On 2006-04-02, at 0809, Rick Widmer wrote:
Robin Bowes wrote:
So, a system only needing to validate credentials would just need to
login and quit.

Which is what slogin will do. You may not even have to quit. It could just return OK or ERROR, and exit. I'm not sure what John did, but he already has a patch to do it this way.

"slogin" is the same as the other two "login" commands- it logs into vpopmaild. the only difference is the amount of information returned. none of them will automatically quit after authenticating, that's why there is a "quit" command.

What do you think?

The changes might be a good idea if we were designing a new program, but vpopmaild is about two years old, and I believe Ken has been using it on at least one production site almost that long. I suspect there are others.

good point. when writing patches, for vpopmail, qmail, or anything else, i try to minimize the impact of those changes to only what is absolutely necessary to support the new feature or bug-fix for which i am writing the patch. the last thing i want to do is break anybody else's existing code- although if there's a good reason (like passwords containing spaces) then i will do so, and i will make sure that the documentation i make available for my patches (in this case, the web page) clearly sets out the differences, so that people like rick will know what's going on and (hopefully) be able to make their existing code work with the new stuff without a major hassle.

for what it's worth, i think if i were writing vpopmaild from scratch, "login" would do what "slogin" does, and the client would have to send "user_info" to get the information it needs.

| John M. Simpson - KG4ZOW - Programmer At Large |
| http://www.jms1.net/           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Mac OS X proves that it's easier to make UNIX  |
| pretty than it is to make Windows secure.      |

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