Re: Are there references yet for SQLalchemy reflection and using multiple engines under pyramid ?

2012-01-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thanks. This ended up helping quite a bit!

I haven't gotten into multiple databases yet, but I think it should be
supported trivially

I refactored your code for re-use into this pastebin -

I tried to make it simpler, but there is a bit of a janky hack in

1. I stripped the ReflectedTable down to just being an inherited
class type , and one which defines a __tablename__
2. The map_tables routine now just takes an app_model directory and
looks for items that have both a) inherited from ReflectedTable and b)
define __tablename__

To make it work, just replace models/ with this

This obviously needs a few more passes, but I'd like to really
abstract this into something that can just be a standalone module to
handle all this stuff.

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Re: pyramid and social auth

2012-01-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I ran into similar confusions as you a few weeks back.

What I realized is that Velruse - and some other packages - kind of
exist as standalone authentication micro-apps that wrap other auth
libraries, and not as libraries to build that functionality into your
own app as you would want.  For some projects, that works perfect.
For others, you might want a specific user experience -- which will
necessitate rolling a bit more code yourself around the auth libraries
they wrap.

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Re: SQLAHelper 1.0 released, and a proposal

2012-01-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I wish I was online over the holidays to take part in this discussion.

Here's my .02¢ :

- I think SqlAlchemy is the best ORM out there, and it's honestly been
the deciding factor for me going with Pylons and sticking with
- I think Pyramid core really needs to have a concrete DB/ORM plugin
functionality / method / api / style.  Whether you use SqlAlchemy or
ZopeDB or something else, I think Pyramid should have a standard /
recommended and documented place + support for starting up the DB
connectivity.  This doesn't need to be lines of code , it could just
be a very well documented coding style / paster template.
- I think the SqlAlchemy support needs to handle one or more
databases , and both declaritive and reflective styles ( is there a
third kind )?

Pyramid is simply too free / open ended right now in regards to
database support.  It has the most potential out of all the
frameworks, but its just frustrating at times.

I started with the stock sqlahelper, and have been hacking at my
integration to get more core SqlAlchemy functionality that it no
longer resembles anything in published docs... if i had to hand this
project over to someone else, i'd be worried that its so custom.

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Re: Serving Dynamic/Template js files

2011-12-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

I *think* wyatt might be referencing a technique similar to how
Facebook Connect works.

- In your templates, you can just set a JS variable/object in JSON ,
and then have your external JS files reference it on load.
- Between using that, and a lot of callbacks in your JS code, you can
keep most of your client side scripting as a library that can be
aggressively cached.

On Dec 19, 12:32 am, Ahmed wrote:

 Also, another disadvantage is that inline code in script tags does not
 get run when it  is loaded via a jquery AJAX. The opposite (as in a
 separate js file) however is true. And I wonder if it is better to be
 able to serve these small snippets as separate js files rather than
 inline, so that they get loaded even if downloaded via AJAX. I guess
 then I will have to assign a special view/route to these dynamic
 snippets, and render via a template.

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Are there references yet for SQLalchemy reflection and using multiple engines under pyramid ?

2011-12-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm now using pyramid for some projects.

Under Pylons I would almost always do the following:

1. Use multiple Engines ( Write, Read, Config, Log ) which each had
different permissions in PostgreSQL.
2. Have my models reflect the database.  With some custom routines, I
largely just had to pass in a string for the tablename and a sometimes
primary key .

I'm not sure how to do that under Pyramid ( I am using the Akhet
scaffold ).  I might just use MongoDb for a bit, but would love to
figure this out.

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Re: Model validation

2011-12-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

I've built dozens of sites over the past 14 or so years , with Ad
Agencies, Large Brands, Tech Startups, Major Media companies.

Doing this, I've learned that Frameworks are really really great for
the run-of-the-mill project that has a quick deadline, doesn't do
anything new  exciting, and has a shelf-life ( ie, it's expected to
last 6-18 months and then it gets turned off ).

For anything that needs constant improvement, nurturing, active
product development and scaling of user interactions... frameworks
have always been a complete fucking nightmare.  Time and time again,
I've seen my colleagues hit their heads against a wall ( often
literally ) and wasting countless cycles trying to get around a
'design' or 'convenience' of a framework.  I've also often seen months
of work for projects that built on a framework thrown out and replaced
with entirely custom Java/C/Python/etc code to solve the issues.

I'm a big fan of using the right tool for the right job.  If I'm
needing to do a simple project that a 'framework' can quickly get off
the ground and not need to maintain/grow it outside of that framework
-- fine!  But I'm well past the point in my career where I can justify
saving an extra week off the initial launch plan to go with a
convenience framework, when I know that I'm damning my dev staff to
mundane and crap tasks like spending a week to customize a pagination
plugin to work within the confines of that framework.

I became a huge fan of Pylons/Pyramid , because a large majority of
the stuff that lead people tend to abandon frameworks during project
growth can be - and is easily -  done within the environment.

On Dec 13, 4:59 am, rihad wrote:

 So it's a perfect tool for writing a framework :)
 Lightweight in my understanding means few features, mostly glue code.
 Just like Pyramid. All other meaty, but nonetheless important
 features, are meant to be chosen by a developer using that framework,
 and plugged in. For example, AFAIK Pyramid has no Form/validation
 subsystem in its core, or even an official plug-in that it endorses.
 Through trial and error, you have to just pick the missing part from
 the plethora of what's available, that would suit you functionally and
 esthetically. Maybe in the long run this would make you a more savvy,
 professional developer. But you'll have to agree with me, that if our
 goal is to build bigger, less buggy programs, we're gonna have to
 abstract from smaller details, use bigger bricks, so to speak. That's
 why people have chosen C, not assembly to write most parts of a larger
 OS; PHP, Perl or Python over C for web work, Frameworks over plain
 PHP, Perl or Python to facilitate building even larger programs. And
 that's because a human, however smart he or she is, cannot hold all
 the miniscule details in his head. People can see the bigger picture
 more clearly. So unless there's a larger framework built on top of
 Pyramid, as it is now the learning curve of getting the needed tools
 and do some CRUD/DB/auth/form edit/add, lists/pagination with some
 custom functionality - is pretty slow.

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Re: how to add query parameters to the current url in view code?

2011-12-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Exactly what do you want to do  - and why ?

You're talking about adding a new sort parameter to the current
url.  If you meant that you want to change the URL, then you have two
1. return a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound . you'd want to do this
before you touch the database or any other code
2. in the html template, have some javascript that will update the
window.location to reflect changes

That being said, I suspect you might be going about this wrong.

I don't understand why you would want to change a URL , or create a
new sort parameter for the URL.  In this scenario, as long as there
isn't a sort parameter, you'll always execute that default code.  I
see little benefit in redirecting to a new URL if you already have
code to correct for it.

You should also check the user submitted param , to ensure that it is
valid or allowed.  i showed this in the 2nd example.


from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound

@view_config(route_name=countries_list, renderer=countries/
def list(request):
countries list - with HTTPFound
if request.GET.get(sort):
   sort = request.GET.get(sort)
   new_url = 'whatever code you want here'
   return HTTPFound(location=new_url)
dbsession = DBSession()
countries = dbsession.query(Country).order_by(sort)
 #TODO:how to return current url with new sort parameter ?
return {countries: countries}


@view_config(route_name=countries_list, renderer=countries/
def list(request):
countries list, condensed, and with some sort of check
sort= 'default_sort_order'
if request.GET.get(sort):
   submitted_sort = request.GET.get(sort)
   if submitted_sort in [list,of,valid,sorts]:
  sort= submitted_sort
dbsession = DBSession()
countries = dbsession.query(Country).order_by(sort)
return {countries: countries}

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Odd error from WebOb if you set a cookie value to be an Int and not a String

2011-12-08 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
The following line works fine:
self.request.response.set_cookie( 'fb-loggedin',
value='1', max_age=None, path='/' )

However, this line creates an interesting error
self.request.response.set_cookie( 'fb-loggedin', value=1,
max_age=None, path='/' )

IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/jvanasco/webserver/

Full stack trace is below.  I've never seen this sort of thing

Obviously the fix is to pass in a string, it's just odd that specific
error 'Not a directory' was called.  For whatever reason it was trying
to read the non-existent /webob/ ( the .egg is a single
file )

Exception happened during processing of request from ('',
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Paste-, line 1068, in process_request_in_thread
self.finish_request(request, client_address)
  File /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/
python2.6/, line 320, in finish_request
self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self)
  File /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/
python2.6/, line 615, in __init__
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Paste-, line 442, in handle
  File /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/
python2.6/, line 329, in handle
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Paste-, line 437, in handle_one_request
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Paste-, line 287, in wsgi_execute
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/WebError-0.10.3-py2.6.egg/weberror/, line 233, in __call__
return self.debug(req)(environ, start_response)
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/WebError-0.10.3-py2.6.egg/weberror/, line 245, in debug
return method(req)
  File /Users/jvanasco/webserver/environments/python-virtualenv-
pyramid/lib/python2.6/site-packages/WebError-0.10.3-py2.6.egg/weberror/, line 398, in source_code
f = open(filename, 'rb')
IOError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/jvanasco/webserver/

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how can i access config settings in my pyramid app handlers/templates ?

2011-12-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
in pylons , i only had to do :

   from pylons import config

and then all my (development|production).ini info was available

what is the equivalent under pyramid ?  i can't seem to figure it out.

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Re: how can i access config settings in my pyramid app handlers/templates ?

2011-12-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
thanks kindly! i probably glanced over that line a dozen times.

On Dec 6, 1:32 pm, Chris McDonough wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-12-06 at 10:28 -0800, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
  in pylons , i only had to do :

     from pylons import config

  and then all my (development|production).ini info was available

  what is the equivalent under pyramid ?  i can't seem to figure it out.

 In a view function:


 .. gives you back all this info.  

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enabling json under akhet ?

2011-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i'm using pyramid with akhet

according to the docs, i should be able to do something like this:

def login_status(self):
rval= [1,2,4]
return rval

That creates an error for me:
ValueError: Could not convert view return value [1, 2, 4] into a
response object

is there something in the akhet config that disabled the ability to
handle json like the normal docs ?

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Re: enabling json under akhet ?

2011-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
dicts and lists don't work.  i posted a list to the group, because its
the simplest object.

On Dec 4, 7:08 pm, John Anderson wrote:
 You should  return a dictionary not a list.

 rval = {'values': [1,2,4]}

 On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Jonathan Vanasco jonat...@findmeon.comwrote:

  i'm using pyramid with akhet

  according to the docs, i should be able to do something like this:

     def login_status(self):
         rval= [1,2,4]
         return rval

  That creates an error for me:
     ValueError: Could not convert view return value [1, 2, 4] into a
  response object

  is there something in the akhet config that disabled the ability to
  handle json like the normal docs ?

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Re: enabling json under akhet ?

2011-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
so you sort of solved this.  you at least pointed me in the right
direction to experiment!


doesn't work:

On Dec 4, 8:11 pm, Mike Orr wrote:

 I don't think so, but akhet does use pyramid_handlers, so it's attuned
 to @action rather than @view_config. Still, I doubt that would
 sabotage @view_config. Do you have a config.scan() line in your init
 file? If not, it's possible  that config.add_handler() is registering
 the view but misinterpreting the view options. There may be problems
 with mixing add_handler and @view_config in the same view class.  If
 you don't have config.scan() and config.add_handler() is not
 registering the view, then I don't see how the view would be
 accessible at all.

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Re: enabling json under akhet ?

2011-12-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Dec 4, 8:11 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 By the way, I'm working on Akhet 2 which will not have an application
 scaffold, but expanded docs instead. So the days of the 'akhet'
 scaffold are numbered.

Sigh. I do like the scaffold.  It's mostly going to be replaced with
pyramid_sqla though - right ?

Is akhet2 on your bitbucket ?  i've been planning on making a sample
application that is mostly docs/reference of different ways to do
things in pyramid - i'm trying to teach a few former colleagues it,
and it would make sense to just open source it.

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Re: Strange paster serve behavior

2011-12-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
No idea.  Is there any way to log/debug what is happening within vim?


My normal workflow though is:

Terminal window 1:
$ paster serve --reload development.ini

Terminal window 2-10
vim, postgres, etc

+ textwrangler windows

On Dec 2, 10:47 am, Mark Erbaugh wrote:
 I'm developing with pyramid (1.2) on a Mac with Snow Leopard (OSX 10.6.8).

 I've set up a virtualenv with all the libraries I need.  I'm doing my editing 
 in vim.  When I want to see the results in a web browser, I issue

 :!paster serve development.ini

 inside vim.

 Most of the time the server starts right up and I see the messages:

 Starting Server in PID 
 serving on view athttp://

 immediately.  But sometimes, there is a significant (30 seconds or more) 
 delay between those two messages.

 My normal development process is edit the code, launch the server, play with 
 the website, ctrl-c out of the server, edit, repeat.  I could be in and out 
 of the server rapidly (especially when my code for the web page raises an 
 exception g).  Any idea why I sometimes get a delay in launching the server?


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Re: pyramid.config - what is _ainfo ?

2011-11-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Nov 29, 9:23 pm, Michael Merickel wrote:
 Regardless, I hope this is way too much information about Pyramid internals
 and I'm curious what you're planning on doing that you'd need to trace the
 undocumented apis.

First, thanks a TON!

This is *way* too much info indeed!

I just wanted to take a stab at trying to make decorators like:


which I did, below!

Under Pylons, I used different base handlers that handled the login/
logout requirements

For a new project, there are more classes / 'url namespaces' that
require both loggedin and logged out.

I didn't want to use the auth that comes with Pyramid - as its a bit
above my needs - so I just wanted to hack something simple.

I was looking at a few different ways to build this.  i decided the 2
simplest decorators to model after were action_method and
view_config().  I've always found it easiest to look at the
internals when i get stuck on something.  i was a bit worried that i
might have needed the _ainfo stuff - and I thankfully don't!

def require_logged_in(wrapped):
def wrapper(self, *arg, **kw):
if not is_logged_in():
result= HTTPFound(location='/account/login')
result = wrapped(self, *arg, **kw)
return result
wrapper.__name__ = wrapped.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
wrapper.__docobj__ = wrapped # for sphinx
return wrapper

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Re: Production.ini

2011-11-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
You may be over-thinking this.

The only good reason I've encountered to not have the passwords within
the codebase, is worries of :
   1. a web config makes the file viewable as plaintext
   2. a web config makes the file's revision control info viewable as
   3. not trusting the source control management server to be secure
   4. not trusting team-members who have source access

The *easiest* ways i've found to overcome this are :
   1. stuff the login/passwords into a file that is not in source
   2. stuff the login/passwords into environment variables

You can also code your apps so development servers pull the dev logins
out of the codebase, but the production servers use the not-under-
source-control files or environment variables.

Forcing a 'person' to provide this info will hurt your ability for
automatic deployments, make scalability a mess, and a host of other

This is just my 2¢, but it applies equally to any programming language
or web framework i've encountered.  I've had to deal with systems were
they tried to encrypt code/passwords or forced people to provide
them manually - those situations always created multiple problems.

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Re: pyramid.config - what is _ainfo ?

2011-11-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
@John Anderson

You could do that, but then you're using the Pyramid auth/security
framewor - and i want to stay away from it.  i'm not a fan of its
design, and it won't work easily/quickly with how I like to build

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Re: How can I map a dash/hyphen in a route 'action' under pyramid ?

2011-11-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Thanks Michael and Chris!

Michael's solution worked instantly.  I was having trouble getting
Chris's to work... then realized that I was running pyramid_handlers
0.1 , not 0.4.  instant gratification after upgrade!

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pyramid.config - what is _ainfo ?

2011-11-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
it's in the Configurator an the action_method decorator

just wondering what it is, i'm knee deep trying to understand the

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Re: Mobile Browser Detection

2011-11-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
thanks all for the insight.

a couple of quick responses :

1. i like to put 'device' and feature detection client-side as much as
possible, but i've encountered situations where you need to implement
a server-side solution:
  a) the webpage is too large , and you want to keep all JS running
until the 'onload'.
  b) you want to block out devices from certain incompatible features
as much as possible, but still allow a use the regular html site

2. it might make sense to craft a solution that is a plugin , to
bridge one or more actively maintained projects into pyramid via easy

the number of these projects, and the not-insignficant percentage of
them being framework specific, show that its very desirable to make a
quick framework 'hook' for developers to make their applications
mobile-aware.  i don't really care how this works - and I'm willing to
do the work to make this happen.

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How can I map a dash/hyphen in a route 'action' under pyramid ?

2011-11-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Pylons had a nice little convenience method under the hood...

If i had the equivalent of:
config.add_handler(account, /account/{action},

a request to-

would map to-
class AccountHandler:
 def sign_up():

are there any similar conveniences in Pyramid ?

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Re: Akhet status (Pyramid newbies and Carlos d.l.G., read me)

2011-03-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
when is a good time for us to connect on aim/irc/etc and plan some
integration stuff out ?

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Re: Porting a Pylons app to Akhet

2011-03-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I think pyramid_simpleform is the easiest.

I forked it and added a method to handle form reprints.  I think its
in that sqla fork I shared with you too.  if you stick to the
following paradigm, it works well:

def form_dispatch:
if request.submit:
   return self._form_submit
return self._form_print

def _form_print:
return render(form)

def _form_submit:
except FormError:
return self._form_print()
redirect( form_success_url )

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question about middleware

2011-03-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i'm trying to port an old perl project ( which was essentially
middleware for the mod_perl environment ) to Pyramid/WSGI

The basic premise is that it:
- migrates the x-fowraded-for header into remote-addr
- but only from accepted servers by ip
- but only from accepted servers with a lan secret

this way, your app functions as normal with no necessary logic needed,
and you can toss it behind as many loadbalancers or proxies you need.

the 2 issues i've been running into are:

1.  how should I configure this?  Should I have the middleware import
config stuff ( if so, is there a reference ?)  or should that all
happen in the pyramid app when I layer in the middleware ?

2.  is it even possible to raise a 403 in middleware and prevent the
app from running ?

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Re: question about middleware

2011-03-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
thanks.  the accepted ips don't need to be db based.  the notion is
that you can trivially ensure that a request is through your gateway
and doesn't have spoofed headers if the application recognizes both a
the ip of the server and a secret that only those ips would know.

for example, you would configure nginx working as a load balancer onto
4 machines in round-robin style... and have it add a header of
(QU#EKJHADS to each request.  so long as your app recognizes the
header and the ip, it processes it as normal.  otherwise, its either a
spoof or some local traffic that you don't want to code for.

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Re: pylons-discuss and pylons-devel

2011-03-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i've noticed a lot of -discuss items being spoken about in -devel
lately... i had often thought that -discuss was for people  /using/
pyramid, and -devel was for people /building/ it.

if that is still the case, can i suggest the -devel list make a firm
policy of having people repost here?

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are there pyramid analogues to AttribSafeContextObj ?

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
just noticed that ContextObj and AttribSafeContextObj are not in

are there versions in pyramid, or are they gone ?

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are there pyramid analogues to AttribSafeContextObj ?

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
just noticed that ContextObj and AttribSafeContextObj are not in

are there versions in pyramid, or are they gone ?

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Re: Pyramid/Pylons Project status update...

2011-02-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Great news to see traction!

I've been busy porting over a microframework we used under Pylons for
many projects to Pyramid and shared with some trusted friends.  The
application design is changing quite a bit due to pyramid, so its a
complete rewrite.  I'm taking this as an opportunity to just start
publicly releasing stuff now, and not worry about security issues
( which kept back public release of the previous framework).

The goal is to build out a framework for very quick prototyping of web
applications, while not enforcing any requirements on the database or
overall application design.

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Re: How to serve content of the database field as a file for download.

2011-02-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
you should ask on the cherrypy list.  that is another webserver,
different than pylons.

On Feb 24, 3:48 am, Sandeep Kulkarni

 Following is my back end code in python.

     def download_key(self):
         import cherrypy
         cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] =
         cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;
         return These are file content

 And the front end code is as follows in extjs.

 function downloadFile(){
     var url='/download_key';

     var ajaxReq=ajaxRequest(url,0,GET,true);
         success: function(xhr) {
             Ext.MessageBox.alert(_(Success), xhr.responseText);
         failure: function(xhr){
             Ext.MessageBox.alert( _(Failure) , xhr.statusText);


 I am getting response at front end in a message box. But I need that
 response text in a file.
 Please help me if you know the solution.


 On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 23:30 +0530, Eric Rasmussen wrote:
  I am not familiar with extjs, but in your example it appears that the
  success scenario is commented out. Also, should the response
  variable be xhr.response? response will evaluate to undefined in
  the function as you pasted it (unless it's a magic variable that is
  part of extjs?), and if it's a global variable declared elsewhere,
  it's probably not the response text from the AJAX call.

  Otherwise it would definitely help to see the server-side code you're
  using for the file content.


  On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 2:40 AM, Sandeep Kulkarni wrote:


          Thanks but I have already tried this solution. I didn't get
          file downloaded on client machine.

          I have following code at client side. Is any thing lacking
          there? I am using AJAX here in extjs.

          function downloadFile(){
              var url='/download_key';

              var ajaxReq=ajaxRequest(url,0,GET,true);
                  success: function(xhr) {
                      //Ext.MessageBox.alert(_(Success), response);
                  failure: function(xhr){
                      Ext.MessageBox.alert( _(Failure) ,


          On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 13:28 +0530, Graham Higgins wrote:

           Hash: SHA1


           On 22 Feb 2011, at 07:01, Sandeep wrote:

            I have some text content in database field. I want to download 
            text content from database field on client machine.


           shows how to do this for a .csv file.

            I want this text content in a file at client side.

           This isn't really related to Pylons, you just need to set the 
           HTTP response headers:

           - --



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Re: Attach SQLAlchemy Session to settings object instead of creating module global?

2011-02-24 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
have you looked at the pyramid_sqla stuff ?  i think mike orr may have
done some of this.

in my pylons apps, ive never needed sessions to persist between
requests.. so i looked more at global settings and request based

On Feb 24, 9:51 pm, Wyatt Baldwin wrote:
 In Pylons, there's a recommended SQLAlchemy setup where the Session is
 created as a module global and then configured by a call to a function in
 the model package. I've been using a variation of this setup in my Pylons
 apps, but as I've been porting to Pyramid, I've been thinking it would be
 cleaner to attach the Session to some application object.

 One possibility is attaching it to the settings dict. I wouldn't want to add
 it to the WSGI app returned by `main` because that app may be wrapped by
 other middleware and then the Session would be hard or impossible to access.
 I'm thinking it would look something like this:

 def main(global_config, **settings):
     settings = init_settings(global_config, settings)
     config = Configurator(settings=settings)
     settings['db.Session'] = make_session_factory(settings)
     # ...
     return config.make_wsgi_app()

 def make_session_factory(settings):
     engine = engine_from_config(settings, prefix='sqlalchemy.engine.')
     Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
     return Session

 What I think is preferable here is that there is a single place where the
 database stuff is set up and there is no possibility of using the Session
 before it's fully configured. Also, accessing the Session in a controller
 wouldn't require an import, which is slightly more convenient though not
 really a big advantage.

 So, my questions are:

    - Has anyone tried a setup like this?
    - Are there any down sides I'm not thinking of?
    - Is there maybe a better high level application object to attach the
    Session to?
    - Am I over-thinking this?

 After I wrote all this, I found something in the cookbook about using a
 non-global session:

 Seems like basically the same idea except that I'm using the standard
 thread-local Session factory.

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Re: is it possible to do a redirect in a pyramid handler's __init__ ?

2011-02-22 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
rad. thanks!

On Feb 22, 2:52 pm, Chris McDonough wrote:
 FTR, this is an answer to the broader question how do I make it
 possible to return a response by raising an exception:

 Do this, then use raise
 pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPFound(location='http://...') wherever you
 need to do a redirect.

 On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 09:06 -0800, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
  i'm trying to port some custom pylons authentication , which had
  redirects in __init__ and __before__

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Re: a few more pyramid questions

2011-02-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
To be clear:

This works:

def test_a1(self):
return {'project':'myapp'}

def test_b1(self):
return {'project':'myapp'}

def test_c1(self):
return render_to_response('/test_b.mako', self.test_b1(),

But this doesnt:

def test_a2(self):
return {'project':'myapp'}

def test_b2(self):
return HTTPFound(location='/account/login')

def test_c2(self):
return render_to_response('/account/test_b.mako',
self.test_b2(), request=self.request)

Based on this pattern, I don't think it would be possible to migrate
any of my Pylons apps to Pyramid -- this behavior would require a
substantial rewrite of most controllers.

1- The way redirects / 404s are currently implemented creates a need
for additional logic in a dispatching function ( the results would
need to be tested, not handled by the framework )

2- There looks to be a duplication in labor - a call to a dispatched
function would also require noting the template as well.  So instead
of just noting the template at the function, you're also noting it at
anything that dispatches it.

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Re: a few more pyramid questions

2011-02-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
after fighting for a while, i got the functionality i needed , and
integrated it with form processing

i forked pyramid_simpleform on bitbucket and refactored
`_form_reprint` into `handler_reprint`.

it was pain to figure out how to munge the response object
correctly... and i should probably change the response code to a 202
-- but this should make form processing much easier for pylons people.

def _form_reprint( self , form , print_method ):
form_response= print_method()
return form_response

def login(self):
if self.request.method == 'POST' :
return self._login_submit()
return self._login_printform()

def _login_submit(self):
myForm = Form( self.request , schema=LoginForm )
if not myForm.validate():
#return myForm.handler_reprint( self._login_printform )
return self._form_reprint( myForm ,
self._login_printform )
return HTTPFound(location='/account/home')

def _login_printform(self):
return render_to_response('/account/login/form.mako',
{'project':'myapp'}, self.request)

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Re: Form handling in Pyramid

2011-02-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
personally, think it would be best to decouple the moving parts as
much as possible

to me, there is :

   html form creation - great if this is baked-in, but it shouldn't be
   form validation - i think formencode is fine, but i often use it as
a first-pass and then handle things in my controllers too
   form submission - validation is only a portion of submission.  what
is triggering the validation ?  what happens when its a success ? how
about a failure ?

anything else could/should be a module that plugs into the forms.

the old @validate had some issues, but could have been extended into
something more powerful. at least in my usage i was able to separate
out the various phases and provide hooks back into it.

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a few more pyramid questions

2011-02-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i'm trying to figure out some paradigms in pyramid

using the pyramid_sqla template...

if i have:

def test_a(self):
return {'project':'myapp'}

def test_b(self):
return {'project':'myapp'}

how can i do something like:

def test_c(self):
if 1:
return self.test_a()
return self.test_b()

i've tried this with @action and @view_config ; i'd love to figure out
how to do using either.

I spent about 30 minutes playing around with Response,
render_to_response, and hacking on the core... and no luck.  i can't
figure out how to do this cleanly.

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Re: a few more pyramid questions

2011-02-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
sorry, let me rephrase - is it possible to dispatch to another
function and have it handle the render + define the  template ?

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Re: some thoughts on pyramid

2011-02-19 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've forked Mike's pyramid_sqla , and have been extending the
templates to be more familiar to pylons users.

1- making the app structure seem more like a more mature pylons 1.0
2- added some reference functions around form submissions , beaker
session usage , etc
3- integrated some routines and designs from the pylonshq source code

ideally, someone would be able to create a new project and see a
reference of how to do most things right in the source.  They only
need to delete a few lines and files in order to get going on their on

perhaps this template should have a different name -- but it seemed to
me like a mechanism was needed so people could get up  running in a
manner of minutes, without reading a ton of docs.

The fork is here:

On Feb 19, 2:29 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 By the way, could we have a little Git-for-Pyramid tutorial at the PyCon 

 Mike Orr

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Re: some thoughts on pyramid

2011-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
1. I think it would be better if everything related to Pyramid/Pylons
were on a single system ( ie: GitHub or BitBucket ).
2. The Pyramid stuff should have better linkage on ; its
a text-link buried in paragraphs.

3. I'm looking at the pyramid_sqla template.  question.. i see stuff
like this in the 'handlers':

def index(self):
log.debug(testing logging; entered MainHandler.index())
return {'project':'myproject'}

does this mean you can't switch out the templates in these handler
methods ?  ie: when you need to display different templates based on
conditions  ?

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Re: some thoughts on pyramid

2011-02-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 18, 12:21 pm, Ben Bangert wrote:

 Getting there got the Pylons framework on there, and most everything is 
 on GitHub that the Pylons Project encompassas. Which projects were you 
 referring to that aren't?

pyramid_sqla isn't.  If Mike Orr wants help learning git/github , i'd
be happy to help him convert and get acclimated via AIM .  serious.

 Ah, yes. I'll try and get something up there shortly.
thanks!  even its its just changing documentation up top to pylons
documentation and a link to Pyramid Project, i think that would
make things much clearer.

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Re: some thoughts on pyramid

2011-02-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 14, 10:08 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 Have you seen the pyramid_sqla package, which includes an application
 template? It addresses these three.

Nope.  Took a lot of combing to find.  It was kind of hidden under
some text on the Pyramid intro.  Would be great to see that in another
tool tip style text-treatment like the item above it. Will be going
through it tonight.

 When Pylons was created in 2005, every framework had to be like
 Rails and MVC in order to succeed. Yet Django became the most-used
 Python framework in spite of being MV rather than MVC. The main issue
 for developers is ignorant managers who say It must be Django (or
 Rails/PHP/Java) -- without knowing anything about these technologies,
 just that these are the popular buzzwords. It's much less common to
 hear Must be MVC. For developers who can choose their own framework,
 again they are swayed more by these Django/Rails/PHP/Java buzzwords
 than by MVC. So Pyramid's most direct competitor nowadays is Django,
 not MVC.

I know that too well and can give a few perspectives:

I took over as Acting CTO at a few months ago.  My
predecessor committed the org down a Rails path that I needed to
finish up ( legacy on php ).  Then we merged with Newsweek. I was in
meetings with the rest of the management teams nonstop for months.
When execs hear words like typical/standard MVC , its a few points
in your favor.  When there are words like MV or just like Django -
it falls on deaf ears.

I do A LOT of consulting with startups and ad agencies in the NYC
area.  9/10 times they have a MVC framework or experience.  it's not
just Rails, but there's also: CakePHP, Symfony, CodeIgnighter, Kohana,
etc.  Django can look slightly alien to folks because of the paradigms
it's chosen, but its also got some familiar elements.  Pyramid has
less of the familiar elements, because like Pylons its more for power
users and engineers than webapp developers.  Only 1/10 people I
meet would even be interested in Pylons; for the rest - they're
looking for familiar ground.

 The developers went back and forth on this but in the end went with
 single modules.
i'd really suggest revisiting this.  showing multiple files gives a
clear idea and example how to scale. programmers looking at multiple
files can more easily see how to collapse into a single file, than
looking at a single and trying to figure out if there's any special
stuff needed to use multiple files in the module.

 This is also in the pyramid_sqla manual.

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some thoughts on pyramid

2011-02-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I spent some time today with Pyramid.  It was a bit of a rollercoaster
-- at times I was very excited, at others very stressed.  i figured
i'd share my thoughts here for the maintainers.

1. on setting up an app, there were no instructions on how to setup
for a postgres 'url' in sqlalchemy ; in fact - there was nothing in
there regarding this setup.  i pulled it out of an existing project;
one could probably look at pylons 1.0 (not pyramid) docs.

2. i assume this is part of the template designed to show how to do
stuff... however creating the initial 'models' table, with a sample
entry, is misleading and not clear.  i'd suggest changing it to
sample_model or something that is very clearly not needed for the

3. i haven't figured out yet if its possible to handle multiple db
connections in pyramid.  in pylons i have sqlalchemy.write.url and and handle multiple databases due to master/
slave clustering.  in order to get widespread appeal, something like
this needs to be very apparent and easy to do - Rails accomplishes
this in a few lines of configs.

4. i'm not sold on the MV design.  personally, I think it was risky
departing from MVC, which has become the de facto standard and super
familiar for developers across the web.  django has had issues selling
people on their MVT , and its just an uphill battle.  i'm sure it has
many advantages, i'm just speaking from a 'marketing ' view.

5. the default application template should really generate a multiple
views  models structure.  most people i've worked with strive very
hard to keep the entirety of their models/views from being a single

6. also on the migration point, it would be good to discuss sqlalchemy

The code looks solid, and I understand the rationale behind a lot of
design choices... but from an adoption view, i think there's a lot of
work to be done.

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Re: Pyramid for Pylons users guide

2011-01-20 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i'm looking at porting some stuff over, and after reading the docs
have a few concerns:

- under pylons i have multiple db connections : read, write, log,
admin-write, etc.  each has different db permissions to ensure
security and tie in with clustering.  all the Pyramid examples I've
seen revolve around a single db connection.

- the docs talk about not using pylons globals.  would love an
overview of their counterparts or deprecations.  i'm quite worried
about g and some other .97 conventions that are abundant in my apps.

On Jan 14, 10:53 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 Hi all, I'm starting an article on Pyramid for Pylons 1 users,
 focusing on the differences between the frameworks and how to do
 familiar things in Pyramid. It'll also cover add-on stuff like forms
 and auth, or at least list the alternatives available.

 I'm wondering if there are any particular questions people would like
 included. If so, please email them to me.

 Mike Orr

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-26 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I've done a lot of cross-language systems. They're really quite easy.
The main issue with them is session data, but everyone can read YAML
and JSON. while they're not as fast as natively pickled/packed data,
even the slowest systems around can process them with ease.

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has anyone seen pinax before ?

2010-08-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

i've been working on something similar that is pylons based for a
while; but they're already up and running

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Re: How to strip HTML tags?

2010-08-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
beautiful soup lets you do it too, and fixes the document while its at

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Re: Pylons for Facebook apps

2010-08-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i tried it a while back, and then gave up.

i don't think its worth it, because facebook has changed the way the
apps work so many damn times

i think you'd be better off just using one of the many full-featured,
mature, has-tons-of-people-maintaining-it php libraries that are out
there , and let that handle all the integration crap.

then your pylons app can just sit on the site, and do what it needs to
do regardless of facebook.

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Re: Hiring Pylons Devs in NYC

2010-08-13 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Aug 12, 9:33 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 Hooray. I'm not in NYC but I've heard most of the jobs there are Java,
 so I'm glad more Python employers are appearing. Maybe you can hire me
 in a few years if I ever move there. :)

Let me know if you do!  But I'll probably be living in SF by then !

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Hiring Pylons Devs in NYC

2010-08-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Hi all-

One of the startups that I'm working with will be starting a round of
hiring in the next 2-6 weeks.  We're in NYC.

I'm effectively the director of product  engineering... or something
like that.  The CTO is focused on RD, so I'm dually the product
manager and building out the development  engineering teams.

There's a full posting here:

The nitty gritty you'll care about before clicking the above:

- Our webapps are being rebuilt on Pylons  Postgres , using a
microframework that started out at FindMeOn and has been used at
ArtWeLove and a few other projects.  They were php+mysql until i
yelled profusely.

- I'm projecting that we're going to have serious scaling issues in 3
months, based on some partnership contracts that we're working on

- We're looking at building out a service oriented architecture -- the
main user interface will be in Pylons and we'll store transactional
data in Postgres... but we're going to need some fancy shit behind-the-
scenes as well as a decent API for partners.  So in addition to Pylons
folks, I'm also on the lookout for people with experience/aptitude for
Erlang, Scala/Lift, and custom C/C++ servers, as well as nosql

- I'm looking for folks at all levels.  I'd definitely love some folks
who are much smarter and better than me on the team, and we're totally
open to smart folks with great aptitude that don't have much

There's more info on the link above.

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Re: Hiring Pylons Devs in NYC

2010-08-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Aug 12, 6:54 pm, Wojtek Augustynski wrote:
 Nice to see.
 Wish there were more Pylons jobs in the SF Bay Area! :)

?!? There are TONS. a lot of the 'hot' and well funded startups are
hiring pylons people.

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OT -- odd mac issue - pylons stopped serving

2010-06-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
this just happened today, its driving me crazy

all of my (local) pylons apps won't respond on my mac.  the browser
pause for a few seconds, and then i see:

RTSP/1.0 404 Not Found
Content-Length: 0

it's happening with all browsers.

anyone have an idea what setting I messed up ?

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Re: OT -- odd mac issue - pylons stopped serving

2010-06-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Jun 16, 2:23 pm, cd34 wrote:
 Are you running the Darwin/Quicktime Streaming Server on your machine?

figured it out!

VLC had crashed earlier in the week, and somehow grabbed a slew of

thanks for pointing me in the right direction.  i couldn't figure out
what / why RTSP was running ( sadly not a pirate, though genetic
testing may prove i come from a line of them! ) -- the reply about
Streaming Server reminded me that VLC has something like that built
in and sure enough there were some stray processes while no active
VLC app.

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Re: FormEncode inadequate?

2010-05-14 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I use FormEncode very happily... along with a custom solution.

1. For multiple-step logic, I use multiple FormEncode forms.
2. For advanced formatting, my stuff looks like this:

def form(self):
if request.params.get('m') == 'submit':
return self._form__submit()
return self._form__print()

def _form__print():
 return render('form.mako')

def _form__submit(self):
if i_encounter_error:
raise GetPost_Form_Error(value)
except GetPost_Form_Error, e:
tweak_c_or_form_results_with( e.value )
return form_reprint( self, '_form__print' )
return 'yay'

that lets me handle a lot of situations.   if i'm dealing with
formatting multiple error fields, i just populate a dict with errors
and raise at the end.

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Re: Developing with paste http only

2010-05-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
just make a function in helpers:

def my_url( u ):
   u2= url(u)
   if config['site_url_scheme'] == 'https':

and call h.my_url() wherever you need it

you could even redefine url() and then access the original, but stuff
like that can be a PITA to debug when something goes wrong and you
forget that you did that ( from experience ;) )

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Re: application deployment question about nginx and pylons

2010-05-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I'm of this school of thought:

if you're doing anything with moderate to high traffic, you should be
running NGINX on port 80 , with a proxypass to something else.

What you proxypass to, however, is up to you.
1- paster
2- wsgi
3- apache

the important thing is to get Apache off of port 80 , its really just
not a great performer.

you *especially* don't want to run apache on port 80 if you're using a
single apache configuration.  the mod_perl folks did the math and
wrote a chapter or two about it, which may have wound up online... it
was called vanilla apache + mod perl or something like that.

you basically want the lightest and leanest server running on port 80
as possible (nginx, or a stripped down apache with as few DSOs loaded
as possible) .  you can then proxy back to other servers as needed.
if you decided to stay apache, you DEFINITELY want to run a vanilla
instance on port80 to handle static files and proxy back.

the reasons for this are twofold:
1- IIRC, a stripped down apache process is 500k or so of memory; a
mod_* will grow to 3-5MB, and then compile in your application code
and allocated/reserved memory... which often ends up at 20-30MB per
process.  if you run your app on port 80, both static files and
dynamic content will be served by these apache processes - which means
you'll tie up the 20-30mb processes with tasks a 500k one could do.
if you profile your app correctly, you can find the right types of
servers to run that will easily allow you to increase your throughput
by 10-20x -- if not more -- just by smarter resource allocation.

2- if a client is slow, or drops a connection without being detected,
your dynamic apache ( or anything else ) just sits there slwly
serving a file until a timeout is reached.  if you put a 'vanilla'
server on port 80, the dynamic server instantly returns the result to
it... and it can handle the timeout/slowdown issues... freeing up the
memory and processor for the dynamic server to process another

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Re: Pylons hosting on a VPS (memory usage)

2010-04-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i'm running pylons apps on a few VPS

my issues have been this:
- the database takes up a lot of ram
- the search engine takes up a lot of ram

pylons app performance has been better as more ram is tossed in.

if you're running a DB like postgres or mysql on the same vps, i would
probably use 512mb ram as a minimum... 256 could work.  if you're
running anything like solr/lucene as well, i'd defintely consider 512
a minimum

in terms of the apache issues indicated above -- were they on the
master or child processes ? you should be able to mitigate that
behavior on the children by tweaking max_requests
also, as i remember from my mod_perl days, apache doesn't like to free
memory on a restart.  you need to explicitly stop then start.

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is there a way to access the db connection handle of a sqlalchemy object , from the object ?

2010-04-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i never had to do this before.

some sample code is below; basically in a function i need to 'expire'
some looped items , so i pull fresh from the db.

my problem is that i don't know how to access the db from within the
model ; i could pass-it-in explicitly from the controller... but i'd
really like to fetch whatever dbhandle the object was retreived with

jonathan= dbSession.query( model.person ).filter( id=1 )

class person(object):
def fun(self):
for item in self.items:
db.expire( item ) # what is the db here? was it
associated within dbSession.query() ?

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Re: best practices when writing controllers

2010-04-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Apr 4, 4:28 pm, cd34 wrote:

 While the controller is cleaner, does that really make it more
 readable?  From a maintainability standpoint, would someone new to the
 code be able to see what that action was doing reasonably quickly?

If i were going for code readability, I don't know.

Usually I go for application maintainability.  Looking at the original
code , this bigtask() class looked to be a logging functionality that
is used across multiple controllers and actions.  i'm inclined to
refactor code like that into helper functions , so I only need to
update them in the smallest amount of places when the objects
interface / methods change.  assuming bigtask() adds a new column, and
is called in a dozen places, I'd rather only edit 1 invocation of the
method to pull the request params -- not 12.

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Re: best practices when writing controllers

2010-04-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Apr 3, 2:51 pm, cd34 wrote:
         (task_id,status) = task().bigtask().add(get_client_id(), \
                            request.params['device_id'], \
                            request.params['username'], \
                            request.params['ip'], \
                            request.params['email'], \
                            request.params['path'], \

I could be wrong, but this looks just like the stuff that i'd put into
a helper library to keep my controllers a bit cleaner...

(task_id,status) = h.newtask('add')

def newtask( method ):
 t= task().bigtask().
 if method == 'add':
return t.add(get_client_id(), \
request.params['device_id'], \
request.params['username'], \
request.params['ip'], \
request.params['email'], \
request.params['path'], \

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Re: Include return value of other controllers in template

2010-04-01 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i handle this two different ways:

1- I'll use a helper function to handle this


def list_comments( object , offset=0 , limit=10 ):
 # stuff here to grab the comments
 # return fragment or populate c?  who knows

2- I'll use a shared inheritance class

def _list_comments( self , offset=0 , limit=10 ):
 # stuff here to grab the comments
 # return fragment or populate c?  who knows
 # self has a class var that tells what kind of object we're
looking at

i really dislike the idea of using a subquery:
- if your app is transaction safe, you just complicated stuff a lot
- if your app has any sort of auth or setup overhead on the request,
you're now running it again ( ie: BaseController's __init__ and
__before__ )
- you're having a controller's public method that also acts as
private.  methods should really be public or private.

i think helper functions and inherited classes are more appropriate.

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Re: reference to app

2010-03-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
slightly off topic...

my app/ file always has this bit:

import sys
appdir= sys.path[0]
appexternals= %s/##APPNAME##/lib/externals % appdir

import OpenSocialNetwork
OpenSocialNetwork.appname= '##APPNAME##/'

osn is a microframework that's in lib/externals ( as are various other
modules ; i find it easier to maintain apps like this ) ; this code
does nothing special, other than stashing the appname -- however once
that's done, it makes life a whole lot easier trying to access
different modules within the app from the microframework  , which is
what I think you're trying to do ?

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any good references / best practices for Test Driven Design and Integrated Testing with Pylons ?

2010-03-18 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I really do love the fact that Pylons offers the unit tests ; however
as others have mentioned - they can be really difficult to use when
session based data is concerned ( or when forms require access to
Globals ,etc etc )

I pretty much stopped using them a while back, and just started doing
everything with selenium.  I'd like to transition back into using them
though - so i can have automated testing and deployment.

I'm wondering if anyone has a reference for some examples and best-
practices on Pylons testing.

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Re: Versioned routes

2010-03-16 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
routes allows for functions to be used - you could match on the /
app, and then use a function to determine the function.

there are a few examples in this mailing list archives, the docs on
routes don't really make this feature clear ( or even how to use it )

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Re: which is the best ORM recommended?

2010-03-15 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
for what its worth...

I find ORM useful for three things:
- inserts of new records
- updates of single records
- displaying data in templates

i find ORM a hassle on larger items.  i'd much rather write SQL
myself , that i know is optimized and i have control over.

A great middle ground which I've found, is that in many instances an
ORM allows you to supply the raw SQL, or you can do manual SQL queries
and 'bless' ( to borrow from Perl ) the results into an object.  With
situations like this, you can get the benefit in the View/templates
that the ORM provides, while keeping your model and controller much
more sane and optimized.

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Re: Link to files stored in data directory

2010-03-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i store the files into a top-level directory called
user_uploads ( ie. on the same level as data and public )

i do this, only because i find it easier to handle backups /

when the images are 'public', i have a symlink from public/_img/NAME
into that directory.  just to note, i never have pylons serve these
files - i have nginx serve those directories itself.

and when files are not public, i can still access them with pylons too.

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Re: redirect and template_context

2010-03-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
just to add...

the return in return redirect is unnecessary.  a simple redirect
will suffice.

redirect raises an exception, which Pylons itself catches.  as wyatt
stated, the script is terminated, and the user is redirected to a new
page with the c context tossed out.

i usually toss any necesary vars for the redirect into a session or
url message as well.

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looping sqlalchemy attributes

2010-03-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
my code is still running on sqlalchemy .48, so if this has been
addressed in future versions - let me know!

lets say i have a one-to-many sqlalchemy relation, and loop an
attribute called items:

def cleanup( cart ):
for item in cart.items:
if item.qty == 0 :
self.dbSession('write').delete( item )

once i call cleanup(cart) , how can i ensure that looping through
cart.items will not bring up the deleted items ?

if i loop through the cart.items again, I'll have None types where I

i found that if i do a flush() and expire() , i can avoid this

for item in cart.items:

Is this the best way to handle the situation ?  is there something
better ?

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Re: Validating a select box

2010-03-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Mike danced around a good point above which he didn't explictly
mention - for most formencode validators the results will be Strings
-- both in the validator and form_result.  So they may mess up your
comparisons or validations.

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Re: Validating a select box

2010-03-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
sorry, i'm sick and really loopy...

let me rephrase ( and this may have changed since last i tested a
while bac )

everything that comes through request.params / submitted to your
pylons app is a string

there are some neat validators that will handle conversions for you,
so everything is seamless / painless

however, lets say that your select field has only these valid ids,
which you know of as constants from your database:

valid_ids= [0,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34]

but if you choose something like:
   valid= formencode.validators.OneOf( valid_ids )

most will be invalid , because this is really what we want:
   valid= formencode.validators.OneOf( [ %s%i for i in valid_ids] )


enter things like mike's neat validator, which is A combination of
the Int and OneOf validators with a custom message

and now you're able to do
   valid= formencode.validators.SelectInt( valid_ids )

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unexpected behavior of request.params after validate ; is this intentional of webob (not @validate)?

2010-02-28 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i spent the past 3 hours going through my own validate code, and the
original pylons that i forked off of, trying to figure out why params
is always empty on a form error.

i finally tracked down the issue.

@validate has this line, so that the form can be re-run as a GET with
htmlfill args:
request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']= 'GET'

and this is the weird behavior:

once this is set, it appears to be impossible to access any POST vars
via :
   request.params.get(var) # makes sense
   request.params.POST(var) # empty
   request.params.POST # empty

however if i run this:
request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']= 'POST'

then all my data is accessible again.

this seems to happen because of this line in webob:

if self.method not in ('POST', 'PUT'):
return NoVars('Not a form request')

i'm not sure if this was intentional , or some sort of optimization.

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Re: Validating whether a field value is equal to another

2010-02-28 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
personally, i keep anything that could hit the database away from

i use formencode to validate presence and formatting / regex, and keep
the db logic within a try/except block.  if i have an error, i'll
raise a SubmissionError - or similar - and then return the form.

i do this for a few reasons:
a_ i find fancy validation schemes to be a (*((*...@## (*...@# ))@# and
generally not worth time doing
b_ i find putting db logic and advanced stuff in the main controller
record to be much much easier
c_ i dont want to touch the db unless the form content is valid.
nearly every form i use would need a WRITE handle on the database.  a
precious, precious, write handle.  i don't like tying up a write
handle when not needed, nor do i like the idea of locking tables on
something that is more likely to fail (than other operations).

i could go on, but you get my point ;)

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Re: @validate revisited, JSON support, content negotiation

2010-02-27 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
ah, interesting -- so the validation becomes a function of the

i'd like to make a suggestion to your then.

i have an arg to validate called gatekeeper , which is enabled as True
by default ( along with post_only )
In conjunction with one another, gatekeeper just makes sure that if
you GET a form that is post_only ( or: not on_get ) , you
automatically raise an error.

in the original pylons distro, it was possible to GET a post_only form
and have things not work out the way you would want them to.
personally i thought it opened the door to security issues, others

Default True.  Boolean to raise an error on form submission if
not complete.

the code in mine/patch to distribution is :

if request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' and not on_get:
if gatekeeper:
ControllerInstance.osn_form.is_error= True
raise ValidationStop()

I'm not sure how it would work on yours.

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Re: Pylons and images from database

2010-02-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

if you store things on the filesystem, you'll need to use a hashing
algorithm to bucket it effectively -- filesystems don't like too many
files in a directory.

you don't need to rename the file to a hash -- you could just store
that in the db -- but I'd advise renaming the file to a hash, because
then you can write a regex rule or something super simple to serve it.

ie: a file named aabbccddeeff.jpg would end up as aa/bb/cc/dd/ee/ff/
aabbccddeeff.jpg ; a rewrite rule could easily map requests for http:/
img to that folder ; you wouldn't have to
include the actual filepath.

in my years i've learned a few things:
1- hashing to md5 base 16(hex) is fine.  if you do 3 chars per
directory, you have 4096 buckets in each level; going 3 deep gives you
a ton of directories.  if you do base32, you can do 2 chars per
directory, and have 1024 in each level.  a couple of filesystems start
to degrade around 1k and 10k files - so this could improve
2- if you bucket items by numeric id, bucket backwards.  ie: 123456789
- 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/123456789.  there's a math law about this, i
can't remember the title, but basically points out that you'll round-
robin evenly if you bucket from the back, but you'll have a new bucket
every power-of-10 if you bucket forwards..

On Feb 24, 12:59 pm, Matt Feifarek wrote:

 If you're worried about filename integrity (including full path) you can
 hash the files and store the fingerprints. I've done that before; works

 While not secure (whatever) md5 is so fast that even a several meg file
 can be hashed in so little time you kinda don't notice it unless you're
 doing something really big.

 But if you know that nobody will ever mess with the actual filesystem
 storage, you can probably rely on the filenames.

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Re: does not work if you raise an exception? is there a way to override ?

2010-02-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
just to clarify, this is beaker sesssions -- not SA

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Re: @validate revisited, JSON support, content negotiation

2010-02-23 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
does this new approach allow for form errors to be re-triggered in the
controller like my stab (
) ?

because that's the only thing i care about.


from OpenSocialNetwork.lib.decorators import osn_validate ,
from OpenSocialNetwork.lib.errors import SubmissionError

@osn_validate( schema=Forms_Checkout.Shipping_1() ,
form='_checkout_shipping__print' , post_only=True )
def _checkout_shipping__submit(self):
raise SubmissionError('Whatever')
except SubmissionError , e :
h.formerrors_set( message='!!!' )
return osn_form_reprint( self , '_checkout_shipping__print' )
except :

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Re: Writing a web app as a series of plugins

2010-02-17 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I tried to do this before, and gave up.

It became WAY too confusing and difficult to manage as WSGI

What I ended up doing is creating a single WSGI component to 'plugin'
and bootstrap some special variables into 'c'.

I then created a series of Libraries that offer functions and basic

So a basic myspace style site would just inherit from the superclasses
as below.

I also have each 'plugin' controller use the controller name as a
prefix to the classmethod, so its clear where stuff comes from when
you have multiple plugins in the same controller.

import opensocialnetwork
from app.lib.base import BaseControllerInheritsFromOSN
class AccountController(

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Re: My experience upgrading to Pylons 1.0b

2010-02-12 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 12, 3:33 pm, Wyatt Baldwin wrote:
 The only other thing that threw me off (just a little) was
 `app_globals`. It was clear that `pylons.c` and `pylons.g` are gone,
 but it wasn't clear that `g` is no longer available in *templates*,
 partly because `c` still is and partly because the 1.0 docs (http:// say the `g` alias is available.

Thanks for the update!

This sounds annoying to me.  I use g quite a bit, to preload config
stuff /db constants at startup, and display them throughout
templates.  not having this in templates will be an issue. sigh.

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Re: handling secure information

2010-02-10 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
Showing the last 4 digits and Card type is common , and the industry
standard in business in the US.  It's what every large online
retailer /biller does, its what credit receipts do -- its generally
fine for users and companies alike.

Usually its shown as
 VISA :    1234

What you need to check with , however, is what your Credit Card
processing agreement states.  They often state what can and can't be
shown to the client -- and showing those 4 digits /might/ make your
company liable for credit card fraud.

Personally, I try to avoid stuff like that by using 3rd party
checkouts.  I don't want to deal with the liability on CC numbers, I'd
rather Yahoo/Paypal worry about that.  Under $20k/month in
transactions, and its cheaper than a merchant account anyways.

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Re: writing to g/app_globals -- is it safe for caching info after startup ?

2010-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 9, 10:19 am, Damian wrote:
 app globals is not thread safe - if you write to it concurrently you
 will be in trouble.  I keep a lot of stuff in app globals that is set
 on startup and never changed.

Thanks for that :(

I'm wondering... maybe there is a way to handle this with semaphores ?

ie - one could 'queue' up some variables to be updated into
app_globals, and set a semaphore.  eventually a process would come
in , see the queued request, and act on it. that could eliminate race

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Re: writing to g/app_globals -- is it safe for caching info after startup ?

2010-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 9, 6:15 am, Pēteris Caune wrote:
 One thing to keep in mind is that if you'll deploy your webapp with
 Apache and mod_wsgi,

Having spent much time with Apache's internals and mod_perl, I never
use Apache unless I have to.  Which means I only use it for running
mod_perl apps.

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Re: writing to g/app_globals -- is it safe for caching info after startup ?

2010-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 9, 2:57 pm, Mike Orr wrote:

 The reason the SQLAlchemy Session was moved from app_globals to the
 model was not because it's unsafe, but so that the model can be used
 standalone without depending on the rest of the application or Pylons.

When did that happen?  If its post 0.9.7 , are there docs on that ?

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Re: writing to g/app_globals -- is it safe for caching info after startup ?

2010-02-09 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 9, 5:04 pm, Mike Orr wrote:

 It was earlier, in 0.9.6 or 0.9.7 that it happened.


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Re: Caching in pylons?

2010-02-08 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 8, 9:16 am, gazza wrote:
  I can just use the autocomplete=off for selected fields.

i didn't know browsers respected that.  neat!

with the prefix concept above, every request would have a different
prefix... so autocomplete/autofill wouldn't know how to use browser
cached information.  the mozilla version, for example, autofills
'address' forms based on previous address forms.  if you can change
the field names enough, and keep them from repeating (by using a
different random prefix each time) you should be able to trick the
autocomplete option.

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writing to g/app_globals -- is it safe for caching info after startup ?

2010-02-08 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i have some data that I cache on startup -- mostly config info and
misc database intensive stuff.

i need to reload every so often.

is it safe to reload it into g ?  or should i cache this in memcached
or similar ?

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Re: Caching in pylons?

2010-02-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
beaker has an invalidate call which will expire the cached it.

if you're trying to turn caching off for the pages, caching is
explicit -- so just don't call it.

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Re: Caching in pylons?

2010-02-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 7, 8:32 pm, Mike Orr wrote:

 You may be observing a different phenomenon, where the browser saves
 the values input into forms, and offers to re-enter them later if the
 form looks similar enough. This is not related to the cache settings.
 It's related to the form-data preference.

This is what this sounds like to me.  It's a client-side issue , most
browsers call this Auto Fill and a feature.  I find it annoying.

If you really want to get rid of this, you'd have to use different
fieldnames on each form.   Maybe do something like:

input type='hidden' name='prefix' value='1we'
input type='text' name='1we-name' value=''
input type='text' name='1we-prefix' value=''

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Re: Do your models handle all the data logic?

2010-02-04 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Feb 3, 12:28 pm, Haron Media wrote:

 But if you have the constraints, you're doing the checks twice. First
 from your application, and then the db engine does it anyways since
 there are constraints. Perhaps you don't have a performance hit, but I
 can assure you, if you had a (highly) concurrent system and lots of rows
 to check and lock through (because you need SELECT ... FOR UPDATE;
 alternatively just lock the entire table) the performance hit would
 become significant and visible.

Absolutely -- one would have a significant performance hit on a highly
concurrent system.  However I've only worked on a handful of sites in
my entire life where this would cause a noticeable issue.  Very few
folks deal with this amount of traffic, and approaches like yours are
premature optimization for most folks.

It's great that this is a real issue for you.

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Re: Do your models handle all the data logic?

2010-02-03 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
I use PostgreSQL exclusively too, and rely on tons of constraints
within the db - from unique indexes built through functions, to actual
functions themselves.

I still, pretty much, always query the db to check for a duplicate
value or possible constraint violation.
1- It's easier than parsing errors.  plus you don't have to
continually flush() or save() to trap the error.
2- There's really not much of a performance hit on any site i've ever
worked on.

In terms of the MVC debate - I've gone through the entire array of
options that Mike Orr has illustrated ( though not all in Pylons ).
I've had Models that have most of the logic, and the Controllers just
call them... I've had Models that have no logic... and I've had Models
that wrap ORMs as an abstraction layer, so I can use multiple backends
(or ORMs ) easily.

After years of struggle, I've ended up with this approach:
- I put 'search' and 'new' functions in the model.  I also put
'render' functions too ( like model.F_url() to display a url )
- If more than one controller needs to do similar operations on the
model, I break it out into a helper method and stash it as a library

The problem I encountered with putting too much logic in the models,
is that MANY of my models were highly interrelated with other models.
From a maintenance and testing standpoint, this created too many
headaches.  I really don't like 'horizontal' interactions of models
creating and modifying one another.  So many issues arose.  Examples
that caused issues for me were Group creates / controls Members ( and
vice versa );  or if Account creates AccountAsset or ApiKey.

I can't recall if I had the most issues with Python or Perl or
something else... but with horizontal interaction within the model, I
always had issues of inclusion order / dependencies / etc.

So I've found it simpler that each Model is only concerned with a
representation of One member of its own class -- and that a
Controller , or helper function , handles the interrelation of all of

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Re: Caching all but 1 variable.

2010-02-02 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
On Feb 2, 3:07 pm, Andy (Zenom) wrote:
 Someone in IRC said write a wrapper, but having a hard time wrapping
 my head around this, since the data I need to cache is all in the
 controller and there could be multiple queries etc. If I wrap the
 render method somehow, then the queries are still going to run before
 the cache render function would run.

I do almost the same thing in a few places on

The two techniques I use:

- In most instances, Pylons writes a .php file.  Yeah, I hate that
damn language too -- but running php through nginx+fcgi with a couple
of optimizations makes it considerably faster than Pylons.  Nginx just
knows which directories to serve as php, and which to not.  If there
are a handful of variables , i'll often have pylons write out a php
file that is just a dict/array of the variables in php.

- In some instances, I just use beaker caching. this is confusing to
explain, so i'll try to illustrate with code that handles 1 'heavy db
call' fragment.  In practice, our splash page has 3 zones that we do
this to.

% for item in dbcall: do stuff

%inherit file=/@site-template.mako/
def splash(self):
page_cache= cache.get_cache('',cache_type='memory')
c.rendered_fragment__a = page_cache.get_value( 'splash:a',
createfunc= self._splash_generate_fragment_a ,
expiretime=g.awl_cache_expiry_page )
c.code= CODE
return render ('/index.mako')

def _splash_generate_fragment_a(self):
lots of db calls
return render ('/index-fragment-a.mako')

does that make sense?

There's a third technique you could do as well -- you could just
render the page and store in beaker , and either have that template
generate a mako template ( by escaping certain interpolation stuff )
or just some raw html with a string like CODE# then do

def splash(self):
page_cache= cache.get_cache()
template= page_cache.get_value( 'splash:a', createfunc=
self._generate )
template= template.replace( 'CODE', code )
return template

i think there's a way to render() on a string too (instead of a file )
so it could be...

c.code= CODE
return render( string_template= template )

i have no idea what the params would be -- i made up
string_template...  but i'm pretty sure i've seen that in the
templating source code.

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Re: two routes / dispatch questions

2010-01-30 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Jan 30, 2:06 am, Mike Orr wrote:

 I consider such slash manipulation to be highly unorthodox and
 undesirable, but that's how you can do it if you want to.

Thanks Mike!

I find the slash manipulation to be standard.

The default behavior for static webservers has been:


   /folder ( redirects to /folder/ )

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two routes / dispatch questions

2010-01-29 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
using Routes 1.10 and 1.11 ...

1) how can i match to a single controller's
  /admin   - def index
  /admin/  - def index
  /admin/$action$  - def $action

must i do this explicitly in two calls ?  because
 /admin/{action} requires the /

2) is it possible to use the {action} as a string component of the
action name ? or would i have to make a custom routes implementation..
or dispatch to a method that can re-dispatch within the controller
 /error/{action} - def error__$action$

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Re: Lazy Registration

2010-01-25 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Jan 25, 4:36 am, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 Beaker sessions.

either beaker sessions, or just use a beaker session id as the
shopping cart / user id

you could do a dbtable that has this:

table: cart
  id bigserial primary key not null,
  session_id char(32) unique ,
  useraccount_id bigint references useraccount(id),

allow null in session_id and useraccount_id , so that session carts
can be merged into useraccount carts after registration, and vice-

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Re: How extensible is AuthKit?

2010-01-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
i don't like AuthKit ( no offense James ! - it's just never served my
needs ) and have had to integrate with systems like you describe.

so the tips i can give are this:

- create your validation and cookie-set/expire functions in something
like app/lib/helpers/
- put the logic you need in an abstract BaseController that your real
base controllers inherit from
- use class variables like self._auth_required to turn the auth
routine on/off on the BaseController

if you contact me offlist, I can give you my BaseController and sample
derivative classes
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Re: Roadmap / 0.10 / 1.0 (resource routes)

2009-12-21 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Dec 21, 3:54 pm, Mike Orr wrote:

 def resource2(self, name, path, new=True, edit=True, delete=True):

     GET /myresource                : view index
     GET /myresource/new         : new form
     POST /myresource/new       : new action
     GET /myresource/1              : view record 1
     GET /myresource/1/edit       : edit form
     POST /myresource/1/edit     : edit action
     GET /myresource/1/delete   : delete form
     POST /myresource/1/delete : delete action

I don't like stuff like this, so I could care less.  But...

If you're going this route, it might make sense to do canned
conditions for the most likely implementations, like ned=True would
set up new, edit and delete.

i've seen that in a few different settings. most notably the Amazon S3
implementation -- where that option really does clean up a lot of code
and make it easier to work with.


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Re: Calling a controllers method from another method? Is there a 'safe' way without redirecting?

2009-12-08 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
First, thanks all.

Subrequests in Apache are weird. IIRC, they appear to be a new request
- but something in mod_perl's request context object will note that it
is a subrequest, and provide a facility to access the 'top level'
context object information.  this is in line with what Shailesh

  you bring up return self.othermethod() as an alternative.
  do you think this would work :
  return OtherController().othermethod()



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Re: Calling a controllers method from another method? Is there a 'safe' way without redirecting?

2009-12-07 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

on the subject... does Pylons have a subrequest facility ?

Some platforms , like mod_perl , offer it:


Redirect the current request to some other uri internally


* obj: $r ( Apache2::RequestRec object )

  The current request
* arg1: $new_uri ( string )

  The URI to replace the current request with
* ret: no return value
* since: 2.0.00

In case that you want some other request to be served as the top-level
request instead of what the client requested directly, call this
method from a handler, and then immediately return Apache2::Const::OK.
The client will be unaware the a different request was served to her
behind the scenes.


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Re: clearing out old cache/session files from beaker

2009-12-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco
to be honest...

a while back, i set my sessions to be flat-file based, just because I
didn't want to deal with the stuff you're going through ;)

i had sessions in postgres at one time, but i don't think they were
beaker based.  it was a tie-in to some mod_perl legacy apps.  for them
i did this paradigm:

session_write to memcached , if there is any data-change other than
accessinfo, wrte to postgres too
session_read from memcached, failover to postgres, failover to new

a cronjob would clear out old session stuff from both .  it was really
fast , because the timestamp column was just 1 line.

i don't recall how the bdb / dbm stuff works.  you may have to
inspeact/loop sessions.  but it should still be lightning fast.


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Re: Calling a controllers method from another method? Is there a 'safe' way without redirecting?

2009-12-06 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Dec 6, 1:40 pm, jnowl wrote:

 Ha! O.k. I think it's pretty clear who is confused. :)


just to reiterate on mike's point above, please don't take any of my
curt responses as being insensitive, mean or condescending.  i just
meant for you to read up on that stuff yourself -- since that's really
going to be the best/only way to learn.


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Re: Calling a controllers method from another method? Is there a 'safe' way without redirecting?

2009-12-05 Thread Jonathan Vanasco

On Dec 5, 3:37 pm, Mike Orr wrote:
 Ouch, that sounds like I'm better than you but I'm not going to tell
 you why.  In other words, it may or may not be true, depending on
 whatever he might be basing it on.

That's supposed to sound like Every website on the internet follows a
certain paradigm.  If you don't know why, you should be searching to
learn -- because everyone will be wasting their time trying to teach
you the right thing and you're not going to listen until you read it
elsewhere as that's how people who ask for help always act .

In terms of login actions ( as referenced above ) it is absolutely

Getting back to the issue...

as I said before , render just returns the value of the render.

the reason why the code does not work, is because the OP is not
calling return

 class AController(BaseController):
 def foo(self):
 #do stuff
 print 'in foo'
 return render(/foo.html)

 def bar(self):
 'v' in request.params or # foo should not return, 
 it is calling render
 print 'what am i doing here?'
 v = request.params['v'] #attribute error if I 
 visithttp://localhost/pylons/a/bar/. Why doesn't it render foo?
 #continue doing stuff

 However this code prints 'in foo' then 'what am I doing here?' and I  think 
 its because the request cycle is getting things confused (kind of jumping 
 into another one before finishing first). While perhaps not a bug (but I'm 
 not sure of that, it is indeterminate what will happen), it could be handled 
 better and would be if I could throw out the response so far and restart with 
 the new method (be more performant as well). does not dispatch a new request, it merely calls the foo()
method of self inline

the request cycle is not getting confused.  the dispatcher called , and that is it.  self is just a python object.

if you want to return the output of foo, the code should be

 def bar(self):
   if 'v' not in request.params:
   print 'what am i doing here?'
   v= request.params['v']
#continue doing stuff

Why doesn't it render foo?

the original code did render foo.  however it did nothing with the

calling doesn't create a new request / re-dispatch , it
just runs foo() like any other python object woud.  if you want to do
that, you need to redirect or subrequest.

in order to foo() and stop and return the output of foo() to the
browser, you would call

Look through my first example, and Graham's later example -- which
both addressed this pattern.


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