Re: Playing God in the Garden New York Times Article(Part 1)

1998-11-05 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Bunny, this is a great article but it's cut off at the end.  Can you send
the rest?  --E.

At 07:56 AM 11/5/98 +0800, bunny wrote:
The New York Times Sunday Magazine
October 25, 1998

"Playing God in the Garden"
by Michael Pollan


Today I planted something new in my vegetable garden -- something very
new, as a matter of fact. It's a potato called the New Leaf Superior,
which has been genetically engineered -- by Monsanto, the chemical giant
recently turned "life sciences" giant -- to produce its own insecticide.
This it can do in every cell of every leaf, stem, flower, root and  (here's
the creepy part) spud. The scourge of potatoes has always been  the
Colorado potato beetle, a handsome and voracious insect that can pick  a
plant clean of its leaves virtually overnight. Any Colorado potato  beetle
that takes so much as a nibble of my New Leafs will supposedly  keel over
and die, its digestive tract pulped, in effect, by the  bacterial toxin
manufactured in the leaves of these otherwise ordinary  Superiors.
(Superiors are the thin-skinned white spuds sold fresh in the
supermarket.) You're probably wondering if I plan to eat these potatoes,
or serve them to my family. That's still up in the air; it's only the
first week of May, and harvest is a few months off.

Certainly my New Leafs are aptly named. They're part of a  new class of
crop plants that is rapidly changing the American  food chain. This year,
the fourth year that genetically altered  seed has been on the market,
some 45 million acres of  American farmland have been planted with  biotech
crops,  most of it corn, soybeans, cotton and potatoes that have  been
engineered to either produce their own pesticides or withstand  herbicides.
Though Americans have already begun to eat genetically  engineered
potatoes, corn and soybeans, industry research confirms what  my own
informal surveys suggest: hardly any of us knows it. The reason is  not
hard to find. The biotech industry, with the concurrence of the Food  and
Drug Administration, has decided we don't need to know it, so biotech
foods carry no identifying labels. In a dazzling feat of positioning, the
industry has succeeded in depicting these plants simultaneously as the
linchpins of a biological revolution -- part of a "new agricultural
paradigm" that will make farming more sustainable, feed the world and
improve health and nutrition -- and, oddly enough, as the same old stuff,
at least so far as those of us at the eating end of the food chain should
be concerned.

This convenient version of reality has been roundly rejected by both
consumers and farmers across the Atlantic. Last summer, biotech food
emerged as the most explosive environmental issue in Europe. Protesters
have destroyed dozens of field trials of the very same "frankenplants"  (as
they are sometimes called) that we Americans are already serving for
dinner, and throughout Europe the public has demanded that biotech food  be
labeled in the market.

By growing my own transgenic crop -- and talking with scientists and
farmers involved with biotech -- I hoped to discover which of us was
crazy. Are the Europeans overreacting, or is it possible that we've been
underreacting to genetically engineered food?

After digging two shallow trenches in my garden and lining them with
compost, I untied the purple mesh bag of seed potatoes that Monsanto had
sent and opened up the Grower Guide tied around its neck. (Potatoes, you
may recall from kindergarten experiments, are grown not from seed but  from
the eyes of other potatoes.) The guide put me in mind not so much of
planting potatoes as booting up a new software release. By "opening and
using this product," the card stated, I was now "licensed" to grow these
potatoes, but only for a single generation; the crop I would water and
tend and harvest was mine, yet also not mine. That is, the potatoes I  will
harvest come August are mine to eat or sell, but their genes remain  the
intellectual property of Monsanto, protected under numerous United  States
patents, including Nos. 5,196,525, 5,164,316, 5,322,938 and  5,352,605.
Were I to save even one of them to plant next year --something  I've
routinely done with potatoes in the past -- I would be breaking  Federal
law. The small print in the Grower Guide also brought the news  that my
potato plants were themselves a pesticide, registered with the
Environmental Protection Agency.

If proof were needed that the intricate industrial food chain that begins
with seeds and ends on our dinner plates is in the throes of profound
change, the small print that accompanied my New Leaf will do. That food
chain has been unrivaled for its productivity -- on average, a single
American farmer today grows enough food each year to feed 100 people. But
this accomplishment has come at a price. The modern industrial farmer
cannot achieve such yields without enormous amounts of chemical
fertilizer, pesticide, machinery and fuel, a set of capital-intensive

personal conversations

1998-11-10 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I would like to request that Angela (ecolady), and everyone in conversation
with her, take it OFF the list.  I, for one, am very tired of the
harangues, which have become extremely repetitious.

Please correspond with each other privately, and leave the list to those of
us who don't care about your religious beliefs.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-2898686, fax 804-287-6465
From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Nov 10 07:59:03 1998
From: "Kimberly  Brett" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Ind. school evacuated after anthrax threat
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 08:59:21 -0600

Ind. school evacuated after anthrax threat

INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - A grade school was evacuated Monday after a letter
purporting to contain anthrax spores was opened in the school office,
officials said. Six people in the office at St. Matthew's Roman Catholic
School where the letter was opened were decontaminated as a safeguard, the
Washington Township Fire Department said. The 500 students in the school
were removed as a precaution and taken to a nearby high school. Officials
said the letter, sent from Texas, simply said those reading it had been
exposed to anthrax. Similar threats were received Oct. 30 by abortion
clinics in Indianapolis and several other cities in four states. See full

RE: hypocrites?/convictions/spirit/believe whatever/perception/That's life!

1998-12-08 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Sarah, Brava!  I agree wholeheartedly, and thanks for the tip on filtering
Angela's mail.  I will do the same.  --E.

At 04:40 PM 12/7/98 -0500, sarah clifton wrote:
I grew tired some time ago of opening my mailbox everyday to a flood of
religious fanatisism.  I personally set up my inbox to redirect all
messages from [EMAIL PROTECTED] into a seperate folder so that they would
not bog me down and anger me.  However, those of you who engage her in
this continue to make this the content of the list rather than
discussing real ecofeminist issues.

I am not advocating censorship nor kicking anybody off of the list.
However, i am tired of this and i don't want to be forced to take my
name off of this because of this discussion.  there are real issues we
can talk about without letting our anger get the best of us.

May I suggest that everyone get back on track.  I feel that the best way
to do this is to simply NOT OPEN ANY MAIL FROM ANGELA.  This way there
will be no impetus to reply.  She obviously doesn't belong here but she
shouldn't chase us away either.

Call me a bitch if you will, but i have rights here, too.

in goddess spirit, sarah

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: rights - persecution/try to understand already!

1998-12-10 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I am disturbed by this. Please clarify your reason for sending it to the
ecofem list.  --E.M.

At 11:15 PM 12/9/98 EST, you wrote:
  The Posture for a Politically 
Correct Prayer
  When Pastor Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas
Senate, everyone was expecting the usual politically correct generalities.
what they heard was a stirring prayer, passionately calling our country to
repentance and righteousness. The response was immediate. In six short weeks
more than 5,000 phone calls were logged, with only 47 of those calls
responding negatively. Paul Harvey aired Pastor Joe wright's prayer on the
radio and received a larger response to the program than nay other program
Paul Harvey has ever aired. International requests for copies of the prayer
from, India, Africa, Korea and other countries are still pouring in.

The prayer was prayed as follows:

  "Heavenly Father, we come beofre You today to ask your forgiveness and seek
Your direction and guidance, we know Your Word says,  'Woe on those who call
evil good'. but that's exactly what e have done. We have lost our spiritual
equilibrium and inverted our own values. We confess that:

We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it
We have worshipped other gods and called it multi-culturalism;
We have endorsed perversion at home and in public office and called it
alternative lifestyle;
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery;
We have neglected the needy and called it self-preservation;
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;
We havekilled our unborn and called it choice;
We have hated those in favor of abortion, wieldedsigns at them in anger 
and called it justifiable;
We have neglected to dicipline our children and called it building self-
We have abused power and called it political savvy;
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition;
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it
freedom of 
We haveridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called
  Search us, O God, and know our hearts today; try us and see it there be
  wicked way in us; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and
   men and women who have been sent by the people to govern us. Grant them
   wisdom to rule and may their decisions direct us to the center of Your
will. I ask it 
   in the name of Your Son, the Living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Reguardless of what faith, color, race and argurer, perhaps any of us can
respect for ALL. I only read, one time I gave an http:// and moved on to
important things for the children in this country that dont seem to have
adults that really care about the classroom. 
In the last of October, I had a brain scan. when I returned to the Drs
office the next 
time he smiled a smill I have never seen from a person and said "Mary, I
want you 
to know, "You have a very good brain." Now I am telling all others that
they cant
talk to me  until they have had their scan ran and it has to come to my
level or 
above. I am a 71 1/2 year-young and very involved in many subjects in
everyday lives. I dont demonstrate, scream, accuse, be impolite to anyone
but an
in the process of placing a gag order on a man that for some reason
has to
me at every chance he gets. I feel he is attempting to get me to react. I
sure will  
but not in the way he wants, in front of others. We belong to some of the
groups and too many of my friends are upset over his actions. However
stay silent and dont respond, GOOD.  I have been behind the Iron
Curtain 3
all three to Yugoslavia, first time 1958-9, then 12 years ago. How
many of
have been to a country such as this? My values, I am sure are different
of what I have witnessed. NO, I Never want to see it in this country.
Perhaps some
will understand that we are all RICH, even our poorest residents in this
Why does everything have to be a fight between us? Keep it up  we sure
be able to look ourselves in a mirror, there wont be one.  Goodnight
Mary P.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Public forum re. the Clinton Debacle

1999-01-08 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Someone asked recently if there was a way we could all ban together to get
our voices heard in protest against what's going on in Washington.  Below
is a letter sent me by a group called "Move On."  Those interested should
go to the website at 

Congressional leadership is determined to impeach the President. This is
not in the best interests of our country. We face real economic and foreign
policy challenges. A besieged President and distracted Congress will not
address these issues. I'm participating in an Internet campaign to tell our
representatives that we've had enough. The President should receive censure
from the Congress and we should all move on. It's time for the public
interest to come first, and for our representatives to show real
leadership. Will you help? Just go to to sign the
petition and take action. It only takes a minute. And then if you send a
message on to your friends and colleagues, the ball will keep rolling. It's
up to us. Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think
would be interested. Don't send this message indiscriminately.  Spam hurts
the campaign.


Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Civil Action

1999-01-13 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I'd sign a letter, Donna.  --E.

At 10:19 PM 1/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
To Ecofem,

Having recently researched the market and tracking down manufacturers for
alternative products to timber as part of the Zero-cut campaign...

finding straw board and bales a respectable natural alternative, and
having just
been forced to sit through the most needless requisite course of my college
career (Film Art) where the bottom line was weekly pronounced in billions of
dollars worth of entertainment, and being tested on how many millions are
in production of same, and

since this class and research having this recurrent dream of writing a
letter and
asking Robert Redford (being environmentally conscientious in the public eye)
with his new Sundance Studios to use alternative fiber for set design and

thinking that all it takes is one of the big boys of the movie-making
Copolla or Scorsesse, just one to make the move... surely the rest will

What I've found is that there are maybe three viable strawboard business
in the
United States, I've spoken to many upstarts who have been set up by their
individual states only to find lack of interest or awareness (Pacific Gold
made of rice straw in Redding, California and Golden Ag made of wheat
straw in
the state of Washington) worried about how they are going to keep their doors
open. Boise Idaho Wheat Growers are pursuing this business, as is one of our
local Tribes, the Coeur d'Alene (using blue grass that all farmers here
say they
must burn, causing untold angst one month out of every year in this region).
Texas, Louisiana, Dakota that's about all that I can find for viable
producers of
this alternative to date. The newest manufactures are dedicated and
working hard
to stay in business, not that business is right but eco-friendly business
need a boost in circulation.

Is anyone interested in pursuing this with me? Does anyone have
connections to
contractors, developers, or big name business who would consider making the
switch? Another goal I have while still alive is to see all federal
in the US use 100% recycled or agrifiber paperstock, and use it in daily
correspondence... my university shoved kenaf out the door last semester
complaining of cost, hemp is illegal to these folks. As of today the
of Idaho is using 100% virgin tree bleached paper. A travesty, but we're
on it, hurdles with our biggest donor being Potlatch Paper Corp.

Is anyone interested in pursuing these things? Adding your name to a
letter to
Sundance Studios insisting he, the Robert and all his friends, utilize the
alternatives to deforestation and dioxins? These are land use issues as well,
being pertinent to the Mother of all conventions (Mark Humbly quote) UN Earth
Summit and the upcoming ag/deforestation/dessertification conference in
Melbourne, AZ.

please let me know what you think of these meanderings,

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

women in Afghanistan-- please pass it on

1999-01-15 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb
 Barbosa, New London, CT
2) Melissa J. Buckheit Waltham, MA
3) Olga Broumas, Brewster, MA
4) Heather Feldman, Waltham, MA
5) Robert L. Hawkins, Waltham, MA
6) Ann Vollmann Bible, Cambridge, MA
7) Joy Garnett, New York, NY
8) Cynthia Pannucci, New York, NY
9) Ken Knowlton, Merrimack NH
10) Eric Somers, Poughkeepsie, NY
11) Faith Watson, Philadelphia, PA
12) Sherry Branch, Orlando, Fl
13) Susie Ellis, Strasburg, VA
14) Christine Jurzykowski, TX
15) Marion Hunt-Badiner, CA
16) Riane Eisler, CA
17) Dagmar Celeste,OH
18 and 19) Linda Krasienko and Patti Verde, Westlake, OH
20)Anita C. Hill, St. Paul, MN
21) Peggy Yingst, Mentone, CA
22)Laurie Line, El Cajon, CA
23)Barbara D'Aversa, La Mesa, CA
24) Erin Alcaraz, Phx, AZ
25) Erin Thomas Palmeter, San Diego, CA
26) Karen Van Dyke, San Diego, CA
27) Robert MacPhee, San Diego, CA
28. Edna Smith, Springfield, MO
29) Julie A. Donnelly, Columbia, MO
30) Susan Walter,  Sonora, CA
31) Susan M. Harrison, Clements, CA
32) William E. Harrison, Clements, CA
33  34) Robert and Johnette Orpinela, Stockton, CA
35) Kenneth L. Beauchamp, Stockton CA
36  37) Gail Erwin  Bob Schuldheisz, Galt, CA
38) Margo Leslie, Berkeley, California
39) Sara Gratiot, Marina, CA
40) Marguerite Campbell, Monterey, CA
41) Adrienne Paull, Austin, TX
42) Amy Overslaugh, Austin, TX
43) Tina Tabler, Austin, TX
44) LeeAnn Maxwell-McGlynn, Bedminster, NJ
45) Mary L. Robertson, North Brunswick, NJ
 46) Laura W. Walters, Blacksburg, VA
47) Anne Meehan, Richmond, VA
48)  Elizabeth MacNabb, Richmond, VA
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Logical Fallacy Alert

1999-01-25 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I agree.  It's getting rather time-consuming to read through your mail, joe
and unleesh, as I search for ecofem news.  Would you mind?  --E.M.  

At 08:57 PM 1/23/99 -0600, Kimberly  Brett wrote:
Is it possible that Joe and Unleesh take this exchange into private email

 From: joe dees [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Logical Fallacy Alert
 Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 9:23 PM
   In a message dated 1/23/99 12:03:09 PM Pacific Standard
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Keep Brainwashing Yourself, Keep Brainwashing Yourself,
Keep Brainwashing
   all of this is curious because of course
   there's no strict dividing line between humanimals and
other animals.
   I will stop calling nonhuman animals "people" when we stop
applying that term
   of privilege to the beast called Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
 Logical Fallacy Alert!!!
 All birds may be animals without all animals being birds, just like all
humans may be animals without all animals being human.  Some humans,
however, are obviously birdbrained.
 Joe E. Dees
 Poet, Pagan, Philosopher

 Access your e-mail anywhere, at any time.
 Get your FREE BellSouth Web Mail account today!

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Agenda for healing the world

1999-01-26 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Jane, I like it very much.  I do have a small objection to #4, 
in that fertility is not a universal value.  I think healing between
genders is a value in itself.  --E.

4. To promote healing between the genders, as such healing is the basis
of fertility.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: FILTERED complaint 990204-3027652

1999-02-04 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Just thought others on the ecofem list might want to see the response I got
when I asked Mindspring not to continue supporting the abortion page.  --E.

Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 16:24:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: FILTERED complaint 990204-3027652

To assist internal tracking, your report has been assigned the following 
issue identification number: 990204-3027652.  Please include this number
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PLEASE READ!!! This is an AUTO-REPLY message in  response
to an email appearing to have originated from your address
and delivered to one of the mail administration addresses,
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contain a wealth of information regarding net-abuse issues 
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Due to the volume of email that can sometimes occur, we
may not be able to respond individually to each message 
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Mindspring does not condone and will not permit abusive 
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can be found at:

Now on to the good stuff...

Thanks for writing in!  For future reference, here are
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   - Complete Header information...
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o  Here are some other handy links for you:

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   Information on deciphering the origins of unwanted e-mail...

   Spam: Where to Complain About Frauds  Scams:

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   Join CAUCE!  We're members, 

Re: Help

1999-02-09 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Does anybody know of any Goddesses / Feminists / Books that we could use?
If anybody has any ideas PLEASE let me know.  Thank you for your time.


my favorite goddess is Inanna, the middle eastern Queen of Heaven
5000-10,000 years ago. I don't know how iher name was originally
pronounced, but in my mind, I hear it as "in-NAH-nuh."  

Your band might find it interesting that one of the ways Inanna was
worshipped was through an act of public sex between the head priestess who
represented Inanna to the people, and a man of her choosing, each spring.
This ritual has been called the "sacred marriage" by some scholars
(inappropriately, in my opinion, but that's another treatise), and is
believed to have been practiced for millenia before the advent of
patriarchal religions. (Easter is actually an Anglo-Saxon relic of this

Some also believe that people who worshipped Inanna worshipped orgasm as a
divine gift and a way of communicating with the goddess.  (In some ancient
sacred stories about a king named Gilgamesh, the priestess has to teach one
man how to give her sexual pleasure before he can become HUMAN. He's like
this "wild man" who runs with the animals before the six-day, seven-night
ritual of humanizing sex with this priestess.)

There are some pretty sexy sacred marriage poems that have survived for
over 5000 years, translated quite artistically in a book called *Inanna*.
I believe it's translated by Noah Kramer and Diane Wolkstein, but I could
be mistaken about the authors.  You might want to check it out.  

Good luck with your band, --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Report: Wars have roots in roots/Ore. tanker wreckage may be towed

1999-02-17 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Nice to know somebody's finally figuring out there's a connection between
deprivation and war.  --E.M.

At 08:06 PM 2/16/99 -0600, Kimberly  Brett wrote:
Report: Wars have roots in roots

WASHINGTON (AP) - Look for the roots of war literally in the roots of
agriculture, suggests a report financed by an organization seeking to build
public understanding of the importance of farming. The study released
Tuesday draws a link between poor agriculture and the spread of regional
and internal wars. It estimates that 4 million people have died in
post-Cold War conflicts, 90% of them civilians, and points to India as a
country where conflicts have been avoided to a degree with agricultural
successes. "This report demonstrates that providing developing world
farmers with the fruits of research not only helps to end hunger, but can
also contribute to ending the increasingly vicious warfare that the world
has seen during the 1990s," said Dr. Indra de Soysa, co-author of the study
conducted for Future Harvest. See full story

Ore. tanker wreckage may be towed

COOS BAY, Ore. (AP) - The broken bow of a grounded freighter appears headed
for a deep and watery grave as authorities try to prevent it from leaking
more fuel along the coast. The latest plan calls for a tug to pull the
440-foot front section of the New Carissa off the beach as early as
Wednesday and haul it about 200 miles offshore, where it will be sunk. The
journey was expected to take at least five days. The target area is waters
that are about 9,000 feet deep. The New Carissa ran aground Feb. 4 north of
the entrance to Coos Bay and broke into two pieces last week after a Navy
explosives team set it afire to burn off most of the nearly 400,000 gallons
of fuel aboard. See full story

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: the eco-villiage

1999-02-18 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Alison, I lived on The Farm, in Summertown Tennessee in the late 70s. It is
now internationally known as an ecovillage.  I'm pretty sure they still
accept potential inhabitants.  

For what it's worth:  the only caveat I have would be that while I was
there, the general assumption seemed to be that women should be having
babies and making sandwiches, while men should be running things.  I can't
say I met everyone or investigated everything there (in fact I never even
SAW Stephen or Ina Mae Gaskin), but my impression for the few monoths I was
there was that things were pretty gender-tradtional. I don't know whether
things have changed.

Let me know if you find out!  --E.
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re:RE: virus: request for attribution

1999-02-22 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Wow, go Joe! and thanks. --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

No Subject

1999-02-26 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb


I respect your anger.  But I'm tired of your narcissism, and I believe the
majority of the list is as well. You said you were going to sign off.  Was
that an empty "threat"?  Please give the rest of us a break, and either
contribute something constructive to the list or sign off. 

Lewis and Joe, can't you see that you're just prolonging the agony of this
whole childish exchange?  I really hate to see our list fragmented and
demoralized this way.  Can both of you refrain from responding to Nicole?
That's more than likely the only way it will ever end.  

sending all of you good thoughts,  --E. 

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: ECOFEM Monthly Reminder

1999-03-01 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Just a quick question-- I can't remember if people subscribed to ecofem are
required to give full names and other identifying info. Are they?  I think
some people are concerned that some recent notes are from "constructs"
rather than people. Is there any way to tell?  Best, --E.M.
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Fw: To All The Women Used and Victimized by Bill Clinton

1999-03-01 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I'm glad you shared the item from juliette cutler page, Kimberly. But I'm
wondering why *feminista* waited until now to take this position,
especially given that the most recent source cited is August of '98.  I
haven't read *feminista* but I did check out the Dworkin letter cited in
your forward, which was the first time I'd heard of it.  

I'm not saying I disagree with the forward, so much as that I find the
timing curious.  --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Environmental Bad Guys

1999-03-05 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I found this forward very useful.  Thanks.  --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Fwd:Molotovs and mailing lists

1999-03-05 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

I found the article Joe posts very interesting, especially the following

Brooke Shelby Biggs, a writer and one of the TR-L members, says it
wasn't so much a matter of disliking her TR-L colleague but
feeling that the conversation (of 20 posts a day) had swung hopelessly out
of balance. "It gets this way on every list I've ever been on," she says.
"Someone comes in and tries to throw a Molotov cocktail on the list -- it's
like trying to reason with someone who has a weapon." 

But that's the tricky knot of the problem: Often these
 provocateurs have something essential to contribute, but the sheer
wattage of their energies endangers the connection they're trying to
create. Where Biggs sees a weapon, Antiorp sees performance art,
Mediafilter sees social critique and Stahlman sees a hidden agenda needing
to be exposed. 

E. again:  

If listservs do indeed have a life that includes dying a "natural" death,
then I, for one, hope our ecofem list is not on its way down.  I've
received some extremely valuable information from most of the posts.  But
after the religion war and the black-white war we've been inundated with of
late, one could reach the conclusion that we seem to be somewhat prone to
"dis-ease." I hope the "Molotov" article is wrong in claiming that
resigning from the list seems to be the only "cure."  To take the metaphor
one step further, can we put our heads together and figure out some way to
"inoculate" our list? 

Sending you all good thoughts, --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

RE: Learn before you condemn.

1999-03-10 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

My thoughts exactly, Sarah.  --E.

At 01:28 PM 3/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
thank you, joe, for responding to her personally.  Nicole, do you have to
make this squabble an issue for all of us?


 Sent:Tuesday, March 09, 1999 11:58 AM
 Subject: Fwd: Learn before you condemn.
 Message: Re: Learn before you condemn.
 Does he now think he has the power to cast me into the fiery pits of hell
 because he dislikes what I have to say on an email list? God-complex? 
 Caressing the skin of mother earth? Can't I just hug a tree?
 Hmm, I am racist? I must make a note of that - do we get membership cards
 Does this mean I get to go to the Klan rallys for free, reduced admission
 what? Are we issued uniforms? Is it like the girl scouts where you get a
 different uniform based on your level, say beginners are skinheads, then
 advance to hoods, and then later you get to wear a business suit, and when
 are really advanced you get to where what you want and condemn people to
 on on ecofeminist list while pretending to be a righteous and "deep"
 philosopher, feminist.
 Would I have to wear a white hood, or can I pick some other color? Summer
 coming and I would like to go more tropical, a kiwi or lime green looks
 against my skin, would that be okay?
 So many little details with this new membership!

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Peace! Is there a way toward planetary action and compassion?

1999-03-10 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Bob wrote:  
Are we in relative agreement on the science here- that the planet is
indeed getting seriously disturbed by the excesses of human presence
and something needs to happen pretty soon to avoid disaster?  If
that's so. if we do agree on that; than what?  
Wondering what next-
   Bob the treeplanter, in middle of nowhere GA

Thanks for your post, Bob. I am in agreement with you, and I worry that any
productive discussion we might try to have will be sidetracked by the
"flame wars" -- which, as Jane and Susan have noted, is exactly what seems
to happen out there in the "real world" (if I read you right) when wars get

How can we learn from this?  Can we devise some sort of formula or
technique that will help us ignore the egocentric posts and cut through to
the real issues, to sift the wheat from the chaff (to paraphrase an old
Arabian proverb)?  Has anyone out there studied problem resolution or any
of the other progressive methods by which we might get a handle on this.
If we can't do it, who can? 

Sending you all good thoughts, --E.
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: re Feminist lecturer who had no males in her class

1999-03-10 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Ginger, the lecturer is Mary Daly, and you should read some of her books if
you ever get the chance.  She's awesome!  --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: #** Key avenues to the Heart of Eco-RENEWAL **#

1999-03-16 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Would the world be a better place with 1,000 more of you, or Susan, or
Joe Dees on the side of change or would the world
be worse? Not only do we need each and every one we can muster on board,
but I believe we need ten thousand times more who are researching,
investigating, writing, arguing, clashing, consoling, questioning,
complaining, and speaking Ecofem. We need twenty million times more who
are actually participating Ecofem in
every media possible. Even then we would have far too few.

Thank you Donna for your wise words, and Susan, and Jane, and Chris, and
Joe, and all the others whose voices of reason/spirit have made an effort
to keep our list together. I second you. We need every one of us who care
about ecofeminism.  Let's give ourselves the benefit of the doubt.  

Sending all good thoughts to you, --E.

At 10:27 PM 3/15/99 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Chris,

I missed quite a bit of what has been happening on this listserve, but
from what
little I have been able to glean from recent posts I am saddened and sorry
there are people here who are more than willing to eliminate any one for
any reason
who is working on relevant social issues. 
Today on C-span, a US cable channel that often airs live political events,
Feminist Majority was brought to light in the efforts they are making to
ease the
suffering of women under Taliban rule, I would have wished you could have
seen it.
I would have asked for your comments. I am not sure I understand
everything you
write but I've seen that at the heart of Eco-renewal most definitely is a
overdue and much needed re-understanding of scripture.

I only know King James but it's been fascinating transcribing the
beginnings of an
environmental biblical concordance with two professors at my university (as a
humanist it's been a remarkable experience), watching as one-time traditional
dominion theory Christian churches in this country are beginning to form
to fight important social and environmental issues from a position of
'caring for
creation.' It is this re-thinking, re-evaluation of their scripture that will
create change among the masses in this religious arena. Perhaps this will
change in the political and cultural arena as well over time.

Again, I believe our common plight requires many diverse voices to reach many
diverse people. I guarantee that what is appropriate to one will always be
inappropriate to another, that is the nature of our current global 'in'
ability to
communicate. It should never be considered a problem, only simple logic and
reasoning... simple marketing pr.  However one chooses to see it, we can
not afford
to lose even one voice.  No one here can know for certain which note will
strike a
chord in someone to be carried out into the world beyond this list.

I wish you much success in your travels and your teachings.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

It's About Time!!!

1999-04-02 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Dear Ecofem,

sorry to have missed April Fool's day with this, but it's kinda funny and I
thought I'd pass it on anyway.  --E.

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 09:43:15 -0500
Reply-To: Environmental Communication List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sender: Environmental Communication List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Sue Senecah [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  It's About Time!!!

GREENLines, Thursday, April 1, 1999 from GREEN,
the GrassRoots Environmental Effectiveness Network,
A project of Defenders of Wildlife
(505) 255-5966 or E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(c) GREEN/Defenders of Wildlife 1999

announced he will launch an investigation into the US Forest Service.
Starr claims under Clinton's watch, the Forest Service repeatedly
violated the National Forest Management Act in order to accommodate
extractive industries.  He will focus on massive subsidies to timber
companies, as well as the Administration's "dismal" response to
allegations of whistle-blower retaliation.  "From Whitewater, to the
Lewinski affair, to the treatment of our public lands, the President
has repeatedly demonstrated his contempt for the law and the American

ENVIROS REVERSE COURSE:  A coalition of environmental groups announced
they will now aggressively seek more timber cutting in national
forests, "in order to save the forests from ecological damage."  Citing
the results of a year-long scientific study they said "We are now
completely convinced that the timber industry was right all along--old-
growth trees are not only decadent and ugly, but that they are also a
menace to the future health of our entire national forest system."
Former timber protester Brock Evans said, "With any luck, we might be
able to extract upwards of 20 billion board feet of trees before they
do more damage."

SECRET FILES RELEASED:  An unidentified source revealed Alaskan
Representative Don Young was an environmental activist during the
1960s.  Several of his former colleagues apparently have come forward
to reveal details of Young's secret past.  He was most active in little
known efforts to have the mosquito listed as a threatened species
because of the loss of wetlands habitat to development.  "He was an
inspiration to all of us.  We called him Moon Daddy because he liked to
drop his pants at protests."

MINERS TELL FISH TALES:  The National Mining Association held a press
conference yesterday at the site of a Montana mine to criticize a
successful voter initiative banning cyanide leach mining.  To back up
claims that cyanide mining is not harmful to the environment, the CEOs
of the leading mining companies pointed to a herd of elk grazing near a
fish-filled stream.  One official queried, "See there, if this stream
were polluted would you see fish and elk?"  The officials remained
defiant even when seconds later one of the trout jumped out of the
stream and ate an entire elk.  "This just goes to show that cyanide
actually increases the health of streams and the fish that live there."

[Publishers note:  We've been saving these stories for this special
April 1 edition of GREENLines.  Enjoy!]
GrassRoots Environmental Effectiveness Network (GREEN)

Director's office:  PO Box 40046, Albuquerque, NM 87196-0046
  (505) 255-5966  fax: (505) 255-5953  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DC Office:  1101 14th St., NW, Suite 1400, Washington,  DC  20005
  (202) 682-9400  fax: (202) 682-1331

Visit our web site at:

Lisa K. Heller
Instructor of Speech  Debate
Dept of Speech Communication
University of Richmond
Phone: (804) 289-8269
fax: (804) 287-6496

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how
  to surf."  Zen saying

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

John Seed's Anti-Gold Campaign/Road Show Info.

1999-04-06 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Dear (un)leash and Susan, the following info on goldmining was just sent me
this morning.  Hope it helps!  --E.

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 21:11:56 -0700
From: Earth First! Media Center [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: John Seed's Anti-Gold Campaign/Road Show Info.
X-To: Recipient List Suppressed:;
X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Unverified)

From: Project Underground  Rainforest Information Centre


This is an invitation to join GoldBusters, a coalition of groups opposed to
the mining of gold. By joining our coalition, you will be offering your
support to a global campaign that aims at decreasing the unnecessary
consumption of gold.

The mining of gold is one of the most environmentally destructive
industrial activities presently blighting our planet and wreaks havoc on
indigenous communities on every continent. In dozens of countries
mercury-laced tailings, eroded land and acid mine drainage stand as visible
and toxic legacies of gold rushes from days gone by.

Unfortunately in the 1990s, the gold mining industry has experienced a boom
due to new technologies, principally using cyanide to leach the gold from
its parent rock. In 1995, a waste water dam at the Omai gold mine in Guyana
broke and spilt 3.2 billion liters of cyanide-laced waste into the river in
what is believed to be the biggest such disaster in history.

The environmental destruction is often coupled with human rights abuses
that stretch back from the foundation of the Roman Empire on Spanish gold
to the genocide of the native people of California in the gold rush of 1849
to the current cultural devastation of the Western Shoshone in Nevada, US.

Heroic and historic struggles are being waged from Australia to Zimbabwe by
scores, if not hundreds, of groups opposing a gold mine in their own
country or region. We are sending this letter out to all of you in the
belief that, working in concert, we have a chance to get to the heart of
the problem, instead of working separately on one poisonous symptom after
another. We propose to network our groups together and build a movement
against goldmining.

GoldBusters is a two-pronged campaign aimed at jewelry consumers on the one
hand, and nations' gold reserves on the other. Gold Busters aims to depress
the price of gold by asking governments and individuals to divest of gold
investments and consumers to no longer purchase gold jewelry. Depressing
the price of gold would lead to the decommissioning of many mines, and the
dumping of exploration stocks by investors. GoldBusters, much like the
campaigns which cut the market for fur, hopes to rob gold of its luster.

The good news is that the price of gold has been hovering at an historic
low, having dropped from $800/ounce in 1979 to under $300 at present. This
reduces the demand for new gold mines and so the current depression in the
price of gold is good for the planet. For example, twenty gold mines in
Australia have been postponed or closed since the value of gold fell below
$300 per ounce. In 1996, if you include the cost of exploration, an ounce
of gold cost $317 to produce.

Our job is made easier by the trivial uses to which most gold is put. Some
80% of new gold being mined worldwide is for jewelry. In the US, 70% of the
gold jewelry purchased is bought by women who certainly are unaware of the
true costs of the gold they wear. Women and men are being asked to lay down
their gold jewels as they give voice to their care for the Earth, and for
future generations.

The US has the highest per capita consumption of gold and 1.6 million
students will buy gold and silver class rings this year. Youth, unwitting
consumers, are joining our Youth GoldBusters Campaign by adapting
alternatives such as tree planting to mark the passage from educational
institutions in more nurturing ways.

Gold's current price depression has been deepened by the sale of hundreds
of tons of bullion by central banks around the world. About one quarter of
all the gold in existence - 34,000 tonnes worth nearly 330 billion dollars
at current market prices - is part of the international reserves of
governments, central banks and other financial institutions. However, since
the US stopped pegging the dollar to gold, gold is becoming increasingly
irrelevant to world finance. An investment in bullion worth $100 in 1987
would now be worth less than $70 today. Some countries have realized this
and started selling their reserves of gold, especially Canada (85% now
sold), Australia (68%), Argentina (100%) and the Netherlands. Even the
Swiss - a country historically wed to gold as a hedge -- are considering
selling two-thirds of their gold by referendum next year and the US Federal
Reserve has circulated strategy papers on doing it.

We feel that the Swiss are already vulnerable to pressure concerning the
ethics of holding gold since much of their reserve was stolen by the Nazis,
even gold teeth from 


1999-04-15 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Dear Eco-fems, fyi.  --E.

From: "Lisa K. Heller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


by Michel Chossudovsky


The intensity of the bombing using the most advanced military technology is
unprecedented in modern history. It far surpasses the bombing raids of
World War II or the Vietnam War. 

The bombings have not only been directed against industrial plants,
airports, electricity and telecommunications facilities, railways, bridges
and fuel depots, they have also targeted schools, health clinics, day care
centres, government buildings, churches, museums, monasteries and
historical landmarks. 


Refineries and warehouses storing liquid raw materials and chemicals have
been hit causing environmental contamination. The latter have massively
exposed the civilian population to the emission of poisonous gases. NATO
air strikes on the chemical industry is intent on creating an environmental
disaster, "which is something not even Adolf Hitler did during World War


The NATO bombings have also used of weapons banned by international
conventions. Amply documented by scientific reports, the cruise missiles
utilize depleted uranium "highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a
heavy metal and radiologically as an alpha particle emitter". Since the
gulf War, depleted uranium (DU) has been a substitute for lead in bullets
and missiles. According to scientists "it is most likely a major
contributor to the Gulf War Syndrome experienced both by the veterans and
the people of Iraq". According radiobiologist Dr. Rosalie Bertell,
president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health: 

"When used in war, the depleted uranium (DU) bursts into flame [and]
releasing a deadly radioactive aerosol of uranium, unlike anything seen
before.  It can kill everyone in a tank. This ceramic aerosol is much
lighter than uranium dust.  It can travel in air tens of kilometres from
the point of release, or be stirred up in dust and resuspended in air with
wind or human movement.  It is very small and can be breathed in by anyone:
a baby, pregnant woman, the elderly, the sick.  This radioactive ceramic
can stay deep in the lungs for years, irradiating the tissue with powerful
alpha particles within about a 30 micron sphere, causing emphysema and/or
fibrosis.  The ceramic can also be swallowed and do damage to the
gastro-intestinal tract.  In time, it penetrates the lung tissue and enters
into the blood stream. ...It can also initiate cancer or promote cancers
which have been initiated by other cancinogens". 


Recent articles by Chossudovsky :

On Kosovo:

On the break-up of Yugoslavia:

On the Brazilian financial crisis:

On global poverty and the financial crisis:

Lisa K. Heller
Instructor of Speech  Debate
Dept of Speech Communication
University of Richmond
Phone: (804) 289-8269
fax: (804) 287-6496

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how
  to surf."  Zen saying

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

humorous definition, anyone?

1999-04-29 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Now that we're no longer feuding over the great vegetarian debate, and
tempers have cooled somewhat, I want to share a little chuckle with you (it
may or may not be obvious that the semester's over here, and my email
volume has subsided somewhat).  

Definition of one type of vegetarianism:

I've coined the term "recovering carnivore," because in living out my own
personal brand of vegetarianism, I find that I try really hard not to eat
meat, but every once in awhile I "fall off the wagon" and indulge. For
example, sometimes if I'm invited to eat dinner at a friend's and there's
no vegetarian option, I might pick the meat out of the soup and eat the
broth anyway.  My favorite meats are the worst ones, like bacon and hot
dogs, which I love extremely overcooked, nitrates torqued up to the inth

However, I've been "sober" now for almost four years, and am feeling pretty
proud of myself.  One of the ways I manage is with YVES veggie hotdogs--
they're pretty good covered with mustard! Bacon is hopeless, I'm afraid--
anyone know of a good substitute?

Hope I got a smile from some of you.  Best of luck in grading/taking those
finals to you uni. denizens out there. 
Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Off for the summer

1999-06-07 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Dear folks,

just wanted to say farewell for the summer.  I'll be off-line until
mid-August.  Best,  --E.

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Service Learning, Career Development Center
Visiting Faculty, Jepson Leadership Studies
Richmond Hall, UR, Richmond, VA 23173
phone 804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Hello again and request for reviewers

1999-08-17 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Dear ecofem-ers, hello!  I've been away for the summer, and still haven't
had time to read the archives, but I look forward to reading what your
posts once again.

Meanwhile, I'm just getting ready to send a manuscript to Haworth Press
that I and others have been working on for several years.  Haworth has
asked us to provide the names of 8 pre-publication reviewers.  I was
wondering whether anyone on this list might be interested in reviewing the
manuscript. Compensation for the task is a copy of the finished product
(and of course, if your review is a rave, they may quote you when selling
the book!)

The anthology, entitled "Transforming the Disciplines," is intended as a
new type of textbook for "Intro to Women's Studies" courses.  Composed of
twenty-six essays, each from a different academic discipline, the book
contains eight humanities essays, eight social sciences essays, five
natural sciences essays, and five from the professional fields. Each is a
very brief discussion of how feminism and/or women's studies has changed
(or at least, how it has affected) the field. The book's authors hail from
the US, Canada, Australia, and England. Because the intended reader is
first year college students, all essays are written in a non-technical
style.  As a reviewer, you would need to know very little about the
specific disciplines in order to review the book, which is about three
hundred pages long.

Please don't send replies to the list, but instead directly to me, at

Thanks!  --E.

Re: Garbbed in Cliche

1999-10-27 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Helllooo Donnna!   Good to "hear" your voice again.  I second your
emotion:  where is everyone these days?  
I have just finished a two day conference on Philanthropy where we started
off with Ralph Nader as our token radical.  Ralph exhorted us to remember
that the need for charity in a community decreases in direct proportion to
the availability of justice.  Yet we finished the two days with a panel
bragging about how many large "gifts" they had been able to bring to their
university.  Two of the four members of this panel were downright hostile
when I suggested that the curriculum of our core humanities course might
benefit from an infusion of issues from Ralph Nader's "real world" of
social justice.  Seems they felt the pure, intellectual nature of the
course might be contaminated by an assignment that asked students to serve
the community in some way.
All I can say is, I'll try to keep fighting the good fight, and I'm glad to
know that you and others are out there, Donna!

Best, --E.
Richmond, VA

At 10:00 PM 10/26/1999 -0800, you wrote:
Dear Ecofem,

It's been a while since anyone has raised here. I miss our RAVE and feel a
need. Maybe it's because things have settled down or skidded up in most of
our lives, going this way or that.

I feel a need. Nothing is fixed,  or is it? ...the world is still the same.
Not long ago, when we were raging with Joe and Jane, Angela and Chris and
So Many Others on this serve. 

Life goes there, to that place. Mine does. I have to wake up in the morning
and go to this new  job that does nothing to fix the IT that was here
before the other it:  Graduation from college. Where will we go to relieve
the pain?

I thank the "Rutherfords" for keeping us alive as the world rots 'round us.
Thanks Steph for keepin us makin the rounds of silence vs. voice. Washer,

What's up in everyone's part of the world? 

Here on the Tongass in Alaska, I'm learning the mentality of early European
settlers and their assumption that vast means inexhaustible. I'm learning
that it's customary to waste, throw garbage out the window of your vehicle,
that cigarette butts are biodegradable, that recycling is not only Not
Necessary, but requisite to survival when local authorities charge less for
more waste generated, and that your personal worth is comparable to the
latest model utility vehicle you own.


[ACS-ENV-FELLOWS] Washington and Lee University-Director of Environmental Studies

1999-11-01 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

fyi.  --E.

X-Authentication-Warning: majordom set sender to
owner-env-fellows using -f
Date: Mon, 01 Nov 1999 09:40:01 -0500
From: "Robert S. Whyte" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Associated Colleges of the South
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Program Committee [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Career Planners [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Wayne Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: [ACS-ENV-FELLOWS] Washington and Lee University-Director of
Environmental Studies

FYI: I am forwarding to you a position opening in environmental studies
at Washington  Lee University. Sounds very exciting. If there are any
questions, please contact Ken Ruscio directly.


ACS Colleagues:

I wanted to call your attention to position opening at Washington and 
Lee.  Please feel to bring this to the attention of individuals who 
may be interested.  We also invite nominations. I'd be most willing 
to answer any questions or provide additional information. Thanks 
very much.


Washington and Lee University
Director of Environmental Studies Program

Washington and Lee University invites applications and nominations for
Director of the Environmental Studies Program.  The position is
tenure-track at the associate or full professor level and will include
programmatic responsibilities, scholarship, and a reduced teaching
load.  The successful candidate will have a doctorate, a distinguished
record of scholarship and teaching, demonstrated success in
interdisciplinary work, and an understanding of scholarship in
science, policy, ethics, and humanities related to the study of
environment. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2000.

Washington and Lee University is a highly selective institution with
an historically strong undergraduate program in the liberal arts and
sciences, a top-ranked law school, and a nationally accredited
business program. A renewed commitment to the sciences is demonstrated
by a state of the art science facility completed in 1998. With
generous support from The Jessie Ball duPont Fund and a commitment
from the University in its strategic plan, the Environmental Studies
Program will enter a new phase in its development with the appointment
of a director.  Guided by the theme of environmental citizenship, the
program seeks to provide students with the scientific, policy, and
ethical foundations necessary to address environmental issues
throughout their lives. The program currently enjoys strong support
and active participation from a broad base of faculty and students in
the arts and sciences. 

Review of applications will begin December 15, 1999, and continue
until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a letter of
interest describing their qualifications and experience, a curriculum
vitae, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three
professional references to:

Kenneth P. Ruscio, Chair
Environmental Studies Search Committee
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Va. 24450

Washington and Lee University is an equal opportunity employer.
Kenneth P. Ruscio
Associate Professor of Politics
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Va. 24450
540-463-8915/Fax: 540-463-8639

Robert S. Whyte, Ph.D. "Unless someone like you
Director of Environmental Programs cares a whole awful lot,
Associated Colleges of the South   nothing is going to get better.
1975 Century Blvd., NE Suite 10It's not."
Atlanta, GA  30345 - Dr. Seuss
 The Lorax 
404-636-4821 Direct Line
404-636-9533 Main Office
fax: 404-636-9558

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Asst. Director for Service Learning
Visiting Faculty, Jepson School
Richmond Hall G 29-B, University of Richmond
Richmond VA 23173
804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: leaky plastics

1999-11-09 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Hi, Gwendolyn-- Greenpeace haas a website that deals with the topic of
plastics and how they affect food, as well as other ways they pollute.  The
site can be found at

Best, --E.

At 10:19 PM 11/08/1999 -0600, Gwendolyn L Griffin wrote:
i have heard much about the fact the plastics leach toxics into whatever
food substance they are holding (incl.  plastic soda bottles, plastic
baggies, tupperware . . . .) 
that they indeed leach hormonal disrupters which are causing girls to
reach puberty prematurely, for one . . .other effects i cannot remember
. . .
does anyone have information on this?  
gwendolyn griffin

Elizabeth L. MacNabb, PhD
Asst. Director for Service Learning
Visiting Faculty, Jepson School
Richmond Hall G 29-B, University of Richmond
Richmond VA 23173
804-289-8686, fax 804-287-6465

Re: Information.... (fwd)

1999-01-16 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Did I miss something or is the doyenne of "house beautiful" now a member of
our ecofem listserv?  --E.

At 07:13 PM 11/17/1999 -1000, you wrote:
Hi - have no idea what you're talking about, nor do I know how to send
emails I have received to others - so am not the culprit!  Thanks, L Adams
-Original Message-
From: Martha Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: Information (fwd)


I have probably received this forward 10 times in the last 2 years.  I dont
mean to sound like a hard ass but did you check the validity of this
information before you forwarded it?  I have a feeling this is one of those
forwards that keeps going and going with little basis in the actual world.

Because blindly forwarding things you receive is a good way to spread
disinformation, I would recommend checking the facts yourself before
something like this along, especially to a list serv.  If you are the
you should be able to vouch for this info.

If you do have information more information about these women, I would be
very interested in learning more.

Thank you,

From: Jake A Paisain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Information (fwd)
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:22:05 -0700 (MST)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 08:48:58 -0700
From: Paul Filicetti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Blue Mountain Clinic Cherie Garcelon/Laura Lee
Subject: Information

Subject: Human rights violations
Subject: women in Afghanistan

The government of Afghanistan is waging a war upon women. Since the
Taliban took power in 1996, women have had to wear burqua and have been
beaten and stoned in public for not having the proper attire, even if
this means simply not having the mesh covering in front of their
eyes. One woman was beaten to DEATH by an angry mob of fundamentalists
for accidentally exposing her arm while she was driving. Another was
stoned to death for trying to leave the country with a man that was not
a relative.  Women are not allowed to work or even go out in public
without a male relative; professional women such as professors,
translators, doctors, lawyers, artists and writers have been forced from

their jobs and stuffed into their homes, so that depression is becoming
so widespread that it has reached emergency levels. There no way in such

an extreme Islamic society to know the suicide rate with certainty, but
relief workers are estimating that the suicide rate among women, who
cannot find proper medication and treatment for severe depression and
would rather take their lives than live in such conditions, has
increased significantly.  Homes where a woman is present must have their

windows painted so that she can never be seen by outsiders. They must
wear silent shoes so that they are never heard. Women live in fear of
their lives for the slightest misbehavior. Because they cannot work,
those without male relatives or husbands are either starving to death or

begging on the street, even if they hold Ph.D.'s.  There are almost no
medical facilities available for women,and relief workers, in protest,
have mostly left the country, taking medicine and psychologists and
other things necessary to treat the sky-rocketing level of depression
among women.  At one of the rare hospitals for women, a reporter found
still, nearly lifeless bodies lying motionless on beds, wrapped in their

burqua, unwilling to speak, eat, or do anything, but slowly wasting
way.Others have gone mad and were seen crouched in corners, perpetually
rocking or crying, most of them in fear. One doctor is considering, when

what little medication that is left finally runs out, leaving these
women in front of the president's residence as a form of peaceful
protest.  It is at the point where the term 'human rights violations'
has become an understatement. Husbands have the power of life and death
over their female relatives,especially their wives,but an angry mob has
often just as much right to stone or beat a woman, to death, for
exposing an inch of flesh or offending them in the slightest way. Women
enjoyed relative freedom, to work, dress generally as they wanted, and
drive and appear in public alone until 1996. The rapidity of this
transition is the main reason for the depression and suicide; women who
were once educators, doctors or simply used to basic human freedoms are
now severely restricted and treated as SUB-HUMAN in the name of
right-wing fundamentalist Islam.  It is not their tradition or
'culture', but is alien to them, and it is extreme even for those
cultures where fundamentalism is the rule.  Everyone has a right to a
tolerable human existence, even if they are women in a Muslim
country. If we can threaten military force in Kosovo in the name of
human rights for the 

[ecofem] genetically modified foods

2003-10-06 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

Folks-- AlterNet recently posted a review (Green Genes) of Peter
Pringle's new book Food,
Inc., which some of you might find
interesting. See

Best, --E. MacNabb

[ecofem] mercury, fish oil, fire retardants, species loss

2004-03-20 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb
Just a thanks to you, Will, for forwarding these excellent articles.  I always look 
forward to reading what you send.  --E.

-Original Message- 
From: Will Affleck-Asch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Fri 3/19/2004 4:15 PM 
To: EcoFem 
Subject: A Plea to Scrap Mercury Emission Plan - slanted toward industry and 
is too weak to protect public health

- forwarded message -
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 12:19:59 -0700
From: Teresa Binstock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: A Plea to Scrap Mercury Emission Plan - slanted toward industry and 
is too weak to protect public health

A Plea to Scrap Mercury Emission Plan
A bipartisan group says the Bush proposal is slanted toward industry and
is too weak to protect public health.
By Alan C. Miller and Tom Hamburger
LATimes Staff Writers
March 17, 2004,1,5598494.story

WASHINGTON -- A bipartisan group of senators, a former head of the
Environmental Protection Agency and health, labor and religious groups
urged the Bush administration Tuesday to withdraw its controversial
proposal to curb mercury emissions from power plants.

They said that the plan was too weak to protect public health and that
the internal process that produced it was so slanted toward industry
that the final rule would not survive legal challenge.

In a letter to EPA Administrator Michael O. Leavitt, Sen. James M.
Jeffords (I-Vt.), the ranking minority member of the Environment and
Public Works Committee, said the EPA had violated requirements calling
for agencies to review alternatives and disclose their analysis when
proposing a major regulation.

Jeffords also referred to the proposal's gross inadequacies in
controlling mercury. He called on Leavitt to request an investigation
by the agency's inspector general into the allegations of undue
industry influence in the rule-making process. He said it appeared that
EPA political appointees and White House officials had worked to skirt,
if not directly violate, the law and rules of ethical behavior.

But an agency spokeswoman said Tuesday that work on the mercury rule was
ongoing and that no judgment should be made until the rule is finalized
in December.

EPA officials said, at this point, they stand by their cap-and-trade
approach to regulating mercury, which creates market-oriented incentives
for coal-fired utilities to either clean their emissions or buy
credits from those that do.

Our goal and our commitment remains the same: to reduce mercury
emissions by 70%, said Cynthia Bergman, the spokeswoman.

Leavitt said this week that he was directing his staff to undertake
additional studies and analysis of the mercury proposal, which was
announced in December, shortly after he took office. He said he
considered this part of the normal process, which he suggested could
result in changes to the proposal.

He emphasized that the administration was the first to propose
regulations that would limit mercury emissions from power plants.

President Clinton's EPA administrator, Carol Browner, said the Bush
proposal is fundamentally flawed. It can't withstand a legal test, and
it must be withdrawn.

Speaking at a news conference hosted by Physicians for Social
Responsibility, she said Bush administration officials decided where
they wanted to go before they completed the analysis and then they
cooked the analysis to get to where the industry was willing to be. That
is not the way a regulatory process should operate.

Jeffords and Browner said they were largely responding to a Los Angeles
Times report Tuesday that disclosed that EPA political appointees had
bypassed agency professional staff and a federal advisory committee last
year to develop a mercury emissions rule preferred by the White House
and industry.

The Times also reported that EPA staffers said they were told not to
undertake routine economic and technical studies called for under an
executive order and requested by the advisory panel. Significant
language from utility lobbyists was included verbatim in the proposal.

Also Tuesday, Sens. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and Olympia J. Snowe
(R-Maine) reiterated an earlier plea to scrap the EPA's proposed rule.
They have collected nearly three dozen signatures 

[ecofem] enviro films

2004-04-14 Thread Elizabeth MacNabb

We are putting together a list of films for
a series at our campus next year. Are there any environmental films that are must
see? Thanks for any help you can give me. Elizabeth