Re: Realms and Static pages

2004-11-17 Thread QM
On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 01:25:27PM -, Chris Chappell wrote: : Thanks QM but I' still not sure what to do! Please trust me, it's all in the spec... : In my web.xml I have for example (standard stuff!) : : servlet : servlet-nameConfig/servlet-name : servlet-classorg.myorg.config.Config

Re: Suggestion - upgrade scripts.

2004-11-17 Thread QM
WAR files, it must service JSPs, and so on. In turn, most of the upgrade process involves you, the developer, testing and adjusting your app to fit the new specs. Looking at the upgrade guide I've assembled, there were only a couple of changes to Tomcat config files. -QM -- software -- http

Re: Apache 2.0.52 Tomcat 5.5.4

2004-11-17 Thread QM
configs. You could also be kind and explain what connector you use (jk vs jk2). -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: Apache Tomcat production deployment: yr opinion reqd

2004-11-17 Thread QM
be : of immense help. There must be some J2EE tuning guides out there... What does Google tell you? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: OFF TOPIC String to char type

2004-11-17 Thread QM
: : char processed = processed_string.charAt(0); : when I execute this I get the error message: type undefined. Please post the offending code. btw, thanks for marking this OT. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Declarative security in context?

2004-11-17 Thread QM
Then the resultant (copied) file will have: port=4000 ... Have one properties file per webapp, aka per set of security rules. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Understanding origin of Unexpected exception ... outside the VM

2004-11-16 Thread QM
indicative of bad RAM. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How might I read docBase into my application

2004-11-16 Thread QM
the JSP itself using JSTL and EL. The c:url/ tag creates context-relative links: First, create a string variable with the link path: c:url value=/some/page/or/image var=link/ Then, use it in a link or image tag: A HREF=${link}link text/A -QM -- software -- http

Re: WAR file and context.xml overwriting on deployment

2004-11-16 Thread QM
of Tomcat expertise from your users. By expertise in this case, I mean, remove the old context XML file before deploying the new WAR, to make sure the newer file is copied over. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Database Pooling

2004-11-16 Thread QM
is a great concern (e.g. you sell your app to external clients), you could also manage the pool yourself using the commons-dbcp package. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Problem with classpaths

2004-11-13 Thread QM
is : bugging me since the past 2 days :-( There's a classloader doc on the Tomcat website. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: How to secure my webapp under Tomcat?

2004-11-11 Thread QM
; but this is a risk you take when the software will be run outside of your control. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Deploy - simple question

2004-10-30 Thread QM
: How i configure the directory's deploy of each virtual host (virtual : host configured on server.xml)? I'm not sure I understand this question. Are you trying to control the order of deployment? That's not possible. -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: How to deploy/redeploy when context.xml present

2004-10-30 Thread QM
/context.xml to its corresponding copy in {tomcat}/conf/{engine}/{host}/{file}.xml; if the latter file already exists, Tomcat ignore the former. If you use *only* WAR files you can use a custom Tomcat start/stop script that cleans out the context-related XML files in {tomcat}/conf. -QM -- software

Re: context.xml deployed as folder in Tomcat 5

2004-10-30 Thread QM
/Catalina/localhost folder. Which version of Tomcat 5? This is a bug that was fixed in v5.0.20-something, I believe. I don't have the exact Bugzilla ID handy but there's a class patch there if you don't want to do a full upgrade. -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: context.xml deployed as folder in Tomcat 5

2004-10-30 Thread QM
this bug would imply that your version does *not* have the fix. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail

Re: How to deploy/redeploy when context.xml present

2004-10-30 Thread QM
. =) : Can any of this be done with Tomcat running? I can't answer this, as I stop Tomcat when I want to deploy a new version of the app. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Mapping Servlets

2004-10-30 Thread QM
than mapping servlets. You don't mention having compiled the servlet class, which is required for Tomcat to load it. Out of the box, the container won't do that for you. (It will only compile JSPs, not raw Java .class files.) -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: Tomcat just STOPS

2004-10-29 Thread QM
functionality), check the archives for LD_KERNEL_ASSUME... -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Can Tomcat be configured to be an FTP Server?

2004-10-26 Thread QM
for updates ;) 1.1/ Get creative and transfer files using HTTP POST instead of raw FTP. (Think outside the box, no pun intended.) 2/ Change hosts. (You say they require FTP.) 3/ Use a separate FTP daemon. (Sometimes, simple == better.) -QM -- software -- tech news

Re: TOMCAT 5 Memory Trouble

2004-10-26 Thread QM
the last message in the logs (or on the console), what's the CPU utilization at that point, etc? Have you tried to dissect which param causes the problem? Do you have 1024m RAM free when Tomcat starts? etc., etc., etc. -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: MySQL upgrade Problem

2004-10-26 Thread QM
, escape the $ with another $. For example, if your password is abc$def, store this in XML as abc$$def. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Apache-Tomcat: File Not Found instead of Tomcat

2004-10-26 Thread QM
non-Tomcat resources? How does Tomcat react if you access it directly (i.e. through an HTTP connector)? Answer these before you try to integrate the two, and you'll spare yourself some headaches. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Configuration Management, JSP Recompiles, War Files

2004-10-25 Thread QM
that in theory using the same tomcat installation for multiple : webapps is supposed to be standard, Says who? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: Sv: Webapp don't start after shutdown

2004-10-25 Thread QM
. feature ;) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Securing directory: httpd vs tomcat configuration

2004-10-25 Thread QM
writing to the list. Replying to an old (unrelated) message confuses thread-aware mailers, which makes your question harder to find (and thus answer). -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Configuration Management, JSP Recompiles, War Files

2004-10-25 Thread QM
?) has such a concept: it will load a setup a new webapp, then flip the switch when you say so. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: JDBCRealm

2004-10-24 Thread QM
, in which case I wouldn't have answered. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Jakarta-Tomcat and Image Tag Library

2004-10-24 Thread QM
? etc., etc. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Default User with JDBC Realm

2004-10-24 Thread QM
. Why not just make the guest-related areas public? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: JDBCRealm

2004-10-23 Thread QM
(unrelated) message confuses thread-aware mailers, which makes your question harder to find (and thus answer). -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Mulitple JVMs

2004-10-22 Thread QM
. The short story: search the Tomcat docs for $CATALINA_HOME vs $CATALINA_BASE. That lets you setup separate Tomcat instances (distinct JVMs, server.xml, etc.) but have only one set of Tomcat binaries. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Trouble deploying with manager app when war includes context.xml

2004-10-22 Thread QM
the context.xml to the correct place and the webapp runs. Do you remove the old context-specific XML file (from the WAR deployment) first? Tomcat doesn't remove the file if it already exists, even if it predates the WAR file's context.xml. -QM -- software -- tech news

Re: Apps to Instances Ratio

2004-10-22 Thread QM
If you have the hardware, give each app its own container. I've witnessed and participated in efforts that tried #1 and #2 above, and they were not enjoyable. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Where do UnavailableExceptions get reported?

2004-10-22 Thread QM
about the logfiles in the Tomcat directory, instead of the Apache directory? Look for files along the lines of catalina.out tomcat-*.log etc. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Tomcat classloading...a theory question..

2004-10-20 Thread QM
containers (JVMs). Such isolation limits the impact of one rogue app on the others. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: Manually starting webapps

2004-10-20 Thread QM
question pops up frequently, though people pose it in slightly different ways.) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional

Re: Mysterious session behavior across browsers

2004-10-20 Thread QM
browser you can configure to treat each window as a different logical user/entity; but I've never bothered to look. ;) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: Wheres the index.jsp coming from??

2004-10-20 Thread QM
web.xml, and remove the associated classes for good measure. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail

Re: Class loading in tomcat 5.0

2004-10-18 Thread QM
behavior, you shouldn't rely on JAR loading order. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Securing tomcat

2004-10-18 Thread QM
, moving from the end-user's browser, through Tomcat (and perhaps a database) and then back to the user. What potential vulnerabilities exist? -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: wecome servlet return 404 in tomcat 4.1.31 (Linux)

2004-10-18 Thread QM
.x). As a workaround, you could have a lone index.html file that triggers a redirect to your servlet. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: JDBCRealm authentication on every page

2004-10-18 Thread QM
authentication on non-protected pages and stay into : the same page after login. Any idea? If you want to force authentication, you could put the entire webapp under a security constraint (i.e. *any* access will trigger a login popup). -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: JDBCRealm authentication on every page

2004-10-18 Thread QM
* that points to a landing page inside a protected area? You could control the link's presence based on a (very lightweight) session attr: if it's defined, show a logout link; if it's not defined, show a login link. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: trouble with static html using 5.5.2

2004-10-17 Thread QM
) will provide more insight, as should several introductory J2EE/servlet texts. If you use JSPs instead of servlets for your presentation content, you can use a special JSTL tag to reference context-relative links, images, and other static content. -QM -- software -- tech

Re: Error Building Tomct 5.0.28 with JDK 1.5

2004-10-17 Thread QM
and Tomcat 5.0.x don't get along well. Did you search the archives? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands

Re: trouble with static html using 5.5.2

2004-10-17 Thread QM
message. ;) For example, your mapping question is explained in SRV.11.2 Specification of Mappings. Here's a hint: your web.xml should at least include a prologue, which specifies the servlet spec 2.3 DTD (for Tomcat 4.x and earlier) or the 2.4 schema (for Tomcat 5.x and later). -QM -- software

Re: Tomcat 5.0.27 with JAVA 1_4_2_05 - Can you automate JAVA install ?

2004-10-17 Thread QM
feel free to email me in : private if that is your preference. We usually encourage conversations to remain on-list when the solution is both Tomcat-related and may be of use to those who follow the list (or search the archives). -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: Problems with jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 and Slackware 10.0

2004-10-16 Thread QM
to debug and understand Tomcat/J2EE that way. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: bad error-code syntax - ignore or throw exception?

2004-10-15 Thread QM
agree, it would be nice if there were.) Since there isn't such a way, all you can do is roll up your sleeves and get to work. -or just grin and bear it. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Tomcat, JNDI, Active Directory

2004-10-15 Thread QM
. You could fire up something of that nature to test the DN and such you have in your Tomcat config. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: How to do some work when a webapp is first loaded

2004-10-15 Thread QM
the ContextListener class. It was designed for exactly this: you register it with the container, and on certain events (context is deployed/removed) certain ContextListener methods are called. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: [OT] conflicting jars

2004-10-14 Thread QM
' classes conflict in any way, you're out of luck. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Class loading in tomcat 5.0

2004-10-14 Thread QM
stick with the standard locations (WEB-INF/lib, common/lib, etc.) then you should be fine. : Can I hav an order of class loading within a folder ? I'm not sure what this means. Are you trying to control which jar is loaded first in the classpath? What are you trying to do? -QM -- software

Re: live disable realm

2004-10-14 Thread QM
this is possible. Let's look at the root cause: why is Realm X not available on app startup? You may have to make your Realm source more robust, e.g. look into failover/clustering/etc. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Tomcat email system or analogs for it

2004-10-14 Thread QM
On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 02:44:20PM +0300, aleksej wrote: : Very strange, I have 5.0.27 installed and there is no mail.jar in its : standart instaliation. :/ I believe that's SOP for Tomcat. You can download the JavaMail JARs from -QM -- software --

Re: RE??: live disable realm

2004-10-14 Thread QM
On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 03:26:04PM +0200, Boulay Arnaud wrote: : QM, I agree with you that code MUST be clear,efficient and stable but a Realm can use and external resource (that's the aim ;-) and if that resource is out of order, the webapp could automaticly switch to an another one

Re: Tomcat 5 pause (free gmail account for fix :-)

2004-10-14 Thread QM
sort of GC activity. A profiler will show you exactly what's going on, and (better still) whether it's a particular type of object or place of object creation that's causing a GC spike. Be sure to give the profiler the Gmail invite. ;) -QM -- software -- tech news

Re: Servlet caching?

2004-10-14 Thread QM
. It really sounds like you're storing data somewhere (instance variable, whatever) but not properly updating it second time around. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe

Re: Tomcat 4.1.31

2004-10-12 Thread QM
page until it reaches the latter status. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TOMCAT 5 over 4

2004-10-12 Thread QM
. For more of a summary, please search the archives; your question has been asked (and answered) before. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Where can I get

2004-10-12 Thread QM
what files were installed by the RPM: rpm -q -l {package name} Add grep action as needed. Perhaps the mod_jk library has a different version number in the RPM you installed. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Blocking access to static content

2004-10-12 Thread QM
tags? That works for me: security-constraint web-resource-collection web-resource-nameSubscriber Area/web-resource-name url-pattern/access/subscriber/*/url-pattern /web-resource-collection auth-constraint role-name -QM -- software -- http

Re: mod_jk2 Ready/Recommended For Production?

2004-10-12 Thread QM
whatsoever. Knock on wood, I haven't seen any jk2 problems recently. Your decision will likely come down to: 1/ whether you want to take a crack at building jk2 yourself 2/ finding features you want that are in jk2 but not jk As I don't use jk2, I can't offer much help for #2. -QM -- software

Re: Forum instead of mailist!!

2004-10-11 Thread QM
On Mon, Oct 11, 2004 at 05:13:46PM +0200, Bernhard Slominski wrote: : That's why I vote for a forum instead of a mailist! Forum-like: NNTP: nntp:// : Does anyone agree? Not I ;) -QM

Re: Blocking access to static content

2004-10-11 Thread QM
. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Blocking access to static content

2004-10-11 Thread QM
access to a role that's not assigned to anyone. Putting the files in WEB-INF has mixed results as far as container portability. Furthermore, it's not really a place for content... -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: reloading JSP files without reloading classes/beans

2004-10-11 Thread QM
other questions (e.g. how to create a WAR file, how to deploy), you may want to review the servlet spec and the Tomcat docs. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: multiple tomcat instance and log4j

2004-10-11 Thread QM
-specific and the other shared? That would give you both, without the hassles of writing custom tools to split/merge. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: File retrieving

2004-10-08 Thread QM
context, since the webapp may be sealed inside a WAR and thus the notion of absolute path goes out the window... -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: StringBuffer memory optimization

2004-10-08 Thread QM
? That's fairly vague, so all I can say is: 1/ figure out where you're using StringBuffer, and use something else 2/ otherwise, increase the heap space =) -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Performance issue

2004-10-07 Thread QM
.) Analyze the app with a profiler to determine exactly what's going on. A profiler will show you what method calls are taking the most time, what's in the heap, whether GC is the cause of the performance problem, etc. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Bypass IE's HTTP error messages

2004-10-07 Thread QM
your custom error pages are too short. When the document returned from the server is less than [x] bytes, IE shows its friendly error messages instead. I forget the exact number, but that's just a Google search away. -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: problem redeploying war files on tomcat 4.x

2004-10-06 Thread QM
and app code vary independently; they should be separated as such. If you upload to a directory outside of the webapp context (this will take some coding) then you can run the app from a WAR file, and spare yourself some headaches down the line. -QM -- software -- tech news

Re: Turn off session persistence

2004-10-06 Thread QM
job of this. ;) That, or any introductory servlet programming book should explain these basics within the first chapter or so. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: response.sendRedirect()

2004-10-06 Thread QM
pretty sharp here, but I don't think any of us are clairvoyant. ;) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail

Re: Single Login

2004-10-06 Thread QM
. Wash, rinse, repeat. =) -QM - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using XInclude in tomcat's config files

2004-10-05 Thread QM
. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: servlet deployed, but Tomcat provides .war file for download only

2004-10-05 Thread QM
XML file? Thanks, -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Drops and Spikes in Tomcat responses

2004-10-05 Thread QM
at the time the app starts to crawl. There are several tunable params with a Java app -- heap size, thread stack size, OS-level properties -- but it's often best to start with a profiler. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Measuring current connections, other metrics

2004-10-05 Thread QM
! :-) I've seen this question in past posts, so a check through the archives may prove useful. I recall there was something along this lines (perhaps in the Manager app, or buried in an MBean somewhere?) but it may not have been to the level of detail you require. -QM -- software -- http

Re: servlet deployed, but Tomcat provides .war file for download only

2004-10-04 Thread QM
have it one directory too deep. What are the contents of server.xml and, if you use it, context.xml? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL

Re: Directories under webapps showing up

2004-10-04 Thread QM
, the only webapps that exist for that instance are the ones you put there; any defaults/samples that ship with Tomcat are out of the picture. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: NewBee needs help with deployment descriptor

2004-10-01 Thread QM
named locasugeGSM.war? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Tomcat Question - HELP

2004-10-01 Thread QM
when it can't do something. ;) Otherwise, go for the usual: check the system for memory issues, check whether other processes are causing a problem, etc. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Multiple arguments in a GET URL

2004-10-01 Thread QM
with somefile.jsp seeing the mainFrame param? -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: newbie questions

2004-10-01 Thread QM
question; it's standard n-tier app architecture. Several books and websites will give you a much more detailed explanation that I will in a forum post... -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: WAR file deployment snag - any suggestions?

2004-09-30 Thread QM
storage (aka web services or another webapp). -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unable to compile class for JSP

2004-09-30 Thread QM
package Sounds like IContract is in a sealed JAR, and somewhere in the classpath there's another copy. Do you have duplicate JARs, between WEB-INF/lib and Tomcat's various lib dirs? -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Recursive stack trace with Tiles and Filter - any ideas?

2004-09-30 Thread QM
, sig11's (at least, on x86 architecture) may also be indicative of RAM problems. (Emphasis on may) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: method level synchronization doesn't work

2004-09-30 Thread QM
the best object to synchronize on? I missed your original post, so I can say only this: when you find yourself painted into a corner, it's time to revisit the design stage. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: context sharing problems

2004-09-30 Thread QM
this: change your build/deployment processes such that each app gets its own, separate copy of the needed JARs. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: NewBee needs help with deployment descriptor

2004-09-30 Thread QM
}/webapps/{file}.war ? It should be the latter; the former (essentially) sets up a context (webapp), the complete contents of which are a WAR file. Check the logs to see what gets deployed at container start time. -QM -- software -- tech news --

Re: Security of Servlets

2004-09-30 Thread QM
was wondering if someone with extensive experience with the security aspects : of both servlets and CGI can give me any sense of which is more secure and : why? I need this information so that we can choose the right approach for our : wiki. See above. ;) -QM -- software -- tech

Re: Using XInclude in tomcat's config files

2004-09-30 Thread QM
it a try: do the include magic at build time, with some clever (or not-so-clever) Ant action. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: method level synchronization doesn't work

2004-09-30 Thread QM
, there should be no need to try to synchronize this at the app/code level. -QM [1] = I've been shocked before, though... ;) -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail

Re: User authentication in multi repositories

2004-09-29 Thread QM
to: sync'ing up your AD setups[1] or writing custom code. [1] = I'm not an AD expert; but I understand one offered solution involved creating some sort of master AD instance that delegated to the others on the backend. -QM -- software -- tech news -- http

Re: WAR file deployment snag - any suggestions?

2004-09-29 Thread QM
security by making the WAR file owned and served by two different user accounts. -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands

Re: Modify class path using catalina (Windows tomcat 5.5.2 version)

2004-09-28 Thread QM
to decide where to put the JAR. (Hint: most likely, under {context}/WEB-INF/lib). -QM [1] = portable between different versions of Tomcat, as well as between different (spec-compliant) containers. -- software -- tech news --

Re: Session based object, accessible to all classes.

2004-09-28 Thread QM
browsers, he will likely have two different sessions.) -QM -- software -- tech news -- - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL

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