On 12/15/2012 6:41 PM, meekerdb wrote:
On 12/15/2012 10:37 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:
Dear Craig,

All of these points are instances of taking a particular evaluational frame, making it absolute, and issuing judgements from it. It is what is known, to some, as chronocentrism. It is simply wrongheaded. Unless you put yourself into the context with you are evaluating and then considering the facts as they stand with a set of universal ethical principles, then those judgements and implications cannot be seen as anything more than rationalizations to behave in one way or another. We can rationalize any action to be good or bad. Rationalization, pushed too far, allows anything.

Or supports any status quo and condemns any change as destruction. So I guess slavery was right in U.S. in 1850 and only suddenly became wrong in 1861.

Hi Brent,

    How is that? Are you going to invoke the Grue paradox?

I guess preventing women from learning to read is good in Afghanistan, even though it's bad here. So it's rational when you agree with the conclusion and rationalization when you don't.


No, it is not! Where are people in power in the US preventing women from learning to read in the US? What "Power" is needs to be precisely defined. Arguments from unreal hypotheticals are always fallacious.



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