[twitter-dev] Re: list/statuses

2011-06-03 Thread @IDisposable
Try using per_page=200 instead of count=100... it's a documentation

On May 31, 3:24 am, ogierepier  wrote:
> I have already tried asking for 200 tweets, but the results stay the
> same because the api divides it in pages of 20 and you get the first
> page back.
> You used to be able to determine the results per page, but that
> doesn't seem to work anymore since the api was renewed. Is there a way
> I can maybe retrieve several pages in one call? Because looping
> through the pages means an exponential growth of my calls made to the
> API and I don't want to hit my limit.
> On 29 mei, 17:08, Tom van der Woerdt  wrote:
> > You can''t. The 20 is the number of tweets received from Twitter's
> > database. It will then simply not send the ones which come from private
> > users, deleted ones (?), retweets, etc. If you want 20, ask for 50 and
> > limit it yourself.
> > Tom
> > On 5/29/11 11:20 AM, ogierepier wrote:
> > > Now I have a public list that includes private accounts. I'm
> > > retrieving the result by calling statuses.json. The list is followed
> > > by a few people. I have a gadget on my site which retrieves the latest
> > > statuses. The private tweets are left out, which is fine by me, but
> > > they're taking the place of the public tweets. Which means if for
> > > example the 20 latest tweets on the first page of the results contain
> > > 19 private tweets you get only one tweet back. I do not want to remove
> > > the private accounts from the list because the people following the
> > > list can see this private tweets on twitter.com. How can I exclude the
> > > private tweets from the query so that my results of the latest 20
> > > tweets contain 20 public statuses?

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[twitter-dev] Throw us a bone?

2011-04-25 Thread @IDisposable
With the recent outage at Amazon, we lost 3 days of database server...
Everything is back running and I've back-filled what I can, but the
Search API is only returning back as far as 4/26.  This leaves us a
huge gap for tweets that we don't get on lists or timelines from 4/21
0700 UTC to 4/26ish

Please, could you consider a one-time effort to enable back-filled
searches going back to 4/21?  I'm sure there are others that sorely
need this sort of back-fill.

(also, still can't use SiteStreams because it STILL doesn't return
tweets from tweeps with a matching location for geocode searches).

 Marc Brooks

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[twitter-dev] Re: Quick question on iPhone tweets

2011-04-06 Thread @IDisposable
> There's actually a much easier way for you to implement the simple ability
> to Tweet from your application without having to code up the OAuth song &
> dance or xAuth, but the frictionless approach comes with the downside of
> less control, attribution, and feedback.

I second this recommendation, especially as twitter has left us
stranded for going on three weeks now with the OAuth dance being

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[twitter-dev] Re: Can you search for tweets linking to any page within a domain?

2011-04-04 Thread @IDisposable
> Say I have a website athttp://instantwatcher.comand I want to search
> for all tweets, including ones condensed by TinyURL, that link to any
> URL within this domain. Is this possible, and if so how can I do it?

You basically have to suck the firehouse (or use search or whatever)
to get all the tweets, then unshorten (& canonicalize) them to build
your OWN search index. I have a huge system that does this for the
BuzzRadius-based sites (like http://STLTweets.com or http://loufesttweets.com
).  It's not trivial, and there are lots of gotchas to watch for like
Facebook login gateways and such.

That said, the best simple unshortener in my experience (beyond just
crawling the link) is UnTiny.me  http://www.untiny.me/ (the API is
fast and very reliable).

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[twitter-dev] 401 Unauthorized responses on OAUTH

2011-03-18 Thread @IDisposable
We're getting a ton of 401 errors when people are trying to OAuth
against some of our sites.  These sites have been in production for
years (and one new one went up yesterday).  When we get the error, we
get no message in the Response.  From the client perspective, it
happens when you click the "Allow" button and Twitter redirects back
to us. I've checked all the usual things

1) Server clock is synced correctly to nist time (and the server runs
in UTC, so no timezone/DST issues)
2) The servers haven't had any recent patches.
3) Same applications were working fine and haven't been changed
(except the new site)
4) We get the same issues no matter what user we're logged into
Twitter as.
5) We get the same issues even when running from the Amazon EC2
instance (IP whitelisted) or our QA servers (also IP whitelisted) or
from development machines (not whitelisted).
6) Occasionally (1 in 20 or worse) we get a success.
7) Nonce values are NOT being reused and we're (still) using
DotNetOAuth for the library to handle that part (no change)
8) Happens on all of these:
http://stlindex.com  (application under @STLIndex)
http://stltweets.com (application under @STLTweets)
http://loufesttweets.com (application under @LouFestTweets)
http://taste.stltweets.com (application under @STLTweets)

Typical failure:

REQUEST Headers: (https://twitter.com:443/)
Authorization: OAuth
User-Agent: DotNetOpenAuth/
Host: twitter.com

Status: 401 Unauthorized
X-Transaction: 1300464048-3423-38581
X-Runtime: 0.00544
Pragma: no-cache
X-Revision: DEV
Content-Length: 1
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:00:48 GMT
Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
Last-Modified: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 16:00:48 GMT
Set-Cookie: k=; path=/; expires=Fri, 25-
Mar-11 16:00:48 GMT;
domain=.twitter.com,guest_id=13004640478451; path=/; expires=Sun,
17 Apr 2011 16:00:48 GMT,
domain=.twitter.com; path=/; HttpOnly
Server: hi
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Vary: Accept-Encoding

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: twitter dump where i only care about size

2011-03-07 Thread @IDisposable
So Taylor or Matt or someone, can I do this for-trailing historical
export or would that be in violation of the republish rule?  I don't
want to bring the FailWhale down on us


On Mar 6, 9:43 pm, Ted Pedersen  wrote:
> Thanks very much! I don't know the ins and outs of Twitter's data
> distribution rules, but my intent is to use this strictly for
> classroom assignments and we will not post or distribute the data in
> any way.
> Cordially,
> Ted
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 8:55 PM, @IDisposable  wrote:
> >> Is such a collection available for download anywhere, or is there an
> >> existing program I could use to simply record twitter data for some
> >> period of time? (I've heard about both the firehose and the streaming
> >> API, but can't seem to find anything that is ready to run with that
> >> for this particular taskbut I might not know where to look).
> > I could possibly export the STLTweels database in JSON format, but I
> > don't want to run afoul of Twitter policies... We've got 47MM tweets
> > from 600K tweeps...
> > --
> > Twitter developer documentation and resources:http://dev.twitter.com/doc
> > API updates via Twitter:http://twitter.com/twitterapi
> > Issues/Enhancements Tracker:http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
> > Change your membership to this 
> > group:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk
> --
> Ted Pedersenhttp://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: Bigger avatar images for users/profile_image/twitter ?

2011-03-06 Thread @IDisposable
> I want to use users/profile_image/twitter to get the picture of a
> Twitter account. But I've seen the biggest size allowed is 73*73px. Is
> there a way to get the original picture or a bigger one ?

Avatars come in three sizes:

mini = 24x24
normal = 48x48
bigger = 73x73
reasonably_small = 128x128

The last one only started being used with #NewTwitter so unless
someone has uploaded an avatar since then, you'll get the "bigger" one
instead.  To get the alternate sizes, just replace the "_normal" with
the desired size.  For my avatar these are the urls:


Since sometimes people change the avatar and the one you might have on
file is now dead, I use spiurl as a backup source for images
http://code.google.com/p/spiurl/ which downloads and caches images
from Twitter and runs on google's AppSpot (you can clone your own if
you want control)  The SPIURLs look like this:


I've got it doing automatic fallback like this (and handling error
from there with a fallback to my own locally cached default images):

profile_images/361706538/mk1_normal.jpg" title="IDisposable"
onerror="avatarOnError(this, 'normal');">

// Common.js
// must be setup very early to guarantee it is available before any
images try loading.
avatarOnError = function(img, size) {
var profileName = img.title;
size = size || "normal";
img.src = 'http://purl.org/net/spiurl/' + profileName + '/' +
img.onerror = function() {
this.onerror = undefined;
this.src = '/Assets/images/twitter/default_profile_' +
Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + '_' + size + '.png';

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: twitter dump where i only care about size

2011-03-06 Thread @IDisposable
> Is such a collection available for download anywhere, or is there an
> existing program I could use to simply record twitter data for some
> period of time? (I've heard about both the firehose and the streaming
> API, but can't seem to find anything that is ready to run with that
> for this particular taskbut I might not know where to look).

I could possibly export the STLTweels database in JSON format, but I
don't want to run afoul of Twitter policies... We've got 47MM tweets
from 600K tweeps...

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: Search API rate limit on some keywords

2011-02-01 Thread @IDisposable
> have observed that sometimes some of the keywords get a 420 code? Any
> ideas why is this happening?

You get a 420 NOT USED when a search term hasn't been used "recently"
where the "recently" is whatever small timeframe (sometimes 7 days,
often less) is currently available in the search index.

I get it all the time for things like #stlcards :)

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Location-based search is returning tweets that should not be included (again)

2011-01-21 Thread @IDisposable
In response to this query:
I get tweets like this: 

We're talking about a location search for St. Louis MO, radius of 30
miles. We're getting a guy from "Jeffersonian", but timezone is

Any ideas where this wire got crossed, when we can get it uncrossed,
or what the long-term viability of location based searches are?

Marc Brooks

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: Broken Json Status on Streaming API

2010-11-12 Thread @IDisposable
There's NO QUESTION in my mind that this is a memory/disk/network
issue. Somewhere in the chain of events leading to your parser,
someone is dropping bits and tons of ECC/Checksum logic/etc. is
missing it.  I really really really doubt the feed is corrupt when
leaving twitter-land... it's getting borked on the way to your parser.

FWIW, I've never seen any of these issues... and I consume a TON of
tweets daily.  The difference between T and V is one bit in ASCII (hex
0x54 versus 0x56), between u and w (0x75 vs. 0x77), between h and j
(0x68 and 0x6A). We're seeing a consistent flip-to-on of the 0x02
bit.  You've probably got bad RAM if it were up to my estimation... if
you've got hardware control of this machine, try upping the voltage on
the Northbridge and DRAM if you can a notch.


On Nov 12, 6:52 am, Augusto Santos  wrote:
> In this period of wrong json status, I received either wrong date format of
> created_at
> 2747941206892544   Thu Nov 11 35:42:14 + 2010
> 2565022072963072   Thw Nov 11 03:35:23 + 2010
> 256213672896   Tju Nov 11 03:23:54 + 2010
> 2550619441209344   Thu Nov 11 02:38:0; + 2010
> 2545567930523648   Vhu Nov 11 02:18:05 + 2010
> and so on...
> Looks like was only one char problem per status, that mess up everything.
> Since Thu Nov 11 15:44:37 + 2010, I get no json parser or corrupt
> created_at problem.
> Thanks.
> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:51 PM, Augusto Santos  wrote:
> > Hi Taylor,
> > First, thanks for the answer.
> > I'm using Phirehose lib to PHP, the native json_decode($status,TRUE) from
> > PHP and after json decode I'm using mysql_real_escape_string for the string
> > fields. I see now that my log routine use mysql escape either before query.
> > So this examples are escaped according this mysql procedure.
> > Here is the amount of tweets with this problem. That's when json_decode
> > didn't work, so there's no id_str or new_id_str in my $status[] array, then
> > it's throw an error and log it with the json status. I can send you all
> > these status if you want it.
> > Date    Hour(GMT-2)  Count
> > 2010-11-11 13 97
> > 2010-11-11 1 367
> > 2010-11-11 0 521
> > 2010-11-10 23 598
> > 2010-11-10 22 569
> > 2010-11-10 21 577
> > 2010-11-10 20 619
> > 2010-11-10 19 606
> > 2010-11-10 18 603
> > 2010-11-10 17 607
> > 2010-11-10 16 247
> > 2010-11-10 11 9
> > 2010-11-09 22 2
> > Thanks, Augusto.
> > On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Taylor Singletary <
> > taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> wrote:
> >> Hi Augusto,
> >> I monitored the sample stream this morning for a few hours for instances
> >> similar to the JSON examples you've provided below and was unable to see 
> >> the
> >> scenario duplicated. What JSON parser are you using? Is there any other
> >> processing that may have occurred prior to generating your examples below?
> >> Do you know how your library is handling "escaped" quote values like \" ?
> >> How many of these did you observe?
> >> Thanks,
> >> Taylor
> >> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 5:10 AM, Augusto Santos wrote:
> >>> I recevied a lot of broken json status from streaming api
> >>> Count of brojen json by day
> >>> 2010-11-09     2
> >>> 2010-11-10     4435
> >>> 2010-11-11     888
> >>> Examples:
> >>> {"in_reply_to_status_id_str":"2563309119209472","text":"@joi4kitten I
> >>> have that same
> >>> fear.","truncated":false,"in_reply_to_user_id_str":"16155805","entities":{"
> >>>  
> >>> user_menvions":[{"screen_name":"joi4kitten","indices":[0,11],"name":"joi4ki
> >>>  
> >>> tten","id":16155805,"id_str":"16155805"}],"urls":[],"hashtags":[]},"geo":nu
> >>>  
> >>> ll,"in_reply_to_status_id":2563309119209472,"place":{"country_code":"US","c
> >>>  ountry":"The
> >>> United States of
> >>> America","bounding_box":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-76.965351,38.97
> >>>  
> >>> 1109],[-76.909147,38.971109],[-76.909147,39.022114],[-76.965353,39.022114]]
> >>>  ]},"place_type":"city","attributes":{},"full_name":"College
> >>> Park, MD","name":"College Park",*
> >>> "id":"e4c17912c815124d"."url":"http:\/\/api.twitter.com
> >>> \/1\/geo\/id\/e4c17912c815124d.json"*},"favorited":false,"source":"\u003Ca
> >>> href=\"http:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003EMobile
> >>> Web\u003C\/a\u003E","contributors":null,"in_reply_to_screen_name":"joi4kitt
> >>>  
> >>> en","coorfinates":null,"retweet_count":null,"in_reply_to_user_id":16155805,
> >>>  "created_at":"Thu
> >>> Nov 11 03:38:52 +
> >>> 2010","new_id_str":"2565897919139841","new_id":2565897919139841,"user":{"fo
> >>>  llow_request_sent":null,"lang":"en","time_zone":"Eastern
> >>> Time (US &
> >>> Canada)","screen_name":"kellygo","following":null,"profile_sidebar_border_c
> >>>  olor":"0A84A5","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/
> >>> a3.twimg.com\/profile_background_images\/8381831\/twitter_background_with_b
> >>>  ear_2.jpg","notifications":null,"description":"I
> >>> am not Kelly
> >>> Osbourne.","listed_count":12,"prof

[twitter-dev] Re: TwitterOAuth example gets 401 all the time

2010-11-01 Thread @IDisposable
> > Check to make sure the clock on the server/computer is correct. If it is off
> > by more then five minutes this is likely the problem.
> It can't be Abraham. It's synchronized with NTP so it should be
> perfect.

Unless you've verified the time, it certainly CAN be. Even if a
machine it setup to NTP, doesn't mean it can get there, is sucessful,
etc. You need to check logs and verify that the time on the machine is
now correct and NTP is happening.  Note, on Windows servers, for
example, the default  frequency of NTP syncs is more than 24 hours. If
you're running on a hosted virtual machine, drift can easily be hours
over that time frame.

How do I know this?  Because I've had an Amazon EC2 SQL Server box
that wouldn't stay synched (even though the IIS servers in the same
availability zone are always correct) until I reset the NTP sync
frequency to once every 20 minutes... no idea why that machine, but it
was random 401s until I did.

BTW, Twitter, can we PLEASE get a decent message in the human-readable
chunk when the time signature is wrong?  PLEASE?

Marc Brooks
Hack Prime

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[twitter-dev] Re: Entities display_url and expanded_url

2010-10-27 Thread @IDisposable
> Is the expanded_url field only intended to be present for t.co-
> shortened links, or will it be extended to work with bit.ly and other
> services?

If you want expanded urls for all shorteners, I recommend using

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[twitter-dev] Re: Occasional 401s with correct tokens

2010-10-24 Thread @IDisposable

> However, we get occasional 401s. After digging around a bit we found
> that correctly-signed requests can timeout on the server side and
> Twitter returns a 401.

I'll be willing to bet that you got an "invalid / used nonce" message
too... I suspect your machine's clock is out of sync with twitters by
"too much".  Make sure the machine you are using for this does an NTP
time sync regularly.

BTW, can we PLEASE get a better message for this, Twitter?  I spent a
bunch of time trying to figure out why my _unchanged_ library suddenly
started 401ing with invalid/used nonces... and this was the cause...
my machine was 11 minutes off UTC (fixed that, but still... a
reasonable message would have helped).


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[twitter-dev] Re: Snowflake: An update and some very important information

2010-10-21 Thread @IDisposable
> Isn't the point of having versioned API's so changes can be rolled out w/o
> breaking a much of applications at once?

YES!  1000 times YES! This is exactly correct.  We need to use the
restful API correctly.

> Why not increment to version 2 and replace all ID's as strings in the JSON
> format? Keep version 1 around for a few months

Or 24 days after SnowFlake, or foreverish... since anyone still using
it isn't using an "affected" parser (e.g. one in a conformant

> allowing everyone to upgrade and then kill it off. This can also give
> twitter a chance to make any other breaking changes.

Like, you know, revisioning the search.twitter.com API endpoints start
giving us _real_ TweetIDs, Tweep UserIDs, etc... you know, maybe
giving us complete details like the rest of the API.  I can dream,


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[twitter-dev] Re: Sign out from twitter using Oauth

2010-10-20 Thread @IDisposable
> Sorry, there is currently no way to accomplish this.

Nor should there be... there is NO way that any site other than
Twitter should control my login status on Twitter.

Now to the OP's question:

> When I logged out from my application, I need to logout from
> twitter also.

What _you_ can do is before you "forget" the login state of your
application, delete an OAuth tokens you have for the logged in user...
then when they return to login to your application, the will not-yet
have Twitter OAuth tokens, so it will appear that they are not
associated with the Twitter account and will have to reauthorize.
You can safely keep the Tweep's user id and (less safely) screen name
and profile image url around if you want to keep some knowledge of


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
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[twitter-dev] Re: Getting a Twitter User's Profile Image

2010-10-11 Thread @IDisposable
> So what's the right way to get user profile image?

One option is to throw yourself at the mercy of someone tracking and
caching those images. We've used Shannon Whitley
(@swhitley) SPIURL as a backup source on other projects like http://tweet08.com


You basically code http://purl.org/net/spiurl/{screen_name} and it
"just redirects".  They're running on free-level service for Google
AppEngine, so it might not always be up, but hey, it's free.


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[twitter-dev] Re: Woe is me, I can't seek what I find (or Search is failing me)

2010-10-11 Thread @IDisposable
> From that thread ticket 1930 was filed on our issue tracker which we
> will update when a fix is deployed:
>    http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=1930

Excellent, I hope it gets fixed while there is still time to back-fill
some of this data,,,otherwise we're going to have a silly-looking hole
in the next State of Twitter in St. Louis report :)

> I understand your reasons for the location tracking using the Search
> API but wondered if you knew that the mentions search you are doing
> can be carried out on using the Streaming API filter method. That
> should cut down on the number or REST queries you need to make. More
> information on that method is here:
>    http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api_methods#statuses-filter

Yes, I really need to switch to streaming for that... I just haven't
had he bandwidth as of yet... we are using a Search (nee Summize)
based infrastructure from a long while back and me being the "one guy
in the room", I've not had a chance to really skim through and update
our stuff for streaming.

> Out of curiosity what is the third column of your figures represent?
> It may be possible to track that one using the Streaming API as well.

We do about 68 searches (mostly hashtags, a couple keyword or user
searches--for legacy/coverage guarantees) and 64 timeline follows
(mostly lists, one hometimel).  Each of these sources applies a
"label" based on the source of incoming data (which search/timeline)
for our various categories (see http://stltweets.com and click the
category menus e.g. Blues).  For ALL of these searches, we also apply
a top-level category (e.g. Sports) and finally ALL of the tweets get a
label of "Everything" for ease of seperating various sub-sites.  Thus,
the "Everything" column in my numbers is the overall volume of tweets
from all sources.

SO, am I to assume that the geocode search bug, once fixed, will go
back to returning the tweets from people whose _profile location_
reads something "near St. Louis" like before?


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[twitter-dev] Re: Woe is me, I can't seek what I find (or Search is failing me)

2010-10-11 Thread @IDisposable
> The Location search has been VERY unstable, and uses this typical
> search:http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?rpp=100&geocode=38.627522%2C-90...

It's getting worse all the time!

Is this what we can expect going forward?  If so, how can I follow all
20+ people we used to get tweets from on the location search?
I'll happily create an account and manage the lists/follows... but I'm
pretty sure that will get me killed, and it will only be a snapshot
based on current profile location strings that we have...

Sure, I could suck the *-pipe, but without a filter criteria, I'm
going to be seeing all tweets from the entire universe, which seems
hella-wasteful to twitter and me...

Day MentionsLocationEverything
2010-09-13  498546801   53503
2010-09-14  471948110   54589
2010-09-15  477947599   54209
2010-09-16  514347087   54312
2010-09-17  525648363   55581
2010-09-18  488840943   47237
2010-09-19  587146008   53843
2010-09-20  499046219   52826
2010-09-21  49274   55933
2010-09-22  536451567   58999
2010-09-23  686642495   52967
2010-09-24  619141107   50679
2010-09-25  567336321   43950
2010-09-26  678435168   44664
2010-09-27  634632580   42192
2010-09-28  544832528   41792
2010-09-29  603840677   50472
2010-09-30  596438116   47713
2010-10-01  661538360   48302
2010-10-02  561223107   32024
2010-10-03  672822802   33328
2010-10-04  552823990   33491
2010-10-05  511638733   47023
2010-10-06  542739041   47856
2010-10-07  573330855   40742
2010-10-08  6355945922235
2010-10-09  5894835218691
2010-10-10  7240839920861
2010-10-11  4017558713010

Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Woe is me, I can't seek what I find (or Search is failing me)

2010-10-07 Thread @IDisposable
Over the last couple months, we've seen some wierd behavior in the
responses to search queries. First, I understand the rules about
search being non-covering, and that we are at the mercy of the index.
That said, I've noticed some odd behavior lately.  As background
material, we run many searches (and we're white-listed by IP and OAuth
account), but the two I want to reference are the Mentions and the
Location searches.

The Mentions search seems pretty stable and uses this typical search
(and then we exclude a bunch of things like Bay St. Louis, etc.):

The Location search has been VERY unstable, and uses this typical

As the day progresses, we move up the high-water mark in the since_id
to track what we've already received so we should be getting minimal
gaps. We almost never see two 100-entry polls in a row, so I think
we're keeping up with whatever coverage the search index is offering.

I've posted in a Google Spreadsheet a graph of the tweet counts we're
seeing since 7/1/2010 so you can see the trends  http://bit.ly/9wnnFM
(sheet two is the graph).  Some interesting things to note:

1) The Mentions search is very consistent.
2) The Location search likes to bounce around a bit.
3) In mid August, we started to have issues with more 403s and error
about since_id being too old. We were also getting rate-limited in our
calls to get the tweep details (since the ATOM feed is so meager). Due
to a bug, I wasn't committing all the tweets when this happened.
4) On or about Sept 1st, you guys did something that broke our ability
to stay caught up... we started getting almost no tweets and lots of
errors about since_id being too old. I thought this was due to your
"new tweet id" assignment being rolled out.
5) On Sept 5th, I got back from vacation and added logic to understand
and use the "no new tweets, roll the tweet id forward to this" driven
by parsing the  node in the ATOM feed.
6) I also, around this time, added better logic to the tweep-lookup
detail, only asking you for tweeps I don't have at least a minimal row
on. This reduced the number of rate-limiting issues.
7) We were very stable and until 9/23 when volume falls off a lot, and
never really recovers. I think this is the "new search" engine

To research a little more, I tried the Twitter advanced search page
and asking for the RSS (atom, really) feed from the advanced search
page I get this URL now:

Which starts off like ours, but adds the (seemingly redundant) human-
readable search criteria "&q=+near:38.627522,-90.19841+within:30mi".

Oddly, if we remove that and do the same search at nearly the same
instant, I DO get vastly different tweets sets... probably due to
volume, possibly just sorting, but I would hope that with the same
since_id value, I would get the same tweets... but I don't.

So, I'm asking... what's going on?
Why are we seeing so much volume fall-off?
What can we do about it?
Should I be running both searches (my current one and one with the
human-readable query) to get better coverage?
Is there any hope/expectation of the volume returning to normal?
Doesn't anyone else care about tweep-location searches?

Now, before you tell me that I should be using Site Streams (which I
want to do), realize that I _NEED_ tweets from people whose profile
location says they are in St. Louis (and similar) like the old Summize
search honored. I can't just get by with the _tweet_ location being

Marc Brooks
Chief guy getting yelled at,

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API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Authorizing for partial control

2010-09-20 Thread @IDisposable
> - The possibility to ask for (by the app) and grant (by the user) a
> more fine grained level of authorization (more than just read/write
> only)

Totally agreed!.  Specifically, I want:

1) One time tweet WRITE
2) Ongoing tweet WRITE
3) Non-public READ
3) Non-DM READ
4) Full READ
5) Profile and Settings WRITE

I should be able to ask for any combination as a developer, and as a
client/end-user I should be able to revoke or refuse ANY of them while
still allowing access.  Thus if someone codes an application that
wants to read all my tweets and send a solicit message, as an end-user
I should be able to allow the read access but deny the tweet writes.

Yes, this would complexify (wee) the UI, but it would enable people to
avoid the Twitter-worms that annoy us so much.


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter Search/Stream API

2010-09-15 Thread @IDisposable
> Also, all automated repetitive searching should be on the Streaming API.
> Search is intended largely for ad-hoc queries.

If Stream honored the location search (where the tweep's profile's
location mattered), I would switch in seconds.  Sadly, they are NOT


Twitter developer documentation and resources: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
API updates via Twitter: http://twitter.com/twitterapi
Issues/Enhancements Tracker: http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/list
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[twitter-dev] Re: Recent API changes and new fields

2010-08-20 Thread @IDisposable
> listed_count
> represents the number of public lists a user is listed in. This field is an
> integer. As this is a new field it is possible some users will not have a
> listed_count value yet.

 Very nice, thanks... I assume this will be correctly set when doing
the mass-lookup of users by screen name?

> To the status object:
> -
> retweet_count
> represents the number of times a status has been retweeted using the Twitter
> retweet action. This field is an integer. There will not be a value for this
> field when the feature is turned off, or the Tweet was created before we
> added retweet_count support.

How accurate will this be in results returned from
search.twitter.com?  Will it be in those tweets at all for the json or
atom feed?

> When requesting data for suspended users the user/show used to return an
> HTTP 404 status code - it now returns HTTP 403.

This is AWESOME!  Thank you!!!   How is this reflected when doing a
mass-lookup by screenname?


[twitter-dev] Re: Best practice question- back-channel posting to "add" metadata to a tweet.

2010-08-20 Thread @IDisposable

On Aug 20, 2:36 pm, "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky"  wrote:
> Hmmm ... maybe build your own Status.Net infrastructure / servers,  
> stream your processed tweets into it

Got that already... and it's running fine :)...

> and sell subscriptions to the  outputs?

Someday, when people start to care about more than the "now" aspect of
twitter and start thinking more about the where and why (location and
sentiment) and what (kind of link/message).  These days, it seems to
be mostly SMDs out there... I want more useful things... blog post

> It doesn't make sense to push your processed results back  
> into the main Twitter stream unless there's some *profit* in it for  
> Twitter. ;-)

Well, one thing is that it does propose a general solution to the
mutable/addition of annotations... and I think annotations are great
BOTH for the client originating the tweet, but also for post-analysis.

As for how Twitter can profit from this,  I would be happy to push all
my link-canonicalization and classification stuff back into the
pool... it's NOT easy work because the web isn't really symantic

Additionally, where better to store _forever_ (I'm looking at you,
Library of Congress) the metadata about a tweet than in Twitter
itself, and why not as a tweet?  Heck, had I worked there, I would
have likely pushed all account/profile updates/EVERYTHING (less
sensitive data). through as specialized tweets that don't hit the
public stream... you've already got a generalized message queue
structure... :)

Marc, the generalizer

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter as a Publish/Subscribe service

2010-08-20 Thread @IDisposable
> (1) Only URL's need to be broadcast with a couple of criptic tag-id's
> - so none of this would resemble a typical Twitter message that is
> made up of words and sentences.

I just asked a related question, where the actual tweet message is not
all that interesting or grokkable.  Ideally I think we want a "back
channel" attribute on the tweet that says "this tweet is unsuitable
for direct human consumption".

> (2) The same application would need to "subscribe" to messages from a
> single Twitter user, without forcing application users to create their
> own individual accounts.

You don't need credentials to consume the search api at 
so you can do something as simple as 

where yyy is your tweeting user's screen name and the xxx is the last
tweet that you got from your prior query.  Note that you may miss
messages in this because search doesn't surface every tweet and is
only K-sorted... no guarantees.  More details here 

You could ALSO follow a user/list on the client, but that requires

Finally, you could (if a desktop application, for now) consume a
UserStream at each client (or in a proxy server for each), but that
will also require credentials on the client (or proxy) site.

As for acquiring client credentials, you could have a commissioning/
setup process on your side to create those credentials (create user
account, OAuth, follow, etc) and then pass this AccessToken and
TokenSecret to the client applications.  This would have to be
partially manual simply because [THANK ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY]
twitter accounts creation is still not automatable (captchas and all).

> If not twitter, is there some other service that provides free and
> reliable messaging services, as described above.

Well, Twitter is not (sorry guys) what I would call a "reliable
messaging service". It's kind of (potentially) lossy, so you're going
to need a wrapper around that for transactional symantics (like direct
messages back to the producer when the message sequence number --
yours, not the tweet id -- is out of order or skipping) to handle the
retries and such.

Frankly, if you can't handle the lossy nature, you should probably be
looking at something like Amazon's Simple Messaging Service
http://aws.amazon.com/sqs/ or Simple Notification Service 
both are excellent products.

Hack Prime
Infuz / BuzzRadius / STLTweets

[twitter-dev] Best practice question- back-channel posting to "add" metadata to a tweet.

2010-08-20 Thread @IDisposable
So, I've got a nice bunch of Bayesian filters to do spam detection,
tweet categorization and link canonicalization and classification.
The stuff runs great on http://stltweet.com now, but I'm looking to
share the load for other properties I'm developing for other locations/
verticals.  In this load sharing, I want one processor doing the link-
work, and one processor doing the tweet processing work across all
properties. (of course there will be N-machines doing the work, but I
want to only do the work once per...)

So the ideal thing would be some way to emit the applicable metadata
as annotations in a new tweet in the tweet stream, placing the new
"classification, typing & labeling" information on the NEW tweet. When
I create that tweet, I would make it "in reply to" the original tweet
being classified to easily link the two.

It SEEMS like this is the ideal solution, in general, to the post-
mutability of tweet annotations... just tweet another tweet with the
annotations that you want to apply to the original tweet, set the in-
reply-to-tweet-id and go about business. When that new tweet is seen
by the "in the know" application, it knows to apply the metadata
retroactively to the original tweet in whatever manner it wish...
think things like a "read flag", a "star rating", a "sentiment
analysis", etc... heck, you could even track triggered "trouble ticket
numbers" like this...

I don't mind someone else seeing all these tweets (honest, don't
care), but I wonder how Twitter will feel about what are essentially
just automated tweets used as a broadcast communication channel.
These tweets would not be very interesting in themselves because the
tweet message would be essentially irrelevant. How do I keep from
triggering spam filters, and how do I get over the tweets-per-day
limits for this sort of work?

So, any ideas?

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth and impact on Twitter userbase / volume and freedom of speech

2010-08-14 Thread @IDisposable
> Simple answer: because people in china can't even get to twitter.com *once*.

Then the certainly don't have a twitter account to post tweets with,
do they?  Certainly we're not trying to enable people to create
twitter accounts and tweet completely automatically.  That would end
well, wouldn't it?


[twitter-dev] Re: How to retreive all tweets in time range in .net

2010-08-05 Thread @IDisposable
> I need to retreive all the tweets in a time range (say for last seven
> days), irrespective of the user who made them.

That's going to be a LOT of tweets. Our site http://stltweets.com
follows just St. Louis located people, mentions and 1500+ curated
users.  We get >6 unique tweets every day... and that's a tiny
little slice of all tweets...

> Also,I want to store them in database so that I can use them later.How can I 
> do this
> in .net .

There are many strategies... and several libraries. I personally use
the LinqToTwitter library from CodePlex to do the Twitter side of
things, and use a SQL Server 2008 database via simple DataReader
stuff.  The thing is,there is no way you can do this with the firehose
(which is the only way you will get "all tweets"), because no database
is going to commit that fast.  I don't have any issues keeping up with
my stream, but you're talking about a ton more data.

In any case, it can be done quite easily in .Net... start with
http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com and a simple schema to capture the
data.  You'll have to figure out how you are going to use the data to
properly design a schema, but for simple use something like this:


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tweep](
[UserID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[ScreenName] [nvarchar](20) NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
[Location] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](160) NOT NULL,
[ProfileImageUrl] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[HomepageUrl] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Followers] [int] NOT NULL,
[Following] [int] NOT NULL,
[Listed] [int] NOT NULL,
[Tweets] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[Freshness] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Verified] [bit] NOT NULL,
[UserID] ASC

[ScreenName] ASC

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tweet](
[TweetID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[TweepUserID] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[CreatedTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[Message] [nvarchar](max) NOT NULL,
[Source] [nchar](100) NOT NULL,
[TweetID] ASC

REFERENCES [dbo].[Tweep] ([UserID])


Hope this gets you started...

[twitter-dev] Re: Better support for Developers

2010-07-27 Thread @IDisposable
 > Just some thoughts. Votes please.

That's trivially done with the LinqToTwitter library.  Head over to

[twitter-dev] Re: Breaking change on Lists API endpoint?

2010-07-23 Thread @IDisposable
> Thanks for your good-humored analysis of the issue. This is a new
> feature we haven't documented or announced yet, and causes a conflict
> we should have obviously thought more deeply about in advance.

Okay, so I read into this that it is going to stay... can you then
correct the return type to have a  root node so the
parsers that (rightly) switch on root node type get what was expected
from the other (non-filtered) call?

> Here's a work around to access the same end point you know and love
> for lists named "all":
> https://api.twitter.com/1/STLT_Business/lists/show.xml?list_id=all

I could do that, but it seems that would only help _me_ out... I use
the LinqToTwitter library, which builds nice RESTful URLs... I'm a
committer on that library, so I just want to fix this or ignore it...

> More about this mysterious lists/all later. Let me know if this
> alternate access point doesn't provide the output you are expecting.

That response is just fine, if that's the way you want list URLs built
going forward... but I would need your request to make it so before
Joe will want to alter the LinqToTwitter library.

For now, until you tell me the long-term plan, I've tweaked to accept
the  root node, and I'm renaming all my lists that are
currently "all" to something that doesn't clash with you guys
Would Everyone be safe?


[twitter-dev] Breaking change on Lists API endpoint?

2010-07-23 Thread @IDisposable
When trying to translate a list slug to a list ID, we make a call
against  the API endpoint https://api.twitter.com/1/STLT_Business/lists/tech.xml

(where STLT_Business is the Twitter Screen name and tech is the list

This returns a nice valid XML like this:

  Programmers, developers, technology reporters and
bloggers from St. Louis
STL Tweets Business
St. Louis, MO
I'm watching St. Louis businesses, organizations,
reporters and columnists.
Thu Dec 10 21:11:58 + 2009
Central Time (US & Canada)


As of sometime today, that process started not to work when the list
slug is "all".  Instead of getting the information like shown above
(e.g. an XML root node of , we get a response with ALL of my
lists. This did NOT happen before today.  Here's the sample from

  Programmers, developers, technology reporters and
bloggers from St. Louis
STL Tweets Business
St. Louis, MO
I'm watching St. Louis businesses, organizations,
reporters and columnists.
Thu Dec 10 21:11:58 + 2009
Central Time (US & Canada)


  Local St. Louis columnists, analysts, reporters
covering finance, economics and investing. 
STL Tweets Business
St. Louis, MO
I'm watching St. Louis businesses, organizations,
reporters and columnists.
Thu Dec 10 21:11:58 + 2009
Central Time (US & Canada)

  Small, Indie businesses of all kinds in St. Louis.
STL Tweets Business
St. Louis, MO
I'm watching St. Louis businesses, organizations,
reporters and columnists.
Thu Dec 10 21:11:58 + 2009
Central Time (US & Canada)

  Major/National businesses (employers) based in St.
STL Tweets Business
St. Louis, MO
I'm watching St. Louis businesses, organizations,
reporters and columnists.
Thu Dec 10 21:11:58 + 2009
Central Time (US & Canada)


  List of advertising and marketing companies in St.
Louis, MO

[twitter-dev] Re: New attack/Phish going on?

2010-07-12 Thread @IDisposable
As further information, supportcenter-twitter.com was registered TODAY
and man-plus.com was registered on the 28th of June... I smell a

On Jul 12, 4:40 pm, "@IDisposable"  wrote:
> We've seen a huge increase in links coming in for http://*.man-plus.com
> orhttp://supportcenter-twitter.comdomains in the last couple
> hours... Given the name, and the fact that those domains are not
> reliably resolving, I wonder if a Phish is ongoing
> Are any Twitter folks or other API users seeing this?
> Marchttp://stltweet.com

[twitter-dev] New attack/Phish going on?

2010-07-12 Thread @IDisposable
We've seen a huge increase in links coming in for http://*.man-plus.com
or http://supportcenter-twitter.com domains in the last couple
hours... Given the name, and the fact that those domains are not
reliably resolving, I wonder if a Phish is ongoing

Are any Twitter folks or other API users seeing this?


[twitter-dev] Any way to get a REASON for why an account was suspended.

2010-07-07 Thread @IDisposable
We are building a "State of Twitter in St. Louis" whitepaper for our
local companies/agencies/etc.  In doing this, we gathered the list of
influential people from our own STLTweets site and are mining for
extra information from Twitter, Klout, TrstRank, etc...

For a couple high-ranking people we would be listing, we've noticed
that they have been suspended in the last week or so (one's last tweet
was 2 weeks ago in our mirror, and the other's last tweet was 1 week
ago).  I checked with the API and they show as suspended, but we can't
fathom why based on the tweets WE have archived from them... the
profile pictures aren't lewd, the tweets aren't spammy, etc...

My CEO would love to know why these two people have dropped out of the
ecosystem (because they will ask at this presentation).



So, my request is could we get augmentation as to WHY these accounts
were suspended in the API response? I would LOVE to be able to code
accordingly (e.g. to be able to know if we should purge/suspend the
accounts on our system, etc.) but I really can't take an action
without knowing WHY they were suspended.

[twitter-dev] Erroneous return from location-based search

2010-06-24 Thread @IDisposable
It seems that every time someone checks into the Blue Bottle Coffee
location on foursquare, they appear in our location search for St.
Louis, MO.  This is odd because the people tweeting are usually from
Brooklyn or NYC, and the Blue Bottle is in Brooklyn... thus they
really should not appear in our searches.

Sample tweet:

Sample tweep:
http://twitter.com/naterkane/ [clearly in Brooklyn, NY]

Sample search query:
(not sure what the since_id was at the time it arrived... sorry)

Foursquare venue shows correct GPS in embedded map page

[twitter-dev] Re: t.co Is cool, and I might have an issue with it anyway.

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
> > Oh, I know it... that's why a Sitemap.xml, ROBOTS.TXT and offering an
> > OEmbed endpoint on your sites is a really good idea. Seehttp://oembed.com/
> > for the use of the latter.
> What's their business model? What do they sell to whom?

OEmbed.com is the place where the standard is spelled out... e.g. what
you should provide as a web developer if you want to encourage
embedding and/or reduce crawling loads.  As such, there's no business
model (for them), but some website owner might have one that
incentives you to use the standard.

There is also a service that provides OEmbed data for tons of sites
already, my favorite being http://api.embed.ly/  I have no idea what
their business model is, but they have a wicked-cool service.


[twitter-dev] t.co Is cool, and I might have an issue with it anyway.

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
Unlike many posters here, I REALLY LIKE the t.co shortening idea. In
addition to enabling the blocking of malicious links, it will enable
Twitter to start offering some metrics and buzz rating on shared
links.  I might have an issue with adhering to the letter of the TOS,
if not the actual spirit.

To get to the point, I need to introduce our platformso let me
explain our Twitter use at BuzzRadius (platform) and STL Tweets
(canonical example).  In each "metro" vertical silo, we consume a
curated list of users (organised as per-category Twitter Lists against
per-top-level-category twitter users -- e.g. 
using the timelines, and ALSO consume a ton of searches for hashtags-
per-category, a search against common local terms terms and the old-
style (Summize based) search for geocoded profiles in a radius around
the metro area.  This gives us a local lens into Twitter that we offer
up to anyone (even not using/having a Twitter account).  You can see
an example of the platform in use at http://stltweets.com

Once we get tweets, we extract the RawLinks, Hashtags, Mentions and
label/categorize them based on which of the sources provided the
tweet.  We then offer those categorized list of tweets under the
various tabs like http://stltweets.com/Tweets/CityPolitics we provide
a local search against the curated tweets (to enable focused results).

The INTERESTING part is that we then take the RawLinks and
canonicalize them and explore them to solve several problems:

1) We want the meta-data of the final destination of the Link...
headline, body-text, media-type, etc. This allows presentation of
"type-specific" link lists (e.g. Photos, Videos, Audio, Location,
News, etc.) We can also grab thumbnail and embedding information to
enable presentation on our side where possible.

2) We want to take all the RawLinks that point to the same actual
destination link and follow them all the way down and associate the
RawLink  to a canonical Link. We do this by following links,
redirections, frame-busting, query-string stripping of utm-tracking
(etc.), link rel="canonical" and all that other fancy stuff to get a
URL that is the final destination of the RawLink.  This allows us to
calculate a Buzz value for the Link based on how many people tweet
about it, how recently, etc... EVEN IF the use different sources,
shorteners, etc to get there.

3) We provide an ordered/ranked list of Links whenever a user visits a
links page like http://stltweets.com/Links/CityPolitics if someone
clicks on a link on this page, we send them to a Link detail page that
show the meta-data and all the tweets that reference the Link
(independant of the RawLink that leads there).

4) In the next deployment, we will also be doing ANONYMOUS link click-
through tracking of the presented links to also gather the resonance
in our audience for feed-forward into the Link ranking in bullet 3.
Right now, that tracking is done only when clicking off the Link
detail page like http://stltweets.com/Links/CityPolitics/Detail/804058
but we're also going to be redecorating the Tweet links when rendering
the tweets in a stream.


In our current release, we present the RawLink in the tweet without
redecoration so once Twitter starts feeding us t.co links, we'll be
proffering those up just fine. Were good to go on any pages showing
the original tweets (any Tweet list, including the list of tweets
referencing a canonicalized Link).

In future release, we will still be okay, because we'll click through
our site and serve a 302 redirection to the "original" t.co URL (which
in all likelihood is also to a shortener, but no matter).

In our current release, when we show the user the canonicalized Link
page, the tweet listing is good to go (see above), but the Link detail
section at the top is NOT compliant because we cannot tell WHICH OF
MANY possible RawLinks the user is "interested in", so we cannot serve
the "original" link at all. Once Twitter starts serving t.co links, we
cannot know which (of possibly many) the user is responding to.  This
sucks for Twitter, because they can't gather metrics, or mal-filter.
In our case, we distribute the "clicked juice" to ALL the RawLinks
that canonicalized to this Link based on the number of tweets that
each RawLink got. It's an estimate, but it is all we have.

In a future release, we will be putting in a best-effort change in
that if a Link has only ONE RawLink referring to it, we'll actually
click-through that RawLink instead of the canonicalized Link. This
will enable proper tracking in a original URL (e.g. the utm-tracking,
etc that we stripped will be honored). Once Twitter starts serving
t.co URLs, we'll thus pass through per the TOS.

As you can, however, we cannot ALWAYS do the right thing, because we
don't know which RawLink to redirect through if the user clicks
through the Link instead of the Tweet.

So, who's going to yell at us?

[twitter-dev] Re: t.co Is cool, and I might have an issue with it anyway.

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
> > So, who's going to yell at us?
> With all you data miners out there clicking and downloading everything
> in sight, pretty soon you will only measure the noise created by data
> miners, web crawlers and the like.

If someone would operated a free global place where we could get that
information (like the OEmbed standard calls for) then we could ask
without counting.  In the meantime, I'm offering a valuable service to
my audience by unrolling the shortened URL to something meaningful.  I
hope you bothered to look at the pages I gave to understand what that
value is.  The canonicalization does NOT click/crawl anything on the
final page... it just follows the redirections and frame-busting as
needed to get to the actual content.

> Google, yandex and the rest are already a signigicant amount of the
> traffic for small sites.

Oh, I know it... that's why a Sitemap.xml, ROBOTS.TXT and offering an
OEmbed endpoint on your sites is a really good idea. See http://oembed.com/
for the use of the latter.

> What this means is that because you are introducing more and more
> background noise into your data, you will only be able to measure the
> really strong signals. That narrows what you can find, and you risk
> that eventually you find only obvious things.

I'm not introducing noise in my OWN data because I'm correctly
rendering the links with rel="nofollow" so Google and other well-
behaved crawlers won't follow them. What I'm measuring is the click-
though rate ON MY SITE of links leading off-site. This is standard

Sadly, I will agree that my crawl of the RawLink to canonical link
will add noise to that destination site's numbers. I hope that the
fact that I follow the best practice of using a bot-noted User-Agent
helps in statistics on their end. I know that I have had to understand
and honor/count those UAs correctly.


[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
I'm Marc Brooks @IDisposable  I'm the Hack Prime (Sr. Architect) at
Infuz http://infuz.com

We have a platform BuzzRadius http://buzzradius.com that enables
location and/or special interest sites that build siloed, curated,
rated and ranked Tweet/Link/Trend/People listings of twitter.  You can
see a location-specific site for the St. Louis, MO, USA area at
http://stltweets.com to see what we do.

We're built on the Microsoft .Net 3.5 platform in C# using SQL Server
2008. We're built with ASP.Net MVC 2, LinqToTwitter 
and deployed to the Amazon AWS cloud.

We use Timelines and Searches (especially the old Summize search,
since that's the only one that respects the Profile location field).

Thanks Twitter!

[twitter-dev] Re: What tools do you use?

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
 ASP.Net 3.5 with MVC 2.0  http://asp.net/mvc
 Microsoft SQL Server 2008

 LinqToTwitter http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com (thanks @JoeMayo)
 dotNetOAuth for oAuth http://code.google.com/p/dotnetoauth/ (thanks
 Newtonsoft JSON.Net for JSON http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json-net.aspx

 xUnit unit-text platform http://xunit.codeplex.com/ (thanks
 nInject dependency injection http://ninject.org (thanks @nhokari)
 Log4Net for logging http://logging.apache.org/log4net/
 MOQ for mocking http://code.google.com/p/moq/ (thanks @kzu)
 Automapper for DTO to VM mapping http://automapper.codeplex.com/
(thanks @ehexter)

 jQuery for WebUI magic http://jquery.com/

Link Scraping / MetaData
 HTML Agility Pack for metadata http://htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com/'
 Flickr REST API for photo http://www.flickr.com/services/api/
 OEmbed REST API for embedding http://oembed.com/
 TweetPhoto REST API for photo http://tweetphotoapi.com/
 TwitPic REST API for photo http://twitpic.com/api.do
 YFrog REST API for photo/video http://code.google.com/p/imageshackapi/
 Vimeo REST API for video http://www.vimeo.com/api
 Google DATA API for YouTube metadata http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/
 (inhouse tons of special logic for frame-busting, etc)

Link Canonicalization
 Bit.Ly REST API http://code.google.com/p/bitly-api/wiki/ApiDocumentation
 Digg REST API http://apidoc.digg.com/
 IS.GD REST API http://is.gd/api_info.php
 Owl.Ly REST API http://ow.ly/url/shorten-url (apply at bottom)
 Snurl/SnipUrl REST API http://snipurl.com/site/help?go=api
 Twurl .NL/.CC Tweetburner REST API http://tweetburner.com/api
 StumbleUpon SU.PR REST [good luck, sorry]
 Untiny.Me REST API for [all others] http://untiny.me/api/ (thanks
@alzaid @untiny)

Marc Brooks
Hack Prime @Infuz

[twitter-dev] Search and Timelines not returning many results.

2010-06-10 Thread @IDisposable
We're still seeing very low tweet rates from our polls.  We have 40+
searches and 40+ timeline (actually List timelines) that have been
running fine for may months.  Over the last two days, even though
we've gotten successful polls, the rate of tweets is WAY down (like an
order of magnitude).

In the following hour-by-hour dump, you can see the patterns of normal
ebb-and-flow over time (since the focus of what we monitor is St.
Louis local, the volume follows).  The columns are the hour slot, the
number "matched" (e.g. returned from Twitter) and the number
"inserted" (e.g. the new tweets not seen in another search).  There
are some weird lines where I reset the "since_id" to zero so we could
try catching up.  Any ideas when  this will get better?

The vast majority of our results have traditionally come in from a
geocode search like below (returned one tweet, normally returns dozens/
100 per pulse [hence the need for since_id]);


2010-06-10 17:00:00.000 437 200
2010-06-10 16:00:00.000 678 308
2010-06-10 15:00:00.000 667 277
2010-06-10 14:00:00.000 705 427
2010-06-10 13:00:00.000 481 247
2010-06-10 12:00:00.000 442 257
2010-06-10 11:00:00.000 320 225
2010-06-10 10:00:00.000 235 158
2010-06-10 09:00:00.000 6524181   <- I reset the since_id again, but
no NEW messages
2010-06-10 08:00:00.000 433 284
2010-06-10 07:00:00.000 190 169
2010-06-10 06:00:00.000 427 368
2010-06-10 05:00:00.000 408 290
2010-06-10 04:00:00.000 664 434
2010-06-10 03:00:00.000 803 503
2010-06-10 02:00:00.000 594 440
2010-06-10 01:00:00.000 46541318  <- I reset the since_id to catch up
2010-06-09 20:00:00.000 571 253
2010-06-09 19:00:00.000 597 244
2010-06-09 18:00:00.000 669 281
2010-06-09 17:00:00.000 2190995
2010-06-09 15:00:00.000 10  10
2010-06-09 14:00:00.000 456 180
2010-06-09 13:00:00.000 1013641
2010-06-09 12:00:00.000 628 386
2010-06-09 11:00:00.000 454 351
2010-06-09 10:00:00.000 355 281
2010-06-09 09:00:00.000 266 224
2010-06-09 08:00:00.000 449 371 <- twitter goes wonky
2010-06-09 07:00:00.000 18811798
2010-06-09 06:00:00.000 26012467
2010-06-09 05:00:00.000 30202780
2010-06-09 04:00:00.000 37933461
2010-06-09 03:00:00.000 31872827
2010-06-09 02:00:00.000 705 467  <- our maint period completes
2010-06-09 01:00:00.000 377 184
2010-06-09 00:00:00.000 438 202  <- out maint period begins
2010-06-08 23:00:00.000 17101432
2010-06-08 22:00:00.000 17181422
2010-06-08 21:00:00.000 34272932
2010-06-08 20:00:00.000 37723159
2010-06-08 19:00:00.000 27221451  <- twitter come back
2010-06-08 18:00:00.000 146 127
2010-06-08 17:00:00.000 198 171
2010-06-08 16:00:00.000 185 134
2010-06-08 15:00:00.000 1335924<- twitter goes wonky
2010-06-08 14:00:00.000 22531909
2010-06-08 13:00:00.000 20881727
2010-06-08 12:00:00.000 13531129
2010-06-08 11:00:00.000 832 689
2010-06-08 10:00:00.000 627 540
2010-06-08 09:00:00.000 580 532
2010-06-08 08:00:00.000 874 776
2010-06-08 07:00:00.000 11401090
2010-06-08 06:00:00.000 19271817
2010-06-08 05:00:00.000 25712422
2010-06-08 04:00:00.000 34353185
2010-06-08 03:00:00.000 42263846
2010-06-08 02:00:00.000 52104714
2010-06-08 01:00:00.000 44003800
2010-06-08 00:00:00.000 31162814
2010-06-07 23:00:00.000 27522437
2010-06-07 22:00:00.000 34142683
2010-06-07 21:00:00.000 30082343
2010-06-07 20:00:00.000 34332969
2010-06-07 19:00:00.000 35222875
2010-06-07 18:00:00.000 39533352
2010-06-07 17:00:00.000 30672399
2010-06-07 16:00:00.000 33322461
2010-06-07 15:00:00.000 29782412
2010-06-07 14:00:00.000 25002035
2010-06-07 13:00:00.000 19411607
2010-06-07 12:00:00.000 13811174
2010-06-07 11:00:00.000 747 584
2010-06-07 10:00:00.000 719 502
2010-06-07 09:00:00.000 482 430
2010-06-07 08:00:00.000 635 518
2010-06-07 07:00:00.000 912 879
2010-06-07 06:00:00.000 15801489
2010-06-07 05:00:00.000 19501830
2010-06-07 04:00:00.000 25962438
2010-06-07 03:00:00.000 33292995
2010-06-07 02:00:00.000 35943296
2010-06-07 01:00:00.000 33613097
2010-06-07 00:00:00.000 29802702
2010-06-06 23:00:00.000 21571912
2010-06-06 22:00:00.000 21541944
2010-06-06 21:00:00.000 19481790
2010-06-06 20:00:00.000 22662020
2010-06-06 19:00:00.000 22732024
2010-06-06 18:00:00.000 22632119
2010-06-06 17:00:00.000 22781998
2010-06-06 16:00:00.000 19821790
2010-06-06 15:00:00.000 18121586
2010-06-06 14:00:00.000 13351179
2010-06-06 13:00:00.000 1106978
2010-06-06 12:00:00.000 795 680
2010-06-06 11:00:00.000 516 443
2010-06-06 10:00:00.000 487 412
2010-06-06 09:00:00.000 594 534