Ctrl-Shift-A will let you select everything in a scene.

Setting the Scripteditor to "Echo All Commands"

then for example reveals:


From there, it´s just a drag of this line to the shelve.

That at least let´s you switch things after creation.

If you want to get this globally, all the time, you probably would
start by trying to modify your:




even if that may be the completely wrong place.

I can´t help with that really except for having a hunch that
things usually follow a simple kind of

RotationPivots = 1;

way of switching on (1) or off (0) in Maya.

I wouldn´t do it but that doesn´t mean it shouldn´t be done.

Am 04.02.2015 um 12:39 schrieb Mario Reitbauer:
But that "Display>Transform Display" is on per object context right ?
I am searching for a way to globally show the axis. For all objects in the scene (also newly created ones). But because showing/hiding those axis is controlled by local object attributes I guess that's not possible.

2015-02-04 12:33 GMT+01:00 Tim Leydecker <bauero...@gmx.de <mailto:bauero...@gmx.de>>:

    Check out Display>Transform Display>..

    No need to apologize for asking questions.

    It´s impossible to know it all, imo.

    There´s a difference in being lazy, ignorant, etc or just a
    feeling of genuinly stupid.

    The joys of getting answers may vary, depending on how one´s question
    has been understood to fall into any of the above short list of

    I had my fair share of both stupid questions and stupid replies.

    The hardest part is realizing one did it wrong but insisted anyway.
    Those opportunities to realize exactly that seem to grow with age.

    In regards to Maya, I am glad they have this green spoiler thingy
    on new/changed/improved
    menue entries available as option. It helps realize there´s been
    something done.

    It took me actually years to realize there is a whole new "Assets"
    menue entry...



    Am 04.02.2015 um 12:07 schrieb Mario Reitbauer:
    In the end I don't care too much.
    It just feels embarrassing asking for stuff which is there but
    which you just didn't find.
    But as long as no one is annoyed by noobs like me asking for
    those things, then at least I am fine with it ;)

    Oh, I allways used ctrl-shift-right click to get into that menu
    you described :D Your way is less painful for my fingers.

    Now I got a last question. How do you enable rotation axis globally.
    Under Display the Transform Display is on per object base and in
    the preferences I didn't find anything to turn it on globally.

    2015-02-04 11:57 GMT+01:00 Raffaele Fragapane
    <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com <mailto:raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>>:

        It is, but the problem with dexterity based workflows is that
        you're unlikely to bump into the literal category for it,
        wherever the stuff ends up being stashed in.
        QWERTY interaction mode, X and V for quick snap
        (grid/discrete and snap to point) and so on are hard to bump
        into unless you watch some tutorial or someone tells you.

        The same goes for several other shortcuts that every expert
        knows but every noob misses (shift changing the contextual
        menu on click), and some that even experts rarely seem to
        know about (hold down a manipulation shortcut like W and left
        click for a nice surprise, inline snapping options, swim UVs,
        tweak, discrete steps and the such).

        It doesn't help that, unlike XSI, Maya has no right click for
        tool options on icons. XSI's snapping is infinitely more
        intuitive and versatile largely on account of that.

        On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Mario Reitbauer
        <mailto:cont...@marioreitbauer.at>> wrote:

            Thanks a lot !
            Is this covered in the docs anywhere ??
            Feels stupid to not finding stuff like this.

            2015-02-04 11:26 GMT+01:00 Tim Leydecker
            <bauero...@gmx.de <mailto:bauero...@gmx.de>>:

                You can use the V shortcut but the object you want to
                snap to will have to
                have it´s selection handle, rotation pivot or
                whatever else you want to snap
                to enabled in it display properties.

                e.g., modify your display options globally to display
                these kinds of stuff for all
                objects, the selection or even on alternatively on a
                per object basis in it´s
                attribute editor.

                Am 04.02.2015 um 11:20 schrieb Mario Reitbauer:

                    Snap to pivot/center in maya ?

                    Please ?

                    And no, not through some sort of menu or command.
                    Just add another snapping option please which
                    enables snapping to object pivots/centers.

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        it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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