On Apr 1, 7:38 pm, Nick Prince <nickmag.pri...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 1, 12:26 am, Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Nick Prince
> > <nickmag.pri...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Stathis wrote
> > >> That we don't see extremely old people is consistent with QTI, since
> > >> from the third person perspective rare events such as living to a
> > >> great age happen only rarely. However, from the first person
> > >> perspective you will live to a great age, and this will happen in the
> > >> most probable way, even if it is improbable in absolute (third person)
> > >> terms.
> > >> Stathis Papaioannou-
> > > Hi Stathis
> > > I am wondering how this might work out in practice.  In particular, if
> > > I find myself more and more in worlds where I am older, would I expect
> > > to see others older and as old as me?  If ageing happens in the most
> > > probable way then would this not mean that I would expect to see this
> > > as a first person plural experience because I would feel it improbable
> > > if I were the only 500 year person around?
> > The most probable way I can think of is that as you get older, medical
> > science advances and everyone lives longer, then eventually mind
> > uploading becomes available.
> > --
> > Stathis Papaioannou- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> Ok Stathis thanks for that but what about the consciousness of the
> viking living in 200 AD.  The NCDSC will require some pretty unusual
> branches to accomodate his survival. I've read some of your posts
> before about personal identity and much of it makes a lot of sense.
> I've thought about the possibility of mind uploads , even for my
> viking friend but this would require the generation of huge numbers of
> variants to ensure there was one which could provide a consistent
> extension for him.  Indeed it would mean every possible viking would
> have to be generated from DNA possibilities alone as well as with
> different memories.  It's a bit of a tall order but not implausible.
> It also means that many completely NEW vikings will be generated who
> never existed in the past but think they did!
> To keep everything more tidy I would expect that the laws of physics
> might still hold in secret a form of epr effect across timelike
> intervals rather than the more usual spacelike ones.  This would
> entail consciousness being able to be "tuned" to accept a state change
> into the appropriate "person" in a similar way that measuring the spin
> of a particle in one place "tunes the spin of a partner particle in
> the well known way". There is no problem achieving contiuity if the
> (appropriately complete) information about a person is kept safe over
> the time interval as in Bruno's teleportation thought experiment.
> However if we wanted to produce a Bostrom type ancestor simulation
> then there would be a huge reduncy of consciousness generated in order
> to enable consistent extensions to be available as the NCDSC would
> need.
> Regards
> Nick
Hi Nick,

    The idea that the EPR effect would work across time-like as well
as space-like intervals makes sense in light of relativity. I am
surprised that more people have not looked into it! The main
difficulty I see is that there is a huge prejudice against the idea
that macroscopic systems can be entangled such that EPR type relations
could hold and have effects like you are considering here. Most of the
arguments for decoherence inevitably assume that *all* of the degrees
of freedom of a QM system are subject to one and the same decoherence
rate with its environment. What if this is not the case? What if there
is a stratification of sorts possible within macroscopic systems such
that degrees of freedom can decohere are differing rates? Correlations
of the EPR type would be possible within these, it seems to me...



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