Probably *at least* 95% of the time you *don't care*, but still, I was
  pretty shocked when I found out what it was doing, which is what lead
  me to thinking if there was a better way. My mechanism doesn't do any
  function decompilation, doesn't create any functions when your methods
  are called, and introduces *no* extra calls at all [a call to one of
  your methods goes straight to your method, and your call to the parent
  method goes straight to the parent method (unless you use an optional
  helper function)]. But the notation is a bit longer. ;-)

  How much longer? If you use proper named functions, the call can be

      method.$super.call(this, arg);

  ...compared with Prototype's:


  If you use anonymous functions (`method: function(arg) { ... }`), then

      this.method.$super.call(this, arg);

  I don't use anonymous functions, so I get the shorter one.

  -- T.J.  :-)

  On Mar 18, 2:39 pm, Ryan Gahl ryan.g...@gmail.com wrote:

   On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:30 AM, T.J. Crowder 

Prototype's magical `$super` comes at a marked runtime cost

   Just want to point out that the marked runtime cost is only at class
   definition time, not instance creation nor method call time. So yeah, the
   performance thing is a non issue.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: What do you think of this software-architecture?

2011-03-21 Thread joe t.
It's a pretty broad question to cover in a simple answer, and while
you reference Prototype, you don't seem to need direct help with the
library itself, but are looking for guidance to your usage in a large-
scale application.

The first potential down side i see is, what happens once the user
gets 10 sections loaded up in edit mode, and the browser crashes? i
mean, such things have been rumored to happen, so do you have a
caching/recovery system? Are you allowing all sections to be edited
simultaneously? Because that seems like a lot of memory consumption to
provide a multi-tasking feature that i think few people could use
effectively. One section edited at a time would suit most people
(especially if it's a static content page the user is building),
which would then mean you only need one instance of the editing
methods to pass around to whichever section is currently in edit mode
(and potentially eliminate the ugly numeric method naming).

Just a couple thoughts. Take from them what you will.
-joe t.

On Mar 21, 4:20 am, Luke kickingje...@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you see any downsides to this?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Rails 3.1 - Prototype = WTF?

2011-03-16 Thread joe t.
Excellent. Thanks for providing that quote.

On Mar 15, 2:49 pm, Felix felix1...@gmail.com wrote:
   I found this answer(by andrew dupont) in quora to a question about
 the prototype library.

 Question was
 What must Prototype JS do to become the library of choice?Edit
 Once Prototype JS was very popular until jQuery was released and
 became very popular. What are the things you feel Prototype JS must do
 in order to become the library of choice?.

 Answer by Andrew Dupont.

 I'm the co-maintainer of Prototype. I don't speak for Tobie (my fellow
 co-maintainer) or Sam (who created Prototype), but here's what I feel:

 In recent years, Prototype has been starved for development resources.
 Unlike jQuery, nobody's working on it full-time; I work on it more
 than anyone else, but I've got a full-time job as well. On one hand,
 we're genuinely out of new areas to tackle and are looking more toward
 a reimagining of the existing API than toward adding large new
 features; on the other hand, there's a definite lack of polish, and I
 hope to address that in subsequent releases.

 Where would I improve Prototype? Well, let's start with Keith's list.
 About half of it is stuff that we've got planned, whether for a 1.X
 version or for 2.0 (anything that affects backward-compatibilty must
 wait for 2.0). Some of it is being worked on (like the UI library —
 I'm building one for script.aculo.us 2.0). Some of it is a matter of
 opinion. Keith and I will have to disagree on the trying to make
 JavaScript feel like Ruby thing; the entire point of Prototype is
 that JavaScript and Ruby are so close in philosophy that we can borrow
 concepts from Ruby without having them feel tacked-on.

 And some of it, like the plugin ecosystem, is something we'd love to
 fix if we had the resources.

 Too often, open-source libraries are pitted against one another as
 though they were competitors in a marketplace. I honestly don't care
 who has the greatest market share — I care only that Prototype has
 enough mindshare to keep it viable (so that it can keep improving
 through patches, bug reports, and so on).

 So here's my answer: to become the library of choice, we'd probably
 have to change so much about ourselves that we'd be unrecognizable.
 I'm not interested in doing that. If that means we're a niche library,
 so be it — we'll be a niche library with purpose. But do remember that
 the niches themselves are quite large.

 In terms of market share, jQuery won because it is genuinely good,
 easy to learn, and easy to drop into any environment. But market share
 is just one way of measuring impact. The Dojo guys are the revered
 badasses of the JavaScript community even though Dojo has never been a
 dominant toolkit. Dean Edwards has a statue in the JavaScript pantheon
 even though none of his toolkits have seen widespread adoption. It's a
 big world and there's room for all of us.

 You can read more about this question 


 On Mar 15, 9:58 pm, greg g...@reservation-net.com wrote:

  I don't often post here, but I've been using Prototype extensively for
  the last 6 months.  Not a day goes by when I don't say something to
  myself along the lines of Thank God for Prototype.  Perhaps, had I
  started with J-Query, I'd have said the same thing about it - but I
  didn't, and I'd like to continue with Prototype.

  It could very well be the Prototype developers are: bored, busy,
  broke, out of ideas, or any combination.  Maybe instead of just saying
  things like we'd like Prototype to be more popular and do more things
  in less space, and be more relevant, etc, someone should create a wish-
  list page, with a prominent 'Donate Here' button.  I don't work for
  free and don't expect others to either.  (I just checked and
  Prototype's web page does not have a donate button).

  Programmers all like a challenge, so if we as users can come up with
  concrete wishes for Prototype then perhaps the developers will take up
  the challenge.

  And, Thank God for Prototype!

  On Mar 14, 10:34 pm, Jason jwestbr...@gmail.com wrote:

   I agree and would like to see Prototype start returning to the
   forefront as the powerful JS library it is

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Rails 3.1 - Prototype = WTF?

2011-03-15 Thread joe t.
How did i manage to edit the topic subject? Wasn't intentional, since
this is OT from the user assistance intent...

On Mar 14, 9:46 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 Another anecdote along with Jane's... i make a lot of comparisons to
 jQuery as well because it's the only other library i've gotten
 familiar with.

 i still really like Prototype's robust set of utility  data storage
 functions. i get wary of storing data directly on elements
 [jQuery.data()] and sometimes it's simply not appropriate to do so, so
 having Prototype's pseudo-class structure to drive the overall
 functionality of a page is very helpful, because i can create class
 members and manage data there, rather than in the HTML area of the
 DOM. Classes really helped me build complex JS applications when i was
 still brand new to application-style Javascript  AJAX.

 That said, Prototype is bloated, and doesn't play nice with others.
 Scriptaculous is old, just as bloated, and i think 1 or 2 lines of
 code have been updated in the last year, to provide Pt 1.7
 compatibility. Plus Scriptaculous doesn't provide an actual UI, just
 some enhanced visual effects  other tools. And you have to be careful
 of a lot of gotchas in those effects because Scriptaculous doesn't
 wrap your code into HTML  object references that it will need to make
 those effects work. jQuery's UI does that. One of the bigger
 advantages of Scriptaculous is Builder. i much prefer creating HTML
 through a node/tree structure than slapping an HTML string into an
 element. However, someone went and built a jQuery plugin to do what
 Builder does. /shrug

 i've noted elsewhere in this group that i don't like that there are
 several aliases for many of Prototype's functions, most of which are
 unnecessary Rails translations for otherwise sensible names. i get
 that it's supposed to help Rails devs use Prototype efficiently, so
 why not just keep only the Rails versions of functions and drop the
 aliases? jQuery tends to provide one way to do a lot of things.
 Prototype tends to provide a lot of ways to do one thing.

 i didn't like jQuery at first for all the reasons i stated above for
 liking Prototype. Once i got the hang of the major differences 
 slight syntax variations, i've found it to really save time in a lot
 of ways. Granted, i also haven't built any huge application-level code
 using jQuery yet, but i feel like i could now that i understand the
 inner workings better. Jane mentioned event handling. i can go either
 way with that. Prototype's Function#bind makes it easy to incorporate
 the Class object into an event handler, but you lose context of the
 element unless you use Event#findElement. And i really like Event#on,
 but haven't done any heavy lifting with Prototype since 1.7 was
 released. So jQuery's handlers work fine for me.

 i've also never developed with Rails, and maybe because of that i
 don't feel a particular loyalty. i want the right tool for the job at
 hand, and lately that has been jQuery. Especially the ease of using
 plugins for missing functionality, and the UI library which amazes

 But to address your actual question: Why has traffic died down in this

 My personal observation would be that jQuery has simply gained
 traction over the last couple years. Prototype... i don't know. Kinda
 feels stale, neglected, and maybe a bit stuck in its ways? It seems
 like there's a lot of push to make JS libraries cooperate with each
 other so you can get the best each has to offer, yet Prototype can't
 get itself away from modifying native objects, which forces everyone
 else to provide safety schemes to accommodate. Also, where most
 libraries provide compression-safe code, Prototype stays pretty rotund
 at ~160K. Add Scriptaculous and you can hit 1MB of library before you
 get to any of your own code.

 In spite of criticisms, i don't want this to feel like a slam against
 Prototype. Obviously i still get something out of it or i'd drop my
 subscription to the groups. But you ask why the traffic has slowed to
 a crawl, and that's my opinion: Prototype itself has also slowed down.
 Check the dev group if you don't believe me (http://groups.google.com/
 group/prototype-core/topics?hl=engvc=2). Two legitimate threads with
 posts in 2011, and those being about bugs, not additional development.

 So there's my $0.02+... i feel your frustration, though.
 -joe t.

 On Mar 14, 1:53 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:

  Sorry for the rant, but I came to Prototype by way of early  
  exploration with Rails. I found Prototype approachable and learn-able  
  in a way that I didn't (and don't) find jQuery to be.

  I've invested years in learning Prototype and it has trained and  
  patterned my JavaScript brain. I'm quite cheesed about the notion of  
  having to learn another way to look at JavaScript.

  At the same time, I can't help but notice the crickets around here  
  lately. When I joined this list (back

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Redrawing Autocomplete Field

2011-03-15 Thread joe t.
When the Autocompleter is initialized, the options are set as such:

this.options.minChars = this.options.minChars || 1;

Your 0 evaluates as false-ish, so trips over to 1. i'm pretty sure the
reason for requiring at least 1 character in the lookup string is that
the result list attempts to highlight the matching string pattern in
bold, so when that string is empty, it could cause problems. Mostly
that's a guess, but that line in the Autocompleter.baseInitialize is
why you can't get a list on empty - it's not actually using your 0.

As for why it generates a request on the empty string...i believe
that's being triggered by the onKeyPress handler. It's intended to
handle key navigation for the INPUT vs. the results list. Since it
doesn't trap DELETE or BACKSPACE, it simply less their events pass
through the handling down to this section:

this.changed = true;
this.hasFocus = true;

if(this.observer) clearTimeout(this.observer);
this.observer = setTimeout(this.onObserverEvent.bind(this),

It tells other methods that the value has changed, has focus, and
resets a timer to call the next Ajax request. Since you're handling
empty strings on your server side, you see a successful round-trip
AJAX request. But Autocompleter doesn't do anything with the result
per the reason above.

You'd have to write an override function of some sort, and make sure
that the empty string doesn't harm other areas of the Autocompleter

However, i recommend that you note to your user they can use some
special character (usually *) to search all, then handle the * on
the server side.
-joe t.

On Mar 15, 12:58 pm, pipplo joe.kos...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ok, I've done some more debug.

 The autocomplete text box works still.  But it doesn't seem to work
 with 0 chars.

 I can see when the user clicks in the text box a request is generated,
 and a response is generated. I can use the chrome debugger to see that
 the response is as expected.

 The AJAX request seems to just not render the HTML when the number of
 chars is 0, even though it does all the work to generate a request and
 parse the response. As soon as I type a character I get the expected
 auto-complete results displayed.  When I backspace back to 0 chars it
 doesn't display anything, but it still does the AJAX request.

 There must be a place in prototype.js where there is a decision to
 render the html or not?  I can't seem to find it.  So I'm just looking
 for some hints on why that wouldn't happen sometimes..

 On Mar 14, 11:27 am, pipplo joe.kos...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a weird bug that I'm having trouble debugging. I am using Rails
  but I think the issue is in the javascript handling somewhere.

  I have a div with a form and autocomplete

  div id=form
   form info
      autocomplete box

  I have the options set so that when the user clicks in the auto-
  complete they get an initial list (minChars = 0)

  When the user types a user name in the autocomplete and selects one of
  the drop down options I generate a request via Ajax and render the
  form again without the autocomplete. The user can then click 'remove'
  to remove the user info and re-draw the autocomplete box.

  After the re-draw the minChars = 0 doesn't work.  Whenever I click in
  the box I see a request generated to my controller, and I return the
  correct information but it doesn't get rendered into HTML and I dont
  see a drop down.

  If the user types a letter or name then the dropdown lits does show
  up, but the initial ajax request never gets reflected.

  I assume there is some state variable that thinks the text box hasn't
  changed value or something which is preventing actually rendering the
  HTML returned by Rails.

  I hope that makes sense.  Any ideas?

  P.S. My current workaround is to just hide the autocomplete field and
  not render it empty.  This works but won't be usable in other parts of
  my site.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Rails 3.1 - Prototype = WTF?

2011-03-14 Thread joe t.
Another anecdote along with Jane's... i make a lot of comparisons to
jQuery as well because it's the only other library i've gotten
familiar with.

i still really like Prototype's robust set of utility  data storage
functions. i get wary of storing data directly on elements
[jQuery.data()] and sometimes it's simply not appropriate to do so, so
having Prototype's pseudo-class structure to drive the overall
functionality of a page is very helpful, because i can create class
members and manage data there, rather than in the HTML area of the
DOM. Classes really helped me build complex JS applications when i was
still brand new to application-style Javascript  AJAX.

That said, Prototype is bloated, and doesn't play nice with others.
Scriptaculous is old, just as bloated, and i think 1 or 2 lines of
code have been updated in the last year, to provide Pt 1.7
compatibility. Plus Scriptaculous doesn't provide an actual UI, just
some enhanced visual effects  other tools. And you have to be careful
of a lot of gotchas in those effects because Scriptaculous doesn't
wrap your code into HTML  object references that it will need to make
those effects work. jQuery's UI does that. One of the bigger
advantages of Scriptaculous is Builder. i much prefer creating HTML
through a node/tree structure than slapping an HTML string into an
element. However, someone went and built a jQuery plugin to do what
Builder does. /shrug

i've noted elsewhere in this group that i don't like that there are
several aliases for many of Prototype's functions, most of which are
unnecessary Rails translations for otherwise sensible names. i get
that it's supposed to help Rails devs use Prototype efficiently, so
why not just keep only the Rails versions of functions and drop the
aliases? jQuery tends to provide one way to do a lot of things.
Prototype tends to provide a lot of ways to do one thing.

i didn't like jQuery at first for all the reasons i stated above for
liking Prototype. Once i got the hang of the major differences 
slight syntax variations, i've found it to really save time in a lot
of ways. Granted, i also haven't built any huge application-level code
using jQuery yet, but i feel like i could now that i understand the
inner workings better. Jane mentioned event handling. i can go either
way with that. Prototype's Function#bind makes it easy to incorporate
the Class object into an event handler, but you lose context of the
element unless you use Event#findElement. And i really like Event#on,
but haven't done any heavy lifting with Prototype since 1.7 was
released. So jQuery's handlers work fine for me.

i've also never developed with Rails, and maybe because of that i
don't feel a particular loyalty. i want the right tool for the job at
hand, and lately that has been jQuery. Especially the ease of using
plugins for missing functionality, and the UI library which amazes

But to address your actual question: Why has traffic died down in this

My personal observation would be that jQuery has simply gained
traction over the last couple years. Prototype... i don't know. Kinda
feels stale, neglected, and maybe a bit stuck in its ways? It seems
like there's a lot of push to make JS libraries cooperate with each
other so you can get the best each has to offer, yet Prototype can't
get itself away from modifying native objects, which forces everyone
else to provide safety schemes to accommodate. Also, where most
libraries provide compression-safe code, Prototype stays pretty rotund
at ~160K. Add Scriptaculous and you can hit 1MB of library before you
get to any of your own code.

In spite of criticisms, i don't want this to feel like a slam against
Prototype. Obviously i still get something out of it or i'd drop my
subscription to the groups. But you ask why the traffic has slowed to
a crawl, and that's my opinion: Prototype itself has also slowed down.
Check the dev group if you don't believe me (http://groups.google.com/
group/prototype-core/topics?hl=engvc=2). Two legitimate threads with
posts in 2011, and those being about bugs, not additional development.

So there's my $0.02+... i feel your frustration, though.
-joe t.

On Mar 14, 1:53 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Sorry for the rant, but I came to Prototype by way of early  
 exploration with Rails. I found Prototype approachable and learn-able  
 in a way that I didn't (and don't) find jQuery to be.

 I've invested years in learning Prototype and it has trained and  
 patterned my JavaScript brain. I'm quite cheesed about the notion of  
 having to learn another way to look at JavaScript.

 At the same time, I can't help but notice the crickets around here  
 lately. When I joined this list (back in the rails-spinoff days) there  
 were dozens of posts per day, now we're lucky to get there in a week.

 What the heck is going on here?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: event on leaving page

2011-03-11 Thread joe t.
Here's a sample from code that i wrote and seems to work ok (at least,
last i tested it, i no longer work there), adapted for generics:

So here's what i learned, now that my curiosity got roused...

The beforeunload event will automatically generate the prompt. If you
want to inject a custom message into that prompt (not speaking for
FF4, as i haven't tested on that with my prior code), you assign that
STRING to the event.returnValue property.

i'm pretty sure that by assigning a value to event.returnValue, the
prompt is fired. If it has no value by the time the handler returns,
the prompt does not occur.

The user is prompted with the built-in prompt, plus your custom

The event will automatically cancel ITSELF if the user hits the Cancel
button of the confirmation message.

There's no need to put a confirm in the event handler yourself. That's
what would cause the double-prompt, and the confirm you generate is
ignored by the event anyway.

That's the best i can recall, anyway. i hope it helps.
-joe t.

On Mar 11, 9:29 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 On Mar 11, 2011, at 7:41 AM, Bertilo Wennergren wrote:

  Here's a limitation with beforeunload (in case someone hasn't

  More of less the only thing you can do with beforeunload, is to ask
  the user if he or she really wants to leave the page. A dialog
  will appear, and the user can choose to abort the unloading and stay
  on the page. Normally you can add your own text to this dialog,  
  why it might be wise not to leave the page. In Firefox 4 this is no  
  possible! The dialog will have the following canned text that you  
  change (it might be in another language though):

   This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you
   have entered may not be saved.

  That's what the dialog will say in Firefox 4. You can't change it,  
  and you
  can't add anything to it. If the reason for using beforeunload  
  does not
  have anything to do with entered data, or if you'd like to inform  
  the user
  precisely what kind of data would be lost, or where on the page it  
  is to be
  found, or why it's would be so bad to lose it, you're out of luck.

  This is all by design.

  Bertilo Wennergren

 Thanks, this is very interesting. I just tested with the following bit  
 of code:

                         if (confirm('Are you sure you want to close the 
 window?')) return  

 In Safari, I got what I expected -- my confirm dialog blocking the  
 window close. But in Firefox 3.latest, I got two dialogs. First was my  
 confirm, but when I okayed that I got the second, which was more or  
 less exactly the same as what you describe for FF4. I commented out  
 the confirm line, and got only the one alert, but then in Safari I got  
 no warning at all.

 I wonder if there's any way besides browser sniffing to work around  
 this double-warning?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: event on leaving page

2011-03-10 Thread joe t.
One note on TJ's post, hopefully helpful:

You cannot CANCEL the unload event. If i understand them correctly,
load and unload are the only native events that can't be canceled from
scripts. You can perform other actions, but unload means the browser
has been committed to unloading that page, regardless what else it's
told to do at that point. The point of no return to let the user
cancel the unload is beforeunload (handy, and a Microsoft creation,

And to his point, he's correct: about the only other actions you can
take are cleanup/garbage collection. Not that it would matter anyway
if you create new content, the page is going bye-bye. :)

That all comes from a painful two weeks a few years ago before i knew
about beforeunload. Still bitter at myself over that.
-joe t.

On Mar 10, 9:31 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 On Mar 10, 2011, at 2:25 AM, T.J. Crowder wrote:

  What you can do in those functions is severely limited by modern
  browsers (for all the good reasons you can think of). You can't open
  new windows, do alerts/confirms

 Thanks. This is the part I was remembering -- someone wanted an Are  
 You Sure to interrupt closing the window on a running process, and I  
 mistook the answer to mean that onunload couldn't do much of anything,  
 versus 'couldn't do much of anything to the current window'. That  
 makes perfect sense now.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Element.update not working with div inside a table

2011-02-16 Thread joe t.
Yay! i learned my HTML tip-of-the-day: multiple TBODY tags! Now, i'm
off to find an excuse to use it.
-joe t.

On Feb 16, 12:38 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  For some reason never learned about the tbody element.  When did
  that get added to the spec

 Proposed in 1996, standardized in HTML 4.01 in 1999.[1] It's a cool
 element, because amongst other things, you can have more than one of
 them. So if you have a table with rows you want to replace and other
 rows you don't, you can put them in separate TBODYs and group them
 that way.

 AFAIK, it's always been optional (officially optional) in the *markup*
 (it certainly is in HTML5), but that's in the markup; in standards
 mode, browsers have been inserting it in the DOM for you for years.
 For example:http://jsbin.com/urito5If you run that on IE6, IE7, IE8,
 Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, they'll all say the only child element of
 the TABLE element is a TBODY, although there's no TBODY in the markup.

 Interestingly, HTML5 seems to allow TR to be a direct child of TABLE,
 even in the DOM[2]. That surprises me, I thought it was just in the
 list of elements that an engine was meant to infer.[3] I'm probably
 just misreading the spec. I always explicitly include TBODY if there's
 any chance I'm going to need to manipulate the DOM at the table level,
 just so I know where I am even on edge browsers.


 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Engineer
 tj / crowder software / com
 www / crowder software / com

 On Feb 16, 4:37 pm, Jeffrey Lee jlee...@gmail.com wrote:

  That will teach me to rely on google and random discussions online. :)  I 
  was suspicious that the div was in an awkward location, but hadn't come 
  up with a good way to replace just the body of the table.  For some reason 
  never learned about the tbody element.  When did that get added to the 
  spec, or has that always been there and just not used by hacks like me?  
  Granted the last time I spent any energy on creating and editing web pages 
  before this year was in the late 90's.
  Jeffrey Leehttp://www.jeffreyalanlee.com

  On Feb 16, 2011, at 8:28 , Walter Lee Davis wrote:

   Not in my memory of HTML, which begins in 1997. It's certainly possible 
   to put that into a browser and see something. Browsers are designed to 
   ignore or coerce invalid code as best they can, to preserve the intent 
   where possible. But there's a mile of difference between the JavaScript 
   DOM interpreter and the browser's HTML display engine.

   JavaScript doesn't even receive the HTML as written in code from the 
   browser when it's constructing its starting DOM tree, it uses the output 
   of the browser's first pass at munging the input code stream into shape. 
   This is why you can see a big difference between Firebug and view source, 
   for example.

   So whenever you are interacting directly with the DOM, as you do in 
   Prototype Element#update or anything else that inserts elements into the 
   DOM, you are relied on to insert something that makes sense in the 
   context where it will be added. If you don't, you get an error or you get 

   One other example of this, directly related to tables: It's perfectly 
   valid code to write table id=footrtdSomething/td/tr/table, 
   but it's more correct to write table 
   id=footbodytrtdSomething/td/tr/tbody/table. Most 
   browsers will silently add that missing intermediate element when the 
   page loads.

   So if you wanted to get a handle on your first row, and you used 
   $('foo').childElements()[0] (totally made-up example) then you might 
   actually get a reference to the tbody -- the element you didn't actually 

   Now you're probably smarter than that, and you'd write 
   $('foo').down('tr') and get what you wanted, but that's just an example 
   to make the point that the code you wrote isn't even guaranteed to be the 
   code you're going to be talking to when you start messing with the DOM.


   On Feb 16, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Jeffrey Lee wrote:

   Shows how outdated my HTML is.  Thanks for the pointer.  Its funny, when 
   I was googling around apparently once upon a time it was at least 
   tolerated, if not officially acceptable, to have div as a child of 
   Jeffrey Lee

   On Feb 15, 2011, at 23:20 , T.J. Crowder wrote:


   That HTML is invalid. You can't have a `div` as a child of `table`:

   If you want to subdivide a table like that, you probably want `thead`
   (for your headers) and one or more `tbody` elements:


[Proto-Scripty] Re: Using Prototype

2010-07-06 Thread joe t.
Expanding somewhat on T.J.'s point, i definitely couldn't work without
Prototype's data management utilities (Enumerable, Object extensions,

i love jQuery's compactness and efficiency, but with almost no
attention to Javascript data, i'd rather sacrifice it's DOM efficiency
to have Prototype's data/object manipulation skills.

For lightweight websites that don't require a lot of local data
treatment, i'll use jQuery because it's fairly easy to get used to,
and compact. For anything where i'm retrieving server data or managing
data within the client for an app, i stick to Prototype, and i've
rarely had occasion for them to overlap.

Just my thoughts. It's not a blog, i know, but since you asked... :)
joe t.

On Jul 6, 12:39 am, P.J. pjfontil...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks T.J. The Language section is definitely a prime example of an
 area Prototype excels at where jQuery does little in. My aim is to use
 both libraries in a manner that complements each other. Just looking
 for positive reinforcement in that idea; looking for specific
 strengths each library has.

 On Jul 5, 2:15 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  Just generally speaking, but: If you go to the API reference[1], most
  things in the Language section fall into the category of things
  Prototype provides that jQuery doesn't. jQuery has $.each, but most of
  the other stuff in Prototype's Enumerable isn't in jQuery.

  I _think_ Prototype 1.7 (currently at RC2) has better support for
  querying the layout of elements than jQuery does -- for instance,
  finding out the current pixel value of an auto margin.


  T.J. Crowder
  Independent Software Consultant
  tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

  On Jul 4, 6:24 pm, P.J. pjfontil...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi guys,

   First off, here's a reference I'd like you to read so you'll
   understand where I'm coming from.http://jqueryvsmootools.com/

   It's written by Aaron Newton and it's about jQuery and MooTools. Short
   and sweet, jQuery focuses on the DOM, and does a pretty good job with
   it; and MooTools focuses on the entire JavaScript language.

   Aaron's MooTools is my Prototype. I have a library that uses both
   jQuery and Prototype. I'm not using Scriptaculous as jQuery can handle
   most of the UI. I've been using Prototype to parse JSON and retrieve
   data from external sources, and always consider using it first when I
   come across something difficult to code. I have both in my library
   because I wanted to be able to use widgets for both, thus netting me a
   large variety of widgets and functionality from both camps.

   Should I be treating Prototype similar to how Aaron views MooTools? As
   an extension of the entire JavaScript language as a whole?

   Does anyone have any examples of situations where Prototype provides
   functionality that jQuery doesn't? Mainly, anything outside the UI.
   jQuery also supports JSON usage, but by using Prototype I can not only
   parse JSON but XML and other arbitrary data types as well. I wish to
   re-evaluate my decision to use both in one library, especially if one
   of my reasons was the usage of plugins from both camps and the other
   was that Prototype and jQuery serve different purposes.

   Please help me out, I always attempt to contribute my findings back to
   the community and would greatly appreciate it.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: morph effects on menu roll-over.. better way?

2010-07-04 Thread joe t.
Did you examine the Queue section of the script.aculo.us website?

i don't use the animation library that much, so i can't offer much
help. Sorry. Animations are nice, but in my mind, they're more often a
waste of CPU cycles to an otherwise streamlined application. Maybe if
animations become part of the core functionality of HTML or CSS
that'll improve. i can see the usefulness, just not very often in my
work does it apply.

Hope that queue page offers some help though.
-joe t.

On Jul 4, 4:31 pm, Matt matthew.jones...@gmail.com wrote:
 I tried putting the morph calls in parallel and it really just changed
 the responsiveness of the rollover affect making it more 'stiff' and
 less fluid when multiple menu items were selected in succession.

 The affect i am trying to get it achieved by my first script
 (currently running on the test page), the only problem is it seems
 that the computer loses track of which order the morphs are called in.
 ex: when new morphs are called on dividers already in a morph process,
 it seems to overwrite the current morph with the new one, the new
 morph completes, then the divider flashes white as if it was still
 running the original morph command in the background and you just see
 the final result after the secondary overwriting morph has finished.
 im not sure if this is actually what is going on, its just the best
 way i can think of to explain the situation.

 it almost seems like a queue is required to ensure that the morphs
 complete in the proper order, and are canceled and re-ordered as the
 menu item selection changes, or maybe just canceling the previous
 morph on an element before ordering the new one (if that is not
 automatically done by javascript).. any one have any ideas/experience
 working with complex multiple morphing situations like this, or
 perhaps offer an alternative to using morph to complete the effect i
 want to achieve..


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Proper error handling

2010-06-22 Thread joe t.
Oh thank god. i thought i was being incredibly dense using a solution
like that. But having seen no other way to determine the procedural
path to take when the server responds (barring a transport error),
that seems the most effective way to follow one route for successes
and another for failures/errors. Would be interested in seeing some
tips for that wrapper magic. ;)
-joe t.

On Jun 22, 2:45 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 On Jun 21, 9:58 pm, Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvoldxenoph...@godshell.com wrote:


  What about a non-HTTP error?  What if, for
  instance, myId was invalid?  What is the proper way to pass that
  information back to the ajax application?  Is it ok to use a custom 4xx
  error?  Or should I be using JSON or XML to handle this?

 The answer is in the question. :-) If it's a non-HTTP error, it
 wouldn't be best practice to use an HTTP error code to represent the
 error. (Not that HTTP status codes don't have a fair bit of scope
 creep in them already.)

 I've standardized by having *all* of my Ajax calls return data in the
 same way. They all return JSON-formatted data, and the format for
 success is always:

         success: true,
         otherdata: here

 and the format for errors is always:

         success: false,
         errMessage: error message here

 In any given application, I tend to have a  wrapper around Prototype's
 ajax stuff with some problem-domain logic in it. That wrapper always
 checks for the `success` flag on calls and routes to the error handler
 if it's not there.

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Getting the value of a form field

2010-04-30 Thread joe t.
Similar to a prior response using a CSS selector, but eliminating the
call to #find:

// Returns single value of the checked radio
var value = $F($$('input:checked[type=radio][name=groupName]')[0])

The :checked pseudo-class shortcuts to the checked element(s) in the
selector results. However, in a checkbox group, this would suit

// Returns an array of values of checked boxes
var values = $$('input:checked[type=checkbox][name=groupName\

Note the escaped square brackets are how server languages like PHP
generate arrays from multiple checkboxes.

i really wish when dealing with forms, Prototype's functions dealing
with values should address the name instead of the id, since this is
also the attribute that servers deal with to identify values.
Especially when you're forced to use expensive methods like the above
to use a CSS selector, create an array of matches (pointless when you
know there's only one resulting element), and then get its value.

Hope that's useful.
-joe t.

On Apr 30, 1:32 pm, Shane McCarron halindr...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am sure this is just ignorance on my part, but...

 I would really like to $F('formField') to get the value of whatever field I
 am interested in.  However, it seems formField needs to be the field's ID,
 not its Name.  That's cool, except when I have Radio Buttons or Check
 Boxes.  You aren't allowed to have multiple elements with the same ID and
 still be valid.  What's the right way to do this?

 Shane McCarron

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Proposal: Alias clearContent for update()

2010-04-12 Thread joe t.
Admittedly, there are methods in Prototype (and any library) which are
not perfectly intuitive because they can serve multiple purposes for
the sake of condensing code.

i personally see the update() method as suitable. When there's an
argument, you're updating with the content in the argument. When
there's none, you're updating the element to empty content. There are
a lot of aliases in the Prototype library as it is - something i see
more often as a confusing eyesore than a help. If you really want to
propose the alias to the core, though, join the Prototype Core group
and toss it out there, see if it sticks.
-joe t.

On Apr 12, 9:01 am, Rüdiger Plantiko ruediger.plant...@astrotexte.ch

 I didn't find a method for clearing the content of an HTML element
 *and* which from its name clearly indicates this action.

 I formerly used $(myContainer).update() for clearing the element's
 content, i.e. calling the update method with no arguments. But I
 prefer a readable alias like Element.clearContent() for this. (I first
 tried an alias Element.clear() but this wasn't a good idea, the
 function clear seems to be reserved for other things).

 I like to propose such an alias for the Prototype standard.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Scrodicator: a javascript indicator while you scroll through your form or page

2010-03-21 Thread joe t.
Not me. i snickered. Brings images of The Terminator as an adult film
to mind. :)
-joe t.

On Mar 21, 8:04 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  I can change the name from
  scrodicator to scrolldicator, if it sounds more polite to native English

 It does to *this* native speaker; I can't speak for everyone.
 Hopefully other people are more mature. :-)

 -- T.J.

 On Mar 21, 10:15 am, green greenlaw...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Mr. T.J.Crowder

  I really don't get you on FWIW, and it's likely just the 13 year-old boy in
  me. But anyway thanks for the naming suggestion, I can change the name from
  scrodicator to scrolldicator, if it sounds more polite to native English

  Yes I am going to create a demo page in the github wiki. As for now, people
  can download the package and open sample html files for a demo.


  On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 9:05 PM, T.J. Crowder 


I have publish a UI control named scrodicator...

   FWIW, and it's likely just the 13 year-old boy in me, but
   scrodicator sounds vaguely crude to (this) native English
   speaker...  Perhaps scrolldicator?

Hi, I've created a video clip to demonstrate what scrodicator is.

   Why not just create a demo page? Just curious...
   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Consultant
   tj / crowder software / com

   On Mar 20, 10:27 pm, green greenlaw...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I've created a video clip to demonstrate what scrodicator is. You 
find it athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYkgrCsN52c

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 1:12 AM, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com

 Is there a demo anywhere? It looks interesting, but I'm not 
 sure what you mean it does. I don't use Gmail, so I haven't seen the
 you reference.


 On Mar 20, 2010, at 9:42 AM, green wrote:


 I have publish a UI control named scrodicator at

 Scrodicator is facilitated by gmail which design a visual indication
 the next email sender in a long mail loop.

 This control is licensed in MIT license.

 Comments are welcome.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: for...in gets a overflow if including scriptaculous and prototype ?

2010-02-22 Thread joe t.
i see endless warnings against using for/in. And i understand the
reasons for them, especially on arrays. But it seems like a fairly
powerful looping tool, yet no one seems to temper the warnings with
appropriate circumstances for its use. Since the JS spec disallows
creating non-enumerable properties, ARE there any good uses for this
loop method?

-joe t.

On Feb 22, 9:08 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 That for..in code is incorrect, based on a misconception (a common
 one). This page explains the misconception and discusses correct ways
 of iterating through 

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Feb 22, 12:13 pm, Dale daniel.lehtovi...@gmail.com wrote:


  I tried a simple javascript example on the w3school 
  (http://www.w3schools.com/JS/js_loop_for_in.asp),  and the example works 
  if I don't include scriptaculous or prototype, but once I do I keep
  getting a strange error.

  Anyone know why this error/bug shows up, or have I done something very
  strange in my code ?

  Thanks for any help... examples below...

  The normal example:

  script type=text/javascript
  var x;
  var mycars = new Array();
  mycars[0] = Saab;
  mycars[1] = Volvo;
  mycars[2] = BMW;

  for (x in mycars)
    document.write(mycars[x] + br /);

  Output of this one is:

  The modified example including the library:
  script src=javascript/prototype.js type=text/javascript/script
  script src=javascript/scriptaculous.js type=text/javascript/
  script type=text/javascript
  var x;
  var mycars = Array();
  mycars[0] = Saab;
  mycars[1] = Volvo;
  mycars[2] = BMW;

  for (x in mycars)
  document.write(mycars[x] + br /);}


  Output of this one is:
  function each(iterator, context) { var index = 0; try
  { this._each(function (value) {iterator.call(context, value, index+
  +);}); } catch (e) { if (e != $break) { throw e; } } return this; }
  function eachSlice(number, iterator, context) { var index = - number,
  slices = [], array = this.toArray(); if (number  1) { return array; }
  while ((index += number)  array.length)
  { slices.push(array.slice(index, index + number)); } return
  slices.collect(iterator, context); }
  function all(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
  var result = true; this.each(function (value, index) {result = result
   !!iterator.call(context, value, index);if (!result) {throw
  $break;}}); return result; }
  function any(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
  var result = false; this.each(function (value, index) {if ((result = !!
  iterator.call(context, value, index))) {throw $break;}}); return
  result; }
  function collect(iterator, context) { iterator = iterator ||
  Prototype.K; var results = []; this.each(function (value, index)
  {results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index));}); return
  results; }
  function detect(iterator, context) { var result; this.each(function
  (value, index) {if (iterator.call(context, value, index)) {result =
  value;throw $break;}}); return result; }
  function findAll(iterator, context) { var results = [];
  this.each(function (value, index) {if (iterator.call(context, value,
  index)) {results.push(value);}}); return results; }
  function findAll(iterator, context) { var results = [];
  this.each(function (value, index) {if (iterator.call(context, value,
  index)) {results.push(value);}}); return results; }
  function grep(filter, iterator, context) { iterator = iterator ||
  Prototype.K; var results = []; if (Object.isString(filter)) { filter =
  new RegExp(RegExp.escape(filter)); } this.each(function (value, index)
  {if (filter.match(value)) {results.push(iterator.call(context, value,
  index));}}); return results; }
  function include(object) { if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf)) { if
  (this.indexOf(object) != -1) { return true; } } var found = false;
  this.each(function (value) {if (value == object) {found = true;throw
  $break;}}); return found; }
  function include(object) { if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf)) { if
  (this.indexOf(object) != -1) { return true; } } var found = false;
  this.each(function (value) {if (value == object) {found = true;throw
  $break;}}); return found; }
  function inGroupsOf(number, fillWith) { fillWith =
  Object.isUndefined(fillWith) ? null : fillWith; return
  this.eachSlice(number, function (slice) {while (slice.length  number)
  {slice.push(fillWith);}return slice;}); }
  function inject(memo, iterator, context) { this.each(function (value,
  index) {memo = iterator.call(context, memo, value, index);}); return
  memo; }
  function invoke(method) { var args = $A(arguments).slice(1); return

[Proto-Scripty] Re: element.observ on classname+id

2010-02-21 Thread joe t.
Ugh. Looks like more slacker accommodation to me. The p tag laziness
alone looks like layout problems begging to happen (especially for JS
string-to-HTML parsing). But thanks for pointing out that
technicality. Not sure i understand why they're allowing for it.
-joe t.

On Feb 21, 1:57 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Joe,

  Just as a small nit-pick, LI elements are containers, and so should
  have closing /li tags.

 Browser behavior for years has made doing what he did functional, and
 the HTML5 spec will actually formalize 

 I only realized that the other day, when I was looking up something
 about the TH element and the example flagrantly omitted end tags all
 over the place.

 Fortunately, the end tag is still *allowed*, it's just optional in
 certain defined situations.

 -- T.J.

 On Feb 21, 12:27 am, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

  Just as a small nit-pick, LI elements are containers, and so should
  have closing /li tags.
  -joe t.

  On Feb 20, 8:58 am, Jinsa jf.wesq...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi everybody!

   I'm actually working on a script acting on a UL menu with different LI
   classname. The goal is to react onMouseOver and onClick on each LI
   click or mouseover differently. The fact is the class is unknown so my
   script have to check the UL and then observe each LI as elements.

   Here is the html:

   ul id=menu
     li class=itema id=current href=First/a
     li class=item23a id=current href=Second/a
     li class=item22a id=current href=Third/a
     li class=item12a id=current href=Vador/a
     li class=item6a id=current href=What the!/a
     li class=item2a id=current href=Hahum!/a

   and then the script:

   function bindage()
           $('menu').down('li').each(function (el)
                   return $(el).observe('click', function(event)
                           alert('hellow bro');


   Event.observe(window, 'load', bindage);

   But that obviously doesn't work... I really don't have any idea to
   make it work... I've tried so far but without any success... maybe you
   could help me?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: element.observ on classname+id

2010-02-20 Thread joe t.
Just as a small nit-pick, LI elements are containers, and so should
have closing /li tags.
-joe t.

On Feb 20, 8:58 am, Jinsa jf.wesq...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 I'm actually working on a script acting on a UL menu with different LI
 classname. The goal is to react onMouseOver and onClick on each LI
 click or mouseover differently. The fact is the class is unknown so my
 script have to check the UL and then observe each LI as elements.

 Here is the html:

 ul id=menu
   li class=itema id=current href=First/a
   li class=item23a id=current href=Second/a
   li class=item22a id=current href=Third/a
   li class=item12a id=current href=Vador/a
   li class=item6a id=current href=What the!/a
   li class=item2a id=current href=Hahum!/a

 and then the script:

 function bindage()
         $('menu').down('li').each(function (el)
                 return $(el).observe('click', function(event)
                         alert('hellow bro');


 Event.observe(window, 'load', bindage);

 But that obviously doesn't work... I really don't have any idea to
 make it work... I've tried so far but without any success... maybe you
 could help me?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: How to observe the event window.resize ?

2010-01-19 Thread joe t.
Try Event.observe(window, 'resize', ...); (similar to the 'dom:loaded'

However, per a jQuery discussion here:
and here:
it might not be so wise to observe the event directly. IE fires the
event each time a pixel move is made. You could probably adapt code
out of the latter link, though.

-joe t.

On Jan 18, 12:33 pm, gillesvds gilles...@adok.info wrote:
 How to observe the event window.resize with prototype ?
 The window object is not an instance of Element... so, is there a
 cross-browser solution using prototype ?
 Gilles (France)
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Collecting checked checkboxes

2010-01-11 Thread joe t.
Couldn't this also work (tweak to fit)?:

var values = $('containerID').select('input:checked[type=checkbox]

i use that line for radio groups. Got it from:
-joe t.

On Jan 11, 6:38 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 I use something like this ..
 var array=new Array();

 if(($e).checked==true) {



 input type=checkbox class=myClassName value=I am checked /


 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: Hussein B hubaghd...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 8:11 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Collecting checked checkboxes

  I have a checkbox in front of each row in my table.
  Upon clicking on submit button, I want to collect the checked boxes
  and send values via Ajax request.
  How to iterate over the checked boxes?
  Thanks for help and time.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Collecting checked checkboxes

2010-01-11 Thread joe t.
Er, a boo-boo on my part when compared to the source... He uses $$()
to directly select the checkboxes, rather than starting at the parent
container and using select(). i imagine it would work either way, but
the original $$() is one step more direct.
-joe t.

On Jan 11, 7:36 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 Couldn't this also work (tweak to fit)?:

 var values = $('containerID').select('input:checked[type=checkbox]

 i use that line for radio groups. Got it 
 -joe t.

 On Jan 11, 6:38 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  I use something like this ..
  var array=new Array();

  if(($e).checked==true) {



  input type=checkbox class=myClassName value=I am checked /


  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: Hussein B hubaghd...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 8:11 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Collecting checked checkboxes

   I have a checkbox in front of each row in my table.
   Upon clicking on submit button, I want to collect the checked boxes
   and send values via Ajax request.
   How to iterate over the checked boxes?
   Thanks for help and time.


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
   To post to this group, send email to
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Collecting checked checkboxes

2010-01-11 Thread joe t.
Ah, a little more tricky.

tdinput type=checkbox name=groupName[]//td
tdCell 1/td
tdCell 2/td
tdCell 3/td

var values = [];

i don't really know if Prototype provides a clean Get the text
content of this element method, since IE likes innerText and Firefox
(i think) doesn't. This sample just assumes that the first node of the
second cell with content is text (remember, index 0 when DOM
navigating, so next(1) moves two cells).
-joe t.

On Jan 11, 8:03 am, Hussein B hubaghd...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks, it works for me.
 I have one further question:
 As I said, there is a checkbox at the end of each row.
 Now I know how to now if the checkbox is checked or not.
 What I want to do is if the checkbox is checked, I want to get the
 value of the second cell in the table.


 How to do this?
 Sorry but I'm a client side developer usually, but I have this task to
 Thanks again.

 On Jan 11, 1:38 pm, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  I use something like this ..
  var array=new Array();

  if(($e).checked==true) {



  input type=checkbox class=myClassName value=I am checked /


  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: Hussein B hubaghd...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 8:11 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Collecting checked checkboxes

   I have a checkbox in front of each row in my table.
   Upon clicking on submit button, I want to collect the checked boxes
   and send values via Ajax request.
   How to iterate over the checked boxes?
   Thanks for help and time.


   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
   Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
   To post to this group, send email to
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   For more options, visit this group at

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Passing the content of an array in a form

2009-12-21 Thread joe t.
For most typical cases, JSON is easier, and more efficient. For one,
by sending a Content-type header of application/json you can send an
array down from the server, and Prototype automatically converts it
into a JSON object you can utilize.

Hope that's helpful. There are much better explanations in the API
documentation, and people here in the group who can articulate it much
better than i.
-joe t.

On Dec 21, 2:59 am, Frédéric f...@gbiloba.org wrote:
 On lundi 21 décembre 2009, joe t. wrote:

  i may be misunderstanding the problem you're describing, but typically
  when you submit an array of values with the same field name, you want
  to use [] on the end of the field name. It's possible IE is
  submitting the array in its object form, which the server is seeing as
  string [object] and sending back untouched. If the fields are in
  your HTML, they need an attribute like:
  input ... name=picts[] /
  or if the data is managed by your script, and passed in the
  Ajax.Request as part of the parameters option, you still need to wrap
  the name into a string:
  { parameters: { picts[] : picts ... } }

  Sorry if that's on the wrong track.

 Thanks for the explanation.

 I was wondering: a better solution is may be to use json? What do you
 sthink about?



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request

2009-12-21 Thread joe t.
 function show(){alert(get_data_default());}
This line will fail when you call show() because you're not passing a
function to fill the callback variable inside get_data_default().

Also, method:post and asynchronous:true are the defaults for those
options. You don't need to specify them if you plan to keep those
-joe t.

On Dec 20, 10:47 pm, heeae csche...@gmail.com wrote:
 I will using this approach

 function get_data_default(callback){
 new Ajax.Request('/adress',
     onSuccess: function(data){ callback(data.responseText.evalJSON
 (true); },
     onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }


 function show(){alert(get_data_default());}

 var data = null;
 function processData(obj){ data = obj; alert(data.abc); }
 if(data == null){


 On Dec 20, 7:35 pm, kangur91 kangu...@gmail.com wrote:

  My code:

  function get_data_default() {
  new Ajax.Request('/adress',
      onSuccess: function(data){ return data.responseText.evalJSON
  (true); },
      onFailure: function(){ alert('Something went wrong...') }

  function show(){alert(get_data_default());}

  I want to function get_data_default return data recived from OnSucces
  function. How do that?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Passing the content of an array in a form

2009-12-20 Thread joe t.
i may be misunderstanding the problem you're describing, but typically
when you submit an array of values with the same field name, you want
to use [] on the end of the field name. It's possible IE is
submitting the array in its object form, which the server is seeing as
string [object] and sending back untouched. If the fields are in
your HTML, they need an attribute like:
input ... name=picts[] /
or if the data is managed by your script, and passed in the
Ajax.Request as part of the parameters option, you still need to wrap
the name into a string:
{ parameters: { picts[] : picts ... } }

Sorry if that's on the wrong track.
-joe t.

On Dec 20, 7:10 am, Frédéric f...@gbiloba.org wrote:

 I have a little problem. I want to give the content of an array to a new
 page through a form. The javascript code is:

     this._view.selectedPicts.setAttribute('value', picts);

 I retreive the content using mod_python:

     fields = util.FieldStorage(req)
     selectedPicts = fields['selectedPicts'].split(',')

 All works fine under Firefox and Safari/konqueror, but fails under IE8:


 fields={'numAdherent': [Field('numAdherent', '20')], 'numEvenement':
 [Field('numEvenement', '2')], 'selectedPicts': [Field('selectedPicts',


 fields={'numAdherent': [Field('numAdherent', '20')], 'numEvenement':
 [Field('numEvenement', '2')], 'selectedPicts': [Field('selectedPicts',

 The strange thing is if I log 'picts' before sending the form, it is
 correct, even under IE8!

     console.debug(OrderingController._submit(): picts= + picts);


 2009-11-0 12:53:55,198::DEBUG::OrderingController._submit():


 JOURNAL : 2009-11-0 12:55:10,67::DEBUG::OrderingController._submit():

 So, why do I get the wrong string in my form field under IE8? What should I
 use instead of just 'picts'?




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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

2009-12-12 Thread joe t.
My crude-imentary tests are on my Win7 laptop using Wamp, which means
mod_deflate. Work server is Cent, but i don't know whether it's got
any compression modules enabled (i've tried with the admin, he
-joe t.

On Dec 12, 4:17 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

 Are you using ob_gz_handler(); or mod_defalte / mod_gzip ?

 Also is  it a winblows or *nix server

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: joe t. thooke...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 2:24 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

 Thanks for the sample. i must be missing a piece somewhere 

 From that single Ajax.Request, the client delays, and after the PHP is
 done running, i get the complete output in one block. What i'd
 anticipated was that in each loop, the flush() would somehow send that
 output to the client where it could be used, then the next loop's
 flush would send another output to the client...

 If i'm understanding it, Ajax is a single-request-single-response. i
 can't output the current step a process is in as it happens. i can
 accumulate them, as your model shows, and dump that out as a log, of
 sorts. But in order to monitor progress of one request's processing on
 the server, a series of follow-ups have to get feedback which the
 original is providing on the side (as T.J. recommended).

 Unless i'm missing something, which would be great if you could help
 me fill that in. :)
 -joe t.

 On Dec 11, 3:29 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  in your ajax request file

  ini_set('output_buffering',0); // make sure the output_buffering directive
  is not set high
  ob_start(); // before anything is echoed to the screen

  echo('liPrinting Line '.$i.'/li');

  sleep(1); // sleep for one second


  this will output a line every second for 10 seconds

  Hope this helps

  P.S if you use ob_gz_handler this may not work (untested using it)

  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: joe t. thooke...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 1:00 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single

  The buffer/flush path seems to be where this solution is heading.
  Don't ask me why, but iframes rub me the wrong way. With the evolving
  needs for more streamlined connections, iframes feel like soggy
  bandaids to me. Given they have a place where nothing else seems to
  work (Ajax-ish file uploads), but i'd prefer to steer away from them
  in this case if i can.

  That seems like a fairly solid idea. Same general concept of having a
  second request object checking in on progress that the server reports
  back, it just gets it from a relatively more reliable source (instead
  of $_SESSION).

  Could you elaborate a bit, or point me to where i can follow up on
  that? i'm intrigued, but i'm not deeply familiar with using the output
  buffer effectively.

  Thanks for the replies!
  -joe t.

  On Dec 10, 3:45 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
   I noticed you were using PHP on the server side ... you can also use
   buffering to achieve this in one request

   Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

   - Original Message -
   From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
   To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
   Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:38 AM
   Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single

   Hi Joe,

   It seems to me the simple way to do this is have the first request
   initiate a process on the server that keeps running when the request
   completes; the request returns an indicator of the current status and
   an identifier for the action.

   Your subsequent requests supply the identifer, which allows the server-
   side page to check the progress of the ongoing work matching that ID
   and report back the (new) status.

   People use things like this for showing progress bars for file uploads
   without using Flash, that kind of thing.

   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Consultant
   tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

   On Dec 9, 4:11 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
i think i've seen examples of this, but can't recall where, and could
use some guidance.

Obviously it's easy to handle a 1:1 Request/Response

How can i do a true 1:many process? For instance:
Client takes a single action which requires the server to perform 3
* Query database
* Generate PDF
* Generate email, attach PDF, and send

How can i

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Autocompleter does not work in FireFox 3.5.5

2009-12-12 Thread joe t.
U, right, sure, yeah, of COURSE i saw that... (didn't).

i tend to agree with you on [not] placing the active script block at
the end of the document and trusting it to work 100% of the time. Like
you, i haven't seen any hard data on why NOT to, but just don't fully
trust it.

i don't see any obvious reason the script would be failing. Tracing
back #clearWhitespace from Prototype, it only occurs in Autocompleter
in the #onComplete callback. i don't use the class that much, so i'm
not the best one to ask. i just happened across your initial response
in my digest email. :O

Sorry i couldn't be more help on this one.
-joe t.

On Dec 12, 6:05 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
  Just tossing in: Alternately, the script block that has the active
  part can be placed at the end of the document, so the DOM elements are
  loaded by the time the browser reaches that script tag.

 I've never been comfortable relying on that. I've heard people say it,
 some of them even people who seem like they know what they're doing,
 but I've never been comfortable *relying* on it. I really should find
 (or do) some really robust tests, probably a point of ignorance for

 Good catch that his script block *is* at the end. If you can count on
 elements being in place at that point, any idea why it's failing?

 -- T.J.

 On Dec 12, 2:00 am, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

   Always makes me eager to jump in and spend my time helping. ;-)


  Just tossing in: Alternately, the script block that has the active
  part can be placed at the end of the document, so the DOM elements are
  loaded by the time the browser reaches that script tag. You knew
  that, but OP maybe didn't.
  -joe t.

  On Dec 11, 11:02 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


I have not really tried to debug this.

   Always makes me eager to jump in and spend my time helping. ;-)

   But the error is obvious enough in this case:  You're trying to access
   the DOM from inline script, which won't work; the DOM doesn't exist
   when that script is executed.  You need to use the window.load or
   dom:loaded event.

   document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
      // Create the autocompleter


   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Consultant
   tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

   On Dec 11, 3:10 pm, mjk mj.kelle...@gmail.com wrote:

The error must be coming from another method that retrieves
'element'.  I have not really tried to debug this.  Wondering if
anyone else has had this problem, and how they remedied it.


meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/
script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
style type=text/css
div.autocomplete {
  border:1px solid #888;

div.autocomplete ul {

div.autocomplete ul li.selected { background-color: #ffb;}
div.autocomplete ul li {

label for=inputAutotext:/label
input type=text id=input name=input size=15 /
div id=results class=autocomplete style=display: none;
script type=text/javascript
    var txtid = 'input';
    var divid = 'results';
    var server = 'http://localhost:8080/ewcmtestbed/autocomplete';
    new Ajax.Autocompleter(txtid, divid, server, { tokens: ','});

The error:
   In prototype.js
   element is null

   The method:
 cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
      element = $(element);
      var node = element.firstChild;
      while (node) {
      var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
      if (node.nodeType == 3  !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue))
       node = nextNode;
       return element;


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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Autocompleter does not work in FireFox 3.5.5

2009-12-11 Thread joe t.
 Always makes me eager to jump in and spend my time helping. ;-)

Just tossing in: Alternately, the script block that has the active
part can be placed at the end of the document, so the DOM elements are
loaded by the time the browser reaches that script tag. You knew
that, but OP maybe didn't.
-joe t.

On Dec 11, 11:02 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  I have not really tried to debug this.

 Always makes me eager to jump in and spend my time helping. ;-)

 But the error is obvious enough in this case:  You're trying to access
 the DOM from inline script, which won't work; the DOM doesn't exist
 when that script is executed.  You need to use the window.load or
 dom:loaded event.

 document.observe('dom:loaded', function() {
    // Create the autocompleter


 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Dec 11, 3:10 pm, mjk mj.kelle...@gmail.com wrote:

  The error must be coming from another method that retrieves
  'element'.  I have not really tried to debug this.  Wondering if
  anyone else has had this problem, and how they remedied it.

  The HTML

  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=utf-8/
  script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
  script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
  script type=text/javascript src=http://localhost:4402/author/js/
  style type=text/css
  div.autocomplete {
    border:1px solid #888;

  div.autocomplete ul {

  div.autocomplete ul li.selected { background-color: #ffb;}
  div.autocomplete ul li {

  label for=inputAutotext:/label
  input type=text id=input name=input size=15 /
  div id=results class=autocomplete style=display: none;
  script type=text/javascript
      var txtid = 'input';
      var divid = 'results';
      var server = 'http://localhost:8080/ewcmtestbed/autocomplete';
      new Ajax.Autocompleter(txtid, divid, server, { tokens: ','});

  The error:
     In prototype.js
     element is null

     The method:
   cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
        element = $(element);
        var node = element.firstChild;
        while (node) {
        var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
        if (node.nodeType == 3  !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue))
         node = nextNode;
         return element;


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

2009-12-11 Thread joe t.
Thanks for the sample. i must be missing a piece somewhere though...

From that single Ajax.Request, the client delays, and after the PHP is
done running, i get the complete output in one block. What i'd
anticipated was that in each loop, the flush() would somehow send that
output to the client where it could be used, then the next loop's
flush would send another output to the client...

If i'm understanding it, Ajax is a single-request-single-response. i
can't output the current step a process is in as it happens. i can
accumulate them, as your model shows, and dump that out as a log, of
sorts. But in order to monitor progress of one request's processing on
the server, a series of follow-ups have to get feedback which the
original is providing on the side (as T.J. recommended).

Unless i'm missing something, which would be great if you could help
me fill that in. :)
-joe t.

On Dec 11, 3:29 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 in your ajax request file

 ini_set('output_buffering',0); // make sure the output_buffering directive
 is not set high
 ob_start(); // before anything is echoed to the screen

     echo('liPrinting Line '.$i.'/li');

     sleep(1); //  sleep for one second


 this will output a line every second for 10 seconds

 Hope this helps

 P.S if you use ob_gz_handler this may not work (untested using it)

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: joe t. thooke...@gmail.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 1:00 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

 The buffer/flush path seems to be where this solution is heading.
 Don't ask me why, but iframes rub me the wrong way. With the evolving
 needs for more streamlined connections, iframes feel like soggy
 bandaids to me. Given they have a place where nothing else seems to
 work (Ajax-ish file uploads), but i'd prefer to steer away from them
 in this case if i can.

 That seems like a fairly solid idea. Same general concept of having a
 second request object checking in on progress that the server reports
 back, it just gets it from a relatively more reliable source (instead
 of $_SESSION).

 Could you elaborate a bit, or point me to where i can follow up on
 that? i'm intrigued, but i'm not deeply familiar with using the output
 buffer effectively.

 Thanks for the replies!
 -joe t.

 On Dec 10, 3:45 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
  I noticed you were using PHP on the server side ... you can also use
  buffering to achieve this in one request

  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
  Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:38 AM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single

  Hi Joe,

  It seems to me the simple way to do this is have the first request
  initiate a process on the server that keeps running when the request
  completes; the request returns an indicator of the current status and
  an identifier for the action.

  Your subsequent requests supply the identifer, which allows the server-
  side page to check the progress of the ongoing work matching that ID
  and report back the (new) status.

  People use things like this for showing progress bars for file uploads
  without using Flash, that kind of thing.

  T.J. Crowder
  Independent Software Consultant
  tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

  On Dec 9, 4:11 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
   i think i've seen examples of this, but can't recall where, and could
   use some guidance.

   Obviously it's easy to handle a 1:1 Request/Response

   How can i do a true 1:many process? For instance:
   Client takes a single action which requires the server to perform 3
   * Query database
   * Generate PDF
   * Generate email, attach PDF, and send

   How can i respond to the client as EACH task is accomplished without
   ending the request chain?
   Looking up your data . . . (time-based dots as delay indicator)
   Creating PDF . . .
   Email sent (or failed, as the case may be)

   Is this done with HTTP 2xx headers? Recursive callbacks? If anyone can
   point me in the right direction (which include samples), i'd be

   -joe t.


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  Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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  For more options, visit this group

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

2009-12-10 Thread joe t.
The buffer/flush path seems to be where this solution is heading.
Don't ask me why, but iframes rub me the wrong way. With the evolving
needs for more streamlined connections, iframes feel like soggy
bandaids to me. Given they have a place where nothing else seems to
work (Ajax-ish file uploads), but i'd prefer to steer away from them
in this case if i can.

That seems like a fairly solid idea. Same general concept of having a
second request object checking in on progress that the server reports
back, it just gets it from a relatively more reliable source (instead
of $_SESSION).

Could you elaborate a bit, or point me to where i can follow up on
that? i'm intrigued, but i'm not deeply familiar with using the output
buffer effectively.

Thanks for the replies!
-joe t.

On Dec 10, 3:45 am, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
 I noticed you were using PHP on the server side ... you can also use output
 buffering to achieve this in one request

 Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

 - Original Message -
 From: T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 8:38 AM
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

 Hi Joe,

 It seems to me the simple way to do this is have the first request
 initiate a process on the server that keeps running when the request
 completes; the request returns an indicator of the current status and
 an identifier for the action.

 Your subsequent requests supply the identifer, which allows the server-
 side page to check the progress of the ongoing work matching that ID
 and report back the (new) status.

 People use things like this for showing progress bars for file uploads
 without using Flash, that kind of thing.

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

 On Dec 9, 4:11 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
  i think i've seen examples of this, but can't recall where, and could
  use some guidance.

  Obviously it's easy to handle a 1:1 Request/Response

  How can i do a true 1:many process? For instance:
  Client takes a single action which requires the server to perform 3
  * Query database
  * Generate PDF
  * Generate email, attach PDF, and send

  How can i respond to the client as EACH task is accomplished without
  ending the request chain?
  Looking up your data . . . (time-based dots as delay indicator)
  Creating PDF . . .
  Email sent (or failed, as the case may be)

  Is this done with HTTP 2xx headers? Recursive callbacks? If anyone can
  point me in the right direction (which include samples), i'd be

  -joe t.


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 Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group 


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[Proto-Scripty] Progressive update messages from single request

2009-12-09 Thread joe t.
i think i've seen examples of this, but can't recall where, and could
use some guidance.

Obviously it's easy to handle a 1:1 Request/Response

How can i do a true 1:many process? For instance:
Client takes a single action which requires the server to perform 3
* Query database
* Generate PDF
* Generate email, attach PDF, and send

How can i respond to the client as EACH task is accomplished without
ending the request chain?
Looking up your data . . . (time-based dots as delay indicator)
Creating PDF . . .
Email sent (or failed, as the case may be)

Is this done with HTTP 2xx headers? Recursive callbacks? If anyone can
point me in the right direction (which include samples), i'd be

-joe t.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Progressive update messages from single request

2009-12-09 Thread joe t.
Thanks for the response Walter.

i can see where you're going with that, but in those successively
created new Ajax.Request calls, it's generating a new request to the
server, which runs the server-side routine from the beginning, right?
In my concept, the first call commands the server to run all three

Client Request 1 --
  Collect the data (send feedback to client) --
  Create the PDF (send feedback to client) --
  Attach to an email and send (send final feedback)

Where your structure more resembles:

Client Request 1 --
  Collect data (send Feedback 1) --
  Client Request 2 --
Create PDF (send Feedback 2) --
Client Request 3 --
  Attach and email (send Feedback 3)

Am i correct? If so, that works only to the amount of detail i provide
nested invocations of Ajax.Request to check/perform one specific
detail of progress. Keep in mind this is only an example: what if i
need feedback during the attachment process (attaching 1 of 100
files)? For one, it would be nasty to nest that many Ajax.Request
calls, and more importantly, that email object only exists within the
request that creates and processes it. The second request to attach
file 2 of 100 isn't working on the same email object (as i understand

i did find one QA similar to this where it was suggested to use
$_SESSION for the current progress message... The initial Request gets
the server going on the task, and also creates a second Request that
repeats (eg, Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater). That one does nothing more than
check $_SESSION for the latest message (which gets updated by the task
being performed). That feels slightly better to me, despite the
potential traffic overhead for longer requests (hence the {decay}
option, i suppose).

Something for me to chew on, i suppose.

Thanks again,
-joe t.

On Dec 9, 1:22 pm, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 I would do this with chained onSuccess handlers. Each one would  
 trigger a new request to a different endpoint, carrying some token to  
 identify the visitor.

         //do your lookup
         new Ajax.Request('lookup.php',{
                         //make your pdf
                         $('message').update('making PDF...');;
                         new Ajax.Request('pdf.php',{
                                 onCreate:..., //you get the idea



 On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:11 AM, joe t. wrote:

  i think i've seen examples of this, but can't recall where, and could
  use some guidance.

  Obviously it's easy to handle a 1:1 Request/Response

  How can i do a true 1:many process? For instance:
  Client takes a single action which requires the server to perform 3
  * Query database
  * Generate PDF
  * Generate email, attach PDF, and send

  How can i respond to the client as EACH task is accomplished without
  ending the request chain?
  Looking up your data . . . (time-based dots as delay indicator)
  Creating PDF . . .
  Email sent (or failed, as the case may be)

  Is this done with HTTP 2xx headers? Recursive callbacks? If anyone can
  point me in the right direction (which include samples), i'd be

  -joe t.


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[Proto-Scripty] InPlace[Collection]Editor deprecation layer

2009-12-03 Thread joe t.
i came across this block of text in Scriptaculous controls.js 1.8.2  .

// DEPRECATION LAYER FOR InPlace[Collection]Editor! 
// This only  exists for a while,  in order to  let 
// users adapt to  the new API.  Read up on the new 
// API and convert your code to it ASAP!

As i use both of those Classes, i want to make sure i'm using the
newer API, but there's no indication where i can read up on the new
API, and the documentation on script.aculo.us is fairly vague about
what's new and deprecated.

Anyone have some kind of timeline for this deprecation? Where can i
read up to make sure i'm current?

joe t.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype.jExtension

2009-11-14 Thread joe t.

Which methods you propose for the library are entirely up to you. The
development team will make the ultimate decision if they want to
include them or make efficiency modifications. i was just offering a
tweak to #compact to make it work as described. :)

Good luck!
-joe t.

On Nov 13, 12:19 pm, jacoz jacopo.nu...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Joe T.,
 well, I've followed your suggests and so (I remember you the 
 - updated Array#compact
 - updated Element#ajaxRequest
 - added Element#ajaxUpdate

 So now you have an empty function when using #ajaxRequest, and the
 update function when using #ajaxUpdate!
 Is that good, according to you?

 Which methods would you suggest me to propose?

 Thank you so much!

 On Nov 13, 4:49 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

  i agree with a lot of Eric's points so far. There are some
  interesting, and possibly useful utility methods in this, but there
  are others that would needlessly bloat an already fairly bloated
  library (don't get me wrong, i still love it). The thing i would point
  out for #ajaxRequest is similar to Eric's point: by embedding an
  onSuccess call, you force the user to either replace it with their own
  callback, or pass an empty function just to make it not do the default
  element update. It's usually better practice to minimize the amount of
  required options and let the user include more as they need them. i
  actually don't do element updates from Ajax request as a frequent
  practice, so this modification would harm my code overhead.

  Also, as a minor clarification: in #compact, the strict argument
  name should be changed to aggressive. (    ) is not strictly an
  empty string. It's just 100% white space. Seems like nitpicking, but
  with other mentions of helping novice coders understand more about JS
  libraries, consistent semantics are a huge part of that.

  Eric's right about using tests outside loops, but there are a couple
  issue with the proposed correction:
  1. From the original, value.strip() is wrong, because #strip() doesn't
  exist for non-string values.

  2. Several values are false-ish, so they get removed from the results
  even without the aggressive argument. If the intent of this #compact
  method is to only remove null/undefined in lazy mode, Prototype.K
  won't work. Returning  to the select() comparison ends up false, so
   gets dropped.

    return this.select(aggressive === true ?
      function(v){return v != null  v.toString().strip() != ''} :
      function(v){return v !== null  v !== undefined}


  The adjustment ensures that the intent of only stripping null and
  undefined remains intact, since so many values can evaluate to false-
  ish (, 0, [], etc). And mentioning zero, what if there's desire to
  be super-aggressive and remove those, or also remove actual boolean
  falses? :)
  -joe t.

  On Nov 13, 8:07 am, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Jacopo,

   On Nov 12, 4:29 pm, jacoz jacopo.nu...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi Eric,
thanks for your suggests!
Well, now I answer all of your questions ;)
- I named Element.ajaxRequest() in that way because by default it
updates the element, but you can change the onSuccess function!

   OK, but if you don't change the element in the onSuccess, there is no
   point using this method instead of Ajax.Request.

- I've written String#len and String#getType because some newbies may
not knows that attributes ;)

   Well, you must not forget that every single byte you add to the
   library will be loaded by every single page using the library.
   Peoples are already complaining because prototype is big, so if we
   start to add useless things, it will be worst.
   Moreover, newbies should better learn about length and the DOM
   attributes instead of some exotic name not portable (and slower)

- I've re-written Array#compact: now the control is not recursive

   It wasn't recursive, it was slow :o)

   But still, return value != null is the same than return value (at
   least when passed to Enumerable.select) and it is exactly what
   Prototype.K function does.


Here is the code:http://tr.im/EBEPtheArray#comapctstartsat at
line 128

Which methods do you suggest me to propose??

   Well it is up to you, but Element.ajaxUpdate, Object.isBoolean or your
   change to Array.compact sounds like useful features to me.



On Nov 12, 11:15 am, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:


 This has some nice ideas like Element.ajaxRequest() (which I would
 have called Element.ajaxUpdate() since it is what it does :o) ), but
 also some features I fail to see any utility to.
 I.E., what's the point to use 'string'.len() instead of
 Same thing for $('someElement').getType() instead of $

 Also, try to limit the impact

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype.jExtension

2009-11-13 Thread joe t.

i agree with a lot of Eric's points so far. There are some
interesting, and possibly useful utility methods in this, but there
are others that would needlessly bloat an already fairly bloated
library (don't get me wrong, i still love it). The thing i would point
out for #ajaxRequest is similar to Eric's point: by embedding an
onSuccess call, you force the user to either replace it with their own
callback, or pass an empty function just to make it not do the default
element update. It's usually better practice to minimize the amount of
required options and let the user include more as they need them. i
actually don't do element updates from Ajax request as a frequent
practice, so this modification would harm my code overhead.

Also, as a minor clarification: in #compact, the strict argument
name should be changed to aggressive. () is not strictly an
empty string. It's just 100% white space. Seems like nitpicking, but
with other mentions of helping novice coders understand more about JS
libraries, consistent semantics are a huge part of that.

Eric's right about using tests outside loops, but there are a couple
issue with the proposed correction:
1. From the original, value.strip() is wrong, because #strip() doesn't
exist for non-string values.

2. Several values are false-ish, so they get removed from the results
even without the aggressive argument. If the intent of this #compact
method is to only remove null/undefined in lazy mode, Prototype.K
won't work. Returning  to the select() comparison ends up false, so
 gets dropped.

  return this.select(aggressive === true ?
function(v){return v != null  v.toString().strip() != ''} :
function(v){return v !== null  v !== undefined}

The adjustment ensures that the intent of only stripping null and
undefined remains intact, since so many values can evaluate to false-
ish (, 0, [], etc). And mentioning zero, what if there's desire to
be super-aggressive and remove those, or also remove actual boolean
falses? :)
-joe t.

On Nov 13, 8:07 am, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Jacopo,

 On Nov 12, 4:29 pm, jacoz jacopo.nu...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Eric,
  thanks for your suggests!
  Well, now I answer all of your questions ;)
  - I named Element.ajaxRequest() in that way because by default it
  updates the element, but you can change the onSuccess function!

 OK, but if you don't change the element in the onSuccess, there is no
 point using this method instead of Ajax.Request.

  - I've written String#len and String#getType because some newbies may
  not knows that attributes ;)

 Well, you must not forget that every single byte you add to the
 library will be loaded by every single page using the library.
 Peoples are already complaining because prototype is big, so if we
 start to add useless things, it will be worst.
 Moreover, newbies should better learn about length and the DOM
 attributes instead of some exotic name not portable (and slower)

  - I've re-written Array#compact: now the control is not recursive

 It wasn't recursive, it was slow :o)

 But still, return value != null is the same than return value (at
 least when passed to Enumerable.select) and it is exactly what
 Prototype.K function does.


  Here is the code:http://tr.im/EBEPtheArray#comapct starts at at
  line 128

  Which methods do you suggest me to propose??

 Well it is up to you, but Element.ajaxUpdate, Object.isBoolean or your
 change to Array.compact sounds like useful features to me.



  On Nov 12, 11:15 am, Eric lefauv...@gmail.com wrote:


   This has some nice ideas like Element.ajaxRequest() (which I would
   have called Element.ajaxUpdate() since it is what it does :o) ), but
   also some features I fail to see any utility to.
   I.E., what's the point to use 'string'.len() instead of
   Same thing for $('someElement').getType() instead of $

   Also, try to limit the impact on performances by avoiding tests in
   loops when you can do them outside of the loop.
   I.E, in your Array.compact version, you may replace :
     compact: function(strict) {
       return this.select(function(value) {
         return strict === true ? value != null  value.strip() != '' :
   value != null;
   ...by something like:
     compact: function(strict) {
       return this.select(strict === true ? function(value) { return
   value != null  value.strip() != '' } : Prototype.K);}

   The procedure to submit contributions is described 
   You may propose some of yours (I'd recommend proposing only the more
   interesting methods) once you've validated that they don't break the
   test cases.


   On Nov 10, 10:07 am, Jacopo Andrea Nuzzi jacopo.nu...@gmail.com

Hi Tobie,
thanks for you suggest: here it is:http://tr.im/EBEP


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Does $A('.classname').invoke('setValue',...) work on checkboxes?

2009-11-11 Thread joe t.

i agree on that. setValue has its purpose pretty much in the name.
Set the value of a control. For checkboxes, setChecked
(bool) (also applying to radios?) would have made a lot more sense.

i suppose in the meantime there's Element.writeAttribute

However, i raise caution on that because i've had inconsistent results
in the past where the DOM recognizes the attribute as changed, but the
browser did not update the visual display of the value (text inputs at
the time), and submitted the original value. It was as though the
input tag's value attribute and the control's value property were
different entities. The only way i found to address it was $
('element').value = foo; which obviously kills the elegance of
chaining methods, but seems to address both entities, and is how
Form.Element.Serializers returns other values.

-joe t.

On Nov 10, 12:30 pm, Szymon Wilkołazki wilkola...@gmail.com wrote:

 I found where is the problem.

 I assumed, that the Form.Element.setValue method sets the value of an

 In case of checkboxes that is not true.
 The method changes the state of checked/unchecked instead, and leaves
 the value attribute unchanged.

 The example might be found here:


 As you can see, if you click on the button set value of checkbox to:
  with empty input, the checkbox is unchecked. If the value is not
 empty, then checkbox will be checked.

 I do not understand why this behaviour was chosen, but I understand
 that it can't be changed now, as it would break backward compatibility.

 Anyway I think the setValue method needs better documentation, as it
 is now a  little bit misleading.

 I will open a lighthouse DOC ticket for this.

 Best regards,
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: New API Doc

2009-10-29 Thread joe t.

First, it's great to see there's diligent activity on the docs, which
seemed like they went stale for a while there. To the whole team, keep
up the great work!

Definitely need the quick-look menu of methods (and any other
properties) provided by each of the major classes.

i have a suggestion for enhancement, and two issues with the new docs:
It might be helpful to somehow indicate from the (to-be-improved)
navigation when a method HAS, or IS, an alias. Why do i want to see
the actual documentation on Enumerable#select or Enumerable#filter
when all it's going to tell me is Alias of Enumerable#findAll?
Especially when they don't operate any differently. Show me that in
the menu so i can just go to #findAll directly. Or better yet, don't
give aliases a method-level entry at all. Perhaps something like the

* Enumerable - link to main Enumerable doc
  - findAll  - link to #findAll, where the aliases are also noted
(filter) - link to #filter, if the user REALLY wants to see it
(select) - link to #select, if the user REALLY wants to see it

1. This seems isolated to Firefox/Gecko. The menu panel doesn't scroll
normally. i have no idea why, but it scrolls about 1/10th the expected
speed, which is a nuisance.

2. This one is happening in all browsers. If i click Element (for
instance), location bar says
  If i then click #select, i'm taken to that method:
  Great. But the natural impulse (mine, at least) to get back to that
list of methods is to use the browser's Back action. Gotcha! The
location bar returns back, but the browser window doesn't.

-joe t.

On Oct 27, 7:29 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:
 How's this going?  Very much interested in Going back to page-per-
 method (rather than a long run-on page).

 Having the side navigation easy to navigate in the page-per-method
 style like the old documentation is also of paramount importance.  For
 example, if I click on Hash in the sidebar, I should immediately see
 an easy to read list of all the methods of the Hash class.  As it is,
 they're in a big block, which is hard to scan through, where the
 vertical (alphabetical) list was quick and relatively painless.  Lots
 of times, I'm just looking to verify the order of parameters, and it
 was very helpful to be able to find the exact method very quickly so
 that in almost no time I'm looking at the page reading the order of
 the methods.

 Something else that might be handy way further down the road is an
 easy way to access these pages by-url.
 For example, if I need to look up a PHP function to very the argument
 order, it's as easy as typing inhttp://php.net/function_name_here--
 concrete example being stripos (is it haystack first, or needle
 first?  I never can remember)http://php.net/striposand I'm there
 immediately.  Obviously way down the road, but certainly something to
 think about.

 On Oct 9, 3:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  You're not the only one, not by a long chalk. :-)

  We're working on it.  Tobie, Samuel, and Andrew are working hard to
  improve the structure, navigation, and presentation, and I'm
  continuing the ongoing quest of copying over, updating, and fleshing-
  out the content (which is a manual and labor-intensive process).  You
  should see marked improvemenet in the online docs over the course of
  the next couple of weeks.

  What happened is that the project switched from having the
  documentation be a completely separate thing (in a difficult-to-use
  tool) to having the documentation be part of the source code (a'la
  Javadoc), using a new tool built for the purpose called PDoc.  That
  way, when someone changes or adds code, they can update the
  documentation at the same time, and hopefully the two will be kept
  much more in sync.  (The official policy, in fact, is that code
  patches with documentation impacts that don't include the
  documentation updates are rejected.)  It also simplifies the process
  of people reporting and offering patches for documentation errors/
  omissions.  However, the docs got inadequate testing (and weren't
  complete) when 1.6.1 was released.  1.6.1 *needed* to be released,
  there was a lot of good, urgently-needed stuff in there (generally,
  and for IE8 and Chrome).

  If you want to, you can still get to the old docs (for now) 

  However, I expect to finish copying/updating/improving the content
  Real Soon Now (happen to be working on that today), which will at
  least address the content issue.  And Tobie and Samuel just had a week-
  long codefest on the tool so we should see those improvements very

  One thing that would be *really* useful would be to know what it is
  you find difficult about navigation (and just generally what's
  difficult about using the docs), so that that feedback

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Private methods for prototype class

2009-09-11 Thread joe t.

i tried Allen's sample in Firebug, and someVar is accessible from

aWorker.someVar = outside value;
console.info(aWorker.someVar); // outside value

Also works when a new instance of the class is assigned:

var x = new aWorker();
x.someVar = outside value;
console.info(x.someVar); // outside value

-joe t.

On Sep 10, 2:45 pm, Ngan nganp...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Allen, thank you so much for the reply.

 If I do it that way, someVar will now be a private variable.  What if
 I wanted someVar to be an instance variable.  so that it may be
 accessed externally:


 hence why I did:

 this.someVar = 'var';

 Is this something that you have to give up when going with this

 On Sep 10, 11:07 am, Allen bla...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Ngan,

  This should do what you want.

  var Worker = Class.create((function() {
   var someVar;
   function initialize() {
     someVar = var;
   function publicMethod() {
   function privateMethod() {
   return {
    initialize: initialize,
    publicMethod: publicMethod


  On Sep 10, 1:10 pm, Ngan nganp...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi, I apologize if this question has been asked before. I've tried
   googling for this, but did find a good answer.

   What's the best way to have private methods using prototype's

   I've tried...

   var Worker = Class.create((function() {
    function initialize() {
      this.someVar = var;

    function publicMethod() {

    function privateMethod() {

    return {
     initialize: initialize,
     publicMethod: publicMethod


   Running this will give me:
   aWorker = new Worker();
   # console.info(this.someVar)  #= undefined
   # console.info(this.someVar)  #= DOMWindow

   aWorker.publicMethod() #= WORKS!

   Thank you for your time!

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[Proto-Scripty] IE8 not extending Elements?

2009-09-11 Thread joe t.

During my dom:loaded event, all browsers except IE8 are working


Error 1 (line 4): IE Debugger says $('splash') is valid
DispHTMLDivElement, but $('splash').select is undefined.
Error 2 (line 30): $('GoToPageTop') is DispHTMLAnchorElement, but $
('GoToPageTop').observe is undefined
Error 3 (line 35): $('loadingBox') is DispHTMLDivElement, but $
('loadingBox').centerX is undefined.
Error 4 (line 15): If i step over the other errors with IE's debugger,
the execution will reach this line, but when it executes, an error is
returned from prototype.js Line 399 (in the Pastie, line 7 from

* Keep in mind, it's working correctly in FF, Opera, Safari,  Chrome.
* All errors are Object doesn't support property or method.
* centerX is an Element method i use
* $ is apparently returning elements, but it's like they're failing to
extend, with no error about the fail.
* i just tried to show an element from the IE Debugger console after
page load and get the same error:
  $('loadingBox').show(); // Error. Same as above.

Let me know what else will help find an answer.
-joe t.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: InPlaceCollectionEditor : loadCollectionURL data format

2009-09-07 Thread joe t.

That's actually not progress. The IPCE requires arrays, not JSON
Objects. You're seeing [object Object] because the outermost array
contains a series of objects. Your original PHP echo was correct, so
the place to look is in your Javascript that constructs the collection

Correct collection structure:
?php  echo [['12.00', '12.00'], ['24.00', '24.00'],
['36.00','36.00']]; ?

Each sub-array is used as the OPTION's value  display. To distinguish
things a little bit:
?php  echo [['12.00', 'Twelve'], ['24.00', 'Twenty-four'],
['36.00','Thirty-six']]; ?

You would end up with:
select ...
option value=12.00Twelve/option
option value=24.00Twenty-four/option
option value=36.00Thirty-six/option

Let's see what your collection constructor looks like.
-joe t.

On Sep 6, 11:50 am, mlh m...@free.fr wrote:

 After a new attempt, whereI changed my PHP called page to :

 ?php  echo '[{key:Al, value:Alan}, {key:Bi,
 value:Bill}, {key:Ca, value:Carl}, {key:Da,
 value:Dave}, {key:Er, value:Erik}, {key:Fr,
 value:Fran}, {key:Ge, value:Gene}]'; ?

 I don't get the message Loading options in my select box anymore, but
 a list where all elements are called  [object Object] ...

 All option items look like this : option value=[object
 Object][object Object]/option

 I progress, but I'm still expecting a bit of help. Thanks a lot.


 mlh a écrit :


  I have a small problem with Scriptaculous and InPlaceCollectionEditor :

  I can use inline collections like this :
   var collection_1 = [['twelve', '12.00'], ['twenty-four.00', '24.00'],
  ['thirty-six.00', '36.00']];
   var collection_2 = ['Alan', 'Bill', 'Carl', 'Dave', 'Erik', 'Fran',
  Both work well !

  But, when I want to use a distant collection, with the
  loadCollectionURL, the doc is not as helpful as I wish...
  It's only told that the answer has to be JSON...
  I precise that my URL is OK.

  I tried many things like this in the called page :
  ?php  echo var collection = ['bh', 'col', 'corb', 'dukes', 'house',
  'iow', 'ps']; ?
  or this :
  ?php  echo [['12.00', '12.00'], ['24.00', '24.00'], ['36.00',
  '36.00']]; ?...
  but the only answer on my main page is  :
  Loading options in the option box...

  I use PHP, and just need to have an example of the syntax and the format
  to use.

  Did one of you encountered and solved this problem ?

  Thanks for any help.


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Form.request() file upload problem in ie6

2009-07-05 Thread joe t.

The file form control itself is a pain to style and is kind of an
eyesore. But it can be hidden and other controls used (say, a styled
button or link that activates the click action of the file control) to
obtain the file path value that the form control will upload. Flash
isn't the only way to Ajax a file, but it's probably the easiest.
IFRAME is another option which doesn't require the Flash plugin, but
does usually requires more hand coding.

A quick Google search(http://www.google.com/search?q=ajax+file+upload)
brought up this: http://www.webtoolkit.info/ajax-file-upload.html
among others.
Essentially, after the IFRAME form submits, the reloaded page of the
frame disaplays info about the upload (GMail-esque).
-joe t.

On Jul 5, 8:26 am, Vladimir Tkach tea...@gmail.com wrote:
 Browsers force us to use file inputs for uploads, which are impossible to
 style. Moreover, form-based uploads look obsolete in modern ajax
 applications. We can use flash to solve this problem, but javascript works
 nice too.


 2009/7/5 webbear1000 normpo...@hotmail.com

  You could try YUI uploader if you're prepared to use Flash


 Best Regards,
 Vladimir Tkach


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Adding properties to native objects

2009-05-20 Thread joe t.

i think my last post was at least somewhat in line with your
suggestion. i just hadn't fully read and absorbed yours yet.

i will try using that factory approach. If i'm reading it right, it
handles the two-line requirement of creating the native Date, then
calling the ApplySpecialProps method.

As always, thanks for the help!

On May 20, 12:23 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
  sort of constructor:

  function specialDateFactory() {
      var that = new Date();

      that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
      that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

      return that;


 The problem with that as written is that it creates separate isEaster
 and isLaborDay functions for every single instance you create, each of
 which eats memory:

 var a = specialDateFactory();
 var b = specialDateFactory();

 alert(a.isEaster === b.isEaster); // false

 You can avoid that:

 var MoreDateFunctions = {
     isEaster:   function () {return ...},
     isLaborDay: function () {return ...}};

 function specialDateFactory() {

     return Object.extend(new Date(), MoreDateFunctions);
     // Or, without Prototype's Object.extend:
     // var fname, that;
     // that = new Date();
     // for (fname in MoreDateFunctions) {
     //     that[fname] = MoreDateFunctions[fname];
     // }
     // return that;


 ...but I'm not seeing much benefit at that point.  I suppose it means
 you haven't modified the Date prototype.

 (BTW:  Anyone tempted to create an ExtendedDate object using a Date
 object as its prototype, think again, for some reason the spec
 specifically disallows it in Section 15.9.5, and Firefox [and probably
 others] implements the limitation.)
 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On May 20, 4:07 pm, P. Douglas Reeder reeder...@gmail.com wrote:

  You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
  sort of constructor:

  function specialDateFactory() {
      var that = new Date();

      that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
      that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

      return that;


  You can get more sophisticated - creating a prototype object for
  special dates, with the functions defined on it, and using closures to
  protect it, but I can't write that off the top of my head...

  On May 20, 7:50 am, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

   On May 20, 12:16 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

On May 19, 9:26 pm, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

 This is a case when you really truly want just the facilities that
 Javascript provides (prototypes rather than classes), and using
 (pretend) classes makes it harder not easier.

Yes, although some may argue that it is better to create a new object
that has the required methods and leverages the methods of Date,
rather than modifying a built-in object prototype,

   Fair comment. But you are still talking about using Javascript's
   prototype, rather than inventing classes. That was my point.
   (I wouldn't have made this remark before I read Crockford's
   Javascript: The Good Parts - that's opened my eyes to the strengths
   that JS has. )

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Adding properties to native objects

2009-05-20 Thread joe t.

Thanks to all for your feedback. i think though, that some of the
focus has remained on adding new *methods* to the Date object. That's
easy enough, as in my first sample. However, i'm trying to add
properties to the object that obtain a value when a new Date is

var myDate = new Date();
alert(myDate.isEaster); // Alerts 'true' or 'false'
alert(myDate.isLaborDay); // Alerts 'true' or 'false'

i realize that these property values would still need to be obtained
from return values of functions. That's why my second sample includes
the _isEaster methods, but also has this.isEaster receiving the
return value of the _isEaster method.

if (myDate.isEaster){alert('Happy Easter');
if (myDate.isEaster()){alert('Happy Easter');

Any time i want to utilize, compare, etc. that the date is or is not
Easter, i can either have a quick-access boolean property, or a
lengthy calculation from a method.

Obviously these are simplified examples, but when applied to the
bigger concept of reserved dates, and that these reservations could
overlap (isEaster  isMyBirthday, for instance), property testing
could reduce some decent calculation overhead.

However, if it can't be done, it can't be done. i suppose i can simply
add a second line after constructing a new Date:
Date.prototype.ApplySpecialDateProps = function(){
  this.isEaster = (function(d){
// Calculate something from d
return ... })(this),
  this.isLaborDay = (function(d){
// Calculate something from d
return ... })(this),
var myDate = new Date();

i was just hoping to get the special properties to be part of the Date
object's construction.

On May 20, 12:23 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
  sort of constructor:

  function specialDateFactory() {
      var that = new Date();

      that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
      that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

      return that;


 The problem with that as written is that it creates separate isEaster
 and isLaborDay functions for every single instance you create, each of
 which eats memory:

 var a = specialDateFactory();
 var b = specialDateFactory();

 alert(a.isEaster === b.isEaster); // false

 You can avoid that:

 var MoreDateFunctions = {
     isEaster:   function () {return ...},
     isLaborDay: function () {return ...}};

 function specialDateFactory() {

     return Object.extend(new Date(), MoreDateFunctions);
     // Or, without Prototype's Object.extend:
     // var fname, that;
     // that = new Date();
     // for (fname in MoreDateFunctions) {
     //     that[fname] = MoreDateFunctions[fname];
     // }
     // return that;


 ...but I'm not seeing much benefit at that point.  I suppose it means
 you haven't modified the Date prototype.

 (BTW:  Anyone tempted to create an ExtendedDate object using a Date
 object as its prototype, think again, for some reason the spec
 specifically disallows it in Section 15.9.5, and Firefox [and probably
 others] implements the limitation.)
 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On May 20, 4:07 pm, P. Douglas Reeder reeder...@gmail.com wrote:

  You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
  sort of constructor:

  function specialDateFactory() {
      var that = new Date();

      that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
      that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

      return that;


  You can get more sophisticated - creating a prototype object for
  special dates, with the functions defined on it, and using closures to
  protect it, but I can't write that off the top of my head...

  On May 20, 7:50 am, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

   On May 20, 12:16 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

On May 19, 9:26 pm, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

 This is a case when you really truly want just the facilities that
 Javascript provides (prototypes rather than classes), and using
 (pretend) classes makes it harder not easier.

Yes, although some may argue that it is better to create a new object
that has the required methods and leverages the methods of Date,
rather than modifying a built-in object prototype,

   Fair comment. But you are still talking about using Javascript's
   prototype, rather than inventing classes. That was my point.
   (I wouldn't have made this remark before I read Crockford's
   Javascript: The Good Parts - that's opened my eyes to the strengths
   that JS has. )

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Adding properties to native objects

2009-05-20 Thread joe t.

One last note barring any huge revelations:

T.J.'s factory suggestion was almost exactly right. His code as-is
adds the methods to my customized Date. However, since i want
properties of the same name that receive the return values of those
methods, i MUST use the non-Object#extend version, as such:

var SpecialDateProps = {
  isEaster:function(){ return ... },
function DateFactory(){
  var fName, that = new Date();
  for (fName in SpecialDateProps)
that[fName] = SpecialDateProps[fName](); // Note calling the
fName's function.
  return that;

Thanks again!
-joe t.

On May 20, 1:12 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 i think my last post was at least somewhat in line with your
 suggestion. i just hadn't fully read and absorbed yours yet.

 i will try using that factory approach. If i'm reading it right, it
 handles the two-line requirement of creating the native Date, then
 calling the ApplySpecialProps method.

 As always, thanks for the help!

 On May 20, 12:23 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
   sort of constructor:

   function specialDateFactory() {
       var that = new Date();

       that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
       that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

       return that;


  The problem with that as written is that it creates separate isEaster
  and isLaborDay functions for every single instance you create, each of
  which eats memory:

  var a = specialDateFactory();
  var b = specialDateFactory();

  alert(a.isEaster === b.isEaster); // false

  You can avoid that:

  var MoreDateFunctions = {
      isEaster:   function () {return ...},
      isLaborDay: function () {return ...}};

  function specialDateFactory() {

      return Object.extend(new Date(), MoreDateFunctions);
      // Or, without Prototype's Object.extend:
      // var fname, that;
      // that = new Date();
      // for (fname in MoreDateFunctions) {
      //     that[fname] = MoreDateFunctions[fname];
      // }
      // return that;


  ...but I'm not seeing much benefit at that point.  I suppose it means
  you haven't modified the Date prototype.

  (BTW:  Anyone tempted to create an ExtendedDate object using a Date
  object as its prototype, think again, for some reason the spec
  specifically disallows it in Section 15.9.5, and Firefox [and probably
  others] implements the limitation.)
  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On May 20, 4:07 pm, P. Douglas Reeder reeder...@gmail.com wrote:

   You may want to use Crockford's factory pattern, rather than using any
   sort of constructor:

   function specialDateFactory() {
       var that = new Date();

       that.isEaster = function () {return ...},
       that.isLaborDay = function () {return ...},

       return that;


   You can get more sophisticated - creating a prototype object for
   special dates, with the functions defined on it, and using closures to
   protect it, but I can't write that off the top of my head...

   On May 20, 7:50 am, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

On May 20, 12:16 am, RobG rg...@iinet.net.au wrote:

 On May 19, 9:26 pm, ColinFine colin.f...@pace.com wrote:

  This is a case when you really truly want just the facilities that
  Javascript provides (prototypes rather than classes), and using
  (pretend) classes makes it harder not easier.

 Yes, although some may argue that it is better to create a new object
 that has the required methods and leverages the methods of Date,
 rather than modifying a built-in object prototype,

Fair comment. But you are still talking about using Javascript's
prototype, rather than inventing classes. That was my point.
(I wouldn't have made this remark before I read Crockford's
Javascript: The Good Parts - that's opened my eyes to the strengths
that JS has. )

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[Proto-Scripty] Adding properties to native objects

2009-05-18 Thread joe t.

i haven't had much luck finding what i'm looking for, so maybe i'm not
looking for it correctly.

i want to add several properties (booleans indicating special dates)
to the native Date object that are assigned when the date is
instantiated. However, i'm not sure how i can do that.

i know i can extend Date with methods that return a boolean:
  isEaster:function(){return ...},
  isLaborDay:function(){return ...},

but as far as i know, they have to be called after the Date is
created. i'm trying to simulate native properties, eg:
Date = Class.create(Date, {
$super(arguments[0], ...);
this.isEaster = this._isEaster();
this.isLaborDay = this.isEaster ? false : this._isLaborDay();
// etc...
  _isEaster:function(){ return ... },
  _isLaborDay:function(){ return ... }

i'm AWARE the above Class call doesn't work. But something like that
is what i'm trying to achieve. How can i modify the native object's
constructor to do its normal call, and also assign these properties?

Any help?
-joe t.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor seems to be broken in 1.8.2

2009-02-02 Thread joe t.

Sorry, it took me some time to get organized and find time to work on
this problem.

i have NO idea whether this will help your situation, but i DID
discover what i think solves the non-displaying SELECT list problem in
IE. Using the IE8 JS debugger, controls.js fails at line ~841:


because at line ~766, the SELECT object is created by the native
createElement method, but is not Prototype extended:

var list = document.createElement('select');
list.name = this.options.paramName;
list.size = 1;
this._controls.editor = list;

i changed the last line shown above to:

this._controls.editor = $(list);

and IE started displaying the list. i couldn't tell you why Firefox
manages to get by that little slip.

i did try out your test pages and saw some of the incorrect behaviors.
Unfortunately, i can't really dig deep right now to help with that. i
wish you luck, and i'll post the fix above at Scriptaculous to

On Jan 29, 12:03 pm, Gunter  Sammet gunter.sam...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jan 29, 6:56 am, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

  i'm using unmodified 1.8.2 and the IPCE works fine with Firefox 3. IE
  is a totally different story, and damn me for not testing, thinking
  existing functionality wouldn't get broken with upgrades... IE doesn't
  display the SELECT control at ALL.
  -joe t.

 Did you try my 2 examples on FF3? Doesn't work for me on my Vista


 Only have issues with the version where the value is not the same as
 the Option itself:

 select name=mySelect1
   option value=123Volvo/option
   option value=345Saab/option
   option value=456Mercedes/option
   option value=678Audi/option

 Thanks for the input and if you manage to fix the IE issue, I'd
 appreciate if you can post it here.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Form.request() ... Which submit button did the user press?

2009-01-26 Thread joe t.

On the presumption that you're submitting from a button's click
observer, you can use Event#element() to determine which element was
clicked. Also, rather than using
  input type=submit .../
i typically use
  input type=button .../
to prevent the form from trying to unload the page as a form
-joe t.

On Jan 25, 5:32 pm, Matt mattal...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is there any way of knowing which submit button was pressed from the
 post passed by Form.request()? I'm just getting the first submit
 button in the form, no matter which one I press.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: jQuery or Prototype ?

2009-01-20 Thread joe t.

On Jan 20, 8:51 am, SWilk wilkola...@gmail.com wrote:
 Enumerable mixin. I can't find anything like it in jQuery, and I use
 it very often in our applications (not a public website, but an
 intranet CRM and similar aplications). If you write classes
 representing your data, than it's very very useful. Not to mention
 what help it is with an array.

 What notable extra functionality offers jQuery over Prototype then? I
 know little of jQuery, but would like to know what we can/should
 improve ;)


Seconded here. i actually switched BACK from jQuery because i didn't
see anything that had broad coverage of enumerables. When i create a
JS class that my web app will use, there are often data collections
utilized within that class, and jQuery just doesn't seem to address
those. It's focused heavily on DOM collections using CSS selectors,
with little help for data. At least that's been my experience with it.

i tend to like the jQuery filtering/unfiltering approach, though.
Something i wish Prototype would implement. And while it may not add a
LOT of overhead, Prototype's aliasing so many methods just feels a bit
sloppy. Just my opinion.
-joe t.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: asynchronous file upload

2009-01-15 Thread joe t.

If you can't utilize a Flash solution, the only other way is an
IFRAME. i had a need for this too, and spent a long time developing
quite an elaborate Prototype-based JS class for the client side, and a
PHP handler on the server side. If you're interested, let me know and
i'll be happy to share (i'll have to work on more detailed docs
though). Maybe it'll be useful, maybe not.
-joe t.

On Jan 14, 10:58 am, jason maina jason.ma...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 Cutting to the chase, how do I do an asynchronous file upload, been googling
 all day with nothing really positive, may be been looking in all the wrong

 Assistance will be

 Kind regards
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.

Thanks for responding, and checking the code.

i guess i should have noted: i'm also using FirePHP, so there are
lines in place sending debug log lines back to Firebug. However, on
only this particular call, absolutely nothing gets sent back from the
server. Not even a log line saying the PHP script was executed.

No SOP violation (Internal.fileList.Path is correct), i've adjusted
all Internal references to be prefixed by window, though you are
correct, there are no other Internal objects in that context.

In a bizarre twist, if i create a new button in my application and
observe click to the EXACT same block of code, it executes
-joe t.

On Jan 8, 5:27 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Joe,

 The client-side code looks okay to this second pair of eyes.  (You
 might want to put window. in front of Internal in the Ajax.Request
 constructor, just for consistency as you've done it everywhere else.
 But I'm assuming you don't have some other Internal defined in
 scope, and so it should be using the same one anyway.)

 I'd suggest the usual things:  Check that
 window.Internal.fileList.Path really has the correct path and that
 it's not violating SOP; temporarily try replacing that path with a
 static file path to eliminate issues in the server-side processing;
 put debugging checks on the server-side resource it's calling; the
 usual sort of stuff.  I suspect an issue with the server-side

 But the client-side part looks okay, FWIW.
 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com

 On Jan 7, 6:59 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:

  i have the following:
    if (window.Internal  window.Internal.doUnload){
      (new Ajax.Request(Internal.fileList.Path,{
        onSuccess:function(t){alert('Success: ' + t.responseText);}


  The Wait alert at the end is just for testing. It does fire.

  The problem is, the Ajax call does not seem to work at all. Firebug
  tells me the Ajax block is executed, the onSuccess alert even fires.
  But t.responseText is always empty, and the actions i've defined in my
  server-side code are not happening.

  Any takers to try helping me track this down?
  -joe t.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Anchor event

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.

Simple answer is there's no defined HTML event for arrival as you
You might try using Function#delay to simulate it. Something to the
effect of:

var arrival_function_reference = function(a, b, c ,d){ ... };

arrival_function_reference.delay(0.5, any, args, you, need); //
Whatever time delay you think appropriate

Or if you wanted it to feel more fluid you could stick
Effect.ScrollTo from Scriptaculous into the click observer:

event.stop(); // Prevent the default Event from going to the href
Effect.ScrollTo('destination_a', {duration:0.5}); // Whatever time
delay you think appropriate
arrival_function_reference.defer(any, args, you, need);

In this case use defer to make your arrival function wait until
Javascript has finished scrolling the document to the destination.
Completely untested, but maybe it helps get you started.
-joe t.

On Jan 7, 7:37 pm, tmarin teimat...@gmail.com wrote:
 I want to execute some code when a user reaches a fragment anchor (the
 # part of a link), is there any event for this?

 Thanks in advance
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.

i presume the page hasn't already unloaded, because the document is
still visible, Firebug can still break at my designated markers, the
alert('Wait!') line still executes AFTER the Ajax call, and only
after i clear the alert does the page actually clear. Being that i'm
setting {asynchronous:false}, i believe that alert won't execute until
the Ajax is complete.

If i place this particular block in beforeunload, i have no way to
tell the PHP if the user has elected to continue unloading or has
canceled the unload. The PHP in this case cleans up files the user has
uploaded while on this page. Since i can't utilize the beforeunload
confirm's return value, the user's files would get cleaned up even if
they cancel the unload.
-joe t.

On Jan 8, 9:47 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:
 Perhaps the unload event has already happened and the page is gone?  
 What happens if you change this event to beforeunload?


 On Jan 8, 2009, at 9:41 AM, joe t. wrote:

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request unload

2009-01-08 Thread joe t.

i found the bugger. It was a similar piece of PHP in a different file
that gets called when the page LOADS!
Everything was getting cleaned up before the piece i'm examining could
ever happen.

By the way, Firebug WAS reporting the FirePHP logs. It just happens
that it was displaying them when the next page loaded. Kinda weird,
easy to miss.

Anyway, thanks to both of you for your help.
-joe t.

On Jan 8, 10:41 am, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 i presume the page hasn't already unloaded, because the document is
 still visible, Firebug can still break at my designated markers, the
 alert('Wait!') line still executes AFTER the Ajax call, and only
 after i clear the alert does the page actually clear. Being that i'm
 setting {asynchronous:false}, i believe that alert won't execute until
 the Ajax is complete.

 If i place this particular block in beforeunload, i have no way to
 tell the PHP if the user has elected to continue unloading or has
 canceled the unload. The PHP in this case cleans up files the user has
 uploaded while on this page. Since i can't utilize the beforeunload
 confirm's return value, the user's files would get cleaned up even if
 they cancel the unload.
 -joe t.

 On Jan 8, 9:47 am, Walter Lee Davis wa...@wdstudio.com wrote:

  Perhaps the unload event has already happened and the page is gone?  
  What happens if you change this event to beforeunload?


  On Jan 8, 2009, at 9:41 AM, joe t. wrote:

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