2012-04-02  11:45, Maoke:
> i am still in review on the version -06, but i have found something not 
> qualified (inconsistent semantics).

Asserting there are flaws implies ability to describe them.
What you have already "found" will be looked at fairly when described. (Just 
saying "inconsistent semantics" is unsuffcient).

> on the other hand, this message is more about progress rather than the 
> technical details.

> if we have the BoF or new working group for the unified header mapping, i'd 
> love to keep discussion there, with contributing my list of 
> semantics/architecture/technical-detail questions that i found during the 
> review.

If Satoru-san and yourself want to set up a BOF on this, that remains up to you.
AFAIK, it won't prevent those who want to test 4rd-U-06 to do it.

> Sorry if I am not as shrewd as I should be in your opinion.
>> and also my real-time comments on 4rd-u presentation in the jabber room as a 
>> brief summary focusing on major points. - maoke 
> Do you know where I could get access to these comments?
> i guess we have the jabber log.

Not seen where.
And there isn't AFAIK an audio record either.

> but it is less informative.

Less informative than what?

> if the unified header mapping wg or BoF is started, i will contribute a 
> comprehensive, and well-studied list of questions. 

A WG now without a previous BOF is of course completely unrealistic.

If this is to say that until a BOF is started, you will keep your objection(s) 
unknown, I continue to take it as a lack of identified objections.
Fair enough?


> best,
> maoke 

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