[Biofuel] Review - Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

2008-02-10 Thread SurpriseShan2
Nutrition and Physical  Degeneration 
Author:  Weston A. Price, D.D.S.
ISBN:  0 - 87983 - 816 - 7
Reviewed by Marjorie Tietjen [below  article]

The foods we choose to eat and the manner in which we prepare  them directly 
determines our health and the health of our children and  grandchildren. 
Nowadays, dietary advice shifts with the wind. Fad diets and even  advice from 
supposed experts in the field of nutrition, is often based on  monetary gain.  
As a result we are often in a state of confusion, perplexed  as to which 
recommendations to follow.  No sooner do we become certain that  "this is the 
right diet", then the opposite will be presented to us as  fact.  Everything is 

I have often wondered why animals in the wild, know just what  to eat to keep 
themselves healthy and strong, yet modern humans seem to have no  clue.  
Having basically severed our partnership with nature, we have lost  our 
intuitive knowledge.
I am going to share with you some common sense ideas from the  book Nutrition 
and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price. Dr. Weston Price, who  was a 
dentist, traveled around the world in the 1920s and 30s comparing the  diets of 
remote indigenous groups to those who lived in the more civilized  areas.  
Because Dr. Price was a dentist, he focused much of his attention  on facial 
and jaw 
structure.  However, he also observed disease  susceptibility in both groups. 
 He took hundreds of photos which compare  the dental arches, dental decay 
and facial formations of those eating their pure  native diets to those who had 
been introduced to the refined foods, such as  white rice, white flour, 
refined sugar and pasteurized milk. The differences  were dramatic and 
In recent years we have been conditioned to believe that meat  and other 
animal products are fatty and unhealthy and that this is what causes  heart 
attacks.  Weston Price shares with us, from first hand  observation and 
that as long as the animals are fed  their natural diets, then they will confer 
their  immunity from disease to us. People often wonder if humans benefit from 
 including at least some animal products in their diets.  Here is an  
interesting quote from page 142 . "Several of the tribes neighboring Ethiopia  
agriculturists and grow corn, beans, millet, sweet potatoes, bananas, Kafir  
corn, and other grains, as their chief articles of food. Physically they are 
as well built as either the tribes using  dairy products liberally or those  
using fish from the fresh water lakes and streams.  They have been  dominated 
because they posses less courage and resourcefulness."
The book speaks of eating meats raw , at times ,and especially  the organ 
meats, to preserve their enzymes and other unidentified factors.  Another  
controversial example of consuming raw foods would be using  uncooked and 
unhomogenized milk for drinking and cheese making. I would have to  agree that 
unpasteurized milk from factory raised cows would be a  dangerous prospect. 
The animals are kept in very close quarters, fed grain  instead of their 
diet of fresh grass and are given antibiotics and  injected with hormones. 
Because they are being fed a food which is historically  foreign to their 
bodies, their immune systems suffer and they acquire diseases  easily. 
pass on their state of health to us. Cows which are allowed  to graze in the 
fields and fed either no grain or a minimum of grain, are mostly  healthy and 
free from disease. Unheated milk from certified farms rarely causes  problems.
 Homogenization breaks up the fat particles in the milk  to a very fine size. 
It is suspected that this process makes it possible for the  fat particles to 
go through the artery walls, which wouldn't naturally occur.  Homogenization 
is primarily for convenience purposes so it could easily be  done away with. 
Why do humans keep thinking we can improve on  nature?
Many indigenous rural groups would not allow girls to marry  until they 
received a diet consisting of special strengthening foods. Six months  of 
nutrition was usually the minimum. These people, without degrees in  
chemistry, nutrition or biology, were instinctively aware of what foods 
women needed to produce sturdy, well formed offspring.  Such foods as  salmon 
and organ meats were considered to be highly desirable.
The author noticed that there were no doctors or dentists in  the outlying 
areas where people consumed food that was locally available and  unprocessed. 
There was also no need for jails because there were no criminals.  Price 
includes photos of criminals which show the typical underdevelopment of  

[Biofuel] Pat Coleby on Vitamin C Treatment for SNAKE BITES

2009-08-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
Pat Coleby on Vitamin C Treatment for SNAKE  BITES 
Early in 1930, an American, Dr Klenner, did much research on  the use of 
Vitamin C on humans (extensive article on Vitamin C by Dr Klennner  here 
_http://www.nutri.com/wn/klenner.html_ (http://www.nutri.com/wn/klenner.html)  
 In turn a Californian Vet, Dr Wendell Bellfield, carried on the good work 
with  impressive results on all sorts of dog ailments that are generally 
considered  incurable or fatal. Today, in USA, there are now a significant 
number if Vets  practicing alternative Medicine such as this. 
After studying the literature, I (Pat Coleby - is a farmer who  writes 
books on animal care and lectures widely on the subject as well as being  a 
consultant.) decided that I really had nothing to lose trying Vitamin C on my  
own farm animals. The first one was a pony, almost moribund, whose blood was  
later diagnosed as having the largest amount of Tiger Snake venom the Vet 
had  ever seen in an animal. Within 24 hours of being unable to move, and 
also having  considerable difficulty in breathing due to pneumonia, the pony 
was grazing  happily in its owners garden, apparently quite healthy. I only 
had one 30ml  bottle of Vitamin C, half of what I would have liked, so I put 
half of the  bottle into each side of the neck by intramuscular injection. 
After that we treated sundry dogs, two cats and several goats  including a 
stud buck. All recovered. A very valuable Alpaca which was being  watched by 
its owner from her kitchen window went down to the dam to examine  
something. The owner, horrified, watched a large snake rise up and strike it on 
nose - the worst place - and thanked her lucky stars the Vitamin C was in  
the fridge - not still on the shopping list. Rushing out with only 15 mls in 
the  syringe - she injected the Alpaca before any symptoms arose. The snake 
had  looked like a brown or a tiger, the result - happy ending. 
The great advantage of Vitamin C is that anaphylaxis does not  occur and 
the variety of snake does not matter. Vitamin C is cheap, easy to  store and 
taking it on a hunting trip is no problem. All you need is a 20 ml  syringe, 
some largish needles - say No 18 - and the bottle of Vitamin C. It can  all 
be carried in a small wallet on ones belt. In between times it should be  
kept in the fridge. Although the stuff can be carried in Summer without  
deteriorating, I suggest to hunters that they get a fresh supply each Spring  
just to be on the safe side. 
After much reading of printouts of Bellfield's and other  literature, many 
supplied by Dr Glen Dettman, a retired pathologist who lives  near 
Melbourne, I have tried Vitamin C on many situations. A dog in a tick coma,  
bites, dogs with Parvo, Tetanus following a terrible injury from a car,  and 
in cases of shock - all with unfailing success. 
Vitamin C can be used as crushed tablets or powder straight  into the mouth 
in cases of sickness. From my own experience, rubbing the powder  into a 
redback spider bite took the pain (which is incredible) our within  seconds. I 
followed it up with 10 grams by mouth. The spread of the poison in my  arm 
stopped and I was able to resume work within a few minutes. 
The first goat I treated with Vitamin C was given a teaspoon  of ascorbic 
acid powder (about 5 grams) every half hour for two hours, like the  Alpaca, 
he was bitten right on the nose as I later found out. He recovered  
perfectly well. That was in the days before the injectable supplies were  
50 ml bottles of Vitamin C can be obtained from some Chemists, most  fodder 
or pet stores. Make sure the brand is 2 mls per gram and not 4 otherwise  
you need twice as much at twice the cost. I mentioned the size of the needles 
as  18 or thereabouts because the stuff can be slightly glutinous and speed 
is  generally all important on the occasions when it is needed. 
Snake venom affects the nervous system which slows down until  natural 
functions cease and death occurs. A painful way to die. It can cause  instant 
death but this is most unusual and I have never seen it. When a dog has  been 
bitten, its eyes will soon appear to look all black. That is the pupils  
have relaxed and dilated. Since snake bite can - and usually does - occur  
unwitnessed, if your dog slows down and becomes lethargic or distressed, do 
 at the eyes at once and even if they do not show much sign get on with the 
 injection. If by chance the fang marks are detected, (it is usually damp 
around  the bite) rub in Vit C. Even a chewed up tablet will work. But do not 
waste time  looking for the marks. They often only show up a few days later 
when the hair  falls away around them. 
Dogs of 30 to 50 kg will require about 10 - 15 mls* by  intramuscular 
injection in the side of the neck. It was taught by the teaching  Vet at the 
Veterinary College to avoid doing injections in the back legs because  it is 

[Biofuel] One in Seven Scientists Say Colleagues Fake "Scientific" Study Results

2009-08-18 Thread SurpriseShan2
One in Seven Scientists Say Colleagues  Fake "Scientific" Study Results 
One in seven scientists report that they have known colleagues  to falsify 
or slant the findings of their research, according to a study  conducted by 
researchers from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and  published in 
the journal PLoS One.

A number of scientific data falsification scandals have emerged in  recent 
years, such as the case of a South Korean researcher who invented data on  
stem cell research. At the same time, increasing controversy over close 
industry  ties to medical research has called into question whether researchers 
who take  money from drug companies might be induced to falsify their data.

"Increasing evidence suggests that known frauds are just the tip of the  
iceberg and that many cases are never discovered," said researcher Daniele  

The researchers reviewed the results of 21 different scientific  misconduct 
surveys that had been performed between 1985 and 2005. All  respondents 
were asked whether they or anyone they knew of had taken part in  either 
fabrication (outright invention of data) or "questionable  practices."

Questionable practices were any improper procedure short of  fabrication, 
including failing to publish results contradicting one's prior  research, 
modifying data based on a "gut feeling," changing conclusions after  pressure 
from a funder or selectively choosing which data to include in an  analysis.

One in seven scientists said that they were aware of colleagues who had  
engaged in fabrication, while nearly half -- 46 percent -- admitted to knowing 
 of colleagues who had used questionable practices. Only two percent, 
however,  admitted to fabricating results themselves.

While two percent is higher than previous estimates of the prevalence  of 
data fabrication, researchers believe that the number is still too low. In  
all likelihood, it reflects both a reluctance by researchers to admit to 
serious  misconduct and a tendency to interpret one's behavior as favorably as 
possible  -- questionable instead of fabrication, or acceptable rather than 

Researchers in the medical and pharmacalogical  fields were the most likely 
to admit to misconduct than researchers in other  fields.

Sources for this story include: 
_www.timesonline.co.uk_ (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/) .
A New Low in Drug Research: 21 Fabricated Studies 
Scott S. Reuben, a  prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist, allegedly 
fabricated 21 medical  studies that claimed to show benefits from painkillers 
like Vioxx and  Celebrex.
Ghosted Journal Articles Undermine Integrity of Medicine
Medical Papers by Ghostwriters Pushed Therapy 
Newly unveiled court  documents show that ghostwriters paid by a 
pharmaceutical company played a major  role in producing 26 scientific papers 
the use of hormone replacement  therapy in women, suggesting that the level 
of hidden industry influence on  medical literature is broader than 
previously known.
Merck published fake journal

Top Pain Scientist Fabricated Data in Studies, Hospital Says 
A  prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist allegedly fabricated 21 medical 
studies  that claimed to show benefits from painkillers like Vioxx and 
Celebrex,  according to the hospital where he worked.
Baystate Medical Center,  Springfield, Mass., said that its former chief of 
acute pain, Scott S. Reuben,  had faked data used in the studies, which 
were published in several  anesthesiology journals between 1996 and 2008.
Why You Can’t Trust Most Studies on Health 
A study of 49 papers in  leading journals that had been cited by more than 
1,000 other scientists -- in  other words, well-regarded research -- showed 
that within only a few years,  almost a third of the papers had been refuted 
by other studies. And the “hotter”  the field, the greater the competition 
and the more l

[Biofuel] Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

2009-08-23 Thread SurpriseShan2
Eighteen Overlooked Symptoms of  Adrenal Fatigue 
by Patty Donovan, citizen journalist 

(NaturalNews) More and more alternative health  practitioners are beginning 
to recognize how widespread adrenal fatigue  (hypoadrenia) is in the 
general population. In mainstream medicine, doctors  refuse to recognize there 
a problem with the adrenal glands unless you meet  the diagnostic criteria 
for Addison's disease (extremely little adrenal  function) or Cushing's 
disease (hyper adrenal). These diseases together affect  less than 2% of the 
population, but some experts believe that upwards of 80% of  the population 
suffers from some level of adrenal insufficiency. Besides the  usual symptoms 
overwhelming fatigue and inability to handle stress, the  symptoms listed 
below provide a more complete picture of adrenal fatigue and are  often 
overlooked even by alternative practitioners. 
Any person with lung problems, especially asthma and  bronchitis should be 
checked for poor adrenal function. The lungs cannot respond  appropriately 
to stress, allergens etc because of lack of cortisol. Asthma is  often 
considered an emotional disease because stress can trigger an attack. Fix  the 
adrenals so the body can respond normally to stress and the asthma will  
Most allergies involve an inflammatory process. As the adrenal  function 
decreases, allergies worsen. Generally, if the adrenal glands were  
functioning properly, the body would not respond to the allergen. This same  
anti-inflammatory effect is important in asthma also. As the adrenal glands  
allergies are markedly reduced. 
Severe and/or recurrent infections (especially respiratory)  often indicate 
adrenal problems. The more severe, the more frequently it occurs  or the 
longer it lasts, the more likely adrenal fatigue is involved in the  
Dr. Goodheart identified five skeletal muscles which can  indicate adrenal 
These are 1) sartorius, 2) gracilis, 3) posterior tibialis, 4)  
gastrocnemius, and 5) soleus. When the adrenal glands are malfunctioning, there 
be weakness in one or more of these muscles. The sartorius and gracilis  
attach on the pelvis. Weakness in these muscles can cause the sacro-iliac joint 
to subluxate posteriorally (toward the back) leading to low back pain. In  
persons with adrenal fatigue, low back pain is frequently caused by 
instability  of the pelvis rather than an actual back problem. These same two 
muscles also  attach to the knee and help provide support. Weakness will cause 
knee pain,  weakness and instability of the joint. Any person with knee 
problems should be  checked for adrenal fatigue. The other 3 muscles mentioned 
stabilize the feet  and ankles. Weakness of any of these muscles leads to 
complaints of tired,  aching feet, weak ankles or aching calves. The symptoms 
related to the muscle  weakness will improve when the adrenal glands are 
Cortisol production follows a curve from highest levels around  8am, 
dropping throughout the day until the lowest levels are reached about 11pm.  In 
early stages of adrenal fatigue the body compensates with high night time  
cortisol. In this case the person finds it difficult to relax from the stress 
of  the day and has trouble going to sleep. High night-time cortisol results 
in  reduced REM sleep which is neither restful nor restorative. This can 
lead to  depression and reduced energy levels the next day. In later stages of 
adrenal  fatigue, the body may produce adrenaline (**fight or flight** 
hormone) in an  attempt to compensate for low cortisol. This too will result in 
When a person stands from a sitting or lying position, the  systolic blood 
pressure usually rises about 10 points as blood vessels in the  lower body 
constrict to force blood to the heart, lungs and brain. This is a  result of 
the action of epinephrine on the blood vessels. In people with adrenal  
fatigue, the blood vessels are unable to respond to the release of epinephrine  
because of lack of cortisol, so blood pools in the abdomen and pelvis and 
blood  pressure drops. This systolic drop ranges from 10 to 40 points and is 
present in  over 90% of those with hypoadrenia. Dizziness is usually present 
on standing;  however, in some people it is present intermittently or 
constantly throughout  the day as even resting blood pressure is low. 
Paradoxically, in order to  prevent pooling of blood in the abdomen and lower 
extremities, the body may keep  blood pressure extremely elevated. Pressure 
will still 
drop when the person  stands but only to around 150. Remember, it may have 

[Biofuel] Law on Raw Milk Should Be Overturned

2009-08-30 Thread SurpriseShan2
Law on Raw Milk Should Be Overturned
by  Sally Fallon, president, Weston A. Price Foundation
Testimony before the Senate Agriculture Committee and  the Senate Select 
Committee on Food-Borne Illness (April 15, 2007) 

Thank you, Senator Florez, for the opportunity to testify  before the joint 
committees today. My name is Sally Fallon. I am testifying in  my capacity 
as the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit  nutrition 
education foundation; as the founder of A Campaign for Real Milk,  which 
advocates the consumption of unpasteurized whole milk from pasture-fed  cows; 
and as secretary of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, which  provides 
legal defense of farms engaged in raw milk production and direct  
farm-to-consumer sales. Most importantly, I am testifying here today in my  
capacity as 
a mother.

And it is as a mother that I will start with three  testimonials typical of 
those we receive almost every day. One comes from a  physician who 
prescribes raw milk to his patients, often with remarkably  beneficial effects. 
dramatic case involved a 9-month-old boy who had had  three ear infections 
in three months. The child had been fed a number of  formulas based on 
processed cow's milk and soy protein, and the mother had even  tried 
goat milk. With each formula, the child suffered recurrent  vomiting, 
diarrhea, and failure to gain weight and thrive; and he had been ill  with 
viral or bacterial infections almost continuously since early  infancy. After 
the mother switched to a formula based on raw goat milk, however,  the 
diarrhea and vomiting ceased and the child began to gain weight. One year  
later, he has normal growth and is perfectly healthy. 

The second comes from a Weston A. Price local chapter  leader who reported 
on a 2-year-old boy with very serious asthma. After the  mother put the boy 
on raw cow*s milk, the child went through the entire winter  without a visit 
to the doctor for any reason and no asthma attacks – except for  one, a 
serious attack that occurred after the boy consumed pasteurized milk  while on 
a family trip. 

The third involves an autistic 8-year-old boy who had not  spoken a word 
since the sudden onset of autism at the age of 2. After two months  on raw 
cow*s milk, all autistic behavior disappeared, and the child began to  babble 
as a prelude to speech. The only dietary or treatment change was a switch  
from pasteurized to raw milk. 

Now please imagine the joy and relief that raw milk has  given to the 
families of these children – an end to suffering, an end to worry.  Family life 
can be normal and happy again. It is testimonials like these that  make us so 
passionate about having access to raw milk and so concerned about the  
manner in which access to raw milk has been undermined in the state of  
California with the stealth passage of AB 1735, a law that mandates standards 
strict that commercial production of raw milk will become impossible. Our  
experts here today will testify to the fact that the 10 coliform limit is not  
only unnecessary for the safety of raw milk, but would actually make raw 
milk  more vulnerable to pathogens. 

Make no mistake, those who worked behind the scenes for  the passage of 
this law, and our opponents testifying today, do not want the  sickly, 
asthmatic, or autistic child to have access to Nature's perfect healing  food. 
Although couched in terms of public safety, AB 1735 has nothing to do with  
safety and everything to do with protecting California*s annual $4.5 billion  
industrial dairy industry, which has to be propped up with an average of $1.6  
billion in subsidies every year. This is a modern day example of sacrificing 
our  children on the altar of Baal. 

The 10 coliform standard is a **test of sterility**,  designed not to 
ensure the cleanliness of a farm but to verify the effectiveness  of a 
facility. The Pasteurized Milk Ordinance allows 100,000  coliforms per ml 
in raw milk from the dairy farm. This 10 coliform standard was  not designed 
to test the cleanliness of a farm, but the effectiveness of the  
sterilization process at the milk processing plant. It is inappropriate to use 
**test of sterility** on raw milk, which is not a sterile product, but a  
probiotic product. Nonpathogenic coliforms are what consumers are seeking when  
they choose a raw milk product. Coliforms protect us against pathogens and  
produce many important nutrients in the digestive tract. They are our friends,  
not our enemies; and they are being increasingly used by doctors to treat  
everything from intestinal problems to wounds. Obviously, it is unscientific 
to  claim, as our opponents do, that these same coliforms in milk are 
dangerous. The  medical paradigm has changed; germs are no longer the enemy. 

Re: [Biofuel] Biofuel] Crosspost: Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

2009-09-02 Thread SurpriseShan2
Thank you for this  Dawie.  Very enjoyable. Have you ever checked out Joel 
Saltin's website _http://www.polyfacefarms.com/_ 
(http://www.polyfacefarms.com/)  ?  I found it very interesting. I am thinking 
of  getting a few of his 
books. And is very nice country there too. 

[Biofuel] Crosspost: Everything I Want to  Do Is Illegal
Dawie Coetzee
Tue,  04 Aug 2009 00:44:32 -0700

Posted on the Distributism Yahoo group: 
_http://groups.yahoo.com/group/distributism/message/10703 _ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/distributism/message/10703 ) 

This is an EXCELLENT essay by a family farmer in Virginia who also wrote a 
 by the same title. It documents in spades how the "We're from the 
 and we're here to help you" permeates EVERY aspect of our lives.
 Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
 JOEL SALATIN / Acres v.33, n.9, Sept 2003 1 Sep 03
 Everything I want to do is illegal. As if a highly bureaucratic regulatory
 system was not already in place, 9/11 fueled renewed acceleration to 
 freedom from the countryside. Every time a letter arrives in the mail from 
 federal or state agriculture department my heart jumps like I just got 
sent to
 the principal's office.
 And it doesn't stop with agriculture bureaucrats. It includes all sorts of
 government agencies, from zoning, to taxing, to food inspectors. These 
 are the ultimate extension of a disconnected, Greco-Roman, Western, 
 compartmentalized, reductionist, fragmented, linear thought process.
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[Biofuel] OT: Research Trove: Patients’ Onl ine Data

2009-09-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
Research Trove: Patients* Online Data 
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — After Amy Farber learned she had the rare  and fatal 
disease called LAM in 2005, she became determined to increase and  speed up 
research into her illness with the hope of finding a cure in her  lifetime. 
Dr. Farber, now 39, was a law student with a doctorate in  anthropology who 
was about to start a family. She quit law school and founded  the LAM 
Treatment Alliance to raise money and connect a network of scientists  around 
world to research this mysterious disease, which destroys young  women*s 
To her dismay, she says, she encountered a cumbersome research  system 
fraught with obstacles to collaboration and progress — one that failed to  
on patient needs. 
**We can do better,** she remembers thinking. 
She took her frustrations to Dr. George Demetri, a member of  her 
organization’s advisory board. A professor and cancer researcher at Harvard  
School, Dr. Demetri had long wanted to use the Internet to connect  patients 
around the globe and mine their collective wisdom for new insights into  
the rare cancers he studies. 
That led her to Frank Moss, director of the Massachusetts  Institute of 
Technology Media Laboratory, and a new collaboration between her  group and the 
Media Lab: LAMsight, a Web site that allows patients to report  information 
about their health, then turns those reports into databases that can  be 
mined for observations about the disease. 
Since the Internet*s earliest days, patients have used the Web  to share 
experiences and learn about diseases and treatments. But now advocates  like 
Dr. Farber say that online communities have the potential to transform  
medical research — especially into rare diseases like hers that lack the number 
of patients needed for large-scale studies and rarely attract research 
financing  from the drug industry. Also, she said, it empowers patients to 
contribute, ask  questions and help lead the way to discoveries. 
**Patients have been a tremendously underutilized resource,**  she said. 
Mr. Moss, who came to the laboratory in 2005 from the drug  industry, 
agrees. Patients* everyday experiences in living with an illness are  an 
source of untapped data, he said; aggregated, those data could  generate 
new hypotheses and avenues for research. **We’re really turning  patients into 
scientists and changing the balance of power between clinicians  and 
scientists and patients,**  he said. 
Scientists and entrepreneurs are increasingly exploring ways  to tap that 
potential, and not just for rare diseases. 
Several private companies are now collecting patient data and  genetic 
information online to use in recruiting patients for clinical trials,  
conducting research internally or to sell to drug and biotechnology companies. 
Supporters of this model — sometimes called crowd-sourcing or  open-source 
research — call it democratization of research and say they are  pioneering 
new models that put patients in control of their data and build  bridges 
between researchers, patients and their doctors. They say these methods  are 
far cheaper and faster than traditional research, which has high start-up  
costs and relies heavily on clinicians. 
Still, some experts are skeptical. Questions abound about how  these sites 
will guarantee patient privacy; whether patients fully understand  what it 
means to share their medical information online; whether private  businesses 
should have to follow the same strict patient protection rules that  govern 
most researchers; and the quality problems of user-generated data. 
The Web offers great potential to reach large numbers of  patients quickly, 
but self-reported data creates considerable research dilemmas,  said Dr. 
James Potash, an associate professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins  School of 
Dr. Potash cited two studies that examined the quality of  information 
reported online by depressed patients. Patients reported their  diagnosis 
online; doctors then interviewed them to confirm it. In one study,  only 
two-thirds of the online responses were validated; in the other study, it  was 
Those numbers are not good enough for high-quality research,  Dr. Potash 
said. Without the ability to ensure a correct diagnosis and accurate  patient 
information, usually gained in face-to-face interviews, researchers can  end 
up with a **garbage in, garbage out** problem, he said. 
**Faster is only better if the work is done well,** he said.  **You don*t 
want to speed the train up and have it fly off the tracks.** 
Dr. Demetri, of Harvard, acknowledges the challenges of using  data 
self-reported online. “We all are sensitive to the fact that we are making  the 
rules up as we go along,”

[Biofuel] Book Review - The UltraMind Solution by Dr. Mark Hyman

2009-09-04 Thread SurpriseShan2
Book Review  
The UltraMind  Solution  
by Dr. Mark Hyman  

A brilliant exposition that shows  how you treat "mental" illness and 
"energy" imbalances by addressing seven major  subsystems of the body. A 
comprehensive program that is founded on (and gives  clear explanations of) the 
"systemic science" that determines how well and how  happily we live. [5 stars] 
by Eric Armstrong  
Attacking Depression,  Dementia, and other "Mental" Diseases  
Dr. Hyman has a private practice  which is booked months in advance. His 
book is The UltraMind Solution 
I listened to his talk on  PBS the other day and was highly impressed, so  I 
ordered the book.  
His thesis:  Depression, dementia, Alzheimer's, ADD, ADHD, Parkinson's, 
bipolar disorder, and  such are not "diseases of the mind"--they're problems of 
the body! They're  symptomatic by-products of problems in one or more of 
body's seven major  regulatory systems. When you identify and address problems 
in those systems, the  symptoms go away.  
The systems he identifies are  nutrient intake, digestion, detoxification, 
hormones, immune/inflammation,  energy metabolism, and the mind/body 
stress-or-relax equation. That's as  reasonable a division as any I've seen, 
more comprehensive  than most,  so I'm intrigued to find out more about his 
In my own life, I've noticed that  I'm significantly more likely to feel 
depressed when I'm "low energy", and that  almost nothing fazes me when my 
energy levels are high. So I was delighted to  see how much attention he gives 
to energy metabolism. The information on the  subject alone will be worth 
the price of the book.  
Based on his talk, it's clear that  he's one of the few MD's who "gets it". 
He doesn't go around throwing drugs at  people in a hopeless attempt to 
"cure the symptoms". Instead, he uses medical  diagnostics and good 
old-fashioned deduction to find the causes of those  symptoms. After 
identifying the 
underlying problems, he works with the patient  to address them.  
With the causes removed, the  symptoms simply disappear. But perhaps more 
importantly, the patient discovers a  lifestyle that leads to a long life 
filled with active, productive years.  Supplements are a big part of his 
regimen, as are "whole" foods (as in, it came  from the tree). But they're not 
only weapon at his disposal. When necessary,  he uses more sophisticated 
weaponry--for example, to address a hormonal  imbalance.  
Many of recommendations sound  familiar to those who practice a healthy 
lifestyle--avoid sugar, flour, dairy,  and the gluten-grains (wheat, rye, 
barley, and oats). But for those of us with  an analytical disposition, he 
explains why--tracing the causal connections and  explaining the science behind 
Bottom Line  
The UltraMind Solution is highly  recommended reading. (It's also available 
in audio CD _http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001R91K02_ 
Why You Want Functional Medicine  
The UltraMind Solution, by Dr.  Mark Hyman  
Ultrametabolism, by Dr. Mark Hyman  
Other MDs who "get it":  
Dr. Mercola (mercola.com)  
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to  Live and Fasting and Eating for Health. 

Copyright © 2009 by Eric Armstrong. All rights reserved.  
Contact me to send feedback,  register for updates, or make a donation. And 
by all means, be sure to visit The  TreeLight Store.
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[Biofuel] Eliminate Indigestion -- Naturally

2009-09-04 Thread SurpriseShan2
Eliminate Indigestion --  Naturally 
You don't have to live with indigestion. You can eliminate it  with small 
diet changes, without antibiotics. 
by Eric Armstrong 
Understanding Indigestion 
Chronic indigestion is painful. It can erode the lining of the  stomach and 
esophagus, make you dizzy, promote anxiety, and even lead to panic  
attacks, as described in Dealing With Anxiety Attacks 
(http://www.treelight.com/health/healing/Anxiety.html)   . So eliminating 
indigestion has a major impact on "quality of life". 
A  severe attack of indigestion can also mimic the symptoms of a heart 
attack. The  good news is that it can scare a person into straightening up 
life. The  bad news is that it leads to an avoidable, inconvenient trip to 
the hospital,  expensive tests to rule out heart problems, and it's one hell 
of a scary thing. 
The intestinal gas that characterizes indigestion causes the  bloated 
sensation. It can also make you dizzy. The gas comes from food that  isn't 
completely digested--so the common approach of restricting stomach acids  with 
medications is counterproductive, because they impede digestion, which  makes 
gas even more likely as the food ferments in your stomach. 
In more severe cases, stomach acid causes pain when it attacks  a weakened 
stomach lining or it moves into the esophagus ("acid reflux"). But  while 
reducing stomach acid in these cases reduces your symptoms, it does  nothing 
whatever to address the real cause of the problem--the eroded stomach  
lining, eroded esophageal valve, or the deteriorated intestinal environment 
causes them. 
Unfortunately, doctors are still recommending drugs to control  stomach 
acids--and the airwaves are filled with advertisements and prescription  
medications to do just that. The problem with such medications is that they  
address the real cause of the problem. They only address the symptoms.  
Meanwhile, they leave the real problem untouched and in many cases make it  
worse. Symptom relief is desirable, of course. But it should only be needed for 
 a short while, until the real problem is addressed. 
Indigestion is the kind of disease that drug companies love.  It's not 
life-threatening, at least not for a very long time. But it is  incredibly 
uncomfortable, so people are willing to pay for a solution -- and  pay, and 
and keep on paying for those little pills and tablets that bring  relief. So 
don't count on seeing advertisements anytime soon that tell you how  to 
eliminate the problem forever. Doctors, meanwhile, go along with the charade.  
Curiously, they're satisfied as long as the drug relieves the symptoms. They 
 seem to be all but totally uninterested in identifying the deeper causes 
and  addressing them. 
In some ways, capitalism has taken a major turn for the worse.  There is no 
incentive whatsoever for major drug companies to invest in research  that 
would lead to a long-term cure for indigestion--especially when the cure  
involves simple diet changes. It's like killing the goose that lays the golden  
egg. Like acne, rosacea, and bad-breath, these "million dollar diseases" 
create  a clientele that deliver trillions of dollars into corporate coffers 
every year.  So you're not going to get an explanation of simple dietary 
remedies from them  anytime soon. They're too busy finding ways to give you 
temporary relief. 
The Real Cause of  Indigestion 
It's pretty well known that indigestion is caused by harmful  bacteria in 
the stomach (Heliobacter Pylori, or H. Pylori). When things are  severe, a 
doctor will attempt to "cure" the problem with a course of  antibiotics, but 
there are several downsides to that approach: 
-- You have to go to a doctor and get a prescription. 
-- Antibiotics kill bacteria indiscriminately--the good along  with the 
-- The constant use of antibiotics and antiseptic soaps is  creating new 
breeds of germs that are immune to them, so prescriptions are  becoming less 
and less effective. 
-- If you don't make diet changes, the conditions that led to  the problem 
in the first place will eventually cause it to resurface. 
I'm pleased to say, though, that there is a simply dietary  remedy for 
indigestion. Like most dietary remedies, there are several facets to  the 
problem, so there are several avenues of attack. When combined, they lead  not 
only to a cessation of symptoms, but they rectify the real problem. We'll  talk 
about that next. 

The Anti-Indigestion  Protocol 
In the absence of major complications, a few simple lifestyle  changes will 
put an end to indigestion in the average individual. 
First, for symptom relief: 
-- Burp · 
-- Don't lie down after eating. 
-- Use natural, healing rem

[Biofuel] Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors

2009-09-06 Thread SurpriseShan2
Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is  Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors 
By Dr.  Mercola
Your adrenal glands are each no bigger than a walnut and weigh  less than a 
grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions  in your 
body: managing stress. 
“The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress,’” writes  James Wilson 
in his book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. “It  is their 
job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source,  
ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your  
resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper  
When your adrenal glands are fatigued, a condition known as  adrenal 
fatigue or adrenal exhaustion, your entire body feels it and suffers  from 
exhaustion as well. 
It’s estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience  adrenal fatigue 
during their lifetimes, yet it remains one of the most  under-diagnosed 
illnesses in the United States.[2] 
The Optimal Function of Your Adrenal Glands 
Your body has two adrenal glands, located just above each of  your kidneys. 
As part of your endocrine system, your adrenal glands secrete more  than 50 
hormones, many of which are essential for life and include: 
-- Glucocorticoids. 
These hormones, which include cortisol, help your body convert  food into 
energy, normalize blood sugar, respond to stress and maintain your  immune 
system’s inflammatory response. 
-- Mineralocorticoids. These hormones, which  include aldosterone, help 
keep your blood pressure and blood volume normal by  maintaining a proper 
balance of sodium, potassium and water in your body.[3] 
-- Adrenaline. This hormone increases your  heart rate and controls blood 
flow to your muscles and brain, along with helping  with the conversion of 
glycogen to glucose in your liver. 
Together, these hormones and others produced by your adrenal  glands 
control such body functions as:[4] 

-- Maintaining metabolic processes, such as managing blood  sugar levels 
and regulating inflammation 
-- Regulating your body’s balance of salt and water 
-- Controlling your "fight or flight" response to stress 
-- Maintaining pregnancy 
-- Initiating and controlling sexual maturation during  childhood and 
-- Producing sex steroids such as estrogen and testosterone 
Ironically, although your adrenal glands are there, in large  part, to help 
you cope with stress, too much of it is actually what causes their  
function to break down. 
In other words, one of your adrenal glands most important  tasks is to get 
your body ready for the “fight or flight” stress response, which  means 
increasing adrenaline and other hormones. 
As part of this response, your heart rate and blood pressure  increase, 
your digestion slows, and your body becomes ready to face a potential  threat 
or challenge. 
While this response is necessary and good when it's needed,  many of us are 
constantly faced with stressors (work, environmental toxins, not  enough 
sleep, worry, relationship problems and more) and therefore are in this  
"fight or flight" mode for far too long -- much longer than was ever intended  
from a biological standpoint. 
The result is that your adrenal glands, faced with excessive  stress and 
burden, become overworked and fatigued. Some common factors that put  excess 
stress on your adrenals are:[5] 
-- Anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, depression and other negative  emotions 
-- Overwork, including physical or mental strain 
-- Excessive exercise 
-- Sleep deprivation 
-- Light-cycle disruption (such as working the night shift or  often going 
to sleep late) 
-- Surgery, trauma or injury 
-- Chronic inflammation, infection, illness or pain 
-- Temperature extremes 
-- Toxic exposure 
-- Nutritional deficiencies and/or severe allergies 
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal  Fatigue 
When your adrenal glands become depleted, it leads to a  decrease in 
certain hormone levels, particularly cortisol. The deficiencies in  certain 
adrenal hormones will vary with each case, ranging from mild to severe. 
In its most extreme form, this is referred to as Addison’s  disease, a 
condition that causes muscle weakness, weight loss, low blood  pressure and low 
blood sugar, and can be life threatening. 
Fortunately, only about four persons per 100,000 develop  Addison’s 
disease, which is due to autoimmune disease in most cases but can also  develop 
after very severe stress.[6] 
At the other end of the spectrum, as well as in between, lies  adrenal 
fatigue (also known as hypoadrenia). Though the symptoms are less s

[Biofuel] FTC orders Daniel Chapter One to lie to customers about cancer remedies; ministr

2009-09-07 Thread SurpriseShan2
FTC orders Daniel Chapter One to lie to customers  about cancer remedies; 
ministry defends health freedom
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is at war with online  retailers of 
nutritional supplements and natural remedies, but it recently lost  a major 
battle: Lane Labs, which has suffered under  FTC and FDA tyranny for years, 
recently won a significant battle against the  corrupt agency. After the FTC 
tried to sue Lane Labs for $24 million, claiming  "contempt of court" for the 
company telling the truth about the efficacy of its  products, a federal 
judge ruled against the FTC, explaining that Lane Labs  
telling the scientifically-validated truth about its products when it described 
 their health benefits. 
This defeat of the FTC's latest attempt to censor the truth  about 
nutritional supplements is making waves in the nutrition industry. It  signals 
crack in the wall of FTC tyranny and a possible route for establishing  Free 
Speech for nutritional supplement companies that only seek to tell the  truth 
about their products. 

In the world of truth-telling, no one speaks the truth  about natural 
remedies more openly and honorably than a small company called  Daniel Chapter 
One (_www.DanielChapterOne.com_ (http://www.DanielChapterOne.com) ), a 
religious ministry  that also sells anti-cancer herbs, many of which are 
in the Bible and  other religious writings. Supported by a radio show and a 
website, Daniel  Chapter One dares to tell people the truth about its 
natural remedies, even in  the face of extreme intimidation and threats from 
FTC. _http://www.naturalnews.com/the_FTC.html_ 

The FTC is demanding that Daniel Chapter One lie to all  its customers by 
signing and distributing a document claiming their natural  cancer remedies 
do not work. That same document would also direct customers to  the National 
Cancer Institute -- a pro-Pharma government group engaged in  widespread 
scientific fraud and public disinformation campaigns (the NCI runs  ads warning 
people to avoid all sunlight, for example, promoting widespread  vitamin D 

Daniel Chapter One needs your support,  and it's an organization worth 
fighting for. They are, in essence, taking point  position on a very dangerous 
mission, working to break the FTC's iron grip and  restore Free Speech rights 
to the entire industry. Although Jim and Trish have  been threatened with 
imprisonment, having their products confiscated, having  their ministry 
raided and shut down and being fined millions of dollars, they  have held firm 
their belief that telling the truth about medicinal herbs is  their 
God-given right. 

Today, Daniel Chapter One finds itself embattled against  the federal 
government, standing virtually alone in an industry where most  companies are 
intimidated to stand up for their own rights. To help promote  health 
freedom, they've launched another website called Daniel Chapter  One Freedom 
(_http://danielchapteronefreedom.com_ (http://danielchapteronefreedom.com) ), 
and I  encourage you to join their email newsletter on that site. Write your  
representatives in Washington, too, to insist that the FTC end their 
attempts to  silence and intimidate not just Daniel Chapter One but other 
nutritional  supplement companies as well. 

The FTC's attack on Daniel Chapter One is more than just  an assault on 
Free Speech, by the way: It's also an assault on religious  freedom. The 
organization is a ministry, after all, but that hasn't stopped  the FTC from 
threatening to imprison its founders. 

Today, Daniel Chapter One issued an important press  release, reprinted 
here in full for you to read: 

Announcement from Daniel Chapter  One 
The Federal Trade Commission Administrative Law Judge just  Ordered Daniel 
Chapter One to stop sharing truthful health information and  testimonies, 
not only about their 7 Herb Formula, BioShark, BioMixx and GDU but  "about ANY 
dietary supplement, food, drug, or other health related product,  service, 
or program." 

Fight for Right: 
In Sept. 2008 the health ministry Daniel Chapter One was  attacked by the 
Federal Trade Commission and charged with making what the FTC  calls 
"implied" claims about their dietary supplements. Without warning or grace  
Daniel Chapter One was struck with an FTC Order that was extremely  
burdensome in its demands. More offensive than the threat of a large monetary  
was the demand that Daniel Chapter One turn over personal customer  

[Biofuel] Stomach Acid Problems

2009-09-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
Stomach Acid Problems 
by Bee Wilder
Many people today, and most candida sufferers, have digestive  problems, 
which is mainly caused by the stomach producing "too little" stomach  acid. We 
may think our stomachs are "overly acidic" because of heartburn, sour  
stomach, or overall stomach upset, nausea and pain, when in fact having "too  
little acid" creates exactly the same symptoms as an "over acid" stomach. 
The technical term for low stomach acidity is  "hypochlorhydria," and a 
stomach that is not producing any acid is called  "achlorhydria." 
The most common symptoms of low stomach acidity include: 
-- heartburn (if there isn't enough stomach acid the valve  that closes the 
end of the esophagus won't close properly, so even low stomach  acid can 
burn the esophagus) 

-- upset stomach, nausea 

-- vomiting 

-- sour stomach 
-- a heavy feeling, as if the food is just sitting in the  stomach in a 
Our stomachs are supposed to be acidic, so it important that  it produce 
high concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl). 
When the stomach produces HCl it also produces bicarbonate of  soda (baking 
soda) which protects the lining of the stomach from being damaged  or eaten 
up by HCl. When the stomach doesn't produce enough HCl, it also will  not 
produce enough bicarbonate of soda so the stomach can become ulcerated. 
When hydrochloric acid is low it causes malnutrition and many  digestive 
problems. HCl mainly digests protein, breaking it down into small  molecules, 
which are further digested in the intestinal tract. 
Low stomach acid is associated with a higher incidence of  gastrointestinal 
problems like h. pylori bacteria which cause stomach ulcers,  acid reflux 
(heartburn), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease,  diarrhea, 
constipation, etc. 
Our stomachs need adequate acid so we can get the benefit of a  good diet 
and the nutrients it contains, and in order for digestion to proceed  like it 
should throughout the intestines. 
How Foods Are Digested 
Carbohydrates (carbs) start being digested by enzymes produced  in the 
mouth - carbs are all foods that are not classified as protein or fat,  
including vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, sugar, starches, herbs,  
etc. Some carbs also contain protein and fat, such as grains, nuts,  seeds 
and some vegetables. Also some protein foods also contain carbs and fats  
such as eggs. 
HCl (hydrochloric acid or stomach acid) mainly digests  protein. When a 
person starts to eat the stomach is stimulated to start  producing hydrochloric 
acid (HCl). Stomach acid gradually increases during a  meal. When the 
stomach acid gets high enough, which normally takes about 20-30  minutes after 
eating, it neutralizes enzymes from the mouth so carb digestion  stops. 
Digestive enzymes from the mouth only work on carbs while the  mixture is 
alkaline. Therefore, if HCl supplements are taken too early it stops  carb 
digestion in the stomach too soon. HCl also neutralizes any digestive  enzyme 
supplements, so taking them is a waste. That is why it is important to  take 
HCl supplements 30-45 minutes after eating a meal. 
When the mixture of food, water and HCl  (called chyme) empties out of the 
stomach it has to go through a hole that is  the size of the end of a 
pencil. The mixture squirts through that small hole in  spurts. That rate at 
foods empty out of the stomach is highly regulated.  If the mixture is too 
solid and doesn't contain enough fluid it isn't as able to  get through that 
small hole. That is why drinking enough fluids with meals is  also very 
When the mixture starts squirting through that small hole, if  the pancreas 
detects it contains enough fluids and HCl it is able to do its job.  First 
the mixture must be made alkaline, so the pancreas pours lots of  
bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) onto the mixture as it is squirting through  
small hole. Pancreatic digestive enzymes only work on an alkaline mixture,  
just like enzymes in the mouth. 
Next, the pancreas produces several enzymes which digest  carbs, fats and 
further digests protein, i.e. protease digests protein, amylase  digests 
carbs and lipase digests fats. The small intestine also produces  digestive 
enzymes that only work on an alkaline mixture. 
Therefore taking HCl supplements and improving its production  in the 
stomach, along with having enough fluids with meals, is very important  for 
proper digestion, whereas taking digestive enzymes is a waste and doesn't  help 
Improve Digestion with Foods, Spices and  Herbs 
The following foods, spices, and herbs stimulate stomach acid  production, 
but sometimes it is necessary to also take HCl supplements. 
-- Meats and eggs. 

-- "Good" fats such as coconut oil, butter, lard, 

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Sta

2009-09-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
Stubblebine is a  lowlife, a fraud and a con.- however he is very good at 
his 'professsion' .  Or at least he is if you think he has good will towards 
the avarage citizen  or for what is good for the average citizen . His wife, 
Rima,  is of the  same caliber - actually she may be worse.  But they work 
together. I  personally have a problem with people whose ethics and morals 
are for sale - or  whom just do not have any and all that matters to them is 
money. However this  man and his wife learn form their mistakes and 
frequently are quite smart ... or  cunning , whatever word you want to use. 
   On the other hand those people whom  support Codex and how it effects 
our health and rights, those people will have  no problem with the Natural 
Solutions Foundation nor its founders. Or at least  relatively little. Though 
realize that if you wish to sign  any so-called 'petitions' on their website, 
that frequently  these are bogus and do nowhere - at least  when they are 
supposed to be  against Codex and for health freedom. . 
I got most of this  information I have on these two from Health Freedom 
Advocates  - both  those in the States as well as couple in Britain. 
  The Stubbelbines have also started  a  yahoo 'health' group - about 
vaccinations actually. They  even frequently ask for donations of the members  
the only yahoo  health group that I  have ever heard of that does that. Most 
groups will  ban you for asking for donations - but I guess as  it is the 
'owners' who  do the asking for some reason it is allowed.  A year or so ago, 
I joined  their group out of curiousity and was templed to ask for 
donations  to  assist the health freedom effrorts - but got disgusted and left 
instead.  However, I did discuss this group with health freedom advocates in 
the  States as well as Britain though. I am not involved in this effort 
myself, I  just know some people whom are and have an interest in trying to 
stop Codex from  controlling issues in Canada and the States.
   I assume that the  people here  are familiar with Dr Rath and the Rath 
A Modern Major General Exposed?
the Natural Solutions Foundation
Codex Meeting in Ottawa- Business as Usual or Stunning Victory for Health  

Codex and Health Freedom- Be Wary of the Instant Experts 

Miracle in Rome? 

"Citizens for Health" and "Natural  Solutions Foundation" are controlled 
opposition groups on the Codex issue. We  believe the true purpose of these 
groups is to assist the pharma dominated  vitamin trade associations by 
recommending grass roots actions which appear  plausible on the surface to the 
poorly informed, but which upon close inspection  fail to hold up to careful 
scrutiny. IAHF has not been alone in exposing NSF as  a controlled opposition 
group- for additional clarification please see these  articles from The Dr. 
Rath Health Foundation, The National Health Federation,  and the Alliance 
for Natural Health: 
Seeing Through Spin of "Citizens for  Health" and "The Natural Solutions 
Foundation" on the CODEX Vitamin Issue. -  exposes NSF as a controlled 
opposition group."They're formally trained in  Neurolingustic Programming, the 
Delphi Technique, the Semantic Differential, and  many other tactics of 
psychological warfare and disinformation. The pretend to  be "on our side", but 
reality is that all they ever do is work against us.  "
 Here is a little background info more  about Stubblebine plus his wife.
Albert N. Stubblebine III (Maj.  Gen., US Army, Ret) - Croton on Hudson NY
Albert N. Stubblebine III (Maj.  Gen., US Army, Ret) was graduated from The 
United States Military Academy (West  Point) and served with distinction in 
the US Army for 32 years. Starting his  career as an Armor officer, he had 
the opportunity to command troops frequently  at every echelon of command. 
He was tasked with re-evaluating the North Korean  Order of Battle using top 
secret reconnaissance data. He was so intrigued with  the new intelligence 
capabilities that he transferred branches to join the  recently-formed 
Intelligence Branch of the US Army. He attended th

[Biofuel] The Ghosts of Auschwitz Have Arrived in Latin America

2009-09-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
The Ghosts of Auschwitz Have Arrived in  Latin America
By Dr. Matthias Rath
On the occasion of the decision of French drug maker Sanofi to  invest $140 
million to build a plant for the manufacturing of dubious vaccines  for a 
non-existing influenza epidemic in Mexico, a short historical review is  
-- 1925. Together with BAYER and BASF, the  drug company HOECHST formed the 
infamous chemical and drug cartel IG FARBEN that  brought the Nazis to 
power and prepared them for WWII – in an attempt to conquer  the emerging 
market of patented chemicals and drugs.1 
-- 1941/2. HOECHST, BAYER and BASF (IG  Farben) chose the city of Auschwitz 
to construct the world’s largest chemical  plant at that time to produce 
synthetic gasoline, rubber and other chemicals for  their military conquest of 
Eastern Europe, Russia and eventually Asia.  

-- 1941-1945. As the world’s largest  pharmaceutical companies, HOECHST and 
BAYER used the nearby concentration camp  Auschwitz not only for slave 
labor to construct their plant, but also as a giant  human testing cage to test 
their patented drugs on thousands of innocent inmates  who served them as 
"human guinea pigs." The corporate interests behind the  pharmaceutical 
business with disease became the Ghosts of Auschwitz.2 

-- 1948. During the Nuremberg War Crimes  Tribunal these Ghosts of 
Auschwitz were put on trial and several members of IG  Farben’s board of 
were sentenced for slave labor, mass murder and  other crimes against 
-- For half a century the Ghosts of Auschwitz spent  billions trying to 
keep their horrifying past out of the history textbooks and  out of the memory 
of mankind. 

-- 1997. More than half a century after the  end of WWII this strategy 
collapsed. In a public lecture in the city hall of  Chemnitz, Germany, I 
addressed the criminal past of HOECHST, BAYER and BASF as  the key architects 
profiteers of WWII – and of Auschwitz. The Ghosts of  Auschwitz were brought 
into the daylight for the world to see.4 

-- 1999. Only 2 years (!) after this  exposure of its criminal past, 
HOECHST was forced to end its 140 year corporate  history and merge with 
Rhone-Poulenc under the new name of "Aventis". The  exposure of the Ghosts of 
Auschwitz forced one of the largest drug  companies into oblivion – in a futile 
attempt to escape its past.5 

-- 2004. Only a few years later, Nick  Sarkozy – a thus far inconspicuous 
French minister of Finance – abused billions  of French tax payer’s money to 
have the French drug dwarf Sanofi swallow the  drug giant Aventis – and 
with it the Ghosts of Auschwitz.5 
-- With that decision the fate of Nick Sarkozy became  intimately linked to 
the fate of the pharmaceutical drug industry. With that  decision too, Nick 
Sarkozy became the political executor of the Ghosts of  Auschwitz. 

-- 2007. Not surprisingly, only 3 years  later the same Nick Sarkozy was 
made President of France with massive support of  the Ghosts of Auschwitz. But 
that was just the beginning. With the assignment to  Sarkozy of turning the 
Brussels’ EU into their new global politburo, the Ghosts  of Auschwitz set 
out to accomplish what they had not been able to accomplish  during the Nazi 
era and WWII: the political, economic and military control over  the entire 
European continent as a stepping stone to control the world. 
-- Since the ascent of Nick Sarkozy as the chief political  executor of the 
Ghosts of Auschwitz there was no global drug scam that  was not connected – 
or even orchestrated by these interests – including the mass  vaccination 
of young girls with the harmful papilloma-virus vaccine and also the  
artificial H1N1 influenza epidemic. 
-- 2009. With the decision of Sanofi-Aventis  to build a 100 Million Euro 
($ 140 Million) H1N1 influenza vaccine plant in  Mexico – i.e. a factory for 
the production of biological warfare material to be  used to seize control 
over the economies and societies of Latin America – the  Ghosts of Auschwitz 
have arrived in Latin America.6 
1. _http://www.profit-over-life.org/books/books.php?book=30_ 
2. _http://www.profit-over-life.org/guide/index.html_ 
3. _http://www.profit-over-life.org/about/unpublished_docs.html_ 

[Biofuel] Pfizer to Pay Record Fine in Fraud Probe

2009-09-10 Thread SurpriseShan2
September 7, 2009
Pfizer to  Pay Record Fine in Fraud Probe
In what it calls the largest health-care fraud settlement in  U.S. history, 
the Justice Department said Wednesday that pharmaceutical giant  Pfizer 
Inc. and a subsidiary have agreed to pay a $2.3 billion penalty for  illegally 
promoting certain drugs. 
Those drugs included _Bextra_ 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=22063) , part of a 
group of  painkillers called _Cox-2 
inhibitors_ (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=95210) , 
which  Pfizer pulled from the market in 2005 after reports of potential _heart_ 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=3668)  risks to  
The other drugs were _Geodon_ 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=19178) , an 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11993) ; _Zyvox_ 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=45189) , an 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=8121) ; and Lyrica, 
an  anti-epileptic 
drug, the Justice Department said in a news release. 
In each case, the Justice Department accused Pfizer of marketing  the drugs 
for uses other than those approved by the U.S. _Food and Drug 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=8468) ,  a 
practice called "off-label" use. 
According to the news release, the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act  stipulates 
that a company must "specify the intended uses of a product in its  new drug 
application to FDA. Once approved, the drug may not be marketed or  
promoted for so-called 'off-label' uses." 
Pfizer promoted Bextra for several uses and dosages not  sanctioned by the 
FDA due to safety concerns, the Justice Department  said. 
As part of the settlement, Pfizer also agreed to enter into a  so-called 
"expansive corporate integrity agreement" with the Department of  Health and 
Human Services' Office of Inspector General. That agreement calls for  the 
establishment of "procedures and reviews" designed to prevent a similar  
occurrence, the agency said. 
"Today's landmark settlement is an example of the Department of  Justice's 
ongoing and intensive efforts to protect the American public and  recover 
funds for the federal treasury and the public from those who seek to  earn a 
profit through fraud," Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli said in  the 
news release. 
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of the _Department of Health and Human  
Services_ (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10711) , 
said: "The Department of _Health and Human Services_ 
(http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=10712)   will 
continue to seek opportunities 
to work with its government partners to  prosecute fraud wherever we can 
find it. But we will also look for new ways to  prevent fraud before it 
happens. Health care is too important to let a single  dollar go to waste." 
In a statement, Pfizer general counsel Amy W. Schulman said the  agreement 
ends all "material pending matters" with the Justice Department. "This  
gives us a very important opportunity to put final closure on the universe of  
material open items involving our U.S.-based operations," she said,  
Bloomberg News reported. 
Author: HealthDay staff 
Source _http://www.medicinenet.com/_ (http://www.medicinenet.com/)  

The largest drug maker in the world pleaded guilty to the  U.S criminal 
charges for illegal promotion of three of its drugs. Although $2.3  billion 
fine is largest health care settlement in the U.S history, it is not the  
one-of-a-kind for Pfizer. Judges call Pfizer a “repeating corporate cheat”, for 
the company has been pitching drugs to patients and doctors for unapproved  
conditions, and is caught doing so, for more than once. Last October, 
Arizona  and 31 other states reached a $60 million settlement with Pfizer over 
its  promotion of Bextra, Celebrex, and another anti-inflammatory drug. Sales 
and  marketing executives at Pfizer are accused of promoting Bextra for 
acute pain,  surgical pain and other unapproved uses. Bextra was later 
from the  market for the severity of its side effects, including heart 
attacks and like.  Bextra is of the same class as Merck’s Vioxx (cox-2 
inhibitor) and another  similar drug Celebrex, from Pfizer. Vioxx was withdrawn 
2005, while Celebrex  continues to be promoted and sold despite accusations in 
2009 that efficacy  results of Celebrex were fabricated and some were never 
submitted to the FDA.  Unfortunately though, current settlement and guilty 
plea is not expected to hurt  Pfizer's ability to sell drugs in the future. 
This is one more support to Dr. Rath's work. For more than a  decade, Dr. 
Rath has been fighting to expose unethical p

[Biofuel] Limit Your Exposure To Cell Phone Radiation

2009-09-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
Limit Your Exposure To Cell Phone  Radiation 
By Mi-Young Kim
Four billion people around the globe own cell phones. As the  market for 
new devices has grown, so have concerns about the safety of cell  phone 
Recent studies find significantly higher risks for brain and  salivary 
gland tumors among people using cell phones for 10 years or longer. The  state 
of the science is provocative and troubling, and much more research is  
We at Environmental Working Group are still using our cell  phones, but we 
also believe that until scientists know much more about cell  phone 
radiation, it’s smart for consumers to buy phones with the lowest  emissions. 
The U.S. government ought to require cell phone companies to  label their 
products’ radiation output so that consumers can do the numbers at  the point 
of sale. 
It doesn’t, so EWG has created this user-friendly interactive  online guide 
to cell phone emissions, covering over 1,000 phones currently on  the 
10 Best Phones 
Listing is based on phones currently available from major  carriers. 
You can also see all available phones ranked by radiation. 
_Samsung Impression (SGH-a877)_ 
_Motorola RAZR V8_ 
_Samsung SGH-t229_ 
_Samsung Rugby (SGH-a837)_ 
_Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627)_ 
_Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459)_ 
_T-Mobile Sidekick_ 
_LG Xenon (GR500)_ 
_Motorola Karma QA1_ 
 10. _Sanyo Katana II_ 


[1]  http://www.ewg.org/project/2009cellphone/get-a-safer-phone.php
[2]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Get-a-Headset
[3]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/8-Safety-Tips
[4]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/fullreport
[5]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/executivesummary
[6]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Health-problems
[7]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/cellphone-safety-standards
[8]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Government-Action
[9]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Bluetooth-Cell-Cordless-Phones
[10]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/References
[11]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/newsrelease
[12]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/faq
[14]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Get-a-Safer-Phone
[15]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/Get-a-Safer-Phone
[16]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/8-Safety-Tips
[17]  http://www.ewg.org/cellphoneradiation/fullreport

[Biofuel] What You Should Know About Your Glands

2009-09-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
What You Should Know About Your  Glands 
By John Tintera, MD 
[Reprinted with kind permission of the Adrenal  Metabolic Research 
Society/Hypoglycemia Association Inc., Ashton, MD. This  article was first 
in Woman's Day, February 1958. Dr. Tintera was a  pioneer in the use of 
adrenal cortex extract for the treatment of hypoglycemia,  allergies, fatigue 
and adrenal exhaustion. ]

Your adrenal glands are the regulators of your  disposition, your 
efficiency, and even of your personality. Whether they  regulate well, and help 
or regulate poorly, and harm you, depends, in large  measure, upon what you 
eat. Therefore, it is quite possible to improve your  disposition, increase 
your efficiency, and change your personality for the  better by selecting 
the foods you eat with a knowledge of what happens to those  foods once they 
are inside you. This means getting to know your adrenal glands  and what they 
do and showing them proper respect. 
The adrenals are part of the endocrine system of glands which  are the 
chemical "policemen" that regulate the functioning of our bodies and  minds. 
study of this system is endocrinology. It is one of the remaining  
frontiers of medical science. I work on that frontier; I am an endocrinologist. 
What isn't yet known may well be more than is known. But what is known proves  
that these endocrine glands play decisive parts in making and keeping all of 
us  the kinds of persons we are, for good as well as for ill. The most 
important and  decisive part is played by the adrenals. 
Only in this century has science become sharply aware of the  importance 
and subtle workings of the endocrines. Implausible, this; but  understandable. 
The connections among the glands and their cooperative endeavors  are so 
very well hidden, it is no wonder they weren't easily found out. 
All other glands have ducts or channels which carry their  secretions to 
the places where those secretions serve purposes which are  self-evident. The 
endocrines have no ducts. That they secrete and so are glands  is anything 
but obvious; the purposes of their secretions are heavily cloaked by  
chemical subtleties. Their appearances are different and they're widely  
The pituitary gland is a round mass no larger than a large  green pea, 
attached by a stalk to the brain stem. Yet it has three sections,  each a busy 
factory turning out a variety of chemicals. The thyroid gland, deep  down in 
the throat, resembles a small oyster although in color it is beefy red.  
Adjacent are the parathyroids and they remind you of BB shots. Most persons 
have  four, but some have only one and others have as many as eight. 
The adrenals rise somewhat like mushrooms, one from the top of  each 
kidney. They're each two glands actually, a core (the "medulla") and casing  
"cortex") like a nut and its husk. But that's little in the way of  
concealment when you consider the pancreas gland which lies against the back  
of the abdomen. It has a duct leading into the intestine which is plain to  
see and so you might think it was no endocrine. But a few tiny segments  
("islets") secrete without there being a duct for the secretions, and so these  
segments form an endocrine gland. Recently, a much-neglected endocrine 
gland,  the pineal, located in the middle of the brain, has been shown to have 
 influence on some of the functions of the adrenal, specifically in 
relation to  mental disorders. Little more than this is known about the pineal. 
sex  glands (ovaries and testes) complete the endocrine system. 
The endocrines are connected by the blood stream. They work  this way: the 
pituitary secretes a particular chemical into the blood which  floats it to 
the casings of the adrenals. They respond by secreting a particular  
chemical which the blood floats back to the pituitary and causes it to slow  
production of the adrenals-rousing chemical. As more and more of this  
adrenals-responding chemical comes into the blood, the pituitary stops 
producing  its 
chemical altogether, until such time as the adrenal chemical is again  
The pituitary manufactures and secretes particular chemicals  to stir up 
each of the other endocrines, and each one responds in the same way.  All 
these command-and-response chemicals also are speeding, slowing, and above  
coordinating all other bodily systems: the heart-lungs-blood system, the  
digestive system, the thinking-feeling-perceiving system. 
In the last few years it has been shown that the seeming  "master" of all 
this, the pituitary, has a master. The pituitary is connected to  the floor 
of one of the tiny pouches or ventricles in the brain which has nerve  
connections with the brain's centers of seeing, tasting, hearing, and feeling.  
This floor is called the h

[Biofuel] The New Medicine of Dr Hamer + Related Links

2009-09-20 Thread SurpriseShan2
My Note - Walter Last is a retired biochemist,  research 
chemist,nutritionist and natural therapist who has worked in G e r m a  n y, 
New Zealand and 
Australia, where he is now based. He has also written  numerous 
health-related journal articles as well as several books. In his work  & his 
books, he 
combines the training and work experience of Research  Chemist Biochemist and 
Toxicologist with that of Practicing Nutritionist and  Natural Therapist.
The New Medicine of Dr Hamer 
by Walter Last 
Dr Hamer had an exceptionally high success rate with his  cancer therapy, 
by far the highest I have seen of any therapy.  During one  of several trials 
of the persecuted Dr Hamer the public prosecutor  (Wiener-Neustadt in 
Austria) had to admit that after 4 to 5 years 6,000 out of  6,500 patients with 
mostly advanced cancer were still alive. That is over 90%,  almost a reversal 
of the results to be expected after conventional treatment of  advanced 
Dr Hamer started his cancer research when he developed  testicle cancer 
after his son was shot dead. He wondered if his son’s death was  the cause of 
his cancer. Subsequently he investigated and documented over 15,000  cases of 
cancer and always found the following characteristics to be present,  which 
he termed the Iron Rules of Cancer. 
The Iron Rules of Cancer 
1. Every cancer and related disease starts as a DHS that is a  Dirk Hamer 
Syndrome, which is a serious, acute-dramatic and isolating  
conflict-shock-experience. It manifests simultaneously on three levels, psyche, 
 brain and 

2. The theme of the psychic conflict determines the location  of the focus 
or HAMER Herd in the brain, and the location of the cancer in the  organ. 
3. The course of the psychic conflict correlates with the  development of 
the HAMER Herd in the brain, and the course of the cancer in the  organ. 
At the moment of the conflict-shock a short circuit occurs in  a 
pre-determined place of the brain. This can be photographed with  
(CT) and looks like concentric rings on a shooting target or  like the 
surface of water after a stone has been dropped into it. Later on, if  the 
conflict becomes resolved, the CT image changes, an edema develop, and  finally 
scar tissue. 
How specific and precisely located these brain lesions are may  be seen 
from the following.  After a professional lecture a doctor handed  him the 
brain CT of a patient and asked to explain it. From this Dr Hamer  diagnosed 
patient to have a fresh bleeding bladder carcinoma in the healing  phase, 
an old prostate carcinoma, diabetes, an old lung carcinoma and sensory  
paralysis in a specific area, in addition to the corresponding emotional  
Amazingly, Dr Hamer was able to show that at the same time as  the 
concentric brain lesion appears also the target organ CT may show such a  
lesion. According to Dr Hamer this happens instantly when the psychic  
shock hits the subconscious level and this same second is the start of cancer.  
However, also other diseases can be caused by the same mechanism. How severe 
a  disease becomes may depend on other psychological, energetic and 
nutritional  factors but its nature and location are determined by the content 
the  conflict shock. 
Hamer believes that the correlation between key emotional  shock events, 
the target brain areas and the related organs has developed as an  adaptation 
of our human evolution from similar programs in the animal world.  When we 
unexpectedly experience emotional distress, an emergency repair program  is 
set in motion, a biological conflict program with the aim of returning the  
individual to normal. Such programs can even apply to families or other 
Hamer gives the following example. A mother sees her child in  a bad 
accident. In evolutionary terms small children recover faster when they  
extra milk. Therefore, the biological conflict program tries to  stimulate 
milk production by increasing the number of breast cells. If the  mother is 
right-handed, that will instantly cause the appearance of a Hamer Herd  in a 
specific part of her right brain, which in turn relates to the left breast.  
When the child is well again, conflict resolution begins and extra milk is 
no  longer needed. The mother gets a benign form of tuberculosis in that 
breast  which breaks up the excess breast cells. However, if the mycobacteria 
required  for this are lacking, then the area may just calcify and remain as a 
dormant  tumor. 
The same process applies also to animals. A sheep that loses  its lamb to a 
wolf is prone to develop teat cancer; the side depends on whether  it is 
right or left footed. However, commonly the sheep resolves this conflict  by 
bearing another lamb. 
The following example may illustr

[Biofuel] "Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud; Tufts University involvement ques

2009-09-23 Thread SurpriseShan2
"Smart Choices" food label is marketing fraud;  Tufts University 
involvement questioned (opinion) 
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) The big food companies have dreamed up yet  another clever 
con to sell processed junk foods to parents and children: A  "Smart Choices" 
label that implies the food product is a smart choice for health  and 
nutrition. The problem is that the standards for qualifying for this  
were set by the food companies themselves, and processed junk foods  like 
Froot Loops (a sugary breakfast cereal) qualify. 
Froot Loops is 41 percent processed white sugar. It also  contains 
processed flour and partially-hydrogenated vegetable oil. But that's  not all 
find in the box: Froot Loops is also made with synthetic coloring  
chemicals, including Red #40, Blue #2, Yellow #6 and Blue #1. The No. 1  
of Froot Loops is sugar, and each serving contains 12 grams of sugar. 
So how, exactly, did Froot Loops qualify for the  "Smart Choices" label? 
I'll tell you how: Because the Smart Choices label is a  marketing fraud. 
It's a manipulative, dishonest food package labeling system  that is 
intentionally designed by the processed food companies to mislead and  
consumers into buying processed food products, in my view. 
You'd have to be deeply misinformed about nutritional basics  to think that 
a processed breakfast cereal made of 41% sugar,  partially-hydrogenated 
oils and artificial coloring chemicals is a "smart  choice" for any child. A 
more appropriate label might be "Diabetes Choices" or  "Obesity Choices", but 
certainly not "Smart Choices." 
In my opinion, this marketing fraud is little more than a  marketing 
gimmick. It makes you wonder who, exactly, came up with it. 

Did Tufts University sell out to the food giants? The  president of the 
Smart Choices board is Eileen T. Kennedy, dean of the Friedman  School of 
Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. 
(_http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629_ (http://nutrition.tufts.edu/11745629) 
Eileen Kennedy and other Tufts University faculty members have  established 
ties with the Kellogg's company, having participated in a  "Children's 
Health" forum that was co-sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 
That event, held in June of this year, was entitled:  'Children's Health: 
The Future of Food & Nutrition Policy'. It claimed to  offer in-depth 
discussions on topics like "childhood obesity, nutrition  standards, global 
nutrition and school food." (_http://www.reuters.com/article/pres_ 
(http://www.reuters.com/article/pres) ...) 
(Did their discussions ever mention that perhaps children  shouldn't eat 
breakfast cereals made with 41% processed sugar?) 
In promoting the event, Eileen Kennedy was quoted in a joint  press 
release, admitting how closely her university works with food companies: 
"Working with our colleagues across academia, the food and  nutrition 
industry, government agencies and nonprofit organizations, we will  influence 
change the nutritional landscape for our children." 
She certainly accomplished that. Now, products made with 41%  refined white 
sugar are fraudulently marketed as "Smart Choices." 
Guess who else was invited to speak at the event? Dr. Cathy  Woteki from 
Mars, Inc., makers of candy bars and other sugar processed foods  that are 
aggressively marketed to children. 

Tufts University: Sugar for kids? It all makes you wonder:  With all these 
corporate junk food giants being so heavily involved in this  event 
presented by Tufts University, what exactly does this university really  stand 
in regards to healthy food for children? Does Tufts University itself  stand 
behind the promotion of sugary junk foods for children? Does it endorse  
products like Froot Loops being labeled as "Smart Choices" for kids? 
Here are the ingredients of Froot Loops: 
Is Eileen T. Kennedy, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition  Science and 
Policy at Tufts University, really going to tell us -- with a  straight 
face -- that this cereal is good for kids? 


[Biofuel] Unrefined Salt: Another missing link to optimal health + Related Articles

2009-09-26 Thread SurpriseShan2
Last month we introduced our readers to the miraculous  benefits of the 
water cure. What wasn't emphasized last month is the importance  of unrefined 
salt as a key element in realizing the benefits of the water cure.  After 
all, sodium and other trace minerals found in unrefined salt enable our  bodies 
to effectively utilize the water we consume as well as utilize the  
nutrients in our food. 

The proper ratio of salt and water is the key. The  following is taken 
straight from Dr. Batmanghelidj's book, “Water: Rx for a  Healthier Pain-Free 
Life” and is available at: _www.watercure2.com_ (http://www.watercure2.com)  
Unrefined Salt: Another missing link to  optimal health 
by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D 
Salt is a vital substance for the survival of all living  creatures, 
particularly humans. Water and salt regulate the water content of the  body. 
itself regulates the water content of the interior of the cell by  working 
its way into all of the cells it reaches. It has to get there to cleanse  
and extract the toxic wastes of cell metabolisms. Salt forces some water to 
stay  outside the cells. It balances the amount of water that stays outside 
the cells.  There are two oceans of water in the body; one ocean is held 
inside the cells of  the body, and the other ocean is held outside the cells. 
Good health depends on  a most delicate balance between the volume of these 
oceans, and this balance is  achieved by salt - unrefined salt. 
When water is available to get inside the cells freely, it is  filtered 
from the outside salty ocean and injected into the cells that are being  
overworked despite their water shortage. This is the reason why in severe  
dehydration we develop an edema and retain water. The design of our bodies is  
that the extent of the ocean of water outside the cells is expanded to have 
 the extra water available for filtration and emergency injection into 
vital  cells. The brain commands an increase in salt and water retention by the 
kidneys. This is how we get edema: not drinking enough water. 
Initially, the process of water filtration and its delivery  into the cells 
is more efficient at night when the body is horizontal. The  collected 
water, that mostly pools in the legs, does not have to fight the force  of 
gravity to get onto the blood circulation. If reliance of this process of  
emergency hydration of some cells continues for long, the lungs begin to get  
waterlogged at night, and breathing becomes difficult. The person needs more  
pillows to sit upright to sleep. This condition is the consequence of  
dehydration. However, you might overload the system by drinking too much water  
the beginning. Increases in water intake must be slow and spread out until  
urine production begins to increase at the same rate that you drink water. 
When we drink enough water to pass clear urine, we also pass  out a lot of 
the salt that was held back. This is how we can get rid of edema  fluid in 
the body; by drinking more water. Not diuretics, but more water! In  people 
who have an extensive edema and show signs of their heart beginning to  have 
irregular or very rapid beats with least effort, the increase in water  
intake should be gradual and spaced out, but not withheld from the body.  
Naturally, salt intake should be limited for two or three days because the body 
is still in an overdrive mode to retain it. Once the edema has cleared up, 
salt  should not be withheld from the body. 
Salt has many other functions than just regulating the water  content of 
the body. Here are some of the more vital functions of salt in the  body: 
1. Salt is most effective in stabilizing irregular heartbeats  and, 
contrary to the misconception that it causes high blood pressure, it is  
essential for the regulation of blood pressure - in conjunction with  water. 
Naturally, the proportions are critical. 
2. Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the  cells in the 
body, particularly the brain cells. 
3. Salt is vital for balancing the sugar levels in the blood;  a needed 
element in diabetics. 
4. Salt is vital for the generation of hydroelectric energy in  cells in 
the body. It is used for local power generation at the sites of energy  need 
by the cells. 
5. Salt is vital to the nerve cells' communication and  information 
processing all the time that the brain cells work, from the moment  of 
to death. 
6. Salt is vital for absorption of food particles through the  intestinal 
7. Salt is vital for the clearance of the lungs of mucus plugs  and sticky 
phlegm, particularly in asthma and cystic fibrosis. 
8. Salt is vital for clearing up catarrh and congestion of the  sinuses. 
9. Salt is a strong natural antihistamine. 
10. Salt is essential for the preve

[Biofuel] UPDATE: H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Test Infects Entire U.S. Naval Vessel, Kills Capt

2009-09-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
UPDATE: H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Test Infects  Entire U.S. Naval Vessel, 
Kills Captain and Chief Petty Officer - also THREE  OTHER U.S. NAVAL SHIPS 
reported to be under similar at-sea quarantine (NOW  CONFIRMED)  

[Ed note: We are waiting to see just exactly *what* these  Navy sailors 
were injected with. also - Just now on IRN Radio news - 6 million  doses of the 
H1N1 Swine Flu "vaccine" [DEATH AND STERILIZATION SHOT] will be  ready in 
first week of October – young children should be FIRST to get them.  WHAT A 
WITCH. -a.s.]
Courtesy of Bob Chapman of _The International Forecaster_ 
Subject: Vital data about US Navy results of swine flu vaccine  on ship 
Data gleaned indirectly from anonymous testimony of Navy wives  of the 
affected crew via the internet radio show A Marine Disquisition 

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Re: [Biofuel] Unrefined Salt: Another missing link to optimal health + Related A

2009-09-28 Thread SurpriseShan2
 The difference in how  seasalt effects us and how commecial white table 
salt effects us is like night  and day.  I would be very interested in any 
articles that show that seasalt  has killed anybody - those ones you posted all 
used commercial salt.   Except the premature baby and that article  does 
not even say that the  saline was what killed it - just that he was left " on 
a saline drip which  apparently left the child dehydrated." They don't even 
know that the child was dehydrated . They go on to say that "a coroners'  
investigation will now be held and there will be an inquest".  Sounds like  
the cause of death is unknown to me - they don't even seem to know for sure  
if the child was dehydrated..
  This website has a quite a bit of info on salt, the various kinds, 
etc _http://www.saltworks.us/salt_info/si_WhatIsSalt.asp_ 
   Seasalt is very  healing -  in fact, essential to the adrenals for 
example and are  an important part of healing the adrenals and endocrine 
   A yahoo  group for Lyme Disease which I belong is all about using 
seasalt and vitamin C  to kill not only the bacteria which causes Lyme , but 
the various  'critters' which cause various co-infections. .
Lyme Strategies
This forum is dedicated to the  ongoing research of practical approaches to 
Lyme infection.  It is based  primarily upon the the Oral Salt/Vitamin C 
approach pioneered and described at  the Lyme Photos website:
There are also a few members  taking this protocol to kill the mycoplasma 
that causes  arthritis 
The Case for Mycoplasma’s Role as a Cause of Autoimmune  Rheumatoid Diseases
Physicians' Protocol for Using Antibiotics in Rheumatic  Disease
The following is a modified version of Dr. Brown's protocol.
and there are a few whom  found that the salt also cured the barteria that 
causes Crohn's Disease  etc
Sections - Treatment  For Severe Arthtritis; E Coli In Gut Causes 
Rheumatoid Arthtritis; Reactive  Arhtritis; Antibiotics and Arthritis; Why 
May Be Caused By Infection; Anykylosing Spondylitis; Doxycycline For 
Arthtritis;  Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Early With  Antibiotics
_http://rheumatic.org/mirkin.htm_ (http://rheumatic.org/mirkin.htm) 
 This protocol requires  people to eat 18 to 22 grams of seasalt a day, and 
the same amount of vitamin  C. [ a heaping Tablespoon of seasalt equals 
about 18 grams of  seasalt]  This is not a new protocol - it has been around 
for more then  just several years - and nobody has died from seasalt. It is 
not unusual  for some people whom have digestive issues to need buffered 
vitamin C  however.
  There are several members whom have been taking this everyday for 2  
years plus others whose disease is in remission or 'cured' whom feel that  
their body has benefited in many ways from the salt and so still take at 
least  10 to 15 grams of seasalt a day. 
Some of  these 'critters' are very difficult to kill, as they do not 
live only in the  blood - but change into different forms [for example 
mycoplasma or  L-forms] and  live and hide in the muscles, bones, and organs.   
many treatments such as antibiotics can only access "critters' in the  
blood. One of the co-infections, Bartonella, has no walls and is also  
frequently found in the lining of the veins as well as inside red blood  
corpuscles - 
as well as organs such as the brain and the  heart.  But  salt can access 
the critters wherever they are - salt water can go wherever  water or liguid 
is in the body, including inside cells. Some people  eventually will also 
combine  frequency machines and/or colloidal  silver, or herbs, etc to their 
protcols for killing the various 'critters' that  they have - depending on 
what co-infections they have. 
>> According to several  sources, in traditional China, salt 
>>was a popular choice of poison  for suicides, all it took was a few 
>> spoonsful. Refined or not, salt  is still a killer:

It must have taken a  lot more then "a few spoonfuls"  of  salt to kill 
those Chinese  people.  For example, I am still here and have been taking over  

[Biofuel] German consumers get “No Genetic Engi neering” label for food

2009-10-01 Thread SurpriseShan2
German consumers get “No Genetic Engineering” label  for food
_http://current.com/1919e4c_ (http://current.com/1919e4c)  
German consumers can now find out if their food has been  genetically 
modified. Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ilse  Aigner, 
introduced a new “No Genetic Engineering” logo. 
The green and white logo, which reads Ohne Gentechnik in  German, will 
guarantee that food has no trace of genetically engineered  substances. 
The primary application of the label is to identify foods,  such as meat or 
milk, derived from animals not fed GM feed. 
Aigner said companies have had the option to use such a label  since 2008, 
but few companies have done so to date. 
“Through the adoption of a universal logo, consumers’ freedom  to choose 
will be strengthened, and I hope that the label will be used  actively,” 
Aigner said. 
A majority of Germans prefer not to buy GM food and consumer  and 
environmental organizations have welcomed the label. A poll conducted  recently 
forsa, the German polling firm, concludes that the new label would  make sense 
to 78% of all Germans. 
“The new seal achieves clarity in the labeling jungle,” said  genetic 
engineering expert for Greenpeace Barbara Kamradt, adding that it will  also 
increase the value of these products. 
(Source: The Local  {Germany})

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[Biofuel] FACTS & FALLACIES of COLLOIDAL SILVER - The Chemical and Physical Basis of the T

2009-10-01 Thread SurpriseShan2
The Chemical and Physical Basis of  the Therapeutic value of colloidal 
forms of silver  
John Marshall Dudley 
Silver in its various forms has had a long history of reported  therapeutic 
value. Recently, through the work of Dr. Bob Beck and other  researchers, 
it has become popular, individually, as well as part of a 4 part  protocol 
advocated by Dr. Bob Beck claiming cures for an almost astounding  number of 
ailments, from the colds/flu to lupus, AIDS, and cancer. We note that  a 
search of literature has revealed that there is no consensus on how it works,  
or even what it does. Most discussions appear to be theories or speculation 
with  little or no supporting scientific evidence. 
Silver colloids were analyzed from several scientific  perspectives to 
determine what the expected action is on various pathogens as  well as its 
effect, if any, on so called friendly or non-pathogenic bacteria. 
The result is what has been generally reported by many people  and 
researchers and is exactly what is to be expected. This is important, since  
the approval of medical professionals and even that of many patients  
requires an understanding of what colloidal silver therapy does and does not do 
as well as how it works. 
Silver has been reported to have therapeutic value throughout  the ages. It 
has been suggested that one reason the upper class did not succumb  to many 
of the plagues that almost wiped out many villages was because they ate  
with silver utensils, off silver plates and drank from silver goblets. 
Churches  did, and still do, use cups made of silver for communion, where one 
goblet is  passed from person to person. Earlier last century people put silver 
dollars in  their milk and wells to ward off spoilage and illness (4). The 
knowledge of the  miraculous healing powers of silver was so well known that 
in the legends of  werewolves, silver was required to kill the lychantrophy, 
and supposedly, evil  witches cowered at the power of silver to eliminate 
More recently, many researchers such as Dr. Bob Beck have  reported that 
silver in a colloidal state eliminates virtually all known  pathogens, 
viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and yeasts. Yet, it appears that  there is 
rarely any effect on the "good" bacteria in the intestinal tract,  either 
because it does not attack such bacteria, or it is absorbed into the  blood 
before reaching the intestinal tract. 
Silver is referred to as a transition metal in chemical  literature, along 
with copper and gold. These are metals that are heavier than  the 
life-giving light metals, such as sodium, calcium, and potassium, yet  lighter 
the toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury. Gold and  silver are 
considered noble metals because they tend to not react easily in  forming 
The transition metals are known for their catalytic  properties. Ionic 
silver (such as any silver compound dissolved in water), has  very little if 
catalytic effect, and neither does macroscopic silver. Very  finely 
powdered silver, however, becomes a very good oxidizing catalyst.  Starting 
atomic or ionic silver, the catalytic effect increases with  particle size 
until it reaches a peak at some value, then drops off to a much  lower level 
when the particles approach the wavelength of light. 
This is easy to explain by examining how a catalyst works.  Each positively 
charged silver atom will attract one negatively charged atom or  molecule. 
Once they touch, the charge is neutralized. If you have more than one  
positively charged atom of silver in a particle, then each can attract a  
negatively charged atom or particle. If a clump of silver atoms binds with two  
negatively charged particles, such as oxygen and something else, these two  
particles will no longer electrostatically repel each other, but will be 
brought  together and will react, oxidizing the particle. 
The larger the particle, the more positively charged silver  atoms can 
attract oxygen and other negatively charged particles to the surface.  If 
particle size becomes too large, then the amount of silver hidden in the  
of the particle means that the increase in mass, which goes up with the  cube 
of the diameter, is increasing faster than the active surface areas, which  
goes up at the square of the diameter. The catalytic effect thus peaks at 
some  particle size and decreases with respect to the amount of silver if the 
size is  increased further. 
Bacteria come in two forms - anaerobic and aerobic. Earlier  this last 
century, it was discovered by Dr. Gram that he could stain bacteria  with a 
specially prepared Gram stain, and that in general good bacteria stained,  but 
pathogenic bacteria did not stain. It was later discovered that the  
pathogenic bacteria are nega

[Biofuel] Court Rejects Genetically Modified Sugar Beets

2009-10-02 Thread SurpriseShan2
Court Rejects Genetically Modified Sugar  Beets 
By Bob Egelko 
The San Francisco Chronicle, September 23, 2009 
OCA Editors' Note: 
OCA applauds our ally the Center for Food Safety _http://truefoodnow.org/_ 
(http://truefoodnow.org/)  for this  watershed moment in their efforts to 
bring GMOs under the rule of law. The  victory breathes new life into our 
consumer campaigns for marketplace rejection  of food brands that have 
they would use GMO sugar. 
Write to American Crystal Sugar President David Berg who  believes 
consumers acceptance of GMO sugar be "a big nonevent." Tell him you're  joining 
boycott of foods with non-organic sugar.
SAN FRANCISCO -- The government illegally approved a  genetically modified, 
herbicide-resistant strain of sugar beets without  adequately considering 
the chance they will contaminate other beet crops, a  federal judge in San 
Francisco has ruled. 
The ruling by U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White rejected the  U.S. 
Department of Agriculture's decision in 2005 to allow Monsanto Co. to sell  the 
sugar beets, known as "Roundup-Ready" because they are engineered to coexist  
with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide. 
Sugar beets produce 30 percent of the world's sugar and,  according to 
consumer groups, half the granulated sugar in the United States.  This year's 
planting, centered in Oregon's Willamette Valley, is the first to  include a 
full crop of the Monsanto product. 
White said the USDA, in concluding that the new crop would  have no 
significant environmental effects, discounted the likelihood that  wind-borne 
pollen would spread to fields where conventional sugar beets, table  beets and 
the beet variety known as Swiss chard are grown. 
Planting genetically modified sugar beets has a "significant  effect" on 
the environment, White said in his ruling Monday, because of "the  potential 
elimination of a farmer's choice to grow non-genetically engineered  crops, 
or a consumer's choice to eat non-genetically engineered food." 
He said the department must prepare an environmental impact  statement, 
which would include public input. 
White did not immediately prohibit distribution of the  genetically 
modified sugar beets, but a lawyer for plaintiffs in the case said  they would 
the judge for an injunction against sales until the review was  completed. 
The ruling "sends a very clear message to the USDA to protect  American 
farmers and consumers and not the interests of Monsanto," said Kevin  Golden, a 
San Francisco attorney for the nonprofit Center for Food Safety, which  
opposes genetically modified foods and supports organic farming. 
Golden said the ruling could also affect herbicide use,  because the 
Environmental Protection Agency has allowed more herbicide spraying  in areas 
where the resistant crops are grown. 
Representatives of the Agriculture Department and Monsanto  were 
unavailable for comment. Luther Markwart, spokesman for the 10,000-member  
Sugar Beet Growers Association, said the group is "looking forward to  
aggressively advocating" for farmers who want to use the altered beets. 
The ruling followed a similar decision in 2007 by another  federal judge in 
San Francisco, Charles Breyer, to halt the nationwide planting  of 
Monsanto's genetically engineered strain of alfalfa until the USDA conducted  
environmental study. A federal appeals court upheld Breyer's decision last  
The department's 2005 decision on sugar beets acknowledged  that pollen 
from the genetically modified crop could spread to other beet crops.  But the 
USDA said farmers would not be harmed because they would still be able  to 
buy non-genetically modified seeds. 
White, however, cited studies that said winds can carry sugar  beet pollen 
at least 2 1/2 miles, much farther than the voluntary buffer zones  between 
beet crops recommended by Oregon agriculture officials. 
He said the department had failed to consider the economic  effects of its 
decision and had provided no evidence for its conclusion that  
non-genetically modified sugar beets would remain available to farmers. 
© 2009 Hearst Communications Inc. 
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[Biofuel] The Kitchen Transition

2009-10-02 Thread SurpriseShan2
The Kitchen Transition 
By Lori Lipinski, CNC 
For many people the concept of "eating healthy" means sticking  to a 
temporary diet for a short period of time. But when you truly understand  what 
means to eat healthy, you realize this is not just something cool to do  for 
a little while and then quit--it's something you need to do everyday. 
Eating  healthy is a way of life. For most people this transition can be a 
 overwhelming at first. Many people are so afraid to change, they never do. 
 Others make changes, but easily give up and go back to their old ways. 
Some jump  in head first and change everything, but have no idea where to go 
from there.  Sure, when it comes right down to it, most people want to be 
healthier, but just  don't really know how to make it happen. 
If you want to be healthy, it makes sense to stop doing things  that make 
you unhealthy! This article will help you get started making the  kitchen 
transition by getting rid of six ingredients that compromise your  health. 
You'll also learn why these foods should be eliminated from your diet  and what 
foods to replace them with. 
Pick a day for your kitchen makeover. Get out a big trash can  and then 
open up the refrigerator and all your cupboards. Now you are ready to  begin! 
In today's over-processed, sugar-crazed society, the average  person 
consumes 154 pounds of sugar per year! That's 53 teaspoons of sugar per  day! 
let's pretend that sugar actually has some benefits, eating one-half  pound 
per day may not seem like such a bad idea. But the truth is that refined  
sugar has absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. Not only does it  
completely lack nutritional value, it also robs the body of enzymes, minerals  
vitamins, especially B-vitamins. Symptoms of B-vitamin deficiency include:  
fatigue, depression, anxiety, inability to concentrate, poor memory, 
insomnia,  rapid/irregular heart beat, swollen/inflamed tongue, dry skin around 
the nose  and cracking around the lips. Considering the amount of sugar 
consumed in this  country, it's no surprise so many Americans suffer from 
of a B-vitamin  deficiency. 
Eating too much sugar also creates blood sugar imbalances in  the body. 
When blood sugar drops too low (shortly after eating a high-sugar meal  or 
snack) the fuel supply to the body is impaired, with adverse effects on  mental 
function, physical energy and emotional stability. Symptoms of  hypoglycemia 
(low blood sugar) can range anywhere from headaches, irritability  and 
shaking when hungry to explosive anger, panic attacks, or crying easily for  no 
apparent reason. Not only can sugar affect the quality of your day but it 
can  also make you sick. Many studies have shown that sugar is very effective 
in  weakening the immune system and is a source of fuel for feeding cancer 
and  tumors. 
In an attempt to avoid the problems associated with sugar,  many people 
have been convinced that artificial sweeteners are a better  alternative. The 
word artificial should give you a clue that they are not.  Artificial 
sweeteners are associated with cancer, weight gain, increased  cravings for 
impaired coordination, decreased mental function, diabetes,  MS, 
Parkinson's, seizures and migraine headaches. 
Trash It: 
It's fair to say that no other food contributes to as many  health problems 
as sugar. So if you want to achieve your optimum health  potential, 
avoiding sugar is the best place to start. You can begin your kitchen  
by throwing out that big bag of sugar and all those little packets of  
artificial sweeteners. Then get rid of all the products in your cupboards and  
refrigerator that are made with refined sugar (sucrose, high fructose corn  
syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin). This will include all commercial brands of  
cookies, candy, pop, ice cream, pastry, cakes and pies. It may seem like a good 
 idea to pass these foods along to family, friends, neighbours, or 
coworkers--but  considering the problems caused by excess sugar consumption, 
best just to  throw them out. Even if it seems like a waste of money at the 
time, the savings  in your health, and the health of those you care about, 
will be well worth it. 
Stash It: 
The best sweeteners to use are those that occur naturally such  as raw cane 
sugar (Rapadura), pure maple syrup, raw honey or molasses. These are  best 
used for baking. Stevia, an herb that is much sweeter than sugar but does  
not affect blood sugar levels, can be used for sweetening beverages (if  
necessary in the initial stages of transitioning your diet). Keep in mind that  
even natural sweeteners can affect your blood sugar and contribute to 
cravings  for sweets. For this reason it's best to avoid eating sweets by 
themselves;  instead i

[Biofuel] How to Ensure Good Digestion

2009-10-05 Thread SurpriseShan2
How to Ensure Good  Digestion 
by Bee Wilder 
Stomach Acid Problems 
Many people today, and most candida sufferers, have digestive  problems, 
which is mainly caused by the stomach producing "too little" stomach  acid. We 
may think our stomachs are "overly acidic" because of heartburn, sour  
stomach, or overall stomach upset, nausea and pain, when in fact having "too  
little acid" creates exactly the same symptoms as an "over acid" stomach. 
The technical term for low stomach acidity is  "hypochlorhydria," and a 
stomach that is not producing any acid is called  "achlorhydria." 
The most common symptoms of low stomach acidity include: 
-- heartburn (if there isn't enough stomach acid the valve  that closes the 
end of the esophagus won't close properly, so even low stomach  acid can 
burn the esophagus) 

-- upset stomach, nausea 

-- vomiting 

-- sour stomach 

-- a heavy feeling, as if the food is just sitting in the  stomach in a 
Our stomachs are supposed to be acidic, so it important that  it produce 
high concentrations of hydrochloric acid (HCl). When the stomach  produces HCl 
it also produces bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) which protects  the 
lining of the stomach from being damaged or eaten up by HCl. When the  stomach 
doesn't produce enough HCl, it also will not produce enough bicarbonate  of 
soda so the stomach can become ulcerated. 
When hydrochloric acid is low it causes malnutrition and many  digestive 
problems. HCl mainly digests protein, breaking it down into small  molecules, 
which are further digested in the intestinal tract. 
Low stomach acid is associated with a higher incidence of  gastrointestinal 
problems like h. pylori bacteria which cause stomach ulcers,  acid reflux 
(heartburn), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's Disease,  diarrhea, 
constipation, etc. 
Our stomachs need adequate acid so we can get the benefit of a  good diet 
and the nutrients it contains, and in order for digestion to proceed  like it 
should throughout the intestines. 
How Foods Are Digested 
Carbohydrates (carbs) start being digested by enzymes produced  in the 
mouth - carbs are all foods that are not classified as protein or fat,  
including vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, sugar, starches, herbs,  
etc. Some carbs also contain protein and fat, such as grains, nuts,  seeds 
and some vegetables. Also some protein foods also contain carbs and fats  
such as eggs. 
HCl (hydrochloric acid or stomach acid) mainly digests  protein. When a 
person starts to eat the stomach is stimulated to start  producing hydrochloric 
acid (HCl). Stomach acid gradually increases during a  meal. When the 
stomach acid gets high enough, which normally takes about 20-30  minutes after 
eating, it neutralizes enzymes from the mouth so carb digestion  stops. 
Digestive enzymes from the mouth only work on carbs while the  mixture is 
alkaline. Therefore, if HCl supplements are taken too early it stops  carb 
digestion in the stomach too soon. HCl also neutralizes any digestive  enzyme 
supplements, so taking them is a waste. That is why it is important  to take 
HCl supplements 30-45 minutes after eating a meal. 
When the mixture of food, water and HCl (called chyme) empties  out of the 
stomach it has to go through a hole that is the size of the end of a  
pencil. The mixture squirts through that small hole in spurts. That rate at  
foods empty out of the stomach is highly regulated. If the mixture is too  
solid and doesn't contain enough fluid it isn't as able to get through that  
small hole. That is why drinking enough fluids with meals is also very  
When the mixture starts squirting through that small hole, if  the pancreas 
detects it contains enough fluids and HCl it is able to do its job.  First 
the mixture must be made alkaline, so the pancreas pours lots of  
bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) onto the mixture as it is squirting through  
small hole. Pancreatic digestive enzymes only work on an alkaline  mixture, 
just like enzymes in the mouth. 
Next, the pancreas produces several enzymes which digest  carbs, fats and 
further digests protein, i.e. protease digests protein, amylase  digests 
carbs and lipase digests fats. The small intestine also produces  digestive 
enzymes that only work on an alkaline mixture. 
Therefore taking HCl supplements and improving its production  in the 
stomach, along with having enough fluids with meals, is very important  for 
proper digestion, whereas taking digestive enzymes is a waste and doesn't  help 
Improve Digestion with Foods, Spices and  Herbs 
The following foods, spices, and herbs stimulate stomach acid  production, 
but sometimes it is necessary to also take HCl supplements. 
-- Meats and eggs. 

-- "Good" fats su

[Biofuel] The psychological effects of Lyme disease

2009-10-06 Thread SurpriseShan2
The psychological effects of Lyme  disease 
By Valerie Andews 
Can a tick bite drive you crazy? 
Doctors warn that Lyme disease may cause  personality changes 

A walk in the woods nearly cost Mike M. his sanity. After  receiving 
multiple tick bites, Mike broke out in an angry rash and his joints  began to 
ache. In the next few months, his behavior grew increasingly bizarre.  He was 
longer able to read or concentrate, and became so anxious he couldn’t  
leave the house. Eventually, Mike was treated for chronic Lyme disease, an  
illness that can play havoc with the mind. 
Since its discovery in 1975, Lyme disease has reached epidemic  proportion 
in the United States. While the Centers for Disease Control reports  19,000 
cases of this tick-borne illness in 2002, the agency estimates that the  
actual number may be tenfold higher: 190,000—that’s four times the rate of new 
 HIV infections. 
“Lyme disease is a major problem yet, tragically, many people  fail to 
receive the proper treatment,” says Bernard Raxlen, MD, a Greenwich, CT,  
psychiatrist and secretary of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases  
Society (ILADS), a medical organization dedicated to ongoing research and  
increasing public awareness of this devastating illness. 
Lyme often begins with flu-like symptoms, headaches, fatigue,  swelling of 
the joints, muscle pain and gastrointestinal distress. Most  physicians have 
been taught to look for evidence of a tick bite and a red  bull’s-eye rash, 
yet fewer than half of all Lyme patients recall being bitten or  develop 
tell-tale skin eruptions. As a result many are misdiagnosed with other  
disabling illnesses such as chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, or MS. 
As Lyme disease progresses, it can attack the nervous system,  producing 
learning disabilities, mood swings, anxiety and depression, panic  attacks, 
obsessive behavior, sudden rages and other psychiatric diagnoses. Says  
Raxlen, “When this happens, we’re looking at a completely different syndrome 
one that is harder to cure.” 
A recent European study shows that psychiatric in-patients are  nearly 
twice as likely as the average population to test positive for Lyme, and  the 
National Institutes of Health are currently sponsoring a major study of  
neuropsychiatric Lyme disease in an effort to illuminate specific changes in 
Psychiatric Lyme has been linked with virtually every  psychiatric 
diagnosis and can affect people of all ages and from every walk of  life. A 
honor roll student is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder  and pegged 
as a “problem kid” because he can’t sit still in class. A lawyer has  to 
close her practice because she can’t concentrate and suffers from anxiety  
attacks. A young mother is so sensitive to noise that she can no longer 
 her baby’s cry and is afraid that she will harm her child. A retired 
salesman  develops a compulsive habit of writing all over everything—he covers 
everything  from the tablecloth to matchbooks with meaningless scribbles. 
Family members are baffled by these transformations;  counselors and 
physicians are consulted, often to no avail. While these  individuals may also 
have migrating muscles pain, headaches and problems with  their joints—common 
signs of Lyme—these symptoms are rarely picked up in a  mental health 
evaluation. And when traditional psychiatric medication fails to  produce a 
the patient grows more desperate. 
The Search for a  Diagnosis 
“Most people come to see me because they’ve got something  wrong that 
nobody else can figure out,” says Debra Solomon, MD, a psychiatrist  who 
practices in North Kingston, RI. Fifteen years ago Solomon was confronted  with 
medical mystery. More and more patients were coming in with the same  group 
of symptoms—fatigue, headaches, migrating joint and muscle pain,  accompanied 
by anxiety, depression, and memory problems. When one of her  patients 
turned out to have Lyme disease, she tested the others, and found that  nearly 
all were positive. 
Recent studies show that certain areas of Rhode Island have  the highest 
tick population in the world. Today many of Solomon’s patients come  from the 
island Jamestown, a small farming community where ticks are abundant.  Among 
her cases are: 
A college student in her early twenties who started hearing  voices. “She 
came from a good family and had no previous emotional problems,”  says 
Solomon. A businesswoman who suddenly became manic-depressive. “In periods  of 
high energy, she wouldn’t sleep and felt all-powerful. She’d start a new  
business and begin spending lots of money, then she’d crash.” A high school  
athlete had to drop basketball because he didn’t have the stamina and couldn’
t  get through his classes without falling sleep. “The teachers accused him 

[Biofuel] Groundbreaking Primate Study Links Mercury Vaccine Preservative To Brain Injury

2009-10-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
Groundbreaking Primate Study Links  Mercury Vaccine Preservative To Brain 

Article Date: 03 Oct 2009 

A new study in the leading scientific journal  NeuroToxicology lends 
further credence to parents and scientists concerned about  an increasingly 
aggressive childhood vaccine schedule and toxic vaccine  components. A team led 
researchers at the University of Pittsburgh found that  infant macaque 
monkeys receiving a single Hepatitis B vaccine containing the  mercury-based 
preservative thimerosal underwent significant delays in developing  critical 
reflexes controlled by the brainstem. The infant macaques that did not  
receive vaccines developed normally.

Government vaccine guidelines were  expanded in 1991 to include a Hepatitis 
B vaccine for infants within the first  few days of life, even though the 
disease is primarily transmitted sexually or  spread through the use of dirty 
needles. The introduction of the shot was part  of a greatly accelerated 
vaccine schedule that coincides with the drastic  increase in autism, which 
now affects one in 100 American children. Thimerosal  was removed from U.S. 
Hepatitis B vaccines in 2000 but was not recalled from the  market and was 
administered for approximately two more years. It still remains  in other 
vaccines including all multi-dose shots for both the seasonal flu and  H1N1.

Current government recommendations for seasonal flu and H1N1 call  for 
pregnant women to receive both vaccines, and children as young as six months  
receive as many as four separate flu shots. 

"This also doesn't take  into account that nursing infants may be exposed 
to additional mercury through  breastmilk should both mother and baby be 
vaccinated," says National Autism  Association (NAA) board chair Lori McIlwain. 
"This study's outcome confirms that  such an over-the-top toxic vaccine 
schedule is an assault on the developing  brains of our children."

Specifically, the study found:

--  Thirteen newborn rhesus macaques were given a Hepatitis B vaccine 
containing a  standardized dose of thimerosal adjusted for their weight, four 
received a  saline placebo, and three were not given any shots.

-- Vaccinated animals  experienced a significant delay in the acquisition 
of three survival reflexes  compared to unvaccinated animals. Root, snout, 
and suck reflexes, critical to  animal survival in the wild, were delayed in 
the vaccinated macaques.

--  These reflexes are controlled by the brainstem, a vital part of the 
brain that  regulates automatic functions such as breathing, heart rate, and 
intestinal  activity.v -- Neonatal responses in unvaccinated control animals 
were not  delayed.

-- The delay in acquisition of three of the four survival  reflexes was not 
contingent on birth weight or gestational age.

For  years, parents of children with autism have lobbied government health 
agencies  to conduct research comparing the health of vaccinated children to 
that of  unvaccinated children, and to remove thimerosal from all vaccines. 
Neither  request has been met.

"This study underscores the lack of appropriate  government action to 
ensure the safety of vaccines. Had our government agencies  conducted the most 
basic research on the implications to children's health from  the vaccines 
they rigorously promote, they could have spared thousands of  children the 
neurological injuries they endure today," said Ms. McIlwain. "It's  shameful."

Source: National Autism Association 

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2009-10-13 Thread SurpriseShan2
I find coconut oil is most effective, at  least for me. Coconut oil is 
anti-fungal as well as made up of   medium-chain fatty acids which are potent 
anti-microbial agents. 
_http://www.oilpulling.com/_ (http://www.oilpulling.com/)  
Dr. F. Karach, M.D., presented a paper before the  All-Ukrainian 
Association. The meeting was attended by oncologists and  bacteriologists 
belonging to 
the Academy of Science of the USSR. Dr. Karach  explained an unusual simple 
healing process using cold-pressed oils 
The results of this therapy invoked astonishment and doubt  concerning the 
contents of his report. However, after further examining the  workings of 
the oil therapy, one has but to then test it on oneself to prove its  validity 
and effectiveness. It is most astonishing that such results can be  
achieved with this absolutely harmless biological healing method. This simple  
method makes it possible to effectively treat the most varied diseases, in some 
cases enabling one to avoid surgical intervention and the taking of 
medications  that can have harmful side effects. The exciting factor of this 
healing method  is its simplicity. It consists of swishing cold-pressed oil in 
mouth  (Sunflower or Sesame. Pl. note you don't need to go for organic oils 
only, A  normal refined sunflower oil bought from any supermarket proven to 
be effective  in many people). The healing process is accomplished by the 
human organism on  its own. In this way it is possible to heal cells, tissue 
and all organs  simultaneously; the body itself gets rid of toxic waste 
without disturbing the  healthy microflora. Dr. Karach says human beings are 
living only half their life  span. They could potentially live healthy to be 
140 to 150 years old. 
The method 

The method In the morning before breakfast on an empty  stomach you take 
one tablespoon in the mouth but do not swallow it. Move Oil  Slowly in the 
mouth as rinsing or swishing and Dr Karach puts it as ' sip, suck  and pull 
through the teeth' for fifteen to twenty minutes. This process makes  oil 
thoroughly mixed with saliva. Swishing activates the enzymes and the enzymes  
draw toxins out of the blood. The oil must not be swallowed, for it has become  
toxic. As the process continues, the oil gets thinner and white. If the oil 
is  still yellow, it has not been pulled long enough. It is then spit from 
the mouth  - the oral cavity must be thoroughly rinsed and mouth must be 
washed thoroughly.  Just use normal tap water and good old fingers to clean. 
Clean the sink properly, you can use some antibacterial soap  to clean the 
sink - because the spittle contains harmful bacteria and toxic  bodily 
waste. If one were to see one drop of this liquid magnified 600 times  under a 
microscope, one would see microbes in their first stage of development. 
It is important to understand that during the  oil-pulling/swishing process 
one's metabolism is intensified. This leads to  improved health. One of the 
most striking results of this process is the  fastening of loose teeth, the 
elimination of bleeding gums and the visible  whitening of the teeth. 
The oil pulling /swishing is done best before breakfast. To  accelerate the 
healing process, it can be repeated three times a day, but always  before 
meals on an empty stomach. 
Oilpulling Therapy STEP BY STEP 

Step 1: 
The first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before  drinking any 
liquids (including water), pour exactly one tablespoon of sunflower  or 
sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth. 
Step 2: 
Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move  it around 
in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash (don't  tilt 
your head back to gargle though). You'll find that the oil will start to  get 
watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing.If your jaw muscles get  
sore while swishing, you're putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles 
and  use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your 
mouth. When  you do this correctly, you'll feel very comfortable. Pretty soon, 
will become  second nature. 
As the end of the oil pulling session approaches, you may  notice the 
oil/saliva mixture in your mouth has become thicker. This is quite  normal, 
it is pulling out toxins from your body. When 20 minutes is up,  spit out 
the oil into the toilet. Don't be alarmed if it looks yellowish--this  is 
also normal. 
Rinse out your mouth a couple of times with warm water and  spit into the 
toilet. Rinse and spit with a good mouthwash. I prefer to dilute  with water 
(or use full strength), regular hydrogen peroxide and I rinse and  spit with 
that. The hydrogen peroxide is very effective in rinsing out any  toxins 
which may be left in the mouth

[Biofuel] OT:Chronic Medication Nation:Research Finds Chronic Health Problems Now Afflict

2008-05-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Chronic Medication Nation: Research  Finds Chronic Health Problems Now 
Afflict More Than Half of All Americans 
First Time a Majority of Americans Take  Medications to Treat Chronic Health 
FRANKLIN LAKES, N.J., May 14, 2008 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ --  Americans have 
tipped the scale. For the first time, a majority of the insured  population is 
being treated for a chronic medical condition, raising serious  concerns 
about the health of the nation. 
Research released today by Medco Health Solutions, Inc. shows  that in 2007, 
51 percent of insured Americans were taking prescription  drugs to treat at 
least one chronic health problem. Not only is it now  a majority, but many of 
these patients are on multiple medications. According to  the analysis, one 
fifth of the population used three or more of these chronic  drug treatments 
"It appears that we have now reached the tipping point where  treating 
chronic diseases and conditions is more common than not," said Dr.  Robert 
Medco's chief medical officer. "This data does paint a pretty  unhealthy 
picture of America. But there is a silver lining; it does show that  people are 
receiving treatment which can prevent more serious health problems  down the 
While seniors show the highest prevalence of chronic  medication use, younger 
adults are quickly catching up. Surprisingly, nearly  half (48 percent) of 
women ages 20-44 are being treated for a  chronic condition, as compared to one 
third of men their age. Antidepressants  are the most commonly used medication 
among this group, with 16 percent of 20-44  year-old women taking them. This 
demographic also claimed the sharpest increases  in the number of patients on 
chronic medications, rising more than 20 percent  between 2001 and 2007. 

Young at Heart 
Treatments for high cholesterol and high blood pressure were  the top 
medications used by the general population, with more than one-in-five  people 
antihypertensives and almost one-in-seven on cholesterol-lowering  drugs, 
according to the research that reviewed prescription claims of some 2.5  
insured Americans. These were also among the top four medications taken  by 
year-old men, whose use of cholesterol drugs surged more than 80  percent over 
a seven year period. 
"Younger people are increasingly being treated for heart  disease-related 
conditions such as high cholesterol and hypertension," said Dr.  Epstein. 
"There's no doubt that rising rates of obesity are having a major  impact on 
health. These chronic conditions are incredibly costly for the  nation and will 
become exponentially so if we're seeing these problems show up  at a younger 
younger age." 

Additional Research  Findings 
Chronic Medication Use in Children: 
Nearly 30 percent of children ages 19 and under take a chronic  medication; 
asthma and allergy drugs are most commonly prescribed, followed by  medications 
to treat attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and  
antidepressants. The number of girls taking ADHD medications rose 72 percent  
from 2001-2007. 
Women Using Less HRTs and More Cholesterol  Drugs: 
Use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women ages 45 to  64 dropped to 
15 percent in 2007, half of what it was in 2001 when HRT was the  most commonly 
used medication by this age group; hypertension drugs were the top  
medication for these women in 2007 and their use of cholesterol-lowering drugs  
doubled over the seven years. 
Seniors on Multiple Medications: 
Among older Americans ages 65 and up, 28 percent of females  and 22 percent 
of males take five or more chronic medications. 

Medco's Prescription for  Care 
In response to the growing numbers of patients with chronic  conditions, 
Medco has developed a new clinical approach to treating some of the  most 
chronic conditions in today's complex prescribing environment. One  of the 
latest advances to Medco's practice of pharmacy is the Medco Therapeutic  
Centers(R), where more than 1,100 specialist pharmacists trained in  specific 
disease states such as diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, asthma and  
neurological disorders provide counseling to patients with customized care --  
helping them achieve better clinical outcomes. 
"Specialist pharmacists are a critical component in improving  the care model 
for treating patients with chronic disease," states Epstein. "As  their 
numbers and costs rise, it becomes ever more important to provide these  
with a high level of specialized care to help them better manage their  
conditions and their drug costs." 

About Medco 
Medco Health Solutions, I

Re: [Biofuel] Excellent Video on healthcare freedom

2008-06-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
Thank you very much for this  Kirk.
In a message dated 07/06/2008 11:12:32 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
(Please forward this message)

The fear machine is  dissing vitamins and supplements on a daily basis now to 
soften up the unknowing  public to accept Codex Alimentarius.  The Codex is 
being pushed by  multi-national
drug companies and their hope is that more people will  be forced into taking 
toxic drugs to solve their health issues. This is real.  Canada's health 
freedom is already under severe attack
from their  version of our FDA. The FDA has, for years, been the junk yard 
bulldog for Big  Pharma & the AMA. Clinics using alternative therapies have 
shut down in  daylight
raids with guns drawn. It is not important that some of these  clinics have 
had outstanding success in restoring health. Their "crime" was that  they used 
non-toxic, no drug therapies.
This is the reality that  you'll never see reported in mainstream media. And 
now, all those supplements  you've taken for years, are "on the table."


We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom - 28 min -  Apr 6, 2006 
www.welltv.com - www.welltv.com 



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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: popcorn video - must see

2008-06-21 Thread SurpriseShan2
Could you tell me where I  could find that information please? I have the 
urls to 5 videos about this now.  Given the many 'abilities' of cell phones, I 
was not surprised that they may  also be able to pop popcorn. 
  best  wishes
In a message dated 21/06/2008 2:50:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

CNN Had  the people who made this video on their show for a 5  minute
interview.  They admitted that cell phones had nothing to do  with causing
the kernel to pop.   Hey cited a 'trade secret' as  to what is the actual
cause.  They did the same video using ripened  bananas in place of the
portable communication devices.   

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[Biofuel] 'The World According to Monsanto' + VIDEO & Transcript

2008-06-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
'The World According to Monsanto'  
CONTACT: _The  Real News Network_ (http://www.therealnews.com/) 
Alain Latour,  416-916-5202
June 23  - Monsanto is a world leader in industrial agriculture, providing 
the  seeds for 90 percent of the world's genetically modified crops. In an  
interview with The Real News Network, filmmaker Marie-Monique discussed  her 
recent film 'The World According to Monsant'o in which she exposes  many of 
Monsanto's controversial practices, from concealing knowledge of  toxicity of 
PCBs to 
producing genetically modified seeds and related  herbicides. 
Monsanto has long history of manufacturing dangerous  products. In 1949, an 
explosion in Nitro, a Monsanto factory in the US,  caused 228 workers to 
develop an extremely disfiguring illness caused by  dioxin, a highly toxic 
by-product of 2,4,5-T, a powerful herbicide  manufactured in the factory.  
Monsanto product Roundup, an herbicide which Monsanto  advertised as 
biodegradable, is still sprayed on crops by unprotected  farmers in Paraguay 
though Monsanto has already been convicted twice  of false advertising for the 
Robin also denounces Monsanto for not only denying  that it ever heard of 
Agent Orange, a herbicide sprayed by the US Army on  crops during the Vietnam 
and which Monsanto had in fact manufactured,  but also for manipulating 
scientific studies to hide links between Agent  Orange and cancer.  
According to Robin, Monsanto has bought fifty seed  companies in the last 
year ten years. In a clip from Robin's film,  physicist and ecologist Dr. 
warns: "Once [Monsanto has]  established the norm that seed can be owned as 
their property (…) we will  depend on them. If they control seed they control 
food (…). It's more  powerful than bombs. This is the best way to control the 
populations of  the world."  
In a Monsanto declassified file "we can't afford to  lose one dollar" even as 
toxicity of PCBs was discussed. This, Robin says,  sums Monsanto's philosophy 
rather well.  
Watch the full interview here: _"The World According to Monsanto"_ 
 (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Monsanto is a world leader in industrial agriculture, providing  the seeds 
for 90 percent of the world's genetically modified crops. Once a  chemical 
company based in the US, Monsanto has transformed into an international  life 
sciences company, aiming to solve world hunger and protect the environment.  
Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin, however, exposes the company's troubling past, 
her recent film, The World According to Monsanto. In an interview with  The 
News Network, she discusses Monsanto's controversial practices from a  
producer of PCBs and Agent Orange to genetically modified seeds and related  
Marie-Monique Robin is an award winning French  journalist and filmmaker who 
specializes in social and political issues. She is  also the author of several 
books including Le monde selon Monsanto, De la  dioxine aux OGM ,which 
coincides with the launch of her documentary by the  same name.

ZAA NKWETA (VOICEOVER): Providing the seeds for  90 percent of the world's 
genetically modified crops, Monsanto is a world leader  in industrial 
agriculture. Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin exposes the company's  troubling 
past in her 
recent film, The World According to  Monsanto.

MARIE-MONIQUE ROBIN, FILMMAKER: I've been  working as a journalist for 25 
years, and I have a lot of pharmacy friends. I  mean, I have a big interest for 
agriculture. I made a lot of documentaries all  over the world about this issue 
and about human rights. I mean, Monsanto is a  question of agriculture right 
now and human rights. 

DR. VANDANA  SHIVA, PHYSICIST AND ECOLOGIST: There's nothing they're leaving  
untouched—the mustard, the okra, the brinjal, the rice. Once they have  
established the norm that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be 
collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. 
If they control seed, they control food. They know it. That's more powerful 
than  bombs. It's more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the  
populations of the world.

ROBIN: Monsanto is now the  big—it's the first seed company in the world. 
They bought up, in the last ten  years, about 50 seed companies, and they are 
first leader in GMOs. I decided  to make this documentary because, you know, 

Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'

2008-07-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
My understanding is that fermented soy products and the non-fermented  ones 
are two very different kettles of fish.  I remember reading somewhere  to that 
in the Asian countries they don't drink plain soy or eat plain  soy/tofu a 
great deal - not like most of those in North America whom eat soy  products. 
of the soy they do ingest is in the fermented form. There are  many articles 
about soy on the Weston Price Foundation. 
The Ploy of Soy
Describes the historical use of fermented soy  products in China and the 
dangers of non-fermented soy products  being marketed as healthy in America 
34 references

Soy: The Dark Side of America's Favorite "Health" Food
by  Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD - includes some references 
Sources: _www.csa.com/hottopics/thyroid/oview.html_ 
_soyonlineservice.co.nz_ (http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/) 
_www.westonaprice.org_ (http://www.westonaprice.org)   
Reply to Robert Cohen, the Not Milk  Man  

plus 11 References.
Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers  Summarized
*   High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of  calcium, 
magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not  neutralized by 
ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and  long, slow 
High phytate diets have caused growth problems in  children.  
*   Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion  and may 
cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin  inhibitors 
caused stunted growth.  
*   Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the  potential 
to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.   
*   Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause  
hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy  
has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.  
*   Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and  actually increase 
the body's requirement for B12.  
*   Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.   
*   Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature  processing to 
make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.  
*   Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic  
lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.  
*   Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed  during soy 
food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.   
*   Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to  the 
nervous system and the kidneys. 

  best  wishes
In a message dated 08/07/2008 1:08:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I see no  lack of fertility (or 'gayness' )with the
Asian population and soy is used  everywhere in Asia.

But if it is proven to be "feminizing" then all  the
more reason to just use it as diesel fuel and not  eat


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[Biofuel] Soy: The Dark Side of America's Favorite "Health" Food

2008-07-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
Soy: The Dark Side of America's Favorite "Health"  Food

by _Sally Fallon_ (http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/darkside.html#fallon)  and 
 _Mary G. Enig_ (http://www.westonaprice.org/soy/darkside.html#enig) ,  PhD 
Jenny Smith, a secretary and receptionist, could not explain  what was 
happening to her. She began to make mistakes in her work and suffer  from 
lapses. She would type a word backwards without even realizing it  and 
right over her mistakes. Her speech was slurring and when she  answered the 
phone. . . she didn't know what to say. One day she found herself  walking 
across a busy intersection against the lights and didn't know how she  got 
Leslie Blumenberg went to pick up her mother at the airport and  got lost 
coming home. Although she had lived in the area for years, she became  
disoriented. It took her two hours to find her way back to her house.  She 
was also suffering from cognitive problems, her words would jumble when she  
tried to speak coherent sentences, and she forgot how to spell.
Leslie had  been eating soy foods, lots of them, for three years. When she 
went off soy, her  problems cleared up, her mind returned to normal. But Jenny 
Smith did not eat  soy. Her problems cleared up only when she went on a diet 
and stopped eating  bread. She discovered that she could eat homemade bread 
without any problem. But  supermarket bread gave her brain fog.  
Jenny had a thyroid problem and had been taking thyroxine for  years. When 
her office connected with the internet, she went online to a thyroid  site. 
There she learned that soy was a potent thyroid depressant and should not  be 
consumed by anyone with thyroid troubles. Next trip to the grocery store, she  
began to read labels and discovered that every loaf of bread in the supermarket 
contained soy flour. 
"Thyroid enlargement in rats and humans, especially children and  women, fed 
with soyabeans has been known for half a century," according to  Theodore Kay 
at Kyoto University in Japan. His 1988 study attempted to determine  the 
amount of iodine required to prevent goitre in populations consuming soy  
foods. He 
found that small amounts of iodine could indeed prevent noticeable  thyroid 
enlargement, but even large amounts did not prevent pathological changes  to 
the thyroid gland. He also determined that the most potent goitrogens in soy  
cannot be removed by cooking.  
Although scientists have known for many years that soy is  goitrogenic, it 
was only recently that they were able to pinpoint the actual  
compounds. Researchers at the US Toxicological Laboratory in  Arkansas found 
that the thyroid-depressing substances are isoflavones, the  estrogen-like 
compounds found plentifully in the soybean. 
This discovery came as a shock to the soy industry, which has  heavily 
promoted these phytoestrogens as beneficial. It is the phytoestrogens or  
isoflavones in soy that are supposed to protect us from heart disease, cancer,  
osteoporosis and the discomforts of menopause. Yet in normal women consuming  
sufficient iodine, just 30g of roasted soybeans daily, containing about 38mg  
isoflavones, were found to depress thyroid function--less than the amount in 
glasses of soy milk, two servings of tofu, or a handful of roasted soy nuts. In 
sensitive individuals, such as Jenny Smith, even small amounts of soy were able 
 to provoke the mental confusion indicative of disrupted thyroid function.  
Bread with added soy flour, 2 slices  4 mg  Meatless chicken nuggets, 1/2 
cup  15 mg  Soy hot dog  15 mg  Soymilk, 8-ounce glass  20 mg  Green 
soybeans, raw, 1/2 cup  20 mg  Miso, 1/4 cup  21 mg  Tofu, 1/2 cup  28 mg  Soy 
1/2 cup  31 mg  Soymilk skin or film , cooked, 1/2 cup  51 mg  Tempeh, 
cooked, 1/2 cup  53 mg  Soybean chips , 1/2 cup  54 mg  Mature soybeans, 
cooked, 1/2 
cup  55 mg  Dry roasted soybeans , 1/2 cup  128 mg  Revival soy-based meal 
replacement, 1 serving  160 mg

Further confirmation of soy's adverse effects on the mind comes  from a 
recent study of Japanese Americans living in Hawaii. Professor Lon White  found 
significant statistical relationship between two or more servings of  tofu per 
week and "accelerated brain aging." Those participants who consumed  tofu in 
mid-life had lower cognitive function in late life and a greater  incidence of 
Alzheimer's and dementia. What's more," said Dr. White, "those who  ate a lot 
of tofu, by the time they were 75 or 80, looked five years  older." 
According to Jennifer A. Phillips, writing for Cambridge  Scientific 
Abstracts, estrogens (including the phytoestrogens in soy) can block  the 
of thyroid hormones. This is why women need more thyroid hormones  than men and 
are more prone to thyroid troubles. Since thyroid hormone acts as a  

Re: [Biofuel] Fw:Re:Fw: Soy is making kids 'gay'- Birth Control for Babies & Refer

2008-07-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
Soy Infant Formula--Birth Control Pills for  Babies
Phytoestrogens in Diets of Infants and Adults 
Children receiving soy formula as their only food take in over  10 time the 
levels of isoflavones on a body weight basis than the amount shown  to cause 
thryoid suppression in adults after three months and about eight times  the 
levels of isoflavones on a bodyweight basis as the amount shown to cause  
changes in adults after just one month.
per Kg of 
body  weight*  China (1990 survey)1   
3 mg
0.05 mg  Japan (1996 survey)2  10 mg 0.17 mg  Japan (1998 survey)3  25 mg 
0.42 mg  Japan (2000 survey)4  28 mg 0.47 mg  In Japanese subjects receiving 
adequate iodine  
causing thyroid suppression after 3 months5 35 mg 0.58 mg   In American 
women, causing hormonal changes
after 1  month6  45 mg 0.75 mg  FDA recommended amount for adults7  24 mg  
0.40 mg  In children receiving soy formula8 38 mg 6.25 mg 
* Assumed 60 kg for adults, 6 kg for infants 
It is clear that the isoflavones in soy infant formula are well  absorbed by 
the infant. Babies on soy formula were found to have levels of serum  
estrogens at 13,000 -22,000 times greater than those in infants who had been  
fed or given milk-based formula.9 
According to a Swiss report, 100 mg isoflavones taken by adult  women provide 
the estrogenic equivalent of a contraceptive pill.10 This means that 10 mg 
provides the estrogenic equivalent of a  contraceptive pill to a baby of 6 kg. 
Thus, the average amount taken in by a  child on soy-based formula provides the 
estrogenic equivalent of at least 4  birth control pills. Because babies are 
more vulnerable than adults to the  effects of dietary estrogens, the effects 
could actually be much greater than  that of 4 birth control pills. Hence the 
statement, "Babies on soy formula  receive the estrogenic equivalent of at 
least 5 birth control pills per day."  
1.  An exhaustive study of Chinese diets found that legume  consumption 
ranged from 0 to 58 grams per day, with an average of 13 gams.  According to 
the researchers, about two-thirds of this was supplied by soy  beans, giving 
average consumption of about 9 grams of soy products per day.  Chen J, Campbell 
TC, Li J, Peto R. Diet, Lifestyle and Mortality in China.  A study of the 
characteristics of 65 counties. Monograph, joint  publication of Oxford 
Press, Cornell University Press, China  People's Medical Publishing House, 
1990. Isoflavone content is estimated be  about 3 mg per day based on an 
amount of 30 mg total isoflavones per  100 grams of tofu. USDA-Iowa State 
University Database on the Isoflavone  Content of Foods 1999.  
2.  Fukutake M and others. Quantification of genistein and  genistin in 
soybeans and soybean products. Food Chem Toxicol  1996;34:457-461.  
3.  Nagata C and others. Decreased serum total cholesterol  concentration 
is associated with high intake of soy products in Japanese men  and women. J 
Nutr 1998 Feb;128(2):209-13.  
4.  Nakamura Y and others. Determination of the levels of  isoflavonoids 
in soybeans and soy-derived foods and estimation of  isoflavonoids in the 
Japanese daily intake. J AOAC Int  2000;83:635-650.  
5.  Y Ishizuki and others. The effects on the thyroid gland of  soybeans 
administered experimentally in healthy subjects. Nippon Naibunpi  Gakkai 
Zasshi 1991, 767: 622-629. Thirty grams of soybeans per day were  administered 
the test subjects. Raw Japanese soybeans contain 119 mg total  isoflavones per 
100 grams, giving a rough total of 35 mg isoflavones per  day.  
6.  Cassidy A, Bingham S, Setchell KD. Biological effects of a  diet of 
soy protein rich in isoflavones on the menstrual cycle of  premenopausal women. 
Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60(3):333-340.  
7.  The FDA recommended amount for adults is 25 grams of soy  protein 
isolate per day. This provides about 24 mg isoflavones per day based  on a 
isoflavone content of 97 mg for 100 grams of soy protein  isolate. USDA-Iowa 
State University Database on the Isoflavone Content of  Foods 1999.  
8.  Setchell KD and others. Isoflavone content of infant formulas  and 
the metabolic fate of these early phytoestrogens in early life. Am J  Clin Nutr 
1998 Dec;68(6 Suppl):1453S-1461S.  
9.  Ibid.  
10. Bulletin de L'Office Federal de la Santé Publique,  No 28, July 20, 

In a message dated 08/07/2008 1:08:16 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Yeah,  that's what i always say!  I love gay people, they (largely) don't add 
to  our staggering numbers.  But in any case this seems to go a ways toward  
explaining things.  A few issues though:
-how accurate is the claim  that "the equivalent of five birth control pills 
a day" is going in to your  baby?  I notice there's

[Biofuel] Whole Soy Story:The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food - Mothering Mag

2008-07-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
Whole Soy Story: The  Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food
By Kaayla  T. Daniel 
Issue 124: May/June 2004  
Over the past decade, soy foods have become America's favorite  health food. 
Newspapers, magazines, and best-selling health writers have  proclaimed the 
"joy of soy" and promoted the belief that soy food is the key to  disease 
prevention and maximum longevity.  
The possibility that an inexpensive plant food could prevent  heart disease, 
fight cancer, fan away hot flashes, and build strong bodies in  far more than 
12 ways is seductive. The truth, unfortunately, is far more  complex. Soy 
foods come in a variety of forms, including many heavily processed  modern 
products. Even good forms of soy foods must be eaten sparingly-the way  they 
been eaten traditionally in Asia. Most important, many respected  scientists 
issued warnings stating that the possible benefits of eating soy  should be 
weighed against the proven risks. Indeed, thousands of studies link  soy to 
malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid  
cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility-even  cancer and 
heart disease.  
Americans rarely hear anything negative about soy. Thanks to the  shrewd 
public relations campaigns waged by Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), Protein  
Technologies International (PTI), the American Soybean Association, and other  
interests, as well as the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) 1999 approval  
the health claim that soy protein lowers cholesterol, soy maintains a  
"healthy" image.  
This article is written for parents who need to know the risks  of feeding 
soy formula to infants, or soy milk and other soy foods to growing  children. 
It's designed for prospective mothers and fathers who need to know the  links 
between soy foods, infertility, and birth defects. Finally, it will serve  
anyone considering soy as a preventive for menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis,  
cancer, heart disease, or other ills.  
How Much Soy Do Asians Really  Eat?  

Those who dare to  question the benefits of soy tend to receive one stock 
answer: Soy foods  couldn't possibly have a downside because Asians eat large 
quantities of soy  every day and consequently remain free of most western 
diseases. In fact, the  people of China, Japan, and other countries in Asia eat 
little soy. The soy  industry's own figures show that soy consumption in 
China, Indonesia, Korea,  Japan, and Taiwan ranges from 9.3 to 36 grams per 
That's grams of soy  food, not grams of soy protein alone. Compare this with a 
cup of tofu (252  grams) or soy milk (240 grams).2 Many Americans today think 
nothing of consuming  a cup of tofu, a couple glasses of soy milk, handfuls of 
soy nuts, soy "energy  bars," and veggie burgers. Infants on soy formula 
receive the most of all, both  in quantity and in proportion to body weight.  
In short, there is no historical precedent for eating the large  amounts of 
soy food now being consumed by infants fed soy formula and  vegetarians who 
favor soy as their main source of protein, or for the large  amounts of soy 
recommended by Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Christiane Northrup,  and many other 
popular health experts.  
What's more, the rural poor in China have never seen-let alone  feasted 
on-soy sausages, chili made with Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), tofu  
cheesecake, packaged soy milk, soy "energy bars," or other newfangled soy  
products that 
have infiltrated the American marketplace.  
The Right Stuff  

The ancient Chinese  honored the soybean with the name "the yellow jewel" but 
used it as "green  manure"-a cover crop plowed under to enrich the soil. Soy 
did not become human  food until late in the Chou Dynasty (1134-246 B.C.), 
when the Chinese developed  a fermentation process to make soybean paste, best 
known today by its Japanese  name, miso.3 Soy sauce-the natural type sold under 
the Japanese name shoyu-began  as the liquid poured off during the production 
of miso. Two other popular  fermented soy foods, natto and tempeh, entered the 
food supply around 1000 A.D.  or later in Japan and Indonesia, respectively.  
Tofu came after miso. Legend has it that, in 164 B.C., Lord Liu  An of 
Huai-nan, China-a renowned alchemist, meditator, and ruler-discovered that  a 
of cooked soybeans could be precipitated with nigari (a form of  magnesium 
chloride found in seawater) into solid cakes, called tofu. In Japan,  as in 
China, tofu was rarely served as a main course anywhere except in  monasteries. 
most popular use was-and is-as a few bland little blocks in  miso soup or 
fish stock.  
The Chinese almost never ate boiled or baked soybeans or cooked  with soy 
flour except in times of famine. Modern soy products such as soy  protein 

[Biofuel] Canadian's beat Bill C-51 — but wat ch the back door!

2008-07-30 Thread SurpriseShan2

Canadian's beat  Bill C-51 — but watch the back door! 
Working with our international affiliate,  Alliance for Natural Health 
ANH and AAHF have been keeping a close eye on Bill C-51 an amendment  
introduced by the Harper government to the Canadian Food & Drugs Act.  This 
bill, if 
passed, would have had dire consequences in Canada and  more than likely would 
cause a ripple effect in the US and in the European  Union.   
But for now, breathe a sigh of relief as the mass opposition to bill  C-51 
forced the Canadian Parliament to call off the second reading last  month.  The 
Bill, having been successfully through first reading on 8  April 2008, is now 
The Bill was going to create a new category called 'therapeutic  products' 
which would throw natural health products—or ‘therapeutic  foods’—into the 
same category as drugs. It would also have given Canadian  authorities obscene 
powers to raid premises, confiscate  products—with no reasons given. It would 
scare the small,  somewhat fragile and fragmented natural products industry 
 submission—an industry that is the life line for millions of consumers who  
prefer to take natural products rather than drugs to manage their  health. 
To find out more about what Bill C-51 was going to mean to Canadian  
citizens, _click here_ (http://www.stopc51.com/) . _http://www.stopc51.com/_ 
(http://www.stopc51.com/)   Around the Corner
Bill C-52 is designed for something entirely  different. It’s meant to be 
about “protecting consumers” from unsafe  products and chemicals, such as 
pesticides. It is not directly concerned  with natural health products. But, 
Buckley (a lawyer with  expertise in the Food and Drugs Act Regulations and one 
of the key players  in defeating Bill C-51)identified that by slipping in one 
simple amendment  to Schedule 1 of Bill C-52, the Bill could be applied to 
natural health  products overnight. It could—put simply—be used to take away 
their rights  in the name of safety.  To find out more about Bill C-52, _click 
here_ (http://nhppa.org/?page_id=24) . _http://nhppa.org/?page_id=24_ 
At the moment it is our understanding that a second bill (Bill C52) is  in 
draft form and nothing further will happen until the end of the summer  recess, 
but then a full strategy needs to be in place to halt the  direction that 
Health Canada is going with this legislation. This is a  very real threat to 
natural health industry in Canada, even though it  doesn’t specifically target 
natural products, via a small amendment it can  be made applicable to them—all 
under the guise of consumer safety of  course. 
To read the full article from ANH visit:  
-door_ (http://www.anhcampaign.org/news/canadians-beat-bill-c-51-—
Listen to a recent ANH radio show (14 July 08) entitled “Connecting the  dots 
between the FDA, Health Canada and the European Commission”, where  Helke 
Ferrie and Rick Jaffe were our guests visit: 
(http://www.iamhealthyradio.com/alliance_for_natural_health.html) .

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[Biofuel] SPECIAL UPDATE: Canadian Bill STILL Poses a Threat to Natural Health Consumers

2008-08-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
SPECIAL UPDATE: Canadian Bill STILL Poses  a Threat to Natural Health 
Bill C-51 was debated during second reading, the  week ending June 13, 2008, 
at which time the Canadian government introduced  amendments to the bill.  
According to the draft discussion  paper on the amendments to C-51, written 
by Constitutional lawyer Shawn Buckley  for the Natural Health Products 
Protection Association (NHPPA), the amendments  presented by Tony Clement on 
June 9, 
2008 are far from satisfactory, and do  little, if nothing, to protect the 
natural health community and users of natural  health products. 
*   _Proposed Bill C-51 Amendments June 9,  2008_ 

*   _Draft Discussion Paper on the Amendments to Bill  C-51_ 
Dr. Mercola's Comments:
I previously commented on an article from the Vancouver Sun on  July 19, 
stating that _natural  health advocates had defeated a government power-grab_ 
ates-defeat-government-power-grab.aspx) , forcing  Canadian Health Minister 
Tony Clement to amend his proposed bill, C-51,  which amends and updates the 
Canadian Food and Drugs Act.   
This _bill was  fraught with language that could pose serious threats to the 
natural  health industry_ (http://www.stopc51.com/c51/legal_review.pdf) , not 
just in Canada, but potentially in the U.S. as  well due to Codex and the 
potential future implementation of the North  American Union (NAU). (For more 
Codex and the NAU, please read my first  _article  on C-51_ 
in-canada.aspx) .) 
Fortunately, I have many well-informed readers who are not shy to tell  me 
when I’ve missed something, which was exactly the case here, and it  appears I 
was overly optimistic in my last comment.  
After further review of information gleaned from readers well-versed on  the 
topic, both bill C-51 and bill C-52 are still poised to wreak havoc  with the 
natural health industry. 
As Wendell Phillips said:  

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty—power is ever  stealing from the 
many to the few…. The hand entrusted with power  becomes … the necessary enemy 
of the people. Only by continual oversight  can the democrat in office be 
prevented from hardening into a despot:  only by unintermitted Agitation can a 
people be kept sufficiently awake  to principle not to let liberty be smothered 
in material  prosperity. 

Wendell Phillips, speech in Boston, Massachusetts, January  28, 1852 
Not much has changed in the past 150 years, and eternal vigilance  against 
government corruption still needs to be at the top of everyone’s  list today. 
Why Amended Version of C-51 Still Poses  Threat to Natural Health Industry 
Bill C-51 was debated during second  reading, the week ending June 13, 2008, 
at which time the Canadian  government introduced amendments to the bill. I 
initially reported that  Mr. Clement had listened to the natural health 
’s concerns and  that these amendments would solve the problems created by 
the bill.  However, I stand corrected, as that is NOT the case.  
According to the _draft  discussion paper on the amendments to C-51_ (ht
tp://nhppa.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/draft_dp_amendments_bill_c-51.pdf) , 
written by Constitutional  lawyer Shawn Buckley for the Natural Health Products 
Protection  Association (NHPPA), the _amendments_ 
(http://www.healthycanadians.ca/pr-rp/c51-amend-mod_e.html)   presented by Tony 
Clement on June 9, 2008 are 
far from satisfactory, and  do nothing to protect the natural health community 
and users of natural  health products.  
Concerned Canadians and Americans want the  bill (and its successor, bill 
C-52) scrapped completely, as either bill  accomplish nothing in terms of 
protecting consumers, but increases  government power to remove products, and 
natural health businesses  more or less at will. 
One key amendment was to give Natural  Health Products (NHPs) its own 
category.  However, this change  actually amounts to nothing at all in 
practice, as 
merely changing their  definition does not by itself change how they’re 
In fact, rather than creating a third  category that is distinct from the 
drug category, the amendments  actually entrenches NHPs further, as a subset 
under the drug category,  which does nothing to protect or increase access to 
Unfortunately, mainstream media have 

[Biofuel] concerns over Nova Scotia and biofuel

2008-08-15 Thread SurpriseShan2
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Hey  Everybody,
If I said this article concerned me, that  would be downplaying my thoughts 
very much. There is no filter small enough to  capture the tiny particles of 
arsine that are released in a very breathable form  when cca treated wood is 
burned. I have already had one "conversation" with a  biomass company who told 
they decided not to go with treated wood after  learning some facts. 
One needs to realize as cca wood is being  pulled from it’s inuse service 
there is a urgency to deal with a waste problem  that is of such a magnitude 
people are scrambling for ideas to deal with a  toxic dilemma probably never 
faced before. 
We need to be very careful and not give  in to solutions that are even more 
I have placed beneath this news item a  study done by the USEPA on what 
happens with the open burning of cca treated  wood. This was done after I sent 
the extremely toxic house tests on my  home. This is from one man burning 
near my home and one test burn in a study.  Try to compare that with the 
magnitude of what could happen here. Yes there will  be safety measures in 
place but 
let me remind you 
This is not even taking into  consideration the ash which presents another 
very serious threat. 
When I spoke to the other company who was  thinking about burning treated 
wood as a biomass fuel they did not even attempt  to say they had a solution. 
They said they would not do it. Does this company  have a solution to capture 
arsenic that will surely contaminate the  environment and poison people if 
they don’t? 
If they do, then please explain it  because we are all waiting for someone to 
solve this crisis without making  another of more catastrophic proportions. 
Deborah Elaine Barrie 
4 Catherine  Street 
Smiths Falls, On 
K7A 3Z8 
_http://www.noccawood.ca_ (http://www.noccawood.ca/)   
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What we do for ourselves dies with us.  What we do for others and the world 
remains and is immortal.
Albert  Pine
Published: 2008-08-15 
NSP eyes biomass waste as  energy source 
Utility wants to reduce  dependence on fossil fuels 
By JUDY MYRDEN Business Reporter 
Nova Scotia Power made an appeal Thursday to the forest  and agriculture 
industry to use biomass waste to generate  electricity. 
During the utility’s last call for renewable energy  projects there were no 
proposals for biomass, only wind-generated  electricity. 
"We were disappointed last time and so this time we are  giving it more 
attention," James Taylor, NSP general manager power production,  said Thursday. 
NSP wants to reduce its dependence on burning fossil fuels  and use more 
renewable sources for power generation. 
"Biomass meets the definition of carbon-neutral energy  source, and the 
customers of Nova Scotia Power have told us they want more  renewables," Mr. 
said after speaking to about 85 people who attended the  information session. 
Mr. Taylor said the utility would like to purchase about  25 megawatts of 
electricity generated by wood waste, which would reduce carbon  dioxide 
by 140,000 tonnes a year. 
Biomass is being used to generate electricity at the  Brooklyn Energy Plant 
Centre in Hants County. 
The wood waste, including bark and sawdust, is placed in  an incinerator and 
ignited, like a wood stove that heats water instead of air.  The product then 
turns into steam, which runs a generator. 
Steve Talbot, executive director of the Forest Products  Association of Nova 
Scotia, said the high energy costs and global competition in  the forestry 
industry are forcing wood product companies to review their  operations. 
"We have to get involved with biomass energy if the focus  is to provide jobs 
in Nova Scotia," said Mr. Talbot. 
Collecting wood waste from the forest floor was once  uneconomical, he said, 
but with rising demand for renewable energy sources the  process could provide 
revenue for some operators. 
The association is studying the potential for Nova Scotia  sawmills to 
generate electricity from biomass. 
Fenton Travis of Marwood attended the information session  in downtown 
Halifax, and the Brookfield company is interested in putting in a  bid to the 
He said the wood products company, which specializes in  pressure-treated 
lumber, sells its wood waste but hopes to use it to generate  electricity for 
Marwood would sell the biomass-generated electricity and  then use the heat 
that was generated in the process for its own electricity. "It  could be a 
revenue generator and offset our power costs," said Mr.  Travis. 
NSP expects to have guidelines for a formal request for  proposals in ear


2008-08-20 Thread SurpriseShan2
Poster's Comment:I found the comments  about  formaldehyde, etc in milk to be 
very interesting..raw milk  looks better all the time. 
Eleanor McBean

In addition to the drastic vaccine poisons and the  self generated poisons 
from wrong foods there are a number of other poisons that  are being free used 
that are known to cause polio. 
INSECTICIDES such as lead arsenate, hydrocyanic gas and other cyanide 
compounds, DDT, parathion and other deadly poisons are a constant cause death 
disease. Dr. Abraham  Gelperin, director of the Bureau of Communicatable 
and assistant  Clinical Professor or Public Health at Yale University stated 
flatly that he  believes many ills to be the result of these poison 
insecticide and that large  numbers of what are believed to be polio are in 
cases of  poisoning, possibly caused by something like parathion. 
Dr. J. W. Norton of the N.  C. Department of Health said the "symptoms 
parathion poisoning are  similar to those of polio, including headache, gastric 
upset set,  giddiness, tightness of the chest, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. 
"One of the manufacturers of the widely used  insecticide parathion describes 
it as ‘capable of producing severe  systemic toxic effects and death in 
animals and man either by oral  administration, inhalation of mists, dusts, or 
vapors and by absorption through  the unbroken skin." (Prevention—June, 1950. 
What are our elected officers and public  protectors doing while all the 
wholesale poisoning is going on? Are the  over-wealthy manufacturers the ones 
be "protected" in their game of  "grab and stab"? 
FORMALDEHYDE IN MILK has been  reported as a cause of polio. 
Australian Medical Gazette, (Aug. 24, 1897) states  that "formalin," an 
aqueous solution of formaldehyde, caused paralysis in some  who drank milk that 
contained it. Our U.S. Government permits the dairymen to  add formaldehyde to 
milk so that stale, inferior milk may be sold as fresh milk.  Formaldehyde is a 
poisonous embalming fluid that is, no doubt, one of the causes  of the 
epidemics of diarrhea and death among the bottle fed infants in  hospitals. 
The Lancet (Jan. 9, 1915) mentions an  epidemic of polio that was said to 
have been caused by raw milk. It has  never been. proved that raw milk has ever 
caused polio or undulant fever or any  other disease but the added poison 
pre-servatives could cause many  diseases. Pasteurization companies capitalized 
this incident to stampede some  laws into operation which would prohibit the 
sale of raw (unprocessed) milk.  Pasteurization makes matters even worse 
because the heating process melts the  butterfat in the milk and this coats the 
calcium globules and renders the  calcium unassimilable to a large extent. 
From the Journal of Biochemistry, (Vol. 75,  pp. 251-62. Oct., 1927) we read: 
"In the Nutrition Laboratory of the Dept. of  Home Economics of the 
University of Chicago, in 1927, experimentation revealed  that only about 27% 
of the 
calcium in pasteurized milk and 30% of  evaporated milk was retained in the 
Rats fed on pasteurized milk grew at only half the  normal rate and developed 
various ailments and died early. Calves fed on  pasteurized milk died before 
maturity in 9 out of 10 cases. 
SOLANIN, a poison that is formed in frozen  potatoes was found to be the 
cause of an epidemic in Ireland. The disease had  polio-like reactions but was 
called remittent fever. Old,  sprouting potatoes and those that have been 
to the sun in the growing  period until the skin was green were also found to 
contain this toxic  substance. 
UNRIPE FRUIT and ERGOT from some types of rye have  caused gastrointestinal 
disturbances which affected the nerves, spinal cord and  brain and caused a 
form of polio. A diet excessively high in grains (especially  milled grains) 
been followed by deficiencies that terminated in polio as was  reported by 
Stockman and Johnson in the Journal of Nutrition, (Nov.,  1934).

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[Biofuel] Seeing Through Spin of "Citizens for Health" & "The Natural Solutions Foundation

2008-08-21 Thread SurpriseShan2
Seeing Through Spin of "Citizens  for Health" and "The Natural Solutions 
Foundation" on the CODEX Vitamin  Issue

"Citizens for Health" and "Natural  Solutions Foundation" are controlled 
opposition groups on the Codex  issue. We believe the true purpose of these 
is to assist the pharma  dominated vitamin trade associations by recommending 
grass roots actions which  appear plausible on the surface to the poorly 
informed, but which upon close  inspection fail to hold up to careful scrutiny. 
We believe these groups are attempting to intentionally  divert grass roots 
attention from the strategy of IAHF and allied  organizations. In a nutshell, 
their mission is to: 
A) Con people into believing that we can change Codex AT Codex  (despite the 
fact that we have zero political influence over the unelected  bureaucrats 
from the FDA and its international equivalents that serve as  delegates at 
highly rigged meetings.) and 
B) Con people into believing that countries which  adopt "Model Legislation" 
patterned after the US Dietary Supplement Health  and Education Act would be 
"protected" in the event of a WTO Trade  Dispute Ruling against them. (James 
Turner, esq, who originated this plan  has failed to explain any viable legal 
mechanism to support his contention  that this could work. * See IAHF's 
analysis of CFH and NSF's  "LEGAL SUMMARY" below. 
C) Con people into believing that they're "fighting back"  by signing a 
petition to US Codex Manager Ed Scarbrough (an unelected  bureaucrat at the 
who has never attempted to rein in FDA officials who've  served as US Delegates 
at CODEX (even when their actions have gone directly  against US law.) 
Even when Scarbrough and the US Codex Delegates  have obviously IGNORED this 
petition at recent Codex meetings,  Citizens for Health and the Natural 
Solutions Foundation would still have us  believe that signing it and sending 
it in 
to Scarbrough are a viable means  of "fighting back."  
D) Con people into believing that there is "no connection"  between 
sovereignty destroying trade agreements such as NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA and  Codex 
in an 
obvious effort to keep people from exercising the political leverage  that we 
have with CONGRESS (but which we DON'T have with unelected Codex  bureaucrats 
from the world's FDA's.) Citizens for Health and now also the  "Natural 
Solutions Foundation" have a long history of doing spin against true  grass 
anti Codex campaigns.  
These groups are making ZERO EFFORT to alert the public to the  dire need to 
oppose clear efforts to destroy America and to force us into a  planned North 
American Union. 
Its clear that their TRUE MOTIVE is to support the agenda of the  large 
pharmaceutical companies that are controlling the vitamin trade  associations 
the top-down which WANT CODEX, which WANT one size fits all  regulations for 
the planet. In this section we explore this and also explore the  gross 
conflicts of interest inherent in these organizations which have very  close 
with such pharma dominated vitamin trade associations as CRN, and  NNFA. 
(located at _http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/downloads/index.shtml_ 
(http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/downloads/index.shtml) under “Legal  Summary)

Question #1: Is a nation obligated  by international or any other law to 
adopt the Guidelines for Vitamin and  Mineral Food Supplements finalized by the 
Codex Alimentarius Commission in Rome  on July 4th 2005?

Answer #1: NO.

***[IAHF Note: Very misleading  conclusion. The US has entered into an 
open-ended process. Codex  ratified a FRAMEWORK for the regulation of vitamins 
minerals on July  4th 2005. They did not begin the process of filling in the 
blanks on  allowable potencies until the November CCNFSDU meeting in Bonn, 
Germany, and  haven’t finished doing this yet. 

These highly controversial “safe  upper limits” are being set by the parent 
body to Codex- the World Health  Organization. Moreover, Article 3 of the SPS 
Agreement clearly  obligates harmonization to Codex: 

Article 3  States: “To harmonize sanitary and phytosanitary measures on as 
wide a  basis as possible, members shall base their food safety  measures on 
international standards, guidelines, or recommendations.” The WTO  has adopted 
the Codex Guidelines as their worldwide standards. 
(http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/sps_e/spsagr_e.htm) This can  evolve to 
ever-increasing entanglements due to legal and 
economic pressure. The  U.S. government may or many not wish to harmonize, but 
can now be  FORCED to.  This c

[Biofuel] Superfood rice bran contains arsenic

2008-08-23 Thread SurpriseShan2
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Superfood rice bran contains arsenic
NewScientist.com news service 
Catherine Brahic 
Rice bran – a so-called "superfood" – might contain dangerous  amounts of a 
natural poison. 
A new study suggests that rice bran, the shavings left over  after brown rice 
is polished to produce white rice grains, contains  "inappropriate" levels of 
arsenic. Andrew Meharg at the University of Aberdeen,  UK, and colleagues 
found that the levels of arsenic in rice bran products  available on the 
and used in food-aid programmes funded by the US  government would be illegal 
in China – the only country in the world to have  standards for how much 
arsenic is permissible in food. 
Meharg's team are calling on the European Union and the US to  follow China's 
example and update food standards for arsenic. 
_Arsenic is a natural carcinogen_ 
 , present in  drinking water 
around the world including in Australia, the US and _many developing 
In previous work, Meharg has shown that brown rice contains more  arsenic 
than polished white rice (_Environmental Science and Technology, DOI:  
Nutritional  drink 
In the new study, Meharg and colleagues purchased brown rice  from China and 
Bangladesh and polished part of it in the same way that it would  be to 
produce commercial white rice. They found that 1 kilogramme of brown rice  
on average 0.76 mg of arsenic in its toxic inorganic form. The rice  also 
contained some non-toxic, organic arsenic. The polished white rice grains  
contained 0.56 mg inorganic arsenic per kg, whereas the rice bran contained 3.3 
per kg on average. 
On the surface, this appears to be good news: the bran shavings  are usually 
discarded except in Japan, where they are used in traditional  pickling 
recipes. But in recent years a number of rice-bran products have come  onto US 
European markets, mainly targeted at health-food consumers. They are  labelled 
"superfoods": the bran is high in antioxidants, vitamins, mineral  nutrients 
and fibre. Producers say it is the largest wasted agricultural food  resource 
on the planet, with 60 million metric tonnes of it discarded worldwide  each 
Some companies have produced a powdered version with a long  shelf life at 
room temperature. Mixed with water, these "rice-bran solubles"  make a 
nutritional drink and have been distributed as food aid to malnourished  
children in 
Malawi, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador. There are plans to  further 
the aid programmes in Latin America, India and the  Caribbean. 
Meharg and his colleagues purchased nine commercial rice-bran  products 
online, including rice-bran solubles from NutraCea, a company that  
participates in 
food-aid programmes, and analysed their arsenic content. The  products 
contained between 0.48 mg/kg and 1.16 mg/kg of inorganic arsenic. China  
updated its standards, and set the limit to 0.15 mg of inorganic  arsenic per 
of food. 
Risk analysis 
"The arsenic concentrations reported are worrisome, but the risk  assessment 
is complex," says Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental  health at 
Harvard University's School of Public Health. 
Indeed, "safe" standards for arsenic intake are controversial.  The risk of 
skin, lung, bladder and kidney cancer increases proportionally with  arsenic 
intake, which has lead toxicologists to the conclusion that there is no  "safe" 
limit. But risks must be weighed against the benefits gained from  drinking 
water and eating certain foods that contain the poison. 
NutraCea has carried out a pilot project distributing their  rice-bran 
solubles to 67,000 pre-school children in Guatemala. They monitored  the 
state of 150 children. Whereas at the beginning of the trial,  37% were 
deemed malnourished, that dropped to 5% after taking 15 g of the rice  bran 5 
a week for 6 months. The project was funded  by the US Agency  for 
International Development _USAID_ (http://www.usaid.gov/)  and the _Christian  
Fund_ (http://www.christianchildrensfund.org/) . 
_Marie Vahter_ (http://ki.se/ki/jsp/polopoly.jsp?l=en&d=6103) , an 
environmental  toxicologist  at the Karolinska Institute in  Sweden who has 
extensive studies on the health effects of arsenic believes  the nutritional 
do not necessarily outweigh the risks, given the  availability of other 
supplements. "Recent reports indicate increased fetal and  i

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
   My understanding was that  the 'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods 
were supposed to be  that they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take as 
much, plus it was less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for 
pesticides, etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning out though. 
Or have 
I  misunderstood?
   best  wishes
In a message dated 25/08/2008 2:13:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Most  studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up, 
not down  as promised by Monsanto et  al.



>>  Dear Doug,
>> I see you bought into Al Jazeera's  headline.
>>   What is the  Connection between the crop being GM and the harm 
>>caused by the  pesticide?
>>   Regards,
>>  Wendell
>Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the  title
>into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the  video...  has to
>do more with the pesticides used on the  crops.  It's my opinion that
>crops grown naturally will maintain a  natural resistance to pests, and
>while the pests may consume a  percentage of the crop, the pests are a
>lesser bane to both the  farmers, and the consumers of food, than
>whatever pesticides might be  used to control the pests, (and in the
>process, killing the organisms,  earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the
>soil that make for a living  substrate for crops grown in it.)
>As far as getting my "news"  from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN,
>and PressTV, and Haaretz,  and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of
>America, Reuters, the list goes  on and on...  Each one has their own
>style of spin, and like  religions, each has a small thread ot truth that
>winds through  it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the
>spins...   Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports
>arriving  at my eyes are suspect...


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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread SurpriseShan2
 Thanks  Keith. 
  best wishes
In a message dated 26/08/2008 3:39:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hello  Shan

>My understanding was that  the  'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods
>were supposed to be  that  they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take 
>much, plus it was  less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for
>pesticides,  etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning 
>out  though. Or have
>I  misunderstood?

Well, that's the spin,  but it ain't so. None of the pro-GM spin 
checks out: yields aren't higher,  they're often lower, pesticide use 
goes up, not down, the GM traits don't  stay put, they spread through 
the pollen, polluting other crops and  creating "superweeds", and the 
basis of the claims for safety and health  are based on bent science, 
no science, and suppression of science that  finds harmful effects (eg 
Árpád Pusztai, most  famously).

Genetically Engineered Crops and Pesticide Use in the United  States: 
The First Nine Years
Dr. Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest  Science and Environmental Policy Center
"The substantial increase in  herbicide use on RR crops is now 
unmistakable in USDA pesticide use  data."

Troubled  Times Amid Commercial Success for Roundup Ready Soybeans -- 
A report by  consultant Charles M. Benbrook of the Northwest Science 
and Environmental  Policy Center in Idaho found that farmers are using 
more herbicide than  ever before, despite biotech industry claims to 
the contrary. Using US  Department of Agriculture data from 1998, 
Benbrook found that farmers  sprayed 11.4% more herbicide on 
herbicide-resistant genetically engineered  crops than on fields 
treated with conventional  herbicides.
Dr.  Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest Science and Environmental Policy  Center

GE Crop Yields/Pesticide Use No Better
Recent data from the  US Department of Agriculture's Economic
Research Service for the 1997 and  1998 growing season found
that in most cases genetically engineered crops  were not
getting any better yields than conventional crops, and
farmers  were using about the same amount of pesticides on
engineered crops as  conventional crops.

New  Soil Association report shows GM crops do not yield more - sometimes  
The Soil Association has published a report on the  latest available 
research on GM crop yields over the last ten years (see  report 
below). The yields of all major GM crop varieties in cultivation  are 
lower than, or at best, equivalent to, yields from non-GM  varieties.

"Most  of the genetic modifications introduced in crops aim at making 
them  resistant to pests or weed killing, but not to increase yields," 
says  Hans-Joerg Jacobsen, biologist at the University of Hanover in 
Germany.  "Modern cultures, free of any genetic modification, have 
higher yields  than genetically modified seeds."
GM foods the problem, not the solution,  Inter Press Service (IPS), May 23,  

Vandana Shiva  says: "Genetic engineering so far has only achieved 
transfer of single  gene traits such as herbicide resistance and Bt. 
toxin production. Yield  and environmental resilience are multigenetic 
traits, and there is no GM  crop currently engineered for high yields. 
Monsanto has claimed that its  Bt. Cotton in India yields 1,500 
kg/acre. Most independent studies have  found 300-400 kg/acre as an 
average, with many farmers facing total crop  failure due to pest 
attack and some getting more than 1,000 kg if the  weather was not too 
dry or two wet."
Why Prince Charles is right: we  need GM free food and agriculture for 
food security
By Dr Vandana  Shiva
The Daily Telegraph, 22 August  2008

"Genetically  modified agriculture will not solve the world's hunger 
problem," Hans  Kast, managing director of the plant science branch of 
the chemical giant  BASF told the German newspaper Die Sueddeutsche 
Zeitung. -- GM foods the  problem, not the solution, Inter Press 
Service (IPS), May 23,  2008

Martin Taylor,  chairman of Syngenta, said the current industry focus 
on farmers in rich  countries meant it would take 20 years to launch 
crop varieties designed  to address the problems of the developing 
world. He told the Guardian: "GM  won't solve the food crisis, at 
least not in the short term." -- "GM will  not solve current food 
crisis, says industry boss," June 27  2008

And  so on.


[Biofuel] Scientists call for reviewing policy on GM crops

2008-08-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Scientists call for reviewing policy on  GM crops
Bhubaneswar: Eminent scientists from OUAT, CRRI,  CTCRI, CIFA, doctors from 
Institute of Life Sciences, Regional Medical Research  Centre, Government 
Ayurvedic Hospital, Jana Swasthya Abhiyan, professors from  the Utkal 
noted social workers, media persons and activists have  appealed to the policy 
makers to review their stand on Genetically Modified  crops. 
The need of the hour was ecology friendly  sustainable agriculture that 
produced safe and nourishing food using nature as a  friend and not going 
its rules that have been shaped by centuries of  careful adaptation, opined Dr 
Dhanada Mishra, Chairman, Human Development  Foundation at a discussion 
session on “The Science and Politics of Genetic  Engineering” organized by 
Farms, Bhubaneswar, at IMAGE Conference Hall  here on August 23. 
This session was attended by Dr Michael Hansen  Senior Scientist Consumers 
Union, USA GVV Sharma, Revenue Secretary, Prof  Radhamohan, former State 
Information Commissioner, Director Biotechnology,  Government of Orissa, Vice 
Chancellor OUAT, Director OUAT and other noted  persons. 
Dr Michael Hansen in his talk pointed out the  imprecise nature of Genetic 
Engineering. There is no way to ensure the intended  effect and the process is 
highly unpredictable, he said. He cited various  scientific studies to point 
out the adverse effects this technology was having  on agriculture as well as 
health of farmers and consumers worldwide. He busted  the myth of high yield 
low pesticide use being associated with the  Genetically Modified (GM) crops 
by showing statistics that showed such effects  were temporary and GM crops 
fared much worse than their traditional counterparts  in the long run. 
He also criticized the proponents of GM crops for  trying to project GM crops 
as the solution to the food crisis that loomed ahead.  GM technology was yet 
to fathom all the conditions behind increased yield and  therefore such 
statements were mischievous he stated.  The companies  advocating GM crops were 
ones that once said DDT was safe for humans. Thus  it will be fallacious to 
assume that these industries are doling out correct  information. 
The solution to the present crisis is not a new and  untested technology but 
exploring other safe and sure methods that exist but are  ignored because they 
cannot be exploited for profit by the industry. He exposed  the industry 
science nexus by quoting from correspondence between the companies  advocating 
crops and the scientists and institutions that supported their  views. 
The effect of GM foods on the health of consumers  has never been seriously 
studied, he said. He cited medical studies which  pointed out that the foreign 
proteins created by the inserted Bt gene over  stimulate the immune system and 
cause allergenicity. Studies on rats and mice  have revealed serious health 
disorders that have never been seriously followed  up. In India cultivation of 
Bt Cotton, a genetically modified crop has been  allowed in a few States. This 
is not a food crop and yet those handling it have  come down with severe 
allergies. The crop by products eaten by cattle and other  animals has affected 
them severely. What would happen when genetically modified  food crops are 
introduced is a question all Indians should seriously ponder  upon, he 
Genetic Engineering is reductionist in approach  that fails to study the 
local ecology and evolve holistic solutions, Dr Hansen  revealed. 
Dr D P Ray, Vice Chancellor, OUAT, said that his  institution was indeed 
concentrating upon alternating methods than jumping into  the GM bandwagon. He 
said industry sponsored studies should not be taken at  their face value. 
yields can be possible by ensuring the fertility of the  soil, choosing 
appropriate crops, lessening chemical inputs and using such  methods as Marker 
Assisted Selection (MAS) that did not require the physical  insertion of 
genes. Orissa is a State with a rich biodiversity. It would  not be wise to let 
Genetically Modified crops contaminate this, he emphasised. 
The Dean, Agriculture, OUAT, was of the opinion  that GM technology was a 
risk that should be best avoided. The first generation  crops were already 
proving to have serious adverse effects. When the second and  third generation 
would be introduced the effect would be disastrous, he  said. 
Prof Radhamohan was of the opinion that Genetically  Modified crops should be 
rejected per se, a view that found favour with a large  section of the 
audience who were shocked at the revelations. They agreed with Dr  Michael 
that agriculture and food production is too important to be left  to profit 
seeking industries. “We need to have a knowledge based approach and


2008-08-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Some related links at the bottom
An important paper has been published in the journal  Clinical Oncology. This 
meta-analysis, entitled "The Contribution of  Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 
5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies" set out to  accurately quantify and 
the actual benefit conferred by chemotherapy in  the treatment of adults with 
the commonest types of cancer. Although the paper  has attracted some attention 
in Australia, the native country of the paper's  authors, it has been greeted 
with complete silence on this side of the world.  
All three of the paper's authors are oncologists. Lead author  Associate 
Professor Graeme Morgan is a radiation oncologist at Royal North Shore  
in Sydney; Professor Robyn Ward is a medical oncologist at University  of New 
South Wales/St. Vincent's Hospital. The third author, Dr. Michael Barton,  is a 
radiation oncologist and a member of the Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes  
Research and Evaluation, Liverpool Health Service, Sydney. Prof. Ward is also a 
 member of the Therapeutic Goods Authority of the Australian Federal 
Department  of Health and Aging, the official body that advises the Australian 
government on  the suitability and efficacy of drugs to be listed on the 
Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS) – roughly the equivalent of the US Food  
and Drug Administration.  
Their meticulous study was based on an analysis of the results  of all the 
randomized, controlled clinical trials (RCTs) performed in Australia  and the 
that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival  due to 
the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies. Survival data were drawn  from 
the Australian cancer registries and the US National Cancer Institute's  
Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry spanning the period  
January 1990 until January 2004. 
Wherever data were uncertain, the authors deliberately erred on  the side of 
over-estimating the benefit of chemotherapy. Even so, the  study concluded 
that overall, chemotherapy contributes just over 2  percent to improved 
in cancer patients.  
Yet despite the mounting evidence of chemotherapy's lack of  effectiveness in 
prolonging survival, oncologists continue to present  chemotherapy as a 
rational and promising approach to cancer treatment.
"Some  practitioners still remain optimistic that cytotoxic chemotherapy will 
 significantly improve cancer survival," the authors wrote in their 
introduction.  "However, despite the use of new and expensive single and 
drugs to  improve response rates...there has been little impact from the use of 
newer  regimens" (Morgan 2005).  
The Australian authors continued: "...in lung cancer, the median  survival 
has increased by only 2 months [during the past 20 years, ed.] and an  overall 
survival benefit of less than 5 percent has been achieved in the  adjuvant 
treatment of breast, colon and head and neck cancers."  
The results of the study are summarized in two tables,  reproduced below. 
Table 1 shows the results for Australian patients; Table 2  shows the results 
US patients. The authors point out that the similarity of  the figures for 
Australia and the US make it very likely that the recorded  benefit of 2.5 
percent or less would be mirrored in other developed countries  also.  
(NB: We apologize for the poor image quality of these tables.  The blanks in 
the columns represent zero, i.e. no direct benefit can be  attributed to 
chemotherapy; no patients in that category achieved an increased  5-year 
due to chemotherapy.)  
Table 1
Results for Australian  patients  

_larger image_ (http://www.cancerdecisions.com/images/Table1.jpg)  
source: _http://www.cancerdecisions.com_ (http://www.cancerdecisions.com/)   
Table 2
Results for US  patients 
_larger  image_ (http://www.cancerdecisions.com/images/Table2.jpg)  
source:  _http://www.cancerdecisions.com_ (http://www.cancerdecisions.com/)   
Basically, the authors found that the contribution of  chemotherapy to 5-year 
survival in adults was 2.3 percent in Australia, and 2.1  percent in the USA. 
They emphasize that, for reasons explained in detail in the  study, these 
figures "should be regarded as the upper limit of effectiveness"  (i.e., they 
an optimistic rather than a pessimistic estimate).  
Understanding Relative Risk 
How is it possible that patients are routinely offered chemotherapy when the  
benefits to be gained by such an approach are generally so small? In their  
discussion, the authors addr

[Biofuel] Mushroom Insulation Is No Hallucination

2008-08-31 Thread SurpriseShan2
Mushroom Insulation Is No Hallucination 
Two college kids having an aha! moment with some mushrooms might  normally be 
of dubious value to the general public. But the mushrooms Eben  Bayer and 
Gavin McIntyre have been growing under their beds inspired an  idea that's far 
out yet utterly practical: an _organic_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/Organic.html)  building _insulation_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/Insulation.html)  that's effective,  
safe, and environmentally friendly. The 
inventors have ambitious plans to  bring their mushroom insulation, called 
Greensulate, to market within a  year. 
By mixing water, flour, minerals, and mushroom spores, Bayer and  McIntyre 
discovered they could grow a foamy substance that would harden  into sheets of 
mesh that demonstrate an insulating power comparable to  that of _fiberglass_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/FIBERGLASS.html) . The two have just  
graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where they developed the  
product for a class, and are working full-time on testing it, making  
and preparing to manufacture it. 
"If you look at the financial aspects of it, the material is so  incredibly 
inexpensive that it could save a substantial amount of money  and energy," says 
McIntyre. "And it's good for the environment. It's kind  of a win-win-win." 
If Greensulate takes off, it will join a growing list of natural  insulation 
materials that appeal to homeowners concerned about the  environment. "I'm a 
big fan of bio-inspired design-looking at nature to  find solutions to everyday 
problems that we face," says Bayer. "I think  there's a huge natural toolkit 
available to us." 
Indeed, humans have been successfully insulating their homes for  thousands 
of years using materials found in nature. It appears our  forefathers were on 
to something that deserves-and is getting-a second  look. "There certainly 
seems to be a growing interest in more natural  building materials in general. 
terms of insulation, things like straw  and straw-clay are having somewhat of 
a resurgence. There's a discernible  growth in interest in that," says David 
Eisenberg, co-author of _The Straw Bale House:  Designing and Building with a 
Resource-Efficient Material_ 
YE3V68070EBTM3S&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=292858701&pf_rd_i=507846)  and  director 
of the _Development Center for Appropriate  Technology_ (http://www.dcat.net/) 
, a nonprofit that promotes sustainable building  practices. 
Straw-bale housing in the United States goes back more than a hundred  years, 
when enterprising Nebraskans, exposed on the chilly northern  plains, worked 
around a lumber shortage by stacking blocks of straw to  build their homes. 
Some of those structures, sealed with stucco, are still  standing today-a 
testament to straw's surprising durability. They've  inspired a renewed 
interest in 
this inexpensive, completely natural  resource, which boasts an _R-value_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/R-value.html)  as high as R-50.  
Fiberglass, by comparison, ranges from R-11 to R-30, according to the U.S.  
of Energy. 
Inspiration for insulation can also be found much further back in time.  
Wool, in the form of felt, has been the traditional covering for yurt  homes 
for a 
thousand years or more in Mongolia, where unforgiving winters  regularly 
register temperatures as low as -20°F. The mighty warrior  Genghis Khan most 
likely slept in a wool-insulated yurt and was none the  worse for it. Wool is 
still a common form of insulation among Mongolian  nomads, and it's finding a 
market in more modern communities, too. Sold in  rolls (or batts), sheep's wool 
desirable for its water and flame  resistance. It's renewable and 
_biodegradable_ (http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/Biodegradable.html) , 
insulates  on a par with fiberglass. 
Cotton is another natural material that's a good insulator, with an  R-value 
similar to that of popular _cellulose_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/CELLULOSE.html) . An added bonus for  
those interested in using 
environmentally friendly building materials:  There are cotton insulation 
products made from 
recycled fabric, usually  denim scraps diverted from the _industrial waste_ 
(http://www.blueegg.com/Green-Glossary/Industrial-waste.html)  supply. Its  hip 
factor got a boost when  Entourage star Adrian Grenier used recycled denim in 
a home he  built in Brooklyn. 
Rice hulls, which form the protective coating around the grain we eat,  have 
also demonstrated good insulating qualities, along with moisture and  flame 
resistance. Since the hulls are discarded as part of the milling  

[Biofuel] Eureka! Cliff experiment pulls plug on 300 year old law of physics

2008-09-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
Cliff experiment pulls plug on  300 year old law of physics
 A Revolutionary breakthrough claimed by a Paignton man  is to be 
investigated by top scientists. Ideas man Andrew K Fletcher claims he  has 
disproved a 
fundamental law of
physics dating back to the 17th century.  And impressed by the historic 
experiment at Overgang cliff, Brixham, to raise  water 78 feet without the 
of any artificial aids,
John Hunt, Senior  forestry Officer for Devon and Somerset who witnessed the 
experiment's success  last Friday said: 'It was quite impressive.

The rule that water will only rise  32 feet under atmospheric pressure when 
in a column was effectively  disproved."

But Mr Hunt explained that he is a  professional forester not a scientist and 
a report on the experiment would be  sent to the Forestry commission 's Alice 
Holt Research Station,
near Farnham  in Surrey, for further investigation. Mr Fletcher's experiment 
involves a long  water filled plastic tube, strung up the cliffside with both 
open ends placed in  two filled demijohns. A small amount of a salt solution 
is added at the top of  the tube before it is completely filled with water, 
this acts as a liquid pulley  says Mr Fletcher, lifting water from one demijohn 
to the other, thereby  disproving Torriceli's 17th century law.
This explains how trees can raise  water to their tops beyond the 32 feet 
said an ecstatic Mr Fletcher.  He believes that the discovery also suggests a 
mechanism by which all life on  earth has evolved from the ground.

The Experiment at Brixham  Overgang Cliffs where water flowed vertical up a 
single 6 mm bore tubing using  10 mils of salt solution, demonstrating that a 
tiny amount of denser solution  can lift effortlessly many thousands of times it
’s own volume in water without  any artificial aids, demonstrating clearly a 
non living physical cause of bulk  flow in plants trees, animals and humans. 
The 10 metre limit for lifting water  clearly needs some serious revision. View 
The Historic Event on Youtube as it  unfolded all those years ago and ask why 
has this important discovery been  ignored for so long.


Online experiment details:



Andrew K Fletcher

Online Theory with Gif  animation:

Medical Physics Newsletter publications:


The work Of Professor  H.T.Hammel:
Osmosis is the reason that a fresh water fish  placed in the ocean desiccates 
and dies. Osmosis is the reason that blisters  form on fiberglass boat hulls. 
Osmosis is how waste products of metabolism enter  and leave the blood 
stream. Osmosis determines how you, me and every living  thing lives and dies. 
would think that a civilization that spends billions  of dollars every year on 
medical research would understand something as basic as  osmosis. Wrong, 
wrong, wrong.

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Re: [Biofuel] Eureka! Cliff experiment pulls plug on 300 year oldlawof physics

2008-09-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
Andrew Fletcher applied what he was finding about gravity  to humans, and I 
am interested in the results.  I find that Andrew's  suggestions have proved to 
be very beneifical to several health  conditions.  I refer in particular to 
the Inclined Bed Therapy. I have  tried it, and know several members of a 3 
different groups whom use it  with positvie results of various sorts. I posted 
about the Cliff  experiment as well as the other urls as I am interested in the 
opinion of the  members of this group of this therapy. I have been in 
communication with  Sepp Hasslberger and others, including a alternative 
whom has had  very good results using it with many of his patietns. I would 
like to know  if any of you have tried it and the resuls.  

At  the second url below, there are many urls about the Inclined Bed Therapy, 
 plus a few testimonials which were originally sent to me by people I  know, 
if anyone is interested. [permission has been granted  to put them on Sepp's 
website ] How Andrew Fletcher concieved of  the Inclined Bed Therapy and what 
it is has been explained at  the first url.
   best  wishes
The Importance of Gravity to our Health  and Wellbeing, and its Relation to 
Rest & Sleep 
Each of  us chooses to ignore the power of gravity every night as we lay in 
our flat bed.  How safe is sleep in this position? How can it affect our health 
and wellbeing?  Many positive benefits have been achieved using this simple 
modification to the  way that we sleep and sit.The implications for this 
discovery are endless. This  discovery remains uncontested, logical and fully 
repeatable in simple tubular  models. The principle has been demonstrated 
some 3 thousand people at the  1997 London International Inventions Fair and at 
demonstrations at Exeter  University, Paignton Community College, Highweek 
Primary School, and many  others, including the main boardroom at Jaguar Cars. 
Page 3 of The Gravity of  LIfe at 
Medical Underground: Inclined Bed  Therapy

Life And Gravity: Sleeping In A Horizontal Position  May Be Bad For You
In a message dated 03/09/2008 8:30:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

You wrote:
>capillary transport is not pumped by  atmospheric pressure.
>  I dont understand why this is a new  discovery.

I don't know if your comments are  directed at my explanation of the 
Tension-Cohesion Theory or the recent  work of Mr Fletcher (original post).

Capillary  action contributes very little to the movement of water in  

The significance of the experiment:
At sea level, atmospheric pressure is only enough to raise water 
(against  no resistance) approximately 10 meters. In his experiment Mr 
Fletcher was  purportedly able
>> to raise  water 78 feet without the support  of any artificial aids,

My reply  (explanation of the Tension-Cohesion Theory) was in response 
to what I  believe to be an erroneous extention of the results.
>>This explains  how trees can raise  water to their tops beyond the 32  feet
>>limit said an ecstatic Mr Fletcher.


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2008-09-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
With thanks to Teresa Binstock
28 August *

*The burning debate 

*New York is proposing a statewide ban on the open burning of trash  and  
brush. Burning 10 pounds of household trash a day may produce as  much  air 
pollution as a modern incinerator burning 400,000 pounds a  day.

Canandaigua Daily Messenger _http://www.mpnnow.htt_ (http://www.mpnnow.com/) 
New York.

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[Biofuel] The FDA and Vitamin B-6

2008-09-05 Thread SurpriseShan2
>From the Dr Rath Foundation  newsletter
The FDA and Vitamin B-6
In recent issues,  we have told you about Medicure Pharma's so-called 
Citizens Petition to the FDA  to ban any dietary supplements containing the 
and active form of vitamin  B-6 called pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (P5P). A reader 
has asked: what is the  difference between pyridoxine, the most common form of 
B-6, and P5P? Most  supplements contain synthetic pyridoxine. Synthetic 
pyridoxine won't be banned  -- why worry? Good questions! The short answer: we 
live without the P5P  form. P5P is the active as well as natural form of B-6. 
Our lives absolutely  depend on it.
Comment: If you live in the USA, please _write to the FDA and  Congress_ 
(http://ga4.org/campaign/FDApetitions)  to insist that the FDA says no to 
Pharma's outrageous  demand to ban P5P, the natural and active form of 
vitamin B6.
The FDA and Vitamin B-6

The FDA and Vitamin B-6 In recent issues, we have told you  about Medicure 
Pharma's so-called Citizens Petition to the FDA to ban any  dietary supplements 
containing the natural and active form of vitamin B-6 called  pyridoxal 
5'-phosphate (P5P).  A reader has asked: what is the difference  between 
the most common form of B-6, and P5P? Most supplements  contain synthetic 
pyridoxine. Synthetic pyridoxine won't be banned -- why worry? 
Good questions! The short answer: we can't live without the  P5P form. P5P is 
the active as well as natural form of B-6. Our lives absolutely  depend on 
The key here is that your body can't use pyridoxine as such.  The pyridoxine 
must be converted inside your body into the active form of the  vitamin, P5P. 
Nor is this a simple process. First your stomach acid has to  separate the 
pyridoxine from other foods. Then it must be absorbed in the small  intestine. 
>From there it goes to the liver which actually converts it to P5P. If  
pyridoxine isn't converted, it can't do its job. Your body can only use the the 
That's why many people are low in B-6 as shown by blood tests. They may be  
eating lots of B-6 rich foods and taking supplements, but if your body can't  
convert these food sources into P5P, you will be low in B-6. 
Does this matter? 
Well consider some of the diseases linked with low P5P: 
-- cancer 
-- heart conditions 
-- asthma 
-- pain 
-- depression 
-- memory loss 
-- migraine 
-- PMS 
-- psoriasis 
-- carpal tunnel 
Actually the list goes on and on, but you get the idea. P5P is  essential. 
You need it for your blood to carry oxygen, for normal enzyme  reactions to 
place, for your immune system, for your brain's  neurotransmitters, for blood 
sugar levels, for hormones, for an endless list of  critical physical 
functions. But -- here's the rub. SOME PEOPLE DO NOT CONVERT  PYRIDOXINE TO P5P 
In some cases, prescription drugs are the culprit. They may  interfere with 
your body's ability to convert pyridoxine to P5P. Among the known  examples are 
some drugs for arthritis and high blood pressure among others. 
Let's now picture a world in which supplement companies are  barred from 
making or selling P5P. Only drug companies can make or sell it and  only 
can prescribe it. Your child is hyperactive or an elderly parent  has 
Parkinson's? You have to persuade a doctor to prescribe it. It may not even  be 
available in its pure form without other drugs mixed in. It costs a fortune. 
Keep in mind: this is a B vitamin. One of the most basic and  bio-active 
vitamins. We absolutely depend on it. 
VITAMIN B-6?  _IF NOT, PLEASE DO SO NOW_ (http://ga4.org/campaign/FDApetitions) 
.  _http://ga4.org/campaign/FDApetitions_ 
For more on P5P, an excellent summary can be found in  Naturally Well Today, 
Dr Marcus Laux, ND's newsletter, Jan  2008.

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[Biofuel] Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection?

2008-09-05 Thread SurpriseShan2
Agrobacterium & Morgellons  Disease, A GM Connection?

by Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins 

Preliminary findings suggest a link between  Morgellons Disease and 
Agrobacterium, a soil bacterium extensively  manipulated and used in making GM 
has genetic engineering created a new  epidemic?   
A _fully  illustrated and referenced version_ 
(http://www.i-sis.org.uk/full/agrobacteriumAndMorgellonsFull.php)  is posted on 
ISIS members’ website. 
_Details here_ (http://www.i-sis.org.uk/membership.php) . 
An electronic version of the complete report, or  any other complete ISIS 
report, can be sent to you via e-mail for a donation of  £3.50. Please e-mail 
title of the report  to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
CDC  launch investigation on Morgellons’ Disease

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the  United States announced the 
launch of an investigation on ‘Morgellons Disease’  in January 2008 [1], after 
receiving thousands of complaints from people with  this bewildering condition, 
which it describes as follows [2]: “Persons who  suffer from this unexplained 
skin condition report a range of cutaneous (skin)  symptoms including 
crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads,  fibers, or black 
speck-like materials on or beneath the skin, and/or skin  lesions (e.g., rashes 
sores). In addition to skin manifestations, some  sufferers also report 
fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint  pain, and changes in 
Morgellons Disease first became known in 2001,  when Mary Leitao created a 
web site describing the illness in her young son,  which she named after a 17th 
century medical study in France describing similar  symptoms [3]. Until then, 
people with Morgellons Disease have been diagnosed as  cases of “delusional 
parasitosis”, in which the symptoms are deemed entirely  imaginary, and lesions 
allegedly due to self-inflicted wounds. 
Indeed, the debate over Morgellons Disease has  continued in the pages of 
medical and scientific journals right up to the CDC’s  announcement [4-7] 
Dr. Michele Pearson, principal investigator for  the CDC said [1] that the 
primary goals of the study are “to learn more about  who may be affected with 
this condition, the symptoms they experience and to  look for clues about 
factors that might contribute to the condition,” adding  that the condition is “
complex”, and “may be due to multiple  factors.” 
In response to questions from journalists at the  CDC press conference, 
Pearson said:  
“ We are aware that many patients have suffered  from this condition. And, I 
can tell you that here at CDC, we have really been  seeing an increasing 
number of these reports over the past year or  so.” 
CDC’s investigation is to be carried out in  conjunction with Kaiser 
Permanente’s Northern California Division of Research  and the US Armed Forces 
Institute of Pathology. 
Dr. Joe Selby, Director of the Kaiser Permanente’s  Northern California 
Division of Research, said the study would proceed in three  stages. In the 
stage, they will identify all members who may have seen a  Kaiser Permanente 
physician with symptoms suggestive of this condition at any  point during the 
months between July 1 2006 and December 31, 2007, and  determine whether they 
meet eligibility criteria for the study. In stage two,  all eligible members 
will be invited to complete a comprehensive web based or  telephone survey 
conducted by the CDC that examines the duration and severity of  a variety of 
symptoms. And in stage three, those with active symptoms will be  invited to 
division of research for an extensive clinical examination  including 
collection of skin biopsies, blood and urine samples. 
In a paper [6] published in 2006, researchers from  the Morgellons Research 
Foundation [3] identified the states of California,  Texas and Florida as 
having the highest number of cases of Morgellons disease in  the United States. 
Primary clusters were noted in Los Angeles and San Francisco  (California) and 
Houston, Dallas and Austin (Texas). California accounted for 26  percent of 
cases in the US, but all 50 US states and 15 other nations, including  Canada, 
UK, Australia, and the Netherlands, have reported cases of  Morgellons 
disease. The two main occupational groups reporting symptoms are  nurses and 
teachers, with nurses outnumbering teachers three to one. The risk  factor 
common to 
both groups is suspected to be the possibility of transmitted  infectious 
Skin lesions and fibres may not be readily  apparent in all individuals with 
the disease, as family members of patients  often report similar systemic 
disease symptoms without skin symptoms. Families  in wh

[Biofuel] Spinal Cord Injury Theory Behind IBT & Spinal Cord Injury Recovery

2008-09-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
Spinal Cord Injury Theory Behind IBT  & Spinal Cord Injury Recovery 
includes 2 comments at end. 

SCI's and the Importance of Gravity  Dependence in Nerve Regeneration.. 
By Andrew K Fletcher. 

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[Biofuel] FDA Allows Irradiation of Produce

2008-09-13 Thread SurpriseShan2
FDA Allows Irradiation of  Produce

The U.S. government will allow food producers to irradiate  fresh spinach and 
iceberg lettuce in order to kill organisms like E. coli and  salmonella. It 
is the first time that the FDA has allowed any produce to be  irradiated at 
these levels. 
Advocates for food safety condemned the agency’s decision, and  asserted that 
irradiation lowers nutritional value, creates unsafe chemicals and  ruins 
The government already allows food processors to irradiate  beef, eggs, 
poultry, oysters and spices, but the market for irradiated foods is  small 
the government also requires that these foods be labeled as  irradiated, and 
these labels scare away most consumers. The FDA is considering a  proposal to 
weaken or change the labeling requirement. Sources: New York Times  August 21, 
Dr. Mercola's Comments: 
Irradiating fresh produce is a last-ditch attempt by the FDA  to make their 
supervision and certification of the crumbling food system appear  safe. This 
way, agribusiness can continue to grow and process spinach and  lettuce in the 
filthiest conditions imaginable, and it will still be perfectly  safe for you 
to eat it, thanks to the varying doses of radiation. 
What Exactly is  Irradiation? 
According to the Organic Consumers Association (OCA): 
“Bombardment of a food by ionizing radiation: “gamma rays”  from nuclear 
material, x-rays or high-speed electrons from electronic guns. They  are used 
kill bacteria in the food. Electrons are knocked off molecules and  ricochet 
around in the food. 

They break up cell walls, slice and dice  chromosomes, kill enzymes, and 
create free radicals (oxygen atoms missing an  electron). 

These free radicals recombine to form stable compounds, or  continue their 
destructive path. 

Some of the compounds created are known to be  cancer-causing (formaldehyde, 
benzene, lipid peroxides). Others have never been  seen or studied before.” 

Still, the FDA maintains that irradiated foods are no  different from 
non-irradiated foods (which is not surprising considering they  also consider 
from cloned animals the same as non-cloned meat). Yet, right  on their own Web 
site, they say, “Irradiation can produce changes in food,  similar to changes 
caused by cooking, but in smaller amounts.” 
Well, there are vast differences between a cooked food and a  raw one, and 
the FDA seems to be oblivious to these. They have also done an  excellent job 
ignoring the alarming data on food irradiation that has spanned  over four 
The following is a sampling of research -- appearing in  scientific journals 
and other publications -- that raise questions about the  FDA's assertions 
that people who eat irradiated food have nothing to worry  about. 

• An FDA report from1968 found significant adverse effects  produced in 
animals fed irradiated food, including: 
-- A decrease of 20.7 percent in surviving weaned rats 
-- A 32.3 percent decrease in surviving progeny of dogs 
-- Dogs weighing 11.3 percent less than animals on the control  diets 
-- Carcinomas of the pituitary gland, a particularly  disturbing finding 
since this is an extremely rare type of malignant tumor 

• A 1959 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that “a  significant number 
of rats consuming irradiated beef died from internal  hemorrhage within 46 
• In 1981, a study in Mutation Research found that “freshly  irradiated 
diets produced elevated levels of early deaths in [mice fetuses]...  The 
in early deaths would suggest that the diet when irradiated has  some 
mutagenic potential." 
• In 1969, a study in Radiation Research found “considerable  amounts of 
radioactivity were present in the liver, kidney, stomach,  gastrointestinal 
tract, and blood serum of rats fed irradiated sucrose  solutions. Radioactivity 
present in urine and feces samples.” 
• In 2000, a study in Food Irradiation concluded that "an  increase in 
concentration of a mutagen in food by irradiation will increase the  incidence 
cancer. It will take four to six decades to demonstrate a  statistically 
significant increase in cancer due to mutagens introduced into  food by 
When food irradiation is finally prohibited, several  decades worth of people 
with increased cancer incidence will be in the  pipeline." 

Not to mention that irradiation also destroys vitamins,  disrupts the 
chemical composition of food, and, as I said earlier, masks and  encourages 
conditions in food-processing plants. 
Do You Want Your Produce “Pasteurized”? 
Even if you ignore the reproductive dysfunction, chromosomal  abnormalities, 
liver damage, and strange gene-dama

[Biofuel] OT:Restaurant Serves Up Human Breast Milk as Health Authorities Wet Their Pants

2008-09-19 Thread SurpriseShan2
Restaurant Serves Up Human Breast Milk as  Health Authorities Wet Their Pants 
by Mike Adams
Health Ranger comment: 
Why don't people get so freaked out over human breast milk?  It's the milk we 
were all raised on, right? Apparently, health authorities think  human breast 
milk should be banned and only cow's milk should be consumed by  humans. It's 
insane. But at least one restaurant is now offering menu items made  with 
HUMAN breast milk...
Click to read: 
Restaurant Serves Up Human Breast Milk as Health  Authorities Wet Their Pants 
From Telegraph.co.: 
The owner of the Storchen restaurant in the exclusive  Winterthur resort will 
improve his menu with local specialities such as meat  stew and various soups 
and sauces containing at least 75 per cent of mother's  milk more 

Related Articles:
• _Stem Cells Discovered in Human Breast  Milk_ 

• _Preemies benefit from drinking breast milk over infant  formula_ 

• _Infant formula warning: The poisoning of infants with formula  products, 
and why breastfeeding is best_ (http://www.naturalnews.com/019338.html) 

• _Newborn nutritional disaster: only 14% of U.S. mothers breastfeed  their 
babies for 6 months_ (http://www.naturalnews.com/001766.html) 

• _All babies need breast milk, not just premature  ones_ 

• _Breast-fed children have better vision, study  says_ 

• _Dairy industry ridiculously claims milk prevents type 2 diabetes  based on 
distorted study (opinion)_ (http://www.naturalnews.com/019568.html) 

• _Brain health dramatically improved by intake of omega-3 fatty  acids and 
fish oils_ (http://www.naturalnews.com/016353.html) 

• _Raise Your Child's IQ With Adequate Amounts of  DHA_ 

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[Biofuel] OT: Canada's health care fares poorly when compared to Western Europe; study

2008-09-19 Thread SurpriseShan2
Canada's health care fares poorly when  compared to Western Europe; study 
Provided by: The Canadian Press 
Written by: Neena Chowdhury, THE CANADIAN PRESS 
Sep. 17, 2008 

TORONTO - Universal health care is something many  Canadians cherish and want 
to fiercely protect, but a new study finds it lags  far behind the standard 
of care that is commonplace in Western Europe. 
The study, called Euro-Canada Health Care Index, looked at  health care in 
Canada from the consumers' perspective at the provincial level  and compared it 
with that of 29 European countries. 
Austria was declared the winner, scoring 806 points out of a  possible 1,000 
points. The study said Austria has "a generous health care system  that 
provides good access for patients and very good medical results." Austria  was 
followed closely by the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Germany. 
Canada placed 23rd out of 30 countries with a score of 550. In  its scoring 
synopsis, the report said Canada's very high level of health care  spending 
means that when adjusted for bang for the buck, it ranks last. 
The study, released Tuesday by Winnipeg-based think-tank  Frontier Centre for 
Public Policy, examined several health-care quality  indicators such as wait 
times, patient rights and information, primary care and  access to own medical 
A summary of the report said Canadians rely upon a "sclerotic,  inefficient 
and remarkably stingy" system when it comes to providing excellent  and timely 
care to patients. 
When it comes to patients rights and information, Canada tied  with Poland, 
ahead of only Latvia. 
Canada shared last place with Ireland and Sweden for wait  times, which the 
report called the "weak spot in Canadian health care." The  study said 
Canadians can be subjected to up to four lengthy waits. 
The first wait is to see their family doctor or find a general  practitioner 
if they don't have a regular doctor. The second wait involves  seeing a 
specialist. The third is for diagnostic procedures to determine a  course of 
treatment, and the fourth is for the treatment itself. The report says  it is 
unusual for these waits to cumulatively exceed a year. 
But on the bright side, the study does say that with respect  to clinical 
outcomes, Canada compares well with the best performing health care  systems. 
Among the provinces, Ontario ranked at the top of the list "by  a clear 
margin," followed by B-C and Nova Scotia. Worst-performers were  Manitoba, 
Saskatchewan and Newfoundland. 
The Frontier Centre for Public Policy said the first  province-to-province 
index, which compares the health care systems of all 10  provinces, will be 
released later in 2008. 
It said assessing the strengths and weaknesses of provincial  health care 
regimes will shed further light on Canada's best and worst health  policy 

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[Biofuel] Baby milk powder suspected in new China health scare

2008-09-20 Thread SurpriseShan2
Did Chinese authorities put  off a decision to issue a nationwide recall of 
contaminated milk powder in  August, that has since claimed the lives of two 
babies, for the sake of the  Olympics?  
That is one conclusion  being drawn after it was revealed that Sanlu, the 
Chinese company that produced  and sold the tainted powder was advised to issue 
recall as far back as August  2 - six days before the opening of the Beijing 

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[Biofuel] Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days + Audio

2008-09-21 Thread SurpriseShan2
Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
(http://www.rawfor30days.com/themovie.html)  (http://www.rawfor30days.com/) 
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days is an  independent documentary film 
that chronicles six Americans with diabetes who  switch to a diet consisting 
entirely of vegan, organic, uncooked food in order  to reverse disease without 
pharmaceutical medication. The six are challenged to  give up meat, dairy, 
sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, soda, junk food, fast  food, processed 
packaged food, and even cooked food for 30 days. The film  follows each 
participant's remarkable journey and captures the medical,  physical, and 
transformations brought on by this radical diet and  lifestyle change. We 
witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is  revealed, with 
startling clarity, is that diet can reverse disease and change  lives. 
The film highlights each of the six before they  begin the program and we 
first meet them in their home environment with their  families. Each 
speaks candidly about their struggle to manage their  diabetes and how it has 
affected every aspect of their life, from work to home  to their 
_http://www.rawfor30days.com/_ (http://www.rawfor30days.com/)  ---  AUDIO
Running time: 91 minutes 
After arriving at The Tree of Life in Arizona, the  group receives entry 
exams and medical tests, and is placed under the care of  Dr. Gabriel Cousens. 
Cousens is a well known holistic medical doctor, as  well as an authority on 
alternative healing and raw living food nutritional  therapies. Medical 
discussions and group support meetings were held daily and  medical checks 
twice a day. The participants are encouraged to  exercise, practice yoga and 
meditation, and are taught about food selection and  preparation. 
Reactions varied to this regime. All experienced a  variety of emotions about 
the new diet and new lifestyle that they were immersed  in. Some adapted to 
the changes more easily, others expressed feelings of  deprivation and 
frustration with the shift from their familiar diet and  environment. After a 
time following the protocol, their blood sugar levels  began dropping without 
medication and they were delighted as their bodies felt  better and their minds 
experienced a deeper clarity. They began to believe that  it was possible to 
reverse their disease with diet and the transformation from  feeling powerless 
about their diabetes, to feeling empowered and healthy,  emerges as they 
witness dramatic changes within themselves. 
Simply Raw reveals, with startling clarity, that  diet can reverse diabetes 
and change the quality of people’s lives. The film  captures the human drama 
and struggle of these courageous individuals making a  quantum leap of faith 
from a traditional junk food diet to a raw vegan diet and  it shows revealing 
moments of nurturing, compassion, and human spirit. It is a  film about a life 
changing journey on a simply raw diet and how nature is the  original medicine. 
Additional wisdom is provided by Morgan Spurlock,  Woody Harrelson, Anthony 
Robbins, Rev. Michael Beckwith, David Wolfe and Doctors  Fred Bisci, Joel 
Furman, Gary Null, and Gabriel Cousens. More... 

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[Biofuel] Cancer Diets

2008-09-22 Thread SurpriseShan2
There are two basic ways to get rid of cancer - kill it and  'starve it'. 
Most alternative health practitioners recommend a plan which does  both.  Many 
foods 'feed' cancer, so this seems wise to me. And of coarse if  one doesn't 
want cancer back, then they need to change what and how they eat as  well as 
their general lifestyle. 
The Cancer Diet for Most Treatment Plans 
This is  similar in many ways to the candida diet.Thoroughly explained. Also 
good  guideline for healthy eating.I have this on a  Word document; email me 
at  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  if you would  like 
Nutrition—A Cancer Battle Plan
A General Cancer  Diet
 best  wishes

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[Biofuel] Vitamin B12 and Disease

2008-09-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
Vitamin B12 and Disease 
Vitamin B12 and the associated amino acids methionine and  cysteine are 
essential to avoid specific symptoms of anemia and the deleterious  effects of 
Vitamin B12, cobalamin, cannot be made by the human body and  requires a 
protein secreted by stomach cells, intrinsic protein, for uptake from  the diet 
from gut bacteria. In the absence of dietary B12, individuals can  develop 
pernicious anemia. Since vitamin B12 is used by enzymes involved in  nucleic 
acid synthesis, the rapidly dividing cell of the blood show the first  
Another feature of pernicious anemia is the production of autoimmune  
antibodies against gastric intrinsic protein. This means that even if the diet  
supplemented with vitamin B12, the anemic patient would show no improvement.  
Historically, the cure was beef liver juice containing B12 already bound to  
intrinsic factor. 
I enjoyed learning about the autoimmune aspect of pernicious  anemia, because 
when I examined the sequence of the human intrinsic factor, I  found the 
expected pairs of basic amino acids that I associate with strong  heparin 
uptake and presentation of allergens. Moreover, the structure  of the protein 
has not yet been determined and intrinsic protein has been called  one of the 
intrinsically unstructured proteins. Proteins with many  heparin-binding 
domains frequently only have a stable shape when bound to  heparin. I would 
predict that pernicious anemia results when intrinsic factor is  presented to 
immune system as a result of inflammation of the stomach or  intestines. 
Subsequently, anti-intrinsic protein antibodies block B12 uptake.  Pernicious 
is commonly associated with pathogen attack on stomach tissue  by Helicobacter 
pylori, the stomach ulcer and gastric cancer bacterium.  Treatment for B12 
deficiency has to bypass the required binding to intrinsic  factor and uses 
injection or inhalation of B12 supplements. 
There is also a group of proteins that bind to B12 in the  human body and 
apparently block uptake of B12 by pathogens. These proteins are  called “R 
 proteins and are present in the body in the same pattern as  lactoferrin, an 
antibacterial protein that binds iron, another critical limited  nutrient 
needed by pathogens. 
B12 is used by enzymes to hold methyl groups as the groups are  moved from 
one place to another on a substrate molecule. So B12 is needed to  donate a 
methyl group to homocysteine to regenerate the amino acid methionine.  In the 
absence of B12, homocysteine accumulates in the blood and begins to react  with 
the cysteines and lysines of proteins. It is particularly reactive with  enzyme 
active sites and inactivates lysyl oxidase, which cross-links collagen  and 
elastin that are needed for the integrity of heart and smooth muscle. 
Inability to regenerate methionine also eliminates the  essential functions 
of its derivative S-adenosylmethionine, SAM, which is  involved in polyamine 
synthesis and cysteine synthesis. Cyseine is an essential  amino acid that is 
one of the three amino acids in glutathione, the major  antioxidant of cells. 
Thus, a methionine deficiency can result in severe  oxidative stress and 
Disruption of normal nutrition, gut flora and uptake can  result in 
deficiencies of vitamin B12, methionine and cysteine, with a  subsequent 
cascade of 
oxidative events leading to inflammation, autoimmunity and  degenerative 
diseases. It seems likely that a similar scenario could be  associated with 
loss of 
physical activity and muscle mass (sarcopenia) of aging.  As the older person’s 
energy requirements decrease, less food will be required,  but the composition 
will need to be adjusted carefully to maintain a healthy gut  flora and avoid 
vitamin and amino acid deficiencies. I would not be surprised if  the diets 
of most older people are grossly inadequate to avoid deleterious  chronic 
inflammation. Poorly managed inflammation could account for most of the  
of aging and its associated degenerative diseases. 
On a closing note, alcohol consumption has be associated with  both hangovers 
and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. The hangovers are  due to 
alcohol conversion to acetaldehyde. Reaction of acetaldehyde with  cysteine may 
both a cure for hangovers and a partial explanation for  increased longevity 
associated with moderate consumption of alcohol. Moderate  and consistent 
alcohol consumption may cause an increase in cysteine storage as  a 
for losses due to alcohol intake. If the alcohol adapted person  has higher 
stores of cysteine, there may be a simultaneous increase in cellular  
with a corresponding decrease in oxidative stress and inflammation.  Decrease 
in inflammation is associated with increased longevity. Supplementati

[Biofuel] Some Farmers Now Protected Against Monsanto Lawsuits

2008-09-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Some Farmers Now Protected Against  Monsanto Lawsuits 
Farmers with crops that become contaminated by patented  genetically 
engineered (GE) seeds or pollen have been the target of harassing  lawsuits 
brought by 
biotech patent holders, especially Monsanto. 
But a landmark piece of legislation protecting California's  farmers from 
crippling lawsuits has passed through both legislative houses. 
AB 541 enacts protections against lawsuits brought against  California 
farmers who have not been able to prevent the inevitable drift of GE  pollen or 
onto their land. The bill also establishes a mandatory crop  sampling 
protocol to prevent biotech companies investigating alleged violations  from 
crops without the explicit permission of the farmers who own the  land. 
Sources: Organic Consumers Association August 31,  2008
Dr. Mercola's Comments: 
Imagine being a farmer who is trying to grow organic,  non-genetically 
modified crops. Then imagine those crops being contaminated by a  neighbor’s GM 
crops, whose seeds or pollen have blown over onto your land. Then  imagine 
Monsanto coming in and trying to SUE you for violating the patent  they’ve 
placed on 
those seeds! 
That is outrageous! 
Only a desperately evil company like Monsanto would have the  unbridled greed 
to pull something like that. What is most shocking, though, is  that Monsanto’
s practice of targeting farmers for patent infringement is common,  and well 
planned out. 
It is not only the farmers whose crops have been contaminated  by Monsanto’s 
GM seeds that are being investigated, but also farmers accused of  saving 
Monsanto’s patented seeds to use the next year. Never mind that this is  the 
farmers have operated for generations; saving seeds from one year to the  next 
makes sense financially and environmentally. 
Of course Monsanto saw it as a cut in their profits, so they  began to patent 
their seeds. 
Since the 1980s, Monsanto has become the world leader in  genetic 
modification of seeds and has won 674 biotechnology patents, more than  any 
But Monsanto is not only patenting their own GMO seeds. They  have also 
succeeded in slapping patents on a huge number of crop seeds,  patenting life 
for the first time -- without a vote of the people or  Congress. 
Farmers who buy Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seeds are required to  sign an 
agreement promising not to save the seeds or sell them to other farmers  (What 
the farmer doesn’t sign one? Not to worry, Monsanto has actually  admitted to 
forging farmers’ signatures on technology agreements if they didn’t  have one 
on file). 
The end result of the agreements? Farmers must buy new seeds  every year, and 
they must buy them from Monsanto. 
Monsanto’s Seed Police 
How would Monsanto know if farmers were reusing their seeds?  They’ve hired 
an army of private investigators and agents to do just that. It’s  difficult to 
say exactly how extensive this army of “seed police” actually is  today, but 
as of 2005 Monsanto had 75 employees and a $10 million budget solely  to 
investigate and prosecute farmers for patent infringement. 
Let’s just say, for argument’s sake, you were inclined to  agree with 
Monsanto about their right to monitor their seeds. They have, after  all, 
millions of dollars into these (typically toxic) genetically  modified seeds, 
and they need to recover some of that money. Well, can anyone  rationally say 
that a farmer is responsible for patent infringement if a seed  blows onto his 
Of course not. And this is where the bill AB 541 will protect  California’s 
farmers from this type of harassment. 
I don’t believe for one second, though, that Monsanto has any  justification 
in any of these matters. They are slowly working to take control  of the 
entire food supply, and this is not an exaggeration. 
Monsanto is considering using what’s known as terminator  technology on a 
wide-scale basis. These are seeds that have been genetically  modified to “
self-destruct.” In other words, the seeds (and the forthcoming  crops) are 
which means farmers must buy them again each year. 
This solves their problem of needing “seed police,” but they  are obviously 
looking the other way when it comes to the implications that  terminator seeds 
could have on the world’s food supply: the traits from  genetically 
engineered crops can get passed on to other crops. Once the  terminator seeds 
released into a region, the trait of seed sterility could  be passed to oth

[Biofuel] Variance in chemical exposure tolerance

2008-09-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Variance in chemical  exposure tolerance 
Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients,   August-Sept, 2005  
by Don Richard Paladin
In 2002 I wrote an article trying to help explain why one  person may have a 
low tolerance for a chemical and others may not. (1) Very  recent research 
from Canada may demonstrate a relationship between deficiencies  of enzymes and 
chemical intolerance. (2) I would highly recommend that The  American Academy 
of Family Physicians, The American Medical Association, and  others review 
their position on Environmental Intolerance (Multiple Chemical  Sensitivity). 
There is much literature sponsored by advocates for industry that  attempts to 
minimize the consequences of synthetic toxic chemicals by suggesting  that 
who report symptoms from these chemicals have psychosomatic  disorders. (3,4) 
There are likely relationships between environmental triggers  and 
psychological as well as other symptoms. Symptoms, however, are not causes. 
Dr. Robert Haley has reported a relationship  between Gulf War Syndrome and a 
deficiency of the enzyme serum  paraoxonase (Pon-Q) that detoxifies 
organophosphates. He has concluded that a  deficiency of this enzyme can 
explain why 
one soldier may tolerate a higher dose  of an organophosphate exposure and 
another may be damaged and become ill. (5) 
A recent report in the New York Times explains, "Citing new  scientific 
research on the effects of exposure to low levels of neurotoxins, the  Research 
Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses concludes in its  draft 
that "a substantial proportion of Gulf War veterans are ill with  
multisymptom conditions not explained by wartime stress or psychiatric illness. 
growing body of research suggests that many veterans' symptoms have a  
cause and that there is a "probable link" to exposure to  neurotoxins." (6) 
Recent research by Ella H. Sklan et al. may help explain the  Panic Attack 
and anxiety connection to  exposures to stimuli that may be toxic (like 
pesticides). "Serum AChE and PON  enzyme activities were both found to be 
affected by 
demographic parameters, and  showed inverse, reciprocal associations with 
anxiety measures." (7) 
If one has a much lower level than normal of the enzymes  involved in 
detoxification of any given stimuli (Pon-Q and organophosphates are  the 
example I am 
using), then one will have a lower tolerance to the stimuli. It  is 
interesting that a lower level of PON-Q and AChE may also be implicated in  the 
precipitation of anxiety. This suggests the lower level of enzymes and other  
biochemicals may be responsible for symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders. 
It is time we move away from a psychological explanation of  the cause of 
chemical intolerance and try to understand the rudimentary  biochemistry behind 
the illness. Not only will this information help those with  antibody mediated 
allergies but also greatly help those with intolerances to  environmental 
Since MCS (Chemical Intolerance, Environmental Intolerance) is  not an 
antibody mediated allergy, I believe allergy specialists and others  should 
acknowledge they do not understand the mechanism of the disorder and quit  
trying to 
discount it with a "psychogenic" canard. I am sure that anyone with  any 
knowledge of medical history knows that both antibody mediated allergies and  
were once considered to be psychosomatic. There is a great deal we don't  
understand. A little humility by the allopathic medical community would go a  
long way. 
There is now research from Japan in which they conclude: "MCS  patients do 
not have either somatic or psychologic symptoms under chemical-free  
and symptoms may be provoked only when exposed to chemicals." (8) 
Don Richard Paladin 
Bellingham, Washington USA 
1. Understanding Chemical Intolerance, an investigation by Don  Richard 
Paladin, _http://wsmcsn.s5.com/understandci.htm_ 
2. Gail McKeown-Eyssen, Cornelia Baines, David E. C. Cole,  Nicole Riley, 
Rachel F. Tyndale, Casecontrol study of genotypes in multiple  chemical 
sensitivity: CYP2D6, NAT1, NAT2, PON1, PON2 and MTHFR, International  Journal 
Epidemiology, doi:10.1093/ije/dyh251, 
3. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Under Siege by Ann  MacCampbell, MD, 
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, January 2001, #210,  p. 20-27 at 
(http://www.tldp.com/issue/210/mcsundersi.htm)  in  which she writes. "When 
confronted by the harm they have caused, 
corporations  typically blame the victims, deny the problem, and

Re: [Biofuel] Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection?

2008-10-01 Thread SurpriseShan2
Have you ever seen anybody with Morgellons  Disease? I have been hearing 
about this for 4 years and it the stuff that  nightmares are made out of, in my 
opinion. And now they know that it is on every  continent on Earth plus that it 
is contagious. Do you think it is credible that  GM foods could cause this?
Morgellons - Coming Soon To A Loved One Near You?
Morgellons is contagious.  Evidence increasingly indicates that the 
propagation of  Morgellons is enabled by a wide variety of environmental,  
and human factors. Mosquitos, fleas,  spiders and other biting insects also 
seem to have the frightening  ability to transfer Morgellons to a new host. The 
most striking symptoms of Morgellons are lesions and coloured fibers  growing 
out of them
Morgellons European Information Center
New; Symtoms; What  is it?; Resourses; Video; Photos; How To Contract; 
Symptoms, more.There are  however several theories that try to explain what 
disease is and how it is  contracted. Lists all available theories.
_http://www.morgellons.eu/_ (http://www.morgellons.eu/)   

The Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF)
dedicated to  finding the cause of an emerging infectious disease, which 
mimics scabies and  lice. We refer to this infectious disease as "Morgellons 
Disease"   Advocacy; Reserch; Symptoms; FAQ; Images; publications, more
_http://morgellons.org/index.html_ (http://morgellons.org/index.html)  
Photos, Videos, Petition, treatments,  more
_http://www.morgellonsusa.com/_ (http://www.morgellonsusa.com/) 
CDC to Investigate Morgellons Mystery
Sufferers Say  Mysterious Colored Fibers Grow on Their Skin, Like Hair
Charles E. Holman Foundation
A Sourse For Morgellons  Disease Information.
_http://cherokeechas.com/_ (http://cherokeechas.com/) 
Morgellons Syndrome
Truly lots of info.Infection or  Delusion; History; Syndrome; Symptoms; 
Message Board; Videos; About the Fibers;  Delusional Parasitosis; CDC; 
Lyme Disease; Scabies; Site  Map.
   best wishes

>  ---Original Message---
>  From: Chip Mefford  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Agrobacterium  & Morgellons Disease, A GM 
>  Sent: 29 Sep '08  12:20
>  > Original  very long and difficult to 'digest' post snipped.
>   This stuff about Agrobacterium is just about the most disturbing
>   stuff I've ever read in my life. And I've read some disturbing
>   things.
>  >From the abstract:
>  _http://www.pnas.org/content/98/4/1871.abstract_ 
>   (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
>   Genetic transformation of HeLa cells by Agrobacterium
>  "Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a soil phytopathogen that  elicits
>  neoplastic growths on the host plant species. In nature,  however,
>  Agrobacterium also may encounter organisms belonging to  other kingdoms
>  such as insects and animals that feed on the  infected plants. Can
>  Agrobacterium, then, also infect animal  cells? Here, we report that
>  Agrobacterium  attaches to  and genetically transforms several types of
>  human cells. In stably  transformed HeLa cells, the integration event
>  occurred at the  right border of the tumor-inducing plasmid's
>  transferred-DNA  (T-DNA), suggesting bona fide T-DNA transfer and lending
>  support  to the notion that Agrobacterium transforms human cells by a
>   mechanism similar to that which it uses for transformation of  plants
>  cells. Collectively, our results suggest that Agrobacterium  can
>  transport its T-DNA to human cells and integrate it into their  genome. "
>  So, all that messing about  with gmo crops in pursuit of dogged
>  dedication to 'owning' the  worlds food supply, they have engineered
>  a bacterium that can move  plant and animal dna back and forth.
>  This is just  brilliant.
>  At what point do folks realize what an  incredibly and i mean
>  INCREDIBLY bad idea this is?>   
>  --
>  Chip Mefford

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Re: [Biofuel] Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM Connection?

2008-10-02 Thread SurpriseShan2
Chemtrails... Mike, you  might be interested in this then 
Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying?
(http://www.rense.com/general71/mmor.htm) Over the years there have been 
several theories as to how 
Morgellens is spread  as well as to what causes it. Chemtrails is one of them. 
website has a list  of the theories as well as many articles 
_http://www.morgellons.eu/_ (http://www.morgellons.eu/)  - scroll down for  the 
articles like this 
one on chemtrails. 
   best wishes
In a message dated 02/10/2008 12:51:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

On how it's spreading so fast, One thing I'd look towards, along
with GM  foods is, Chem trails? Not to be confused with 'contails' from a  jet
engine's heated exhaust and water vapors. Chemtrails stay up longer  some
times all day to disipate. Observe the clouds plus maybe some Googling  for
more info on Chemtrails.
Mike  Pelly   Oly. WA.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2008  12:34 PM
To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re:  [Biofuel] Agrobacterium & Morgellons Disease, A GM  Connection?

Have you ever seen anybody with Morgellons   Disease? I have been hearing
about this for 4 years and it the stuff  that  nightmares are made out of, in
my opinion. And now they know  that it is on every  continent on Earth plus
that it is contagious. Do  you think it is credible that  GM foods could
cause  this?

Morgellons - Coming Soon To A Loved One Near You?
Morgellons  is contagious.  Evidence increasingly indicates that the
propagation  of  Morgellons is enabled by a wide variety of  environmental,
mechanical, and human factors. Mosquitos, fleas,   spiders and other biting
insects also seem to have the frightening   ability to transfer Morgellons to
a new host. The most striking symptoms of  Morgellons are lesions and
coloured fibers  growing out of  them

Morgellons European Information Center
New; Symtoms; What  is  it?; Resourses; Video; Photos; How To Contract;
Symptoms, more.There  are  however several theories that try to explain what
this disease is  and how it is  contracted. Lists all available  theories.
_http://www.morgellons.eu/_  (http://www.morgellons.eu/)

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[Biofuel] Medication-induced mitochondrial damage and disease.

2008-10-10 Thread SurpriseShan2
*Medication and ME/CFS?* 
By Margaret Williams 
Help ME Circle, 29 August 2008; Co-Cure: 

Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Jul;52(7):780-8. 

Links Medication-induced mitochondrial damage and  disease. 

Neustadt J, Pieczenik SR. Montana Integrative Medicine,  Bozeman, MT 59718, 

Since the first mitochondrial dysfunction was described in  the 1960s, the 
medicine has advanced in its understanding the role mitochondria  play in 
and disease. 
Damage to mitochondria is now understood to play a role in the  pathogenesis 
of a wide range of seemingly unrelated disorders such as  schizophrenia, 
bipolar disease, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy,  migraine headaches, 
strokes, neuropathic pain, Parkinson's disease, ataxia,  transient ischemic 
attack, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, chronic  fatigue syndrome, 
fibromyalgia, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetes, hepatitis  C, and primary biliary 
Medications have now emerged as a major cause of  mitochondrial damage, which 
may explain many adverse effects. All  classes of psychotropic drugs have 
been documented to damage  mitochondria, as have statin medications, analgesics 
such as acetaminophen, and  many others. 
*Medications documented to induce mitochrondial damage include  analgesics; 
anti-inflammatories; anaesthetics; angina medications;  antibiotics; 
antidepressants; anxiolytics; barbiturates; cholesterol-lowering  medications 
chemotherapy; and the mood-stabiliser lithium, amongst  others, including  
medications for Parkinson's Disease, diabetes, cancer  and HIV/AIDS."
While targeted nutrient therapies using antioxidants or their  precursors (e. 
g., N-acetylcysteine) hold promise for improving mitochondrial  function, 
there are large gaps in our knowledge. 
The most rational approach is to understand the mechanisms  underlying 
mitochondrial damage for specific medications and attempt to  counteract their 
deleterious effects with nutritional therapies. 
This article reviews our basic understanding of how  mitochondria function 
and how medications damage mitochondria to create their  occasionally fatal 
adverse effects. 

PMID: 18626887 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 

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[Biofuel] "Toxemia Explained," by J.H. Tilden, M.D.,

2008-10-10 Thread SurpriseShan2

This is an excellent book which is no longer in print,  called "Toxemia  
Explained," by J.H. Tilden, M.D., written in 1926. It is  available at  Soil 
Health Library free. You can download the file (it  is 151 pages): 
_http://tinyurl.http://tin_ (http://tinyurl.com/2foq29) 

It well worth reading!
Below the contents of this book.






By J. H. TILDEN, M. D. 
Copyright 1926, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1935
By J.H.  Tilden
Denver, Colorado 


WHAT more can be asked by any doctor or layman than a  philosophy of the 
cause of disease that gives a perfect understanding of all the  so-called 
To know cause supplies even the layman with a dependable  knowledge of how to 
avoid building disease, and how to cure. When people know  how to avoid 
disease they know an immunization that immunizes  rationally. 
Dependable knowledge of what disease really is and its cause is  man's 
salvation; and when it can be had with no more effort than that required  to 
carefully and understandingly Toxemia Explained, there is little excuse  for 
anyone, lay or professional, to live in ignorance of  it. 
Knowledge is power. Knowledge of how to have health gives  greatest power. 
Few people know anything about the cause of disease. To them  this book is 
dedicated and the freedom from medical superstition it will bring  them. 

_Download the entire text as a PDF_ 

Table of Contents 

_Introduction to Toxemia_ 
_Toxemia Explained_ 
_Enervation Is General_ 
_The Causes of Enervation_ 
A Few  Suggestions 
Dr. Tilden's Tensing Exercises  

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[Biofuel] People's Pharmacy: Sexual side effects of Prozac [ and other drugs]

2008-10-10 Thread SurpriseShan2
People's Pharmacy: Sexual side effects of  Prozac

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Re: [Biofuel] alternative to vaccines

2008-10-10 Thread SurpriseShan2
Mold and fungi make me  very uneasy. I am not saying that it is not a good 
thing, at least in some  circumstances. But for just one example, cancer is a 
fungus - this alone bothers  me. If one is going to use mold in the soil, I 
would advise  wearing a mask and gloves at the very least. And taking the 
clothes off  before going in the house. For some reason most people don't 
seem to  realize how easy it is for mold to effect them. Fungus is hard to kill 
and is a  very opportunist entity: by comparison both viruses and bacteria  are 
extremely simple to get rid of permanently. Even when one uses both  diet and 
anti-fungals to get rid of fungus in the body - the fungus has a  tendensy to 
hide in wet dark places in the body and as soon as the immune system  is 
otherwise occupied, come out again to cause untold damage. I do not like  fungi 
they are very  dangerous, in my opinion. I know somebody whom got a  bit 
mold/fungi blown into their eye... last I heard 10 months later, the eye  
still infected in spite of putting anti-funals in the eye  daily.
Understanding the Condition of Cancer 
All life on earth  is divided into five kingdoms: Plants, Animals, Fungi, 
Protozoa, and Monera  (bacteria). In short, fungi are not plants; fungi are a 
different and more  primitive kingdom whose differences provide the wherewithal 
to poison the  denizens of other kingdoms, including the species, Homo Sapiens. 
  Differences Between Fungi and Plants; many different forms of Fungi;   
Important Building-Related Illnesses and Exposure Sources;   more
Cancer and Its Connection to Candida 
From: Is Cancer Contagious? By David Holland, MD 
Fungus Causing Cancer -
Video. A Novel Approach to  Most Common Cause of Death. Interview with Dr 
Cancer as a Fungus
Candida’s Connection to Cancer 
From: The Pain of Cancer, article provided by: _www.turnerwellness.com_ 
   best  wishes

In a message dated 10/10/2008 12:19:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Perhaps if  people knew there are substances to cure flu and other viruses 
(pox et cetera)  vaccination would lose its charm.

fascinating presentation



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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] alternative to vaccines

2008-10-13 Thread SurpriseShan2
Well this is very sad.  Best of luck getting rid of it if you don't treat it 
as a fungus. You are going  to need it.
In a message dated 12/10/2008 10:50:22 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Cancer  isn't a fungus

--- On Fri, 10/10/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] alternative to  vaccines
> To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date:  Friday, October 10, 2008, 8:13 PM
> Mold and fungi make me  very  uneasy. I am not saying that it
> is not a good 
> thing, at least  in some  circumstances. But for just one
> example, cancer is a  
> fungus - this alone bothers  me. If one is going to use
>  mold in the soil, I 
> would advise  wearing a mask and gloves at  the very least.
> And taking the outdoors 
> clothes off   before going in the house. For some reason
> most people don't 
>  seem to  realize how easy it is for mold to effect them.
> Fungus  is hard to kill 
> and is a  very opportunist entity: by comparison  both
> viruses and bacteria  are 
> extremely simple to get  rid of permanently. Even when one
> uses both  diet and 
>  anti-fungals to get rid of fungus in the body - the fungus
> has a   tendensy to 
> hide in wet dark places in the body and as soon as  the
> immune system  is 
> otherwise occupied, come out again  to cause untold damage.
> I do not like  fungi - 
> they are  very  dangerous, in my opinion. I know somebody
> whom got a   bit 
> mold/fungi blown into their eye... last I heard 10
>  months later, the eye  was 
> still infected in spite of putting  anti-funals in the eye 
> daily.
> Understanding  the Condition of Cancer 
>  _http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/_
>  (http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/)
> All life on earth  is  divided into five kingdoms: Plants,
> Animals, Fungi, 
> Protozoa,  and Monera  (bacteria). In short, fungi are not
> plants; fungi are  a 
> different and more  primitive kingdom whose  differences
> provide the wherewithal 
> to poison the   denizens of other kingdoms, including the
> species, Homo Sapiens.  
>   Differences Between Fungi and Plants; many  different
> forms of Fungi;   
> Important  Building-Related Illnesses and Exposure Sources; 
>  more
>  _http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html_ 
>  (http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html) 
>  Cancer and Its Connection to Candida 
> From: Is Cancer Contagious? By  David Holland, MD 
>  _http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm_ 
>  (http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm) 
> Fungus Causing Cancer -
> Video. A Novel  Approach to  Most Common Cause of Death.
> Interview with Dr  
> Simoncine.
>  _http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=bb4n0hlhh1c0l_
>  (http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=bb4n0hlhh1c0l)
> Cancer as a Fungus
>  _http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/398.html_ 
>  (http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/398.html) 
> Candida’s  Connection to Cancer 
> From: The Pain of Cancer, article provided  by:
> _www.turnerwellness.com_ 
>  (http://www.turnerwellness.com)  
>  _http://www.turnerwellness.com/media/media-ia-cancer.htm_ 
>  (http://www.turnerwellness.com/media/media-ia-cancer.htm) 
>best  wishes
> Shan
> In a message dated 10/10/2008 12:19:37 P.M.  Eastern
> Daylight Time,  
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
> Perhaps if  people knew there are substances to  cure flu
> and other viruses 
> (pox et cetera)  vaccination  would lose its charm.
>  http://fungiperfecti.com/mycotech/index.html
> fascinating  presentation
> Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] alternative to vaccines

2008-10-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
I truly fail to follow  your logic here  - or is it logic? And cancer is a 
fungus, not a fungicide.  Though it has long been debated just what percentage 
of cancer were bacteria, or  virus or fungus - it being a fungus has not been 
under debate, at least not for  many years. It has only been the last 2 years 
that a doctor, Dr  Simoncini, proved that cancer was usually if not always a 
fungus. But I am  curious, please tell me why fungus can't replicate? 
as fungus is  a natural componate in the body; it only makes people sick when 
it is overgrown  and the natural controls are not working or are diminished. 
In a message dated 14/10/2008 1:33:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

cancer  is cell replication gone awry, something that is unfortunately quite 
immune to  fungicides.

--- On Mon, 10/13/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] alternative to  vaccines
> To: sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date:  Monday, October 13, 2008, 10:26 AM
> Well this is very sad.  Best  of luck getting rid of it if
> you don't treat it 
> as a fungus.  You are going  to need it.
> In a  message dated 12/10/2008 10:50:22 P.M. Eastern
> Daylight Time,   
> Cancer  isn't  a fungus
> --- On Fri, 10/10/08,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] alternative  to  vaccines
> > To:  sustainablelorgbiofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > Date:  Friday,  October 10, 2008, 8:13 PM
> > Mold and fungi make me  very   uneasy. I am not saying
> that it
> > is not a good 
>  > thing, at least  in some  circumstances. But for just
>  one
> > example, cancer is a  
> > fungus - this alone  bothers  me. If one is going to
> use
> >  mold in  the soil, I 
> > would advise  wearing a mask and gloves  at  the very
> least.
> > And taking the outdoors 
>  > clothes off   before going in the house. For some
>  reason
> > most people don't 
> >  seem to   realize how easy it is for mold to effect
> them.
> >  Fungus  is hard to kill 
> > and is a  very opportunist  entity: by comparison  both
> > viruses and bacteria  are  
> > extremely simple to get  rid of permanently. Even  when
> one
> > uses both  diet and 
> >   anti-fungals to get rid of fungus in the body - the
> fungus
>  > has a   tendensy to 
> > hide in wet dark places in  the body and as soon as 
> the
> > immune system  is  
> > otherwise occupied, come out again  to cause untold
>  damage.
> > I do not like  fungi - 
> > they are   very  dangerous, in my opinion. I know
> somebody
> > whom  got a   bit 
> > mold/fungi blown into their eye...  last I heard 10
> >  months later, the eye  was 
>  > still infected in spite of putting  anti-funals in the
> eye  
> > daily.
> >  
> > Understanding  the  Condition of Cancer 
> > 
>  _http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/_
>  >  
> > 
>  (http://www.winningcancer.com/txt/understanding-the-condition-of-cancer/)
>  >  
> >  
> > All  life on earth  is  divided into five kingdoms:
>  Plants,
> > Animals, Fungi, 
> > Protozoa,  and  Monera  (bacteria). In short, fungi are
> not
> > plants;  fungi are  a 
> > different and more  primitive kingdom  whose 
> differences
> > provide the wherewithal 
> >  to poison the   denizens of other kingdoms, including
>  the
> > species, Homo Sapiens.  
> >Differences Between Fungi and Plants; many 
> different
> >  forms of Fungi;   
> > Important  Building-Related  Illnesses and Exposure
> Sources; 
> >  more
>  >  _http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html_ 
> >   (http://users.rcn.com/leadsafe/fungi.html) 
> >
>  >  Cancer and Its Connection to Candida 
> > From: Is Cancer  Contagious? By  David Holland, MD 
> > 
>  _http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm_ 
> >  
> (http://www.mercola.com/2003/may/24/cancer_contagious.htm) 
>  >  
> >  
> > Fungus Causing Cancer -
>  > Video. A Novel  Approach to  Most Common Cause of
>  Death.
> > Interview with Dr  
> > Simoncine.
>  > 
>  _http://us.mg2.mail.yahoo.com/dc/launch?.rand=bb4n0hlhh1c0l_


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[Biofuel] How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave Birth To The National ID, A Government He

2008-10-19 Thread SurpriseShan2
How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave  Birth To The National ID, A 
Government Health Records Database, and the End of  Medical Privacy
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[Biofuel] Antibiotics Put 142, 000 Into Emergency Rooms Each Year U.S. Centers for Disease

2008-10-19 Thread SurpriseShan2
There are several very good  natural products though that are very good 
anti-biotics [i.e. colloidal silver,  grapefruitseed extract, oil of oregano, 
]. And for some they have the  advantage of also being anti-fungal too. This is 
good especially if the  infection is truly fungus which has morphed into a 
bacteria with no walls.  Fungus is so very adaptable.
  best wishes
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 13, 2008 

Antibiotics Put 142,000 Into Emergency Rooms Each  Year 
U.S. Centers for Disease Control Waits 60 Years to  Study the Problem
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[Biofuel] Is Cancer a Fungus?

2008-10-26 Thread SurpriseShan2
Is Cancer a Fungus? 
To Find a Cure for Cancer We Must Discover the True Nature of  the Disease
To find the cure for cancer, we really need to know what we  are dealing 
with. Why do cells suddenly start replicating out of control? Why  are cancers  
different colors, not 
normally found in the human body? Why do  cancers  spread through the body? 
More than a million species of fungi exist on earth, which can  be classified 
into two broad groups: yeasts and moulds. Fungi have various  shapes, colors 
and textures, can live on land in the open air or in the aqueous  conditions 
of rivers, ponds seas and inside living creatures. Fungi, have the  capacity to 
produce a fruiting body, reproductive spores, a covering like skin,  
arteries, and internal fluid much like blood. 
While plants, animals and humans are alive and well, the fungi  around us are 
unable to overcome the natural defense mechanisms of higher life  forms. But 
once death occurs, the fungi are the primary tool nature uses to  reduce all 
that once lived into the basic elements from which they were made.  This is 
what biologists call the carbon cycle. 
However, the exception to this simple equation of life and  death is that the 
fungi can attack plants and animals, while they are alive.  Fungal spores are 
everywhere, millions of tiny particles are in the air, and the  food we eat. 
They can enter the body in many ways, through the intestinal tract,  the nose 
and lungs, and organs exposed to the world at large. We generally do  not 
develop an infection from these intruders. However, when the immune system  is 
compromised, the tissues are poorly oxygenated, the body is malnourished,  
spores become the dominant life form and begin to grow. 
Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize Winner) found that simply  reducing the oxygen 
supply to normal healthy tissue, it became cancerous. What  he was really 
experiencing was that fungal spores, hidden in most living tissue,  were able 
grow aneorobically, becoming the dominant life form. Normal healthy  tissue 
needs oxygen to live and grow, cancer and fungus cells can use sugar as  their 
primary source of energy for growth, this is called anaerobic respiration  or 
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[Biofuel] Destroying our fixed ideas about Cancer

2008-10-26 Thread SurpriseShan2
Destroying our fixed ideas  about Cancer 
Listen and watch Dr. Tullio  Simoncini demonstrate live fungi colonies and 
their destruction with sodium  bicarbonate. 
Dr. Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science  for his genius 
and medical courage in discovering and developing what might come  to be seen 
as the single greatest medical breakthrough of the century. Literally  billions 
of people are going to owe him a debt of eternal gratitude. Simoncini  makes 
the connection that fungal colonies and cancer colonies are the same  colonies 
called by two different names. He is not alone in this and he is not  alone 
with the knowledge that sodium bicarbonate is effective at wiping out  fungal 
colonies. What he is alone with is connecting the dots between cancer,  fungal, 
yeast infections and sodium bicarbonate. 
Dr. H. Takeuchi et al in Japan analyzed 20 cases of urinary  fungal 
infection. Candida albicans was the most prevalent of the fungi affecting  the 
tract. Torulopsis glabrata and Candida tropicalis were also  prevalent. 
Antibiotics, indwelling catheter and obstructive uropathy were the  most 
predisposing factors of the fungal infection. Of 20 cases of  fungal infection, 
5 cases were cured only by elimination of the predisposing  factors, and 15 
cases were treated and resolved by administration of sodium  bicarbonate, 
5-fluorocytosine and or irrigation with amphotericin B. But one  case of 
renal torulopsiosis developed into renal failure, and 4 cases  died of the 
primary disease. 
Sodium Bicarbonate  has successfully proven its antifungal value in 
agriculture to resolve fungal  issues in vegetation, including many destructive 
diseases such as anthracnose,  powdery mildew, black spot in crops and 
industries.  It has  been successfully used to protect crops from fungus 
during  storage. 
Dr. Simincini uses the lab procedures and protocols for using  intravenous 
sodium bicarbonate as approved by the FDA for cardiac infarctions to  treat 
cancers. Being that the present day survival rate of 5 years in the  US is 
less than 2.75 % due to toxic protocols the medical profession uses, Dr.  
Simoncini’s outstanding success in the 90% remission rate and some as long as 
years should shatter modern medicine’s fixed ideas about cancer. “If the fungi  
are sensitive to the sodium bicarbonate solutions and the tumour is  smaller  
than 3 cm, the percentage will be around  90%, for terminal  cases in which 
the patient is in reasonably good conditions is 50% and for  terminal patients 
just a small percentage,” reports Simoncini, whose treatments  take 
approximately 30-45 days. 
Breast Cancer Patient in  Europe Shares her success with bicarbonate. 
These videos reveal an astonishing truth about cancer and its  safe 
successful treatment. For other videos see Dr. Simoncini’s site at 
_http://www.cancerfungus.com/_ (http://www.cancerfungus.com/)  Doctors and 
medical  scientists 
have made the mistake of assuming that fungal conditions develop  after cancer 
treatment have begun. Researchers contend that cancer therapies,  aimed at 
destroying cancer, also destroy the immune system of the patient  leaving them 
vulnerable to yeasts and fungi, which multiply out of control. They  consider 
these invading colonies to be "secondary" to the actual cancer. 
Candida, and its many variants are not only the cause  of cancer, they are 
the cancer. Cancer in great part is an invasion  invited by 
deteriorating/rotting cells) of yeast and fungi colonies. The 100  year old 
hypothesis that has 
led medical science in circles, that cancer are  human cells multiplying 
limit, turns out to be just another unproven  fantasy that no one has ever 
demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt. Dr.  Simoncini insists that there is no 
evidence at all for the genetic hypothesis  and this gets proven out with the 
fact that orthodox cancer treatments do not  work out very well. Modern 
oncology is a complete failure and every doctor knows  this in his heart and 
One will find many chapters on the subject of sodium  bicarbonate and also on 
mycology, the study of molds, yeasts and fungi. 
Takeuchi H, Arai Y, Konami T, Ikeda T, Tomoyoshi T, Tatewaki K. Hinyokika 
Kiyo. 1983  Oct;29(10):1273-7.
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[Biofuel] Video from KnowTheCause

2008-10-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Thought some of you would be interested  in this. It  is hosted by Dough 
Kaumann. It presents some ideas that many people are still  not aware of, 
they are facts. Many are not even 'news'; but for one  example, were in books 
which were studied in medical schools 51 years ago.   If you know the cause of 
an illness, then you are 50% of the way to curing it;  and at least know how 
to treat it effectively. Sort of like 'healing' the soil -  when you know what 
is wrong, what has caused the problems with the soil, then  you can to remedy 
  best wishes
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2008-10-28 Thread SurpriseShan2
By Walter Last 
Lack of energy and digestive disturbances, arthritic joint  pains, skin 
disease, menstrual problems, emotional instability and depression.  All 
symptoms of 
what I call the 'antibiotic syndrome' which  have greatly increased in 
frequency in recent years. 
On further examination, more symptoms may be discovered. Most  of the 
gastro-intestinal tract is tender when pressed, especially the small  
liver and gall bladder. There may even have been a gall bladder  operation that 
failed to improve the condition, sometimes even worsening the  symptoms. 
There could be a history of thrush or oral, anal or vaginal  itching. When 
these are present the diagnosis of Candida is obvious but it may  also be 
present in the absence of these manifestations and that can be somewhat  
The yeast or fungus Candida albicans, of course, thrives during  antibiotic 
treatment. I regard it as reckless negligence to prescribe  antibiotics without 
simultaneous fungicides and replacement therapy with  lactobacilli afterwards. 
I believe that this practice has greatly added to our  vast pool of a 
chronically sick population. 
However, the 'antibiotic syndrome' is not just due to Candida.  I regard it 
more generally as a 'dysbiosis' where the wrong  kind of microbes inhabit the 
intestinal tract, not just Candida and other fungi,  but many types of 
pathogenic bacteria including coli bacteria which are normal  in the colon but 
disease-forming when they ascend into the small  intestine. 
If the problem has existed for years, there is usually a lack  of gastric 
acid which then allows the stomach to be colonised by microbes,  causing 
inflammation with pain and later, ulcers. The toxins released by the  microbial 
overpopulation cause in addition chronic inflammation of the liver,  gall 
pancreas and intestines. I regard it as rather likely that a  chronic 
inflammation of the pancreas is a major contributing factor in the  development 
insulin-dependent diabetes. 
Bacterial Attack 
Specific types of pathogenic bacteria appear to cause or  contribute to 
specific autoimmune diseases. One variety of coli bacteria, for  instance, 
a molecule that is very similar to insulin. When the immune  system becomes 
activated against this molecule it may then also attack related  features at 
the beta cells of the pancreas 
Another type of bacteria, Yersinia enterocolitica, induces an  immune 
response that attacks the thyroid gland and leads to Grave's disease with  a 
overproduction of thyroid hormones. 
Ulcerative colitis is linked to overgrowth  with pathogenic microbes, the 
same as Crohn's disease, osteoporosis and  ankylosing spondylitis. In 
spondylitis the vertebra of the spine fuse  together causing stiffness and 
pain. Other joints may in time become affected. 
Klebsiella, another type of pathogenic bacteria, produces a  molecule that is 
similar to a tissue type found in people with this disease.  When Klebsiella 
numbers in the gut decrease, related antibodies in the blood  decrease and the 
condition improves. 
Rheumatoid arthritis is linked to other  bacteria, called Proteus. Proteus is 
also a common cause of urinary tract  infections. Women suffer urinary tract 
infections as well as rheumatoid  arthritis twice as often as men, while men 
usually have higher levels of  Klebsiella and three times more ankylosing 
spondylitis than women. 
In addition microbial overgrowth dam ages the intestinal wall  so that only 
partly digested food particles can pass into the bloodstream,  causing 
allergies. In this way all autoimmune diseases can be linked to food  
While rheumatoid arthritis is a frequent feature of the  antibiotic syndrome, 
and I regard it as relatively easy to cure, not many  sufferers of this 
disease seem to be interested in this natural approach. The  other day a young 
with severe rheumatoid arthritis knocked at my door to  collect money for a 
medically sponsored walkathon. When I told him that I do not  give money for 
drug treatment as it can be overcome with natural therapies, he  shouted: 'You 
are mad!' and left visibly upset. 
Other autoimmune diseases that have so far been linked  to dysbiosis are 
psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and pancreatitis. When  remedies are given that 
bind bacterial endotoxins, these conditions usually  improve. A further 
consequence of dysbiosis is susceptibility to food poisoning  as with 
bacteria, while a healthy intestinal flora prevents these  from multiplying and 
causing trouble. 
Staphylococcus aureus or golden staph cause serious infections  in hospital 
patients. It has been found that not only golden staph but also  other 
infections are greatly potentized when they occur with

[Biofuel] Fw: WHAT CAROLYN REALLY THINKS, November 1, 2008

2008-11-02 Thread SurpriseShan2
Date: 2 November  2008 7:57:25 GMT+11:00
So in 72 hours, we*ll pretty much know which clueless  candidate will preside 
over the total and complete demise of the United States  of America. In my 
interview last week with Mark Crispin Miller, 
(http://carolynbaker.net/site/content/view/816/1) > we 
discussed off the record, the likelihood of an Obama win, but a  neocon 
surprise in 
between the election and the inauguration that would keep the  government in 
their hands. I*m not taking any bets or making any predictions.  The only thing 
we know about the current regime is that anything is possible,  and nothing 
is beyond them. I say, if Richard Nixon had contingency plans not to  turn over 
the government if he were to lose the election in  1972, what on  earth do 
these maniacs have up their sleeves? 
Not surprisingly, the election drama is yet another  distraction from the 
brutal economic reality that has descended on middle and  working class 
in this nation. Today I was interviewed by Ben McGrath  from the New Yorker 
Magazine in preparation for a story hes composing on  collapse which includes 
interviews with James Howard Kunstler, Dmitry Orlov, and  Tim Bennett and Sally 
Erickson and possibly others. McGrath asked me how soon I  believe the 
American people will really understand that the empire is  collapsing. I stated 
Im not sure they ever will. Yes, there is likely to  be panic, civil unrest, 
massive violence, suicide, and all of the other  eruptions that attend 
societal unraveling, but it may be a very long time before  any of it is framed 
collapse. As we already know, Americans will do  almost anything to keep the 
show on the road or convince themselves that a  candidate, a party, or someone, 
something, somewhere out there will save them.  This is why I believe that 
penetrating the layers of denial of collapse in this  country is going to be 
remarkably more painful than it is likely to be in other  places. 
Who knows how badly the New Yorker will savage me or any of  the other people 
it interviews on collapse. I trust McGrath, but once the story  is in the 
hands of editors and a corporate media system, its a crap shoot. As  the old 
saying goes, **Bad publicity is worse than no publicity.** 
If you haven*t yet read it, I highly recommend John Michael  Greer*s book 
**The Long Descent**  which I will be reviewing on the site  soon. It*s neither 
re-hash nor a rebuttal of Kunstler*s Long Emergency. In  fact, much of the 
future scenario he describes resembles Kunstler*s novel, World  Made By Hand, 
but what makes Greer*s books so believable and important is his  emphasis on 
slowness of the collapse process, punctuated by abrupt tipping  points of no 
return that signal the end of the world as we have known it. 
I would argue that one of those is now occurring in Detroit  where as one of 
the stories I sent out today describes it, an economic Katrina  is unfolding. 
I déjà vu to the archival footage in End Of Suburbia and recall  the Great 
Streetcar Scandal 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy) > of 
General Motors, Standard Oil, and Firestone, in which all three  were convicted 
of undermining the public transportation systems of major cities  in America 
between 1936 and 1950 in order to keep consumers in their cars rather  than 
riding the rails or the bus. Karma is a wondrous thing, but what isnt  
are the lost jobs, looted pensions, and vanishing healthcare of Big  Three 
autoworkers who have absolutely no future as the American car industry  drives 
off a cliff. 
It*s been a bloody October on the stock market, and Christmas,  2008 promises 
to be the bleakest retail scene in recent memory. Americans are  not 
consuming at the rate they have been for decades. The upside is that they*re  
consuming anything but necessities; the down side is that it*s not by  choice. 
Soon one in four homes in America will be underwater, and homelessness  
to skyrocket while cities and states slash budgets and services. Yes  folks, 
it is the Second Great Depression, and any economist or researcher with  two 
brain cells to rub together will tell us that it*s only the beginning. One  
such astute observer is Stephen Lendman whose  The End Of Prosperity  article I 
sent out today and posted on the site. 
(http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=10771) > 
We*re going into a long, dark, cold winter, and the pallor  across America is 
palpable. I feel grateful for the opportunity to spend this  coming weekend 
at the Gathering Inn in Hancock, Vermont with my friends Tim,  S

[Biofuel] Dr. Devra Davis Explores the Links Between Cell Phones and Our Health

2008-11-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
Dr. Devra Davis Explores the Links  Between Cell Phones and Our Health 
Cell phones have redefined global communication. In the US,  nine out of 10 
people today use cell phones on a daily basis. But, as is the way  with most 
new technology, the wide adoption of cell phones preceded adequate  study of 
potential health risks. And there is growing evidence that heavy use of  cell 
phones could be contributing to the rise in incidences of brain cancer. 
Dr. Devra Davis _http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phone-radiation-levels/_ 
(http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phone-radiation-levels/)   , Healthy Child 
Board Member and Director of the Center for  Environmental Oncology at the 
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is  adamant about potential risks. 
argues in her book, The Secret History of the  War on Cancer 
_http://www.devradavis.com/books.php_ (http://www.devradavis.com/books.php)
, that the 
cumulative exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell  phones may be 
causing cancer in users. Most importantly, she stresses that we  just don’t 
enough about the technology to be sure it’s not harming us. 
Studies conducted in Sweden found that long-term cell phone  users doubled 
their risk for brain tumors, specifically, glioma, a lethal tumor,  and 
neuroma, a benign tumor on the hearing nerve that can cause  eventual 
deafness. Sweden was one of the first countries to adopt cellular  technology 
in the 
1980s, thus users with 10 years or more cell phone exposure  have been 
evaluated for long-term effects. Shortly after Sweden’s discovery, 28  renowned 
cancer biologists signed a cautionary advisory on cell phone use. 
Brain cancer is an incredibly difficult disease to study.  There are multiple 
unknowns and overlapping risk factors, and tumors take over a  decade to 
develop fully. It may be decades before we have conclusive evidence as  to how 
exposures affect the brain. Studying cell phone exposure is even more  complex 
because with millions of users worldwide, there are fewer and fewer  unexposed 
control groups. 
Currently there is no definitive scientific evidence that cell  phone 
radiation causes brain tumors, in fact there is much dispute among  
researchers. But 
we know very little about how cell phone radiation affects our  health.  Dr. 
Davis believes, as does Healthy Child, that prevention is the  best medicine. 
She has been in the news recently advocating precautionary  measures when it 
comes to how we use our cell phones. In particular she advises  against 
children to electromagnetic radiation. 
From cell phone industry data we know that electromagnetic  radiation 
penetrates about 2 inches into an adult brain, and even farther into  the 
skull of a child. Children’s brains are smaller and protected by  thinner 
bone, permitting deeper penetration. Most cell phone manuals, which are  rarely 
read, recommend that all users keep the phone away from their bodies and  hold 
the device as far from the ear as is feasible. 
Last year, 46% of US children aged 8-12 used cell phones.  Israel, England, 
France and Germany have all issued public health warnings  against cell phone 
use for children. 
Instead of waiting for our own government to issue a public  health warning, 
here are some preventive steps you can take to protect your  family and 
yourself from exposure: 
-- Electromagnetic radiation exposure is through the antenna,  and the closer 
it is to your head, the greater the exposure. The number one  preventative 
step you can take is to use a headset or earpiece to distance your  ear and 
from the radiation. 
-- Cell phone signals can warm the auditory nerve on the side  of the head 
where the phone is used. If you feel your phone is hot or your ear  feels warm, 
end the call and move to a landline or cordless phone. 
-- The highest brain exposure from radiation is on the side of  the head 
where the phone is normally held. Switch the phone from ear to ear  during 
to avoid localizing exposure to one side. 
-- Older cell phones (analog models) emit higher radiation  than newer, 
digital equipment. Have a look at this guide to find out  which newer models 
safer and where your current device lies on the  spectrum. 
-- Children under the age of 12 should not use cell phones  unless in an 
emergency situation. If they must use cell phones, make sure they  connect 
using a 
-- Turn your cell phone off when not in use (especially  overnight if it 
rests on your nightstand) and try to text message instead of  calling. 
Cell phone

[Biofuel] OT: George Carlin's Views on Aging

2008-11-07 Thread SurpriseShan2
George Carlin on age. (Absolutely Brilliant) 
George Carlin's Views on  Aging 
Do you realize that the only time in our lives when we like to  get old is 
when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're so excited  about 
aging that you think in fractions. 
'How old are you?' 'I'm four and a half!' You're never  thirty-six and a 
half. You're four and a half, going on five! That's the key 
You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You  jump to the next 
number, or even a few ahead. 
'How old are you?' 'I'm gonna be 16!' You could be 13, but hey  , you're 
gonna be 16! And then the greatest day of your life .. . You become 21.  Even 
words sound like a ceremony . YOU BECOME 21. YE!!! 
But then you turn 30. Oooohh, what happened there? Makes you  sound like bad 
milk! He TURNED; we had to throw him out. There's no fun now,  you're Just a 
sour-dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed? 
You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40. Whoa! Put  on the brakes, 
it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your  dreams are 
But wait!!! You MAKE it to 60. You didn't think you would! 
So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 and MAKE it to  60. 
You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70! After that it's  a day-by-day 
thing; you HIT Wednesday! 
You get into your 80's and every day is a complete cycle; you  HIT lunch; you 
TURN 4:30 ; you REACH bedtime. And it doesn't end there. Into the  90s, you 
start going backwards; 'I Was JUST 92.' 
Then a strange thing happens. If you make it over 100, you  become a little 
kid again. 'I'm 100 and a half!' May you all make it to a  healthy 100 and a 

1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This  includes age, weight and height. Let 
the doctors worry about them. That is why  you pay 'them.' 
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. 
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts,  gardening, 
whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's  workshop.' 
And the 
devil's name is Alzheimer's. 
4. Enjoy the simple things. 
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for  breath. 
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only  person, who is 
with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are  alive. 
7. Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets,  
keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 
8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is  unstable, 
improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. 
9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to  the next state; 
to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is. 
10. Tell the people you love that you love them , at every  opportunity. 
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER : Life is not measured by the number of  breaths we take, 
but by the moments that take our breath away. 
And if you don't send this to at least 8 people - who cares?  But do share 
this with someone. We all need to live life to its fullest each  day!!
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[Biofuel] Annuals converted into perennials

2008-11-11 Thread SurpriseShan2
There  is a new development in  how to develop perennials of some of the 
plants we use for our food  production, such as wheat.  Evidently there are 
genes responsible  for the distinction between annuals & perennials - seems 
that  a team of Belgian scientists found how to toggle the switch, so to  speak.
  best  wishes
Annuals converted into  perennials 
Scientists from VIB at Ghent University, Belgium, have  succeeded in 
converting annual plants into perennials. They discovered that the  
deactivation of 
two genes in annuals led to the formation of structures that  converted the 
plant into a perennial. This was most likely an important  mechanism in plant 
evolution, initiating the formation of trees. 
Annual crops grow, blossom and die within one year. Perennials  overwinter 
and grow again the following year. The life strategy of many annuals  consists 
of rapid growth following germination and rapid transition to flower  and seed 
formation, thus preventing the loss of energy needed to create  permanent 
structures. They germinate quickly after the winter so that they come  out 
other plants, thus eliminating the need to compete for food and  light. The 
trick is basically to make as many seeds as possible in as short a  time as 
Perennials have more evolved life strategies for surviving in  poor 
conditions. They compose perennial structures such as overwintering buds,  
bulbs or 
tubers. These structures contain groups with cells that are not yet  
but which can later be converted when required into new organs such  as 
stalks and leaves. 
Annual crops consume all the non-specialised cells in  developing their 
flowers. Thus the appearance of the flower signals means the  end of the plant. 
fortunately they have left seeds that sense – after winter  – that the 
moment has come to start up. Plants are able to register the  lengthening of 
days. With the advent of longer days in the spring, a signal  is sent from the 
leaves to the growth tops to activate a limited number of  blooming-induction 
VIB researchers, such as Siegbert Melzer in Tom Beeckman's  group, have 
studied two such flower-inducing genes. They have deactivated them  in thale 
(Arabidopsis thaliana), a typical annual. The VIB researchers  found that 
mutant plants can no longer induce flowering, but they can continue  to grow 
vegetatively or come into flower much later. Melzer had found that  modified 
did not use up their store of non-specialised cells, enabling  perennial 
growth. They can therefore continue to grow for a very long time. 
As with real perennials these plants show secondary growth  with wood 
formation creating shrub-like Arabidopsis plants. 
Researchers have been fascinated for a long time by the  evolution of 
herbaceous to woody structures. This research clearly shows only  two genes are 
fact necessary in this process. This has probably been going on  throughout the 
evolution of plants. Furthermore it is not inconceivable this  happened 
independently on multiple occasions. 
Source: VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology),  Belgium 
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[Biofuel] Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertili

2008-11-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
IssueTalk Communications 
Media Contact: NJ Jaeger 
Phone: +1-310-377-0915 
Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically  Modified (GM) Crops Threaten 
Human Fertility and Health Safety 
Advocates Call for Immediate Ban of All GM Foods and GM Crops 
IMMEDIATE RELEASE (November 13, 2008) 
(Los Angeles, CA.) - A long-term feeding  study 
(http://www.ages.at/ueber-uns/presse/pressemeldungen/)  commissioned  by the 
Austrian Agency for 
Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian  Federal Ministry of Health, 
Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary  University Vienna, confirms 
genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects  reproductive health in mice. 
Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this  infertility link along with 
health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all  GM foods and GM crops to 
protect the health of humankind and the fertility of  women around the world. 
Feeding mice with genetically modified corn developed by the  US-based 
Monsanto Corporation led to lower fertility and body weight, according  to the 
conducted by the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna. Lead  author of 
the study Professor Zentek said, there was a direct link between the  
decrease in fertility and the GM diet, and that mice fed with non-GE corn  
more efficiently. 
In the study, Austrian scientists performed several long-term  feeding trials 
over 20 weeks with laboratory mice fed a diet containing 33% of a  GM variety 
(NK 603 x MON 810), or a closely related non-GE variety used in many  
countries. Statistically significant litter size and pup weight decreases were  
in the third and fourth litters in the GM-fed mice, compared to the  control 
The corn is genetically modified with genes that produce a  pesticidal toxin, 
as well as genes that allow it to survive applications of  Monsanto’s 
herbicide Roundup. 
A book by author Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic  Roulette, distributed to members 
of congress last year, documents  65 serious health risks of GM products, 
including similar fertility problems  with GM soy and GM corn: Offspring of 
fed GM soy showed a five-fold  increase in mortality, lower birth weights, and 
the inability to reproduce. Male  mice fed GM soy had damaged young sperm 
cells. The embryo offspring of GM  soy-fed mice had altered DNA functioning. 
Several US farmers reported sterility  or fertility problems among pigs and 
fed on GM corn varieties.  Additionally, over the last two months, 
in India have documented  fertility problems, abortions, premature births, 
and other serious health  issues, including deaths, among buffaloes fed GM 
cottonseed products. 
The principle GM crops are soy, corn, cottonseed and canola.  GM sugar from 
sugar beets will also be introduced before year*s end. 
Mr. Smith, who is also the Executive Director of the Institute  for 
Responsible Technology says, **GM foods are likely responsible for several  
health trends in the US. The government must impose an immediate ban on  these 
dangerous crops.** He says, **Consumers don’t need to wait for  governmental 
action. They can download a free Non-GMO Shopping Guide at 
_www.HealthierEating.org_ (http://www.HealthierEating.org) .**
Monsanto press offices in the UK and USA were unable to  provide a comment on 
the findings for journalists yesterday. 
The Institute for Responsible Technology’s Campaign for  Healthier Eating in 
America mobilizes citizens, organizations, businesses, and  the media, to 
achieve the tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically  modified foods. 
The Institute educates people about the documented health  risks of GMOs and 
provides them with healthier non-GMO product choices. 
The Institute also informs policy makers and the public around  the world 
about the impacts of GMOs on health, environment, the economy, and  
and the problems associated with current research, regulation,  corporate 
practices, and reporting. 
Institute For Responsible Technology 
Media Contact: NJ Jaeger 
Expert Contact: Jeffrey M. Smith 
Phone: +1-310-377-0915 
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety 
Corporate Communication: Univ.-Doz. Ingrid Kiefer 
Tel: +43 50 555-25000; E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Austrian Study: 
Institute for Responsible Technology: _http://responsibletechnology.org_ 
Non-GMO Shopping Guide: 

[Biofuel] Ottawa to revive supplement safety bill

2008-11-17 Thread SurpriseShan2
This bill has nothing whatsover to do  with keeping Canadians safe, in fact, 
does the opposite. We beat it once  and can & will do it again. 
Ottawa to revive supplement safety  bill 
>From Thursday's Globe and Mail 
October 30, 2008 at 8:47 AM EST 
Health Minister Tony Clement plans to reintroduce  controversial legislation 
giving the federal government more oversight regarding  the quality and safety 
of supplements, vitamins and other natural health  products. 
A spokeswoman for the minister, Laryssa Waler, said yesterday  that Ottawa 
intends to go forward with new safety proposals to cover the booming  and 
regulated supplement field, but didn't offer a timeline. 
The decision is likely to cause another pitched battle within  the natural 
health products industry, where one major player, Jamieson  Laboratories, 
yesterday issued a public call for stricter regulations. 
It argues that current rules are so lax that Ottawa can't even  order harmful 
products off store shelves and is only able to issue toothless  health 
The earlier legislation, known as bill C-51, prompted a  vociferous campaign 
by some smaller health-products companies that said it would  lead to 
government restrictions on the types of supplements available on the  market. 
The bill 
died when the election was called. 
Jamieson had supported the previously proposed law and said  that even 
tougher standards were needed to protect public health from tainted  materials 
The pressing need for more oversight was highlighted on  Tuesday when Health 
Canada issued an advisory saying that a company  inadvertently sold a product 
labelled as containing vitamin C that was  improperly manufactured using 
vitamin A instead. The products were sold under  the brand names of New Roots 
Herbal Vitamin C8 and Vitazan Professional Vitamin  C Advanced Ascorbate. 
Health Canada warned the pills may contain high doses of  vitamin A, exposing 
users "to potential risks of adverse events." It urged  consumers, 
particularly pregnant women, not to use them. 
The warning is the latest in a long string of advisories  Health Canada has 
made during the past two years over undeclared drugs, heavy  metals and steroid 
hormones, among other deleterious substances, that have been  found in some 
natural health products. 
"Our government is committed to reintroducing food product  safety 
legislation," Ms. Waler said. "It was in our platform that we will  introduce 
product safety legislation that will be in the spirit of C-51." 
The numerous advisories risk damaging consumer confidence in  natural 
products, which are used regularly by about four out of 10 Canadians. 
Jamieson, one of the largest Canadian-based supplement makers,  held a news 
conference in Toronto yesterday to showcase its own product safety  protocol, 
which it says is one of the best in the business. It also renewed its  call for 
more federal oversight of the industry. 
Federal regulation has "been too slow and did not go far  enough," says Vic 
Neufeld, Jamieson's president and chief executive officer.  "The Canadian 
consumer has to be protected." 
Among Jamieson's safety steps are the auditing of its own  suppliers and 
dedicating about 20 per cent of its work force to quality control  and testing. 
Mr. Neufeld said one weakness in Canada is that a company  importing a health 
product ingredient only has to conduct safety tests on one  shipment from 
offshore suppliers each year. In South Korea, by contrast, the  government 
requires every batch that Jamieson sends there to be tested. 
But a spokesman for one of the companies that led the fight  against bill 
C-51 said his firm opposes more rules. 
Ian Stewart, director of regulatory affairs for Truehope  Nutritional Support 
Ltd., maker of a nutrient supplement the company purports to  help against 
mental illness, says new rules will be used by the government "to  restrict and 
remove natural health products from the market." He said the  beneficiaries of 
increased regulation would be the large drug and supplement  companies. 
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[Biofuel] CO-CURE: US Concedes Gulf War Syndrome Is Real

2008-11-18 Thread SurpriseShan2
Date:Mon, 17 Nov 2008 20:46:07  -0500
From:Deborah Waroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US  Concedes Gulf War Syndrome Is Real
Report to Congress: Gulf War syndrome is real 
A scientific panel chartered by Congress cites nerve  gas drug and pesticides 
used during the conflict as being associated with  veterans' neurological 
By Mary Engel and Thomas H. Maugh II  
8:00 AM PST, November 17, 2008 
Contradicting nearly two decades of government denials, a  congressionally 
mandated scientific panel has concluded that Gulf War syndrome  is real and 
still afflicts nearly a quarter of the 700,000 U.S. troops who  served in the 
The report cited two chemical exposures consistently  associated with the 
disorder: the drug pyridostigmine bromide, given to troops  to protect against 
nerve gas, and pesticides that were widely used -- and often  overused -- to 
protect against sand flies and other pests. 

**The extensive body of scientific research now available  consistently 
indicates that Gulf War illness is real, that it is a result of  neurotoxic 
exposures during Gulf War deployment, and that few veterans have  recovered or 
substantially improved with time,** according to the report  presented today to 
Secretary of Veterans Affairs James Peake. 
The report vindicates hundreds of thousands of U.S. and allied  veterans who 
have been reporting a variety of neurological problems -- even as  the 
government maintained that their symptoms were largely due to stress or  other 
unknown causes. 
**Recognition of the full extent of the illnesses suffered by  these veterans 
of the conflict and the obligation owed them is long overdue,**  said Marshal 
of the Royal Air Force Lord David Craig, chief of the British  defense staff 
during the war. **They are victims of the war as much as anyone  struck by a 
bullet or shell.** 
The panel, made up of scientists and veterans, called on  Congress to 
appropriate $60 million per year to conduct research into finding a  cure for 
**The tragedy here is that there are currently no  treatments,** said the 
panel's chair, James H. Binns, a former principal deputy  assistant secretary 
defense and a Vietnam veteran. 
The reports of a Gulf War syndrome have percolated ever since  the end of the 
war. Many veterans reported memory and concentration problems,  persistent 
headaches, unexplained fatigue and widespread pain. Some also  reported chronic 
digestive problems, respiratory symptoms and skin rashes. 
The new report is the product of the Research Advisory  Committee on Gulf War 
Veterans' Illnesses, which was chartered by Congress in  1998 because many 
members felt that veterans were not receiving adequate care.  Its 15 members, 
about two-thirds scientists and the rest veterans, were not  appointed until 
January 2002. 
Critics charged that the VA was reluctant to spend the  research and 
treatment funds that such a committee might recommend. 
Several reports had already been issued by the prestigious  Institute of 
Medicine, an arm of the National Academy of Sciences, concluding  that there 
little evidence to support existence of the syndrome. 
Toda*s report, however, concludes that those studies were  inappropriately 
constrained by the VA. 
The bulk of the evidence about the neurotoxic effects of the  chemicals to 
which the soldiers were exposed comes from animal research, but the  VA ordered 
the institute to consider only the much more limited human studies,  skewing 
the results, the panel said. 
**Everyone quotes the Institute of Medicine documents as  meaning nothing's 
going on here,** said Roberta F. White, associate dean of  research at the 
Boston University School of Health and the panel&s  scientific director. **Some 
people feel that the IOM reports have been  permission to ignore these guys. . 
. Veterans repeatedly find that their  complaints are met with cynicism and a 
*blame the victim* mentality that  attributes their health problems to mental 
illness or non-physical factors.** 
The panel urged VA to instruct the Institute of Medicine to  redo its reports 
and take into consideration all the available animal research. 
The new report says that scientific evidence **leaves no  question that Gulf 
War illness is a real condition,** and it cites dozens of  research studies 
that have identified **objective biological measures** that  distinguish 
veterans with the illness from healthy controls. 
The major causes of the disorder appear to be self-inflicted.  Pyridostigmine 
bromide was given to hundreds of thousands of troops in the fear  that the 
Iraqis would unleash chemical warfare against them. 
The pesticides cited in the report were sprayed not only  around living and 
dining areas, but also on tents and uniforms, White said. 
Another, although probably lesser cause, was the U.S.  demolition of Iraqi 
munitions near Khamisiyah, which may have 

[Biofuel] VIDEO+CNN ARTICLE+CDC RESEARCH -Gulf War illness is real, new federal report

2008-11-18 Thread SurpriseShan2
Report: Gulf War illness real 2 CNN's Elizabeth Cohen says a  new report 
validates Gulf War illness and urges help for veterans. 

Gulf War illness is real, new federal  report says 
CNN By Alan Silverleib  
Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf  War Veterans 
Scientific Findings and Recommendations 
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War  Veterans’ 
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention  (CDC)  
465 pages- 6.98  MB

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[Biofuel] Alternatives To Root Canals, Yes They Exist!

2008-11-23 Thread SurpriseShan2
Alternatives To Root Canals, Yes They Exist! 
You are diagnosed with needing a root canal, you want an  alternative, what 
can you do? 
Get A Second Opinion 
If your tooth does not hurt, and you do not feel any pain,  then you have 
plenty of time to go see another dentist or two. 
If you do not have an infection, then what are the benefits of  getting a 
root canal done? 
Here is a resource to determine if your tooth is  infected  
(http://www.curetoothdecay.com/Tooth_Decay/tooth_pain.htm). The symptom 
lists helps you narrow down what the 
meaning of different types of  tooth pain is. Generally, swelling beyond just 
the gums, or pus filled areas on  your gum indicate a tooth infection. Just gum 
swelling without pus might  indicate a gum infection. _http:/
Not all tooth pain and swelling occur because the tooth root  is infected. It 
could also mean that gum tissue has abscessed. Gum tissue  infections can be 
healed without a root canal. 
The Problems with Root Canals 
What Dr. Price and Dr. Meinig showed is that there is more  than a large 
central nerve-canal space to worry about, but, rather, that there  are millions 
little tunnels coming off the central nerve-canal space  radiating through 
the body of the tooth root to the exterior surface of the  tooth root. The 
root surface is in contact with the blood stream and then  bone. The tubules 
within the tooth, comprise literally miles of tunnels into  which bacteria 
from the nerve-canal space can go and hide. This has been is  shown by the 
(http://www.curetoothdecay.com/Root_Canal/microscope_tooth.htm)   ! The areas 
of tooth disconnected from the vital blood can begin expell toxic  material 
into the body. This does not happen to everyone, but to some people.  This is 
the problem with root canals. 
Convential Treatment Claims No Other Options To Root  Canals 
The typical dental perspective is as follows: 
**If root canal therapy is indicated for a tooth there really  is no 
alternative treatment other than an extraction.**
Pro's and Con's of Tooth Extraction  Alternative 
The positive side of a tooth extraction is that it is quick,  and cheap and 
you do not have to get a root canal! 
The negative side is that you are left without your tooth to  chew food with. 
Many times, the gum and surrounding tooth tissue is already  weak, so the 
space near the extracted tooth becomes clumsy, and as a result, the  
jaw/tooth/bone structure is compromised. The only solution if this happens, is 
a  dental 
bridge, or a dental implant. This then becomes financially about the same  cost 
as a root canal, however, you won't have a dead tooth in your mouth. 
There is an Alternative to Root Canals 
Despite the common belief that there is no alternative to root  canals other 
than having the tooth pull, there IS another way! 
Our body can protect itself from infection when we carefully  eat foods that 
keep our body in balance. It requires the strictest of principles  to follow 
such a diet. Currently I have three testimonials of people healing  tooth 
infections, two of which were very significant, using whole foods. 
Right now I am still getting the recpie for one of the dishes. 
Let me give you some free pointers to heal tooth infections: 
1. Eliminate ALL processed sugar, especially foods containing  white sugar, 
and greatly limit natural sugars (temporarily) 
2. Drink certified raw milk from pasture raised animals.  (pasteurized milk 
won't provide the same benefits) 
3. Eat raw meat. Raw fish, like sashimi (white rice is  probably not good in 
the case of infection) or raw beef like steak tartar. 
4. Eat plenty of very yellow butter, preferably raw butter.  Now is not the 
time to limit fat or worry about cholesterol, but rather it is a  time to give 
your body what it needs. 
5. Strictly avoid flour products, especially white bread or so  called whole 
wheat bread and other white flour products. White flour will cause  tooth 
infections sometimes within a few minutes. Limit grains to eating grains  that 
freshly ground and then fermented, like sourdough. In addition to this,  
there are some topical ways to help heal the tooth infection using natural  
Tooth Infection Halting Recipe 
1lb raw ground pastured bison, beef, or lamb 
4oz of yellow  butter (kerrygold, anchor, or a local butter) 
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper  

[Biofuel] Health Risks of Hybrid Cars Have Been Misrepresented by the Media

2008-12-06 Thread SurpriseShan2
Health Risks of Hybrid Cars Have Been  Misrepresented by the Media 
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[Biofuel] How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds

2008-12-08 Thread SurpriseShan2
How To Legally Avoid Unwanted  Immunizations Of All Kinds 
As you read this work and put its principles into practice,  there are two 
basic axioms you never want to forget. They are the rock upon  which all your 
actions are based. 
1. Nobody, anywhere or any time and under any  circumstances has the right or 
power in this country to immunize you or your  children against your will and 
conviction. If they attempt to do so,  you can legally charge them with 
"assault with a deadly weapon" and have the  full resources of our laws behind 
2. At all times in attempting to avoid unwanted immunization,  you have the 
Law of the Land behind you. Those who would try to vaccinate you  against your 
will are on very shaky ground. Into every compulsory immunization  law in 
America are written legal exceptions and waivers which are there  specifically 
protect you from the attempted tyranny of officialdom. It is not  only your 
right, but your obligation to use them, if this is what your  conscience tells 
Article I 
In all your contacts with any member of the school, public  health, or legal 
establishment, always remain calm, courteous, and humbly  reverent toward 
their position. You are only asking of them that which the law  duty binds them 
give you. There is no reason, or advantage, to be gained by  antagonizing 
Most of these officials believe they are discharging their  trust as outlined 
by law. If they are overstepping the law, then you must very  diplomatically 
bring the true facts to their attention, but without attempting  to belittle 
The more you can preserve their ego, the more easily and  quickly you are 
likely to get what you desire - a waiver of immunization. 
Rule No. 1: 
Do not harass, belittle, or antagonize officials  unnecessarily. 
Article 2 
All compulsory laws concerning vaccination (including the  military) contain 
exceptions and waivers. It is these protections placed in the  laws that you 
may legally use to exclude yourself and your children.  Surprisingly, these 
exceptions were placed there, not for your sake (although  you may take 
of them), but for the protection of the establishment. 
How is this? Let us assume that these exceptions were not  there and everyone 
was actually forced to be immunized. Should a child die or  become mentally 
or physically disabled, the parent would have the perfect case  to sue the 
doctor, the school, the health department, and even the state  legislature for 
enormous damages. 
Since they allowed no exceptions, they must accept full  responsibility for 
all the adverse consequences of the law. 
However, if exception waivers are placed in the law, the  responsibility is 
then transferred back to the parent. If a child should be  injured by 
immunization, the officials can say, **Well, the parent should have  exempted 
him if 
they thought there was any danger.** 
Therefore, there is in truth no such thing as a compulsory  vaccination law 
in this country. They are ALL, in essence,  voluntary. The problem is that 
practically no one in authority  will let you know this fact. 
Rule No. 2: 
There are no compulsory vaccination laws. All are voluntary,  and you are 
held responsible for the adverse results upon you or your children. 
Article 3 
While all immunization laws have exceptions you can use, the  wording in each 
state differs, and you must know the exact wording for your  state to make 
the proper request of waiver. This information can be obtained in  one of two 
1. Go to the reference section of your local library- look in  the State 
Statute Revised Law Book under Public Health Law or Communicable  Disease 
sections. The list of immunization requirements will appear first and  then the 
exemptions will be given. Usually one or two provisions will be listed:  either 
religious or medical grounds or both. 
2. You may call or write your state representative and ask for  a copy of the 
immunization laws in your state. Making this available is part of  his job, 
and it will be sent promptly. 
Rule No. 3: 
Know your own state law so that you can conform to its exact  requirements 
for exemption. 
Article 4 
There are two basic reasons for exception - medical or  religious. Which one 
you choose will often depend upon the wording of the law in  your state and 
your personal convictions. 
We shall discuss medical exemption first. While laws do vary,  nearly all 
states require that a note or certificate of waiver be submitted by a  
licensed in the state of residence. In some areas where states are  small and 
people continually travel from one to another for business, a  statement from 
a physician in a contiguous state will be accepted. 
In this letter it is usually necessary to state the reason for  the 

Re: [Biofuel] How To Legally Avoid Unwanted Immunizations Of All Kinds

2008-12-09 Thread SurpriseShan2
Thank you for this and the video url. I know a couple people  whom even got 
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis [ ME/CFS ]  from vaccinations.  One of those took the 
company to court and won - I know the medical  specialist for ME whom was one 
of the 'experts' questioned at the  trial for knowledge about what ME was and 
was not.  But ME  is  the least of the serious problems which vaccinations 
cause; in my opinion  anyways.
   best  wishes
In a message dated 09/12/2008 1:10:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


> There really seems to be a lot of confusion on the  matters of
> immunization.  Those that are worried about every  potential disease
> killing off 90% of humanity (in the one extreme) and  those that don't
> think it could happen.  There are those that  think that a vaccine is
> totally toxic to the human body and those that  do not.
> Honestly, most vaccines are helpful.  However,  other items that go
> along with them are potentially  dangerous.

This has now become a major understatement. The ethical  foundation of vaccine
integrity in manufacturing has been severely  breached. The days of blind 
that these people wish do do us no harm  is over for me and my family and for
many others.
See this chilling  video where cancer viruses in vaccines were known to exist
and still  administered. Listen to the statements of Dr Stilleman, the Merk  
vaccine developer. What is most chilling is how they laugh and think  aids and
cancer viruses in vaccines are somehow funny!!!
And a  report just came out on the news this am that cancer will soon be  the
leading cause of death over heart  disease.
In my opinion, this  now reaches to the level of eugenics.

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[Biofuel] OT: PRUDEN: The killer frost for global warming

2008-12-17 Thread SurpriseShan2
PRUDEN: The killer frost for global  warming 
Wesley Pruden 
Turn up the heat, somebody. The globe is freezing. Even Al  Gore is looking 
for an extra blanket. Winter has barely come to the northern  latitudes and 
already we*ve got bigger goosebumps than usual. So far the  National Oceanic 
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports 63 record  snowfalls in the United 
States, 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month. Only  44 Octobers over the 
past 114 years have been cooler than this last one. 
The polar ice is accumulating faster than usual, and some of  the experts now 
concede that the globe hasn*t warmed since 1995. You may have  noticed, in 
fact, that Al and his pals, having given up on the sun, no longer  even warn of 
global warming. Now it*s **climate change.** The marketing men  enlisted by Al 
and the doom criers to come up with a flexible **brand** took a  cue from the 
country philosopher who observed, correctly, that **if you've got  one foot 
in the fire and the other in a bucket of ice, on average you're warm.**  On 
average, **climate change** covers every possibility. 
This is similar to the science practiced by Dr. James Hansen  at NASA*s 
Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the source of much of the voodoo  that Al 
has been peddling since the doctor showed up at a Senate hearing in  1988 and 
told ghost stories that Al swallowed whole. Only last month Dr.  Hansen*s 
institute announced that October was the hottest on record, and then  said  
never mind.** The London Daily Telegraph calls this **a surreal  blunder 
[that] raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that  underpin 
the worldwide alarm over global warming.** 
In this account, the institute had to make the humiliating  climb-down after 
two leading skeptics of the global-warming scam, Anthony Watts,  an American 
meteorologist, and Steve McIntyre, a Canadian computer analyst,  discovered 
that temperature readings from September had been carried over and  repeated 
We should sigh, shrug and give the scientists at NASA the  benefit of the 
doubt that this was a mistake and not a deliberate howl at the  moon. A 
for the institute explains that readings borrowed from Russia,  which had 
been described as 10 degrees higher than normal for October, distorted  the 
figures but, after all, the data had been obtained from others. So we should  
someone else. 
This is the science we*re expected to take on faith. The false  figures - we 
must be generous and not say **faked**  - were supplied by the  United Nations 
International Panel on Climate Change. These are the most widely  quoted 
readings, and consistently show higher temperatures than other **data  sets.**  
Would the United Nations lie? (No giggling, please.) 
This sets a new standard for hubris, arrogance and haughty  self-importance. 
Skeptics of the global-warming scam, even those with  unquestioned academic 
and real-world credentials, are treated as ignorant  pariahs by pundits, 
presidential candidates and other politicians who know  better, or ought to. 

Al Gore 
This is not the first time, writes Christopher Booker in the  Daily 
Telegraph, that Dr. Hansen*s methodology has been sharply questioned. Two  
years ago, 
Messrs. Watts and McIntyre, the bloggers who caught the October  fiasco, forced 
him to withdraw his published findings on surface temperatures in  the United 
States, to correct his claim that the hottest decade of the 20th  century was 
the 1990s. It was the 1930s, when the much-maligned sport utility  vehicle 
was still a truck and Detroit made economical cars everybody wanted. 
Man*s notion that his science can realign the stars, adjust  the orbit of 
planets and reorganize the universe leads him to say silly things  and assert 
goofy claims. Saying silly things and asserting goofy claims is  usually 
as entertainment, so long as the claims are subjected to  rigorous analysis 
and debate. But contrarian arguments about global warming,  climate change and 
freezing heat are not tolerated by the scientists with an  uneasy grip on the 
research money. 
It*s clear now that the earth has been cooling for the past  decade, to the 
sorrow of the special pleaders and despite everything Al can do  about it. The 
solar cycle peaked, the sun is quieter, the sunspots have faded  and everybody 
but Al is cooling off. 
Even the United Nations says so. The director of the U.N.*s  panel on climate 
change concedes that nature has overwhelmed everything man can  do and it 
might even be another decade before man can rally and the warming  resumes. 
then, like it or not, nature rules the cosmos. 
• Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington  Times. 

[Biofuel] Easy, Breezy Greenies: An Energy Star Home in New York

2008-12-18 Thread SurpriseShan2
Easy, Breezy Greenies: An Energy Star Home in New  York 
Going green is sumptuous and simple in this suburban New  York home that 
emits almost no  carbon.

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[Biofuel] Merry Christmas

2008-12-18 Thread SurpriseShan2
Merry  Christmas
Santa's  Deer
and  more
best for  last?

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[Biofuel] Save Forest - Upload Christmas Tree Photos

2008-12-20 Thread SurpriseShan2
I found this info at a  group called Unconventional Medicine, which I joined 
a few months ago to learn  about medical uses for using ozone, as well as ways 
of doing  this.
You can  save  1 sq. foot of forest just by sharing  your decorated Christmas 
tree  photo on the world map here: _http://worldchristmastree.com  _ 
(http://worldchristmastree.com  ) 
The  goal is to reach 100 000 sq. feet of  forests saved this Christmas.
  many blessings
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[Biofuel] Normal Candida Versus Candida Overgrowth

2009-01-27 Thread SurpriseShan2
Normal Candida Versus Candida  Overgrowth 
© Copyright Bee Wilder 
Candida in its normal state is a friendly organism that is  essential to the 
functioning of the body. Candida albicans lives in all our  mucus membranes, 
i.e. eyes, ears, mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines,  bladder, 
genitals, etc. 
Candida in its normal state it is one of the billions of  friendly 
microorganisms that serve a useful purpose in the body. One of candida  
important functions is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria and  toxins. 
shape or structure of friendly candida is round to oval. 
When a person?s immune system becomes depressed it causes  candida to change 
and start overgrowing. Candida is not infectious or  contagious. In order for 
candida to change it occurs within each person?s body  when their immune 
system is unable to keep candida ?in check? (keep candida  balanced with other 
microorganisms and in its normal state). 
When candida becomes unfriendly it changes its structure and  activities by 
growing feet or tentacles, called hyphae, and it  grows large colonies. 
However, candida is not intended to overgrow while the body is  still living. 
Nature only intends this change to take place when the body dies,  when the 
functions and characteristics of candida change in order to break the  body 
The major damage caused by candida overgrowth is due to the  toxins it 
produces. These toxins, which include over 79 different kinds, are  designed to 
break the body down. Most of those toxins are alcohol, which  explains many of 
symptoms it causes, i.e. brain fog, inability to  concentrate, headaches, 
overall aches and pains, etc. Candida toxins are so  lethal they can even cause 
lesions throughout the body. 
Candida toxins also cause cell membrane defects which makes  all of the 
body's cells go rigid, or stiff. This means that organs aren't as  able to 
well, and that hormones, nutrients, water, and other important  substances in 
the body aren't as able to get into rigid cells, where they are  needed to do 
their job. 
Also rigid red blood cells aren't as able to fold like they  should, in order 
to get into small blood vessels and capillaries, which impairs  circulation 
and makes a person feel cold. 
For more information about the damage caused by candida  overgrowth see 
Candida Causes Cell Membrane Defects. 
Related Articles
How Candida Causes Symptoms, Diseases, Defects &  Malfunctions
Symptoms, Diseases & Organ Malfunctions Caused by  Candida
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[Biofuel] Why Physicians No Longer Know About Fungi: An Expose On Nystatin

2009-02-01 Thread SurpriseShan2
**yet another medical or societal  reference to Fungi Causing Human Misery**
Why Physicians No Longer Know About  Fungi: An Expose On Nystatin 
The following is based largely on **The Fungus Fighters: Two  Women 
Scientists and Their Discovery**, written by Richard Baldwin in 1981. The  book 
chronicles the discovery of nystatin, and it develops how fungi have come  to 
largely ignored by the world of medicine, despite the many cases and  studies 
document their role in causing disease. 
Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown teamed up in the late 1940s  to develop a 
safe, effective antifungal for use in medicine. Hazen had already  had a long 
career as a microbiologist and as a mycologist, or fungi specialist,  while 
Brown specialized in organic chemistry. Their research was funded by the  New 
State Division of Laboratories and by the N.Y. Health Department. The  two 
scientists tested the effectiveness of a wide variety of agents against two,  
particularly dangerous fungi: Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans. 
By 1949, Brown and Hazen had discovered nystatin. The agent  worked not only 
against the targeted microbes, but against fourteen other fungi,  as well. The 
second part of this last statement is important, because it counts  as one of 
many incidences in which nystatin has been shown to work as a  broad-spectrum 
antifungal. Unfortunately, the FDA has only approved the drug for  use in 
treating Candida found in the mouth (thrush) or on the skin. Clearly,  that 
approval should be broadened.p.78 Even if it never is, however, the FDA*s  
is not much of an obstacle. Remember, once a drug is approved for use in  
treating one disease, doctors have license to use it to treat other conditions  
they see fit. 
Nystatin is produced by the fungus, Streptomyces noursei. The  drug is named 
after the organization that funded Hazen and Brown*s research -  N.Y.State. 
Although it is, in fact, a mycotoxin, it has yet to demonstrate any  of the 
harmful side effects, including cancer and atherosclerosis, found in the  
mycotoxins produced by other fungi. 
Hazen and Brown found that for efficient, mass production of  nystatin, 
peanut meal turned out to be the ideal substance for growing  Strptomyces 
noursei.p.14 This is hardly surprising today - even peanuts grown  for human 
consumption are notorious for fungal contamination. Among other  contaminants, 
the nuts 
have to be frequently screened for a mycotoxin called  aflatoxin. 
The two scientists presented their findings at the National  Academy of 
Sciences regional meeting in Schenectady in the fall of 1950.p.79  Squibb Inc. 
now known as Bristol-Myers Squibb - got the nod for further  testing and the 
eventual production and marketing of the drug. Four years later,  the FDA 
approved Squibb*s Mycostatin oral tablets. Doctors began writing their  
prescriptions for the drug within a month. Nystatin was described as  **the 
broadly effective antifungal antibiotic available to the medical  
profession.** It was recommended for the prevention and treatment of intestinal 
moniliasis, or candidiasis, especially for patients taking oral antibacterial  
antibiotics for prolonged periods. It was also recommended for prevention of  
intestinal moniliasis in intestinal surgery. Researchers reported that  
could clear up established yeast infections in patients* digestive  tracts 
one to two days; a full course of treatment typically lasted 21-30  days. 
Hazen and Brown created a nonprofit organization to receive  their share of 
the royalties from the sale of nystatin, which over the span of  their 16-year 
patent eventually came to almost $7 million. The Brown-Hazen  grants program 
became the United States* largest, single source of non-federal  funding for 
research and training in combating fungal disease.p.103 Hazen and  Brown 
accepted not even a dime for their personal use. 
Today, nystatin is widely available as a generic drug.  According to 
Bristol-Myers Squibb*s website, worldwide sales through 2001 of the  
company*s Mycostatin alone totaled $15.3 billion. 
Squibb later combined nystatin with the antibiotic,  tetracycline. The new 
drug, Mysteclin, was designed to offset the yeast  overgrowth that often 
from taking antibiotics. Other manufacturers  followed suit. The host of 
combination drugs that arose was later banned by the  FDA for **lack of proof 
efficacy,** though they continue to be sold in other  countries. In its 
decision, it seems that the FDA may have ignored a number of  studies in the 
and 1960s that clearly documented not only t

[Biofuel] Oil of Oregano

2009-02-01 Thread SurpriseShan2
Oil of Oregano 
By Bee Wilder 
Oregano Oil is a very versatile herb, which is not only a  strong antifungal 
but also provides many other health benefits and it treats  many types of 
disease and symptoms. As an antifungal it is extremely effective,  just like 
crushed garlic. 
A word of caution! 
- If you are taking blood thinning drugs, oil of oregano acts  similarly in 
thinning the blood. If you take oregano oil with blood thinning  drugs your 
blood pressure may drop too low. Oil of - Oregano is not recommended  during 
pregnancy or while breastfeeding. 
True Oil of Oregano 
Oil of oregano is a completely natural substance derived from  wild oregano 
species. The plant grows in remote mountainous regions free of  pollution. Only 
the leaves of the flowering plant are used. They are picked  precisely when 
the plant is highest in essential oil. 
Being wild, it is grown chemical-free and the oil is extracted  via a 
completely natural process - no chemicals or solvents are used. The oil is  the 
source of virtually all of the plant*s active ingredients. 
There are a wide variety of plants that are confused with  oregano, including 
marjoram, thyme and sage. True oregano grows wild in  Mediterranean regions 
such as Greece and Turkey. Wild oregano is the source of  surprisingly potent 
oil of oregano. 
The key element in oregano is the oil, which Foster points out  in his book 
**In Herbal Renaissance**  **contains carvacrol and thymol as  the primary 
components.** Foster attributes the **fungicidal and worm-expellant  
of oil of oregano to carvacrol and thymol. **These two phenols may  constitute 
as much as 90% of (the oil).** Cass Ingram, D.O., writes in his book  **The 
Cure is in the Cupboard**  **these two phenols [carvacrol and thymol]  work 
*synergistically* and that is the reason *oil of oregano* packs a double  punch 
in antiseptic power and explains why it is infinitely more potent than  
commercial phenol, in microbial killing power.**  
Treats Candida, Fungi & Skin Conditions 
All of this helps make oregano oil a significant factor in  treating internal 
and external candida. Skin conditions, such as psoriasis and  eczema, can be 
improved with oil of oregano as well. Ingram explains the  astonishing 
discovery that **oil of oregano outright destroys all variety of  fungi and 
regardless of where they reside.** 
Oil of Oregano is a potent antiseptic used both topically and  internally. 
Research demonstrates that it is effective in killing a range of  organisms, 
particularly yeast and bacteria. 
Effective against Bacteria 
Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be  effective against 
Staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable in its germ-killing  properties to 
antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, penicillin and vancomycin.  [Science 
Researchers at the Department of Food Science at the  University of Tennessee 
reported that, among various plant oils, oil of oregano  exhibited the 
greatest antibacterial action against common pathogenic germs such  as Staph, 
coli and Listeria. [Journal Food Protection, Volume 64, July 2001]  British 
researchers reported oregano oil had antibacterial activity against 25  
bacteria. [Journal Applied Microbiology, Volume 88, February 2000] 
The growing problem of antibiotic resistance has health  authorities 
extremely concerned. It is already the case that various germs are  showing 
to vancomycin (strong antibiotic), particularly to intestinal  bacteria 
(Enterococcal species) among hospitalized patients. [Southern Medical  Journal, 
Volume 94, August 2001] 
Drug resistance does not develop against naturally-occurring  antibiotics 
such as garlic and oil of oregano. But oil of oregano is not to be  confused 
common oregano in the kitchen spice cupboard, which is usually  oregano 
marjoram, rather than true oregano (Oregano vulgare). 
The benefits of oregano have gone largely unnoticed and  under-publicized for 
far too long. As Ingram notes, oregano is **one of the  world*s finest 
natural medicines that is if it*s true oregano.**
Oil of Oregano Oil treats the  following:
- allergies 
- antifungal, capable of killing a variety of fungi, including  candida 
- antioxidant powers · 
- arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, and other related  problems · 
- athletes foot · 
- bacterial infections and parasites · 
- bee stings, insect bites and venomous bites, immediate  relief from · 
- dandruff, diaper rash, cradle cap · 
- diarrhea and intestinal gas · 
- digestive problems, aids digestion and stimulates the  production of bile · 
- eczema · 
- immune system boost · 
- migraine headaches · 
- muscle aches and pains · 
- nail fungus · 
- pain killer - nearly as powerful as morphine  · 
- psoriasis · 

[Biofuel] A Fungus Among Us A Program to Rid Yourself of Candida and Other Parasites

2009-02-03 Thread SurpriseShan2
A Fungus Among Us 
A Program to Rid Yourself of Candida and Other  Parasites
_http://www.karinya.com/fungus.htm_ (http://www.karinya.com/fungus.htm) 
By Joel Dirk McDaniel 
Thee Alternative Healing  Institute 
As this author sees an ever-increasing number of people with  health 
problems, the candida albicans overgrowth problem has become very  apparent. 
overgrowth has become a serious national problem, mostly in  the past few 
years. Our American diet, steroids, antibiotics, and use of birth  control 
have caused this fungus to run wild. For the few who are eating to  avoid the 
problem, it is becoming a losing battle. Food processors are now  putting 
antibiotics into the food. 
Candida albicans is a single celled fungus that resides in  everyone's 
bowels. When the normal bowel bacteria, acidophilus, has been reduced  with 
antibiotics or diet, this fungus runs rampant. This author believes that at  
two-thirds of the population is now suffering in some way because of  Candida 
overgrowth. It would not be a surprise to learn that this number is much  
In a normal environment with normal bowel conditions, the Candida fungus  is 
approximately five percent of the bowel flora. In this state, it has two  
beneficial purposes. One purpose is that it aids in initiating hormone 
The other is to absorb heavy metals to be passed out with bowel movements. One 
 theory proclaims that normal Candida will clean out bowel pockets, and 
reduce  their reoccurrence. It is just a theory. There are at least eight-five  
strains of Candida, the albicans variety being the most prominent. More  
are found every day. 
Evidence indicates that under a normal environment, the  Candida albicans 
fungus consumes only dead tissue. When exposed to certain  chemicals, such as 
birth control pills, cortisone, antibiotics, and  petro-chemicals, the fungus 
changes dramatically. It starts to colonize, to work  as a multi-cellular 
organism. It then adapts to consume living tissue. This  starts the onslaught 
thrush, toe fungus, athlete's foot, vaginal  yeast, and many other conditions. 
When the heli-pylori bacteria is present in the bowel, Candida  albicans 
causes severe intestinal distress. This bacterium is the cause of most  stomach 
and intestinal ulcers. Heli-pylori will home under the protective  digestive 
tract mucous away from the digestive acids. The acids cannot  **digest** it 
there. It then begins weakening the intestinal walls and depleting  the natural 
protective mucous. When attacking the Candida problem, it is wise to  keep the 
heli-pylori bacteria in mind. The success of candida control is greatly  
as long as this bacterium is present. 
Weight problems, vaginal yeast, athlete's foot, scalp  problems such as 
dandruff, nail fungus, joint inflammation, poor immune  response, headaches, 
allergies, shingles, oral thrush, canker sores, excessive  sneezing, poor 
brain fog, tooth plaque, hemorrhoids, throat mucous, and  skin eruptions like 
acne, are all connected with Candida overrun. Let's  not forget diaper rash. 
some, the diaper rash and brain fog  is on the same end. If you have ever 
used antibiotics or steroids, have had soft  drinks or coffee, have eaten 
excessive amounts of sugar or yeast containing  foods; this started the 
spiral to Candida overgrowth. If you have ever  had cravings for quickly 
foods, like sugar or white flour, or cravings  for foods that contain yeast, 
or had any of the mentioned problems, you had and  still have a Candida 
overgrowth problem. 
And **Sleep** in the corner of the eye indicates a  Candida problem, so does 
a coated tongue. Speaking of  sleep, do you ever feel like you never get 
enough, or you could sleep nine plus  hours a night? Always a little tired? 
Maybe a 
little run down? Body aches, joint  aches and swelling? Have you had a need 
to have a hysterectomy? Been diagnosed  with Epstein Bar Virus? Lupus? ALS? MS? 
Arthritis? YOU probably  have a Candida problem! 
Chrohn's Disease and colonitis start with a  parasitical invasion, which can 
be just Candida. Uncontrolled diarrhea  may be Candida overgrowth. At minimum, 
Candida is involved. All  constipation related problems have Candida 
involved. When  acidophilus is low, Candida is in overgrowth. Low acidophilus 
another form of  constipation. By the way, the severest form of constipation is 
Most allergies can be eliminated with the elimination  of Candida overgrowth. 
The waste products of Candida flood the lymph  system with more toxins than 
it can handle, and the body develops allergies.  Candida overgrowth drastically 
reduces digestion, allowing undigested food into  the blood stream. This 
undigested food causes an immune response, the making of  an allergy. The 
response to the Candida itself is a series of antigens.  These antigens tax the 
immune system causing a w

Re: [Biofuel] Cholesterol

2009-02-04 Thread SurpriseShan2
Understanding Cholesterol 
by  Russell J. Martino, Ph.D. 
Let's  clear up the confusion over cholesterol 
Cholesterol  is essential to many life processes. 
Cholesterol  is so important that it is produced in your body in 2 specific  
First,  cholesterol is made in the liver and from there is sent into the 
blood stream  where, ideally, it is absorbed into the cells where it is used. 
Cholesterol that  is not absorbed by the cells is transported back to the liver 
where it is  recycled or simply eliminated. 
In  addition to being made in the liver, every cell in your body can and 
frequently  does make the cholesterol it needs internally, PLUS every cell  in 
your body has the ability to grab cholesterol circulating in the blood and  
it into the cell for use. Your total blood cholesterol level is determined  
in large part by whether your cells make cholesterol internally, or instead  
gather the cholesterol they need directly out of your blood. 
Dietary  cholesterol consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with 
determining whether  your cells produce cholesterol internally or whether they 
cholesterol  directly from the blood. 
Numerous,  excellent, doctor-directed studies have repeatedly demonstrated 
that even  massive changes in the dietary cholesterol consumption, up or down, 
have only a  minor effect on total cholesterol levels. 
There  are 2 primary ways your cells get the cholesterol they need 
Either  the cells manufacture the needed cholesterol internally and/or . . 
the cells  send messengers from deep inside the cell to the cell's surface to 
grab the  needed cholesterol out of the blood and bring it back inside the cell 
for use. 
Keep  in mind that the reason there is cholesterol circulating in your blood 
in the  first place is because cholesterol is made in your liver and sent 
cycling  through your bloodstream so it's available for the cells to use when 
if they  need it. 
If  your cells primarily manufacture the cholesterol they need internally, 
then no  cellular messengers are sent to gather cholesterol from the blood and 
blood  cholesterol levels tend to rise. If instead of manufacturing new 
cholesterol  inside the cell, the cellular messengers are routinely sent to 
cholesterol out of the blood for use in the cell, then blood cholesterol levels 
 typically remain low. 
The  cells don't care which method is used to get the needed cholesterol  BUT 
YOU SHOULD because there is a correlation between certain  types of elevated 
cholesterol levels and heart problems. 
Much  of the confusion over cholesterol has to do with the fact that the 
dietary  consumption of cholesterol has only a very small effect on  
total blood cholesterol levels. 
This  means that trying to control cholesterol by rigorously avoiding all 
forms of  dietary fat and consuming only low cholesterol foods is a misdirected 
and highly  inefficient approach to solving the problem. 
The  key to lowering cholesterol is to shift your cells' preference FROM 
manufacturing new cholesterol internally TO using cell receptors to  gather 
cholesterol out of the blood. 
By  gathering cholesterol out of the blood to meet the cells ongoing 
cholesterol  needs, blood cholesterol typically stays well within healthy 
levels and 
the  important HDL to LDL ratios stay in the healthy range. A specific enzyme 
with a  long, complicated name controls the manufacture of cholesterol inside 
the cells.  If that enzyme is active, cholesterol is made inside the cell and 
little or no  cholesterol is scavenged from the blood. 
If  the enzyme is NOT ACTIVE, then little if any cholesterol is made inside 
the cell  and cholesterol is actively harvested directly out of the blood, 
which of course  lowers the blood cholesterol levels. 
Better yet, low density lipoprotein,  often considered the **bad 
cholesterol** is exactly what the cell is looking for  when it gathers 
cholesterol from 
the blood stream, so only does total  cholesterol lower, but the *bad* 
cholesterol lowers the most. 
Popular  cholesterol lowering drug works exactly the same way. 
Cholesterol  lowering drugs inhibit the enzyme that activates cholesterol 
production inside  the cell. If the cholesterol making enzyme is inhibited, the 
cell receptors  gather the needed cholesterol directly from the blood, which of 
course lowers  blood cholesterol levels. 
When  you understand how easy it is to activate the cells that sweep 
cholesterol out  of the blood, you*ll know the secret of easily establishing 
maintaining  normal, healthy blood cholesterol levels. 
The  *secret* is really no secret at all; in fact any medical  biochemistry 
textbook clearly explains that insulin and glucagon are the two  hormones that 
regulate the rate of cholesterol synthesis inside the cells. 
Insulin  activate

[Biofuel] Sinus Infections and the Candida Yeast Infection Connection

2009-02-05 Thread SurpriseShan2
Sinus Infections and the  Candida Yeast Infection Connection 
There are two ways to get fungal sinus infections. The first  is simply by 
breathing in fungus (most commonly Aspergillius) and mold spores  from the air. 
They are abundantly present in the environment and will attach to  trapped 
nasal mucus when sinuses are swollen from allergies or bacterial sinus  
The second way is connected to overgrowth of *bad* bacteria in  our gut - 
**Candida albicans** - causing *Candidiasis*, a rapidly growing yeast  
When the delicate balance of our *good* and *bad* intestinal  bacteria is 
upset (see our antibiotics page), our body is then primed for  candida yeast 
infections. The good bacteria can be killed off by one or more of  these 
-- frequent or high-dose antibiotics and anti-inflammatories 
-- chemotherapy for cancer 
-- auto-immune diseases like AIDS, arthritis and muscular  deterioration 
-- high stress and low cortisol (cortisol is the body*s stress  response 
In the absence of good bacteria, the bad bacteria, normally  present in 
controllable amounts, can *explode* in number. 
This results in a friendly breeding environment for the  candida yeast (link 
to other candida pages when ready) and it grows out of  control - clinging to 
intestinal walls, mucous membranes like nasal and  bronchial passages, the 
genitals (mostly in females), and even producing toxins  in the bloodstream. 
Certain antibiotics are now well-known for creating subsequent  vaginal yeast 
infections or oral *thrush* (white coating in mouth and on  tongue). Some 
doctors will give an anti-fungal prescription at the same time as  the 
(see our information on *fluconazoles* 
(http://www.vaxa.com/sinus-non-antibiotics.cfm)   ). And vaginal 
yeast relief requests have become so prevalent that some gentle  fungicides are 
now available over-the-counter. 
But less commonly known is that this nasty candida yeast  fungus is a vast 
cause of sinus infections – and doctors may just prescribe even  more 
How much can our digestive system have to do with  Sinus Infections? 
Our digestive system is the key to good health in our entire  body. When it 
is not functioning properly it affects the central nervous system  which sends 
alarms everywhere. 
Oral, nasal or vaginal yeast may be a sign that the  candida fungus has 
infested the gastrointestinal tract, and treatment  for the surface infections 
alone will not get to the root problem. More  antibiotics will only add to the 
yeast build-up. 
The spreading yeast fungus prevents proper digestion of all  nutrients – the 
food we eat, the vitamins and minerals we take – thereby  depriving the body 
of what it needs to remain healthy. It can trigger an  over-reaction of white 
blood cells which normally gather to heal infection,  making our immune system 
either over-active or under-active, and multiple health  problems can take 
Proper bowel function may go downhill. As this happens, more  and more waste 
toxins remain inside us and can get in the bloodstream. The yeast  loves this 
and will be transported to the mucous membranes. 
It then gets into the sinuses and nasal passages, either  bringing bacteria 
with it or attaching itself to existing bacteria from outside  elements – free 
radicals, airborne mold, etc. 
Diagnosing a Candida Yeast Infection in the  Sinuses 
It’s hard to get yeast fungus out of sinus mucus. If any is  left, the yeast 
multiplies again. Moreover, symptoms may be the same as any  other sinus 
infection and it’s hard to diagnose, although it may sometimes  result in 
glue-like clumps being expelled from the nose. 
See an alternative practitioner for specialized  testing. 
Whether sinus infections have Aspergillius or Candida yeast  fungus involved, 
using anti-fungals wouldn’t hurt. There are a number of herbal  products 
which can help clean out chronic sinus infections. See our homeopathic  and 
natural remedies page for sinus infections. 
Non-Antibiotic Prescription Medicine for Sinus  Infections 
Quinolone and Fluconazole
The Natural Way to Sinus Infection  Relief:
Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies
Mayo Clinic Study Implicates Fungus As Cause Of  Chronic Sinusitis 
ScienceDaily (Sep. 10, 1999) — **We can now begin  to treat the cause of the 
problem instead of the symptoms**. The researchers  studied 210 patients with 
chronic sinusitis. Using new methods of collecting and  testing mucus from the 
nose, they discovered fungus in 96  percent of the patients' mucus. They 
identified a total 

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