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  In a message dated 12/3/01 6:14:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

    If the knowledge of the rest of the world is spread, their references will be 
widened and as a result they can be counted on to take a different stand than to day 
and that's what the mullahs (or whatever) fears more than anything else. Therefore 
their deep interrest for isolation. I think that the grouppresure from the beleivers 
will get less and less effective as time goes by.

    §( :8-)

  I tend to agree with you on the isolation in so far as keeping their homelands free 
of Western influence. What I don't understand is how fundamentalist Muslims think they 
will be able to export their views to the West. Do they really think they will be able 
to persuade a large portion of America to step back in time to when Islam was a 
culture that was more dominate than today? janice

  But convinced as they are that Allah is the only true God and that the rules of 
living from the Koran are the only way to live, they don't want to accept anything 
else, I think. There is no logic in faith. As I have written earlyer: Think of the 
Scandinavians wold go back to live as Vikings?

  By the way, USA can not go so far back in time. Except for the native americans, the 
Indians, of course.

  §( :8-)

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