Iterating over complex structures

2005-12-22 Thread Michele Dondi
In Perl 5 C is quite natural for iterating over lists and arrays. 
C is preferred for filehandles. With lazy evaluation this 
difference has been eliminated in Perl 6 so that while still TMTOWTDI 
(TAEMWTDI!) this kind of iterations will be more consistent.

But in Perl 5 to "navigate" complex structures one needs ad-hoc solutions. 
I wonder if something is planned in Perl 6 as a means to do that through a 
syntactically convenient construct with ad-hoc-isms pluggable in in the 
form of suitable hooks (e.g. .on_node( { code; ... } ), etc.) that would 
work in most cases.

Please do not ask me what I have in mind, for I'm not really sure. I know 
in advance that suitable modules may be written instead but I would like a 
single builtin keyword. And I'd like to hear the opinion of the 
Knowledgeable Ones(TM) here.

Suppose I want to navigate a tree and print out info contained in each of 
its leaves along with info gathered from the position in the tree of the 
list itself? Can I do it in a "universal" manner as hinted above that 
would work for other situations as well?

PS: By "complex structure" here I mean a [AH]o[AH]o[AH]... or somesuch 
with arbitrary nesting levels. Objects would do if they had sufficient 
navigational info (e.g. parent(), next(), havechild(), etc.) i.e. if they 
conformed to some probably not yet established interface.

I wish Sun would sort their versioning out
and have their marketing department shot.
- "tomazos" in PerlMonks.

Array/list transformations.

2005-12-22 Thread Michele Dondi
This is not a substantial issue regarding Perl 6, but is more a minor 
feature curiosity/meditation. It was inspired some time ago by this PM 

I was wondering if in addition to push(), pop() etc. there could be be 
rot() and roll() methods that would act upon lists (not modifying them) 
like thus:

(qw/aa bb cc dd ee/).rot(2)   # qw/cc dd ee aa bb/
(qw/aa bb cc dd ee/).rot()# qw/bb cc dd ee aa/ => same as .rot(1)
(qw/aa bb cc dd ee/).roll(2)  # qw/dd ee aa bb cc/ => same as .rot(-2)
(qw/aa bb cc dd ee/).roll()   # qw/ee aa bb cc dd/ => same as .roll(1)

Also I wonder if one will be able to push(), pop(), etc. array slices as 
well whole arrays. A' la

my @a=qw/aa bb cc dd ee/;
my $s=pop @a[0..2];  # or [0,2] or just [0] for that matters!
# $s='cc';
# @a=qw/aa bb dd ee/; => same as what I can do with slice()

Not terribly necessary, but indeed consistent IMHO.

you'll see that it shouldn't be so. AND, the writting as usuall is
fantastic incompetent. To illustrate, i quote:
- Xah Lee trolling in clpmisc,
  "perl bug File::Basename and Perl's nature"

Structured data "format" [was: "Re: Problem with dwimmery"]

2005-12-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

On a separate but related matter, I'm in the position of wanting to do 
something unusual, which is create a data file format whose content is 
executable perl code that defines a data structure, a hash of whatever.

Kind of like how XML works except that Perl can natively parse it.

On an even more separate but related matter, I've been desiring to stuff 
in the already multiparadigmatic nature of Perl6 "markup language(-like) 
features" myself. Not data that represents markup-language text. Stuff 
in the code that _is_ as opposed to stuff that _does_ (something), and 
specifies a structure, but "links" nicely with other stuff that actually 
does something.

I had been thinking of this especially in connection with GUIs or more 
generally even-driven programming, but I don't think it should be limited 
to those respects. It would just be nice to have it available in our 
syntactical/semantical toolbox. Since I have not clear/definite ideas 
about both the effective usefulness of such a beast nor about how it could 
actually look like, I didn't receive much attention, but if you're 
interested you look up "markup" in the archives...

Meany other hackers halve trouble remembering witch is witch to.  I'm
all ways perfectly rite thou.
- Luke Palmer in p6l, "s/true/better name/"

Re: Problem with dwimmery

2005-12-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, Juerd wrote:

while $x-- && some_condition($x) {}
Here, while is being passed a hash

Why? Doesn't while's signature specifically prescribe a sub there, and
if it does, then wouldn't it be just a bit too silly to stick to {}
being a hash?

Well, as hinted in my other mail, a hash is a _function_ and it _may_ have 
sense to stick a hash there, provided a suitable while() providing 
suitable (no pun intended!) additional dwimmery is defined. Since I cannot 
think of any that would gain us anything that we can't already do quite 
easily and that would be intuitively clear about what it's doing... 
probably it's not a good idea at all. But the point it that it may be 
feasible and somebody may actually do it!


I understand that it is possible to express the number of ways of
having k bishops on an n*n board such that they are not attacking each
other as a combinatorial formula [...]

Why would bishops attack one another?  Oh--over homosexuality perhaps?
- George Cox in sci.math [edited]

hashes and subs [was: "Re: Problem with dwimmery"]

2005-12-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, TSa wrote:

Luke Palmer wrote:

 Recently, I believe we decided that {} should, as a special case, be
 an empty hash rather than a do-nothing code, because that's more

Hmmm, OTOH a hash is a special kind of function, so it may also be 
convenient to think of { item => 1, other_item => 2 } as a special syntax 
for specifying a function from the UI POV, although it is obvious that the 
internal representation must be different.

In that case it should be allowed to dereference a hash(ref) with .() in 
addition .{} - possibly through a "promotion" behind the scenes, but that 
would lead us very far away in the direction of another language that is 
not Perl after all.

In fact on a deeper thought, (even in Perl6, in which the difference is 
more blurred for conversions happen automatically in most 
interesting/practical cases) one must still distinguish between a hash and 
a hashref. Which is yet another reason not to take too seriously what's 
hinted to above...

"So I why not just trash this mail instead of sending it?" you may ask! 
But it may also raise some interesting meditation, so I'm definitely 
posting it...

I guess I was saying that of the infix characters we had available to
choose, dot is the only one anybody uses.  All the others are dotless,
so our attempts would be pointless, period.
- Luke Palmer in p6l, "Re: $1 change issues ..."

[OT?] Quote (was: "Re: handling undef better")

2005-12-19 Thread Michele Dondi

On Mon, 19 Dec 2005, Michele Dondi wrote:

You have very strong arguments, but I think that Perl becoming more solid 
should not come at the expense of practicity. Indeed the single warning I

Speaking of which:

| The connection between the language in which we think/program and the 
| problems and solutions we can imagine is very close. For this reason 
| restricting language features with the intent of eliminating programmer 
| errors is at best dangerous.

  -- Bjarne Stroustrup

A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions
than anything else in the world.
- Edmond de Goncourt

Re: handling undef - second draft

2005-12-19 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

1. I accept the proposal that we just make another class that implements the 
SQL concept of a null value, perhaps named Null or SQL::Null, rather than

Somebody else suggested the nicely huffmanized 'nil', which IMHO sounds 
definitely interesting, although I guess I still prefer the current 


How can one prove the consistency of "field"??  How to prove that
there are no self contradiction??

How can one prove the consistency of "wombat"??  How to prove that
there are no self contradiction??
- Robin Chapman in sci.math

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-19 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

Actually, I don't like autovivification either, and wish there was a pragma 
to make attempts to do it a fatal error; it smacks too much of using 
variables that weren't declared with 'my' etc.  I prefer to put in the

What has the latter to do with autovivification? Luke was referring to 
autovivification in the sense of, say, complex data structures. In Perl 5 
we can (strict-)safely write

my $x;

Would you like to have to explicitly and verbosely declare the shape of 
the structure held in $x instead?

People can parse multi-dimensionally.  Computers cannot... yet.
- chromatic in p6l, "Re: Parsing indent-sensitive languages".

RE: handling undef better

2005-12-19 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

Undef means "don't know", which is distinct from "zero", because in the 
latter case we explicitly have a value of zero.

But when we don't know we can, and generally do, make reasonable 

Experience has shown that 0 or '' according the context are ehm, not only 
reasonable, but even good guesses that work most of the time. So much that 
we can safely rely on them. Or if they don't, then it's easy to explicitly 
take care of that particular undef like you suggest.

Also, let undef be an "I don't know" as much as you like: still you can't 
negate that it is invariably associated psychologically with a feeling of 
'nothingness' - indeed it's nothing else; or possibly anything else at the 
same time...

Gavin: Oliver, my father used to say that a man can never outdo a woman when
it comes to love and revenge.
- The War of the Roses (1989)

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-19 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

An undefined value is NOT the same as zero or an empty string respectively; 
the latter two are very specific and defined values, just like 7 or 'foo'.

Therefore, I propose that the default behaviour of Perl 6 be changed or 
maintained such that:

You have very strong arguments, but I think that Perl becoming more solid 
should not come at the expense of practicity. Indeed the single warning I 
most often happen to have to (locally) disable is 'uninitialized'. 
Granted, a C< //0 > or C< //'' > is even shorter, in production code that 
is, and clearly specifies what one expects, but

(i) people may still trust the data they're working on and prefer the 
other way round,

(ii) they may still want to chunk up quick'n'dirty one-liners (still 
expect to be not strict- and not warnings-safe).

Have you ever stopped to consider that what is crashing
your Perl is sitting between the keyboard and chair?
- Sherm Pendley in clpmisc, "Re: Perl IDE" (edited)

Re: statement_control()

2005-12-01 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Piers Cawley wrote:

$fh = open '>>', 'quotefile' or fail;
$fh.print <<'EOQ'

Hmmm... 1/sqrt(2) * ( |Perl5> + |Perl6> ) ?

(I thought '>>' & C. were gone...)

We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs 
to be done.
- Alan Turing

Re: type sigils redux, and new unary ^ operator

2005-11-24 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Peter Scott wrote:

It seems strange to have a shortcut for 0..$n-1 but no shortcut for 0..$n.

IMHO the former is much more useful and common. Mathematically (say, in 
combinatorics or however dealing with integers) when I happen to have to 
do with a set of $n elements chances are to a large extent that it is 
either 0..$n or 1..$n; 0..$n may lead to confusion since it it actually 
has $n+1 elements.


My fiancee asked me to do invitations, and she's going to get it
done the right way -- the TeX way.

Good choice.  One would never want to go through the same thing again
for a divorce.  Better than rings and vows.
- David Kastrup in comp.text.tex, "Re: Simple Wedding Invitations in LaTeX2e"

Re: implied looping (was: Re: type sigils redux, and new unary ^ operator)

2005-11-23 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

 for ^5 { say }  # 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

The 'for' can go if a list (and also an array) would imply looping, when
it is positioned next to a block:

a.   say (0..4);
b.   { say; say } (0..4);

I'm not really sure: while I like it for its conciseness -and in 
particular I've often desired a very short, but clear, way to say: "do 
this #n times"- IIUC (Perl6 new rules for blocks/closures and 
dereferencing) this is only one dot or even whitespace away from passing a 
list into an anonymous sub. Which may be confusing after all...

The problem (if any!) does not persist for the postponed block form. But 
as far as code like

^5 { do_it };

is concerned, it is even _too_ concise, and I'd prefer some additional 
syntactical indication about what's going on. For my tastes,

^5: { do_it };  # But then also 5: { do_it }; [*]

would be perfect, were not the colon already taken for a bazillion other 

OTOH if I remember correctly there should be (provision for) a C 
variant that takes a closure and executes it over and over again.

[*] Or 5 -> { do_it }; but I strongly suspect this would interfere with 
pointy subs.

I am a deeply religious nonbeliever.
This is a somewhat new kind of religion.
- Albert Einstein

Re: statement_control() (was Re: lvalue reverse and array views)

2005-11-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

I would like to publicly apologize for my remarks, which were far too
harsh for the circumstances.  I can only plead that I was trying to
be far too clever, and not thinking about how it would come across.
No, to be perfectly honest, it was more culpable than that.  I had
a niggling feeling I was being naughty, and I ignored it.  Shame on me.
I will try to pay better attention to my conscience in the future.

Oh, I'm not the person you were responding to, and probably the less 
entitled one to speak in the name of everyone else here, but I feel like 
doing so to say that in all earnestness I'm quite sure no one took any 
offense out of your words. Despite the slight harshness, they're above all 
witty. Just as usual: and that's the style we all like!

La vita e' come una scatola di cioccolatini:
un regalo banale.
- scritta su un muro, V.le Sabotino - Milano.

Re: This week's summary => Perl 6 perlplexities

2005-11-15 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:

 Perl 6 perlplexities
   Michele Dondi worries that the increase in complexity of some aspects of
   Perl 6 is much bigger than the increase in functionality that the
   complexity buys us. In particular Michele is concerned that the Perl 6
   parameter passing and signature stuff is going to be a big loss. People
   mostly disagreed with him. Rob Kinyon made a remark that chimed strongly

To be sure, I never intended to claim that "signature stuff is going to be 
a big loss", and I hope that I didn't. First of all I chose it solely as 
an example. Then the sense that I was trying to convey is that 90% of what 
has already been stuffed in it will already be "the best thing since 
sliced bread", and that trying to fit the remaining 10% of all fancy types 
of parameter passing may not really make it better hence resulting in a 
_possible_ loss.

   "premature optimization is the root of all evil"
- Tad McClellan in clpmisc, "Re: Whats the variable holding the dir seperator?"

Re: Test Case: Complex Numbers

2005-11-14 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Jonathan Lang wrote:

That wasn't the intent; the intent was to define a
"something-or-other" C that represents the fact that whatever
does this sometimes behaves like a complexRectilinear and other times
behaves like a complexPolar.  Even the underlying information (the
attributes involved) may vary from role to role, though what those
attributes represent ought to be the same regardless of which role is
in use.

I must say that I didn't follow the discussion very much. But this makes 
me think of this too: the two representations are handy for different 
calculations. It would be nice if they somehow declared what they can do 
better (or at all) and have the "union" take care of which one's methods 
to use.

In another situation, one may implement a system for doing integer 
arithmetics say in base twelve, and in this case one may have an "union" 
to decide to use its .division() method to perform division by three, 
possibly holding a flag telling that the most accurate status is that held 
in it.

Caro Bongo questa ? la civilt?: hai tutto quello che non vuoi,
quando non ti serve.
- "Toto' Tarzan"

Re: proposal: rename 'subtype' declarator to 'set'

2005-11-14 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 11 Nov 2005, Eric wrote:

I think 'subset' might be a nicer colour for this bikeshed.  For an


Ehh.  By that definition arn't all sets subsets?  Anyway I didn't see

It depends on the axiomatic model of your choice. Speaking of which it is 
perhaps not terribly OT to discuss here which one to mimic for Perl6 
-provided that it is sensible/advisable/useful to mimic one axiomatic set 
theory at all-: a class based one (a' la Goedel-Bernays) or a Universe 
based one?

The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development
time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the
development time.
- "Ninety-Ninety Rule"

Re: What's the latest on Iterators?

2005-11-14 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 12 Nov 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

For example, this is guaranteed to have the side effect of running
out of memory before it starts to print anything:

   print **1...;

Speaking of which I wonder if it can be detected and cause an error to be 
emitted. Which is to say, if it is possible for the compiler to determine 
that a list is potentially infinite (i.e. no stopping mechanism, e.g. a 
last is present anywhere[*]) and being flattened at the same time.

Since there may be some convoluted and intricated way to stop it, of 
course there should also be a pragma to locally disable the feature, of 

[*] Of course there may still be some code (boiling down to something) 

  last if 0;

and the list would still be infinite and exhaust memory like the above, 
but one cannot expect the compiler to be smart enough to detect (all) 
cases like that, as fundamentally I think it reduces to the halting 

Shit Happens!
- "the predator", Predator 2 (1990)

Re: Perl6 perlplexities [was: "Re: $1 change issues..."]

2005-11-07 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Juerd wrote:

Whatever, the new system by contrast seems to me to be at least 400%
more complex, but it won't buy me 400% more functionality.

It will buy you 400% in saving typing, 4000% in less debubbing and
4% in maintainability(==readability).

Of course drawing any figure on such loose terms as I did in the first 
place is not serious and I didn't meant it to be, using them more for 
illustrational purposes reflecting my own perception.

But the point is: are you sure that you have a 40k% gain in readability? 
That's quite a number!! And the impression I have, that I'm trying to 
stress once more (but the last time!) is that trying to "stuff everything" 
in the signature system is not increasing it any more and that a 
_slightly_ simpler one would do instead.

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

So, for a bit of extra complexity, I get peace of mind for myself and my 

The point being, and I'm stressing it once again but no more than once, 
that maybe we're adding two bits of extra complexity, whereas just one bit 
not only would have been enough, but would have bought you even more peace 
of mind. Then again: this is a _feeling_ I got e.g. by reading the 
appearently endless discussions about the specifications of sub 
parameters, which seem to ensue inherent technical difficulties having to 
do with the attempt _conciliate_ too many different paradigms.

If memory serves, Prof. Hermann Zapf considered using Palatino for his wedding
invitation (but reconsidered and used one of his wife's designs instead ---
there's a lesson in that I guess).
- William Adams in comp.text.tex, "Re: Simple Wedding Invitations in LaTeX2e"

Re: This week's summary

2005-11-05 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:

   Slightly tangentially to this, Dan Sugalski blogged a couple of weeks
   ago about his successes and failures with Parrot. The comments are worth
   reading -- there's a fair few more or less well founded complaints about
   the way the Perl 6 project has been managed, many of which seem already


   to have been addressed. Certainly the design process is rather more
   visible now.

Comments that made me thought about the need for the verb "to damanage", 
when I first read them!  ;-)


Did I get that right?

I know what I said, but I don't see how I can answer questions about how
it seemed to you.  Such propositions are independent of my axioms.
- Dave Seaman in sci.math, "Re: Is zero even or odd?"

Re: Perl6 perlplexities [was: "Re: $1 change issues..."]

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Juerd wrote:

for simple subs in Perl6 I will probably still use @_

You'd be a fool to do so, with the sole exception of list manipulation,



   sub dosomething { @_[0] blah @_[1] }

   sub dosomething ($a, $b) { $a blah $b }

   sub dosomething { $^a blah $^b }

Ouch! I take back my words... (should've thought of it better!)

The @_ solution is really the most ugly and hard to type of the three

I currently only rarely use @_ *directly*. I C and assign a lot 
instead. Indeed both are still unnecessarily complex and I once gain take 
back my word.

I'm still convinced my remark _partly_ applies in the sense that the 
overall impression is that a vast majority of most common needs is 
addressed by a *subset* of the current features and trying to stuff all 
them in has brought in quite a lot of discussions of which I'm not even 
sure if they've all settled down.


[are there] Any areas of mathematical knowledge or skills that we lost?

Yes, but I don't remember what they are.
- Kevin Foltinek in sci.math [edited]

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, TSa wrote:

 "derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt 
 that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't 


Actually I'm not sure if Perl 6 allows

 ($u *= 5)++;

Since I wrote "already", I was referring to Perl5...

because the return value of *= is the rvalue 5 and *not* $u as
an lvalue. Correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise how would the
expanded form

...but I don't have the slightest idea whether Perl6 will allow it or not. 
OTOH I feel like asking _why_ should it not? I mean: why "should" the 
return value of *= be the rvalue 5 and not $u as an lvalue, which would 
still return its new rvalue in rvalue context and be assignable in lvalue 

behave when extented by yet another assignment

 ($y = $u = $u * 5)++; # $y++ or $u++

I think $y++ since it has been assigned the return value of the expression 
$u = ... which happens to be 5.

and recollapsed as

 ($y = $u *= 5)++;

 say $y; # 6?

it is definitely so in Perl5:

$ perl -le '$u=1; ($y=$u*=5)++; print $y'

At that stage you could drop the application to x and store the resulting
action in another variable C := (A * B) for later application. Writing the
above with Perl6 sigils would come out as

&A * &B * $x;

and then

&C = &A * &B;

Would not this be a sort of currying, thinking of this as a ternary 
operator that takes &A, &B and $x?

is a calculated code object just like

$y = $a * $b;

is a calculated value. This is what I would call first class operators!

But it depends on what C<*> is here. If that instead of being a 
multiplication of matrices which is (a somewhat specialized composition 
law but essentially boils down to a) composition of function, were a 
generic composition of functions, then yes: I'd like an easy enough form 
of syntactic sugar for that.

I remember having asked something akin to this in the context of what I 
would have considered a very natural syntax for doing something (but 
$Larry seemed to disagree) which implied map()ping a list of scalars into 
a list of closures to 'chain' (reduce?) them with a composition operator.

Briefly: ouch, This is what I would call first class operators too!

Whoa! That is too weird! I asked around among the math
faculty here and it turns out that _every one's_ wife 
is married to a mathematician!

- Dave Rusin in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

Perl6 perlplexities [was: "Re: $1 change issues..."]

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Nate Wiger wrote:

 just to be sure we're on the same page:  You say that the thing that
 is going to hinder migration to Perl 6 is the fact that it's different
 from Perl 5.

Intentionally trite oversimplification. My problem is that it's
different in some ways which are not truly useful, and that cause
unnecessary relearning/rewriting/incompatibilities.

I've waited long before answering this mail because I wanted to see more 
along the way of the Perl6 fears "thread".

Now the observation above gives me a chance to express my own 
perlplexities. I'm not bothered by the changes in themselves nor am I 
concerned by the necessary (or not) 

But there's an observation I can't help doing: it seems to me that the 
ratio of increase in the complexity of (some aspects of) the language _is_ 
_much_ _bigger_ than that in the functionality such complexity is supposed 
to provide.

Let me explain: we all know that Perl5 has a very simple parameter passing 
mechanism for subs and an even more rudimentary {prototyping,signature} 
mechanism that one actually seldom uses. With this simple mechanism one 
can implement or fake quite a lot of parameter passing paradigms.

It seems to me that this covers at least 90% of one's common needs. But 
for simple subs in Perl6 I will probably still use @_; err... that or the 
new pointy subs which are indeed so cool! Whatever, the new system by 
contrast seems to me to be at least 400% more complex, but it won't buy me 
400% more functionality.

Quite similarly the old OO support was so light to the point of being 
immaterial, so that many people even thin it plainly sucks. But in 
retrospect it was amazing to note how many OO paradigms and techniques one 
coudl get out of simple, tiny, appearently innocent function called 
bless()! Of course these implied lots of workarounds and hacks, be them 
damn sexy hacks, but hacks: ok, granted! But the new system is what? 10k% 
more complex? The question is: does this buy me all that 10k% more 
functionality, or would have been a _simpler_ design, say "only" 1k% more 
complex be enough?

It is always amazing, both in a programming language (or CS) context and 
in totally unrelated ones, when from a simple scheme you can draw a rich, 
huge set of consequences. But of course is not in Perl's nature an aim for 
extreme simplicity; nothing to say... Perl5 is full of inconsistencies 
in the form ad hoc dwimmeries and magic, while Perl6 already cures them by 
trying to make them into "structural" magic of a globally more coherent 
and consistent framework. But it's still my impression that it's pushing 
in quite _too_ much structural complexity as well.

This is fundamentally the _only_ perlplexity about Perl6 I have...

Of course this is only a meditation and I know that I'm not knowledgeable 
enough to be fully aware of all the implications of some aspects I've 
touched upon in this writing, and thus I'm not expecting it to change or 
influence the direction of evolution of language (re-)design. Just wanted 
to let you all know.

Ira Kane: You wouldn't understand.
Dr. Allison Reed: No, how could I? I'm just a humorless ice queen in
desperate need of a good humping.
Ira Kane: Oh... you heard that, huh?
Dr. Allison Reed: Loud and clear.
- "Evolution", Ivan Reitman

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

I think the difference comes from the Principle of Least Surprise. The
various operators being discussed in this thread are all operators
which are in languages that have common use - C, C++, Java, the .Net
stack, etc. Regexen and the various built-ins are generally considered
to be Perl-specific, so if they're weird, this is just a Perl-ism. The
PoLS doesn't apply.

I still don't buy the argument. At least in principle PoLS does apply for 
a newbie may be surprised to know that certain operators act implicitly on 
$_ and certain other don't.

And yes: there are lots of languages having (e.g.) a ++ operator, mostly 
"derived" from C. But Perl's C<++> already allows an extended syntax wrt 
that of those other languages, that is: I'm not really sure, but I don't 
think that in C you can do (the equivalent of) C<($u*=5)++> - not that you 
need it that often, granted! But it is "backwards" compatible with the 
"standard" usage.

Now letting aside other reasons why the proposal should not be accepted, 
if it where, it would not be disruptive of current behavior. You could 
have $_++ *and* bare ++. And newbies learn early enough that $_ is the 
implicit topicalizer in Perl; moreover ++ will still look intuitively 
enough like the incrementing op. So I think it won't be that difficult for 
them to understand what's going on, the biggest remaining doubt being 
whether it's ++$_ or $_++. But that's just, say, a clpmisc or PM post away 
and anyway it will be in the docs (no, I know it won't, but that's not the 

Yes, from a consistency point of view, ALL operators should default to
$_ or some other sensible item ($*STDIN for <>, etc). However, the
PoLS does need to guide our decisions.

Hmmm, it's so difficult for me to keep up with P6, but I *think* <> has 
been phased out in favour of prefix unary C<=>.

you look around what do you see?
I'll tell you what I see is a world belonging to me
- Pennywise, "Living For Today".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, John Williams wrote:

surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless
operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an
asymmetry between different classes of operators?

Well, s/// is a term, for one thing.

It is not so much an operator, as it is a subroutine with really strange
syntax, and the side-effect of changing the $_ variable.  You need to use
an operator to get it to affect a different variable.

While others have pointed out that this is not that much of a difference 
from a strictly technical pov, I'll say that this is a good point! But 
since I _still_ like the proposal, differently from the person who made it 
in the first place, maybe consistency could be re-gained allowing the 
smart match operator to perform esoteric forms of mutation, e.g.

$var ~~ ++;  # Ouch, and how 'bout $var++ instead?  ;-)

At least this would help in the direction of curing the fear that P6 won't 
be just as suited for obfuscation as P5 is...

I agree with Tore; it's sort of a Zen question.
   If you have to ask, it means you won't understand the answer.
   If you know enough to understand the answer, you won't need the question.
- Joe Smith in clpmisc, "Re: Perl neq Python"

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-03 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 3 Nov 2005, Sam Vilain wrote:

That being said, there are probably other more pressing reasons that ops
should not accept $_ as default; I would guess, for a start, it makes
determining semantics very difficult.  Does  ++; mean &postfix:<++> or
&prefix:<++> ?

If we had it, I think we would be more interested in it for incrementing 
$_ than for its return value, so it wouldn't make such a huge difference. 
However I find myself using $var++ much more often than ++$var, and I'm 
biased to think this is the general situation: if it is actually so, then 
the choice should fall on the former. If my impression is just a personal 
artifact... oh, don't mind!

Billy: I'm scared Poncho.
Poncho: Bullshit! You ain't afraid of no man!
Billy: There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man.
We're all gonna die.
- Predator (1987)

Re: syntax-variants, RPN (was: Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops)

2005-11-03 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 2 Nov 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

I understand that Perl6 allows blocks with changed/enhanced syntax, so
it is or will become possible (to add it) as if it was in the core
Do I understand that right? Something as simple as a 'use RPN' in a
block? (assuming that someone created such an RPN-pre-processor
or -compiler)

Indeed this is what that we all know. Of course the possibility of doing 
so will depend on the possiblity of building up suitable RPN syntax 
consistent with the rest of the syntax.

E' molto piu' facile affrontare il lutto, il disonore e la perdita della
propria anima - che questo tipo di fame prolungata.
- Joseph Conrad, "Cuore di Tenebra".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, John Williams wrote:

But IMHO the reduction in typing for this relatively minor issue is not
really worth the surprise to newbies at seeing operandless operators.

I don't buy that argument as newbies are already exposed to all sorts of 
surprises including operandless operators. Including mutating operandless 
operators. What is s/// after all? Or is there a good reason for an 
asymmetry between different classes of operators?

=> (But it is impossible to even imagine an operating-system which would
=> not crash before the sun has burned all of its hydrogen, let alone not
=> crash before the end of the universe.)
I find it hard to imagine an operating system which would not crash 
before the end of the week

- Gerry Myerson in sci.math

Re: should roles be parameterized?

2005-11-02 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, Christopher D. Malon wrote:

For the non-mathematically inclined:
A field is a set with two binary operations, + and *.
Under either operation (+ or *), the set is an abelian (= commutative) group,
and a field has a distributive property: a * (b + c) = a*b + a*c.
An easy example is the set of real numbers, with + being addition
and * being multiplication.

Not exactly. With the exception of _the_ trivial case (up to a natural 
isomorphism there's only one!) a field is _not_ a multiplicative group wrt 
its multiplication, given that the identity for the addition can't have a 
multiplicative inverse.

This is of some relevance of so called Universal Algebra in which some 
commonly used structures (e.g. a group, a ring) can be described in terms 
of sets of n-ary operations obeying a set of algebraic identities, whereas 
certain other just as common structures (e.g. a field) can't - and a more 
complex approach is needed.

This may be of some interest here too, since there's been some talking 
about the algebra of methods of a role that any class which C that 
role guarantees to obey by doing so. So this should take into account the 
possibility of algebrai relations "not defined everywhere", which may 
bring a new level of complexity in realistic situations...

I'm finding now in my 40s that the less makeup I wear, the better. I think
softer is better as you get older. With everything. Except men.
- Kim Cattrall

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-11-02 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005, Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

Or RPN-like:

 $x #= 2* 1+ 3/;

Being a big fan of RPN myself (and considering it quite natural), I'd 
appreciate very much such a feature. I had asked myself about RPN features 
in P6, albeit in a probably unreasonable fashion:

[about penis-enlargement spam]
Suppose you (applies to male readers only!) had taken advantage
of every offer of the above type received, and all had worked as claimed.
Estimate how long it would be.
- Derek Holt in sci.math (slightly edited)

Re: crossing lists

2005-10-28 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Darren Duncan wrote:

Not sure if this matter was resolved on a previous discussion, but here goes

Definitely is has been discussed at least once, that I know, for I asked 
this myself, but from a somewhat more mathematical pov. You can find a 
copy of my mail here:

What I'm not yet sure about is whether this would be better as something 
resembling the zip() operator or a hyper-operator.

Definitely it's somthing different from zip() as the latter is more the 
computational incarnation of the mathematical (category theoretical) 
concept of a coproduct, whereas the "missing" operator would be that of a 

* Non ? per te, ? per Mariangela. Le si ? fermato il ciclo.
* Le si ? rotta la bicicletta! Ma che stiamo a fare una tragedia?
* Non ce l'ha pi?!
* Glielo hanno rubato? Ma Porca puttana!
- "Fantozzi subisce ancora"

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-27 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

I'd like to take this moment and point to my somewhat hand-wavy
metamodel proposal from last week. When Stevan and I were talking
about this, we called it a "quark." "Atom" also works quite nicely,
but quarks are cooler.

They're also colorful. Does this mean we will have a colour trait? But 
most importantly, who is supposed to be $Muster_Mark?

Seriously, "quark" was originally chosen as a name because of the 
appearance of _three_ (somewhat "mysterious") "objects". Now it would 
indeed be cool to borrow the term in a CS context, especially in Perl, but 
it would be better suited in a "naturally ternary" (say, 
{property,structure}-wise) context.

Il tempo e' denaro, ma anche il denaro e' denaro.
- William Gibson, "L'accademia dei sogni".

Re: txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-26 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

But we're trying to design the OO features (indeed, all of Perl 6)
such that you can usefully cargo cult those aspects that are of
immediate interest without being forced to learn the whole thing.
It's not the number one design goal, but it's right up there.

So you're talking about a "positive", tame form of cargo cult, giving the 
latter a good name...

you need a brain hack. or a brain of any sort. try a nematode first. the
small incremental improvement won't be such a shock. then you can
graduate to segmented worm brains.
- Uri Guttman in clpmisc, "Array Sort Using Regex Matching Fails"

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

   for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
   eval qq[
   macro prefix:<\$_$n> { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" }

And then you can use $_1 .. $_9. I think $_1 is much clearer than $__,
but I think neither is needed in the standard language.

Can I beg to differ any more? (Implicit answer: no, I can't!)

The trouble with engineers is that given the problem of knocking down
a stack of 100 bricks, they will start at the top, and work all
day removing them one at a time, while the mathematician will, after
a momemt's thought, remove the bottom brick and be done with it.
The "trouble" part, is having to brook the noise of the engineer
boasting about how much harder he worked while one is trying to
think about the next problem.
- Bart Goddard in sci.math

Re: txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Stevan Little wrote:

 Well, the point is that it is interesting to note that "text processing" 
 is an _application area_, whereas "OO programming" is a programming 
 language paradigm.

Allow me to clarify.

Perl 5 (and below) are known by outsiders (non-perl users) as being a really 
good language for processing text. Ask any friend you know who has had little 
or no exposure to Perl and they will probably tell you this. Of course they 
will also tell you that it is all line noise, etc, etc etc. This is the most 
common perception of Perl by those people who have (for the most part) never 
encountered it.


I think that Perl 6 may become like that for OO. When people who have never 
used or encountered Perl 6 talk about it, they will say, "I've never used it, 
but I hear it has lots of really cool OO features". Just as now they the same 
thing re: text-processing.

I see your point. And I admit I slightly misunderstood you. In any case 
people who don't know Perl and think it's great for text processing may be 
eventually become interested in it if they will have to do... ehm... text 

But even if Perl will gain a name for it's "cool OO features", will it 
become an actual interest for someone if he/she has to do... OO stuff?!? 
The basic idea being that one is attracted by a language or another if its 
features are well suited for some specific application he/she has in mind. 
Not for its features as an abstract thing.

Also, Perl6 OO capabilities are already above the top of my head. But 
maybe that's just me. Whatever, I guess that the {casual,average} 
programmer may be scared by its richness and complexity.

 After all, being known for text processing capabilities may be somewhat 
 restictive and not faithful of Perl's (including Perl 5) full 

Of course not, Perl is also used for CGI, but you can do that better with 
Java now (which is a real language cause it's compiled)

Of Perl is IMHO even _too_ known for CGI.

 but "OO programming" is somewhat immaterial either, the "only" relevance 
 being the suitability for big projects management.

The idea that OO is only relevant for big projects is just as silly as saying 
that Perl is only good for text processing.

ack. I was oversimplifying.

Sure I would not use OO to write a small utility script, but the modules I 
access in the script would probably be written using OO. And those may be 
very small modules too, but their re-usability is greatly enhanced by various 
OO features (encapsulation, ability to compose-into or use within another 
class, etc etc etc). This kind of thing (IMHO) is why so many people are 
being drawn to Python and Ruby. Hopefully Perl 6 can draw them back.

Also, some methods will be very handy even for non-patently-OO blocks, 
e.g. the .pos() one which will replace the somewhat ad hoc pos() function 
or the .subst() one (or whatever it is called, I can't remember exactly) 
which hopefully will get rid of the "why doesn't s/// work inside a map()" 

Have you ever stopped to consider that what is crashing
your Perl is sitting between the keyboard and chair?
- Sherm Pendley in clpmisc, "Re: Perl IDE" (edited)

Re: Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:05 (+0200):

Now, one that I've sometimes desired is a "two level" $_, i.e. a variable,
say, $__ referring to the _second next_ enclosing lexical scope. I am
aware that in this vein one may ask a third analogue and so on, but let's
face it: $_ already covers 95% of cases, my hypothetical var would cover I
guess a remaining 4.5% of cases, and who cares for the rest? E.g.:
for @vert {
  put_point $_, $__ for @horiz;

I find $__ confusing, and prefer $OUTER::_, which already exists.

Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence 
confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...


A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)

Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich in sci.math, "Re: Who is Green?"

Pronouns ["Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

Reducing line noise isn't my goal, though. I feel that the implicit
defaulting to $_ makes Perl a more natural and elegant language, and
would like this principle being extended to these operators.

Indeed, both the implicit defaulting to $_ AND the availability of $_ 
itself. Which occasionally makes me desire even more pronouns. After all 
in a natural language like English we have 'it', 'them', 'we', etc... now 
it's obvious that

(i) we can't hope nor desire a full correspondence,
(ii) there _already_ are some analogues of _some_ of the above, but
 somewhat more limited in usefulness wrt $_.

Now, one that I've sometimes desired is a "two level" $_, i.e. a variable, 
say, $__ referring to the _second next_ enclosing lexical scope. I am 
aware that in this vein one may ask a third analogue and so on, but let's 
face it: $_ already covers 95% of cases, my hypothetical var would cover I 
guess a remaining 4.5% of cases, and who cares for the rest? E.g.:

for @vert {
  put_point $_, $__ for @horiz;

Note: I am aware that P6 will already provide other ways to do it, but 
this is not in contrast with Perl's TMTOWTDI-ness. I expect it to be 
useful enough in nested {map,grep}'s.

you look around what do you see?
I'll tell you what I see is a world belonging to me
- Pennywise, "Living For Today".

Re: $_ defaulting for mutating ops

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:

On 10/25/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it'd be great if +=, ~=, +&=, ++, etc, could all assume $_ on
their LHS when there is no obvious operand.


Especially bare ++ would be useful, I think.

Did you post this specifically to anti-address the fear that P6 will
be more line-noise-ish than P5? :-p

No, to address the fear that P6 won't be just as suitable for 
{obfuscation,golfing} as P5 is and that it would spoil those cultures.

Incidentally I think it'd be great too.

Free software, not just Linux, is a major problem for Microsoft.
It's a big mistake thinking they don't understand free software, or its mechanics. 
They understand it all too well, and they don't like it - not one little bit!

- Eddy Macnaghten

txt vs OO [was: "Re: Proposal to make class method non-inheritable"]

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Fri, 14 Oct 2005, Stevan Little wrote:

I think Perl 6's OO system has the potential to be to OO programming what 
Perl 5, etc was to text processing. This, I believe, is in large part due to

Sorry for replying so late. Thought it seems appropriate to post this in 
this time of "Perl 6 fears" and rants threads...

Well, the point is that it is interesting to note that "text processing" 
is an _application area_, whereas "OO programming" is a programming 
language paradigm.

Despite the intro above, this is not meant to be a rant or to express a 
fear. But it is intended to raise a meditation.

After all, being known for text processing capabilities may be somewhat 
restictive and not faithful of Perl's (including Perl 5) full 
potentiality, but "OO programming" is somewhat immaterial either, the 
"only" relevance being the suitability for big projects management.

Ira Kane: If I was a giant nasty alien bird in a department store, where
would I be?
Harry Block: Lingerie.
Ira Kane: Not you, the bird.
Harry Block: Lingerie.
- "Evolution", Ivan Reitman

Re: Perl 6 fears

2005-10-25 Thread Michele Dondi

On Mon, 24 Oct 2005, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

FEAR: Perl6 will not be able to fix the stigma of "just a scripting
language" or "line noise"

perl5 has never been "just a scripting language"

But sadly enough it is often _perceived_ as such. And also like "line 
noise", as the person you're answering to correctly states: an opinion we 
all beg to differ, I suppose, but a widespread one indeed...

you'll see that it shouldn't be so. AND, the writting as usuall is
fantastic incompetent. To illustrate, i quote:
- Xah Lee trolling in clpmisc,
  "perl bug File::Basename and Perl's nature"

Re: new sigil

2005-10-24 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If we find a lot of yen signs as zip-operators in the standard
library, Japanese would have a big question: "Give up either
Perl6 or Windows.  Which do we need?"  And I suppose the answer

Hmmm, begins to sound interesting... ;-P

you're letting voices tell you what to do
when you yourself don't know
- Pennywise, "Come Out Fighting".

Re: Y [was: "Re: new sigil"]

2005-10-21 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Rutger Vos wrote:

 _one_ charachter. But Y, compared to ¥, is one charachter only as well, 
 and is even more visually distinctive with most fonts I know of, afaict, 
 so is there any good reason to keep the latter as the "official" one?!?

Do you even need to ask? It's because it *looks cool* :)

Does it? Guillemets _do_ look kool, but I don't by the argument for the 
Yen symbol...


Is e+pi a rational or irrational number?

Yes, it is.
- Robert Israel in sci.math, "Re: A Number Problem"

Re: $1 change issues [was Re: syntax for accessing multiple versions of a module]

2005-10-21 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Luke Palmer wrote:

Huh?   So you want to go back to Perl 5's arrow?  *Anybody* coming to
Perl 6 from some non-Perl 5 language is going to be more comfortable
with dot.

(Also, I did like the arrow notation, but) how cool would be

@cool=grep ->cool, @misc; # if compared to
@cool=grep .cool, @misc;  # ?

Jack Burton: This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin'
to whoever's out there.
- Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

Re: new sigil

2005-10-20 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

: > c| or C| maybe.


: if $foo eq c|d { ... }

Other suggestions welcome.

<| maybe? And what will we make |> do?

Se non te ne frega nulla e lo consideri un motore usa e getta, vai
pure di avviatore, ma e' un vero delitto. Un po' come vedere un 
cavallo che sodomizza un criceto!!!

- Cesare/"edizioni modellismo sas" in it.hobby.modellismo

Y [was: "Re: new sigil"]

2005-10-20 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

All non-ASCII operators have ASCII equivalents:

   ¥   Y
   «   <<
   »   >>

Speaking of which the advantage of, say, « over << is that the former is 
_one_ charachter. But Y, compared to ¥, is one charachter only as well, 
and is even more visually distinctive with most fonts I know of, afaict, 
so is there any good reason to keep the latter as the "official" one?!?

Commander Helena Braddock: So, where is everybody?
Melanie Ballard: Yeah, Friday night, the whole place should be packed. A
whole twelve hours before sun up and there's money to burn, whores to fuck
and drugs to take.
- Gosts of Mars (2001)

Re: zip: stop when and where?

2005-10-05 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Eric wrote:

I'd just like to say that I find B a bit misleading because you couldn't
tell that the first list ended, it could just have undef's at the end. I

Well, OTOH undef is now a more complex object than it used to be, so there 
may be cheap workarounds. Of course one would still like reasonable 
defaults and dwimmeries on commonly used idioms...

Darl MacBride, is that you? They said over at Groklaw that the folks 
at SCO were trying to discredit Open Source.

SCO, a company traditionally run by Mormons, but they had to downsize
the second m?  Well, they still have M for capital.
- David Kastrup in comp.text.tex, "Re: Is Kastrup..."

Re: my $key is sensitive;

2005-10-04 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:

language like C. So, such a "sensitive" modifier could be added, but its
precise meaning would be highly dependent on the underlying

It would be of interest more to a perl programmer than to a Perl 
programmer. Like keys() as an lvalue in Perl5.


Having taken a look at that: bleech.

Thanks for the constructive feedback Ben. :-)
- Paul Marquess to Ben Morrow in clpmisc

Re: Sort of "do it once" feature request...

2005-09-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

Oops... I hadn't noticed that you ARE L~R...

  Your ideas about Cantorian set theory being awful suffer from the
serious defect of having no mathematical content.
- Torkel Franzen in sci.math, "Re: Die Cantor Die"

Re: Sort of "do it once" feature request...

2005-09-22 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:

I have mocked up an example of how you could do this in p5 with some ugly
looking code:

You may be interested to know that this has had an echo at

mostly misunderstood in the replies, IMHO. Basically the idea is that 
not unexpectedly if you want a workaround TIMTWOWTDI already in Perl5. But 
what is conceptually interesting would be the possibility, In L~R's much 
better phrasing than mine, of modifying the optree or (P6's equivalent) as 
the code is running. The only ad-hoc solution given there that is really 
along these lines is Diotalevi's one at

which -not completely undexpectedly either- made my head hurt... ;-)

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.

Sort of "do it once" feature request...

2005-09-21 Thread Michele Dondi
Every time I've desired a feature for Perl6 it has turned out that either 
it was already planned to be there or I have been given good resons why it 
would have been better not be there.

Now in Perl(5) {forum,newsgroup}s you can often see people doing stuff 

  my @files=grep !/^\.{1,2}/, readdir $dir;

Letting aside the fact that in the 99% of times they're plainly 
reinventing the wheel of glob() a.k.a. File::Glob, there are indeed 
situations in which one may have stuff like

for (@foo) {
  next if $_ eq 'boo';
  # do something useful here

whereas they know in advance that C can succeed at most once (e.g. foo 
could really be C).

Or another case is this:

while (<>) {
if (@buffer < MAX) {
push @buffer, $_;
# ...
shift @buffer;
push @buffer, $_;

in which one wouldn't like the C condition to be tested any more after 
it first evaluated false. Now efficiency is seldom a real issue in all of 
these situations, and in the rare cases in which it is one may adopt 
alternative strategies, like prefilling @buffer (with apparent referal to 
the previous example). In some cases one could need refactoring into subs 
to avoid duplication of code, but then the original logic may have been 
more clear intuitively to start with...

Whatever, I feel slightly uncomfortable psychologically with the idea of 
something that will be tested even when it's not necessary. So now I 
wonder if Perl6 is already expected to provide syntactical sugar enough to 
do what I want: which something easy enough to type to make a portion of 
code (behave like it) "silently evaporate"(ed) after a condition has been 
verified for the first time (or, say, n times). I think this is similar 
to the functionality of macros, but as I said, this should be -to be 
really useful- only a moderate bunch of keystrokes away from the code that 
doesn't employ it...

I just said it was my conjecture.  That doesn't mean I think it's right.  :-)
- Larry Wall in p6l, "Subject: Re: What do use and require evaluate to?"

How 'bout .ortho, .para? [was "Re: Perl 6 Meta Object Protocols and $object.meta.isa(?)"]

2005-09-05 Thread Michele Dondi

(Sorry for replying _so_ late...)

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

I kinda like Autrijus's idea that "meta" just means "guts".  In
classical Greek, "meta" just means "with".  The fancy philosophical
meaning of "aboutness" isn't there, but is a backformation from
terms such as metaphysics.  Metaphysics is just what you study along
"with" physics.

Well, I have always been told that the bakinformation regards the term 
metaphysics coming from the title of the related book by Aristotle, which 
in fact happened to have that title because it came _next to_ the physics 

More on topic, a pun on other prefixes (especially in the context of 
Chemistry) suggests we may have .para, .ortho, as well? Could we find a 
semantic meaning for them? They may have to do with classes behaving 
parallely (both subclasses of a class higher in hyerarchy?) or othogonally 
(guaranteed to take actions in full independence of the current one) to 
.meta; well, it was just an idea...


i need to know what type of math and how much math a surgeon uses.

How about asking what type of surgery and how much surgery
a mathematician uses?
- Robin Chapman in sci.math

Re: Messing with the type heirarchy

2005-07-28 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, [ISO-8859-1] "TSa (Thomas Sandla?)" wrote:

value to carry on a useless imaginary part. And
Complex should consistently return undef when compared
to other Nums or Complexes. And the Compare role

My 0.02+0.01i: in mathematics it is commonly used to write e.g. z<3 to 
mean "z is real AND as a real number is less than 3".


Might I suggest you take nice strong draught of hemlock before you
post again?  I think we'll all be much better off...

You are besmearing the memory of Sokrates.
- David Kastrup in comp.text.tex, "Re: Is Kastrup..."

Re: User-defined infix subs/methods?

2005-07-14 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 13 Jul 2005, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:

no, if I understood Larry correctly, you can of course write a nice
grammar-modifying module, but other modules you use() still use
Perl 6's standard grammar. E.g.:

Ah, then of course I would have never expected things to be different at 

If you wanted the compiler to parse using Ruby's
grammar, you'd have to write:

   use Grammar::Ruby;
   reuse SomeOtherModule

So that, after all, I don't think it would be much used since if 
SomeOtherModule was thought to be parsed according to Grammar::Ruby, it 
would take care of using it in the first place, I guess.

Unless, of course, SomeOtherModule could be parsed correctly -and 
hopefully behave differently- under two or more different grammars, in 
which case it would be funny to see the effects of, say,

use Grammar::Ruby;
reuse SomeOtherModule;
use Grammar::hq9plus;
reuse SomeOtherModule;
# ...

which reminds me of good'ol' "GEB"...

Never attribute to malice that which
can be adequately explained by stupidity
- "Hanlon's Razor"

Re: User-defined infix subs/methods?

2005-07-13 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

Good, I'd forgotten about that.  Which means that it's even harder
for someone to compile a module in a "strange" dialect, since they'd
essentially have to write their own version of "use" that forces
recompilation ("reuse", if you will).  And the harder we make it to
write "reuse", the better.

IIUC this will introduce a certain degree of asymmetry though, in that in 
some sense p6 will be extremely generous in giving users the ability to 
use whatever dialect/syntax modification they like in their programs but 
just at the same time it will try to make it hard for them to do so when 
refactoring code into suitable modules. Ain't it so?

Either of these mechanisms should be available in IE (after 
sacrificing a suitable animal to XP SP2, I suppose).

- Alan J. Flavell in clpmisc, "Re: character encoding in"

Re: method calls on $self

2005-07-11 Thread Michele Dondi

On Sat, 9 Jul 2005, Robin Redeker wrote:

I wasn't thinking 'cool', I was thinking 'visually distinctive and
mnemonic'.  I actually think o. is cooler.

Yes, i would like o. more too. At least it doesn't introduce
a completly meaningless '/' preceded by a '.'.

Hmmm... I am one of those who likes ./ more, instead. I mean, I _really_ 
like it! Thus, how about making '/' less meaningless, i.e. more 
meaningful, in more general situations?!?

Bunch of slack-jawed faggots around here!
This stuff will make you a god damnned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me!
- Blain, Predator (1987)

Re: new mailing list: perl6-general?

2005-06-15 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 14 Jun 2005, [iso-8859-2] BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:

Where should I ask, that what's PGE means? Yes, I know, it's Parrot Grammar 
Engine, and I know what it is, but a beginnner maybe not. And I think that

Which makes me think that first or later it may be worth to start a FAQ 
for questions like these even if they're not frequently asked. And indeed 
a perl6-general may be a starting point for writing one.


Is e+pi a rational or irrational number?

Yes, it is.
- Robert Israel in sci.math, "Re: A Number Problem"

Re: Empty hash

2005-06-09 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 2 Jun 2005, Stuart Cook wrote:

On 6/1/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Should {} be an empty hash rather than an empty code?

Given that an empty hashref is probably much more useful than an empty
block, I propose that {} be an empty hash and {;} be an empty block.

Speaking of which, maybe this may be getting in the "too-extreme" 
territory, but taking into account that a hash _is_ a function, it 
wouldn't be that bad to blur the distinction between a hash and code, from 
a UI perspective. How should one do it? Oh, but then I don't have the 
slightest idea...

- Scritta su diversi muri milanesi

Re: reduce metaoperator on an empty list

2005-06-01 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Luke Palmer wrote:

I read that (mathematically) as "for all i, for all j such that j-i=1,

Yep, it sure is.  Now tell Perl to read it that way for any operator.

Should _I_?!? ;-)

I wonder what a logic-oriented programming language a' la prolog would say 
in this case. Now, Perl6 is supposed to support similar features too - 
maybe the right(TM) answer could be along that way...


primordinarily concerned with providing ...

Neat "word"!
- Donald Arseneau in comp.text.tex

Re: reduce metaoperator on an empty list

2005-06-01 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Luke Palmer wrote:

   $ordered = [<] @array;

If @array is empty, is $ordered supposed to be true or false?   It
certainly shouldn't be anything but those two, because < is a boolean

I read that (mathematically) as "for all i, for all j such that j-i=1,
Why should I read the fucking manual? I know how to fuck!
In fact the problem is that the fucking manual only gives you 
theoretical knowledge which is useless in practice ;)

- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta in a bunch of usenet groups.

Re: Sets (was: Reductions, junctions, hashslices, and cribbage scoring)

2005-05-27 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

The continuing exchanges regarding junctions, and the ongoing tendency
by newcomers to think of them and try to use them as sets, makes
me feel that it might be worthwhile to define and publish a standard
C class and operations sooner rather than later in Perl 6
development.  This might reduce the tendency to confuse junctions

I fully second that. You can search the archives for my own thoughts on 
the subject.

you'll see that it shouldn't be so. AND, the writting as usuall is
fantastic incompetent. To illustrate, i quote:
- Xah Lee trolling in clpmisc,
  "perl bug File::Basename and Perl's nature"

Re: Perl development server

2005-05-24 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 24 May 2005, wolverian wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 03:44:43PM +0200, Juerd wrote:

But I like the newly suggested "feather" better, as it can relate to
pugs AND parrot.

Feather is best one thus far, I think. I like carrot too; it's more
playful. I equate Pugs with fun a lot.

Hmmm, but has 'carrot' anything to do with perl6 & C any more, well, apart

  s/p(?=arrot)/c;  # obviously

(BTW: how would that be in p6?)

Also, while I'm not fond of the vast majority of vegetables, I like onions 
as an ingredient of many other good meals ('meal' is not the correct 
English word for what I mean, but the correct term eludes me ATM). But can 
you say the same thing of carrots?!?

I once heard someone say, the sum of the reciprocals 
of the known primes is less than 4 - and it will always be.

- Gerry Myerson in sci.math, "Re: Summation of Reciprocals of Primes"

Re: (OT) Re: Perl development server

2005-05-24 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 24 May 2005, Herbert Snorrason wrote:

Icelandic: laukur (Incidentally, none of you will ever guess how to
correctly pronounce that.)

Incidentally, would 'laukurdottir' be a proper Icelandic offence? :-)

Me too.  If it's any comfort, just think of the design of Perl 6 as
a genetic algorithm running on a set of distributed wetware CPUs.
We'll just keep mutating our ideas till they prove themselves adaptive.
- Larry Wall in p6l, "Re: Adding linear interpolation to an array"

Re: (OT) Re: Perl development server

2005-05-24 Thread Michele Dondi

On Tue, 24 May 2005, wolverian wrote:

Portuguese: cebola
Finnish: sipoli

Italian: cipolla (since nobody has mentioned it yet)

It was part of the dissatisfaction thing.  I never claimed I was a
nice person.
- David Kastrup in comp.text.tex, "Re: verbatiminput double spacing"

Re: reduce metaoperator on an empty list

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 18 May 2005, Rob Kinyon wrote:
1) undef (which may or may not contain an exception), or
2) some unit/identity value that is a trait of the operator,
depending on whether or not people think (2) is actually a good idea.
I would think that the Principle of Least Surprise points to (1),
I don't think so. I, for one, would expect [+]; to return zero and [*]; to 
return 1. But that's only because I {trust,expect} perl(6) to be smart 
enough to DWIM.

would change the colour of the first-level bullet, and improve the
document so's i can't see the bullets.
- Robin Fairbairns in comp.text.tex

Re: reduce metaoperator on an empty list

2005-05-19 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 18 May 2005, Matt Fowles wrote:
What does the reduce metaoperator do with an empty list?
Interesting. Mathematically an empty sum is zero and an empty product is 
one. Maybe each operator {c,s}hould have an associated method returning 
its neutral element for [] to use it on empty lists, so that it would 
probably return undef on empty lists.

Just my 2 Eurocents,
It was part of the dissatisfaction thing.  I never claimed I was a
nice person.
- David Kastrup in comp.text.tex, "Re: verbatiminput double spacing"

Re: Cmmposition binop

2005-05-05 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 5 May 2005, Stuart Cook wrote:
What I refer to now is something that takes two {coderefs,anonymous
subs,closures} and returns (an object that behaves like) another anonymous
sub, precisely the one that acts like the former followed by the latter
(or vice versa!).
Do you mean like the mathematical 'f o g'?
Have you noticed that people whose parents did not have children, also 
tend not to have children.
- Robert J. Kolker in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

Cmmposition binop

2005-05-04 Thread Michele Dondi
I had implicitly touched on this in the past, but speaking of binops - and 
of functional features in Perl6, is there any provision of a (list 
associative?) composition binop?

I had naively thought about ==> and/or <==, but that's somewhat on a 
different level.

What I refer to now is something that takes two {coderefs,anonymous 
subs,closures} and returns (an object that behaves like) another anonymous 
sub, precisely the one that acts like the former followed by the latter 
(or vice versa!).

Optionally, (ab)using C<< ==> >> for it, if we have
my $composed = sub_1 ==> sub_2;
and sub_1 has a signature, and sub_2 has a returns trait, $composed should 
have the same signature as sub_1 and the same returns trait as sub_2. Also 
it should complain if sub_2 has a signature and sub_1 a returns trait and 
these do not match.

How 'bout this idea?
L'amava come si ama qualcosa che e' necessario alla vita.
La odiava come si odia chi tradisce.
- Laura Mancinelli, "Gli occhi dell'imperatore"

Re: reduce metaoperator

2005-05-04 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 4 May 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
I propose that reduce become a metaoperator that can be applied to
any binary operator and turns it syntactically into a list operator.
I second that. By all means! (But I thin it would be desirable to have a 
'plain' reduce operator as well)

The reason I want to do this is that I am drawing up legal documents,
and sometimes when I send out to a client I want to have a footnote to
explain some point of godawful convoluted legal prose (why don't I
just write it clearly in the first place??! Different topic)
- "DrMemory" in comp.text.tex, "Re: Footnotes: turning them on/off"

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2004-04-26 through 2005-05-03

2005-05-04 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 3 May 2005, Matt Fowles wrote:
Perl 6 Summary for 2004-04-26 through 2005-05-03
Why should I read the fucking manual? I know how to fuck!
In fact the problem is that the fucking manual only gives you 
theoretical knowledge which is useless in practice ;)
- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta in a bunch of usenet groups.

Re: -X's auto-(un)quoting?

2005-04-22 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
: perl -lne 'print if -e :q'
It seems to me that -e «$_» would handle most of these cases, as long as
whitespace always comes in quoted so that you always end up with one word.
I would say this is hardly the case for the kind of file lists I was 
referring to. Not that this is terribly relevant from a world wide 
perspective, I guess...

That seems more general than a special option to -X ops.
Speaking of which, I like to think of (some) adverbs in terms of cmd line 
switches, and maybe it's just me, but I think it would be extremely useful 
to have a full set of tricky ones providing reasonable defaults 
(user-overridable, of course), short enough to be easy to type; e.g:

unlink :warn; # roughly equivalent to Perl5's
# unlink or warn "Could not remove `$_':$!\n";
Whoa! That is too weird! I asked around among the math
faculty here and it turns out that _every one's_ wife 
is married to a mathematician!
- Dave Rusin in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

-X's auto-(un)quoting?

2005-04-21 Thread Michele Dondi
Are the -X functions still going to be there? I definitely hope so! 
However, to come to the actual question, it has happened to me to have to 
do, in perl5 that is:

perl -lne 's/^"//;s/"$//;print if -e'
or (less often)
perl -lne '$o=$_;s/^"//;s/"$//;print $o if -e'
Ok: no much harm done (to my fingertips). But then, talking about 
huffmanization, could a standard adverb be provided for -X's to the effect 
of specifying that the passed filename is quoted, say in double (or if 
sensible in single) quotes: for I find that to be a common filelist 
"format". Ideally, what I'd like to do is

perl -lne 'print if -e :q'
Mary had a little lamb;/Its fleece was green as limes.
And every even number greater than two/Is the sum of two primes.
- Robert Israel in sci.math, "Re: all math problems reduce to linguistics"

Re: embedding languages in Perl 6

2005-04-21 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, [ISO-8859-2] BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:
I'm just wondering, if the following would be possible with Perl 6 or not?
$a=Content #1Content #2;
The ideas coming from Comega, the next version of CSharp(?). Here's an intro 
about it:
Some time ago I asked a somewhat related question that you can find under 
the subject "Markup language-like features in Perl6?". It didn't raise 
much feedback, though. And I should have expanded on the subject, but 
never found the time to do so.

I agree with Tore; it's sort of a Zen question.
   If you have to ask, it means you won't understand the answer.
   If you know enough to understand the answer, you won't need the question.
- Joe Smith in clpmisc, "Re: Perl neq Python"

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-04-12 through 2005-04-19

2005-04-19 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Matt Fowles wrote:
  Python on Parrot
   Kevin Tew wondered what the state of pyrate was. Sam Ruby provided a
   general explanation.
(I'm not on all of the lists, so this may have come out before and I just 
ignore it, but...) this is a pun, isn't it?!?

sub printpages
This sub is the best code you have written so far.
- A. Sinan Unur in clpmisc, "Re: Free source guestbook - unfinished"

Re: Whither "use English"?

2005-04-12 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Juerd wrote:
Seriously, is there some reason that we would not provide a
"Language::Russian" and "Language::Nihongo"? Given Perl 6, it would even
Because providing it leads to its use, and when it gets used, knowing
English is no longer enough.
I have some code that uses Dutch variable names. When I show that code
to people who can't read any Dutch, they have a hard time finding out
Which reminds me of the TeX format ConTeXt which is (told to be) somehow 
more powerful and modern wrt LaTeX, but has a much narrower user base, and 
IIRC is expressedly design to support localized user interfaces, the only 
existing one should actually be ductch. I'd be curious to know if and how 
this works amongst ConTeXt users...

[...] is like requiring to play tennis with a square ball.
Which admittedly makes the game more interesting.
- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta in comp.text.tex (edited)

Re: .method == $self.method or $_.method?

2005-03-17 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
: >   o.frobme(...)
: How 'bout ..frobme(...)? Or would it be a hell to tell from C<..>?
: (Mnemonic reminder: '.'=myself, '..'=my mom - poor analogy, actually!)
: How 'bout a single underscore? _.frobme()?!?
Thought about those in the night, but they don't strike me as visually
distinct enough.  They just look like someone stepped on the front
of your expression.
But then do 'c' and 'o'? They're too identifier-like IMHO to be 
psychologically associated with something 'special'. It kind of reminds me 
of some fortran code I saw (I don't know fortran) and I could hardly cope 
with those 'c'omments...

(However I would be favourable to {one,two} letter(s) long builtin 
functions/operators, when they are frequently used (think huffmanization) 
and talking about language design in general.

Your right, I didn't think of that at all, but still, who's gonna go into
the temp internet folder and create a cookie? At least not most users.
Of course *most* users aren't going to do that.  *Most* users aren't
trying to hack your site!  You don't program securely for *most* users -
you program securely for the few users who *are* trying to be malevolent.
- Paul Lalli in clpmisc, "Re: free source authentication script"

Re: .method == $self.method or $_.method?

2005-03-17 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
really short alias for $self.  Suppose we pick "o" for that, short
for "object".  Then we get self calls of the form:
How 'bout ..frobme(...)? Or would it be a hell to tell from C<..>?
(Mnemonic reminder: '.'=myself, '..'=my mom - poor analogy, actually!)
How 'bout a single underscore? _.frobme()?!?
L'amava come si ama qualcosa che e' necessario alla vita.
La odiava come si odia chi tradisce.
- Laura Mancinelli, "Gli occhi dell'imperatore"

Markup language-like features in Perl6?

2005-03-15 Thread Michele Dondi
I am aware of at least one program that adopts XML for 
(customizable/"skinnable") GUI descriptions. This has a sense for markup 
languages are typically "descriptive", i.e. they say how something IS as 
opposed to, say, procedural languages that let one implement something 
that DOES something[1].

Of course as far as GUIs are concerned, they provide an interface for 
"something that does something" as well, so one needs both 
charachteristics and in fact an OO approach is typically applied, which 
provides an IMHO excellent approximation to the concept of "describing how 
something IS also including details about the parts of it that DO 

However I have the impression that there's still "too much" to it. 
Granted, GUIs are intrinsically some order of complexity above textual IO, 
but I think that letting the language have intrinsic markup 
language(-like) features may make things much easier from the 
huffmanization POV in these regards.

Now what I'm thinking about is a means of specifiying, say, "portions" in 
the source that ARE (something). By default they won't be executed at all, 
but they may provide useful hooks for a suitable module to assign a 
meaning to them, and of course they should also provide the link with 
"code that does something" (e.g. callbacks et similia).

Of course I began talking about GUIs, but I wouldn't like to 
restrict everything to this particular aspect. Perl(6) is supposed to be a 
mutiparadigmatic language with means to be specialized and "strenghtened" 
into any of the supported paradigms. So I cannot see why a priori the 
markup language pardigm shouldn't fit in this picture. HOW to do it 
(efficiently/elegantly, etc.) is a whole another story...

[1] Although this varies from language to language. If you come to think 
of TeX and its macro language you can see how approximative this claim is.

A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich in sci.math, thread "Who is Green?"

Re: Adding linear interpolation to an array

2005-03-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, [UTF-8] Thomas SandlaÃ~_ wrote:
'Co' means together like in coproduction. And 'contra' is the opposite
'Streaming of digestive byproducts'? ;-)
Sorry for the OT - couldn't resist! This pun first occurred to me wrt 
(cathegorical) coproducts...

- Scritta su un muro,
  Via F. Sforza, Milano

Re: Sets vs Junctions

2005-02-22 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:32:15PM -0800, Jonathan Lang wrote:
: ...then you've got the notion of Fuzzy Logic Sets, where the key would be
But using values for degree of membership is an interesting idea.
On the other hand, if we ever have numeric datatypes with built-in
error bars, those could generalize to keys with an associated
certainty of some sort, and then you can leave the values out of it.
In which case a junction might have varying degrees of likelihood
varying between noneness and allness.  It's all too powerful for a
Pooh like me, though...  :-)
OTOH all these discussions seem to imply that there is some demand (by me, 
for one!) for a "set-like" builtin data-type as well as for the already 
existing hashes and junctions and of course for interoperability between 
any two of them, e.g. in terms of automatic conversions where needed, etc. 
Or maybe for an "ancestor" data type of all three of them that can be 
specialized to any? (I don't think this option is viable, but that final 
remark is intriguing in this sense...)

- if using perl on Unix isn't that simple as on PCs
It is not PC to use "PC" to mean "Windows box". :-)
- Brian McCauley in clpmisc, "Re: Using perl over network (NFS)"

Re: Sets vs Junctions

2005-02-22 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Jonathan Lang wrote:

There are a couple of problems: first, a hash's keys are limited to
strings; a set ought to be able to handle a wider range of data types.
Well, if I had learnt something about Perl6 it is that it is no longer 
necessarily so.

It's also amazing how much use Larry's getting out of his colon. (The
character, obviously).
- "The Perl 6 Summarizer".

Re: Fun with junctions (was Sets vs Junctions)

2005-02-21 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, Michele Dondi wrote:
Speaking of which, while I think that methods on the implicit topicalizer and 
the C<.=> assignement operator are indeed cool, I wonder if any provision 
will be made for a convenient stand in for "whatever is on the left side of 
an assignment operator", e.g.
I got no answer... does this mean this is utter nonsense?
- Scritta su un muro,
  Via F. Sforza, Milano

Re: Sets vs Junctions

2005-02-21 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005, Jonathan Lang wrote:
   If we want Sets in Perl, we should have proper Sets.
I'll agree, depending on what you mean by "proper".  I'd be interested in
having some means to perform set operations in perl6: unions,
intersections, differences, membership checks, and subset/superset checks.
Well, one point to look at the issue is that the keys of a hash alread are 
a set. In some sense you get sets with an additional unavoidable feature 
(the values).

Talking Perl6, which has a type system, it becomes suddenly possible to 
have hashes of whatever type of values one may want. For example one may 
implement a good approximation to a set with an hash of 1-bit integers; I 
don't know if there will be a built in one-value-only data type, and I 
wouldn't see for it any other use than this.

OTOH the set of subsets of a given set A can be put in bijective 
correspondence with  {0,1}^A, in which case using 1-bit integers may have 
some sense from this perspective.

Again, using arbitrary integers (also in Perl5) you automatically have 
multisets, i.e. unordered lists.

In any case I, for one, would like "real" sets as builtin data types. I 
understand that some features of them are already provided by other data 
types and I find junctions to be of an extreme interest. It would be nice 
thus, if all these data types could be "linked" is some elegant way. E.g. 
there should be an immediate, and possibly automatic way to turn a set 
(whatever it would) be into a junction or a hash (with certain 
predefined values) where needed.

As a last observation, hashes, which are from the UI POV the counterpart 
of mathematical functions, could be based on (the counterpart of 
mathematical) sets, whereas they're being based on a somewhat "orthogonal" 
concept, i.e. that of ordered pairs. Of course this approach is 
interesting too, but it would be nice to have both...

Mind you, I _like_ Junctions, and I'd rather not toss them out in order
to make room for Sets.  I'd rather have both if possible.
Me too!
A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich in sci.math, thread "Who is Green?"

Re: Fun with junctions (was Sets vs Junctions)

2005-02-14 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Damian Conway wrote:
 @xyz = uniq @xyz;
or better still:
Speaking of which, while I think that methods on the implicit topicalizer 
and the C<.=> assignement operator are indeed cool, I wonder if any 
provision will be made for a convenient stand in for "whatever is on the 
left side of an assignment operator", e.g.

  @xyz=uniq _;  # indirect object notation
(I guess that _ won't be taken for filhandles any more, I don't know if 
it's already taken for something else...)

The trouble with engineers is that given the problem of knocking down
a stack of 100 bricks, they will start at the top, and work all
day removing them one at a time, while the mathematician will, after
a momemt's thought, remove the bottom brick and be done with it.
The "trouble" part, is having to brook the noise of the engineer
boasting about how much harder he worked while one is trying to
think about the next problem.
- Bart Goddard in sci.math

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-01-31 through 2004-02-8

2005-02-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Miroslav Silovic wrote:
Modular Programming
I think it's Metaprogramming. :)
The only thing that sprung to my mind was "MetaPost"...
No one can ever predict all of the possible error conditions, of course;
as soon as we write idiot-proof code, along comes a better idiot.
But it's still worth making the attempt.
- Sherm Pendley in clpmisc (edited)

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-01-31 through 2004-02-8

2005-02-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
roadblocks thrown in their way.  That's true not only for LP, but
also for FP, MP, XP, AOP, DBC, and hopefully several other varieties
   ^^  ^^^
   ^^  ^^^
   1.  2.
Ehmmm... sorry for the ignorance, but...
1. Functional Programming (right?)
2. Aspect Oriented Programming (right?)
What about the others? Well, I know about Google (and I'll try ASAP in any 
case), but I fear those acronyms could be just a little bit too generic, 
although probably including also 'programming paradigm' as search keys 
would help.

Whoa! That is too weird! I asked around among the math
faculty here and it turns out that _every one's_ wife 
is married to a mathematician!
- Dave Rusin in sci.math, "Re: Genetics and Math-Ability"

Re: = vs <== [was: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-01-31 through 2004-02-8]

2005-02-09 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 9 Feb 2005, Larry Wall wrote:
Yes, you can certainly intermix them as long as you keep your
precedence straight with parentheses.  Though I suppose we could go
as far as to say that = is only scalar assignment, and you have to
use <== or ==> for list assignment.  That would
Yes, it would indeed be interesing, but... it would also be really kinda 
too much!

I agree with Tore; it's sort of a Zen question.
   If you have to ask, it means you won't understand the answer.
   If you know enough to understand the answer, you won't need the question.
- Joe Smith in clpmisc, "Re: Perl neq Python"

Re: Perl 6 Summary for 2005-01-31 through 2004-02-8

2005-02-09 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Matt Fowles wrote:
  pipe dreams
   Juerd wondered if he could mix = and ==> in a sane way. The answer
   appears to be no. Once you bring in ==> you should stick with it.
Huh?!? It doesn't seem to me that the answer is 'no'. In fact C<< ==> >> 
is supposed to be yet another operator, albeit somewhat a special one. If 
I got it right the answer is actually 'yes': what Larry suggested is that 
it would be _stylistically_ better to stick with it once it is used in the 
first place.

Ah, but the REAL myster is -- did Pythagoras really discourage eating
beans because they resembled human testicles? Or is that another myth?
I always thought it was because of their musical qualities.
- Robert Israel in sci.math (slightly edited)

Re: Reality check

2005-02-07 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Juerd wrote:
Does this make sense?
   my @words = gather {
   for =(open '/usr/share/dict/words' err die) {
   next if /<-[a-z]>/;
   /$re/ and take { word => $_, score => %scores{ .letters }.sum };
   } ==> sort { . } is descending, { ..length }, { . };
With some effort I managed to understand _which_ sense it should make up 
to this:
   } ==> sort { . } is descending, { ..length }, { . };
I mean: everything of what is gather()ed gets 'piped' into sort() which 
sorts according to C<< { . } >>. But what are the other args to it 
supposed to mean? (Sorry for being dense!)

i need to know what type of math and how much math a surgeon uses.
How about asking what type of surgery and how much surgery
a mathematician uses?
- Robin Chapman in sci.math

Re: Auto My?

2004-12-21 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 20 Dec 2004, James Mastros wrote:
OTOH, I realize now you can do that with zip in P6, in which case you do have 
a mention of the whole variable to stick a my on -- C  I think C reads better though, even 
though looking at it literally, you're attempting to lexicalize an element.
But dealing with a natural language, or with a programming language that 
is so strongly inspired by natural languages it doesn't seem so mandatory 
to have to "look at it literally". I don't know if it will be eventually 
chosen so, but since (even intuitively speaking) you can't lexicalize an 
element of an aggregate, an alleged attempt to do so could perfectly well 
be Perl's lingo for what some people already think to be a logical way to 
interpret it...

The trouble with engineers is that given the problem of knocking down
a stack of 100 bricks, they will start at the top, and work all
day removing them one at a time, while the mathematician will, after
a momemt's thought, remove the bottom brick and be done with it.
The "trouble" part, is having to brook the noise of the engineer
boasting about how much harder he worked while one is trying to
think about the next problem.
- Bart Goddard in sci.math

Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
#!/usr/bin/perl -e
$x = 1;
Is this supposed to work? I would tend to consider it counter intuitive...
v6; $x = 1;
Incidentally, and on a totally OT basis, I've noticed that Perl6 is 
supposed to have v-strings. But (current) 'perldoc perldata' warns that 
they won't be there after 5.8: taking all this into account I wonder 
wether this would be a wyse choice. I mean: maybe it hasn't been such a 
good thing to introduce them in the first place, but now that they're 
there, it may be even worse to remove them...

The amount of repetition repetition isn't that great. 
- Ignacy Sawicki in comp.text.tex
  thread "Bug in FeynMF's Queues?"

Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
to return an infinite list, or even
   return 0..., 0...;
to return a surreal list.  Either of those may be bound to an array
Hope not to bark something utterly stupid, but... if one iterates over 
such a list, may it be that on the first C one really starts over 
from the "second 0"? Well, unless some adverb is given to the point that 
one really has to

  last :everything  # or somesuch...
Some time ago,I managed to wipe out almost all of  /usr/bin while doing 
some cleaning (don't drink and root...:-)
- Predrag Ivanovic in CRUX mailing list

Re: specifying the key Type for a Hash

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:
Well, there's always "domain" and "range", if we want to be
What you want here is "domain" and "codomain".  Which leads me to
believe that you don't want either.
For the record, in most connections "range" would be just as good. Indeed 
"codomain", especially from the algebraic/categorial point of view is 
sounds somehow better.

[ standard bull-shit snipped ]
 Your friend,
 Nathan the Great
 Age 11
The best of your postings is the backside.
Please let the front also blank in the
- Rainer Rosenthal in sci.math, "Re: Cantor Paradox :-)"

Re: iterators and functions (and lists)

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Sun, 5 Dec 2004, Matthew Walton wrote:
At least we had the sense to call them subroutines instead of functions.
Of course, that also upset the mathematicians, who wanted to call them
functions anyway.  Go figure.
That might be because the mathematicians haven't heard of a variant of a 
function which is allowed to have side effects yet.
More or less BS for, from the point of view of a mathematitian (i.e. from 
the point of view of Mathematics), you still have "true functions", 
they're either not just the *same* function each time, or the same 
function with some arguments/parameters set to different values (that in 
the implementation are passed implicitly rather than explicitly), which 
are fundamentally the same thing after all (up to an isomorphism, that 

I find the line "I am not pestering anybody, I am asking questions on
usenet. That's what usenet is for." a classic.
It's like "I am not talking to you, I am just opening and closing my
mouth while standing close to you. That's what a mouth is for."
- David Kastrup, on comp.text.tex (slightly edited)

Re: state vs my

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So optimizing to a state variable won't necessarily help your loop
overhead, but it could help your subroutine overhead, at least in Perl
5, if Perl 5 had state variables.  Best you can do in Perl 5 is an
"our" variable with an obscure name.
   my $x if 0;
I know it's *going* away, but it hasn't *gone* away yet.
Personally I'm glad this is going away. I'm not bothered by the caveats of 
the docs: it's the construct itself that somehow strikes me as 
"innatural", to the point that I've never been bitten in the neck by using 
it inadvertently for I would have never ever though about doing so...

In fact a declaration is fundamentally a way to introduce an "object" to 
be used subsequently, and the fact that it can be used also in the same 
statement in which it is declared doesn't make things really different. So 
how can I *declare* something depending on a condition?!? I can branch 
over a condition to execute either one block or another *within* which 
things can be declared or some such. Not the other way round...

A question out of curiousity: who is this Green of Green's functions?
Is he the same person of Green's theorem? :)
Yes. He was also an early environmentalist; hence the current
phrases "green" this and "green" that...
- David C. Ullrich on sci.math, thread "Who is Green?"

Re: Arglist I/O [Was: Angle quotes and pointy brackets]

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 06:43:05PM +, Herbert Snorrason wrote:
: This whole issue kind of makes me go 'ugh'. One of the things I like
: best about Perl is the amazing simplicity of the <> input construct.
   while (<>) {...}
   for .lines {...}
Looks like a wash to me.
Partly it does. The point is that not only the <> is simple, but that it 
is also visually distinctive, which is important IMHO.

Obviously the new proposal of unary C<=> is just as good from this point 
of view...

: Replacing that with something that not only is object oriented, but on
: top of that also LOOKS object oriented is bound to be a loss. It's
: going to be that bit longer to write, and not the least bit easier to
: understand.
Really?  I dare you to show those two lines to any random
computer-literate but non-Perl-speaking stranger and see which one
they understand better.
Of course they'd understand better the latter, but I think that there's a 
limit to non-Perl-speaking-people-friendship. After all this may be useful 
for learning perl, but learning it to a good degree would always involve 
getting acquainted with quite a lot of typical idioms, so this does not 
make much of a point IMHO, provided that when a typical user becomes 
familiar with those idioms he can perceive (i) how good they look in 
source code (ii) how useful they result in practice.

It's all cargo cult at that level anyway, so whether it looks OO or not
is really completely immaterial to its usability.
Indeed it's not *purely* a matter of "looking OO", but of "looking yet 
another more-or-less alphabetic string" (yes, even with a prepended point: 
it's just not as markedly distinctive!). As I said, <> is deeply etched in 
Perl programmers' cortex as an input operator. In other words it may well 
be cargo cult, but not in a totally negative acceptation: I mean... till 
it works, and works well as it currently does!

And I don't buy the nuclear blackmail argument either.  I'll start
worrying about people switching to Python and Ruby when those languages
get a clue about how natural languages work.  As far as I know, there's
OTOH, as a side note, but not a totally unrelated one, I guess, one should 
pay some attention not to exaggerate following natural languages 
principles in designing programming languages: granted, I appreciate their 
pervasiveness in (current) perl and indeed probably this is one of the 
reasons I love it. But I think that there are some natural limits to this 
as well: AFAIK any attempt to overcome them was basically a failure. We 
want the *right* mixture of conciseness, intutivity, clarity instead. In 
this sense a construct like

  while (<>) {
really doesn't resamble any natural language construct as far as I can 
see, but indeed it's an idiom that perl programmers easily become familiar 
with and like to use... well, I think so!

I hold a square measuring 10x10 metres away from a person who is standing
100 metres away.
I ask them to shoot the square with a high-accuracy gun.
Don't stand there holding the square when they are shooting...
- Robert Israel in sci.math, "Re: Scaling"

Re: xx Inf

2004-12-10 Thread Michele Dondi
On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 01:11:30AM +0100, Juerd wrote:
: What happens to the flip flop operator? Will .. in scalar context remain
: the same?
I don't think so.  It's definitely a candidate for a longer
Huffmanization simply in terms of frequency of use.  On top of which,
almost no Perl 5 programmers even know what it does.  Plus it's
Well, I have the vague feeling that you may have some more experience with 
Perl than I do, however such a claim seems a bit exaggerate to me. For 
example I do know what it does and even though I consider myself to be at 
most an advanced beginner rather than an expert, I think that I use it 
correctly and to great advantage, when I do use it, that is...

For sure it can't be just me!!
- Scritta su diversi muri milanesi

Re: Angle quotes and pointy brackets

2004-12-02 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Austin Hastings wrote:

How about just having C< system() > return a clever object with .output and 
.err methods?
Windows shuts down automaticaly giving an count down. what could be
the problem
- "Le TeXnicien de surface" in comp.text.tex

Re: Angle quotes and pointy brackets

2004-12-02 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
I like this in general.  However...
Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
* Since we already stole angles from iterators, «$fh» is not
how you make iterators iterate.  Instead we use $fh.fetch (or
whatever) in scalar context, and $fh.fetch or @$fh or $fh[]
or *$fh in list context.
I believe you tried this one a couple years ago, and people freaked
out.  As an alternative, could we get a different operator for this?
Any other suggestions, people?
I think I will miss angles... well, at least for some time. Of the 
proposal above I like best @$fh, since it's the one that most conveys the 
idea of syntactic sugar for iteration while still being fundamentally 

Se, nella notte in cui concepi' il duce,
Donna Rosa, toccata da divina luce,
avesse dato al fabbro predappiano
invece della fica il deretano,
l'avrebbe presa in culo quella sera
Rosa sola e non l'Italia intera.
- Poesia antifascista

Re: Hyper Here-Docs? (was: Re: angle quotes for here-docs ?)

2004-11-30 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
or the perl6
$xsub = { $x };
Sorry, I was missing the obvious...
[...] is like requiring to play tennis with a square ball.
Which admittedly makes the game more interesting.
- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta in comp.text.tex (edited)

Re: Hyper Here-Docs? (was: Re: angle quotes for here-docs ?)

2004-11-30 Thread Michele Dondi
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, David Christensen wrote:
Incidentally, just like mathematically (albeit slightly loosely) an 
element of a set can be thought of as a function from any singleton, 
would it be possible for Perl 6 to provide a fast (under the syntactical

point of view) way to promote a term to a function returning it?
What's wrong with the perl 5:
sub mysub($x) {
return sub { $x };  # the sub{$x} is the construct

The amount of repetition repetition isn't that great. 
- Ignacy Sawicki in comp.text.tex
  thread "Bug in FeynMF's Queues?"

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