Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-09-01 Thread Ray_Net

Robert Kaiser wrote:

Sue Morton wrote:

The only point in question for me, is the phrase, "We assume".  This
'read' that SM devs are assuming some malware gets added in because of 

7zip :-)  Just a first impression upon reading the phrase, I'm fairly
certain you were referring to the collective 'we'.  In re-reading the
paragraph I think that entire sentence could be dropped

Probably, I just thought it might be good to offer an idea who the 
anti-virus companies come to even list 7zip in their malware 
definitions, to not make them look like jerks. But probably it's not our 
job to find out why anti-virus companies are getting it wrong ;-)

I agree with you. May be it's because the anti-virus cannot look inside 
a 7zip file, so he concludes that the file is suspicious.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-09-01 Thread Robert Kaiser

Sue Morton wrote:

The only point in question for me, is the phrase, "We assume".  This
'read' that SM devs are assuming some malware gets added in because of using
7zip :-)  Just a first impression upon reading the phrase, I'm fairly
certain you were referring to the collective 'we'.  In re-reading the
paragraph I think that entire sentence could be dropped

Probably, I just thought it might be good to offer an idea who the 
anti-virus companies come to even list 7zip in their malware 
definitions, to not make them look like jerks. But probably it's not our 
job to find out why anti-virus companies are getting it wrong ;-)

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-09-01 Thread Sue Morton
Hi Robert,

Thank you for doing this :-)

The only point in question for me, is the phrase, "We assume".  This 
'read' that SM devs are assuming some malware gets added in because of using 
7zip :-)  Just a first impression upon reading the phrase, I'm fairly 
certain you were referring to the collective 'we'.  In re-reading the 
paragraph I think that entire sentence could be dropped:

"The code in question is actually from 7zip and decompesses the installer so 
that it's contents can run and install SeaMonkey. Mozilla scans all our 
files routinely when putting them on the FTP server and we assure you that 
our installers are as clean as the official Firefox downloads that are 
scanned by the same mechanisms."

I do believe this will be helpful to people coming to the site.  Many of my 
friends and family are not 'technically inclined' and will not delve into 
any mysteries.  I have 'beat' them into practicing computing safety for so 
long, if they see a scan 'positive' they will move on until they find 
something without any warnings.  Of course I have also beat them for 
believing everything they read on the internet :-) so they are just as 
unlikely to believe this disclaimer.  Nonetheless the disclaimer provides 
information about what is likely a continually-encountered issue with the 
installers, and shows that SM community is aware of it.

Thank you again for your consideration of adding this info to the site.
Sue Morton

"Robert Kaiser"  wrote in message
> Sue Morton wrote:
>> All as I suspected...  With so many people using SM, I thought I might 
>> see
>> something about this false positive, on the site somewhere.  But I did 
>> not
>> find it... thanks for reassurance :-)
> I just added the following item to the "Troubleshooting" section of the 
> SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2 release notes I'm preparing:
> Some anti-virus software keeps detecting our installers as containing a 
> "Trojan" or "Downloader". This is a false positive and is some wrong 
> detection mechanism in the anti-virus software. The code in question is 
> actually from 7zip and decompesses the installer so that it's contents can 
> run and install SeaMonkey. We assume that some malware code also gets 
> compressed with the free 7zip tools and the anti-virus companies wrongly 
> detect that perfectly sane code instead of the actually bad code. Mozilla 
> scans all our files routinely when putting them on the FTP server and we 
> assure you that our installers are as clean as the official Firefox 
> downloads that are scanned by the same mechanisms.
> Does this paragraph sound clear and understandable enough?
> Robert Kaiser 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-09-01 Thread Robert Kaiser

Sue Morton wrote:

All as I suspected...  With so many people using SM, I thought I might see
something about this false positive, on the site somewhere.  But I did not
find it... thanks for reassurance :-)

I just added the following item to the "Troubleshooting" section of the 
SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 2 release notes I'm preparing:

Some anti-virus software keeps detecting our installers as containing a 
"Trojan" or "Downloader". This is a false positive and is some wrong 
detection mechanism in the anti-virus software. The code in question is 
actually from 7zip and decompesses the installer so that it's contents 
can run and install SeaMonkey. We assume that some malware code also 
gets compressed with the free 7zip tools and the anti-virus companies 
wrongly detect that perfectly sane code instead of the actually bad 
code. Mozilla scans all our files routinely when putting them on the FTP 
server and we assure you that our installers are as clean as the 
official Firefox downloads that are scanned by the same mechanisms.

Does this paragraph sound clear and understandable enough?

Robert Kaiser
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-09-01 Thread intrudere
On 30 ago, 20:17, "Sue Morton" <867-5...@domain.invalid> wrote:
> oficial por escrito en algún lugar, que no hay motivo de preocupación aquí.
> 2. Nuevo_grupo certificado de seguridad usando, SSL, y el puerto 443. No se 
> puede enviar un
> respuesta, sólo se puede leer. Tiene que cambiar el grupo a la normalidad sin 
> 119
> certificado o SSL para poder enviar la respuesta. Esto es trabajar en Outhouse
> Express.
> 3. No se puede configurar el "mismo" cuenta de correo para utilizar SMTP 
> diferente de salida
> servidores. Esto es trabajar en Outhouse Express mediante la creación de la 
> "misma"
> cuenta varias veces. Veo que puede cambiar el servidor de forma manual en la 
> SM
> cuenta antes de usarlo, pero desde que me conecto con los servidores de 
> diferentes
> con frecuencia, esto es un poco de un PITA.
> 4. Algunos cuadros de diálogo son demasiado altos para la resolución de la 
> pantalla y no son
> desplazable, no puede llegar a la OK / Cancelar botones y / o no pueden 
> alcanzar la parte superior de la
> de diálogo. (Uno de mi PC es un 10 "netbook, la resolución de pantalla máxima 
> es de
> 1024 x 600, e incluso después de cambiar la altura de mi barra de tareas a 
> los más pequeños y de
> propiedades para ocultarse automáticamente, todavía apenas puede arrastrar 
> los cuadros de diálogo por fuera de la
> pantalla lo suficiente como para llegar a los botones.)
> 5. Algunos cuadros de diálogo (por ejemplo, la componen) no permiten la 
> personalización de la barra de herramientas como
> los otros cuadros de diálogo y pantallas. Yo prefiero los iconos pequeños con 
> un texto a la derecha, como
> Esto maximiza la cantidad de vertical inmobiliario disponible, especialmente 
> en mi
> netbook. ¿Le gustaría que esté disponible para todas las barras de 
> herramientas en todos los diálogos.
> Ayuda y orientación sobre cómo proceder con cada uno de estos elementos se 
> aprecia,
> gracias.
> --
> Sue Morton

try multizilla addons, lucky, serching
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-31 Thread Sue Morton
Hello Philip,

Thank you for your response :-)

>> 1.  VirusTotal service scan reports of SM installers (1.x stable and
>> 2.x beta).  Six out of 41 scanners report a downloader trojan.  I
>> assume this is from inclusion of a 'downloader helper' but it would
>> be nice to see this in writing someplace official, that there is no
>> cause for concern here.
> We use the UPX compressor to minimize the size of our installers.
> Unfortunately so do a lot of malware. So many if not all AV programs
> just flag all such executables as trojans and then whitelist Firefox.
> Since SeaMonkey is less well known we don't get into their whitelist
> very promptly or at all.

All as I suspected...  With so many people using SM, I thought I might see 
something about this false positive, on the site somewhere.  But I did not 
find it... thanks for reassurance :-)

>> 3.  Cannot set up the 'same' mail account to use different SMTP
>> outgoing servers.  This is working in Outhouse Express by setting up
>> the 'same' account multiple times.  I see I can change the server
>> manually on the SM account before I use it, but since I connect with
>> different servers frequently, this is a bit of a PITA.
> You can set up multiple identities for each account and each identity
> can have a different outgoing SMTP server.

Could you help me with this one?

I have my mail account set up once and it is working fine.

I wish to set it up two more times, in order to specify a different outgoing
SMTP server.

I started the setup dialog for mail account, and when I reach the point to
enter my Incoming User Name, the entry the 'next' button becomes greyed out
when I finish typing it in?  So, strictly for the purposes of getting past
that point, I removed one character of my Incoming User Name (loginid) so I
could finish the setup.  Then I went back to edit my loginid to the correct
name.  When I click OK button I receive this pop-up message box:
   An account with that user name and server name already exists.  Please
enter a different user name and/or server name.

My incoming username and server name are the same, it is only my outgoing
SMTP server name and username that changes on each.

What am I not doing correctly?  Thank you for any help :-)

>> 5.  Some dialogs (e.g. compose) do not allow customizing the toolbar
>> like the other dialogs and screens.  I prefer small icons with text
>> at right, as this maximizes the amount of vertical real-estate
>> available especially on my netbook.  Would like that to be available
>> for all toolbars on all dialogs.
> If you are talking about the mail compose then I am currently working
> on exactly this, so you should be getting customizable toolbars there
> before 2.0 final.

Thank you! :-)   Yes Mail Compose and also Composer are the two I've found
so far.

Sue Morton

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-31 Thread Philip Chee
On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 16:17:03 -0700, Sue Morton wrote:

> 1.  VirusTotal service scan reports of SM installers (1.x stable and 2.x 
> beta).  Six out of 41 scanners report a downloader trojan.  I assume this is 
> from inclusion of a 'downloader helper' but it would be nice to see this in 
> writing someplace official, that there is no cause for concern here.

We use the UPX compressor to minimize the size of our installers.
Unfortunately so do a lot of malware. So many if not all AV programs
just flag all such executables as trojans and then whitelist Firefox.
Since SeaMonkey is less well known we don't get into their whitelist
very promptly or at all.

> 3.  Cannot set up the 'same' mail account to use different SMTP outgoing 
> servers.  This is working in Outhouse Express by setting up the 'same' 
> account multiple times.  I see I can change the server manually on the SM 
> account before I use it, but since I connect with different servers 
> frequently, this is a bit of a PITA.

You can set up multiple identities for each account and each identity
can have a different outgoing SMTP server.

> 5.  Some dialogs (e.g. compose) do not allow customizing the toolbar like 
> the other dialogs and screens.  I prefer small icons with text at right, as 
> this maximizes the amount of vertical real-estate available especially on my 
> netbook.  Would like that to be available for all toolbars on all dialogs.

If you are talking about the mail compose then I am currently working on
exactly this, so you should be getting customizable toolbars there
before 2.0 final.


Philip Chee ,
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
[ ]I hate making predictions; especially about the future!
* TagZilla 0.066.6

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-31 Thread Sue Morton
I had tested the 'compact' feature -- but not while messages marked deleted 
were present.  Great idea.  And it worked!  One down and six to go.  Thank 
you :-)
Sue Morton

"Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack"  wrote in message
> Sue Morton wrote:
>> 7.  I use IMAP for my email folder access, and use "mark messages 
>> deleted" function rather than moving to trash.  How do I delete messages 
>> from one of my IMAP folders, on my demand?  I found a setting to 'clean' 
>> up the inbox on exit which is not what I had in mind... I'm looking for 
>> something similar to Outhouse Express'  Edit -> Purge Deleted Messages 
>> function.  But I cannot find it...?
> I don't know Outhouse Express but have you tried right clicking on one of 
> your folders und select "Compact"? 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-31 Thread Gerd Klaus Hafenbrack

Sue Morton wrote:
7.  I use IMAP for my email folder access, and use "mark messages deleted" 
function rather than moving to trash.  How do I delete messages from one of 
my IMAP folders, on my demand?  I found a setting to 'clean' up the inbox on 
exit which is not what I had in mind... I'm looking for something similar to 
Outhouse Express'  Edit -> Purge Deleted Messages function.  But I cannot 
find it...?

I don't know Outhouse Express but have you tried right clicking on one 
of your folders und select "Compact"?

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Sue Morton
Ooops forgot another:

7.  I use IMAP for my email folder access, and use "mark messages deleted" 
function rather than moving to trash.  How do I delete messages from one of 
my IMAP folders, on my demand?  I found a setting to 'clean' up the inbox on 
exit which is not what I had in mind... I'm looking for something similar to 
Outhouse Express'  Edit -> Purge Deleted Messages function.  But I cannot 
find it...?
Sue Morton

"Sue Morton" <867-5...@domain.invalid> wrote in message
> Oops forgot one.
> 6.  Windows Address Book import.  I have several address books, and none 
> are at the 'default' location in the registry.  SM 2.x does not prompt to 
> locate the WAB, it seems it automatically looks for just one WAB at the 
> default location and quits when it doesn't find one?   I can export to 
> another format and then import, but it seems odd there is no prompt to 
> locate a WAB file?  I know many users with multiple WABs so even if I had 
> one at the default location, a prompt would still be needed.
> Thanks again for any help.
> -- 
> Sue Morton
> Sue Morton wrote:
>> Hello,
>> With Win7 not having a built-in email and newsgroup client (Outhouse
>> Express is what I've been using), I am hunting for new client.  So
>> I'm a complete n00b to SeaMonkey, and decided to take the plunge to
>> 2.x version straight off.  I'm very much liking what I see so far.
>> I have also run into quite a few things with which I need help,
>> clarification, or guidance in filing a bug report, depending on where
>> the problem lies (n00b or SM2.x :-)   ).   I have searched this group
>> and the online help, as well as the bug tracker, and haven't found
>> the answers I seek...
>> Here is a summary of the items I've run into.  Please let me know if
>> you can help me and/or direct me where I should be looking, for help
>> with each item, thank you!
>> 1.  VirusTotal service scan reports of SM installers (1.x stable and
>> 2.x beta).  Six out of 41 scanners report a downloader trojan.  I
>> assume this is from inclusion of a 'downloader helper' but it would
>> be nice to see this in writing someplace official, that there is no
>> cause for concern here.
>> 2.  Newgroup using security certificate, SSL, and port 443.  Can't
>> post a reply, can only read.  Have to change the group to normal 119
>> with no certificate or SSL in order to post reply.  This is working
>> in Outhouse Express.
>> 3.  Cannot set up the 'same' mail account to use different SMTP
>> outgoing servers.  This is working in Outhouse Express by setting up
>> the 'same' account multiple times.  I see I can change the server
>> manually on the SM account before I use it, but since I connect with
>> different servers frequently, this is a bit of a PITA.
>> 4.  Some dialog boxes are too tall for screen resolution and are not
>> scrollable, can't reach the OK/Cancel buttons and/or can't reach top
>> of the dialog.  (One of my PC's is a 10" netbook, the maximum screen
>> resolution is 1024 x 600 and even after changing my taskbar's height
>> to smallest and properties to autohide, I still can barely drag the
>> dialogs up off the screen enough to reach the buttons.)
>> 5.  Some dialogs (e.g. compose) do not allow customizing the toolbar
>> like the other dialogs and screens.  I prefer small icons with text
>> at right, as this maximizes the amount of vertical real-estate
>> available especially on my netbook.  Would like that to be available
>> for all toolbars on all dialogs.
>> Help and guidance on how to proceed with each of these items is
>> appreciated, thanks.
>> --
>> Sue Morton

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Sue Morton wrote:

Hello Paul, thank you for your reply.

Mail and Newsgroups Account Settings, too tall and no resizing arrows 
appear anywhere around the perimeter.

Quite right. I look forward to hearing what the MVPs have to say.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Sue Morton

Hello Paul, thank you for your reply.

Mail and Newsgroups Account Settings, too tall and no resizing arrows 
appear anywhere around the perimeter.

Sue Morton

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Sue Morton wrote:


With Win7 not having a built-in email and newsgroup client (Outhouse
Express is what I've been using), I am hunting for new client. So I'm
a complete n00b to SeaMonkey, and decided to take the plunge to 2.x
version straight off. I'm very much liking what I see so far.

I have also run into quite a few things with which I need help,
clarification, or guidance in filing a bug report, depending on where
the problem lies (n00b or SM2.x :-) ). I have searched this group and
the online help, as well as the bug tracker, and haven't found the
answers I seek...

Here is a summary of the items I've run into. Please let me know if
you can help me and/or direct me where I should be looking, for help
with each item, thank you!

4. Some dialog boxes are too tall for screen resolution and are not
scrollable, can't reach the OK/Cancel buttons and/or can't reach top
of the dialog. (One of my PC's is a 10" netbook, the maximum screen
resolution is 1024 x 600 and even after changing my taskbar's height
to smallest and properties to autohide, I still can barely drag the
dialogs up off the screen enough to reach the buttons.)

Have you tried resizing these dialogs (click and drag the top edge of
the title bar)? If you can, a scroll bar should appear at the right edge
of the dialog and you should then be able to scroll down to the OK
button. If not, tell us which dialogs and the experts should be able to
offer other options.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Sue Morton wrote:


With Win7 not having a built-in email and newsgroup client (Outhouse Express 
is what I've been using), I am hunting for new client.  So I'm a complete 
n00b to SeaMonkey, and decided to take the plunge to 2.x version straight 
off.  I'm very much liking what I see so far.

I have also run into quite a few things with which I need help, 
clarification, or guidance in filing a bug report, depending on where the 
problem lies (n00b or SM2.x :-)   ).   I have searched this group and the 
online help, as well as the bug tracker, and haven't found the answers I 

Here is a summary of the items I've run into.  Please let me know if you can 
help me and/or direct me where I should be looking, for help with each item, 
thank you!


4.  Some dialog boxes are too tall for screen resolution and are not 
scrollable, can't reach the OK/Cancel buttons and/or can't reach top of the 
dialog.  (One of my PC's is a 10" netbook, the maximum screen resolution is 
1024 x 600 and even after changing my taskbar's height to smallest and 
properties to autohide, I still can barely drag the dialogs up off the 
screen enough to reach the buttons.)

Have you tried resizing these dialogs (click and drag the top edge of 
the title bar)? If you can, a scroll bar should appear at the right edge 
of the dialog and you should then be able to scroll down to the OK 
button. If not, tell us which dialogs and the experts should be able to 
offer other options.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Sue Morton
Oops forgot one.

6.  Windows Address Book import.  I have several address books, and none are 
at the 'default' location in the registry.  SM 2.x does not prompt to locate 
the WAB, it seems it automatically looks for just one WAB at the default 
location and quits when it doesn't find one?   I can export to another 
format and then import, but it seems odd there is no prompt to locate a WAB 
file?  I know many users with multiple WABs so even if I had one at the 
default location, a prompt would still be needed.

Thanks again for any help.
Sue Morton

Sue Morton wrote:
> Hello,
> With Win7 not having a built-in email and newsgroup client (Outhouse
> Express is what I've been using), I am hunting for new client.  So
> I'm a complete n00b to SeaMonkey, and decided to take the plunge to
> 2.x version straight off.  I'm very much liking what I see so far.
> I have also run into quite a few things with which I need help,
> clarification, or guidance in filing a bug report, depending on where
> the problem lies (n00b or SM2.x :-)   ).   I have searched this group
> and the online help, as well as the bug tracker, and haven't found
> the answers I seek...
> Here is a summary of the items I've run into.  Please let me know if
> you can help me and/or direct me where I should be looking, for help
> with each item, thank you!
> 1.  VirusTotal service scan reports of SM installers (1.x stable and
> 2.x beta).  Six out of 41 scanners report a downloader trojan.  I
> assume this is from inclusion of a 'downloader helper' but it would
> be nice to see this in writing someplace official, that there is no
> cause for concern here.
> 2.  Newgroup using security certificate, SSL, and port 443.  Can't
> post a reply, can only read.  Have to change the group to normal 119
> with no certificate or SSL in order to post reply.  This is working
> in Outhouse Express.
> 3.  Cannot set up the 'same' mail account to use different SMTP
> outgoing servers.  This is working in Outhouse Express by setting up
> the 'same' account multiple times.  I see I can change the server
> manually on the SM account before I use it, but since I connect with
> different servers frequently, this is a bit of a PITA.
> 4.  Some dialog boxes are too tall for screen resolution and are not
> scrollable, can't reach the OK/Cancel buttons and/or can't reach top
> of the dialog.  (One of my PC's is a 10" netbook, the maximum screen
> resolution is 1024 x 600 and even after changing my taskbar's height
> to smallest and properties to autohide, I still can barely drag the
> dialogs up off the screen enough to reach the buttons.)
> 5.  Some dialogs (e.g. compose) do not allow customizing the toolbar
> like the other dialogs and screens.  I prefer small icons with text
> at right, as this maximizes the amount of vertical real-estate
> available especially on my netbook.  Would like that to be available
> for all toolbars on all dialogs.
> Help and guidance on how to proceed with each of these items is
> appreciated, thanks.
> --
> Sue Morton 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Brand New to SeaMonkey, trying out 2.x, multiple questions

2009-08-30 Thread Sue Morton

With Win7 not having a built-in email and newsgroup client (Outhouse Express 
is what I've been using), I am hunting for new client.  So I'm a complete 
n00b to SeaMonkey, and decided to take the plunge to 2.x version straight 
off.  I'm very much liking what I see so far.

I have also run into quite a few things with which I need help, 
clarification, or guidance in filing a bug report, depending on where the 
problem lies (n00b or SM2.x :-)   ).   I have searched this group and the 
online help, as well as the bug tracker, and haven't found the answers I 

Here is a summary of the items I've run into.  Please let me know if you can 
help me and/or direct me where I should be looking, for help with each item, 
thank you!

1.  VirusTotal service scan reports of SM installers (1.x stable and 2.x 
beta).  Six out of 41 scanners report a downloader trojan.  I assume this is 
from inclusion of a 'downloader helper' but it would be nice to see this in 
writing someplace official, that there is no cause for concern here.

2.  Newgroup using security certificate, SSL, and port 443.  Can't post a 
reply, can only read.  Have to change the group to normal 119 with no 
certificate or SSL in order to post reply.  This is working in Outhouse 

3.  Cannot set up the 'same' mail account to use different SMTP outgoing 
servers.  This is working in Outhouse Express by setting up the 'same' 
account multiple times.  I see I can change the server manually on the SM 
account before I use it, but since I connect with different servers 
frequently, this is a bit of a PITA.

4.  Some dialog boxes are too tall for screen resolution and are not 
scrollable, can't reach the OK/Cancel buttons and/or can't reach top of the 
dialog.  (One of my PC's is a 10" netbook, the maximum screen resolution is 
1024 x 600 and even after changing my taskbar's height to smallest and 
properties to autohide, I still can barely drag the dialogs up off the 
screen enough to reach the buttons.)

5.  Some dialogs (e.g. compose) do not allow customizing the toolbar like 
the other dialogs and screens.  I prefer small icons with text at right, as 
this maximizes the amount of vertical real-estate available especially on my 
netbook.  Would like that to be available for all toolbars on all dialogs.

Help and guidance on how to proceed with each of these items is appreciated, 
Sue Morton

support-seamonkey mailing list