
L. Weiss wrote:
>>>Just to clarify things here: It is possible to open more than one
>>>mpg-file together and cut them as one in dvbcut and export it as one
>>>movie, right? Can that be deactivated in config, too?
>>That only works if they are parts of the same recording (i.e. have
>>consecutive timestamps). Otherwise, the results are unspecified.
> How is it possible to load parts in a wrong order then?

Because you can never say which one is the first. Timestamps "roll over"
 now and then, i.e. they start from 0 again. You could of course sort
the input files by their initial timestamps (in ascending order), but
that's not always the correct order. Maybe you could also sort them by
their "mtime" attributes (time of last modification), but if the mtimes
are modified (e.g. by copying), you're out of luck again. And I'd rather
have a stupid program that puts the burden on me, than a clever one that
takes the wrong guess.

Michael "Tired" Riepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Tired: Each morning I get up I die a little

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