
I think the reason is that Zen Masters use the Tantric principle that
one should behave in ways as if one already possesses that which one
aspires to attain; in this case, to possess a non-dualistic mind that
does not discriminate between subject and object.


--- In, Anthony Wu <wu...@...> wrote:
> ED,
> Many oriental sentences are without subjects or objects. Bill is
completely adjusted to Thailand, and the zen way. They are very
grammatical here.
> Anthony

> Bill,
> Nice succinct answer.
> And, question:  Your zen-like statement in ungrammatical, without
subject or object. Is this a zen tradition of speaking, with a view to
training the mind out of its customary dualistic mode of experiencing
> Thank you, ED

> Mayka and Ed,
> Or perhaps Bill! would say: 'No effort, no judgment, no grasping, no
> pushing-away, no concepts - Just THIS!
> ...Bill!

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