I'm glad to see someone else with a brain. No one ever takes these internet petitions seriously. I signed it but only because it can only help more than hurt. That being said, if people spent as much time working on a new solution instead of trying to save an old dieing one we would probably all be better off. This is vodaphone. they hear from more people in a single hour than they will in this hole petition. And all this petition is doing is asking for a reason why. so we can spend 3 months getting 778 signatures so they can say, "because it didnt make business sense." Thank you for contacting vodaphone we hope we can service you in the future.

On 3/2/2010 6:57 AM, Amanda Rush wrote:
K this is a record. I was turned off by about the second line of this
guy's message. I totally get being angry about accessibility or the lack
thereof, but begging for signatures is like begging for charity. Neither
one works very well, and getting angry with the people you're trying to
get signatures/charity from isn't a good thing either. Also, IMO, (and
it's probably only my opinion, and we know what those are like, but this
is the crux of the entire accessibility fight), companies like this one
and every other one ignore these sorts of petitions because, even if every
single blind user were to call their bluff, we're not a big enough of
their market to matter as far as sales or whatever. And in the case of the
FS petition, we can all bitch and whine till we're out of breath, but the
fact is that 90% of their clientel is government contracts. So they can
pretty much do whatever, and the other AT companies will eventually go
along or go out of business, and so there's no real insentive for FS to do
anything positive. Note: I'm not a huge FS fan. At all. So I hope no one
takes this as rooting for them.

And wow, DJ Patty, haven't heard from you in *ages. I was wondering what
had happened to you. Good to see you're still around.


-----Original Message-----
From: mai...@andrelouis.com [mailto:mai...@andrelouis.com] On Behalf Of Dj
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 17:35
To: talk2
Subject: RE: The Talk2 List Fw: [access] WFA User Protest

Guys just displaying understandable anger over loss of access.


-----Original Message-----
From: mai...@andrelouis.com [mailto:mai...@andrelouis.com] On Behalf Of
Brandon Hicks
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 8:45 PM
To: talk2
Subject: Re: The Talk2 List Fw: [access] WFA User Protest

Agreed. This message speaks of childish tantrums. Even the Freedom
Scientific petition didn't get much over a thousand signatures, if even
that. This one's not going to get much more. I thought about it until I
got to about the third line of the message.


Stephen Clower wrote:
So... he wants more signatures, but the only way he feels he can get
them is to insult everybody? I won't sign now simply because of the
author's attitude, despite his good intentions.


On 3/1/2010 2:12 PM, Onj wrote:
I haven't seen a message on this list for months.  Why not let the
content of this message speak for itself?

From: Neil Barnfather - TalkNav<ta...@talknav.com>
on Monday, March 01, 2010 6:02 PM

A quick note to all of you who have, and those who as of yet have
not signed
the WFA user protest site.

Before I start my message the link right here and now is

Firstly, a note to all of you who have signed, thank you, but I have
to at
this stage say that it is way too few who have made this effort. We
nearing 700, yet for Vodafone to take this seriously we need
To date we've not even got close to even the number of users of the
application signing, let alone additional support.

Can I especially ask those of you who either work with or for the
organizations that supposedly represent us as blind folk, yes you
lot, those
of you at the RNIB, CNIB, AFB, NFB, etc, etc, you lot really have
made me
rather upset and irritated.

To date I've posted two messages via each of your web-sites
informing you
all of our protest, has any one of you got back to me to ask for more
detail, have you mass mailed your members, have you lobbied in our
have you, no sir. Is this an outrage, is this a complete lack of
when it comes to supporting those who you claim to represent? This
individual thinks so. So if you represent, or have a contact at your
blind organization please forward this message, we, or certainly I,
am very,
very disappointed in you all.

As for those private individuals who have not yet signed, even if
you do not
own Access or a Symbian phone, your name should be on this list, the
says something about who we are and what we stand for as blind
folks, it
says that we will not lay down and be ignored whilst our tools to
and mobility are stolen from us. It says we have a voice and we are
to use it when necessary.

This protest is about more than just Wayfinder Access, it is a
symbol, now
please, I urge you all, we need this link spreading, we need it
Face Book pages, Twitter, those of you who produce pod casts,
mailing lists
etc, etc, if you believe in your freedom to mobility and your rights
accessible products then make your mark.

More than this, those you know need to say that they too are in
support of
our cause, so get your address book and forward this link,
personalize it
with a few lines of message, get the word out there.

The protest site has a league table on it at the bottom of the public
signatures page, it's dynamic and countries move about on the list.
To date
we've only had a tiny portion of blind people around the world sign
Spread the word folks.


This issue rests squarely in your hands, make a difference today...


Neil Barnfather.

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