
Romain Manni-Bucau
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2018-04-12 18:11 GMT+02:00 Scott Wegner <>:
> Romain, could you please open a JIRA describing the requirements for the
> generated pom's? The gradle-generated pom's don't match the maven version
> byte-for-byte, but I don't think that's a requirement.
> I and others are still hacking on the Gradle build, so it's possible we
> could get the pom's ready within 2 weeks. It would be good to understand the
> specific requirements for the generated pom's such that we don't break
> consumers.
> On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 3:14 AM Etienne Chauchot <>
> wrote:
>> +1 to what Ahmet said,  I also think that it is important to take our time
>> given that we're in the gradle migration process.
>> +1 to what JB said also: try gradle and fall back to maven in case of
>> troubles.
>> Etienne
>> Le mercredi 11 avril 2018 à 13:35 -0700, Ahmet Altay a écrit :
>> +1 to delaying 2 weeks.
>> I think it will be prudent to wait in this case. There is too much in flux
>> with Gradle migration currently and based on Scott's latest update I think
>> we will be in a more stable state in 2 weeks. Last Beam release date was
>> 3/20 and our plan was to make a release every 6 weeks. Even if we start
>> cutting a release in 2 weeks (~4/26), we will have more than a week to
>> finish that release. Even if that is not enough time to finish a release it
>> will put is in the proximity of the 5/5 target date. I prefer that option,
>> to another potential release with Maven.
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 1:22 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau
>> <> wrote:
>> Any hope the release is on central before the 30th?
>> I do not think this was the plan to begin with. The time between the
>> previous release and 4/30 is less than 6 weeks.
>> Le 11 avr. 2018 22:02, "Robert Bradshaw" <> a écrit :
>> +1 to keeping up the regular release cycle, but I don't think it makes
>> sense to cut until we're ready to actively work on the release. A cut date
>> two weeks from now seems fine (unless someone else is volunteering to do it
>> this time around).
>> That being said, a dry run using gradle now may make a lot of sense,
>> giving us a couple of weeks to iron out the kinks, if any.
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:58 PM Chamikara Jayalath <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi JB,
>> Please note that I opened a blocker [1] (working on it) and looks like we
>> have several other JIRAs marked for 2.5.0. So +1 for waiting for two weeks
>> (or till JIRAs are resolved or moved off the list).
>> Thanks,
>> Cham
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 12:28 PM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Due to the last work, I think it makes sense to try a release using
>> Gradle. If it doesn't work smoothly, we will rollback to Maven, and
>> maybe in that case, we should ask ourselves if Gradle is really a good
>> alternative for now.
>> I'm in vacation tomorrow morning for 2 weeks. I can cut the release
>> tomorrow end of the morning (my time). But in the case we need some
>> additional PR merges or we have some work in progress, I'm proposing to
>> postpone 2.5.0 release for the end of this month (in two weeks). If
>> someone is volunteer to tackle this release, please, let us know.
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On 06/04/2018 10:48, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
>> > Hi guys,
>> >
>> > Apache Beam 2.4.0 has been released on March 20th.
>> >
>> > According to our cycle of release (roughly 6 weeks), we should think
>> > about 2.5.0.
>> >
>> > I'm volunteer to tackle this release.
>> >
>> > I'm proposing the following items:
>> >
>> > 1. We start the Jira triage now, up to Tuesday
>> > 2. I would like to cut the release on Tuesday night (Europe time)
>> > 2bis. I think it's wiser to still use Maven for this release. Do you
>> > think we
>> > will be ready to try a release with Gradle ?
>> >
>> > After this release, I would like a discussion about:
>> > 1. Gradle release (if we release 2.5.0 with Maven)
>> > 2. Isolate release cycle per Beam part. I think it would be interesting
>> > to have
>> > different release cycle: SDKs, DSLs, Runners, IOs. That's another
>> > discussion, I
>> > will start a thread about that.
>> >
>> > Thoughts ?
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > JB
>> >
> --
> Got feedback? http://go/swegner-feedback

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