On Tuesday, September 25, 2012 1:33:30 PM UTC-4, John Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012  Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com <javascript:>>wrote:
>  > They have mechanistic characteristics as well, but they are not defined 
>> as that only. 
> Craig doesn't inform us how he received this revelation.   

Anyone who notices that they are alive can receive this common sense 
understanding. All that needs to be done is to avoid the compulsion to 
explain away their own experience into arbitrarily impersonal terms.

>> > Molecules aren't only machines either, 
>  Craig doesn't inform us how he received this revelation.   

It isn't a received revelation, it is a logical inference based on the fact 
that we are here to comment on molecules, which seems superfluous to any 
molecular function, doesn't it?

>> > but different experiences are associated with different kinds of 
>> molecules.
> Craig doesn't inform us what the hell that means.

Sugars and water are associated with experiences of growth and survival for 
living organisms. Uranium hexafluoride is not associated with those 
experiences, but rather with violent and corrosive reactions with water and 

>> > There are thermodynamically irreversible processes involved. It would 
>> be like unburning a log or putting water back into a wave.
> Thermodynamically irreversible processes happen when chaos is involved, 
> when tiny changes in initial conditions lead to huge changes in outcome; 
> that's what would happen if you put the brain in a blender but not if you 
> cut it in half with a very sharp knife. True, all the information on how to 
> make a brain is there in the scrambled brains but that does no good because 
> I don't think even Nanotechnology can get the information out that you need 
> to  figure out how to unscramble that brain. But if the brain has just been 
> neatly cut in half the repair job, while still difficult, would be 
> astronomically easier.

If you neatly cut the top of a candle flame off would you expect to be able 
to repair it?

>> > There is no such thing as the same exact anything. Not in reality. 
> OK but is exactitude really necessary? You're not exactly the man you were 
> yesterday but you're pretty close, you're not even exactly the same man 
> after you've taken a sip of coffee but you're close enough.   

The universal finality of death and the uniqueness of human identity should 
be a clue that consciousness is *like nothing else in the universe*. No 
process or substance, function or form is remotely a substitute for 

> > Have you ever read all of the accounts of organ transplant patients 
>> having new memories and personality characteristics?
> Have you ever read all of the accounts of Bigfoot, flying saucers, and 
> Elvis being alive and well and working under a assumed name as a dental 
> assistant in Dayton Ohio? 

If physicians repeatedly risk their careers to report their observations 
with nothing to gain, or pilots and air traffic controllers, or large 
numbers of unrelated people in a city, they deserve skeptical but fair 
consideration. I have not heard the same kinds of reports for 
crytozoological or Elvisianic sightings, and those kinds of encounters 
would be brief anyhow. I have not heard anyone claim that Elvis moved in 
with them or that Bigfoot attends their church regularly.

Have you even read a single account of cellular memory? Here are 10 

The three doctors who wrote the article claim these are 64 other cases that 
they are aware of personally.

If it were 74,000 cases would that matter to you? What is the magic number?

I don't know that there is truth to this, but I don't see any reason other 
than prejudice to assume that there could not be.


>   John K Clark

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