<opinion on>


An unpopular opinion....but just consider this.....


I believe that the reason people post questions to this list is for
help. I tend

to believe that they've tried their resources and not had any luck. I'm

sure that they've most likely googled, read, etc. and still came up

Remember, posting to this list has two effects - first, it acknowledges

you can't find the answer and second, that if you post to the list and

post the right/politically correct way, you potentially open yourself up

flames from some people. 


I contend that it takes either guts are desperation to admit that you're

of a solution, that you're unable to find anything to help you with the

and that you're even willing to potentially endure the flames of
politically or

grammatically hazardous posting......


But...does it REALLY matter what someone's name is? Does it REALLY HELP

ream them if they aren't as grammatically erudite as you are? How about

dropping the requirements of form, identification and
intent....and.....just help

them? Or.....don't.  But if you can't be positive, cordial and helpful,
don't reply.


When you are sick and go to your doctor, does he ask "Well, what

have your researched on the internet and at the library  and
tried....what drugs

have you borrowed/bought and tried..." before he treats you? Does your

ask what attempts you've done to fill your own teeth (maybe with a power

before he agrees to help you? Do they say anything like "I don't like
the way you

told me about your pain/problem..so.....when you can describe it like I
want it

described, come back and I'll help you...."


I think not.


So.....my suggestion is - I'm sure all of us were newbies at some point

appreciated a cordial reply, a kind word, a bit of understanding and a
lot of

hand-holding to get where we are today. The people asking for advice or

help are just trying in their own way to get a job done....make it

another day or get another server working. I'm sure we've ALL cut

tried to take the easy way out or would rather ask than read - we're all

human - so let's let others be human also. 


I can get sarcasm, crap and elitist and snotty remarks from people at

On this list it would be nice to get help, understanding and even

if nothing else by virtue that we're all slogging in this swamp, trying
to watch

out for alligators and quicksand and helping each other find the path to



</opinion off>

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