Here is a paper which assumes the temperature of thermal
motion of Dirac sea equal the temperature of Cosmological Microwave
Background... if there is a valid mathematical connection, then at least the
prima facie case has been made.


There are a couple of applications that come to mind. Remember the Penzias

Now, merge that device, merged with Project Echo - large Mylar reflectors in

... and we can throw in a low power version of Stewart's Doppler radar to
boot, which is aimed at the Mylar reflector :-)

The idea is that one uses microwaves of the correct wavelength, at low duty
pulsation, to activate several cubic kilometers of "vacuum" between the
ground and the orbiting reflector in space - so that the there is a high-Q
ring after each pulse - which is then reflected back to earth to be
collected in a modified "ear" antenna... 

This is somewhat similar to the idea of beaming back solar power, as in this

In fact, microwaves could be amplified that way as well - but with far fewer
solar cells to first create a microwave beam, and then with "beam
amplification" via Dirac/CMB oscillation between two large reflectors,
before being sent to the ground. This would be kind of like a giant maser in
space, requiring only a fraction of the solar cells in the Navy design. The
maser could reflect a beam back and forth over hundreds of km, hopefully
with CMB amplification on every bounce.


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