Lee K. Seitz wrote:
Marco Thorek stated:

So, it seems that besides what Edward said about people buying their
status to get an easy start, others also lose all rationalism over the
game. The game becomes more important than life itself. In those
people's minds buying anything, for whatever amount, that brings the
character forward may be justified.

What about games that actually intrude on real life? I remember reading a description of an upcoming MMRTS that said the game (or rather, your soldiers and citizens) could e-mail and/or page you if, for instance, you were unexpectedly attacked. This was a few years ago and I can't remember the name of it! Anybody know? I believe the setting of each game was a fictional planet with technology somewhere in the vicinity of WWII to present, but I may be wrong.

Not sure about that, but of course there was the miserable failure of "Majestic" (http://www.mobygames.com/game/sheet/p,3/gameId,5282/ for more info, including a review by our own CEForman)
World's largest electronic gaming project: http://www.MobyGames.com/
A delicious slice of the demoscene: http://www.MindCandyDVD.com/
Various oldskool PC rants and ramblings: http://www.oldskool.org/

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