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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: SV: SV: {W&P} Crimes Against Humanity...

> In a message dated 12/2/01 4:24:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << I wonder what you mean by "impose"? >>
> ___________________________________________
> Getting people to change their way of life to another standard because 
> someone is setting in judgement saying "ours" is better than "yours" ...
> Sometimes I get the feeling that the leaders of western civilizations live in 
> terror of the native peoples in Africa and similiar areas ... because what 
> would happen to them and their lifestyles if people like us decided simpler 
> was better and left the work force.

A good point. What is this thing "globalization" about? I don't think that the leaders 
in the western civizations are as worried as the tycoons in the corporations 
boardrooms. What if the majority of the people in the third world decide to go their 
own way instead of joining the race for all the stuff they are producing? A terrible 

What if... Yes, there is a lot of things that could follow, but there is no way that 
ALL people will take that stand, unfortunatelly. For most people the struggle for a 
better life means owning a radio, a TV, a car or whatever. Not surprising. For those 
who has never had those thng they must be the answere to the ultimate success.

I, as an old (older?) man living in Scandinavia, can see why this is so interresting 
for the young. I have been young too. To day I live on a small pension in a one room 
appartement and have time to sit here and write e-mails, but if I still had been sold 
to the living of a high life with all the stuff that I need to prov it's a high life 
there would be no time for this writing.

The corporations want you to be interrested in working all day in order to make all 
the money to by their stuff and many buy this idea. Only the few can see the trap.

So! A lot of the third world is going to be enrolled in growing crops that can not be 
used for getting seeds to the next season. (GMO) Next year new seeds have to be bought 
while the crop will be delivered to the seedcompanies. Instead of growing the food 
needed in their surrounding population they (and the rest of the population) have to 
buy what they need through importing other foodstuffs. All these operations give the 
corporations more income and no one else. Sounds like economic slavery, right? If you 
buy the sceem!

§( :8-)

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