HTML validation

2012-10-02 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I'm new to wicket. I use NetBeans 7.2/Linux.

I'm trying to follow some examples, but NB doesn't validate wicket HTML files. 
Now I could live without validating them. However the NetBeans editor 
highlights syntax errors and that's a desirable feature, but it becomes an 
annoyance if any wicket string is seen as an error.

For example, this file I copied from wicket examples:

html xmlns:wicket=;
titleWicket Examples - Authentication/title
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=style.css/
span wicket:id=mainNavigation/
wicket:child /

scores 3 errors in Netbeans plus some warnings.

By the way, the w3c validator [1], fed with the same HTML files, reports the 
same errors of the Netbeans editor and then some. Both autodetect wicket HTML 
files as HTML 5.

If I force them as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, by adding

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;

at the top and


in the html tag, w3c validator finds only two errors and NetBeans takes it 
showing only a couple of warnings. This could be an acceptable workaround for 
me, but I wonder if I'm doing something basically wrong.

Is there a way to write valid HTML in wicket?


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Re: HTML validation

2012-10-02 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data martedì 2 ottobre 2012 15:01:28, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 I use Intellij IDEA and here is what I did to suppress those errors:
 File - Settings - DTDs and Schemas - External DTDs and Schemas -
 Add button (+) - URI = , Location:

Thanks, it was actually a farly logic solution... however in Netbeans the 
dialog window that appears after clicking DTDs and Schemas/Add Local DTD or 
Schema looks like this:

What PUBLIC ID or SYSTEM ID should I enter?

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getInitParameter returns null

2012-10-13 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I'm having troubles with WebApplication.getInitParameter() method. In the 
init() method of MyApp I call


It returns null.

in web.xml I have


Why getInitParameter returns null instead of myValue?

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Re: getInitParameter returns null

2012-10-13 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data sabato 13 ottobre 2012 11:53:54, vineet semwal ha scritto:
 i can't reproduce ,which wicket version and servlet container are you on?

Wicket version 6.0 and not sure about the servlet container, because what's 
failing is the automatic tests Netbeans runs before running the app. My unit 
test creates the application instance, the instance calls init(), init() calls 
getInitParameter and then it throws an exception after the received null. No 
worries about the exception, it's correct it is being thrown on nulls, but 
that's making my unit test fail. I don't know what servlet container Netbeans 
uses when it runs tests.

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Re: getInitParameter returns null

2012-10-13 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data sabato 13 ottobre 2012 12:37:33, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 I don't know what
 servlet container Netbeans uses when it runs tests.

Btw, mvn test from command line fails also in the same way.

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Re: getInitParameter returns null

2012-10-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
Ivineet semwal writes:

 i think others will tell if a jira ticket for this should be created
 or if i have overlooked something ;)

Resolution: Won't fix (not a bug, it's so by design).


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wicket version

2012-11-27 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I'm moving my first steps in wicket. Great framework btw, though it lacks a 
bit of fresh howtos for version 6.x. Never mind, let's go straigh to my 

1. API docs for 6.4-SNAPHOST are hosted at a http://.../6.0.x; url (or the 
other way around, API docs for 6.0.x are titled 6.4.0). How does 6.4 release 
relate to 6.0.x release? Is it a minor release and replaces 6.0.x 

2. Assuming the reply to the previous question was yes, what should I put in 
my pom.xml to have my project depend on the latest 6.x available release? Is 
it a good idea to configure the wicket dependency that way?

Thanks in advance

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For additional commands, e-mail: session expiring too early

2012-12-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I try filing this bug (whishlist) here, because I haven't found any contact 
email on the website.

As a wicket newbie, I use examples a lot. However reading 
through Java/HTML code, understanding what's going on, identifying relevant 
lines of code, copying them in your own project and testing them takes quite a 
bit of time. That time usually exceeds the configured time for the user 
session at, at least for a newbie like me.

That results in page expired messages when you go back to your browser 
window and click another source file to look at. You then have to go back to 
the website home, choose your example again and walk through the links to 
reach the source file you were looking for.

All this makes the already steep (*) wicket learning curve even harder, 
because it breaks concentration while studying examples.

Would it be possible to raise the session timeout at

(*) in general pull-MVC frameworks are harder to learn than push-MVC ones, I 
don't mean to say it's a wicket specific challenge.

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Re: session expiring too early

2012-12-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 3 dicembre 2012 14:51:35, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 You can always download the .war file from and run
 them locally with as big session timeout as you need.

Thanks, I've deployed locally. How do I raise the session timeout?

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Re: session expiring too early

2012-12-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 3 dicembre 2012 19:58:55, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 Thanks, I've deployed locally. How do I raise the session timeout?

Never mind, I've found it: 


in web.xml.

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what is Wicket 2.x?

2012-12-07 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

while reading this page

I stumbled upon the following sentence:

«NOTE: this page is about models like they exist for Wicket 1.x. The IModel 
interface is slightly changed in Wicket 2.x»

What version of Wicket is 2.x? I'm aware of 1.x and 6.x, but never heard about 

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Re: what is Wicket 2.x?

2012-12-08 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 7 dicembre 2012 20:06:45, Jeremy Thomerson ha scritto:
 Yep.  There was a big change to constructors IIRC, although I can't
 remember exactly what the change was.  Next came 1.3.0 with generics.

Can I (we, you, ...) edit that sentence from the wiki pages then? It's 
confusing for newcomers like me. Does the IModel interface work as described 
in that page also in 6.x, except for generics?

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Failed to execute goal

2012-12-19 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello there,

today, trying to build my project, I get:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project SalixWeb: Could not resolve 
dependencies for project com.virtual_bit.salix.web:SalixWeb:war:1.0-SNAPSHOT: 
The following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.sql:jdbc-stdext:jar:2.0, 
javax.transaction:jta:jar:1.0.1B: Could not find artifact javax.sql:jdbc-
stdext:jar:2.0 in wicket-menu-release (http://wicket- - [Help 1]

As I understand it, the problem seems related to wicket-menu, but that's all I 
understand. And I have no clue about what to do next...

My pom.xml snippet:



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JPA annotations

2012-12-21 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I've started this short thread on the tomEE users ml:

The final answer sounds to me like if you want to use resources injection 
through JPA annotations in a wicket application, your best bet is Java-EE-

which in turn states that:

With JavaEE Inject you can use in your wicket components three annotations:
@EJB, @PersistenceUnit, @Resource. 

What about @Entity, @Table, @Id, @GeneratedValue and friends? 

What's the simplest way to use JPA annotations and dependency injection 
threreof in a wicket application?

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Re: JPA annotations

2012-12-21 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 21 dicembre 2012 13:41:36, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 The page cannot be a bean, so it cannot be @Stateless.
 Better create a stateless EJB which has a reference to @PersistenceUnit:

Thanks for pointing that out.

 class MyPage extends WebPage {
   private MyBean ejb;
 interface MyBean {
   void store(Entity entity)
 class MyBeanImpl implements MyBean {
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
 public void store(Entity entity) {

Ok, but what about Java-EE-Inject? Is that the standard (most widely used) way 
to integrate JPA (or hibernate) into wicket applications?

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Re: JPA annotations

2012-12-21 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 21 dicembre 2012 15:10:11, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 I think Spring is still dominant in this area.

Hmm, I've had a look, too much xml for my taste... what about Guice? Can it be 
used as alternative to Spring to have JPA annotations working with Wicket?

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Re: JPA annotations

2012-12-21 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 21 dicembre 2012 17:01:59, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 Spring Java Config, @Configuration, @Bean

Ok thanks, but there are other things that make me prefer Guice over Spring, 
if possible. Is it possible? Can Guice be used to make JPA annotations work in 
wicket apps?

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Wicket examples: repeaters

2013-01-20 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I'm trying to understand repeaters and DataTable from WicketExamples. I'm 
definitely having a hard time...

The running example shows a nice table with sorting column headers. However 
looking at what pretends to be the corresponding source code, I can't find 
where the DataTablePage code adds the sorting table headers, nor where any 
third parties eventually refer to both DataTablePage and SortingPage, the 
latter being the only place where I see the headers being added. Likewise, 
DataTablePage is the only place where I see the CSV exporter being added, but 
the running example has both sorting columns and CSV exporter in the same 

I've tried copying in my application and adapting it, but (as 
expected) the resulting table has no sorting headers, though it does use a 
SortableDataProvider (same provider being used by SortingPage).

Please help...

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Unable to find property

2013-01-20 Thread Lucio Crusca
Thanks to Sven, now my DataTable has sorting columns!

However my next step is to add CSV export. I copied the code from the examples 
and added

CSVDataExporter c_exp = new CSVDataExporter();
ExportToolbar et = new ExportToolbar(dataTable);

but when I try the app I get the following in the browser window:

java.util.MissingResourceException: Unable to find property: 
'datatable.export-file-name'. Locale: null, style: null
 at org.apache.wicket.Localizer.getString(
 at org.apache.wicket.Localizer.getString(
 at org.apache.wicket.model.ResourceModel.getObject(
 at org.apache.wicket.model.ResourceModel.getObject(


What part of the examples code did I miss this time?

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Re: Unable to find property

2013-01-20 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data domenica 20 gennaio 2013 17:16:48, Sven Meier ha scritto:
 If you don't provide a filename to the ExportToolbar constructor, a
 String resource with key datatable.export-file-name is used.
 Normally a default is provided here:
 I'm not sure why this is not present in your setup.

My project was depending on wicket-examples-6.0-SNAPSHOT, which in turn 
depends on wicket-extensions-6.0-SNAPSHOT, which in turn lacks that default in 
the above properties file. My final war was being built with both 
wicket-extensions-6.4.0 and wicket-extensions-6.0-SNAPSHOT and the latter 
eventually took precedence.

It now works, except it exports only the first column of my DataTable...

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Where did those CSS declarations come from?

2013-01-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

looking at wicket-examples sources I see a style.css that contains a few 
declarations (the whole file is 68 lines in my downloaded wicket-examples 

After looking at the source code, I followed the repeater examples, built my 
own DataTablePage and copied style.css over into my project. The DataTable 
works like a charm, but the style is completely messed up (mostly absent). 
Looking at the page source in Firefox a reference to style.css shows up and 
clicking that reference it opens a file of 68 lines, just the same I have in 
my project sources, which, in turn, is a verbatim copy of what I can find in 
wicket examples sources.

However when running the DataTable wicket example, in the page source from 
Firefox the reference to the css is just the same as mine (except a ../ less, 
but that's expected, my package name is shorter), but the same file is much 
longer (500 lines of CSS code), as if wicket added a bunch of declarations to 
it dynamically.

How do I have wicket do the same in my project?

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Re: Where did those CSS declarations come from?

2013-01-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 25 gennaio 2013 13:36:57, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:

I don't quite get it, can you please elaborate? My copy of wicket-examples 
source code has the 68-lines version of style.css. How come it uses the 500-
lines version at runtime?

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Re: Where did those CSS declarations come from?

2013-01-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 25 gennaio 2013 15:13:12, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 The link I gave you shows that style.css has 500 lines.
 I'm not sure what file you copied and where you got it from.

Now I'm not sure myself anymore... as it turns out it's plain false that my 
wicket-examples are using anything different from the 500-lines version. I 
have two copies of wicket-examples, one deployed and the other in source form, 
now I guess they do not match and I wonder where did I get the sources myself. 

Where can I download the source code for these wars?

In data venerdì 25 gennaio 2013 15:14:04, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro ha 
 Why don't you simply grab the one at

I wasn't doing that because I was assuming the file was being generated 
runtime by wicket somehow... now I've grabbed it. 


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FormComponent markup

2013-02-02 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I have two classes, along the lines of:

class A
  String id;

class B
  A manyBToOneA;
  String description;

I want to provide a single form such as:

Default description: 

I plan to use two subclasses of FormComponent, so that one uses IModelA, the 
other usaes IModelB and they are reusable in other forms.

What would be the HTML markup for the main form? Should I use two 
wicket:panel also if FormComponent is not a Panel? Should I use two div 
wicket:id=...? What if I prefer to avoid div-ing the different fields of 
the form?

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Re: FormComponent markup

2013-02-02 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data sabato 2 febbraio 2013 14:54:41, Andrea Del Bene ha scritto:
 if you are planning to subclass a FormComponent (let's say a TextField
 for the id and a TextArea for the description) you don't need to use
 panels and you will bind your custom components to standard form's tags
 input type=text/ and texarea.../textarea

Does that mean I'll have A.html like

  input type=text ... /

and then add my FormComponentA and FormComponentB instances directly to that 
Form? And that I won't have any FormComponentA.html / FormComponentB.html?

 IMHO the second component should uses both models: IModelB as main
 model and IModelA to retrieve the A object to assign to manyBToOneA.

Makes sense.

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Re: FormComponent markup

2013-02-02 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data sabato 2 febbraio 2013 22:28:11, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 Does that mean I'll have A.html like
   input type=text ... /
 and then add my FormComponentA and FormComponentB instances directly to
 that Form? And that I won't have any FormComponentA.html /

Probably not, I suspect I haven't understood. I tried doing like stated above, 
but the FormComponent constructor wants an id, so now I assume that each 
FormComponent subclass instance has to provide a different id. That makes me 
wonder again how should I write the html files.

I'm not able to explain why, but the following solutions seems wrong to me:

  div wicket:id=formcomponentA
input type=text ... /
  div wicket:id=formcomponentB

Re: FormComponent markup

2013-02-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data domenica 3 febbraio 2013 13:17:13, Andrea Del Bene ha scritto:
 To clarify a bit more, you should end up writing something like:
 form  wicket:id=form
input type=text   wicket:id=formcomponentA /
textarea  wicket:id=formcomponentB.../textarea
   and Java code
 Form form = new Form(form);
 form.add(new FormComponentA(formcomponentA));
 form.add(new FormComponentB(formcomponentB));

Thanks, now it seems clear. Last doubt, what if I have two or more texts in 
either FormComponent? Shouls I repeat wicket:id=FormComponentA for each one?

Re: FormComponent markup

2013-02-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data domenica 3 febbraio 2013 14:57:46, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 In data domenica 3 febbraio 2013 13:17:13, Andrea Del Bene ha scritto:
  To clarify a bit more, you should end up writing something like:
  form  wicket:id=form
 input type=text   wicket:id=formcomponentA /
 textarea  wicket:id=formcomponentB.../textarea
and Java code
  Form form = new Form(form);
  form.add(new FormComponentA(formcomponentA));
  form.add(new FormComponentB(formcomponentB));
 Thanks, now it seems clear. Last doubt, what if I have two or more texts in
 either FormComponent? Shouls I repeat wicket:id=FormComponentA for each

No, it's not clear to me once again, sorry, but the above suggestion does not 
fit the real case.

Let's make a more concrete example.

class Person
  String firstname;
  String lastname;

class PhoneNumber
  Person person;
  String dial;
  boolean mobile;

class PersonFormComponent extends FormComponentPerson
  PersonFormComponent(Person p)
super(personFormComponent, new CompoundPropertyModel(p));
add(new TextField(firstname));
add(new TextField(lastname));

class PhoneNumberComponent extends FormComponentModelPhoneNumber
  PhoneNumberComponent(PhoneNumber n)
super(phoneNumberFormComponent, new CompoundPropertyModel(n));
add(new TextField(dial));
add(new CheckBox(mobile));

class PersonForm
  PersonForm(Person p)
   add(new PersonFormComponent(personFormComponent, 
new CompoundPropertyModel(model));
   PhoneNumber pn = findOrCreatePhoneNumber(p);
   add(new PhoneNumberFormComponent(phoneNumberComponent, pn);

form wicket:id=personForm
  First Name:input type=text size=20 wicket:id=/
  Last Name:input type=text size=20 wicket:id=/
  Phone Number:input type=text size=20 wicket:id= /
  Mobile?input type=checkbox wicket:id= /

What should I write in place of  ? If I put the FormComponents IDs then 
the CompoundPropertyModels won't find the fields to bind. If I put the beans 
fields names, then the PersonForm constructor won't find the IDs to bind the 
whole FormComponent subclasses.

Can you please show me the markup needed for the above example?

DropDownChoice not updating model

2013-02-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I have a FormComponentPanel derived class that uses a DropDownChoice with a 
ChoiceRenderer. The DropDownChoice id matches the field name in my model class 
and I use a CompountPropertyModel wrapping my model instance for the 

Code snippets:

class StreetAddress
  private String address;
  private District idDistrict;

... usual getters and setters

class StreetAddressFormCP extends FormComponentPanelStreetAddress
  add(new TextField(address));
  add(new DropDownChoice(idDistrict, ...));

class StreetAddressForm extends FormStreetAddress
  add(new StreetAddressFormCP(myCompoundPropertyModel));

All seems to work except that when I edit an address and change district in 
the dropdown, my onSubmit receives a model with the old value for idDistrict 
(but new edited value for address), so that part of the edit is lost. 

Isn't DropDownChoice supposed to always update the model when the user selects 
an item/submits the form?

P.S. onSubmit overridden on a Button behaves like stated above, while onSubmit 
overridden on the Form behaves differently: it receives a model with a null 

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Re: DropDownChoice not updating model

2013-02-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data giovedì 14 febbraio 2013 12:21:58, Sven Meier ha scritto:
 On 02/14/2013 12:01 PM, Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro wrote:
  I don't know if this has anything to do... but make sure
  class StreetAddress implements  equals

 If you use objects without overriden #equals() and #hashcode() and
 DropDownChoice you have several options:

My StreetAddress and District classes DO have #equals() and #hashcode() 
overridden. Both #equals() check against the id (coming from the database) and 
their code has been generated by hibernate tools automatically. They contain a 
warning about cases where the id is not set (new District()...), but I think 
that could not do any harm to DropDownChoice in my case, since all the items 
are being loaded from the database and they have an id set for sure (it's the 
primary key).

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Re: DropDownChoice not updating model

2013-02-15 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data Thursday 14 February 2013 12:59:05, Sven Meier ha scritto:
 Then the DropDownChoice should work fine.
 Try to create a quickstart please.

You are so f***ing smart :)

The quickstart just worked and showed me what I was doing wrong, basically 

District currentSelection = ... // retrieve current district from database
if (currentSelection != null)
  myDropDownChoice.setModel(new CompoundPropertyModel(currentSelection)); 

which is a plain blunder because I was changing the model under the hood. The 
fix was quite easy: cut away those lines, since DropDownChoice already takes 
care of showing the currently selected item.


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RepeatingView and FormComponentPanels

2013-03-06 Thread Lucio Crusca
I've created three subclasses of FormComponentPanel, e.g. 
TextFormComponentPanel, CheckBoxFormComponentPanel and 
DropDownChoiceFormComponentPanel. They all share some markup logic in that 
they all have an enclosing label and a span for the text to use as label. 
However each class has its own markup file, because each one needs a different 
input type=... or select instead. Here is for example 
TextFormComponentPanel  markup:

  label for=input wicket:id=inputLabelspan 
wicket:id=inputSpan[label text]/span
input wicket:id=input id=input type=text size=50 //label

Then I created a FormComponentPanel derived class that uses a 
RepeatingView, and expects its derived classes to fill in the RepeatingView 
with instances of the three classes above. Those derived classes are the 
detail forms corresponding to my domain model beans.

The problem is that TextFormComponentPanel, CheckBoxFormComponentPanel and 
DropDownChoiceFormComponentPanel html markup have fixed IDs for the input tags 
(I mean html id attributes, the ones referenced by label for=input). That's 
the recipe for a mess, because I end up with multiple html elements that have 
the same html id.

I googled around and found AutoLabelResolver and AutoLabelTextResolver. I 
suspect those classes could help me, because they generate dynamic html IDs, 
but I failed to find an example that shows me how to use them. While it's clear 
to me how the markup should look, I can't get the java side.

Any help?

CompoundPropertyModel binding direction

2013-03-18 Thread Lucio Crusca
I'm trying to use CompoundPropertyModel in a form I dynamically create with a 
RepeatingView. I use the CompoundPropertyModel#bind method to bind each input 
tag to the corresponding java bean property.

Binding from java bean to html does work (the fields get filled), while the 
other way around (onSubmit) does break... the reported error is no get method 
defined ... singlePanelForCurrentRow, where singlePanelForCurrentRow is the 
wicket:id I use to attach the repeating input tags.

I don't know what to search for on Google, because searching obvious terms 
(CompoundPropertyModel binding and the like) yelds trivial examples, but 
nothing similar to my needs.

Here is a quickstart demonstrating the issue, try clicking submit:

Thanks in advance

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Re: CompoundPropertyModel binding direction

2013-03-19 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data Tuesday 19 March 2013 09:42:54, Sven Meier ha scritto:
 Hi Lucio,

 FormComponentPanels are an advanced concept and I'd recommend you extend
 org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel until you really need the
 features of a FormComponentPanel.

Thanks that solved the problem.

 BTW your HomePage shouldn't keep a reference to another page (i.e.
 DetailPage), since Wicket serialized pages separately.

Well, to be honest I don't understand the full meaning of the sentence (why my 
design conflicts with Wicket serialization), but let's leave that to Google, 
I'll have a look.

However I'm curious to know if a possible solution would be to create the 
DetailPage instance inside the onClick method of the Link, so that it becomes 
a local variable that gets collected asap.

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anything like AjaxEditableCheck?

2013-04-04 Thread Lucio Crusca
I have a DataTable and I want to add a clickable checkbox to the rows. I've 
tried adding an AbstractColumn and a plain CheckBox in the cellItem along with 
its AjaxEventBehavior onclick, but the rendering process complains that 

Component [cell] (path = [51:table:body:rows:1:cells:5:cell]) must be applied 
to a tag of type [input], not:  'div wicket:id=cell' (line 0, column 0)

I see there exists AjaxEditableLabel in wicket extensions, but no 
AjaxEditableCheck... I guess the problem is that DataTable assumes to output 
strings of text, not checkboxes... so any AjaxEditableFoo must comply with the 
underlying model, e.g. strings, not booleans... anyway, how do I add a 
clickable checkbox in populateItem of my AbstractColumn?

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DataTable multiple sort columns

2013-04-30 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

is there a way/what's the cleaner way to support multiple sort columns with 
DataTable? I know it's up to the SortableDataProvider to provide sorted rows, 
no matter how, but the SortParam class seems to support only one sort 
criterium at a time. e.g. the DataTable is aware only of the *last* sorted 
column. Even if I kept track of other columns (e.g. previously clicked for 
sorting), I still have no clue about how to provide a visual feedback to the 
user about what columns are being included in the sort criteria.

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Re: DataTable multiple sort columns

2013-04-30 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data Tuesday 30 April 2013 19:14:12, Jesse Long ha scritto:
 Hi Lucio,
 Its something I'd be interested in pursuing myself, but the real problem
 is how to display the sort state to the user. 

How about this?

ascii-art font=monospaced

| |^ | ^ |   |
| Name  2 | Color  3 | Price | Available   1 |
|   v |  | v | v |


That would mean the primary sorting is by availability descending (1), then by 
name (2) descending and finally by color (3) ascending. Price is unsorted. 
Clicking a column, instead of only toggling direction, could switch between 
ascending, descending and unsorted. Clicking unsorted columns could make them 
be the primary sort column and shift other sort columns priority by 1.

A more intuitive alternative would be to make the single arrows clickable, in 
addition to columns names, and clicking columns names would only toggle 
between sorted/unsorted states, with unsorted-sorted transition moving the 
column to the primary sort criteria as above.

Would it be hard to obtain that with current wicket components?

 You could use a Palette type component as a top toolbar, allowing the
 user to add from available columns in the left to the sort columns in
 the right, and sort them in the order that they were added to the right
 hand side of the palette.

That's another way to do it. I don't like it very much to be honest, but I 
guess it's only a matter of taste.

 You dont need to use SortableDataProvider (which supports
 SingleSortState), you can use any subclass of ISortableDataProvider and
 you can support whatever ISortState you want.

Thanks for the hint, I hadn't realized that before.

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Page expired and concurrent links

2013-05-31 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I have a DataTable with a column of clickable checkboxes. Each time the user 
clicks a checkbox the server does some stuff on the database.

If the user clicks another checkbox before the server finished processing the 
previous, he receives a Page Expired error. The behaviour is understandable, 
since the user obviously clicked a checkbox that was on a page that was being 
recreated, however I don't know how to avoid or workaround the problem.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Page expired and concurrent links

2013-05-31 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data Friday 31 May 2013 17:34:31, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 Hello *,
 I have a DataTable with a column of clickable checkboxes. Each time the
 user clicks a checkbox the server does some stuff on the database.
 If the user clicks another checkbox before the server finished processing
 the previous, he receives a Page Expired error. The behaviour is
 understandable, since the user obviously clicked a checkbox that was on a
 page that was being recreated, however I don't know how to avoid or
 workaround the problem.

I've partially solved the problem: it was being caused by an anonymous inner 
class in the page (CheckboxClickManager) that wasn't serializable.

However making it serializable led to a different problem: now the user does 
not receive errors anymore, but the page he finally receives sometimes takes 
into account only a subset of the clicks. In other words, say the users clicks 
rows 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, then he waits for the server to finish processing all the 
clicks, and finally he receives a page where only rows 1 to 5 are checked (for 
example, maybe it's 1 to 3 or something). 

However I suspect this new problem is caused by hibernate not being able to 
lock database pages within 1 minute, though I'm not sure.

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cryptic error messages

2013-07-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hi *,

I have the following markup snippet:

div wicket:id=repeatingDocTypes 
  span wicket:id=docTypeNameOrders/spanbr/
  div wicket:id=repeatingDocRef
a href=# wicket:id=doclinkspan 

which is bound to this code snippet:

   RepeatingView rv = new RepeatingView(repeatingDocTypes);
   for (...)
 addDocTypeBox(rv, docs);

  private void addDocTypeBox(RepeatingView rv, ListDocument docs)
AbstractItem i = new AbstractItem(rv.newChildId());
i.add(new Label(docTypeName, getDocTypeDescription());
RepeatingView rdr = new RepeatingView(repeatingDocRef);

for (Document d: docs)
  AbstractItem docsummary = new AbstractItem(rdr.newChildId());
  Link l = new Link(doclink)
  l.add(createSummaryPanel(docid, d));


Please note that the two for loops execute just 1 iteration each with my 
current test data.

I get the following exception:

Last cause: Unable to find component with id 'docTypeName' in [AbstractItem 
[Component id = 1]]
Expected: 'footerPanel:repeatingDocTypes:1.docTypeName'.
Found with similar names: 'footerPanel:repeatingDocTypes:2:docTypeName'

which does shed some light on what's going on, but I find it hard to understand 
what do 1.docTypeName and 2:docTypeName mean. Where did those 1 and 2 
come from? What information do they give me in order to spot the bug? Why is 
1 followed by a dot while 2 is followed by a column?

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Re: cryptic error messages [SOLVED]

2013-07-03 Thread Lucio Crusca
I've found that between this line of code:
RepeatingView rv = new RepeatingView(repeatingDocTypes);

and these ones:
for (...)
  addDocTypeBox(rv, docs);

I actually had an extra rv.newChildId() hidden in calls which obviously bumped 
the next id value...

Still I can't understand the dot Vs/ column reason, but I guess I can consider 
them equivalent, right?

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Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
I have a DropDownChoice that should update some form fields when the user
selects an item. My selection-changed-listener code is along the lines of:


 T obj = model.getObject();


The problem is that without clearInput() the form fields do not update,
while with clearInput they do update, but I loose any input also in fields
other than FOO and BAR. I need a way to update only FOO and BAR fields and
let other fields alone so that they keep their current user input.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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RE: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Take a look at how one drop-down updates the other via Ajax in the Wicket
 Examples at:

Thanks for the suggestion, that code looks good. However I don't
understand a number of things:

1. where wicket is made aware of the fact that the target is actually the
models dropdown and not something else in the form?

2. the constructor 'new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange)'
does not seem to exist in Wicket 6. Can I just use the no args

3. Can I use the AjaxRequestTarget to update a text field also, even if in
the example it updates a dropdownchoice?

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RE: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
I wrote:
 2. the constructor 'new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange)'
 does not seem to exist in Wicket 6. Can I just use the no args

Please ignore this one, I was using
AjaxFormChoiceComponentUpdatingBehavior instead by mistake.

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RE: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-14 Thread Lucio Crusca
 1. where wicket is made aware of the fact that the target is actually the
 models dropdown and not something else in the form?

 I'm not sure I understand this question but I think the answer you're
 looking for is: because it has a behavior attached to a component to which
 you can gain access to its model. I would suggest you take a look over
 chapter 16 Working with AJAX of the Wicket Free Guide

Sorry, it was so obvious that I didn't notice it, I'm not surprised you
aren't sure to understand... the place where wicket is being made aware of
what it should update is just inside the inner class in the only single
method that's being called: target.add(models).

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RE: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-15 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Take a look at how one drop-down updates the other via Ajax in the Wicket
 Examples at:

 I suggest you do something similar instead of trying to re-implement part
 of the form processing in your code.

I've tried to follow that example and implement something similar in my
code, however I had hard time in making it work (I didn't manage to) and I
found there are two differences between sample code and my code that make
me suspect it can't apply to my case. First, I use CompundPropertyModels
instead of AbstractReadonlyModels, and they are so handy that it would be
a real pity having to write models myself, but I hope that's doesn't make
a real difference.
Second I have a CompoundPropertyModel that manages the whole bean: the
bean fields match the form fields, and one of those fields is the
@ManyToOne (DropDownChoice) and it should update (onchange) a few other
fields of the same bean, but not all of them. In the sample code there are
two different models instead, one for each form field.
For the DropDownChoice I create a PropertyModel on demand just for it,
but I don't keep a reference to it. My code is:

DropDownChoiceQ ddc = new DropDownChoice(id, new
PropertyModelQ(instanceOfTheMany, manyToOneFieldName), elementsList,

Please note that instanceOfTheMany is my bean with the @ManyToOne field
and that the same bean is being managed by the CompoundPropertyModel in
the form.

Now changing that logic in my case is possible but quite troublesome, so
I'd go down that path only if you tell me my current code is broken and
it's the cause of my problems. Just in case you tell me that, if you could
add some hint about how to make it correct it would be very appreciated.

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RE: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-16 Thread Lucio Crusca
No replies... that must mean something... let's try rewording.

I need to build several forms with:

1. Several text fields each, bound to several String properties of a
single bean through a CompoundPropertyModel. This is a requirement unless
it renders all the rest impossible to implement.

2. One DropDownChoice each, bound to a field of the same bean, likely
through a PropertyModel, but this model type is not a requirement.

3. The DropDownChoice must update some of the text fields when the user
selects an item while keeping input in other text fields intact.

Is that possible at all with wicket? If yes, how?

I've already tried adding an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange)
to the DropDownChoice and, meanwhile, updating the bean String properties
in the onSelectionChanged method, but doing so the text fields do not get
updated in the form (or the update is reverted so fast I can't see it
actually happened). The onSelectionChanged method is being called after
the onUpdate method.

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Re: Updating form fields on dropdown selection change

2013-08-16 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Everything is possible.
 Just different tasks take different time to implement.
 What did you try and what issues you faced so far ?

Please see my previous message. To recap, I tried a mix you just told me
it can't work: I added the TextFields to the AjaxRequestTarget while
updating the bean in the onSelectionChanged method. I didn't know they
could not work together.

 onSelectionChanged() is non-Ajax update. Using
 AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange) is Ajax update.

Ok, but I need to know the selected item in order to update the String
properties accordingly. AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(onchange)
doesn't tell me the selected item, while onSelectionChanged seems to be
the wrong way to accomplish what I'm trying to do (see the first post of
Paul Bors in this thread).

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Styling label tags

2013-08-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
I need to dynamically set class=cssClassName to some label tags. Just now 
I set the label text with:


but how do I change its css class?

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Re: Styling label tags

2013-08-27 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 26 agosto 2013 11:28:27, francois meillet ha scritto:
 have a look to
 /html/form/FormComponentLabel.html and

I've had a look, but I'm afraid I need a little example. I have the following 

  label wicket:for=input
span wicket:id=inputSpan[label text]/span
input wicket:id=input type=checkbox /

and the following (simplified) java code:

public class LabeledCheckbox extends Panel
  public LabeledCheckbox(String id, String uiText, IModelBoolean model)
Label spanLabel = new Label(inputSpan, uiText);
CheckBox cb = new checkBox(input, model);

If I add a FormComponentLabel then I need to specify its wicket:id attribute, 
but I can't use both wicket:id and wicket:for attributes together.

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Re: AW: Styling label tags

2013-08-27 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data martedì 27 agosto 2013 13:30:43, Collinson, Alasdair ha scritto:
 I would go a completely different route: add an AttributeModifier [1]. It
 should look something like this:
 Label  label = new Label(label, Model.of(Text));
 label.add(new AttributeModifier(class, Model.of(cssClassName)));

But that route doesn't lead me to add the class attribute to the label tag, 
right? If wrong, can you please show me the corresponding markup?

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Re: AW: AW: Styling label tags

2013-08-27 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data martedì 27 agosto 2013 14:46:03, Collinson, Alasdair ha scritto:
 It does. 

I don't agree: I can't see any label tags in your markup. I don't need to 
remove my label tags (and I don't want to), I need to dynamically add a 
class=cssClassName to them instead.

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Re: AW: AW: AW: Styling label tags

2013-08-27 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data martedì 27 agosto 2013 15:12:01, Collinson, Alasdair ha scritto:
 So if
 you change the markup in my example to
 Do you see the following? -gt;label
 It still works with the same Java-Code.

Unfortunately not, because my label tags are part of a form, they have a 
wicket:for attribute referring to the corresponding input tags, and they 
can't have a wicket:id also.

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Re: AW: AW: AW: Styling label tags

2013-08-28 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data martedì 27 agosto 2013 15:58:52, francois meillet ha scritto:
 try that
 form wicket:id=form
 label wicket:id=label_tag for=anything
 span  wicket:id=label_tag_Text /span
 input wicket:id=name type=text size=40 id=anything 

Maybe that would work to some extent, but it would have at least the following 

1. it wouldn't pass HTML validation (label for=... must refer to an 
existing input id=...)

2. Given 1 above, it wouldn't be possible to reuse the panel in a 
RepeatingView and obtain valid HTML anymore, because in RepeatingViews Wicket 
needs wicket:for attribute in order to generate valid for=... and id=... 

3. it wouldn't pass to the browser the information about what label matches 
what input field (the fact they invented the label tag must mean something, 

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Re: Styling label tags

2013-08-30 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 28 agosto 2013 08:59:56, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 Maybe that would work to some extent, but it would have at least the
 following issues: [...]

No more replies. Should I deduce there's no known solution?

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Re: Styling label tags

2013-08-31 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data venerdì 30 agosto 2013 10:48:35, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 Hi Lucio,
 The suggested solution should work.

Which one? I think I've tried all of them and reported issues here, but maybe 
I missed one.

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Re: Styling label tags

2013-09-04 Thread Lucio Crusca
On Monday 02 September 2013 10:12:25 Martin Grigorov wrote:
 On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Lucio Crusca wrote:
  In data venerdì 30 agosto 2013 10:48:35, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
   Hi Lucio,
   The suggested solution should work.
  Which one? I think I've tried all of them and reported issues here,
  I missed one.
 FormComponentLabel + AttributeModifier

I didn't understand how I'm supposed to use the FormComponentLabel class, 
since wicket:id and wicket:for cannot be put together in the same label
tag and I need a reusable and repeatable panel with a styled label tag
inside. I asked for an example and Francois Meillet provided one, but his
example didn't use the wiket:for attribute, which I need, and using a
dummy for=anything is invalid HTML.

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filtering html proxy

2013-11-08 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello *,

I need to build a page (maybe with Wicket, but not sure yet) that proxies 
another page on a different server that I do not own nor control in any way.

Some background: let's call proxy my (wicket?) page, let's call backend 
the other page.

Backend has a HTML form with three input fields and a submit button. When 
submitted, it shows a new form with two more input fields and a new submit 
button. The action URL of this second form changes with the previous three 
input fields. There are some fixed rules for this URL, but I don't know them. I 
only know that the same input values always yield the same action URL. When 
this second form is submitted, it shows a result from its database with a 
link. I need to take that link and save it in my database, in order to avoid 
filling in the two forms manually every time I need the link.

Now my idea is to create a proxy page that loads the backend html, filters it 
changing all the action=... links and making them point to itself, so that 
it can intercept the form submission, act on its behalf, intercept the reply, 
save the result URL and show it to the final user.

It would probably easier to do that with some scripting language, but this toy 
will grow up and become something serious, so I'd prefer starting off with some 
serious tool... I already have my Wicket-centric codebase and I'd like to 
reuse it, you see, so many things already done, but I fail to understand how 
to generate HTML code in Wicket the way it's needed for this pourpose, and I 
wonder if Wicket makes sense at all in this case.

Any suggestions?

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Make a Panel draggable

2014-01-04 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hi everybody,

I have a panel that contains a RepeatingView, which in turns generates a 
number of links. The links are generated based on the context (defined as 
current page and previous user actions).

Just now the panel shows up in the top right corner of my webapp and it's 
above other things, and I'd like to let users move it where they want.

My code now is:

public class DataContextPanel extends Panel
  public DataContextPanel(String id)

add(new Label(contextTitle, Context));

RepeatingView sels = new RepeatingView(repeating);

  span wicket:id=contextTitle /span
  table cellspacing=0 class=dataview
tr wicket:id=repeating
  tdspan wicket:id=tablenameDitta/spana href=# 
  tdspan wicket:id=selectedrow/span/td
  tda href=# wicket:id=inhibitempty;/a/td
  tda href=# wicket:id=forgettimesb;/a/td

and, in the page, I have a simple div as placeholder for it.

I've tried to change the class and make it extend Draggable from 
wicket-jquery-ui instead of Panel, and changed wicket:panel to wicket:extend, 
but I got the following exception:

org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: The component(s) below failed to 
render. Possible reasons could be that: 1) you have added a component in code 
but forgot to reference it in the markup (thus the component will never be 
rendered), 2) if your components were added in a parent container then make 
sure the markup for the child container includes them in wicket:extend.

1. [Component id = contextTitle]
2. [RepeatingView [Component id = repeating]]

at org.apache.wicket.Page.checkRendering(
at org.apache.wicket.Page.onAfterRender(
at org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage.onAfterRender(
at org.apache.wicket.Component.afterRender(
at org.apache.wicket.Component.render(
at org.apache.wicket.Page.renderPage(

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Teaming up remotely

2014-01-29 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello everybody,

today I need to begin a project where, for the 1st time in my life, the team 
members won't work close to each other, and, again for the 1st time, I'm going 
to use Wicket in such a project. I'm in charge of writing all the code (mostly 
Java with Wicket being the framework of choice for the UI). The rest of the 
team is located about 700km from me and they're going to take care of HTML and 
CSS development.

Are there any recognized best practices I should suggest them in HTML/CSS 
production in order to avoid problems on my side? E.g. is it usual asking for 
HTML files split into common header for all pages, common footer, common 
whatever and page specific content apart? Or is it more common to split them 

How should we manage revisions? I could arrange for a bazaar server or the 
like, but how are those tools understood by web designers? Or should I take 
their files and manage conflicts and commits on my side without even telling 
them? But, then again, revision control works best on a line by line based 
comparison, and with Wicket I suspect conflicts will be the norm. E.g. suppose 
they change anything on their side in a HTML file that I already edited with 
wicket tags and committed to bzr:

--- Their HTML file
old: span class=myclass
new: span class=myclass2

-- My HTML file
committed: span class=myclass wicket:id=myid
new: span class=myclass2

-- conflict (because they aren't aware of my edits and they can't be, unless 
they split HTML files in header, footer, whatever and use bzr themselves).

I'm puzzled, that has to be a so common problem I hardly believe there's no 
standardized solution. Please advice.

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Re: Teaming up remotely

2014-01-29 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014 19:06:09, Steve ha scritto:
 The difficulty I would think is when you start to split up html files to
 seperate sections into their own panels.  If the designer only has a
 view of the markup it may not be obvious to them where the subsection of
 the html has gone.  Sure you can explain the concept of Panels to them
 but to be certain that a certain wicked:id equates to particular panel
 type and find the right markup file you need to look at the java code.

The problem is actually even worse than that: the moment I start splitting up 
HTML files, their web design suite stops recognizing them (I think this is 
common to every web design suite out there, no matter which one). 
So they are somewhat forced to work without my revision control system, 
because they just can't use the files anymore after my edits (unless someone 
suggests a better solution).

Maybe I should impose a rigid deadline on HTML modifications, after which they 
must ask me to edit anything? E.g. they must work on HTML before giving it to 
me. After that they can work only on CSS and ask me to edit class=... 
attributes as needed. Is this a reasonable solution? Is that even acceptable 
for designers?

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Re: Teaming up remotely

2014-01-29 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014 10:57:59, ha scritto:
 Is there really a need of splitting up the markup files?

Well, I don't know, I mean, I've always split them up because a Wicket webapp 
is typically a collection of {1 java file, 1 html file by the same name} tuples.

However I have to admit that I had already broke that pattern over time and it 
actually worked (e.g. derived java class but html file only for the base 

Do you think it's feasible to drive that practice to the extreme of having 
only 1 html file per page and several derived java classes? I'm afraid that 
model would suffer from a serious impedance mismatch against the OOP pattern, 
because you can't have one single MyAppPage java base class, but you are 
forced to create several java classes for each HTML page and use just panels 
inclusion in each one. I'm not saying that's not possible, but seems to me 
it's not very OOP-ish. Am i wrong?

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adding Foundation

2014-05-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hello all,

it's the 1st time I try to use Wicket with the Foundation Framework [1] (or 
any other css/js framework for that matter). Being one server side and the 
other client side I assumed there wasn't anything special to do in order to 
make them play toghether. I was wrong.

I get:

Unexpected RuntimeException
Last cause: Tag does not have a close tag

in a HTML5 file that otherwise (without wicket) passes W3C validation.

The code:


is being rendered by Wicket this way (btw why the hell is wicket touching that 
at all?):




with /body and /html marked red in the output page. While searching for 
the possible cause, I found [2]: I don't know if the problem is because I did 
none of those steps, which seem needed to integrate jQuery and Foundation, but 
even if that were the cause, I need your help to understand how can I follow 
those instructions in the Wicket case. 

Thanks in advance,


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Re: adding Foundation

2014-05-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 12 maggio 2014 00:00:37, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Lucio Crusca wrote:
  Hello all,
  it's the 1st time I try to use Wicket with the Foundation Framework [1]
  any other css/js framework for that matter). Being one server side and the
  other client side I assumed there wasn't anything special to do in order
  make them play toghether. I was wrong.
  I get:
  Unexpected RuntimeException
  Last cause: Tag does not have a close tag
 This is an error at the server, right ?
 Which tag is not closed ?

It does not tell me. It just tells that few words I already posted.

  in a HTML5 file that otherwise (without wicket) passes W3C validation.
  The code:
 There are no opening tags for body and html. I don't see how it is W3C

I posted only the last lines of a 690 lines W3C valid html file. I chose to 
post those lines because Wicket seems to fiddle with those and it marks the 
last two closing tags red.

  with /body and /html marked red in the output page. While searching
 Marked red where ?! The browsers won't render them at all, colored or not!
 Again there are no opening tags for body and html, so it is normal to see
 them red if you paste this snippet in any HTML editor.

In the output page I get an exception report, not the real page. Just below 
the exception (the two lines that do not tell which tag is open), before the 
stack trace, wicket reports the full html source code and /body and /html 
are red.

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Re: adding Foundation

2014-05-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 12 maggio 2014 10:46:28, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 Please create a quickstart app demonstrating the issue.

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Re: adding Foundation

2014-05-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 There are no opening tags for body and html. I don't see how it is W3C

 I posted only the last lines of a 690 lines W3C valid html file.

Anyway, if you need the whole file here it is:

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NPE in AbstractSingleSelectChoice

2014-05-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
I'm pretty sure it's my fault, but I can't spot it. I'm trying to use a 
DropDownChoice with custom renderer and a PropertyModel, without a Form.

I get a NullPointerException in AbstractSingleSelectChoice, here is the 

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Re: Hard time with repeaters

2014-05-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data sabato 24 maggio 2014 04:50:56, kumar ramanathan ha scritto:
 a beginner to learn how the flow works. Also I would like to know where to
 get the complete codes of examples discussed in the above books to
 practically try it in home.

No idea where to get the code for those examples, since you don't even tell us 
exactly what examples you are interested in, however at the time I learnt 
repeaters I looked at Wicket Examples source code a lot and it proved very 
useful for me:

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Re: Hard time with repeaters

2014-05-26 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data domenica 25 maggio 2014 21:11:49, kumar ramanathan ha scritto:
 Thanks Lucio.
 I have tried the example repeaters in wicket library site. In that if we try
 to open a source code for simple data view , many classes and files are
 coming , i am not able to try it in my desktop. 

Then I suspect you need to learn from the beginning, repeaters come later:

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Re: Hard time with repeaters

2014-05-26 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data domenica 25 maggio 2014 21:11:49, kumar ramanathan ha scritto:
 Thanks Lucio.
 I have tried the example repeaters in wicket library site. In that if we try
 to open a source code for simple data view , many classes and files are
 coming , i am not able to try it in my desktop. 

Btw, you can download the whole wicket-examples package with source code here:

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OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called

2014-06-05 Thread Lucio Crusca
I need to make a calculator like this:

input text field x some fixed float value = the result
input text field x some other fixed float value = the other result
... and so on for a variable number of rows...

I need the user to input a number in one of the input text fields.
I need the other input text fields to update themselves while the user types 
the number digits, so that all input fields show exactly the same number at any 
I need the results to update themselves also while the user types the digits.

here is my html snippet

wicket:container wiker:id=repeating
input name=num type=text wicket:id=num value=10,00/input
span wicket:id=fixed5.2/span
span name=total wicket:id=total52/span

and Java code:

Label fixed = new Label(fixed, myFixedNumber);

final TextField input = new TextField(input);
input.add(new OnChangeAjaxBehavior()
  protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target)
// this never gets called
Label total = new Label(total);

The problem is that onUpdate() never gets called. Please note that I'm not 
using any form because I do not need any (I don't need the user to submit 
anything), but I need to make calculations server side because the fixed value 
is known there.

Is it possible to have onUpdate() called without using a form? if yes, what am 
I doing wrong?

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called

2014-06-10 Thread Lucio Crusca
 everything looks OK to me
 check whether there are any JS errors in the browser's Dev Tools console.

No errors. Can the fact that the input fields are inside a div that is
initially hidden and then slid down via jQuery make a difference?

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called

2014-06-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Well, by hidden do you mean an input type of hidden or not present on the

I mean that I used jQuery to slideUp() the containing div in the
$(document).ready(), so that when the page loads the div is not visible
to the user and it becomes visible on some other event.

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called [SOLVED]

2014-06-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
Martin was right, there were Javascript errors, but for some reason the
webconsole didn't display them the first time I looked at it.

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called [PARTIALLY SOLVED]

2014-06-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Martin was right, there were Javascript errors, but for some reason the
 webconsole didn't display them the first time I looked at it.

However the problem is only partially solved. onUpdate() now gets called,
but only when the TextField looses focus. I need it to be called on every
single keypress... is there anything I should do for that?

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Empty FeedbackPanel

2014-06-11 Thread Lucio Crusca
Here is a form:

here is the relevant html snippet:

form class=inputForm wicket:id=registrationform
legendInserisci i tuoi dati/legend
  div id=feedbackPanel
span wicket:id=feedback/
div class=campoform
  label wicket:for=nome
span class=inputformlabelspanNome */span
span class=inputWrapper
  input type=text class=text_reg placeholder=nome

and java code:

registrationform.add(new TextField(nome).setRequired(true));
registrationform.add(new FeedbackPanel(feedback));

If you click the Invia button (italian for Submit), the validation
takes place (in fact my onSubmit() does not get called since many required
fields are not filled in), but the FeedbackPanel remains empty (take a
look at generated html).

Similar code works in other wicket projects I've done, so I don't know
what I'm doing different/wrong here... any clue?

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called [PARTIALLY SOLVED]

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 How about an AjaxBehavior with the onChange event?

Assuming you mean AjaxEventBehavior (because I couldn't find any
AjaxBehavior class), I tried with change, onChange and onchange
strings as event, but none of them seemed to work: the onEvent method was
never called.

 On Jun 11, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Lucio Crusca wrote:

 Martin was right, there were Javascript errors, but for some reason the
 webconsole didn't display them the first time I looked at it.

 However the problem is only partially solved. onUpdate() now gets
 but only when the TextField looses focus. I need it to be called on
 single keypress... is there anything I should do for that?

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Re: Empty FeedbackPanel

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca

 Do you use Ajax submit ?
 If YES then you need to override #onError(AjaxRequestTarget, Form) add add
 the feedback to the target manually.

What is Ajax submit? How do I check whether I'm using it? (I suspect the
reply is no, you're not using it since you do not even know what it is).

However I have a suspect, there's another strange thing in that form,
maybe the two things are related: look at the five check boxes down the
form, one of them doesn't show the image:

but if you look at the generated HTML, the image is actually there, and if
you click the link in img src=... you actually see the image.

Now, how that could be a cause or consequence of missing FeedbackPanel is
beyond any stretch of my imagination, but those two things share a common
fact: both do not show up when they should.

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Re: OnChangeAjaxBehavior.onUpdate() not called [PARTIALLY SOLVED]

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 OnChangeAjaxBehavior is the right way.
 It uses either 'input' event when supported or 'cut'+'paste'+'keydown'
 'input' is not supported by the browser.
 Which browser do you use ?

Tested with IceWeasel 24.4.0, Chrome 33 for Linux and Firefox 27 for Windows.

 You can always use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(keyup) but it will
 fire even when you use keys like ESC, F2, etc. You can filter those with
 AjaxCallListener's precondition.

But I haven't any forms. May I use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior

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Re: rant level=8/10 Empty FeedbackPanel

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Wow! IMHO your answer is very un-respectful even if you don't notice it.
 Your first message to this list is from January 2013... and you still
 know what is an AJAX submit? Time to start reading a bit about the
 framework you are using? Instead of expecting people to solve your

*MY* reply is un-respectful? Did you really say *THAT*?

FYI: I've been using wicket since then and I never needed an Ajax submit
(I still don't need it now). Why should I study something I don't need?
And, while I'm at it, Wicket is well known for being powerful but poorly
documented. Wicket enthusiasts reply saying that Wicket has a wonderful
active community that can help you and provide for the lack of
documentation, hence people is more inclined to ask the community rather
than to study a sub-optimal documentation. Moreover I don't expect anyone
doing anything: I just ask, if someone is so kind as to reply, so good. If
no one replies it means I asked in the wrong place or in the wrong way.

But if I get such harsh replies like yours, I assume either you are a
troll or you've had a bad day, now you choose, I suspect the latter, since
you are into wicket much more than many others on this list. However
please take note: I'm sorry for you but I'm not guilty for your bad day.

And, while you spend your valuable time into looking at my past messages,
please observe that I even tried to help others at least once I remember
of, maybe a few times, the few times I felt like I could actually help. I
know, you've done much more than me for this community, and I hope one day
I will have your reputation and deserve your respect, but that day, if it
ever comes, I'll try to be kind to others too, which is not an optional
behavior even when you are a wicket expert.

That being said, I wish you all the best nevertheless.


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Re: Empty FeedbackPanel

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Ajax submit is when you use AjaxSubmitLink or AjaxButton for the input
 I just checked and it seems you don't use any of these.

 Do you override Form#onError() or Button#onError() and what do you do

None of them. I only override Button#onSubmit().

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Re: Empty FeedbackPanel

2014-06-12 Thread Lucio Crusca
 If you are able to reproduce this in a mini application (a quickstart app)
 then please attach it to a ticket in Jira and we will see what is going


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wicket-jquery-ui DatePicker JS problems

2014-06-23 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hi all,

I'm trying to add a (kendo?) DatePicker to my form, in other words this one:

I think I've done everything listed here, adapting things to my needs:

but the javascript console is showing this error and the DatePicker doesn't 
show up:

TypeError: jQuery(...).datepicker is not a function

This makes me suspect I haven't linked all the necessary js files to my HTML 
code and, to be honest, I'm afraid it's more than a suspect: I know I haven't, 
because the instructions do not tell to do that, and I assumed that was going 
to happen automagically...

More precisely, I didn't download nor link the jquery-ui js files, nor the 
kendo ones. I only dowloaded, copied and linked the jquery-ui and kendo css 
files. Should I provide for the js files also?

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Re: wicket-jquery-ui DatePicker JS problems

2014-06-23 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 23 giugno 2014 14:41:37, Sebastien ha scritto:
 Hi Lucio,
 You guessed right, JS libraries are embedded in the jar(s), and attached to
 the page as soon as you use a jquery-ui/kendo component. Please check
 - the wicket-jquery-ui jars are well deployed.

What should I do to check that? I've already looked at page source and the js 
links are working (see below).

 - the js are well included in the page's head

I have this right after head

script type=text/javascript 
script type=text/javascript 
script type=text/javascript id=jquery-datepicker-1401590941
jQuery(function() { jQuery('#datanascita3f').datepicker({  }); });

 If I remember correctly, somebody had a similar problem (I dont remember
 what was the issue), please have a look in the archives...

Already tried, but I haven't found anything similar, maybe it's not 
immediately obvious from the message subject that the issue is what I'm 
looking for. Google didn't help either.

However I have (another) suspect: could my custom ready() function conflict 
with jquery-ui/kendo/whatever? 



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ModalWindow positioning

2014-06-24 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hi *,

In a long page I need a ModalWindow to position itself at the center of the 
browser window even when the page is scrolled way down, so that the 
ModalWindow always pops up in front of the user.

I've found this [1], but it dates back to 2009, and it refers to an old 
versions of Wicket (1.3.x). I've tried nevertheless (I'm using 1.6.15), but 
the JS code seems to be just ignored and nothing happens, e.g. the ModalWindow 
still shows in the usual position near the top of the page, so the user has to 
scroll back up to understand why the page stopped processing his input.

Can you please provide up to date hints?


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Re: ModalWindow positioning

2014-06-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 25 giugno 2014 09:49:51, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 What exactly you tried and it didn't work ?

I added the code below, but please note that I'm no JS wizard, so it's likely 
my code wouldn't work anyway, but the point is I don't even get JS errors and 
the ModalWindow behaves just like my code wasn't there, so either my code is 
being actually skipped or it is the exact equivalent of what the default 
wicket code does (unlikely): = function() {
  var myWindow = Wicket.Window.get();
  if (myWindow) {
myWindow.css(position, fixed);
myWindow.css(top, Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - 
$(myWindow).outerHeight()) / 2)) + px);
myWindow.css(left, Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - 
$(myWindow).outerWidth()) / 2)) + px);

I add this code in by including a js file in renderHead of my page and I 
the code is there when I look at page source in the browser.

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Re: ModalWindow positioning

2014-06-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 25 giugno 2014 11:09:42, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 Make sure that your code appears *after* the script src=.../modal.js.
 With the browser Dev Tools you can put a breakpoint inside your function
 and see whether it is called/used.

I couldn't manage to set a breakpoint with Firebug, so I added two 
window.alert(). The first, before the if, gets hit, not the second, so now I 
wonder what's the code that is centering the window, since my code is executed 
but it does absolutely nothing...

And, I obviously don't know what to write instead of Wicket.Window.get() in 
order to make the if condition true. = function() {
  var myWindow = Wicket.Window.get();
  if (myWindow) {
myWindow.css(position, fixed);
myWindow.css(top, Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - 
$(myWindow).outerHeight()) / 2)) + px);
myWindow.css(left, Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - 
$(myWindow).outerWidth()) / 2)) + px);

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Re: ModalWindow positioning [SOLVED]

2014-06-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 25 giugno 2014 14:54:23, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 also try: this.window

Ok thanks, this.window seems to be the correct one in my case, but I suspect 
other variants are needed to be as much cross browser as possible.

Just in case others need it, my current working code is: = function() {
  var myWindow = this.window;
  if (!myWindow)
myWindow = Wicket.Window.current;
  if (!myWindow)
myWindow = Wicket.Window.get();
  if (myWindow) {
$(myWindow).css(position, fixed);
$(myWindow).css(top, Math.max(0, ((window.innerHeight - 
$(myWindow).outerHeight) / 2)) + px);
$(myWindow).css(left, Math.max(0, ((window.innerWidth - 
$(myWindow).outerWidth) / 2)) + px);

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Re: ModalWindow positioning

2014-06-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
I always forget I should not change the subject, sorry... I send the message 
again with the unchanged subject so that it remains attached to the rest of 
this thread.

In data mercoledì 25 giugno 2014 14:54:23, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:
 also try: this.window

Ok thanks, this.window seems to be the correct one in my case, but I suspect 
other variants are needed to be as much cross browser as possible.

Just in case others need it, my current working code is: = function() {
  var myWindow = this.window;
  if (!myWindow)
myWindow = Wicket.Window.current;
  if (!myWindow)
myWindow = Wicket.Window.get();
  if (myWindow) {
$(myWindow).css(position, fixed);
$(myWindow).css(top, Math.max(0, ((window.innerHeight - 
$(myWindow).outerHeight) / 2)) + px);
$(myWindow).css(left, Math.max(0, ((window.innerWidth - 
$(myWindow).outerWidth) / 2)) + px);

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Re: ModalWindow positioning

2014-06-25 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data mercoledì 25 giugno 2014 18:05:54, Lucio Crusca ha scritto:
 Just in case others need it, my current working code is: = function() {
   var myWindow = this.window;
   if (!myWindow)
 myWindow = Wicket.Window.current;
   if (!myWindow)
 myWindow = Wicket.Window.get();
   if (myWindow) {
 $(myWindow).css(position, fixed);
 $(myWindow).css(top, Math.max(0, ((window.innerHeight -
 $(myWindow).outerHeight) / 2)) + px);
 $(myWindow).css(left, Math.max(0, ((window.innerWidth -
 $(myWindow).outerWidth) / 2)) + px);

No, this code works only in my development environment (localhost:8084). Once 
deployed to the real domain, the screen dims but the ModalWindow does not show 
up, even using the same browser I use in development tests (I guess it 
actually shows up but it falls outside the browser window, but I'm not sure).

There's no noticeable difference between development and production 
environments, except the Tomcat and Apache versions, but I fail to see how 
those could interfere with javascript. The only strange thing is that the JS 
console is showing an error in both cases, but in development it seems 

Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString'

and this error has no reference to any particular line of code in any 
particular js file, so I don't even know if it is my mistake and where.

Any clues about why my code could behave differently in the same browser 
between development and deployment environments?

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AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-09 Thread Lucio Crusca
Hi all,

in a webapp that worked until yesterday (and that has worked for the last
2 years), the AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() method is not being
called anymore. I have MySession class that extends
AuthenticatedWebSession. The MySession constructor gets called correctly.
I use a standard SignInPanel: when I click Sign in the page reloads but
the code execution doesn't reach the breakpoint at the first line of
authenticate() in MySession. The authenticate() method does have the
@Override annotation, so I'm sure it has the correct signature.

Changes I've made since yesterday are only to the css, some HTML, a few
new initParameters in web.xml, but nothing directly related to the login
process... any clue about what could be causing that behavior? What should
I check first?

Btw, no, I didn't commit the code yesterday before those changes, so now I
can't revert, my bad.

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Re: AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-10 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Hi all,

 in a webapp that worked until yesterday (and that has worked for the last
 2 years), the AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() method is not being
 called anymore. I have MySession class that extends
 AuthenticatedWebSession. The MySession constructor gets called correctly.
 I use a standard SignInPanel: when I click Sign in the page reloads but
 the code execution doesn't reach the breakpoint at the first line of
 authenticate() in MySession. The authenticate() method does have the
 @Override annotation, so I'm sure it has the correct signature.

 Changes I've made since yesterday are only to the css, some HTML, a few
 new initParameters in web.xml, but nothing directly related to the login
 process... any clue about what could be causing that behavior? What should
 I check first?

I've made some progress in trying to understand what's going on, but I
still haven't found a solution.

When I click Sign in, wicket creates a new instance of my using the default constructor: it is a simple page
that contains only the SignInPanel. No error messages reported. I'm using
wicket 6.16.

Here is the call stack:


Does this shed some light?

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Re: AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-10 Thread Lucio Crusca
While debugging the problem I first moved to Wicket 6.17 and then set a
breakpoint in (Wicket sources) at line 310, which is the
first line of the onSubmit() method of the SignInForm Wicket class.

That breakpoint does not get hit: Wicket, in response to the HTTP request
generated by the SignInForm submit button, creates a new SalixSignInPage
and does not call onSubmit() on the existing form.

Puzzled. I try to create a quickstart, but the real problem is that I'm
pretty sure the quickstart will work perfectly. Even my code has worked
perfectly for the last 2 years...

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Re: AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-16 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Puzzled. I try to create a quickstart, but the real problem is that I'm
 pretty sure the quickstart will work perfectly. Even my code has worked
 perfectly for the last 2 years...

Here is a quickstart-like piece of code showing the problem (I obtained it
by cutting away unneded pieces from my project):

any user/password will do (i.e. the code would accept any of them, but
they won't work anyway). I expect this code to login any user with any
password and reach AuthenticatedPage. It reloads the SignInPage instead
and the authenticate() method never gets called.

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Re: AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-16 Thread Lucio Crusca
 Puzzled. I try to create a quickstart, but the real problem is that I'm
 pretty sure the quickstart will work perfectly. Even my code has worked
 perfectly for the last 2 years...

 Here is a quickstart-like piece of code showing the problem (I obtained it
 by cutting away unneded pieces from my project):

 any user/password will do (i.e. the code would accept any of them, but
 they won't work anyway). I expect this code to login any user with any
 password and reach AuthenticatedPage. It reloads the SignInPage instead
 and the authenticate() method never gets called.

Now I've also tried with a real, minimal quickstart, and it works
(obviously). However I still can't spot the problem in my code.

Please help.

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Re: AuthenticatedWebSession.authenticate() not being called

2014-09-17 Thread Lucio Crusca
I've moved one step forward: the authenticate() method now gets called if
I use the SignInPage class included in wicket-auth-roles instead of my own

However, as you can see in the code I posted yesterday, my SignInPage is
very simple and, compared to the one bundled with wicket, it only has a
additional Label and some minor html differences.

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Atom newsfeed link

2014-10-05 Thread Lucio Crusca

I've followed this guide to create a Atom feed link with Wicket and Rome:

at paragraph 15.9 Custom resources.

However when I use the link to the newsfeed in google feedburner, it does not recognize it and even web browsers, 
when opening the feed link, are actually redirected to the page containing the 
link, thus receiving HTML code, instead of the XML feed.

How do I create a bookmarkable link to the custom resource itself instead of 
the page containing it?

Here is the feed link:

And my java code is just a copypaste of the tutorial linked above.

Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Tristate boolean

2014-11-17 Thread Lucio Crusca

I have a sql field that is a BOOLEAN, which allows for NULL also. So it can be 

I need a component to let the user set that field to one of the three states. 
I'm thinking about using two checkboxes, one for TRUE, the other for FALSE and 
when neither is checked it means NULL. A bit of javascript would then avoid 
the both checked state.

Is there anything like that ready to use?

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Re: Tristate boolean

2014-11-17 Thread Lucio Crusca
In data lunedì 17 novembre 2014 14:22:11, Martin Grigorov ha scritto:

Thanks, I've tried it but I've not managed to make it work, the checkbox never 
changes state on click. Here is what I've done so far:

1. added maven dependency:


2. added input tag to my form

input wicket:id=input type=checkbox /

3. added a CheckBoxX in java code:

form.add(new CheckBoxX(input, model.Booleanbind(rewind)));

where model is a CompoundPropertyModelMyBean and MyBean has a

  private Boolean rewind; // along with getter and setter

I have a suspect though: should I include Bootstrap myself in order to use 

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CheckBoxX style (wicket-bootstrap)

2014-12-16 Thread Lucio Crusca

I'm using some CheckBoxX instances and I'd like to apply a style to them. I 
want the true state to be shown as U+2713 (✓), the false state to be shown 
as U+2717 (✗) and the undefined state to be shown as a question mark (?). 

Moreover I want to make the box (or symbols) size the same as the usual wicket 
CheckBox component, whatever it is (I've not changed it from the default in my 
custom style.css). The CheckBoxX default size seems to be way bigger than the 
CheckBox one.

What's the standard way to make those changes to CheckBoxX? Is it possible 
at all to use CSS to change the characters shown for each state? (e.g. I'd 
rather avoid using bitmaps for the states instead of unicode characters).

Thanks in advance,

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