Martijn Faassen wrote:

Inspired by Kid (in turn among others inspired by ZPT), the main template language of TurboGears, written by the people who also created Trac, and it seems to be getting traction. TurboGears among others is going to adopt it, but also things like the creator of SQLAlchemy (and Myghthy) spending time optimizing it, etc. It's close enough to ZPT to be palatable to me, and has some nice features for reuse.

If we're going to get out of the server business we could also consider getting out of the template language business. :)


I'm a big fan of using lxml.etree for templating. Very pythonic, very easy to refactor, very explicit.

It's premature to announce (we plan to have eggs on pypi soon) , but take a look at zif.xtemplate at . It's pretty alpha at the moment, but it uses a DTD and some xpath to get around the "tags that shouldn't be minimized" issue, and it includes a first stab at an HTML sanitizer, to use when snippets of untrusted HTML are to be included on a page. In addition, the entire page DOM is available for postprocessing right up until serialization. Of course, those with better lxml knowledge are encouraged to point out issues with the implementation.

-Jim Washington

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