Re: Connection center

2023-01-05 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, January 5, 2023, 3:35:32 PM, you wrote:

>> You can see the log by clicking the status bar in the main window.

Thomas> And you can toggle the status bar on/off with shift-ctrl-L.

Though I question the usefulness of the connection center at all then. The 
transactions happen so fast there is no possibility to see anything and there 
is no reason to not just limit the connection center view to the last event or 
set of events or the last 1000 lines or something like that. There is no reason 
the clear that log and every reason not to. I didn't know clicking on the 
status bar would bring that up. I've probably only cared about that log a 
couple of time in the many years I've been using The Bat, rarely enough I would 
never remember a secret button like that.

So as soon as I finished sending this message I clicked on the status bar and 
it brought up an empty log. As I spend most of my time looking at virtual 
mailboxes, I don't usually see a status bar with any information and at some 
level was not even aware it existed. 

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Connection center

2023-01-05 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, January 5, 2023, 3:35:32 PM, you wrote:

>> You can see the log by clicking the status bar in the main window.

Thomas> And you can toggle the status bar on/off with shift-ctrl-L.

Though I question the usefulness of the connection center at all then. The 
transactions happen so fast there is no possibility to see anything and there 
is no reason to not just limit the connection center view to the last event or 
set of events or the last 1000 lines or something like that. There is no reason 
the clear that log and every reason not to. I didn't know clicking on the 
status bar would bring that up. I've probably only cared about that log a 
couple of time in the many years I've been using The Bat, rarely enough I would 
never remember a secret button like that.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Connection center

2023-01-05 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

I was guessing at an email address for a company and i failed. I brought up the 
connection center so I could see what the errors were but for some reason the 
connection center window is cleared at the end of the transaction instead of 
before starting the next one so it's impossible to see what went wrong. Could 
that be changed so that the results of the last attempt can be reviewed?

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?]

2022-08-12 Thread Ira

Hello Stefan,

Monday, August 8, 2022, 11:11:21 AM, you wrote:

RichText is reincarnation of the older HTML editor which is based on the RichView component, we decided to make it available again as the current HTML editor (added in v9 cycle) could be a pain to handle sometimes :)

Wow, for the first time in years I can actually respond to an email without cursing. Thanks ever so much.

I find the "could be a pain to handle sometimes" an interesting spin on my experience of it literally doesn't work as expected 100% of the time.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: TB 10.1 - Calendar error

2022-07-02 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Saturday, July 2, 2022, 4:28:41 AM, you wrote:

>> I think the calendar feature should be removed.  
> I don't think so :-)  We're going to add connectivity to exchange/gmail/etc 
> services soon.
I didn't know there was a calendar and when I went looking for it, I can see 
where it might hide and while I don't use calendars, I guess it might be useful 
for it to remember birthdays and the like in my most used program where I might 
not miss the notifications, something I commonly do!
BUT, fix the editor first. I certainly don't care about a calendar when I keep 
wondering if there is some other email tool I could use that would actually 
work as promised   A barely working editor is a really serious, almost fatal 
flaw in what is otherwise a quite remarkable program. It's been broken for well 
over a year, through 2 upgrades I recall, it needs to be the most important 
thing to be fixed.  FWIW, I stopped recommending The Bat or even letting my 
customers upgrade from their current version as I don't need people whining 
about the formatting of their emails getting messed up. 

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: The Editor

2022-06-27 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Monday, June 27, 2022, 10:09:35 AM, you wrote:

> What are the biggest PITAs you experience with the editor, anyway?
The constant decision to use Courier in replies even after choosing select all 
and then formatting as Arial 12.  The lack of the correct function of the Enter 
key where pressing it moves the cursor but does not create a new line.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

The Editor

2022-06-27 Thread Ira

 Just wondering if there is any plan to fix the editor. It's been broken at 
least since since you upgraded it, well over a year, and it seems like it's 
been forgotten about. And since I write emails every day, a broken editor is a 
constant reminder that I paid money for an upgrade to V10 that doesn't work 
properly. Yes it does most things I want, but cursing at the program every time 
I reply to an email doesn't really make for a pleasant experience. 
 Thanks, Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: %CURSOR (was: Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 8)

2022-04-18 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Monday, April 18, 2022, 7:25:03 PM, you wrote:

> This is not a beta issue, so we should discuss on TBUDL instead. 
> The template macros are not case-sensitive. I believe that you inadvertedly 
> used "$" instead of "%" in the template that didn't work, as you did in your 
> reply just now. Could you check that?

The messed up editor is certainly a beta problem and the $ is me being a 
terrible typist, the format I use that does not have the font problem any more 
is the one I posted, show again below. I was quite surprised to find that 
changing the case made a difference. It was certainly unexpected. Maybe it was 
something else, but it was the only thing I could find that was different  
between 2 seemingly identical formats, the only apparent difference being the 
case of the word CURSOR. If you use my format exactly as it is below, do you 
still see the problem?
Hello %OFromFName,

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:



-- Me
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-18 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Monday, April 18, 2022, 6:43:57 PM, you wrote:

> Using %CURSOR now, no difference. Why?
I noticed in my instance that 2 different accounts replies worked different, 
one had $Cursor and was broken, and the other had $CURSOR and worked. Changing 
the mixed case one to upper case got rid of the weird font issue. Maybe it was 
something else but here's my reply format, see if it works for you it's all 
formatted as 12pt Arial HTML.
Hello %OFromFName,

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:



-- Me
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-18 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Sunday, April 17, 2022, 11:08:38 PM, you wrote:

> Yes. Here is the template:
> %Quotes
> %Cursor
> %QInclude="tbsig"

Try replacing %Cursor with %CURSOR. I know it makes no sense, but try it.
-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 8

2022-04-17 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Sunday, April 17, 2022, 9:19:29 PM, you wrote:

> Has the HTML editor being fixed? It is really annoying to have to manually 
> set the font back to what is was before the editor decided to just change the 
> font at random for a paragraph.


Out of curiosity does the template you're using contain the tag " %Cursor"?

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] v10 beta 6

2022-04-05 Thread Ira
Hello Beta,

So today I pressed reply from an email in one account ad was typing in Courier, 
a font I'm desperatly trying to get rid of and then I did the same in another 
account and the reply was in Arial as asked. So I decided to copy the seemingly 
identical reply template from the working one to the non working one. While 
doing so I noticed what changed was  "%CURSOR."  In the working on it used  
%CURSOR, in the non working on it used  %Cursor.  Upper casing the word cursor 
in the non working one made it work as expected.  

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Font changes in HTML editor (was:[SPAM?] v10 beta 5)

2022-03-18 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Friday, March 18, 2022, 4:23:24 AM, you wrote:

> This is not a new bug in v10. I have had this since the new HTML editor was 
> introduced.
And yet from the lack of interest in acknowledging or trying to fix the problem 
it would seem they forgot about it. So as it's the only bug that really bothers 
me and half the point of the program is writing and sending emails, I thought 
I'd remind them yet again that it's still broken.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] v10 beta 5

2022-03-18 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Thursday, March 17, 2022, 11:56:33 AM, you wrote:

> The Bat! v10 beta 5 is now available from
It's installed and working . 
But the Reply editor and Properties/Templates is still REALLY BADLY messed up. 
Here are some of the issues.
There are hidden spaces with Courier font that I can't change and often can't 
find, but when I reply to a message and start typing, the font is courier even 
though I've selected the whole reply template and changed to to Arial many 
times. Even when a template seems to be all Arial, under some conditions like 
when pressing the up arrow onto an empty line, the font shows as Courier but if 
I start on the line above and press Down Arrow, the Font shows as Arial, 

When pressing Reply the cursor starts in position 1 and pressing the down arrow 
does nothing as if the cursor is in never never land. Pressing right a couple 
of time move it over one space and then it starts to make sense.
Sometimes pressing Enter does nothing.
-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Crashes when editing Toolbar

2022-03-02 Thread Ira
Hello The,
I have a custom toolbar:
Both when I added the address button on the end and when I removed it, pressing 
Save caused c chain of memory address errors and then the program crashed. Both 
times the changes were successfully saved.

Thanks, Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 4

2022-03-02 Thread Ira
Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 4:16:14 PM, you wrote:

> U&R here. I get the new address book in both cases.
This is what my tool bar looks like now:
The address book button on the right I just added, it shows the new book, the 
one on the left, the one that's been there forever brings up the old one.    

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 4

2022-03-02 Thread Ira
Hello Stuart,

Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 4:16:14 PM, you wrote:

> U&R here. I get the new address book in both cases.

And while I'm sure that's what you're seeing, I'd guess there is more than one 
Icon to bring up the address book, at least it used to be that way so it's 
likely we have tested different icons.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: v10 beta 4

2022-03-02 Thread Ira
Hello Alex,

Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 3:18:06 PM, you wrote:

> [ * ] New Address book is called after clicking on the "Add to Address book" 
> option

Tools=>Address Book is new address book
The address book icon on my toolbar still brings up the old address book

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Reply formats

2022-02-18 Thread Ira
Hello The,

Is there any way to have one reply format for all replies in all mailboxes. I 
have one folder in one mailbox that somehow ended up with a different reply 
format and I can't see a way to force it back to using the parent mailbox 

Thanks, Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: v10 Beta 1

2022-02-17 Thread Ira
Hello Ethan,

Thursday, February 17, 2022, 11:46:45 AM, you wrote:

> The address book crashes the program.
> Can something be checked.  I cannot even open the Address book with this 
> version.
Because you said this, I decided to try and I was able to open the address 
book. I only use a local address book and have turned off all the network 
server address book features.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] v10 Beta 1

2022-02-17 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Thursday, February 17, 2022, 9:06:16 AM, you wrote:

> Good luck to everyone!
Well, I followed all the directions, everything worked as expected other than I 
put a 45 character password into the password field and you truncated it to 20 
characters without saying anything. It's important to list the maximum and 
minimum length of allowed passwords, otherwise you will annoy people who 
routinely use password managers and long secure passwords. This is being sent 
with V10.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?]

2021-12-14 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 4:49:03 AM, you wrote:

> Version is available 

up and running.
Thanks so much for finally fixing the messed up returns in the editor.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Connection center.

2021-09-22 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

> It closes automatically here.

Thank you. It does close here also, I just had a mailbox that was failing and 
taking a very long time to timeout, never waited long enough before.  When it's 
getting the other mailboxes it shows progress but on this one it didn't show 
anything obvious so I thought it was done.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Connection center.

2021-09-22 Thread Ira
I like having the Connection Center on auto so it pops up when I send and 
receive mail. But sometimes it doesn't close when it's finished. If I send a 
message it pops up, I can watch the message send and then it automatically 
closes.  But if I click on Get New Mail For All, it pops up, I watch it get the 
mail but it stays up when the job is finished and I have to close it manually. 
It would be so much nicer if it closed automatically like it does when I send a 
Thanks, Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] 9.4.4 MSI

2021-08-20 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Friday, August 20, 2021, 8:15:05 AM, you wrote:

> Version 9.4.4 MSI is available 

Installed with no issues.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:


2021-07-21 Thread Ira
So I set this already but I'm uncertain if it went because instead of reply, I 
was playing with edit as new and accidently used edit as new for this which 
left the from as it was on the original message.  Also, when I then changed the 
account so it was coming from me, it added a forwarded from header at the top 
and an end of original message footer, not something I wanted or expected 
though I guess one might argue it makes sense.  Also further testing shows that 
some HTML messages work properly and some don't.

Dear All, 

Version is available 

[-] "Message | Edit as new"  was quoting original text
Well, it works better for text messages, but not at all for HTML messages.  
When I use edit as new on a HTML message it puts in all the HTML as text so it 
looks like this. I've only included the first few lines but a one page message 
is many many pages of HTML code. The text between the lines of 
/// was just copied from a message where I choose edit as 

 Thank you for your purchase! 

Re: [SPAM?] 9.4.2

2021-07-10 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Saturday, July 10, 2021, 1:03:31 AM, you wrote:

> [-] "Paste as plain text" was adding extra paragraphs

Well, that was one of the more annoying things for me, glad to see it's fixed.

But, in the middle of typing that last line The Bat locked up for a time, more 
than 10 seconds as I finally gave up and went somewhere else to see if it would 
remember what I'd typed that wasn't on the page yet. It did, when I returned to 
this message everything was there. It almost feels as if it's doing the first 
auto save after 10 or 15 seconds and that takes a really long time. I don't 
know what it is actually doing, but it does happen occasionally.
-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?] Re: Where is the folder list structure stored?

2021-06-30 Thread Ira
Hello Alexander,

Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:09:54 PM, you wrote:

> The ACCOUNT.FLB file in the root of the mail data folder stores the structure 
> of the common folders, including common virtual folders.

Thankfully I found a backup and was able to restore that file. I think there 
might be a problem with restore. I restored only Properties and Global Options 
and the progressed bar reached 100% in a almost instantly but never indicated 
it finished, leaving Cancel as my only option. 5 or 10 minutes later I just 
forced The Bat to exit and it had restored properly.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Where is the folder list structure stored?

2021-06-30 Thread Ira
Hello Joerg,

Wednesday, June 30, 2021, 9:19:31 AM, you wrote:

> What I will have to do to "convert" my old order (in)to "ACCOUNT.FLB"?

AccOrder.cfg in mine only contains the order of the top level accounts and 
virtual folders, not the order of the subfolders within accounts. So, it might 
be they serve different purposes and you need both.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Where is the folder list structure stored?

2021-06-29 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 1:58:21 PM, you wrote:

> It is not a file. Using Windows Explorer look at you Mail folder. There you 
> should see a folder for each of your accounts, and if you select one account 
> you will see the folder structure (tree) underneath. Same if you have 
> sub-folders.
I get that, but I can order those folders any way I want in the BAT, but that 
doesn't change the order on the drive.
> Have  you  tried pressing [CONTROL] [ALT] [SHIFT] L ? That CAN restore things 
>  that  are correctly in the Folder tree but not showing in the Bat.

This I did not know, I will try this.
Thanks,  Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Where is the folder list structure stored?

2021-06-29 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 7:50:59 AM, you wrote:

> Why do you reply to an existing message and thread, instead of sending a new 
> message with a new subject to start a new thread?

Because it's easy and I didn't realize that hidden stuff travels with the 
message. I changed the subject which I thought was enough.

But still no answer to the question, what is the name of that file and where 
does it hide? It would be nice if someone answered so I could get The Bat to 
stop throwing exception errors whenever we tried to re-arrange the list.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Where is the folder list structure stored?

2021-06-28 Thread Ira
Hello All
I lost the structure of the folder list on the left edge today. What file do I 
need to restore to get it back?  I've looked, but can't figure it out.

-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Replying inline to HTML messages

2021-06-11 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,
Friday, June 11, 2021, 8:21:00 PM, you wrote:

> When replying inline to HTML messages, the rpely looks like it was part of 
> the original message that is being replied to.
Yes, it does this.  The state of the new HTML editor is so far from usable it's 
as if no one even tries to use it. 
-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Edit as New broken

2021-05-29 Thread Ira
When I choose "Edit as New", the original text is all included and the header 
is proper, but the text in the message is all included as "quoted text"  as if 
I choose Reply, not "Edit as New."
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - emoji dialog on 4k screen

2021-05-28 Thread Ira
Hello mse,
Friday, May 28, 2021, 9:15:25 AM, you wrote:
On a 4k-display with 150% zoom the insert emoji dialog has an unnecessary vertical scroll bar in the recently used emoji pane.
On my 4K display at 175%, the emoji display is wider than the window. so I can't see the last few emojis in each line. You can see the first line ends with a bow and the next line starts with baseball, but there are 11 more emojis between those that I can't see except be making the window wider. That hides different one, but by changing the window size I can eventually see all of them. -- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?]

2021-05-10 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 8:11:11 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> Version is available 

I tried, but today I went back to 9.3.4 as I could not deal with the new HTML 
editor any longer. But, other than that, it worked just fine.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Weird editor in behavior in

2021-05-07 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,
Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 8:11:11 AM, you wrote:

Version is available 
 I had tried the new editor before and eventually gave up and went back to the 
old one. I'm trying the new editor again and have found some issues.
 1. The right arrow key always goes from the first letter of a word to the last 
letter. To get to the middle of a word with arrow keys I must start the the end 
and use the left arrow key
  2. The insert key does not toggle insert mode.
  3. Spell check does not work on some contractions.  For example:  didn't, 
  4. While trying to correct an existing word, the cursor always jumps to the 
end of the word on the first letter typed. 
  5. Some replies come up in all Courier even though no profile layout has 
Courier in any selection.
  6. The font size displayed when creating a new message is wrong. As I type 
this, it looks like Arial 10 or 11, yet it shows being Arial 16.
  7. Word wrap points are incorrectly calculated. The text always extends far 
past the right edge of the window before wrapping and the window is unaware as 
there is no horizontal scroll bar available, so no way to see what I writing.
  8. Crtl + Arrow stops on the single quotes in contractions, but not on 
periods and commas. Those behaviors are different than Microsoft Word. The 
single quotes are clearly wrong, the commas and periods are probably OK either 
  9. If I highlight this line and the carriage return on the line below and 
change to Bold, Italic, Underline or Strikethrough and then back to normal, the 
carriage return is deleted.
Not to be negative, but it's almost unusable in it's current condition.  I 
think better than last time though.
-- Ira 
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?]

2021-04-16 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Thursday, April 15, 2021, 7:58:47 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> Version is available 

Installed and mostly working fine.

2 things:

When writing a message, word wrap does not seem to respect the window borders

when using "Edit as New," all the text is quoted as if I hit Reply.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Display issue

2020-10-24 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Saturday, October 24, 2020, 3:15:28 AM, you wrote:

MAU> That does seem a bit weird, I think I've never seen it.
MAU> Do you have 'Auto Refresh' set in the folder Properties/Filter?

I do, I doesn't happen often, but it's one of a few issues like this that pop 
up occasionally. As soon as I do anything, it corrects itself. It didn't select 
another message so in effect, it's still on that message even though it 

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Display issue

2020-10-23 Thread Ira
Hello tbbeta,

I have a virtual mailbox called unread which contains unread messages from a 
bunch of mailboxes. Sometimes unread messages stay displayed until I leave and 
return and sometimes they just go away when they become read. So I was replying 
to a message in that mailbox and after hitting send the message became unread 
and disappeared as expected, but the message body is still displayed in the 
message pane even though the header no longer exists in the message list above 

Thanks, Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [SPAM?]

2020-10-09 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Friday, October 9, 2020, 11:59:23 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> [+]  Interface Themes

Not sure it's a problem or a feature, but when I choose the Dark Theme some of 
the color choices associated with Color Groups are changed in ways that makes 
them unreadable. Seems like when I choose dark you leave the background color 
alone but change the font color from black to white. That might be OK if you 
changed the background color, but in this case, it makes those lines completely 
unreadbale. White text on pale yellow does not work at all! But, I could fix it 
in 5 minutes if I cared to keep that theme, so while annoying, it's only really 
a problem if you want to be able to switch themes on the fly.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Downloads from site

2020-09-17 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Thursday, September 17, 2020, 2:31:53 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> We're trying to solve the slow download issue which seems to happen to 
some users. Could you please check how it works now with downloading the latest 
full packages from these URLs and what are the actual URL stated in the 
browser's download list?

Yesterday it took well over 30 seconds to download the small one, today it took 
like 3 seconds to download the big one so yes, it's much better.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.2.3 MSI

2020-09-04 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Friday, September 4, 2020, 11:39:40 AM, you wrote:

>>> Not sure why, Microsoft flagged the file as potentially damaging for my 
>>> machine.  
>> I get this message as well. Is there a way to fix it before we install the 
>> new file.

MAU> Same here. I think I'll wait for a new file

What it's actually saying is we are not familiar with this file, i.e., it's not 
been installed enough were aware of it's existence and are you sure you know 
what it is. Nowhere in that message does it say it's harmful.  It does say, 
executable files may be harmful and are you sure this one is OK.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.2.2 MSI Presentation Failure

2020-07-21 Thread Ira
Hello Curt,

Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 10:01:36 AM, you wrote:

Curt> However,  a  little  bit  ago,  The  Bat!  stopped  displaying message
Curt> previews.  I  have 2 panes: account listing on the left, message index
Curt> on  the  right, both full height. Workspace/Window Split Mode presents
Curt> content correctly, but has no effect.

Quitting and restarting usually works to fix that.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-02 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 8:17:26 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> Version  MSI is available 

I've never seen this before.

Select a text message in a folder in an account and highlight a few 
Select a different folder in the same account and highlight a HTML 
Immediately press F4 and the reply is to the current messages sender, 
but the contents of the reply is the highlighted text for the 
previous message.

If you do anything else, you're likely to correct the focus and it 
will work correctly.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-26 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 4:38:47 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> Version is available from

Somehow my window split setting got changed and I discovered that 
every time I change it the program exits. It saves the change, 
but it exits and I have to start it again. 

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Return-To Header entry

2020-06-18 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Thursday, June 18, 2020, 3:28:43 AM, you wrote:

MAU> Your  question  is  not related to any beta feature or enhancement, it
MAU> should have been sent to TBUDL and not to this list.

Sorry, I'm only on this list, I don't know about any other list and 
this started happening just after Steven returned so it seems like it 
might be a beta issue.

MAU> Aside  of  that,  you are sending HTML message. Do you read this list?
MAU> Didn'tyouseeacouple   of   days   ago   this   message
MAU>  from list Moderator?

I did see Marks post and I thought I followed his answer on how to 
insure all messages to this list were in text format, but I guess it 
backfired since as far as I know, this is my first HTML message to the 
list. I'm sorry for that, but I believe it's fixed now. Thank you for 
letting me know.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Return-To Header entry

2020-06-18 Thread Ira
Title: Return-To Header entry


I've started seeing messages with a header that looks like:


Where the Return-Path contains the sender and the From contains my email address, so replying to them doesn't work.

Seems Return-Path is for something else, but why do I keep getting emails from people that show both the From and the To containing my address , so replying replies to me, not the the sender of the email. It's a recent change and I'm not trying to point a finger at the Bat, but I'm completely perplexed as to what might cause this.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Mod: HTML use (was:

2020-06-17 Thread Ira
Hello Marck,

Wednesday, June 17, 2020, 10:50:08 AM, you wrote:

Marck> It's  just  "The  template  that  gets  used for emails written to the
Marck> list".  In  my  case,  it's  the  address  book  Reply and New message
Marck> templates  for  the  list address. It's not a specific thing. Some use
Marck> folder templates for this. That's always been something I've avoided.

Ah, I see. I never ceases to surprised by the myriad features hidden
within The Bat.

Thanks, so much, Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Mod: HTML use (was:

2020-06-17 Thread Ira
Hello Marck,

Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 8:36:37 AM, you wrote:

Marck> Please do not send HTML messages to the list
Marck> except for purposes of testing. While the merits of HTML are
Marck> debatable, and have been discussed numerous times on the lists, the
Marck> list rules prohibit HTML e-mail. You can easily automate this by using
Marck> %SetEditor="1" in your list template.

I must not be violating the rules, but I want that feature for some
other things and You;ve piqued my interest. What is a "list template"
and where do I find it?

Thanks, Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Question about reply choices

2020-06-13 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

I'm pointing at the button so it seems to use the Reply to for the
current message as a default.

MAU> When  you  click the button, what address are you pointing to with the
MAU> mouse cursor?

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Question about reply choices

2020-06-13 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

MAU> That  should  work  when you first point to an email address. It could
MAU> even be an address that appears in the message body.

Yes, if you do that it makes perfect sense, but if you put the button
on the toolbar next to send what it does makes no sense.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Question about reply choices

2020-06-13 Thread Ira
Hello Andrew,

Saturday, June 13, 2020, 12:30:49 AM, you wrote:

Andrew> Are you using the same function/button? Another screenshot attached.

 No, myine says Reply to this address, But Reply to the sender is
 certainly what I would want. I'll look for that.  Thanks.

 But it still seems like "Reply to this Address" should work

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Question about reply choices

2020-06-13 Thread Ira
Hello Andrew,

Weird, it clearly does not work like that here.


Andrew> Hello Ira,

Andrew> Saturday, June 13, 2020, 4:38:47 PM, you wrote:

>> I had never seen it till today and when I saw it I put in on my
>> taskbar as a button in which case it doesn't seem to work as expected,
>> but when I do what you showed it did what I expected. So should it
>> just not be allowed as a button or should it reply to the from address
>> instead of the replyto address?

Andrew> Seems to work as expected. Please refer to the screenshot attached.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Question about reply choices

2020-06-13 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Question about reply choices

Hello Andrew,

I had never seen it till today and when I saw it I put in on my taskbar as a button in which case it doesn't seem to work as expected, but when I do what you showed it did what I expected. So should it just not be allowed as a button or should it reply to the from address instead of the replyto address?

Friday, June 12, 2020, 11:36:20 PM, you wrote:

> Where do you find "reply to this address"?


'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Richard,

Make sure the shortcut has program and start in set correctly, I had to edit my shortcut so they both pointed to "C:\Program Files\The Bat!"

Friday, June 12, 2020, 4:21:10 PM, you wrote:

I put this in Mailwasher and then The bat comes up:
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ritlabs The Bat!\The Bat! (64-bit).lnk"

       I couldn't get that to work and I tried it several different ways. At lease you pointed me towards the direction of being able to directly point to any email program. I suspect the "issue" is more directly related to how TB is interacting with CEF. So, I'll wait to see what the developers come up with as a fix before investing time into something that is likely to be superfluous.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Richard,

I put this in Mailwasher and then The bat comes up:

"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Ritlabs The Bat!\The Bat! (64-bit).lnk"

Choose Use Other Program and then that should work. I did have to edit the shortcut as somehow it seemed to think The Bat was in Program Files(x86) ans so it would not work till I fixed that. You can't pick it either as then mailwasher just reads the name of the exe from the shortcut.

And I guess I should say thanks, it's the first time it's ever worked since I started using the bat.


Friday, June 12, 2020, 12:57:22 PM, you wrote:

Hello Ira,

I'd guess you need to ren "the BAt" in it's own folder soyou should try pointing mailwasher to the start menu shortcut instead of The Bat exectable, or making a shortcut in The Bat folder that points to the exe and is set to start in that folder.

Thanks for your creative guess. MailWasher doesn't seem to allow one to "point" to the email program; it seems to pick it up from listings in WIN10. Since writing about the MailWasher program I found that using email links in my browser (FireFox) to email an article brings up the same errors as it attempts to load TB.
Hence, I suspect that the answer lies in making the CEF Library more universally embedded in the system before the system tries to load TB or somehow allow TB  to call the library before it attempts to load. Either of which is beyond my capabilities.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Best regards,
Using The Bat!  v9.2.0.1 (BETA)  on  Windows v10 18363 

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Questionn about reply choices

2020-06-12 Thread Ira

What is the difference between "Reply to this address" and just

I figured that when I have a message from john at and a reply
to of mail at that "Reply" would go to the list and
"Reply to this address" would go to John, but they both seem to go to
the list which seems to make them the same thing.


'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Richard,

Friday, June 12, 2020, 11:37:02 AM, you wrote:

But I use MailWasher Pro to pre-load and remove spam before downloading to TB. When MP tries to open TB I get the long list of CEF Binaries Missing error message. I changed the mail program settings in MP and my default WIN mail program for 10-15 minutes. 

After reading todays flurry of messages, I'd guess you need to ren "the BAt" in it's own folder soyou should try pointing mailwasher to the start menu shortcut instead of The Bat exectable, or making a shortcut in The Bat folder that points to the exe and is set to start in that folder.

And isn't Mailwasher wonderful!

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Friday, June 12, 2020, 4:16:13 AM, you wrote:

Stefan> Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

Thankyou, installed and running the 64 bit version.

The function "Reply Quoting Selected Text" does not seem to work on
HTML messages, only on text messages.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-07 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

Something is hinky in this version, This message from Daniel indicated it was from me.  I've put the header as it showed up in Mailwasher at the bottom. You can see that the reply shows "Hello Ira" even though it's not from me. I made the "From:" line bold to make it easier to find. Maybe it's not The Bat, but it's weird no matter what.

Hello Ira,

Sunday, June 7, 2020, 4:34:20 PM, you wrote:

Hi Stefan, good to see you return to the bat's nest and I'm glad that
The Bat's development will get a new impulse.

I've seen quite a few fixes of inconveniences and annoyances requested,
but I think the pita that deserves priority is the one that, for quite
a few people, causes The Bat to not work at all with Gmail:

Best of luck, kind regards,


'Using TBBETA' information:

Received: from ([]) by (mxeueus003 []) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 1MTzX4-1jZj2x0qu2-00QzEY for ; Mon, 08 Jun 2020 01:33:53 +0200
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Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-03 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 6:22:15 AM, you wrote:

Thomas> Then your editor behaves different from mine. I use MicroEd, and you
Thomas> can see my Windows and TB version in my sig. How about yours?

Thomas> --

It's been broken since V9 was released. I've reported it before and
it's been confirmed by others. It sadly does not matter to me if you
can't duplicate it. Stefan asked for what our most pressing issues are,
that's one of mine and so I told him. I'm using Don't know
anything about MicroEd. I just use The Bat.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-03 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 8:14:14 PM, you wrote:

>> when editing an email address in the To field The Bat assumes you're
>> entering it from scratch and erases what your doing. For example. I'm
>> replying to and I jighlight "jane" and type
>> "bob". The Bat replaces that with a list of all my email address that
>> start with "bob", erasing "" which is the part I cared
>> about.

Thomas> This is standard Windows behaviour. When you have the whole email
Thomas> address highlighted and type something, all of the highlighted text is
Thomas> deleted. Instead, highlight only the part you want to change.

Thomas> -

No, it's not. I specifically I only highlighted "jane" or more
correctly I said I jightlighted "jane", but I assume that error would
be obvious.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-02 Thread Ira
Hello Stefan,

Monday, June 1, 2020, 2:48:18 PM, you wrote:

Stefan> - within next few weeks, we will try to fix with top PITAs (please
Stefan> feel free to name your favourite ones), make some minor additions and
Stefan> facelifting, then release a new v9.x.x update.

Glad to here there's hope going forward. Thanks so much. I'm one of
the short timers, only been using The Bat since 2013.

But, to answer your question:

when editing an email address in the To field The Bat assumes you're
entering it from scratch and erases what your doing. For example. I'm
replying to and I jighlight "jane" and type
"bob". The Bat replaces that with a list of all my email address that
start with "bob", erasing "" which is the part I cared

Incoming emails show attachments that don't actually exist or at least
shouldn't be shown as attchments. If someone embeds their business
card image as their signature, it's an embeded image, not an
attachment. And often for reasons I don't understand there's an
attachment called message.html that really shouldn't exist.

When replying, the quoted text is often put in some massively nested
table making it near impossible to edit or delete the noise.

I think and I might be in a minority, that reply of any sort should
always respect selected text. Now I need to use two different replies,
one if I want the whole message and a different one if I only want
selected text.

Anyway, thanks so much for asking. It's nice to hear development will

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: The Bat! 9.1.16 MSI files & Voyager

2020-04-17 Thread Ira
Hello Maxim,

Friday, April 17, 2020, 10:41:08 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! 9.1.16 MSI files and Voyager are available at:

Maxim> What's new since version 9.1.14 released on April 13th, 2020:

Seems to work, thought there is no link for Voyager that I can see.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

2020-04-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

Hello Thomas,

Sunday, April 12, 2020, 11:13:12 PM, you wrote:

What TB version and what Windows version do you use?

Always the most current 64bit version or beta unless the people who install it before me give warnings.

Always the most updated version of 64bit Windows 10

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

2020-04-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

Hello Thomas,

Sunday, April 12, 2020, 10:22:03 PM, you wrote:

Well, I changed it to michaela (I have no tom in my addressbook ), and TB made a suggestion that I would have to click on. If I don't click on it, the email goes to michaela@extrasensory, see attached.

Well, it doesn't work that way for some of us. Maybe it's a setting somewhere, but in my version of The Bat, it would have replaced Extrasensory with fair.. about the time I got to the letter "h" in michaela. What you're saying it does would be perfect, but that's not my experience. I tested it on the CC just before I pressed send and it erased extrasensory about 1/2 second after I typed "tom."

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

2020-04-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

Hello Thomas,

Sunday, April 12, 2020, 7:13:13 PM, you wrote:

As mentioned, you can just keep[ typing. In fact, if I type an address and it matches more than one AB entry, I get a 

Copy and past this address into the to field of a new email:
 Now highlight "ira" and try to change it to some common name in your address book. In my experience it will almost immediately hange the how address to the first matching email in your address book even thought I wanted to send it to If there is data after the cursor, it should not be be autoselecting a new address from the address book until there is a complete match.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

2020-04-12 Thread Ira
Title: Re: Bug? Automatic fill in of recipients address

Hello Lüko,

Thursday, April 9, 2020, 1:57:16 AM, you wrote:

  I experience even worse problems with the opposite — quite often, when I do a REPLY, I want to edit the free form name of the TO-recipient, and then TheBat! uses the few letters I am typing in to look up an address in the address book, and replaces the whole address by the one picked up from the book. No revert of that change possible.

  That is really nasty.

Yup, that about the Bat's most annoying feature. Gets me all the time. Especially bad when you don't notice and send something to the wrong person.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-03-06 Thread Ira
Hello Maxim,

Friday, March 6, 2020, 10:15:11 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (BETA) is available at

Seemingly alive and working.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Filtering

2020-01-31 Thread Ira
Hello Thomas,

Friday, January 31, 2020, 4:08:37 PM, you wrote:

>> You probably clicked Alt+Selected sender. You can use Alt on any column
>> uf the message list to filter on a specific Subject, Date, etc.

Thomas> I use this extensively, much faster than searches. To undo the
Thomas> filtering, I use +<=>.

Cool. Thanks so much to both of you. That's a very nice hidden
feature. Been using TB for at least 6 years and never knew that.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-01-31 Thread Ira

I was looking at my mail today and accidently did something that
filtered out everything but the emails from the currently selected
sender.  View->Display->All Messages got them all back but I can't 
figure out how I did it. Can anyone tell me what I did?

Thanks, Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.0.16: Clicking a URL in HTML message opens two browsers.

2020-01-13 Thread Ira
Hello Gleason,

Sunday, January 12, 2020, 2:30:18 PM, you wrote:

MAU>>> most  of  the  times  two  browsers are opened simultaneously: Edge or
MAU>>> Chrome,  whichever  is  default,  and  also  Internet  Explorer.  Both
MAU>>> browsers will show the same page.

I've  been thinking about this and I think if The Bat just striped the
target=_blank it would solve the problem. All the big guys are putting
it in because so much of the email is browser based and it makes sense
there, but the system browser sees that and launches a new window even though
it's  running  in a place where it should be handing the instruction
off to The Bat.

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-01-12 Thread Ira
Hello Zygmunt,

Sunday, January 12, 2020, 9:55:15 AM, you wrote:

Zygmunt> Sorry, the customizer window is still too narrow, making the customizer
Zygmunt> completely unusable (see

Zygmunt> Correct size of the customizer panel appears only in search window (it 
Zygmunt> after pressing F7 key).

We  had  the discussion/argument awhile back. Turn out this is the new
improved  customizer.  Now  you  open the new tiny customizer and drag
things  on  and  off  the tool bar while it's open.  Personally I also
think  it's a giant step backwards, but it seems to be the wave of the

-- Ira 

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.0.16: Clicking a URL in HTML message opens two browsers.

2020-01-12 Thread Ira
Hello MAU,

Sunday, January 12, 2020, 8:53:57 AM, you wrote:

MAU> most  of  the  times  two  browsers are opened simultaneously: Edge or
MAU> Chrome,  whichever  is  default,  and  also  Internet  Explorer.  Both
MAU> browsers will show the same page.

MAU> Has anybody else noticed this or something similar?

Started  for me  a while back on MailWasher and then with The Bat with
this new computer. Here are 2 links from my email:

 alt="Shop Now" border="0" width="724" style="text-align:center; font-size: 
24px; font-weight:bold; color:#33;display:block;"/>";>La Pavoni 
Europiccola Repair

Happens on the first, but not on the second. I wonder if it's Windows
misunderstanding the target="_blank"directive?

And  as  someone  else  pointed  out  it  only happens when the system
browser is used for viewing.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-25 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Monday, November 25, 2019, 9:03:28 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> [-] Fixed bugs in userdef.xml file handling in 64-bit version of The Bat! (BETA issue)

Thank you, this seems to be all better.  Could you please sort the items in the toolbar customizer in alphabetical order. I'm trying to add "Edit as New" and while I know it's there, finding it is an exercise is frustration as there seems to be little rhyme or reason to the order. Conceptually I do understand the order, but since I don't know where that command is supposed to be, the only sensible solution is to alphabetize them or add a way to search.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-24 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello MAU,

MAU> That's  why I suggested reverting to previous release until there is a
MAU> new release version.

But then I don't get to break it and right now it's very broken.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-24 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Ira,

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 11:55:56 AM, you wrote:

 This morning I discovered that it's possible using that new feature to create a userdef.xml, attached here, that will prevent The Bat from starting. That was certainly unexpected and took a while to figure out.

Actually, it's worse than I thought. Every time I try to make a custom toolbar and exit The Bat , it will not start again until I delete userdef.xml. Opening up userdef.xml seems to me to reveal that what it's saving looks nothing like what I thought I created. The format of userdef.xml is a bit unclear, but I'm reasonably sure that's a true statement.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-24 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello MAU,

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 5:34:52 AM, you wrote:

MAU> Hello Ira,

MAU> Are  you  aware (and when I say aware I mean aware) that you are using
MAU> alpha  and  or  beta  versions of TB? If you are not happy using them,
MAU> nobody  forces you to do so. Revert to the latest release version that
MAU> you were used to, and pleasantly wait for the next release.

I am fully aware of that. I will point out that I've been pointing out functionality that's been removed and seemingly replaced with something that's both not as good, not as full featured and seemingly not near ready for alpha.

I've been on many many betas and alphas starting in around 1985. I'm here to try and help make one of my most important programs better. I repeat myself because I got no replies and that new "feature"  seem to have dramatically reduced the functionality of The Bat. At least it has for me.

 This morning I discovered that it's possible using that new feature to create a userdef.xml, attached here, that will prevent The Bat from starting. That was certainly unexpected and took a while to figure out.

-- Ira

Description: Binary data

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-24 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Andrei,

Saturday, November 23, 2019, 11:32:00 AM, you wrote:

Ira, there is no issue , you see new customization window with 2 lists,
we replaced menu and toolbars with totally new components and soon customization window will allow to assign shortcuts and may be icons
and will remove old customization window with 3 list  due is was for old components

Well, then the issues is you've removed a bunch of features or something as I now have buttons with no pictures that I have to try and remember what they are and buttons I use to use are no where to be found so I can't get the feature set I've gotten so use to using. I would not be complaining if you'd made it better, but as far as I can tell at this point it's a step backwards.

How do I reply to a message with only highlighted text?
How do I add a button to apply a specific Tag?

I dearly miss those two features but they seem to be not findable by me any more.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-23 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Ira,

Saturday, November 23, 2019, 10:06:53 AM, you wrote:

Hello Maxim,

So I finally figured out I can use that thing that pops up when I do customize to drag buttons around, which is slightly better than nothing, but there is no way I can see to insert a separator and lots of the old selections are not there. Also, there is no way to add or change an icon for a command that is missing one.  Again, no that I can see.

OK, I figured out how to add a separator, but it's not very obvious.

I still can't see how to add an icon to a button with none and I can't find what used to be, "Reply quoting only selected text" or forward quoting only selected text. Seems like maybe a new macro in addition to $Quotes that is "quote selected only."  It's just often impolite to quote a whole message when you're only replying to one point, especially if the last person quoted the whole bloody weekly dump.

Also, when I choose forward, the formatting of the text is lost and it's all word wrapped into noise. I believe that's the $Text macro. Maybe ther also needs to be a $Formatted macro that retains formatting.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-23 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

So I finally figured out I can use that thing that pops up when I do customize to drag buttons around, which is slightly better than nothing, but there is no way I can see to insert a separator and lots of the old selections are not there. Also, there is no way to add or change an icon for a command that is missing one.  Again, no that I can see.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-23 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Saturday, November 23, 2019, 9:43:10 AM, you wrote:
Maxim> [-] The configuration toolbar was missing (BETA issue)

Well, I see that, but I still can't customize the tool bars. Is there something going on such that you can't fix what should on the surface be a trivially simple problem.

When I'm at the opening screen and right click on the tool bars and pick customize, I see this:

I need to see this or can you at least please tell me how to find it in case I'm just being stupid:

If it helps, I can get here from the window when I double click a message, but that won't let me edit the customize screens toolbars.

-- Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-21 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,
Maxim> [-] (#0001835) Toolbar customizer window is too narrow (BETA issue)

Up and running

There is still no way to customize toolbars. The window is bigger, but the contents are wrong for customizing toolbars.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-19 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 11:27:57 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (BETA) is available at

On the File Menu, Forward as Text and Flags both use "F", Print and Print Preview both use "P"
On the Specials Menu Add Sender and Reply to Sender both use "S", Add Recipient and Create Filter both use "C"

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-19 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 11:27:57 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (BETA) is available at

Up and running but the Customize toolbar still does not work!

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-19 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 3:40:59 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (BETA) is available at

Up and running but I still can't Customize the tools bars. is there any way to get back to version 12 or something where it worked so I can repair my install and then get back to testing again?

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-18 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Ethan,

Monday, November 18, 2019, 7:04:20 AM, you wrote:

Ethan> When       working       inside      a      message,     64      bit

Ethan> Letter  in  the  major  headings  (e.g.,  Message,  Edit,  Search  are
Ethan> underlined)
Ethan> Press the alt key and Message is highlighted

Ethan> The  items  in the menu list cannot be accessed using the Alt command.
Ethan> The can be access by mouse.

Ethan> I think this is a bug.

Ethan> Can anyone else confirm when working in the message window?

The Alt key opens the top level menu. After that underlined letters in the menu items are shortcuts that use letters with or without Alt keys. The problem you have is there is no shortcut(underlined letter) to open the Insert menu. To make sure that's correct, I just checked in a VB application I wrote and underlined letters do indeed open nested menus with and without the Alt Key.

If it was me, I'd set the menu up like this so every entry had an underlined letter:

Address Picker
Character Case
Advance Address Search
Insert Quick Template
Create a Quick template
Attach Personal vCard
Add a File

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Control has no parent window

2019-11-17 Thread Ira
Title: Re:  Control has no parent window

Hello Maxim,

Sunday, November 17, 2019, 11:30:51 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> Hello mse,

Maxim> Friday, November 15, 2019, 7:23:47 PM, you wrote:

M>>> In the Editor window, when changing from HTML Only to HTML/Plain
M>>> text (on the bottom status bar), or the other way around, I get
M>>> the Control 'TRichViewEdit($0C43F960)' has no parent
M>>> window.
M>>> Any confirmation?

>> I can confirm that.

Maxim> Does it still happen in I could not reproduce
Maxim> that! Tried both 32-bit and 62-bit versions.

I could not duplicate this in the 64 bit version.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-17 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Sunday, November 17, 2019, 11:14:09 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> 3 people have confirmed that this bug was fixed.

Maybe so, but I have a folder called "deleteme" that I've been trying to delete for awhile that I still can't delete

It's highlighted in that picture and neither the delete key, nor right clicking and choosing delete, nor choosing Folder->Delete has made it go away.

-- Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-17 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Sunday, November 17, 2019, 7:33:25 AM, you wrote:

Maxim>> [-] (#0001842) Folder cannot be deleted (ALPHA issue)

Far as I can tell, this still does not work.

And please will you fix the customize dialog on the main window so I can make The Bat usable again. It's got to be a trivially simple problem to repair. I unchecked a custom menu of mine and have not been able to get it back for the last 4 versions.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-15 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello andrei,

Friday, November 15, 2019, 12:48:50 AM, you wrote:

 Could you please create an issue in bug tracker and attach screenshots ? 

Here's pictures of what I get when I pick customize:

Don't know what else I can do.

-- Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-11-14 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Thursday, November 14, 2019, 2:00:26 PM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (ALPHA) is available at

Customize toolbars no longer lets me customize toolbars. Nor can I get my custom toolbar back that I unchecked.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-10-24 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Thursday, October 24, 2019, 11:02:55 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> What's new in since

Installed and working but all the problems I reported in the last version are still there:

I have a custom button bar at the top of the message panel which includes the message tag, "JUNK" but every time I quit and re-start "JUNK" is replaced by the complete list of tags. This is new in V9In this version when I start TB, the Quick search and Standard items are properly not displayed but after re-configuring my custom button bar, they suddenly appear.Closing the Quick Seach box causes a Access violation error.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-10-19 Thread Ira
Title: Re:

Hello Maxim,

Saturday, October 19, 2019, 10:18:24 AM, you wrote:

Maxim> The Bat! (ALPHA) is available at

Was I the only one who was supposed to get this?

Still has some problems:

I have a custom button bar at the top of the message panel which includes the message tag, "JUNK" but every time I quit and re-start "JUNK" is replaced by the complete list of tags. This is new in V9

In this version when I start TB, the Quick search and Standard items are properly not displayed but after re-configuring my custom button bar, they suddenly appear.

Closing the Quick Seach box causes this:

-- Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: unregistered issues

2019-10-19 Thread Ira
Title: Re: unregistered issues

Hello Maxim,

Saturday, October 19, 2019, 1:14:23 AM, you wrote:

Maxim>   Are there other bugs of the current alpha series which
Maxim> are not included at in the "New
Maxim> Release Specific" category!?

Maxim> --

Are we on or I'm running 0.9 but when I went to Mantis it shows 0.10 so I don't want to report anything.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

Can't delete empty folder

2019-10-07 Thread Ira
Title: Can't delete empty folder


Today I noticed a folder with a few messages that had been created by a mistakenly created filter, name was ""

I put the messages where they belonged and then tried to delete the empty folder but failed. Tried Right click->Delete and the Delete key and both act as if the command is not mapped, no error and no deletion. Just to see if it was a special character problem, I tried renaming it to "deleteme" which worked fine, but it still won't delete

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-10-01 Thread Ira
Title: Re: (ALPHA)

Hello Richard,

Thursday, September 26, 2019, 1:36:41 PM, you wrote:

Hello Maxim,

MMvT> [!] This alpha version requires a key for The Bat! version 9 in
MMvT> order to run. It will not run with version 8 key unless in the "evaluation" mode, if any.
Are you going to provide Beta testers with a complimentary V9 key?

Or even a discount code for the upgrade. My time in V9 is about to run out and this question has never been answered which means I'll be going back to V8 at least temporarily.

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-09-26 Thread Ira
Title: Re: (ALPHA)

Hello Maxim,

Also from a UI point of view, people don't read side to side, they read top to bottom so unless you can come up with suitable icons for all of these, the way this menu appears is not proper.


-- Ira
'Using TBBETA' information:


2019-09-26 Thread Ira
Title: Re: (ALPHA)

Hello Maxim,

When I customize the menu at the top of the message list to show the button "JUNK" from the message tag list, every time I re-start The bat, it is replaced with the complete list of Message tags, not the one I selected.

How do I get a code so I'm not in demo mode?

-- Ira

'Using TBBETA' information:

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