On Thursday, January 24, 2013 3:54:03 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013  Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com <javascript:>>wrote:
> > A two year old can understand what God is supposed to be. 
> A two year old can't understand how something simple can know everything 
> and neither can I; 

Nor can they understand how something simple like 'probability' or 
'determinism' can account for everything.

> and there is a reason the word "simple" is often used as a synonym for 
> "stupid". And the Bible just says that God made animals but it doesn't say 
> how, but Darwin didn't just say Evolution made animals he explained how it 
> did it. 

Right, because evolution is complex and counter-intuitive. God concepts are 
an inescapable feature of all known human cultures (for better or worse, 

> Saying "animals exist because of God" is no more helpful than saying 
> "animals exist because of flobkneegrab".      
> > The position that I am arguing is knock down that unsupported balloon 
>> that you tried to float about science being better than religion because 
>> science always means that complex things are explained by simple things.
> That is not what science means that is what a explanation means; a theory 
> (like the God theory) that explains the existence of something unlikely 
> (like us) by postulating the existence of something even more unlikely 
> (like God) is worse than useless.

A universe from invisible, intangible laws that pop into 'existence' from 
nowhere seems likely?

> > Your straw man of me arguing that God is not important didn't work.
> Good, now I don't have to find a verse in the Bible proving that it 
> teaches that God is grand.

I didn't say that God is not seen as grand, only that the concept of God is 
not a grand concept. See (use-mention distinction). 

> > This is something that science and religion have in common, not which 
>> sets them apart.
> But you aren't exactly a expert on science, you admitted that to you most 
> scientific papers are just a huge amount of mumbo jumbo, so your readers 
> might be wise to take your views on the value of science with a grain of 
> salt.

Argument from authority. Does that mean I'm wrong about science and 
religion having simple causation to complexity in common? No, it does not.


>   John K Clark

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