Hey guys

quadrant renderer bug should be fixed in the trunk - if someone could verify
that'd be cool



2008/10/24 Fabrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hey pawel,
> Just to be sure, I've done some tests loading obj files running the latest
> trunk and add some mouse event to them... all the mouse events seams to work
> normally.
> the 2.2 obj parser supports different kinds of objs, even the most ugly
> ones often generated by old converters,
> mtl parsing was improved to handle some character encoding issue.
> Compared to 2.1, none of the updates are affecting the return or the way it
> works.
> Except conversion right to left handed. After testing in several apps, I've
> updated it to meet the most common exports. Not only to avoid to have models
> rotated 90 degrees into your 3d app
> but also because of the new objexporter. In order to get a better workflow.
> In your case, to prevent to redo your exports, just place back the line of
> 2.1 where the vertexes are interpreted into the 2.2 version.
> We are looking at the other issues.
> Fabrice
> On Oct 23, 2008, at 5:39 PM, Paweł Stanisławczuk (taurus76) wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying do upgrade from version 2.1 to 2.2 but I have these
>> problems (I use the latest ver from svn):
>> 1. Cannot use Renderer.CORRECT_Z_ORDER
>> When trying to hover the mouse on planes in CORRECT_Z_ORDER I get
>> these errors:
>> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
>> object reference.
>> at away3d.core.render::QuadrantRenderer/getList()
>> at away3d.core.render::QuadrantRenderer/list()
>> at away3d.containers::View3D/checkSession()
>> at away3d.containers::View3D/findHit()
>> at away3d.containers::View3D/fireMouseEvent()
>> at away3d.containers::View3D/onMouseOut()
>> In BASIC everything works fine. In ver 2.1 the CORRECT_Z_ORDER don't
>> produce this error.
>> 2. Loading OBJ I see that the axis is changed. In 2.2 my obj land with
>> face on the floor ;) Could You tell me what changes were made here? I
>> try to rotate it but I have a little collision detection and now it's
>> in a little mess ;) Maybe The best solution would be rotating OBJ
>> already in 3D modeling application?
>> 3. All My elements: Planes, loaded OBJ are not clickable. I can't
>> figure out what was changed here.
>> Did I missed something? Where can I read changes in new version about
>> this things?
>> Everyday I look at the poll on away3d.com and my dreamed-of feature:
>> Nearfield culling has less and less chance of winning. I started my
>> adventure with away3d on 1.0 version, and from this time Nearfield
>> culling was always most urgent. I would like to start my third major
>> project with Away3D but now the "minus x, plus zoom" workaround really
>> wont do ;). The culling feature in PV3D made me even more hungry ;)
>> I've read in some posts on away3d.dev that it is imminent. Would You
>> please tell me when Nearfield culling feature will be available on
>> Away3D? I can't wait for that :)
>> I haven't got the opportunity to report my update from Away3D 1,5 to
>> 2.1 with My Dekort3D app. I can say that along with FP10 the
>> improvement is massive! Using my test room the framerate jumped from
>> 10 to 40! fps. And the quality is much better thanks to new features.
>> The development of Away3D to make it faster and better is much bigger
>> than you said year ago ;)
>> Regards
>> Paweł Stanisławczuk

Rob Bateman
Flash Development & Consultancy


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