On Mar 30, 6:44 pm, "Terry R." <terry.f1...@nospamgmail.com> wrote:
> The date and time was Monday, March 30, 2009 2:25:55 PM, and on a whim,
> googl...@kwcpa.com pounded out on the keyboard:
> > On Mar 30, 5:12 pm, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo
> > <peter.potamus.the.purple.hi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> googl...@kwcpa.com wrote:
> >>> Sorry - i'm viewing on the web where all prior messages show up, I was
> >>> trying to be space efficient.
> >> not everyone is viewing this group on google groups.
> >> Some of us are using the mozilla newsgroup and others
> >> are using the mailing lists
> > Yeah - I got that now
> >>> "If you choose to send in HTML then it wont be converted, it will be
> >>> sent as html."
> >>> This is a false statement.
> >> again, others have asked that you email them an html
> >> message and then we'll go from there, and so far you
> >> have failed to do that.
> > I'm happy to send a message to anyone.  just supply the email
> >>>  True statement:  "If you choose to send in
> >>> HTML, and there is nothing in your message that warrants HTML, SM will
> >>> convertto plaintextand send plaintext".
> >> maybe it is and maybe its not
> > Actually, it is.  There doesn't seem to be any dispute about this
> > statement in this thread (until now). The debate is whether this is
> > the single, correct behavior.
> >>> This is a well-established fact.  I am asking that the auto-conversion
> >>> be optional, so that your original statement becomes the truth.
> >> we've heard you many times.  Stop harping about it and
> >> file a bug:https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/andrequest
> >> for such an item
> > Did so long ago
> >> --
> We did some testing on this some time back and found that Moz clients
> require at least one HTML element to send as HTML (10-07-08 in MTMM).
> It can be done by creating a Template to use for your email and then
> insert a simple HTML code in body using the HTML Editor (Insert, HTML
> for TB).
> Or configure your sig file as HTML.
> Terry R.
> --
> Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
> Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.

"Moz clients require at least one HTML element to send as HTML".

My request is to have an option that changes the Options -> Format
default from "Auto-Detect" to "HTML".  So that it will require no HTML
to send as HTML.

I suppose that someone can say "I disagree, I believe the default
option should be Auto-Detect".  and you have your opinion, and I have
mine (athough if things were reversed, I would yield so that everyone
can have things as they want).  But please, can we stop the
discussions that say

"SM doesn't convert HTML to plain text" (see Terry R's response above,
it does)
"You shouldn't want you HTML to go out as HTML unless it needs to be,
and here are some examples where it doesn't matter"  (I do want it,
and I have examples where it does matter).

1) I've established what Options -> Format -> Auto-detect does.
2)  I've established that there is no way to change the behavior
without workarounds of various painfulness (hand-select Options ->
Format -> HTML every time, add a signature with sufficient HTML in it,
3) I've politely requested a way to change the default from Auto-
Detect to "Rich (HTML) Text".

No offense to all, and I understand that some may not agree that my
request should be granted, but I think I've proved that it's a valid

So if you want to continue discussion on how to implement, or (I
suppose, sigh) whether to implement, that's great, but can I please
stop proving that the issue exists?

Thanks all!

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