You are right in that the likely solution would be SCS and Pactor3.


The only other thing that we have tried is RFSM8000, developed by Dimitri ,
which has a email gateway built into it, is ARQ and runs on soundcard


Nobody in the US is using this on the ham bands at least since it does not
conform to FCC rules as far as speed etc. I don't know if he is still
actively developing the software but what we had worked well but required a
pretty strong signal to work, since the bandwidth is about 3Khz I am sending
a copy of this to Dimitri  to see if he is around still. 


I make no apologies for dissing 1 line messages... sure I use SMS myself
regularly for quick questions among family members and friends, but to
pretend that this is a meaningful solution for emergency comms is just plain
crazy. It's fun to use but not much beyond that. If I were sending this
message from an area in Canada out of range of any internet access short of
Sat phone, I couldn't get past the first line.


I don't know about the USA, but a number of emergency agencies in other
countries are revisiting HF backup systems for point to point data, since
recent infrastructure failures have proven that our everyday systems are
very vulnerable.  Those involved with health and bioterrorism are
particularly interested.. a number of health agencies and Canada's version
of the Center for Disease Control have HF abilities already.  In fact CDC in
Atlanta has HF 

ALE has a place in all this to establish links and determine the most
useable frequencies, But software like 141A or ALE400 are far more useful
for passing data than the one-liners in PCALE. Now if it had a better
interface to the internet other than a "copy and paste" routine, so much the


I get very frustrated with those who still regard ARES contribution to
emergency comms as tactical voice on VHF or HF. We have that
currently writing an exercise which would use hams as back-up in ambulances
and EMS dispatch over a wide area of rural hospitals and small town EMS
units. I also am frustrated since slowly but surely we are being forced into
Pactor 3 as the only viable and expensive option for what we need .







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