Re: [Audyssey] Important Moderator Message (please read)

2010-07-17 Thread Andy

I have a solution that I use all the time in all kinds of apps. It's 
called TinySpel and it spell checks words you type, on the fly, as long 
as you set it to watch that particular app. Any incorrectly spelled 
word, it beeps and you can bring up suggestions. Of course my email 
client spell checks before I send things, but for those that don't use 
Thunderbird or don't have this option, or even if you do, this is 
something to consider. URL is:

Just something that helps me; thought it may help other people. There is 
a paid version,,however the  free version does more than you really 
need. No ads or anything like that.

HTH guys.

On July 17, 2010 10:38 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hello Angela,
I’m very sorry to hear you feel that way about it, but the fact of the matter 
is there is very little excuse why someone cannot do a little proofreading and 
run a free spell checker to try and make a few spelling corrections once and a 
while. Keep in mind here we aren’t asking you or anyone to be a perfect 
speller, put every punctuation
mark in the correct place, but we do ask that you try to do your best
to make the e-mail presentable and most of all legible. To the best of
your ability. As I said earlier it is very obvious when someone is
trying and when someone is not trying when very simple words such as
punch is misspelled. We are not trying to criticize but to point out
the fact that some members could put a little more effort towards
making their messages easier to read by doing a little more
Now, if you want to call me a Nazi for doing that so be it, but I tell
you asking someone to do a little proofreading to make their e-mails
easier to read and comparing me with a bunch of mass murderers is
utterly ridiculous.  If you want to know what true Nazism is about
read your history books  before you get on a list like this tossing
unfounded insults around like that. Personally, I can’t help feel you
are not a very nice person for saying something like that.


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Re: [Audyssey] question

2010-04-22 Thread Andy

First of all, can you please make your subjects more meaningful? I 
almost didn't read this message and therefore wouldn't have been able to 
answer your question.

No. There's only dialog at the beginning, if you play the game you will 
know that. There are little bits when you blow up the mine control 
center etc etc, but there's only really dialog in the beginning.

Onto your next question... I have never beaten the game, but as far as I 
know, you need to get the master key, obtain the weapons, blow up the 
mine control center, and then shut down the experiment. As to how to 
shut down the experiment, I have no idea how to do that.

michael barnes wrote:
how many stages are in treasure hunt?  and is their anymore dialog in 
the game besides the begining? you know doing the game.

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Re: [Audyssey] BGT progress

2010-04-01 Thread Andy

   Hi Thom,
Slightly off topic here, but what's a union and  a construct?

Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Phil,
Yay! I'm glad to see the progress you are making with BGT. It is a
great tool. Although, I do have a question.
When I was looking through the language tutorial I didn't see any way
to get into more indepth oop programming by introducing classes,
structs, or unions. Are there ways to create some kind of object
oriented design with BGT?


On 4/1/10, Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi all,

Just to let you know, I'm working hard to address the problems and
suggestions that you have provided over the last few weeks. File reading and
writing has now been implemented, and the bugs that some of you found in the
scripting library have been fixed by the programmer who maintains it. I am
still adding new features, and will post an update in a few days if all goes
well. At this time, if you are happy with the new functionality, I'll begin
accepting preorders so that those of you who are interested can get a heads
start. I will also be writing some more tutorials that are game specific,
basically expanding upon the knowledge acquired in the language tutorial and
showing you how to turn the theoretical concepts into practical game design

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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[Audyssey] BGT question regarding handles.

2010-03-28 Thread Andy

I know this is a dumb question, but I don't really understand the point 
of handles or why I would need them. I mean, sound@ monster and sound 
monster, for instance. What's the difference between them?

Why would I need handles? What's the point of them?
Thanks for your help.

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Re: [Audyssey] playing sounds in BGT?

2010-03-28 Thread Andy

You need to load the sounds first.
Or whatever your sound path is. Then call play on the sound, or 
play_looped or any of the other play functions.

Casey Mathews wrote:
Hello all. I've really been working on this for a while. I'm trying 
some stuff just for my own personal understanding, and while I realize 
the function below isn't complete, I don't understand why none of the 
sounds play.  The script runs, but the sounds don't play unless I put 
an alert box up first. Thanks for any ideas. Note: I do have a main 
function that works fine.

void borg()

int borg; //This will be the location of the borg on the sound scape.
borg=random(1, 3);
if (borg==1)
if (key_pressed(KEY_LEFT))
alert(Kills,You killed +kills+ borg.);

} //end if
} //end borg

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Re: [Audyssey] another error with the game.

2010-03-26 Thread Andy

I can't really help you if I can't see any code. You are getting errors 
because you're not conforming to the proper syntax, although without the 
code I've no idea what's going wrong. Granted, I'm not a programmer 
myself, however I've read quite a bit of code, from various sources in 
various languages, and can follow it ok.

So, the code would be helpful indeed.

Muhammed Deniz wrote:

Hi guys,
This is another error.
The same one is at the very end as this is a long one.
Line: 4 (4)

Error: Expected identifier

Line: 5 (7)

Error: Expected identifier

Line: 23 (7)

Error: Expected identifier

Line: 26 (1)

Error: Unexpected token '}'

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Re: [Audyssey] another error with the game.

2010-03-26 Thread Andy

This... Is a mess.
Firstly, to load your sounds you have to make them sound objects, I 
believe. So:

sound gunsound;
Etc etc.
In line 6 (excluding all blank lines):
double y_position=10.10
There should be a semicolon at the end of that line...
In the first line of your void function:
Show_game_window(City Attack);
There should not be a quotation mark aftr the semicolon...
I'm not exactly sure what the rest of this is for, but I'll point out 
some flaws anyway. I noticed that in a lot of string variables, such as 
this one:

String=City attack,...;
The idea is to have the quotes around the text inside the string, and 
nothing else.

Also make sure you're closing out your functions as well the right way.
In line 15 (excluding blank lines), which is a left brace by itself, I'm 
not sure why that's there.
There's a ton of other things here--I'd recommend reading this over, 
because some of this is a little whacky.

Hope this helps a bit.

Muhammed Deniz wrote:

Ok. Here is the code.
//City attack!

//A fighting game for the blind.
double  x_position=1.1;
double y_position=10.10
bool falling=false;

void main()
Show_game_window(City Attack);
// Play the introduction, allowing the user to press enter to skip
String=City attack,...;
String= name Muhammed Deniz,... ;
Int age =11 ;
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Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Ryan Smith
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] another error with the game.

Hi Muhammed,
It makes our job much easier if you posted the code along with the error
messages. This allows us to explain the problem and help you fix the 
Usually, just posting an error message doesn't give us that much 

on your problem.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Muhammed Deniz

Hi guys,
This is another error.
The same one is at the very end as this is a long one.
Line: 4 (4)
Error: Expected identifier

Line: 5 (7)
Error: Expected identifier

Line: 23 (7)
Error: Expected identifier

Line: 26 (1)
Error: Unexpected token '}'

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Re: [Audyssey] Bgt stuff that confuses me

2010-03-25 Thread Andy

Hi Thom,
So you're saying, then, that main has to be at the bottom of the program?

Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Dark,
Smile. Welcome to the wonderful world of resource management. Don't
feel too bad as this is an issue that comes up all the time with new
programmers, because they often think as you do that a number is just
a number and don't understand the difference between int, float, long,
short, double, etc.
Thing is with computers before you can actually store a value, like a
number, you have to allocate enough memory on the heap to store it in
memory. The value 3 requires a lot less memory than the value
3.14159265. For a small integer value like 3 you can use a short
integer which will create just enough space in memory to handle that
value. For a large floating point value like 3.14159265 you'll want a
double value which will create a much larger block of memory on the
heap for storage. While you could create all your numeric variables as
double you'll run into the problem of waisting memory needlessly and
waisting valuable system resources that could be used elsewhere. That
is why it is a good idea only to asign enough space on the heap that
you actually need rather than using the largest amount of memory
possible just to store a   small integer like 3.
As for your script questions remember in the main() function when you
call the add_numbers() function it hasn't been defined in your script
yet. So while the add_numbers() function does indeed add two numbers
but if you don't actually create that function somewhere in your
script that function doesn't exist. As it happens you create the
add_numbers() function after the main() function and it gets called by
main to add two numbers of type int. Does that make sense?
As far as the variables first and second you declared them as function
parameters in the declaration of your function like
int add-numbers (int first, int second)
which is perfectly legal and proper code. What this does is tell the
function that it requires two parameters of type int, and they must be
entered when the function is called like
int result = add_numbers (5, 7);
in order to perform the calculation. Otherwise without declaring first
and second as part of the function declaration you couldn't pass any
values or parameters to the function.


On 3/24/10, dark wrote:


Having already read through the tutorial once, I stil find myself mildly
confused on a couple of matters.

Firstly, all the stuff relating to doubled short or long intagers and bits
and bytes. I'm rather uncertain why or when I would want to use variables
such as int8, double, or short which relate to the size of bits and bytes.
Shorely, a number is a number and can be written as such?

Secondly, I'm uncertain as to the difference betwene void functions and
return result functions, and I must confess I don't follow this example:

void main()
int x=add_numbers(3, 5);
alert(Wow, 3 + 5 is...  + x + !);
int add_numbers(int first, int second)
int result=first+second;

I can see that the alert will write the text string with the int x, however,
hasn't the (3 + 5), already produced the result of 8 for x?

Also, I have absolutely no idea what the business involving int first and
int second is all about, sinse how does bgt know what first and second
actually mean? it seems this function is working with a lot of intagers
which haven't been defigned successfully, but which work (I tried creating a
secript with this and it printed fine).

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

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Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay GameToolkitreleased!

2010-03-24 Thread Andy
   As I understand it, the strings need to be in quotation marks and 
numeric variables do not have quotation marks. So for instance...

string name = My name is...;
int age = 11;

Etc etc.

Muhammed Deniz wrote:

Ok. Here is what i'm trying to say. String=what's your name.
Contact info.
Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

Hi Muhammed,

Can you explain a little what it is that you are trying to 
accomplish? I don't quite understand what you mean with the age and 
the string.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: Muhammed Deniz

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

Hi Philip,
I'm new to these saughtsof stuff. For an example, lets say my age is 
11. Before that though, how about a string with a name. 
String=what's your intage=11,

Contact info.
Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

I've got it. Think I'm gonna do some extensive reading before I try 
anything with it though. But let me get one thing straight first 
though. I have the program installed on the machine. In the BGT 
folder there's BGT, then an option called BGT Compiler. This is 
what I'd like to have cleared up. I'm assuming that the option 
labeled simply BGT is where, once all your coding and testing is 
done, you would compile your game into an actual executable for 
posting on a web site for everybody else's playing pleasure? And 
the Compiler option is where the game is actually created? I just 
want to get that cleared up. Also, can you start a project with the 
Beta and then work on it more with, say, the light or pro versions 
once they're released?
Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice 
of pizza?

Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
- Original Message - From: Jacob Kruger

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay Game 

Will definitely be checking it out.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:57 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay Game Toolkit 

Hi all!

I am very happy to announce the availability of beta version 0.1 
of the Blastbay Game Toolkit (BGT). This tool allows users with 
no prior programming experience to dive in and create audio games 
from the ground up, using an incredibly versatile scripting 
language that in turn controls the powerful Blastbay game engine 
that you've already seen in titles such as Q9 and Kringle Crash. 
The tool ships with extensive documentation as well as an 
in-depth language tutorial, which also is available in audio form 
narrated by a professional voiceover artist.

The tool is still in testing and active development, and so I 
would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and any other 
feedback that springs to mind... So head over to 
right now! I will be patrolling the forum there, ready to answer 
any questions that you may have. So don't hesitate to sign up and 
ask questions if you get stuck and, above all, have lots of fun 
making new and exciting games!

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
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Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay GameToolkitreleased!

2010-03-24 Thread Andy

  Hi phil,
I know this is totally not conforming to C++ syntax, but is it possible 
(or do you have plans) to make semicolons optional in the final release? 
Languages like Python, for instance, don't use such things, and it's 
kind of confusing, with with if statements not needing them and pretty 
much everything else needing them.

Philip Bennefall wrote:

Hi Muhammed,

You are missing a few things. First, you are forgetting quotes and 
semicolons in your code which will make the engine throw a fit. 
Second, you aren't giving all your variables proper names and 
declaring them in the proper way. Your example should be written like:

int age=11;
string phrase=What's your name?;

Now you have an integer variable called age containing the number 11, 
and a string variable called phrase which says What's your name?.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: Muhammed Deniz

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

Ok. Here is what i'm trying to say. String=what's your name.
Contact info.
Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

Hi Muhammed,

Can you explain a little what it is that you are trying to 
accomplish? I don't quite understand what you mean with the age and 
the string.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: Muhammed Deniz

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

Hi Philip,
I'm new to these saughtsof stuff. For an example, lets say my age 
is 11. Before that though, how about a string with a name. 
String=what's your intage=11,

Contact info.
Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay 

I've got it. Think I'm gonna do some extensive reading before I 
try anything with it though. But let me get one thing straight 
first though. I have the program installed on the machine. In the 
BGT folder there's BGT, then an option called BGT Compiler. This 
is what I'd like to have cleared up. I'm assuming that the option 
labeled simply BGT is where, once all your coding and testing is 
done, you would compile your game into an actual executable for 
posting on a web site for everybody else's playing pleasure? And 
the Compiler option is where the game is actually created? I just 
want to get that cleared up. Also, can you start a project with 
the Beta and then work on it more with, say, the light or pro 
versions once they're released?
Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice 
of pizza?

Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
- Original Message - From: Jacob Kruger

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay Game 

Will definitely be checking it out.

Stay well

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
'...fate had broken his body, but not his spirit...'

- Original Message - From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 11:57 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Beta version 0.1 of the blastbay Game Toolkit 

Hi all!

I am very happy to announce the availability of beta version 0.1 
of the Blastbay Game Toolkit (BGT). This tool allows users with 
no prior programming experience to dive in and create audio 
games from the ground up, using an incredibly versatile 
scripting language that in turn controls the powerful Blastbay 
game engine that you've already seen in titles such as Q9 and 
Kringle Crash. The tool ships with extensive documentation as 
well as an in-depth language tutorial, which also is available 
in audio form narrated by a professional voiceover artist.

The tool is still in testing and active development, and so I 
would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions and any other 
feedback that springs to mind... So head over to right now! I will be patrolling the forum 
there, ready to answer any questions that you may have. So don't 
hesitate to sign up and ask questions if you get stuck and, 
above all, have lots 

Re: [Audyssey] My first BGT attempt...

2010-03-24 Thread Andy
   If i'm not mistaken it should be a right brace at the end of that, 
not a left.

Muhammed Deniz wrote:

Bryan, could you do this?
As far as I looked, it showed it like this.
robot 1.wav,
robot 2.wav,
robot 3.wav
This is what it said if i'm not rong.
Contact info.
Klango username.
- Original Message - From: Philip Bennefall

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My first BGT attempt...

Hi Bryan,

I'd suggest you take a look at the function called position_sound_1d 
in the helper layer section of the reference. It features an example 
of how to move around a 1 dimensional grid, and it's pretty easy to 
extend it to do what you want. Feel free to start a thread on one of 
the Blastbay BGT forums about it, and I and a few others will be 
happy to help you along the way.

Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
- Original Message - From: Bryan Peterson

To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 2:05 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] My first BGT attempt...

Ok so I've been reading through the documentation and decided to go 
ahead and try to write a little game. The premise is simple. You're 
a robot and your goal is to shoot as many other robots as you can in 
a minute. I also thought about having electrified walls at either 
edge of the screen, which would stun you for a second if you touched 
them, so the goal would be to shoot robots while avoiding contact 
with the walls. Anyone familiar with theAtari game Berzerk may be 
familiar with this concept. The way I want it to work is for you to 
move with the left and right arrows and fire with the space bar. But 
I've been looking at some of the sample scripts and I'm still not 
entirely sure how to go about doing this. Maybe I ought to read the 
Keyboard Reference first? I've got everything basically planned out 
in my mind for how I want the game to work. Right now I'm working on 
gathering together all the sounds I'll need. It's just the getting 
there that's still a little bit confusing.
Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of 

Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.
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Re: [Audyssey] the codeing.

2010-03-24 Thread Andy

   Functions like that should be all one word. Show_game_window.
In addition there are no parenthesis around your function call. There 
should be.

So for instance:
Show_game_window(City Attack);
String variable values need quotes around them.
Muhammed, it sounds as if you don't have punctuation enabled on your 
screen reader because you are missing a lot. I would recommend doing 
that; I've read a few programming books and without punctuation 
enabled, you'll be missing a ton and it's just going to confuse you.

Muhammed Deniz wrote:

Here is the code.
void main{
Show game window city attack;
String=City attack;
String= name  Muhammed Deniz;
Int=age 11;

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Re: [Audyssey] My Opinion of Q9

2009-11-16 Thread Andy
  I find that pressing up arrow, letting up on it, then jabbing the 
irght arrow like a crazy man brigs me through just fine.

Mike Reiser wrote:
Definitely like this game, now if I can just figure out the trick to jumping over these pits that'll be great lol.  

On Nov 16, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Valiant8086 wrote:


I'm liking this game myself. Fun stuff.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Thomas Ward 
 To: Charles Rivard ; Gamers Discussion list 
 Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 12:34 PM

 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] My Opinion of Q9

 Hi Charles,
 Actually I don't think of my fellow accessible game developers as 
 competition. I think of them in terms of colleagues rather than my 
 competitors. I never got into game development for the money, as you and 
 others know, so my only financial stake in it is to make sure I can 
 cover development expenses and if I get a little extra that's alright by 
 me. I can always use a little spending cash now and then.
 Around 2006 several of us created a mailing list and wiki for the agdev 
 community. Although there was some interest and we got along well enough 
 there wasn't enough interest to keep the agdev site going. However, my 
 point is those of us who do accessible gaming as a hobby generally 
 treated each other as colleagues rather than the competition.


 Charles Rivard wrote:

We, the gamers who buy games, get this from the competition??  Heh heh heh. 
Good post, Tom.  This is high praise, indeed.

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Re: [Audyssey] SC soundpack

2009-09-12 Thread Andy


Actually, I don't think you can use the same packs. If I'm correct on 
this, they depend on triggers to play sounds. More than likely SC has 
different triggers than Cosmos or Miriani. Worth a try, I guess, but I 
would think a lot of tweeking would be in order toget it working.

shaun everiss wrote:

yes there are packs.
I think most of the muds miriani, cosmos  and maybe a couple others use the 
same packs or atleast sfx.
so if you get the cosmos pack that will work.
you will need to change the addresses and such for the mud but everything will 
work and the name of the pack maybe.
a miriani pack will work to.
if you have issues trying to find a good one I know that pkb games has one, but 
you will have to ask piter for that.
over that though shane davidson has a pack I know of but its in beta, and not 
sure if released yet, it was the same as the standard miriani pack.
so if you get liam's pack wich is the basic pack for miriani I forget the 
direct address
I think then that should work.
At 05:47 a.m. 13/09/2009, you wrote:

I recently got a char on Star Conquest, and aam loving it!
Anyone who wants a good scifi mud should check this out!
Anyway, does anyone know of an SC soundpack I can download and use?
If so, please drop me a line or send me a link.
Thank you much,
Connection info

I recently got a char on Star Conquest, and aam loving it!
Anyone who wants a good scifi mud should check this out!
Anyway, does anyone know of an SC soundpack I can download and use?
If so, please drop me a line or send me a link.
Thank you much,
Connection info


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Re: [Audyssey] JUDGEMENT DAY

2009-08-24 Thread Andy


To open rocket rage you actually need 4 trophies. You can geg 2 in one 
shot by opening a game and pressing backspace. SO just start a game on 
easy, for instance, and press backspace.


David Standen wrote:

Hi Nicol,
You can allow the game to play by itself (medium or hard difficulties 
are better, as they don't take so long), and you will be awarded the 
confused gunners trophy. When I did this, Rocket Rage opened up 
for me. When playing rocket rage, if you hit a sufficient amount of 
rockets, you will be awarded with rocket blaster plus and super 
rocket blaster plus. Also try to make your way through the first 10 
levels of the game without allowing any of the ships hitting you, and 
you will be awarded. These are just a few hints to get you started.
Unfortunately I cannot play the full version of Judgment Day at the 
moment as my machine was re-formatted recently and my unlock code will 
no longer work, but before this took place, I had 21 trophies in my 


- Original Message - From: Nicol
To: gamers
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:25 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] JUDGEMENT DAY

Hello All
I really like judgement day.
In the beginning I battled a lot to win the game, but after playing 
it a few

times, I manage to beat it.
I have won 2 trophies so far.
The tenderfoot and the marksman trophy.
What must I do to win bonus games?
I am a little disappointed in the sounds that plays when you lose the 

I expected commander athiar to say something to the crew such as:
aha, what did I told you? You will lose!
or something similar

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Re: [Audyssey] JUDGEMENT DAY

2009-08-24 Thread Andy


You just, literally, let it try to play itself. If a ship comes, let it 
land. Although if you just start a game and press backspace you should 
get 2 trohpies. Although, watching the game attempt to play itself is 
rather amusing.

Nicol wrote:

Hi david
Sorry, I am still new to the game.
How do I allow the game to play by itself?

-Original Message-
From: []on
Behalf Of David Standen
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2009 10:22 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] JUDGEMENT DAY

Hi Nicol,
  You can allow the game to play by itself (medium or hard difficulties are
better, as they don't take so long), and you will be awarded the confused
gunners trophy. When I did this, Rocket Rage opened up for me. When
playing rocket rage, if you hit a sufficient amount of rockets, you will
be awarded with rocket blaster plus and super rocket blaster plus. Also
try to make your way through the first 10 levels of the game without
allowing any of the ships hitting you, and you will be awarded. These are
just a few hints to get you started.
  Unfortunately I cannot play the full version of Judgment Day at the
moment as my machine was re-formatted recently and my unlock code will no
longer work, but before this took place, I had 21 trophies in my cabinet.

- Original Message -
From: Nicol
To: gamers
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:25 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] JUDGEMENT DAY


Hello All
I really like judgement day.
In the beginning I battled a lot to win the game, but after playing it a
times, I  manage to beat it.
I have won 2 trophies so far.
The  tenderfoot and the marksman trophy.
What must I do to win bonus games?
I  am a little disappointed in the sounds that plays when you lose the
I expected commander athiar to say something to the crew such as:
aha, what did I told you? You will lose!
or something similar

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Re: [Audyssey] the GMA Games list

2009-08-20 Thread Andy
 If I remember correctly, you were supposed to contact GMA themselves 
about that. Helps reduce spam, I think.

Charles Rivard wrote:

I'm not sure, but you should be able to find it at

Shepherds are the best beasts.
- Original Message - From: Nicol
To: gamers
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:24 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] the GMA Games list

HI all
What is the address to subscribe to the GMAGames list please?

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Re: [Audyssey] GMA game engine

2009-08-18 Thread Andy


I think the engine was written in Visual Basic 6, and I think that said 
language is heading the way of the dinosaurs.

Josh wrote:


You know it would be nice if GMA games would release a free version of their engine. I know audio game maker was a flop. But if game creation could be made easier maybe there would be more games. yes with an engine you are limited to the kinds of gamesyou can create; but with creativity you can make lots. As of now there are no free game engines out there. 


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Re: [Audyssey] stuck in vip mud

2009-02-22 Thread Andy

Actually, this has nothing to do with a firewall or Telnet.

The Quick Connect dialog, when you tab around, has port settings and
other options. For example, there is a MUD selection list box. Let's
say I wanted Valhalla. I'd find it in that list box and tab. Basically
just tab until you hit Connect. It's a really strange issue, but it
works for me.

Hope this helps.


On 2/21/09, Zachary Kline wrote:
 I recommend you give other clients a shot to see how they behave.
 If they work, then VIP is somehow at fault.
 I'm not sure how though: wiser heads than mine will have to answer that.
 You might want to subscribe to the VipMud mailing list, if the problems
 Sorry I'm not more helfupl.

 Allen writes:

 VIP mud has never worked for me, and no, I haven't tried other clients
 - Original Message -
 From: Zachary Kline
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 8:39 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] stuck in vip mud

 I'll admit I don't know what could be going on here.
 Are other mud clients able to connect?
 Can you Telnet, for instance?
 ALso, is this a recent problem, or has it never worked before?

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Re: [Audyssey] New MOTA Trailer Released

2009-02-07 Thread Andy
Wow Thomas! Cool trailer!

On 2/7/09, Thomas Ward wrote:
 Hello gamers,
 We have just released an all new audio trailer of Mysteries of the
 Ancients 0.5. This all new trailer includes new background music, new
 character sounds, as well as Acapela Heather doing audio voice overs for
 the game. You can download the new trailer on our products page
 under the Mysteries of the Ancients product section.

 Thomas Ward
 USA Games Interactive

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Re: [Audyssey] urgent help with vipmud!

2008-11-19 Thread Andy
Without any sort of script to guide me in what direction your
attempting to go in, I suspect it's an incorrect sound path. The
simplist way to rectify this is to make a folder under the VIPMud
sounds folder called a name that siuts the purpose. In that case, this
is what you would do.

#trigger {text} {#play

That should work. In fact, it will work; it works fine for me. Another
possible issue is the fact you put the wrong number of parameters in
the command. Or an unresolved opening or closing brace. I sometimes
make this mistake:
#trigger {*says,  hi} {say hi AnyCase

In that instance, the issue there is an unresolved closing brace in
the triggered action. At this point it's ust too vague to figure out
what's really causing your problem.

On 11/19/08, Tristan B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What exactly are you typing? Include the vipmud script as well.
 Regards, Tristan Bussiere - Head Developer, and founder/owner of Accessible
 Computer Entertainment Games. - Accessible Computer
 Entertainment Games' Website. Contact info: Skype: Add me to your skype
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 MSN: Add me to msn.
 - Original Message -
 From: Matheus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 7:33 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] urgent help with vipmud!

 hi all.
 i'm developing a soundpack for a game that i'm currently playing.
 i have a error, that wen trying to open the sound to play in the game,
 it just comes a error sound and jaws saying error.
 i'm writing the words exactly how they are in the game (checked it 4
 times), i'm putting the exactly diretory where the sound it, but this
 error still occur.
 please, if someone can help trying to explain how, or what is causing
 this error message with the error sound?
 i'll be realy happy.
 thanks so much and best regards,

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Re: [Audyssey] Hello and some information.

2008-11-11 Thread Andy
I think its @reroll. If I'm wrong about that, then I am wrong, but I
believe it's @reroll.

If anyone has seen the Miriani ManualNavigation help file, compare it
to Cosmos's file and tell me what the difference is. Absolutely no
difference. Come on, try it. It's pathetic what Cosmos is. However,
keeping it up that long Tristan is definitely an achievement. I have
some suggestions:
1) Getting the system so people can actually log in fixed ASAP.
2) I was on once, and saw there was no ship repairing; if that was
added great, if not why not add it.
3) How about building in starships?
4) Fixing the manual navigation help file so it's your own :-p

That's all I've got to say. This was meant to be constructive, not a
flame; so don't take it in that direction.



On 11/10/08, shaun everiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ok then how do I rerole?
 At 01:05 p.m. 11/11/2008, you wrote:
Hi Sean,
Yes, if you want to reroll, you certainly can. It'll allow you to set your
stats for the new combat system, anyway.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of shaun everiss
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 7:01 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hello and some information.

aah ok, I may need to get my char reset then as I have no cash and all my
objects are not anywhere on my person  or in the cloning station where I'd
have thought they would be.
At 12:28 p.m. 11/11/2008, you wrote:
No, it was coded by me. And I don't give you permission to run it, because
you betrayed my trust, etc.

And, thanks Sean. To answer your questions I remember that you asked, when
you die your corpse ends up where you died, you'd have to find it. If you
jumped out of the copter, you'll land and see a place before you die.
However, the death system has been entirely rewritten since you last


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Tristan B
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 6:26 PM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hello and some information.

The creation system was jointly coded by me and Mike. As for Miriani

ideas and humanity moo code, I did not do such a thing, why would you ever

think that...?

Regards, Tristan Bussiere - Head Developer, and founder/owner of

Computer Entertainment Games. - Accessible Computer
Entertainment Games' Website. Contact info: Skype: Add me to your skype
contacts. Skype me (tristanbussiere) Add the ACEGames support team

to your skype contacts. Skype ACEGames (acegamessupport) E-mail: Email me.

MSN: Add me to msn.
- Original Message -
From: Michael Forzano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hello and some information.

 This game is a HumanityMOO/Miriani clone. Miriani in ideas/content and
 HumanityMOO in code. For example, when you go there you get a receiver
 communicator, just like Miriani. You also have a similar creation
 Just the areas are different, ship classes, and stargates instead of
 jumpgates, but the only activities are salvaging and deliveries (both
 off HumanityMOO). I'd advise not going there. Miriani has much more
 if you want a game like that.


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Orin
 Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 3:45 PM
 To: Tristan B; Gamers Discussion list
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Hello and some information.

 Devoted staff? Hmm. Are you sure about that? Devoted? Really?
 On Nov 8, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Tristan B wrote:


 My name is Tristan Bussiere. Most of you if not all of you, have
 seen me before on this mailing list. I would like to introduce you
 to a new MOO (mud object
 oriented) that I and my devoted team of staff have been working on
 for the passed few months.

 It is called Cosmos. As you may have realised, it is space-related,
 and has starships, stun weaponry, and much more. The very much so in-
 development website
 where you can download a soundpack and a client is at:

 the connection info is as follows.


 port: 1123

 Hope you check it out,


 Tristan Bussiere
 - Head Developer, and founder/owner of Accessible Computer
 Entertainment Games. - Accessible Computer Entertainment Games' Website.

 block quote
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 Add me to your skype contacts.
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 Skype ACEGames (acegamessupport)

 Email me.

 Add me to msn.
 block quote end
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Re: [Audyssey] HumanityMOO Temporarily Down

2008-10-26 Thread Andy
Ya know what?

Tyler Littlefield, please, from this one topic alone (only read this
one as I've een having problems, but that's not for this list), but as
I was saying. All I've seen from VV, whatever that is, VV? What's the
address to connect to? What's VV going to have?

And @recycle #1, for those who don't know, will pretty much destroy
everything. Not going to go into detail, but it breaks every single
verb and function.

Tyler, use your head for once. Van you come up with anything better?
Don't think so. Then again, what would I know, considering pretty much
everyone was bashed. Once again, if you've got something that's
positive, shoot.

Otherwise, I'll end up putting you on my blacklist.

On 10/26/08, Ryan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you just wanna cry about it, do us all a favour and
 cancel the internet.
 I agree. Tyler hasn't said much of anything constructive compared to
 all of his rude insults.
 Here's one just off this topic alone:
  it was extremely constructive.
 Well that's very nice right there. Of course telling HM to shut down
 and destroy the moo is always very nice!

 Multiplayer system coming along terrific

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Re: [Audyssey] Humanity MOO

2008-10-12 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Hmm, weird, works fine for me here. The address once again: port 

Perhaps it was down? I don't know since I just woke up. LOL.

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008 13:43:12 +0100, Darren Harris wrote:

Iv jut tridconecing wth the address given in this email with vip mud and
I get an 11001 error message. 

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Michael Forzano
Sent: 12 October 2008 03:29
Subject: [Audyssey] Humanity MOO


I know this isn't in the original thread, but I just had to switch email
addresses. I'm Mike, the main admin and coder on Humanity MOO. I'd just
like to clear up a few things. First, the moo isn't a Miriani clone.
Though it has some of the same concepts, lets face it, a lot of the same
concepts, it will be much expanded. For example, I have coded a combat
system, and I will have weapons etc. The most important thing, though,
is that its under development. From what I've heard, MOOs take years to
develop and though I feel I've made considerable progress it is still a
work in development. For example, the fact of the similar messages, I
made it this way so that the game would work with my Miriani soundpack
for testing purposes. I will most likely have a name change. But the
reason this thread was posted was to ask for ideas and suggestions of
things you guys would like to see in a moo that aren't in current moos.
Of course, if there any MOO coders out there, I'd be glad to have your
help. The moo address is port . Remember though,
that anything you see is subject to change and I hope you will give the
game a chance even if you don't like what you see at this moment.
Furthermore, if you do not want to play a game that is under
development, don't. I am open to suggestions, not complaints. I hate to
sound harsh, but it seems that certain people expect so much from this
game but in reality it has been in existence for only 6 months. However,
it may turn out that some of you may actually like the game. In any
case, suggestions/ideas are welcome.



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Re: [Audyssey] MUD Ideas

2008-10-11 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Hi. port .

On Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:01:36 -0600, Tj wrote:

What's the host/port?  I'll come and and raise up some, interetsing comments 
about it.  Who knows.  I might like it!
- Original Message - 
From: Ryan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] MUD Ideas

I hope it's not me that's making your head hurt, if it is, I'll try to
think more organized, as I seem to type things randomly. When I said
MOO defecient I suppose I mean coding-wise. No wizard was a bad coder,
except 1. They were all very good coders, but some of them were just
jerks and think they know how to run a MOO well (Not that I know how
to). We've had a long list of jerk wizards..Perhaps it would be better
to focus on some more ideas.



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Re: [Audyssey] Miriani

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Exactly! Same here!

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 17:23:03 +0200, Willem wrote:

Hi all.

After only 4 days of playing Miriani I am considering to leave the game again. 
My ship just got blown up by Patrick Fitzpatrick. It goes to show that the 
has the same shortcomings that made me stop playing in the first place, namely 
that idiots can shoot your little ship down for no reason at all.
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Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, Pms, 'sounds=

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Nod. He's the reason I quit. I once did nothing I sware, I just landed, and I 
was a week 
old said nothing about anyth  on any channels I was silent. Boom bang ba! I'm 

I hate that b, and. Well..

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 16:30:33 +0100, piotru[ wrote:

you said you need help with combat?
I can help you but what is your character's name?
and for miriani, watchout! for! patrick! fitzpatrick!
he likes to only shoot, destroy. shoot destroy.
I really tell ya watch out!
about 90 percent of people I talked with on miriani hates him and would like 
to get rid of him.
- Original Message - 
From: mike maslo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, 

I enjoy Miriani but the thing now is getting combat or people to help with
that has been extremely hard. I need it as a new player and can't get 
who is willing to help with that.

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Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, Pms, 'ounds=

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
All I had was a freighter nothing else. Nothing. He sent his dawn combat darn 
drones, this 
starship has been hit, this starship has been hit, escape pod..

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:03:59 +0200, Willem wrote:

I don't agree with everything you said.
I can't answer yes to any of your questions. I, aka David Eagles haven't 
ever insulted pattrick or even asked for help after I got blown up.
They should bring in a system to control people like him. You can't defend 
yourself from a batle cruiser with cdp and interdictors in a fraitor.
A game is supposed to be just that. You should be able to enjoy it when you 
are playing it.
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, 

Hello All,

From my long time as a star Conquest player, (Michael McCoder, be glad he
doesn't play), and my farther time on Miriani, I will state a few things.
Please, and I'm not meaning to offend some people, however, i feel that 
game has a right to be defended.

With this, let me begin by saying, yes.  It is a PVP game.  Yes.  You're
gonna get shot at, and probably stranded a time or two.  Notice how I said 
time or two, and people on this list have said like 10 a week.  Let me
explain farther.

You're acting like a winer.  Please.  Don't take this the wrong way 
explaining.  I would like certain people to write on your checklist, and 
also like you to keep this in mind.  Have you been stranded for a reason?
I'd bet most of you can say yes.  Even the players that play.  Now onto 
farther questions.
Have you commented about it on chatter, insulted your stranders?  I bet
again some have said yes.  Have you acted like a complete helpless person
and asked for help 4 times, or have you simply got up, dusted
yourself off, and simply moved on, gotten help from a friend, or asked
someone over private comms to get you?
I deliberately asked this question for last, due to the fact of what I'm
about to say.  Miriani is a game of survival of the fittest.  People get a
kick on bullying people like those people that could simply answer yes to
the questions above, because they get easy money. They lean on you, get 
money, and leave you alone for a few days, and rince and repeat.  I knwo
that's not many people's type of game, however, this is why I say this.
Fight back!  Yes I know you can't fight a battlecruiser in a fighter,
however, you can go out with a bang, and take your punnishment, deserved 
not, in style.  Refuse to pay them, refuse to cooperate.  If you 
you're gonna go down as either a carebear or a, well, due to language
restrictions, I can't finish that sentence.
This way, if you take it, and show you've got a backbone and are willing 
resist, people will eventually move onto easier targets, and guess what?
You'll even gain some respect!  Not only that, but you can take the extra
time off that you're forced to get, and review the situation and decide 
you did well, and what you didn't do.  Let me set an example.
Jack strands you  You're staring on high guard, and were thinking I'm 
going to get a glass of water, well guess what.  You could have taken the
extra second to enter your ship.  It only takes a max of 3 seconds to 
a person without followers enough to get them to a secure location.
Let's move onto space combat.  You sit there in a fighter and are moving
across the sector...into a field of prox mines.  You never scanned, you 
kept moving to 1, 1, 1, then to 20, 15, 10.  Well, your error is this. 
going to let you figure it out.  It'll help you.

All and all, Miriani is a game that you need to have some backbone and 
dedication to ge there.  Shouting this sucks either gets you banned, or
laughed at and picked on more.  Let's take Mauricio for an example.  He's
still here, and can handle himself well?  Know why?  Cause jerks have ran
him through his share of turrets, drones, and blwon up his share of ships.
He gets up, dusts off his clothes, and rebuilds, stronger and more able to
fight another day than he was the last time.  If you don't have that
attitude, please, don't play Miriani, because you'll just end up giving us
that enjoy the game a headache.  If you don't like the game for another
reason, that's fine, but I don't think stunning and stranding should 
you from the game.  For those of you tha do like it, what do you think 
this post here.  Am I right, or am I wrong.

SOrry it's lengthy,


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Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, Pms, 'sounds=

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
I was stranded so much I made like no money, I had like 2 mil and that's all. 
So I banned myself.

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:12:18 +0100, piotru[ wrote:

O. with the speed i'm making money I hardly now can upgrade my fighter, O 
excuse me My already upgraded fighter turned in to pieces of patrick debris,
I really need to contact the hosts!
no no no, the hosts probably won't do anything! 
sorry when It comes to patrick I always get angry.

- Original Message - 
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, 

It must be more than 90%. I can't wait until I get my battle cruiser!
- Original Message - 
From: piotru[ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_,

you said you need help with combat?
I can help you but what is your character's name?
and for miriani, watchout! for! patrick! fitzpatrick!
he likes to only shoot, destroy. shoot destroy.
I really tell ya watch out!
about 90 percent of people I talked with on miriani hates him and would
to get rid of him.
- Original Message - 
From: mike maslo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Gamers Discussion list'
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_,

I enjoy Miriani but the thing now is getting combat or people to help 
that has been extremely hard. I need it as a new player and can't get
who is willing to help with that.

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Alergia na seks?

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Re: [Audyssey] Miriani - Patrick Fitzpatrick, the MAN, the MYTH, , The legend...

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Yeh. Pat, nice work, it's because of you that I quit the game. Have a guess at 
my char name, 
privately, please, off-list, if you don't mind.

HINT: I rescued Sisco and got shot down, and of course was stranded a bunch of 
times by you and 
refused to pay you.

On Fri, 22 Aug 2008 18:05:19 -0400, Patrick Brown wrote:


My name is PATRICK BROWN and I play a CHARACTER named PATRICK
FITZPATRICK on a game called MIRIANI. I've noticed that a lot of you
wish to complain about me by name on this e-mail list, and Miriani in
general. To explain, Miriani is a player versus player role playing
game. So while you may play the role of the tea sipping partier who
hauls the occasional asteroid, I choose to play the dirty, rotten,
low-down space pirate. Sure, you have a right to play the game as you
wish, but I also have the right to play as I wish. Do I complain your
tea parties? No, I crash them. So don't complain about mine. If you
want to have undisturbed tea parties in outer space, go find a non-pvp
space oriented game. I'm sorry Patrick Fitzpatrick makes all your
Miriani lives miserable. Hell I even tried to tone it down because
people were crying and whining so much. Why don't you come fight back?
O NOES I have a battle-cruiser! Its so impossible! I was stomping you
people in carriers and transversers, do you really think its the ship?
Wow, I have a mighty occupancy scanner and a couple of laser rooms. Oh
no, so much better than a gunship. Also, conspiring against my
character on some e-mail list? Meta-gaming much? You people really
need to grow up. Honestly, none of you would last five minutes on Star
Conquest with Michael McCoder after you. Miriani is a great game, I
love it, everyone should just play and not complain so much. PEACE OUT

Patty Fitz P

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Re: [Audyssey] Miriani - Patrick Fitzpatrick, the MAN, the MYTH, , The legend?

2008-08-22 Thread Andy, on Braille Plus
Yep. Like me, for instance? I understand that you have a right to play who you 
are Pat, we've all got, erm. 
Had, in my case, rights to play whoever. Anyway, my point is, I was stranded so 
much that I had 
enough, so I said, screw this game, and over chatter said the game sucked 
thereby getting myself banned. 
Of course, now I don't have access to the toastsoft site, but who need that.

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 01:48:46 +0200, Willem wrote:

And while you're doing all those legendary things like shooting down ships 
that doesn't have a chance and stranding people, you are discouraging people 
to play miriani.

If this is what you are striving to do, go ahead. I won't stop playing cause 
of you, but many newbies did stop and many more will leave the game.
- Original Message - 
From: Patrick Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:05 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Miriani - Patrick Fitzpatrick, the MAN, the MYTH,THE 


My name is PATRICK BROWN and I play a CHARACTER named PATRICK
FITZPATRICK on a game called MIRIANI. I've noticed that a lot of you
wish to complain about me by name on this e-mail list, and Miriani in
general. To explain, Miriani is a player versus player role playing
game. So while you may play the role of the tea sipping partier who
hauls the occasional asteroid, I choose to play the dirty, rotten,
low-down space pirate. Sure, you have a right to play the game as you
wish, but I also have the right to play as I wish. Do I complain your
tea parties? No, I crash them. So don't complain about mine. If you
want to have undisturbed tea parties in outer space, go find a non-pvp
space oriented game. I'm sorry Patrick Fitzpatrick makes all your
Miriani lives miserable. Hell I even tried to tone it down because
people were crying and whining so much. Why don't you come fight back?
O NOES I have a battle-cruiser! Its so impossible! I was stomping you
people in carriers and transversers, do you really think its the ship?
Wow, I have a mighty occupancy scanner and a couple of laser rooms. Oh
no, so much better than a gunship. Also, conspiring against my
character on some e-mail list? Meta-gaming much? You people really
need to grow up. Honestly, none of you would last five minutes on Star
Conquest with Michael McCoder after you. Miriani is a great game, I
love it, everyone should just play and not complain so much. PEACE OUT

Patty Fitz P

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Re: [Audyssey] =iso-8859-1quitemiriani_game_questionworldas_, Pms, 'ounds=

2008-08-17 Thread Andy
Well, I was stunned and stranded like 12 times in one week, had ships shot down 
but I played 
anyway. So, to rid myself of it I yelled over chatter my lj, and miriani 
sucked. Perfect, now 
I'm banned and can rid myself of the pathetic Establishment.

On 17 Aug 2008 10:5:10 -0300, Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida wrote:

iaiai!  enjoy my fun news'!
the system has changed!!! now, if the person leads you and grabs you
into   they're ship,  the drones won't shoot  you! so, you may back into
our dear galaxy!

-Mensagem original-
Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion list
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 15:01
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

I left because people with lots of security drones would stun me and strand
me for no reason. Or they would shoot at my ship with their battle cruiser
because they enjoy being idiots.
This was one particular person. And it wasn't only me that got targeted.
That isn't my idea of a fun game if you can do that.
- Original Message -
From: Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:00 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] miriani game question was PMSounds

i suppose this game has already been discussed here, but, as i play  it
14 hours a day.  i have a question: who elce play miriani.
if you played and left, why did you?

i remember this topic but i was just signing into the list so well
well, here it is again!

-Mensagem original-
Para: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers Discussion list
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 04:20
Assunto: Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds

I don't want to disable the sounds as such, I just want to make sure the
sounds are enabled as i am getting no sound from PMSounds at all and I am
sure my sound
card should be able to cope with jaws, the sounds from FS2002 and PMSounds
as my computer is brand new. When i load PMSounds it says sound device
loaded but nothing

Lindsay cowell.

- original message -
Subject:Re: [Audyssey] PMSounds
From:Mauricio peixoto de Mattos Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:17/08/2008 2:38 am


i used fs 2002 for hages,.. but wlel,l i don't know because i never
thought anyone would  want to disable sounds

mauricio almeida
-Mensagem original-
Data: Domingo, 17 de Agosto de 2008 03:01
Assunto: [Audyssey] PMSounds

Hi folks, is it possible for a blind person to enable/disable the sounds
in PMSounds for FS2002 themselves and how do you do it?

Lindsay Cowell

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Re: [Audyssey] Sarah and the castel of witchcraft and wizardry

2008-08-10 Thread Andy
Hi, I don't believe you need any sapi voices in Sarah.

The att and laquendo are in the game--basically, recorded clips if I'm not 

On Sun, 10 Aug 2008 14:39:54 +0200, Kevin Weispfennig wrote:

On 8/10/2008 2:21 PM wrote Thomas Ward:
Hi Kevin,
Well, Sarah did the voice overs for most of the game, but there is some 
synth voices for the non-human characters. Mainly these consist of ATT 
crystal and the rest are the Loquendo voices.
If I am not mistaken Brandon Coal did the voice of Filch which is a 
pretty decent job if I say so myself.


Ah okay. And for which part i need a sapi voice?


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Re: [Audyssey] my oppinion to the game marked

2008-08-01 Thread Andy
A hardware key, I believe, is tied to the hardware. Lets say you install 
Judgment Day. It 
gives you a product ID. Now lets say you get a new computer, and the ID is 
different. That 
is because it's using your hardware specifications on your computer to generate 
ID'S. If I'm wrong 
on this someone let me know, although I think that's right.

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 13:37:59 +0200, Kevin Weispfennig wrote:


What are hardware keys?


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Re: [Audyssey] Audio Game Maker Website

2008-08-01 Thread Andy

The AGM is dead. In other words, there is no more support or anything from the 
Basically, it was useless in terms of games. It had many bugs and was not 
practical and because of the 
support that they no longer provide, it's dead pretty much. Oh yeah, they also 
don't clean out the 
forums. It's what I like to call a spammer's home. Smile.

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:01:43 +0200, Kevin Weispfennig wrote:


Do the Developers on the audiogamemaker site do clean the spam in theyr 

Because there is a lot o spam in there.

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Re: [Audyssey] my oppinion to the game market

2008-08-01 Thread Andy
Hi. The game registration application creates the keys.

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 15:03:26 +0200, Kevin Weispfennig wrote:


And who creates this key? Who make that the key works? And how? Kevin

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Re: [Audyssey] Judgment Day

2008-08-01 Thread Andy
Judgment Day costs 25 dollars.

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 14:04:55 +0200, Kevin Weispfennig wrote:


How mutch do judgement day now kost?


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Re: [Audyssey] my oppinion to the game market

2008-08-01 Thread Andy
Only bad thing about key generators is that if you are so inclined, and some 
blind people are as we know, 
to disassemble the products and make their own key generator. So, sometimes, 
it's not just the developer who 
gets the key generators.. It also might be scumbags who like to disassemble and 

On Fri, 01 Aug 2008 10:08:51 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Kevin,
The developer creates the formulas for generating keys, finding the CPU 
identification number, and decoding keys in his game. He will also 
create what is known as a key generator which uses the exact formula on 
his computer so he can find out what key the game created based on the 
persons CPU id number.

Kevin Weispfennig wrote:

And who creates this key? Who make that the key works? And how? Kevin

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Re: [Audyssey] my oppinion to the game market

2008-08-01 Thread Andy
Hi Damien, I think you should do what Mr. Ward, and some Draconis games like 
Alien Outback. 
To me it'll be better and less hastle.

On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 15:44:52 +0100, Damien Sadler wrote:

Hi Thomas,
Yeah. I wanted to perhaps start online registration system, but also I like 
to make it up to the people who play my games, as they are my potential 
customers. I want to get everyone's opinion so that when I next release a 
game that I want to charge for, I won't have a similar flame war to the one 
I received after the release of Acefire.

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] my oppinion to the game market

Hi Damien,
It really depends on what level of security you feel comfortable with.
As for myself I am going to stick with a user name and product key, it
is a week security system, but you are giving paid users freedom to do
what they want with the product.
As far as the best method I think a web based registration is best. It
allows them to reinstall their OS many times, is not platform specific,
and your web server handles all the product activations from a remote
location that the average smo can't access. Since most audio games are
downloaded anyway it is pretty safe to say the majority of your
customers has internet based access.

Damien Sadler wrote:
Hi Guys,
This reminds me. I would like your opinions on how you are willing to
register a game. When I say register, I don't even just mean registering 
the normal way, I mean any way of confirming that you have paid or 
There are a bunch of ways that I could do it. I could just ask for a
username and key, or Product ID and key, or have a server password, or we
can go the online registration method. I could ask the user to log into 
account, where they can change their password, etc.
It doesn't have to be what I've listed, I'd love new ideas from those of 
that don't want any of these systems.

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Re: [Audyssey] wonder if any games can be played on braille plus somewhat easily?

2008-08-01 Thread Andy

Good point, but the thing is, Python has many libraries. Unfortunately, the 
braille plus and icon are 
not equipped with full, functioning versions of Linux. Well, it might have full 
Linux, I don't 

To program with it, you need to use a tool called Developer, it's at

Why this is is probably because the Python that is installed is missing a lot 
of sound libraries thus 
making sound rts not possible to play. A mud client, that'd be interesting, if 
it's possible. If I 
knew which libraries were installed, which I don't, I could  maybe learn Python.

On Fri, 1 Aug 2008 13:11:29 -0400, Valiant8086 wrote:

Well, the user enterface that users use, the menus and stuff, I believe that 
stuff is written in python. I know the calculator is, because it says to use 
python's math functions because that's what it's written in.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] wonder if any games can be played on braille plus 
somewhat easily?

I am not surprised. I sort of figured the Braille Plus was a very
chopped down Linux OS. It honestly would be better to get a laptop with
Linux installed instead. That way you have at least a decent list of
packages and dependancies.

Brandon Hicks wrote:
The Icon and Braille Plus are missing massive amounts of the libraries
and interpretters and other things needed to run Sound RTS. I've watched
while people have tried to install Python, and the amount of stuff it's
missing is just rediculous.

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[Audyssey] Jim, Puppy 1 is awesome!

2008-07-22 Thread Andy
Hi list.

Well, with my XP computer pretty much a corrupted BIOS and Windows, making 
booting into a 
recovery disc nonpossible, I ended up buying a Vista computer, installing all 
the crap I need 
on it. So thus I have been busy, and not enough time for game playing. So I got 
everything working, and just got 
around, Jim, to installing your games.

A note for Vista users. You need to run the game installers as administrator, 
it took me a long 
time to figure out why the darn things were being darts and not installing 

So I played two games. First one, shot down 28 planes, cannot remember the 
score. Second 
game, 45 planes, can't remember score.
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Re: [Audyssey] SAPI5 problems

2008-07-05 Thread Andy
Damien, I had this problem as well. Run deluxerlex or whatever it's called 
again, then remove the 
voices. Reinstall the voices, and you should be set. If that still doesn't 
work, after reinstalling the 
voices run deluxerlex or whatever in heck it's called.

On Sat, 5 Jul 2008 18:52:07 +0100, Damien Sadler wrote:

I don't know whether this message got sent. I thought it did, but I had no 
reply to it.
I'm having SAPI5 problems. I had some SAPI5 voices which I wanted to 
Some of them wouldn't uninstall. Whether they were corrupt or the uninstaller 
was missing or something else needed to happen that couldn't, I can't 
so I deleted the voice's folder.
After this, my SAPI5 voices that I had left wouldn't talk, so I ran the 
DelUserLex.exe program on Jim Kitchen's website. Now I can't even access the 
voices through the speech control panel applet. It says the voice can't be 
I'm wondering what I can do about this?
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Re: [Audyssey] Dos Games was RS Games

2008-06-15 Thread Andy
Hi what is keynote multimedia?

On Sun, 15 Jun 2008 10:43:39 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Shaun,
Yeah, I know what you mean about not being able to run some of the older 
Dos games. After my parents got our first IBM compatible system, an IBM 
I386, I got several Dos games. A lot of those games won't run on 
anything higher than a I486 running Windows 95. I actually held onto an 
I486 with Windows 95 for several years running a Dectalk PC and Jaws 
just for gaming purposes. Though, when my wife and I moved last year I 
had to scrap most of my older computers.
Some of my games like Duke Nukem II, Over Kill, etc work pretty well 
using the Dos emulator for Linux. However, I have my share of Dos games 
that won't run on anything but on an I386 system with true Dos.
I have this one game, Wheel of Fortune for Dos, that goes totally nuts 
on a Pentium IV system. When you run wheel.exe the PC speaker begins 
playing the Wheel of Fortune music at super fast speed, like 1000 times 
faster than it should, and it sounds totally hilarious. As soon as the 
music stops the computer solves all the puzzles, like in under a second, 
and you get the game over screen. It is extremely funny.
I have some pinball games for Dos that do similar weird things. You hit 
the spacebar to launch the ball and it bounces around the screen hitting 
bumpers like a laser beam, and then you lose the ball in less than a 
second. it moves the ball so fast a sighted player can't really see it 
on the screen before it passes the flippers and gets lost. Again it is 
sort of funny in a weird sort of way.
One of my favorite games for Dos was 688. In that game you played the 
part of a U.S. 688 submarine commander. While on a training mission you 
end up getting into a shooting war with a Soviet Alpha-Class attack 
submarine. I guess it was the forerunner for Silent Steel which came out 
a couple years later for Windows 95.
As for the keynote SA that was a really cool multilingual synth. In 
college I really wanted one of those. I knew someone who did, and I 
liked it as it handled French and German extremely well. Synths like 
Eloquence though made such external synths like the Keynote SA units 
unnecessary. Hmmm... I wonder if they still have the keynote Multimedia 
Software around.

shaun everiss wrote:
yeah mine was an 386sx, running toshiba dos 5.0, I got it in 1993.
I didn't discover games till 1996 and then the system survived till 2003 when 
it finally died.
I have never been able to emulate all the old style games nicely.
One of the major drawbacks is that I can't get the back of my sa synth to 
change the batteries.
And another to have the keynote software work I need a 386  thats either a 
straight 86 or an sx running msdos 5 or 6.
I tried to get a laptop that was like this but never did.
saying that if ever anyone on here does have one in working condition they 
don't want I may be interested.
or even another old system that still has a few years good life in it.
Idealy I'd like several that I can just change parts out of.
I doubt that will happen but I'd still like to run all the old stuff again
Now if I could get something to run with a screenreader in dos using the 
soundcard and switch to my notepad file with hints should I like to then yeah 
I'd probably do it.
another thing is though I have no real desk space now, so who knows.

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[Audyssey] Site update for RS Games

2008-06-14 Thread Andy
Hi all.
Rs Games has some new updates. As most of you know I am Ryan's twin bro, so I 
I'd lett yall know what's going on.

Rs Games will be closed for a few months. As schooling draws to a close, Ryan 
felt he 
needed some time off from development. All game production has stopped, review 
the website for more 

So I don't clog up the list, the web address

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[Audyssey] We lost another dev

2008-06-11 Thread Andy
Hi, it seems that RS Games is closing. Going to their main page:

Produces nothing. This is very sad.
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[Audyssey] Does anyone have the means to help someone with Pokemon Pearl/Diamond or Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green?

2008-06-07 Thread Andy
Hi. I have a friend who does not like mailing lists so asked me to
post this for him. I hope this is ok moderators, but this dude pretty
much seems desperate. The question he gave me:
Does anyone have the means to help someone with Pokemon Pearl/Diamond
or Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green? If so email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry to be posting like this guys, but he said he was on a  list for
an hour, and got tons of email, so hates mailing lists.

If anyone has the means to help Jordan out, please do email him.



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Re: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

2008-06-04 Thread Andy
It just takes practice to get this stuff right. I had the same stuff you 
experienced the same problems. 
Got it in the end though, just takes practice.

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 21:46:42 +0200, nicol wrote:

Hi all
I'm slightly disappointed in troopanum2. I've recently purchased it. baby
black hole is far more difficult than what I expected.
The ships lands too quickly.  I never succeed in destroying a liquidator if
other ships are also landing.
I am aware that I must turn on the center location with l, but the problem
is: the moment a ship is ready to be destroyed if its in the center, the
other ships such as enforcers are already so close to landing that its
impossible to catch up with them.
And the land your ship bonus round is just impossible, I just can't get it
I've written to bsc games support to make the landing round a bit easier.
I've done what jammin jerry suggest, while continuously tapping up arrow,
only tap the left  or right arrow once or twice if I hear it drifts off to
the left or right, but it doesn't work.
I never understand why I crash, is it because I didn't tap the up arrow fast
enough? Well, I definitely tapped it at a fast rate.
Or is it because the ship  wasn't in the dead center.
What are other people's impressions of troopanum.
I say baby black hole should be far easier.
It should be too easy, causing the player to choose another mission for more
There is 6 missions in total, it won't hurt if one of the missions can be
made too easy.
But I enjoy the special items in the game.

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Re: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

2008-06-04 Thread Andy
I only use the items when I'm in total danger. By that I mean like a whole 
batch are gonna 
land, boom! Gone.

Superlasers I save for the big fight on level 16.

It's awesome.

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008 22:36:07 -0600, Bryan Peterson wrote:

I don't think they need to make the landing round easier. Just kee at it. It 
took me quite a long time to get that one down and even now I still screw u 
from time to time. As for the problems with Liquidators and other shis, 
that' what a smart bomb is for. Try to hold onto those until the later 
levels where the Liquidators start showing up. Then you can take out the 
Liquidators and drop a smart bomb to deal with the others. Heck, a Super 
Laser could make your job easier since the range is longer.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message - 
To: gamers
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 1:46 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

Hi all
I'm slightly disappointed in troopanum2. I've recently purchased it. baby
black hole is far more difficult than what I expected.
The ships lands too quickly.  I never succeed in destroying a liquidator 
other ships are also landing.
I am aware that I must turn on the center location with l, but the problem
is: the moment a ship is ready to be destroyed if its in the center, the
other ships such as enforcers are already so close to landing that its
impossible to catch up with them.
And the land your ship bonus round is just impossible, I just can't get it
I've written to bsc games support to make the landing round a bit easier.
I've done what jammin jerry suggest, while continuously tapping up arrow,
only tap the left  or right arrow once or twice if I hear it drifts off to
the left or right, but it doesn't work.
I never understand why I crash, is it because I didn't tap the up arrow 
enough? Well, I definitely tapped it at a fast rate.
Or is it because the ship  wasn't in the dead center.
What are other people's impressions of troopanum.
I say baby black hole should be far easier.
It should be too easy, causing the player to choose another mission for 
There is 6 missions in total, it won't hurt if one of the missions can be
made too easy.
But I enjoy the special items in the game.

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Re: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

2008-06-04 Thread Andy
I usually listen for the lowest pitched shalleaps, get them first, and then go 
for the kill. If I have a few 
items which I don't use, I get the lifters as fast as I can then get the others.

Kinda interesting how I do it.

On Wed, 4 Jun 2008 05:40:53 +0100, Dark wrote:

Hi Nicol.

What you need to do with the liquidators, - and on the harder levels, is 
be more strategical. If you know you've got a liquidator coming, knock off 
the ships closest to the bottom,  even if this means leaving some 
(perhaps on the edges). Once you've got rid of the liquidator, head to the 
edges and dispose of the other ships pronto, then get back to blasting.

In general, even though troopanum 2 is an action game, it stil requires 
stratogy. for instance, sinse the lifters don't actually kill you if they 
reach their hight, if there's one side of the board with only lifters, they 
are a lower priority than the rest.

Also, If your on one side, and take too much timewith getting to a 
hovercraft on the other, and it's about to disappear, don't bother chasing 
it down sinse it'll just vanish on you, simply stay where you are sinse odds 
are it'll appear on your side anyway.

It's this sort of thinking you need to succeed, even in baby blackhole.

Once your reactions and stratogies are up to scratch, you'll win, but I'm 
afraid the main thing you need to do is practice.

I myself think baby blackhole is just about the right difficulty, -  
excepting Lord vector who's just one gigantic pain,  perhaps vector 
should've been missing from Baby black hole (and maybe some other mission 
types as well), which would A, make the difficulty more fair, and B, give 
insentive to play the other missions, in fact while I like the mission 
structure of troop 2 I do think more could've been done with it for game 
variety, - for instance having an endless mode which gets to the max 
difficulty and then just throws levels at you, a time trial mode where you 
clear the enemies as quickly as possible,  a single enemy mode where you 
have levels comprised of only one sort of enemy ship etc, - maybe an 
endurence match eagainst vector just for those who like it tough.

Unfortunately though, sinse I believe Bsc has stopped developement, we won't 
be seeing a troop 3 I think with these sorts of options in anyway, -  
though even with these sorts of things, i'd stil say that another space 
invaders audio game would be a bad idea.

Beware the Grue!


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Re: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

2008-06-04 Thread Andy
Not wanting to brag but. That's what I'm here for. Grin

I've beaten vector on baby black hole, walk in space, half and half, and 
random, although I 
think the mission I got on random was baby black. Hmm.

On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 20:05:23 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Nicol,
Yeah, everyone has troubles fighting Lord Vector. I've haven't beaten 
him myself yet.

nicol wrote:
Now I feel better.
Now I know I'm not the only one that struggle to kill the boss.

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Re: [Audyssey] have difficulty with troopanum2

2008-06-04 Thread Andy
Only bad thing was with them rounds, I had a situation where there was lots of 
them swaying ships, and one after 
another I blew 'em up. Good thing I had about 7 ground nukes, LOL! Came in 
handy that game 
I can tell you.

Also on level 16, when you get up to vector's shields, it's all good. The 
shield noises 
are so loud that I miss the lifters. Like I had 20 superlasers, and was like, 
ok! I'll go blow up 
the shields, but what I missed was that the lifters stole all! My! Lasers! So 
here I was, bashing 
into moonrocks, boom bang bang. Have to say though, the funnest troop 2 game I 
ever played!

On Wed, 04 Jun 2008 20:04:01 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Nicol,
true, but the upside is that the looner lifters don't hurt you 
physically. If they take away points it is better than than loosing a 
life. The speed rounds can be tough, but aren't impossible to beat.

nicol wrote:
Thanks for the tips dark.
But I can't afford allowing a luner lifter to reach orbit as it will either
dispatch a speed round or steal an item or points
If it takes points or dispatch a speed round, that's still ok but its bad if
it steals a special item.

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[Audyssey] Fwd: [GameTalk] hunter now vista compliant

2008-05-31 Thread Andy
Bsc games troop 2, pipe 2 and hunter now work in vista.

Forwarded message
On Sat, 31 May 2008 22:55:25 -0400, Justin Daubenmire wrote:

Hey All,
Just a quick note to say that Hunter is now Microsoft Windows Vista 

So Hunter will now work /run on Vista and can be downloaded off the site by following the Hunter links.

Obviously Hunter still works fine on windows xp, windows 2000, windows 
ME, and Windows 98 too.

Also, the Hunter demo is now a 15 day trial to give new comers to the 
games more time to get comfortable with playing them. I have also 
included an audio tutorial in the game setup file now too. After 
installing Hunter, you can get to the audio tutorial by going to start, 
programs, Hunter, and pressing enter on audio game tutorial. Your 
default mp3 player will open and play the audio hands on tutorial for 

It is a shortened version of Chris Skarstad's audio tutorial... thanks 

Finally, just to repeat this... I have an rss feed up on now so I'd encourage everyone to subscribe to the BSC 
Games rss feed since I'll be updating the rss feed as I convert each 
game to be Vista compliant.

Finally, please forward this email to anyone or mailing lists that you 
know would find the information useful.

Thanks and talk soon!

Justin Daubenmire
President - BSC Games
Computer Games For The Blind Or Visually Impaired

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Re: [Audyssey] your decision

2008-05-25 Thread Andy
It's going to shape up to be the next major release of Microsoft Windows that 
Microsoft shall push out.

On Sat, 24 May 2008 17:01:19 -0500, tim kilgore` wrote:

What's windows 7?

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] your decision

Hi Claudio,
In answer to your question the current version of Raceway is being
developed in Visual C# 2008. System requirements are .NET Framework 3.5
and DirectX March 2008. Supported operating systems will be Windows XP,
Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and looks like
it will be Windows 7 ready.
I've been doing some asking around on the Microsoft forums about Windows
7 compatibility and most seam to think my games should be alright on
Windows 7. Right now .NET Framework 3.5 is being integrated into Windows
7 as a core technology, and as long as the C++ DirectSound and
DirectInput libraries ship with Windows 7 the managed .NET libraries
will work fine on Windows 7. the only problem will be Managed DirectX
won't be receiving any upgrades to meet changes in DirectX for Windows 7
though there should be some backwards compatibility for Vista
applications. Which as everyone knows my games are being designed
specifically for Windows Vista uses, but are backwards compatible for XP
users as long as they have the proper Windows updates.

Claudio wrote:
Hello Thomas!
For then days ago, you asked ousin wich language we would like raceway
You sayed that if you program in c++ you need a year to finish the 
if you program in visual c# you'll need only until christmas.
Several people including me have sayed that we would like raceway in c# 
not in c++.
My question now is, what's your decision?
Do you program now raceway in c++ or in visual c#?
Best regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] make a trophy

2008-05-14 Thread Andy
Or, maybe, if in the parashoot jump bonus game, and you do not make the landing 
pad you 
get something. Can't think of a name for it now.

Maybe, if you hit atheer once, and then his nukes get you, you get something.

A suggesttion to make. The satellite should have more hits to kill it. Hold 
down the trigger, 
bodaboom! bodabang! Gone.

Atheer should have more hits too.

On Wed, 14 May 2008 12:22:01 -0700, Ryan Chou wrote:

There should be more cheater trophies. Like if you turn on unlimited
nukes and beat the game completely with nukes, you get the complete
decimation trophy
that's a good idea

On 5/14/08, Shadow Dragon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There should be more cheater trophies. Like if you turn on unlimited 
and beat the game completely with nukes, you get the complete decimation
trophy or something.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] make a trophy

You use all the nukes and rockets in the first level or something you an
the nuclier supporter trofee.

- Original Message -
From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] make a trophy

The 50% trofy could be Halfpint or something.
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] make a trophy

Hi liam.
What about a trophy for having exactly 50% accuracy? Don't know what you
could call it though. Or maybe a trophy for having shooted mor than say
1 machine gun shots in one game? You could call it the heavy hand

also what about making a rock paper sizzar type of game?

- Original Message -
From: Liam Erven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: talk about anything [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:50 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] make a trophy

One of the coolest things in my opinion about Judgment day is the
system.  However, I thought it would be fun to expand it.  Right now
are only 40 trophies.  In v 1.5, which I'm planning on releasing this
summer, I'd like to expand this number. Here's where you come in.  Feel
free to suggest trophies.
examples of good trophies.
earna  trophy for a certain accuracy rating
earn a trophy for reaching a certain score
examples of bad trophies.
play the game at a certain time or date.  There's enough of these in
Enter certain words in to the cheat console.  There's only one of
and I'd like to keep it this way.

I'm also willing to make more bonus games.  so feel free to suggest
as well.  But remember.  If it's too complicated, I won't code it.
bonus game should take me no more than a week to code, and even that's
kind of high.
For a point of reference.  weapon search took me two days, parachute
about 3, and number guess.  Well I wrote that over a lunch break.  And
you haven't unlocked beep yet, just understand that that took me almost
two weeks of hard coding.  So.  apreciate it when you play it.

If you have ideas, feel free to email me, and if you're suggestion is
picked, well.  You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you contributed
a game.  I really dont have any snazzy prizes.

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Re: [Audyssey] judgment day survey

2008-05-13 Thread Andy
Hi Liam.

Features liked:
- Unlockables
- All sounds in the game
- the videos are funny as heck! I get a kick out of 'em!
- The score posting
- The fact that once you beat it, for example you beat it once, there's still 
more to come, wherez in 
other games, beat it and you're done.
- Very accessible, and I like the bg music and voice-overs.
- I like the fact that the trophy announcements in the cabbinet start from the 
left end of the stereo 
field and goes right. Very neat.

Features I do not like much:
- The loudness of the sounds. Awesome sounds, but to hear the ships I have to 
jack up my volume, 
thereby making the machine gun and also the little bing bang! sound it makes 
when you shoot a ship 
down. So basically what I'm saying is, the ship sounds for the 
rockets/copters/planes/disablers is too quiet.
- The fact that it beeps when you have no trophies or bonus games and you try 
to select that 
item. Same goes for the score menu, I think you should have it say you have 
not earned any yet 
or something.

My thoughts on the demo:
Very cool, although it doesn't give a span for the unlockable content in the 
game. Maybe 
limit the demo to a few levels as is, and then you can earn trophies that way, 
and once 
unlocked those trophies go away (the ones collected in demo), because all you 
did was play 
half a game anyway.

Features I think should be added:
- When in the trophy cabbinet and press enter it'd be neat if it could play the 
sound bite that 
pertains how you got it in the game. For example, when you get metal mereen it 
says you're 
one tough dude or whatever it says, I don't remember now, pressing enter in the 
on a trophy should play the sound bite back.
- You should change the 12/13 trophy to 12/12 since the game came out that day. 
keep the 12/13 and make a 12/12 one. That would be cool.
A feature that could be added down the road could be money or somethingbased on 
how well your 
game went, can be saved to purchase better weapons or something.

Just my thoughts, sorry for the post the size of Canada.

On Tue, 13 May 2008 15:41:40 -0500, Liam Erven wrote:

ok.  so I've recently picked up the jd source code and I've wanted to 
make some changes and enhancements.  Of course ifyou've never played 
judgment day, it would be a grand idea to head over to 
and give it a try.

1. What features do you like most about judgment day.
2. on the flip side, what features do you like the least in judgment 
3. if you could add any feature big or small.  What would it be and why.
4. what are your views on the demo.  is it too short, is it too easy, 
does it need more things in it?  or is it fine just the way it is.
5. There is no number 5

any comments are apreciated, and it's my plan to release a patch 
hopefully by the end of next week with some updates.  And hopefully 
with in a few months I'll be giving the game a complete overhall.
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Re: [Audyssey] SDM 3Do Public Beta 1 Pre-Release

2008-05-10 Thread Andy
Hi I was one of the testers (obviously), and I think it's truely going to be 
fun. What 
do you guys think of the game?

On Sat, 10 May 2008 20:57:24 -0400, Ryan Smith wrote:

Hi Audyssey,
We have released our 3D Beta 1 Pre-Release, meaning a release that is
for the public to download and comment on, and does not get listed as
a product yet, but will appear on the news section of our site. There
are alot of things in there, explained in the short readme. I would
like to say that, when you extract the zip file, there is a readme.txt
and a 3D folder. So the readme is NOT in the 3D folder. I am
interested to see what you think of it. I've added alot to the regular
SDM game, including random, every 1/15, is randomly chosen to go to
opposite mode. I've also added you a partner, who is clumsy and gets
into the line of fire. Don't shoot! This is the regular SDM game, and
not the 3D game. Once this gets all comments in, I will work out the
minor details of the side scroller/3D and put that all into the 3D
You can get it at our website:
It's on the homepage. Just scroll down to where it says what's new,
read, and be tortured, I mean enjoy the game Smile

-Ryan Smith

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Re: [Audyssey] chane link question

2008-05-08 Thread Andy
Yes, isn't that funny? Never knew that either. When I'm bored to death I'll 
research it.

On Thu, 08 May 2008 17:45:41 -0400, Thomas Ward wrote:

Hi Nicol,
Here in the United States one of the nicknames for the toilet is a 
Not sure where the nickname came from, but it is one of the American 
names for the toilet.

nicol wrote:
HI all
I enjoy chane link a lot.   there is a word association I can't snap.
The 7 words in the chane are creation, genesis, bible, gospel, john, 
and  cleaner.
The association toilet and  cleaner  still makes sense, a person 
cleaning a
toilet,  but how  do you associate john with a toilet? That doesn't make

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Re: [Audyssey] chane link question

2008-05-08 Thread Andy
Pretty sure toilets are sometimes called johns. 

On Thu, 8 May 2008 22:28:50 +0200, nicol wrote:

HI all
I enjoy chane link a lot.   there is a word association I can't snap.
The 7 words in the chane are creation, genesis, bible, gospel, john, 
and  cleaner.
The association toilet and  cleaner  still makes sense, a person 
cleaning a
toilet,  but how  do you associate john with a toilet? That doesn't make

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Re: [Audyssey] conecting problem in acefire!

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
I'd think yes you need a port open because if I'm not mistaken, a port is what 
data in and out of a comp. If I am wrong I am sorry, but that's what I was 
told. If 
you die not have a port open the web would not work nor would email.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 09:13:33 -0700, djc wrote:

You both have to connect on the same port. The default is 6000 and that
should work just fine. I'd check to make sure your allowing the port
through your fire wall.


On 4/30/2008 at 6:05 PM Claudio wrote:

Is there a possibility to connect to another opponent vithout open any 
Are there standart-ports where open?
Best regards, Claudio. 

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djc's Jukebox: or Saturday Evenings 9 to midnight 

My Journal   


I C Q Number Is: 4781694

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Re: [Audyssey] trupenam 2 versus dark destroyer

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Hi. Dark Destroyer is free and, according to what someone told me, programmed 
Autoit. So, obviously it's not as good as troop 2. Also, judgment day is the 
way: the ships get  louder.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:31:09 +0200,  wrote:

Just from playing the demo of trupenam i have gathered that its much 
more comfortable than dark destroyer. In dd you have to tap your arrows 
continuously to move your ship; holding down the arrows doesn't work. 
In trupenam you can hold down the arrows to move your ship. In dd you 
have to move your ship quite a distance to target an enemy. In trupenam 
you only have to hold down the arrows for a short distance before an 
enemy is targeted. Dd doesn't have random special items to pick up like 
trupenam, only 5 bombs given to you at the start of the game. Dd 
doesn't have the nice gorbian levels trupenam has where you have to 
target your enemy horrizontally and vertically. It doesn't have the 
nice bonus rounds trupenam has namely landing round and falling ships 
round. Surely trupenam will get harder as you progress through the game 
and on higher difficulties, from what i have read in the manual, but dd 
being a free game is nex  to impossible to complete. And the sound of 
descending ships in trupenam is much more relaxing than in dd. A ship's 
landing sound getting louder and louder is to me much stressfull than a 
sound increasing in pitch. A negative  statement was made  about 
trupenam on  list long ago. It was said that if you played dark 
destroyer 30 times you know what trupenam is like. From what i have 
mentioned here i'm sure folks will agree with me that statement is not 
true, especially with the random special items you can pick up. And in 
trupenam you also have base reinforcers and ground nukes. In dd if 10 
ships has landed its lights out. 

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Re: [Audyssey] the landing bonus round in trupenam

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Yeah, I do not push it immediately. I just wait till it's wa on the other 
end and then 
tap the other arrow once, and then pause and do it again. Works almost every 

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:57:10 -0700, Charles Rivard wrote:


Continually tap the up arrow as fast as you can to keep the ship 
for as long as possible, racking up points.  The only time you have to 
the left or right arrows, and then, usually only once or twice, is when 
ship drifts away from the center.  Continually tapping the left arrow 
cause the ship to go left.  In short, use the up arrow to slow the 
and only steer with the left or right arrow when necessary.
Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
To: Gamers
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 9:16 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] the landing bonus round in trupenam

Hi all.
Nicol here.
I'm so very excited! Once i got my salary i'm gonna buy trupenam! Its a 
fantastic game! I eventually managed to land my ship successfully after 
many fruitless attempts. Here is how i did it.
keep both hands on the arrow keys. The manual said holding down left 
right arrow will  move your ship but holding up arrow will have little 
effect. I find it too tricky to, at the same time, tap up arrow 
continuously and holding left/right arrow. So my left hand is on the up 
arrow and my right hand is tapping the left/right arrow. As soon as i 
my ship going to the left/right, i tap the up and left/right arrow 
simultaneously until i hear its in the middle again so basically i have 
tap both up and left/right arrow the whole time as the  ship constantly 
goes off to the left/right. For me its impossible to control the arrows 
like this with one hand.

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Re: [Audyssey] the landing bonus round in trupenam

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Hi Nicol,
Glad you got it working mate! Took me awhile to get the dong thing to land 
right, but like you I 
got it in the end.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 18:16:41 +0200,  wrote:

Hi all.
Nicol here.
I'm so very excited! Once i got my salary i'm gonna buy trupenam! Its a 
fantastic game! I eventually managed to land my ship successfully after 
many fruitless attempts. Here is how i did it.
keep both hands on the arrow keys. The manual said holding down left 
and right arrow will  move your ship but holding up arrow will have 
little effect. I find it too tricky to, at the same time, tap up arrow 
continuously and holding left/right arrow. So my left hand is on the up 
arrow and my right hand is tapping the left/right arrow. As soon as i 
hear my ship going to the left/right, i tap the up and left/right arrow 
simultaneously until i hear its in the middle again so basically i have 
to tap both up and left/right arrow the whole time as the  ship 
constantly goes off to the left/right. For me its impossible to control 
the arrows like this with one hand.   

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Re: [Audyssey] Blind Chat App?

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Yeah Miranda I found to be a nightmare.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:37:29 +0200, Chrissy wrote:

no, both of you have to have the same messenger installed and add each 
into the contact list.
there is mirinda though, which is a client that serves more than one 
messenger, so instead of having to run several messengers, you can use 
to cover several.
personally for me it is not an option, as I do not like their software 
find it kind of unstable, but some love it.
if you have yahoo installed, the messenger that is, you can also add 
you msn 
contacts to that as well.
take care

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Re: [Audyssey] acefire is now freeware!to !

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Oh, wow that's pretty cool.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 16:04:17 +0200, Claudio wrote:

Hello all!
I have happy news for you!!!
Acefire is now freeware!!
Yes, you read completely right!
Acefire is now avaylable for free!
Get it from:
Happy gaming!
Best regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] trupenam 2 versus dark destroyer

2008-04-30 Thread Andy
Thom, that is certainly true. And, also you can tap the arrows if you want to 
troopanum. I tried it.

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:42:49 -0700, Charles Rivard wrote:

Also, I believe that Dark Destroyer is a free game, although I may be 
about that, while Troopanum2 costs.
Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message - 
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] trupenam 2 versus dark destroyer

Hi Nicol,
There are a lot of other reasons why Troopenum is a much better game.
The built in speech is really good, and there is several different types
of games you can play in Troopenum. There is Walk In Space, Gorbians
Revenge, Baby Black Hole, Half and Half, etc that really adds
differences and replayability to the game.

Just from playing the demo of trupenam i have gathered that its much 
comfortable than dark destroyer. In dd you have to tap your arrows 
continuously to move your ship; holding down the arrows doesn't work. 
trupenam you can hold down the arrows to move your ship. In dd you have 
to move your ship quite a distance to target an enemy. In trupenam you 
only have to hold down the arrows for a short distance before an enemy 
targeted. Dd doesn't have random special items to pick up like 
only 5 bombs given to you at the start of the game. Dd doesn't have the 
nice gorbian levels trupenam has where you have to target your enemy 
horrizontally and vertically. It doesn't have the nice bonus rounds 
trupenam has namely landing round and falling ships round. Surely 
trupenam will get harder as you progress through the game and on higher 
difficulties, from what i have read in the manual, but dd being a free 
game is nex  to impossible to complete. And the sound of descendi
ng ships in trupenam is much more relaxing than in dd. A ship's landing 
sound getting louder and louder is to me much stressfull than a sound 
increasing in pitch. A negative  statement was made  about trupenam on 
list long ago. It was said that if you played dark destroyer 30 times 
know what trupenam is like. From what i have mentioned here i'm sure 
will agree with me that statement is not true, especially with the 
special items you can pick up. And in trupenam you also have base 
reinforcers and ground nukes. In dd if 10 ships has landed its lights 

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Re: [Audyssey] VIP mud is here!

2008-04-29 Thread Andy
Bro, are you kidding? Most people on audiogames dot net who know me, know that 
I lothe (or 
have lothed) muds. As of, let me see. Half hour ago.. That's changed. Wish I 
could've played more of this but I gotta go in for jerby testing tomorrow so 
can't. Oh well, still fun 
as heck! As someone who knows not about development, I will not be using the 
scripting, and I think 
I'll be ok with the freebee version of this piece of wonder.

On Tue, 29 Apr 2008 21:51:15 -0400, Ryan Smith wrote:

Well for my use, the only thing is the 120 minute limit and the no
debugger. I am not into muds, but I decided to try it. The scripting
tools alone are worth it...easy builders, examples, all kinds of cool
stuff. I briefly touched on the regular mudding features and they were
pretty cool...I like the use of Sapi. Overall great program...the more
I tinker with it the more I am amazed, not only of what it can do, and
how well it was coded, but I was fascinated that it was done in vb6.
It would have taken me quite a long time to code something like this.
I wonder how many people are going to download this. I feel the free
version, for the mudding (just playing, no coding) the free version is

-Ryan Smith
RS Games

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Re: [Audyssey] quidditch game news

2008-04-16 Thread Andy
Option 2 also.

- Original Message -
From: ian mcnamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:40:22 +0100
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] quidditch game news

i would rather have option 2
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] quidditch game news

I personally would go for option 2.

 Skype: orin1112

 Do you like mudding? To discuss related  topics, go here.

 Do you like audio books? Would you like to hear them with 
 sound, music and acting? Stop reading books from the NLS, and go 
 , you'll be glad you did.  I don't work there, but I love them 
so much
 I have to advertise them in every email I send.

 On Apr 15, 2008, at 10:56 PM, Yohandy wrote:

 I would love a full blown quidditch game!

 - Original Message -
 From: Phil Vlasak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 10:11 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] quidditch game news

 Hi Josh,
 I will not make a decision until I finish the next Sarah patch.
 I have to decide if I do,
 1.  move the Quidditch level which has only you chasing after 
 being attacked by two bludgers, to the first level as is, which
 would be
 very easy, or
 2.  Write a more complex game closer to the real quidditch which
 would take
 much longer.
 So you will just have to wait and find out.

 - Original Message -
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 8:18 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] quidditch game news

 Hi Phil and or list,
 Is there any news on Phil's decision to make the quidditch part 
 separate and perhaps free game for people who just like 


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Re: [Audyssey] light cars

2008-04-16 Thread Andy
Hi, if possible can one upload to sendspace and just send to the 
list globally and then you won't have to send it individually? 
Just a thought.

 - Original Message -
From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:08:25 -0600
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] light cars


I'd be interested in getting this, just to try it.  Personally, I 
have to
agree with you, but I do enjoy light cars.

Just a note.  If you don't mind changing your name so it doesn't 

Instead it could have a name, or something? Sorry if this is off 
topic.  It
just gets a bit much to read.

Have a good day from Tyler C.  Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 1024 mb DDR 
ram, Fujitsu
100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive, connecsant AC-link audio
- Original Message -
To: Gamers
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:47 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] light cars

 Hi all
 I found a way to enjoy  light cars.  I still have the old 
version of light
 cars where you can specify the amount of lives in the 
savegame.dat file.
 Rob said this cheet have been removed in the newer version.  
Personally its
 impossible for me to really enjoy light cars without this cheet.  
To have 5
 lives and quickly loose all of them by crashing the whole time 
Is not fun.
 So now I have  specified 9 thousand lives.  At first I tried 9 
 lives but the game didn't want to load my game so I tried 9 
million but
 still it didn't want to load so I tried 9 thousand and it 
 When I play  light cars like this, it gives me the feeling I'm 
having a
 bumper car ride at a fun fair.
 But I'm still disappointed.  I only get hazards and item cars as 
far as
 level 20.  from then onwards no item cars and hazards appears 
which makes
 the game pretty borring.
 All right, I can stay for extremely long in the game if I have 9 
 lives but to crash all the time and avoid cars without any item 
cars or
 hazards gets pretty borring.
 And there is also a bug with the bonus round.  When I shoot a 
bird when its
 in the dead centre, I  miss it.  I  manage to shoot when it's a 
bit off to
 the right and the manual said the bird must be in the dead 
centre for you
 to shoot it.
 I can't understand why the gaming community needs games without 
an end;
 with unlimited levels.  For me a game with an end is nice.  If I 
know I can
 beat a game it gives me satisfaction.  These games such as light 
cars which
 have no ending, it feels like a  supernatural thing I can't 
 Its like the game has a supernatural power in it.  But if there 
is anyone
 like me who don't enjoy light cars with only 5 lives, feel free 
to ask me
 for the previous version.
 I'll gladly give it as well as explain how to specify the number 
of lives.
 Once I'm an expert at avoiding cars I'll move on to the newer 
 where the cheet won't work.  But a cloud with  a silver lining 
though.  The
 cars will change speed twice and from then onwards it stays the 
same.  With
 this cheet on, I noticed that the fastest a car will come at you 
is one
 second per car.
 I think my score is above 119000  at this stage.  Too bad I 
can't post my
 Or to tell the truth I haven't tried to post my score but I 
doubt if I can
 post my score with the old version.
 Obviously rob will prevent people from posting scores with the 
old version
 if they used the lives cheet.

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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout

2008-04-15 Thread Andy

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers
Date sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:34:26 +0200
Subject: [Audyssey] super deekout

Is it possible to beat the game? In other words is it possible to 
cause the stats file to display: congrachulations! You beat the 
game.  as displayed in the stats for pipe2?

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Re: [Audyssey] trupenam2 question

2008-04-15 Thread Andy
Yeah that's what I do but I wait till the ship goes all the way 
to the other side.  If it drifts I let it drift till it can't 
drift anymore and then tap the opposite key from where it 
drifted, if that makes sense, all the while tapping up arrow as 
fast as humanly possible.

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 22:00:33 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] trupenam2 question

hint!  Hint!  Hint!

Try to keep it in the middle rather than allowing it to drift.  
If it does
drift, tap the appropriate arrow key once or twice.  The ship 
will move in
that direction.  Keep in mind that it is still falling.  The 
faster you
continually tap the up arrow key, the slower it falls, building 
your point
total.  HTH

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 11:03 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] trupenam2 question

 Hi all
 I strongly consider buying trupenam.  It sounds like a great 
game.  I have
 difficulty understanding how the landing platform bonus round 
works.  I've
 read the manual several times but still I don't understand it.  
If I
 understand correctly the manual says, you must tap up arrow 
 and rapidly to ensure a slow fall and you must tap left and 
right arrow to
 stay in the middle.
 I'm doing it but still I crash onto the platform.
 I can hear my ship going off to the left and right and then I 
get it back
 to the middle and I tap up arrow  continuously as soon as I hear 
my ship
 is in the middle again  but I never manage to   land the ship
 successfully.  Can anyone plese  give me some more advice how to 
land my

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Re: [Audyssey] trupenam2 question

2008-04-15 Thread Andy
I won't garentee nothing, but here's how I do it and I get some 
points most of the time.  Sorry if there's any difficult to read 
stuff, not at my best now.  But, your right in tapping the up 
arrow continuously.  But, also, as soon as you hear your ship 
veer don't push the arrow.  So for example lets say it's in the 
middle and veers left, keep tapping the up arrow until it's as 
far left or right as possible, then push the opposite key once or 
twice.  No more than that.

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers
Date sent: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 20:03:58 +0200
Subject: [Audyssey] trupenam2 question

Hi all
I strongly consider buying trupenam.  It sounds like a great 
game.  I have difficulty understanding how the landing platform 
bonus round works.  I've read the manual several times but still 
I don't understand it.  If I understand correctly the manual 
says, you must tap up arrow continuously and rapidly to ensure a 
slow fall and you must tap left and right arrow to stay in the 
I'm doing it but still I crash onto the platform.
I can hear my ship going off to the left and right and then I get 
it back to the middle and I tap up arrow  continuously as soon as 
I hear my ship is in the middle again  but I never manage to   
land the ship successfully.  Can anyone plese  give me some more 
advice how to land my ship?

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Re: [Audyssey] super deekout

2008-04-15 Thread Andy
It's unlimited levels.  It gets harder and harder.

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers
Date sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:43:36 +0200
Subject: [Audyssey] super deekout

HI all
Let me rephrase the question I asked earlier on.  I just wanted 
to know if super deekout is a game you can finish/beat or is it  
non ending with unlimited levels that gets harder and harder 
until it becomes impossible?
Can anyone remember light cars from lighttechinteractive? It has 
unlimited levels and it gets harder and harder until the cars 
comes at you with such a speed that its impossible to play, its a 
game you can't beat.
I just wanted to know if super deekout is also unbeatable.
something in the manual gave me a slight indication that the game 
might be unbeatable.  it says: complete as many levels as 
I tried to view the  deekout scores but I get an error.
I've tried contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I haven't got a 
response yet.
 Dark said dan offers limited e-mail support until he closes his 
site down in june.  here is the steps I took to try and view 
1.   I hit
2.  I clicked on the link top super deekout scores.
3.  I clicked on easy.
and this is the error I'm getting
Warning: mysql_connect() [
Access denied for user 'danzgame'@'localhost' (using password: 
YES) in /home/danzgame/public_html/view_scores.php on line 15
Unable to connect
can anyone please advise me what this error means and if its 
possible in another way to view scores? I've tried sending my 
score but the game told me my score is too low.  Next I want to 
revisit the statement I made earlier about the oil slicks.  the 
cheet which I mentioned only happened to me once.  It didn't 
happened again.  If I press s  at the start of level1 or anywhere 
else if I haven't collected slicks by means of my experiment, I 
hear a buzzing sound letting me know there is no slicks to use.  
I hear the same buzzing sound if I press  i and there's nothing 
in my inventory.  I'm not sure what went wrong some time ago, why 
I only had that cheet with that one game but I'm sure its a bug 
because it never happened  to me again that if I press s and I 
haven't put together an experiment and receive slicks.  that I 
have slicks.  so don't worry, at least I know now its not a 
cheet, only a minor bug.
next I have a favour to ask the list especially josh who had such 
a nice high score,.  could you please share your stats with me? 
Please if its not p.t please could josh or anyone please  send 
his stats file to me off-list as the list can't take attachments.
I just want to compare my stats with  other gamers.  In this way 
I can determine if super deekout is also unbeatable  like 
If the stats says: congratulations you beat the game! then I know 
its beatable.
If anyone can send me their entire stats file its so much 

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Re: [Audyssey] Sarah and the Building of Un-Scientific Things

2008-04-15 Thread Andy
What lawsuit?

 - Original Message -
From: Phil Vlasak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 17:43:26 -0400
Subject: [Audyssey] Sarah and the Building of Un-Scientific 

Games We'd like to play
Phil worried about the current law suit, thinks about changing a 
few words in
his game...

Sarah and the Building of Un-Scientific Things.
Phil Vlasak

There is an intruder in the most famous Un-Scientific  Building 
in the land.
Late in the evening of July seven, a young female was spotted 
entering the
Building of Un-Scientific Things.

She looked to be about eighteen. said a staff member of the 
Humor Shop.
She shopped in our store and purchased  one of our most popular 
items, a
Hat that turns you into a monster.
Then she had a long discussion with one of the owners, and I 
overheard the
two of them talking about a map.  The next thing I knew she was 

Since it is mid summer, there aren't any young people in the 
building, but I
think she heard so much about the Strange Building, she probably 
wanted to
explore it.
The Night Watchman of the Building, says he may have heard an 
intruder in
the corridors,
and tells his dog to be on the lookout.

The Night Watchman says he is biding his time until the Owner of 
building is finished what he is doing.  If I find her in the 
Building, once
I get my hands on her, I will tie her up by her arms in my 

Instead of reading about the intruder in a story, why don't we 
follow her around the Building?

This is what you can do in the new game from, PCS,
Sarah and the Building of Un-Scientific Things.

In the game you are Sarah, an American teenager, visiting the 
building for
the first time.

She discovers that a mischievous floating creature picked the 
pockets of the
young people leaving for the summer holidays and sprinkled money 
and Strange
items throughout the Building.

Somewhere in the Building, she will be able to find and use 
Unusual feathers
that increase her un-scientific powers, a talking connection to a 
creature, a horn that improves her hearing, flying chairs, a
Time machine   , and a very expensive disguise.

With all that and more, Sarah won't have to go through the halls 
of the
Building unprotected.

The Building of Un-Scientific Things game transports Sarah and 
you into a
world of non-science filled with secret doors and hidden rooms.  
she explores
the Building searching for strange items, fighting creepy  
creatures knowing
at any minute, disaster may strike.

So, take a trip with Sarah to the Building of Un-Scientific 
Things and pay
a visit to the dead person's party in the cellar, pop into
the kitchen for a chat with the sometimes helpful slave;
slide down a rope for a spot of spelunking in the Cave of the 
try to hide from the cranky Night Watchman,
pick up plenty of coins to buy candy at the candy store, ,
spend some time in the library learning new un-scientific 
and finally, hold on tight as you fly on a chair trying to catch 
the silver

We make games that empty out your wallet.

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Re: [Audyssey] Visual Basic 6 reasons why I love it

2008-04-11 Thread Andy
c sharp is d flat, yes.  I have a trick for remembering that 
still-ff.  Kinda weird actually, but also, c sharp (c#were is a 
programming language.  You didn't know that?

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 17:53:45 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Visual Basic 6 reasons why I love it

Is C sharp the same as D flat?  It all depends on which direction 

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
From: Richard sherman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Visual Basic 6 reasons why I love it

 ladies and Gentlemen,

 Welcome to the first episode of the Ultimate blind fighting 

 In this corner, we have Thomas Ward.  Master of C sharp, and a 
pretty good
 moderator at that.  In his corner, Angela Summers.

 In the other corner, we have Jim Kitchen.  Master of the VB 6 
shooter.  In
 corner, Homer Simpson .  Dohhh!

 The referee steps into the center and announces:

 I want a clean fight.

 You agree not to agree.

 now back to your respective corners and wait until the sound 
from your
 speakers let's you know that your system is ready.

 Stay tuned fight fans for an update to probably never be 
released.  ha ha

 sorry about this one, Phil.  Can't let you have all of them.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jim Kitchen
 Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:51 PM

 Hi Thomas,

 As I said, we will have to agree to disagree because I totally 
 you.  I know people that have bought brand new computers with 
Vista and
 it and it's performance.  Not just slow but it's features etc.  
And I can
 and do write code that I can very easily change and modify.  I 
do not
 all over from scratch every time I want to add a new feature or 
 So lets just agree to disagree.


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[Audyssey] In regard to claudio

2008-04-07 Thread Andy
Hi.  As there are several posts I agree with on this matter, I'll 
just roll it into a separate thread rather than bombarding the 
list with replies.

I myself do not own a mobile phone.  Though I have a linux PDA we 
probably know what it is...  Braille+!

Anyways.  I aggreee with Thomas.  Try a free compiler.  Or 
people, go ahead, shoot me for saying this, but if basic 4 ppc is 
similar to that of the QBASIC or GWBASIC language for DOS (also 
runs on windows in a command prompt), I'd recommend trying that 
out first.  I actually used to own a braille lite 2000 and made 
some cool apps with it.  However, I kept getting errors like:
line 45 of uno.src is too long

Huh? There was no line 45 in the file, so I gave it up rather 
quickly and from that point just screwed any developing stuff.  
However, that language was BlazieBasic (louis worked in it), and 
imfo qbasic is similar to that of the standard basic.  So if that 
basic 4 ppc is similar to qbasic (syntax, statements etc), then 
tffy qbasic.  It's free ed I found a good tutorial, just google 
qbasic programming, and you've got something to practice with 
until people donate (i won't personally because, basically with 
what everyone said), so give it a look.  VisualBasic6 isn't sold 
anymore (i do not think it is) so downloading vb6 from somewhere 
isn't exactly legal.  Although eBay might have it, and the syntax 
isn't bad.  I should really pick it up somewhere (we own a copy 
ryan uses it), I should probably start too lol.

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Re: [Audyssey] In regard to claudio

2008-04-07 Thread Andy
There's lots of books (one of which I have: visual basics 6 for 
dummies), the book has some major humor.  I have it in electronic 
format but thing is I'm pretty sure it's not legal--it might be 
though, I'll have to check.

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 21:37:03 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] In regard to claudio

Hello Andi!
I also have allready got Vb6 from my father!
He has fund it in his old materials fro!

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Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

2008-04-06 Thread Andy
Tom da bomb? Huh? What the heck does that mean lol

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 02:02:00 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

Thom da bomb?  Hmm.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

 yea! you da bomb!
 - Original Message -
 From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2008 12:18 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

 Dan has released a patch for each game that unlocks them and 
makes them
 full games.  Before I post them I am planning on making a new 
setup and
 installer for all of the games so that they will be the full 
 without requiring the patch files.

 constantine (on laptop) wrote:
 Ah, I thought I'd heard those games were converted to free 
games; but I
 a question.  What would we do about the registering part? Or 
were the
 free to begin with? I heard some games, not sure which company, 
 converted from being paid games to free games- but without 
recoding the
 game, how would that work?


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Re: [Audyssey] dan's games

2008-04-06 Thread Andy
Yes.  It isddl

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 03:15:42 +0200
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] dan's games

hi josh
how do you install this one?
in the site it says to extract into games subdirectory.  when I 
do it wants
to replace a file by the same name?
is that the procedure for patching into full version?

thanks in advance

- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 2:21 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] dan's games


 ok that's what I get for not reading the entire website.  I 
found the
 on his site.


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Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

2008-04-04 Thread Andy
All Dan did was modify the superdeekout application and removed 
all the references.  Hey, I should know: I asked him.

 - Original Message -
From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 22:27:32 -0600
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

Ah, I thought I'd heard those games were converted to free games; 
but I have
a question.  What would we do about the registering part? Or were 
the games
free to begin with? I heard some games, not sure which company, 
converted from being paid games to free games- but without 
recoding the
game, how would that work?


Have a good day from Tyler C.  Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 2512 mb DDR 
hopefully!), Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

 Hi Michael,
 Once I complete rebuilding the download area on my site Dan's 
games will
 be those in the free game downloads section.

 Michael Feir wrote:
 Hello everyone.  As some of you may be aware, I'm working on a 
guide for
 blind people who own personal computers.  One of the things this 
guide is
 packed with are links to resources which showcase the kinds of
 possibilities there are for blind people when it comes to 
 leisure and enrichment.  I'd very much like to be able to point 
them to
 Dan Zingaro's Superdeakout game.  Before I do that, however, I 
need to
 know where it's going to be hosted once Dan shuts down his site.  
 anybody contacted him yet to make such arrangements? 
Superdeakout as well
 as his other games are certainly stellar free examples of good 
 games and I'd hate to see them disappear.
 Michael Feir
 Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine
 Check out my blog at:
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Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

2008-04-04 Thread Andy
Sd is free, yes.  Closing in June, oh no...

 - Original Message -
From: constantine (on laptop) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 22:21:21 -0600
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] superdeakout

I thought super deekout was now free? Maybe not, but I'm not 
sure.  I think a
good game to point to would be top speed 2, since its a free 
racing game and
a good one at that.  Also technishock is a good choice - or 
shades of dume
always helps, I played the demmo but really haven't gottin around 
to playing
the real thing- and, if you have rail racer, I think that game 
rocks, and I
can't wait to buy it.  Its jam pakced with features and I really 
like the
unlocking scheme - you get this many points and you move up to 
this class.

Have a good day from Tyler C.  Wood!

contact details:

skype: the_conman283

system details:
Hp pavillion dv5220CA notebook pc
AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-37 2.0 GHZ, 2512 mb DDR 
hopefully!), Fujitsu 100 gb 4500 RPM Hard Drive
- Original Message -
From: Michael Feir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 3:33 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] superdeakout

 Hello everyone.  As some of you may be aware, I'm working on a 
guide for
 blind people who own personal computers.  One of the things this 
guide is
 packed with are links to resources which showcase the kinds of
 possibilities there are for blind people when it comes to 
personal leisure
 and enrichment.  I'd very much like to be able to point them to 
 Zingaro's Superdeakout game.  Before I do that, however, I need 
to know
 where it's going to be hosted once Dan shuts down his site.  Has 
 contacted him yet to make such arrangements? Superdeakout as 
well as his
 other games are certainly stellar free examples of good 
accessible games
 and I'd hate to see them disappear.
 Michael Feir
 Creator and former editor of Audyssey Magazine
 Check out my blog at:
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Re: [Audyssey] New Company, BaldPug Games.

2008-04-01 Thread Andy
Yeah right, like we all knew that.  It was still funny though, 
and %f that game became real...  Lol! That'd be funy!

 - Original Message -
From: Phil Vlasak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 08:34:26 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] New Company, BaldPug Games.

For immediate release:
As of April 1, 2008,
The following accessible game companies have merged,
Blind Adrenaline Simulations.
ACE Games.
L Works.
Draconis Entertainment
PCS Games,
USA Games Interactive
GMA Games

They are using the first letter of each company to form the new 
BaldPug Games.

The first BaldPug  game will be titled,
Mario  and Sarah's hunt.
In this game you take command of  a high speed tank and  race on 
a rail,
willing to risk everything to find and recover ancient Egyptian 
Go through 100 levels of action and if you succeed, you get to 
Whoop Supreme
Commander Ather's Ass!

April Fools!

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Re: [Audyssey] Dan Z games

2008-03-27 Thread Andy
The dan z website reveals all the info.

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: audyssey gamers group
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:49:17 -0700
Subject: [Audyssey] Dan Z games

According to the news in the latest Audyssey magazine, 3 of the 
Dan Z games are now fully registered if you extract files from 
his site into the installed demos.  What are the 3 file names 
that you work with, and how are they put into the demo folders so 
that the games are no longer demos?  I'm sure I'll seem like a 
dummy when I see the answers I cannot come up with at the moment.  
(grin of sheepishness)

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
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Re: [Audyssey] Dan Z games

2008-03-27 Thread Andy
Yeah, those were always freeware, Dark.

 - Original Message -
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion 
Date sent: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:58:19 -
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Dan Z games

charles, the three files are self-extracting winzip archives, 
which you can
get on the front of the danZ site for now.  Just extract the 
contense of
those into the folders for chain link, super deakout and search 
party, and
you'll have the full versions of the games.

the other games, DanZ memory and maze craze are stil available 
and were i
believe, always freeware.

Beware the Grue!

- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: audyssey gamers group
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 4:49 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] Dan Z games

 According to the news in the latest Audyssey magazine, 3 of the 
Dan Z
 games are now fully registered if you extract files from his 
site into the
 installed demos.  What are the 3 file names that you work with, 
and how
 are they put into the demo folders so that the games are no 
longer demos?
 I'm sure I'll seem like a dummy when I see the answers I cannot 
come up
 with at the moment.  (grin of sheepishness)

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
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Re: [Audyssey] i think I figured out the answer to my query

2008-03-27 Thread Andy
Yep, that's it...

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: audyssey gamers group
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 23:28:28 -0700
Subject: [Audyssey] i think I figured out the answer to my query

I hope I didn't blow it, but here's what I did with those Dan Z 
games I asked about in an earlier post to the list:  I downloaded 
and installed the 3 demos.  Then I downloaded the 3 other files, 
one for each game, into the folders where that associated demo 
was installed.  I ran the file from within that folder.  It 
seemed to work, so I then deleted that file from the folder.  
Chain Reaction works as a registered game after doing this, so I 
hope the other two games do, too.  I had a key for Chain Reaction 
and a registration key for Search Party but lost the games in a 
hard drive crash and, naturally, had not written the keys 
elsewhere.  I blew it.  I had not contacted Dan to get a new key 
as of yet, but guess I don't have to, now that he is 
unfortunately closing.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
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Re: [Audyssey] the mag

2008-03-26 Thread Andy
Yeah not here either, I even checked my spam folder.  Nothin

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:10:41 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] the mag

Not in my inbox, deleted folder, or anywhere.  Bumm! er!!

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
From: Thomas Ward [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] the mag

 Hi all,
 I personally approved the Audyssey Mag this morning around 11:00 
AM so
 it should be in everyones inbox by now.  It was sent late last 
night so
 you might have to scroll back in your inbox to find it as the 
date and
 time stamp on the message would show up in your inbox at the 
time it was
 sent not when it was approved.

 will lomas wrote:
 charles and all,

 on i ahve found the audyssey magazine under the 
 news section.
 if the magazine could be odne in HTML thoughw ith each article 
 heading levels would make, in my view, navigation taht much more 

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Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

2008-03-26 Thread Andy
Yeah Raul those beeps are annoying.  Ah well.  Least it's fun!

 - Original Message -
From: Raul A.  Gallegos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:46:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

I agree here.  In fact, it's the trophe system which adds much of 
replay value.  That and the fact that you don't have much 
with target beeps when an item is centered on screen.  No offense 
to BSC
Games for doing that, but I never did care for the hand-holding 
of a
centered beep when targets are in the right place to be shot.

shaun everiss said the following on 3/25/2008 9:48 PM:
 its ok for what it is.
 the trophy system kicks major but.
 At 01:59 p.m.  26/03/2008, you wrote:

 How do you guys like judgement day?

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Re: [Audyssey] Mysteries Of The Aztecs question.

2008-03-26 Thread Andy
Ye, happened here, too.

 - Original Message -
From: James Scholes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers mailing list
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:11:29 -
Subject: [Audyssey] Mysteries Of The Aztecs question.

Hi, I am really confused here, I get to the end of level 6 in 
Mysteries Of The Aztecs, jump on a platform, and the game ends.  
Is this supposed to happen?
James Scholes
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Re: [Audyssey] the mag

2008-03-26 Thread Andy
Ummm, 2? Lol how could one have two wives?

 - Original Message -
From: Raul A.  Gallegos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 15:50:35 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] the mag

I have a couple of volunteers doing this with all the mags, but 
this is on a volunteer basis, I can't force anyone to hurry.  I 
would do
it, but I could not commit to it and deliver since i work more 
than full
time and I have a family, including kids and a wife or two 

will lomas said the following on 3/26/2008 3:04 PM:
  charles and all,

 on i ahve found the audyssey magazine under the 
 news section.
 if the magazine could be odne in HTML thoughw ith each article 
 heading levels would make, in my view, navigation taht much more 

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Re: [Audyssey] back issues of the magazine

2008-03-26 Thread Andy
If you get hold of all 53 issues mind passing those along?

 - Original Message -
From: aiden gardiner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED],Gamers Discussion 
Date sent: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 22:18:16 -
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] back issues of the magazine

yeah, i wouldn't mind reading those either.  Could you send them 
on to me if
you manage to get hold of them?


- Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: audyssey gamers group
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 12:07 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] back issues of the magazine

I have found the first 50 issues in a .zip file if anyone wants 
However, the most recent issue I have found is 50.  I have now 
gotten issue
53 from the USA Games site, thanks to Thomas Ward.  (see his 
previous post
to the list).  If someone could send me issues 51 and 52, I sure 
appreciate it.  Thanks in advance.

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Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

2008-03-25 Thread Andy
Hi.  Love it!

 - Original Message -
From: Jeffrey Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:59:34 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

How do you guys like judgement day?

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Re: [Audyssey] Blog Entry

2008-03-25 Thread Andy
Although the logd is fun, I agree with the rest of that entry.  
Good luck, though!

 - Original Message -
From: Ryan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 21:06:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Blog Entry

Yes, good luck tristan! What a long rant

On 3/25/08, Jeffrey Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: posted the following about ACE Games:
 I've just been listening to how poor tristan got hacked, and 
would like
 to start off with a few wel-chosen comments about his so-called
 registered trademarks, and incorperated company.

 First, I'd like to point out that this kid is, 12.  Which, I 
 doesn't mean much, but it shows how pathetic this so-called 
 is.  Along with a game, that wasn't written by him, (lotgd), on 
his site
 is an uploader, which was being used as some sort of p2p, his
 advertized content is a program that lets you look at his 
website with
 a bigger screen.

 OK.  ace games, is accessible computer entertainment.

 For the life of me, I haven't been able to figure out how, 
viewing the
 website in a larger format is going to help with much of 
anything, much
 less conform to the accessible computer entertainment 

 I'd also like to comment on his lovely coding abbilities.

 Besides the fact that he's blaming everyone for the fact that he 
 code, and as a result, his website is getting broken into, I 
 seen anything that signifies any type of good coding.  The 
website looks
 like it was written by some 12-year-old immature kid, who has 
 better to do.  Only thing that isn't there that I expected to 
see is a
 donate to cheridy! Help develop your games, by clicking this 
 have your cash, check, or credit card ready, advertizement.

 So, beyond this.  I'd like to say, that in my opinion, Tristan,
 AceGames, and those associated are an embarrassment to the blind
 community, and set a low standard for acegames.

 On top of this, I'd like to point out, that we had a 200+ or so 
 chat, that kept running for weeks on end, because Tristan got 
 because I wouldn't let him code on vertigo.  Mature, lets just 
prove a
 point there.  I'll spam you, to show my knowledge in coding.

 Anyway, rant over, hope you all enjoy.

 I think it is a bit mean, but some true.  I wish Tristan good 
luck though!

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Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

2008-03-25 Thread Andy
Treasure hunt is also good so is Troop v 2!

 - Original Message -
From: Ryan Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED], Gamers 
Discussion list
Date sent: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 21:03:38 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Intro!

I like Judgment Day, and Super Liam.  SDM isn't that bad, uh what
elseI haven't tried alot

On 3/25/08, Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What are some of your favorite ones and why/  Welcome to the 

 Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
 - Original Message -
 From: Jeffrey Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 2:55 PM
 Subject: [Audyssey] Intro!

 I am Jeff, I was on the USA Games Developer's List.  I am an 
 and would like to discuss games!
 I am very excited!

 Windows Live Hotmail is giving away Zunes.
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[Audyssey] Torrent is coming along greatly, according to the site!

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Hi I was pretty bored, and wanted to see what games were 
available and then remembered Torrent!
The site has 2 soundbytes available.  The Mac version is almost 
done, the Linux  I think is nearing completion and the Windows 
apparently has not been started yet since it says, development 
will begin or something like that so...

Want the site?
Hope this is of some interest!

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Re: [Audyssey] new version of judgemtn day

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Ah yeah that makes sense.

 - Original Message -
From: Liam Erven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:33:18 -0500
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new version of judgemtn day

well.  sapi will make it more fluent when reading numbers, and 
will cut down
ont he file size a bit.
it's easier to make an interuptable number reading thingy.  if 
that makes

- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new version of judgemtn day

 Well I don't see anything wrong with sapi, but is it really 
necessary with
 judgment day? We already have human speech on that one.  For 
your new
 projects though I don't mind.

 - Original Message -
 From: Liam Erven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 7:04 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] new version of judgemtn day


 I'm working on creating a patch for judgment day to address a 
few long
 standing issues.  Is there any suggestions or ideas anyone has?  
Try and
 avoid new feature requests like more levels or new kinds of 
weapons.  I
 want to tweak the game and squish any bugs or fix things that 
don't work
 right.  If there's small improvements I can make like navigation 
 other misc features, let me know.  this is the kind of stuff I 
want to
 work on.
 Sapi speech was one of my ideas.  are people opposed to this?  
it would
 make my life easier inthe long run.

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Re: [Audyssey] Torrent is coming along greatly, according to the site!

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Oh.  Woops...  Well, still neat, has anyone checked out the 
trailers? Wonder if it's still being developed.

 - Original Message -
From: Phil Vlasak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:12:13 -0500
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Torrent is coming along greatly,according 
to the site!

Hi Andy,
The dates on the Surreal Horizons page are from 2007 not 2008.
The last time the page was updated was,
Mar 04, 2007

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:23 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Torrent is coming along greatly, according to 
the site!

 Hi I was pretty bored, and wanted to see what games were
 available and then remembered Torrent!
 The site has 2 soundbytes available.  The Mac version is almost
 done, the Linux  I think is nearing completion and the Windows
 apparently has not been started yet since it says, development
 will begin or something like that so...

 Want the site?
 Hope this is of some interest!

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Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re: thanks a lot.

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Exactly, in MSN I contract things.  braille as brl, etc.  But for 
the most part on email and such I mostly do that kind of stuff, 
as outlined in my messages if anybody reads them.

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:54:34 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re:  
thanks a lot.

Am I wrong in that MSN is supposed to be for short, concise text 
If I am correct, then abbreviations and misspelling to save space 
expected.  That is not the case on an Email list such as this.

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 7:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re: 
thanks a lot.

 Yes I'm aware of this, however if the person hasn't been using 
 for the past 20 years what makes any of you think they'll start 
using it
 now? If you think punctuation on this list is bad, you should 
try talking
 some of the sighted people on MSN.  now that worries me.

 - Original Message -
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 8:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re: 
thanks a lot.

 The reason is likely to do with how screen reader like jaws
 process text.

 with correct punctuation, it's far easier to get the sense
 of what someone is saying.

 it's also a good habit to get into in case you need to write
 a formal letter.

 for example.  i work in tech support.  Most of my
 correspondence are via e-mail.

 Imagine what would happen if I didn't use correct

 chances are, if you don't write correctly in e-mail groups
 or discussion forums, it'll bleed over to your more formal
 correspondence, which is a bad reflection on the individual.

 Just my view and should be taken as such.

 - Original Message -
 From: Yohandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:38 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re:
 thanks a lot.

 Gees what's with blind people having this serious
 obsession with
 punctuation? Yeah I try using correct punctuation, but I
 don't criticize
 those that don't.  fact is people don't really care.  all
 they'll do is use
 even worse punctuation just to annoy you.  So please guys
 do us all a favor
 and drop it already ok? You're just generating
 traffic.  You say you're mature, so prove it.

 - Original Message -
 From: Sarah Haake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

 Hi Ian,

 I would suggest you take a deep breath, calm down and
 learn to write
 with punctuation before you send your next message.  It is
 quite possible
 that it will be readable after all.

 Thanks a lot.

 Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
 (Einen sicheren Freund erkennt man in unsicherer Sache.)
 - Original Message -
 From: ian mcnamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:25 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

 hi all thanks to the bad apples we are not going to see
 thomas's free
 d starwars game and stuff like that so  all i am going
 to say is
 thanks a lot to all of you out their who are more
 concerned about
 having your type of game that you wanted rather than see
 the changed
 copy.  you would not have been loosing out on your money
 as your key
 would have been still active so you would have been
 getting a better
 game with out paying any more money out.,

 so all i can say is thanks a lot
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Re: [Audyssey] Happy Easter

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Lol! What the heck are those.  Oh yeah...  Think I remember now.  
Rofl.  Oh well, better get some more...  *throws up on my bn.  

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 21:05:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Easter

I'd like to let everyone know I'm enjoying 3 pounds of chocolate.  
eh? haha.  and Andy, if you like jelly beans I have some nice 
burty bots
I'm willing to offer you.  I have quite the assortment  of 
flavors here.  lol

- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Happy Easter

 Lol, I ate so many candy chocolate eggs, bunnies (even jelly
 beans)! I'm ready expplode.  Oh wait that already happened...

 - Original Message -
From: Jim Kitchen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Audyssey
Date sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:46:41 -0500
Subject: [Audyssey] Happy Easter


Just writing to wish everyone a very Happy Easter.


Go ahead and put all your eggs in one basket.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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Re: [Audyssey] making a game together

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Hmm interesting idea though how that'd work still remains a 
mystery as devs work in different languages.  vb 6, c# and other 
such languages.  Even java etc...  c++ etc.

 - Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:47:48 +0100
Subject: [Audyssey] making a game together

Hello all!
I have a good idea:
What do you think about making a game together?
I mean if l-works, usagames, and so on can build a game together 
we have a
good product with high quality!
What i mean, if each developer needs a year or two for create a 
game with
huge qualiti it is to long but if several developers make a game 
together it
gooes faster and the fun is higer!
Just an idea from my side.
Best regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] making a game together

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Yeah, collaborating with a developer(s), would be a lot of pain 
for most, as many work in different languages, coding methods, 
licensing systems, the list, can go on, and on.

 - Original Message -
From: Charles Rivard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 13:43:08 -0700
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] making a game together

How would the proceeds be divided/  Who would work on which 
aspect, and what
would the game's theme, plot, and action be?  Who would be 
working on it,
and whose name would be on the finished product?  Ten Pin Alley 
was a joint
project between two companies.  I wonder who got the most money?

Laughter is the best medicine.  Look around you and find a dose.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 5:47 AM
Subject: [Audyssey] making a game together

 Hello all!
 I have a good idea:
 What do you think about making a game together?
 I mean if l-works, usagames, and so on can build a game together 
we have a
 good product with high quality!
 What i mean, if each developer needs a year or two for create a 
game with
 huge qualiti it is to long but if several developers make a game 
 gooes faster and the fun is higer!
 Just an idea from my side.
 Best regards, Claudio.

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Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re: thanks a lot.

2008-03-24 Thread Andy
Lol, never heard of hlp, this guy I talk to uses plz all the time 
and it's really annoying.  Can you plz show me how to do this or 
that plz plz and then it keeps repeating.  It's  annoying as 
anything, but I put up with it.

Have an awesome day

 - Original Message -
From: Bryan Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gamers Discussion list
Date sent: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:39:17 -0600
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re:  
thanks a lot.

That's why I try to write correctly, even if I don't always 
manage to do so.
And I absolutely can't stand internet lingo.  Probably because of 
how it
sounds when read by a screen reader.  So I know where you're 
coming from.  I
have walkthroughs written for Game FAQs, and sometimes people 
will Email me
with questions.  And it'll be something like i need hlp w ths 
game.  Plz help!
Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Original Message -
To: Gamers Discussion list
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re: 
thanks a lot.

 The reason is likely to do with how screen reader like jaws
 process text.

 with correct punctuation, it's far easier to get the sense
 of what someone is saying.

 it's also a good habit to get into in case you need to write
 a formal letter.

 for example.  i work in tech support.  Most of my
 correspondence are via e-mail.

 Imagine what would happen if I didn't use correct

 chances are, if you don't write correctly in e-mail groups
 or discussion forums, it'll bleed over to your more formal
 correspondence, which is a bad reflection on the individual.

 Just my view and should be taken as such.

 - Original Message -
 From: Yohandy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 12:38 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] blind people and punctuation was Re:
 thanks a lot.

 Gees what's with blind people having this serious
 obsession with
 punctuation? Yeah I try using correct punctuation, but I
 don't criticize
 those that don't.  fact is people don't really care.  all
 they'll do is use
 even worse punctuation just to annoy you.  So please guys
 do us all a favor
 and drop it already ok? You're just generating
 traffic.  You say you're mature, so prove it.

 - Original Message -
 From: Sarah Haake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2008 7:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

 Hi Ian,

 I would suggest you take a deep breath, calm down and
 learn to write
 with punctuation before you send your next message.  It is
 quite possible
 that it will be readable after all.

 Thanks a lot.

 Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.
 (Einen sicheren Freund erkennt man in unsicherer Sache.)
 - Original Message -
 From: ian mcnamara [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gamers Discussion list
 Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 9:25 AM
 Subject: [Audyssey] thanks a lot.

 hi all thanks to the bad apples we are not going to see
 thomas's free
 d starwars game and stuff like that so  all i am going
 to say is
 thanks a lot to all of you out their who are more
 concerned about
 having your type of game that you wanted rather than see
 the changed
 copy.  you would not have been loosing out on your money
 as your key
 would have been still active so you would have been
 getting a better
 game with out paying any more money out.,

 so all i can say is thanks a lot
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