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Alright, I will get the facts.  But please, tell me, why do you
communicate in such a combative manner?  Next how much research will
satisfy your request for proof that men and woman are not the same?  Are
books such as "Emotional Intelligence", "Men are from Mars and Women are
from Venus" , the books "Gods on Every Man" and  "Goddesses in Every
Woman", "The Biology of People", "An Introduction to Behavioral
Endocrinology", acceptable, or would you prefer the research in the
Abstracts at the U of O library?  Do you want quotes or entire papers? 
How much professional validation of what I am saying would you like? 
Would like biological explanations of psychological differences,
psychological explanations or both?  With enough motivation, I can go to
the U of O library and give you as much validation of what I am saying as
you want. 

I want your respect and will do what is  reasonable and necessary to get
it, but I will not continue to respond to your attacks and insults based
what appears to be an intent to attack and your failure to be better
informed.  This is a very unpleasant male trait.

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