On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 09:56:36PM +0200, Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:
> I'd use passive sentencies and no comma at the ends and try to use the 
> current style.

I agree with you that it is good to maintain a consistent style.

However, "The passive voice should be avoided."  I quickly browsed some
tooltips in GNOME, and I didn't see the passive form anywhere.

> >>  "Plugin activity in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?"
> >"Liitännäinen toimii %ld minuutin päästä, sammutetaanko?"
> >Better: "Plugin %s activity" ("liitännäinen %s")
> >where %s is the name of the first plugin to run.
> "Laajennos aktivoituu %ld kuluttua - sammutetaanko?"

I would rather write "käynnistyy" instead of the foreign "aktivoituu".

But this is not in passive form, is it?  To be consistent with your
suggestion "VDR sammutetaan" ("VDR will be shut down"), it should be
"Laajennos aktivoidaan" or "Laajennos käynnistetään" ("Plugin will be
activated").  That sounds unnecessarily complicated to me, as does
"VDR sammutetaan".  The passive form is used when the subject is not
known.  We know that it is VDR that shuts down itself or activates a
plugin.  The active form is also shorter than the passive form.


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