Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Vanja Sudar
Wow..this is just an amazing message. There's so much great advice in here 
and many things I agree with.

Regarding so called pet names, I  don't so much mind that as long as it goes 
over the top. Sure, if someone constantly calls me so called sweet names it 
gets stupid, but I personally don't mind it every now and again.

Regarding women being bossy/telling us what we men should or shouldn't do, I 
have been a victim of this in past, but what my even bigger problem was that 
I didn't mind or care. I used to do anything for a girl and it got me in to 
so much trouble, so much so that women were simply using me. Using me for 
money or anything else  they wanted me to do because they knew that no 
matter what I'd do it. Yes, Ido have quite a bit of money, but in stead of 
using it for my advantage I created a problem with it by simply letting 
women control me. It was so bad that in several of my relationship women 
didn't even love me, but they knew that they could get things out of me, 
many of them material things and they did it because they knew they could. 
Of course that taught me valuable lessons and I make sure or at least I try 
to not make the same mistakes again. It taught me to spot those who just 
want to fuck me up and use me from the genuine ones. Of course you can never 
be 100 % sure, you can never know for definite, but if you pay attention to 
certain things you can have a much better idea. Of course I also learned 
that just because a girl wants or asks for something doesn't mean she should 
always get it, besides if she just constantly asks for things and doesn't 
give anything in return it's obvious that there's something wrong with that 

Of course not all my relationships were bad, I had some great ones, 
especially after I recovered from my failures and learned many things.

When it comes to listening/reasuring women I think I am quite good at it, 
not that I'm showing off or anything. I have many female friends and I'm 
told by many of those that it is because  of my abilitty to listen, to 
somehow make them secure and feel good about themselves. I'm not trying ot 
be arrogant or anything, but this si what I've been told, not what I think 
of myself.

There's prob a lot more that I could say about all this, but  I need to get 
ready for my weekend trip away. Again, what a great inspiring message. 
Thanks for this. 

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Mary Ann Topolewski
I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since I
posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm glad
it touched people somehow.

Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am interested
in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. I just
observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the level
of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in whatever
interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in techy
stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman who is
into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not share the
same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a special
feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she is so
good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about things
that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
fulfills me just fine.

This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless of
whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is also
into audio production. 

Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys. She
read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the subject so
she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. Would
this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for it to
truly count?

Mary Ann   

-Original Message-
Byron J. Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships 
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play 
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or 
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are 
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel 
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I 
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've 
got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I 
hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me 
be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her 
out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the 
computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I 
want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as 
me, and wouldn't mind sharing these hobbies with me. I'm willing to 
participate in her hobbies too but it never seems to work that way. 
Every woman I've ever dated has always tried to take away everything I 
hold dear, and replace it with stuff she wants me to participate in. I'm 
a geek, I like who I am, stop trying to make me someone I'm not! Watch 
Star Trek with me and don't belittle it. Listen to books with me, and 
comment on the parts that you liked and disliked. Help to broaden my 
horizons and expose me to new ideas that I've never thought of. Talk to 
me on an intellectual level, I'm not an idiot. Be a part of my circle of 
friends, or at least let me hang out with them on a regular basis. These 
are the things I'm looking for in a relationship, and your e-mail helped 
me understand the way women think a bit better. Maybe if I had said some 
of these things to the people I've dated, things may have changed for 
the better. Perhaps if I were more open with people, they would 
understand me a little better.

Thanks Mary Ann,

Onj wrote:
 Very rarely, I get something that is so enspiring that I have to think 
 about it.  I'm keeping this.  It was just right somehow.  It must have 
 taken you a long time to write it, and it's times like this I wonder 
 what people think of this list I started back in 2004.  It has it's 
 uses though. I think that you've proved it today.  I can't be nearly

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Patrick Perdue
On 9/21/2007, 11:03:21 AM EDT, Mary Ann lived in a box. She popped her head out 
for a moment, and said:

 If I were dating someone who is really
 into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless of
 whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is also
 into audio production. 

Well that leaves me out of it then.
Time to go find a new hobby. I'm bored with mine anyway.
I can't devote my time and attention to more than one interest for any
given length of time, be it a person, place, thing, or even an obscure idea.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, September 
21, 2007 at 11:46 AM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread derek Lane
Well, if no one looked at, or thought of anything new, life may as well 
I'd love to find someone who shared some of my interests, but if the person 
had there own as well, that'd be even better, especially if the 2 met.

Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and explore 
if the people are too similar?

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since I
posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm glad
it touched people somehow.

Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am interested
in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. I 

observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the 

of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in whatever
interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in 
stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman who 

into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not share 

same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a 

feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she is so
good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about things
that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
fulfills me just fine.

This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless of
whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is 

into audio production.

Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys. She
read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the subject so
she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. Would
this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for it to
truly count?

Mary Ann

-Original Message-
Byron J. Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I
hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me
be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her
out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the
computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I
want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as
me, and wouldn't mind sharing these hobbies with me. I'm willing to
participate in her hobbies too but it never seems to work that way.
Every woman I've ever dated has always tried to take away everything I
hold dear, and replace it with stuff she wants me to participate in. I'm
a geek, I like who I am, stop trying to make me someone I'm not! Watch
Star Trek with me and don't belittle it. Listen to books with me, and
comment on the parts that you liked and disliked. Help to broaden my
horizons and expose me to new ideas that I've never thought of. Talk to
me on an intellectual level, I'm not an idiot. Be a part of my circle of
friends, or at least let me hang out with them on a regular basis. These
are the things I'm looking for in a relationship, and your e-mail helped
me understand the way women think

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Maria L
Mary Ann, you bring up a good point.  Personally, from a girl's standpoint, 
I'm just happy if my partner wants to do things in even a couple of areas of 
interest for me.  They don't even have to be at the same level of interest, 
but just showing some curiosity about something I'm into makes things more 
enjoyable.  But of course hving his own hobbies is important too, sometimes 
it helps gain perspective on stuff.

And about an interest being homegrown, I don't think that's so important.  I 
once got an ex boyfriend fairly interested in music, and it was a lot of fun 
introducing him to things he'd never heard before and just sharing those 
feelings of discovery.  I guess it depends on the level of your attachment 
to whatever thing.

Curious what everyone else thinks.

Maria, who can't make very clear sentences today 

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Patrick Perdue
On 9/21/2007, 11:49:26 AM EDT, derek took a stationary from a nearby desk, and, 
with much unnecessary flourishing, wrote:

 Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
 vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and explore
 if the people are too similar?

I don't like learning new things, I like making old things better. As
some on this list will know, I am boarder-line autistic, and we autees?
uh, well... anyway, we don't like spontaneity much.

Exploration is also a pain, because then you realize things about
yourself that you'd rather not know, much less display to the rest of
the world, and you find things about
other people that you thought you could trust, and find reasons as to
why they may not be  so trustworthy after all. It's better
to let life run it's course and get yourself screwed up without knowing
it, rather than seeking all avenues and being smart about it. Pretend
you are more sheltered than you are, ask no favors, and don't give to
anyone, for anything, ever. Doing so may cause bad chain reactions to
occur in future, which, after a point, you may be powerless to stop.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, September 
21, 2007 at 12:38 PM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Byron J. Lee
I agree, I wouldn't want a clone of myself but I wouldn't want someone 
who I couldn't relate to at all either. If I met a girl who was not into 
computers, but was into comedy music as I am... I could live with that. 
I would just ask that the person that I am with to not ask me to give up 
the things I enjoy. I would also like to learn new things, so if she 
were into hiking, I'd give it a go, and maybe I would decide that I 
don't like it, but i would never stop her from going on weekend hikes 
and such. My biggest complaint is that the women that I've been with in 
the past try to get me intesrested in their joys but they belittle mine.

derek Lane wrote:
Well, if no one looked at, or thought of anything new, life may as 
well stop.
I'd love to find someone who shared some of my interests, but if the 
person had there own as well, that'd be even better, especially if the 
2 met.

Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and 
explore if the people are too similar?

- Original Message - From: Mary Ann Topolewski 

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through 
since I

posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm 

it touched people somehow.

Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am 
in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. 
I just

observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the 

of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in 
interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in 
stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman 
who is

into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not 
share the

same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter 
to me
that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a 
feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she 
is so
good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about 

that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
fulfills me just fine.

This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is 
into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that 
regardless of
whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who 
is also

into audio production.

Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's 
joys. She
read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the 
subject so

she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. 
this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for 
it to

truly count?

Mary Ann

-Original Message-
Byron J. Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I
hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me
be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her
out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the
computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I
want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as
me, and wouldn't mind sharing these hobbies with me. I'm willing to
participate in her hobbies too but it never seems to work

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Onj

Again, good points.  Speaking from experience I assume?
Trying to please your partner and being pleased by them should be inherent 
I feel, otherwise what's the use?  forcing the issue doesn't solve it. 
Eventually when you get the full idea behind whatever it is your trying to 
do, it doesn't become forcing, it does become inherent.
IE, writing a piece of music in one particular style even if you're crap at 
it to make that person like it won't do.  Be yourself.  If they can't like 
what you did because they either like the music or want to like it because 
it's something new, then that's bad.  Did you even follow that?
If you're a painter and you paint woodland scenes but your partner doesn't 
enjoy those, yes, by all means make something he/she will like, as a token 
of love or because you actually want too, but don't go out of your way to 
make something tailored to that person.  Your efforts and ideas are your 
very own and nobody, nobody at all should take that away from you.  Your 
ambissions and aspirations should come to you either because you were able 
to get in a quiet room and sit and think about it, or sometimes as a spir 
of the moment thing, but however they arrive, take them in stride, and 
don't force them down any given particular path.  I've tried and failed 
several times.  You can all laugh, I wouldn't blame you.  I laugh, but it 
hurts to do so.  Unless you're sadistic it's always a bit hard laughing at 
Morbid;  Anyway, there's my two penny's worth if it even amounts to that 
much which it possibly doesn't.

On Friday, September 21, 2007 4:03 PM,
Mary Ann Topolewski happened to mention in passing:

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since
I posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up
and share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and
I'm glad it touched people somehow.

Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am
interested in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in
all this. I just observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the
level of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in
whatever interest is most important to them. So if a man is most
interested in techy stuff, for example, he would most likely be more
attracted to a woman who is into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most
logical? After all, the word, relationship implies the ability to
relate. If a woman does not share the same interest as her partner,
wouldn't that also suggest an inability to relate?

I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a
special feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that
she is so good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk
about things that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone
else. That fulfills me just fine.

This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless
of whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who
is also into audio production.

Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys.
She read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the
subject so she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it
on her own until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for
the sake of understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own
horizons. Would this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be
homegrown for it to truly count?

Mary Ann

-Original Message-
Byron J. Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I
hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me
be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her

RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Mary Ann Topolewski
I don't like this, wah! Sorry for one-liner, but I made up for it yesterday.

-Original Message-
Patrick Perdue
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 12:45 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

On 9/21/2007, 11:49:26 AM EDT, derek took a stationary from a nearby desk,
and, with much unnecessary flourishing, wrote:

 Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
 vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and
 if the people are too similar?

I don't like learning new things, I like making old things better. As
some on this list will know, I am boarder-line autistic, and we autees?
uh, well... anyway, we don't like spontaneity much.

Exploration is also a pain, because then you realize things about
yourself that you'd rather not know, much less display to the rest of
the world, and you find things about
other people that you thought you could trust, and find reasons as to
why they may not be  so trustworthy after all. It's better
to let life run it's course and get yourself screwed up without knowing
it, rather than seeking all avenues and being smart about it. Pretend
you are more sheltered than you are, ask no favors, and don't give to
anyone, for anything, ever. Doing so may cause bad chain reactions to
occur in future, which, after a point, you may be powerless to stop.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday,
September 21, 2007 at 12:38 PM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Mary Ann Topolewski
I would just like to plainly state that there should never, ever, ever, ever
ever ever ever be a copy of Derek out there with a vagina! Nonononononono! 

Good points you make though, Derek. But whoa.

The rest of you bring forward good points that echo what Derek so
(strangely) concisely wrote below.

So Derek. I'll make you a deal. You can post here (not like I have any say
in this, of course) if you never ever create that kind of image again.

*smiles at Derek and bonks him on the head.*
-Original Message-
derek Lane
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:49 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Well, if no one looked at, or thought of anything new, life may as well 
I'd love to find someone who shared some of my interests, but if the person 
had there own as well, that'd be even better, especially if the 2 met.
Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and explore

if the people are too similar?

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since I
 posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
 share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm glad
 it touched people somehow.

 Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am interested
 in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. I 
 observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

 Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
 interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
 whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the 
 of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

 I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in whatever
 interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in 
 stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman who 
 into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
 relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not share 
 same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

 I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
 She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
 that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a 
 feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she is so
 good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about things
 that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
 fulfills me just fine.

 This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
 into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless of
 whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is 
 into audio production.

 Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys. She
 read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the subject so
 she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
 until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
 understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. Would
 this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for it to
 truly count?

 Mary Ann

 -Original Message-
 Byron J. Lee
 Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
 To: talk2
 Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

 Mary Ann,
 This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
 where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
 with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
 really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
 very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
 like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
 feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
 got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I
 hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me
 be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her
 out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the
 computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I
 want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as
 me, and wouldn't mind sharing

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread Ryan Perdue
Gosh, that would be an ugly looking, southern woman, lolol.
- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 1:34 PM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I would just like to plainly state that there should never, ever, ever, ever
ever ever ever be a copy of Derek out there with a vagina! Nonononononono!

Good points you make though, Derek. But whoa.

The rest of you bring forward good points that echo what Derek so
(strangely) concisely wrote below.

So Derek. I'll make you a deal. You can post here (not like I have any say
in this, of course) if you never ever create that kind of image again.

*smiles at Derek and bonks him on the head.*
-Original Message-
derek Lane
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:49 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Well, if no one looked at, or thought of anything new, life may as well
I'd love to find someone who shared some of my interests, but if the person
had there own as well, that'd be even better, especially if the 2 met.
Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and explore

if the people are too similar?

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since I
 posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
 share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm glad
 it touched people somehow.

 Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am interested
 in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. I
 observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

 Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
 interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
 whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the
 of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

 I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in whatever
 interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in
 stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman who
 into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
 relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not share
 same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

 I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
 She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
 that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a
 feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she is so
 good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about things
 that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
 fulfills me just fine.

 This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
 into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless of
 whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is
 into audio production.

 Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys. She
 read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the subject so
 she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
 until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
 understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. Would
 this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for it to
 truly count?

 Mary Ann

 -Original Message-
 Byron J. Lee
 Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
 To: talk2
 Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

 Mary Ann,
 This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
 where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
 with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
 really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
 very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
 like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
 feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
 got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I
 hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me
 be the kind of person I really am around her

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread derek Lane

Fair enough, I forgot to mention the proportional bresticals though.
So I could understand  why the immage would be bad times, although I'm sure 
their are other reasons I'm missing.
After all, what's the point of a good foundation with nothing for it to 

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 1:34 PM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I would just like to plainly state that there should never, ever, ever, 

ever ever ever be a copy of Derek out there with a vagina! Nonononononono!

Good points you make though, Derek. But whoa.

The rest of you bring forward good points that echo what Derek so
(strangely) concisely wrote below.

So Derek. I'll make you a deal. You can post here (not like I have any say
in this, of course) if you never ever create that kind of image again.

*smiles at Derek and bonks him on the head.*
-Original Message-
derek Lane
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:49 AM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Well, if no one looked at, or thought of anything new, life may as well
I'd love to find someone who shared some of my interests, but if the 

had there own as well, that'd be even better, especially if the 2 met.
Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and 

if the people are too similar?

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

I am really amazed at the type of responses I've seen come through since I
posted this yesterday wow! It is interesting to watch people open up and
share thoughts and feelings. I appreciate all of the comments and I'm 

it touched people somehow.

Byron, you raise something that is interesting to me here. I am 

in what other people think, too. Ya see, I'm not expert in all this. I
observe and draw conclusions. And read about stuff. Heh.

Byron, you talk about wanting someone to share in at least some of your
interests. What I'm curious about (this is for anyone to comment on) is
whether or not it matters which interests she shares in, based on the
of importance the interest holds for you. I'll paint a picture.

I have this theory that men want to be with someone who shares in 

interest is most important to them. So if a man is most interested in
stuff, for example, he would most likely be more attracted to a woman who
into it as well. Wouldn't that seem most logical? After all, the word,
relationship implies the ability to relate. If a woman does not share
same interest as her partner, wouldn't that also suggest an inability to

I asked this very question to a friend of mine and here is what he said.
She and I do things together that we both enjoy. It doesn't matter to me
that she cannot relate to me in my top interests because there is a
feeling that comes from the time we spend, and just knowing that she is 
good to me and that she truly cares for me. If I want to talk about 

that she and I can't talk about, I just go talk to someone else. That
fulfills me just fine.

This seems hard for me to believe. If I were dating someone who is really
into audio production and I wasn't, it would seem to me that regardless 

whatever else we shared, he would most prefer to be with someone who is
into audio production.

Suppose the girl was interested in learning more about the man's joys. 

read up on it, asked questions, went to events with him on the subject so
she could be a part of it, and even if she hadn't explored it on her own
until he came along, she was willing to do so now, both for the sake of
understanding his enjoyment, as well as to broaden her own horizons. 
this matter? Wouldn't her level of interest have to be homegrown for it 

truly count?

Mary Ann

-Original Message-
Byron J. Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 7:59 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've
got roses

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-21 Thread rainee
Hey, Patrick Perdue, you quit telling by brother-in-law lies.  Nobody, 
including you, who are supposed to know yourself better than anyone, second 
only to God, can try to tell me that you're not spontaneous.  Anyone who's 
ever played music with you has seen your spontaneous side.  Need more proof? 
Three words:  Things and Stuff.  That program wouldn't be what it is at all 
if you weren't spontaneous.  Hey, you might not like certain types of 
change.  We all have certain types of change that drive us crazy.  But that 
doesn't mean you're not spontaneous.

Update your CD collection.  Checkout
Crazy 'bout beading? Try
- Original Message - 
From: Patrick Perdue [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

On 9/21/2007, 11:49:26 AM EDT, derek took a stationary from a nearby desk, 
and, with much unnecessary flourishing, wrote:

Having another copy of myself with a different name and a
vagina wouldn't work, because what new things are there to learn and 

if the people are too similar?

I don't like learning new things, I like making old things better. As
some on this list will know, I am boarder-line autistic, and we autees?
uh, well... anyway, we don't like spontaneity much.

Exploration is also a pain, because then you realize things about
yourself that you'd rather not know, much less display to the rest of
the world, and you find things about
other people that you thought you could trust, and find reasons as to
why they may not be  so trustworthy after all. It's better
to let life run it's course and get yourself screwed up without knowing
it, rather than seeking all avenues and being smart about it. Pretend
you are more sheltered than you are, ask no favors, and don't give to
anyone, for anything, ever. Doing so may cause bad chain reactions to
occur in future, which, after a point, you may be powerless to stop.

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)

Greensboro, NC
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
aim: noaptiva

This message originally sent in reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Friday, 
September 21, 2007 at 12:38 PM EST.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again. 

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-20 Thread Mary Ann Topolewski
This is a very funny story, just by how it is written and I got a good
chuckle out of it. But ya know? Maybe I'm weird but there are things I
really hate about what I see that goes on in relationships. Uh-oh... *Mary
Ann gets on her soapbox for a minute and hopes she doesn't scare people

I have a problem with pet names. Nicknames that were born of a fun event or
because of an inside joke are one thing. Especially when they are not used
all the time. But to me, the minute pet names are introduced into any
relationship and you start replacing the person's real name with those, it's
done. Eventually you stop viewing your partner as the hot and sexy person
they are. There is nothing more powerful, I think, than hearing the person
that you love, saying your name. And no, peoples, I don't just mean in bed!

Something else I see that causes me concern is when a woman begins to boss
her man around. How many men want to have sex with their mother? Well, a
few, I'm sure. But for the most part, the normal men are not turned on by
such things. This mothering happens when the woman does too much for him or
when she is bossy. 

It would be interesting to poll men to ask them what makes them cheat. My
feeling is that we would find that men are tempted to cheat if the following
criteria are met.
She nags instead of asks
She dominates by being bossy rather than respectfully asking for what she
needs or wants.
She is disrespectful to her man by using condescending remarks such as,
shut up, You don't know anything, I don't care what you want. Or worse
remarks such as, Stop touching me! I don't like that! Don't kiss me
there! Eww, you're gross! Even if said in fun, I think that if you ask a
man, he might say that somewhere inside; a little piece of his ego was
chipped away each time she does this.
Stifling him in the relationship when he feels that his woman doesn't let,
him do things. Should a woman have the right to let, or not let a person do
things? A relationship is supposed to be about trust. Therefore, if a man
wants to go out with the guys to a bar, to a strip club, or just drink a few
beers at home, this ultimately would not pose an issue. It's all about
moderation, I think. The minute a woman starts saying thinks like, I don't
want you doing this, this, that, or that, chances are, whether he admits it
or not, he's a very stifled and potentially restricted and unhappy man.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

It would also be interesting to poll women to ask them what makes them
cheat. I have the feeling that it would be because of the following reasons.
She can't be herself around him.
He doesn't listen and tells her she shouldn't be upset.
He doesn't tell her how precious she is to him.
He does not make enough time for her.
He does not help her with domestic things, or her internal struggles.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

Women need to know that they are free to be themselves. The big no-no
phrases to hear are, You shouldn't be upset, or don't worry about it.
Women want to talk and to be heard. Our way of thinking things through is by
talking. Men, have you ever wondered why a woman will start a conversation
with one opinion and by the time she's done, she will have a completely
different point of view? This is because she was able to refine her thoughts
just by your listening to her and not providing a solution. 

To come out the hero, men can reassure her and recognize that a woman gets
insecure. When she seems angry, this translates to her actually being hurt.
Women, need, reassurance. It's as simple as that. When she is upset, she
doesn't talk to you because she doesn't trust you. You can reassure her that
whenever she is ready to talk, you will be there to just sit and listen
while she talks it through. When a woman cries, it is her way of expression.
Let her ball until she can't ball no more! Hugs are good during these times,
even if it is about you. When she's done, she'll be free of her burden.

I also get the feeling that often, women don't know how to handle men when
they are upset. Men often think things through by silently working through
it on their own until the time they are ready to talk. 

Women are the heroines when they leave a man alone until he is ready to
share his feelings. When a man retreats, let him. Tell him that you notice
something is wrong and you'll wait patiently for him to come to you when
he's ready to talk. You understand that he just needs some space right now
and it's okay.   

For the women, I say the following.
It has been said that a man would be happy to give a woman anything she
wanted if he only knew what it was. I learned in my life that it is better
to begin a sentence, with, I want more of this or that, instead of, I
don't want you to do this, this, or that. Nobody is a mind reader and the
minute people begin to assume that their partner loves them because they,
should just know what I want, things begin to break.

So men, if you 

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-20 Thread Kevin Reeves
That was the most amazing thing I have ever read. You rock. Lots of  
great advise here.

On Sep 20, 2007, at 12:55 PM, Mary Ann Topolewski wrote:

This is a very funny story, just by how it is written and I got a good
chuckle out of it. But ya know? Maybe I'm weird but there are things I
really hate about what I see that goes on in relationships. Uh- 
oh... *Mary
Ann gets on her soapbox for a minute and hopes she doesn't scare  


I have a problem with pet names. Nicknames that were born of a fun  
event or
because of an inside joke are one thing. Especially when they are  
not used

all the time. But to me, the minute pet names are introduced into any
relationship and you start replacing the person's real name with  
those, it's
done. Eventually you stop viewing your partner as the hot and sexy  
they are. There is nothing more powerful, I think, than hearing the  
that you love, saying your name. And no, peoples, I don't just mean  
in bed!


Something else I see that causes me concern is when a woman begins  
to boss
her man around. How many men want to have sex with their mother?  
Well, a
few, I'm sure. But for the most part, the normal men are not turned  
on by
such things. This mothering happens when the woman does too much  
for him or

when she is bossy.

It would be interesting to poll men to ask them what makes them  
cheat. My
feeling is that we would find that men are tempted to cheat if the  

criteria are met.
She nags instead of asks
She dominates by being bossy rather than respectfully asking for  
what she

needs or wants.
She is disrespectful to her man by using condescending remarks such  
shut up, You don't know anything, I don't care what you want.  
Or worse

remarks such as, Stop touching me! I don't like that! Don't kiss me
there! Eww, you're gross! Even if said in fun, I think that if  
you ask a

man, he might say that somewhere inside; a little piece of his ego was
chipped away each time she does this.
Stifling him in the relationship when he feels that his woman  
doesn't let,
him do things. Should a woman have the right to let, or not let a  
person do
things? A relationship is supposed to be about trust. Therefore, if  
a man
wants to go out with the guys to a bar, to a strip club, or just  
drink a few

beers at home, this ultimately would not pose an issue. It's all about
moderation, I think. The minute a woman starts saying thinks like,  
I don't
want you doing this, this, that, or that, chances are, whether he  
admits it
or not, he's a very stifled and potentially restricted and unhappy  

And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

It would also be interesting to poll women to ask them what makes them
cheat. I have the feeling that it would be because of the following  

She can't be herself around him.
He doesn't listen and tells her she shouldn't be upset.
He doesn't tell her how precious she is to him.
He does not make enough time for her.
He does not help her with domestic things, or her internal struggles.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

Women need to know that they are free to be themselves. The big no-no
phrases to hear are, You shouldn't be upset, or don't worry  
about it.
Women want to talk and to be heard. Our way of thinking things  
through is by
talking. Men, have you ever wondered why a woman will start a  
with one opinion and by the time she's done, she will have a  
different point of view? This is because she was able to refine her  

just by your listening to her and not providing a solution.

To come out the hero, men can reassure her and recognize that a  
woman gets
insecure. When she seems angry, this translates to her actually  
being hurt.
Women, need, reassurance. It's as simple as that. When she is  
upset, she
doesn't talk to you because she doesn't trust you. You can reassure  
her that
whenever she is ready to talk, you will be there to just sit and  
while she talks it through. When a woman cries, it is her way of  
Let her ball until she can't ball no more! Hugs are good during  
these times,
even if it is about you. When she's done, she'll be free of her  

I also get the feeling that often, women don't know how to handle  
men when
they are upset. Men often think things through by silently working  

it on their own until the time they are ready to talk.

Women are the heroines when they leave a man alone until he is  
ready to
share his feelings. When a man retreats, let him. Tell him that you  
something is wrong and you'll wait patiently for him to come to you  
he's ready to talk. You understand that he just needs some space  
right now

and it's okay.

For the women, I say the following.
It has been said that a man would be happy to give a woman anything  
wanted if he only knew what it was. I learned in my life that it is  
to begin a sentence, with, I want 

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-20 Thread derek Lane

I'll keep all of this in mind, with the faith I'll find someone who does as 
I'm not saying that I'll post copies of this message as a sort of 
disclaimer/terms of service agreement before dating, I'm just saying that 
this message restored my faith in people and showed me that there can still 
be relationships beyond the pet names and other superficial fluff.
- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Reeves [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

That was the most amazing thing I have ever read. You rock. Lots of  great 
advise here.

On Sep 20, 2007, at 12:55 PM, Mary Ann Topolewski wrote:

This is a very funny story, just by how it is written and I got a good
chuckle out of it. But ya know? Maybe I'm weird but there are things I
really hate about what I see that goes on in relationships. Uh- oh... 

Ann gets on her soapbox for a minute and hopes she doesn't scare  people

I have a problem with pet names. Nicknames that were born of a fun  event 
because of an inside joke are one thing. Especially when they are  not 

all the time. But to me, the minute pet names are introduced into any
relationship and you start replacing the person's real name with  those, 
done. Eventually you stop viewing your partner as the hot and sexy 
they are. There is nothing more powerful, I think, than hearing the 
that you love, saying your name. And no, peoples, I don't just mean  in 


Something else I see that causes me concern is when a woman begins  to 

her man around. How many men want to have sex with their mother?  Well, a
few, I'm sure. But for the most part, the normal men are not turned  on 
such things. This mothering happens when the woman does too much  for him 

when she is bossy.

It would be interesting to poll men to ask them what makes them  cheat. 
feeling is that we would find that men are tempted to cheat if the 

criteria are met.
She nags instead of asks
She dominates by being bossy rather than respectfully asking for  what 

needs or wants.
She is disrespectful to her man by using condescending remarks such  as,
shut up, You don't know anything, I don't care what you want.  Or 

remarks such as, Stop touching me! I don't like that! Don't kiss me
there! Eww, you're gross! Even if said in fun, I think that if  you 
ask a

man, he might say that somewhere inside; a little piece of his ego was
chipped away each time she does this.
Stifling him in the relationship when he feels that his woman  doesn't 
him do things. Should a woman have the right to let, or not let a  person 
things? A relationship is supposed to be about trust. Therefore, if  a 
wants to go out with the guys to a bar, to a strip club, or just  drink a 

beers at home, this ultimately would not pose an issue. It's all about
moderation, I think. The minute a woman starts saying thinks like,  I 
want you doing this, this, that, or that, chances are, whether he 
admits it

or not, he's a very stifled and potentially restricted and unhappy  man.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

It would also be interesting to poll women to ask them what makes them
cheat. I have the feeling that it would be because of the following 

She can't be herself around him.
He doesn't listen and tells her she shouldn't be upset.
He doesn't tell her how precious she is to him.
He does not make enough time for her.
He does not help her with domestic things, or her internal struggles.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

Women need to know that they are free to be themselves. The big no-no
phrases to hear are, You shouldn't be upset, or don't worry  about 
Women want to talk and to be heard. Our way of thinking things  through 
is by
talking. Men, have you ever wondered why a woman will start a 

with one opinion and by the time she's done, she will have a  completely
different point of view? This is because she was able to refine her 

just by your listening to her and not providing a solution.

To come out the hero, men can reassure her and recognize that a  woman 
insecure. When she seems angry, this translates to her actually  being 

Women, need, reassurance. It's as simple as that. When she is  upset, she
doesn't talk to you because she doesn't trust you. You can reassure  her 

whenever she is ready to talk, you will be there to just sit and  listen
while she talks it through. When a woman cries, it is her way of 
Let her ball until she can't ball no more! Hugs are good during  these 

even if it is about you. When she's done, she'll be free of her  burden.

I also get the feeling that often, women don't know how to handle  men 
they are upset. Men often think things through by silently working 

it on their own

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-20 Thread Ryan Perdue
You said loads of good things here which I will respond to when I have a bit 
more time.
But, you are correct, so many relationships are not working because both 
people can't completely give themselves to the other person and that's not 
just sexually either.
I'm fortunate in that regard but, I've been on the otherside as well.
- Original Message - 
From: Mary Ann Topolewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: talk2 talk2@AndreLouis.COM
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:55 PM
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

This is a very funny story, just by how it is written and I got a good
chuckle out of it. But ya know? Maybe I'm weird but there are things I
really hate about what I see that goes on in relationships. Uh-oh... *Mary
Ann gets on her soapbox for a minute and hopes she doesn't scare people

I have a problem with pet names. Nicknames that were born of a fun event or
because of an inside joke are one thing. Especially when they are not used
all the time. But to me, the minute pet names are introduced into any
relationship and you start replacing the person's real name with those, it's
done. Eventually you stop viewing your partner as the hot and sexy person
they are. There is nothing more powerful, I think, than hearing the person
that you love, saying your name. And no, peoples, I don't just mean in bed!

Something else I see that causes me concern is when a woman begins to boss
her man around. How many men want to have sex with their mother? Well, a
few, I'm sure. But for the most part, the normal men are not turned on by
such things. This mothering happens when the woman does too much for him or
when she is bossy.

It would be interesting to poll men to ask them what makes them cheat. My
feeling is that we would find that men are tempted to cheat if the following
criteria are met.
She nags instead of asks
She dominates by being bossy rather than respectfully asking for what she
needs or wants.
She is disrespectful to her man by using condescending remarks such as,
shut up, You don't know anything, I don't care what you want. Or worse
remarks such as, Stop touching me! I don't like that! Don't kiss me
there! Eww, you're gross! Even if said in fun, I think that if you ask a
man, he might say that somewhere inside; a little piece of his ego was
chipped away each time she does this.
Stifling him in the relationship when he feels that his woman doesn't let,
him do things. Should a woman have the right to let, or not let a person do
things? A relationship is supposed to be about trust. Therefore, if a man
wants to go out with the guys to a bar, to a strip club, or just drink a few
beers at home, this ultimately would not pose an issue. It's all about
moderation, I think. The minute a woman starts saying thinks like, I don't
want you doing this, this, that, or that, chances are, whether he admits it
or not, he's a very stifled and potentially restricted and unhappy man.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

It would also be interesting to poll women to ask them what makes them
cheat. I have the feeling that it would be because of the following reasons.
She can't be herself around him.
He doesn't listen and tells her she shouldn't be upset.
He doesn't tell her how precious she is to him.
He does not make enough time for her.
He does not help her with domestic things, or her internal struggles.
And because of all this, the sex is now bad.

Women need to know that they are free to be themselves. The big no-no
phrases to hear are, You shouldn't be upset, or don't worry about it.
Women want to talk and to be heard. Our way of thinking things through is by
talking. Men, have you ever wondered why a woman will start a conversation
with one opinion and by the time she's done, she will have a completely
different point of view? This is because she was able to refine her thoughts
just by your listening to her and not providing a solution.

To come out the hero, men can reassure her and recognize that a woman gets
insecure. When she seems angry, this translates to her actually being hurt.
Women, need, reassurance. It's as simple as that. When she is upset, she
doesn't talk to you because she doesn't trust you. You can reassure her that
whenever she is ready to talk, you will be there to just sit and listen
while she talks it through. When a woman cries, it is her way of expression.
Let her ball until she can't ball no more! Hugs are good during these times,
even if it is about you. When she's done, she'll be free of her burden.

I also get the feeling that often, women don't know how to handle men when
they are upset. Men often think things through by silently working through
it on their own until the time they are ready to talk.

Women are the heroines when they leave a man alone until he is ready to
share his feelings. When a man retreats, let him. Tell him that you notice
something is wrong and you'll wait patiently for him to come to you when
he's ready

Re: The Talk2 List MARRIED LIFE - Mary Ann unleashes! Look out!

2007-09-20 Thread Byron J. Lee

Mary Ann,
This e-mail helped me greatly, I have been in a lot of relationships 
where I feel like I can't be myself. I am a quirky guy who likes to play 
with computers, radios, and phones. I like to record interesting or 
really mundane things like trips to the grocery store. My friends are 
very important to me, and I spend a lot of time with them. I don't feel 
like I am allowed to be this type of person when I'm dating someone. I 
feel like I have to spend every waking moment with her. I feel like I've 
got roses and chocolates coming out of my ears and it'll never end. I 
hate the fluffy puppy love crap, I want to find someone who will let me 
be the kind of person I really am around her. I don't want to cut her 
out of my life and hide in a cave and spend my entire day on the 
computer, but I would like to not feel like a slime bucket when I do. I 
want to find someone who will be interested in some of the same stuff as 
me, and wouldn't mind sharing these hobbies with me. I'm willing to 
participate in her hobbies too but it never seems to work that way. 
Every woman I've ever dated has always tried to take away everything I 
hold dear, and replace it with stuff she wants me to participate in. I'm 
a geek, I like who I am, stop trying to make me someone I'm not! Watch 
Star Trek with me and don't belittle it. Listen to books with me, and 
comment on the parts that you liked and disliked. Help to broaden my 
horizons and expose me to new ideas that I've never thought of. Talk to 
me on an intellectual level, I'm not an idiot. Be a part of my circle of 
friends, or at least let me hang out with them on a regular basis. These 
are the things I'm looking for in a relationship, and your e-mail helped 
me understand the way women think a bit better. Maybe if I had said some 
of these things to the people I've dated, things may have changed for 
the better. Perhaps if I were more open with people, they would 
understand me a little better.

Thanks Mary Ann,

Onj wrote:
Very rarely, I get something that is so enspiring that I have to think 
about it.  I'm keeping this.  It was just right somehow.  It must have 
taken you a long time to write it, and it's times like this I wonder 
what people think of this list I started back in 2004.  It has it's 
uses though. I think that you've proved it today.  I can't be nearly 
as eloquent at saying this as you, but you really did a good job.  And 
you made me really hungry.

So with that, I shall depart.

On Thursday, September 20, 2007 6:55 PM,
Mary Ann Topolewski happened to mention in passing loads of really 
interesting stuff so read the original message and not this reply 
because it's better.  by!

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
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