Re: [Vo]: Half full or half empty

2007-03-02 Thread RC Macaulay
May work in the new world of welfare but never in the saloon at Dime Box Texas. The characters that inhabit a Texas " beer joint" are a microcism of the US Congress. For sure a fight will start as soon as somebody takes a sip outa somebody else's mug.. half full or half empty.. the fight starts.

[Vo]: Re: Re: : Quantum Thermodynamics

2007-02-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Jones, Depend on Jones Beene to keep me up late reading Paragraph 3.8.3 regarding vortex... hmmm ! Once saw a vid piece on Finns showing their stoic personalities. The vid captured their actions when dancing.. absolutely no emotion expressed

[VO]: Helium and Hindenburg

2007-02-22 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Yes, the Hindenburg project suffered from the cutoff of a supply of Helium gas by the US Gov't. Helium is a strategic element. The US privatized the main US source of Helium into the hands of a subsidiary of Bechtol. Considering the importance of Helium to atomic energy and re

[Vo]: Re: CHEMTRAILS DOCUMENTARY on Discovery Channel Tonight Feb.22 9:00 PM

2007-02-22 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Mark, Interesting your post today coincided with a series of contrails across south central Texas today stretching from Houston to San Antonio. There were impressive in they appeared as a giant tick tack toe checkerboard crisscrossing. the sky as far as could be seen. Wow!. Our esteem

[Vo]: Cold Fusion,nuclear fusion, infinite energy, low energy nuclear reactions,lenr,chemically assisted nuclear reactions,canr,neutron emission, fusion reaction,heavy water,Fleischman and Pons, deute

2007-02-21 Thread RC Macaulay

[Vo]: Re: RT Quantum Hall Effect

2007-02-19 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote, The quantum Hall effect, like the BEC was previously believed to only be observable at temperatures close to absolute zero (minus 459 degreesF). But recently a form of carbon called graphene - in a high magnetic field has made the observation possible. Graphene is the name given

[Vo]: The Prophet of Garbage - Popular Science

2007-02-17 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts, A link one of my Aggie undergrads sent me. Richard

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Re: The $25 Million Branson Pr..

2007-02-15 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Great ideas for bio themes in aerobics but anerobics can also play in the great game. The story behind the "Medina culture" which is produced by the firm in Medina Texas for a bio-growth enhancer .. seems that back in the 1930's, an ole time railroad brakeman that worked the

[Vo]: Re:[VO]:Re: The $25 Million Branson..

2007-02-14 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Many major resources and plant facilities already exist in the USA.. Coal fired power plants Water filtration plants Wastewater treatment plants A single huge wastewater treatment plant alone is the opposite of an algae factory by design. Change the process and the plant becom

[VO]:Re: The $25 Million Branson Climate Prize

2007-02-13 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankFred wrote.. A 100 watt light bulb burns a pound of fossil-fuel carbon every 10 hours generating 44/12 = 3.666 pounds of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide out the power plant chimney. Howdy Fred, The UNIT # 1Fayette Power Plant ( FPP) located near Fayetteville Texas, a coal fired plant owned by c

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: OT:Emergence

2007-02-12 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones, A soliloquy indeed. One must experience a " Jones" moment on occasion in order to correctly position one's thinking cap while cogitating one's meditating. ( I miss Grimer's posts on Vortex) You can cover more subject matter in a paragragh than my ole Chemistry professor coul

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Empathy ( was Re: More about..

2007-02-10 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Lurking between the thoughts posted on this subject are grains of wisdom. Considering that the word "cold fusion" can provoke much debate. Some view the word similar to " con-fusion" and some others " il-lusion" while others as "de-lusion" or "pro-fusion". The debate can eve

Re: [Vo]: FW: $25 million prize for greenhouse gas removal

2007-02-09 Thread RC Macaulay
FW: $25 million prize for greenhouse gas removal Stiffler wrote... Isn't that a big funny? If life is about to end because of global warming why is removal of Green House Gasses only worth $25Mil, yet a way to produce or filter water is worth $200 Billion? I doubt I would even start for

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Global warming skepticism alive..

2007-02-07 Thread RC Macaulay
Jed Rothwell wrote.. but that is a political problem, not scientific. Howdy Jed, A keen insight you have. Things happen in the world that most attribute to conspiracy when they should be blamed on attitude. Given an opportunity, laws of human nature demand actions be met with inaction of le

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: MIT Professor Begins Hunger Srike

2007-02-05 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankSteve Krivit wrote.. It's not so much that the mind is shut. It's a process of belief systems and the influence of mass media. Howdy Steven, You have the fundamentals .. but ..CF lacks the charismatic person that can sell it. Until that person emerges, it slumbers. An example is Henry Fo

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Fw:{Bob Parks...Feb.2

2007-02-05 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankDavid Thompson wrote.. there is no mention of the impending slaughter of humans. Just 11,500 years ago a seemingly natural climate change occurred, which wiped out the Wooly Mammoths, Saber Toothed Tigers, Giant Ground Sloths, Giant Beavers, and dozens of other species. Howdy Vorts.. Nope,

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: vortex-digest Digest V2007 #50

2007-02-04 Thread RC Macaulay
Blankjohn herman wrote.. General post: Open question set: NB: This is intended to address real world science. NOT theory. Please defive term[s] and or experiment[s] which support answer. This is an attempt to guide vortex back toward science, as opposed to armchair thinking and the l

[Vo]: Re:[VO}: Barker & Barium

2007-02-02 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. My hope with this collection of long-winded posts is to encourage a range of experiments with variants of Barker - applied to VTA-MRA devices, esp. since it is easy to do. Hopefully a few Aggies or Owls under Richard's tutelage will jump into the fray, despite the fact that b

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: IPE

2007-01-31 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Jones wrote.. >However, to the extent that when carefully controlled, the IPE methodology permits a new type of nuclear meta-phenomenon to appear and self-perpetuate - a limited *photon chain reaction* - that much is the key jumping-off point for possible understanding of some reported en

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Barium

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote.. In reply to RC Macaulay's message of Tue, 30 Jan 2007 19:30:50 -0600: Hi Richard, [snip] I don't suppose there is any way you could avoid attaching a blank card to your emauls (accidental spelling error deliberately left in;) is there? Regards, Robin van Spaandonk Howdy Robin

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Barium

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones, A neat homily on Barium, another of the " quirky" elements. It nearly bumps into Lithium on the road to being an oddity. The oil industry uses Barite as a drilling fluid since it has an ideal " downhole weight". Arkansas has Barite mines ( Magnet Cove).. hence the name MagCoba

Re: [VO]: Resonant Field Line Oscillations 1.6Mhz

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankR.Stiffler wrote.. Hello R.C. This fellow does some great work in component construction, one of our weak area's, (machine shop no we don't have). I spend some time looking over Tesla and the big difference in what I am doing is the secondary is floating, one lead of the secondary is

Re: [VO]: Resonant Field Line Oscillations 1.6Mhz

2007-01-30 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Some experiments with frequency Richard Blank Bkgrd.gif Description: GIF image

[Vo]: Re: Waveform Circuit Cries Foul

2007-01-28 Thread RC Macaulay
R Stiffler wrote.. Okay already, for the people that are giving me the bad name (again), here is a wave form. Now I have labeled certain points, the rest is up to you that can tell, where it is taking place, (not why, but where). Howdy Ron, Madam

[Vo]: Re: Re: Einstein's Elevator & Le Sage's Gravity Theory

2007-01-26 Thread RC Macaulay
Fred wrote.. Will a sphere within a sphere (a ball-bearing in a transparent hollow sphere) due to the gravitational attraction between them, center itself during free fall ? The inner ball should began to rotate until it begins to rub the inner wall. Richard

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Energy *Violations* using " standard" physics

2007-01-26 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Excerps from Paul's post.. >You are asking way too much from nature. Nature?.. do you mean Physics? we actually know little about physics.. perhaps some assumed values is all. >My theory simply states energy is simply moved from >one location to another. Location? do you me

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Vo Counter-Spin?

2007-01-24 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones,, An elegant waxing of wordsmithing. Yes , there is an interesting counter spin ( reverse rotation) that occurs in a water vortex.. hmmm.. actually , an "induced" counterflow... double hmmm!!. We have yet to understand it much less describe it. Ask yourself the questi

[Vo]: Re:[VO]:Re: Yomiuri: Bush to promote ethanol..

2007-01-21 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankPhilip wrote.. Excellent!!! How true!!! The reason is that the intent in all cases is to indoctrinate along certain predictable lines thus creating a nice docile herd. It's not to create clear, creative thinking - usually through doubting accepted dogma then applying "lateral thinking" and

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Not just for tree-huggers any more?

2007-01-20 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. NASA apparently recruits smart folks, right? The $64 question is: Why would they imagine that this is limited to, or even more appropriate, for aircraft? Howdy Jones, Halophyte production is beginning to make sense. Combined with developments in extremely fast growth al

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: time distortion fields

2007-01-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHarvey wrote.. Likewise the same twilight zone episodes can happen when we deal with resonant voltage rises in time: compare the time periods where they came from relative to each other as occurs in 120 three phase production of electrical impulses, and the results that can be seen when those

[Vo]: evert fluid tech Clem motor

2007-01-17 Thread RC Macaulay
Evert's updated pages show some Clem overunity motor info Richard

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: V2K and gangstalking

2007-01-15 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Hmmm.. > I've talked to people who hear voices in their heads. Howdy Vorts, Just goes to show that the Washington Post using five pages of print can perform wonder with numbers while eating cucumbers. Shucks, my great grand daddy had a cousin way back around 18

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: FRE

2007-01-11 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankPaul wrote.. My point was that present rise in temperatures will be a drop in the bucket with global "free energy" unless we develop FRE (Free Recyclable Energy) machines. IMHO the idea of personal and portable ZPE, cold fusion, etc. devices is suicidal. Howdy Paul, Not to worry, hide a

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Hydro Hub

2007-01-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote.. What do you think of this:- ? Howdy Robin, Depends on what will happen now.. lloks ike Aquasonics was acquired by h2ovap. Notice Ezekiel projec

[VO]:Re: Hydro Hub

2007-01-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankInteresting comparison between R-O and MSF Triple flash distillation methods of desal. Thankfully, we have both processes. Each process has it's benefits and advantages. Our tiny manufacturing company struggles with research in methods of reducing the mineral content of brackish and seawa

[Vo]: Re: China Coal

2007-01-02 Thread RC Macaulay
Terry wrote,,,2089-2524271_1,00.html "China chokes on a coal-fired boom Michael Sheridan Toxic cloud of progress can be seen from space A GREAT coal rush is under way across China on a scale not seen anywhere since the 19th century. Its consequences hav

[Vo]: Richard's Rube Goldberg's

2006-12-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote.. > We will be testing a series of "throats" with the hope we may achieve some >acceleration of the vortex funnel.. hmmm.. fun stuff. [snip] Isn't this going to result in explosive decompression of the water in the vortex making it vaporize? (Just a vague memory). Howdy Robin, Y

Re: [Vo]: Re:[VO]: Inertia,Aspden& Angular Mo

2006-12-29 Thread RC Macaulay
In reply to RC Macaulay's message of Fri, 29 Dec 2006 16:00:35 -0600: Hi, [snip] Interesting question. Consider the thermal updrafts that occur during huge forest fires. I have noticed TV news live vid of vertical vortex forming that eyeball measure some 5000 ft high. In an instant of 1 to

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Inertia,Aspden& Angular Mo

2006-12-29 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. So -- how can you pull this off using atomic mass and converting that into charge at lesser energy input then if using the normal thermal or chemical route of manipulating ionization potential? Howdy Jones, Interesting question. Consider the thermal updrafts that occur durin

[VO]:Re: Upside down

2006-12-29 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Jones wrote.. Therefore this cannot be correct, can it? ... since >the electron has substantial mass; not only is pushing >that much mass to lightspeed, or even close ... >totally out of the question, since the electron would >then have more mass-energy equivalent then the nucleus >itself -

[VO]: The holiday season

2006-12-22 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, As we enter the holiday season, may all have a safe and joyful celebration of Christmas. May the new year bring peace on earth and goodwill toward man. I commend each of you for keeping the Vorts a respectful group and interesting place to share ideas. Richard Blank Bkgrd

[VO]:Re: Firing Circuits

2006-12-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankRobin wrote.. You may not need such a heavy duty spark generator. Instead of trying to generate sparks at the requisite frequency, whatever you think it is, why not just adjust the resonance of the tank circuit to match it instead? IOW, let each spark generate lots of high frequency oscillati

[VO]:Re: Firing Circuits

2006-12-18 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Terry, The theme for using a "spark plug" firing at frequency speeds approaching the resonant frequency of water is to an attempt to combine two functions. One is to apply an electric current path surrounding the water vortex and also interrupt the current path so as to replicate a u

[VO]: Firing Circuits

2006-12-17 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Been in discussion with some making suggestions for our next series of experiments for water vortex studies. One suggestion was to use the discharge of a high voltage Tesla coil and fire that voltage across spiral wound springs ( 1/2" gap), one of iron and one of aluminum ( a

[VO]:Re:Measuring Precession

2006-12-17 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJohn Berry wrote.. Some type of processional force is claimed by the Steven's device. Can anyone suggest a great way to detect even very small processional forces? Howdy John, Dr.R.Stiffler posts on this group. You may ask him. He has been doing some interesting work in this area using m

[VO]:Re: Neglected Power Law

2006-12-12 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Jones, Interesting series of posts regarding a diesel-turbine-hybrid unit. We have been studying a work of Schauberger, a design he proposed for a " implosion" type compressor. Our interest is in using it for vacuum induction against pressure above 30 PSI, hopefully up to 150 PSI.

[VO]: OT: Pearl Harbor Dec. 7, 1941

2006-12-07 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHowdy Vorts, Visited funeral home tonight pay respects to old friend served with in the US Navy WW2 I thought about Iraq and the pending commission study report to Bush. My thoughts are our leaders should never pull a gun on a man they don't intend to kill. All it gets is a lotta good men

Re: [VO]:Re: Another energy machine story

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay
Robin wrote.. In reply to RC Macaulay's message of Tue, 5 Dec 2006 08:06:58 -0600: Hi Richard, [snip] One must understand there has been an irrevocable change since WW2. Now the focus is on melding and merging the world populace in phases. We are somewhere between the 1st and 2nd phase which

[Vo]: [VO]

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. Looks like the Vo-server was down yesterday, as two-day old messages appeared this morning and at least one post which needed correction is still apparently lost in cyberspace... One always suspects some kind of high-level tampering when this happens ... not that anyone with

[VO]:Re: Another energy machine story

2006-12-06 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Thomas wrote.. Phil contends that if we had spent the same money on energy development, we'd have energy independence. I think that if the Powers That Be wanted us to have energy independence we'd be energy independent. Howdy Thomas, One must understand there has been an irrevocable ch

[VO]:Re: RCM Vortex Machine

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. Is you main focus here to use the device for water purification - only, or are you looking towards possible energy applications? ... or are you just going to stir it all up, so to speak, and see what comes out? which come to think of it, is how 'Mother Nature' often operate

[VO]:OT: Mega-tsunamis are more common..

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankHarry Veeder wrote, Prof Bryant used satellite images from Google Earth to identify inland dunes in the shape of arrowheads that he says are signs of mega-tsunamis Howdy Harry, Good example would be the " dunes" down on the King Ranch in deep south Texas. They can be observed both sides of

[Vo]: Re: does centripetal vortex create a "free electron" in vortexed water?

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
Esa Ruoho wrote.. hello, does anyone have any data as to how vortexing could create a free electron (or, free up an electron) in the molecular structure of water? came across this quote (first was speaking with an old man about water's energy levels and he asked if my vortexeralso f

[VO]:Re: Interesting News About Steorn

2006-11-30 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. On one lower level there is the well-known prhenomenon of magentic precession of domains in a permanent magnet (PM), no? Precession involves angular momentum, no? Angular momentum can be transfered, no? If a PM is capable, at the domain level, of transfering some of its pre

[VO]:Re: BioMimicry, the old way

2006-11-28 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankJones wrote.. Real science based on 'taking a risk' with some degree of educated-speculation, instead of real-fluff based on total mainstream obeisance. Consequently, we need to add another layer of complication. See ... until fairly recently ... we were totally unaware of this "snow-ba

[VO]:Re: Hidden wealth

2006-11-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Blank Jones wrote.. As for the coming decade [and stranger than fiction forms of wealth], take the national helium repository for instance - close by a certain ranch in Crawford TX. This one is not yet fictionalized. It was recently, very quietly, shuttled into private hands from DoE, in what

[VO]:Re: Magnetic effect on water

2006-11-16 Thread RC Macaulay
BlankMichael Foster wrote.. >Somewhere on Bill's endlessly large website is an experiment showing that exposure to a magnetic field increases the viscosity of water. This is such an easy thing to test that I tried it. It really works. At first I thought that this is mysterious and inexplicable.

[Vo]: Re: Magnetic effect on water

2006-11-14 Thread RC Macaulay
Dr. Stiffler wrote, I have a question for the group and will follow up with additional coverage of the research that brings questions like these to the forefront. Assume (2) 150mL Pyrex lab beakers filled with distilled, de-ionized water. Seal both tops of the beakers with Al foil to reduce e

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Give Mel a Break?

2006-11-12 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts, Nuff said about culturals and races. Back in the US Navy WW2., a kid I knew from down around Corpus Christi Texas told of the fights he could start at the dance hall. Seems the small nearby farming communities were sorta "clannish". Orange Grove was all Dutch, San Patricio was Ir

[VO]:Re: MERUCRY and the Vortex Prophecy?

2006-11-08 Thread RC Macaulay
Nick Palmer wrote,P.S. I'm very dubious about astrology!   Slate Magazine today on net...   "In fact, the best news of the 2006 elections is the opportunity it gives Democrats to earn the lasting support of the independents and disgruntled Republicans whose votes just dropped in our laps. Tue

[Vo]: Re:[VO]: Greenest of the Green

2006-11-03 Thread RC Macaulay
Standing Bear wrote, This is a stratosphereof inflated salaries that can disappear in a heartbeat along withthe standards of living to which these pampered darlings havebecome accustomed.    Interesting observations da Bear. Consider Clear Channel Communications of San Antonio Texas. Now cons

[Vo]: Re:[VO]

2006-11-01 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote Below the sun's surface, in the fusion zone there will likely be a monstrous positive charge bias, which keeps this area far less-dense than it otherwise should be, if only gravity were at work. Electrostatic repulsion is in constant battle with gravity there. The resultant charge

[Vo]: Re: Re: Solar-Thermal Trenches vs the Solar Tower

2006-11-01 Thread RC Macaulay
Fred wrote, >Using a trench with septic drain field gravel surrounding a pipeline containing a layer of anhydrous ammonia on the bottom (like a sewer line) with  about 250 psig vapor pressure covered with a transparent material such as glass or Teflon at grade level anc

[VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester(c)

2006-10-29 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Alas!! NASA and aerospace introduced with their attendant bureaucratic bumbling ang bungling. Did you notice that Boeing was  "edged out" of the latest contract with NASA in favor of Lockheed- Martin.   Ummm .. lets see.. that means a total regime change at NASA with a new cont

Re: [VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Dr. Stiffler wrote.. RC Macaulay [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sir, I respect your opinion as I would expect you of mine, yet I wonder about your e-mail account of walhalla as opposed to valhalla? :-) Howdy Dr.Stiffler, The account is named walhalla after the nearby (used to be) town of Walhalla

[Vo]: Fw: Re: Removal of chi?

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay
      Fred wrote,   Then again, there is a chi in your chi-mney Richard.   Watch Jones blow his stack over that one.  :-)     Howdy Fred,   Sumtin's doon tikled dat man's fancy.   Humor is an imperative for survival in the new world of dis-order of science and politics.    Hannibal could

[VO]:Re: The Hydrino Harvester

2006-10-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Jones,   Or it may be stated " HY". A Jones homily is always welcome on a blustery Texas fall day.   The thing most   thought provoking in your " copyrighted theory " is considering the long sought explanation of " heat" radiation received on earth from the sun. To consider that a fasci

[VO]:Re: Removal of chi?

2006-10-26 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote, The reason that this is important is that many physicists, on hearing something like Qi or Chi or orgone spoken in a serious context, turn pale, start to froth at the mouth, and slather vulgarities... anyway...Howdy Jones, One must have a regular portion of Jone's "homolies" to s

[VO]:Fred's Solar Chimney

2006-10-23 Thread RC Macaulay
Fred wrote,   Never try to outdo a Texan. They certainly have the hot air supply.   Bush, and Jones Beene's ancestral heritage country. :-)   "In the heart of the nation's leading oil province, Monahans (Texas) officials and residents are hoping to land a major renewable energy project." I

[VO]:Re: The Vacuum ICE

2006-10-22 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote,   Some of those old locomotives could pull half a million pounds with less than a hundred real horsepower, it is said - because they had sufficient torque.   Howdy Jones,   My ole boss used to say, horsepower is horsehockey, torque is what a mule has in his rear.   Ah! Steam loco


2006-10-21 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Ever look at things like a kid and simply stare. They see it but don't, because that's not what they are looking for. We are looking at the next war that actually started around year 1990 via computer. An information war.A cyber war.This war is evolving as new weapons are devel

[VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-21 Thread RC Macaulay
> Harry Veeder wrote,>  > >Though Huygens rejected Newton's theory of universal> gravitation because it required action-at-a-distance, his own mechanistic> account failed to explain satisfactorily how subtle vortical-matter> transferred centripetal conatus to ordinary matter.">  Richard wrot

[VO]:Re: A short rant

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay
  Harry Veeder wrote,   >Though Huygens rejected Newton's theory of universalgravitation because it required action-at-a-distance, his own mechanisticaccount failed to explain satisfactorily how subtle vortical-mattertransferred centripetal conatus to ordinary matter."   Howdy Harry,   A furt

[VO]:Re: Future speed freaks

2006-10-20 Thread RC Macaulay
  Howdy Jones, A close peek at the "rocketman" makes me consider he has adapted the vortex air blaster theme to a turbine.. pretty neat.   Alas! the USA is rapidly losing it's capacity to produce anvanced technology products. Almost every co

[VO]:Re:{anti-Vo]:Global warming

2006-10-16 Thread RC Macaulay
Nick Palmer wrote,   >No, it does not conflict with the need to do something...     Howdy Vorts,   Ah Ha!   Now therein lies the real problem. .." the need to do something" !   Shakespeare once penned " there is a tide..."   It ain't up to us anymore which is why it's a waste of time to tal

[VO]:Re: Flux Tansfer Events

2006-10-08 Thread RC Macaulay
Terry wrote, close and personal with a leaking magnetosphere Cosmic plumbingBy Lucy SherriffFriday 6th October 2006 06:02 GMTYou may or may not know that Earth's magnetosphere leaks. You mightthink it is therefore time to send for the

[VO]:Re: More on DSHP

2006-10-06 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote,   First of all, the 'eureka moment' in question goes back further than Archimedes - it is Mother-nature's idea - biomimicry at work. Howdy Jones, Surprising how many Texas A&M engineering school undergrads are now tracking  your posts on this subject via my secret code ring loca

[Vo]: [VO];Re: Steve Krivit NO LONGER urges participation in Wikapedia

2006-10-05 Thread RC Macaulay
Steve wote,   >Well, some of you attempted to intervene, and I applaud you, whoever it was, but it seems the like things are a bit out of control there at the moment.  I'm appalled that such destruction could occur and that it has been left to stand. Let them have their way. One day they will

[VO]:Re: Seeing Tesla with new eyes

2006-09-30 Thread RC Macaulay
John Berry wrote..   >I have a friend, he's a bit odd, but anyway he told me about a friend of his (also John) who built a death ray, he isn't technical and I'm am doubtful he'd be able to come up with such interesting details, by using very strong UV lamps and high voltage was able to create

[VO]: Re: Esa Rucho

2006-09-27 Thread RC Macaulay
Esa wrote..   >I really hope this email isn't taken as 1) troll 2) annoyance >I would love to pose some more questions, >I am starving of information, and tired of the "quick fix" people Howdy Esa, A lenghty discourse from you. Thanks!. Ask your specific questions, thats what Vorts is all abo

[VO]:Re:Orion's Dunkin Donut

2006-09-25 Thread RC Macaulay
  Steven Johnson wrote..   Ok, now, all you mad scientists lurking out in vortex land, what happens to the doughnut shaped ring? Will it remain stationary, or will it possibly begin to spin.   Howdy Steven,   Remains stationary. Visualize two fields. Each field is vortex shaped like a spinnin

[VO]:Re: On the magnetization of Water

2006-09-22 Thread RC Macaulay
--- Robin > How do you intend to remove a fraction of a percent,The fractional percent is with no catalyst present(pure water) but the equilibrium level is much higherwith a colloidal catalyst.> and concentrate it to HTP?That is done in a cascade. Because of the enormousdensity difference, o

[VO]:Re: Jones post

2006-09-18 Thread RC Macaulay
Jones wrote..   Notwithstanding that major breakthrough, the hybrid car itself will need no large engine, just a tiny genset - similar in size to a present day turbocharger - except that the compressor-end is gone and replaced with a high speed electrical generator - operating at only one s

[VO]: Pitkinen magnetics paper

2006-09-04 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Interesting insight in magnetics study by Pitkanen.   My interest is the application of some of the thoughts expressed in his paper to a water vortex. Richard  


2006-08-30 Thread RC Macaulay
Remi wrote,   >The best thing is for visionaries/ideas people to form a consortium ofengineers/scientists (much as Steorn) and cut every worker in, pay everyworker a salary and give every worker equity.Kind of socialism within capitalist constraints: you look after the foundersand the workfo

[Vo]: Question

2006-08-29 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Frank,   Are you being blocked by vortex or is this an example of our esteemed intelligence ( or lack thereof) heirarchy in government? One requires a steady input of " the Grimer" complete with latin verbage to survive in the rural parts of Texas where rumors and  suspicions abound th

[VO]:Re: A SODden Thought

2006-08-26 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Jones.   Whne I was a kid I couldn't miss the saturday morning movie adventure. Alas ! Yesterday! But, not to worry because Jones Beene is here to provide the spark of inspiration together with that intrinsic sense of humor so vital to life < grin>   For those odd Texans that never atte

Re: [Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-22 Thread RC Macaulay
On 8/18/06, Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: True ... but just as all the clocks in a clock store line-up in phase, on their own (like magic ?) one would expect microtrons, especially if wired in parallel, to do the same, no? Terry wrote, Not really. The resonant frequency of the mic

[VO]:Re: SciAM Sept.

2006-08-21 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Jones,   Mention Nuke power plants . The South Texas Nuclear Power Plant near Bay City Texas, some 100 miles due south of me has a problem. A bunch of spoilsports sneaked into town and begin examining medical records over the past 20 years and learned there has been a marked increase in

[Vo]: [VO}:Re: Where did Vortex get lost?

2006-08-20 Thread RC Macaulay
john wrote,     We all see war and political and religious aspects in the news and in our lives.    I am not suggesting to ignore this.   I am asking if any Vos would like to get back to science   Howdy john, Hey, I know what you mean. Once in awhile I try to interject a bit of

[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-17 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Can'y find too much false in what John Berry wrote about the good ole USA which may be the reason the Confederacy in the south is still fighting the Civil War of 1861-1865. I know my grandmother sure hated the Yankees cuz her granddaddy was killed in that war by the damn Yankee

[Vo]: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-17 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   We have made several modifications to our test setup and can produce a very stable eyewall in the water vortex. Suggestions made regarding applying a pair of magnetrons aimed at the vortex have been intriguing. I have some pdf pics of the test setup including a pic of trhe act

[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-16 Thread RC Macaulay
Mike Carrell wrote.. Do you advocate policies which guarantee equality of outcome as opposed to equality opportunity? Be careful of what you wish for, that produces equal poverty for all. Howdy Mike, Ah! The law of unintended consequenses. You may add to the equation the " derivative" consequ

[VO]:Re: New Segway Products

2006-08-15 Thread RC Macaulay
Robin wrote..   Ever heard of a Pyrrhicvictory? - because that would be the most probable outcome, if youboth had your way. (No bets on who the "victor" would be). Howdy Robin, All the above is just an academic argument compared to what is staring Australia in the face. An entire continent, u

[VO]:Re: OT How to deal with terrorism

2006-08-15 Thread RC Macaulay
Jed wrote..  People often imagine that such institutions are ancient and permanent, but that is not the case. Howdy Jed, I spend entirely too much time reading your's and Jones threads and comments.  Thinking of various religious teachings and practices led me to rethink the prophetic stateme

[VO]:Re: OT How to deal with terrorism

2006-08-14 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Been an interesting series of comments but I see no consensus.   At the fundamental base of humanity, very few have an inherent evil within. I have met very  few that were evil to the core without any redemptive value. There seems to be an age , possibly around 6-9 years, where

[VO]:Re: Are we there yet?

2006-08-09 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts,   Reduced to application, the Coleman Powermate AirGen idea is a 1000 watt non-portable electric generator. Praxair will package the device with a botttle of hydrogen gas( under high pressure) and market it nationwide.   A high pressure cylinder of hydrogen gas? For standby power

[VO]: OT: BP Alaska Pipeline shutdown ??

2006-08-07 Thread RC Macaulay
Howdy Vorts..   Why do I get the feeling tha my chain is getting "yanked" by people a whole lot smarter than me?   Richard  

[VO]:Re: Correa Patent Issued

2006-08-06 Thread RC Macaulay
  Chris wrote.. Tonight has been consistent, as someone just informed me that Stanford has hooked up with Chevron to study "their" new discovery of nanodiamond for broad scale industrial applications and something to do with Silicon Vally. The looming question is why I ever thought anyone at

[VO]:Re: Correa Patent Issued

2006-08-05 Thread RC Macaulay
Chris wrote.. My comments on this are at however I will say here that the Correa's are common folk, with no imagination, foul, nasty personalities and they have sticky fingers as well.   My Pulsed Plasm

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