Re: The Talk2 List A random show

2010-03-18 Thread John Clower
  I hope you post some of these when you have the time, because I seem 
to keep missing them!

On 3/18/2010 12:21 AM, Venison88a wrote:
I'm bored, a little intoxicated, and nothing to do until tomorrow. 
Sounds like random show time. NOW. :-)

Re: The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2010-03-09 Thread John Clower
  There actually is.  Line Island Time.  Right now I believe it's 
UTC+14.  After we moved back to Standard Time in November, it took me an 
hour to look up each of those time zones and make sure everything was in 

On 3/9/2010 8:02 AM, Brandon Hicks wrote:

There isn't actually a time zone called lint is there?
If so, wow.

That is all.

John Clower wrote:
 Until the cease and desist order goes through, it’s time for another 
edition of The John Zone tonight on The Beyond Radio Network! March 9 
is notoriously an insignificant day historically, and perhaps this 
year will not break the trend. However, the two previous days have 
been far more eventful. On March 7, the 82nd Academy Awards were held 
in the illustrious Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, California. 
Literally dozens watched as the pioneers of the cinematic world gave 
each other Oscar statuettes forged in the fires of sweet buttery pop 
corn and sticky theater floors. The John Zone shall therefore 
commemorate this momentous event as only The John Zone can.

It has been widely disseminated that yesterday was International 
Women’s Day, but perhaps just as significantly, March 8 also happened 
to be the anniversary of the first airing of the iconic classic, 
Beavis and Butt-Head, which premiered seventeen years ago yesterday. 
Honoring both separately would be easy enough, but wouldn’t it be 
even more enjoyable to combine the two? Yes, this can be done.

There are also many a birthday of note: including Bow Wow, 23; 
Chingy, 30; C-Murder, 39; Shannon Leto of 30 Seconds to Mars, 40; 
Johnny Kelly of Type O Negative, 42; Brendan Canty of Fugazi, 44; 
Mark Lindsay of Paul Revere and The Raiders, 68; President Zillur 
Rahman of Bangladesh, 81; as well as the downright spritely Phoebe 
Knapp and Tsar Alexis I, who are a mere 161 and 381 years of age, 
respectively. More Texas-related recordings, a new mashup from 
Jeffrey Rainey, vintage incrimination from a 13-year-old me, your 
requests, comments, and exaggerated descriptions of what you’re 
having for dinner can be heard tonight beginning at 11PM GMT, 6PM 
EST, 5PM CST, 4PM MST, 3PM PST, 1PM HAST, noon SST, and on Wednesday 
at midnight CET, 1AM EET, 9AM EST, 10AM EDT, noon NZDT, and 1PM LINT 
via either or

There isn’t really a cease and desist order, by the way.

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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2010-03-08 Thread John Clower
 Until the cease and desist order goes through, it’s time for another 
edition of The John Zone tonight on The Beyond Radio Network! March 9 is 
notoriously an insignificant day historically, and perhaps this year 
will not break the trend. However, the two previous days have been far 
more eventful. On March 7, the 82nd Academy Awards were held in the 
illustrious Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Literally dozens 
watched as the pioneers of the cinematic world gave each other Oscar 
statuettes forged in the fires of sweet buttery pop corn and sticky 
theater floors. The John Zone shall therefore commemorate this momentous 
event as only The John Zone can.

It has been widely disseminated that yesterday was International Women’s 
Day, but perhaps just as significantly, March 8 also happened to be the 
anniversary of the first airing of the iconic classic, Beavis and 
Butt-Head, which premiered seventeen years ago yesterday. Honoring both 
separately would be easy enough, but wouldn’t it be even more enjoyable 
to combine the two? Yes, this can be done.

There are also many a birthday of note: including Bow Wow, 23; Chingy, 
30; C-Murder, 39; Shannon Leto of 30 Seconds to Mars, 40; Johnny Kelly 
of Type O Negative, 42; Brendan Canty of Fugazi, 44; Mark Lindsay of 
Paul Revere and The Raiders, 68; President Zillur Rahman of Bangladesh, 
81; as well as the downright spritely Phoebe Knapp and Tsar Alexis I, 
who are a mere 161 and 381 years of age, respectively. More 
Texas-related recordings, a new mashup from Jeffrey Rainey, vintage 
incrimination from a 13-year-old me, your requests, comments, and 
exaggerated descriptions of what you’re having for dinner can be heard 
tonight beginning at 11PM GMT, 6PM EST, 5PM CST, 4PM MST, 3PM PST, 1PM 
HAST, noon SST, and on Wednesday at midnight CET, 1AM EET, 9AM EST, 10AM 
EDT, noon NZDT, and 1PM LINT via either or

There isn’t really a cease and desist order, by the way.

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The Talk2 List A Tuesday Apology

2009-11-24 Thread John Clower
Between shakey connections on Venison's part and a failing hard drive, 
rehearsals, and family in town on my part, , the Tuesday 
afternoon/evening lineup will be a bit out of comission today.  It's 
almost unheard of when The John Zone takes two consecutive weeks off, 
but I assure you all it isn't by choice.  I do hope that miraculously 
Venison's net connections will return and a Venison/Derek-laced Tuesday 
lineup may once again ensue as it did last week.  But if that doesn't go 
through, then hey, you know it only means that the two of us will be 
that much more enthusiastic when we return.  I apologize once more for 
the short notice and hope you all have a safe and wonderful week.

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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-10-12 Thread John Clower
 The baseball playoffs have begun!  Ok, so to be perfectly honest, I'd 
sooner watch a Bolivian cabinet meeting than catch a baseball game.  
However for the one or two people who may enjoy the sport, it will be 
paid a respectful tribute on the show tonight.
 Aside from being both Columbus Day and Canada's Thanksgiving 
yesterday, October 13 is almost one-eighth as significant.  For today 
marks the one hundred ninety-fifth anniversary of Sir Isaac Brock's 
successful repulsion of American forces under Stephen Van Rensselaer at 
The Battle of Queenston Heights.  This brought about a swift end to the 
Niagara Campaign, which had been undertaken by The United States for the 
expressed purpose of laying siege to British positions in Canada during 
The War of 1812.  I suppose it's rare when Canada can revel in any sort 
of military anniversary, so we here at The John Zone will relent and 
allow them this one, as well as commemorate the aforementioned Columbus 
Day and Canadian Thanksgiving.
 Tonight we also celebrate the birthdays of Ashanti, 29; Sacha Baron 
Cohen (better known to the world as Borat), 38; British opera singer 
Paul Potts, 39; Rhett Akins, 40; Joey Belladonna (of Anthrax), 49; Sammy 
Hagar, 62; Robert Lamm (of Chicago), 65; and Paul Simon, 68.  All this 
and the latest Michael Jackson single, as well as your requests, 
comments, and leftover potato salad are welcomed beginning tonight at 
11PM BST, 6PM EDT, 5PM CDT, 3PM PDT, noon HAST, 11AM SST, and Wednesday 
at midnight CEST, 8AM EST, 9AM EDT, 11AM NZDT, and 1PM LINT at either or

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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone - Babies, the Chinese, Pooping Playlists, Football, and More

2009-09-21 Thread John Clower
 First and foremost I must open this sort of trailer by offering my 
congratulations to Andre and Kirsten on the birth of their son, Jacob 
Peter Louis, born yesterday at 6:58 AM BST with a weight of 10.6 LBs.  
For those who haven't, I encourage you to offer up your well wishes when 
you can.  With a baby boy that big, his parents will need all the well 
wishes they can get, I'd imagine.
 Next, I feel the need to preface this promotion by letting everyone 
know that The Beyond Radio Network has not fallen down on itself.  Due 
to the actions of a few jerks from China who had nothing better to do 
over in the land of Hu, archives and autimation have been taken down 
throughout the course of the rest of September to prevent any additional 
costs on data and bandwidth and such.  Therefore in honor of their 
sudden, but malevolent, interest in the network, tonight's edition of 
The John Zone will pay tribute to them in the most sardonic way 
possible.  (The availability of show archives will resume on October 1.  
In the meantime, consult each show broadcaster for any desired archive, 
as most of us plan to post September broadcasts on personal or alternate 
servers for the next week or two.)
 A recent series of Twitterings from two of the station's most beloved 
and elderly Sacramentons posed the very interesting question of what 
tracks could comprise the ultimate "music to poop by" playlist.  I have 
my own selections of course, but tonight I encourage listeners young and 
old, black or white, regular or not so regular to tune in with 
suggestions of your own.
 I know that few of the usual listeners are even remotely interested in 
the sports world.  However the Dallas Cowboys suffered a loss at the 
first regular season game held at the new billion dollar Cowboys Stadium 
this past Sunday evening at the hands of the New York Giants.  Never 
missing an opportunity to open myself up to on-air ridicule, this is 
another chance for those of you in Yankee territory to give this Texan a 
hard time, as the game was not decided until literally the last eight 
seconds of the fourth quarter.  If not for the supply of chicken wings 
and roasted peanuts, I would have cried.
 Finally The John Zone celebrates several notable September 22 
birthdays: including Emilie Autumn, 30; Mystikal, 39; Matt Sharp of 
Weezer, 40; Joan Jett and Andrea Bocelli, 51; Toni Basil, 66; and 
Jeremiah Wright, 69; as well as Bulgarian and Malian Independence Day.  
Your requests, comments, and fizzy drinks are as always welcome.  So 
tune in tonight to beginning at 
6PM EDT, 5PM CDT, 3PM PDT, 11PM BST, and Wednesday at midnight CEST, 8AM 
CST, 10AM NZST, and noon CKT, and let's kick off the change of seasons 
the way such autumnal equinoxes were meant to be celebrated!

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The Talk2 List Remembering Nine-Eleven tonight on The Beyond Radio Network

2009-09-11 Thread John Clower
 Tonight at 9PM EDT, Mary Ann will be presenting a Nine-Eleven memorial 
broadcast on TBRN, The Beyond Radio Network.  September 11, 2001 has 
often and accurately been depicted as our generation's Pearl Harbor, an 
event that changed each and every one of our lives.  Every one of us 
remembers where we were on that fateful morning, and who better to 
commemorate such a sobering day than our very own Mary Ann.  Click to listen, and join us for an 
evening of solidarity and remembrance on the eighth anniversary of this 
very historic occasion.

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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-08-31 Thread John Clower
 It's been awhile since I've posted what some might call a show teaser, 
or disclaimer, depending on your opinion.  But despite their outlines 
not being passed along, The John Zone is very much alive and kicking, 
wriggling about like a lethargic marmoset caught in a bear trap.
 Throughout the month of August, the dozens of fictional staff 
personell have been laboring laboriously to comemmorate Woodstock's 
fortieth anniversary, complete with any and all serious and satirical 
tracks on the subject of the 60s counter-culture movement.  Most would 
quickly point out that it is in fact September, but as the septic tank 
must once every few decades be drained, refilled, and swam in, so too 
must the vast stores of material prepared for past shows be spilled out 
onto the proverbial airwaves for all to enjoy.
 Students around the world have been returning to schools of all sorts 
throughout the past few weeks.  In their honor, we must give them all a
proper send-off in the traditional comedic fashion, while being 
courteous and not pointing out the fact that many of us never ever have 
to go back to school ever again.  All of this, along with Weird Al 
Yankovic's latest single, an update on my unfortunate grad school 
anecdote, plenty of coffee, an almost tasteful tribute to the late Ted 
Kennedy,your requests, comments, and flan will round out another 
edition of The John Zone, beginning tonight at 6PM EDT, 5PM CDT, 11PM 
BST, and on Wednesday at 8AM CST and 10AM NZST.
 For those who may not have listened to any broadcast on The Beyond 
Radio Network for some time, fear not, for the link, like the 
aforementioned septic tank, has not been changed for the better part of 
seven months.  Simply click, 
and let the pandemonium begin!

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The Talk2 List Preliminary Plans for a Venisonathon

2009-08-28 Thread John Clower
 For those who tuned in to the August 21 edition of Venison Stew, you 
may recall that talk surfaced between a few of his listeners regarding a 
possible trans-stational telethon, carried out for the expressed purpose 
of helping him through some tough times.  Most of us know the 
long and short of the matter, but you can read more about the situation 
Since multiple stations will likely be involved, it is important to note 
that this is not an attempt in any way, shape, or form to usurp the 
scheduled weekly line-ups of any station.  Moreover I think for the sake 
of eliminating any hard feelings, it would be best if participants avoid 
simulcasting on the servers of other stations involved.  Instead, the 
preliminary plan is to draw up a schedule that can then be passed around 
to the generic mailing lists of each station involved, complete with 
messenger and listening info for each station.  For those on the 
scheduled weekly line-ups who do not wish to do any extended or random 
broadcasts, we may have an audio file or two about this event that we 
would ask them to play once or twice during their show.  I know this is 
a vague foundation on which to base such a thing, but again, that's why 
it's a preliminary plan.  If you are interested or have concerns, 
questions, or comments about this matter, rather than clutter up the 
station lists, I'd instead ask that you contact myself or Niio, who must 
be creditted for getting this thing started.  Venison has done a lot for 
each network, and I like to think of our various virtual communities as 
extended families of sorts.  Whether it's $5 or $50, every bit counts, 
and it goes without saying that Venison appreciates any and all help 
that can be given.

 For yours truly, you can reach me via EMail or MSN/Windows/Windows 
Live at  My AIM and Skype screen names are 
For Niio, you can reach her via MSN/Windows/Windows Live messenger at or AIM/Skype at deviantniio.

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Re: The Talk2 List heavy stuff fm

2009-07-20 Thread John Clower
Thanks, Patrick.  Not sure how I missed it the first time.  But I tend 
to almost always find a way.

Patrick Perdue wrote:

It's on Derek's archive page. A direct link follows:

John Clower wrote:
Maybe I missed something here, but where was the original link to 
this archive?  It's obvious who was involved, but alas, John cannot 
find it.

Patrick Perdue wrote:
For anyone interested, I've started uploading the file again. Should 
be done in about 15 minutes. Check back later 'n' stuff.

Patrick Perdue wrote:

I'll re-upload it. s3 does weird things when resuming sometimes.
Derek Lane wrote:

anyone else having that problem?  Do I need to reupload?
- Original Message - From: "shaun everiss" 

To: "talk2" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 5:58 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List heavy stuff fm

ok is up again.
got heavystuff fm however its not playable in winamp, its like 
something is wrong with the file is the size supposed to be 148mb?
I will try to convert the file to wave then recompile the file as 
ogg again but it will not play currently.

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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Re: The Talk2 List heavy stuff fm

2009-07-18 Thread John Clower
Maybe I missed something here, but where was the original link to this 
archive?  It's obvious who was involved, but alas, John cannot find it.

Patrick Perdue wrote:
For anyone interested, I've started uploading the file again. Should 
be done in about 15 minutes. Check back later 'n' stuff.

Patrick Perdue wrote:

I'll re-upload it. s3 does weird things when resuming sometimes.
Derek Lane wrote:

anyone else having that problem?  Do I need to reupload?
- Original Message - From: "shaun everiss" 
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 5:58 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List heavy stuff fm

ok is up again.
got heavystuff fm however its not playable in winamp, its like 
something is wrong with the file is the size supposed to be 148mb?
I will try to convert the file to wave then recompile the file as 
ogg again but it will not play currently.

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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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RE: The Talk2 List hi

2009-06-12 Thread John Clower
  Unfortunately I arrived in the TBRN-o-verse at the height of such isms and
was greatly hesitant about jumping in to the deep end of this online
community for several months because of it.  I'm quite relieved that such
times are behind us, well, for the most part.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2009 5:11 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List hi

Derek Roberts wrote:

 > Mmm, we have another bad booff'ff'ff'ff'ff'ff from , uh , somewhere .

Yes, one that uses old defunct TBRN expressions that said network 
regrets and apologizes for, makes use of excessive blindy synth 
expressions on a public forum in a non-interesting fashion, and writes 
one-line messages.  Yeah, I think you're correct on that. You've 
definitely found those particular issues, and for that, I heavily 
congratulate you with a can of mace. After all, what better way is there?

Note: Talk2 is not Twitter via e-mail, just in case some people get the 
wrong idea.

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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-06-09 Thread John Clower
  Some may tune in to The John Zone tonight in passing, and as such, shall
be very confused.  Tracks about ducks and the state of Georgia will be
interspersed with old Les Paul and Jackie Wilson recordings, strange
national anthems, and Marie Serneholt's latest single.  They may ask
themselves why John is doing such things.  Well, it just so happens that
June 9 is a day of great historic significance.  The Harvard Corporation was
founded on this day in 1650.  James Oglethorpe was granted a royal charter
on this day in 1732, which founded the state of Georgia.  A mass exodus of
Mormons took place on this day in 1856; and perhaps most importantly, Donald
Duck made his debut in the Disney short, Wise Little Hen, on this day in
1934.  Today also marks many a birthday: including Mae Whitman, 21; Matthew
Bellamy (of Muse), 31; Samoth (of Zyklon), 35; Michael J. Fox, 48; Jon Lord
(of Deep Purple), 68; Jackie Wilson, who would be 75; Johnny Ace, who would
be 80; Les Paul, 94; Fred Waring, who would be 109; and finally, Peter The
Great, who would be a mere 337 if he were still alive today.   There are
also several very important holidays which must be observed this evening.
For our Ugandan listeners, we shall not overlook the fact that today is
National Heroes Day; and our many friends in the Aland Islands are
celebrating Autonomy Day, which commemorates the now eighty-ninth
anniversary of their partial independence from Finland.  Such an occasion
cannot be ignored.  Finally, The John Zone will turn to Thailand, for
Bhumibol Adulyadej ascended to the Thai throne on this day in 1946.  Aged
eighty-one, he is the longest reigning monarch in the world, and based on
what I've been able to find out, one of the longest despised monarchs as
well.  All this, as well as your requests, comments, and handkerchiefs are
welcomed tonight from 6 to 10PM EDT at

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-06-01 Thread John Clower
  It's once again that time of the week where the pigeons and grackles of
automation flock for cover as The John Zone steamrolls its way into what
would otherwise have been a quiet Tuesday evening.  Tonight we pay tribute
to the sixty-fifth anniversary of the D day operations of June 6, 1944, as
well as the 113th birthday of the world's oldest surviving veteran, Henry
Allingham, who turned forty-eight years young on that fateful day.
  Also, one of our most beloved hens will have just completed her voyage
across this great country as of the beginning of tonight's broadcast.
Because she is awesome, and because she stayed up for my entire
twenty-six-hour broadcast from January 8, 2008, she and her voyage shall be
honored as only The John Zone can.  Your requests, comments, and phone calls
are welcomed as well. is the link to
click from 6 to 10PM EDT for what will no doubt be a fun and random edition
of The John Zone.

The Talk2 List This week on The John Zone

2009-05-26 Thread John Clower
  In May of 1984, Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird published the first issue of
a comic book in Northampton, Massachusetts about four mutated turtles.
Initially intended as a parody of several other existing comics, this
self-published work eventually drew the eye of Mark Freedman, a licensing
agent who saw commercial promise in this strange, new franchise.  Jerry
Sachs of the Sachs-Finley Agency initiated talks with the animaters at
Murakami-Wolf-Swenson, under the direction of Fred Wolf, to produce a
five-episode animated mini-series for the comic, which debuted on December
10, 1987.  Subsequent visits to Playmates Toys Inc in 1988 and a successful
second run of the mini-series led to the show being picked up for
syndication.  By 1990, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brand had become a
juggernaut, coercing millions of viewers each Saturday morning to scope out
the totally awesome pizza-laden adventures.
  Tonight on The John Zone, we celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of
this phenomenon with scores of interviews, featurettes, trailers, and
anything turtle-related that can be conjured up on this machine of mine.  It
goes without saying that this series was a large part of my childhood, which
means that The John Zone will expand to a six-hour format this week to
appropriately commemorate this occasion without frightening off any
potential listeners who did not grow up with the series.
  Today also marks the thirty-eighth birthday of South Park co-creator, Matt
Stone, as well as the ninety-second anniversary of the world's
longest-lasting tornado, which began its seven-hour journey in Mattoon,
Illinois on this day in 1917.  These additional anniversaries, your
requests, comments, and leftover pizza  will be honored this afternoon
beginning at 4PM EDT at

RE: The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-05-13 Thread John Clower
Oh ours was on Sunday.  I just assumed that was universal, but that's what
happens when you write those things at 3AM I suppose.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of Onj
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:19 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

for some reason we have a different day in the UK for the celebration of 
mother's day, but that's alright.
I hope all you US mothers had a good time.

From: John Clower 
 on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 8:54 AM

>   Whether you are a mother, have a mother, have ever or will ever be a 
> mother, or if you're just a bad motha motha, then tonight's show is 
> dedicated exclusively to you.  Mother's Day was ceremoniously 
> celebrated or not celebrated around the world, and it makes a stop by 
> The John Zone beginning this afternoon at 4PM ET.  Paul Simon, Ivan 
> Hrvatska, Tim Wilson,
> Larry The Cable Guy, Wesley Willis, Jason Matthews, Space Ghost, Steven
> Lynch, Tom Lehrer, Brak, my Uncle Mike, and many others will be stopping 
> by
> throughout the show.  In addition, a few dedications will be dedicated in 
> a
> dedicatorial manner to Roxana Saberi, the recently freed American
> journalist, and Burt Bacharach, who turns eighty-one today.  As per 
> usual,
> more strangeness occurred during this past Sunday's services.  So clips 
> from
> that, as well as your requests and comments of a random nature will round
> out another extended edition of The John Zone.
> is the link to click from 4 to 
> 10PM
> EDT for another six hours of randomness.  Hope to see you there!

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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-05-12 Thread John Clower
  Whether you are a mother, have a mother, have ever or will ever be a
mother, or if you're just a bad motha motha, then tonight's show is
dedicated exclusively to you.  Mother's Day was ceremoniously celebrated or
not celebrated around the world, and it makes a stop by The John Zone
beginning this afternoon at 4PM ET.  Paul Simon, Ivan Hrvatska, Tim Wilson,
Larry The Cable Guy, Wesley Willis, Jason Matthews, Space Ghost, Steven
Lynch, Tom Lehrer, Brak, my Uncle Mike, and many others will be stopping by
throughout the show.  In addition, a few dedications will be dedicated in a
dedicatorial manner to Roxana Saberi, the recently freed American
journalist, and Burt Bacharach, who turns eighty-one today.  As per usual,
more strangeness occurred during this past Sunday's services.  So clips from
that, as well as your requests and comments of a random nature will round
out another extended edition of The John Zone. is the link to click from 4 to 10PM
EDT for another six hours of randomness.  Hope to see you there!

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-04-28 Thread John Clower
  It's hard to believe that it's already been a week since The John
Zone last besoiled the virtual airwaves, but indeed it has.  Well, not in a
practical sense, but that's beside the point.  Over the course of the past
ten days or so, TBRN has welcomed back several  people who have made sizable
contributions to our twisted, wonderful family.  Some of them have done
shows in the past.  Others are just good friends to most of us who have had
a lot on their plate, but it goes beyond that.  Derek, Arfy, Steve, and
Patrick each peaked at or above twenty listeners this past weekend.  To be
honest, it's probably been at least two years since that has happened.
There has also been talk of some of the shows from the days of yor making a
return to the network.  Now this isn't necessarily intended to begin a
melodramatic soliloquy about how wonderful this community is and how much I
cherish being apart of it, but in truth I am a nostalgic sap at heart.
Therefore reminiscing will be the overall theme of The John Zone this week.
However it will be laced with other things as well: including some Texans'
attempt at calypso music, a few odd clips from my Sunday, perhaps a new ID
or two, and, inspired by Nick Giannak, the Wesley Willis-Borat music
stylings of my new favorite artist, Ivan Hrvatska.  So whether it's for a
few minutes or a few hours, I invite old and new friends alike to tune in to
The John Zone at tonight from 6 to
10PM EDT, 11PM to 3AM BST, or midnight to 4AM CEST.  It will be hard to
compete with some of the shows from this weekend, but I'm certainly going to
do my best.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-04-21 Thread John Clower
  After thirty hours of broadcasting on the network last week, John is
returning once again tonight to reek his own blend of ambiguous,
teriyaki-flavored havoc.  First and foremost, tonight's broadcast is hereby
dedicated to the newly wed Andre and Kirsten Louis.  Suffice it to say
appropriate tracks will be played in their honor.  Today also happens to be
Queen Elizabeth II's eighty-third birthday, as well as the seventy-first
birthday of Ernie Maresca, who wrote and produced much of Dion DiMucci's
early solo recordings of the early to mid-1960s.
  On a more somber note, many stateside will recall that yesterday marked
the tenth anniversary of the tragic Columbine shootings.  I felt that, as
lighthearted and upbeat as my broadcasts tend to be, such an anniversary
must be properly commemorated.  Finally, thanks to Derek Lane, we have an
update on Bryan vandervalk's condition.  For those who may not know, Bryan
is the infamous autistic listener from Canada who has been a loyal listener
to the network for nearly three years now.  Since 2006 he's found his way
into homages to Wesley Willis, carts, intros, the station's PBX, ID's, and
of course numerous phone calls.  The last we'd heard, which was about a
month ago, he had been in the hospital after suffering from what he
characterized as a lung problem of some sort.  Until yesterday, we haven't
been able to get in touch with him.  On the show tonight, we will have a
full update.  All this and a bit of Mavs talk with my church's music
director can be heard from 6 to 10PM EDT at or

RE: The Talk2 List Fw: [dolphinusers] tbrn

2009-04-13 Thread John Clower
Shaun, we definitely appreciate the gesture, but I know the powers that be
are doing what they can to remedy the situation as per storing archives.  As
for people on staff taking issue with his facts on the current circumstance,
take it up with me, not him.  He came to me about the current status of
things before posting any of this.  I've long made it clear that I am the
most technically reclined staff member on the Beyond Radio Network, and I
stand proudly by that self-imposed, self-deprecating title.  In the future I
will make a concerted effort to reiterate that point.  So in the meantime,
could we keep the refuse a few of you have posted regarding this matter to a

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of
Derek Lane
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 8:19 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Fw: [dolphinusers] tbrn

Blind?  Yes.
Cool?  no.
Tards?  yes.
We are not the blind radio network.
These are thins we all know.
Granted, some people mean well when they try to help, but dang.
- Original Message - 
From: "Onj" 
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 5:00 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List Fw: [dolphinusers] tbrn

> Did anybody say we didn't have the space to store archives?  How
> embarrassing!
> God, now we all look like low-down losers or something.  Fucktard!
> From: shaun everiss 
> on Monday, April 13, 2009 7:22 AM
>>> To: all lists/ others.
>>> From: shaun everiss 
>>> Subject: tbrn
>>> Hi.
>>> I am emailing on behalf of a station I listen to called 
>>> They are in the process of moving their stuff. Issue is they have no 
>>> place to store their archives of shows. We are probably talking 
>>> 500gb 1tb pluss and its going to be ever expanding.
>>> This is a free radio station so they don't have the cash  to host stuff.
>>> They can't host stuff on their own connections of the various staff, 
>>> because
>>> of data caps.
>>> They don't have storage for the archives.
>>> To tell you the truth I don't know what the ammount currently is but it
>>> grows every week each file in ogg betwene 80 and 200mb each and longer
>>> depending on things.
>>> Ofcause they can't afford any  space at the ammount they are dealing 
>>> with.
>>> Its got to the point where there are no archives currently up except b7y
>>> direct link which means either I have to get the stuff from journals, 
>>> etc
>>> which are not always updated or ask. At any rate they would like any
>>> suggestions.
>>> This message will probably be forewarded to several lists but since I 
>>> have
>>> had conversations with you I'd give you a crack at it first.
>>> Ofcause depending on when you get this everyone else will have a copy of
>>> this as I will be doing a message after this to lists.
>>> They can't afford much if anything they are mostly studants all blind I
>>> think some have jobs but not sure.
>>> Any help will be appreciated
>>> shaun
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-03-23 Thread John Clower
  After another week's absence, The John Zone returns to clog your arteries
with an assault of recordings and random ramblings.  In addition to such
soon-to-be classic cuts as John's Nephew goes to the Zoo and John's Nephew
goes for a Walk,  the show will also feature tracks commemorating the
birthdays of Nivea, Corneille, Chad Butler of Switchfoot, Sharon Corr of the
Corrs, Nena, Dougie Thomson of Supertramp, Klaus Dinger of Kraftwerk, and R.
Lee Ermey.  As always, your requests, comments, and leftover haggis are
welcome. is the link to click
tonight beginning at 6:00 Eastern Daylight Time.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-03-10 Thread John Clower
  For the first time in nearly four months, I finally got around to
getting a haircut.  Such triannual events as these must be properly
recognized for their relative infrequence.  To compensate for that
weaker theme, it also happens to be spring break in many municipalities
around the country, so we shall honor that week-long period of partying
as well.  In addition, Carrie Underwood (26), Timbaland (38), Tom Scholz
(62) (of Boston), and Dean Torrence (69) (of Jan and Dean) happen to be
celebrating birthdays today.  As such, The John Zone shall celebrate
right along with them.  Trance remixes of Eartha Kitt, a Seamus Kennedy
homage to Abdul Abulbul Ameer, a very bizarre Vicky Leandros
composition, your requests, comments, and leftover falafel are as always
welcome.  The mp3 relays are back, so go to and click on your listening option of
choice tonight beginning at 6PM EDT.  The John Zone will not be on next
week, so let's make this a fun one.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-03-03 Thread John Clower
  Yesterday was Texas Independence Day here in the Lone Star state.
Those who recall my broadcast from March 3 of last year will no doubt
remember just how much I enjoy the annual Texas themed shows.  However,
we will take a break from the Texas tunes to properly commemorate the
late Paul Harvey, who passed away several minutes before last Saturday's
Blart Radio.  Your requests, comments, and lunch money are welcome as
well.  Presumably is still
the only way to tune in until the transfer of TBRN data file server node
things are complete.  So bring some baked beans, a chicken fried steak,
and your worst attempt at a Texas drawl, and join me from 6 to 10PM EST
on the Beyond Radio Network for what promises to be a good ole time.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-02-23 Thread John Clower
  Bonjour, mes amis.  Il est mardi gras aujourd'hui, et le Beyond Radio
Network a beaucoup de choses pour votres amusments.  For in addition to
Fat Tuesday festivities, we here at the John Zone must commemorate
International Pancake Day as well.  How that relates to Mardi Gras, I
have no idea, but we shall honor it nonetheless.  Tonight's show will
also celebrate the birthdays of Paul Jones of Manfred Mann, Joanie
Sommers, George Thorogood, and the late Mitch Hedberg.  All this, as
well as newly acquired Sesame Street recordings and leftover tracks
about Nascar and trumpets can be heard tonight from 6 to 10PM EST at  You won't want to pass up
this broadcast, Ah gah-ron-tee.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-02-16 Thread John Clower
  Once again it's that time of the week when The Beyond Radio Network
reluctantly lowers the draw bridge and permits this crazy Texan access
to the servers for another four-hour block of madness from 6 until 10PM
Eastern Standard Time.  Tonight's broadcast will feature recordings made
from the fund raiser that kept both Stephen and myself from hosting an
episode of Blart radio this Saturday, along with other recordings
devoted to Valentine's and Presidents' Day, as well as an explanation as
to why Tuesday the seventeenth is an even unluckier day than Friday the
thirteenth.  Requests, comments, calls, and exotic cheeses are welcomed
of course. or are the links to snag.  Only by tuning
in will you have any chance of convincing me to stop writing up these
promotions.  Well, that's not entirely true.  But no one has beaten me
up yet, so I assume it's either ignored or alright with everyone.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-02-09 Thread John Clower
  Tonight on The John Zone we will feature many a morsel to tantalize
your mental palate and stimulate your oral fibers.  Actually, that
second part sounded a bit weird.  Scratch that then.  Songs about tea,
outakes from various rehearsals, and a few remaining football-related
recordings are three of the planned tangents for this evening.  Those
who are familiar with Alex's remixes of various show intros here on The
Beyond Radio Network, many of which relate to his fascination with
"slipping and sliding" may also be interested to hear how his Skype
karaoke to a Blackmore's Night tune on last Friday's edition of the
Digital Domain Online Radio Show can be manipulated and warped by yours
truly for his own amusement.  Tonight also marks the four hundred
sixty-seventh anniversary of Catherine Howard's imprisonment in the
Tower of London.  Being the history buff that I am, I feel that this
event must be commemorated as only The John Zone can.  Similarly, the
first legitimate severe weather outbreak of the year will conveniently
be unleashing itself upon North Central Texas throughout the evening.
If conditions permit, perhaps realtime recordings can be made out in a
supercell or two.  Of course dedications, requests, phone calls, and
omlets are welcome as well. is the
link to click from 6 to 10PM Eastern Standard Time for what I promise
will not be another seven-hour show.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-02-02 Thread John Clower
  Tonight's edition of The John Zone will focus on our country's most
prevalent pastime, professional football.  Since many listeners are not
from the states, there will be plenty of material in support of
traditional football as well.  But with the Super Bowl having been
played two days ago, it is American football which will be most
prominent tonight.
  Originally I had intended to focus on some of the more comedic Super
Bowl commercials, but this year's lot was simply atrocious.  Therefore
Bill Cosby, Jerry Clower, Bone Crusher, Tim Wilson, Billy Connolly, Ben
Bernie and His Orchestra, Andy Griffith, the Super Mario Brothers, and
Fred Flintstone will have to pick up the slack.  Requests, comments, and
expired ham are welcome as well, so why not tune in to tonight from 6 to 10PM Eastern Time
and see what randomness flows forth from your speakers.

The Talk2 List Postponed John Zone

2009-01-27 Thread John Clower
  Despite doing nine shows during the 129-hour broadcastathon, I
actually did have material left over.  However a few things have come up
today which will render me unable to broadcast during my usual slot
tonight.  Rest assured that the John Zone will show no signs of burnout.
For still more incrimination, both pre-recorded and realtime, along with
yet more cartoon nostalgia, tune in to the belated broadcast Wednesday
afternoon from 3 to 6PM EST at or any
suitable listening alternative.
  Thanks again to all who tuned in last week to the fourth semi-annual
TBRN broadcastathon, which surpassed our previous record by a full
twenty-three hours.  We could never have done it without you guys.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2009-01-20 Thread John Clower
  Today marks the inauguration of our country's first black president,
Barack Obama.  Tonight's edition of the John Zone mercifully will leave
all political opinions at the door to properly commemorate this historic
event, complete with political humor, of course.  Also featured in
tonight's broadcast will be another heaping helping of old-school
Nickelodeon nostalgia, some never-before-heard incrimination from yours
truly, and a few more churchly recordings just to add an air of
seriousness to the show.  Since The Talk Zone with Byron Lee is now on
the Beyond Radio Network from 10 to midnight, the John Zone has expanded
to a four-hour format to avoid any dead air on what promises to be an
even more random Tuesday night lineup than ever before.  It begins at
4PM Eastern Standard Time with Venison Stew, followed at 6:00 with The
John Zone.  Tune in to, or consult for alternate listening options.

The Talk2 List Random John Zone

2009-01-08 Thread John Clower
  Since today would have been Elvis Presley's seventy-fourth birthday,
I'll be doing a commemorative random john Zone on beginning at
1:00 Eastern Standard Time this afternoon.  When I do a themed show,
more often than not I feature more parodies of the subject than the
subject itself, and rest assured that today's show will be no exception.

The Talk2 List This week on The john Zone

2009-01-05 Thread John Clower
  This week's show will be especially dedicated to those of us who grew
up in the 1990's watching Nickelodeon and its associated cartoons.
Featured on the show will be several snippets from Doug, as well as any
other Nick Toon that might come up throughout the course of the evening.
And since this will be the first official show of the new year, we will
be belching out the very last of the holiday-related recordings and
diving right back in to some content I've had festering in the John Zone
studios since October: including new tracks from T.a.t.U.'s latest
album, a studio recording done by Weird Al's backing band, and many
other slivers of greatness that I've no doubt forgotten but will
remember right after this message has been sent.  SO tune in Tuesday
night beginning at 6PM EST to, and let's
have some fun.  Well, until my nephew has to go night night that is.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-12-30 Thread John Clower
  On Christmas Day, we lost the great Eartha Kitt.  The previous night,
my family had our semi-annual jam session.  Tune in tonight at 6PM EST
on as we pay tribute to both, as only the John Zone can.  Your
requests, comments, and bagles are always welcome, too, also.  After a
week's absence, it's good to be back!

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-12-01 Thread John Clower
  Well, it's December once again.  That means it's time for holiday
merriment and incrimination as only The John Zone can bring you.
Beginning at 6:00 tonight on, we dive right in with recordings
from the Clower Thanksgiving, a solo of mine from 1991, and the first
wave of Christmas tracks, including some bits and pieces from the early
days of Reverend BigDawg.  Rounding out the show will be the first
instalment of what I like to call the John Zone holiday theater, which
will come at the end of the scheduled time slot at 9:00.  Oh yes, this
will be a fun show, so all are encouraged to tune in.  By the end of the
night, you are either guaranteed to be in the holiday spirit or wishing
you could shoot me in the face with a fish cannon.  I know, a dumb way
to end a promotion, but I've been writing term papers for the past
seventeen hours.

The Talk2 List Make-up John Zone

2008-11-04 Thread John Clower
  Well something broke quite nicely about half an hour into tonight's
show.  And since I have other distractions later this evening, I'll just
postpone the broadcast until 4PM tomorrow.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-11-04 Thread John Clower
  Tonight ladies and gentlemen we honor the foibles and fallies of the
political candidates here in the states with some good-natured satire.
We will also take another trip on the bus with several of our favorite
passengers, hear a churchly track or two, and debut the recent Weird Al
single that came out a few weeks ago.
  I will go ahead and issue the disclaimer now that tonight's edition of
The John Zone will not include any political rants whatsoever.  Like
many of you, I too want to catch as much of the election night coverage
as possible, more so for local state elections than the presidential
race.  If I allow everyone to call in and debate back and forth, I'll
never get to all of this fun satire I have on hand.  Plus that will
really eat into my daytime minutes, and you guys know how cheap I am
when it comes to non-DVD related items.  So no matter what side of the
spectrum you find yourself, tune in tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern
Standard Time on your listening link of choice, all of which can be
found at

The Talk2 List This week on The John Zone

2008-10-27 Thread John Clower
Boo and stuff!  This week we celebrate the strange and the bizarre, the
spooky and the terrifying, the frothy and the circular, and all things
in between.  Descend into the depths of the darkness and sheer terror of
the John Zone beginning Tuesday night at 6PM Eastern Time on
for an assortment of tricks and tracks that promises to leave you
feeling scared and confused.  William Brown, Unsolved Mysteries, the
Simpsons, and the usual Halloween staples will be stopping by the show
throughout the evening.  Tune in, if you dare, and be sure to bring an
extra change of trousers.  M'woo ha, m'woo ha ha ha ha ha.

The Talk2 List A post-poned John Zone

2008-10-21 Thread John Clower
  There will not be a show this evening, due to a prearranged meeting I
have with my church's choir director.  Presumably it's regarding either
a duet I'm performing next month or the solo I'll be doing in this
years' contata (or however you spell that), which will likely appear on
this year's Reverend BigDawg Christmas CD.  At any rate, he and his wife
just had twin girls only two months ago.  So I'm not about to ask him to
work around my broadcast schedule when he has two newborns to consider.
rest assured that there will be a makeup broadcast later this week,
either Friday at 7PM after Venison Stew or on Saturday from 11AM to 2PM
immediately preceding WDGLFM.  I apologize for the short notice, but it
couldn't be helped.  Have a wonderful day guys.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-10-14 Thread John Clower
  After a trying week of academics, it's time to unwind with yet another
edition of The John Zone.  Featured this week will be the two bus
companions mentioned, but never heard, from last week's shameless
promotion, along with some good-natured political satire, flan, and the
usual assortment of coffee and randomness associated with yours truly.
So why not set your house on fire, curl up in a fetal position, and tune
in to tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Time.

The Talk2 List This week on The John Zone

2008-10-06 Thread John Clower
The John Zone has been back on the air for a couple of weeks now.  But
for the first time in nearly two months, there is actual content
  Tuesday night's show will feature many bits and pieces of Johnly
randomness: including various church recordings, adventures on the bus
with two new characters, tracks from the recent Brian Wilson release,
Australians in Texas, and other assorted clips of a comical nature.  So
why not do what literally half a half dozen others have and grab a bite
to eat, a cup of coffee, and join John as he writes and speaks in the
third person  at 6PM Eastern Time on

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-09-02 Thread John Clower
  Tonight we continue last week's theme with more tracks dedicated to the
drudgery of classes.  Also, some family of mine from southern Louisiana has
been staying with us since Saturday, due to Hurricane Gustav.  Therefore we
may have the occasional unexpected cohost or two joining the show this
evening.  Good times will no doubt be had tonight starting at 6PM Eastern
Time.  You all know the place,  That's where
I'll be.  Why don't you join in?

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-08-26 Thread John Clower
  As is the case with many here in the states this week, classes have once
again resumed at the University of North texas.  If you too have or will
soon be dealing with the back to school blues, why not tune in to The John
Zone tonight for some scholastic-related recordings, as only The Beyond
Radio Network can bring you.
  In addition to this, we will explore the terrifying and amusing results
that occur when pre-sequenced drum loops are combined with live praise and
worship music.  It should be a fun one tonight, so tune in beginning at 6PM
Eastern Time at, and let's see what happens.

The Talk2 List Marathon John Zone tonight!

2008-08-19 Thread John Clower
  For those who recall or tuned in to The John Zone on January 8, I'm going
to attempt to top that twenty-six-hour broadcast by doing a thirty-hour John
Zone, beginning at 6PM Eastern Time tonight at the usual  Doing these long broadcasts has always been
my way of ending an academic break before I have to garb myself in
collegiate attire once more.  There are many things planned for the show
tonight, including recordings from my dad's performance on the square (where
he and his band backed up an Elvis impersonator), some sci-fi Rugrats,
several new ID's, Lynn's music box adventures, news broadcasts from the
1940's, and just about every upbeat or harmonious recording I've ever played
in my two years on The beyond Radio Network.  Of course that's only the tip
of the iceberg, so why not cool off with the chill sounds of The Long John
Zone?  I Promise I won't give you the cold shoulder!

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-08-12 Thread John Clower
  On the show tonight, we pay tribute to the late and the great Issac Hayes,
who tragically passed away Sunday afternoon.  Today also marks the two-year
anniversary of a very embarrassing Blart archive wherein yours truly drank a
liter of bacardi rum.  Suffice it to say, a few excerpts from that show will
have to be played as well.  All this and several new ID's can be heard
tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight Time at  

RE: The Talk2 List Heavily Influenced on a break

2008-08-05 Thread John Clower
Patrick Perdue,, The Beyond Radio Network's resident stalwart optimist.

-Original Message-
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 11:53 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Heavily Influenced on a break

TBRn, it's been a great run. Things don't last forever, ya know.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - 
Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.5.12/1592 - Release Date: 8/5/2008
6:03 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-07-29 Thread John Clower
  Tonight will be an unusually refined edition of The John Zone.  Sunday
evening I went to a concert, featuring Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick.  For
reasons beyond my control, some stereo mics decided to jump on me during the
Journey concert, and a mono mic attacked me during Heart's set.  So
recordings from both groups, along with a pilot for a series I may try to do
once i have more time on my hands, will be paraded out for the virtual
hecklings of you all beginning tonight at 6PM Eastern Daylight Time at  This may not sound like a lot for three
hours, but believe me, this will be another jam-packed, as opposed to
jelly-packed, broadcast.  Tune in, won't you?

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-07-22 Thread John Clower
  This evening, we begin tape 1 of a horribly embarrassing 4-tape radio show
that yours truly recorded in the summer of 1998.  If you thought Derek in
space was incriminating, you'll definitely be amused by my own helping of
audio blackmail.  Also featured tonight will be some never-before tracks
from Morning Musume, Dennis Day, and Phil Harris.  As usual, your comments,
suggestions, rants, and threats of a confusing nature are, as always,
welcome.  So tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Time, why not direct your
media player of choice to and enter The John

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-07-15 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  More randomness abounds on the show tonight as Phil Harris and Russell
Peters delight with more comical genius, the former from the 1940's and the
latter from several years ago.  Also making its debut is the pilot for what
may very well be an interesting and ongoing serial, focused around a rescue
attempt of those brave souls who are in Transcriptionville day in and day
out.  This production will combine the resources not only of the meager John
Zone studios, but some of HKC's oddest and strangest manifestations will be
in on this as well.  And as if this weren't enough, John will feature his
own take on the recent Fannie Mae government bail-out, in typical John Zone
fashion of course, as well as a few recordings from this week's church
  All this and more can be found tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight
Time at

RE: The Talk2 List Fwd: Why men are never depressed.

2008-07-08 Thread John Clower
It's true.  In fact, when I left for my ten-day vacation to Louisiana and
Florida, I packed only one suitcase.  Now, with that affirmation resolved,
*tosses shirt aside and heads for the nearest waterpark!*

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 9:19 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Fwd: Why men are never depressed.

Men Are Just Happier People--
What do you expect from such simple creatures?

Your last name stays put.

The garage is all yours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.

You can never be pregnant.

You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.

You can wear NO shirt to a water park.

Car mechanics tell you the truth.

The world is your urinal.

You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is 
just too icky.

You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

Wrinkles add character.

Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100.

People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.

New shoes don't cut, blister,or mangle your feet.

One mood all the time.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

You know stuff about tanks.

A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.

You can open all your own jars.

You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

You never have strap problems in public.

You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.

Everything on your face stays its original color.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

You only have to shave your face and neck.

You can play with toys all your life.

One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one color for all seasons.

You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.

You can 'do' your nails with a pocket knife.

You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.

No wonder men are happier.

"If life gives you lemons, squeeze the juice into a water gun and shoot 
other people in the eyes. If life gives you lemons, stick them down your 
shirt and make your boobs look bigger."
Amy Billman
Messenger ID's:

- Original Message - 
From: "Derek Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List IP test

> It does work, and I must confess that this has been the most borring
> summer for talk2 thus far.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Onj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "talk2" 
> Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 2:56 PM
> Subject: The Talk2 List IP test
>> Since this list has been dead for a remarkably long time, this is to 
>> see
>> whether stuff works again.  It had better do.  Or else.  yes.  That's 
>> right.
>> MR  Andre P. Louis
>>  My personal site: http://AndreLouis.COM
>>  My Live Journal: http://LJ.AndreLouis.COM
>>  On Facebook:
>>  Free music (for use in MOH systems, podcasts and radio):
>>  The Beyond Radio Network (TBRN:) http://www.TBRN.NET
>>  Rockbox voices:
>>  The phonetones project: http://AndreLouis.COM/phonetones
>>   Online contacts:
>>  Email and NET Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  Aim: FreakyFwoof
>>   Telephone contacts:
>>  Home (phone United Kingdom):   +44207-076
>>  Home (fax United Kingdom):   +44207- 2212126
>>  Cellular (United Kingdom): +44-7875-546903
>> In the United States: +1-404-8065809
>> or
>> +1-253-2421089
>> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't. 
>> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't. 
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
> __ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus
> signature database 3248 (20080707) __
> The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG - 
Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.4.6/1540 - Release Date: 7/8/2008
6:33 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-07-01 Thread John Clower
  After a week's hiatus, The John Zone returns tonight with a bounty of
randomness.  This evening you can listen in on a few hands of Gin rummy with
the Clower-Patterson-Hebert-Venable family, courtesy of last Friday night's
card game.  Also featured will be a few tunes from a friend of my dad's, as
well as some Indian-American comedy, several selections from the live action
Ninja Turtles sound tracks, and a beach-themed episode of Johnny Bravo.  No
doubt I'm forgetting something, as I always do.  But to find out, tune in to tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-06-10 Thread John Clower
  Tonight should, failing some unforeseen circumstance, kick off the third
unofficial TBRN bi-annual Broadcastathon.  Beginning with venison Stew at
4PM, yours truly will take over at 6:00 and continue through until 6AM
Wednesday morning when JDX takes over, leading all brave souls to rejected
Realms of some of the finest science fiction drama this world has to offer.
  The show this evening promises to be another random and hopefully
hilarious experience for those who tune in.  Tonight I dip back in to more
music from the Radio Aahs days of the mid-1990's and feature a few brand new
(or perhaps not so brand new) Sesame Street ditties,) as well as a track or
three from Seamus Kennedy's children's album.  All this and more advice from
red Green, another new promo or two, a few tracks from the various Ninja
Turtles soundtracks, and a very bizarre exchange from a student
organizations meeting involving AIDS, lubrecant, and college freshmen can be
heard tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight Time at

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-06-03 Thread John Clower
  Tonight promises to bring forth another strange assortment of craziness
here on The John Zone.  After completing the May-mester this past Thursday,
a most special celebration is in order.  How might such a celebration be
undertaken, you may ask?  Well, we'll start off with brand new music from
the Russian pop duo T.A.T.U., add to that some Japanese happy-time super
show! fun go tracks, filet with a bit of good-natured political satire, and
season that interesting smelling mix with another song or two from Cheech
Marin's children's album.  In addition we dig up the true reason why Jessica
Simpson and Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo split up late last month.
All this and several new TBRN promos and words of advice from red Green
coming up tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight Time at

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-05-27 Thread John Clower
  Tonight will be a very special edition of The John Zone for a number of
reasons.  First and foremost, we here at the nonexistent John Zone Studios
must pay tribute to the brave men and women in our armed services.  Now I
could write out a heart-felt and overly patriotic monologue to recite on the
show, but I think that Seamus Kennedy and Gordon Sinclair can do a much
better job than I.
  But today is a special day for other reasons as well.  The Batman comic
debuted on this day sixty-nine years ago.  The Disney feature The Three
Little Pigs premiered in theatres seventy-five years ago, and the voluptuous
city of Saint Petersburg turns 305 years young!  These three anniversaries
have nothing to do with one another, but they will be celebrated on the show
tonight nonetheless.  All this and an encore presentation of the red neck
bus driver can be found tonight beginning at 6PM Eastern Daylight Time at

The Talk2 List A postponed John Zone

2008-05-20 Thread John Clower
  Owing to John's technological blunders, the drivers for his ever-reliant
PreSonus external sound card have been successfully derailed.  So there will
be no John Zone tonight.  However if this problem is remedied in short
order, a belated John Zone will pop up on Thursday at 6PM eastern Time,
immediately preceding Zay Nation on The Beyond Radio Network.  John
sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience, and for writing in the third
person when posting messages such as these.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-05-13 Thread John Clower
  If Borat and his lovely wife Luenell were to have a daughter, and this
daughter happened to have children with Kung Fu Docta, their eldest son
might sound an awful lot like my comparative politics professor, Ko Maeda.
What's that?  you don't believe me?  Well, tune in tonight to
beginning at 6PM Eastern Time and judge for yourself.
  While it may be Tuesday, and yes, it may be two days late, we here at The
John Zone have mothers, too.  So we will be honoring them with mother and
mom-related recordings, some sincere and genuine, but some a bit comical in
nature, as is customary with The John Zone, including a very heartfelt
episode of the 1987 incarnation of The teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon
series.  After literally minutes of deliberation, it was eventually decided
that it would be more prudent to celebrate this day two days late as opposed
to five days early to make this theme as relevant as possible.
  This past Sunday was a rather busy one at my church.  In addition to being
Mother's Day, May 11 happened to fall on pentecost, as well as confirmation
Sunday (where we welcomed several young people into the Church.)  And as if
that weren't enough, we had six baptisms spanning the second and third
morning services.  I had also been asked by the music director to
participate in a vocal quartette for the first morning service, which was on
top of my singing and playing bass in the second contemporary service and
performing in the chancel choir for the third traditional service.
Essentially this is a roundabout way of saying that John has many
church-related recordings from this past Sunday, several of which wil be
featured tonight on The John Zone.
  If there is time tonight, I will make up for last week's error and
properly conduct a more concrete taste test to decisively conclude once and
for all which cookies are better, those made by Matt's Cookies or those made
by Cheryl & Co. Gourmet Cookies, Desserts and Gifts.  This may sound like a
lot to cram into a three-hour slot, and it is.  But tune in tonight to the
website mentioned above at the time mentioned above, and let's see if I can
pull it off.

RE: The Talk2 List A Drunk Zone

2008-05-10 Thread John Clower
  Well unfortunately a lovely power outage sort of knocked out The Drunk
Zone about ninety minutes into the broadcast, but rest assured there will be
another.  This May-mester of mine will end on the 30th, which will be cause
for yet another celebration.
  I now leave you all to your respective Saturdays, or Sundays as the case
may be.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 8:41 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List A Drunk Zone

Hey all
  Well it's the end of another semester.  So to celebrate, there will be a
Drunk Zone coming up after Bec's Return tonight beginning around 11PM
Eastern Time. is the place to be.

The Talk2 List A Drunk Zone

2008-05-09 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  Well it's the end of another semester.  So to celebrate, there will be a
Drunk Zone coming up after Bec's Return tonight beginning around 11PM
Eastern Time. is the place to be.

RE: The Talk2 List weather bad times

2008-05-07 Thread John Clower
Ah, that's the issue I've had for several months now.  When doing a search
for weather stations, I come up with two results.  The first is that station
which we all know and love and ideally gives us a complete forecast.  That's
the one that doesn't seem to be appearing anymore in the contact list,
regardless of what version of Miranda you may be using.  The second result
is the existing one that will show up in the list, but displays a similar
read-out as the one Patrick posted here.  That's an issue I've had myself
since the beginning of the year.  And me being the meteorologoholic that I
am, it's quite frustrating.

-Original Message-
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 9:54 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List weather bad times

Well, I have a Miranda weather issue but not that one. The stations all show
up in the contact list, but everything is n/a. Here is my local forecast,
for example:
Feel-Like: N/A
Pressure: N/A
Wind: N/A  
Humidity: N/A
Dew Point: N/A
Visibility: N/A

Sun Rise: N/A
Sun Set: N/A

5 Days Forecast:
  /  %, 
  /  %, 
  /  %, 
  /  %, 
  /  %, 

Really quite useless. Perhaps it's time to update that particular plugin?
The version I have is pretty old.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.8/1413 - Release Date: 5/3/2008
11:22 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-05-06 Thread John Clower
  On tonight's edition of The John Zone, we find out what eighteen-month-old
marshmallows taste like and whether or not Matt's Cookies can stand up
against gourmet baked goods.  With a splash of Seamus Kennedy and Justin
Wilson, along with your requests and comments, tonight promises to be a fun
show.  So grab yourself some dinner, warm up this morning's coffee, and join
John tonight at 6PM Eastern Time at

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-04-27 Thread John Clower
  For those who haven't seen the obnoxious countdown on my MSN
messenger,tonight will be my final broadcast on the Monday night line-up.
beginning May 6 I will be returning to my old time slot following Venison
Stew (from 6 to 9PM Eastern Time.)  So seeing as this will be the last
Monday night show, I felt that I should make this a special edition of The
John Zone.
  For those who grew up with the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon,
you will most definitely want to tune in tonight.  In going through these
TMNT DVD's of mine this past week, I have found a lot of wonderful material
which you guys will really get a kick out of.  Of course this show is not
centered on one theme, because I just don't have the attention span for that
sort of thing.  There will be more recordings from the Big Chill Second
Generation performance Friday, as well as the one we had at the Denton Arts
and Jazz Fest Sunday afternoon.  Also included will be a brief snippet of
the steel drum band that went on before us.  They were really quite good,
and I wish I'd been able to record more of their set.  But we'll just have
to make do with the bit I was able to get.
  Of course your requests and comments are, as always, welcomed as well.  So
why not tune in to tonight beginning at 9PM
EDT, 8PM CDT, 6PM PDT, 4pM HST, or, for you folks out east, 3AM BST, 9AM
WST, 1PM NZST, or 3PM LINT Tuesday.  I'm sure most of those times are
correct.  But hey, why not ttune in and find out?

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-04-21 Thread John Clower
  As if doing three shows in less than one day's time wasn't enough, John is
back up on the TBRN docket tonight.  Tonight's program will feature another
chapter in the embarrassing saga of John's adolescent amiture radio, dated
April of 1999, along with a score of newly acquired musical ditties:
including some authentic British comedy, still more Sesame Street music, and
a yodel or two.
  April 21 also marks a state holiday here in Texas, commemorating the
decisive Texan victory at The Battle of San Jacinto fought on this day 172
years ago.  Since I am a good Texan, I must make some note of this day,
aided in large part by a few clips from a second season episode of King of
The Hill.
  Needless to say tonight's show will be a busy one, so why not tune in and
see what the cries of frustration are all about? or some such derivative of that address will
probably maybe kind of lead you to the mayhem that is The John Zone
beginning at 9:00 Eastern Daylight Time!  Wow that was a long sentence.

The Talk2 List A Drunk Zone?

2008-04-18 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  After two weeks of craziness, John has finished many a paper and exam.  So
he is celebrating with a semi-Drunk Zone now live at  He'd write more, but this Irish coffee is
just too enticing.

RE: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

2008-04-16 Thread John Clower
Actually, the presentation was kind of fun.  The paper on Plato's Republic,
well...We'll see.  I should probably start it soon, though.  It's due in
about seventeen hours.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:37 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

Does John even find funnality in writing his evil papers and putting 
together his presentations? Heh heh.
- Original Message - 
From: "John Clower" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

Oh come now.  You have to be a natural blond for that to count!  I am one,
and I make a point of finding the funnality in every activity possible, no
matter how mundane it may be.

  And don't worry about the one-line limit.  The same people who berate
one-lined Talk2 posts also find some bizarre delight in reposting archived
messages from four years ago.  Go figure.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:13 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

Hey--I'm a blond, and I'd like to know at what point it was decided that we
had more fun.

I have been a blond since I was 16 and am now 34, and I say again, I have
yet to have had more fun as a result of my hair color.

Can someone please tell me?  Is this only reserved for "natural" blonds? Amy
Messenger ID's:

- Original Message - 
From: "rainee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

> Thank you for being a nut.  We love it.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Samuel Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "talk2" 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:31 PM
> Subject: The Talk2 List I won't do it!
>> I'm not going to do it, and you can't make me do it.
>> So there!  I'll just sit in the corner and continue to play with my 
>> earlobes.  I don't want to be worthwhile anymore.  I want to be a  
>> loser.

>> Because blonds and losers have more fun.   I'm going to change  my name
>> to sloopy.  Then I'm going to let go.  I'm a loser baby, but  I'd 
>> still appreciate it if you didn't shoot me.  Hey bungalow bill,  who 
>> did you kill?  Bang Bang maxwell's silver hammer came down upon  your 
>> head.  Bang

>> Bang maxwell's silver hammer made sure that you were  hungry like the 
>> wolf man, he'll rate your record high with a little  help from my 
>> friends

>> in low place is I like it like that was our tune,  but it's over.  
>> Please

>> Mr. Please, don't play B17 if you wanna hold  your hand in mine dear 
>> panteth for the water so my soul longeth after  the ball is over 
>> after the sea of heartbreak hotel california what a  lovely way to 
>> say you love

>> me: having my baby fall in love with me.   Delta dawn, what's that flower

>> in your hair, shine it, wax it came  upon a midnight clear, that 
>> venus in

>> bluejeans.
>> The above mental depressive episode was brought to you by coke.  I'd 
>> like to buy the world a coke, but skip the birds and flowers and all 
>> that other junk.  Because if everyone in the world shakes up the coke 
>> before they open it we can all squirt it at one another and have one 
>> hell of a coke fight.  And that'd be more fun than world peace. Did 
>> you miss a message?  Well, don't. 
>> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't. 
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.0/1381 - Release Date: 4/16/2008
9:34 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

__ NOD32 3032 (20080416) Information __

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.0/1381 - Release Date: 4/16/2008
9:34 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

2008-04-16 Thread John Clower
Oh come now.  You have to be a natural blond for that to count!  I am one,
and I make a point of finding the funnality in every activity possible, no
matter how mundane it may be.

  And don't worry about the one-line limit.  The same people who berate
one-lined Talk2 posts also find some bizarre delight in reposting archived
messages from four years ago.  Go figure.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:13 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

Hey--I'm a blond, and I'd like to know at what point it was decided that we 
had more fun.

I have been a blond since I was 16 and am now 34, and I say again, I have 
yet to have had more fun as a result of my hair color.

Can someone please tell me?  Is this only reserved for "natural" blonds? Amy
Messenger ID's:

- Original Message - 
From: "rainee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I won't do it!

> Thank you for being a nut.  We love it.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Samuel Proulx" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "talk2" 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 12:31 PM
> Subject: The Talk2 List I won't do it!
>> I'm not going to do it, and you can't make me do it.
>> So there!  I'll just sit in the corner and continue to play with my 
>> earlobes.  I don't want to be worthwhile anymore.  I want to be a  loser.

>> Because blonds and losers have more fun.   I'm going to change  my name 
>> to sloopy.  Then I'm going to let go.  I'm a loser baby, but  I'd still 
>> appreciate it if you didn't shoot me.  Hey bungalow bill,  who did you 
>> kill?  Bang Bang maxwell's silver hammer came down upon  your head.  Bang

>> Bang maxwell's silver hammer made sure that you were  hungry like the 
>> wolf man, he'll rate your record high with a little  help from my friends

>> in low place is I like it like that was our tune,  but it's over.  Please

>> Mr. Please, don't play B17 if you wanna hold  your hand in mine dear 
>> panteth for the water so my soul longeth after  the ball is over after 
>> the sea of heartbreak hotel california what a  lovely way to say you love

>> me: having my baby fall in love with me.   Delta dawn, what's that flower

>> in your hair, shine it, wax it came  upon a midnight clear, that venus in

>> bluejeans.
>> The above mental depressive episode was brought to you by coke.  I'd 
>> like to buy the world a coke, but skip the birds and flowers and all 
>> that other junk.  Because if everyone in the world shakes up the coke 
>> before they open it we can all squirt it at one another and have one 
>> hell of a coke fight.  And that'd be more fun than world peace. Did you 
>> miss a message?  Well, don't.
>> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again. 

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.0/1381 - Release Date: 4/16/2008
9:34 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List Design Coding

2008-04-16 Thread John Clower
Wow that made for a good laugh.  I really needed that, too.

-Original Message-
Rosie Morales
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:08 AM
To: talk2
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Design Coding

●Hmmm●, I don’t know whether to be happy that a guy who can rap is
rapping about something other than sex, drugs, guns, and money or whether to
be highly amused at the fact that a guy made an entire song about photo
shop. Either way, just another demonstration about how entertaining youtube
can be. Thanks little Vanja!


Vanja Sudar
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:24 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Design Coding

OK this is very weird, but kinda interesting. I guess some people have far
too much time on their hands.

MSN/windows live messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: vanja121
Skype: vanja121

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-04-07 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  for those who missed my quasi-impromptu broadcast Saturday morning, I had
announced that this past Friday marked my two-year anniversary on The Beyond
Radio network.  As of last night, I finally have access to that pesky
external drive with all of my archives.  So tonight's show will partially be
devoted to reflecting on a few of the more interesting moments that I've
been privileged to be a part of.  Yes, I ended a sentence with a
  So if you've nothing else to occupy your time, why not tune in at 9PM EDT
to, and let's see what happens, shall we?

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-03-31 Thread John Clower
Good afternoon all, or evening, or morning, or next afternoon, depending on
your location
  Tonight on The John Zone I pay tribute to my departing church choir
director by playing some clips from his final Sunday at Trinity, including a
very amusing roast, of which yours truly took part.  Also featured tonight
will be two recordings from a UNT composition major recital, which Steve and
I attended last Wednesday.  The pianist for the contemporary praise-type
band, of which we are in, debuted his doctoral composition that night.  It's
very different, but he makes some unusual noises using piano strings and
drums and sheets and what not.
  And since Amy sent out that link, you know I have to play that tune as
well.  As is customary, there will be much much more coming up tonight which
I have forgotten to mention.  So tune in at 9PM Eastern Daylight Time to and give me a hard time, won't you?

RE: The Talk2 List google language translater

2008-03-28 Thread John Clower
Patrick, we need to seriously get you a life.  I know it's a pipe dream at
this point, but this act of boredom alone proves, perhaps more so than
anything else you've ever done before, that  you're desperately in need of

-Original Message-
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 7:30 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List google language translater

On 3/28/2008, 8:27:51 PM EDT, John wrote:

> John is extremely confused!  But amused!!!

Oh, good. If I've succeeded in confusing at least one person, even through
someone else, then my job is complete. That was a message from four years
ago. Wah ha.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday,
March 28, 2008 at 8:29 PM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.1/1348 - Release Date: 3/28/2008
10:58 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List google language translater

2008-03-28 Thread John Clower
John is extremely confused!  But amused!!!

-Original Message-
Derek Lane
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 4:22 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List google language translater

if you go to, and click on language tools, you have a
language translater which is useful to play with mostly.

original phraze 

I rescued all of my friendly matrices from their pathetic lives where they
were living in a big old fwoof tank.

from english to spanish to english again.

I rescued all my friendly matrices from its lives pathetic where they lived
in an old great tank on fwoof.

that translation from english to german and back again:

I saved all my friendly stencils of its pathetic to lives, where they lived
in an old large container on fwoof.

that translation from english to italian and back to english again:

I have conserved all mine stampini friendly of the relative one pathetic to
the screw, where they have lived in old a great container on fwoof.

wasn't that fun?

ok, well lets try another random phrase.

My good friend Andre lives in a big old fwoof tank.

from english to french and back again:

My good friend Andre lives in a large old man tank of fwoof.

that translation from english to Italian and back again

My good Andre friend alive in a great old tank of the man of fwoof.

that translation from english to german and back again:

My good friend Andre alive in a large old container of the man of fwoof.

Ok, your turn to come up with stuff now. woot.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List Random news from one living room

2008-03-23 Thread John Clower
I've seen bits and pieces of something similar on the Discovery Channel.
Perhaps this was that Blue Planet thing.  It's pretty much as you described.
Venison will probably know something about it, but I think it's more or less
a nonstop panaramic oceanic documentary with almost no narration or

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:04 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Random news from one living room

Too funny!!
I've noticed that too.
I think that they do that instead of showing infomercials.  Who knows! 

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can 
do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the

something that I can do." -- Hellen Keller, American author and lecturer 
Amy Billman
Messenger ID's:
- Original Message - 
From: "Maria L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2008 10:44 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List Random news from one living room

>I could post this on my LJ, but since this kind of warrants discussion 
>post it here just to be annoying.  You guys can kick me afterwords.
> So here I am, sitting in my living room enjoying my wireless network.
> Except my mom is asleep, and the TV was on the Learning Channel.  Now it 
> is on some weird weird non talky image of the ocean with either lots of 
> people or lots of water, can't figure it out.  Why would any TV channel 
> get so desperate as to show an endless beach sequence?  Does anyone know?
> On that note, I'll go back to zapping spam.
> Maria
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't. 
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.21.7/1329 - Release Date: 3/14/2008
12:33 PM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List This morning on The John Zone

2008-03-15 Thread John Clower
  For those who don't know, I'll be spending the duration of Spring Break in
California with my family, so I will not be hosting or cohosting either The
John Zone or Blart Radio this weekend or next.  But since I've been somewhat
responsible with packing and the like, I've afforded myself a small window
of time in which to do a morning edition of The John Zone.  It will be
fairly relaxed.  Though since Saint Patrick's Day is on Monday, I will
present some never-before-heard Seamus Kennedy tunes.  I've also obtained
some very amusing Sesame Street tracks, so I'll be blasting those as well.
beer and Grover?  Hmm.  I guess they're similar.
  The start time is as usual.  11AM EDT at
beginning at 

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-03-10 Thread John Clower
hey all
  In this cheap plug for tonight's edition of The John Zone, I begin with a
riddle.  What do Lasgo, Shel Silverstein, The Association, Sesame Street,
and Paul Shanklin have in common?  Well?  Any guesses?  Ok, I have no clue
either.  But I have amassed many new wonderful recordings by these artists,
some of which I will feature on the show this evening.  I also have a video
clip dated March 10, 1990 of yours truly (and twin) spending our spring
break in Louisiana with my mom's side of the family.  Assuming I can track
it down and master it sometime within the next three hours, I'll have that
for you all as well tonight beginning at 9PM EDT at  You can also expect another episode of The
Red Green Show to make an appearance, and of course your requests and
messages as well.
  I do apologize for the disjointed promotional post, but all of us here at
the mythical John Zone studios are still recovering from a bit of an
academic hangover.  Stupid papers!  So if you're looking for three hours of
distractionality, why not tune in tonight?  Come on.  You know you want to.
All the cool kids are doing it.  Well, they've thought about it at any rate.

The Talk2 List A random john Zone, though an hour late

2008-03-08 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  Since the blink festers are still out, and yes I'm aware one could make
that into a vague innuendo, John will be going on today with an impromptu
edition of The John Zone beginning at noon Eastern Time, which of course is
5PM GMT and 6AM NZDT. is the place to be,
well, unless you don't want to listen of course.  But what fun would that

RE: The Talk2 List Are you a Democrat, Republican or Redneck?

2008-03-05 Thread John Clower
Oh Amy, thank you for that.  I really really really needed a good laugh.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 10:46 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Are you a Democrat, Republican or Redneck?

Are you a Democrat, Republican or Redneck?
 Here is a little test that will help you decide. The answer can be
 found by posing the following question:
 You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small
 Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife comes around the
 corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah,
 raises the knife, and charges at you.
 You are carrying a Glock cal 40, and you are an expert shot.
 You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family.
 What do you do??
 Democrat's Answer
 Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
 Does the man look poor? Or oppressed?
 Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
 Could we run away?
 What does my wife think?
 What about the kids?
 Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of
 his hand?
 What does the law say about this situation?
 Does the Glock have an appropriate safety built into it?
 Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does
 this send to society and my children?
 Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
 If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while
 he was stabbing me?
 Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound
 Should I call 9-1-1?
 Why is this street so deserted?
 We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a
 happier, healthier street that would discourage such behavior.
 This is all so confusing! I need to discuss it with some friends over a
 latte and try to come to a consensus.
 ~~~ ~
 Republican's Answer
 Redneck's Answer
 Daughter: 'Nice grouping, Daddy!
 Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?'
 Son: 'Git-r-Dun Pop! Can I shoot the next one?!'
 Wife: 'You ain't taking that to the taxidermist!'

"Dance like nobody's watching; Sing like nobody's listening; love like
you've never been hurt; live like heaven on earth," ~ Katheryn Hepburn
Amy Billman
Messenger ID's:

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-03-03 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  March 2, 2008 marked the one hundred seventy-second anniversary of Texas'
formal declaration of independence.  So being the stereotypical proud Texan
that I am, we here at the John Zone will be probing deep into the vaults for
many a Texan-related recording to celebrate, both novelty and serious alike.
Also featured this week will be an episode of The Red Green Show and more
amusing out takes from these praise band rehearsals of mine.  It should be a
fun show, and ideally one that doesn't last until 2 in the morning.  But in
case it does, point your media player of choice to tonight beginning at 9PM Eastern Time, 2AM

RE: The Talk2 List I just thought you all would like to know

2008-03-01 Thread John Clower
In five days, John has two midterms in his ancient political theory and
Western European politics classes.  Anyone want to trade for that?  Anyone?

-Original Message-
Stephen Clower
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 3:12 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List I just thought you all would like to know

Patrick Perdue wrote:
> I just thought you all would like to know:
> that loads and lots of people will be in Nashville, Tennessee, in a 
> bit less than two day(s).

In two days, Steve has morre midterms. Anyone want to trade?

- Steve

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.2/1305 - Release Date: 2/29/2008
6:32 PM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List An impromptu John Zone

2008-03-01 Thread John Clower
Good morning everyone, or afternoon, or evening, depending on where you are
in the world.  if you are like John, then it's very hard to get up and go on
Saturday mornings.  But from 11AM to 2PM Eastern, 4PM to 7PM GMT, and 5AM to
8AM NZDT Sunday, John is going to be streaming to hopefully get your
Saturday or Sunday jump started in the right direction.  So if you just need
some distracting, or if you need some good background noise while you reheat
your coffee, why not point your media player of choice to or simply go to if
you prefer the lazy imbedded media player solution.  Satisfaction is almost

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-02-25 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  Last week i had made a vague reference to a Weird AL Top 10 Countdown I
had recorded back in 1998.  Well being as predictably predictable as I
predictably am, I have that tape ready to go for tonight's edition of The
John Zone, beginning at 9PM Eastern Time.  I also have some quite awww
inducing recordings of my nephew who, this weekend, climbed our stairs for
the very first time, along with some church recordings from yesterday which
I thought were pretty amusing.  Is that all that will pop up on The John
Zone?  Of course not.  But it's all that comes to mind for now, so point
your media player of choice to in about an
hour, and let's get this week started right!

The Talk2 List An amusing Spam

2008-02-24 Thread John Clower
environment. In other

Hire! How are you? Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] only. I am
using my friend's email to write this. I am lonely girl. To see my pics
weekly, plus T-ball that you have But so does living district if you want."


  What if I don't want to hire?  This woman does not sound like good Clower
Co. material.

The Talk2 List Possible re-airing of Monday's edition of The John Zone

2008-02-22 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  Since Darren did not do a show Monday, I opted to start my own slot ninety
minutes early, failing to let anyone know via the announcements list or
otherwise that I was doing so.  Consequentially much of what turned out to
be my most embarrassing incrimination yet had been played by the time the
show was scheduled to start at 9PM Eastern.  To afford anyone who missed it
the opportunity to hear a fourteen-year-old me carry on a Brak top twenty
countdown, complete with fake commercials and several early Johnisms, I will
re-air this week's edition of the John Zone beginning at 8:30 AM Eastern
Time tomorrow morning, which is 1:30 PM GMT and 2:30 AM NZDT.
  Now if I should happen to wake up at 10:00, then this obviously won't
happen.  But I have had one or two requests to re-air this particular show.
So I wil surely try to be up early enough so I don't step on Derek's slot.
I promise this re-airing concept won't become a regular occurance every
Saturday morning.  However this really was a fun edition, so John will make
this one exception.

RE: The Talk2 List One question.

2008-02-19 Thread John Clower
  No making John feel stupid after being up on campus for twelve hours.  Bad
Amy.  bad bad Amy.
  But that was well worth it.  *shuts down computer*

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:16 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List One question.

Here's a one-question IQ Test to help you decide how you should
spend the rest of your day..
There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush.
By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully expresses
himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.
Now, if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses,
how should he express himself?
Think about it first before scrolling down for the answer...
He opens his mouth and says. "I would like to buy a pair of Sunglasses."  If
you got this wrong, please turn off your computer and call it a day.
I've got mine shutting down right now.
(You know you missed it too, so shut down your computer.)

"Music is a moral law- it gives wings to the mind, A soul to the universe,
Flight to the imagination, A charm to sadness, A life to everything." -
Amy Billman
Messenger ID's:

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-02-18 Thread John Clower
  Alas, it is that time of the week once more where the younger Clower twin
takes over the Beyond Radio Network for three hours of sheer randomness.
Featured on this week's edition of the John Zone will be more live
recordings from The Band Behind The House, (see Blart from February 16 for
more details), as well as an amusing station ID featuring my nephew, Andrew,
and perhaps an episode of The Red Green Show if you're really really good.
  But what would The John Zone be without some form of incrimination?  This
week, I have decided to expose my dark secretive past and play for you all
one of the many KIDS Radio recordings of mine.  KIDS Radio was more or less
the WDGL or WPAT of my childhood.  Unfortunately almost all of the
recordings i made between 1995 and 1999 have survived.  So tonight I will
present you all with the tape that includes a top 20 countdown featuring the
ever-hyperactive Space Ghost sidekick, Brak.  Will I regret this?  Maybe so,
but it will be well worth the amusement.  So grab a beverage of a refreshing
and/or adult nature and kick back with, oh wait that's a different show,
tonight beginning at 9PM EST, 8PM CST, 4PM HST, 2AM GMT, and 3PM NZDT at

The Talk2 List an impromptu John Zone

2008-02-16 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  Because mine is the show that never seems to go away, I shall be doing a
relaxed John Zone-type show beginning today at 11AM Eastern preceding
WDGLFM. should be tuned into, and
subsequently left on all day long.

RE: The Talk2 List John Cleese's "Letter to America"

2008-02-15 Thread John Clower
I came across this a few years ago, and I read somewhere that in fact this
wasn't written by John Cleese at all, but meerly falsely attributed to him.
'tis quite hilarious in either instance.  While reading the line about the
constant inserting of 'like' and 'you know' into common American dialogue, I
couldn't help but think of Vicky Pollard.  ""Yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but
no.  I sooo can't believe you said that!"'

-Original Message-
Vanja Sudar
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 3:57 PM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List John Cleese's "Letter to America"

This is just hilarious!
Dear Citizens of America,

In view of your failure to elect a competent President and thus to govern
yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence,
effective immediately.
Her Sovereign Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, will resume monarchical duties
over all states, commonwealths and other territories (except Kansas, which
she does not fancy), as from Monday next.

Your new prime minister, Gordon Brown, will appoint a governor for America
without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be
disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether
any of you noticed.

To aid in the transition to a British Crown Dependency, the following rules
are introduced with immediate effect:

1. You should look up "revocation" in the Oxford English Dictionary. Then
look up "aluminium," and check the pronunciation guide. You will be amazed
at just how wrongly you have been pronouncing it.

2. The letter 'U' will be reinstated in words such as 'colour', 'favour' and
'neighbour.' Likewise, you will learn to spell 'doughnut' without skipping
half the letters, and the suffix "ize" will be replaced by the suffix "ise."

3. You will learn that the suffix 'burgh' is pronounced 'burra'; you may
elect to spell Pittsburgh as 'Pittsberg' if you find you simply can't cope
with correct pronunciation.

4. Generally, you will be expected to raise your vocabulary to acceptable
levels (look up "vocabulary"). Using the same twenty-seven words
interspersed with filler noises such as "like" and "you know" is an
unacceptable and inefficient form of communication.

5. There is no such thing as "US English." We will let Microsoft know on
your behalf. The Microsoft spell-checker will be adjusted to take account of
the reinstated letter 'u' and the elimination of "-ize."

6. You will relearn your original national anthem, "God Save The Queen",
but only after fully carrying out Task #1 (see above).

7. July 4th will no longer be celebrated as a holiday. November 2nd will
be a new national holiday, but to be celebrated only in England. It will be
called "Come-Uppance Day."

8. You will learn to resolve personal issues without using guns, lawyers or
therapists. The fact that you need so many lawyers and therapists shows that
you're not adult enough to be independent. Guns should only be handled by
adults. If you're not adult enough to sort things out without suing someone
or speaking to a therapist then you're not grown up enough to handle a gun.

9. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to own or carry anything more
dangerous than a vegetable peeler. A permit will be required if you wish to
carry a vegetable peeler in public.

10. All American cars are hereby banned. They are crap and this is for your
own good. When we show you German cars, you will understand what we mean.

11. All intersections will be replaced with roundabouts, and you will start
driving on the left with immediate effect. At the same time, you will go
metric immediately and without the benefit of conversion tables. Both
roundabouts and metrification will help you understand the British sense of

12. The Former USA will adopt UK prices on petrol (which you have been
calling "gasoline") - roughly $8/US per gallon. Get used to it.

13. You will learn to make real chips. Those things you call french fries
are not real chips, and those things you insist on calling potato chips are
properly called "crisps." Real chips are thick cut, fried in animal fat, and
dressed not with catsup but with malt vinegar.

14. Waiters and waitresses will be trained to be more aggressive with

15. The cold tasteless stuff you insist on calling beer is not actually beer
at all. Henceforth, only proper British Bitter will be referred to as
"beer," and European brews of known and accepted provenance will be referred
to as "Lager." American brands will be referred to as "Near-Frozen Gnat's
Urine," so that all can be sold without risk of further confusion.

16. Hollywood will be required occasionally to cast English actors as good
guys. Hollywood will also be required to cast English actors as English
characters. Watching Andie MacDowell attempt English dialogue in "Four
Weddings and a Funeral" was an experience akin to having one's ear removed
with a cheese 

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-02-11 Thread John Clower
  Well since Thursday is Valentine's Day, I feel that it's only appropriate
that tonight at 9PM Eastern I dim the lights, break out some froo-froo
candles, and present my own take on the holiday and love in general.  Now
for those who even remotely know me, you know this won't be three hours of
shmaltzy sappy shtuff.  Many humorous love songs will abound, but this show
will be far more sentimental than cynical.  So tune in tonight at the
aforementioned time to for some deep,
passionate, uhm, station ID's?

The Talk2 List Impromptu John Zone

2008-02-09 Thread John Clower
Since I don't want to write essays on Machiavelli, and because I like to
play DJTT/Patrick Saturday ID's, I am doing an impromptu John Zone preceding
Derek's slot at

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-02-04 Thread John Clower
Good Monday all
  If all of the proverbial stars can align, this could be one of the most
jam-packed editions of The John Zone ever.  (that's jelly-packed for us
American types.)  For you international peoples who may not know, last night
marked our country's forty-second super bowl, which is one of the biggest
sporting events of the year, if not the biggest.  Usually the commercials
are even more entertaining than the game itself, and this year was no
exception--well, up until the fourth quarter.  Yours truly has some of the
highlights all isolated and ready to go for tonight's show, so be sure to
tune in for some Superbowlish American hilarity.  (Take that, Patriots!)
  And let's not forget that tomorrow is Marti Gras!  Since I have roots in
Louisiana, the festivities will be expanding to The John Zone, complete with
Cajun beds and Cajun tracks and gumbo!  How will gumbo transfer to online
radio?  ...  Well I'm not sure, but hey we'll think of something.
  Also featured this week will be part II of the tape I played last week
from our summer vacation in 1998.  And if I have enough time, I may line in
the infamous preschool video of me announcing to the world that 'I have to
go potty.'  Yes, embarrasment will abound tonight beginning at 9:00 Eastern
time at  Come on.  You know you won't want to
miss this!

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2008-01-28 Thread John Clower
Well, in all honesty I have no clue whatsoever.  But unlike last week's
Monday night show, I can garantee that there will be plenty of
incrimination.  At this point I just don't know where it will come from.
But to find out, simply direct your media player of choice to tonight at 9:00 Eastern Time after the Duff
Domain.  Also featured tonight will be a few more bits from rodney
Carington, a new Da Buzz track or two, some more Jingle Cats, and who knows
what else.  It should be a fun show, so don't miss it, or Kung Fu Docta come
find you.
  Since my Monday night show makes it ridiculously late for the beloved
Britons, and because there won't be any family in town this weekend, I'm
also planning on doing a Saturday morning slot before WDGLFM from 11 to 2
Eastern, at least until I can decide on which time slot to make permanent.
As it stands, that will make for over twelve hours of nonstop live content!
Woohoo and other such noises of adulation.

RE: The Talk2 List Postponing the Louis Bin

2008-01-26 Thread John Clower
Lazy lazy Brit.  Tisk tisk tisk.  If we didn't have family in town, I'd be
all diobolical and subject you all to six more hours of me!!!  The one
weekend I'm actually around, and people take a sleepy vacation break.  Oh
well.  Blart will be on tonight, so there!

-Original Message-
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:10 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Postponing the Louis Bin

Well fine! I'll just sleep for 8.5 hours instead of the zero I was
originally going to sleep, then the added three, wake up just in time for
the end of blart, then break things on the Beyond Radio Network! Meh!

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.11/1244 - Release Date: 1/25/2008
7:44 PM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread John Clower
Oh that's right!  Johnison Stew.  I'd forgotten about that one!  Much much
better name.  Thanks Derek.

-Original Message-
derek Lane
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:03 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Well, there was jonison stew before pdaudio realtime 2007.5, but either one
should work.

- Original Message - 
From: John   Clower 
To: talk2   
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:55 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

  Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show, and yes I said 'hankering',
I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just dying to.  The Venison Zone?
Now that could be a scary combination.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and i
mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more
urgent since i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i
can reach the window again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to
be back on tues, friday for sure. So if anyone could cover for me today,
feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i
don't see anything obvious going on.


Never miss a thing. Make
 Yahoo your

RE: The Talk2 List Still postponed

2008-01-25 Thread John Clower
  Since I'm just hankering to do a daytime show, and yes I said 'hankering',
I'll gladly cover, unless anyone else is just dying to.  The Venison Zone?
Now that could be a scary combination.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:38 AM
To: talk2
Subject: The Talk2 List Still postponed

Yeah, this job is turning out to be a monster undertaking. Everything, and i
mean everything has to be moved and rewired due to some of the equipment
having heat issues. Especially with the dvd recorders. This is made more
urgent since i found out everything on comcast on demand is recordable
except for hbo and showtime. lol.  Plus with the audio video rack moved, i
can reach the window again so i can run the feedlines for the ham radio
antennas. So Venison Stew wont be on today. Crossing ones fingers, i hope to
be back on tues, friday for sure. So if anyone could cover for me today,
feel free.  Thx. 

Oh this is interesting, the fire department just pulled up outside, but i
don't see anything obvious going on.


Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo
 your homepage.

The Talk2 List FW: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)

2008-01-24 Thread John Clower
Notice some wonderful spelling in this here E-Mail.  Made me raff rong time.

-Original Message-
From: Amazon Inc Security Center [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 10:44 PM
Subject: Restore Your Account (updated monthly)
Importance: High

Dear AmazonR member, 

We are contacting you to inform you that our Account Review Team identified
some unusual activity in your account. 

In accordance with Amazon's User Agreement and to ensure that your account
has not been compromised, access to your 

account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this
issue has been resolved. To secure your 

account and quickly restore full access, we may require some additional
information from you for the following 

reason: We have been notified that a card associated with your account has
been reported as lost or stolen, or that 

there were additional problems with your card. 
This process is mandatory, and if not completed within the nearest time your
account or credit card may be subject 

for temporary suspension.
To securely confirm your Amazon information please click on the link bellow:

We encourage you to log in and perform the steps necessary to restore your
account access as soon as possible. 

Allowing your account access to remain limited for an extended period of
time may result in further limitations on 

the use of your account and possible account closure. 

For more information about how to protect your account please visit Amazon
Security Center. We apologize for any 

incovenience this may cause, and we apriciate your assistance in helping us
to maintain the integrity of the entire 

Amazon system. 

Thank you for using Amazon! 
The Amazon Team


 Privacy Notice C 1995-2008,,Inc. or its affiliates. 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.9/1239 - Release Date: 1/23/2008
10:24 AM

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

The Talk2 List A John Zone time change

2008-01-21 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  After several correspondents with the professor of this seminar history
course, I am almost certain to be enrolled as of this time tomorrow.
Unfortunately this class falls on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 9:30.  As much
as I hate to do this, I will need to move to a new time slot to facilitate
the change.  Ultimately classes have to come first, and i apologize to any
thirty somethings whose dinnertime entertainment might be compromised by
this development.  Still, I want to find a slot that will be the most
accommodating to all of you who help to make my brief time on the network
the best time of the week for me.  Below are the three-hour blocks that will
work with my very tight schedule.
Mondays: 9PM to 12AM
Tuesdays: 11PM to 2AM
Wednesdays: 10AM to 1PM (if absolutely necessary)
Saturdays: 11AM to 2PM (if absolutely necessary)
  Rather than reply directly to this post, please message me via AIM
(reverendbigdawg) or MSN ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you guys have a
preference.  As it stands now I will be doing a show tonight after Darren at
9PM Eastern, complete with worthwhile incrimination and material to
compensate for last week's lack of a proper John Zone, or any John Zone for
that matter.

The Talk2 List A Special Celebratory Edition of The John Zone!

2007-12-14 Thread John Clower
Oh yes
  Finals are done!  I am rid of those pesky scholastic shackles for an
entire month!  So come celebrate with John today at noon, since he was a bad
individual and was unable to do a show on Tuesday.  Featured this week will
be one or two Christmas specials, some music courtesy of Amy, and my tribute
to Emily Howard.  Oh that's right.  I made a tribute.  Also, as is
tradition, I will ceremoniously throw out all of the papers and such that
have collected in a conniving little pile under my desk.  It sounds very
stupid, and perhaps it is.  But for those who have dealt with long,
agonizing semesters, you know all too well just how much fun it is to get
rid of it at the end of the year.
  You guys don't want to miss this one.  Well, I suppose you could.  But
then you couldn't harass me during the show via [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
Msn/Windows/Whatever messengers, TBRNLive for AIM, or 1-866-558-8276 and
0207-070-84221 for American and British phones respectively.  Sorry, I
forget how to hyphonate British-type numbers.
is the place to be, so tune in!  You know you want to maybe kinda sorta.
  This will be my last show-related announcement posted to Talk 2.  If you
haven't already, give in to peer pressure and join the official TBRN
announcements list by simply clicking  It takes no more than
six seconds and is virtually fat free!

RE: The Talk2 List A belated John Zone

2007-11-27 Thread John Clower
lol Well because I wouldn't dare risk TBRN's two most beloved hens from
wasting away, and because I'm just flat burnt out at this point, I decided
to bail on tonight's event.  This isn't something I technically have to be
at.  It's more or less a political pannel discussion in which a friend of
mine is taking part.  But attending this would mean John would've had to
stay on campus till after 9:00 for two days in a row, and doing a show is
just far more enticing.  So be like Amy and Mary Ann and grab some
dinner-like objects and join me this evening at 6PM for a much-needed break
from the hustle and bustle and tustle? of your pre-pre-pre-Friday night
existences.  What does John have planned for this week's show?  Why not tune
in at 6 and find out!  Cuz right now, John doesn't know either.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:25 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List A belated John Zone

Down with responsibility!  No no no no no!
We demand, John, that you move around your plans for your loyal
listeners--mainly us two!  hehhehhehhehhehhah
How dare you!  You are totally screwing around with the dinner hour of one
Mary Ann as well as an Amy, and for that you must feel shame!  *grins*
If we're not around via msn tomorrow, you'll all know why: cuz kung fu docta
made his show later and we wasted away from starvation!  hehhehheeehah
Everybody play your violins and harps now!  Go ahead!  LOL
I know.  It's so totally sad!

Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann   
To: talk2   
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List A belated John Zone

John how rude! I depend on your shows for my Tuesday night dinner hour! So
now I will starve. And it'll be all, your, fault! How dare you be
responsible like that.
*I put on my Farhan voice:* Jerk! 

- Original Message - 
From: John   Clower 
To: talk2   
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 9:58 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List A belated John Zone

Hey all
  The John Zone will be somewhat delayed tonight as I have a prior
engagement which just happened to fall at 7:00 this evening.  With luck I
can be back by 9:00 CST.  However since this is a relatively late hour, I
may reschedule my oh-so random show for a makeup slot later this week,
particularly if this event tonight takes longer than expected.  Hmmm.  A
show from 11 to 2AM Eastern Time?  On a week night?  No thank you!  I
apologize for the short notice, but it really is that time of the semester
when papers and meetings and projects abound.  For those who don't have my
MSN messenger ID address monicker, that may be the best way to keep up to
date with my ever-changing show schedule, since I don't always have the time
to send out an EMail to the various TBRN lists.  Feel free to add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] iffen you don't already have it.  Alright, back to
paper-writing I go.

__ NOD32 2689 (20071127) Information __

This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system.

The Talk2 List A belated John Zone

2007-11-27 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  The John Zone will be somewhat delayed tonight as I have a prior
engagement which just happened to fall at 7:00 this evening.  With luck I
can be back by 9:00 CST.  However since this is a relatively late hour, I
may reschedule my oh-so random show for a makeup slot later this week,
particularly if this event tonight takes longer than expected.  Hmmm.  A
show from 11 to 2AM Eastern Time?  On a week night?  No thank you!  I
apologize for the short notice, but it really is that time of the semester
when papers and meetings and projects abound.  For those who don't have my
MSN messenger ID address monicker, that may be the best way to keep up to
date with my ever-changing show schedule, since I don't always have the time
to send out an EMail to the various TBRN lists.  Feel free to add
[EMAIL PROTECTED] iffen you don't already have it.  Alright, back to
paper-writing I go.

RE: The Talk2 List DUH...

2007-11-21 Thread John Clower
You know, for two people who are supposed to be working, you and Amy sure do
post a lot during the day.  Snap snap grin grin wink wink nudge nudge.
Alright.  I'm off to see if a small nap can be arranged before the show.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mary
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:13 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

I think that scream of pain was enough to wake every man, woman, and child
in that apartment complex, shatter all crystal glasses within a mile, curdle
the milk in their fridges, cause hibernating animals to wake from their
winter's naps, make police siren manufacturers go out of business, and not
to mention, cause the paramedics to take you down that flight of stairs,
head first, on that stretcher! Hehehahhahaha!   

- Original Message - 
From: Amy Billman   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

I still contend that that apartment was haunted and that I was pushed down,
causing me to dislocate my knee!  LOL
Also a great way to explain the explosive screaming that ensued later on!
Yes you are lucky that all you caught was a cold!
I still say that whenever I go to Michigan to visit you, that we must stay
away from Kalamazoo.  I'm afraid of having the same sort of bad luck!  LOL

"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing

Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

And yes, Amy, Ummy, and Ubby, it was great to spend last Thanksgiving with
you and your (strange) I mean, wonderful heheheh, family. I'm thankful that
even though you dislocated your knee when you visited me in Michigan (just
by standing up from a couch) back in 95, the only thing that happened to me
during last year's visit was that I got a really bad cold. Hehehahhahaha!
Seriously, spending Thanksgiving with you and your family last years was a
memory that I will cherish always. 
Not to mention serious blackmail with the dinner-hour recordings I got from
it. Hehehehheheh.
Can you guys tell I love Amy? LOL.   

- Original Message - 
From: Amy   Billman 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

I don't know what else to say other than that, so I'
am just going to write filler in here so that I don't offend and write a one
line message.  *grins*
How awesome for you though!
You can now say that you've had two really great thanksgivings in a row!  I
like to think that I had something to do with one of them.  *laughing*
Ok off I go!
Peace out!
"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing
Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

No work tomorrow. My parents reserved me for pretty much the whole day.
"We're coming to pick you up early!" 
This will be my first Thanksgiving with my Mom and Dad in 11 years, people.
Cool eh? I'm geeked about it.

- Original Message - 
From: Amy   Billman 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

Yeah it was the like almost 4:30 time on the message.  hehheheha
well have lots of coffee, and whatever you do, don't work tomorrow!
So sayeth Ummy...
And none of you are allowed to refer to me as such btw!
Any questions, see Mary Ann.

"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing

Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary   Ann 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

Up early? No. I was actually up very late. Now, I'm up early. 
Yay for three hours sleep and work to do.

- Original Message - 
From: Amy   Billman 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

hehhehhehhehhehhehhhehheh!  I know!  I thought of that one too!
I could t

RE: The Talk2 List DUH...

2007-11-21 Thread John Clower
hey, two consecutive Mary AnnAmy messages with no heheheheheheheh's or
hahahahahahaha's.  I am impressed!
  Incidentally I will be on tonight at 6PM EST for a makeup edition of the
John Zone, complete with a certain cat's Thanksgiving special, a few
appropriate musical selections, and your own rants and blunt objects hurled
via messengers or the TBRN home phone numbah.  I also have made a new ID,
and there is a particularly amusing intro for this week's show.  If you want
to be a non-John-friendly person and not tune in, I implore you to at least
stick around for this first bit, as Steve and I could not stop listening to
this recording all weekend.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:56 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

I don't know what else to say other than that, so I'
am just going to write filler in here so that I don't offend and write a one
line message.  *grins*
How awesome for you though!
You can now say that you've had two really great thanksgivings in a row!  I
like to think that I had something to do with one of them.  *laughing*
Ok off I go!
Peace out!
"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing
Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

No work tomorrow. My parents reserved me for pretty much the whole day.
"We're coming to pick you up early!" 
This will be my first Thanksgiving with my Mom and Dad in 11 years, people.
Cool eh? I'm geeked about it.

- Original Message - 
From: Amy Billman   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

Yeah it was the like almost 4:30 time on the message.  hehheheha
well have lots of coffee, and whatever you do, don't work tomorrow!
So sayeth Ummy...
And none of you are allowed to refer to me as such btw!
Any questions, see Mary Ann.

"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing

Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann   
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

Up early? No. I was actually up very late. Now, I'm up early. 
Yay for three hours sleep and work to do.

- Original Message - 
From: Amy   Billman 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

hehhehhehhehhehhehhhehheh!  I know!  I thought of that one too!
I could totally see someone getting a form letter like that one! My god!
On a different subject?  Holy shit are you ever up early!  *laughing*
Ok coffee time for me! Stimulants are so totally needed this morning!
"CriFi. The apparent wireless network that connects children across a
crowded space, and allows them to start and stop crying with such amazing
Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: Mary   Ann 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List DUH...

I honestly can see this one being the case:
"Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received
notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is
change in your circumstances."
--Department of Social Services, Greenville , South Carolina

I really think that more than Greenville residents received this one.
Oooopsy... One of the great Form letters br'r'r'r'roke! Heh heh heh.

- Original Message - 
From: Amy   Billman 
To: talk2   
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 1:16 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List DUH...

If you ever feel a little stupid, just dig this up and read it again; you'll
begin to think you're a genius .
(On September 17, 1994, Alabama's Heather Whitestone was selected as Miss
America 1995.)
Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not li ve forever,
because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but
cannot live forever, which is why I would not live fore

RE: The Talk2 List A celebratory edition of The John Zone

2007-11-13 Thread John Clower
Ah, and volume 2 incorporates the era from 1974 through 1979, which is prime
Amy territory!!!

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:14 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List A celebratory edition of The John Zone

Yay Sesame Street!
It's not the same as it used to be...
I can say that cuz I was born in '74 and saw lots of the older episodes.
They were of course the pre-Elmo ones--which honestly is always awesome!
They were during the times when Jim Henson still did the voices of Kermit
and Earny.  Now they don't sound quite right...
Ah well.
"They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so
bad as a lot of ignorance."
--Terry Pratchett
Amy Billman
Messenger ID:

- Original Message - 
From: John   Clower 
To: talk2   
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:27 AM
Subject: The Talk2 List A celebratory edition of The John Zone

Hey all
  As of 8:00 last night, a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
The past two weeks or so have seen a Clower become nearly catatonic with
anxiety, but the massive term project for my constitutional law class is now
complete.  So join me tonight at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time as I celebrate
in a manner only becoming of the John Zone.  Last Tuesday saw the release of
the second volume of the Sesame Street - Old School series on DVD.  Rather
than work on the aforementioned project, I spent much of Friday night and
Saturday morning ripping and cataloging various bits from the set.  Suffice
it to say that Sesame Street segments will most certainly be in abundance
tonight, along with some newly acquired music by Tim Wilson and Bob Rivers
(non-holiday of course), and perhaps a few never-before-heard tracks by
TBRN's favorite Irish minstrel, Seamus Kennedy.  As is the standard on The
Beyond Radio Network, your requests and comments and rants of a Non sequitur
nature are always welcome.  So direct your media player of choice to your
TBRN stream of choice tonight at 6:00 and let's see what happens!

The Talk2 List A celebratory edition of The John Zone

2007-11-13 Thread John Clower
Hey all
  As of 8:00 last night, a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
The past two weeks or so have seen a Clower become nearly catatonic with
anxiety, but the massive term project for my constitutional law class is now
complete.  So join me tonight at 6:00 Eastern Standard Time as I celebrate
in a manner only becoming of the John Zone.  Last Tuesday saw the release of
the second volume of the Sesame Street - Old School series on DVD.  Rather
than work on the aforementioned project, I spent much of Friday night and
Saturday morning ripping and cataloging various bits from the set.  Suffice
it to say that Sesame Street segments will most certainly be in abundance
tonight, along with some newly acquired music by Tim Wilson and Bob Rivers
(non-holiday of course), and perhaps a few never-before-heard tracks by
TBRN's favorite Irish minstrel, Seamus Kennedy.  As is the standard on The
Beyond Radio Network, your requests and comments and rants of a Non sequitur
nature are always welcome.  So direct your media player of choice to your
TBRN stream of choice tonight at 6:00 and let's see what happens!

The Talk2 List Tonight on The John Zone

2007-11-06 Thread John Clower
Hey all

  Tonight's show proves to be one filled with der sausage and der polka!
Yes, the Clowers went to a sausage festival this past weekend, and you can
your own jokes about it from 6 to 9 Eastern Standard time tonight at  In addition to the beer, I picked up a couple of CD's by some of
the featured
artists, including a master yodeler and The Sauerkrauts!  Of course there
will be random bits scattered about, for sausage and polka can only be
entertaining for so long.  You guys don't want to miss this week's edition
of the John Zone.  It promises to be a good one.
 Satisfaction almost garanteed!

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