
in the world of subjectivity the content can be read in any way its a case of 
the Glass half full or Half empty.  However the fact the Chair shared this 
content with a junior member of staff who reports to the CEO needs no 
investigation as there's no way the content would exist to be shared here.  if 
i was to use your terminology at that part "we are actually separating 
electrons and producing plasmas".....

We all enjoy the world of "Paralysis through Analysis"  There are some clearly 
glaring wrongs in this situation where if the individuals on the board really 
cared for the office they hold, should step aside until they are exonerated.

The Gender issues  from a staff member in the real world  would mean that the 
staff member is also suspended immediately until the issue is investigated.

 There is no room for that kind of language in AfrNIC period.
We need to show zero tolerance on some issues while being fare.

Taking the current situation is not being fare to both parties.  We have an 
apparently aggrieved long serving member of staff and we have an accused long 
serving senior member of staff.   Until this is concluded both should be 
treated equally.

For Board with all due respect i want to see more leadership.  We have nine 
board members and one of them should have taken the helm until the 
investigations are concluded.  That's good governance.


From: Owen DeLong [o...@delong.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 8:54 AM
Cc: General Discussions of AFRINIC
Subject: Re: [Community-Discuss] Complaint from staff member

This is not true in the real world and it is not true in this case.

You absolutely can have low-grade oxidation of hydrocarbons resulting in smoke 
without reaching the flashpoint temperature whereupon emitted gasses and nearby 
gasses are excited to such an extent as to start separating electrons and 
producing plasmas. Only at such high temperatures (and with an adequate supply 
of volatile gasses and oxygen) does one get fire.

Otherwise, you can make quite a bit of smoke without making fire.

In this case, whether the actual allegations have merit or not remains 
completely unknown if we base it only on what has been posted publicly on this 
list. If there is other evidence elsewhere, I don’t have access.

The postings appear to be an attempt by certain board members to assist the 
president in addressing an HR issue with the individual in question. There’s 
nothing in what was posted to support an accusation of bullying, harassment, or 
any form of sexual impropriety.

Frankly, I’m not even sure that the supposed evidence presented rises to the 
level of smoke, but I will let Badru defend his declaration there.

Nonetheless, since there is an allegation, the allegation should be seriously 
investigated and dealt with appropriately.

I have my own opinion of the voracity of the allegation in question, but I will 
keep that to myself until we see the results of the investigation.


On Mar 13, 2018, at 11:06 , DANIEL NANGHAKA 
<dndann...@gmail.com<mailto:dndann...@gmail.com>> wrote:

There cannot be smoke without fire.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:02 PM, Ali Hussein 
<a...@hussein.me.ke<mailto:a...@hussein.me.ke>> wrote:

I agree it’s not a small matter. However, what the CEO did is correct. He 
issued a statement. The Board is at the moment conflicted so may not be fair to 
expect them to respond immediately.  Not sure if the Board has a Governance 
Committee within it. If so then the Chairperson of that Committee must issue a 

There are clear procedures to follow in a well defined Corporate Governance 


Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
+254 0713 601113<tel:+254%20713%20601113>

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a 
habit."  ~ Aristotle

Sent from my iPad

On 13 Mar 2018, at 8:59 PM, Badru Ntege 
<badru.nt...@nftconsult.com<mailto:badru.nt...@nftconsult.com>> wrote:


This is not a minor issue and thus the reason we are all waiting for our 
elected Board.

Please note elected board,  CEO needs to be protected at this moment.

If chair cannot comment then one o our other elected board should. That’s what 
accountability is about.

Our organization must be protected above any individuals.

Deep down I hope these are just allegations.

Maybe governance committee should comment.

But like others have mentioned we cannot wait. We need a clear way forward.


Sent from my iPhone

On 13 Mar 2018, at 20:38, Ali Hussein 
<a...@hussein.me.ke<mailto:a...@hussein.me.ke>> wrote:


Allan is correct in responding. The CEO takes the lead on such issues. The 
Board can also respond. However I’d like to caution all of us not cast 
aspersions right now. This is a serious matter that impugns on the 
organization. The Board is a representation of the community in the 
organization. They have a fiduciary responsibility to uphold the organization’s 
mandate and good name.

At this point there is a huge risk that needs to really be managed well.


Ali Hussein
Hussein & Associates
+254 0713 601113<tel:+254%20713%20601113>

Twitter: @AliHKassim
Skype: abu-jomo
LinkedIn: http://ke.linkedin.com/in/alihkassim

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a 
habit."  ~ Aristotle

Sent from my iPad

On 13 Mar 2018, at 8:21 PM, DANIEL NANGHAKA 
<dndann...@gmail.com<mailto:dndann...@gmail.com>> wrote:

There is loss of trust in the board. This is the point where a critical review 
of AFRINIC mandate must be done.

I think we need to clean up our house and not taking side clean our board.

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, Badru Ntege 
<badru.nt...@nftconsult.com<mailto:badru.nt...@nftconsult.com>> wrote:

I still think at this stage until board pronounced itself.  Even CEO should 
wait for board.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 13 Mar 2018, at 20:03, Alan Barrett 
> <alan.barr...@afrinic.net<mailto:alan.barr...@afrinic.net>> wrote:
> Dear Badru,
> My response was from me as CEO.
> Alan Barrett

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Nanghaka Daniel K.
Executive Director - ILICIT Africa / Chair - FOSSFA / Community Lead - ISOC 
Uganda Chapter / Geo4Africa Lead / Organising Team - FOSS4G2018
Mobile +256 772 898298<tel:0772%20898298> (Uganda)
Skype: daniel.nanghaka

----------------------------------------- "Working for Africa" 

Community-Discuss mailing list


Nanghaka Daniel K.
Executive Director - ILICIT Africa / Chair - FOSSFA / Community Lead - ISOC 
Uganda Chapter / Geo4Africa Lead / Organising Team - FOSS4G2018
Mobile +256 772 898298 (Uganda)
Skype: daniel.nanghaka

----------------------------------------- "Working for Africa" 

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