> In regard to your question “ How is comparing the number of stations that are 
> ACTUALLY open not an
> "apples to apples" comparison?” - If you are trying to compare how many 
> vehicles you have the
> capacity to serve, there is not a one to one match. A hydrogen fueling “spot” 
> can refuel many more
> cars, provide fuel for many more miles…however you want to measure it. Put 
> another way, if you were
> to built the “right” number of charging stations for a million BEVs, and then 
> assumed that the
> amount for BEVs would be the same number as for a million FCEVs, you would be 
> dead wrong. Hope that
> my point was clearer.

The hydrogen fuel stations they are installing in California can produce about 
180 kg of hydrogen a day, in the real world that is enough for 10,000-11,000 
While not all of the 40,000 EV charging stations can match that, there are 
hundreds that can exceed that rate on a daily basis.  Almost all of the DC fast 
chargers they have been installing for the last year or two can exceed that.
If it makes you happy then the infrastructure advantage is only 100:1 instead 
of 1,000:1

> But my earlier point was that, as an individual consumer, if you have 
> adequate H2 infrastructure

Yes, but I was asking about in the real world, not pipe dreams.  Right now, 
outside of California, there is essentially zero infrastructure for FCEV and 
that is not likely to change any time soon.
So, in the real world, consumers outside of california are not going to buy 
FCEVs, and not a whole lot of them inside of california are buying into them 

In the real world there is currently enough infrastructure to make a trip in 
one of the recent model EVs from pretty much anywhere in the USA to pretty much 
anywhere else.
There isn't currently enough hydrogen infrastructure to even reach all points 
in California.  I suppose you could drive from LA into Arizona a little bit 
before you ran out of hydrogen, but then you'd have to hire someone to haul the 
vehicle back to LA.
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