On 24/01/2014 23:31, Valentin G. wrote:
Then explain how should people remedy this situation?

Well, first you have to accept the premise that it probably doesn't matter
if your server is full or not to anyone except you.

So what "situation" is there?

Things that might matter are whether there are enough servers
and whether people who want to play the game can find a server
that they want to play on.

Right now, Valve servers are heavily biased towards new players.

Which suggests to me that there won't be a lot of people
using QP + official checkbox unless Valve have something else up
their sleeve to use official servers for that will
attract people with rudimentary motor skills and a few hours
in the game.

Also, that if some of those new players improve and the servers
are like they are now, they will look for different people to play against -
because Valve servers seem to have tapped a constant stream of new players.
Presumably kids because there's a constant stream of kids one year older every year that haven't seen or experienced all the things we think everyone has seen and done
because we first did them 6 years ago, or 40 years ago.

That means, I expect, as players get better they will
look to escape from these newer players. Perhaps some will find
and join the competitive scene. Others will stop playing and find a different game.

Some may find your servers.

If more people use the checkbox, Valve's servers may well not be so
biased towards people who haven't played much. You have to wait
and see.

Either way, what tends to happen is, players tend to find people who,
more or less, are as good or bad as them at the game.

So, the only interesting thing about a server is, aside
from the few technical things they browser lists like ping and so on,
the people that play on it.

Ultimately players will do whatever makes them happy. Whether that makes you happy
or not, they won't care and why should they?

What they do after 10 hours or 5000 hours in the game probably
changes several times over, and will differ from person to person,
but what they do in common is "whatever they want to do" -
it's a game, after all, people play it for fun.

And if they can't find servers or think the game sucks yadda yadda yadda
they'll moan about it on forums, but it has to be said server admins have
over the recent past, managed to do the things that cause
players to moan on forums about servers. Some of those things
have been attacks on the server browser you hope people will use,
some have been attacks on the quickplay feature,  and others have been
attacks on the client, especially the html rendering features.

"It wasn't us miss, it was some other bigger boys that ran off that way..." I guess :)

But players mostly won't care about any of the things that are worrying you.

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