[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread TjL

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> what?  Every time my app submits a tweet with the reply id set, that
> limits the people who can see it?

Were you not around for The Great @Reply Upheaval of 2009?

> ouch!  deleting tweet IDs in my messages ASAP...

As long as you understand that means a) people are going to see
@replies to people they do NOT follow, which is NOT what the vast
majority of Twitter users wanted; and b) this will break any app which
tries to "thread" conversations in Twitter, making it impossible for
people to see which message it was in reply to.

Dropping the in_reply_to would be like replying to an email sent to a
discussion list, changing the Subject, and not quoting any of the
message you are replying to.

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread TjL

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Neicole  wrote:
> Boy, this concerns me. People definitely need to be able to add their
> own comments to the RT.

No they don't. If they want to comment on it, let them write a comment
and post an URL to the original message.

If you could add a comment to an RT and someone "favorites" that, who
does the favorite go to? This way the recipient is clear: it should go
to the person who originally said it.

> And removing the retweets if someone deletes the original tweet?!  No
> way. Once it's retweeted, that retweet "belongs" to the retweeter and
> must stay.

If you want to "own" something, come up with your own words.

> I think it violates social media principles to delete them.

Fortunately Twitter doesn't think you own the right to control someone
else's words just because you repeat them.

Personally I've never really understood 99% of the RTs, especially
when someone with 50 followers RTs something that someone with 600k
followers said, but that's also beside the point.

[twitter-dev] Re: Odd behavior with the search API when using since_id

2009-09-24 Thread Mark Paine

Same issue here. Mobile app does local caching and was counting on the
since_id not being included in the result set. Unfortunately, I
haven't been capturing request and response logs.

On Sep 23, 9:40 am, James Teters  wrote:
> Hello,
> This has just appeared in the last few days. When I perform a search
> with the search API I keep track of the newest status id so I can pass
> that back when doing the next query (as since_id) so that only tweets
> with a status id greater than since_id are returned. Oddly, beginning
> yesterday the search API started returning the status specified in
> since_id but only when I specify a from: parameter to limit the search
> to a specific user. It's like it is returning statuses >= since_id
> instead of > since_id when I add the from: parameter.
> Anyone else seen odd behavior when using from:?

[twitter-dev] Re: Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


Thanks for this.

Is there any way that response times on the call could be improved?

It takes around 4 seconds to retrieve one cursor. When one retrieves
the followers/friends of an account with 100,000 of those, with 100
followers/friends per cursor, it takes more than an hour to retrieve
all the followers/friends.

It's not a train smash issue, it would just be good to have faster
response times. I have noticed the same slower response times
(measured against 0.4 seconds for other calls) on the social graph
methods when using cursors.


[twitter-dev] Re: 401 Unauthorized error while posting status with Unicode characters (non english characters)

2009-09-24 Thread Carlos

Are you sure you are encoding your posts as UTF-8?

On Sep 24, 5:16 pm, Satheesh Natesan 
> I am getting "401 Unauthorized" exception when updating status with
> non english characters using my app.
> This exception is happening for any Japanese or Korean characters.
> Another interesting thing is that it is possible to post some other
> non english characters like Malayalam. The exception will not happen
> for single word in these cases, but occurs for multiple words.
> For example consider the following example
> ØáÇÞµæù çµdw - does not work
> ØáÇÞµæùçµdw - with space removed works.
> Base signature for "ØáÇÞµæù çµdw" which throws exception is
> POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstatuses
> %2Fupdate.json&oauth_consumer_key%
> 3DwmeO7Y20oMFa1ptKVY4WA%26oauth_nonce
> %3D4504682%26oauth_signature_method%
> 3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1253727596%26oauth_token%3D76084396-
> 0M9ll2nghrjWhjALbH7YEHXizcLDNvoLfgXKfHQZQ%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0%26status%
> 3D%25D8%25E1%25C7%25DE%25B5%25E6%25F9%2520%25E7%25B5dw
> and for "ØáÇÞµæùçµdw" which works is
> POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstatuses
> %2Fupdate.json&oauth_consumer_key%
> 3DwmeO7Y20oMFa1ptKVY4WA%26oauth_nonce
> %3D9388868%26oauth_signature_method%
> 3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1253727793%26oauth_token%3D76084396-
> 0M9ll2nghrjWhjALbH7YEHXizcLDNvoLfgXKfHQZQ%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0%26status%
> 3D%25D8%25E1%25C7%25DE%25B5%25E6%25F9%25E7%25B5dw
> OAuth client library I am using is in .Net
> Could you please help to solve this issue? Also I would like to know
> you support all unicode characters.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Satheesh Natesan

[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Dean Collins

Ha ha - better go remove www.MyPostButler.com from that site - how
exactly are they going to track sales from click through links?







-Original Message-
From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Dewald
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:25 PM
To: Twitter Development Talk
Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

Please read the Publishers Contract that you agree to when you
register as a publisher and make your application available for sale
through OneForty.

Here's a bird's eye view of some things you need to determine whether
you like them or not:

1) OneForty takes 30% of nett revenue on the sales of your product as

2) They pay your money (the 70%) within 2 months after the calendar
month in which the sale occurred, and only when the amount owed
exceeds $250.00.

3) You receive your money as a gift or donation from OneForty (that
may or may not have tax implications).

4) You can only contact customers for support, meaning you are not
allowed to contact them for any marketing or upsells. Violations can
cause agreement termination, or financial penalties.

5) You must price your item no higher than the lowest price available
to other distributors.

6) If customers purchase your item directly from your web site and
they came via a link from OneForty, you must pay OneForty 30% of that

7) For the first 12 months, you can cancel the agreement with 30 days
notice only if OneForty has breached the agreement.

8) After the first 12 months, you can cancel the agreement at will
with 60 days notice.

[twitter-dev] Deprecation Notice: pagination on several methods is being replaced with cursoring on October 26, 2009

2009-09-24 Thread Alex Payne


Recently, we documented a new pagination mechanism for our "social
graph" methods, /friends/ids and /followers/ids. Traditional
page-based pagination doesn't dovetail with our recent backend
changes, and we've now exposed a cursor-based pagination mechanism
that's far more reliable.

Today, we've documented that this new pagination mechanism is also
available for the /statuses/friends and /statuses/followers methods.
With that change, we're setting a hard deprecation date for
traditional pagination on these four methods: October 26th, 2009.
That's over a month from now.

Once deprecated, we'll simply ignore the "page" parameter if it's sent
by a client, and you'll get the default number of items for the method
you're calling.

For more information, see
http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation. Thanks.

Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Please read the Publishers Contract that you agree to when you
register as a publisher and make your application available for sale
through OneForty.

Here's a bird's eye view of some things you need to determine whether
you like them or not:

1) OneForty takes 30% of nett revenue on the sales of your product as

2) They pay your money (the 70%) within 2 months after the calendar
month in which the sale occurred, and only when the amount owed
exceeds $250.00.

3) You receive your money as a gift or donation from OneForty (that
may or may not have tax implications).

4) You can only contact customers for support, meaning you are not
allowed to contact them for any marketing or upsells. Violations can
cause agreement termination, or financial penalties.

5) You must price your item no higher than the lowest price available
to other distributors.

6) If customers purchase your item directly from your web site and
they came via a link from OneForty, you must pay OneForty 30% of that

7) For the first 12 months, you can cancel the agreement with 30 days
notice only if OneForty has breached the agreement.

8) After the first 12 months, you can cancel the agreement at will
with 60 days notice.

[twitter-dev] Tweet from the past

2009-09-24 Thread Damon C

Just had an odd occurrence over on TweetStats. There's a user
(@dillaweezer) whose account was created in Apr 2009, but he somehow
has one tweet from Oct. 2008. Any idea how/why this happened?

User id: 36811640
created_at: Thu Apr 30 23:31:53 + 2009

Status id: 3439822377
created_at: Sat Oct 25 18:12:38 + 2008



[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth /statuses/update.xml returns 401 Invalid/Expired Token

2009-09-24 Thread adam

Ok this is very weird.  The only explanation I can think of would be a
copy/paste bug over instant messenger involving the token.  Somehow a
character was lost.  After re-verifying the token was correct it

On Sep 22, 9:14 pm, adam  wrote:
> Hi JDG,
> Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried that and got the same
> response.  As I said though, the strange thing is that the same oauth
> values in php generates a nearly identical http request but it works.
> There should be no difference in what language is used so I am
> confused there.
> Chad,
> I posted the entire request in the OP above, here is the response I
> get:
> HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 02:00:26 GMT
> Server: hi
> WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter API"
> Status: 401 Unauthorized
> Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 137
> Cache-Control: no-cache, max-age=1800
> Set-Cookie: [removed]
> Expires: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 02:30:26 GMT
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close
>   /statuses/update.xml
>   Invalid /expiredToken
> On Sep 22, 8:15 pm, JDG  wrote:
> >http://oauth.net/core/1.0a#auth_header
> > According to the OAuth spec, values in the Authorization header:
> > For each parameter, the name is immediately followed by an '=' character
> > (ASCII code 61), a '"' character (ASCII code 34), the parameter value (MAY
> > be empty), and another '"' character (ASCII code 34).
> > You need to quote your parameter values.
> > On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 17:42, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > > Please include both HTTP request/response headers+body. This will aid
> > > in debugging the call.
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Chad
> > > On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 7:14 PM, adam  wrote:
> > > > Hi Everyone,
> > > > I am trying to update from basic auth to oauth.  basic auth works fine
> > > > but my oauth returns error 401 invalid/expiredtoken.  I know mytoken
> > > > is valid and the time on my computer is correct.  A co-worker was able
> > > > to get the call working in php using the sametokenand key.  our base
> > > > strings are the same and our http request is the same (with the
> > > > expected variances such as timestamp and nonce), his works and mine
> > > > does not.  I created my own oauth code in c# and it is working fine
> > > > for six other oauth sites.
> > > > Here is the http request:
> > > > POST /statuses/update.xml HTTP/1.1
> > > > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> > > > Authorization: OAuth
> > > > realm=www.oauth.net,oauth_version=1.0,oauth_consumer_key=
> > > [removed],oauth_nonce=78bd034fd09ceda17a925471cfbeb108,oauth_signature=Ndjq­­BzI21XmC6p88ExGT9Lcy6No
> > > > %3D,oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> > > > SHA1,oauth_timestamp=1253660116,oauth_token=[removed]
> > > > Host: twitter.com
> > > > Content-Length: 11
> > > > Connection: Close
> > > > status=test
> > --
> > Internets. Serious business.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: search followers tweets only

2009-09-24 Thread Damon P. Cortesi

There's an app called Chatterfly (http://
chatterfly.appaturelabs.com/ ) that allows you to do this, but only
for your "friends", not your "followers" unfortunately.


On Sep 24, 12:42 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> Hello,
> Currently there is no such API, but you can simulate it somewhat by
> fetching several pages of your friends_timeline and parsing through
> them for keywords. We realize this is not ideal, and we've had several
> requests for this feature. It may be added down the road.
> -Chad
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:52 PM, GregGG  wrote:
> > Does anyone know how I can use the api and search only my followers
> > tweets for certain keywords?
> > For example, if I want to search for "football or soccer" tweets from
> > all of my followers.
> > I see there is a "from:" keyword search, but this would get too large
> > for many followers.  Any help is appreciated.
> > thx.

[twitter-dev] 401 Unauthorized error while posting status with Unicode characters (non english characters)

2009-09-24 Thread Satheesh Natesan

I am getting "401 Unauthorized" exception when updating status with
non english characters using my app.

This exception is happening for any Japanese or Korean characters.

Another interesting thing is that it is possible to post some other
non english characters like Malayalam. The exception will not happen
for single word in these cases, but occurs for multiple words.
For example consider the following example

ØáÇÞµæù çµdw - does not work

ØáÇÞµæùçµdw - with space removed works.

Base signature for "ØáÇÞµæù çµdw" which throws exception is


and for "ØáÇÞµæùçµdw" which works is


OAuth client library I am using is in .Net

Could you please help to solve this issue? Also I would like to know
you support all unicode characters.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

Satheesh Natesan

[twitter-dev] Need to change Whitelist IP

2009-09-24 Thread Greg Schoen

I can't seem to find any usable links beyond requesting Whitelisting,
for changing the IP that you are currently Whitelisted under. We are
migrating our Twitter Services to a new server and the IP is changing.
Anyone have any ideas?


[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

I wish they would provide more information.

"You sign in to oneforty by logging in through Twitter and authorizing
your Twitter account to talk to oneforty. We'll do the rest."

What rest? What is it going to do on my Twitter account?


[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread Jesse Stay
My site, SocialToo.com will do this for you - we provide filters and such to
keep out auto-dms as well. If you'd like to offer it to your users let me
know and we can work something out that works out seamlessly for you.
Also, yesterday we just launched an anti-virus/anti-worm solution that,
regardless of auto-follow will keep out the DMs from your friends with
malicious links in them, and reports them to @spam on Twitter.  Contact me
if you'd like to integrate any of this into your apps.  I'd like to get this
into more desktop clients so we can proactively keep out the malicious links
and compromised accounts from Twitter.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:32 PM, fbrunel  wrote:

> > That is correct, or you could setup a system where the new follower
> > emails get forwarded to a script that triggers a mutual follow back.
> > Though you may run into rate-limit problems if you happen to get more
> > than 1000 a day.
> Ok, I'll check this out.
> Thanks for your help.

[twitter-dev] Status Code 403

2009-09-24 Thread Michael Steuer

Quick question -

Status code 403 is thrown for hitting the update limit, but as I
understand it, it's also thrown if you're trying to DM someone who
you're not following. So when a DM fails with status code 403, you
cannot tell why just based on the status code.

I know you can parse the actual response, but shouldn't the status
codes alone provide enough information to determine the nature of the

Or am I missing something?


[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Nelu Lazar

I have checked the directory past days, and claimed my app. Congrats
on a work very well done.

A couple of suggestions:
- the site doesn't currently allow new lines in the description field;
this could be useful for listing features;
- although it's understandable why the directory requires user's
authentication, specific pages of the website may be more useful if
public, to allow new users to familiarize with Twitter's capabilities
and the apps around it.

I live near Chicago, any chance you will add it to your tour?

Nelu Lazar
Founder Tweetvisor.com

On Sep 24, 3:24 pm, Alex Payne  wrote:
> Just wanted to pass on a note from the team at oneforty.com, who
> recently launched with over 1300 Twitter applications in their
> directory. Your app might already be on their site. If it's not yet,
> you can register as a developer and add it. Once you register and
> claim your app you can promote it with screenshots, descriptions,
> tags, and reviews.
> If you saw the early alpha version of oneforty, it's much improved -
> real home page, most popular apps ranking and essentials. New item
> pages just launched and look much better than the prototype did.
> Their team working on the ability to sell apps right on the site.
> They're also definitely looking for your feedback. @freerobby,
> @graysky, @macasek, and @pistachio are often in the #twitterapi IRC
> channel. There's more contact info below, too.
> A note from the oneforty team and info on how to register, claim, edit
> & add stuff:
> """
> We built oneforty to help the best stuff being built on the Twitter
> API get found and get profitable.
> Come claim your apps, add content and add new projects in the "Twitter
> appstore" oneforty.com
> To get started:
> Sign in via oauth. (We whitelisted as many dev usernames as we could
> find. If you can't login already use invite code TWAPI and we'll let
> you right in.)
> Register as a developer:http://oneforty.com/me/developer_profile
> Search for and claim your app   ("Suggest Item" if we don't have it yet!)
> Check out your item's page, make sure it's tagged well, tweet a link to it, 
> etc
> Once approved, add details, screenshots, media coverage and more
> In the near future you'll be able to offer things for sale right in
> oneforty. For now we link to your sites and (optionally) let you
> collect donations.
> We want to help you get your app found, rated, reviewed and into the
> hands of the users who need it the most. We also want to get the
> Twitter community to do a better job supporting developers and apps so
> that your innovation can flourish. It's frustrating when great apps go
> defunct because of server costs, etc.
> We're anticipating decent blog and press coverage, so we want your to
> look its best! Please let us know whatever we can do to help you.
> Thank you.
> We'd really love to know what you think and what you want: Uservice
> feedback forum. Any questions at all, develop...@oneforty.com or
> 617-645-7767, anytime.
> oneforty Founder Laura (@Pistachio) Fitton will be at events in Fort
> Worth 9/25, Seattle 9/26-27, SF/bay area 9/27-30 and Boston 10/1 and
> would love to meet you (seehttp://bit.ly/tour140for Tweetup & event
> info). She also wrote Twitter for Dummies.
> """
> Check 'em out!
> --
> Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread fbrunel

> What about usingwww.tweetlater.com? i saw that it gave an option to
> follow ppl back that follow you. maybe that could work?

Thanks for the links. I registered and will give it a try.

[twitter-dev] Re: search followers tweets only

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel


Currently there is no such API, but you can simulate it somewhat by
fetching several pages of your friends_timeline and parsing through
them for keywords. We realize this is not ideal, and we've had several
requests for this feature. It may be added down the road.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:52 PM, GregGG  wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can use the api and search only my followers
> tweets for certain keywords?
> For example, if I want to search for "football or soccer" tweets from
> all of my followers.
> I see there is a "from:" keyword search, but this would get too large
> for many followers.  Any help is appreciated.
> thx.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Scott Haneda

Can someone explain this issue to me in more detail?

How do I know my php can handle it? I'm running on an older PPC  
machine, which is 64 bit, but I have no idea if I built it as 64, I  
just supplied standard configure arguments.

If php sees a 64 bit integer come in as JSON what happens on 32 bit?   
Does it just truncate it or completly ruin it's representation?

Why can't it just be treated as a string?don't these ID's end up in a  
database, or maybe just passed as a URL argument? As a URL arg you  
pass to Twitter, so it will work fine.

Any database can store a 64 bit int as a string, which gives your  
ability to get the string back to post to a URL.

Can a 32 bit build of a database store 64 bit ints?  That to me seems  
the bigger issue.

I'm not seeing where there is a need for math on a 64 bit int ditectly  
in php. You get the value from JSON, treat it as a string, store that  
string, and use it for your lookups and sorts.

Inneficient on lookups and storage, is that the core of this?

What key aspect of this problem am I missing?

Iphone says hello.

On Sep 24, 2009, at 6:07 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:


Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?

From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you want
to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it works
for you."

That doesn't sound right.


On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:


As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these  

If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex in
PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty gnarly


On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius  

All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build the
JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.

I.e., the JSON data should contain:


I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it will
solve the problem.


[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread PolarDude

What about using www.tweetlater.com ? i saw that it gave an option to
follow ppl back that follow you. maybe that could work?

On Sep 24, 1:52 pm, fbrunel  wrote:
> Looks like I didn't get the memo.
> It is a general rule or it has just been disabled for some developers?
> > auto-follow was disabled a while ago (emails should have gone to
> > accounts that had it enabled warning that it would go away), and
> > currently there are no plans to re-enable it.

[twitter-dev] search followers tweets only

2009-09-24 Thread GregGG

Does anyone know how I can use the api and search only my followers
tweets for certain keywords?

For example, if I want to search for "football or soccer" tweets from
all of my followers.

I see there is a "from:" keyword search, but this would get too large
for many followers.  Any help is appreciated.


[twitter-dev] Re: About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Mike Champion

Thanks Alex. I work at oneforty, and would be really interested to
hear what would be useful for twitter developers. I've written a
couple Twitter-based apps, and found it is hard to have them
discovered, hear back from users, or even see what else is out there
in the space. (And having half of them named Tw-something, doesn't

If you're interested in checking it out, I'll make sure anyone who
signs up via this link gets in quickly:




Mike Champion
Engineering Lead, oneforty

On Sep 24, 3:24 pm, Alex Payne  wrote:
> Just wanted to pass on a note from the team at oneforty.com, who
> recently launched with over 1300 Twitter applications in their
> directory. Your app might already be on their site. If it's not yet,
> you can register as a developer and add it. Once you register and
> claim your app you can promote it with screenshots, descriptions,
> tags, and reviews.
> If you saw the early alpha version of oneforty, it's much improved -
> real home page, most popular apps ranking and essentials. New item
> pages just launched and look much better than the prototype did.
> Their team working on the ability to sell apps right on the site.
> They're also definitely looking for your feedback. @freerobby,
> @graysky, @macasek, and @pistachio are often in the #twitterapi IRC
> channel. There's more contact info below, too.
> A note from the oneforty team and info on how to register, claim, edit
> & add stuff:
> """
> We built oneforty to help the best stuff being built on the Twitter
> API get found and get profitable.
> Come claim your apps, add content and add new projects in the "Twitter
> appstore" oneforty.com
> To get started:
> Sign in via oauth. (We whitelisted as many dev usernames as we could
> find. If you can't login already use invite code TWAPI and we'll let
> you right in.)
> Register as a developer:http://oneforty.com/me/developer_profile
> Search for and claim your app   ("Suggest Item" if we don't have it yet!)
> Check out your item's page, make sure it's tagged well, tweet a link to it, 
> etc
> Once approved, add details, screenshots, media coverage and more
> In the near future you'll be able to offer things for sale right in
> oneforty. For now we link to your sites and (optionally) let you
> collect donations.
> We want to help you get your app found, rated, reviewed and into the
> hands of the users who need it the most. We also want to get the
> Twitter community to do a better job supporting developers and apps so
> that your innovation can flourish. It's frustrating when great apps go
> defunct because of server costs, etc.
> We're anticipating decent blog and press coverage, so we want your to
> look its best! Please let us know whatever we can do to help you.
> Thank you.
> We'd really love to know what you think and what you want: Uservice
> feedback forum. Any questions at all, develop...@oneforty.com or
> 617-645-7767, anytime.
> oneforty Founder Laura (@Pistachio) Fitton will be at events in Fort
> Worth 9/25, Seattle 9/26-27, SF/bay area 9/27-30 and Boston 10/1 and
> would love to meet you (seehttp://bit.ly/tour140for Tweetup & event
> info). She also wrote Twitter for Dummies.
> """
> Check 'em out!
> --
> Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.http://twitter.com/al3x

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread fbrunel

> That is correct, or you could setup a system where the new follower
> emails get forwarded to a script that triggers a mutual follow back.
> Though you may run into rate-limit problems if you happen to get more
> than 1000 a day.

Ok, I'll check this out.

Thanks for your help.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel

For reference, the PHP_INT_MAX on my 64-bit linux VM is:

and using json_decode on the next_cursor field of an ids list works just fine.

I'm using PHP 5.2.10-0.dotdeb.1 (though PHP 5.2.11-0.dotdeb.1 is available)


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> That magical maximum number appears to be 1 (1.0E+12).
> So, for tweet ids we still have a bit of breathing space.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 4:18 pm, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> Clearly PHP_INT_MAX plays no role in json_decode.
>> There must be some other mystical maximum number above which it
>> represents the number as float in the decoded data.
>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

That magical maximum number appears to be 1 (1.0E+12).

So, for tweet ids we still have a bit of breathing space.


On Sep 24, 4:18 pm, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Clearly PHP_INT_MAX plays no role in json_decode.
> There must be some other mystical maximum number above which it
> represents the number as float in the decoded data.
> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 3:20 PM, fbrunel  wrote:
> Ok, so the only solution left on my side would be to go through all
> the followers and follow them back on a regular basis.
> Right?

That is correct, or you could setup a system where the new follower
emails get forwarded to a script that triggers a mutual follow back.
Though you may run into rate-limit problems if you happen to get more
than 1000 a day.


[twitter-dev] About the oneforty application directory

2009-09-24 Thread Alex Payne

Just wanted to pass on a note from the team at oneforty.com, who
recently launched with over 1300 Twitter applications in their
directory. Your app might already be on their site. If it's not yet,
you can register as a developer and add it. Once you register and
claim your app you can promote it with screenshots, descriptions,
tags, and reviews.

If you saw the early alpha version of oneforty, it's much improved -
real home page, most popular apps ranking and essentials. New item
pages just launched and look much better than the prototype did.

Their team working on the ability to sell apps right on the site.
They're also definitely looking for your feedback. @freerobby,
@graysky, @macasek, and @pistachio are often in the #twitterapi IRC
channel. There's more contact info below, too.

A note from the oneforty team and info on how to register, claim, edit
& add stuff:

We built oneforty to help the best stuff being built on the Twitter
API get found and get profitable.
Come claim your apps, add content and add new projects in the "Twitter
appstore" oneforty.com
To get started:
Sign in via oauth. (We whitelisted as many dev usernames as we could
find. If you can't login already use invite code TWAPI and we'll let
you right in.)
Register as a developer: http://oneforty.com/me/developer_profile
Search for and claim your app   ("Suggest Item" if we don't have it yet!)
Check out your item's page, make sure it's tagged well, tweet a link to it, etc
Once approved, add details, screenshots, media coverage and more

In the near future you'll be able to offer things for sale right in
oneforty. For now we link to your sites and (optionally) let you
collect donations.

We want to help you get your app found, rated, reviewed and into the
hands of the users who need it the most. We also want to get the
Twitter community to do a better job supporting developers and apps so
that your innovation can flourish. It's frustrating when great apps go
defunct because of server costs, etc.

We're anticipating decent blog and press coverage, so we want your to
look its best! Please let us know whatever we can do to help you.
Thank you.

We'd really love to know what you think and what you want: Uservice
feedback forum. Any questions at all, develop...@oneforty.com or
617-645-7767, anytime.

oneforty Founder Laura (@Pistachio) Fitton will be at events in Fort
Worth 9/25, Seattle 9/26-27, SF/bay area 9/27-30 and Boston 10/1 and
would love to meet you (see http://bit.ly/tour140 for Tweetup & event
info). She also wrote Twitter for Dummies.

Check 'em out!

Alex Payne - Platform Lead, Twitter, Inc.

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread fbrunel

> > It is a general rule or it has just been disabled for some developers?
> It has been disabled across the board.

Ok, so the only solution left on my side would be to go through all
the followers and follow them back on a regular basis.


[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Clearly PHP_INT_MAX plays no role in json_decode.

There must be some other mystical maximum number above which it
represents the number as float in the decoded data.


On Sep 24, 4:05 pm, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Chad,
> PHP_INT_MAX is 2147483647.
> And yet, json_decode is still correctly decoding "id":4348298957.
> O-o
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 3:58 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > Dewald,
> > What do you get on your server if you do:
> > echo PHP_INT_MAX;
> > also, what version of PHP are you using?
> > -Chad

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek


"As mentioned previously, the Twitter operations team will artificially
increase the maximum status ID to 4294967296 this coming Friday,
September 11th. This action is part of routine database upgrades and
maintenance. "


it appears to me that tw2k9 (<-- my new abbreviation, sorry, have typed
twitpocalypse 2 too many times) is about using the full 32-bit int
space.  agreed, it didn't make much sense to announce that you were
going to now utilize the full address space, but that *is* how it was
announced - increase the new *maximum* status ID [emphasis mine] to

$ echo $[ 65536 * 65536 ]


Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

Chad Etzel wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
>> already past 32-bit signed  but not 32-bit unsigned, right?
>> twitpocalypse moves the max to 2^32-1, right?  or did i misread it?
> They have passed 32-bit *un*signed. My latest tweet id is 4345383616
> (which is > 2^32 - 1)
> Twitpocalypse 2 was about overflowing the 32 bit int space.
> -Chad
>> Chad Etzel wrote:
>>> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
>>> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
>>> -Chad
>> --
>> Joseph Cheek
>> jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
>> twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


PHP_INT_MAX is 2147483647.

And yet, json_decode is still correctly decoding "id":4348298957.



On Sep 24, 3:58 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> Dewald,
> What do you get on your server if you do:
> echo PHP_INT_MAX;
> also, what version of PHP are you using?
> -Chad

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:52 PM, fbrunel  wrote:
> Looks like I didn't get the memo.
> It is a general rule or it has just been disabled for some developers?

It has been disabled across the board.

>> auto-follow was disabled a while ago (emails should have gone to
>> accounts that had it enabled warning that it would go away), and
>> currently there are no plans to re-enable it.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel


What do you get on your server if you do:


also, what version of PHP are you using?


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:48 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Although, looking at a few tweets in the public timeline, I'm seeing
> tweet ids of 4348298962, 4348298957, etc.
> At least on my server, json_decode is still correctly decoding those
> numbers.
> So, it's probably safe to say that Twitpocalypse 2 has not arrived yet
> for many PHP apps in terms of JSON decodes.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 3:14 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> > Abraham,
>> > That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
>> > with 64-bit status ids.
>> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
>> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
>> -Chad
>> > And that is going to break a LOT of PHP applications in one fell
>> > swoop.
>> > Dewald
>> > On Sep 24, 2:27 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Twitter could add:
>> >> "next_cursor_string":"1314614526448841129"
>> >> Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.
>> >> Abraham
>> >> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> >> > Jesse,
>> >> > It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
>> >> > JSON payload.
>> >> > In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
>> >> > and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
>> >> > Dewald
>> >> > On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
>> >> > > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> > > > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
>> >> > > > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
>> >> > > That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
>> >> > > possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
>> >> > > benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
>> >> > > languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
>> >> > than
>> >> > > it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be 
>> >> > > up
>> >> > to
>> >> > > the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
>> >> > new
>> >> > > JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is 
>> >> > > for.
>> >> > > Jesse
>> >> --
>> >> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
>> >> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
>> >> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
>> >> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread fbrunel

Looks like I didn't get the memo.

It is a general rule or it has just been disabled for some developers?

> auto-follow was disabled a while ago (emails should have gone to
> accounts that had it enabled warning that it would go away), and
> currently there are no plans to re-enable it.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> already past 32-bit signed  but not 32-bit unsigned, right?
> twitpocalypse moves the max to 2^32-1, right?  or did i misread it?

They have passed 32-bit *un*signed. My latest tweet id is 4345383616
(which is > 2^32 - 1)

Twitpocalypse 2 was about overflowing the 32 bit int space.


> Chad Etzel wrote:
>> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
>> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
>> -Chad
> --
> Joseph Cheek
> jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Although, looking at a few tweets in the public timeline, I'm seeing
tweet ids of 4348298962, 4348298957, etc.

At least on my server, json_decode is still correctly decoding those

So, it's probably safe to say that Twitpocalypse 2 has not arrived yet
for many PHP apps in terms of JSON decodes.


On Sep 24, 3:14 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Abraham,
> > That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
> > with 64-bit status ids.
> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
> -Chad
> > And that is going to break a LOT of PHP applications in one fell
> > swoop.
> > Dewald
> > On Sep 24, 2:27 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Twitter could add:
> >> "next_cursor_string":"1314614526448841129"
> >> Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.
> >> Abraham
> >> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> >> > Jesse,
> >> > It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
> >> > JSON payload.
> >> > In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
> >> > and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
> >> > Dewald
> >> > On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> >> > > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> >> > > > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
> >> > > That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
> >> > > possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
> >> > > benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
> >> > > languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
> >> > than
> >> > > it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be 
> >> > > up
> >> > to
> >> > > the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
> >> > new
> >> > > JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
> >> > > Jesse
> >> --
> >> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
> >> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
> >> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
> >> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

already past 32-bit signed  but not 32-bit unsigned, right? 
twitpocalypse moves the max to 2^32-1, right?  or did i misread it?

Chad Etzel wrote:
> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
> -Chad

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

until 65+ bit computing becomes standard, a lot of things will break
(twitter included) when id's go past 64 bits.  i hate to be a naysayer
though, but the difference between 2^32 and 2^64 is, well, huge.  i
don't expect twitter id's to break 64 bits anytime soon, until at least
far past twitter's usefulness (sorry, twitter...)

i know this is akin to COBOL programmers in the fifties saying "hmm, i
wonder if we should concern ourselves with what will happen to our apps
in the year 2000?" and giving it no further thought, and i apologize,
but i'm ok with that.


Dewald Pretorius wrote:
> Abraham,
> That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
> with 64-bit status ids.
> And that is going to break a LOT of PHP applications in one fell
> swoop.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 2:27 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Twitter could add:
>> "next_cursor_string":"1314614526448841129"
>> Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.
>> Abraham
>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>>> Jesse,
>>> It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
>>> JSON payload.
>>> In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
>>> and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
>>> Dewald
>>> On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>>> wrote:
> This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
 That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
 possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
 benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
 languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
>>> than
 it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up
>>> to
 the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
>>> new
 JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
>> --
>> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
>> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
>> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
>> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


Thanks for setting me straight on that one.

My app is not reliant on Twitter tweet ids except for one specific
informational use. Hence, I have not been paying much attention to the
Twitpocalypse 2.


On Sep 24, 3:14 pm, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Abraham,
> > That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
> > with 64-bit status ids.
> This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
> can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.
> -Chad

[twitter-dev] Re: Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel


auto-follow was disabled a while ago (emails should have gone to
accounts that had it enabled warning that it would go away), and
currently there are no plans to re-enable it.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Fred Brunel  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the developer of Twittercal (@gcal) -- a Twitter bot that connects
> to your Google Calendar. I'm having problems with "auto-follow", lots
> of users are complaining that the bot is not following them back and
> indeed, it does not.
> I have too many requests so I can't cope with it manually.
> The bot is in service since July 2007 and I started seeing problems
> with auto-follow 4 months ago. I've never managed to get a clear
> status about the "auto-following" for my bot.
> Can someone help me with that?
> Thanks a lot.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Chad Etzel

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> Abraham,
> That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
> with 64-bit status ids.

This has already happened. Tweet ids are now bigger than a 32 bit int
can store. That's what Twitpocalypse 2 was all about.


> And that is going to break a LOT of PHP applications in one fell
> swoop.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 2:27 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Twitter could add:
>> "next_cursor_string":"1314614526448841129"
>> Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.
>> Abraham
>> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>> > Jesse,
>> > It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
>> > JSON payload.
>> > In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
>> > and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
>> > Dewald
>> > On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
>> > > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
>> > wrote:
>> > > > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
>> > > > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
>> > > That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
>> > > possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
>> > > benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
>> > > languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
>> > than
>> > > it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up
>> > to
>> > > the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
>> > new
>> > > JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
>> > > Jesse
>> --
>> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
>> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
>> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
>> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter API OAuth Questions - (401) Unauthorized error when posting status

2009-09-24 Thread eclipsed4utoo

Thanks.  I ended up copying the final url and pasting it into my
browser.  I was then able to see that it was complaining about the
nonce.  I changed it to use a GUID instead of a random number, since a
random number could reproduce the same numbers.  That seemed to have
fixed my problem.

On Sep 24, 12:14 pm, chad  wrote:
> Hello,
> It looks like your base string is formatted correctly to generate the
> signature. Not sure if you displayed the final URL for clarity, but
> since sending a status update requires a POST, you need to put all of
> the parameters in the body of the POST request instead of in the URL
> query string.
> Thanks,
> -Chad
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:16 AM, eclipsed4utoo  
> wrote:
> > So after battling OAuth, I finally was able to get an access token.
> > But now, I am getting a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to post the
> > status.
> > My question is, what parameters do I need to send for posting a
> > status?  All parameters(consumer key, consumer secret, token, token
> > secret, nonce, timestamp, signature method, version)?  Does that
> > status go as a parameter, or is it written to the request like done
> > with Basic Authentication?  If it goes as a parameter, does it go as a
> > parameter that is part of the signature, or is it tacked on at the end
> > after the signature?  I am doing a desktop app, so I have the PIN.
> > Does the PIN need to also be a parameter to update the status?
> > With this generic message, it's hard for me to figure out what I am
> > doing wrong.  I don't know if I am missing parameters, have too many
> > parameters, or something that has nothing to do with the parameters.
> > I am using .Net, which is throwing an exception when trying to get the
> > response.  All I can see is "(401) Unauthorized".
> > I tried going by the OAuth core documentation for accessing protected
> > resources:
> >http://oauth.net/core/1.0#anchor13
> > but still get the same error.
> > Here is my POST data for updating a status:
> > POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstatuses
> > %2Fupdate.xml&oauth_consumer_key%3Dr1asAzyH1Kyq4BWE8ZlEg%26oauth_nonce
> > %3D773772%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp
> > %3D1253801265%26oauth_token%3D65084988-
> > fQr5UVeZ6TDLZ9DQp7hEkOT0lXtAUUNp3AbYnCX8F%26oauth_version
> > %3D1.0%26status%3DHelloWorld
> > and my final URL looks like...
> >http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml?oauth_consumer_key=r1asAzyH1Ky...

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


That is true, but we are going to run into exactly the same problem
with 64-bit status ids.

And that is going to break a LOT of PHP applications in one fell


On Sep 24, 2:27 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Twitter could add:
> "next_cursor_string":"1314614526448841129"
> Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.
> Abraham
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > Jesse,
> > It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
> > JSON payload.
> > In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
> > and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
> > Dewald
> > On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> > > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> > wrote:
> > > > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> > > > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
> > > That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
> > > possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
> > > benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
> > > languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
> > than
> > > it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up
> > to
> > > the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
> > new
> > > JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
> > > Jesse
> --
> Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist |http://web608.org
> Hacker |http://abrah.am|http://twitter.com/abraham
> Project |http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
> This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Jim Renkel

"creat[ing] any large numeric values in the JSON output as strings"
could potentially break existing JSON-using applications, depending on
the library they use and how they have "typed" the variable to receive
the large numeric value.

For http://twxlate.com, I use Google's GSON library
(http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/), and, if I had typed my
variables (actually, Java class fields) as int, Integer, long, or Long,
then the change you suggest would break my code.

Of course the code would also have been broken when the values exceeded
2**31 or 2**63. Anticipating this and also possibly non-numeric values,
I typed the fields as Strings. So I have lucked out on the impact of

But others may not have been or be so lucky.

On a higher plane, to my mind this is an issue of versioning in the API
syntax. Twitter does not support explicit versioning (i.e., the
inclusion of an API version parameter in API requests) as other RESTful
interfaces do. For example, most Google API RESTful interface methods
include a v= parameter to indicate which version of the method is being

If twitter included this, then to receive large numeric values encoded
as strings the requester could simply include, e.g., v=1.1, on the
request. Given that twitter specified in advance that if you request
version 1.1 responses then large numeric values would be encoded as
strings, then any request made with v=1.1 would have known and had to be
prepared to accept string encoded values. Without v=1.1, you would still
get integer encoded values, and nothing would break.

There have been, and I suspect will continue to be, changes to the API
specification that were or will be not backward compatible without a
version parameter, and for this reason I strongly urge twitter to adopt
this mechanism for all non-backward compatible API changes.

Version negotiation could also be done via HTTP headers, but I prefer
method parameters.

Comments expected and welcome.

Jim Renkel

-Original Message-
From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Dewald
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:26
To: Twitter Development Talk
Subject: [twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON
Followers/Friends Ids

Provided that it will not break the JSON for other language apps, the
solution is extremely simple for Twitter to implement, and it will
save a lot of us a lot of work and expense.

Just create any large numeric values in the JSON output as strings,
instead of numbers.

This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.

Thoughts, Twitter?


On Sep 24, 12:08 pm, jmathai  wrote:
> Agreed that the problem isn't Twitter's fault. But a basic feature
> like cursor should work in a language as popular as PHP.  Not so much
> in principle but in practice.
> Has anyone tried PEAR's Services_JSON?  I haven't tried nor looked at
> the source.  It's also slower than the native json_* functions but
> that may or may not be an issue.
> On Sep 24, 6:52 am, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> > To be fair to Twitter, the problem lies in PHP's json_decode()
> > not the twitter API.
> > Joseph Cheek
> > jos...@cheek.com,www.cheek.com
> > twitter:http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom
> > Dewald Pretorius wrote:
> > > Chad,
> > > Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?
> > > From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you
> > > to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
> > > machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it
> > > for you."
> > > That doesn't sound right.
> > > Dewald
> > > On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > >> Hello,
> > >> As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these
> > >> If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex
> > >> PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
> > >> sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty
> > >> kludge.
> > >> -Chad
> > >> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius
> > >>> All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build
> > >>> JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.
> > >>> I.e., the JSON data should contain:
> > >>>
> > >>> I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it
> > >>> solve the problem.
> > >>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Abraham Williams
Twitter could add:

Minimal cost and it would be backwards compatible.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:06, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> Jesse,
> It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
> JSON payload.
> In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
> and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> > On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius 
> wrote:
> > > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> > > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
> >
> > That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
> > possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
> > benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
> > languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C
> than
> > it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up
> to
> > the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some
> new
> > JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
> >
> > Jesse

Abraham Williams | Community Evangelist | http://web608.org
Hacker | http://abrah.am | http://twitter.com/abraham
Project | http://fireeagle.labs.poseurtech.com
This email is: [ ] blogable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


It will add exactly two quote characters (") per numeric field in the
JSON payload.

In any event, I am now hacking the raw JSON output to convert the ids
and cursors to string. It's not an ideal solution but it works.


On Sep 24, 12:34 pm, Jesse Stay  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> > concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
> That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
> possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
> benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
> languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C than
> it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up to
> the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some new
> JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
> Jesse

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Jeffrey Greenberg
My 2 cents are:1. we're using the xml form of the api on 32bit development
machines and it works fine.
2. not supporting 32bit machines seems like a bad idea for twitter and
developers, no matter who(twitter or php) you want to blame as the problem;
  a) PHP is perhaps the most popular web development language out there, so
why make this difficult.
  b) the cost of a 64 bit machine is more than a 32 bit one and this cost
matters to startups
3. conversion to strings is a "good idea"... it's a red herring to talk
about space, since once you get the data you can convert it as you wish, and
it goes over the wire as a string in any case (doesn't it)

jeffrey greenberg

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Jesse Stay  wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius wrote:
>> This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
>> concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
> That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
> possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
> benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
> languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C than
> it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up to
> the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some new
> JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.
> Jesse

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread Neicole

Boy, this concerns me. People definitely need to be able to add their
own comments to the RT.

And removing the retweets if someone deletes the original tweet?!  No
way. Once it's retweeted, that retweet "belongs" to the retweeter and
must stay. I think it violates social media principles to delete them.

On Sep 24, 8:55 am, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> ouch!  deleting tweet IDs in my messages ASAP...
> Joseph Cheek
> jos...@cheek.com,www.cheek.com
> twitter:http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom
> Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> >>> With the current way RT works (without the RT API) and at least as of
> >>> a month ago, making RTs a reply makes it limited to people who follow
> >>> both the sender and the original author (since it's a reply). This
> >>> greatly diminishes the point of retweeting and was the reason why I
> >>> stopped setting the reply to ID for RTs in SimplyTweet.
> >> what?  Every time my app submits a tweet with the reply id set, that
> >> limits the people who can see it?
> > Yes. I confimed this was intended behaviour with Alex a while back.- Hide 
> > quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

[twitter-dev] Re: Update on the Retweet API (we collapse retweets, not you & we're adding statuses/retweets)

2009-09-24 Thread John Kalucki

I'll update the Wiki to reflect the new reality.

Retweets will begin to flow through all /1/statuses/* resources soon
-- in advance of the full retweet launch. This will give developers
time to test and deploy features in advance. Also, the retweet volume
is very low now, so exceptions should be easier to handle.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Sep 23, 10:15 pm, hansamann  wrote:
> John, I assume the method to use would then be
> http://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.format
> It does not mention that it includes retweets, but it will once the
> API is live?
> Cheers
> Sven
> On Sep 23, 9:38 pm, hansamann  wrote:
> > Thanx, I'll give that a try.
> > On Sep 23, 8:11 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > Retweets will be searched by the follow parameter on the filter
> > > resource. The intention is that you get all statuses (including
> > > retweets) where any user_id field matches your predicate list. So,
> > > tweets, replies and both ends of retweets.
> > > If GAE cuts you off after 30 seconds, then you shouldn't open
> > > connections to the Streaming API. Gather ye data elsewhere and smuggle
> > > it into GAE by other means.
> > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > Services, Twitter Inc.
> > > On Sep 23, 7:50 pm, hansamann  wrote:
> > > > One reason for example is being on Google App Engine and having a 30
> > > > second limit. I cannot keep the connection open.
> > > > Another reason is I am not interested in everyones retweets, just the
> > > > retweets (and in this case all, not just a sample) of that twitter
> > > > user's friends.
> > > > What do you think?
> > > > Cheers
> > > > Sven
> > > > On Sep 22, 9:49 pm, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > > > Retweetaggregators should use the Streaming API /1/statuses/sample
> > > > > method to gather a sample of Retweets or apply for the fullRetweet
> > > > > stream on /1/statuses/retweet.
> > > > > The Streaming API may be in Alpha, but the service has been very
> > > > > reliable.
> > > > > I'm unaware of any technical issues that would block a reasonably
> > > > > proficient service developer on a reasonable stack from integrating
> > > > > Streaming API results in fairly short order. I'm sure there are
> > > > > examples of byzantine stacks upon which this isn't true, but
> > > > > workarounds can be found.
> > > > > -John Kaluckihttp://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > > > Services, TwitterInc.
> > > > > On Sep 22, 9:27 pm, hansamann  wrote:
> > > > > > I am still hoping for an answer to the questions in this thread, but
> > > > > > meanwhile here is another idea the Twitter Team might find
> > > > > > interesting.
> > > > > > As it seems many of us want to track retweets. What we are really
> > > > > > interested in is the number of retweets over time so we can find
> > > > > > trending topics, in my case within a community (e.g. not for public
> > > > > > timeline tweets, just for the tweets among my friends). So: why not
> > > > > > have a method that is capable of returning severalretweetcounts?
> > > > > > So what if statuses/retweets would either accept *just a single id* 
> > > > > > in
> > > > > > which case the behaviour is as currently described, or *many ids* in
> > > > > > which case the response is a summary for many statusIds. The summary
> > > > > > should contain the usernames that retweeted the original ids and the
> > > > > >retweetcounts at least.
> > > > > > If the API is left as it is,  guess a lot of us will need to get
> > > > > > whitelisted. Excessively calling status/retweets for single tweets
> > > > > > cannot be the intention of Twitter. Also manyretweetaggregators will
> > > > > > really be in trouble (unless they use the streaming apis, but those
> > > > > > again are alpha and some cannot use them for technical reasons) as 
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > twitter accounts of their users are not whitelisted and as such
> > > > > > constraint to 150 API calls.
> > > > > > Come on, would anyone at least consider that or let us know best
> > > > > > practices for tracking retweets after the api is launched?
> > > > > > Cheers
> > > > > > Sven
> > > > > > On Sep 18, 4:37 pm, hansamann  wrote:
> > > > > > > Excactly, my main point, too.
> > > > > > > The problem is I want to track how tweets 'develop' over time. 
> > > > > > > This
> > > > > > > means I would need to pull the status/retweets every minute or so 
> > > > > > > for
> > > > > > > every tweet I am tracking. There is a 150 api call limit 
> > > > > > > currently...
> > > > > > > without whitelisting I will be doomed.
> > > > > > > I was hoping that the 'retweeted to me' timeline would include a
> > > > > > > 'count' field for eachretweet. I could then have checked that
> > > > > > > timeline every minute (and pull the info for the last 50 retweets 
> > > > > > > to
> > > > > > > me let's say). This would just have consumed 1 request each 
> > > > > > > minute for
> > > > >

[twitter-dev] erro twitteroauth

2009-09-24 Thread michellander
Hello staff
My name is Michel, I am Brazilian and I am now beginning to study the
twitter API.
I copied the twitteroauth to test and see how it works. already registered
my app on twitter and have set up in php, but oauth_token = does not appear.
someone help me?

Michel Melo

My Blog - www.tecinfor.net
AperteF5 - www.apertef5.com.br

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter API OAuth Questions - (401) Unauthorized error when posting status

2009-09-24 Thread chad


It looks like your base string is formatted correctly to generate the
signature. Not sure if you displayed the final URL for clarity, but
since sending a status update requires a POST, you need to put all of
the parameters in the body of the POST request instead of in the URL
query string.


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 10:16 AM, eclipsed4utoo  wrote:
> So after battling OAuth, I finally was able to get an access token.
> But now, I am getting a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to post the
> status.
> My question is, what parameters do I need to send for posting a
> status?  All parameters(consumer key, consumer secret, token, token
> secret, nonce, timestamp, signature method, version)?  Does that
> status go as a parameter, or is it written to the request like done
> with Basic Authentication?  If it goes as a parameter, does it go as a
> parameter that is part of the signature, or is it tacked on at the end
> after the signature?  I am doing a desktop app, so I have the PIN.
> Does the PIN need to also be a parameter to update the status?
> With this generic message, it's hard for me to figure out what I am
> doing wrong.  I don't know if I am missing parameters, have too many
> parameters, or something that has nothing to do with the parameters.
> I am using .Net, which is throwing an exception when trying to get the
> response.  All I can see is "(401) Unauthorized".
> I tried going by the OAuth core documentation for accessing protected
> resources:
> http://oauth.net/core/1.0#anchor13
> but still get the same error.
> Here is my POST data for updating a status:
> POST&http%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fstatuses
> %2Fupdate.xml&oauth_consumer_key%3Dr1asAzyH1Kyq4BWE8ZlEg%26oauth_nonce
> %3D773772%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp
> %3D1253801265%26oauth_token%3D65084988-
> fQr5UVeZ6TDLZ9DQp7hEkOT0lXtAUUNp3AbYnCX8F%26oauth_version
> %3D1.0%26status%3DHelloWorld
> and my final URL looks like...
> http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml?oauth_consumer_key=r1asAzyH1Kyq4BWE8ZlEg&oauth_nonce=773772&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1253801265&oauth_token=65084988-fQr5UVeZ6TDLZ9DQp7hEkOT0lXtAUUNp3AbYnCX8F&oauth_version=1.0&status=HelloWorld&oauth_signature=5hYORksKDi%2bxF2LqXCxWrTI1ozk%3d

[twitter-dev] Re: HTTP 404 (The specified key does not exist) when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2

2009-09-24 Thread chad

I get a 404 no matter how I try it. Are you sure it exists? What user
is this an avatar for? (I looked at @twigroups, but the path to their
avatar is much different).


On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> i can't get it with curl or a browser.
> trybeee wrote:
>> Hello everybody!
>> Please help to resolve very strange bug.
>> Getting HTTP 404 Not Found (The specified key does not exist) error
>> when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2 instance:
>> curl http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/433197623/twigroups_avatar_normal.png
>> Requesting this image from local machine, or directly from browser
>> goes fine.
> --
> Joseph Cheek
> jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

ouch!  deleting tweet IDs in my messages ASAP...

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>>> With the current way RT works (without the RT API) and at least as of
>>> a month ago, making RTs a reply makes it limited to people who follow
>>> both the sender and the original author (since it's a reply). This
>>> greatly diminishes the point of retweeting and was the reason why I
>>> stopped setting the reply to ID for RTs in SimplyTweet.
>> what?  Every time my app submits a tweet with the reply id set, that
>> limits the people who can see it?
> Yes. I confimed this was intended behaviour with Alex a while back.

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread Cameron Kaiser

> > With the current way RT works (without the RT API) and at least as of
> > a month ago, making RTs a reply makes it limited to people who follow
> > both the sender and the original author (since it's a reply). This
> > greatly diminishes the point of retweeting and was the reason why I
> > stopped setting the reply to ID for RTs in SimplyTweet.
> what?  Every time my app submits a tweet with the reply id set, that
> limits the people who can see it?

Yes. I confimed this was intended behaviour with Alex a while back.

 personal: http://www.cameronkaiser.com/ --
  Cameron Kaiser * Floodgap Systems * www.floodgap.com * ckai...@floodgap.com
-- How are you gentlemen? All your base are belong to us! -

[twitter-dev] Re: HTTP 404 (The specified key does not exist) when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

i can't get it with curl or a browser.

trybeee wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> Please help to resolve very strange bug.
> Getting HTTP 404 Not Found (The specified key does not exist) error
> when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2 instance:
> curl http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/433197623/twigroups_avatar_normal.png
> Requesting this image from local machine, or directly from browser
> goes fine.

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Jesse Stay
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:

> This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
> concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.
That would create quite a memory footprint! I prefer to use ints where
possible and strings only where necessary. I think it would be to your
benefit to just convert to 64-bit PHP. While PHP is type-less, other
languages aren't, and converting back to int is much more a pain in C than
it is in PHP. I suggest Twitter leave it the way it is - it should be up to
the end recipient to convert it in a way that works.  Maybe write some new
JSON libraries that parse it correctly? That's what open source is for.


[twitter-dev] HTTP 404 (The specified key does not exist) when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2

2009-09-24 Thread trybeee

Hello everybody!

Please help to resolve very strange bug.

Getting HTTP 404 Not Found (The specified key does not exist) error
when requesting user avatar image from amazon ec2 instance:
curl http://a3.twimg.com/profile_images/433197623/twigroups_avatar_normal.png

Requesting this image from local machine, or directly from browser
goes fine.

[twitter-dev] Twitter API OAuth Questions - (401) Unauthorized error when posting status

2009-09-24 Thread eclipsed4utoo

So after battling OAuth, I finally was able to get an access token.
But now, I am getting a 401 Unauthorized error when trying to post the

My question is, what parameters do I need to send for posting a
status?  All parameters(consumer key, consumer secret, token, token
secret, nonce, timestamp, signature method, version)?  Does that
status go as a parameter, or is it written to the request like done
with Basic Authentication?  If it goes as a parameter, does it go as a
parameter that is part of the signature, or is it tacked on at the end
after the signature?  I am doing a desktop app, so I have the PIN.
Does the PIN need to also be a parameter to update the status?

With this generic message, it's hard for me to figure out what I am
doing wrong.  I don't know if I am missing parameters, have too many
parameters, or something that has nothing to do with the parameters.
I am using .Net, which is throwing an exception when trying to get the
response.  All I can see is "(401) Unauthorized".

I tried going by the OAuth core documentation for accessing protected


but still get the same error.

Here is my POST data for updating a status:


and my final URL looks like...


[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius

Provided that it will not break the JSON for other language apps, the
solution is extremely simple for Twitter to implement, and it will
save a lot of us a lot of work and expense.

Just create any large numeric values in the JSON output as strings,
instead of numbers.

This goes for any large numbers, including tweet ids. As far as I am
concerned they can output everything in JSON as strings.

Thoughts, Twitter?


On Sep 24, 12:08 pm, jmathai  wrote:
> Agreed that the problem isn't Twitter's fault. But a basic feature
> like cursor should work in a language as popular as PHP.  Not so much
> in principle but in practice.
> Has anyone tried PEAR's Services_JSON?  I haven't tried nor looked at
> the source.  It's also slower than the native json_* functions but
> that may or may not be an issue.
> On Sep 24, 6:52 am, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> > To be fair to Twitter, the problem lies in PHP's json_decode() function,
> > not the twitter API.
> > Joseph Cheek
> > jos...@cheek.com,www.cheek.com
> > twitter:http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom
> > Dewald Pretorius wrote:
> > > Chad,
> > > Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?
> > > From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you want
> > > to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
> > > machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it works
> > > for you."
> > > That doesn't sound right.
> > > Dewald
> > > On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> > >> Hello,
> > >> As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these numbers.
> > >> If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex in
> > >> PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
> > >> sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty gnarly
> > >> kludge.
> > >> -Chad
> > >> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius  
> > >> wrote:
> > >>> All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build the
> > >>> JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.
> > >>> I.e., the JSON data should contain:
> > >>> "next_cursor":"12398712981212987","previous_cursor":"-12398712981212987"
> > >>> I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it will
> > >>> solve the problem.
> > >>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Status of auto-follow

2009-09-24 Thread Fred Brunel


I'm the developer of Twittercal (@gcal) -- a Twitter bot that connects
to your Google Calendar. I'm having problems with "auto-follow", lots
of users are complaining that the bot is not following them back and
indeed, it does not.

I have too many requests so I can't cope with it manually.

The bot is in service since July 2007 and I started seeing problems
with auto-follow 4 months ago. I've never managed to get a clear
status about the "auto-following" for my bot.

Can someone help me with that?

Thanks a lot.

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread jmathai

Agreed that the problem isn't Twitter's fault. But a basic feature
like cursor should work in a language as popular as PHP.  Not so much
in principle but in practice.

Has anyone tried PEAR's Services_JSON?  I haven't tried nor looked at
the source.  It's also slower than the native json_* functions but
that may or may not be an issue.

On Sep 24, 6:52 am, Joseph Cheek  wrote:
> To be fair to Twitter, the problem lies in PHP's json_decode() function,
> not the twitter API.
> Joseph Cheek
> jos...@cheek.com,www.cheek.com
> twitter:http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom
> Dewald Pretorius wrote:
> > Chad,
> > Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?
> > From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you want
> > to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
> > machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it works
> > for you."
> > That doesn't sound right.
> > Dewald
> > On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these numbers.
> >> If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex in
> >> PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
> >> sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty gnarly
> >> kludge.
> >> -Chad
> >> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius  
> >> wrote:
> >>> All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build the
> >>> JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.
> >>> I.e., the JSON data should contain:
> >>> "next_cursor":"12398712981212987","previous_cursor":"-12398712981212987"
> >>> I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it will
> >>> solve the problem.
> >>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

what?  Every time my app submits a tweet with the reply id set, that
limits the people who can see it?

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

Hwee-Boon Yar wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2:16 pm, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
>> This could be done by just
>> posting a second
>> tweet with the reply parameter pointing at the retweet.
> With the current way RT works (without the RT API) and at least as of
> a month ago, making RTs a reply makes it limited to people who follow
> both the sender and the original author (since it's a reply). This
> greatly diminishes the point of retweeting and was the reason why I
> stopped setting the reply to ID for RTs in SimplyTweet.
> --
> Hwee-Boon

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Joseph Cheek

To be fair to Twitter, the problem lies in PHP's json_decode() function,
not the twitter API.

Joseph Cheek
jos...@cheek.com, www.cheek.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/cheekdotcom

Dewald Pretorius wrote:
> Chad,
> Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?
> From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you want
> to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
> machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it works
> for you."
> That doesn't sound right.
> Dewald
> On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these numbers.
>> If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex in
>> PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
>> sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty gnarly
>> kludge.
>> -Chad
>> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
>>> All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build the
>>> JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.
>>> I.e., the JSON data should contain:
>>> "next_cursor":"12398712981212987","previous_cursor":"-12398712981212987"
>>> I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it will
>>> solve the problem.
>>> Dewald

[twitter-dev] Re: SERIOUS Problem With Cursors In JSON Followers/Friends Ids

2009-09-24 Thread Dewald Pretorius


Shouldn't Twitter be providing an API that works for everyone?

>From what you said it sounds as if you're saying, "Tough. If you want
to consume the API with PHP, either run your stuff on a 64-bit
machine, or scrape the raw JSON output and make it so that it works
for you."

That doesn't sound right.


On Sep 24, 1:02 am, Chad Etzel  wrote:
> Hello,
> As Joseph points out, PHP on a 64-bit system can handle these numbers.
> If you really want this data as a string, you could write a regex in
> PHP to alter the json string to wrap the digits in quotes before
> sending it through json_decode(), but that would be a pretty gnarly
> kludge.
> -Chad
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:28 PM, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > All that Twitter needs to do to solve this problem is to build the
> > JSON out with next_cursor and previous_cursor as string values.
> > I.e., the JSON data should contain:
> > "next_cursor":"12398712981212987","previous_cursor":"-12398712981212987"
> > I don't know what it will do to Java apps, but for PHP apps it will
> > solve the problem.
> > Dewald

[twitter-dev] Strange 401 errors when having dot in the status update

2009-09-24 Thread guytom

That's weird I know...

When our application has "." for example "nba.com" in the status
message, the status update API call fails and we get 401. other
requests work fine.

We use oAuth btw.

Any ideas?


[twitter-dev] PNGs instead of solid panels

2009-09-24 Thread Wayne Jansen

Hello Twitter Team,

Would it be possible to have a PNG with transparency as opposed to
solid colours in the central panes?


Wayne Jansen

[twitter-dev] Re: Want to be quoted in Twitter App Development for Dummies?

2009-09-24 Thread Dusty

Thanks everyone for your emails! I'll be going over them all this

If you haven't sent your tips, please email them to me soon!

On Sep 20, 9:26 pm, DustyReagan  wrote:
> I'm working on Twitter Application Development for Dummies, and the
> last chapter is "10 Twitter API Tips From Noteworthy Twitter
> Developers."
> If you have *tip* you'd like to submit please send it to
> du...@dustyreagan.com. Please put #TADD Tip somewhere in the subject,
> let me know what Twitter applications you're responsible for, and
> include your Twitter username.
> The tip can be anything you learned from building Twitter apps. I'm
> looking for useful bite sized bits of Twitter API wisdom.
> Thanks!
> Dusty

[twitter-dev] Re: Deleting a Retweeted Tweet

2009-09-24 Thread Hwee-Boon Yar

On Sep 24, 2:16 pm, Josh Roesslein  wrote:
> This could be done by just
> posting a second
> tweet with the reply parameter pointing at the retweet.

With the current way RT works (without the RT API) and at least as of
a month ago, making RTs a reply makes it limited to people who follow
both the sender and the original author (since it's a reply). This
greatly diminishes the point of retweeting and was the reason why I
stopped setting the reply to ID for RTs in SimplyTweet.


[twitter-dev] OAuth "Something is Technically Wrong"

2009-09-24 Thread Paul Kinlan
Hi Guys,
I am having an issue with a very very small percentage of my users who can't
use oauth, it simply won't work for them - the get directed to a "Something
is Technically Wrong" page.

For 99.9% of my users it works fine so I don't think it is an issue my end
(although I am not discounting that) everything appears to be correct.

Is there anything I can give Twitter to help identify and isolate the exact


[twitter-dev] Re: Limit rates for querying twitter.com/statuses/show/tweet_id.xml

2009-09-24 Thread Rich

I don't understand.  It just follows rate limiting like most other

1 API call = 1 rate limit


On Sep 22, 3:38 pm, trybeee  wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> Does anybody knows which limits for quering this url pattern
> twitter.com/statuses/show/tweet_id.xml?
> Thanks in advance.

[twitter-dev] Re: Text Source. How can I change this?

2009-09-24 Thread Rich

If you haven't previously registered an application then unfortunately
the only way to get 'from myapp' nowadays is to use oAuth for
authentication (and you can register your application from the
connections tab on your Twitter settings)

On Sep 22, 9:00 pm, shapper  wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using a C# library to publish in my Twitter account from my CMS.
> The problem is that the source in my twitter text is the name of this
> library.
> How can I change this?
> I think there is a new authentication method that allows it ... But do
> I need to open some type of account?
> Thank You,
> Miguel

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter+Oauth on iPhone: How does one logout?

2009-09-24 Thread Rich

If you mean you now want to auth a new user, remove the user's oauth
keys and grab new ones from Twitter

On Sep 23, 9:04 pm, JDG  wrote:
> There's no logout for OAuth, per se, as I understand it. It's just a matter
> of not sending the tokens any longer.
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:25, joeygreen...@gmail.com <
> joeygreen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  I'm implementing Twitter+Oauth on the iPhone using
> >http://github.com/bengottlieb/Twitter-OAuth-iPhone. I'm creating a
> > login/logout button/feature like facebook connect uses. I've got the
> > login working and am wondering how does one logout using Oauth?
> --
> Internets. Serious business.

[twitter-dev] Re: How do I get a hold of the preview version of the GeoLocation API?

2009-09-24 Thread Rich

What I do is take a copy of the sample XML and put it on my own
servers.  For testing I call it from my server rather than Twitter's
(as it returns a 404 if I try from Twitter's)

On Sep 24, 1:43 am, HardipSingh  wrote:
> I saw the api spec already.  I guess I was under the assumption that
> an updated version of the API that included the location functionality
> would be available for integration testing.  Looks like I'll have to
> just code the components on my end and just wait until the new API
> goes live to test.  Thanks for your prompt response Raffi.
> ~ Hardip
> On Sep 23, 11:47 am, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> > hello.
> > we've released the specifications of the API, and those are available  
> > at apiwiki.twitter.com.  the actual API should be launched on the  
> > order of weeks.
> > thanks!
> > > I'm told that developers will be given access to a preview version of
> > > this API, so that we can start building code around it.  How do I go
> > > about getting access to this preview API?
> > > Please advise.
> > --
> > Raffi Krikorian
> > Twitter Platform Team
> > ra...@twitter.com | @raffi