> No I mean you, as the big dogs, are part of the problem and should scale
back your networks if you're concerned about the little guy.

I'm concerned about the possibility of future growth of TF2. The fact that
Valve is actively trying to cripple community servers is not my fault. I'm
not going to shut down services due to Valve's mistakes.

> This move might go "against server operators", but at the same time it 
> simplifies
life for the hundreds of thousands of people who DON'T run a
server, and would rather push one button and be playing a video game,
without worrying about whatever server they'll be redirected to, or some
admin that will ban you for "Insubordination", or for wearing the wrong
clan tag (seriously go read the rules for some of these servers:
 https://firepoweredgaming.com/forums/page/rules and try not to laugh).

Congratulations on attacking a straw man. I don't need to defend myself
against the likes of you, but I'll do it anyway just to humor you. You come
on my servers, you break a rule, an admin tells you to stop. You refuse to
comply. You get banned.

You come on one of my servers and wear my community's tag without going
through the membership process. The server removes the tag from your name
and informs you why. You decide to replace the brackets with parenthesis to
get around the restriction. You get renamed by an admin. You continue to do
it, you get banned.

But please feel free to continue to berate me if you feel that it helps
your argument, just as you're accusing others of doing.

Dr. McKay

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Gordon Reynolds <
thisisgordonsem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes the newcomers need to face the "big dogs" with hundreds of servers.
> No it's not "fair", but who was making the assumption that running a Team
> Fortress 2 server must be some fair utopia where we all split the amount of
> players evenly among ourselves?
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