Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 lacks Ajax capability?

2006-05-15 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi Roger, hi Jeff,

Roger wrote:
>See this for more information, but don't ask me if it's working.
It works at least for our purposes. We are using an experimental LivePage
application here at our institute. "Experimental" means that 4 subjects of
a psychological study share a message board via browser live pages.

Jeff Rush wrote:
>(1) a piece of Javascript downloaded with a page request turns around and 
>issues an HTTP GET back to Zope3 such that that connection is kept open 
>indefinitely, and the thread within Zope3 that is servicing that request
>around and periodically shoves bits of data (XML, JSON, whatever) down
>pipe that get acted upon by Javascript within the client's page.  This 
>provides server => client communications via a brief REQUEST and a
>RESPONSE chunked up into pieces representing operations run on the client.
>(2) another piece of Javascript downloaded with a page request similarly
>around and issues an HTTP GET/PUT back to Zope3 with a header to keep the 
>connection open.  Over this pipe the client can issue conventional
>REQUEST/RESPONSE cycles to invoke functions within the server, providing 
>client => server communications.  However the trick re Zope3 is that the 
>URL/view to which that request connects must be one that can rendevous
>the thread or a piece of state associated with (1) above, so that the
>and client have a meaningful basis on which to talk.

I struggled with both problems in the package. 

(1) In this package I implemented a specialization of the twisted server
which handles LivePage requests outside Zope's threads. Otherwise the
number of connected clients would have been limited to the number of Zope
threads which come with their own object caches and database connections,
in my view an unnecessary overhead for most LivePage requests.

(2) Each client is registered on the server side in a thread safe global
utility. This utility handles the clients ids which are send as parameters
of each LivePage request.

Feel free to contact me if this looks interesting to you.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Zope 3 lacks Ajax capability?

2006-05-15 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Jeff Rush wrote:
>Provide a chat window at the bottom of a page, in which a student
>with a teaching app and members of his team.  In the upper portion of the 
>page, the teaching app alternately presents proficency questionaires and

This seems to be very similar to our "live comments" demo app:*checkout*/zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/live/demo/comment/README.txt

Unfortunately the documentation is far from complete, but I can work on it
if there is a concrete need.

Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Displaying ReStructered Text

2006-06-21 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

have a look at the rest2html function in*checkout*/zope3org/trunk/src/zorg/restsupport/

which uses the module.


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] EuroPython sprint?

2006-06-27 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

the sprint schedule on

lists a Zope3-sprint. The details seem to be very unclear.
Can anybody confirm that the sprint will take place before the conference?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Grrr. wikis are evil.

2006-10-09 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
"Fred Drake" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Montag, 9. Oktober 2006 at 5:20 Uhr
+0100 wrote:
>Didn't someone write one like this for Z3?  Possibly as part of a
> thing?  I now vaguely recall something being done, but
>that's about all I remember.

yes, we started such a thing at the NeckarSprint last year. Unfortunately
it never got ready to use . It uses Kupu and TinyMCE as WYSIWYG editors
besides ReST:

I fear that I will not be able to continue this work in the next few
months, since I have to concentrate on my Bebop project. 
In this project we try to implement a lot of additional features like
previews, versioning, diff views, integration with blog and news views,
filesystem synchronization etc.I would love to see Bebop as a basis for a site, but that's not realistic at the moment.

For the site it would probably the best to use an existing tool
like Trac which is dedicated to the need of programmers.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] future of fssync (was: RE: [SpringCleaning07])

2007-01-24 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Sorry for replying so late. I have just checked in some bug fixes for
fssync (r72206).
This was indeed not much work.

Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I don't think a whole lot is needed to make fssync a reality:
>1. Cure any bitrot that has set in.  It would also ne nice to replace  
>tests with modern doctests.
>2. Provide a Python API. fssync originally had a Python API, but this  
> replaced with a web-based API.  I think there should be both a  
> API that wasn't encumbered in any way by security, and a  
>protected web-based
> API.  The Python API should really be Zope and even ZODB  
> I don't think this would be a lot of work.  The original one  
>wasn't and would
> be useful in many cases.
>3. I think there should be a secure web-based interface.  This will  
> - Adding security checks that the user is allowed to access  
>   and de-serialization adapters,
> - Adding security declarations for these adapters,
>I don't think any of these would require a great deal of work.

I can try to deal with these tasks, but I fear that there is a little bit
more to do.
While playing with real data, I noticed

- problems  to serialize large sites (I run into a stack overflow and
have still
   to figure out why this happened),

- problems with unicode filenames.

As a first step I would like to clean up the existing code. Concerning
this I have questions/suggestions:

- Can the fssync:adapter zcml directive be replaced  by ordinary trusted

- Can be replaced by zope.xmlpickle? (It seems
that fspickle preserves location ids but it does not seem to preserve the
order of dict items)

- What's the purpose of Are there still
usecases for this code or can it be removed?

- What's the purpose of Can this be replaced
by utility registrations?

All in all the fssync code seem to be in an old-fashioned but usable shape
and it's  a pity that it has not been maintained.
Perhaps the maintenance can be made easier if we can change the code
without deprecation warnings. Nobody seems to have used fssync in the last
two years.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] future of fssync (was: RE: [SpringCleaning07])

2007-01-24 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2007 at 16:48 Uhr +0100
>Maybe, but I like your idea of using utilities below.  My original  
>thinking was
>along these lines: fssync should strive to serialize "all" object  
>data.  (Note that it isn't always obvious what data is intrinsic to  
>an object.)  I felt therefore, that inheriting synchronization  
>adapters would be bad.  If someone created a subclass and forgot to  
>create an adapter, then their data would be serialized incompletely.   
>I like the idea of using named utilities, using dotted class names as  
>utility ids.  See below.

Ok, I will give named utilities a try.
>>  - Can be replaced by zope.xmlpickle? (It  
>> seems
>> that fspickle preserves location ids but it does not seem to  
>> preserve the
>> order of dict items)
>I'm a bit rusty on this.  I would think that these can be combined.   
>It should, I think, be possible to generate location-aware pickles  
>and then use zmlpickle to represent these as XML.  The trick, I  
>think, would be use the pickle persistent-reference mechanism to  
>refer to other objects by location, when necessary.  I say this  
>without looking at the code. :)  If you need me to dig deeper, I'll  
>try to find time to do so.

I found such a combination in zope.fssync.server.entryadapter. There a
location-aware pickle was created by fspickle.dumps and converted via
xmlpickle.toxml. This version generated xmlpickles with changing dict
representations which in turn led to false alarms that objects had been

I will try to combine the xmlpickle._PicklerThatSortsDictItems with the
fspickle.ParentPersistentIdGenerator and see whether this solves the
problem. If this doesn't work, I will ask you for further assistance.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zope.fssync dependency on

2007-03-06 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

I'm currently working on zope.fssync and There are still
some things to do
(e.g. changing the API of the default file serialization adapter to read
and write methods,
adding security statements for serializers and deserializers). I'm
planning to finish these
things until 3.4.

My preference would be to leave everthing as it is and include zope.fssync
as a dependency and as a part of the egg. Alternatively I can try to move the
code of 
(and etc.) to zope.fssync.

I can live with both alternatives, of course, but in my opinion it makes
sense to leave the
Python API (independent of ZODB and locations etc.) in zope.fssync and the
web-based API 
(with security and location aware pickler) in

Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zope.fssync dependency on

2007-03-06 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>We need to either remove, or, if we think that  
>fssync is moving along well enough, we need to move  
> to a separate project in some namespace  
>package, such as
>fssync is too experimental to include in  

I agree that fssync is still experimental. The DefaultFileAdapter setBody
and getBody methods, for instance, do not apply well to Blobs and other
file implementations. Another problem, at least for me, is that the
current implementation addresses more the use case of export/import than
the use case of content management. Currently FSSync replicates the ZODB
object tree in the filesystem, serializes everything into a temp file, and
starts to respond after these very expensive operations. How are the
chances that the response.write method is reinstated in the future? Or are
there already alternatives I have missed?

Given that needs more work, wouldn't it be better to move
everything into one place then, e.g to, etc? If the API becomes stable we still can create
the separate projects.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zope.fssync dependency on

2007-03-06 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Since you're the one working on this, I'll defer to you on this  
>detail. :)

Ok, then I will move the things to


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Proposal for optimized Blob handling

2007-03-07 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Christian Theune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreibt:
>This is how the dance looks like to do the link():
> >>> import tempfile, os
> >>> d = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
> >>> os.path.exists(
> True
> >>> d.write('Test')
> >>> os.path.exists('/tmp/asdf')
> False
> >>>, '/tmp/asdf')
> >>> d.close()
> >>> os.path.exists(
> False
> >>> os.path.exists('/tmp/asdf')
> True
> >>> open('/tmp/asdf').read()
> 'Test'

Yeah, but as Dieter said the temp file should be better renamed or moved
to a save location.
It is likely that a temp file disappears.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Proposal for optimized Blob handling

2007-03-07 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Christian Theune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreibt:
>Nope. It won't disappear if you link it again. And the link(src, dst)
>does move it to a 'save' location ;)

Again I'm not convinced because you cannot be sure that no other process
deletes the temp file.
In the following I simulate this with a os.system call:

>>> import tempfile, os
>>> d = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
>>> os.path.exists(
>>> d.write('Test')
>>> os.path.exists('/tmp/asdf')
>>>, '/tmp/asdf')
>>> d.close()
>>> os.system('rm /tmp/asdf')
>>> os.path.exists('/tmp/asdf')
>>> open('/tmp/asdf').read()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/asdf'


Why not rename the temp file to a place in the blob directory?
That would also avoid the copy operation.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Proposal for optimized Blob handling

2007-03-07 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Christian Theune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreibt:
>Nope this is not the correct simulation. Who except your application
>knows about /tmp/asdf? You have to simulate deleting and then
>you'll see that /tmp/asdf does not disappear.

Ok, but what Dieter means is that the tmp dir as a whole is emptied from
time to time.
I see your point that closing a temp file removes it whereas the link
still works,
but that does not solve the problem that system administrators may sweep
things out.
The following solution avoids this problem:

>>> os.mkdir('/Users/uo/blobs')
>>> d = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
>>> d.write('Test')
>>> d.flush()
>>> os.rename(, '/Users/uo/blobs/asdf')
>>> open('/Users/uo/blobs/asdf').read()
>>> os.path.exists('/tmp/asdf')


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] IKeyReference for files

2007-03-27 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreibt:
>Now I'm hoping I'm missing some kind of strategy and perhaps someone 
>will have a luminous idea to make this work without the creation of a 
>separate index. Or if not, at least I can give up looking and just go 
>and write that index. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hi Martijn,

I have experimented with the inodes of files, which are a good candidate
for IKeyReferences for files. Using inodes solves the problem that the ids
should remain stable across moves. They are also a good basis for a
detection of moves which happen outside the control of Zope.

The problem that a lookup requires a directory walk can perhaps be reduced
if one keeps hard links to the target files in a separate directory. If
the hard links use the ids as filenames one could efficiently access the
file contents without search.

I have never tested this idea, but perhaps it may be worth a try.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: IKeyReference for files

2007-03-27 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Martijn Faassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreibt:
>Yeah, and I do need to be cross-platform with this, so inodes are not


it depends on how cross-platform you need to be and whether you have
another solution that is ideal;)

For Win32 you can use the low value of the FileIndex number of the
filesystems master file table. This is the last value of the (10-)tuple
returned by the Win32 API method


Note that the new Blob-support also uses win32file

Concerning the problem of the different filesystems and devices I can only
guess whether your use cases really need to take different devices into
account. In our use case we simply assumed that the files are on a single
device and remain were they are. If you follow Christian's suggestion of
using hard links with the oid of a shadow object in the ZODB a similar
restriction applies.

In any case I'm also interested in IKeyReferences for files, so I hope
that there is a better solution that is cross platform, allows an
efficient lookup, works across devices, and offers also an easy way to
detect catalog relevant changes. I fear there is no ideal solution to all
these problems and we need to consider trade-offs.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] State of zope.fssync

2007-05-01 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi All,

I'm still working on zope.fssync and When I started, I
had the hope to finish this work before the 3.4 release, but as always it
took longer than expected. Now I'm unsure how to proceed.

I have refactored zope.fssync and into two clearly
separated packages:

- zope.fssync contains now a Python API that has no critical dependencies
on Zope, the ZODB, and the security machinery.

- contains a protected web-based API and special
synchronizers for content types.

Other major changes are

- synchronizers (i.e. serialization/de-serialization adapters) are created
by named utilities which use dotted class names as lookup keys

- added doctests for zope.fssync and functional doctests for

- support for large files

- adapters for pickler, unpickler and handling of persistent pickle ids

- binaries are no longer merged

- case-insensitive filesystems and repositories use disambiguated names on
export and the original names on import
- export and import of directly provided interfaces

- direct export to archives/direct import from archives

- addressed encoding problems on Mac OSX

I can commit these changes to the trunk before the feature freeze, but I
have mixed feelings about doing so, since there are still problems to be
solved, e.g.

- export/import of int id utilities and catalogs: both should be rebuild
and not serialized/de-serialized and in the moment it is unclear to me
whether we need a fssync-specific form of post processing for this 

- missing doctests for the use case of content management

Therefore I propose to postpone the release of zope.fssync until the next
release cycle.

Any comments?


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] State of zope.fssync

2007-05-02 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Jim Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2007 at 14:34 Uhr +0100
>fssync isn't included in releases, so I don't think it matters.  I  
>suggest you *move* these two packages out of the Zope 3 tree to their  
>own projects.  There's no need, IMO, to leave externals behind.

There are already two separate projects zope.fssync and
which have been created for eggification. I will move the code to these

zope.xmlpickle seems to be used only by zope.fssync. Shall I move this
package too?


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Upcoming Zope3 Sprint 9-11 Nov.

2007-09-19 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi all,

the Bebop Team would like to invite Zope3 developers to the second
NeckarSprint at the Knowledge Media Research Center, Tuebingen, Germany.
The meeting will start on Friday, November 9 and end on Sunday, November

This time the focus of the sprint will be on code maintenance, cleanup of
dependencies, etc. Be warned! It will be the most boring sprint that ever
happened: no exiting new ideas, no new killer features, no social events :)

If you are interested in spite of my warnings consult the WikiPage at

Please add yourself to the participants on the Wiki or send me an email if
you cannot edit the page.

Hope to see you in Tuebingen,

Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: The elevator speech for Zope 3

2007-10-08 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Oliver Marx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>I have looked at Grok. I love the ideas. But it feels like its a little 
>too much convention over configuration. I do not hate zcml. I hate to 
>write zcml. If there was a way to auto generate zcml and way to 
>overwrite that zcml when needed - then I would be a happy man. 

Have a look at bebop.protocol  in PyPI. It's still a preminary version but
it does exactly what you want.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-03 Thread Uwe Oestermeier


I'm working on a versioning system that creates a new version for each changed file content.
I tried to listen  to, 
but unfortunately no such event seems to be generated.

Editing an existing via the edit view leads only to an ObjectModifiedEvent, 
uploading new content produces no object event at all.

Should this be fixed by generating ObjectContentModifiedEvents in both cases (which I would prefer), 
or should the less informative ObjectModifiedEvent be used? In the later case, the misleading
IObjectContentModifiedEvent should probably removed from the list of objectevents.

In general, missing events are difficult to detect and I'm quite sure that file editing and uploading
are not the only relevant cases (e.g. WebDAV and FTP are other ways to modify file contents).
Wouldn't it be the best solution to generate an IObjectContentModifiedEvent in the File._setData method and
not the view classes?


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-03 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

Garrett Smith wrote:

What is the difference between 'content' that gets modified and the
object that gets modified.

In my understanding the difference stems from the filesystem 
metaphor behind Zope. The "content" of a Zope object corresponds 
to the content of a file, while other attributes are more like descriptive 
metadata (e.g. modification time).
The distinction however is not clear cut because content objects
can be much more complex than simple files and metadata can also be stored
in annotations.

In my use case, however, it makes sense to draw such a distinction 
because I'm using the filesystem to store versions. 
Content in this sense is simply that what can be edited by opening and writing files.
Since Zope3 supports WebDAV and FTP something similar is probably needed for 
other systems too. 

But I could also live with ObjectModifiedEvents only.  
I've to check all aspects of an object anyway, because
the non-content parts of an object are versionable too. Currently I loop over
all versionable attributes (which are provided by special adapters) and
try to detect all differences between new and old versions of an object.

A more radical approach would be to specify in each ObjectModifiedEvent
which aspects of an object changed. By aspect I mean the schema and the modified
field within the schema:

class IPerson(Interface) :
   age = Attribute("The age of the person")

class Person(object) :

person = Person()
person.age = 42
zope.event.notify( ObjectModifiedEvent(person, aspect=IPerson["age"]))

File content then could be handled as a special case : = "">
zope.event.notify( ObjectModifiedEvent(person, aspect=IFile["data"]))

With this extension the ObjectModifiedEvents would be more informative and a loop over all versionable
attributes in my application would become unnecessary.  This would also make updates of
 catalogs more efficient.

Uwe Oestermeier

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-03 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

"Garrett Smith" wrote:

I'd see this being something like a ValueChangedEvent that specified the
object, schema, field name, old value, and new value. This would be a
nice way to bolt on validation without modifying the schema.

Yes, that's exactly what I need for versioning.

Anyone needing more information in ObjectModified can just create a new
event type with the additional info. This seems application specific to

But there is a major problem: How can you reuse an existing infrastructure then? You have
to write all editing views or other components that modify the content objects anew. 
In my view ValueChangedEvents are usefull in many applications and for
many purposes (reindexing catalogs, updating views in standalone applications, triggering
external processes etc.). Would it be too much overhead to have them in the framework from 
the beginning?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-04 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

Garrett Smith wrote:
I think ValueChangedEvent would be a good addition to the forms
machinery. But if you need something like that now, I'd recommend using
your own edit view class.

That would be a solution for the moment, but in the future I would like to say that my 
application provides also versioning for content types of other third party applications. This leads to a second major problem: How can I be sure that other applications do send events for all modifications they perform. It is very easy to forget that. My versioning scheme would be less error prone if I could check for modified objects via ITransaction.beforeCommitHook or ISynchronizer.beforeCompletion. Can this already be done in the current state of development? I found no hints in the Zope3 sources that these interfaces of the transaction module are already used. 

In the meanwhile we need a decision, whether the ObjectContentModifiedEvent should be used in the File._setData method. I  would like to check this solution in. Any objections? The ObjectContentModifiedEvent class can be removed later on, if noone else is using it.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-09 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

Garrett Smith wrote:

> So we shouldn't see ObjectModifiedEvent being fired directly then. It
> should be one of the two subclasses, correct? This is not the case
> throughout zope/app.

Jim Fulton answered:
> Yup. Yup.

A closer look at the ObjectModifiedEvents (or the related modified() calls) 
revealed that there are only a few places were these events are actually fired.
Most usages occur inside tests.

ObjectModifiedEvents are fired in

1. app.form.browser.add (in a _set_after_add hook together with a list of fields)
2. app.form.browser.editview (after a call of applyWidgetsChanges)
3. app.form.browser.editwizard (after a call of applyWidgetsChanges)
4. app.fssync.committer (after a call of adapter.setBody)
5. (in _publishModified, seems to be
related to container events)
6. (in setitem and uncontained)

An ObjectAnnotationsModifiedEvent is used in

7. (for dc.title and dc.description)

ObjectContentModifiedEvents are currently not used, as already mentioned.

According to the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction 

1-4 are clear cases for ContentModifiedEvents (or ValueChangedEvents),
5 & 6 indicate modified containers, which are presumably ContentModifiedEvent 
according to the intrinsic/extrinsic distinction.
7 is the only clear case for an extrinsic usage.

Therefore one should use  ObjectContentModifiedEvent for 1-6, and 
an ObjectAnnotationsModifiedEvent for 7. As far as I see, 4. becomes redundant,
if File._setData fires the event. But the general question is,  whether the adapter 
or the adapted interface should send the event.

Alternatively, all mentioned usages could be easily subsumed under an extended
ObjectModifiedEvent definition. Some optional keywords (for the interface and
the attribute that was used to change the object, and additional infos about 
the changed values if available) are probably sufficient:

1-3: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=schema, attr=field, oldvalue=old, newvalue=new)
4: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IObjectFile, attr="setBody")
5: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IContainer, attr="__setitem__")
6: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IContainer, attr="__delitem__")
7: ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, interface=IZopeDublinCore, attr="title")

Since the keywords are optional, these changes could be easily made in a 
backward compatible way.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-11 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

Dieter Maurer wrote:
As soon as you index the content, you will be interested
to distinguish between a modification in the primary
content and some meta data (as it has big repercussions
on the speed of the reindexing).

I agree, but perhaps we can find a compromise that fits 
all needs. I propose to use pluggable modification utilities.

The container related events are already fired by only two 
functions (setitem and uncontained). If we introduce a third 
one for object modification (e.g. update or modify and an 
additional annotate if needed), we can replace these 
functions with callable utilities, which are responsible for 
performing the changes and  firing the events.
It's then up these components which events are
actually used.

Direct calls of ObjectModifiedEvents can then be marked as
deprecated to ensure that all applications will use
these pluggable modifiers.


The following code should make clear what I mean:

#! python

import doctest, unittest, zope
from import zapi
from zope.interface import Interface, implements
from import ObjectModifiedEvent
from import IObjectModifiedEvent

class IPluggableModifier(Interface) :
A pluggable modifier can be used to replace the
existing modification mechanism in  Zope. 
It should be used in all places where other systems 
are notified about changes.

The implementation must ensure that
at least one IObjectModifiedEvent is fired
if an object's state has been changed.
def __call__(self, obj, interface, **kw) :
Performs the update and fires an IObjectModifiedEvent.

It's up to the plugin which specialization of
IObjectModifiedEvent is actually used.

Returns the modified object or None if the object
could not be modified.

class DefaultModifier(object) :
Implements a default behavior that mimics Zope3's current
modification event handling.

Setup :

>>> from zope.component import provideUtility
>>> provideUtility(DefaultModifier(), IPluggableModifier)
>>> events = []
>>> zope.event.subscribers.append(events.append)
>>> class Sample(object) : pass

Usage :

>>> modify = zapi.getUtility(IPluggableModifier)
>>> sample = Sample()
>>> result = modify(sample, None, title='Test', description='Example')
>>> result == sample
>>> IObjectModifiedEvent.providedBy(events[0])
>>> sample.title
>>> sample.description


def __call__(self, obj, interface, **kw) :
""" Modifies an object and fires an IObjectModifiedEvent. """

if interface is not None :
obj = interface(obj)
for key, value in kw.items() :
setattr(obj, key, value)
return obj

class ValueChangedEvent(object) :
A modification event that keeps additional information about
the used interface, the old and new values.

def __init__(self, object, interface, key, old_value, new_value) :
self.object = object
self.interface = interface
self.key = key
self.old_value = old_value
self.new_value = new_value

class BetterModifier(object) :
Implements a modification behavior that fires more
informative events for more efficient versioning
and reindexing.

Setup :

>>> from zope.component import provideUtility
>>> provideUtility(BetterModifier(), IPluggableModifier)
>>> events = []
>>> zope.event.subscribers.append(events.append)
>>> class Sample(object) : pass

Usage :

>>> modify = zapi.getUtility(IPluggableModifier)
>>> sample = Sample()
>>> result = modify(sample, None, title='Test', description='Example')
>>> result == sample
>>> sample.title
>>> sample.description
>>> for x in events : print x.__class__.__name__


undefined = object()

def __call__(self, obj, interface, **kw) :
""" Modifies an object and fires an IObjectModifiedEvent. """

if interface is not None :
obj = interface(obj)
for key, value in kw.items() :
old = getattr(obj, key, self.undefined)
if old != value :
setattr(obj, key, value)
event = ValueChangedEvent(obj, interface, key, old, value)

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-12 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Dieter Maurer wrote:
>Sounds good, but I am nevertheless convinced that we
>want finer grain control -- almost as fine (but probably with other
>means) as the "idxs" argument to "catalog_object" (which controls
>precisely which indexes should be reindexed). We will probably
>replace the selection of affected indexes with some interface
>related concept.

That's exactly what my proposal wants to achieve. If you need finer
the pluggable modifier is the right place to introduce whatever you want.
special events you can add hooks, introduce type specific adapters etc.
All we need
at the moment (at least for cataloging and versioning) is the certainty
that all 
relevant modifications are going through the same replaceable component. 
Everything else can be implemented later on.

As far as I understand Zope3's catalog implementation most indexes use a
interface + attribute specification, which a ValueChangedEvent could
The "BetterModifier" in my proposal sends these infos in addition to an
unspecific modified event and thus should be sufficient for most purposes. 
One problem I see is that different schema adapters can use the same slots
different fields. To solve this problem one could probably use object
annotations to
store footprints of the involved indexes and their relationships. But
again the
modification component would be the right place to evaluate these

-- Uwe

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: What is modification, and why do we care? (was Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing Object

2005-05-30 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>- A persistence or versioning system wants to know when objects
>   have changed so that they can save new versions of the object.
>   This needs to be pretty much fool proof.  To do this, I think you
>   really need to do something like what the ZODB persistence
>   mechanism does. Perhaps for versions, once could hook into
>   this mechanism somehow.

Yes, that's an alternative I'm considering. It would be nice to have an
explict API for getting the modified objects of a transaction and I
remember that this was discussed on another list months ago. Is there such
an API already? I didn't find one.
>- Record, as meta data, the time that an object changes.
>   My original thought was that this would track only
>   data, not meta-data changes.  This is not what we are doing now.
>   For example, updating an object's DC title changes it's modification
>   time.
>   I'm not sure what we should do here.

In my view this depends on the use case. For instance, currently I'm
working on a blog system that uses DC title and description together with
the body of the blog entry as parts of  a searchable text. The whole blog
entry with title, description, and body appears to the user as a unit. In
this case it seems ok, that the modification date is changed if one part
of the searchable text is changed. But I'm also using DC effective as
publication date and there it would be misleading if a change of the
publication date also changes the modification date. So we have at least
two types of annotations here. This was one reason, why I proposed a
pluggable mechanism for event notification. We cannot know in advance what
kinds of events are really needed and which distinctions will be necessary
in the future. But I agree with you, that the use of a utility is not very
Pythonic, although the proposed modify(obj, key1=value1,  key2=value2,
...) syntax was borrowed from dict.update.
>- Update indexes (and other cache-like data structures)
>   There is a thought that perhaps the generated event could
>   contain enough information to eliminate some indexes from
>   use.  This is (mostly) an optimization.

>   Probably the indexes that we *most* want to avoid reindexing are
>   text indexes.  We have a ISearchableText interface that we
>   commonly adapt objects to to get the text to index.  We really
>   can't predict how this text is computed.

Yes, not from outside. But as a programmer I know which interfaces I use.
To use the blog example again: given that the used interface+attribute is
recorded in the modification event it's not to difficult to write a
subscriber that listens to changes of the body, the title or description,
and fires an additional modification event for
ISearchableText["getSearchableText"] if a change of a part is detected.
The problem of computed attributes has to be solved anyway. If I have an
object schema that promises an attribute and the value is computed from
the state of other objects we have chains of dependent modification
events, or we cannot rely on the event mechanism any longer. It is
probably easier to write and understand such chains if the events describe
in detail what happens.
>Given the applications above, I don't think that there's value in
>fine-grained modification events that justifies the complecity of
>proposals we've thought of so far.

That might be, but what remains from the idea of loosely connected
components that communicate via events if we need hooks into the
transaction machinery for versioning, a special dependency checker for
indexing and caching, and application specific modification events even
for a simple blog implementation?

The container events are much more specific and contain enough information
to undo/redo the described operation. Why are modification events treated
differently here? Wouldn't it be a usefull rule of thumb, that all events
should carry enough information to be able to undo/redo them?

I agree with Dieter that efficiency will become important as soon as Zope3
has to cope with office documents and user expectations. I'm not sure
whether all optimization issues should be left to the applications. This
will result in applications that use hooks, direct update calls, etc.
instead of events and it will become difficult to use them in combination.
>Are there other applications for modification events that
>I haven't considered?

I'm using modification events in a wxPython app with a MVC architecture.
Zope3 events are a very clean way to keep models and their views in sync.
There are of course other ways to avoid unnecessary flicker, but the most
easy way to update only the affected parts of a view is to specify the
changed part of the  model. That was also a motivation behind my proposal
to use a pluggable modification mechanism.

-- Uwe


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-30 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Ooops! I just saw that my previous posting on the other thread has become
obsolete to a large degree.

>I suggest we generalize this a bit.  I suggest that the ObjectModified
>event could accept one or more modification descriptions (hints?).
>Some examples:
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile)
>This says that we modified the objects file data.  Note that
>an interface is an acceptable description.  In fact, we
>might allow pretty muich anything as a description.
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile,
>   Attributes(IZopeDublinCore, 'title',
>   )
>This says we modified the file data and the DC title and description.

>Uwe, I still think you need something else for your versioning work.

I'm not sure. Previously, I thought that it would be useful to have the
old and new values of an attribute change in addition. Such infos allow to
create the first version of an attribute value after the first change,
which means that one creates versions only for the (usually few) parts of
an object that really change. Since each versioned value has some overhead
 (e.g. modification time, user etc.) this makes a difference

The proposed approach makes the descriptions optional, and I agree that a
framework should not be overloaded by application specific optimizations. 
Therefore, I probably will continue using complete replicas of the
original objects since I cannot rely on the fact that all programmers
specify all changes in such detail. Otherwise it would be possible to
extend the modification descriptions a little bit and provide 

ValueChanged(IZopeDublinCore, 'title', u'Old title', u'New title') 

descriptions at least for the few cases in the framework where
modification events are produced. Whether other programmers find these
descriptions also usefull can then be left to the future. 

What remains is the problem that change detection should be fool proof. It
would be nice to have a debugging tool that prints a warning if a modified
object is written back to the database without a corresponding event.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-05-30 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
"Garrett Smith" wrote:
>A couple questions:
>- How is a 'better' (loaded term, feel free to interpret) arrangement
>than using application-specific event types that clearly define a) when
>the event is generated and b) what information the event conveys?

Application specific events can still be 'better', but if the framework is
flexible enough to capture typical use cases like versioning and indexing
in an efficient way this is 'better' than the current state. 
>- What new burdens does this place on application developers? Does Zope
>core now have to keep track of what "extra" information is conveyed in
>various scenarios? What about library vendors?

As far as I can see, the extra burden is relatively small. The additional
explictness makes debugging and testing probably easier. Zope core should
not keep track about scenario specific modification descriptions, but new
ones should be defineable.
>I've viewed the current ObjectModifiedEvent as being appropriate for
>simple interfaces like the ZMI. In many cases, this simple event model
>works perfectly. Different applications are free to layer new event
>models on top of that.
>The way to add new event models (at least in my experience) is to create
>new event types -- not embed "extra" information in an otherwise clearly
>defined data structure.
>It seems to me that we're trying to make the ZMI anticipate
>application-specific requirements without knowing that those might be.
>I'd rather see something like this:
>- If a utility (or some other pluggable component) uses specific
>information from an event, it should provide an event interface that
>describes what it needs.
>- An application that's aware of that component type can fire an event
>that provides that interface.

As far as I can see, this is still possible and works probably fine within
one application. But if we want to combine different apps (e.g. a
groupware with a versioning system with a special text index), changes are
high that application specific events will not work together in the long
run, because each application developer has  to keep track of new event
types, changes in the interface, etc. of other applications.
For a framework, I prefer more complex but reusable events over simple but
application specific events.  In my application I was quite satisfied with
Zope3's container events from the beginning, and I'm quite sure that this
is due to their higher informativity. All in all, the current proposal
combines simplicity (AnnotationModifiedEvent and ContentModifiedEvent are
obsolete) with optional modification descriptions. It is at the same time
easy to integrate in the current framework and still open to application
specific events.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-06-01 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>I'm 99% sure that this event model will not be sufficient for object

Because there is no guarantee that all relevant modifications are
accompanied by events?
Because the events do not carry enough information?

I think these problems can be solved, but perhaps you have other reasons
in mind.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-06-01 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>> Because there is no guarantee that all relevant modifications are
>> accompanied by events?

But this problem is not unique to versioning. If you cannot rely on events
there is also no guarantee that your catalogs are always up to date.

Therefore I'm planning a debug tool that uses a beforeCommitHook to check
whether all modifications I'm interested in are accompanied by events.
This indeed is another way to say that I'm doing versioning better at the
transactional level. My point is, that this debug mode is relatively
expensive and I hope that I can switch it off as soon as all components
fire the events as required.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-06-08 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
I would like to fix the missing event bug, implement Jim's proposal and
mark ObjectContentModifiedEvent and ObjectAnnotationModifiedEvent as

Any objections?


>I suggest we generalize this a bit.  I suggest that the ObjectModified
>event could accept one or more modification descriptions (hints?).
>Some examples:
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile)
>This says that we modified the objects file data.  Note that
>an interface is an acceptable description.  In fact, we
>might allow pretty muich anything as a description.
>   ObjectModifiedEvent(obj, IObjectFile,
>   Attributes(IZopeDublinCore, 'title',
>   )
>This says we modified the file data and the DC title and description.
>This information would be a hint that subscribers could use, or not use
>as appropriate.
>We could change the form machinery in an obvious way to generate
>attribute descriptions.

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Missing ObjectContentModifiedEvent

2005-06-08 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>What is the missing event bug?

Currently no modification event is fired if one uploads new file content
via ZMI.
In a former mail I proposed to fire the event in File.setData,
alternatively it can be fired by the upload view.
>Would this be for 3.2?  Keep in mind that we want to generate a beta
>release this weekend.

I can do it tomorrow since there are only a few places where modification
events are actually used.
If that seems to risky I will wait for 3.2.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Heads up: and are now opt

2005-06-16 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>The fact that you can't get key references for persistent objects is a
>pain.  I've thought a lot about that, but haven't come up with a good
>(Phillip Eby suggested using GUIDs at one point.  I've always been a bit
>suspicious of GUIDs myself.) 

What's the problem with GUIDs? Many systems use them (e.g. the Chandler
repository, SVN) to solve similar problems.
Doesn't WebDAV locking require GUIDs anyway?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Heads up: and are now op

2005-06-16 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>They aren't guaranteed to be unique.  They are statistically
>very unlikely to conflict, but that chance of a conflict makes
>me nervous.  We tend to create a lot of these, so I think the chances
>for conflict are higher than in many other applications.
>A major component of variablility in guids is Mac or IP
>address, which wil lbe constant on servers that may need to generate
>millions of ids. 

You know probably Leach & Mealling's discussion of possible solutions:
>Certainly, it should be possible to implement GUID-nased key
>references, although you will need to store GUIDS on the objects.
>Feel free to try it.  I'd be interested to see how well it works over
>the long run.

We are using GUIDs with combined IP address, timestamp, and random numbers
in our application since three years without problems. But that's no
sufficient evidence. Are there other list members that use GUIDs?
Has anybody ever recognized problems of uniqueness?


Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Upcoming Zope3 Sprint 6-9. Oct

2005-07-20 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi all,

the Bebop Team would like to invite Zope3 developers for the next upcoming
sprint at the Knowledge Media Research Center, Tuebingen, Germany. The
meeting will start on Thursday, October 6 and end on Sunday, October 9.
The focus of the sprint will be on the Zope3.2 release. This might include
topics like

- Twisted integration
- WebDAV support
- Catalogs
- Customizable container views
- Zope3 and Ajax
- Event debugging

and many other...

Stephan Richter and Dominik Huber are the coaches of this sprint and will
introduce the participants into the current state of the Zope3 framework. 

The sprint is intended for Zope developers. That means that the sprint
will start without a tutorial, but interested newcomers who studied the
books of Stephan Richter and Philipp von Weitershausen are also welcome.
If you are interested consult the WikiPage at

As a member you can edit the page with

Please contact me, if you have questions or suggestions.

Hope to see you...

Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Zope3 and ZEO

2005-09-06 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

today I downloaded the Zope-3.1.0c2 release candidate and played a little
bit with it.

I noticed that the bin/mkzeoinstance script is broken and returns

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./mkzeoinstance", line 40, in ?
from ZEO.mkzeoinst import ZEOInstanceBuilder

I found no hint how Zope3.1 can be run with ZEO instead. 

Besides that the README.txt contains still references to Zope-3.0.0 and a
"XXX to be written" under "Starting Zope"

Shouldn't that be fixed before the final release is out?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Zope3 and ZEO

2005-09-07 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Tim Peters wrote:
>Zope3 3.1's
>bin/mkzeoinstance seems to work now, 

I dedected another problem: bin/runzeo  doesn't start ZEO.
This script calls ZEO/ which has a main function but no

if __name__ == "__main__" :

at the end. Has this already been fixed in the mentioned internal branch?


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Rename "principal" to "participant"

2005-09-14 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Martijn Faassen wrote:
>I ended up creating a first class User object too. See also my note 
>about being able to access these in content space.
The same holds for my project. Shouldn't they be part of the framework if
so many applications need them? 

Whether these user objects are placed in the content space or under
++etc++ is another question. Perhaps it would be best to have both options.

-- Uwe

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: RFC: Rename "principal" to "participant"

2005-09-14 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:

>I smell a proposal :).

I cannot promise to write this proposal in the next two weeks, but I will
try to write one before the NeckarSprint (6-9. Oct) takes place. The
implementation of user objects would be a manageable sprint task.

-- Uwe

Zope3-dev mailing list

[Zope3-dev] Containerview Proposal

2005-09-29 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

Stefan Martin and I have written a proposal for a reimplementation of the
container views.

We would like to work on this at the NeckarSprint next week, so any
feedback is welcome.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Containerview Proposal

2005-09-29 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Benji York wrote:
>I'll be releasing some code today that does most of what this proposal 
>wants for any collection of objects, not specifically container views 
>(because you'll often want to represent tabular data that doesn't exist 
>in any particular container).  It would fairly easy to build a container 
>view using it.

Great! We can use it at the sprint then.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] zope3 website report?

2005-10-11 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Martijn Faassen wrote:

>I'm very curious to see what work was done on a Zope 3 website at the 
>Neckar sprint. Can someone send a report to the list?

We (Dominik Huber, Tonico Strasser, Gregoire Weber, and I) set up a 
zope3org package ( with the following parts:

wikification - A wiki view that transforms sets of HTML documents
within in a nested folder structure into a Wiki. We defined no
 special content types. We decided to use only files and folders
 to be able to work via ftp, fssync etc. as much as possible.

comment - A simple comment implementation that stores list of comments
in an object's annotations.
kupusupport - An integration of Kupu into Zope3. Defines an editor
  that can be selected from the ZMI menu. We started that from
an older version of the IsarSprint and still have to do some work
to support the current 1.3.1 version of Kupu.
importer  - a wget like tool that allows to import existing Wiki pages
or other HTML documents from any URL. The pages can be post-
processed to extract the content and strip out navigation, etc.
This tool 

Unfortunately we did not manage to plug all parts together, but I hope that
we can bring up a demo site soon. Especially the view with the integrated
Kupu editor and a complete navigation has still to be assembled.

We will also document things in more detail on the NeckarSprint page.


Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: zope3 website report?

2005-11-13 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
>Hi Mikhail,
>the outline is nice, but contains items that we do not have already; for 
>example it has a huge documentation section with lots of items, but none
>this type of documentation exists and you cannot expect it to magically 

It would be really nice to have this stuff, but I do not see how all the
content can be produced in the near future.
>Having said this, I really wish someone would take ownership in
>developing our 
> site. Unfortunately I have not heard from Uwe anymore, but
>should contact him and see what's going on.

I continued the work on the wikification and the importer. At
least in principle we can take over most of the existing Zope3Dev wiki
automatically (without comments at the moment). But without a review of
what is outdated and still important this does not make sense. So this may
be a starting point for someone who is willing to work on the content of
the new site.
>With that much interest I would hope that a steady developer group around 
> would form. Is that possible? IS someone willed to take the

Due to my other duties I'm only willing to continue the things we started
at the Sprint (I hope to be able to add ReST editing until the end of the
next week), and may also coordinate other technical issues but I'm
certainly not able to coordinate community and marketing issues.

Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: zope3 website report?

2005-11-13 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi Valeri,
>I can help to review existing Zope3Dev wiki.
>May be create list: wiki -- status.
>Statuses may be:
>-- outdated
>-- under development (still requires further agreement)
>-- recomended (tried and tested)

Such a list would be very useful. But I think the states "recommended" and
"outdated" are sufficient (at least for the moment). If in doubt I would
take over the contribution and let the recipients decide whether they make
any use of the contribution or not.

If you send this list to me I will integrate it into the importer.

Thanks for the help,
Dr. Uwe Oestermeier
Institut für Wissensmedien
Knowledge Media Research Center
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 40
D-72072 Tuebingen
Tel. +49 7071 979-208
Fax +49 7071 979-100

Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: Event fixes

2005-11-27 Thread Uwe Oestermeier

>Florent Guillaume wrote:
>> I didn't follow Dominik's suggestion of using IModificationDescription 
>> because I feel this a case sufficiently fundamental that we really 
>> want a subclass.
I agree with Dominik that this justification is somewhat vague, but I
think that it really doesn't matter whether we use a subclass or a
modification description here. Both solutions will work for me.


Zope3-dev mailing list

Re: [Zope3-dev] Ajax in Zope 3

2005-12-06 Thread Uwe Oestermeier
Hi Tarek,
>Before starting it up, I was thinking that it would be nice if the whole
>Z3 community would be using the same toolkit, and maybe, even integrate
>it into Z3 itself.

a toolkit that is shared by the whole  Zope community would be great,
independent of the question whether it should be part of Z3 core or not.
As an alternative could also be a place where
all contributors could access and maintain such a library.
>If this sounds like a good Idea, I would like to start a Z3 proposal on
>this topic, and contribute on its integration in Z3.

+1 on a proposal. I would like to contribute to such a package too.

Zope3-dev mailing list