On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Roger Clough <rclo...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  Hi Jason Resch
> Brain experiments by I forget who were performed by
> touching the brain at various points with a probe.
> With each point, the patient reported a different
> experience was being recalled.
> On the other hand, others report that experiences are
> scattered all over the brain, presumably over some sorts of
> networks.
> The only way I can reconcile these two points of view is that
> experiences are stored in networks such that connecting
> at a single point will recall the whole.

I think there is a lot of redundancy in the brain, memories are stored in
many places.  Ray Kurzweil makes a good analogy I think, in that the
memories in a brain are like a hologram. You can cut a hologram in half and
the same image remains, albeit at a reduced resolution.

Check out this video, it is fascinating:



> Perhaps the self is such a point of contact.
> Or the network, on the other hand, may be able
> as a whole to simply "will" an experience by self-focussing.
> Some here have shown that experiences are somehow
> focused by the nerves in the brain simply by willing
> them to do so. This appears to be true due to the
> fact that a new computerized brain device
> can actually allow people to move paralyzed limbs
> by simply willing the limb to do so.

Like in this video:


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